The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 27, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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    t- V
r.i at the postofflc at roftTand.
J FTuoSi Ite-ygk the tail, as ncand
m uuti. . :. . in ar il
to rt w 3 eata. , -, -'.. ,
Editorial Km
rnaVtaw uniTIUIS RXPRx'SIW.VTrT'
ita Nssmu sunt. New iota. btiB "t"
Tama jr wnw.
K . -. !- 3 1 lak (...sila V 1 mODU
aaa i,iy, par wees. .
' . elaulaa - . f
Th I-ally aat wnk, dellrvred. Sunday
aeotsd .....
Tw y MU.
th 'suadsy. 1 IJJ
with fMWUj, BoaU J"
month....... fZ
. Tka pall? Journal.
IB Ually Journal,
. Tba Dally Journal,
- TW Pally Joernsl. with Buaear. 1 F"''-.;
)U Dolly. Jouraal. with Sunaay. month a 8 J
' i . The D.ilr Journal, mon.l...4e...,"--- ,2V
- M Pally Journal, with Sunday, S .aontb. 1
Tb Dally Jourasl, moBllvs. .....
: ' The Pally Journal, with Suaday. S saontn. 1.W
::J :- Tba rally Journal, B -nthV"N:;i. l
U-Tha Dally Jonrnsl, wita uneasy, - :
.- Tba Pally Journal. I moots. , .....
Tba Suaday Journal, 1 year..... ........... "V
'- SThe IniAif JournaL 8 BMMathS
Tba l.tWWy JrL
. Tba aaal'Waakly Journal. o ' JJT
r aa taaaa liiaavataNai ' t1 u
M 1 ...r ?
' ( rUaHtaacaa ab.l W by
i.a amall anwaaU ara
t. ' O. Bat la. Par Hand, oragoo.
.' .----ccgsBanaaaBnBa
r mil thz jomuiAX. t b fouw
r Tha Journal aa b (Wam4 aal M tt
' Sn'MiBi"!!.!!. a11aa L On. I W. Va-
. Intyra; Aw Ciinolnahaal tt Co- '
..CBICXOO Poatpfnca Kowa waipaay. 1T1 PJ-
MMTKE Barkalow BraaW Bo rw
-. atand. ...... ....
awapapar wayoa. -t
L08 ANOELKB B. U. Amum. Brwapaaar wagoaj
Aba Hark nawanapoc -w aaa.
- aHW WBAPOM8 aa.-
Thlrd atraat. . -' ' . '..
HW TORS aTT BraaUaVn. Valtm qaara)
' Artbar Unallnf. awapapac. wmnToa,. ;
. '- OMAHA Millard Hotal orwa ataaA u
SUMoaary company, lSO hrmai nttaat.
OODBN Diwt aa- atand. '
ft ALT LAJKaf CITT Kaayoa Hot! mm rUMl
Banew Broa., a Wait Beoa4 atraat. autbi
Mra. Lrrts. uaaapapaa wacaav
f IN PIKOO B. B. AaMa. awpapT wafon. .
Oolflamltb Broa,. 234 Butta arM
FVaacIa bntal; faatar Oramr. rrry.,bolJd:
y ...... Ina; N. Wbaatlay awwapapar waft-oa, Maxkat
nod Baorory. "'. -
IATTIJB Ralnlar Oraud aawa. aland; A. B.
McBraafi, H"trl Vattl nrwa aand. - -JT.
LOUIB Fblllo Boador, Locaat atraat:
B. T. Jttt, 0 OUTa ntraot; Uaorn U
fPOK ANB-Joba W. Orakaa On. -
V TAOOkCA Caatral. Kw eoBpany, Ho! Tl-
wu araaa; Acavo -nawv vaavw
walla naa MtML
TlCTOkf A B. a TUrtarU Book lUtlM-
AR raiMraj Mat of tba Boeky aaoaatalaa tr
Burning thta Bornlng. Tba baroatr la rlalac
an Ik Pacific alopa. and tba waaliwr In baooBv
Inf mora arttlod. Sbowera bar, bowrrar, im
rurrod at featured plaoaa la Orafoo. Waabmf-
, Ina.- Idabo, . Calirorala. aaatbora N'ovada and
Arlanna. and It waj atlU ralnlnc thla moraUi(
bn moat plaeaa aaat of tha Caacada nxwntalna.
.- Tba mdleatlaaa ara fo fair woatbar la tba
dlatrkrt Wadncaday, axrrpt m waatara Waah
- Inatoa. arbara ahoarara ara probable. Tt will
h coolar tonight and warmer Wadnaaday la I
. aaatara Orapoa. aaatara aablnctna ana idana.
I.lytat (mat will occur tonight In oxpoaed. plaeaa
In tha Interior ( -we tarn Orrgoa ana w eat era
aahlnytoa, . .
Obaarrattoo taken at a. at..- PacifM tlma:
ft,- Teaop. '
. Utatlnna ' - - -; -'Mat Mtau-frarln
- Baker City, Orerna.i...... M . .'. . 8 .29
Ixw Anrelea, Callforola.... 4 II , .M
I'ortlana. Oretroo M 42 t , : .M
Rnarrwc. Oregon ... A3 J 43 . .02
faa fYanriaeo, fallfornla... M .' 0 jb
Opokane, VTaahlnaton M 40 .21
.Tarmna. Waablrigtna. , . . r. M 40 ..
Walla Walla. Waabtnrtoa.. M 44 A
Brnat Merer. 2fl; Mlnnla Becker, 20. ,
; Cbarlaa W. MadArn. 2S; Inaa L. Banta. St.:
C. B. BaeH, 8: Harriet K. Klngaley. 30.
Edward J. Clark. 34; Sarah. Helea - WD.
llama. 31.
Tbomaa F. Day, 4B: Ann la Chatfield. 49.
1. W. Baaor, Bt. Jobaa, Oregon, 27; Alberta
MTan1et McCaw, 22.
. Harford L. gllTiaa, 34: Bernlca H. Taorne. 31.
Wedding Carda. - W. O. Bmttb A Co., Waab
Ingloo bUlg cor, Toortb and Waahlwjton ata.
Mlaa Bertha Martin, room 313 Allaky bldg.
Btamolng and ana needlework! teeaona gleea.
BIKRTIrtOALB Mares 36. ta Mr. and Mr.
Cbarlaa S. Nightingale, 291 north tTfteantk
treat; a daughter.
KRKP March IS. n Mr. and Mr. Edward
Keep, 1000 Eaat Twelfth afreet. Berth; a
.T WDIXSTHnf-March 12. to Mr. (ad Mra. Wu
. . Walnatata, 37t Arthur etreet; a bob. .
- aTRIKMt March 39, to Mr. and Mra. Harry
Krlena. 74 Grand ITeaae, north; a aoa.
it ROBRKT8 March 13, to Mr. and Mr, faaec
BnherU, 643 East BUteeath Btreet, aoath; a
HOHM ANN March 38, Walter Hohaana, 831
.. Se Tenth a treat: meaale.
- BA1R March 23,- Lllllaa Batr, at Glenoora
hotel; acarlet feer.
HOL.DEN March 24, Ma(tr Holdea. 403 Jef.
t reraon atreet; amallnox.
CHluTTl March 33, Jack Cblortl, 407' Slltb
CHATFIEU March 25, 0.' CbaffWldTlaTEuBt
Coocb atreet; meaalea.
PREK March 20. Uarray . Peek, - 40S CUataa
(, atreet; eaeaalVe. ,
, KIPP March W. two children of Mm. Blpp,
r.aer Twelfth and Clinton atreet: meaalea.
BTBPHE1H0B March SS, Nellie B. ntephen
, Bon. aged 84 yeara, at OotmI Samaritan boa
1 pttal; ranee, pnenmaola. Orematorlnra.
