The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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" ll
TaJdngjrf Testimony Before In-
r- vettigating Committee Con
cluded Ust Night
.. ', , ;,. )--4. j .V,;. ,' .,
Witnesses V- Who Had Testified
' "-Against Company and Whose Tei
L timony Waa Subsequently Shaken,
Take Stand to Explain.- -
: Investigation of the I Portland Gu
eompany by the city council, to drawing
to a close. The taking of testimony be
fore -the inveetlgatlng comralttaa wss
concluded last evening and the next
atep will be- an examination of the gas
company's plant. At the request of the
company, the council men will visit the
(as works and make personal inspeo-
tlon of every part of them. One week
i -'-front next Monday the committee will
meet again to near argumente by the
attorney a : . '
In the eourse of the session-last aven-1
Ing J. N. Teal, attorney for the ass
company, proposed to the oouncltmen
that the city ahould establish a system
of municipal Inspection of all gas me
ters. He urged this aa the best possible
- method of doing- away with ail cause f
. complaint on the part of consumers and
believed that it would prove setlsfao
tory both to them and to the gas com-
psny. . ........
In order to set at rest all question as
the candle power, quality and pres
sure of the a as now furnished In Fort-
land, Mr. Teal proposed that an expert
be appointed to examine 'and make re-
: port on these points.
ret st the facts and is not actuated
by Ill-will In this investigation." , said
the attorney, "no doubt It will be will
ing to pay one half the expense of se
curing an expert and the gag company
will pay the other half."
. Committee Studies Burners.
' " At the 'conclusion of the session the
j committee went in a. body to the ofllce
.nttha gas .company where one of the
; employee gave a practical lUastratlon of
; the merits of the various kinds of gaa
burners in use In Portland. He shewed
' the -committee that In many cases large
- gaa Bills are tne result or - wasieiui
burners, " and exhibited some burners
which are being extensively sold on the
false representation that they economise
gaa .
- - But three witnesses were on the stand
4durlng the evening. U T. QlUlland and
j. w. roomer, nig 01 wnom ho mj
tlfled of exoesslve gas bills, bat whose
testimony was subsequently contra
dicted in" part by Earl ClelanjJ, an em
ploye' -af-the - gaa- company, . took - tha
stand to explain their statements. W.
a Dole, superintendent of the gaa com
pany, was the only other witness beard,
thoOg-h some documentary evidence was
submitted by Mr. Teal .
Laundry Haa BsplaU
: I T. QllUIand. proprietor of the
Union laundry, took the stand In order
to explain how his gaa bills were lower
during 104 and 10S than for tha two
years brevlous. He - denied that this
j :wss on account of the reduction In price
and said It waa aue to tne raei mat ne
had been using electricity to heat his
Irons for tha past two years In place
of gas. - This lessened his consumption
of gaa and he considered the bills ex-
. ceaelve. v 1-1 ' 1 .
J. W. Toomey. proprietor Of the Barr
1 hotel, wnoee rormer testimony naa peen
seriously im Dal red by proof that he had
f "Suppressed important facts and had
given the gross amount or nis bins in-
stead of the net, then took the stand in
order to make an explanation. He at
tempted to Justify the testimony he had
originally given, but was obliged to ad
mltr that he had withheld important
- facts. Mr. Teal was evidently of the
opinion that Toomey is a chronlo fault
' finder.
--"Dld -you ever have .trouble Jrtthzlba
' electtia company over your bills for
electric llahtr -
; Toomey at first thought BC but fl
- nail v resiled In-the afttrmattva
"Did you ever, have trouble with the
water board about your waty biiist
Toomey reluctantly admitted that he
had complained of his water bills, as
well as his geg bills and his electrlo
Dole Qooe Witness.
' .. W. 8. Dole, superintendent of the gas
company, proved an Important witness.
Ha Is a graduate of Cornell and is
civil engineer. In response to tbs ques
' tlons of Mr. Teat the witness said that
he had been connected with a number of
lartj gss companies In Chicago, New
Tork and Han Francisco, before coming
to Portland. His testimony dealt largely
with the cost of making gas In Portland
and Its quality. .-
The cost of manufacturing gas In
8an Francisco, exclusive of depreciation,
is - about (9 cents per 1,000 feet, said
Dole. ' Thar la the present cost to the
Independent Oss company and the cost
Jo the Ban Francisco Gas company last
year waa ft cents. The candle power
f the Independent , company's gas is
21 and that of the rival Company's Is 1.
