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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
TIIBL-OREGON-DAILY-JOURNAU--PORTLAND1TUURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 3, IttX SPRIGGS TO PLEAD nil GUILTY USED RIFLE" 1 1 .... . 1 ; tlliMUGIIFREVOreOOTSlYSillin leui i . . . . , -n IIADFOURPOlSOnS; DEPARTLIEHT WELL r.lAUOUALlr CLOSES STATEHOOD -HE-HAS POSITIVE-ilLIBI "- m i niiiirrMiin rnn-:nii i 1 mwtu ur run uuuu - Mart AcTUWUJltMnn rviuroer ' Pistol - OTHER EVIDENCE HOWEVER i -T.-T -rivriifFNS' POLICE CASE "His Attorney Auerti He Cn Prove Client's - Innocenca-and- Official! V Admit That They Have Been Able --to Wonn Nothing From Hira. ' , -Though JPsul Musa. who wee rTn ad m a lumber camp )W oa yesterday " ff the muraer of Julius Xnhn 4ir-thls-etty, u poilOvelyjara -who archascd a revolver mi box of cart - ridges at the- Northwest- ru-ndM-ercle store op the afternoon of the day , Kubn-wa lulled, the Aceueed man haa plared information in th handa of me attorney with which, tha latter dalme, he can prove beyond. a shadow of a doubt within 14 houra. that Muaa If not the man v. ho rtraa tne raiai nuw Muaa haa told hia attorney, . iJT. r leaner A. Sweek. where he waa at ttmi 9t the murder an glvenhlnaoon-.n,, tha' fact that h.qultJila Jo -f man whom ho clalma can prove poaitieejy that he did not commit tha erim.- Mr, Lon W now trying to ii. thi. mm and aecure hie evidence. Trhi-eltdTniBoUrr the police wade a- eerioua misiase in . Muaa and with the Information In hie ,'Thandf will prove It Tory quickly. ; i . "The po"ca Indicate Very plainly by their actions." aal Mr. Long, "that they i- k.v. endeavored to-TallroadVmy client "f i.virtlon foe the murder. They re- f to oh had demanded to see me, aeaten t aus out. writ, nf habtaj inrren... -- . .,- to aee I - f corpus before "J, him; In the "nim ' t.h' ' "'"TniiXr X: evidence. IromMm .... i. , loUoe Oaat Saarp xnse. --n r-Tha- polloa edmlt that their evidence acainst Musa Is" rsther weaa ana i 'i hy-ave been unable to gat a woraf Third street. In the afternoon of Feb Jrom the.prlsoner about the crime ry 17, few houre-before the mur- u cept a denial bought a revolver J n purchased a revolverand box it the JSQXi&WMt-"11" "to-- I": """1 nileaTOTln to have him wentitiea r ha Muni that aaw the murderer run from Kuhn's saloon immediately' after th shot- wis fired -.i-. Detectlrea 8now and Kesing imveu -hr the city with their man shortly be- fore mWrdght last night. Tney loeacea him at tha- loaalne - camp - yeatarday morning quietly working digging onM rork to build a foundation for a logging I engine. The two -?" -T? accompamra ' arduoue tp .tuewBB.gMw, "o r"acng lire tMiia,. ... i.F romtn- before they arrived but made no attempt to escaped He did not even quit . work, the officers aay. . ---ieemed to eyens auspicionaiy. r aald Datectl i vResing7 "but die a move and only asked what he wanted for when we arrested hlrnv- He not talk about ' tha case at an we had -aucTvi-hard-fmo getting 'over the load back to riooa Hiver nai jae lealir didn't have time or oppor-j t'inltv to oaeation bim. ; ixmerand flweekrlearninc tyrthe pa-. utat Moaa waa erreaeea. wirea their resroecntatlve at Hood River, At- ' tornev Pfontta, to aee Muaa and tell . to talk until . he . had seen an .attorneyMr.Pfoutte advtaed Moaa , - that Lionr and Sweek would take care of hie caae end told him not to talk , . to a soul nntU be had eeen one or the ' other of them. Muaa, needed no aeeond - admonition. He remained absolutely llent until Mr.-Liong forced the offlcere :ria allow him to see the prisoner. Both laat ntaht end mnrntne Tant ... .j Bruin and the detectives attempted to , . "" Infprfn.tlnr. nut nf him. He ' only met their questions with silence or ' -r'the statement (hat . he . would not talk 1. until he had seen his attorney. ' "-know my rights." said Musa,- "anU I will not be Interviewed, let you or r.'ny -one else take any picture r- give Information until I have consulted any legal advioer." Would . Ballroad ' Before -Jhe tweeting" process ' was eummencea this morning Attorney Lone appMrcj at the jfti &n manded to ! : ' -r his client.- Captain Bruin refused, i , .. ; -, "0 man a going to see him until I --, ))a a chance to talk to hlmwae t t-ie captain e remark. , ) ' ' ' Falling to learn anything. Captain i ' f Bruin and the detectives took Muaa up ! " to the Northwest Oun store to eee If , Ar-M.