BOTTLER March , George H. Bottler, aged
- ft month. 272 W a eerie atreet; eana,- ton
nlakina. Bnrlal at Coltrmblaa cemetery.
. CHITrM 11 March 2ft. harab M. (bareh, aged
" 70 year. 118 Mlmlealppt seenue; can,
cancer. Burial at KlTerelew cemetery,
Ht'OHES March 2d. Banmel Hughe, aged 47
1 year, at Good Samaritan ' boapltal; caaae,
v earholle acid polanniitg.
V iJENRKK fttarch 34. Krederick Jenaea; agar
HI yeara, Bt -t. Vincent boapltal; euae,
... . . fracture ef ahull due te 411, Burial t Leu
Plr cemetery..
I KAIXK H March 34. J. M. 0. Kalllch. aged
TO year. 142 P.aat ocrenth atreet: rauae.
' . BK-HABDB March 25. George C. Blrharo.
t aged. 24 paan, 130 Central arena; rati,
" tnhercnloBla,
; t CAMPBELL March So. at KM - Eaat , BUth
atreet. Mrta Hunter Campbell, aged 8u
r ' eeare.
Edward Helmaa Co.. the leading funeral
( fl rector, hare the facet eetabllehaaeet
Bneat good, tb Bunt eeblcle and the meet
reonabl price. Fine breedclotb-cerered
.eaaket. 3B ik1 8.10, Tba ftneat wood good
made, fro in 313 to 320. Parlor 120 end
X: Third atreet, corner Bslmwa, Purtlaad.
Oiegna. . f f
t. P. Flaley A Boa. fueeral director and
. emhalmer. corner Tbtrd aad Madlsoa atresia
-OfOc of county coroner. Telephone Mala .
Dnnnlng. MrEslee A Ollbeugh. nndertakers
4 en-bslmrrs: asodera ta svsry detsll. Ssvsstk
. aad Pin. Mala 480, Lady ssalatant.
8. B, neanetoch. undertaker and embalmer,
Baat Thlrteantk aad Lautllla are. Phone Sell
wood 71.
ClseB B-as toy Bowse. 388 Morrlaoa atreet.
Single grave 1 10. Family lot ITS e tl.ors).
i The only eemetrry la I'ertlaad which, per-
,.-uiaM- i-aaiiiieine eee rmrrw xoe, tors. ror IUII
.--v""rmst1oa siply te W. B. Mackensle, War
snhtae haaeh, ttg. W. M. Udd. prssKleat, .
JBNHKNV-Prlaad and aoqualntaace ara r
apeetfully loelled, le attend Ilia tuneral mmrt.
Irea ot Praderlck Jeneea. which will ba bald
at rmiey a cnapai at I:W p. m., Weduaaday,
T. M. Onlnn and wife. ta. r b
lot 4. blofk tu Hnllaitaw'. a 1 mttn
awnalln. bx 17, block J, gt. Jvbua
I'ark aildllloa
Ji J. Kelly to Uua HofTmaa and wlfa, 'lota
, a, mxM i, Burnt a anuinoa, Eaat
Joba Uond Br. "ta 'kiiiua Good." loOiiib
teet Beginning aiwib Una Kaat Tartar
etreet nurtkeaat rorner block T, BuanV-'
aide addition; ala ivta i. 4. ft. U. 7,
I'J. 1A 1. 1ft klnk I ILwuC. .t.,l.l '
Portland Truat mninany of llruoa ta
U'tuiuj a' ......... . - . . ... - .
" . .".u Lii.w Lu.ijiu win, in a.
blork "B." IVirlatnunlb Villa eKIanataa '
InlToralty imsil company to r. A. bribe.
win ii. is, oioca oi. i nieerauy park.
Helabeck and wife la V. u. Oammaua,
lot 14. bktck ft. Alhlna lliumuti
. MO
C H. Tbaer ami wife to Aan Kalgbt,
. ioi iv, si, 22, Dlora IV, IMlnt view
Charlea Bteneck and wife to lreetoa
Mill, hit 4. block 3. Bwabardt I'ark..
U. L. Ilulbrook and wife to Jubn Wealey,
lota ti, 12, Clock 3, Court riac, Bt.
W. - K. Newell and wife to Ann i U
Lent, lot T. 8. block 8. Lenta. .
P. O. Mi-Grew and wife to tleorge P..
Lent, lot 4 and north ftu feet lot ft,
blork 7, Garrlwn aubdlrlaloa, Kt
Tbomaa A, Reynold and wife Co Gate
Home aaa wire, tot a and aouia H lot
a, block J, Poruraoath Villa aone .
No. 1 . lift
Bam to B. O. Bender and wife, lot 7
and north . U lot 8, block ft, aam .
addition . . . . .V. ... .... .7.?.'." "1 13
B. B. Lamaoa at al. to H. A. 'Mill t '
1.. lot 1. block '." la block "J"
to "P." CreenwaY .
WllUam B. Brslnard and wife to Mary
A. Barrage, lota 18 to 80 Inciaalea, .
block 8. Termlnua addltloa.. ........ . 300
ai attananaaa " ah aal. M ttaTah aUhlBnBT
aji W , CP! "J" p bv m aw. IIIIUUVII
lot ft. block 3. Worn! mere 108
Cecil H. Crlppra and wife to Joaepb Mae- -
3ueea ana wit, lot a, DUCK 12, cwrer
ale jtenalun 380
B. P. Pab to A. C. Baa, lot 14, block ft,
OuldamUh'a addition 10
l B1 J I M
. Hoaeyrnan,
Lou la Larch and boeband fe'A. P1hr
lota 1. 3. block M, Beiiwsod... 1,800
B. M. Lombard and wlf to A. Felden-
Bimr I ai., unairiaeu in iniroe
lntereet in loU B. 8. blork F.3. fit J... t
J. H. Otoon t J. H. Iloeedegard. lot 1.
block - J,- Btapbanr . BdditioB. - saat '"
rortiana j. . . , ., . , uutuj jua,w
Otrtrud A. Orth to Bomulu :B. Cry,
lot ft. block 18, Central Albtn 600
8am to Charlea 1. Macbaad, let 8, bleeh -
18, Central Alblnh 800
C. - H. Preecott, troetee, to Edith A. , , . ,
PTla, lot 10, okx'K i, iiona irring a
Plret artdltloa ... TOO
B. Bchllnk to Mary A. Bcfallnk. lota 30 . '
to n Inclnalea. block 3. Orchard Place. 408
Mra. Mollle Btanfurd and kuaband ' to ,
Clark lnber, kit 4 ana weal iu ii k.
a. block 123. But Portland 38,000
Walter Tec how te Boatoe A. Daniel.
eflilOO feet. commencing aoatn line ebii
Aider atreet xio teet aaat, or ean iid
Eaat -Twelfth etreet r. . r.ViVii mnT
Title Guarantee Trnat compaae to
Pennl Bulllran, aota la. in, unci a.
Month at-Johna
p.- w. Torgler iad -wlfw-W arlBA.-
Bretteil. parte toxa e,
wawlh'i addition. Eaat Portland..
Wallace eVieeorcoran and North to Pol-
, aon Implement eompany, Kit i n
inelnale. block 40. fltenhen' addltloa.
JT. N. Welter to EUaabetb Welter, weat
80 feet lot 4. block 30. WheelM'8 d-
dltlon. Eaat rw liana ., .i
B. Jt. Wtleon to Joba N. Jana, lot 3
an a itu.ln.ln. block R2. 1 Jnntoa . . . ; . .
- 1
I r and wife te Bt, Jobaa Water-
worfca at ugnting mmpinj. 'r i .
la" lamee Jnhn'B Second cddltlon. 1
Multnomah Real Batata aaaocUtloa e
Jama Ktlly. lot 8,. bwcb ai, nu.
