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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1906)
'V: TII2 "0r.LG0W DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 7, 1603. , - To call attention to our Tinwarts Department and the fact that we sell tinware cheaper than any firm in Portland and also to introduce our Eclipse Range into 86 new homes, we offer-as-fiPECIAL-lfREB pREMIXJM&hotc-f any-twoihese-hTds6TOetckclptateil' kitchen utensils, , or $3.00 worth, free from our tinware or graniteware stock, toall who order fcur Eolipse Steel .Range j. ";'V 'v '.;. 5 'i'E? ; Free , yiif " );Eciipsc Vv-r m ;: J Ranrjc:; J " IM Copper Tea Kettle Nickel .r- - ,v- Plated. - -- ---- rThfsTwrKettle is ofotfdTopper7to'viflvrckef given as a. free premium, together r"This handsome nickel-plated - Coffee Pot, retailing at $3.00, will LEIIIEIIiUIETAT WOIIIGTOU Official Society Keeps Up, Round of Dinner but Cay Smart , SerHaTTTown South. FOREIGNERS NOT ASKED TO CABINET BANQUETS . President I Docs Not Car to . Meet DUtinguished Envoys and-Offends - Friendly Foreign Courts Peaceful " Life Led by Mrs. Roosevelt. . " ' (Wdt)n(to Burns of Tb Jure.!.) Waahlncton. March tl. Waabinston " Society' la looking- torwurd to - rep -from-Xntan. auletud whJch the eprlnf meet of the Waahlnfton Jocker club will brine to their Jaded epirlta. Year by year and meet by meet the eport of - klnsa beeomea mora popular at the na tional capital and from a. turf view point theae eeml-annual races are re tarded aa moet deelrable erente In which to enter likely horaefleah. tlub-houee habitues, and especially the feminine, element, take probably more lntereat In the steeplechases than In flat running, and this year they will -is--afforted-nr-opporWntt;Mo ses.some of the flnest jumpers and croae-country thorouihbreda in the trtilted Btatea. ; Torelrmera OsaiMed. ' It Is likely that the same rules anent the personnel of guests at the banquets -Wen by the cabinet to the president will hold for another season.- Aceordlns to popular rumor the prealdent recreated his hosts not to aak any foreigners to the dinner.!. Looking over the lists, now thst the entire series is completed, it seems remarkable coincidence that tiot a single member of the diplomatic corps was invited to meet the chief executive. Last year any cabinet hoateas who could not secure at least two ambas sadors to sit at her board on the great : occasion was accounted a social failure. 5o 'W with this beautiful $2,00 , CoffeeoiLlTea.PoU Eclipse Range . -.- - and- engraved - Teapot, " solid copper, and : ?ts'rcompahion be-given free in the same manner if your-prefer them. ; . Just-why-th -president did- not ts meet the distinguished envoys has not been explained. But It ha a created a painful lmpresaton among these gentle men, and especially among thoas whose sovereigns heap-hit kinds of honor on American diplomats - abroad. In ; the meantime the resident set has captured the eorps and showered them with hos pitality. - - - lbs. BooserelVs XsUts. a '' lira, Roosevelt hea been enjoying quiet days, even If her .nights are etui given up to small dinners snd recep tions. She haa resumed her pedestrian habits and with her sister. Miss Carow. tTMT bs seen In the wooded roads wt of the cty. Soma afternoons she drives out In the high cart .for her daughter, Ethel, who comes In . dally from the Cathedral school. Just as often she drops by the Fores public echool, where Quentln is laying the foundation for hla future . greatnesa. . : She waits with exemplary patience for eohool to close If she arrives ahead of time, and aha has a smile snd bow for the children, who no longer iook opon rtier as a curiosity. lira. Roosevelt "lsllkewIssS."TerTnt attendant at the 4 o'clock Lenten devo tions at St. John's. - She Usually walks over front the White House and when the service Is ended joins some friende for a atroll. During the past week ahe has been wearing a smart cloth suit of