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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1906)
TUft OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUfcSDAY v EVENING. MARCH 27, 1803. .1- Toxvn Topics xoirioxri AMTJirjtijrri, T f Karouasi Ortai' . '.. S. .."tm aff ! Pont'" " Baser..,.. ....Musical Varleaqae . Umpire . .."Ol Olson" Lrrlo ...."His Wlfee Orline" Grand ......... t.... ...,.i.........TalIIU . Star Vaud.vllle ' A coroner's 1urv yesterday afternoon decided thalTFred Jensen, who was fa tally hurt by aHlng through a;hatcn " of the British ateamahlD Cambrian ' icing-, cam to his death by reaaon of ' criminal negligence on th part or tn master and other of dears f th vssel. Tha widow has announced that aha will . bring suit for damagaa. Tha accident -which resulted in the death of Jensen occurred laat Saturday, ahortly after tha arrival of the Cambrian King from San BTsnnlsoq - W)th other - longshoremen. Jenaen had commenced opening one of the hatches. t waa ahown at tha In- Quest that one of the thwartahtp beams , brok and that the man fell through' s the opening Into the hold for a dlaunce of 11 feat.- He was nicked up un- conscious and taken to Bt. Vincent's , hospttaL Thirty minutes after his ar v rival be died. ::. - -, As the result of a meeting- laat night between president F, , I. .. Fuller, or tne Portland Railway company and commit tees from tha various branches of ths t service, there will be five ' company physicians hereafter and five districts, .to eaoh of which on win be assigned. Heretofore the company has had one . regular physician, whose duty it was to look after the physical welfare .of the sick and Injured employes. It wa -decided that better results could be ob- talned at leaa cost and trouble by dli - vldlng the city Into districts sndbavlng a physician for each. The collection of 3 - the hospital fund and the distribution of It will be carried out in the same man - nrraa-before. Iu' each of lliS'npar dls . trlSts a drug store will be selected, and medicines for the men will be purchased at these Instead of at one central -store. '.' County advisory boards to th Boys' r and Girls' Aid society are belnsr or. ",-gantsed throughout the state by Suner Intendent W. T. Gardner and J. Teuacber , Jr.- In keeping with the decision of the .board of directors of the society at the - laat meeting. . The superintendent and . Hr. TeuaCher, who Is the traveling . agent of the society, have recently re turned from a tour of the southern part ' bf tha stale, where they organised sev " oral advisory boards. These boards will t . pass on all applications for admittance . to the home of the society In their re- pctivcountte,-- keep ln touch with 7 the wards of the society placed In r homes, assist in prosecution of all eaaea - when -found necessary and report all . caaas of delinquency. v--." ' R. W. roster, city paasanger agent of rihe Burlington, has received notice of , him promotion to the-position of assist ant to General Agent A. C. Sheldon. He cceed H. W.. Goddard, - who realrnea -earrrln - the- month.- Mft S'oeter- bee been connected with the-Burllngton -f or-4 the paat It years, and la one of the best known railroad men In the state. He ,has gradually worked himself; up through the various subordinate posi tions. His new position is an Important one. Coincident with the promotion of Mr. Foster comes the promotion of Ed ward Oatrander, soliciting freight agent, , who will be contracting freight agent. The position he vacates will be filled by C. V. Crowden, who has been with the Burlington -tora number,. of years. Bids' for' one'of the largest structures '." of earth In tha world ar expected to be called for within the next two weeks by the United States reclamation serv ice. This structure will be a dam to ' store tha surplus waters of ths