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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
-aVr3r - . .-- .-LUL'::JCU::ALiFCnTLAi;Dr tTHUrDAYLEVENIMO-iIArXIIr3, 110 TRACKS New York Jockey Club Wilt En deavor to Prevent Company From installing Instruments CLUB WILL TRY TO i t - MAKE GOOD A PROMISE If Plan Ie Carried Out News ,WU1 Not Be' Delivered to Pool Room . ""end C6nsequitlythe' Much-Sought After Org tnUetione Will Cease, ' (Jooraii enectal gervlee.T New Tork. March li, According to the Sua racing on the tracks Pt the . Jockey club In Now York stata Will " nndenro 'some radical reforms from a MUdc standpoint tola year ee a re , eult of .the -crusade at Albany and an .understanding between the aUwarda of the Jockey olub and the state confer ence of religiona a, representative com- - mlttee of which a ompoeed- ottow ' Dr. T. R. SUcer. Dr. Joalah Strong, Pr. J. M. WhKon and Rabbi Sohulman. -' .It developed yesterday that In at tempting to niltt rood a reported , promise to Dr. Bltocr and tha state con- . zerenoe, mat betting would be ourteiiea , tha Jockey olub baa virtually deoldad -to begin by striking a direct blow at tba poolrooma. ta ba followed by ' nova 'againat tba betting ringa. Tit haa .been -conceded alt .alone that without ; tha necessary -new -of - the raaulta of tha racea ' tha poolrooma oould not exist. "With thla In view It ia said that tha ' Jockey olub will practically bar tha .wires of tha telegraph companies from ' It la hold that a raca track la private property, and that a telegraph, cora- pan y haa no legal right to aet up lta Lr, ., jaalrumanta Jpatrta ajC-iha fan awllhnul, permission. In resorting to auoh a . rd leal jnoT tha J ockt tlon front tha outalda world by plaelnf a ban of aome aort on tba admlaaion of persons to tha track after a certain -- hour, " For example, after the second race eacn day, me gates may no cioaeq to the publlo. jn that way it would he " Impoaalhle for the poolrooma to secure any information unless they clubbed to " rethor and Hit a dosen men Into the track Inclosure before the first race, at (I a head with the Idea that they should come put one at a time ourlng tha after- ... noon ' with reports of . the betting-, " Jockeys, eto.. to be filed with the 1 tele r wraph company at an office -near - by, And furthermore It ia aaid detectives would receive orders to refuse admle- y elon to any person detected In the act of delivering thla aort of news to the . '" wirea outalda. .--.--,,.-- '..By orlppllng tha poolroom telegraph service, the Jockey, elub would in part at least curtail speculation. . It would also land a bard blow againat a pool- .room clique, which haa, been openly -charged with being one of th moral "supporters of the Caasldy-Lanslng antl bettlng bill now before tha legislature. BASKETBALL SEASON- ; : ; -CLOSES WITH VICTORY S ?earbef.) Eugene. Or.. March II. Th baaket- ' ball aeason closed In Eugene last even ing when. the high school team played a. game with "varsity five, the college men winning by-the score of It to SO. Jor .a whll tbe - htgh. School team claimed the championship and to' settle the dispute the game waa played In the armory-last evening before a large """crowd, "with the above result" " The Oregon team haa passed a very ' successful season financially, but in -respect to prominent games won. it is lacking. Many of the students put the blame for winning on the fset tnat no regular coach ia secured, and advance - h!-argument-In. - Xavor of having a -Tegular man at the unlvaralty who-.wlll ' have charge- or all athletic atrairs as mentioned In The Journal yesterday. List nighrg lineup- waa as follows: , " Oregon. High School, Ven Beoy Forward. ...... ...vicing Johnson ....... Forward. -Wetaon fray lor Center.,..";.... Ferret - Hathaway j , . . , .Guard .... .Farrington ""perking ,...V...Ouerd.'