PertUnd Lona Fir Cemetery company to -
A. Nelta!, lot 11. oioca oi, e
lJa,;:;V wilVum'K'p'a'll
mr. lot 18, block 8, Columbia Helgbta . tS
3. H. Naah and wife to George B. Cam- . ,
eron, lot 8. DtOCB a, iTenaoni riaie.,.,..'
'. B. Honeymaa et L to M. Boeenbaom
t aL. lot 1. 3. block 116. City...... HBOO
James Mackeasle and wife to May Petty, .
kite SO, XI, hlocg ai. jTemoni.... .... .
B. Hlnger, truate. et 1. to P. W. Lead
better, lot 7. block 81ft, City.......... 10.000
Kittle B. Gray and huaband to r.
McCarthy, lot IT, oray a iracty ......
0. Plr aad wlf to Ad 0. HkeU.
lot 4 and aoath ta lot ft, block 2T,
L8L?c.'to'a'ii''6VV lot i, x '.
action Its. township 1 north, rang
a . . ........ i . .
Mary B. Crane and bneband to A. Bell.
one nlntn or acre
aectlna 13. townahlp 1 north, rang
3 aat w.....
Lout M. Cnmmln and nuanaod to
Jam W. Bpeee cd wife, lata 4. 7,
block 8. Latourell Palla ............. 220
Jamee W. Spear, and wife to Henry A.
Latourell. lot a, 4. Dca o, iai
Fall n
Title aornte A Trtut company W
Rebecca A. Morrleoo. lota 14. 1J,
block 8: lota 17, 18. block 10; lot 18,
block 11. Weat Piedmont ............
A. J. Miller and wlf to Merchant' Lnn
- A Trust aaanpaay. 2 73 acrea beginning
weat boundary line Mary W. ntearn'
donation land claim ..................
F. 8. Uallork and wire to U o. anignt.
MnHtlt u. lot 21. Pnlrlawn..
Thomas McName to George W. Bnachle,
lot. 14, block 14. Goldamlth'B addition.. 8,100
- Get your Inanranc and atwtrarte to real tt
from tb Title Guarantee A Trust company,
240 Wablngton treet. corner Beeond,
CALL for Sealed Bid for th Erection ef a
Courthouse Building. Notice la hereby gleeu
-that the county .court of Columbia county,
Oregon, will, oa April 10. 1004, at 10 .
' m consider bid for th erection of court
bouM building at tb city ef St. Helen. In
1 uld county and at at, according to the plan
and tieclnct1on of ths srcblteets, Mesers.
HentJrtrhg A' TobyT"oT Xabb TmtMmty- Port.
land. Oregon, and to be completed by Janu
ary 1, jao7, and aln for furniahlng th m-
- ferial to be "fnrnlabed by ewaer," to-wltc
Vault door. Jail 8t tings, at., aa aet forth
la ld pec1ncctloa.
All bid ahould he sf! dresser) te H. Header
on. eonntr clerk. St. Helen. Columbia
county, Oregon, and each bid must be ae
ro in panted by certified check, payable to
tb order of tbe county treasurer of Mid
county, for 8 per cent of amount of bid.
aa aeeurltr that the bidder will, if hi bid
la accepted, at enr snler into a eontreet
with ssld eennty ennrt fur the erection of
aald courthouse building sccorjlng to said
Elans and apeclflcatlsaa, snd wltbta tb tlm
ereln allowed,
plans snd snertflcsHona of said bnlldlng
may be eea snd consulted t tb office of
the county clerk of ld eonntr. t St. Helena,
er st the office of the bre-amed architect.
The Hid Bcci'afil bidder will he required
' fnrolah a bond with suretlea to be approved
by ssld county court. In tbe sum of on
third ef tbe amount of their bid, conditioned
upon the falthfnl performance of any con
tract er agreement entered Into between them
snd ssld county court. '
i Th. coj-nty court reserves tb fight to reject
nr or sir bids. ' " " ' 1
By order of tb county court of Cslumlb
eonntr, Oregon, thla tenth day of March,
IDua. . , U. HENDERSON, ,
- i County Clerk.
TUB underalgned will receive sea led bids up ti
12 o'ekxk noon of Tuesusy. April 8. 1INN..
for the A. Jsloff A Co. slock of merchandle
t Aatsrls, Oregon, eoneisttfig of drygonda.
boots snd stioea. furniahlng goods and cloth
ing, to tbe amount of about Two Thousand
and rifty Dollars, snd millinery goods to the
smmint of shout P.lerea Hundred Dollsrs. l
gether with trad fixture ta the amount of
ft.mT.B,',.- located on Bond atreet aad Com me r
cll atreet la Astoria.
Inventory may he sees at my effle and
leaoectlon of weoda may be bod B tb prem
ise st Aetorls.
A certified check for 10 per cent of th
amount offered mnst secomnsnr esdi bid. Bnd
the right Is reeerred t re Vet snv'snd all
mas. B. L. RABIN.
front and Ankesy ats., I'urtlsnd. Oregon.
THB undersigned will receive Haled bids Bp te
12 O'cloek hMal l I. . O Idnl.
for the Hi w, Ternsa stock ef ineechandla.
"""wi prinwipeny or nsrawsre. tmwsre.
lialnta and nils, stores and a-rorerlee. of the
.........,7 tmimbiiod oi z,4l-l.-i. lorerner WHS
. trsde fixtures to the amount of 3242.78, ke-
. CSted Bt Halae. Oreent.
The Inventory may he seen at ey efflee
"1. P"'tion or at ocx mar bad a tr
, premleee sf Ha leer.
A certified rheck gov 10 nee Cent of th
amount of fered mnet kcenmpany eeeh rdd. and
Jh right la reeerred tn releef ,nr -d all
t . u R. L. SABIN,
Front aad Aakeaj- glM Portland, uregoa.
BTATB ef Oregon, eoanty ef Mnttnoaab as.
. Nolle I heraby glreo that by the affirm'
atlre tote of all of .the capital a took and ef
all of 'the dlreeiore at pieetlaga ef the tock-
i'JlJiS, dlrfruJjAitadJuaBiid
" roc ttiai purpuae, aupnU-qHsulary artlcle of
Incorperatioa of pacifl Eiport Lumber
company, a corporation organised ander tb
law of the atate of Oregon, , dated March
22, IIKM. bate been executed, filed aad
corded aa required by law for the puruoae
of amending artlcl III of, tb article of
Ineorporallon ef aald company no that . tua
Haw Mali read aa folio a:
AttTICLM HI. ' '
Tb ntnrle. btilne. pursuit and neeu
. patloa la wbtch thla aumpaay prouoaea. te
engage are as roiiows: -t . "
I. To buy. Bell, deal In. ahln and rrn
port lumber, pile, piling, shingle, timber
and all auercnaudlae ef a Ilk character.
i 3. " To ansa In. conduct nnd carry ea tb
bualneaa of manufacturlna: lumber la all of
it nrancne. -
ft. To oonduct and carry aa a general log
ging bualneaa and to purche or etberwl
acquire, veil or etberwlee dlapoae ' of. deal
4a tumpg rlgbta of eeery description, '
1 4. To act a agent for othere Jn tb par.
cb, aale, handling and traffic of and la
Itiga, lumber;- wood and other coromodlllra.
6, To purchase or etberwl acquire. Wee,
rent, -eenatrnct and operate mill for lh
manufacture of 111 kind and description et
L lumner. - ... -
4. To acquire, aa. rent, ronarmet. own,
perata and dlapoae ef et- oleeaare wbaress,
WArehouaes. docks, booms and piers sad
water rlgbts Bad prlellages.
. 7. To acquire. own and dlspoe of at
pleasure timber lands and real eatate of all
descriptions. i " r
8. To carry ea the btialneee ef a wars-
hetiMBiaa and te store eonimodltlea for hire.