- Reckard, the proprietor, could . - ---1dentlfy him aa the-man-he sold a "" t Tver John.ej ! cartrldites to on the efternoon of Feb--i ruary 17, just a few houra before Kuhn I ' ' , killed. Attorney Long protested that 'the officers were exceeding their authority and violating the law. Hie proteetatloha were ignored until he , I'Ointedly accused the police of attempt r ing to "railroad the pnaoner and de clared he would Immediately eue out a writ of habeas corpus unless-he waa permitted to eee his client Not until after Musa had been taken "to the irun store, however." did the po- Hce- permit ltotiwt& Interview "him. At ' the gun tvra -Muaa -was-placed In the t Tiosltlon that the purchaser etood In and Reckard' stood where he was etandlng l when he sold the revolver. ' Ther Is the ma nsoldthereTplyet -1 o."-was Reckard'e positive statement - . Captain Bruin says Muaa manifested . itervouaness on the way to the store and V -when h heard the worda of Reckard TTio turned deathly "pale and almost fainted. " ? "I thought for a moment he waa go-I ' Ing to collapse and fall to the floor. ; i aald the captain. . "He waa so nervous ""Tnmrng-back -that 1e could ecarcely ; .J -alk. -But he denied poattlvely that he "7 had bought any gun Jrom Reckard.': " ' f ; Musa Denies Bverythlag- . - After this Identification Captain ' Brum sent for the couple that aaw the , murderer run from the saloon and they ' will bfaaked to Identify Muaa probacy. this afternOoh. As soon aa Attorney '." ' . lAng waa admitted to Musa's cell, the prisoner eald: "I am abaolutely -Innocent and will J furnish yon with information by which you can prove It positively. - Tha-atate-meets la Mllnefe affidavit that I con ' teased to him are false. I had nothing ' J - whatever to do with the shooting of . Julius Kuhn and there are elrcum- lZ.slances, peculiar ohee which Just hap- penel to arise that night, by which I : i-aa show It ao plainly there will be no . - . ahadow of a doubt aa to my innocence." Musa then told Mr. Long the details - of these circumstances. lie told him - , where he waa at the time the murder waa committed end gave him the name of a stranger who happened to meet Dim ana oeomuss -ox me mriaeni curr , Baoted with the meeting wilt be eble prove a complete ana incontrovsnioie -IIHI tnf him i nu detail Mr tvn declines to divulge at preaent until he haa been able to get the proof In hie Jiandi. i.i .i , I. Bid Vet Try ta capo. i eaurea me-1--" Id M r. Long, ''that he did not attempt to steel out the elty and keep hie wherenbonta un known..,, He . told hie hoteilceeper where he waa going, left In broad daylight, went under hU own name, -went la work under hia right name and made no effort whate ver t "to- escape the - clutches1 of the ' offlcere. '. He haa ; been etralght forward and open In every move and hie atatements to roe In thla retard are sub alantlItd , by-UheBOllcethemsely esv The roan la Innocent. - abaolutely. ana I wilt prove It In tt hure. The polloe have made a eerioua mlatake In arrest ing hjm. The hletory of the caae ahowe that they hare tried .to-trailroad', aome one to conviction for th crime. Muaa happened toHbehelreeted-avtetim-The man who made ' thla affidavit wanted a reward" or hia information before he would give If . ' "The - only evldenco-whlch- the police have agatnat Muaa, la the affidavit of Milner, who, it haa been ahown,.wee a stoolplgeon for Snown4 Kerrigan dl-' rented to quia Muaa and who. after, ae cunlng hie alleged Information and hold Ins It'll days. Wanted; a reward for himself and - hie employer. Charlee Harding, for what they claimed to know. I The reat of the evidence la witi ficatlon of Mnaa by Reckard. the fact that he knew Kuhn had money In hie liiat before the murder, then more inan three, weeke later-left the .city,- : ' " V'" Police ' Wde of It. - tn.pofftni Brain learned thla morning that Muen went to eee hta wife, who Uvea with her mother on a farm eevett kovona andv. February 16. Ht -r"--1 - pnhltc meeting at Bandy and when Miss Clay, the apeaker, had concluded "her addreae Insisted on: ask ing 1 her " questions of an anarchietie th. tenor of his Queries interposed ob- Jectionsand.. af ter