..T...... Smith Umpire Wlnalow. U. O. Referee Kuykendell, II. A. A, C --r - . John ' Coulton. ' an amateur bantam . weight boxer of Chicago, haa received a medal from Secretary of tha Treasury Bhaw for bravery ahown in aavlng A T boy from drowning In the East river, New Tork, VJCiiOsCxey. than HAYNER, so natter how much you pay or where yon get it. We have been distilling whiskey for 39 years. We have one of the most modern and beet equipped , distilleries ia the world. We know of nothing- that would Improve our product. Perfection ia ' the distiller's art has been reached In HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from our distillery to YOU, with all of its original purity, strength, richness and flavor. It doesn't pass through the hands of any dealer or middleman to adulterate. ; Yon thus sava the dealers' big profits. "Yon . buy at the distiller's price, at first cost. , Don't yoa tee the economy In buying HA.YNER.WHISKEY, as well, as the certainty of getting absolutely pure whiskey? '. : "r'r,. :.,t - -U .,..'. :- United States oete. WsshlnrteO, D. C. "InaveueHAYWgslWmegBTfcrmeSlclnelparpoeee In my family sad have fbuad It vary satisfactory. 1 believe It te be a anmber-ene medicinal whiakay." .T,. ... . , Zktmtu Mtrttn, U.S. 53eeator from Virginia nnnv7nnr?nrrin uu l FULL L iQUAQTO - FULL QUARTO on Send as the above amount and we wffl ship a plats seeled ease, wtth M marke to show cootenta. Try tha whiskey, have yotir doctor teet It .very bottle If yoa wlah. If yoa dont nnd It all re-ht. ship It back to aa at OUR EXPENSE and you moasy wul ba promptly reluodad. How iy'bVo' qoarta by freight. If yoa eanjt s.e ae rnoch. get a frtesd te jola yes. Yoa csa have etthertRye ec Boorboa. Ksmsabar we per the express or freight charge. s ' ' Write ooraeareat office end do It WOW. r - - TV.Z KAYKin C:3TILL!a cci?AnT tXPawl, Clna. St. Ueila, Ma. Daytemd. Atlanta, Be, Ttmery.Trey.O. CasiuU. aS0O,00e.6tl .,.:3i::::.:.':iy-CFJi:E ecLijnrs tracks - Ponies That Com in "for Money arMot-prtngerlve)w Orleans " and California Tracks. . IJourntl Bprlal erflce.) lagTTnclco,ManU liliOakhwd- rac -results Kvol yn fjlrifflu won. Marry Oo Bound second, Masel third; time, l:(H4. Seven f urloogs Medlowm .won, -Pick- away ecsnd..Xnddowa.. third; Ulthi , Four and a half furlongsx-Blagg won; Mabel Hollander aeoond. Handmaiden third; time, l:IIU. The I'hafeton. handicaps 'mlla.and-a slkteenth Oallaghan won. Corn Blossom second. Beknlghted thlrdi time, l:tU . . Mile The Lieutenant won, -Shady Lad second, Buchanan third: time, 1 Five and a . half furlongs Tocolaw won, Sir Kdward second,. Tom MoOrath third; time. 1:07 H. At aTOs at pi lags. (Joe real Bpertai Serrlea.)f - oiiiinm Am.) lawn race results: v March -f. Oak- 81z furlongs Tyroresn won. Bob May second. Fra Fllipe) thlrdi time, 1:1a. Five and a half furlongs Kuropstkla won. Lavenia True ,., aeoond. Cadlllse thlrdi time, l:Ot t-t. - ' - r. . 81s furlongs Marttus - won, Bendigo second, J. .W. CNell third: time, 1:14 4-i Five and - a - half - furlongs Amador won. Sonnet second, Proteus third; time. ZTo Four furlongs Alllne Cummlngs won, Bitter aTue second, Belle Boott third; Ume. 0:0.- . . -.":" - Mile 'and " a 'quarter Ls ' Angeleno won, Dollnda secqnd. Sambo third; time, X:0I.- .. . ... . At IT aw orlsaaa Vsir emaia, : -(Jooraal gptetal Barvtea.) -New Orleans, March 14- Fair Grounds raca-resuiia Bis furlongs Pride of Woodstock won. Last Cherry second, Globe Runner third; time, l:l( 1-i. Mile Paul won. Water Pansy nna-gTn-rtiiattlraTlImaTTiil . Mile., and a-, sixteenth Nine ...won, Whlppoorwill -second, Don't Ask Ms third; time, 1:41 -. - - Blx furlongs Come Sam won, Cut Glass second. Hetty Nail third; time, l:l ' -'" Mile and a sixteenth Jerry Lynch woo,-01d Hat second.- Brilliant-third; time. . 1 :( 0.., . J : ?.r:..;-- ' " .1- At irew" Orleaaa City Far. ; (Journal gpeclal gervlee. - Kew-lansJaarch.JJ.rlty-Parll race results: '.