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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1906)
Till. ' PRECOX DAILY JOURNAL; FOnTLAlaT). tiiukcpaV r VLain.a, iz:.z.: ... . .. e.J - ' i'.l aw., m, . nilil.wei 11. I ' 1 . L I . . ' , C7-.rv ; v-:.; ' S7' I . . i...'. ...'1 lar traaepertattoa enroasa the axelle as. gateau ta.V'Z.ugi. Ec um 1 cut; is to so ) i,rv. a- " i-ixiraoxft, ' w.taCi Editorial Reeeje. ZTjZ Bud BtIiit"T 0I4e.. " 10 Kiwa iiimI, w lock; TrlAuae uue- Baaagf CefcateeagJflaV .... ... . , Twu T Onrrler, - Joaraal. with Beadee. I ";T5S JournaL 1 T"-v.VUii; S Journal! with Bunaey. swaths. J " The Dslly IM Dally The balls .0 IAS l.K TU Dili JimruL wltk Boedsy, I BkOBWe. The Dally Journal, I month. 'S Tb belly ImtuI, with BiiDd.y.l ' " - -k- n.iii --. Mini Bxtaiay - ------ a Tk Dally pr week, dellreced. ftuadey ex cepted ....j.. J Tk Deity loinul, wltk Sunder, I year. Tk Dllr Journal. 1 year -".ii era Tk Dally Journal, wltk Sunday, swathe. SJ The Dallr Journal. month 9-1? Tbs Dllr Journal, wltk Sunday. axoatbe. .vo Tb Dally Journal, S months I'ULlli' m , Tbs Dally JoaraaL wltk Suaeay, 1 Breath. . Tk Dallr Journal. 1 Bjoath.,,,.. Tk Bandar Journal, 1 year. ......-. Ska BuBuay Jouraal, 6 swath! i ............ iwu Tk Seani-Weeklj Journal. She Semi-Weekly Jouraal. ta 12 " aack Um. Illustrated, fall avarket re- tfuakoaVd be'.xVdTb7amrt. aaata! Mh. nor ardors an email amounts ere accepts., la I . S-et MTJJ-J P. O. Boa tSl.' rartlaao. Oregon. riro m nniu iur n Tk Joaraal aaa ka teend aa sale at the BoisnrfiHolH. Seller ft Ce.1 W. ft. It. In tyre; Arch funning earn 0. CHICAGO Pcetotftee Kewe tompaar. ITS V- bora etreet '' . DKNVTk Barkalow Brat, T7alaa Paaat twwa atand. XAN8A CITT jjiarlraa Hi BAWanaMr UML- " LOS aQBLES B. ft. al aba Barl. aawanapar wafoa. - KiyKliroU-at. J. aUtaauach. .0 ata Tblr atrvot, . XBW YORK CITT BrantanVa, Palam agaarai " Arthur HotaUng, aowapapar wafva. OklAUA Billiard Batal Bawa aland! Ktat StatloaaiT aoaipany. ISO raraaai atraaC OCDEN Drpot aawa atand. , , BALT tAKK CITT Kaajaa Botal Bran ataad; . Barrow Bra., 41 7at kaaaad atrcat, aaatal Mra. Larla. awwayapar u AN DIEGO B. ft. Anxx, aawapaaar WfBlJ. BAN rRANClSOO W ft, ArdlBf. Palaaa Batjlj Ooldamtth Bra., tat ftattar atrrct and it. rraada kotal; iWar Oraar. rarrj balld- lof ; N. Waaatl, Mwapapar wafa, Mark and Karn7. ; , BKATTLH Halnlar Grand aawa atamdl i. ft. McBrm. Wotal Baattla arm atand. TV L0U18 P&lllD Boadar, 1 Uourl airattt ' ft. T. Jatt. tod OUra itnatt Oaorg U ' Arkarnaa. i BPOKANB ba W. flrakaa O. r ITACOalA Ontral Nwa aompaar, Batal T. aarwa at aaa; A can oiwi aaaaaaav, Brwapapat waaoa. - VICTORIA, ft. O VlctoHa Book ItatloB i, ary company. WEATHER REPORT. A low pnaauia ana bas mad It imautM eK tb Or(oa eoaat. It baa en on ad ll(bt rala In aoathara Oragoa aad aitrom Bortbwaatara California. Tb dlaturbane yaatarday arar ' aoathara Tcxaa roaas to aa of decided ebar aetar. It baa adraaead aortbaaatwara and rauaod baary rains ta LonlaUaa, Arkanaaa, Mla- alaalppL Alabama and Tanaaaaaa. Tb aortk Paelne klfk unaauia area la aow central aver WyomlB( aad tb ptaaanr ta ralattaalr hlb - arer tb lak recioa aad the New Borland atataa, and la conaatinknea thereof fair wee thee with mild temnaratnrea pmall la all tb aortk ara atataa. - Taa baromotar eoaUane ralatlTaly - lew la tbaCaaadlaa - aartbwaat- without, a yet. eaaalnf any precipitation. Tb Indication are (or e ho war ta thla dla . trtct Friday. It will be cooler tbla afternoon In weetera Oracoa Bad , wumar . baalfbt Waehloa-toa. . . , Obaartatlosai takaa at la. ., laelfla ttaxi .. . . , -Tmp. Btatkma . - .... Mat. i. Mia. Prada. Raker City Oreaxn..,,.... W a , ,o Boa ton, MaeaarboaatU...... AO m 0 Chicago, IlUnola M tleaear, Colorado... ,., Kaaaaa City, Mlaaoari.:... SS Loa Ancelra, California.... TO New Orleana, Louunana.... Tt ' New York, Naw lark...... BO Portland. Oragoa... TO lloeeburg. treoa. ......... M fit. LouTa, Mlaaoari.. ' fait Lak. Utah M Paa IVaBclar, California... M flpokam, Waaklnatoa...... M Tacnma; Waablngtoa 6t Walla WaUa. Waablngtoa. M Waehlnrtoa, 1. C M M M M ' M M 60 ' M . M M M 40 O ' 41 . S.0S .o .04 .0 .0 T . J A .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Clana CVOaan. SB: Mary Vaad. J. i . Laall M. Scott. SB; EUsabatk Colonies, IT. Wadding Oarda. W. Q. Bmtth O., Waab iBgtaa bldg car. roarta ana waaningtos ata. Ulaa Bertha Martla. room BIS AllakT bldg, lamping and Bna need la wort; laaaaaa glee a. ' BIRTHS" PALMCft March B, ta Mr. and Mrs. EdwKa - Palmar, IJBT Tagfart a tree, a aoa. LAMBBBT rebraary 18, to Mr. Lloyd ft. Lam bert, aoa uiwaa arreat, a aaagntcr. Hi A TON March 37, ta Mr. and Mrs. J. Heetna BA1 HeaOBth arjoof. S aoa. BWAN80N March 4. to Mr. and Mra. Iwaa Hwaaaoa. 883 Tbarmaa straat, a bob. UPWARDS March 4. ta Mr. aad Mra. Oeorg M. Eiwaroa, aoa awn aaa aueei, a aangnrar. THATCHER March ST, ta Mr. aad Mra. Joaapk nay Thatcnor, ana vroanwey. a aangnrar. tlORRINa Aiarch 11. ta Mr. and Mra. John H Dobbins, oomer Larrabaa atroat aad BoUaday arenaa. a aaornter. DART March . ta Mr. and Mra. Darld A. Rart ( Oraaham, a aoa. CONTAGIOUS DI8EASES. wTftADT Mar ST, Louis B traat. (T4 VkrtorU etreet. moaalea. JOrNO Marek ST, Kntla, Orral. tawraaoa and Qnlacy loonf, 881 Baat Twelfth straat. JKINO-Mareh 38. Kcllal King. HD3 Xaat Tars- hill atreet. meaale. ItnoRTRirKJie March 3. Mra. Ma ml Bhoyf riflr. i noria aarania atreer. unrrcaioaia. CROFT Marck 28, Ellaa Croft of Lasts, M ml aha. . . WLAUOHliM March 38, Ken MeLangtalta. turn Corbett atreet, meaalaa. sVllRRN March 3ft, Xddla and Tbarant Akara, nzn nortB twenty aecoaa arreet, meaaiea. DEATHS. kLLrKRIEDKR March ST, Tboaiaa KIlMrHeder, ha . wmmrm. tnnk ttf Hear Thlrit Mm.1 - ran, broken Beck. Burial at Mount Calvary cemetery. CAMPBELL March SB. Maria B. Campbell, eared n yeare, 68 Xaat Birth atreet; eaasa. in are. aunu m mnmnr cemetery. ARMHTBONO March 38. Arthor Armatronf, aged U Team, em jereer atreet; eanaa, paea tneeila. Bttrial at Ceaeraak cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. Bdward Bolmaa ft Ca.,' th lea (Mug roaaral Airectora. bare the flneat retabllakmeat, tk (neat gnoda, lb Baaat eeklclee and tka moat reaeoaaDle once. rine orasQciotao eaeketa, KS and I. Tha Bneat wand go n.Aa. from 813 ta 830. Parlora rM . 