Uma - tin river In Cold Springs canyon. Uma " tllia county, Oregon. Engineer John J. " Whistler is now making an examination : of tho territory where the dam la to be constructed. It will be more than quarter of a mile In length, 0 feet high, will contain about 100.000 cublo yards of material, will atore about 10.000 acre ' feet of water. Eighty-three feet Of water will stand aglnst th dam. Four novices In tha Order of Mercy made their profeaslon yesterday morn-iln- to .Archbishop Christie at Mount St Joseph, Sunnyslde. In honor of the event solemn services were held, the archbishop being assisted by Rev. J. H. McDevHt. St. Msry's cathedral; Rev. P. . Olbney. chaplain of the Institution, and II. de Lo rimer. Those who took the veil were: Sister M. Stta Austin of Plttson, Pa". Bister M. Regina Redding, ton of. Orange, N. J., Bister M. Blanch Fruin of Brooklyn. N. T.. Sister M. Joseph Dsugherty of. Brooklyn, N. T. There Is no great demand" for the government building which attracted much attention during the Lewis and Clark exposition. Judging from thenum ber " of bids - whleh Postmaster J.-W, Mlnto received late yesterday afternoon. He thought he was going to receive 16 ' bids, but when t o'clock cams that ..k.. Awiniid down to three. Poat- - master Mint sent them on to Washing. ton this morning, with the explanation Jhatthey were not altogether satisfac tory, xte rexueva iu uitw,. ... .''.. of 4 tie bidders. . ."''':' ' Judge Clelsnd this morning fined 8. Chehak and J. Chehak, brothers, U0 ' each for having sold tobacco to Henry Brlcker, aged II years, on February 1. The brothers protested their Innocence. .' but ths complaining witness maintained that he had purchased the tobacco at the Chehak store, corner of Hood and , Grant streeta Deputy District Attorney On a C. Moser prosecuted the eases for the sta'te, while W. B. Hufford was the defendants' lawyer. " ', ' .: The annual meeting of the Oregon Hu--2. mane society will be held this evening at 7:10 o'clock In the chapel at the ; Unitarian church. Officers will be elected' and reports of retiring officers submitted. All who era Interested In human work are given a cordial Invi tation to ba present. i t -tw! -rpoatto- for-the-Ed-warda company have been filed in the " .office of County Clerk Frank 8. Fields . hr H. TC. Edwards. August Iange and T. u' -J lss SPRING UNDERWEAR "All .the staples as well as many new weaves Union suits antiL two-piece suits, either long. or short sleeves and legs', and coat style shirts Hewett, Bradley & Co Haberdashers, 344 Washington St WIFE TELLS STORY OF CRUELTY Says Husband, a Month After Marriage. Knocked Her Sense- ' less to Sidewalk'. COULDN'T LEAVE HOME . . WITHOUT. PERMISSION Mrs.Kt ; Obrock Says . That 'When ShJWft m Married Twnty.Four . Yeara Ago Her Husband Waa So bar Youns; Man. 1 Eff la R. Holt wants a divorce from liana Holt, and In a csmplaint filed with' the circuit court tells a story of revolting orueltyc Married In Portland August i, 10S, Mrs. Holt says that It days later her husband slapped her and forbade her leaving home, without his permission.- - Several days later, she says, ehe went to visit her sister, and Holt followed her and slapped and beat her. . Mrs. Holt- declares that- she -tried to run away from him and that he fol lowed and. knocked her senseless to the sidewalk. Later a cam to bar assistance. Mrs. Holt asks to have her maiden name, Ef fie R. Brown, re stored.' :. i i . .