-.r Sis furlongs Clyde won, Budwelssr second, Mary Morris third) time, 1:14 4-5. . - ' . ' - - ; Five and a - half . furlongs Mayor Dunoan won. Oural - aeoond. .Oak cliff e third; time, 1:0 -. - - - Blx. furlongs The oniyway won. ca mars, second. Immortelle third; time. i:ia s-s. : , SteepiechssersKUl I buuiss Lui d Rad nor won. Lights Out second, Ohio JClng thlrd time, t:lt Xri. - - --Handicap, mil and a sixteenth De vout won, John Carroll second, Granada third; time, 1-5. Mile and a sixteenth Bell Indian won. The - Gleam - second, Thora - Lee third; time, 1:T.. ' - , Six furlongs Auroreeeiver won, Creel aeoond. Freebooter third; timetl:llJ-fc THREE DAYSrRACrMEET- FOR WALLA WALLA Walla WallaTwaan., March- It. Th Walla Walla County Fair association is contemplating holding a three - days' meet the latter part of June, a num ber of local and California horses are in training at the Walla Walla track and horsemen are urging on the associa tion to hold a three daya' meet ; HUNT CLUB MEMBERS Tf f iilC r- TU C Dill CD t Vam-ouver, B. C.r-ewa -sr-Waj ie, Walla- 1 U VnMotH nt-rArC.nJFendlaton combination. paper ehass on Saturday afternoon. The harea for -the event are w.-c. Walter and Henry -Metsgar and the start will be made at the Clinton Kelly-school at I o'clock. On ., Saturday, April T, ' ths third open -run for tha Kerr cup will be held.. Big Teams Play Today,. ". New Tork Nationals at NashvUK Tennessee; , Boston Nationals at Jack sonville, Florida: Now Tork -Americana at Birmingham. Alabama;' Boston Amer icans at Macon.- Georgia- Detroita at Charleston, Bouth Carolina. , nrTonin PUSPAID EiCO.FRacrrP; FnHPAID asU is fait BstahlUhedUet. Manuv onnrtTi'n nno OIUulluU UUGuh " OF THE DAY What the Dall Players and Sport ins Men Are Talking About. ,; ""''"Thitf Day...j-. STOCKTON A POOR PUCE s FOR TRAINING STUNTS Since Team Arrived It Hu Rained ' Continually in Portland's Training Camp How ., Seattle Feels " Over Mohler Deal "-; v The Cleveland play at Atlanta today, and tha Detroltand Brooklyn teams have a game acheduled to be 'played at Columbia. ,-re- a-. -j ; ""VanHaHfenTTthe f onaer-New- Tork Olant. is to manage the Oakland. Call lornla. team again this aeason, -. ;. - e- e - T....--;.r-i. ' William O. Evana, the new.AmexIcan league umpire, ia a Cornell man ana the youngest umpire who ever broke Into the major , leagues. , . v ; v -,'. : : - . . e e . ' : .- Fred Cooley, the former sparring part it Id flgHTTi tha heavyweight championship, hut does not know whom to fight, . ' movement to foster tennis among Schoolboys haa been started In New Tork. and It Is expected that -Chtaagoi Boaton and other cities will take it up. ; ' ' : ;-- a From 1811 teitel, Inelualva, tha Cor nell varsity orsws pulled ; down five worlds record a I Columbia university Is to take up the rresigent Jt ihnson bt the AmeTteHTilttaagcldB league may open an off loe in New Tork, but will still retain- his headquarters In Chicago. , . . . -. . . '. - .:'.,','. . - Should Jim Cook make good with th St Loula.Brow-io he will bo tha tenth graduate of the University of Illinois to enter est company. - ; , , : ; :.- " Modratr'aaye that hia new pitcher, Ferguson, is bound to make good. - But be doesn't say in wht league. T"From Stockton. IT hag" Just occurred to mo Miat - we - committed a great blunder when we started training on Bt. S within' a birthday, for it . haa rained every day alnea our arrival, and Judging front the honsontai aapect and tha apeed with which the clouds roll by, I am fear- rul leat the downpour will- never oease. I heard from BUI Esslck yesterday and I I hie telA-rram. ! An th. .im.M mil - lwni he wlfh-w-are many daya We dbn't need Flood now,' aa we are having more than our share of heavently tears. Jud Smith bag. a date to fill a tooth en Decoration day, ao I have extended his time of reporting. - McLean is still . tq the land of beavers, webfest, giants and roses, but, hs, too, will soon seek out our stamping ground. Tha outlook for a successful - aeason was never brighter, as ' tha re- lights that - Noah invented are hanging lgw-andj burning brightly, am -sending - you -iV photo graphs or myself. Keep nlnevfor your- seii ana give one te jontte. Tours, etc. WALTER. ' e e ' ' It is reported that Ellery H. Clark of Boston and V. A. Sullivan of Ana conda, Montana, will not Join the American athletics. la the. athlette com petition at Athens. ; s - - . - , ' ". -Si e -.