3S3 Third Street, aoraar. balmaa, PartUad, vregna. 3. r. . r. rairf ea cm, inwni aiienan an( and emhelmera, corner 1 air aaa Midiaoa etreet Offlca of county ' Tranntng. McEate ft Oflbaogh, an di laker had amhalmera; modem la erery detail, areata aaa Ploa. aiaia m. Baay eeeteunt. A. R neantnrk. rjnflertakar aad mbnlaaee. Bart Tblrtaaatb aaa I'matllla ara. Pboas 4WU ITU. ftrvxivntr cxjutxbt. . Blugt graeea B1A. Pamlty leaj 7B ta l,m. e only cemetery la Portland which ner. rpe'aallf maintain and rare for lot. Sor full InformaUea apply to W. . Mackaaala. Ware aaatal alaca, tut, .W. M. Mas, ansldaat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. TltW Onarantr A Traat aocapur ta mmrj Aaaoioa. via T aaa a, pkjci IA Arfcat Land ootupana ta Carolina 0irr. M'la a u a. lAClualva. biof k 7 laitaf Park 7.' .....7.. ana " ABOroB ana wira ta Unatar Pataraaa, lu IT, Mora 24, Baanjalda.f Jama P, Jaaaaa aud wtfa to B. ft Mar- 411 In a . I k IMt -1 . ' ' H. Olanu and wit ta Oaura Bekafar, let block 1. Mortk Ir. . tnttoa ....1.T00 oath Baat Portland Roal Katata 'aa. . aodatloa ta William aBUMa. -t r aactloa U, towaaals , 1 aouta. . raw . S aaat .......Ti... .TTt. M Victor Land 'company to Adalbart Todd, ' lot 10. block 23. Traanoat Plara ..... 10 J. CL Smltk aad wlfa to ft. R. Patck t al., lota 11 and IX Mock as Porta- aaoatk - , 1.T4T Job a C Wllaoa to I I. Ornaabr. VnA a. . bkHHiT. Parartla Sprlnj. frot.,....rTITi Carolyn B. Hard and buaband to Jan. ai u. ataw, weat XX . Blocl in Joka Irrlna'a flrnt addltloB 1 Bomjaaao Traat company to Dell If. . ' win, Dwiuiiaxizs it eommannnaT ooulk Una Laurel a traat and Twenty, trat a traat, block 88; alaa Bart block ' W. Cartar'a addltloa 1T50 0 aorta II. Jaaanp and wlfa ta Caarla Oi Tina, lot IS, block 1, Iraaboa ISO Oaorf a B. Jaaanp and wlfa to L DtrlD - at u., jar ii, Dioca l, iranaoa i,m B. Kaaa and wlfa t C. A. joknaoB, acraa aortbaaat H aactloa 11, toWB akls 1 sooth, raaa aaat ... .... ISO IkarlK to B. ft. oloan. waat H lot , and , block aL Uolladay'a addltloa. It bar I ft to r. Born. U of waat lot i and , block 61, Holladay' addition. U Calab afyara and wlta to Blla T. Oaak ad haahand. aoutb U lot A block 1, Pleaaaat Bona addltloa, Baat Port. ' land 1.600 H. Both to t J. T. Walla, lot 13. block King's ascend addltloB ' I 0. W. Watt and wlla to Jobs Wei. 1H sera aectloa a, nownanip l eouu, Man 1 aaat 1.660 Jobe Wla to ft. Bcbrelber, 33-88 acre eecttoa a, towaanip a aeuu, raasw a -aeat 460 Clementina f. Lawis at al. to J. T. Walla, lot 12, block 11, Alng aaooaa -, . . dltlOB ....'...' i '. H. Nana Jm wife' to 0. W, Prlaat, lot 4. black A Alblns addltloa ;. 600 W. H. Mane; aad wlfa to H. W. bytla, lot . block 8, Alblna addltloa BOO Portland Trust company to A. T. Me- -Cuia. rata al-to t, lBcinmee. ran IL Portamobth Tula Eitenaloa 308 l 1. Landlma to R. B. MUlar, aaat 14 : root lot A. block 240. city (SB Arleta Land company to 1. W. Basting, lot la, block 14, Arlata Park No. . JPO Joka Barter to Bertha Baxter, lot 10. aabdinaioa X. uaAaaaBniit ej unauf . tju TT - ; 10 B. A. Parker to 0 W, P.- Cai right f - - way arar so acrea, ana a ia . .. claalrs, aactloa So, towaahlp 1 Berth, Tltla Onarantsa ft Traat oompany to . M. Wallace, tot ta to . Df, . klk VO Bnnnealde Third addltloB... 1.10Q Arleta Land company to, Maurlc A. i ta a block 3. Ina Perk.!... 1 D. B. BachaBaa and wife to Earelda Taa " Bibber, lots a ta a, uens" oeeca - VnlTentty Park D. g. Bochanaa and wlfa to frank Mer BOO rill, lot 1 ta a, ineiueiTafe, aaacm iv, ' ' tTe.B BOO I Blamaaar at aL to ft. Blnmaaer, lot 1 and norts i ( iwrt av " . ' city; alaa tot 4, block Jf, Port lane Bomrataad I. a Alaawarth. traataa, and arlfe ta U bf. Dans, aavcaa as, aa, team w bias Ivor Williams and wlfa to Heary Flth- mann, lota tl to a, inciumre, rawe "lar addltloa No. 3 TOO - 300 . r. Noren and wire to n. y. - t... ..a a kUiek 14. Point View... A. W. Lambert at al.. t Lores i Brward. weat H aootnweai - .vl. a wh. renea 3 Waat la, Seward and wlfa to A. W. Lambert at al.. aaat H aontbwest U aectloa 84, tnwnablp B forth, raarn S west.. a . T,., . . and wife to Chrlot A. , rartereaa. im a, " mv . ..i.i a. war a Lv- Bermett n wue to rt aair i-oji semnaBy. lot IB, beLaabmnU ft Oat- , auuiuim ........... ------- . man'a LltUs Home Ns. 1 ..r. . . w .1 2 a Cejiner. eat TO . "r y "Sv Wm IMBUL aJ INULMI W waBee.e- awe - , . ..a .hee-eeea fe esel aatata ux yrear it-'n - ii' - - . hm., d-. i A Tpiiet eemnane. nea tae - ' peg weanine-wra eTre-.i, NOTICE. Trim MkaWtHraAcl m iwwtT M13 bMt U to . . - PlVaaalmeAi ft Th-ll lbtVI. 1 J CKfCaTa bWUbJSJ oi a aiaimuaB J" for the A. Jaloff ft Co. atock of merchandl- tit JLMOfimi Vl ajajVHa anmianaaiBl "a w boots sad aboea. fnrntahlng foode Bnd cloth ing, to tBe nM-aa n i-. aw . uw and Fifty DnlUr. and millinery good to th nenni ox eie aether with trad flitoraa ta tb amount of BM7.B5. locateo on nvwi ul in ueaew rial street la Astoria. ttveaectloa of goods may b bad aa the pram- rerrlfled chek for IB par cent of tb smoarit effered amat accompany sscti bid. and the. rlfbt ta reeer-ed to re'ect ane and all Front aad Ankeny sty, Portland. Oragoa. THft anderelgiied wftl recelj araled Mds apto 13 Caoca nonm ot pwouBri " . , .