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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1906)
v-' THE OREGON PArLY JOnKNAi; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, I-IAI, 13 - aavaaMMHR: wo mm OF JEW Stray Bits of Gossip ' in. th In terss of, th HonkrHonkT Davotsaa. 'i''v;.k;'-;:.''. -WHATTHEOWNERSAY ABOUT AUTO LEGISLATION .American ' Automobile ' Association ' (WIfl Derote Enexfw Providlnf In formation lor iwnnt-wiuu"- W4ikJBa . anti-automobile legislation has' no reached the stags where almost It ll consoling. It la being so greatly over doM br th motorpbobee - that - It promises to be stultifying. . Laws are kMtnw nmHMl that never can bs forced and th automoblUsts are be ginning to think that If the legislating - yokels are given rope snougu uy m banc themselves. . :' .x s -.'-A Parlslaa dally devoted to Ihe auto mobile haa donated II.Qos to tn. Auro ra obtle elub of France. It will be used to promote the work of the touring om mlttaa and for other Improvements. Hera la an" example for the motoring " preea of the United States. The Ameri can Automobile association is doing splendid work and It la to the self Interest of the class papers to help , alone tha ammo. r . - . " "e . , .' ' A man who borrowed an automobile, with ita chauffeur, from a friend learned a minted leaaoiL Tha oar and itl .driver hsd a reputation for fast driving and the borrower found himself a ahinlng 1 mark., for the nolleemen. He waa ar rested three times the same dayand. now la sorry for his borrowing.- Eddls Bsld will b In the racing gams gain this year and his first appearance will be at AUantle City next montKT e, e ..... . . - . . . . Beyond racing, or any otaer interest. the American Automobile 'association will this year devote itself to providing touring Information for Its members. . L L. - . . m.lMM for a week straightening out Ms affairs xnere. dui win uer ai nwoquviBn, 9 1 Waa. VnrluMiil atraat Nn Turk. pretty steadily fromnow on. ' Pari has an annual show at whicn - the exhibits are composed solely of the dsvloes of Individual inventors. - It is a -mall show, but on mat answers suo- . ..I . , . . i There ought to be . enough. -lankeeln-annuity In this oountry to permit of such a show her. - .. -r e e ;r , .'. : . On a long; run It is the average speed that counts. Spurts are apt to result In derangements that will reduce the average speed; thus In respect to hard and moderate driving, tha motor-ear has aome points In oommon with a horse, - Again the subject of a continuous pike between Chicago and New Tork la being agitated by tha .New . Tork and Chicago Read association, of which W, L. Dtckerson of Springfield, Maaeachu- etts. Is president. The general rout proposed for the highway Is aa follows: From New Tork, up along the Hudson to Rhlnebeck, thence across the ' river to Kingston, - Delhi, Btnghamton. Slmlra, Hornellavtlle, Olean, Jamestown, Erie, Ashtabula, Cleveland. Toledo, Butlers, South Bend and Chicago. LITERARY STUDENTS IN ; ' BASKETBALL CONTEST Walla Walla, Wash.,' March . An exciting game of basketball between .the two literary societies of Whitman college resulted In a victory for the Phllollthlan girls, who defeated their rivals, the Ubethreans, by the score of 11 to J. Miss Steel got eight of the points for the Phllollthlans, Miss Kuhn . getting the other three. The game waa without any sensational features, but the hardest and most exciting was at the beginning of the second half, when the Phllollthlan team secured their lead over their rivals. The lineup of tha, two aggregations waa as follows: "r Philolithlans Forwards, Ethyl Kuhn and .Margaret steel; center, Marjorie Lyman; guards, Bdlth Edgerton and Edith Vests! Ubethreans Forwards, Luclls James and EdlthiMerrell; center, Lillian Mer- reu; guards. Ruby M. jouiffe and Mabel McDUL . Officials Reser, referee; Rlgsby, urn . plra. Olrtot from Our Distillery toTOU M5.20 Wsslstaitlala iaMcaM,vtltiae Mrtn a) (aewcantinti. Try -key. Have row dsctwtertlt Ifrw darttnitttf KcMaMttM swMlaad seat wMtaey ra mm tatM, ail