- Mra Kate Obrock Is seeking a divorce from John Obrock, alleging that he drinks to escess and when on ihis sprees he Is abusive. The couple were married land November 39ri8fe-7--Mi Obrock - declares that when thy were married, bar husband was a aober and lndualrlous young man, but that he be gan to -drink about lO'yeara ago. 8ha says that ahe la owner of lots 7 and S, block Alblna-Homestead raddlttotb She aaksthe court to- allow her a di vorce, tha title to the property named and an order to compel Obrock to give her $26 a month alimony. Mra Llasle De Bord asks for a di vorce, from George H. De Bord, whom she married at Trenton, New Jersey, In April, 1I0J. She alleges that her tius band deserted ber a year ago. . Mrs. Da Bord asks the court to award her hus band's parents- tha care - of her baby daughter. . ' FREE ORGAN RECITALS - CLOSE THIS EVENING -Tbe last of the series of -free organ recitals by, Harold Vincent MlUtgan will be given at Calvary Presbyterian church this evening at S o'clock. Arthur N. DeVore will be ths piano soloist. The program wilt ba as follows Prelude, "Fugue in B HmV'iY, .V. . .Bach "Bonata In D minor". ....... .Oullmant - Allegro asset Andante Mtnuetto Allegro vivace. Mr. MUllgan. (a) "Intermeaio" ....Brahms (b) "Two Walts s, Noa 4 and T." . (c) "Caprtoclo." ; , -' r,Vor- " " . "Fugue liTXTmlnor" ........... .. .Bach "Revs Charmant"..: ...Gaston de Hille "Caprlcclo" ................. .Callaerta L Mr: -MUllgan. (aTPreTuda to "Paralfal". ..... Wagner (b) -Walter's Prslslled" from "Melsterelnger" .Wagner J r4-. Mr. DeVore and Mr. MUllgan.. "March da Herolqua de Jeanne d'Aro" ................. Dubois Mr. ' MUligank , . H. Edwards. The company has a cap ital atock of tO.SOO, and Its principal business will be to deal In furniture, Jewels, carpets and articles of a like nature. Recently there1 have been a few changes In tha management of th store, and It is planned to make It on of th largest furniture houses on th Pacific ooaat. ... H. T. Pag la to be appointed deputy county auditor April 1, to succeed Otto Burckhardt. whose resignation will take effect March 11, Mr. Pag has been a deputy county asaessor for some time, and Mr. Blgler declares that he Is One of the best men In his office. For years Mr. Page waa head bookkeeper for a large local wholesale house, but resigned from this position. Burckhardt resigns to go Into private business. . . Plant Rosea Now. W ' hav th largest and best stock In th city. Tou can se It In our tree yard. Front and Yamhill streets. - Descriptive and il lustrated catalog on request. Portland Seed company. Quick Returns. Lest Thursday ' ws wired an eastern factory, "Express 10 dosen assorted . latest style gray sail ors." They came Monday morning beautiea. Fraier, Women's Hatter. 214 Third St.-' y - y' T V Butser's lawn fertUIier- rejuvenates the shabby lawn; hia sweet peas and lawn grass got gold medal at th fair. ISi .Front street, between Tamhlll and Taylor. , j. -;:''. ' Th county W. C. T.-TJ. will hold an all-day institute at -St. Johne. Friday. A program of music and addreeaea has been arranged. County President, Mrs. A. E. Whiteside, will preside. Lost Tha man who,., lost his eye glasses can have them replaced for II: a perfect fit guaranteed. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street, jewelers ana opticians. kWhy pay ' $ $! for-yglasseT W-guarantee a perfect fit for tl. Eyea examined free. Metsger It Co., ill Sixth street . .'. ' Bpeelsl price on whole corn, lift per ton. Acme Mills Co., Front and Burn side streeta - . Acme OrrTJoT sells" the best safety coal oils and fin gasolines. Phone East Til. .Woman's exchange. 111 Tenth street, lunch. 11 to I. Soft coal delivered at tl par too. Ring up Main HIT. - ...... i y Dr. E. C. Brown, By-Ear. Marquara. Ohareh f Btraagera Social. Mrs. Boyd Hamilton of th New Eng land Conservatory club will conduct a musical program at a social to be given tomorrow evening at th Church of th Strangers, Grand avenue and Wasco street. After th program there will be a library social, each guest repre senting some book. All are Invited. Dr. Douglas Hyde's Lecture. : Tickets now selling at th Marquara Orand box ofnee- 11. Tic, lOe, lie, 26a Milwaukee Country Club. Loe Angeles and Oakland raoe. Take Bell wood and Oregon City ear at First and Alder. . . ' - ' Preferred Btoek Oamaed V0 ; Allsa A Bst Brand . . . The. Vital Question Is digestion.. It Is not what you eat. but what you digest and assimilate that strengthens and buUds you up. Xhe greatest food difentant In th world 1 CHABH'B tef&FtHA:-ClRfcV Pt M In liquid form..