8. TO conduct a general mercbaadls bual-
- 10, To subscribe for, nurchaas or other
wla tcqirir; to own, bold, rot and dlapo
of at pleaaur. tha share of: the capital
Block, bonda. notes, aecarltle or other eel
dace ef ladcblc'diieaa of any other cor
poration. ' " '
11. Ta lead money either with or wlthoat
aeeurlty. . ......
1.-- Tw-ewat-least and charter e ht.
.. IS. To acquire. . own.- bold and diapo
ef at pleasure all klnda of property, both
real and personal, which may be requisite
or desirable for the corporate baalness.
14. To burrow money and to leau pfourta
anry notes, bills of eichsnge, bond sod other
erldeneee of Inrtehtennea. and to eecure any
hf of the enrooratlon- In aochr sawMt-
may be deemed dealrehle. py ueee, mortgage
or pledge of any or. all of (be corporal
profiertr. -both reel en aarannal -. ...
. ill. The hoalnen of tb eoeporitloa or any
portion thereof may be. transacted la tb
tat of Oregon and la any or all of tb
other atate. territories and dependencies of
the T'nlted States and la any or ail foreign
iwwMwt.l.a - -
1. To do and perform nygnd all other
mattra aad thing naeeaaary. jwqulatt or
conTenlent for the eonmpiinmni or au vw
any ef the object hereinbefore specified.
Dated Mercb 24. 1008. "
" ' W, B. BEEBE.
T1 rectors of Pacific Export iAimher Oirtpaay.
Prealdeat of Pacific Export Lumber Compaay.
Beeretary ef Pacific Export Lumber Company.
the nnrleesle-led furniture and trlano-
moeere. wtll reonlre - the fisyment - all
charge npon-deiieery nt gooa rter oecem
. her 1. lo: H. C Hck, C. F. Hrd-r,
n r. HnsseT. Crmmm Rro.. Portland D-
- lleery Co -Post Special ' Dellrery Co.. Jack-.
ag weiieery vo.. uoiman -irsuaier w.,
Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Auto Dee
patch Co., John Hampton. James McLlnden,
6wen McLlnden. Psctftc Transfer Co., Oregon
Transfer Co., Portland Vaa A fltorage Co..
Wakeman-Morae Traoafer Co.. East' Side
Tranefer Co.. C. 0. Pick Transfer A "forage
Co., O. M. Olson. Bsggsg A Omnlbu Trane
fer Co., A. J, Mnrphr. Badderly Tranefer.
A Commlulon Co., John A. Lore, Andrew
J. Murphy. F. M. Ireland, F. Miller. Finch
A Headersoa. - ;.- ,
EXECUTBIX NOTICE The undersigned- has
duly qua lined la tbe eoanty cenrt et uregoa
for Multnomah county aa executrix of the
will of Julia Burn, deceased. All person
having claims against the etat are notified
to present tbe same ta me at th law office of
Jamee u lea son. rooms 3 snd 8 Mulkey bldg ,
Portland. Oregon, with proper roue her and
Only certified, within 1x months from th
date ef till notice.
Dated snd first published this Pebrnsry 26,
1808. MART CROSGBOVB, Executrix.
March IT, ihob notice te nereny gieea max
the copartnership doing tmslnewa under th
nam of tba Wllley-Bmlth Harness Company
has this day dissolved, and that C. A. Wilier
and John Upton have succeeded to tbe bust
neu ef the Brm, snd will collect sll debts
had Py all th liabilities of th Arm.
.. F- M. SMITH. '-
' Boring are to be made oa tbe Una of th
nropoaed Wlllsmett bridge of tbe Portlaud
A - Seattle railway acroea, tbe channel about
o, - a t . L J .1 Zi, -M La . Pa-, nt
Portland. : Tbe noaltlon of bargee from whlchX
this work Is done will be shown at night by
a red light about 16 feet shore tbe deck, and
a bell will be rung on asms In beery weather.
THE annual meeting of tb stockholder of the
uregoa rural tur Mrg. co. win n neia si
tns off flee of tbe company. 1210-1272 Ma
radam road, Portland, Oregon, oa Wednes
day, March 28. IWOn, at 4 p. m for tbe
furpoee of electing tba board of director for
he eneulng year and transacting such other
baalness as may properly come before the
tuck bolder' meeting. -
F. .A A. M. Special communica
tion thla (Tueadayi evening, at
T:S0, Burhhard bldg. - Work In
' M. M. degree. All M. M. wel
come. ' By order of the W. l.
C. E. MILLER. Bee.
ATTENTION, Neighbor of George Waahlngtoa
csmp, W . O. W . w rs going iv nsre
whist party with dnc and refreshments this
evening. Bring your family and friends and
spend a social evening. ' Admlaaioa l.V.
H. A. FREDRICH. Clerk.
LOST A pair af ballet mold marked 33 W. S.
f lease return te Xaisvh vtuuing-on s... room
10; reward.
LOST A lsrgs maple-leaf belt pin. Betura to
Journal office and receive reward.
LOST laxdy'a gold wstch: Inlttsls . G. N.J
open face; snitabie rewara. journal on ice.
MEN and women te learn tha barber trad In
eight weeka. 'roe Moier system oi colleges
bare epened one of tbetr fsmous barber echo ila
ta Portland: graduates earn from gift to 3U
rir week; only rellshls barber col legs In the
nlted Hlates; special terms to first 30 stu
dents: be lively snd get special rates. Moler
System Colleges. 86 K. 4th St., PertUnd, Or.
WANTED For United States Army, able-bodied
unmarried mra between agea of 21 and 86. citu
Bens of United Ststes, of good ebaracrer
and'temnerst habtts.'-'who Tan apeak, read
snd write Enallab. Apply ta Recruiting Of-
Seer, Alnsworth hlk.. Third and Oak sts..
PortlBBd. Oregon. . ,
WANTED A flratclass cabinet-maker and
ftnlaher) must slso be di te rase marge or
1 packing and ahlpplug department of furni
ture aue-e. Addres Blandard lurnluir Co.,
Bkr City. Oregon.
BED (.'ROW stands for relief ta acute, chronic
and malignant dlsesees; rsll sr writ. Bed
Croea IHapMnry, Third and Ah t. .
SALESMEN WANTED For en of th largest
Burssrle ta the weat: essh advaaod weekly
' on order: good territory ope. Address
Washington Narsery Co., IVtppenlsh, Wssh.
WANTED 1,000 men, stiers and haircut free.
284 Couch at. W tench th trad. -
LIVE ranvaaaers for choice territory: outfit
furfifched free; big ana p. For full particulars
addxeaa Oregon Kumsry Co., Balers, Oregos.
WANTED---A gents tw- snllcH for eld rsllshle
concern: II hers 1 eoamlnloa. Call Savoy. 128
Tenth at,.
AGENTS WANTED tei Mil bnnerlor, high-grade
nursery stock) complete outfit fnrqlshed free;
essh weekly: writ today for choice of tr-
' rttory. Capital City Nursery Com MB, Salem,
WANTED Machine men, rahlrwt-rnakers . snd
Hi teoer. trregon raraiiura ni..
WANTED Price clerk: must be ipsrleuced
. aad upable. V W. ssxs Jouxnsi.
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, brick-
. i V. ! PTa a dsy. an.
w,r aaonioe course; anort tlui
only; union card guaranteed. Coyne Broa. Co..
Nw York, Chicago, nr. Lonli free eaab,g,
WANTED Men or worn, 8 per day guaran
teed, an, I n, m m I t n (a . . w .
National gllrerware Co. 'la Oregon and Waah-
aiuv.- en w eaiireaa ooaya, ASK Morriaoa
at., Portland, Oregon.