The candle power of the gas supplied in
Portland la 11. The quality of the gas
as that of the gap made by the Inde
pendent company or nan Francisco.
"Last winter 'we carried as high ss
inches pressure." continued Superin
tendent Dole.:.!The" pressure ranged
from-that la IVj Inches. .Now the mul.
mum is i on the east side and t on
tbs west side. For Welsbaoh. burners
or 'gss stoves there must be at least
I inches-pressure. In-the oiitsklrU-Qf
the .city greater pressure Is required.
The-pressure we use certainly, would
not be considered excessive. In , N
Tork the pressure Is t Inches. In Chi
cago It Is 18 Inches and In Ban Fraif
elsoo the eld company usee a preeeura
of ; w or t Inches. The - - eon
sumsr can always regulate .the pressure
by means of the atop cock at the meter
or by the -valves of his gss stove. It
Is the gas 'company's Interest to keep
the pressurs as low as possible in, order
to avoid leakage.
Moat OomajalnU
"Are mafiy complaints made to- you
oa account of . too high Treasurer'
"More complaints,' by at least to to f.
are made, on account of low pressure,!"
replied the witness.
' Superintendent Dole gave much Im
portant Information relative - to the
number of consumers per mile In Port
land and other cities, the average con
sumption per meter and the cost of coal
Two. Months Ago- Doxea.or More
' Service Will Have . to Be In-
Lcreaiedto Handle TralfleJyuA
dition of Two or Three Carrier,
"The quality of the gaa during the
past five or - six months has 4een un
even," said Dole, ."because we are mak
ing many change! and Improvements at
the works. - At the same time there has
been a great Increase in consumption.
The inequalities have been unavoidable
while these improvementeorere going
on." ' -.
Judge McGinn strove to lessen the
force of Pole's testimony and Indulged
in soma sarcaatla comment, but the
witness proved well able to hold his
own. Judge McGinn waa especially
anxious to know about some chemical
In tVie Edinburgh-University
three human lungs lie
side byide. , One is of an
Eskimo and is' snow white.
In life, this would be ruddy
with rich blood r Another fs
that of a coal-miner and is
black, -The other is of a town,
dweller -and is' a dirty slate
gray, as are the lungs of most i
city residents. That's why
consumption thrives in cities.:
. One reason why Scott's
Emulsion does so-jnuch to
keep .down consumption ' is
because it helpi to keep the
lungs ' clean and supplies,
them with rich, red blood. "It;
makes the lunrs. gertn-re-
- sisting.,. If the body is run
I down and, health is . at a low
ebb Scott's . Emulsion ' will
build it up quickly and per
ICOTT a SOWN B. ee Peul (met, MtvYark.
- " .. ...
company has been making and desired
to know whether they entered Into the
price or gaa. Dole, replied that they did
not. -. -v -- . -
Dole testified that without a decided
Increase, in consumption the gaa com
pany would be unable to earn dividends
when the price of gas Is reduced to 06
eents. It- - must rely . upon Increased
consumption to make the business pay.
tr." Drees Parade, gays- MoOtaay""
"I have never known of another city
where so many voluntary reductions in
the price of gas have been made In the
same length of time." said Dole. -
When, at the: conclusion of Doles
testimony, Mr. Teal Invited the- mem
bers efjghe gaa company to visit 'the
company's office in 'order to see for
themselves the resats obtained from
different burners. Judge McGinn en
tered a -protest: v". ' -j.--.-t.-.., - -
--That's a mere dress parade," he
exclaimed angrily.
After a sharp tilt between the at
torneys the committee adjourned and
went In a body, to the gas company's
office, . .
The exhibition of gas burners proved
to be of considerable Interest. One of
the gss company's employes showed the
respective merits of the different burn
ers. The company advocates tha use
or tne weisbach burner, which con
aumea only 4 feet per hour and gives
a light of 200 candle-power? An imi
tation of tha Welsbech- burner la being
sold, but It- gives a much poorer light,
the candle power being only (0 or TO.
A burner which has found extenslvs
sale Is known as he "Jumbo." Agsnts
nananng it represent mat nses only
1 feet of gas an hour, but when tested
at the gas company's plant It waa found
to consume 14 feet per hour. ..-.iL
Next week the committee will visit
the gas company s plant and make
complete investigation of the works.