- This remedy is not on)y guaranteed to aaalai tn aigeation ana assimilation, but heals and soothes the diseaaed lining of the stomach. ' It gives immediate relief in cases of dys pepsia and stomach trouble and In a yery-short ' time effects m permanent cure, On Investigation we find that fullv nine tenths of the diseases to which ths American people are subject, ere- caused, directly or indirectly, ny stomach troubla CHA8FV8 DJTISPJSP- 8IA CURB Is guaranteed to cure atom aoh trouble in all forme, not only giv ing Immediate ' relief, but affording, a positive cure for chronlo troubles, which Lava been running for several yeara '; PiUraae, K. J., May So, 100. Chase Hfg. Co., ' - , Kawburg, N. T.: Oents-Llka many "AmwIcaiyiJT'am affllrt. ad with a weak tmn.rtr, . and- I h' sb a torrlbl sufferer from 4yupata and lndl (Mtioe. -Caaae'a Dyspepila Cure has done am for sw than I r thouht poaalbl. It me ralief from tha fir.t dua I fl that I cannot sar too atneh Is favor ef .your ramear. becenM besides mr owa ease, I know of aeraral othars, wbsre the benefit baa bean, most -remarkable. If 7" B,T any donbtara In my locality,, rafer tham to ma. HobI" that you will achlaya the aueessa yo 4a aarre, I , am, Gratefully rir: - - .:. : . .J? . WILLIAM ; In any ease where the-remedy -falls to effect a cure .within a reasonable time, the proprietors agree to refund the money paid for the medicine.' Price 10 cents and 11.00 a bottle. For sal by alt reliable drugglsts. or sent direct, charges prepaid, by THE CHASE MTO. CO., Brooklyn, N. T. For sale In Portland by Woodard, Clark ae Co. .. . BUSY-PRESS AGENT SPJNS YARN OFFORTUK Miss Yvette ' Shlvely's Mother Has No Faith In Hundred-" Thousand Inheritance. J Mlss Tvette fihlvely's rare good for tune In Inheriting 1100,000 Is similar to the riches which corns suddenly to end of a long bamboo, according to her mother, Mra C. W. Shlvely, who ro sldes at 664 East Sixth street - Miss Tvette Is a vaudeville actress. with a company that la now In Louis ville, Kentucky. She Joined th Watson Orientals In Portland when that com pany played 'at the Baker theatre two months ago. . Her engagement with th company was th result of an Irresist ible deslr to appear behind the foot Ikfhts. . She had long cherished such an ambition, but parental objections bad Interfered. .... FrdnrlnrISTtU"Tewterday-am - ths story that Mlaa Tvstts Shlvely had fallen heir to a fortune of 1100,000. It was . said that a rich relative, whose nam la unknown, left th young woman th fortun. - -It's all nsws to me," said Mra C W. Shlvely thla morning. ' "I have a num ber of - relatives In Indiana who are wealthy, but I know of none who. Is In a position or who would be llkjbly to leave my daughter a sum .Ilk that. An1 iwiaidea ndne of them has died recently, se a-ae I hsveardJtj!hjlccroBlsgthered wiiinlha is likely that I would hear as soon as such an event occurred. "Tvette never met any of them b for her present - trip, if sh haa met them now. W lived In Astoria until two months ago, when w moved to this city, and my daughter joined th Wat son Orlentala I don't believe there la anything In th yarn It sounds Ilk press agent , work to me." CENTRAL POINT TO - HAVE A NEWSPAPER B. A. Pattlson Is in Portland today, buying a plant and making other prep arations to start a newspaper at jen XVH I Point. r In JsTsCksM)!! " Oil B known as th Central Point Herald. Mr. Pattlaon baa great faith In th future of th town, and of th southern Ore gon country. - - ' - - "Central