WANTED Lie tad energetic boy to learn
" i" v ouemeaai ana ieas-grwaioaT. Apply
811TMaeley bldg. - .
WANTED riratclaa city ! man; , wage
ma mmtmrj. STW B0OUa. t-
.BILL clerk, experienced, wholesale house: tat
; iiaiiuir witu oniing macaioe. : n oa.
ear Journal. . . . . .
WANTED A lit Insurance salraman of ablll'y
te handle high grade .lUTSAtuientat the most
exceouonal opportunity tu rleht man; refer
; encea and experience;-all eemmnnWttona com
fMentlal.- Adores 8 a, rare Journal.. . v
WANTED Beeond rukehsker; moat be clean
1 and sober. Butternut Bread Co., 271 Prout.
WANTED Cabinet makera and machine men.
aieo marniua helper. Fan Portland Hprlug
Bed A Furniture Co., 11th and FUnder ata.
HOTBt.-Rl'NNER wanted at th Cnkn .bottl.
oi iurin main I. . . ,.
CAN fumlah you the beat aid lis In the cltyi
ey to mii: pig cnmmiHiona. Alomar
at., room C. . . ......
PAINTER., and kalanmlners: expert men only.
Apply at so Mdlon before 8 a. m.
ton at., cor. aereota. upstairs, room Main
8tt3. Female help wanted.. 1'
SENKIBI.E 'woman. , beet character and la-
1 fli ence; mnt bar earning ability and Imder-
eiiip. Mil. cr journal.
WANTED First -elaee wsltresa at. Hobart-fur-
tu, 14th and Jerremoa ats. .
WANTED Competent girl for general houae-
wors, incnining eooaing; no waaomg. .ita
' Eaat 16th at. Pboue Eaat 747.
WANTED Milliner apprentice. Apply Fifth
ana oah t. i
WANTED Housekeeper for -four gentlemew;
alee place: aa washing to. dot ererjihlng coo-
ran lent; p lease stste wage expecteo. AU
dress 8 68, ear Journal.
WANTED Aa experienced ' girl to work la
te llr abop. Apply a fter 8 p.- m.622 W h
1010.1 si. .
GIRL wanted to help la tailor shop. 804 Aa
keny St., corner Sixth.
HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. B.
G. Drake. 3lH Waahlngtoa st. Psclne 1870.
WANTED---Position aa ' saleaman; aipetifnc
. with threehlng machinery, sswmlll and lnm
. her biwloeu: 4 years as ulea manager;
came from, tha eaat; references Sod head.
TOI'NO married man weald Ilk good position;
ean run steam engine or bandy at almoat any
thing. Phone Mala 401. Ask (hipping clerk
for N. I.
BT woman, chamber work la hotel or rooming-house.
AddrsH O 18, care Journal.. -
COMPETENT atsnographer wants piece work.
Phone Pacific 1478.
WANTED Agents; something nsw; good aeller;
big wages. 208 McKay bldg.'
WE want reliable men la every towa ta Oregon
to Hll alrk and accident Insurance. Pacifl
Aid assocUttonOOO Lev. em bldg.
SOLICITOR wanted by Investment, brokers gs
and reel est ats company. Apply at 604 la
knm bldg., city.
Co.. 9 North Second, furnlahe all kind em
ployment for men and women. Main 8088,
THB Portland Employment Co., 200)b Morrlaoa
at. Phone Pacific 230. - .
- - - 20
I Jf Second at. Phone Main 1528.
BIG FOUR BMP. AGENCT Help supplied fra.
18 North Second st. Phone. Mi In 1016- -
Henry labors, 287 Everett St. Phoss Ps-
clfte 640.
. . ! . , .
WANTED Lot In irhang for equity la 8
or 7 -room booh. ' Phone Eaat 8641.
WANTED California redwood and angar pine,
la one or more tract; must be good timber
nd well located; will psy cssh market
fir Ice for good trsct; give full Informstlon
n letter and amount ef cruise per acre. Ad
dress Ksatem Buyer, cue Box 181 P. O.,
Portland, Oregon.
I WANT a bouM la Bast Portland: If yoar price
Is right I will buy; gtv prlc and local km
- first letter. Addres T 10. car Journal.
PAT cash for any good bargain la city property ;
agent or owner oubmlt wht you hv. Ad-
dreae C lo, cart Journalr -
WANTED, for cah. lot or. fraction; muat bt
cheap. B 44, ear Journsl.
MODERN enttags aa full lot. er vacant lot;
walking dlstsnee to bridge; give location
. and price; . terms cash. Address 8 65, car
Our rental department has been enlarejid
and provided with additional staff
W Invlt listing from LANDLORDS,
offer personal attention to and .continuous
u per vision aver all property Intrusted tn ear
8. E. cor. Sd and Oak sts. Pbon Ex. 72.
WANTED 7-rnom fnrnlehed house, modern,
with ysrd; small family. Address S 68, rai
PAINTING,- spraying and whitewashing trees,
" nsaenjviil, bst us, ducks, etc. largest gasoline
spraying outfit en the coast. M. O. Morgaa
A Co., 822 Laloa av. Phone But i417.
WANTED Stock ef general merchandise er
drrgoods, booU snd shoes, etc., for which I
will psy essh; will deal with actual owners
only, iddrese P. O. boa D. Elgin. Or.
E. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer and whits
washer. Csll Esst 6243: remember tb name
E N. MbrgaBl 11 jeers In business la Port
land. WHO IS M. Q. MORGAN A CO.?
HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for furnltnrs la
bbv quantity; also tske aa me on commission
and gnsrsntes . best results. Ths Portland
Auction Booms. A. Scbuboca ptvp.. 211 First
St. Pbon Msla ftflnft.
1 WANT tf buy ginseng foeta. ; Addrem U 8,
cars JournaL
SPRAYING and prualng of fruit trees; white
wsshlngof dork and basements. L. C.
FoneA Scott batm.
WANTED Second hssd ft horsepower stesm ea
gins; mnst be cheap for cash. Pscloc 1:118.
WANTEV 7x11 or Sxl3 second-hand Job orbit.
. log preaa, Idssl hand press; muat be in good
Conditio and a bargain. B 47, car Jonrnal,
1 1 r. I ' ,,, it -in I -,i a u iir:'ii.iia, -i,ir aaev
Bod maka. D. Cobtbs, Ceneral Dsllwr.
LACB curtain neatly don. Call Bp Mala 4801.
HIOHEtT ebpld for'bortlrs and Junk of
. every description. Crane Hottla Co.. 14th aud
... I.fruru al . pliena Main "rail,
aiegaaiiiy luronuru, evraw iu. v,u
THE GRAND, 4ASi North Third at Beema for
. grntleiue It. 26 per week aad op. '
THE BISMARCK, formerly tbe Condon, cor.
. Fifth and Alder; a few pic clean room for
rent at l.26 per week.
LA RGB front mom cheap. Call after 8 P.
43 Plrat at., roont 10.
ONE nicely ftirnlehed room, ftrl per month. 634
Colombia t , earner Nereutb. . t
rvir BBtTTanHTix mmienco ewa, a a a anu
vm n , wni.iiia oi.'aii, .lat'ia, usra v
THE HAIX. 414 Fifth Rooms, single or n
suite, fnrnlsbed for tight housekeeping. --
THE ' MITCHELL. Flanders ' snd aeeentb
itouu. , nouaraeeping and transient; Cos
veulent; prlcea reasonnbls.
11.35 WEEK ap. clean. . furnished hoUMkMpIng
rooms, wita ysra. lienor, isunary. Data, tar
nace, nest. . Soa Stanton at, U ear. .
SLEEPING snd housekeeping rooms for rent.
Nee H. H. Hlgley, "ruom M, 22714 Washing
ton st. - .
