THE I OREGON DAILY-JOURNa. : PORTIAND. S ATURD Ay-EVENINGARCH 2i, "itZV JOURNAL WantAd'-'Rates "t'iEBNT-XtASSnfICATI0!r": '.. .... ' ,,.. .1 Portland. trrelBB, tlSSS BlIltHf. . , PUm tor tnrt mm For a 8, 1 S3 ta 44 page. eeBia. t ' iMuxiti rmm.. """ifi!; r linn . ..Mln O00 -fordo ADYnnsmo mtbxsxbtatiye. Treeland.BenJ.mUi Special Adverieing a'-;. . T iju k..... .i,Mt N.w York: Tribune BulKl' -,-' Tb IXIIr Jovriul, wiU 8uoa. I ft...fJ- ; -: Th VmMr Jvil, 1 yr.. J'"' - . ! ' Tb r!lr Juuintl. wltb Bnaday, oob. 8. TO '- Tba 111 Jaji'l wti.."..;"' ' i.- r:i I ba Ball Jcuro.l. with ttunda, Biootba' " . " ,; Tba Pally Jouraai, munfl. & ' Ta Dally jnurntl. i ' : cludrd ........i Tba Oallr ft wek, JtUired, BuniUy a- . - -.--; aautad .i - ', T. K Vail. Tbaall JourB.t. wltb Swndny, 1 jM..t-T g Tba Itljr Jouriutl, wltb Sunday, aioctha. 8.75 i Tk. fk-1 ) . i I a MMihi ........ m-la Tba Jtilly Jounial, wlib Bunda. ata. J.90 Tha Cilr mtnni,L''ff-THobtha - Tba Dally Jourpil, wltb Sunday, 1 moatb. .w Tba Sundaa Jovrnal. 1 fHrmtm. . t.00 Iba Sunday Journal. montba 1.00 Tba ami-waaBiy ai. . Tba ml-Warkly Jmrnal. S to 12 W aarb laa. Jllnatratad. tall ajarkat ra- .$1.60 u.i.1 . . - '.Vl. lW "k. nada by draft, noatal ; wr. aipma ordox and amalt amoonta ara p. o. o in : vktu TM lOumiAX KAT BC TOTTlfB ' - Tba- Jaaraal a ba .fannaV Mla-JttlH KtVsBrI&lOH. Bollar ft 0. I W.' B. Md- rfzrr---- Intrrr: Arrb CBnalnsbaB at i. .'HIC'AUV-fxtofdca Nawa company," 17J LB.U born atrrat. . '. - . 1 DKMVER BarktVnr Bra.. Union Dapot aw .. . aland. i KAN8A8 CITT Amarlcaa - Haw aompany, nawaDaoar waann. . L08 ANUKLEA B. B. Amen), aawapapar waftn; ' MINNEAPOLIS aU I. alaT.nanfh, 00 Saota Ttitrd atraat. - .l KItW TORK C1TT Bratitaao'a. TTnlaai ajnarai Stationary company, "laud rarnom street. L AnntM Tm n.aa mtmnA ALT LAB BCITT Kanyra Hotal aawi at and; Harrow Bras., 48 waac Rococo nxraai. - Mrs. laTla. aawapapar wagoa . BAN PIEQO B. B. A mom. aewspkMT wsfwi. ---. 'Iih iNniuvL.V B. Ardtna3 I'alaoa Hot ,r- Ooldamltb Broa., 8M Baftar atraat sad Bt. ' - rraacia boUl; roatar A Oraar. rarry bnild ln; H. Wbaatley, aawapapar waf oa, Markat "and Kanrnay. " BlCATTl.E HrtTrtar OraaaV vaws atawd, -AJt. afrBrcon, Hotl Baattla wwt ataad - ST. LOUliPblllB Boadar, did Locuat atraat; E. T. Jatt. ud OUT atraat; Oaorf I - ' Arkarmaa. f " BPOKANaWaba W. Or ham ft Ca. Tirnui-ODtnl Nawa eoawanr. ' Hotal Ta . ema aawa atand; Ariaa Mawa esapaayv . . TlfrroklAA B. C TlctoTlI Book ft itatl- ary eanpaay. WEATHER REPORT. 1 y- Tha Storm jraatardny off tha Oroa eoaat baa aioaaa narta to ruian inninnn. n. ri" . boary ralna la California and Jllbt rains In tha . north Pacific at tea. Storm warntnra wars displayed for tills disturhaaca yaaterday at .11:40 a. ai. - Tba (ollowluf maxlmun wind avlontlaa ocmrrao: norm una. oo min, mikiui- Baraka. 8d mllra. aontbaaat: Baera- . airnto. 8d Billos. aouthaaat; Indapradanca, 83 innca.-aontbaaat and-. Walla Walla. 'M mllra. ; aouthaaat. Aa Immense blfh preaaare are! rratral orer "ew Enrl'ad matrola be waatuar , Id tha seat, and temperatures bcVaw normal ntvrsll In Kansas, Ksurasks, Iowa and Xllaiia. anta. and thanra east to tba Atlantic oceaa. 8now has fallen in tba Ohio valley and tba . vimlnlaa, and rain ass oeeurrea oeer a narrow ' strip of territory aitodln from OkUboma cast tbmnrb Arkansas ts Teoneaaea. ' Tha ladlrattona ara for showers la this din. trlrt ton 1Kb t and SojMlay. Storm warnlnca were ' srdeeed down tbla nornlBf at 7:30 e flock. ' Obearrarlaas ukaa at a. a.. Paclfta time: ' Tamo. BtaUtma-v.. allns-ftaelrj. .Baker City. Otkob. ....... 4 ,40 .If .Roetoa. WaaaarbaaatU...... in 10 .0 CblrafO, IlllBols 2 S3 rvnnr. rMonilo. . . AO - !I4 .0 . Hants City. MlaaonH 2 Sd .Id ' txa Ansalea, CallfornU. .. . 0 . IV4 - J.'JO New Orleans, iijoolalana.,.. 73 Its O New York. Ksw Xork 9S . . 18 ; . .0 PnrtlaBd. Oraawa...- M .t 4 . .04 ftoMtiara. .Oraaon ....... 64 ... 42 . ' .04 ' Bt. Loah. Mlaeoort........ 32 --- 2d M Belt I-ks. CUh fli 40 .01 Ban FraDclaeo. Callforala.. M 4 .72 Bpokana, Waablng loa. .... M 44 .04 Tacoma. Washlnftoa 60 40 ' . .12 Walls Walla, Waahhuton.. d.,4d . T... Waahtiurton, D. C. 8 22 - T. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Boaeos U Moaena, 2d; Clara Blersoa, 23. ' Weddlntr Cards. W. 0. Smith ft Co., Wash, j. Jastoa bide., car.. Foarth and Washtnctoa sta. Miss Bartba Martin, raoai 812 Allaky Mdg. Btaaoplnc and tv needlework; laaaaos tleeo. BIRTHS. POTTG E !f M arch 6. to Mr. and Mrs, Fred D. Pottaen. SSI East Ninth street, Borth. a daor hter. BAITER March 10, to Mr. and Mr. Peter Baser, 816 nrand arenae, north, a sob. rVHLOTTH ATJEB March 23. to Mr. and Mrs. Oaorre Schlottbaoer, S7 Mallory arean, a danrhter. BAt KB Mareb . 14. te Mr. and Mr. Joha Bailor, 410 Constant a treat, a aoa. CONTACIOUS-TJISEASES. WILBOlf Mairh 22, riorenca Wilson, at St. VlBrent' baspttal. typhoid farer. jfOTLAN March 21. Xnnlea Moybuk, 10SS Vaucha street, neaale. DEATHS. m.rNGBWORTH March , Martha B. Ullnra ., wortb. saed 84 years, at Good 8amarttn boa pltal: Cass, ezbaastloa. Burial at Tillamook, ' ' BIOolS March 22. Jennie Bloom, fed 88 . i years, 1114 Eaat Twenty nhith street; eauaa, apoplexy. Burial at Abaril Bbskim cema- tery. - IHiHCHBB Marxh 22, Charles rT. TViarner, ard 48 yeara. at tiond Samaritan boapltai; ranee, romnonnd frartur of leg. Barlal at Moant : Calrary eeoiatere, rilAKE March 22, tonia T. rtrak. ated 1 month, 404H Bast MnrrtMrrr street; eaiis, nomimmtta. Tror1l it I .one rl jemetery,. EBll KHON M.rch 28. Sealena Krlrkaoa, aired 2 anonlba, IHZfj Btorktoa atreet: canae, pnea Bierila. Burial at rone rtr cemetery. K ASK Y March 22, Bertha H. Kaaky, aavd ttd yeara. at Oond Baibarltan bnapltal: canae, shore of innxs. liar la 1 at Lone Fir ceme try. ' . - ' BAPQR March 28. Marl Rader. fed 10 . months, at Good Samaritan hospital; cans, nneamonla. Bfcl:HARl March 22. Avnea w. Belrbard, seed 23 month'. 1741 Fat Rlerenth street,' . ranee, tebarcalosla. Barlal at Mount Tabor - -r- 're.merery. ' " . ; . BtlN;X-Marrh 22. Frederick J. Bodnee, 44 t'lackamaa atreet; cause. nnhot wound (ant- lde. ....... Wr.AVBK Marr4J , Twnwi B. Weeeer. d . 