- . v The PaeiAe Northwest league directors met at Spokane yeaterday and adopted the cities of Spokane, T acorn a, Aberdeen, Butte and Helena. The sixth city will be selected later and will Include Boise. j Bpe-rtlng Editor: A bouncing boy has lust arrived at our home, and aa I am a great baseball fasv-would like you te auggaat a good name for him. We think that John would bo tha moat appropriate name. Of course there are others, towlt: Jontlev WUllam. Shorty and Bill, but none that would-mean- more te the boy than John. - Of eourss if it la a boy "Rubber" might not be considered Inappropriate. rrr .. e e And Only C rumba.. O. W. Crumbs and hia three- sona met In town yestsrday and wars all weighed before going Into atbletlo training. Their welghta were: O. W. Crumb 359. A. Crumb lie. J. Crumb SCO, and .. Charlta- Crumb 200. Total weight l0. NewetNote. ; e . e - . f Managed McOraw -of the-01antas 'aspeaded Mike Doalliv-fer-the 'steenth 'Ume. "Mike," he says, "is a good bait player,-but at the aame time he haa other traiU not so good." V Kike threat' , ened te Jump to the outlaws when Mc. Grew first told him that he was sua : pended, but be had reconsidered and will I remain with the Olanis. ' ' ' " '- ..'--'-'' ' Marvtir Hart win meet George Gard ' ner the last of this' month at Chaises, Maseachueetta.. Marvin - "' evidently doean't care who he' meet a, now that e ia no longer The champion." It really is funny what s difference' just a few blows make. ' ' ' -'.:' . . . v.-:. e -e ..-. . James Clark 57 years old. one of the beat-known horseman tin? Ohio. - waa found dead la- bed. yesterday at hia home in Sprtngnsld. Jls had taken an over does of chloroform te eaee .pain, having suffered - from- - paralysis. - He sold Fannls FoHjr, t1i( to John ."Rocke feller a. fsw years age for 15,500; ' ' - J ; " Thn Uurane aays the following about Charles .GrahanilQrmar captain pf ths Tacoma Tigers! A ' "The feature work Of the "game with Mercer oollege r was the " catching of Charles - Graham. He " caugbt Ralph Glass for three Innings and made no work of handling the ball, throwing-to bases like - a shot, and - coaching his pitcher. Kvery move denotes the artist, and Boston may congratulate -Itself on picking UP a great ball player In thla man Graham, who haa a long reach, a knowledge ' of : tho fine points, and who baa already made the- Boaton club In a walk. "Clark Griffith .waa after him, but Oraham was a free man and made Boa ton hia choice. ' , "Watt until you aeo him, boy a. for ha certainly Is a bird, and reminds one very much of Buck Swing. ; - "He waa four time's at bat, reached first three times. -once on a double and twtoa on alnglea He stole a base and played without making an error.- ', :' ''.- e .. ;. '. . Russ Hall had a nice fat bundle et bunk slipped to him at ths special meet ing of the Coast league at "Frisco last Saturday, when a special committee con sisting et Welter.-. McCredle Mike B E RUI N r - rxojra max eeiT. Newly equipped slsne , destroyed,! : ty nre. au work absolutely guaranteed.. - ) ;. - Goods called for .and delivered in any part of tba city, . ' sraoxAXTzast '''' i - raiioi bt CTtBAjraro . ' TaWtf"aOKIJ5- Send ef: 'phone for price lists, frse to all, 347 Second St. et.xCarkeaadKiU,lertlaad,Or. FtahSr and Jim Morlsy dseided that' Kid Mahler belonged te 'Frlseo and wet te Seattle, says the Seattle Times. . Tbs only contract Mohler signed was with Seattle, but apparently contracts mean nothing In thla league when 'Frisco needs -a player. The bo manager' made a serious mistake when he decided to leave to a committee a Question where he had anything to loae and nothing to gafn. He had Mohler algned and should have stood pat on the contract Instsad he was conned Into leaving the matter to a committee, and got hia-wbere Mary wears the - beads.' Walter ' McCredle atood in with the California