8 -UNFURNISHED 'tHuekeeTrfng-!wn,---t6
"minute' walk; modern, gas. bath; tent $12;
to he vacant April 1. 260 Haasalo at. Phon
Eaat -2K04. " . ...........
81.B0-PBR ' WEEK Larg: clean, fnrnltbed
honsekeeplng.fonme; lsundry snd btb. 184
- snermani 7 aoutn -1 ortisnu.
TWO furnished boueekeeplng moms: use of
phone and bath-. 607 Mississippi are., Lower
8 FURNISHED housekeeping-room nd lsrgs
.pantry, flrat floor of modern, home ft HO Fourth
t. Phone Psi-tlte 1324. '
SAVE csrfsr by Btopplng st tbs Woodland,
208 .Sixth at Its sMrartlve featuras ars
clesBltnesB, - lsrg. alrr - room and cooking
unexcelled. - Phone Main 8200.
UNION HOTEL, 81 North-Sixth at., serve th
best meslj ratea. room ftl, board 33.60 per
week. . J. A nderson. prop. . v
CAN Bceommodsts mors dsy boardsrsv 888
Tsylor, st. At $3.26 per week -up.
PESIRABI.B room wltb board: on front mite
. ulthl for three or four: modern: rates res-sonshle.-
442-Jef ferson. Phone Msln 6436.
6-room house. Irvlngton
6-raom fist, bath, Ml. Tabor..........
6-room hotise
- n-room honae, good condition.'... v.. '.'r..
. 8.00
. h 00
. 8.00
: I2 ISI
. 14.00
w room.' nsrrn. ge.--Tioir w:
8-room hnuae, bath, good condition. . . . .
Nate No Information regarding three
ean n given over phone.
Office hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. ai
v H. E. EDWARDS, Honsefurnlsber.
IMS to 181 First St. .
KADDEBLT TRANSFER CO., prompt nnd re
llsbls piano snd furniture movers ; also stor
age. Phone Msln 1886. Of flee 110 N. Third.
' 348 STrrrlBr-ST. '
FOR RENT Houss, 11' rooms, modern lmprev
. men's. 828 12th St. Apply 327 12th at.
18 PER MONTH Furnished ft-room cottage
with wood and water; lsrg yard and chlrg-en-houM.
838 Eaat ftccond at., corner Mill.
FOR RENT Nice 7-eoorn bona, lot lOOxinn,
full variety ef frnlt and ahmhbery. University
Psrk. 818. Phone East 6906.
7-ROOM bouse with bath, on carllne. 100x100.
dee to school. 142 Central are., Mt. Tahnr.
MODERN 7-room borne, 4f)Z -10th. t.; newlv
painted and papered. Apply to F. L. Bunt
" Ing, room 40 Worcester bldg.
FOR BENT 6-room house, nice location;
prlc. $17.. Inqulr 620 Everett t.
NEW modem 6-room honae, corner lot ; . Im
proved street, electric lights; $18 month. 4o2
Commercial blk. Phone Pacific 318.
JOHNSON ST. 8-room booee, furnished or un
furnished. Kinsell, 8o2 Commercial blk.
- Main. 2K23. .-.
10-ROOM honae. with summer dining-room,
situated 87 North 14th St. Iriqutr 204 Me
; leay bldg. ' . ., y '. ... .
S 4-ROOM cottages for rent In St. Johns, cheap.
See H. H. Hlgley, room 80. 227 Va Washington.
HOUSB for .rent. 408 Booth Seventh t l'attoa
road. $5 per month.
FOR RENT 7-room modern new flat, 847Vs
.Sixth at., near Jackson. Phsn Pacific Sot.
A. H. Maegly, 210 Fourth st.
ft ROOM flat Tor rent, $18.60; water paid; ao
amall children. 626 Mill. -
NICE COEY B room flat for rent, cheap. Call
at 164 North 14th at. 7 Phon Msla 2131.
LEASE and furniture S-roam boun for Hi;
rkH In. Inquire 62 North Sixth st.
OFFICB room. Bnfnrnlsbed raorna and csmp Is
- rooms fee re st. Ooodnoug h bklg. Apply a le
va tor.
OFFICE-ROOMS. 308H Alder St. Inqulr
A. BHboUss.
FOR BENT Front st. stors. No. 842; rent $20.
Phone Maftr Bmt.
STOKE for rent, at, 484 Waahlngtoa st. small
RENT In city. 8U acres sultsbl , for
InqtUrs 20s roarth.
I WANT to sail my Interest In a mall nrdet
busiarss; her I a chance for a parly te get
Into business oa a very small capital. Ad
' dree S 48, care- Journal. '
FOR SALE Ilslf Interest or all of a' patent;
,, no limit to. demand; all mdy for th market;
fiiftrante loo per cent profit;- will clear
20,000 la n years; don't snswer this unless
you have 33,0110 caah; you te handle all
. money; thla will bear cloeeat lnveatl8atl0B.
Call or address 1110 East Tsylor St.
WANTED Msn with $5,000, for Jsmeetowa
iposltlon; $20,000 la lt. Address P. .0.
box 188.
IDAHO. OH, IDAHO: Writ st once for In
formstlon eoncernlug lends, business open-
. Ings, .slockrsleing, orcbsrdlng, rtlmste, soil,
etc.. In besutlfol southwestern Idaho. Coun
cil Commerctel Club, Council, Ida bo, Box O.
FOR SALE A country store. For psrtionlnrg
snd price address L. II. - Smirk., luinavllle,
DtHigfss county, Oregoa.
SICKNESS compels th gal of a well estah
llabed electrical bualneaa at Invoice; psy well;
rent $10. 0 13, cere Journal.
WE bar wheat land, .stock sand, fruit land.
acreage, ' Improved and nnlmnrovrd . cltv
' property, and good e. change llat. Sea ne
before buying. . North. wset Land Co., 2oS
IJoodnough bldg.
SEB nr writ J. F. Hurst A Co. for safe and
profitable Investments. 80S McKsy bldg.,
Portlsnd. Oregoa. -
HURST Antronatlc Railroad Switch, atork (old
at big dlacnnnt. Apply to Wj J. turtle,
2111 ' Commercial blk. Pbon. Mala 6884. ' -
FOB SALE General law hnslnen Htabllshsd In
IHod; ofOc library and Situree. county seat In
thriving county, esetern Oregon; Id.oOo, half
.cssh, Balance ea time; object retire . tram
hnalaass, AUraas Pi u.i esis Journal.
LA RGB or. amall rooming houses far sals ea
terms by H. H. Hlgley, room ftO, 227 r
Wsshlngtoa at.
HAVE YOU HEABD ef tbe Cardinal mines
the ml dm that will make Oregon famous.
-Samples and fnlt partlriflar room So Deknia
bldg.. . cur. Third and Waahlngtoa, Portland,
WANTED A psrlnsv la a well tbllhed
ousinee. cau at room 3. 206 Morrlaoa at.
PR BALE The best cssh buslneM aa (lona
br' .,h """'"F city of th west. Addreea
box 7. Msrshfleld. Or. '
WANTED Psrtnsr with soms capital ta etert
aa ap-to-dsts sheet metal buslseas; must be
scqnsiuiea is city; young man with,
ability preferred. B 64, Journal.
BARBER- SHOP for .ssle. 84.K); karhroomat
lease, geed luisineaa. Ila re hotel, sixth and
Gluts sts. l'uone Main 31X18.
HALF of restaurant oa Sixth at. for Hla, H.
H. Hlgley, ruom SO, 227V. Washington st.
FTRNin,'RB of 6 room houss on Front t. for
eel ea teems.-H.-H, Hlglerr i27H Wssh
Ington t. .-.