84 y-ra. 0t Be. Vincent boapiui: caaae, .i roenlnaiila. Barlal at Caatle Hook, Washing. 7-- ton. ' . roNfl!BMarc S3, . Mere Donner, ad m rera. 2P4 Sherman street: canae, paralysis. - Bnrtal s Los J"lr cemetery. .r KAI.I.K'ft At the residence of ble ami, Jsllna Kalllcb,' Wnodlewa, ' March 24. lgna, Geora .. Kalltch, aged TS rears. INottce of funeral - hercefter. UNDERTAKERS. Edward flolman ft fo., the leading funeral directors, haee the Aneat eetablUhaent, tba Bneat goods, the flaest eehlrlea and the mnat reaaonablr prlree. Tine hraadclnth-eoTered . eaxketa. I2B and ISO. Tha Sneet wood goods made, from fll to 110. Psrbir 220 and Kt Third atreet. eoraar Salmon, Fortlaad. Oregon. 'i I. F. Ftnler ft Son. faneral director and eenhalmers, winter Third and Median streets, ornca at eeoaty sorsasr. Telepboao Mala S. nnnnlng. MrRntaa ft Airhengh. nndcrtaker ad emhalmere; awdcra 1n every detail. 8eT(ntb nd I'lne Mala 4,'M. Lsdy aealataat . . Clack BVs fa Sewsr. BEST nTOSTMENTTOBAT r ON-WEST SIDE IS.OOO U' bkwk wwth, with 10-room boo AiO' nrin worth ttxiu: hu walking tftoUUf frum kMUMM rnntf : i Jt utltul If Tim think It li fit don't tBTMtl f tt If. oo want tba blKKt inip aom juii. r. ii utis, tint L UNDERTAKERS A. B. Beaatork, andertakar and embalaier. Beat Thirteenth and Umatilla ate. Fboae Bcll- weoa Tl. t-,v . BIVEBVIZW CIMETEKT. . Single graee 110. Family lot fn to ll.tlOd, Tba only cemetery In Portland which per petBally malntalaa and rare for lota... For full Information apply to W. K. Mackenzie, Wce ceater block, elty. W. M. Laddrpresldent.- FUNERAL NOTICES. BLOOM The funeral of Ma JenuU Blonnv will be held from the family reatdHice, Flsndrr St., Bnnday. March 25, lue. at X o neck p. m.- friends tori tea to actena. REAL' ESTATE TRANSFERS. J.- A. Strowbrtd'S Jr., executor, ta Charles Ushl. ox42.4nilOU feet, sec tltais 11 and 12. towaabln 1 aooth. rana 1 eaat . '.itl.MI w. a. i-arion et ai. to uan Walter, all that part of block 2, ralton- addition, - lylna weat of Macadam roarf - 278 rortund Trust Company of Urcgon to H raraer, kit 4, block lw. Same to Joseph Melkb, lota II and li. owes la; iota zs and IM, block 8; lot L.TUla aitaaalaa. a io iu, inciuaiee, Dioca a, roriauiouui 80 J. L, Hartman et al. to Portland Mann- raeiuring company, atrip 10 feet wine rem eaat ahle or M 4. trtoc , a. Miner aooiiirin in hi. jnnni Its to sams. parcel land beglnulng at aontbwaat corner of Caplea' I. L0., section 12, township 1 north, rang i west; alaof lota 1 and 3. block 60, A. L. Mlner'a addition to St. Jfina Scottish American lareatment company ts i. u. Maitieoeul, kit 1. block 88, Wil lamette Hrlahta addition Char lea B. Bears St al. to Battle C. Iu- Miaeon. south 88 1-8 reet or weat 8 2-8 feet, of lot 2. block a6S, Lane a .Je.. Clara L. Smith and hiieband to Aleiander inner -- m. Miner, iota a and- a. Mock 11, Wt- son' addition 18.000 Fanny H. Spiegel and husband to Mai -- ieweoson et al., Ufa ana , block . Ooldamltb' addition 8.284 Victor Land company to F. S. Hallock. lota 1 and 2. block 1. I .aural Park 171 0. M. Luther at aL to N. A. Orav. lot 7. block 118. Stenhcna ' addition. : .l. ; 9.200 M. Frank Wataon and wlfa to Portland Ai - Sas Ul - Be llway enmnanrv- block R'i - e'Ta i to an, incniiTe. nioen w. jcms 87 and 88, block 10; lota 1 ta . In Clnalee. 20 to 88. Inciuaiee. block Is. Northern Hill addition..,..-.,....,.,,. M.SOB It. F, Noren and wife to W. C. Aflame. . lots 18 snd 30. block 14. Point View.. 239 H. B. Noble et al. to A. S. Rills. eOilOO feet beginning nesr northwest corner of lot IB. block 2B. Amine Ilomeatead . . . " 40t J. B. Bnntln snd wifs to B. B. Quick . and wife, weat BO feet of lots S and , -block 2. Moont Tahnr Villa . 28 H. O. Oil ton and wife to N. A. Orere, kit a. blnch 1. Bob Bne addition -2M B. M. Flndley and biuband to I.aura " ' Adams, trmtee. lot 7, block . Ariel a - " Park No. 2; awn lota 1 and 2, block T. York ,r.,. I John F. Haaaon and wife to Joseph Me. , lick, lots 1 to 4. InclnslTS. block 22. North Irrlncton ' S00 J. A. Hollleter and Wlfa to O. R. ft N. On., lot; a, block B, Frusb'a Bquar ddltloB ......... lO.OfsJ JJOIIouaton and weoTcpJtfcltck. Portamouth : lots IS to 20, Inelnslra, block 60. University Fark; lots 15 to . 18. InclnalTa, . block. - 6SV- L'niwriitjr. Park 1.8M 1. F. Hof and wife to J. B. Hollleter, .iota I, a ana t. Mock ien, Woodstock, a.oon B. B. Lamaon et al. to Mas Loewensoa. . lot S. block 61. city SS.00V Thereee Lebea to L. Welnhard. lot , . hlork 101. Woodetnrk 1.308 J. M. Leller and wife to Katie M. Mor. row, weet no reet or lot IT ana block 10. Klna-a Second addition...... 4.20 M. Il May Berry to W. C. Adams, lots 18 to 18, lncluslTs, block 19, rolnt Vlw soe Hkrry H. Mengee and wHe ta R. - L. fate, lot io. Block B. . uawworn a Flrat addition 2.258 B, B. Lamaon at al. to A. H. Blxby,' 25 feet of lot 2 and all of lot S, Mock D. In hlorka J to P. Greenwav . 820 0. w. Roeppen to B. B. (Juernaey, lot V block 0. Uem addition. , lOt Hartman at al. to D. B. Bnllivan, ' lot 4. block : lot 14, block. 4. auo- -dlvlalon St: John HelahU. .......... i 1 Title Onaraatee ft Trust Company of r Oregon to aama, lot 18 and 14, block 8, South St. Johna... eOfl Portland Tmat Company of Oregna to Ronert w; wntte, iota ttos, uiciuaree. block 22. Tremont B. Selling and wlfa to Mary J. B. Prea- ton. lot 11. block - Lauralwood Park.. Marlon F. Dolph to Title Guarantee ,,r,, ,L Trust aompany, R0 acrea, north 4 f '" '.47 of eaat H of weat H of aouthweai u of southwest la: north V4 of Weet v of east Vh of southwest Vi of sooth. weat ; east H or aortnweec u et southwest i eaat H of southesat V -of nortbweet , section 20, township 1 south, rang 1 eaat B. B. Sbearer to Oregon Realty ft Invest ment company-, lot in. block pi lot 7 snd S. block 14. Sell wood . . 