Point la a town of 100 people situated In th heart of th Rogue river valley, on th main line of th Southern Psetfle," he said. "With a partner, J. IE. Lancaster, ... I . have pur chased ths townslte, and w think th place will grow. Adjoining th town sits Is an orchard from which svery year 100 earloada of apples, are shipped. It in a great fruit country. - "W need a bank in Central Point, and Portland bankers hav agreed to look over th ground with a view to establishing one. We hav a railroad station, but no operator, and I am go ing to se about getting on right away. Keep your ey on Central Point." Mr. Pattlson leaves for Central Plnt tonight. - ' THORNY PATH FOR CANDIDATES IN LINN (pedal Dtapatrl to The Jearaat.t'' ' Albany, Or..- March tl. A campaign to defeat the liquor dealers proposed smendment to the local option law la planned, and petitions Jisve been pre- f tared and are now being circulated ask ng that the matter of total prohibition b votad on June next. Two years sgo this proposal lost tn the county. Candidates have been of fered for slgnatur a card favoring th Prohibitionists, ----r: Cara f ajmj,,---. I wish to thank th many friends for their kind attentions during our recent bereavement Julius .Kallleb. Wickedness Breeds Woe There's alwars lota ef trouble ia a doing tkiags that's ba. . -, (Bat la waahlnc at els easts s seaod we sake the people (latt): yr example. Mr. 1-uter Is s fleelag like a (Walla laundering at als easts 'S poaad the female heart we cheer). Over there la Saa Fraaeleue Uiew that weeus hilled her "man.'' (Wa father Is year llaea Is a seeble nabtatag Aad o"nSh. eraal seerfoM It is Umty She - will Sle . (laatea In eolns ee we've eae were freis haarte a alsh).. Oh. there's antblnf. nothhis. setklaf llfee a SotDC thlnss thafa rlht. That ear minds mar e'er he traaastl sad the world te se he hrifbt. Va trea- las sat reeaired Is be dene hv head, asd Basse sreaaat delivery when Ue work ia deae. UNION LAUNDRY Second and ColtnnbU. ' Tel. fliln 393 c JAPS APPEAL TO r.lAYOR LANE American ' Asiatic - Association - Asks - Immediate -Aid - for- Famine-Stricken People. AMERICAN FLOUR WOULD . i 1 BE MOST ACCEPTABLE Government Agreei to Admit Sup j?lieFreendPfrjb r and - Steamship . Companies Will Carry Them Gratia. . ' Mayor Lan has received a communi cation from ths American Asiatic -association of Japan, asking for immediate aid for th destitute in th famlne atrtcken provinces of northern Japan. Th communication waa turned over to Ben- Selling,- -Wh-wlthlenral -T- U.. Anderson, will continue to receive dona tions for th aid of th suffsrlng. - Tho letter nys; . . . -"By-the- courtesy" of 'th 'American consul-general at Tokohama we have bean enabled to . avail ourselves of the substance of th executive report made by blm to the state department, extracts from which are given separately, Th de tails are absolutely confirmed, not. only by th official reports but by th testi mony of well known, residents of this port, who have made personal investi gation On th spot. . 1 "In addition to ths measures1 taken by private subscriptions and otherwise, mentioned in th consular report the committee of this association haa "ap plied to the department of horn affairs and been directly Informed of the steps being taken by th government toward relief., "Further Inquiries to the authorities, concerned hav elicited the following official statements: --. "1. No .duties or charges - f any natur will be impoaad -upon contribu tions of food stuffs or necessities enter- "g ,JPeri., T JsQanese fnvrriiwnt I will take charge - of -alt-contributions upon arrival and will undertake th transportation snd delivery to th af fllcted An. ih. bandiofLlhe.