M keck Is as st asr mtmm and year Shm sti ta sremeny nsaaSaS. HAYVBR WHISHT. goes direct to reu from oar distlDery, one at the largest asd beet equipped la the world, tbas assuring yoa et perfect parity and Saving yeatbo dealers' big proflta. It Is pioecrised by doctors sad seed la bospttels and by half mffiloa satiated astoaera, bsssnse It Is good and pare and yet so cheap, ..; . . , ; ,,, warra ooa fraaaasr omca. TK KAYCDI DISTILLIS3 CO. rr. puL mnn. '.' $r ioois, mo, DaTTOM, a - ' ATLANTA. SA ; DnrrnuuBav, Tov. O. BsraausnasiaM m OasM StOaooaOO Paid la mm Yaicaa laMeWierRyaer InrvOT, SaaaaSsr, we say aw isrsia mgi ri l X MMOierrM, rNMoevoney ) arearUm JO team ay imrM. f ' 2 1 jtraseaataaaaawsfla iieaftalt rTM,,,w J gsllftisasta lets yea, , - - " 1 r.T maotUAjr 1 LOS II1GELES HI SPORTING GAH1E Land of Oranges and Eastern Millionaires Seeking f or Va- rlou's Sporting Contests, v . BURNS AND O'BR! TO MEET IN MAY Young Corbett Xa Making Small Beta at tha Oakland Track, .Being Shy of ' Coin Herrera . It Seeking By Rapier, San Francisco, March Los Angeles surely has. the call In tha fighting game for tha present at' least and until tne Impreaalon caused by the developments which followed the unfortunate death of young Tenny and the many ugly stories of faking which have been current baa had had. an opportunity to subside It is safe to say Loa Angeles will continue to get the best goes on the coast. There already la a. good deal of talk about the coming bout between Jimmy Brut and "Kid" Herman. Tha winner of the bout will probably have a chance to do "busi ness with Battling Nelson. My own judgment is tnat neitner or them have reason to Oonalder "himaelf lucky If he got on with the Dane. I do not In fact, know of a man who can light ltt pounds or under who hss any serious chance with Nelson unless it bo Joe Oans. There Is good reason to doubt whether or. not the negro could make the weight and If he did It would take. demonstration jp convince me that be bad a chance to whip mm. xne discussion Is, however, somewhat aca demic for Nelson has declared - post? ttvely that he will not ngnt tne ainge end smattfriame to him. Oans reputa tloa as a faker Is so thoroughly well established that not many are willing to give up real money to see him light to make it worth while, as witness his recent go with Bull! van. , u .-.........- . , , " I hear that a match has. beea made. or soon will be, with Tommy Burns and Jack O'Brien as tbs prtnclpala, - And that the light will take place ln May. Thie light should settle the near-cham pionship In tha heavyweight class. The real champion could probably whip both of them in the same ring at the same time, but the winner of the bout would certainly have reasonable olalm for the near title. Burns has put It over Marvin Hart, while CBrlen took the measure of Old Man Fits. On the Isvel. this light should be good one, and It wuld-aff erd a-mighty good betting ropoaltlon. T ' - . J e 'Senor Don Aurello Herrera Is hunting trouble. The senor would like above all things, he says, to have another crack at Battling Nelson, and If he cannot make this, would like to meet Jimmy Brltt The don Is nothing if not modesty He admits that both Nelson and Brltt are afraid of him. and la therefore doubtful of getting a match right now. ; My own Judgment Is that the Mexican would be about the beat drawing proposition with Nelson that could be hooked up. . e. a .-r: - In common with most followers of the light game I have been grieved at the retrogression In financial way of Toung CorbetL While the stories of his piking with 11 bets at Oakland are exaggerated. It la, I understand, true that yellow-backs are rare birds in Cor bstt's roll 'these days. Everybody who knows him likes Rothwell and he haa much sympathy In hard luck. : . The eastward flow of racehorses Is steadily Increasing In volume. Not only have tha bulk of tha animals at Ascot which seem to have a chance of winning cat money In the east started that way. but many already have gone from Oak land and there are more to follow. New Orleana, . Memphis, Hot Springs, Latonla and the other middle western tracks where there Is to be racing are getting their quota from the coast, and many California horses will be found on the entry lists at the smaller tracks In eastern Canada and the states. e " .