150 Frank Ttiebo and wife to B. R. Holcomb, 634.8x830 feet beginning near outnweet corner of eectloa 18, township 1 south, ranaa 8 eaat. , B. W, Godfrey and wife to A. McKaleon, lot 11. block 6. Multnomah. i Henrietta Adam and husband to M. B. Hanselman, nortbweet H or lot 8 and . block 1, Adam' addition to . St. Jnbna B. R. Oalhralth and wife to W. T. Kerr, Jot.l0. block 14, Rivervlaw subdlTlnlon of Alhlns ' "' " '" fiiii,i . . wi in C M. Harrfnctna to M. Flahbarn. lot 18 and 16, block 17. Harlem addition.. William M. Lsdd and wife to 0. P. Mil I !.) 1,230 19 ler, lot 4, block 4. uarriaon euoain elon. East Portland Portland Trust Company af Oregon to aame. lot 1. block 0. aama addition.... T. C. Devlin to earns. Iota 8 and 6. block 817, Alken'a addition to Eaat Portland. Ida M. Catching and bnahand to Cather ine L. Pfeirrer, weet 88 1-8 reet or lot 4. block 201. city 30 200 George N, Brown to H. A. Rand, lot 1 and 2. block 2. Ariel Park No. 2.. B. A. Rand to D. 0. Rogera, aama prop-, arty A. K Weat to Robert Tucker, lot 11, block 16. Alblna.... ,. 1,100 sat) William Dunn snd wife to B. Moser, lot 21, block P. Alblns Bnnnyalde Land ft Improvement company to . j.. ti. . raucrsou, jo i, oioca eo, Sunnvalde 200 Oeoree- JCmchman and wife to Mande B. . Mann, lots 8 ana 4, Lloci ia, none- -d.v addition J .'. . . . .V 4.790 T. W. Jenkhis and wife to A. n. Salo mon, lot R, block 318, Conch addition.. 1 John Drlacnll to same, lot 8, block SIS. . Conch stlrtltlon i . U. Salomon to L. B. Kern, lot ( and a. hWk 218. Conch addition 14.000 Tlth Onarante ft Truat company to Isf- dor Scbiel snd wire, lots i to 4, in. . clnalve. snd lots 7 and S, block 80, ' Snlllvan'a addition T. ...'. ..7. .T. . ." r r00 Real F-etst Inveatment aaenclatlon to otto Iente. lot a, a, io ana Ji. oioca 107. Mellwood 800 Peter Breuer and wife to Helen Beabnry and bnanaBd. lots and- 11, Jimcx vi. Mnltnomah '1,008 James M. Shelley and wlf to Peter Breuer snd wire, lots , ll, is snn in, block 20. Multnomah , Lsa Frank I. Ball snd wife to A. Tlclinerj sooth 4 feet of north Id feet of hit, : is. block 2. Strong' addition 280 L. J. Flndlev and wife to Henrv J. MH- INt, lota ao. an, nioc . Ariera vara..- jnw Aleiander Fhler Jr., admlnlatrator. to Marrarev Kioer, mrs i. snu ii, oiora 9t. Unltnornah 1 Genrg B. Hartmue to Olthert Hlghet, lot 18. Mocx in. i.mcom rr Annex.. ,mm Tnomaa H. Smith to N. P. Nelson, lot p and io, niocg a, i-ieaaani LAixm Home No. 2... SO Vandnvn nd wife ' to cite of St. Johns, atrip of land 80 feet wide lying between eat line of tract B. Comet - place, end line 80 feet eeet snd psrat lel therewith between north line of Jersey street end sooth line of Cheater nlaee tn St. Johns 1 Rehecca C. J. tlradt snd hnahand to t.. '- A I. "oney. 4 acrea in srmtnweei urn, ; section IT, tewnehtp 1 north, range 3 easr zi , M. tonard to FHeabetb SMpton, Vt S. block 3. Crimea addition tn St.' Jobne ......,... 1 Get renr tnanrasee snd abatract ta real eetate from the Title Guarantee ft Trust compear. 840 Waabinatton atreet, enrBar Second. NOTICE. iittu' waiii uu-tttMALii. i r uit KJCH i-Huuac&itm'iwu i business CHANCCa. I CALL- for Sealed Bid for the Breettoa of a ' Courthouse BuUdlug. Notice Is hereby gtvea that the county conn or taiumuia eouaty, Oregon, will, on April 10. lvud. at 10 a. m... cnnalder bid for the erection, of a court houae building at the city of St. Helena, la aald county and ante, aocordlug to tba plana and epeclBcetlime of the architects. Meaars. x Hendricks A ..Toby, of Labbe building. Port ' land, Oregon, and to be completed by Janu ary I.llM7, and alao for furnUbtng the m be "furnlabed by owner?' to-wlt: " V" .UMr"' Jsll,ttlPsjtC4.JlJforth . In aald apeclncatlou, All bid abonld he ddrsse4 be H. Render on, county clerk, St. Helens, ' Columbia "county.. Oregon, sad each bid mnat be cc romuanted be a certified check., payable to . the order of the county treaanrer of aald- - county, -ror o per cent or amuunr or. Din. ' aacurlty that the bidder will. If his bid . la accepted, at once enter Into a contract with said county court for tba erection of . ssld courthouse hnlldlng according to aald plana and ape-lflcatlona1 and within the Jlme liercln' allowed. ' ' Plana and apeeltcatton of aald building may be eeen and coneulted at the afflco of the county clerk of aald county, a,t 8t. Helena, .or at the office of tha a bora-named architect, - The aald aueeessfiil bidder will be reonlred ""Tarnlah a -bond-wUh- aureUe to. be Approved by aald county court, in the sum of one third of the amount of their hid, conditioned upon tbe faithful performance of any con tract or agreement entered Into between them - and aald county court. . , The county court reserves tha right to reject any or all bid.. - . By order of tha county court of Osramlba county, Oregon, tbla. tenth day of March, UK. . B. HENDERSON, f " ' Count Clark. ADMINISTRATOR'S N0T1CB. la tbe county court or tba elate or Oregon, ror Multnomah county, in the matter or the eetate or Alex dcknxle, deceased. -Wotlcaj hereby given that C. F. Adams, admlnlatrator of tba estate of Alexander D. Mackenale, ds eaaaed; has filed In tbe county court or the otat-of OrogoB,--for Multnomah' county. hi final acoount and report aa .each administra tor. and aald eonrt haa bv order dulr made and enteeed. ppolBted Monday, the tweotv- . third day f April, 10, at the hour r-f 9:0 a cioca a. m., ax ine courtroom ox aaia county court tn the county and atate fora ald, a the time and nlaca for hearing oblee- ttona t aald acoount and for settlement of the m. - c, r, ADAMS, Admlnlatrator of the lntata af Alexander D, -( eiacnenaie,. xreceaaeq. -r - , I'atea tsarca xo, inn. .. . WB. tbe anderslgaed furniture snd nlsoo- 'fLi "iff""1 -rmlew tba paTStynA.jf - I cbaraea nnonrllrcry of goods after Decern . . . r n . O. FTHuaaey, Coagrofe Broc; Portland De Heeey Co.. Poat Special Delivery Co., Pack age Delivery Co., Hotman Tram far Co., Northweetern Trsnafee Co., Oregon Anto De. Ktch Co., Joha Hamilton. Jamea McMnden, ran McLtnden, Faclne Tranafer Co., Oregon Traoafer Co., Portland Van Storage Co.. Wakemaa-Mora Tranafer Co.. Beet Side Tranafer Co.. 0. 