They will slso endeavor to form an es
timate of the value of the plant. One
week from next Monday evening, the
arguments or attorneys ror the Ore
gonlan and for tha gaa company will be
Steamer . Northland Hereafter
TWlirPly in Coast Trade Out
of Cray's Harb6.
Because,-It Is 'Impossible to ' secure
lumber at Portland for the coastwl
business, the steamer Northland will be
tsken off the Portland-San Francisco
TTonte onr-which 'sha- haa bean, running
regularly for nearly .two years. - The
steamer srrtved this mornlna on her
last trip and after that, she will be
placed In the lumber trade out of Gray's
With tha Northland taken off tha
route from Portland, the only coasters
which will come here regularly aside
from those operated by the Ban . Fran
cisco at Portlsnd Steamship company
are the Itedondo. Reanohe and F. A.
Kllburn. A couple of months ago there
were a dosan or more plying regularly
up and down the coast In the lumber
and grain-carrying trade. . With the
fleer so reduced the shippers fear, the
will be tinable to make shipments of
general freight to and from San Fran
cisco with the same dispatch.
While the eteam schooners from en y
went out loaded almost to thstr full
capacity with - lumber, they frequently,
handled general freight and on the trip
from California they brought heavy
shipments of merchandise. In faot. it Is
declared that tha tnfi.nnd.n f atMmra.
" . 8 JBieir M TSHed,h.
ceiianeous' freight On the return trips
than the ooasters of the old-establllshed
Since the outside steamers sre pulling
off the run, it Is asserted that either
the Doe' interests, owners of the' Boan-
Uke, or the Harriman people w!lL.--be
obliged to Increase tbelr service. If
they do not, " the shipments from tla
south to Portland will have to ba made
by-raih-aathe steamers will be unable
to handle all of the traffic. The Sen
ator wIUJm off the route by the middle
of April, but the company plana to have
another vessel In her place. - Shippers
say there -ought to be at least two or
three other first-class carriers added
to tha fleet. ' - '
F, lmo Robinson, who has recently
taken charge of tha work at the Hod
itey Avenue Christian church, Rodney
avenue and Knott street, will begin re
vival meetings In the ehurch Sunday.
March ft. . Mr. Robinson came to the
Northwest three years ago and soon
- - tfi?.. - ' ' '
F. Elmo Robinson.
aftsr his arrival, took' charge of the
little mission church at Tha Dalles, Ore
gon. During his ministry there the
church- grew strong and self-soppof-HrHC
Since be hag taken charge at the Rodney
Avenue church there has been a marked
increase In attendance and Interest In
all departments of the work. Tha peo
ple are euthuslastlo over the promise
of a great year's work.
Services will be held each evening
nexiNweex. Bong service at 9:19 p. m.;
preaching at p. m. Subject for Bun
day at 11 a. m., "Glorifying God In the
Mam"j7:io p, ro.. "1,1.8..
'(peelal Dispatch to Tse Joom.1.) '
Union, Or., March 14. A carload of
plows, - scrapers and other- grading
utensils has been received in Union for
work on the Centrsl Railway of Ore
gon, the eleetrlo railway which will en
circle the entire Grand Ronde valley.
Grading will. be commenced at a point
about three miles nortbweet of I'nloa
and continue toward the Cove. Soma
of the eastern psrttes Interested In tha
belt railway enterprise Jiave arrived and
they are' pushing the work ss rapidly
aa possible. Weather conditions will be
(he only element now Jn-, the way of
outlaws, vi me rvsu,
I progress fa th,e
French-ark Chartered 1 to ' Take to
Sarope Oraia aa TetJTaralaed. '
Chartering a' ship to load new-crop
grain for Europe so far In advance of
the harvest season is a - long chance
which was taken yesterday by a local
exporting firm. The names of the ship
or firm will not ,be disclosed for a
few days. - It Is explained, however,
that the vessel is a French bark and
was taken at the union rate of "is d-
This is the first craft to be chartered
on the Paclflo coast this year to trans
port a cargo of wheat, still to be
grown and harvested, to the European
markets. The vessel will leave Ham
burg in a few days, for Portland with
a cargo of cement. - She la axpeoted to
arrive the latter part of August.