-' There are many fairly good horses here, however, that It will hardly pay to send eaat, and what to do with them la becoming a serious question with their owners. As solution of the dif ficulty there haa been considerable talk of late of the establishment of a north western summer racing circuit, with small purses and under conditions which would give the horsemen a ' chance to earn expenses. . I hear that young Wil liam Clark, aon of the Montana aenator, and therefore with unlimited means, is leading spirit in this move. Mr. Clark already has been In conference with other Interested parties, and there would bo no cause for surprise If the scheme should develop. Under the plana which are being quietly discussed there would be race meets during the summer at Butte, the home of Mr. Clark. Great Falls, Snattls, Portland and perhapa one or two other enterprising cities.- If Mr. Clark Is in earnest I can see no reason why the scheme should not be success ful, both from a racing and ultimately a financial standpoint. YESTERDAY'S RACING . AT OAKLAND TRACK (Journal gpeetai Servtee.) San Francisco, March II. Oakland race results: Blx snd a half furlongs Josie's Jewel, won, Fred Bent second. Chief Wlttman third; time, 1:11. .. . Five furlongs Plmkln won, Oraos O. second, Tanana third; . time. 1:01 H. . Mile' and 10 yards Critical - won, Haviland second, Christina A. third; time. 1:44H.- . . . Mile and a sixteenth, the Othen handi cap, purse 11.000 Roycroft .won, Bou frlere second, St. George Jr. third;, time, 1:47H. Blx furlongs Royal Rogue won, Mar tinmas seoond, Young Pilgrim - third; Time. '1:14. j . Blx and a half furlongs Wrenne won, Boloman second. Llsaro . third p time, SPORTING GOSSIP. Sporting ' Editor: Will you please state In your valuable paper where base ball players go wbsn they diet -A. FAN. - Answer In the past -few years the majority of them have corns to Portland. e . e A husband In defending a divorce -suit said his wife slways arled when he asked her age. Why didn't he look at her teeth, ..- . e e - . By Jove. The correct way to pull up carpet Is to get a crowbar and get busy. Invite a few husky man to call, treat thera to a pot of tea. - flavored with tamo, auoea, and . suggest breaking up THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Tew People Know SsV Tswrol Itnil ' yiesasHag alaeJta acUi Beauty. Nearly everybody knows that char coal la the safest ' and moat efficient disinfectant and puriqer In nature, but few reallae Ita valuer when taken Into the human system for tha same deans- Ins Durooae, . ' - Charcoal is a remedy that tha mora you take of It the better; It la not drug at all. but simply absorbs the aaea.and Impurltlea always present In ths stomach snd Intestines and carries them out of the system.' - Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions and other odoroua vegetables; : Charcoal ff actually 'clears anaim- proves ths complexion. It whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently aafe cathartic. It absorbs the injurious gases which collect in-the stomach and bowels; It disinfects . ths mouth and throat from the poison or caiarrn. All . druggists sell charcoal in on form or another,-out- probably the beat charcoal and the most for the money Charcoal Lctsangea: tcey neat powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antiseptic In tablet, form or rather la tha form of large, pleasant tasting loaenges, the charcoal being" mixed with honey. ' . ' ' " " ' - Tbs daily, use of these loaenges will soon tell In a much Improved condition of the general health, better complexion, swseter breath and purer blood, and tha beauty of It Is, thst no posslblb harm can result from their continued use,, but on .the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician In speaking of the benefits of charooal aaya: "I ad viae Stuart's Charcoal Losenges to all patients suffering from gas In stomach and bowels, and to clear tha complexion and purify the breath, mouth and tnroat: I also believe the liver ts greatly bene fited by the dally use of them! they cost but ' twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, and although In soma sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get mors and better charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal Lose n gas than in any of the ordinary charcoal tableta" . -Carpel and await results. If -vou are bothered for something to do. Just try to ksep tab on all the base ball leagues which ax springing Into xistenoa. . e e . . The smpress dowager of Cntna Is said to own 10 automobiles. They should furnish wbela,enough for even a European monarch.' ... s a "Eighty pes' eent of the ball players drink." declares a New Tork writer. in thaye all leaders -of - thalr re- spective leagues, w suppose e e . Boxer Tennys death . ' was due to natural causes. Whan all the circum stances are weighed one must come to the eonolualon that nothing could have been mora natural. . ' e e . Tommy Burns knocked out two man in short order laat .alght av San Diego, California. That'a going . some for Farmer" Burns. : . s . s Soott and Lombard defeated Cleland and Edwards In ths Multnomah elub handball tournament last avanlng. The scores were Sl-lo, 11-10. ' a ' .. " Joe Csssldy, shortstop on the Wash ington American league team, died a few days ago at hla home In Chester, Pennsylvania. Cassldy was a star per former.' .V.-.-; ; .. . i: . e ,.. The good weather . of - the ' past f sw daya .caused. ..tha tennis players and diamond devotees to get the fever -very bad. Should the line days continue out door sports will soon bo on la earnest. v .- . -L ... We have heard nothing from tha Port land Oiants In ths last 10 hours. Fears for their safety ars being entertained aoross th river. e- Personal Jontie Hlgglna was a visitor at tha skating rink yesterday. Jontie says the sport wss a disappoint ment to him. He evidently nad an en tirely different thought In mind. Je e i . 1 The Journal baseball nine haa organ ised for the season and will accept challenges from none but first-olaaa teams. An exoeptlon will . be mads toward the Oiants. - ' ; ; ' MONTAVILLAS DEFEAT W00DLARK BOWLERS Tha M on ta villa bowlers took all three games from ths woodlarka last erenlnf.i Sloan had th. high av.rag 111 1-1; McMenoroy had th ... highest single game, tit. The scores: Monuvllla . , (1) Sloan . fc.,,..,,.191 Auspach ,14 Parent 1ST McMillan ...14t MoCaslln ,.140 Handicap 71 Totals . . Woodlarka Crook Lunney . , Vlgneux . , Harue . . . McMenomy . 176 Totals . mmm itTt 70S - 066 Th Llpnxans took two out of three from th Brunswlcks. Lamond had ths high average. 111; he also had th high eat single gams, tit. Soores: - Lipmans (1) (I) (!) Reese . ................160 100 144 Christian 168 16 It Lamond. .211 111 177 Average . . 161 101 161 Average ,. ....,... .HI 11 161 Totals . , Brunswick .,L ..841 111 781 1) .141 .141 .104 (t) 110 188 . II 141. Ill 146 Hill Vau ghn Williamson Norton . . . Average . . .....114 .......111 ......146 Handicap . . Totals . . ......100 761 126 This etvenlng th Woodlarka bowl the Honeymans. . Browned Kaa Identified. , (Jonraal Special Berrlee.l .. Walla Walla, Wash. March SI. James Boyla is ths name of ths man found floating In Snake river near the Alnaworth bridge Tuesday afternoon. Hs met death by tumbling off the rail road bridge at Rlparla, on March II. DootOM Ar Paaaled. . ' Th remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclver of Vanceboro, Me., la ths sub ject of much Interest to the medical fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his casai "Owing to severe Inflammation of the Throat and con gestion of ths Lungs, three doctors gave mi up to die, when, aa a last resort, I wss Inducted to try Dr. King's New Dis covery snd I am nappy to say It savsd my life." Cures the worat Coughs snd Colds, Bronchitis, Tonsllltis, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness and La - Grippe. Guaranteed at S. o. Bkldmore A Co.'i drug store. lOo and ll.Ofc Trial bottle fro. c 3 (!) (1) .174 141 067 1 (t) (t) .161 144 186 .lit 17 111 .115 140 III .116 10 184 . 