0, Pick .Transfer ft Store: Co.;-: C. M. Olanh. Basaaaw ft Omnlbua Trana- fef Ct:7 A. J. Murphy. Kadderly Tranafer ft ConunlssHitt Co.j: John A, Love, Andrew J. Murpby. F. U. IreUnd. F. Millar, riach ft Headeraoa, - , NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Portlhnd. Oregon. MarcD it, new. notice la nereny givea that the copartnership doing hualnaaa under the name or tha wuiey-smlth Harness Company baa tbla day dleeolved, and that C. A. Wilier and Joha Cpton have succeeded to the bust nees of the firm, snd will collect ell debts nd pay all-tha llabilltlee of tbe firm. -S' C. A. WILLBT, ' : V-r. M? SMITH, - .. fe- ADOLPHL'S WIUJCT,. - MEETING-NOTICES. THE annual meeting of tha stockholder of the uregoa rurniiure aug. uo. wni he neld at tha off flee of the company, 1810-1272 Ma cadam road, Portland, Oregon, on Wednee day. March 28, 106, at 4 p. m., for th nill-peaa of .leetlng; the Ko. of nrectnr fuT the eneulng yeer and tranaactlng auch other bnrlsess as msy properly caul before th iocBuoiar nia. Tine- "-FLETCHER LINN,' President. HARMONY LODOB, No. 11 A. F. ft A. M. Special communication tbla (Saturday) evening, 7:S0 o'clock. Masonic temple. Third and Alder atreet. Work tn tha B. A. degree. An Me, M.. wal-1 come, tie oraer or w. ,w. RUFUS B. BALL, Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED or Stolen from Copenhagen Bros.' . n . , i . m . w..kl..t.. 1 gray bora, weight 1.800 lb.; 1 bay mare, weight 1.400 Iba. Reward. Copenbagea Bros,, WaabougaL Waahtngton. LOST A pair of spectacle! ta csa on First et. Finder pleas return to 24B Flrat at,; reward. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN and women to learn tha barber trade tn eight- weak. Tha Molar Britain of college have opened on of their famoue barber acboils la Portland; graduatea, eern from 816 ts $28 per week; only reliable barber college in th t'nlted; apecial terms to first 20 stu denial be lively ai4fat apecial rates. Moler System Colleges, 8 N. 4tb St., Pottlsnd, Or. WANTED For United States Army, abls-bodlrd nnmartiea men between sgss or in sad ao, cui- aena or tnueu ntataa, ok gooa cneracrer and temperate hsblt. who eaa apeak, read nd write English. Apply to Rserulttng Of Seer, Alnsworth blk., . Third and Oak sta., Portland, Oregon. FIREMEN and brakemea on Oregon and other railroads; experience nnneceesary; ore men, $100 monthly; brakemea, $H0; promotion te poalttona paying double; ststs sge. poaltlon preferred; aend atamp. Railway Aaaoclstloa, Dept. 44, 27 Market at.. Bag Frwclac. WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man to work in Oregon, representing isrgs manufacturing company; aalarf $40 to $00 per month, pall weekly; axpenae aavancea. Aiinreaa, wiu atamp, J. 11. Moore, RED CROSS stands for relief In sent, chronic and malignant diseases; call or writ. Bed Cross Dlapensary, Third and Ash sta. SALESMEN WANTED For on of th largest Bursaries In the west; easn advanced weekly on orders ; good territory opes. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppealsh, Wash. WANTED 1,000 men, share and bslrcut free. gH4 couch st. we tesen tha trads. IVB canvasser for choice territory; outfit furnished free; big snap. For full particulars ddree Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. WANTED Agent to eoltctt for old rerlahte concern; liberal commission, call Savoy, 138 Tenth at. AGENTS WANTED to sell annertor, high-grad nuraery stock; complete outfit rurnlahed rree; reab weekly; write today for choice of ter- ' rltory. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, n-egon. DRl'O CLERK WANTED. Call 868 Ml sals- slppl av. WANTED A flrst-clsss cutter and machine- man, for special work In plaalng-mlll; muat understand details and lumber. Apply Sstur- day between 4 and 6 0. t 145 Fli Iret at. or addreaa U 7, car Journal. NOTICE- Wanted, honest, ateady young to lnveet m enu eervicee; can Biases f-p per week, T 8, care Journal. WANTED Cabinet-makers nd 1 machine Call 106 North men; elso machine helper, llth t., city. WANTED Flrat-clae lath hand. H. 0. Al- be Co,, 248 Grand av. . W ANTED Machine men, cablnet-mskera and fin labors. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co. WANTED Well driller for a Keystone machine. J. V. McEscbern, Clem, or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843H Wsshlng. ton sL, eor. Seventh, upstairs. Fhon Mala 20D2. Fsmsl hslp wsntsd. SENSlBLB womaa. beet character and Ine fluence; mnat have earning ability and leader hlp. M 1. ear Journal. MANICURING taught , by thoroughly competent and reliable Banlcnrlst. Office 16 Lewis bidg. WANTED Flrst-clsss waltreaa t Hobart-Cur-tla, 14th and Jefferson eta. A STENOGRAPHER ea Secure desk .snd machine, ground floor office, 24$ Stark at., nd tske public work. $ to 11 a. m. LADY ror offln 1b null tore, stenographer and fair book keener, also to act aa caaliler. Addraag ta awa bandwrlUsg, X 18, JovaBl, .... -...r.v. WANTED A middle-aged woman, oae who I fond of cbrMreB, to help care for child and no light aoueework. OoB Blast Sights si ESTABLISHED advertising firm dealree office aaiatant wno csn-rnvesr gi.rww: irrrer salary $70; give telephone. T IS, Journal. STENOORAfllBR to.taveat (WO or lea If competent; luteraet; loiereat; salary 4a office work! glv telephone. T 18, Journal QUIET, a ready girl or middle-aged .woman; - latir aionet-nomeiiao niaeoi- wegee-eeaonn - glee, T 80, care Journal.: MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BKLP wanted and npplled, mal or fMnul. R. ri siBiny. arW"T nSNIIIIwq B.e alt-TatQ JDIV. SITUATIONS WANTED MAtE. WANTED Poaltlon aa aaleaman; expertenca witn threeniog machinery, aawnuii ana lum ber bimlnes: 4 year aale authagar; came . trout the eaat; reference apd bund, X 10, car Journal. ,' ' . .: . - SITUATION wasted be young axpsrlenosd ssaa sa clerk la grocery or gent s furnishing geooa store; references ; city or 'conntry. Art drees (). Stelo, . .. 1 North .Fourth St., Portland, Oregon. . POSITION wanted; general offlca andseashlar eiparience; auo mercantile ana . manu facturing; no objection outsld , work; reference. T 5, care JouraaL I . FIRST-CLASS stationary engineer want alt na tion In or out or elty; good rereeeneea. - au D. Herr,- room 28, Merriian ta' hotel. lf.BBI tloa In tbe dir. Address B, C. Hennlgan, general delivery, city. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE PLAIN sewing. Including table-cloths. - nap .. klna. ahaata. . plllow-caaea and children a clothes and Infanta' clotbee, at 238 Clay at. BEFINED widow withes poaifioa as honae. keeper; rooming -houae preferred - Addreaa 4 T-a. care Journal. . ..i-. WANTED Young lady - wlaha en me kind of employment to da at home. Addreaa T 14. care Journal; 't I ai, i ,ai itir v rr-- .iuaaeAMi - "-nMJr.a'4 WANTED AGENTS. . WANTED Agents; something new; good lb . nig wsges. I xun atcnay oiag. WB want reliable men In every town la Oregon to sell lck and accident lnaoranc. Pacific Aid aaaoemtton. 800 DckuB bidg. SOLICITOR wanted by-lnvatmnt, brokerage nd real estate company.' Apply ' at 504. Ds - koin hldg.r oily. - - - -- - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., 8 North Second, furnlahe all kinds em . ploy ment for men and woman. Mala 8088. THB Portland Employment Co., 208H Morrison St. Phons Pacific 238. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB. FOB MEN. 28 B. Second at. ' Pnon Mala 1828. BIO FOUR. EM P. AGENCY Help supplied free, 18 North Second st. Phone Mtin 1818. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT 0FF1CR. Henry Tabsrs, 267 Everett at, . Phoa Ps- dnc 540. WANTED REAL ESTATE. wivtrn r e rK close inr owner only, car Journal. WANTED Lot In exchange for equity In 8 or T-room nooee. ruona Eaat soai. WANTED Cottage or lot near William av. erbooU have buyer; atate location and price. . Henry 0. Brown, 'CIS McKay, Third and mark t. ANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOt'SBB. COTTAGES, n.ATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department ha been enlarged' ' and provided wltb additional atarr. Wa Invlt Hating from . LANDLORDS. offer personal attention to and contlnooua 'supervision over all property Intrusted to our cere, PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0RBG0N, B. E. cor. 84 aid Oak sta. raone ex. 78. f.RoOM modern hones ov nice famltv. In Holla day addition, near Broadway preferred; will take leeee for on or mor yeer. T 17, care Journal. AOTEDFmANCIAI7 WANTED To borrow BMK) B first -class se curity, u 4, car Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, aorarlng and whltewaablng treee. beeement, bar, dock, etc.; largeat gaenlln praying outfit on th eoaat. M. O. Morgan ft Co., S23 talon ava. rnone cast WANTED Stock of general merchandise or drvgood, boots snd shoes, etc., for which I will psy cssh; will desl with actual owner only. Address P. O. box D, Elgin, Or. B. N. MORGAN, pioneer aprsyer and white. wisher. Cell Esst 6248; remember tbe name B. N. Morgan; 11 year In budae In Port. land. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN ft CO.! HHtHEerr -CASH -PBKJB PAID for furniture in ny quantity; alao take aame on rommlaalon and euarantee beat reunite. The Portland Auction Rooma. A. Schnbach prop., 311 First st. l none hsib onoo. I WANT to buy ginseng roots, cars Journal. ' Address V 8, SPRAYING aad pruning of fruit trees; white- wssning or a ocas ana psnenienu. L. u, Fones. Bcott 6So. WE WILL BUY; SELL OR TRAPS ANY OLD THING. WESTERN BX.LV AOS CO., 827 828 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 798. WANTED Second-hand 8-horsepower steam en gine; muat be cheap for cub. Pacific 1818. GOOD fresh cow, Jersey, or Jersey snd Hotaieln, cnep lor cssn. mono xvaet wis. WANTED Complete aecond-htnd set New iln tsrnstlonsl Encyclopedia, 20 vole., cloth or half Rsnsla; must be In goed condition and very cheap. Address W, ear Journal. JUS! 'a8ennarri-i-g tttf stow a llttlsk older ahoot ' Fhlrles, so trown upa, ss they grow a lltt) wlner.qult..taiktnf about . Luck and . .Want Idvcrtizcrs' To tU th atotie of what on doien of the want' ads do of tha trades thy make, th Jobs they find, th peopl they lntro fluoe,' th worries thoy r-' lleve woulV4-eju1r aeversj columns of apac. A'.':' Quit Talldng- THB HALL, 414 Fifth Booms, single eg. aa eune, lurnianea ror iignt aouKeaeeping, , aoi sr.KFKPlNO-BOOMS lot . rot, 137 llth st. juiu, aaoij, , . , , , r,. t- 11.78 PER WEEK Large, clean, i furnlabed hoasekeeplng-rooBie; laundry aad bach. 184 , nnermaa. nmita fortiaaa. - THB MITCHELL, - riendera aad Seventh nuome. Housekeeping and transient; a veulent; prloea ,rsasonsbls. $1.26 WJIKRI Bp. eataa, furnlabed housekeeping ; roowa, wita yarn, parlor, uunary, Data, fur. nac beet, 208V SUnton U U car. SLEEPING and housekeeping room for- rent. v . . nig iey, .room oo, Ul ft vruawg' ton t, . 4 UNFURNISHED houaekeeplng-rooma. 108 West Park..- I'hona Pacific 817. -WELt-PURNiHHKD hoasekeeplng-rooma en , nrer noor or modem Lome; I rensnnabie to right party.. 880 Fourth at. I'hona Pacific - 14. , . , , . FRONT room for Hght housekeeping, wltb piano, creep; iom ib. rnone Beat oui. 2 BOOMS for light hnuaekeeplng, $8 per month; , env in.- 4m, naai r inn pf., n. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEIT S8i NORTH SIXTH ST. xtiegeutiy lurnianea, steam neat ana oaios. THE GRAND. 48M North Third at. gentlemen gi.xs per waea and ap. THB BISMARCK.- formerlv the Chndon. 'ror. r mnana a i.der.Ls. lew Blc CKn room ror rent at si.o per week. WELL-FTTRNISHED room, within H block of rortiaBU aotei: mouera, cneap. ins oeveuta at.:-" ' -- , i-r : r-r PLEASANT room, private family; all eon. vemencae; very central, reaeonanie. xv, Seventh -. at, ; r -.' ROOMS at 88 Savanlh St., $1.50 aad np; ire nam. r LAB toa front room cheap. ..Call after 8 p. m. HFlrat t., room 18. . ROOMS AND BOARD. A'Vmr''BTWif 289 .Sixth t. Its tuctlvi attractive featurea ara large, airy room aad cooking Phone Mam hau. bNION HOTEL. 81 North Sixth t.. serve th beat meal; ratee, room $1, board $8.60 per week. J. Andeeann. neon. CAN- eccommodate mora day boarders. 888 Taylor at. At $3.30 par week ap. ROOM AND BOARD, wltb bsth for laboring men; fis a moo to. rbone Eeet SOoO. - - DEKIBABLB rooma with board: one front suit nitabi ror three or roar: modern; rate rea eonable. 