a, wrangle or soma SBration-he de.l.ted asking questions and left the meeting ebout II o'clotft Port, ",,, th, ' t day. The -firet of hn on h), return to the city wal 'when he went to the Northweet nun, A - Biovcle company'a store, . Ill of" cart rt a aee; - T he-police say' that -4he-faUure of Moss 'to purchase a revolver until after he returned to" Portland from 1 hia mother-ln-laWj farm le a atrong point In favor -of -the proaecutlon. Joseph Milner, In .Ills affldavlt.' made before iDlstrlot" Attorney Manning,- eweare lhat Muaa aaslgned aa the reaeonfor wlsh-f to borrow a revolver waa that he J. r hl eSGXTMter of proteo- tton aaalnst robbers, as he Intended ahmi kaM. If hia atate- ment had been true, the police arer. he would have bought the weapon berore ie mgde the trip to-the farm beyond Bandy. - - ' ';' "TIMnSHORTUIIE- N. C. Erjwardt 'of Vancouver to Receive More Than Quarter Million From Big Estate. (gpeelal IHnateh ta The Jonnial.) Vancouver, Wash., March it, H. C. Edwards, who makes his home In this city a large part JBf-lheJillmeby-JKicusJ. patlon a well digger, naa raiien neir in I J 7 8.000. a part of the estate of an uncle who died many years ago In New Tork City. The money to be received by Edwards la a part or tne famous Edward estate, which constated of 10 cree In-the heart f New -York City, valued, at many million dollars. Upon tht-r land t-situated the elegant city hall building erected, at a coat of aev- m11i"n0Ja": Tha land wee leased by the elder Ed- wards to the city of New Tork for years. According to the terms of the leas, at the expiration of the ft years the city was to, buy the land, the price to be- set by three appraisers. The city waa also to pay all coats of settling the estate. There ere, so far aa Known, 2S7 helra to the estate., the net value -Of which la $400,000,000. The work - of settling It up Is now In progress.- The local heir will receive 136.000 on June 1. J"ha balaaoa-' will be all paid over befre January 1, 107. H. C-Ed wrtf S a wn-t r"" "f- gerbuf on account of the outdoor life he has led la still hale and hearty. He takes his good fortune In a matter of-fact way and states that Vancouver le good enough for him and that he shall make his home In this city with hlspjdrllme friend. J. A. Webber. FUNERAL OF J. H. JONES, , PIONEER, HELD TODAY Dr. Y. t; Eliot of the First Unitarian church conducted funeral servloes this efternoon over the body of J. H. Jonee, :'-; -arSv' r -"V t,-. ..... ' -. V. - 4 t x t mil ; ; J. H. Jonea. the pioneer lumberman who died et his home, tit Baat Sixth street yesterday morning. The services were conducted et the residence at 1 o'clock thla after- to I noon and burial was made In J-one Kit i cemetery, , w . PQOR -Wttl- OiGBtR-HEtR t it - St S ! ' . 9 i Frederick Rodney .Shoots Mlmeelf ThroughTewftt40ffiol nJ M'" in lrtter,t . i et sa.t f !' V. LljtftfPrp!onged Melancholy HAD STUDIED EFFECTS OF VARIOUS POISONS wy-Je .',9 r.-.. In. Hie Room Wer Found Laud anum, Chloroform, Carbolic Acid and lorpruneBulIeT'ar-fireor , From' Temple to Temple. 4 . ; -ii. narinH of mal. I ancholy" whtoh lF bel laved to have re - aiiltxl from- financial, troubles. Fred' erlck J. Rodney, 49 yeare of age, tended hie life at the realdence of I. Moeeioca, 8 Clackamaa avenue, , Sellwood, thte morning by means of a .It caliber rifle. The ball entered hie right temple. pasea-trerngtrtit' braln-and aeaargad from hie lert tempia- Me uvea xor vw houre after he waa ahot, and clutched the rifle In hie handa until It waa re moved by persons who went Into hie room to j",tj"? i"rJln'grat the Morelock residence for the past.' ten deye, Hle peculler aotfone and queer remarks cauaed the family to believe him to be -mentally deranged; - . - Rodney had carefully and elaborately nlanned for his own destruction. Four klnda-of-polaona were found In his room, laudanum, cniorororm, caruonv acid and morphine.