push and took a strong player away from Seattle, ao that tha only other northern club in the league would not be stronger than Wsl- this, for It shows how little regard for bseball"law the magnates Of this league hava ; '" . ;' i The facts submitted to th epnrtnittes are these: Mohler waa not reserved by 'Frlaco last sesson, for he insisted upon a nenreaarve clause in he -n tract. Cal Ewlng. ths nsw owner of the 'Frisco club, produced, a letter from Mohler, dated January 17, stating that the terms offered by 'Frisoo were satisfactory, slgnsd by Mohler dated February It, In which he agreed and bound himself to Slav. With Seattle. ' That was the ofi-rycrarafctniohftFli warm aesslon of three hours the eom- belongei " Frisco, thus giving voioe to their be lief that Mohler ta an incompetent, and had no right to algn a contract," unless it waa with tha 'Frisco olub, which must be made a-winner-even If every-other olub In the league has to Buffer. In every other league In organised baseball eon tracts are respected,-but U - this league apparently they are not worth the paper they are written on should 'Frisco dsslre the services ef the player in dispute. , i , . - ( GYM BAG LEY HANDS OUT ,,' ONE OF HIS FABLES -Once upon' a time now f don't get fussy, the story Is- all about that affair la Philadelphia a week ago last Wed nesday night, when Terry MoGovern and Battling Neleon cavorted tor alx rounds. Tou'll gat the story, so stand for the go-off, even if it look a bit leary at the post. . ' Once upon a time there was a big, etronai fellow . who - came - around - the block and gave the bunch- his -number right off the reel. He had a cheat that wore out tha buttonholes In hia shirt. "find when he talked hia words were hard. Whan any one on the corner rushed the growler he always took a swipe out of it as it passed, and tba gang 1st him get away. with, it because he waa a tough guy ana eouia rignt He not only could, but he liked it. There waa a little fellow who was sprung In the knee Jolnta and had a cough. But hie nut waa acre wed on all right. The tough guy gave him a pain, and one day he told him that there were Other hurrlers on the corner. -This waa pie, - with the . ralstni crowded, for the tough mug, and he made ready for a meal. But tha little fellow conned - htm Into fighting hia way. v ' That was In mother hubbarda, with baby blue ribbons tied In the sleeves. When the tough guy found nimseir in -this r tit alia It teek all-the stiffening out of him. and the little fellow chased his toughness off tho block. ,nd It was a lsmon. , Tits atcuovern outnt swallowed tt, not knowing it waa eour until It waa too late to call the waiter back and give another order. ' Nelson said that tbe referee must not break then, nor put hia hand on either at any time In the fight. Nolan knew what he wanted. Humphreys 'made a kick, a loud kick you could hear him In the neat county but whea the noise died Nolan had hie way. , The reault waa a bum go. It waa moatly a wrestling affair, and you knew how good that game la when you pay to aee a tight " The fine Italian hand- of Nolan waa Been through the whol business. I don't know whether Sam' Hsrrla wag consulted In tha making of the match, but if ha was It Is surprising tnai so wise a manaa-ev as he has always proved himself to be jouldaa, XorNplan's wora. ..' .:.(,' LAFAYETTE NINET0 OPEN COLLEGE SEASON (Jearasl flpedat Berries.) . New Tork. March 22. College base. ball ford 105 makes its first appearance on tbe athletic atage today, when the Lafayette college nine lines up against tho soldier team at Fort Monroe, Vir ginia. It will be aweek or two yet before the most ef the big eastern teams taks to the diamond, but reports from all sources go to show that tt will be a big year for college- baseball. The sea son will i be most lutereatingin the change aome of the large colleges have made in the matter of coaching. Har vard, Tale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, La fayette, Columbia. Cornell. Syracuse and