-w,., for tbO tl. W. lirni eaoca oi -eeinenui-e, !. aaHaaHaellT af hardware, tinware. palnta and otla, a tore arid groceries, of th la-en tory Talaatloa ot fz,, lofetnrr wita trade fixture to th amount af $342.T6, k -.ft-A - ft Ralaev. OreCOB. Tb in Ten tory may be seea at my office and mepactVm of atock may be bad aa th aremlaaa at Balaay. A certified check for IB per real of th amount offered meal accompany ram ma, ana the rlrht ta leaairtd to relect aiT-d all DM R. L. BABIN. i-ront and Ankeny ate., Portland. Oragoa. Wft. " wderslgaed fnrnltar " aad piaao- BaoverB, win teimi, -- - " - Charge anon d'Hrery of good after Tlecem ber X l06t H. C. Baark. a T. Harder, I. . CI... M BWe1aa.A TW j. W i neejrri v-,"'" . .. . . . - - llrery Co.; Post Bpeclal Dellrery Co., Pack age Dellrery Co.. Bolman Tranafar Co., Korthwestera Tranafer C Oregoa Aoto Dea natch Ca., Joka Hamnten. Jamea McLlndea, flwea MeLlndaa. Pad 8 Tramfer Co., Oregoa r, n ,1 a v. . at r1. ITanarer -.. i-i;""" ' - Z Wakemaa-Moree Tranafar Co., laat Bid Traaafer Co.. 0. O. Pick Tranafer ft Btnrag Co., C. M. Olaoa, Bagf age ft OmnllmaTrana. far Ca.. A. J. Morpfiy. Kadderly Tranafer ft CommlHioa Co., Jobs A. Lore Andrew J. Morphy. P. M. Ireland, P. Millar. Flacb ft Benderaoa. OFFICB of C. Q. M., Vaacotrrer Barrack. waeningtoa, marra e, ie.-e ""---- In triplicate, will be race 1 Ted here until IS o'clock soon. April 6, loa, for frirnlahlng feel at Fort Dsrls aad Saint Michaels, Alaska, for ffacal year commencing July 1, 1B06. Full laformatloa will be furnteeea an appllcatloa to thla office. C. fl. reaerre 'J.i. H ee aeeaie ane all propoaala or aay part thereof. a are lope . .containing prrmoeala should bs marked: Pro- Kiata for r net at - ana uneen " let Qiiartermaeter, Vaneourar Barracks, Waahlngtoa. KOTICB OF D1SSOLCTT0N. Portlaad, Oragoa. - - . .aa . . I ft. . . h. . K ft marca . . lave. 4.FllV- I e.rvf a 1 ' " - aaa iiai upini ae.e ... ' . .. " aeea of the Brat, and will collect all debt aad pap all the llabllltles of the Sraa. 0. A. WILLBT. F. M. SMITH. DOLPHUS WILLltT. MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP; -No. SB, Wood mea of the world Meets erery Friday night at W. 0. W. hall. Tenth and Waahlngtoa ata. Ba freabmeata will be asrred. All Tatltlng Bclghbor wel come. JOSEPH HOWETT. fl C. - L. BARBCR. Clerk, 31 Third at. COLOMBIA Lodge, No. 114, A. P. ft A. M. Special commnnlcetloa thla (Tbureday) eeealng, T.80 o'clock, Maeonla temple. Third and Alder streets. Work la F. C. degree. All P. C. Masons Incited: B. S. PAOUB. Secretary. WEBFOOT Cams' degree team will .glee Its Bret easip party Friday night. March SO, at the W. oV W. hall. Tenth and Waahlng toa afreets Splendid prime, refreshments f ad dancing. All friends f th W. 0. W. arlted. Coat aad bar a good time. MACCABEES Portland lent, No. 1, meet erery Thursday Bight In E. af P. hell. Mar . ftssAS . MOftv.. . .TUUtots . Z'CK tae eoparrnerenip enni eiie game of the W1l)ey-Bmlth Harnees Company aa tbla day dlsaolted. and that C. A.' Wilier LOST AND FOUND. LOST March ' 36, Mack herea, weight about 1,400, whi' apet la forehead, bad oa leather aajter, sore boot reiwcs ea ten bido ien, reward. Notify stobsrt. A. Taylor, Arlata, Oragoa. Bos X LORT Red shenhard dog. hah- dipped aft tts of tall, 4 while feat; liberal reward. 4. W. . XJklo. eia hi at.r rortuao jMigata. - POUND Man'a sllrar watch. May be bad at i 1 a. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN aad women to learn the barber trade ta eight weeka. Th Molar eystem or college bare opened one of their famoaa barber echo 'la ta Portland: gradoatea aara from 816 to 2 Pit were ; oaiy rename Darner college la ina nltad State; apeclal term to flrnt SO eta deota: be Hrelr and cat aoactal rates. Molar Af tem Collasaa. 6A M..4tiv at.Po.UaaeV.t)r. BED CROSS atand for relief to scat, chroalc and malignant aieeeeaa; cau or wnca. Had Croaa DUpanaary, Third and Ash eta. SALESMEN WANTED Par aaa af tb largest aurserlea la toe areatl'caaB adraaoad weekly oa ordera: good territory opaa. Addreae Waahlngtoa Naraary Co., Tbppenlah, Wash. WANTED 1,000 mea. ahare aad kalrcat fro. Bb4 Couch at. - W teach taa trada. UVB fiitiiiiri for choice territory; estflt rarahihed free; nig aaap. nor run particular address Oregoa Nursery Co., Balaia, Oregoa. WANTED Agenta to solicit for old rallabr concern ; UDeral commiaakoa. uia aayoy, aw Tenth at. - AGENTS WANTED ta toll superior, high-grade aorsery atock j complete ootnt rurnianea tree; eaah weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capita! City Xuraary Compear, Balem, -Oragoa.- - -l - WANTED Machine men, cabinet-makers aad finishers. Oregoa rarnltare Mfg. Oa. MEN aad boya wanted to learm plumbing, brick. laying, piaetermg iraaea; paya ao a aay; apa elal offer $25 f roontka Bourse: abort tlm only; uoloa card gnarantaed. Coyne Bros, -Co., New York. Chicago. St. Lou la; free catalog. WANTED Lira aad energetic bey ta team optical buaineaa aad Mas-grlnuwg. Apply 311 Mselesy bids. rAJJTED A II f Ineu ranee aalaamaa af ability to handle klah-arade laraatmeata: tka moat evoeptlonal opportunity to rlaht man; rafer ancee and x pet-lance; all eammunteatloaa aaa fMeBtlal. Addreae 6a, aara Jouraal. WANTED Cabinet-makers and machine men. ales machine helper. Call Portland nprlng Bed ft Puraltura Co., 11th and Pleader ate. BEST sawmill ta th atat to work la wants run Bight erew; aa fee. call TOO Marquam bldg. HARNESS-MAKER WANTED. P. I. Creels ft Cs 146 Proat L . - START mall order bualiii as: roa raelly mak ui aaiiy; we Turn tan supplies ana teacn tree. Aluminum Hanger Co., cbatflald, Minn. W'ANTED Boy about IT for eteady factory wora. Appiy aw mat at aoraar iiaTia. WANTED Par United Ruts Army, able-bodied anmarriea mea between ages oc zi aaa so, cite- sena oc unitea atataa, oc goes cnaracter and temperate habits, who aaa apeak, read and write ngrleh. Apply to Bam ul ting Of. Beer. Alaswortk bib,, . Third aad Oak ata Portland, Oragoa. WANTED