- It waa not known by othare who-lived at the place that about the effecte of various klnda of it run. Teaterdav ha asked Mr. Mora- lock In what portion of tha numan akull and he fired Into the spot. "f have been under a tef atraln." Rodney wrote In a note to Mrs. Morelock, nd aomethlng may happen to roe at any time. ' In, -case it does hap pen please bury me ae you think beat" The ahot waa heard by Mr Moralook at 7:S0 o'clock thie morning. She at once notified her husband and Coroner Flniey .Deputy Coroner Arthur U,Fln- ley Investigated the case. -j Rodney came to Portland from Hay Creek, Oregon, where he le eald to have bee-angagedlnralalnf sheep. He formerly lived at 81atetvX61orador'mtrd at Boise, Idaho. Bo far aa la known be has nO relatives In Oregon. BAKER CITY TRADES COUNCfCAFTER RAND Baker City. Or.. March iO. To the Editor Of The Journal At a regular meeting of the Baker City ' Federated Tradea council the following resolutions were edopted, with Instructions that the same be published In Jhe morning and evening papers of Portland and In the Portland Labor Press,. and we wish yoo would give the earns publicity through f your columns: VWhereas. The Portland Iabor Press. the official organ of organised labor, haa fearlessly taken np the fight against 1 the enemy to their Interests. John u Rand of this elty. who la a canoiaata for congreaa from this district;- there fore be It - x - -i- Keaoived, inai tne t-r viiy pot crated Tradea oouncll Indorses the ac tion of the Labor Prees and pledgee Its eupport to defeat ttys man; and, "Whereas, . The Baker City Federated Trades council has heretofore Indorsed William J. Lachner of thla city for rep resentative In congreas from thla dis trict be It - "Resolved , further. That we hereby renew our Indorsement of Mr. Lachner for xepreaanl a lit congreas end are with him first, last and all the time. "F. VALENTINE,. President THILIP PRICE, Seoretary." PROMINENT CANDIDATES FILE THEIR PETITIONS . i ... . ' IImHiI DUnatrh to Tbe Joeraal.l Salem. March . Notices of candl-f dacy with tha petitions containing the necessary names have been filed with the aecretary of atate by the following candidates: T. T. Oeer, Republican, for governor; John L. Rand. Republican, for congress, 'second district; George E. Chamberlain, Democrat, for governor; Fred W, Mulkey. United States senator. short term; Charlee Y. Galloway. Demo crat for congress, nrst aistrtct;j. Harvey Graham, Democrat for con gress, second district PAVEDSTREETS AND. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM " "ierfi Ptopatcb to Tbe journal.) Pendleton, Or., March 11. Pendleton etreete - ere to be. paved, the council passing an ordinance to that affect laat night Bltullthlo - material will ' be used. Bids will be advertised for. the work In 12 days, to be completed with in ISO daye from that time. Main and Court etreete arc to be pared, 10 blocke In all. - I The council also -ordered an electrle fire alarm srstem.- ,, ITALIAN MURDERERS GET LIFE SENTENCES 4Joanial Rnertal Hervlce.) - Waukegan. III., March 2 J Balvatore Pllos and Salvatore Oravano, Italians, who murdered three countrymen, fellow-laborers In a railroad construction camp at Wlnthrop harbor last fall, were ssntenced to life Imprisonment this j morning. ' It developed during the trial that the two planned to murder six 'while the victims were sleeping 'In Si l boxcar. .Three escaped wounded. - 1 FIGHT BEGINS FOR - FORTUNE LEFT ACTRESS (Jowul toeAl Intln.l Los Angeles. CaL. March ta. The will of Denla Leduor former chief engineer of the Canadian Pacific railway, giving his fortune to an ar trees, Lucille Gilbert Bells, waa filed today. Hia daughter. Mrs. Robert Elliott of Denver, haa filed a contest claiming fraud and that undue Influence waa used by the actrese. GOVERNOR PATTIS0N IN CRITICAL CONDITION (Journal gpedal srilr t ' ' Columbus. March 12. Deaplte the de- alala, Governor Pattlsott's condition Is such thst It Is Impossible to conjecture rwhat the. next ft hours'-may bring forth Bigna of exhaustion, long .feared, have Chief of Police Shifts Thirteen of Better Discipline. SERGEANT HOCEBOOW " ' , .. A.PATRQUMAN..JjQVy Station Officer LUlla Placed - on a : Beat and Varioua : Shifu in the glUaltaerMadeJBtfotuaft 2 Two Changea. ;. I..7." 7.' . 'Bweeolng chances ware made In.-Ani TFdei - uedj - UUaBorntn - y - ux of Police uritsroacher, practically the entire department as regards station duty -and reliefs being affected. The moat radical change was tha reduction In rank of Sergeant 8. Hogeboom., who will In future serye aa a. patrolman-on tha aactmd nlaht relief. Patrolman Cole haa been raised to the rank of sergeant Station Officer M. LIU Is la no longer to be permitted to do 'station duty and will take the beat of Patrolman Parker on tha second night relief. Station Offi- i.u.p in. rir.L -ntgnt rener supplants 1,11 Us. and Parker velll take Inskeep's position. ,. L . 