JOHNSON ST.. west side; good 8-room rest-
aepc, only iz mmi. Ainseu, no commercial
blk. MslB 2B28. - i
8 IXITS In growing snhorb at coat; value
hav incrcaMd 40 per cent BlncepurcbaM;
caah only. C 2, care Journal. ' "
MT.i TABOR, 7 rooms, bath, atabl. lot of
fruit, looxioo. owner, 12B Tnird st.
SOME fin SO-acr trsct 14 miles from Mil-
wsukle: 14 to 18 seres improved, wttn old
frnlt trses: ttieH trscts csn ha hd at-a
-bsrgam. If taken at once: alee- ether good
acreage near the city. W. A. Morehouse,
1070 Kaat 18th at. Pbon Bellwood 74.
FOR SALE Nest new 4-roomcoltage, cheap.
or owner, aaai nrereiw. :
, The first psrty that tavMtlgated bought Ne.
. J; don't nils this: " ,
New 8-room bouaa. 2 lots, rorner. in Sufc
Byslde: 82.600 takes t.
411 Eaat S4th st. ' Phon" Esst H41
FOR SALE BT OWNER New modern cottage;
rood location; prlc 81,800; esay terns. Pbsn
East 2003.
A NEW 7-room modern houss. four blocks from
end of Montsvllla car line, one block from
Haae Line, lot 100x100 feet; a very sightly
Iocs t km: 81,300. Inquire of 8. B. Sbvelov
t Ilowltt's livery barn.
FOR SALE Sell wood: very attractive furnished
eottsge. a rooms, lot nuxiw: nuo t matins
, av. : Portland's pnptilsr suhurh; ready for
' Immedlat orcnpatloo: $1,875 .price: clear
' title. Apply Gcorga C. Knight, 2SoVi Wash
ington at.
$0x100, No. 48 Fourth at.,' near Conch, leased
for 3 years, to responsible, party ft? $1kii
n., nutalli' nplna, SlT tte.l... See jua... a, .A'
' ...... , ,- - . " - wtaa,ae- " "
Abraham's, 113, Second tr - .
40 ACRES. ubs4bn. fine tract, splendid car
err tee r-wt Tarry in." tmt must ' ne taken
quickly. Afldrea a 4. rare Journal,
FOR BALE On of tha beet lot In Monts-
vllja. $1.16: eaay terms. Boom 6, 200 u, Alder,
Erlihson A Co.
FOR BALE 3 lots. 7-room houH, brick founda
tion, well rencea. nice lawn, gooa location
on Msln at., Ashland. Oregoa. Addreea . P.
O. Box 27, Bnscburg, Oregoa. ' .
$1,00014 LOTS In Point View, facing oa
the canine; ownea ny a nea-reaiaeni insi
don't know their rest vslne; we will bold
them for 3 days at thla figure. Call 107V,
Third St.'
., . ,.. - FAXON PARK t ' .
I now oa th markst. Lata at acreage
'price.. . i. . , ., . '.. .. -v -
- Lota 80x200. 8100
Lots 100x2110.. 8200 1
-Lot 900x280. $400
' Then Iota an all la cultlvatloa, level
ad sightly, on a graded Btreet, 6 minutes'
walk to good 10-room school at Lents; 6 cent
far to sny psrt of Portlsnd; wstrr free.
Terms. O. R. Addlton, owner. Lenta. Ore
gon; tsks Mount Roots cor, 6c '
810.00 PER ACRE $10.00
Irrigated land
-Crook county, Oregon. .-DEED direct front
tat. WRITE for pamphlet snd asp.
B 8. COOK A CO.,
261 Alder t., Portlaad, Oregoa. '
- 1870 Et lath st.. Sellwood.
Phone Sellwood 74.
The largest list of Improved property la
Bellwood. Home from $A0 to $8,000. Ross
addition, th great factory sits; lot $3 down,
and $6 per month. , - - T . .
SELLWOOD LOTS. $8 down and 88 a month
from , $T8 to $300. , Sellwood Ttrvaslte Os.
' Phone East 4704. . .
IF TOU want to build, boy all roar materlale
at the American Ina: yon will sere 7ft per
cent; fine dnore. windows, plaeter boards,
rustle or siding, flooring, stslrs, timber and
lumber. Phone owner. Pad fie 1078.
i Best rnldeac psrt of the peninsula; only a
few hits left In Willamette; tske your choice
now; all lot r fiOxlOO feet; $228 each; $29
cssh. $6 per month. Apply 0. A. Eygowskl,
Willamette at a t Ion. . ,
$2.200 NEW modern 7-room residence, oa Bel
mont St., Sunnyalde. loT', Third et.
6-ROOM cottage, bath and basement, hern,
cblckea house and fruit trees; 8 lots fenced; 3
block from car; nesr penlnsnls; $1,600.
ion's Fourth t. - '.
FOR SALE OR RENT Moders 7-room hoase:
corner lot, OftxlOO: line Iswn sort Vota af fralt.
Inquire Owner, 20 E. 80tb t. N.
A FINE chicken ranch rltht on electric carlln.
lor car fare: 6 acres X .acre clear, balance
eaay tu elrsr: good house, 24x24, good well
snd ontbnlldlngs; price $1,0); very essy
tsrme. Address V 12, car Journal.
30 ACRES, 18 miles east ef Portland,- Uj mil
from electric line: 13 acrea In cultivation:
lots of fruit, fin soil; will make tbe finest
ppl of walnut orchard In Oregon; price
, only 81,000; on nay terma or will exchange
fit city property. V 18, cars Journsl.
I HAVE a few B-aere tracts of very fine lend,
very easy to clear; 10 mllea net ef Portlsnd.
. and only one mile from O. W. P. electric
line, tlvst I will Mil st from $00 to $76 per
acre, oa very easy terms. Address V 14,
car. Journal,
$1.800 MODERN 8-room boun In Sunnyaid;
lot 00x100; half caah. lo7Va Third at.
BARGAIN Two-tory dwelling, 8 rooms, base
ment, pantry, lawn; . amall cash payment,
" balance monthly payments, $87 Fargo. . Phone
Eaat 8203. .
FOR SALE 8-room house. $ lots, enr . Nine
teenth and Karl. 2 blocks from rsr Use,
$2.2oo. Inquire 885 Ksrl et., next door.
. On good cerlln. excellent Mrvlca, sultsbl for
putting! very ressnnsbls. ,.
" -. 8 Washington Bldg.,
CHOICK lot on East Thirty. fonrth t. near
Hawthorn av., only $376; term. B 41,
care JournaL . '
$,nuu NIc corner lot and new 8-room mod
ern house, nesr car. Improved Btreet, nice lo
eatloa, good lot takaa In part payment, bal
ance eaay payment. 402 Commercial bldg.
IDEAL horn; mnst be sold; owner leavlni
rln7 city!
, $4,000;
. 3 rooms, strictly modern, block
- eaay term. ol Worcester hlk.
20 ACRES Half elesr, nesr tbe rlty, convenient
to csr snd school, fine soli; $160 per acre; rar
5 bsrgsln. 107 Third otr- : -
r:n whst the peninsula's doing. Better by
now; fioxtoo; payment $5 month. Bella Gas
Mil. Orkley Green at at Ion. St. Jehna car.
FOR SALE By owner, two new modern honae.
between 32$ 'aad 24th. en Weecn. Hnlladay
. I'ark; also furnish hit and build. R. B.
Rlcs. - St2 Sandy road. Phone Kaat 1086.
A ftne stock ran, eontalnlrtg a hoot f 80$
sere; n ander fence; situated nssr Ros-
' burs, Oregoa. oa S. P. R, R. ( thla la one ef
ths best stork rsnges In tb county I I bIm
have s aether good stock rangs enetslnlng
1.420 acre, which will be sold st a very low
prlc. For particulars sddrea J, R. Sutber
Ila, ewaar, )tonbur(, Oregoa.
Five Cents Per Line
;fo d- taken for lees thss iftc per day.