Planar torama n. balpera, feeder a. grader. Aaa tars at weetera larnoer us. WANTED Good farm band. 1004 Milwaukla at, Bellarood ear Orattoa at. WANTED 10 Bra at ones, city week, all Bum mer; wagea fZ.ZS. cau at 0T stawtaora are. Phone Baat 1087, ' - ' B0T WANTED at IS and SO Proat at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Mea or wo mea. SB Bar day gnaraa. teed, and . commlaatoa. to reoreeeut tba , National Stlesrware Co. la Oregon aad Wash ington. Call or address saaft East Morrleoa at., Portland, Oragoa.' - HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT, BUM Wasklng. tna at., sor. Berentb, u pat air. Fbeae Mala 3083. - Female help wanted. BNBlBLft ' womaa, beat character aad ta flneace; most bar earning ability aad leader ahlp. . M 11, care Joaraal. . WANTED Flrat-claea waltreaa at Hohart-Car-tls, 14th and Jaffaraoa ata. W ANTBD Com patent girl for general booee- work, including ting; no waaniog. 1TB sat lata at. EXPERIENCED aeatappearlng chambermaid at once. The Man! too. 361 lath at. . WANTED Womaa af 40 mra for email work of 3 persona; ao waahlng. 480 Brerett. WANTED A yeans girl to eaelst la bonsa. work; email family; ao cMIdrea. S8T TUla mook at. Phone Eaat 3717. . LADT AGENTS for beet-aelllng article ea Bar. ket; erery lady will buy It; Mg wages. Call room ST Langs hotel. WANTED Tsiloreaa . Alder eU.., aad .- sktrtnukara. LADIES Telegraphy offers srlendld apportaal ties; ws secure posltrona for oar graduates. Call Paclna Telegraph Iastitata, 408 Staaras mag. MALE AND FEMALE HELP HELP wanted and snppllad, mala or female, ft. O. Drake, 3rM Waahlngtoa at. PaclSe 1370. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTHIV Poelrloa a - saleeraan; axparleaca with threshing machinery, aswrnlll and lum ber bnalneaa; 4 . years aa aalea maaager) . came from the eaat; refer eauae aad bond. - 1 10, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT itenogTaphar waat ptee wark. Phone Mala 13P0. WANTED Poaltlea by experienced Bare. O - S, care JournaL ' WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agenta; something new; good sailer big wages. 808 McKay bldg. WE want reliable man la erery tows la Oregoa to aeU aiCK ana eociaent lu.urmi-ce. renw Aid aeeocUtloa, BOO Dakum bldg. SOLICITOR wanted try tneeetment, brokeraga , and real estate oompany, r Apply at 604 !. knm bldg., city. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., B North Seeoad. furalabea all kind em ployment for mea aad women. Mala 8088. THE Portland RmpmymeBt Co., 300 H Msrrtaaa at. Phone Pacli 238. . HANSEN'S FMPLOTMENT OFFICB. FOB MEN. -38 N. Seoood at Phone Mala 1538. BIG FOUR EMP. A0ENCT Help eupplled free. , IB North Second at Pboaa Mela 1B1B. JAPANE8E-CHINESB EMPLOTMENT FFICft. Henry Tabara, 307 . Eraratt at. pboaa Pa. " clDe 640. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT to buy lot or 4 or i-roora cottage, where e-rner would take aic apngni piaaa la iraaa. IPO Third et.Y W1NTXD Corner lot la Moatarlllai tarmat aire price aad location. Address ft 108, cars eouraaia ...... WANTED Lot la erchange fof erralty la or , i-roem aouaa. raoas am bmi. I WANT a bouse la Baat Portland; If year la right I will buy; glee price aad hx locatlea - Bret letter.- Addree V 18. ear Jeers 1. WANTED, for cash, lot or fraction; moat bf cheap. S 44, care JoaraaL 100 KEAL aetata flrma can sell year pmpeitf enlcker rhae an.- Paciftf Real ftstato ftx.t tea WaaoiAgtoa at, Mali 1623, WANTED TO RENT.' WANTED TO RENT HOI'BES. COTTAOES. PLATS, BOOMINO-HOUSKS. STORES. BTC ' Our rental deportment bas beea ealaxged SBd arorlded with additional ataff. Wa Inrlta' Hating from LANDLORDS, after peraoaal attantloa to aad eoatlaaeue euperrlaloa seer all property Intra ted to ear v PORTLAND TRI7ST COMPANT OP OREOOK, ft. B--aor AA aad Oak ale. Phone .-eta- 1U- ABOUT April 10. 3 or 8 anfurBlsbed reeaua la Bat or bouee with housekeeping enaeanleaees, ' cheap; aortk weel aide preferred. O 1. JoaraaL WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTINO. spraylaf aad wkltewaablag trees. basements, barus. . Ojoci ka. etct largaet gaaolla aprayl Ins ot outfit oa the eoaat. M. Q. Morgaa ft Co.. 823 Unloa ara. Phase Beat MIT. W A KTKU Stacks -e4 .seoerei marnkaadlaa ee arvMttdi. hnnta and ahoaa. etc for which 1 will pay raaa; win arai w nit . . aoiy. jaoaraao a. v, awa a, w. ft. N. -MORGAN, ptnnaer aprayer and white- waaher. Call Eaat 0; rememner ine aame ft. N. Morgaa, 11 fears la bualnea la Pert land. . WHO IS M. O. MORGAN ft .CO. T BIO BEST CASB PRICB) PAID for furaltare la any quantity; a lea taie earns on eommiamon and a-oarante-beat resnlta. . The Portland . Auction Room. A, Sehubacb Prop., 311 Plrat at. raoaa Main oooo. W" WILL, JtOT, BEIX OR TRADB ANT OLD THlnU. ' W KnTKaVA BALiTAUB tUi BSI- B2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 78. LACft curtains Beatly aooe. Call ap Mala 4SS1. WANTED Teams to Bhnl . brick. Portland Brick ft Til 0a.. Cal, at yardV it..UlB VBBUe BIOHEST IT eaah paid for bottles and Junk of deearlptloa. Crane Bottle Cat, lata, and at., pbono Mala S38S. erery Couch WANTED HaaTT draught bora, 1.800 lb or ewer, oregoa at waabugtoa Lamrjer te. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TH S KICHEUEU. tH NORTH SIXTH ST. Blegantiy rarsisaea, Bieem seal aaa aatsa. THE GRAND, 40 Karth Third St 1 graaieaaeB per ereea aaej aa. LA ROB front room cheap. Call after 8 B. bu. aa a e-arat ., reees iw. FOR RE NT A nicely furatahed roam, gas aad bath; walking distance; Bolt a Die tor aaa r two geatlemea. S4B Holladay ara. - -- WBXL-PTJftMISBBD saaay aautb room la era home, 19 annate from aoatornoe; rer areoces. B4T UU tt Phone PaclAc 431. ROOMS for S aaoatb; water Included. 