-locaL.of f U ciaia ; - - - "1. Among other - supplies American flour Is considered most acceptable, th country people having to a greater or less degree experience In th. -us of asm. ' - i - - "Information -has Just been received from the locsl agsncles of th Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Oreat Northern Steam ship company and Boston, Towboat com pany that each line la prepared to trans- porffrom Seattle up to 1.000 tons of supplies Intended for th Japanese dis trict. .-,-' "It does not seem necessary to dwell further on th urgent necessity for aid, th bald faots of ths report revealing a- state of destitution and suffering that can hardly be Imagined by tha peo ple of th United States. W would call your . attention before closing to tha urgent need of Immediate aaalatance. The time of acuteet suffering - will be during May, June and July, just before resource -of the local and national charity will hav become exhausted. CUTHCAFlT DENIES STORY OF SHOTGUN OPPOSITION Falrrlew. March Is. To th Editor of Th Journal Referring to th ar ticle In your laaua of th 2 Id, in which your readers were told that Mr. De vanny and hi wife drove the con atructlon forces of the O. W. P. By. Co. from their premises with shotguns, I beg th privilege of making a state ment. While there has been a differ ence of opinion as to th value of th land required by th railway company. vanny haa t a'l tlm eonsM. ered this a business -matter, not to be settled with shotguns, and Instead of trying to work a hardship upon th construction forces has. shown us many courteslea On ths very day the Inci dent is reported to hav occurred Mra IMvanny's mother brought hot coffee to the engineering party working on their :rarm..".;This does not - look - Ilk shotgun opposition. W1U you kindly glvs this spaca In your valuable col umns, as a matter of Justice to Mr. ! vanny and his stlmabl wife? CO. CUTHCART. . Engineer In Charge of Conatruotloa. POSITION FOR FILCHER WHO WAS AT THE FAIR wmamaaaBSmmMmmamaa J. A. Fllcherr who, with 'Frank. 'Wlg glns. was executive commlsalonar from California at tbeXe wis ancTClai-Tpo elt Ion. hss been elected secretary of ths California Stat Agricultural society In place of Albert Llndley. Mr. Fllcher probably has had more ex perience Id exploitation work than any other man tn tha country. He has rep resented California at all the fairs of any Important- held in America, and at a number in Europe, has been dined and wined by royalty and hobnobbed with prlncea without losing his democratic affability of manner. At the fair laat aummer California's entertaining waa a feature which Port land people remember with a good deal of pleasure, and no mental picture ef a reception at th mission-ilk building I complete without the memory of s short, heavy-set man , with a cheery smile and a hearty handshske. who moved from group to 'group relating an ecdotes Intended to impress- pon ths hearer th greatness of the Golden state. N. F. NELSON WANTS' THE WOMEN TO VOTE . K. " F. Nelson, who lives In Harding precinct, six miles east of Oregon City, this morning announced hi candidacy f r th atat senate. . H Is a Demo nrst, believes In women suffrage and prohibition.- Although Mr.- Nelson - ad vocates giving the primary law a thor ough trial ha does not believe that tha resulta will equal ths xpctstlons of th advocates of th meaaura Mr. Nel son was born June I, 181. - FesgaJta to Band, Building permits have been Issued as foltowa: Oorg. Casper, residence, Multnomah between Kaet Nineteenth and Kaat Twentieth streets, cost 11,100; Hoohfeld Bros., cottage, Fourth between Harrison and Hall streets, cost SI. 000; K c. Shoruo, stors building, corner Wil liams and Russell avsnuea cost 11.110; C. A. Brown, alterations to home, corner East " Taylor' and East Twenty-first streets, cost 1171; X. C Stork, cottage, Florence street between L'ntfn and Orand avenues, cost fl.lvO; Mra Sher lock. . shed, corner Washington and Twenty-second streets, coat 1100; C. F. Froseh, coUage, Park avanu between Sole Portland Agents forth ,OstermoorM Patent Elastic Felt I.Uttresse.3H riser Artistic Meter Framing to Your Order at the Very Lowest Prices -'-Second Flrcr -Th3 TvIeier-CSbCFranlStbrs-:- Women's 03.00"Footvear Gaiters Arc in Style We Have Them Oaltera are very atyliah for Spring wear. 