1 Thirteen -tranaferaareLnad alto- PwtV ' T la knAMl, that lhatf warA made primarily - for two reasons tC break up cliques and to punish tnem- hers of -the department why Ttavc beeS acting as atoolplgeone for those antag onlatlc to administrative policy.' Other changes are scheduled and one plain- weight of Chief Orltsmacher'a and In- epector Bruln'e displeasure on account of hia alleged treachery. recently charge of furnishing information to a lewepuper hi a caae which he had been aaslgned to investigate - by the chief end the In spector. ... He waa deprived of a month'e pay. It la also -charged-that he-has thrown his Influence egalnet special po licemen appointed by the mayor to nlghtwatchmen aupplented by them, par ticularly In the cases of Special Police man Wagnon' and. Nlghtwatchmen Aus tin.. " . . 1 Sergeant Cole, the new appointee, en Joys an excellent reputation on the force. Good work 4e . expected, or utra.----- The 11 other changea were In a meaa- nre necessitated by -Jthe reduction of Hogeboom and the transfer of Llllls to a beat en the aeoond night-relief, Sev eral changea, however, had been con templated by the heads of the depart ment for eome time, a few being rec ommended by Captain Slover. The com plete Hat of changes le as follows: Patrolman Oole to be eergeant of the first night relief In piece of Bergeent Hogeboom. ' - " ' ' ' " - Hogeboom to take the beat as patrol man vacated by Olttlngs on the second night relief. - Station Officer Inskeep to take the place of Lima en the day relief. Llllla to take the beat of Parker on the ieuoud'ilght relief. Parker to take the place of Station Officer Inskeep on the flret night relief, Btation Officer Wendorf to take the beat now Patrolled by vyueon on hm second night roller. wn- .ntmi.nt Bee, i geant Cole at Fifth, and Washington streets. Olttlngs to take the beat patrolled by B. Burke on- the day- relief." Burke to be mounted' in the place of Mounted - Patrolman J.- ?V- Andersonon tha dav relief. Anderson to take the piece of jailer on the second night relief. Patrolman. J. C. Maloney to take the nfaua at Station Officer K. Johnson at f the-telophone deer OiTtne eecondT -fitglit relief. Tnh.nn to a the place nf Patrol I man Raney On the Tlrat, nignt rener. Patrolman Raney to be mounted In tho plsrpnf Meun'-d Fe"lm,f1 '"'- loney. HIT CHINESE WITH ROCK AND ROB HIM Gee Gum, a Chinese vegetable peddlar, a knocked off the seat of hia wagon with a large etone by two men yester day afternoon near Woodlawn and while h lay almost Insensible, bleeding from a wound on the head, was choked and robbed of l.2.-Another Chinese vege. table peddler escaped by- Tunrrlnr Acting Detective J ones ana rmirwi man Wanless went Into the north end last night and arreeted R. C Gamble and'X" O'Donnell on ouoplcton.lhe po iir. wara notified of -the robbery by LSherlff Blesecker, at Kalama, Washing ton, where the two cninese" wro Him aananad from the highwaymen.' This morning Gee Identified O'Donnell aa one of his assailants, ni saia.uam ki hmA not nine- to do with the crime. The Chinese Informed the polloe that their - -other- assailant wae "Shorty" Myera, who drtvee an expreee wagon between Portland and Vancouver. Deputy Dlatrlct Attorney Brand pre of larceny from the person against the prisoners instead of highway robbery, aa they are only tl yeare old.' The preliminary examination-of -O'Donnell will -taka place to morrow, but Gamble may be dlacharged. CLAIMS WOMAN ROBBED HIMrBLAMELVBURGLARS Juatloe Raid listened to the evidence In a civil suit preferred against Lou ir.ri. h William Cain yesterday to recover 270. Hayee Brand, who rep- resented Cain, produced evidenca to prove that . In last October, the woman arose from bed while Cain waa in hsr house, at Third and Taylor streets, and took the money from hla.pocketa. after ward trying to make him believe that burgbtre had been In the houae and had also taken 11.000 belonging to heft xtr. Karie ' denied tne - larceny, out .v.