1T iiuaaeii at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE MITCHELL, - FUadtta aad - Seeenth avooms, - aousekeepiBs ana trasisnt oaa vealeBt; price reasonable. TBB BALL, 414 Fifth Rooms, single or aa salts, ruraiabed Par light aeaeakeepiag. - 81.36 WEEK ap, eleaa. ftmlahad housekeeping rooaas, wita yara, parlor, lauaary, bbib. iut Bace beat. 3U8M Staatoa at. C ear. SLEEPINO and hoasakeeplna romna for rest. Boa u. u. uifley, roam ou, xnb waaning- $1.60 PBB WEEK Large, dees. - furnished nooaaaeepicf -rooma : laundry aaa eain. nam Sherman, goatk Portland. TWO famlahed bansekecplpg room: ass of pnoo aaa baAa. - btI Mlaalaaippi are ivewar Alblna. - FOR RENT Houaekeeplng-rooma; lowaat rate, alectrl Ushta aad phoae Included. S01V. Water at. ...... FURNISHED hoaaekasplBg-roeni, reaaneabla to right party; gas, phone aaa water zree. Xaat 4028. NETWLT .furnished bay window for two; alee hooaekeeplng, North 18th at. aal table BSH B WX1-L-FURNISHED boueekaerilngooam and large pantry: Brst Boor of mod ara home. HO Fourth at. Pnoe 'Pacific 1134. - f FOR SALS. CHEAP New furniture of S boa . keeping-rooma. Phone Mala 8D9B, B. Leonard. 831 13th St., Bear Market. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. ATI carfare br etmwlng at the Woodland, 386 Sixth at. Its - attractive featuree ara cleaallneee, large, airy room aad eaekl aoexcelled. Phone Mala 6260. UNION HOTEL, 81 North Sixth at. aerrea th baat meal; rate, room L, board, 6S.64 par weea. . Aaoaraoa. prop. CAN accommodate mora day boarder. S8B Taylor at. At 88-30 per week ap. DESIRABLft romna with board: one front salt writable for three or four: modern: rate rea sonable. 443 Jefferson. Phone Mala 6430. ROOM aad board r modern rrmretitenree; working peraona prererred. av Eaat Morrison. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT T room modern new flat. B4TU Sixth at. Bear Jackeoa. Pboaa Paclfl BBS. A. H. Maagly, 310 Poarth at. i-ROOM Sat for rent, t.60; water paid; aa amau cnuartB. ozo miii. HICB C0KT 8-reem Sat for rent, cheap. Call at 164 North 14th at. Pboaa Mala 3781. HOUSES' FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. - FOR SALft AT A BARGAIN rural tare of A room flat, nearly sew, 4 bleoka of Portland hotel, oa Berentb at.; rent reasonable, eooma all rented. 0 8, JoaraaL LEASE aad furniture S-eonai bouaa lor aala; close In. Inquire 63 North SUth at. WILL aall at a aaerlSca. within twa weeks. furniture of a-room houss: excellent loeatloe for home or roomera. . Pboae 442B. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. Ml RENT In eitr. 8U acres sultabta fay a) Fourth. gardening. Inquire SOS Bo -lor Wait Aiytliiig?; ; : - If You Have a Want, Advertise It in i "THE JOURNALa" . r. Cost Sc ta-LInc FOR RENT HOUSES. PABTTAL LIST FOR RENT WEST BIPB S looasa. beet, light, water lacladed 14 T-rooea bouaa, good eonditloa. 16 B-rooaa Sat, anoaera,, cloae ls,............ 18 5- reoaa Sat, Beodera, good tocatloa ., IT 6-room cottage, bath, gee, almost aow.... 18 S-room cottage, aew, atrlctly aeodera 30 Note No information regartllug . the a be glrea orer phone. H - aV -ftDWARDS,--Hueaefteratokaai -1A6-1P1 First at. i FOB BBNT Blegaat asw B-reoaa house, Salaaed aaaement, atauooarT waaa araya, large roaana, d block from ateel bridge! rent aheap. . Ot to ft Crockett, S46tt Waahlngtoa St. KADDEBXY TRANSFEft CO.. prompt and re liable nlane aad turn 1 tare movers: akfte stor age. Pboaa Mala leso, Ofnce 110 M. Third. THft CONTINENTAL COMPANT . INBCRANCll. AULNTALS-J ARB -VUTt. : 1S PER MONTH Fornlehed 6-raom aettag wita wooa ana watar; large yarej aaa cnics Kia Eaat Beeond at, aoraar tui. FOR RENT Nice T-room bouee, tot 100x100, run variety or trait aad ahrahbery, UBlearaity Park, 116. Pboaa Baat 6066. T-ROOM bouaa with bath, aa earlla. 100x100, close to school, i 143 Central are, Mt Tabor. MODERN T-room' bias a, AST 10th et 1 newly painted and papered. Apply to P. L. Bunt ing, room 40 Woreester bids. -' 10-ROOM . bouee, with summer dining-room. situated ST Jierth J4lk at- laoult 204 Mac lea y bldg. - P0B RENT B room house, all modem - con- semence. II rreaaoat at- rnona Mela awi. FOR RENT t-room modem hoaae. 830 East First at, aortk, aoraar Halsey, rboae Cnloa 6S9S. - - NICI 8 -room booae. 63S Thurmab' at.. 813.60 per month, Coaxaaere. P. S. Asia, S2S Chamber ,f FOR BENT Oood 8-rosai he use, eaa-renient Bad eery central, axo; to a takes oa Ota ot April. 88 East Sixth between Darla aad Krerett. Suitable for one or twa roomera. FOR : RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE rnnm Ba furnished aample noma for re at tieednnagh aids. Apply rater. . - - ele- 0FFICB-BOOMS, . SOB Alesg; Jajnlr L. ft. KhuOea.' FOR BENT Front t a tore. No. 843; rest $30. Phon Mala Dee. BUSINESS CHANCES. TWO eomnlat R usee 11 steam plaata for aala. reaaonaaie; ens w-Borsvpewer iiwbwud iea. aell aaglae, 7 o-horsepower boiler, A Inch flues, with ateam pampa aad Amerlcaa aoll heater," 'all la ho. 1 ahapa, and one Sloas City auto matic so-boraepowar ttuaaeu type aagtav, nearly new, Alack flaea la bailer, pomp and beater eomplete, also ateem pipes and fittings, ate. These steam plaata are of aa Idea power for factories or mllla. Ala bar mill machinery eomplete for 178-barrel flour mill for aale at a eery low price. Address Automatic Engines, car Joaraal. , IDAHO, OH, IDA HO I Writ at once tor lav- format loa eoecerains laaae, noeineae apea Inge, tockrelatng, orcharding, climate, eoll, etc., la beautiful south weat era Idaho. Goon ctl Cemiaareial Club, CaaacU. Idaho, Box O. I WANT to sell ray Interest la a mall ardet buslaoas; here la a chance for a party to gel Into buaineaa ea a eery am all eapltaL Ad drees S 48, care Joaraal. . )2&0 DOWN boys a 13-roora lodging bouse oa ft. vtn. aoa a., ax. Aiigiey, room eu, ui f Waahlngtoa at FOB S ALB Bait Interest or all af a patent; ao limit ta demand; all ready for the market ; guarantee 100 per cent profit ; will clear 2O,000 la 8 years; don't answer thla ualeee yoo bare BS.000 eaah; yoa to handle all money; ttrle will bear closest lnToatlgatioe. Call or addraaa 1110 Baat -Taylor at . FOB SALB A asuatry atoi and price addreae L. B. Douglas coaaty, Oregoa. . Tat particulars Sotlck. DUoarUla. SICKNESS compels the tola ef a .wen-estsb-llabed electrical buaineaa at Invoice; pay wall; rent 110. 