146 til BELfJOfJNO RACE v. A BIG STRING Success of - Beldame Induces Jockey Club" Chairman to i Return to Game. .. WILl TRUtfTHIRTT HORSES ON METROPOLITAN TRACKS Nearly All of Belmont's Horaea Hay Been Bred at tn Famous Nursery Stud OnJy-;Tnraa Hones - in rthe Four.Year-Old Claia. ........... , August Bslmont will race a string of about to horses on the metropolitan tracks this year. , It was In 1104 that Mr. Belmont sold nearly ail of hla racers and praotloally retired from the - turf owing to the pressure of outside busi ness, but the remarkable success of the mare Beldame, who had been, leaaed to Newton Bennington that season. Induced the chairman of the Jockey, club to re turn on a a mail aoala last rear. Whsn Mr. Belmont got out -of the same two years ago his old trainer, John J. Hy land, made other arrangements so the Belmont stable this year will not be in hla care, but will bo looked after -by A. J. Joyner and John Whalen, says the Sun. ."T" At Mr. Belmont's famous Nursery Stud nearly all of nio horses have been bred. Hastings, Henry of Navarre and Octagon are the leading stallions at this establishment and their get have aoored many notable turf triumphs. '8t Blaise, for whom Charles Reed once paid 1100, 000. Is also at ths stud, as Mr. Belmont -bongtil hlin fioni Jame-&r-Haggln- t-- privats aala for 15.600 and soma or tne Nursery i-year-olda this - seaaon are hsired by ths old fellow. Incidentally It may bo recalled that St. Blaiae belonged to Mr. Belmont- father is years ago, which inaucea tne owner ox "ur"'J Stud to get th stallion If only becaus of sentlmsntal reasona. Thsrs ar only three horses In the 4-year-old and upward class that will oarry the Belmont allka and they are Lord of tha Vale, a 1-year-old, by Hast ings Lady Violet; Blandy, a 4-year-old, by Hastings BsUndev . and Mount Henry, by Hanry of Navarre Mount ran In England, but waa brought back to this oountry last season. The Bel mont l-year-olda ar eight In number, the beet of them' being; th a take-winning Ally Tiptoe, by Hastings Tarpeta. Tha others are Oaklawn, the Farandol Margaret Jane colt, for whom Mr. Belmont , paid Willie Shields 110,000 In order to have a representative In the Saratoga 8paolal laat summer, "but who turned out ft be tha biggest kind of a disappointment; Don Diego, a eolt by Hanry of Navarre Bella Donna, a half brother to Beldam, who did not come up to expectations last season; Wool wich, a colt by- Hastings Woodvlne; Bridgeman, a eolt by Ootagoia St. Bridget; Bivouac, a Ally by Hastings Belinda, a full sister to Blandy;. Lackey, a gelding by Hastlnge Lack-a-Dalsy, and Hauteur, ail - English bred-colt by Ledas Hauteaae, who-waa Imported as a suckling. , There Is much Interest In th l-year-olda. In tha lot Is ons English' bred youngster named High Glass, by Isln gtsss Hautssss. .Tha others have been named appropriately as usual. Brook man is a fine looking brown gelding- by Octagon St. Bridget, and la a full brother to Brldgsman. Currloulum Is a black a-eldlna- br Hastings Carlotta. Don Enrlou - Is by Hastings Bella Donna and a half-brother to Beldame. stings- Okenlt is a gsldlng by Hastings Oklenta. Fond du Lao is a gelding ny nan . da Oro Fond Hopes. A oolt by Hastings Lady Roaemary bears "the name of Rosemont. Bagapanak la a son of St Blaise and Sou vera tne. Another colt by St. Blaiae out of Bouiiant bears th nam of Smiling Tom. Officer, by St. Blaiae Oktegal, Is a half-brother to O axeman. Wild Dance, a. son of Hast in re la Danseuse. Is another promis ing youngster. Shackle, by Hastings ; Semlramls, Is a bay gelding. There are seven fillies, all highly bred. Glamor, by Hastings Glory, Is a full Bister to th stake-winner Olorlfler. Lady Vin cent, by St Blaise Ledy Violet Is a half-sister to Lord at th Vale. Nancy la br Hastings