'W hav. an entire new atock In broadcloth and white wwahabl material: full lin of colors and all slses. Ws can snatch th new Spring- suit If you desire.. All prlooai White Duck Oaltera fl.OO a pair. White Broadcloth Oaltera .......... .a.OOa pair. Oray Broadcloth Gatters77rr7rrrr.v.fl.60 a pair. Black Broadciotb Palter T. .. .ei;00npsif-. Mode Broadcloth Oaltera. .......... fl.OO a pair. " Black Cloth Gaiters at..., SOW , White 8hoea and Oxforda for women. Mlases and children. Complete stock.. - . Iace Sale Round Mesh and French Tat Laces, v Edges and Insertions. 1 to t Vk Inches wide; dalntleat patterna. In . large variety, dosen yards HQ for .,... TV Tains to $3.60 a Boasst Tarda. lOT I Bound Mesh and French .Vat. Lace and Insertions, I to IH inches .. wlderpretty - patterns In - m large assortment, for, . - - SQC dosen yarda at....... Talue TTp to f l soaea Tarda. LOT S Round Mesh Val. Laces, to I Inch wide; very best styles; values up to 71 cents a dosen yards, .. on sal at this low price, 7Qa dosen yards at ............. e Two great lots of Swiss and Cambria Corset Cover Embroideries; beautiful patterns In very large variety. The best Corset Cover Embroidery - bargain w have ever offered .this season a these low prices. : ' - 85c vals 39c 65c vals 43c yd Beautiful new Embroidered Robes,-in batiste, plain whit and whit m . broldered. In pink and blue designs; solid mercerised finish, all new, this season stylea values up tollOat $6..-rJe Fifth tret window... $5.69 . . . VV Omen S I ail q OUliS V walking skihts $2.ia .lncluds Panamaa. serg.e and fancy mixture In black, navy.blu. old ros -mixtures; all sis; grand value at tht ' Mular prte . f Womns tan cov.rt Jack.ts and black brosiclotb Jacketa. fanoy stitched Women's Walking Skirts in light trimmed- neat serviceable stylea e Portland PORTLAND,' ORBOON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS . . AND COMMERCIAL - TRAVELERS. -- Everything to eat and drink.' and It coats no more In th - ' ' Portlamt Hot! RathkDr than elsewhere In the city. Evry weekday night from 0:10 to IS. - E a BOWSrma. SCaasdrsr. Wc Will Loan You. Any amount for building pur poses, advancing the money as neededWhen building is com pleted you can commence to re pay us in monthly installments, running from three to ten years. Call and see us about it. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST COMPANY SIX Tat rXrOOB, COsTOORD ia. IF TOU IT AT TaTS APOLLO RINK m oos. . Th Event of th 6 Days Racing Carnival : AFBZXi S S.1 - visit our Afternoon Session. " Masl Afternoon and Evening. - - Instruction fr. irons SaABTBAXXa. East Ninth and Kaat Eleventh streets, cost tl,00; M. Quald. repairs to rest dene, eorner Twelfth and Salmon streets, cost tSOO. - Baldwin's Hsalth tablets. . Tak them tonight be well tomorrow. Cure constipation. - ISo, Druggista, ' fifasied SwMtk Oaaaa . AUa Jowls' t Braaa. Portland's Largest and Pest Store Great Easter Sale of VVom?i.i Shoes and Oxibrtla. All the newest Spring models and leathers at a price) below actoal manulacturing cost, Johnson Eros? Fine Footwear every pair gpo-cnteed to give s&N islactoiy eiMce. -STyles include patent colt blqch ers, heavy and light soles, vici kid patent tip blnch ers. tan and chocolate blnchers, and regular styles. Shoes and Oxfords In all sixes and widths. This sea son's best $3.00 footwear on sale to CI QO Borrow at this exceptionally low price )LVD New Spring'Footwear for men and boysr-All the best styles and leathers in all $3.25 vox. Oreat special assortment of hlgh-grad Ribbons In Persians. - Dresdens. - stripes.