That the first ship for new-crop load
ing - should be chartered - to -carry a
cargo from Portland la taken as. evi
dence that the ewners do not Intend
to make the fight against this port
with; such vehemence aa characterised
their actions last season. If they show,
no. discrimination against this port It:
Is the general opinion' among thoss who
keep In touch with shipping affairs that
more cargoes of grain will be dispatched
foreign from the Columbia river In the
coming season than from all of -the
ports of the Puget sound. - Even when
the owners were fighting Portland shs
made equally as good a Showing as
her northern, neighbors.
" This first shows that the "Uporlert
are fully convinced that the price of
wheat is not going to advance. If it
should, the firm securing the vessel
several months before the cargo is
brought to tidewater would be
heavy loser by the transaction. In the
event that the price of wheat would
get up to tl a bushel, for Instance, and
the Liverpool quotations remain un
changed, the early venture would cost
them several thousand dollars. In years
past some of the exporters have lost
heavily by engaging tonnage so early
in the season.
Francisco about the middle of March,
when she waa chartered to load floor at
PorUawTToT Blberiav Athe"ttme-ahe
waa engaged it was supposed that a
number of other steamers would be
chartered for the same business, but so
far there has been none. Exporters do
not believe there wlU 'be any beavy
shipments mads from . either Portland
or the sound to Vladivostok until much
later in the season. This will be the
first cargo aent from the Willamette
river to that quarter of the globe since
aDtureaoyTTie Ttus-
slans and. her cargo appropriated by
them aa contraband of war. Later they
paid foe it at the market value. .
Freaeh Ship OrlUoa Chartered Before
, Differential Waa Absorbed. . .
AftefJhe4lscharges her cargo of ee
ment In the Greenwich dock, there Is
a - possibility - that the -French, ship
CrlUon will be sent to -Tacoraa t load
grain for the United Kingdom. ' Prior
to her arrival, the vessel was chartered
by-BalfoorrOuthrle St Co. ta load Brain
at Portland, with the option, of Puget
sound, for ths outward trip. Since she
bad to coma here with her cargo of
cement It ' waa generally taken for
granted that the grain far the outward
voyage would be secured locally. . .-
1 It appears that the vessel was char
tered before the O. K. sc. N Co. s greed
to- absoTbTrbsfretg-hr- differential" in
favor of the sound. Consequently tf she
loada at Portland the exporters 4wlll
have to pay the owners S7s d for send
ing the cargo to Europe, whereas of she
is supplied . with grain in the nortn
rate of only its Id will bs charged. The
matter Is now under consideration with
every likelihood, it is said, of the Crlllon
being sent to the sound to load, ''
lookout at jrort Mead Slgfcta Three-
While "the lookout at the North Head
weather station was scanning the hoii-
son this morning he sighted a three
masted loaded bark which is supposed to
be the French bark General Neumayar.'
bound from Hamburg with a cargo of
cement , She Is one of the vessels that
has been out from her home port for
mora than' a year. - Lest fall aha had
o put Into Buenos 'Ayres Tor repairs.
for the Columbia river, and she has 1 lou caa' no btin ltftv Sow rile rrfr
had ample time to arrive. The cargo
Is consigned to Meyer, Wilson Co.
The British bsrk Frocyon is also about
dus from Hamburg -with a cargo of
cement. - She sailed for Portland pn
November It. ' Shippers are Inclined to
believe, however, that shs will not put
In aa appearance for a week or so,
Dalles City Suffers - AOoldeat Wane
--- -Coming: From The Dalles, -Jfz
While she was coming from The
Dalles . yesterday afternoon,, the shaft
or tha steamer uailes city or tne Regu
lator fleet broke, but she succeeded In
Completing the passage without any as
sistance. She. will be tied up at her
dock until a new shaft can be made for
her. Tha ateamer Undine of tha Kamm
line was chartered to take her place and
went out this morning. It will be about
twe weeka before the Dalles City will
be In shape to relume her run. Of late
ehe baa had a streak of unusually bad
luck. Not long ago she ran on the rocks
and was sunk in the upper Columbia
Since having been raised ahe has not
made mora than two or three trips.
- The sohooners Annie M. Campbell and
William Bowden have cleared for San
Pedro, the former with 760,000 feet of
lumber and the latter wtth 60,00O feet.
They will leave down as soon as tug
boats can be secured. -"
United States Inspectors Edwards and
Fuller are Inspecting the steamer Game
Cock today,
Three sags ofTXoagshoremaa " Bask
Flour Into Steamship Cambrian Stag.