Ninsvsh. Ransom Is HrJ . .nIHtinaa3 Velocity 1. dau.h JT of navarra jjhoj ,njmu-. ldv Viola. ; A half-sister to wooiwicn. named Wood witch, Is by OcUgon Woodvlne, while Misgivings is a filly by Dlsudonne Miss Darebln. These colts and fillies are engaged In nearly all the rich 1-year-old stakes. WANTS TO DIE BUT IS UNABLE TO END LIFE (Special rMipetcs to THS JoBraaLI Spokane, Waah., March ! George KelUv aged 7 years, wss laat night lodged In the county Jail, after two un successful attempts to oommlt suicide at T. 8. Griffith's Glen Tana farm near Spokane, where he a wait a Inquiry into his sanity. ' Tuesday night he climbed onto th roof of a barn, alaehed bis throat with a rasor and Jumped 16 feet to . the ground, landing without Injury. - Hs said that h would be a corpse ths first chance hs got Testsrday while being brought to this eity ha Jumped Into the Llttla Spokane river, remaining there several hours. " Ths shsrlff and a dep uty were telephoned for, and . found Keith chilled to the bone, faint from loss of blood and In a stats of eollapea. Keith has been drinking for th last two weeks, and Is mentally deranged, say pepple who know him. . Fisfened Block Oaaaed eoda. . Allen Lewis' Best Brand. DAM IS SWEPT AWAY . BY FLOOD IN WYOMING (Joornal Special Service.) ' ' Cheyenne, Wyo., March 11. Ths worst floods In 10 years sr reported In all parts of Wyoming, caused by heavy rains and rapid melting of enow. The diversion dam at Alova erected by the reclamation service hss been washed swsy. It waa built at a cost of 1100. ooo. ' The steel bridge built by th govern ment below th lam at Pathfinder waa also carried away by th surging waters of the Platte. Miles upon miles of low land Is flooded and hundreds of head of livestock lost v Ths Platte river Is on a rampage clear to ths Nebraska 11ns and all the other streams ar In a stats of flood. Railroad tracks are washed out and great damsgsdon to ranch property. I . I No plt Is as pleaaant and positive as DeWltt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills are so mild and af fective that children, delicate ladles and weak people enjoy their cleansing ef fect, while strong people say they ars th best liver. jUia sold. Never gripe. mm Beautiful DentallVork At ery low- prices and all -work guar an teed I what you can gat when, yoa call on uav W tiss nons but the host material and . fine workmanship la as sured, aa all operations ar performed by . men of long experience. Wa are going to make a special price for high class work until after April L Call at one If you get th benefit of our Intro ductory prices.- - GOLD CROWNS '., .. . . f 4.00 BRIDGB WORK , . . . . . . . . '. .BS.OO FTJLL SET OF TEETH......... fS.OO EXTRACTING . . . , . EXAMINATION .. K i Ti a, Oraad Tha- -. s.ld4T.,. Opposlt BOera SALVATION j ia jurt what ' CHASE'S - DYSPEPSIA 1 CURK means for sick atomacha It Is put up In. .liquid form and Is the most remarkable stomach medicine ever dis covered. It not only gives Immediate relief, but heals ths diseased lining of tha organ and tones up and strengthens th entire system. ' .- This remedy ts sold on th nosltlv guarantee, tha t It will cure dyspepsia in form. If it does not we wUlr- fund your money. 66 West 118th st.. New York City, W. T. Mr. Obaae I hope yoa will see this letter ef Bine aa a reeoasweodatlea of your woaderfal awdkine. 1 have beea troubles wita ta awst terrible keadacbee aad blUoua fkeliag. I waa afraid te eet a meal lor leer ef what I theacbt waa a aervoae kaedache, bat It really eaaM from bit stomach. By chases eae day wklle performiag my - work I felt very elck aad atepped Into a drag atere where enms eae told me to try Chase's Dyapepato Cure. 1 did not wast to, aa 1 nad takes aa maeh aMdlcise wlth eat reaalt; Baally a doae was gives bm, aad I eaa enly ear that I am like another sua. I kave takea la all a boat twelve bottlea, aad yoa may ear to any one that I eeoeider mreelf a eared man, aa I have set had a heedaehe or aick feellas ta the paat Its swathe. I wUl ledlr epeak to any one who will call at aty oat and toil them what it haa doae for aw. I eely hope that all people whe have a etomach trouble wtU give Cbaae's Care a fair trial.' BeepeetfaUy yonra, CRAaXBS BIMAM. If your stomach feels uncomfortable br your food dlatreases you, buy a bot tle and get relief at onoav Price 60 cents and 11.00 a bottle. - . :. For sal by all rsllabl druggists, or sent direct, charges prepaid, by THE CHASE MFG. CO., Brooklyn, N. T. ' For sal In Portland by Woods rd, Clark Co. - - ,-v-T--.. I . ' ll Tired Feet are made to feel like new by patkinf with Pood's Extract.