- .iinaaaSwon that ahe after ward exhibited the IttO alleged to have been taken fTom Caln and bragged about" her feat. Justice Reld hse the case under advisement - -r-- PROCLAMATIONS ARE " ; BEING SENT THE PAPERS itnuiil menatck to The Jearaal.) - flalem. Or.. March 11 The elerke In Ihe executtve Bepertment are busy sending- out the proclamations to be pub lished In the newspapers of the' state relative to the laws and amendments Initiated by the people. There are nine proclamation which must be published In at least one paper, In each judicial district.- Papers of varioua political shadee have been selected and a uniform rate for printing has practically been .agreed upon with the publlehera, ,. Owners- Unwilling Aa Comply Wtth-Coetly Requirement of Executive Board. ATTRACTIONS BOOkEO V. , WILL: CO TO COLUMBIA If Theatre Made Required Changes the Coat Woiild Be Fifteen Thou- ollajaBlock to-Bep4Ja4 mafcar-ctTvlty Ei Bcha1f--of-TaJ4- Office Building. - IejnaDdslofthe city executive board for eddM'"rrl r"""" "ntm m?lP of IH.000 in the Marquam building has resulted In putting the Marquam theatre out . of business 'and in sending to the niaaca theatre all the attractions of the-law-Ttfnger syndicate. . Mana ger Calvin Heilig of the Northwestern Tharrtrat--worlatlon-l-aald--o- have secured an option for. a 10-year lease on the Balasco theatre, and If property ownere ln the vicinity offer the proper encouragement the theatrical center of Portland will be moved. . . The Marquam building will be com pletely remodeled for of f loea and stores. causing t he-closing of the- theatre, j The city executive board haa inaiatea that additional fire protection be added to the building and .has eetlmated that tM-umor -wroe necessary. The ownere of the building have refused to expend aucb, a sum In Improvements and Informed Mr. Helllg to that effect MrHelllg'inJurn declined to put upl That amount 1o meefThe aematSBITlf The t executive board and began negotiations to aecure a new home for the syndicate attractions. He la said to have com- h JOIT ftitaja The board'a decision; or' the condl- my ludgmentr' amount to the confiscation of the building," said J. Tborburn Roes. "It is tip to Mr. Helllg to say whether jor. ..not tha Marquam shall be made to conform with the requlramenta of the board. We were in good faith when we told the board that we -would make the changea ' that were recently recom mended, but when we received bids on the work we' found that the amount required wa so great . that - we were not In a position et this time to go ahead wltta ihe-work,he-lheatre will be cloaed unless Mr. Helllg chooeea to make the changea demanded. The lease provides that he shall, keep the theatre in rood and aooeDtable condition. "The executive ooara ie composea oi conscientious men, end I presume they are doing ..what they believe to be right However, we regard their demanda as out of the question. . - George H. Davis, . business manager for Bole eco--Mayer, arrired in Port land yesterday and haa personal charge of the negotiations wita- Mr. Heiag. ii is said that he and Mr. Helllg Jiave cloaed a deal whereby the local man ager haa secured a 10-year lease on the Washington street property. It waa rumored today that the Lip man. Wolfe ds Co. deportment, otore would OCCUDT block with a mammoth mercantile house, "but this waa positively denied today by J. Thurburn Rubs, nianaarr or tnw Mar Mioni hwinort aim Itv UK Lilnman. -TheatrlcaL-jnert declare that the re moval oz ma Marquam aiu;uuu w 'nr Belaaco will result In a complete change In the location - of -local, playhouses. They believe that theatre will be re moved from down-town districts and Into leas expensive locatlona. SEEKS ESCAPING GAS r WITH LIGHTED MA I UnJ With a lighted match, Joe ArnTIookVd4 for eaoaplng gas In tna. pasemsnt or Coleman's hardware etore, 100 -Third street., ebout 11:10 o'clock this after noon. He found the vent. At the eame time lha sustained suuh b back of both hands that it wae thought advisable to send him to Good Samari tan hospital in an ambulance. Mr. Amrli empIoyejraa a ealeaffiair In - the - etore,- -Thla- morning he and another employe -changed a couple of mi leta. A UD waa aooidently left off when the gaa was turned on at the meter. The smell soon attracted the clerk'e attention, and he went Into the cellar to Investigate. Ae he approached the place where the gaa waa escaping ha llrhted a match. There wae an exploslonv -'j . . - Waata Big- The steamship Meteor waa libeled by J. H. Bell thie efternoon: to recover 110,000 for Injuries received on March 10. while. working on tne ooat as, a atevedore. During the progress or load in tha boom and a load of ties which were 'being lowered Into the hold fell to tha deck and Bell sustained a broken leg and ankle. His lntereata are being looked' after by OUtner At Bewail, prop tore In admiralty. .