Seven words, sb rule, cosslltut Bn.
bat each line Is charged regardless ot th
Bnmher of words. . .
WEEKLTBATE-7 -ThsoTffAhr ' flncTunTlilg
one Sunday issue) 88 CENTS pea Hue per
MONTHLY BATE (Including sll Sunday
laaursl $1 per llu per tnoglh.
ADVEBTI8EMEMTS mut be la Journsl
business ofdc br 13 o'clock week dsys
' and by 10 o'clock Saturday evenings fur
the Sunday Issua,' t secure claaalflcatloo.
DISPLAY BATES girsa apoa appUcatloa at
th ofdc. -
Wilt he received at regular . maln-offle
rale. Following Is a list of antborlsed
sgent who will forward your sdvertlae
tuent la tlm for publication la lha.Best
.' - X0KTH SIDE. "
B. A. Prestos, druggist, Twenty-third
and Thurmin streeta.
Nob-Hill Pharmacy. 880 OIImb atrnt.
oorner Twenty flrst.
A. W. Allen, phsrmoclst, SltteeBlh and
Maeshsll streets. -
Mci'ommon's Pharmacy, Klntath aad
Wsablngtou streets. ,t; i ,
B. F. Jones Co., druggist. Front nd
Glhb treete. r . :
c.iitel . Drug company; ' Flrat aad Grant
' Fahlan Byerley. druggist, 400 -Jefferson
treet. corner Tenth.
Bettman's pharmacy, earner Sixth and
Harrison afreeta. . '
Plummet- rtrng company,. 240 Third strMt.
corner Madlaon, .
. . IAST SIDE. 7'';
W. B, ttve, ih-ugglat, corner Grand aveau
and Esst Burnsldn. street. ' .
Nichols A Thompson, 128 Bossell trMt.
corner Aioina a lanua.
-Jancke Drua comnanr. corner Hawthorne
and lrand avenuM.
W. C. Cable, druggist, . rorner Hollsdsy
avenue and . La rr a bee street, near atnl
bridge.' v
R. A. Wilson, 133 Grand avenue, nesr
jMsj-aiiBTiaon -
K..W. BnUlIutTntlLJIr:ii
corner Stephen.
Tuttle pharmaey. 863 Mlulsalppl Bvsnne.
reroer Shaver atreet.
. F. J. Clark, druggist. 1003 North Cnloa
a venae, ,
3. E. Worth, pharmacist, 80S. Bslmorrl
atrHt. .. , i . . J ... i.-rti-
' T ' BKQ0KLTB. ' '-'" ' ' "'
Brooklyn Pharmacy company, Ppwall aad
Mllwaakl treet. ' ,
Ariel phirtnary. Mora nd t'oater street.
Hemstnek's phsrmscy, rorner I'matills
avenue sad East Thirteenth street. .
- " ST. JOHNS. ','-
Elliott', pharmacy, f
ON TO HOVERl - . .
Begalar tesmer from Portland: - cheanesl
- rstes from .the cosst te Inlsnd point: ae
.Hod. BHvy soil, perpetnsl wstur, right with
escb trsct, earliest products, largest price; '
tb California of tbe Northwest. Writ
' Hover. Wssh Ing to.
FOR SALB CHEAP 8 end 7-eoom honsss; mod-
ero; part eeah. 870 Garfield avw, Tak
Wood laws car. Phone Eaat SMI.
NICE nous and nearly 9 lots. - 45-t aad
Roneevclt. Inquire Lewengardt, 83 Park Bt.
HOUSES built, essy terms; csn furnish lots.
Miller, 613 Commerel! bldg. Msla . 1840.
.Is 38 miles Bortbwest from Horpilam, an
1 Gray Harbor, lno mllea from Portland nd
- Seattle. It la tbe Pacifl Cosst terminus of
the Northern Psolfle ' Hallway snd Is the'
- only place In the Stake of Washlngtoa ea the
ocean beach reached by rail. 11 "clip I enr
to become tb g reef est -urnmer resort In
tb Northwest and great mannfscturlnc
center. For more Information call at -room
ao.1 Goodnough bldg., Portlsnd. NOW IS
Full-si sed trts, water to escb a era. ;
vdiii ha nan ami r-aan
ftl reH - AVKS- rKll slunits
Yea go fe these acre an tha sama far,
pay the earn Be far fh lot nil pays. Tb
lot man I your neighbor, but be 1 re
stricted la majority ef festaree tbst make
a trus suburbs a home,
Opca Wednesday aad Saturday evealag.
110 Beeond St.
8-BOOM hone and nnsHee bleeh at tha corner
of East 14tb and Beacon ta, $1.00. W 3. -car
Journal. .
$1.060 6-ROOM cottage, full lot. only--100 -.
feet from car, on 82tl t. : $160 caah, re
mainder $18 per month. 107 Third at.
6OX2O0. oa West 14th st. 1 8 bouses; psylaf
. big Interest; prlc $22,000.
Corner hit. Wet Itlth st.; Improved; rear
' for $o per month: price $8,760. " 1
14 block oa East Washington st., 3 hoase,
, Income $000 per annum. , ...
U block. Esst Sixth St., csntrsl localloni
$8,600. . . '
U. $, csr Journal.
FOB SALE Horn oa good Investment; strictly
tTnodrrn reside nee
Fverett st., oei
21st and 22d sts.
Pbon Msln 62HM.
luqu Ifg BH dH 704 J
$400 BEAUTIFUL building lot. nrner, - ea
ftlst st.: Improved strert snd wslk: $28 cssh,
remainder $10 month. 107 V, Third at. -
FOR SALE Two. B-rnom cottages, clos m; a
brgiiliuJ6V V, Sellwood St., gear Wllllama
40 ACRES. 18 miles city. miles good town,
some cleared, with house, bars; prlc $1,400;
good terma. B to. Journal.
I HAVE 8-room honae with 3 lota, good Iocs
.lion; will Mil on $25 dowa. balance tb aa me
aa rent per month. S 6t. Jonrnal.
LOT 78x100, .amall new house and haro, a
Ooa iniirn cow, Sll inr e-iaai, lei lua, nuu
road at., Montavina, Oregon,
J. I ROMS; th party who bought tbe Hpenoer
filace. will let yon nave ir at ine am price
e paid. Call 411 East S4th Bt.
FINE corner lot, fall site, esst front: between
W llllama anil Union sees- price $800; see
. thla euon. Payne Best 6373.
icrc ; Is Wiiat Tou - Waat
Good -6-room modern home In. Sell wood:
bath, hot and en Id water, corner. lot BOxlooi
, thla I good one; price $1,200, Oa very essy
psymeats. v
New 6 mom home hx Sellwood; all modsrs.
bslb, toilet. tca; pne gl.TW.
Phon Mala 8808.
317-18 Featon Mag.
VILLIAMS AVBc Fine 7-room modem honse;
house en resr of lot rent tns for $8 a month;
lot 00x130. alley; price $:f.oo.
Vsaconrsr av. Bear Ruaeell Lsrge 7-roora
modem hewa.--lot 80x100; a . brguij prlc -$3.1100:
Cook v. near Williams are o-room-carta
re; price $2,200: very May terma.
Have other property fa ssm locsllty.
H. O. BROWN. 818 McKay bldg.
LOT en Tillamook near J2th;.a hsrgala; by
owner. Msln 40. ,
CHEAP mta near Pled si out, - Addiwea 'Percy.,
bog 116. city. . t .
LOTS ea East th St., Bear Hswfhome. only
. $'JM)i vary nay terms. W 4. car Journal.
DO TOT) WANT TO But rlfy Vila sr screagej
If so, see Kagt aide Real Estst ce. F.sat
side pmner ty a apeetslty. 407 Hawthorn
8va., asat Grand., I'beu tvut 1087. -
-..1-: '