- Takes ut the aorrneae aad reduces eweltinf . After a bard day'g work in th field aothlhf will tefreih the tired fanner more than an application f Pood'i Extract to th feet. Wash thoroughly ia luk warm water and rub with Pond's Extract. Ia a few momenta yeu will feel refreshed and the tired feeling -will have entirely disappearetL-r-rr Witch Hmul is mtl thi $mmi thing. On ssyt ttvtnty tamfUl Witch HlM tfttn $ftrtd ms "just tu gd"ffty-fw etvrv ftund 1$ ctutain wee' uhehel $r ftr. maldhfd tr htth. T t mwid dmm gtr tfft 'utning intist tn ktxving , PdRdsextSaC Fulton Wood Co. Phon Paolfle Hi. , oini, bbt AkTD xirgxsa nu -. WOOD. . South Portland Orders Specially so licited. - , ; - ' ; . " E OF TKE PEERAGE IS CLOSED BY DEATH Lady Romilly Secretly Married to . Earl on Eve of Wedding to Another Man. (Journal Bperlal tervice.) London, March 21. On of th few peerage romances of recent days that waa really romantic haa been closed forever by th recent death of Lady Romilly. She survived her handsoms soldier husband by some months, but those who knew her best know that her life ended when his did. Leas than 10 years ago Miss Violet Orey-Egerton was on ef th prettiest, most charming and most popular girls In London society. Bha was engaged to Ernest Cunard, an enormously wealthy man and one of . the greatest matches of ths time. Th wedding waa to hav been celebrated with the uaual brilliant display, but a day or two before th dsy set for th event the world wa startled by the announcement that Lord Romilly and Miss Violet Orey-Egerton had been married quietly. Then people remembered that the young couple had been engaged once upon a time, had quarreled and gone their different ways. An accidental meeting on the eve of tha marriage te Mr. Cunard had revived Talephon t----- fjtljji" J Mala aroa. Vn) mVf " STOMACH ES2M Eatabl Ished 2B Our aaetaods are ap ts asas aad nthorltasa of BTsrope aad Asaaxioa. of man's diseases. . BeaaesBbew oar 0TX.T. .. ' o. .' " AiUIFE LONG CURE FOR cnosrio puktw !, TaUUTUJM, - .---xTSBOona, - - TABIOOOBU, ' rrrz.r7r:- a&ooo voxaosr. vtvawaa-wa) Neerlr ATI burning, Itching and Inflammation stopped la 14 hours cmrea sffecled In- 7 days, - , - . i( . .... . .... : - ,. wi wTis in sTrmi mxs of twrin in (nrabiiA, PniMnATU OOMTMOATaU pzssuni. . v- . WRITS. If you cannot call. All correspondence strlotly conndentlsl and all reolles ssnt In plain enrelopea No names, eases, letter or photo- . graph-Of patlsntspubilshed or exposed. Inoloee l-oent-tamp-to tneur - ' reply. . BOVRaVa-4 a, m. to p. tn.; aTvenlnga, T to I; Sundays, l a. ro. t 11 noon. ST.LOWSIDISPM oomirn noon amo tahxxw """ As Certain as Night r" Follows Day there 1 a fixed penalty for th violation of any law of nature. The puniab-ment. which surely comes sooner or later, may bo either sickness, pain, decay or death. If you are aunrlng. It la certain that yon have, knowing ly, or unknowingly, tranagreased. Tour chief concern, of eouraa, la how to .got well, not how you got : aick.