443 Jefferson. Phone Main 8428. - FOR RENT HOUSES. : KADDERLY TRANSFER CO..' prompt and re liant piano and rurniture movers; anve erer--age. Phene Mala 1888. Office 110 K. Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY " : ' .' . e Z48. STAKK BT. INSURANCB. RENTALS. SEB LIST. TEN-ROOM honae, with summer "dining-room. etruated 87 N. 14th atr Inquire 14 Mack ay bidg. T - T-ROOM houae, modern; newly ' papered and tainted throughout. 7 Tentn it. Apply r. i. Bunting, room 40 Worcester bidg. EN-ROOM house, with summer dining-room. "sffnsled 87 N. Hit L luquli room 804 Macleay Ding. 820 FURNISHED B room house, good location, weat side, close In; vsrd, garden, eoms fruit, . water sad phone. Phone Main 8871. FOR RENT Hon, '11 moms, modern improve ments. BZB IZtB at. - Apply 837 12th St $18 PER MONTH Furnlahed 8-room eottag with wood nd water: large yard and chick en -Bouse, Bos I Esst Beeona St., corner 'Mill. FOR RENT Nice T-room houss. lot 100x100. full variety of fruit end shrubbery. University pari. gin. i 'none ei bpbb. 1 . FOR . RENT 5 -room honae, nice location; price bit. inquire o Everett t. DESIRABLB 6-room cottage: bath, gas; T32 Second st.; rent $18. Apply 387 Hall at. NEW five rooma porcelain fixtures, cement neee ment, neantiruiiy situated, bio. neu wood car, three blocks north of crematorium; 17 minutes from First and Alder ata. 0 4, care Journal. and halblJ FOR RENT Cottag .of Jtlva ' S08 Sherman at. T-ROOM houae with bath, on carllne. 100x100, cloae ta school. 143 Central av., Mt. Tahor a ROOM house. 814 Sen Rafael St., Upper AI bins; hot water, hath, toilet, gaa throughout. Key next ooor west, rnone union tux. TWO furnished cot teres for rent. - See H. H. -f Hlgley. room 80, 227 H Washington St. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE.- PL'RNITT'RB of a lo-rooB bona for sals; price $200. Main 4868. S-ROOM cottage for rent, new furniture for eale cneap. amcgy central, at low rent. Phone Pacific 817. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES, OFFICB room. BBfurnlslied iwbi snd sarapls rooms ror rear. uooanougB Bias, Apply ele vator, OFFICE-ROOMS. A. B. Rhode. 200V Aider st. laqulr FOR RENT Front t. tore. No. 842; rant $20. Phone Main 564. i FOR RENT FARMS. FARM or cah rent for-term of fire yeara; 100 scree, 60 In cultivation, 1.200 fruit treea, running water. . M. 0, Oakley, New berg, ' Oregon. FOR RENT FLATS. TWO FLATS No. Ill "and 115 North Eight eentb. corner Uliean. Call Monday between 1 aad .-....- i - 5-ROOM Sat for rent. $16; water paid; a mall chUdrea. 826 Mill. FOR RENT T-room modern new flat, 8474 Sixth at., near Jackson. Phone Paclfle 885. A. H. Maegly, 210 Fourth St.. MODERN 5-raom Sat; best, water Include. Th Gnrlsnd, 821 Wssblngtoa St., near lth. 8-ROOM 8rt tort rent,-8l8.80; water paid; do small children. 828 Mill. .... MODERN 6-room flat. Including steel rang and window shsdea. 200 to Hslsey St. NICE COZY Broom Bat for rent, cheep. Call t 164 North 14th st. Phon Msla 2781. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS, FOR RENT In city. S14 acre aultable for gsrdenlng. Inquire 208 Fourth. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED WANTED W A NTBD WANTED . WANTED. A party that waata to lnveet In a nice, clesn, caah business, with very little opposi tion and ta k good location and cheap rent; and there le ao expense of delivering tha J nod and th profit ere all that could be eelred; tbla we have and earn will staod th rkieeet lna pert ton: tbe present owner sr compelled to retire, therefor thle clock muat be an Id; any one wanting good eetahllehed businse cen do no better than look thle ap. Full particulars eaa be bad hy calling apou or addreeelng the NORTHWEST LAND CO.. . 308 Ooodnoagh hldg. Phon Pacific 420. WB has wheat tend. Stock land. fr1t land, acreage, improved and unimproved cite tmperty, and a good exchange list. Bar ni efor buying. . Nertbwelt Land Co., 804 Goodaough , . FOR SA LB Half - intereat In -a - patent;- no limit to dentand; all reedy for the market; fuarante lou per cent profit! will cleae ai.VVU lu: 8 year;.Uun t- uewr- tola uuleaa i you have $3.uo rash, , you to handle .all ' money; this wll! bear lioaest inveatlgatlou. Call ur address 1110 Eaet Taylor at FINB BAKEBY BUSIXEKS Goml lot. butldlnrf, . barn and at ore room, two routea, two teeiue, wagon,'lrg oven, electric light plant, store 1 fixture and tork; everrtbbig complete and ;maklng ruoaey;.no oppoaitlon; fine oppoe "tnnlty for a live tnau: owner baa other Inter y eata and -muat aril. We offer a bargain hi tblXatteraon A-8twrt. luuti BIB or writ J. F. Hurst ft Co. for safe and. profitable Inveetineuls. 208 McKay bidg., Portland. Oregon. . . .' HUB8T Automatic Railroad Switch stock sold at a big dlarount. Aunly to W J. Cartls, 218 Commercial Uik. Phone Hal 6384. WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN 8 C0.1 FOR SALE General lew business eatahllahed in jwo; ofneo ntirary and Bxturra, county seat In thriving county, aaetern Oregont $8,000, halt caah. balance on time: ohlrct retire . from bual neee... Addrem P. Uu.cs re. Journal,.. -1 LABOR or email roomlpg-beuaaV for aele on terma by II. H. lltgley, room 30, . 