Half an hour after the arrival of the
British steamship Cambrian King from
San Francisoo this morning, three gangs
of longshoremen -went to work loading
her wltn a nour cargo at the Portland
Flouring mills. She will be supplied
with cargo all day tomorrow and by the
Utter part of next week. It la thought,
will be. ready to sail for Vladivostok.
She wftl take out ctoee to 10,000 bar
rels or flour. - - i.
' The Cambrian King Is In command o
Captain Carter, whd was at Portland
about Ova years ago as an officer on a
British sailing vessel, During the past
year the steamer haa been ever a. good
portion of the orient and to a number
Ve Can Make You
tfe Best Suit
You Ever Had on Your Precious Back
At 16 to til lees thsn most of the other
fellows would .chsrge you' for similar
garments.- . - - - -
Does This Interest You?
IT ovoarr TO.
Superlatively. Fashionable - Furnishing
Goods for .Gentlemen. -
Norgard & Pettersqn
133 Fourth St, Bet Washington and
'.I:. ;.' .', 1 Alder, .. - ' .. 'I"
Tomorrow the work of loading the
schooner Crescent with a lumber cargo
for the orient will be started at Inman,
Poulsen A Co.'s mill.-
Major S. W. Roessler ' and Captain
Werllch left for the Sound this morn
ing to Inspect lighthouse stations. .
The steamer Argyll - arrived this
morning from San Franofsco with
cargo of fuel oil, part of hlch is being
discharged at tne gas cock. -
The British steamship Vermont
moved this morning "to. an anchorage
below the bridges, where her cargo ror
Shanghai will be completed. The bark
sntlne Koko Head also moved to Mont
gomery dodc No." t to flnlsh her lumber
cargo for tha far east. - -
mm mm be
, AtlD
jl jLJ--L-S..!!?-ljL7
' 4 : - ': eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM ' ' ' .
CHA8. EBY. 8R, of Ellzaboth, IIL. wiiteei -I paid out over $160 to local phy
sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. I afterward
bought a Sl.OO bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents
of this one bottle I was entirely cured."
PrlaS3eu$I.C3 ADnOUUTRLY C U A 17 A riTti IT P T Tr!d Tra
Dollar Package
Man Medicine Free
parkase et Mas Medleloe free ea reaoast,
Man M.dlrto. gtr yoQ esee store the gaete,
the Jor'ul saustactlea, the sale sad throb of
pbrslc.l plesMire, th. kea sense ef ssa4isa
tloo. the luxurr of life, bodr-sewar aaA auar.
comfort free, ataa aUdlclbe does It.
Mo- atedlHne eares i.swaksiss, - atrvoua
a.oiiicy, e.rir oecar, OUoonr.ftm - BMaknoO,
ruDftlout rsllnre. vital weakaeas, train tag,
barkacbe, praataUtta, kldsay trouble aae aarv-
torn can enrs mralf at keaaa b Itaa VtiU
dee, end' the fall aiae eeUar eekage-WIU e
geltrered te yoa free-, plain 'wrapper, -smI.4,
wuo rail airectloos sew te ase it. The ruU alse
soiur package free, aa parsieats of any also,
s raceipu, ae pramiaaa, so sasers to aiga.
Is free.
all we want to ksow la that are aot
senaiag ror 11 eat ox laie cariosity, set taat roe
want to be well, and bsoMne your - strong
aatnrsl self eece nore. llaa Medleloe WU1 ee
won jea wsat it to 001 auae yea a real sua,
Buaa.iiae, anan-powerrui.
Your nam. ana maArmmm will nrinm Iff an vm
have te do le to send and get It. We send It
tree to every aueoarsg.d one ot to. men eee,
-Interstate JUuedr CQBoaar, 160 Lnck baud'
ug. Detroit, Mlcklgsn,
mo. bo Ttmn t, yoanAJTD, oa,
. :
J', i 1 ...
Bseina stndled sjedi
etne tor uaaj rears sn
eer noted doctor, of
He eares all
chronic and - evirate
eweaase ef
He eomsoaads and
puts ne
fiat oae
remedlM, the ingredi.
ents of whlea T. eare
rallf selected. Mr rem
edies will not destroy
foar stomach or an
danger year life with
.a ofMratlA.. . Toa ta k.
no nesa, aa i sae no poiaons or ersgs.
I lnsore qick resulu at tae lowest pea.
sipi. eoat.