--; - : We are restoring sick man to i sound health every day. Aa spe- elallata - wo treat - and cure all chronic,' blood, nervoua, akin and. special dlaeaaea of men; also stomach, heart, liver, kidney, bladder and throat troublea. Our doctors ar graduates of tb lead ing medical colleges of America mnA Kurana. In SurSTSry VI DOS- sess the highest skill and we per form the moat - aertou suraioal . operations sueceesfully. Any per- ' artth 11 mar hank in Portland, to be paid to us tlent prefer w will take weekly or We Gaarantee a Core In Every Case Consultation free. Letters confidential; ' Instructive book for men mailed free In plain wrapper. If you cannot call at..fnc, wrtt. for queaUon bUnk. , Homs treatment ueosssful. , .,. . , .,, f . - X ' Office hours: a. aa. to I p. m.; DR. AV. NORTON DAVIS & CO. : Offices In Van Noy Hotel '.., 52 ThlrdStreet, Cor. I ivtmmMM m" i i MMiit m Hotel Eaton Osmst Kanlsaa aad Wert Vark tweets. ' - ;. NEW Benseooety rarnletied, eleraatty setmed. fireproof, se ailnetee- walk frota heart ot eheeslas ani baelneea Sletriet, all larra, alrf. eatalde teoaie, eteem heated, eleetrle llf bte, telesheae la eak apartataat. eta Laree enieee. Maasiaf. bhiui, wniaia, ladlM' raeeetioa parien. br aull or telepbaae. Privata eauUaea aaaets tmlas aad Roomi $I.OO to $3.00 a Das ipaoUl Bates to OamaMreUl Ksa. - m xu utoi. (Itornerlr ef Hotat Beasath. gpekaasj JTfHE Crown Orchestral -X -Piano, the piano ol many tones, . with practice clavier, and the forty-five other worthy American makes, are . . . eU Osly by EILERS PIANO HOUSE ftaraa at fernaad, Ipekaaa, aelae, aa riaaetsae, aieektea. Oaklaad aad All Otaar Imyertaat reUta. CUT RATES gMONEY Com at Onoe and hive fro examination. Wl EXTRACT TEETH FREE; SIL VER FILLINQS, llo UP; OOLD FILL INOS. Tlo UP; SET Or TEETH, 14.00; SPLENDID SET, 11.00; OOLD CROWNS, 11.00 TO 11.00; WHITE CROWNS, 12.10 TO 16.00. . All work guaranteed for ten yeara. BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS Illtt Morrison St., Opp. Meier A Frank and Postofflce. old memories and a secret wedding wss quickly arranged. Mr. Cunard outlived hla disappoint- Years Jjti lrtliarid - WB WILL TREAT ANY SINOLS, UNCOM v , PLICATED AILMENT FOR $1150 ' - POR THE FEE. . ' AD30LUTE- GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED 1 Coma .Today, to th SUCCESSFUL. Special leti who number their PERFECT Cure by tha THOUSAND I You want a PERMANENT Curat We can ACCOMPLISH IT. no matter bow skeptical you have become over failure of other. Dont hesitate longer when Quick Re lief and Perfect Health arc staring yoa in the face. are taAorsed by th kigaas madloal acssw say saeoea la the tnmtm specialty la Uanited to tha tlBsasf of '".:.'. v.: "',(..: nut Ajn jrxaTuikA .. nonino DHiAm ' ITBKTO-TTTAA SXBI STOOTTaWAIi BnTXanon Am Tid 1)1)11 SiaSAaTBS : eontraveted and chronic eases cared. im roBTivajrs, ouooi. M """Ml 13 suzm deOOSlt posit tb price or a cure in any when. a our Is effected. ..If th p when our Is effected. monthlylntallmenta. -, , .-. We Undertake or Charge No Fee Sunday and holidays, It a. m. to It . Pine, Portland, Oreon 4 BLOOD POISON roi mm thai Twnrrr run ' we have made the ear of blood poleoa a specialty. Prieaery.Aeceadarv er Tertiary Bleed Pelsea Permanently Cured. Yoa eaa be treated at home under same gaaramy. Capital 1600.000. Ws solicit the stoat obeli- sate eeees. If yoa bsrs szhsnsted ths eld metbodsot treatment, and still have aches and pains. II nous Psaohes ia Mouth, Sere Threat, Plmplee, Copper-Colored 81 Ulcers on any part of the Krebrows fallln r eat. writs tor areata as surea. 100-pare Book Free. ' COOK REMEDY CO, . im siMiit nanj, ttttm, iu Positively Cured by "INatfire'a Own Remedy Baaartt's NATIVE HERBS, or coats you nothing ' 25c and $t (contains Sight Draft lor return of your aientv mm eurcd.) Al Drue I tan m w I. a iia. aa rate rr mn Baasetla Native Herba Company II Calhasi Ukle. a Sea nsaclace. Uk 1 1 HKHtrtBwSU RELIEPfor LADIES FRENCH Taney Wafera Origi nal snd only genuine Put up la yellow v rapper and "Crewa" trademark. For sal hy the LEACINO DRUOOIST8. CUXmtdg. Jlawbraa, aiewi ro paiia-1 Twraat'. BaWaet et Oabecs Bad Oepalae In . OAPfUUlt. I Thaanolm fui" meaafay seaarrheea, sleet, waitea, eta. tmaf te leaf. u.i..iai. wzyr UT eare eeeeeeerei see. rneeai, as Bewe A atartia'a 801 Waahlartm t.. fortlaad, Orrrna; or hy Biall from The Tarrant On., 44 lindenn at.. Nnr fork. menf and is the proud possessor of a charming American wife. Lord . and Lady Romilly left ons son, who la ust I yaara old,, , v Stomoililnillcs "BSBBpai w aaBBaB 5 li