dark gray with a- white vest and black hat with a tiny wreath of pink roaes and some white tips. Urs. Boot'sJleg1ecl. All official society Is hers still at the old grind of dinner-giving and dinner, eating, but the ultra-millionaire set haa riown to Florida or to Cuba. It la now conceded that the capital contains two entirely distinct social contingents, each a a powerful and each as Independent aa the other. The official set,, since the coming of the Roosevelts. Is distinctly a potent force In the pouts won a. Yet, paradoxical as It may seem, never waa the position of the cabinet hoatesses beld--SUcBmttredTJjnxarsi when If the wife of the secretary .of atate was a Oothamlts she would be ruling power in the aoolal resident set from the Empire state, and the sams was true in a lesser degree of the other women. Mrs. Root has kept severely aloof from the large New Tork con tlngent now In Washington, and as far aa possible from tne oipiomaue set with whom they fraternise. Of the other cabinet hostesses It must be said that they have observed every tradition per talnlng to - their state and wearrylng work It hag been. . Frefeiied atook Allen Lewis Best Bread. Blueskm a choicc hard wheat family flouk EVEIIY SACK CDARANTEED i . . - ARK YOU OROCKR FOR IT EICKREALl UIILLNG CO. 253 Washington St $2.00 Copper ""Coffee , Pot Nickel - .Plated. : $1.25 Ihe oven a It taken CHILDREN DIVORCED -AFTER A DAY'S MARRIAGE Girl of Sixteen Elopes With Beardless Youth and Both Get Homesick. (Joarotl Special Serais.) ' Chicago, March tt. One day of mar ried life waa quite enough for-Mrs. Harriet Toung, who Is a daughter of the president of the H. Boors Packing company. - She had attained the mature age of II, had begun to wear her aklrts longer and do up her balr when she mat Luther C. Toung, an offlos emptors of Llbby, McNeill As Llbby. Toung. tme to his name, waa 1 years of age, and when the youngsters began to make goo goo eyes and sigh deeply they were warned by their parents, so eloped and wsrs married at Hammond, Indiana. Mrs. Toung told ths court that she had only lived with her husband one day; that both became lonesome and each returned to the parental homes. The court thought It best to grant a aeparatlon and give ths wlfs a chance to get aoquaimea wim nvr nom mna her former husband an opportunity to grow a mustache. - - - - THREENEW'COMPANIES FILE THEIR ARTICLES LI 1 Special DWpatrh 7t Joarail.) s. . r March 17 ThA folio win at K90B.Wia, V' v articles of Incorporation hava been filed in the secretary of state's office: Ap- plegats VaUey Telephone company; in corporators, E.- Bagden, E. N. Provolt . Uan! srlnclnal office. I lli MW. - ... - - . - Provolt, Josephine county; capital stock. 11,009. - Edwards company; H. H. Edwards. August Lange. T. H. Ricbarda as lncor- . . M Kt 1 mtAnlr lil KSO: nHnni- pal office, Portland. The eompany will manufacture furniture, buy and ssll real and personal property. tv. in. r',uk Mlnlne esmnanv; In corporators. I. F. Reddy, Simon Shaw and William Angle, au or mearora; capital stock 10.000; principal office, Medfs' - i The Ei ' f -r r.' i . I 4 I ' . 1 pi rii.':'H t'finv t ..'r-. . : i't Teams Carryinc Supplies for Workers on Klamath Irrigation Plant in ' Mason-Dovic Company's Camp. - We have Just unpacked a carload of .the great "Eclipse" Steel Rangesy-thli car conUlned 88 "Eclipses," and is direct from the Eclipse Stove Company of Mansfield, Ohio, where they are manufactured expressly 'for us. By buying du-ect from the manufacturers we save all jobbing house and middlemen's profits, and are thereby enabled to offer the consumer a better range for less money than any other dealer in the city. THIS GREAT - It is guaranteed for 15 years by the manu facturers. - ; -' :. ' It has a large firebox one fifth as large as the oven insuring perfect and quick baking. The "Eclipse" is noted as a baker. It bakes quickly and evenly. , ; r oven ot this new lot is Handsomely aluminized. -The -aluminum- finish givesrthe i Tangcs".Do not be humbugged with a painted clean, bright finish. has a duplex gfatt simple twist into a wood the wrist converts the range for Only - TSms $i;00 It costs us more than $1.00 to deliver and install a range. But we have confidence in . the range, and know it will please you. : We are never asked, to take, back an Eclipse through ' any fault of the ranged We stand ready to do so at any time, however. : - ' A six-hole Eclipse for $45.00, Please investigate the Eclipse and our premiums before purchasing a range. Sold in the country on the same easy terms. .Your old stove or range' in, part payment. r , , - ' j TV ," . r ' EZRA MEEKER MARKING : TRAIL IN UMATILLA (SpadaL Dkipitck to Tha JoeraaL) . Echo. Or., Marcir. Xtj-rEara,-MsekeB. ths pioneer of lttl, who is going from Qregon,Jo Indiana, with" an ox team, ar rived In Echo laat'nlghf aftraWkS journey from Ths Dalles. Wednesday hs will go to Pendleton, where he will camp for a few days before starting over the Blue mountains. - In some places hs says It Is almost Imposalbls to follow the route of the old trail, owing 1 to . settlement, but he marks the routs svsrywhers so It may not bs entirely lost to coming gen orations. . . , Vew Oil Tank a VsastUla. (SprHal Plapatrb to Tba JoernaL) . -" Umatilla,' Or., March 17. The O. R. a N. Co. is now finishing Work on ths oil tank at Umatilla for atorlng oil te be used en locomotives between Uma tilla and The Dalles. As soon as the tank is complete several engines will bs converted Into oil burn era and placed In service on the west snd of the sys tem. If it proves eatlnfactory all the engines on 'ths eyatem will bs changed from coal to oil burners. olmerican Restaurant . Oo. Third and Oomch Sts. - . opsv bay ast arzoarr. ..' Biases front 11 a. sa. te S p. aa. - - Ohiekea aeJad, Mayenmalse ..SO Boiled almoa, Oreaaa see 16e Slaam Kooka, wUk Cabbage 20 rried Ohiekea, Cream Oravy. . . . . ,26e SBwiemibg of Besf , SHreeS Voatoe.aO Teal Ohopo, Breaded, Toaaeee Saaes. 80s) Chipped Beef te Creej. .......... .20 Weioev SSMwagss, Mot lw. ,i ., . ,lBe Irish Stow, with Samplings 15 ensuM Bot Beast, Boodles...... 15e Stead Obsess, Potato Salad. ........IB stoast ohiekea, with Breeeiaf 25 Baaat Teal IB. Beef 16, Perk IB Pried Beaot OXaaas..' 15 SMttneo lO, Siloed Tomatoes. ... lo Bknbai PU 5. mannas Baaao.S Try ths Amsrteaa Baetonraat gad yen WtU be alg-hly pleased. . ,. 1 I I i mi rT coal burner. The range is 'also supplied with a front pouch feed for coaL; L... :A . One of the chief points of merit; in the Eclipse' Range, is damper construction. The damper works in a horizontal slide and can be opened the thickness of a knife blade or full width of flue at the option of the user. No other Range possesses so: perfect -a-device. This improvement is fully protected by patent. The draft openings in front and in the pipe are also perfectly constructed. The "Eclipse has three walls. Two thick walls of rolled steel and a middle wall of thick asbestos. This method of construction guar antees that all heat shall be retained jn the chambers about the' oven. No heat goes to -waste by radiation as is the case in castiron or inferior department store or bargain store sheetiron range. The best of or "Eclipse is all we claim for we will sell you " ' Down, $1.00 a Week HONOR MEMORYOF "FIGHTING JOE" National Memorial Exercises for General Joseph Wheeler Held in Atlanta. BLUE AND GRAY UNITE - -IN TRIBUTE TO HERO Corporal Tanner, Generals Lee and "Young Among the Speakers Im mense Concourse Hear Words of -Praise for Dead.