- Call and see ne if yoe are affUetea.
. Astoria, March St. Arrived down
during the night, steamer 'Despatch. Ar
rived down at 7:10 a. m.,,achooner Wil
liam tsowaen. iert up it I s. m.,
schooner W. F. Jewett Arrived at 10
a. m., a three-masted barkentlna Out
side at 7 a. m., a four-masted schooner.
Arrived at 11 a. m., French bark Gen
eral Neumayer, from Hamburg. Sailed
at 11:10 a. m., steamer Despatch, for
Ban Francisco, March 14. Balled yes-
tsrday, scbooner Virginia, for Portland,
Astoria, March tl. Arrived at I and
left up at 11 p. m., steamer Northland,
from San Francisco.
St. Johns, March 12. Passed at 7:S
a. m., British steamer Cambrian King.
Astoria, March St. Condition of ths
bar it I 1 m., moderate; wind east;
westher cloudy. .
(Speelsl Dispatch to The Journal.)
Eugene, Or.,. March St. Many candi
dates for nomination to th different
political offices In Lane oounty have
filed their petitions during the past few
days, -James J. Winn, a farmer of the
Long Tom country, has filed his peti
tion for the nomination as county clerk
on the Republican ticket, in opposition
to E. U. Lee, the present incumbent.
who has also filed his petition.
F. T, Plank haa filed his petition for
the Republican nomination ae constable
of the Eugene district and Reuben W.
Smith wants to be Justice of the peace
of the Springfield district. .
Bug-ene "Barbers to Organise.
(Hpeclal Dispatch te The Jnnrnal. )
Eugene. Or., March St. The barbers
of Eugens have taken preliminary steps
toward forming an association for their
mutual benefit. It is proposed to ad
vance the price of shaves on holidays
snd to charge' for shaving necks. Other
matters will be considered st a meet
ing to be held next week and a perma
nent organisation will be effected. ,
Torture tsy Savages.
"Soeaklna of the torture o which
some of the savage tribes fn the Philip
pine subject their captives, reminds me
of the Intense Buffering I endured for
three months from Inflammation of the
Kldneya," says W. M. Sherman of C'nah
Ing. Ma "Nothing helped me until I
tried Eleetrlo Btttere, three bottles of
whlnh completely -V'tred ma" Cures
Liver ComplelnU Tyspepsla, Blood dis
orders and Malaria; and restores the
weak snd nervous to rohunt health.
Ouaranteed by H. O. Bkldmore dk Co.,
druggists, rrlce 10c
a-isr ixianeyy
Cures In
40 Hours
Each Caosale
bears the earns asl
e , bm pears tae nareeewaii j
rT- T t&Ahkftft's
iJ CImbm sad heMlnw Ike hakv
-e trmoom s tosmri.ia fmetk.
, , J Falls to Xeatore Oray
1' 1U n1aaiea Dwiytol.
Judge Frazer Rules So In Case
of Katherlna Martzloff,
Presiding Judge- Arthur I 'Fraser
this morning announced that he and his
associate Judges were of the opinion
that a party to a ault might have a dep
osition taken at his or her home after
proper showing had been made that
the party waa too 111 to appear In' court.
Judge-Fraser held that tha deposition
could be taken by a notary, although
he said that a circuit Judge might go
to the . bedchamber and hear tha tes
While this action might be taken by
a Judge." said he, "it would be setUng
precedent that this court would not
ears to follow and, which It might not
be abhs to follow In. every case In which
action of that sort might be requested.
Therefore, we have concluded that, the
testimony should be heard before a no
tary." - .
This announcement '.wag ' made as an
snswer to the statement made yester
day by FranK Schlesjel, attorney for
Katherlna Martsloff, who Is suing John
W. Sweeney for $19,000 damages. Mr.
Sweeney operated .a rook crusher west
of the city last summer and much dam
age la said to have been ceased the
Martsloff home by tha blasts. The plain
tiff also declares . that aha waa made
seriously 111 by tha shocks -of the bleat
ing and Mr. Schlegel is of the opinion
that she may not be able to appear In
court. He thought that a Judge might
rro to the woman's borne to hear her
Joseph Simon, counsel for Mr.
Sweeney, protested against the ruling
of the court, saying that ha understood
that the law provided that In tfje case
of illness wltnssses could have their
depositions taken, but that a party In
tha suit could aot
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