-..I, Charles G. Gates, son of John W. , Gates," who was roundly scored by Magistrate Crane whan ha pleaded In tha police court in extenuation of hia exceeding the auto speed limit that he was In a hurry. I Reported That Negro. Politician r ln U'tff ,i4 Slav Traffic.-. GIVEN RIGHT TO VOTI BYTHEODORE ROOSEVELT Colored Boas Got Immunity From Proeecution by Meana of Hla fo- many HalL ' . . v MMra.1 la4al Bawvtea.l . .Hew" York, Msrch, tl Roharti Sprlggs; the hegfo politician arcuaed of white slave trarno, is, aocoraing to ru mors,, going to plead guilty to three IndictmenU. ..Xetecttves thie morning testified regarding a' number bf raids on the place In which they found white women and aald Bprlgge defied them, aylnc-ine- polloe could not do anything to him. and he waa apparently gives protection from higher sources and Im mune rrera proeecution until tne i;iaicne trial. - .. : ' L. ,lyoaae-JiaalMKateeth. , ';;. ; Policemen teatlfied thet In the reld on 10 1 Broadway, ona -or. tna .wniie alave -reeorta, -eereted- aroom that had been heavily barricaded, Teresa Austin, a white, woman, was found. Testimony obtained, by -the dlatrlot at torney shows that at least two young women were removed from one of. the Boiiece houses and buried In a negro cemetery at midnight, after having been beaten to death In the presence of other Tnmatee7fioTPrtfeyh1e-nitrneTit Intimidated from attempting to escape or becoming -objectionable. f Tha political reoord of Sprlgge- baa LI an awieaaj ie"4auMs laaial tha laat few daya. ' Hie polltloal pull naa for many yeare ln Mae lorx. Clty, his father .being a political leader before him among the negroes of the metro Dolls. . President Roosevelt when governor restored to Bprlgge nis ngni to cltlienshln after he had ..served a term ln prison for murderously aaaa oil ing a man. - roUtloal Zmmaalty. Laat autumn Sprlgge ewung the aagro vote for McClellan and ae many, of hie white alave-drlvlng asslatenta as - he could. Several dene - operated by polloe. and patrolmen wno inierierea werepunished by .the" police commls- elonera. . '- ----- ---" - Aa the etorlee of wltneesea are told and the facts regarding the Bprlgge dene come to light it Is evident that In the last few years there haa grown up In New Tork condttlone of vice and crime which outstrip anymtng mai tha Lexow Investigation revealed of the" unlbft : between venallS3rr"aiia the- r . . ,.11 lla. ' scores or viuman nv " trlct attorney their frightful etorlee of tha livine- death to which Sprlgge sub jected them In his dena-Sprigga having once before been convicted of a sim ilar offense, the new conviction win re mit in doubling the punishment.- wjilcn means a term or ' imprisonment ot yeare. .. l.. : BROKEN UP Patrolman Murphy Makes Ar- - - StaJlig Left and :6iirt Does Reet erromed. longer by the . gang .oXiyoung rurnana that haa daatxored a large, amount of rtv. beaten Inoffensive pereoi ehaaed Chinese off the etreete ana created bavoe generally. Police Judge Cameron took etepe thla morning for nuntahment of tbe rlngleadere. To Patrolman J. J. Murphy belongs the credit of breaking up the gang. Time and agafn have complaints been made aaalnat tha touchs. out ousiness men ref uaed to testify, ror rear mat meir rjrooertr would be further damaged A few daya ago the gang beat two Chinese almost to death,, maltreated J. D. -Houke and struck John Smith in tne ava with, a hard snowball, almost Diina Insr him. Then aeverai ox us broke windows and destroyed property lndlacrimlnataly. Patrolman Murphy decided to etop their- depredations oy ' summary meas ures. He arrested several, auopoenaa were Issued and II of the youths were haled into the police court as defend ante and wltneeaee. Perjury wae at tempted -on.