0 la, ear JoaraaL WB -bar wheat land, stock hxad. fruit land. ' acreage, , Improved aad aBlmnrorad city property, and a pood exchange liat Baa aa before buying. Northwest Laad Co,, SOB Ooodaoagh Mds. BEB or write J. F. Boat ft Ca. for aafa aad 1 profitable Inreetmenta. SOS McKay bldg., Portland. Oregoa. , - .. . BURST AatomatJe Railroad Switch stock eold at a big discount. Apply to W. J. Curtis, SIB Commercial blk. Poena Mala 6884. $800 DOWN bora 48-room ' lodglng-boaaa oa Fifth at. See H. B. Hlgley, room 80, 237 Waahlngtoa at . WB0 IS M. O. MORGAN ft CO.f FOR SALE General lar buaineaa established la 18M; offlca library aad Sxturea, county aaat la tbrlrlng county, eaatera Oregoa; 8 000, half eaah, balance ea time; abject retire from buaineaa. Address P, 0.,'car Journal. LA RGB or small roornlnr-houeee for aal aa terma by B. B. HlgUy, room SO, 327 tt Waahlngtoa at. BAVft TOO BBARD af tba Cardinal mil the mine that will make Oregon famous 1 Samples aad full particular room S04 Dekum ' bldg., ear. Third and Waahlngtoa. Portlaad, Oregoa. FURNITURE of 8 room bouaa aa 10th at., for aala aa tarms. H. H. Blgley, 227 tt Waah lngtoa at BEST ins atom la aastera Oregoa far aala. ejrugs, care eouruat. j $4,000 BUTS a aplandld paying etjar. tebaoce, new and billiard-ball bualaeea.- Addraaa C K. Da Neffa, SuraDtsr. Oregon. $1,100 DOWN buys a rorrrnlng-honae ta the cen ter ot the city. See H. H. Blgley, room 60, 827 tt Waabkigtoa at. . BOOMINO-HOUSRS papered tinted, 81.16 room an) erery thlngfnrnlehed : pticee g furnished; pticee oa large amount af work. Phone betwaea 8:60 aad T Woodlawa 08. WOULD buy small or large rooming aheap. Mr. Weat, p, O. box 47. WANTED Lady or teat- with a Uttle Ban to take charge of a restaurant. See B. H. Blgley, room SO, 227 tt Waahlngtoa at. FOR SALB Tb beat eaah boelnees pa Coos bay, th coming city ef tba waat Addraaa box T4, Mershflsld, Or. BBST-PAYINQ small raatanraat ea Waahlngtoa t for aale. Addreae O T, ear Jouraal. HALF INTEREST la restaurant and bom bakery for aala. Addraaa 0 8, ear Jouraal. FOB SALB Physician's practice and offlca; tocatloa center of city; large practice; cheap rent Otto ft Crockett S46tt Waahlngtoa at. FOR SALB Cigar, tobacco, stationery, peri odical and candy store; good location; ewaer baring other buaineaa. 80s Burnalde at. ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A SNAP New modem bouaa af T roots; one of tb beat -built beuees la Holladay addi tion; corner ht 60x100; amat be eold ea ac count of alckneea. Owner, . BOB Eaat Seeoad at, aorta. ' FOB SALE 7-roorn hones la Irrtagtoa) SAOO eaah, belaace monthly; would take vacant lota part paymeaL Epplng, Beeond aad Mor ' rieoa ata. ARB yoa In tba market far a large strictly aiodera hoaae, aaat aide, 32d at. T Forced sale; must sell. It so It will snrsly pay yoa to iareetlgat this. Inquire 40T Hawtaorae are. BAST S1PB BA ROA INS S-ROOM MODERN RKSIPSNCB, 62(W; S-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE, iiaOOj B-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCB, $1,700; if-ROOM HOUSE. 13t0. SHOO DOWN, $18 MONTHLT: HOOD RIVER V A LI, EI RANCH $1,600, IMPROVEMENTS gVegOBT, ROOM' IB. 1S3H GRAND AVB. LOTS ea Bast Bath t aeaf Hawthorne, only $280; eery eaay terms. W A ears JoaraaL $10.00 PER ACRft $10.00 , IBRIOATBD LAND - Crook county, Ore roe. DEED direct from . ' SSI Aider tt, PertUad, OregOeV ; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE Fine lot 10x100. Columbia heights Peninsula); orchard ' aad hnpreraiaenta; - $3,000; halt eaah, balance la aoreee or cattle. - Addraaa O 10, care JoaraaL BT. JOHNSI ST. JOHNSI , aveai'leaos lots raise la price 8X6 each April 1; choice rbuaineea aad reeldeae tots dose I- t " DOUAON ft CAr7FlxTLD,-Ja FOR BALM IB lota 4a Penlnaala Addltloa No. i a. Bear the bow railroad Una, $100 each. Call ea 0. A. BygowakL WlUamette ataUoa. FO SALB by owner, -eiyier 40 or $0x100 -ea Eaat Darts, betweea ltlth and 11th; aU Im prorementa are la; price $AA per front toot: easy terma. Eaat 82o0, or Uqutra at 62B Bast DarU at TT. ,. , FOR SALE , " Stt acre.' ell cleared, located ea Partoa -aa aoa ft V -Joaaa -earHna. -.--- -Bl.TtM) bays a T-room hooaa; hot and cold watar, treea bearing fruit, ground 60x100 feet; S4U0 eaah, balaaea monthly. $1,600 buy a good 4-reem outage, ground 100x100 feet square, eoruer, . tree bearing fruit, - end Sowers. . $1,400 hays a aew 6-room cartas, aaodaca plumbing; half eaah, balance aa time. , $1,160 buy a 8-raom cottage, ground BS f ix 108 feet; alley In rear. ..If you are looking for s alee bam aa the Upper Pealneala, call oa , C. A. ftYGOWSKI, ' Bt. John aar. WUlamaite Station. AT BT, JOHNS S alee cottage aad 3 'Bna large km for -II. two; bring Us Interest fthepard.. Pokes A Peterson. . FINB earner tot, full alas, east front: betweea " WllUsms and Union area.; . aria $SU0; eee thla aooa. Pboaa Beat 6ST8. . GRAND OPPORTUNITY No. 8 - Itt acres 800 feet from etatloa; front eu electric Haw, SB minutes from city; $200 eaah; doa't Inquire after tomorrow, for It .will be eold. iaqulre all-Baat Stth t Phone Bast 614.. . . , . . : . . . . seres, sdolalag ft,, ft,-, atattoa at - Moots Tills, far $936. Terms ' $100 eaah, talaaea $16 per " ' ; Bioath aad Interest "TT-. "M. LOMBARD, . 614 Chamber at Co WB weat yoa to ae th beautiful lota betweea 44th aad 46th eta., one block eeuth of Haw. . thorne are. i earllne, wklck are aelUng for ' $286 per tot: the term are $10 pay month. We bars eold ana third -of thla tract end want '"you to realise that these lota are the beat bay ea th east side today. - -- - - - M B. LEt 3tt rMa at. - $3.000 NEW - BMdera Aroom hoaae' ea Bast Morrleoa att easy terma. 