-;-- - (Joeraal Special Serrlra.) Atlanta, da., March 17. Ths spacious limits of ths grand opera house this afternoon barely sufficed to contain the chosen hundreds bidden to-atteneV ths national memorial exercises in honor of ths lata General Joseph Wheeler. The veterans of two wars occupied aeats of honor and ths remainder of the audience Included many public men of prominence. The auditorium was tastsfully decorated with flowers and the Inter-twined colors ot ths union and ths confederacy. The noted guests were eeoorted from ths eapl tol to the . opera., houaa by the state militia and various patriotic and semi-military- organisations. "" - Ths gathering at the opera house was called to order by Colonel T. Hardin Jones of Camp A, Wheeler'a cavalry, "who1 acted se master at xeremonls. The appearanoe on the stage of Uenerat Stephen D. Lee, commander-in-chief of the United Confederate Veterans; Cor poral James Ft. Tsnner, commander-in-chief of ths Grand Army of. ths Repub lic, and the other noted gueata of ths occasion was greeted with loud sppla.use. Governor TerreW of Georgia delivered the Introductory remarks, his address being . preceded by the opening prayer and several selections of muslo. - Gov ernor Terrell Introduced General Bennett H. Toung of Kentucky who delivered ths bratlon of the day.. General Toung apoke. eloquently of hla personal ac quaintance and friendship with ths late General Wheeler.- He eketcbed the use ful notable services of General Wheeler, his brilliant career as a cavalry leader In the war between the states, his part in ths Spanish wsr. ths work hs had dona in congress and the esteem In which he wss held by the entire country. General Toung was followed by a num ber of other prominent speakers, who added their eulogies of the life snd character of General Wheeler. Among them were Corporal Tanner, Oeneral Lee, General Julian S. Carr of North Caro lina. Major Charles R. Miller of Cleve land and Colonel' Thomas M. Owen of Montgomery, Alabama. CAPTAIN SPICER TO - WED HOQUIAM GIRL (Special FHtpatrh te Tee Joeraal.) -Aberdeen. Wash., March ST. Captain Splcer of the schoonsr Ariel, which is loading at Hoqulam. la Issuing Invita tions to his wedding to - Miss " Daley Bmlfh of Hoqulam. - which "Will take plaoe there tomorrow. . Mlsa Smith is well known In Hoqulam. attss Bnaoaa Dies at ITmaaUla, (Rpertal Dtapatrh. e The eeraeL Umatilla. Or.. Marsh 7.Mles Nellie Duncan, aged It years, died at Umatilla yesterday morning of typhoid fever. She was the daughter of J. W. Duncan, pro prietor of ths hotel at Umatilla. Her body has, been taken ta Portland 'or atria assurance that the it is the tact that :' , 173 219-227 The Klrjd Ton Have lwajg in us for orcr 80 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations ISxperimenfc, that trifle with Infants and Chlldr: What io CASTORIA Castorl Is s lutrmless substltu'e) for Castor Oil Para . . sorlc, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It Is Pleasant.. It, contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcetlt substance. Its age Is its gnarantee. ' It destroys Torms - smd allays Foverishnesa. It- cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation' and . Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children Panacea The Mother's Friend. ... OErjuiriE CASTO R I A AisWAXP The Kind You Have Always Bongbt ; In Uca For Over 30 Years. . Bew Bsaalstaa Zadastsy. , (Hpwisi IMspstcs te T Joeraal.) ' . Pendleton. Or March S7. A manu factorlng corporation with a capital stork of fieo.eoo, and oomposed en tirely of Pendleton people, haa been or ganised, to b known as ths Mathews COMMA Graphophones end Records Arc tec Cest Esy Prjrttr'j , ; HCfsIrtJ I Inclose this ' advsrtlsement. When writing for free catalogue, m j - . - 175 FIRST ST. YAMHILL ST Bought and which has been has borne the) signature) of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since Its infancy. AUow no one to deceive yoa in this. and M Just-as-roodMare but , and endanger the health er ! ISxperience a&rainat Expert mnBa - Motor company, with J. S. Mathewe, Clarence Penland, W. C. Mlnnla and W. P. Evans aa Incorporators, the pur pose of ths company being to manufac ttire.water..wheels. snd motors. "'J company will manufacture at Irrigation and waterpower wheel. . flivays Reliable ' ; ... . . ., - r