227 ft Wssblngtoa t. . ..... HAVE YOU' HEARD of the Isrrtinal mlne- the miuea tbst win make .Oregon fsmous7 Ssmplea and full partlrnlira room 804 Dekura niog.. eor. intra ana waenington, t-oruaaa. uregoa. BKST-PAYING emsll restaurant oa Wsshlng. VHi at. for eale. IW .IB, car Journal. WANTED A partner In well eatahllahed uuiiiiesa. Min-gt ronm 3, unois murrisoa xc FOR SALE One-chair barber eboo t Caacaile . l.ocks: only shoo In town: trail and all. 8.V). L Call or addraea A. W. Youug. Csacails leicaa, ur. IF you want a good paying reataurant-or grocery can at ibjj siorrison si. WANTED Msn with 8S.00O. - for Jstneotowo e i poamon; geti.uuu in it. aaares r. . box 186. IDAHO. OH, IDAHO! Writ -at one for In- rormatlott concerning land, buelnee open ings, stocarsistng, oeensraing. cnmsis, son, etc., la Beautiful southwestern Idsbo. Louo ell Commercial Club. Council, Idaho. Box O, )'tKE!K:'1 .InhTrhTetnt purtenence. Including on acre ?r grouna. In thriving railroad town; price $3,800. Call 002 Commercial blk. T0U can get a good rental business, with office aad phone. heat snd light, at a bargain. Phone Main 1078- for appointment BAKERY FOR SALE 8260 will hnv mv tn. tereet tn a Bourleblng bakery; good route, good Business; iiraness reaaon rue Belling. Address W 12, ear JournaL -. SI NOt: B man want a lady wltb $no to take charge or reaiaurani. nee ii.jtij"ilieyt room nu, zxt Mssniugton at. LODGINO-HOURR of 14 moms for sal at $.100: reaaon for eellrng. elrkneea; giKtd opportunity -for lady; 8 block from the depot. Inquire 87 Kortn rmb et, - FOR SALE A conntry etore. - For particulars snd price address li m. nmlcx, uixonviiio, Douglas county, Oi Oregon. njrfning WB have a good nrfning proa pert In eon them Oregon. HSv you $3A0 4 invest one third Intereat 7 U 10. ear Journal. FOR RENT CHEAP Furnished restaurant and bakery, also small (tor; long Jess. Apply srtsr a p. m. st seo Morrison st. GOOD opening for biker with. few hundred miliars; una eatannanea trade ana route; win td elos Investigation. 101 Morrison st. FOB BENT Bskeryr South PortUnd. good Vic. lion, go.. (j OT.B, oPJ-ni"iiii. meip mil. ill' quire 802 Chsmber of Commerce. GOOD rental buelnee can be secured on esay term by fight man; good nrm, good location. Phone Main 1876. A SNAP For 81.800. long-eetahHsned steam cleaning and dyeing plant, building Included;' ooing gooa nneineee; long lease; iii-neairn cane for telling. Investigate this. Addreaa t) 8, -cara JournL. . ' WANTED Man or woman with 100 to take charge of a 48-room Indclng-houee. Room 30. see IL. Ulglsy, Wsahlngton at. WANTED Lady or gent with a little money to take half or whole Intereat. In a ' small clean restsurant on Sixth st. See H. H. Hlg- H7, nwa ou, eel n aaningion i WANTED A lady with, a little money to take ' eherge of -a rooming-house. See H. H. Hlg ley. 227H Waahington at. ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - s - ROOM - T - house - with" pntry and-torehou, wwuuowav, vo uvsw, nwiiaTiua, eoie. . House of 7 room, and lot on Caruthen -$2,000. " - ' ' New honae and lot on corner S avenue and carllne: rent on leaae $33 per mouth; ' price $4,360; psy 16 per cent. house And iot 4itx100 for ltd,), tr win sell corner 48x80 for $S.2S0, corner 14th and Jefferson ta. ; thla must be sold quick only on market few daya; Income per year, "8800 oa whole; muat be cash; If whole, pait caeb. . 5 . T-room up-to-date cottage. lot 100x100, plenty of all klnda fruit for 2 families, elos to csrllns, $2,300; term It wlahed. 7-room house, bath and pantry, basement, 3 3 lot, on west aide, plenty ef rose; prlc 12.000. - '- -. - .- - Aa np-tn-dst 8-room bouse, sightly loca tion, lot Sn,ioo. west gtde, close to csrljnet price $fl,000; for aale, et would Tirade lor -good -firm, pay difference. New 8-room house, wood-fiber plaetered, swell work, water In bona, tc; Montavllla; prlc 1,T0. A fin lerg 8-room house, modern In every respect, flrrplsce. full brick beeement. lot 50 100, cement sMewslks, some fruit, ocean of roaee, ripely finished all through, large re ception hall and stsfi-wsy; prlc $3,800; terms; on Grand av. t ' A good T-room modern houae, lot 80x100, TO feet from carllne. on eaav term; jeUwe to school; prlc $1,800; Eaat Hoyt at. . B room modern pUstered hnus, brick foun dation, lot 60x100, new picket fence, wood, ehed. oa good street. Sell wood; prlc $1,800; terma An np-ro date modern horn on Weat Hoy. rooms, fruit and roaee, bet. 2 rarllnen, swell psrt of city; $0,600; tec me If wanted; owner 1 away. ' ; A modern room houae snd lot on carllne, with fruit and roses, etc.: gs and ga rsnge. Ice and storehouse: sightly; $4,000. , , . W, W. FSPBY. inom l.'TTsmllton bidg. Bet. Wssblngton and Alder ata. 1. r. O'DONNELL ft CO.. . 204 Mohawk Mdg. Phone Main BOOT. REAL EST ATR AND INSURANCE. Look at this list of residence property; 8 to 20 sere tract nssr Woodlswn. Lenta Greshstn and Bea.verton. A ere re to suit In Verdsnt.;' . 80 lots In Moent Tabor. . 8 Ibis In Alblns bomeetesd. . 2fl lot a. In Msnlewond addltlna. , - (M lotr In BHlllvsn' sddltlon. 2 bits. 18 and 18. block 22. South Portland. 100 lots In OrsTbrook sddltlon.-. 8 lOAs In Grover s addition. : 1 ldTa In Carter's addition Uori . kit In First Fileetrtc addltl , 8 lota In Hsneon's addition. . 80 lots In Chsrleatoa addition. " V1"" S kite In Meadow Psrk sddlloa,- f - -80 kits In Oakhnrst sddltlon. V . 4 lots In Kdeemont addition. , 20 Iota In Tabor Side addition. Several new residences. $1,600 ta 88.000, GRAND OPPOBTUNtTY NO. 2 ' Th first party tnst invesiigsiea oongsi no. 1; don't miss thlst . . a New 8 room honae, 2 lota, corner, la Snn nyslde; $1,800 takes It. - 411 F.aet 84th St. Phon Bust 814. e. FOR SALhV At a bargain. 8 acre; good hone. nam. OUtOUIininTi. 1 inm " '-e, eiia email fruit. Joha F. Mnrpher. 81 mil south Tremont station. Moont Scott car. WB offer a splendid new a mom house, modern nd n ice IT rranrej, on run corner ror. ea.l aide, for $2.00: thla le le tbsn Jt could be hellt for; will take nicely located M IK part payment. WESTERN 0RS-00N TRUST C0MPAHT, ,1: Fiye Cents Per Line ' . i ; No sd taken for less ibsa 18c per day. Seven woriia, ss a rule, constitute, a line, but each hte t charged .regaruieaa uf- tee tiumbt'r of wordfl. ) ' WEEKLY BATE T Insertion .'(Including , one Sunday Issue) 10 CINT8 per tin per wck. MONTHLY BATBncrndliir-n-8undy sen - i -$i .oer line per month, ADVr.RTI8MXTS muat be In Journal bualueaa office by 12 o'clock week deya nd hy 10 o'clock Satitrday evening for - ie minosy laeue, to ecur claaaincaUoe, DISPLAY RATES (Ivea upon application at .. the ulnce.., THE JOURNAL ' ER ANCH .OFHCiBS 2r t ADVEBTISEMEMTS ' : Will - he received, at regular - main-office rstes. - Following la a list of authorised gent who will forward your-advertisement la tiinalfor publication la tha next lssus; ,., ,, .... ..-.j. B0KTH SIDE.' -'."';"..