others will make southern trip. Amherst Is : thef only team that haa acheduled a western trip. The !attr part of-May the Amherst team will go west to play Chicago, Wisconsin and one or two others of the large univeraitlts. To Show Bngllsk Autos. London. Maro? 12. More than a score ftf the latest models turned out by Eng lish motor-car manufacturers were sent on the steamship Virginia today for ex hibition at tha coming automobile snow In Toronto and Montreal. Included among the cars sent over are the i)e Dion, Napier. Argyle." Dalnter; Swift Tumtiph, Rex. Eanlth and Panhard, FKB ... I A Liquid Dentifrice pene trates the little crevices of the- teeth and thus thoroughly purifies nd cleanses the aiouth. .". 3 Farm: Liquid Ptncxbr & Fasti sgajj' ASK YOUR DENTIST: :v ejxa L03!:2ELESr ASSESSCl AFTER TKE AUT01STS E. R. Thomas of Buffalo Will Carry His CasinfJlhrrflf est Court.' r. While ardentlourista In! the: east are 'ngntingThepa usage -ornrssriaDiiig-ty state legislatures, equally ardent onea in (Ue- weet ara up-It -arms -over-ibe application of laws already on the books in the state of California - - ' During the past winter or. two Cali fornia has shown signs of becoming the Mecca for automobile tourists, who- do hot care, for rigors of tha cold- months in tha north. Just at present there are scores of them alon the- Pacific Coast near Los Angeles, ths point, at whtcq tne trouble has originated. . ' On the statute books, there Is a. law which provides f ora tax on all vehicle The X,osAngc7es crty assessor has de cided that all automobiles in the city. irrespective of whether they' are the property of residents or visitors, eome under the terms of this, law, and has aocordrngljr; assessed " the cars or H tourists.- . y ", ...; 1.,-Among -t hose- ao- aasessfd -was Er R. Thomas, the Buffalo automobile manu facturer. Mr. Thomas' Flysr had he shipped to the coaot for his use and he was asked to pay 5SS.S0 for the prtvl lvgeofnrunwg ir tHerCHepald'.lTii tax under protest, and for the protec tion of . other, tourtata Immediately en gaged an attorney, H. C. Brown, and will fight the elty assessor'a Interpreta- ton of th Uw I Ur Thnnu Mr. Thorasa will. If necesssry, he says, carry .the esse to the supreme court of California, . 'He ' gives aa his main ground for hia fight againat tba tax the fact that he pays- taxes on all hia cars at Buffalo, and does not believe his-personal property can ba assessed legally la twa -atatesi. WILLAMETTE GIRLS . TO PLAY-LAST-GAME (Special PU patch to The Journal.) girls' basketball team will play their D"mmihjg aeasoaJn-iheja'lUaiMUt i a-vmnaalum tomorrow nlvht with tha Salem high school girls. This will be a hard and fast game. Both teama have good -records and each have won a game from the other, and neither. will have the advantage ' of the - other on floors, for both eama have been prac ticing In tha Willamette gymnasium. Tha Willamette girls have been training faithfully and are ready for the contest, i WALLA WALLA CLUB: ORGANIZES FOR SEASON ' IfloeHsl Blssateh ta The Jeurnsl.l Walla Walls, Wash., March . The Walla Walla .Baseball association was Incorporated yesterday by Robert Bum. George O'Connor and T. J. Ennla, tbe first two Incorporators being well- known railroad men. Tba capital Block la placed at $2,500. . A team ia being rapidly organised and steps - will oe taken shortly organise a brush leegu. TO COLONIZE TRACT IN WASHINGTON WHEAT BELT (Bpwial M.pateh to The joereaLt Spokanev Wasik, March Hi. A tract of land -covering ovrr 45 square miles of the Douglas county whsat belt has been purchased by I. E. . Stevens of North Dakota. It was secured for a lit tie more than $7 an acre, there being zs.itT acres involved in -tne purchase. The . tract la about 15 miles south of Qulncr. Mr. Stsvsns secured this land for the purpose of placing upon it a colony of eastern - farmers, four sections being reserved for himself. The ten-year in stallment plan la tha method upon which . thla - tract Is being colonised. those purchasing