107 tt Third at. -ROOM house and bit 60x100. - la Sunnside; on loc at loa, aaat aaimoa at. ; aou cean, thea $20 per month. Patterson A Stewart, luOOtt Belxaeet at pboae Baat 8880. A FIW more lot left ea But Taylor at.; they are KOxlOO and we are siring them away for $426. Pattersoa ft Stswsrt. lOOOtt - Bclmoat st - S LOTS at Kara Park, Mount Scott Uae, with small bouaa; water pi pea in para; ceee er uwaer, awv aira as. -BOOM bouaa, nearly new, . $860; tt down. balaaea $10 per month, 8 par eaat; Tealne ara., Sallerood. . 6-room house, -1 block from earUnt; $090;, sod bargain. - . - O. H. WAIXBERO, ' pheaa Bast 40U-. . 603 Umatilla are; ft-BOOM modem cottage, 81.400; tot 78x90, Im prered street Bear ear; $200 eaah, $16 month, 6-room modern up-to-date residence, aaxlU; . $2,800, $200 eaah aad $26 monthly. Call 88 Caaoa at, MoaUrUla. . $3,360 ACRES bearerdam laad, suitable for onions, all clear, running water, oa the O. W. P. car, this aide ef Leats; tarms. lOTtt $4 at TO 6-room bouee with large lota, lmprored afreet, near earllne, etorea,. churches, eehool, etc.; prleea $1,000 ap; will accept work la part payment,, balance tons time. Do yea wlah a hornet I hare lot of work. W. J. Burden, contractor aad builder, $$ Caaoa at, MoaUrllle, Oragoa. -ROOM modem cottage aad corner lot 48x100, No. 1134 Baat Salmon; aew and ready to ee capy. Call er pboaa Xaat 4169. $1,800 THIS tea bar gals; new S-room Cali fornia ooicage, BBOuers. eat annuel luviiui located on the new pro posed earllne at Bell wood; $800 down, balance S year. Apply to owner, - pboae Sell wood TA. - y JOHNSON ST.. west aide; pood A room rest. . denes, only $2,600. Kloaelf, U3 Commercial blk. Mala SH28. LOTS la a growing eaborb at eaat; raloea bar increased 40- per cent elace . porcaaaai eaah ealy. U 8, care JournaL MT. TABOR. T rooma, bath, atabl. tout of - fruit 100x100. Owner. 138 Third at. ' FOR SALft Neat aew A-room aottage, cheap, by ewaer. SSS Baat -Brerett FOR SALft BT OWNER New modem cottage; . good location; price $1,600; eaay tarns, Pboae ' Baat S00A A NEW T-room modem hones, four bloeke from ' end ef Moatarllla earllne, ea block from Base Line, lot 100x100 feet: a eery elghtly location; $3,300. Inqnba ef ft, ft. fttselore at ' Hewitt's llrery bam. 80x100, No. 40 Fourth at.. Bear Coach, leased for 3 yeare, to reeponalble party tor $10 per 'month; price $17,000. . See ewaer at P. Abraham's, 118 Second at FOR SALB S lots. T-roem hoaae, brick fouBda ttoa. well teaced, alee laws, good tocatloa oa Mala at, Ashland, Oregoa. Address P. 0. Box ST, Boaeburg, Oregoa. W. H. MOREHOUSE, .. : 1ST0 Kaet lath at. Sena Phone Beiiwoed 7. Tba largest list of lmprored property la Scllwoad. -Home from $600 to $6,000. Rosa addltloa, tba greet factory site; tot $8 aowa aad $6 per month. . BELLWOOD LOTS. BS dowa aad BS a meatb) from $78 . to $200.. Beiiwoed Tewaalto- Oa. Phoae Baat 4T04. ... IP TOO waat to build, buy all rear material! at tb Amerlcaa Ian; yoa will aeee T6 per cent; fine doors, window, plaster board, rustle or elding, flooring, atalra, timber aad lumber. Phoae ewaer Paelflc IOTA A FINB ebtckea ranch right ea electrle earllne, 10c car fare: t acrea; 1 acre clear, balance ease to clear; good bouaa, 34x24, good well antf oatbnlldlnga; f10 al.OOO; eery 'easy terms. Address V 11.. ears JearasL 30 ACRM, 13 Biles east ef Portlsnd. tt mile from electrlo line; 13 cere la cultlrartos; lots ef fruit, fin soli; will make ths flneat apple or walnut orchard la Oregon; price only $1,000; on eaay terma er will exchange for city property. 18. eara Journal. t HAVE a few B-aere tracts ef eerr fine land, eery saay ta clear; 0 ml lea aaat ef Portland. - and only oa mile from O. W. P. electric Hue, that I will eell at from 10 to $76 per Acre, oa eery eaay terxoa. Addraaa T 14, ear JoaraaL -' BARGAIN Twa-atorT dwelling. ment, paatry. lawn; amau Caen payment balance monthly payoawta, AST Fargo. Pkoae Baat 6303. - FOR SALB By awaer, twa aew modem hoaeaa. between 33d and 34th, ea Wasco. Holladay Park! -alee furnlah lota and build. B. R. Rice, S83 Sandy road. .Phone Baat 1086. .. -..Why-'Pay Rcntr-;.: When yoa can bay a new A mora cottage, lot 80x100, for $000, $100 eaah. terma to suit ea be lance 1 This place la oa 44th at, tost S block from Mt, Tabor earllne. See ' M. B. LEE. PAtt Sixth st. 0M TO HOVBRt .... . UP TBB COLUMBIA! Regular steamers from Portlssdi ' cheaeeet rates . from the eoaat to lalaad petatai ea Band, beery aolL perpetual water right with ' esch tract, earlleat product, largest prleasi the California of tba Northwest , Write . . . HOVER LAND CO., , Borer, Waahlaatoa. FOR SALS CHEAP A aad T-room boaeee; mod. era; part eaah. 870- Oaraeld - era... Waft WeeelawAear, Paoaa Xaat 6641, . , ; antAa"Ratcs - TJNDBft ANT CULfaiFICATIOII Five Cents Per Line Ne ad taxes far lass thaa IS par day, Serea words, as a rale, eeaatitote a Uae, bat each line la ckaxged regardleaa ef the sum her of word. ...' WXAJLLT RATA T lnaertlnna (lacladlng ane Sunday laaue) 88 CZVZS per Hue per M0MTRXT BATS lnctoeiag wlt -asaday v laeuea i $1 yi line pec month. -. - AVERTISEMAJfTS -must be la Joaraal buaineaa atnea by 13 e'eluek week daya aad by '10 o'clock Saturday eeeatag for the Sunday laaue, to secure claealflcattoa. DISPLAY RATES glrea apea appllcatloa at the efAcs. I THB JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICES J, AUlVUTIAaTXirTxl -'twill be received at regular mata-erAce rate. Following la a Hat er authartaea agents who will forward, your adrertlae BMnt la tlx for publlcatloa Is the aaxt leauei . . '. ST0BTH WDX. v' '. ft. A. Praatea. dmgglst, i Twaatp-tBM nd Tbiirman atreeta. . Nob-Hill Pharmacy, 880 Gllaaa ' street, earner Twenty-flxet A.