- checks. - polka -etot,-- f ;- -,to ln'Nd, and No,-11 wldtht aultabl tor tab . IClDDOn snd stocks; vaiuea up to 50o the yard, on en. sale at this low pries, yard ....... v avC 4.000 yards of etra "quality all purs'sllk and iatln ' fMsf IC. taffeta Ribbons. I Inches wide; full Un of all th OUwVs M9. leading shades; regular l value, on sal at th v ... - J U.11 A filled at ... , r . lt COVERT JACIULTS 7.43 1I.VV laiww v-------- m . mixtures and checks, green, biu. Regular 5.00 value at KAaaVAtt Oread Taeawe. yaoee Ksbj see, Taalaht aad turatrtw MlfkV gM.laa.Ttae sUtlaee Tomarrew. j TUB MUSICAL OOCKTAII. , "mri yAiri yonri" Tke Ifmeleal Hit ejtheSeaaaa lest night. VBNIKO rIC7-iwar flor, l.BdTJC . . Bakear,- 1. 76c, eo. Oallary, Soc, Xc Bosea and lofea, 01O. KATINCB PRirta 1. T5e. BOe, r V. (Mta Mow BaUlas. Carriases at K):tO e'Cleek. Baker Theatre Oregea Tkaatre Oe L. Baker. Ksr. leeaalll aad -Tatrd eta. Pfcoae Mala The Xeaae ef Kusteal mitaf. MaHaeM 8anl7. gaturdar sad Wadeeadaj. ItOTB Wedaesdar Matin. Bargala Ia, Cents Aar St- TWs Wkr th. Brisk. Breaar end C-te-Dete MISS NIW YORK. JR. A lars eharos ef Mnglnf Olrls aad BIliT al.U6M, J'Vrt T"' KIMO Of KOK0MO." -- wdvaater Matlaee (lsaial) ste te Aey eat. Othmr MaUeeee a tar (Jar and . 'J (Be. e. Kie. Klrht prlja. Aj..6 Ht WeaaImtoe Tare Oaaaeey Oe. EmplreJJiCJjtrc "rir Mvr Mntoa W. g.antanr"M-T:- THS POP IT. A THBATBB. An "This Iraik. Matlaee tatorda. Berers tt . tke Alware Faroclw, BXX RXBDalOTa. la ' OLE OLESON Tee srat. the best Bwadlsh dlaleet play be rare ths ASMrtean seblle. Mr. Hendrli-ts atnas entlralf saw son hits. A teniae Weal to laaee hisf. Evening Price lse. BBe, , Me., Msttnee, ,0e- 1Si.,"wart'TI, Wlfi r-ur. 5 TAR THEATRE . xxi or v abcs , . ........ rowxin bbothtbb. ioit a uiviasa tne AJTD IITI1 r;iSB. -I A1B0KILS MOBTOB. r HKBBT F1BK. '. . - 'Wlli O. MOT. - BTABOSCOrX. M Cwats t Aay Bt Bieept Bese. . Grand Theatre Week ef Me. H. THB THkll ABKBTBOMai Orsetest - Oalf Trt.k Bterellata , TH X KB AID AS, . kUSt MABIX lanmiNs. Mr. g, Mra. BOBTBS. TBI BSIX TBIO. JOMV t. WTXCH. SABOtn Horr. BABOIBOOrX. In the woria pntrM amln-e snd Saaam. lo. tJle and Kei Matlaaas. lfte a eeat sievet bnrea. " - 1 LYRIC TH E ATRE iTery Afteraeea aad Ivsalw-erUaad Tesw. lar Iteak MOTION Ala MBLODRAMA. Mlat Wlfs'a CrlmM tt rocs ACT. ' rOUaOW THB CROWD OOMIJICOUS fKRi-OBMANl-B. ADMIBUOIT. lOe; BBSgBVBH B1AT. Se. at $L9iTPaif grades. : Mall Orders filled. Gloves $1.39pr Great Easter sale of" 800 "pairs rPer- famous suede Glovers in 2 and Pique . . 3-cIasp styles. "and overs earn in blackr,'vyhiter"xnode,- rrtr grayj - eTery psirp e r fee t . and guaranteed to': give satisfactory service;' all sizes are included.; doves that find ready sale-at-$2.00-and $2.25 a pair; - take your choice at the phenomenal ly low price, of, only, per pair f 1.39 reMda and light,, $30.00 'ZZ?tw&&Z'ZZ- r eloth strapped, aoat Jjsj . . , ,,IU Investments IN East Portland lOOxlOO on TTnlon eve. near East Morrison, all solid ground, f 1,100. OXtHOa OOBBm lot on Grand ava, M.tOO. '. , .y.: ... .100x100 corner.' with good substantial butldlnga. on Hawthorn ava, 121,00. OOBBTS 100x10 on Orand ava., near East Morrison, good brick building. tl 1.000. OOmim lOOslO en East Morrison and Bast th sta. only 120.000. The HealyJnvestment Co. r- BlO-dl Astarsoa, IMhj Third see: Brooke & Kiernan 91 Third vVFOl;V:;'.i;- Insidc Property " THE BEST : Night School In th Northweet Is Conducted at the Behnke-Valker Business College BUnV Bmlidin-, eweatkt aikd Bearb Sta. CnVABSwi , , MOWS AT, TTTBBXAT, . .WasnSSAT mmm FMOAT. , , K better Investment than .a eoure tn out departsaant ef ShmrtkoMd B0kktiM . . mrAd Writing .-V W have th snoet , modem equlpsient of aur cnllas In th west. Alt our department are In aarge f eprta