land paying one tenth each year, with per cent interest. One family will be put on each quarter aec- tion, thus accommodating about - ite families. erected at onoe. An artesian wall la to ,upply tD town lth eter for-do! Bivvtiy ui jjusTOss, sb-siu sa, uum trmt vt vinei wells will be drilled for irrigating that part of the land devoted ta fruit. MEDF0RD NOW BOASTS -: OF DAILY NEWSPAPER (Rpeelsl tMspeteb te Tbe loarael.) Medford, Or., Msroh It. The initial number of the Medford Tribune, a daily paper published by J. M. Potter, late of Ashland, will be Issued at Med ford this Bvsnlng. -Ths merchants of Medford are'acoordlng the new paper the first dally papar of Medford liberal patronage, aa all realise the time la at hand when thla place should . assume metropolitan atra The Tribune ia a alx-coluran folio, Is sued every evening, - and supplied by the Serlpps-McRae news service. Three camera deliver a copy of first issue to every house in Medford. While there ie no disposition on the part of the ei ti sane of Medford to "boom" the town, all realise that there will be a wonder ful growth In population and buainesa Interests during tbs coming season, and now that a good fruit crop is assured It Is evident that the onward inarch baa begun. . POLK WANTS CHANCE IN - SCHOOL FUND MATTER ffpedsl Dispatch to The Jeeraal.) Monmouth. Or.. March 11. At a meet ing of echool -directors and officers of Polk county, .held In Monmouth March 17, the Question of ths apportionment of achool money was discussed and the following resolutions. adopted: "Tour committee on resolutions sub mits tho following report: rWhersas. Tho distribution of school funds under the present school taws ts based upon the enumeration of pupils and. thus works an injustice on the dis tricts of large valuation and smalt enu meration; be It "Reeolved - by - tha - taxpayers and school officers hers assembled. That tha laws should " be so changed that each district receive all tha money raised for 1 Dootore Are Fussled. Tha remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclver of Vaoceboro. Me.. Is the sub ject of much Interest- to the medical fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe Inflammation of tho Throat and - con gestion of the Lunge, three doctors gave me -up to die, when, aa a last resort, I waa Inducted to try Dr. King's New Dis oovery and I am happy, to say It saved my Ufa" Curee the worst Coughs and Colds. Bronchitis. Tonsllitls, Week Lungs, Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guaranteed at S. O. SkldmorO'Ve Co. 'a i drug store. 50O and 11.90. Trial bottle free. C RengoiiitJkpidJyLncd C: AVithout the Aid of rises or Starvation Diet C05T6 NOTniNQ'TO TDVITr This xnastrtttos Shows Waat JUage Frelt Ren so Fruit Is a product of South America and it haa been recently die- covered to possess some very remark able properties which will reduce ex. -fat and .bullil up,-the TM1 atrength and health of any one who eats it reaularlv 1 '"ti i"miB'..-lvl"lt ( fo the tests and' safe and m . . j. - - r. . V harmleaa in all Its proper ties, t it wut not injure tne digestive - orgsns ss - so many - drugs and medicines do. -' . RBnco Fruit will " cost- f-tlvely reduee surplus fat rapidly -and ao so without harm to tna subject it Is very oalatable and pleasant to sat It is prepared In a highly concentrated form and is convenient to carry in the ; : ' . r .-. .; nam mas oetnroir. w .,:..','.V-;y..:.:;,'; If you suffer from excess fat, ell you have to do la to fill in your nam and address on dotted lines below and mall to OO FBTIT OO 111 Main street, Augusta. Mlclu, and tbey will mall In plain wrapper, free,, a trial package. , ; . .. - , J - .'',''-.' .''.