-'". ' - rreatcdj, ouaatJTaaU-ihJid Bbd Thiirnian streets. Nob-41111 Pharmacy, 880 CUsaa treet. corner Twenty-firet. , A. W. Allen pharmacist, Sixteenth Snd Marahall atreet. Mct.oinmon' Pharmacy. Nineteenth and Washington streets. . . J , ' " ' ' '; SOUTH ' iIDE.'"'"'""':--' F. one ft Co,, drugs tat. Front and Glbb streets. , t'ottel Drug company,' Flrat and Great trests. . . .Fabian Byerley, drugglat. 400 Jefferon treet. corner Tenth. - - Bettmiu'e phifmacf; corner ' sixth and Harrlaon streeta. Plummer Drug company, 280 Third street, earner Msdlsoa. XA8T SIDE, W. B. Love, druggist, corner Grand cnn nd Kaet Burnalde atreet. . - -Nicbol ft Tbompeo I2S Rueaen' Street, corner Alblna (venue. J.,mrk Pru eompany corner HawtborM Bad Grand avenuee. W. 0. Cable, drugglat. corner' Ilolledav venue and Larrabee . street, near stssl bridge. R. A. Wllvon, 138 Grand vnu. Bear Best Mortisnn. K. ' W. Bait'" 866 Et Seventh irreet. corner Stephen. ' , - - . TUttle pharmacv. 853 Mlsshislppl kvsnue. HIGHLAND. F. J. Clark, druggist, 100 North Union avenue. . . TrVTSnE. ' J. B, ' Worth, pharmaclit. 800 Belmont street. . , -. :--BRfJ0KL'T. - Brooklyn Pharmacy company,' Powell and Mtlwaukle Btreet. ' . . ASLZTA, OREGON. , Arleta pharmacy. Mora and Foster streets.' - .- BELLW0OD. . . Heatoek' phsrmeey. corner Cmstllla avenue and Eaat Thirteenth street. "1 ." ST. JOHNS. Elliott; phrmcy, , ; ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 40 ACRES -of flret-rlese lend. Its miles from uugan atauon aud miles Frum . ureahaiu; creek on tbe lend: price $1.6011; terma. 3 SO acres, TH fnllee from Newberg. Yamhill county; one balf cleared, balance pasture and timber, eoroo ecroe hope, a 6-eoum eonee, barn, etc.; school and church near; fine ao'.l for pots Iocs, grass snd fruit: $2,400. 100 feet equare on Eaat l'Jth at., N.; graded street, 8-room bouse, bam. cblokvn-bouee, fruit , trees bearing, euiall fruits, -lot 3 -feet above street: $1,700; a cheap property. 60x100 feet In block 186. Inlreralty Prk. 24 acree. It block from Montavllla car; li acre In fruit, s fins 8-ropm houae, barn, rlilcken-house; a nice home and cheep . st $2,500; t.VKl cssh, balance $20 a mouth. Lot 40x126 feet, with arw 6-mont, house, concrete beeement, bath! nesr cr. Moula vllla; $1,200; $200 caah. balance $16 monlli Alao another, a little larger, at $1,400; $300 down, $30 a month. BLAIR ft Hl'Rf.BCT. ; , 1& Ablngtss htdg S IITS 1b a growing euburb at coal; valne nv increased 4U per cent since purcosse; av-eara eourual. - MT. TABOR. T rooma. . bath, els hie. kits uf fruit, lisixlOO. Ownenf 129 Third St. BUY on of tha kit between 44th and 46th st , on Dior south or Uswtiiorne sve. csrllne; they will double In uiue within the next yeer: price only $235 each; term. $10 per month. .. M. B. I.F.B, 8314 SIXTH ST. 10 NEW home to choose from; sll complete son reedy tn move into; 4 rooms, .ni, :.n down- snd $10 per month; room. B-reom snd 8 new 6-mom at $8 eech. $100 down and $' per mouth. See the owner, Joe Naab, In the white houae it Naahvllle eddltlon.on tbe Mount Scott carllne also sum kit and. acreage cbeap for eaeb. $I.6010 ACRES of good land, nrer Monta. vine; Bargain. - "V 83.2ia) 8-room house oa llth et. line eawmill with timber and hnlldlng, all in good condition, for sle very Chen p. A few kite st Mount Tabor for sale cheap. DAMME1KR ft M'COY, 90 Fifth at. - CLOSE-IN ACREAGE r , ' ... gTfal xvfc acre on eernne, ine rern; term. $000 2'i sere on csrlloe, 10c fare; 6-room kouss; terms. HAUEMANN ft BLANCHARD, 91 Fifth st, . COTTAGE for Ml. asy terms. Inquire Oftt Willis ms ve. SOME fin 20. sere tracts lt miles from MO- naiiklet n to xaacre jniprovea, witn 0111 fruit tree;-?thee trecte can ne ' had- at a bargain if taken at once: alao other good acreage neer the city. ' W. A. Morehouae, 1670 Bast 13th St. Phon Ssllwood 74. 6M ACRES and small honae, I acre amsll fruit, goon location, aioniBViliB. erana a, rr uiaru. Telephone Eaat 4132.. BEAT THIS Bents $36 per month, price only $.1,200; Isrge double houae, a ronma seen; i' bath, toilet.- gaa, etc : lot 60x100. Union v., north. Porter, 222 Waahington t. FOR SALE 2 lota, 7 -room hens, brick founds- tlon. veil fenced, nice lewn, geoo location on Main St., Ashlsad. Oregon, Addreaa p, O. Box 27, Roeeburg. Oregon. FOR SALE 4 choice kits In St. Johns, by owner.' T 8. rare journal. FOR' SALE Neat new 4-room cottage, cheap, . . eoa r . v . s 0 ,,. . .v "" . -. . . . . FOR SAL OR RENT New modern 6-room Cottage, witn ' attic, electric iigni; aim ror ale cheat; houeea built on assy terma; In. veettgste. Owner, Holgate and East 16th, block from Sell wood-car 11ns. W. H. M0REHOUSB, 1870 Bsst 18th St., Sellwood. , , ' Phone Sellwood 74. Tbe largest list of Improved property la Sellwood. Homes' from $600 to 88.000. Rnea sddltlon, th greet, factory site; lots $8 down nd $6 pee month. - LARGB 6-ronm up-to-date cottage. $J.S6fl: $200 down, balance in esay mouiniy paymeBta. Owner, phone East 876. - LOOK Choice lot on Rose St.; 2 others adjoin ing; all ror Bi,B7n: must ne eoia at once. Call 618 McKy. Third and Stark, . .. ... SELLWOOD LOTS. SB down and $8 a month; from I in to seutx, neiiwooa AWaaii KJOm Phon Bert 4T04. FOR SALE T-room modern honae In Irving. ton; part caah, balance 8 year: would rent Iiartly furnlahed to - deetrsbl tsaaat. . it 0. cara Journal. , BAST STARK ST. Fine new 6-room honae with ' . bsth, beeement and cearnt walks, $2.0i0; eey walking distance. KlosslL 002 Com mercial blk. Mala 2838. ' IF YOU want to build, buy all your materials at th A mar lea a Inn; yon will eav T6 per cent; fine door, windows, plaster board, rustle or elding, flooring, stairs, timber aad lumber.' Phone owner. Pacific 1078. HAVB yon seen th kit between 44th and '48th ta. . one block south of Hawthorn Srs,, fog $2851 Terma $10 per month. M. B. LKB. Mfc SIXTH ST.' WILLAMETTB. Beat residence pert of the peninsula: only ' few kite left hi Willamette; tske vonr choice now;' all kit are 60x100 feet 1 $228 eech: $2$ cash. $6 per month. Apply 0. A., tygowiki, Willamette gtatloa, , . .. . '