- W. Allen, pharmacist, Slxtoantk aad Marahall atreeta. McCommoa'a Pharmacy, Niaatacath sad Waahlngtoa atreeta. . i , , , - ': 80TTH alVX. ft. P. 'Joaea ft Ce. dragglsta, Front aad Olbba atreeta. - Cottal Drug company, First sed Great streeta. Fabian Byerler, druggirt, 400 Jefforaoa atreet; -aoraar Tenth. Bettmaa'a pharmacy, aoraar Sixth and Barrleoa atreeta. I i Plummer Drug eoxopanx,' 260 Third treat, earner Madleoa.. ' . XAftT alDB, " "" ' W. B. Lore, drugglet. ear ear Grand arenas aad Baat Burnalde atreet - NlcbcJa ft ThompaoB, 126 Baaaell atreet, earner Alblaa arenue. Jaacke Drag company, . eoraer Bawtbera and Grand areaaea. W. CU Cable. druggUt eoraer Holladay arenue and Larrabee etreet, Bear . ateel bridge. . R. A. Wllaoa, 188 Grand arenue, sear Beat MorrteoB. - - , - B. W. Ball,. 866 : Bast aerenth atreet, earner Stephen. .. TMttle pharmacy, BBS MlaalaalpBt arena. eoraer Share street. .1 P. J Clark. AraggUt 100$ North Untoa arena a. . BtTatNTBIDX. - J. ' B pharmaclat BOB Balmoat atreet - ' BX00B1TX7. ' . ; . Breoklya Pharmacy aompany, Powall sad Milwaukla atreeta. .' -r . ,.. , ARLETA, 0XXO0V. Arlata riarxaacr. Mora and Foster atreeta. SKIXW00D. - Bemetoek'a pharmacy, - corner Umatilla areaee aad East -Thlrtaeath street ' (T. J0BM. ' ' Blllott'a. pharmacy. .- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOB SALB AT A BARGAIN A Ine stock range, containing about S.SOS ' acrea; all under fence; aituated near Rose bars, Oregoa; ea B. P. R. R.; thla la eee of ' the beat atock range in the eooaty; I alaa bare another aooa atock ' range containing 1.430 acre, which will be eold at a very low Ec. For particular address J. ft. Bulbar , ewaer. Roeebarg, Oregoa. NICB. hooaa and nearly -3 lota. 466 4 and Rooaerelt. Inquire Lowengardt. AS Park at, B0CSB8 built, eaay terma; can rurnlak kits. Miller. SIS Cotnmerrlal bids. Mala 1S40. " , v - x . ACRE TRACTS! "' , ; " -i OPft SPICIALTT IS ACBB TBAcAl , ."- FulV-atBrd atreeta, water to each aara..L!I' . TERMS $10 FEB ACBB CASH " . y 410 PER ACBB PER MONTH. Tea ' aa ' to these acrea ea the 'aame ' ear, Cy tee eame Be fare the tot ma a paya- - The t man la yonr neighbor, la re--atrlcted In malorlty . ef featurre. that auks a troe- rubor ben home. - i -Open Wednesday aad Saturday ereelags, i ' ft. 0. CHURCH ILL ft C0M INC. . ' US Second St . , AROOM house and quarter block at the corser of Eaat 14th aad Beacoa eta., $1,800. - W S, care Joaraal. 1 ." . HERB ARB A FEW BARGAINS ... 80x200. ea Weat 14th at; S boaaeei paylag big Interest; price $23,000. Corner let. West 18th at; lmprored; rent ' tor $80 per pAonth; price $8.T60. H block ea Baat Waahlngtoa at. bouses. Income $000 per annum. ' tt block. Aaat aixta ex., eeuirai aasunai $$,600. U. 3. aara JournaL , LOT T6X100, small aew bonee and bars, a good milch cow, all for $.129: terma. S0J Broad at, Moatarllla, Oregoa.. WILLIAMS AVB. Ftoa T-room modem beaael house on rear ef lot renting for $S a monlui . lot 00x120. alley; price $6,000. - Vaacoarer are. Bear Rneaell Large T-ranra modem bouaa, tot 60x100s a bargain; price . $8,200; terma. Cook are. near Will lama are. 6-room cot tare; price $2,200; rery eaay terma. Hare other property In earn locality.. H. O. BROWN. 61S McKay bldg. LOT oa Tillamook Bear 13th; a bargain; bp owner.. Main 40. . CHEAP lots near Pledn box 116, city. nt. Address ' Percy.:' DO YOU WANT TO BUT city lots er acres re f If so, ae Baat Side Real Batata Co. Ka.t id property a peclalty, 40T Hawtboraa are., sear Omnd. Phone Baat I06T. Stt ACRES la tfty tlrnlU. ea county road and J commanding fine view, $1,100. K Dwell, 402 i I Commercial pix aiaia wa. T0P PAYING. RENT and owe your owe home, . I hare S bread aew cottages. 4 roam and t Wa to each house. 10-mlnute ear aerrlre: prise $1,100; terma, $fl0 dowa. belaaoa W per month: ne taxes, no Insurance. Ala an roe recant lota, beautiful location, orer loo k ' tnr city. 8 blocks from earllne. city watar - price $12$ to BIBOt terma, $10 dowa, $4 per month. ,' Addreae 0 B. care Journal. ' I aow, oa'-the, market Lota at aereeg pr'cea. . .y ' Let Bnx20..,.....,.-...e.......8100 -. uts. 100x290 ; !5 . Lots 300x290 -. $400. . Thee lota are all la cultlratloo, I ere! aad nightly, on. a graded atreet B mlnotee' -v walk to good 10-room school at Lenta; 6-cent fan , to any part of Portland;-water. free. Terms. . 0. ft, - Add I too, awaer, Lenta, Ore- -goa; take Mount Scott ear. Be. . THB 100 a ctl re agents ef the PaclSe Beat Eaute Exchange can aell roar property.. S2S Waahlngtoa at Mala 1626. . FOR SALE FARMS. BEST bargain la Oregoa; .for aale, a SSS-aera Term, a mines iron gooa 1 u wwH,-awv acres In wheat and oaU. 12 room bouee, S . oarns, plane w - 7 -m - - balance laad'paatnre and timber: parr baser to bare one third of crop end all fannmg , Implemente. Price 17,000, part oa time. Address James M. Pagh, McMlaarltlo. Or. IBS' ACRES fme land,' under VCTlttrarloa;. ! ' BOBaea aaa 111 Becreeary aarea euuainaa asia Improrementa; reaeoa for selUag, ewaer la -TO yeara old; A snap at $6,000. Aadreaa 0 4, care JournaL THB beat lmprored SS acre farm, ea the Base Line road, sear . the Twerre Mile baaai 1 complete farm aaachlnery -and atock ; all the land -ln crop; good bulldlasa; water; ' all lerel and ao gmrel; $4,600; eaay tarms ' and low Interest Bee awaer, F. Abrahaax. t 111 a 1 1 a at FOR . SALB Splendid farm af 10 acrea, 100 . acrea la cnltiratlen,' 40 acre In greae. email timber, : Aroora . hooaa, , ban aad goad wall ef water. Tbla farm la located ea a See trareled read. 3 miles from a towa. T ml lee . from the county aeet of Benton coaaty, eta tloa adjolahig laad. Will Bail this an aaa terma st $26 per acre. Sea J. L. Walla ft cot. urarMi era., or j. Mr tiiaway, uep uw, lamito- or u.-vc rallla. Or, ft. P. D. Me. L '-V