- c ' .''" ' ' - f Ma'Mif tMfl aeva-a- g p e e e ee " DTI TrrnTtt-r " e-r t - e-A e "The Ct2sty cf llsay Wocea r Is ettes sisrred by seer teeth, esd we west res ta eaU and let s restore those bed teetk te their erlstael speoerssoe soil aaefalaesa. afsny Maple are lswtla4 with ths deatal work that tbr have kaS nee end thtr are jnat the ensa whoa ere want te steet. Our work Is giiatea. temt te plsaae you et rear sssaey will be re- mnaea. w. ra etve seemrtcar aad all work is tally ceareateee. CeaM la at aeixhaMSfBt er ear wtreaeetory arlces. Oaoa ealy satll April i. Etraotlng l..,.,a...... ...... .M-mmm. rmn. Examination Teeth Cleaned ........ , Gold Crowns ................. .-1.00 Bridge Tseth f 3.0O Full Set Teeth fS.OO Oregon Dental Parlors mad Theatre Oftes BUg.. btrasee SMH Waasiagtos St. Fseae ttaia S7M. , HenryE.Reed Real Estate and Investments BTo. 10TH Sizta Street, aaw Waahimgvoa, ' ; Vkecw Mala SdOS. ' All kinds of business, residence and farm property and timber lands handled. Prompt aad careful attention te orders. Fulton Wood Co. -Phone Paclflo . WOOD. South Portland Ordara Specially ao licited. ,:.(.-.,';. ' '"-'. . , . ' school purposes T by"" taxation on the assMsed valuation of tha district! be it further . v ' ..J , . "Resolted, That copies of this resolu tion be sent to the state school Superin tendent, to tho candidates for tho legis lature -, from thla county and to the press.", . V - -vf.-' '! ' a,ii. WAGON ROAD COMPANY. ' i .-TO SELL ITS H0L0INCS .,.'". r ' I ; . " - (Usectal Mapetrh to The Jowael f Alhany-or., March II. The W 111am- atte Valley Coast Wagon Road company haa narfected arrangementa whereby it la to dispose of Us holdings along the Corral) la A Eastern la Bantoa and Lin coln counties. ' Tbe company owns about te.ooe acres of mountain land and most of this lies adjacent to the lino of rail road running from Albany to Newport Parties from Minnesota and Iowa bare beea Inspecting the land and have made a deposit on the eeaj to snow their gnoe faith. It ha ths Intention ef these parties to srlr T a colony from Minne sota and Iowa t t 'VI ea Li Izri tar- igaiaed for. Yes Bone U the Way ef BedaeUt Fa. pocket so ona can have It with .him. at all times. Rengo Fruit rsqulres no exhausting . exercises or starvation dieting to help . it out aa aBisnypf the fo-cai)edi fat remedlea do. Tou can go right ahead and attend to your regular daily dutie. - It muhmIi nrntMk. assimilation of the ' ff4'rtr sna The" foot -llKenr'lnM,,'" the muscles, bones ane nervea aaa builda them tip instead ftt piling It up In the form of excees fat It Is not a . medicine In any sense of the word, but a mud. pleasant- harmless fruit put up In concentrated form ia email package a ... for eonvenlenca- If you- Buffer from-' excees fat sen four name and address today for a rial eckaga of Ranger Fruit mailed free la plain wrapper. Fill out free coupon baiew. 'iv-..r ;";:r::: t,. mmssm rield resdfly t9 rubbin witji Pond's Extract. Takes out th stiffness and wreneMsnd voAx$ you feel like new.' In Lum bago and Rheumatism "Pond's Extract should b poured eyet the affected part and rubbed in thoroughly and briskly. The friction - will - cause absorption, and the pain will disappear within a snort time." It is ta old end tried remedy lor these complaints. . - - ,-.r- -. , ,. . Witch fee it ml tkt utmt thimg. 0 ttyiir tf 7rvtrf -tmfUr sTiff Hul tfttm tftrtd aW jmM rs fuuum www iitfiin wr rwrr Mgdswee tr soot, j s vsm ataursw II fpuuiux unit iewaj M - -BEST BY 2a YEARS TEST For SeosMcb am Bowel trouble Lrv. mr and sUexeeya snd all diarsaaa due as km pure blood er weak nervea Small sua (tablets) 33c. Urge alee. 51 SO. At Drug gista' (ta black bovw. d not. send tot Aa trial box to RaasoBl'a Nastve) Herbs iilnnMaei Pi Hotel Eaton Career Mnnajis aad WsH Farh I raw --w-ehSxaaxSaeffi flaa ailaatss' walk neaa sndT haslaese distriet, aa lam. airy, eatalde roeme.,ateaai hMted, elestne lishta. teUpheoe la each aaaHaMat. ete. Larse emeae, lawasinf. extoams. wmaa. ladles' rseepUeai rrt hr mtti er telepheee. Fttista swalhaa amta tralae sad stoasMsa Room fl.OO to fS.oamDmf nt mas xato. (rarBMrly ef atotel Kadpata, gpaaaaa.) CJRatOdO Home at once end have free examlna- w extract ntrH r TFR F1LL1 ufl, f e I f PLENI'IDi T. it ' " to i t;; . . . 13.50 to in . , Alt wor t Lame Baclls BSwXasBBBBKeaBBKS