- the wltneae etand, but Deputy City Attorney Pltsgerald fright ened tha . first two . or three and the whole truth finally came out, .. Five of the boys were rouna to oe under suspended ' sentence of 20 days each for. former offenaee. They were severely censured by the court end aent to Jail to serve out the sentences given thenv- in the past. Their - names are Lewie Moaler, Charlee Hicks, Ed Ward, Tim Burke and Leo Furlong., , Charles and Alfred Pottage were rineo 110 each " and on payment-- bftfie amounts were releaaed. with the warn ing that If they returned on a etmllaf charge they .would oe given eentencoa of Imprisonment. Henry usee ana rrea McCllntock. being, under It yeare of age, were sent before Judge Fraaer of the Juvenile oourt ana oy mm- oraerea to the reform ochool. John Patrick. FranlrCNelH and. Clifford Allison were found guilty, and- sentence Suspended. -Judge Cameron waa complimented' by several members of the police force on the stand taken by him In the matter. Patrolman Murphy, who haa proved terror to evil-doers et- Alblna, te well eallsfted with the results. He says thet hereafter business men-At the district will not be afraid to go-Into court and tell vbat they know about membere- of tha hoodlum organisation It they ehould be arrested. . - ::. - SCALDS HUSBAND TO - ' DEATH WHILE SLEEPING ' , (Jtwraal gpeelal BervleeJ Merced. Cl.. March 22. Report hae reached here that Mra. Jamea Dedmon of Bear' valley, Mariposa county, early Monday morning threw boiling water on her husband while he wae sleeping in bed. ' . V '',..'.,' i . . Dedmon - died Wednasdsy afternoon. The coroner's Inquest wss held today. The women wss placed under errest end taken to Mariposa Jail. The couple have 'four children, -. .-'. ALBIllA GMIGiS Oregon CongrMsman Votes With - - - DemocratAgatnt - Mai in the Housev LIFE-SAVINQ TUQ FOR ::' V- NORTH PACIFIC COAST Beef Trust Deciaion Will Release- Defendants, Making. It Impossible to Place - Them in Jeopardy Again. r-'---.- (Jooraal SperlaKaacaiaa.V- - - WaaBtna - ton - March 31. When the atatahood bill wae tken from the table thie morning a warm flgbt opened up In tne endeavor to get Oklahoma In, dlsra- - gardlng Arlaona and Maw Mexico. A ' parliamentary - discussion delayed the debate oo the merlte of the bill. IiV closing the dabate Bade of Mlnne- acta, the humorist of the house, eald: : "I like the president because he al- ' lowed a member of oongraae to break Into hie household without ringing aa alarm, and baceuaa he gave hie di ter to an American, not to a degenerate . prinee.- I ehould not disagree with the eenate. when the eenata is right, and we ought to paae thie bin,--- ' Among the 'Republicans voting with. the- Democrats : at vailuus atagea-wam-1 McLachlan, Need ham. Smith, Haya and) -Olltett of California, French of Idaho, Hermann of Oregon, and Howell of Utah. - i.-.. -Z. 'be eenate committee on oonuneroa today recommended tbe passage oi a "' blU appropriating 1200,000 for the) con struction and . equipment of a life- saying, ocean- u w tor service In II HVI in - X o Coast and a Ule- savtng sieil alaali bar', ---- A resolution expending the time for opening the Shoshone Indian res eevation-passedthe'-geluvte today, .:--! I BEEF BARONS ESCAPEi- lauanaity Searlae; Xdkeiy to Se Oem , stdarad by Klglte Oonrt aa AoaaWeJ. r " (Jearaal Special aerviae.) , Washington, A C, March 32. Mood re called upon tbe preeldent today to etta' cuss the packers' Immunity decision. I tu ps generally believed that tha depart- ment of Justlcs will 'adopt the conolu- slon that tha decision- will have the of-"; foot of releasing the defendants ao aa to make It impossible to place ehem In Jeopardy a second time, this being .. likely to be considered by a higher oourt as an acquittal upon a criminal charge. . Heada of the packing Industries, freed by Judge' Humphrey, may be cited t-anewer- for contempt of oourt for al ' leged viols Hon of Judge Orosseup'e In junction restraining thero from viola t Ing the Bharman antl-truat law. Morn- eon le searching for .the possibility or reindicting tbe individual packers. - iELMER B. C0LWELL - - " - FOR STATE SENATOR Tjlmif B. ' UOIwell, WHSwaa one ol " Multnomah county'a representatives In the Isst legislature and chairman of the Republican county central committee. ttae filed hl petition for the Repub lican nomination for enreaenatorv-ju, Colwell does not eubacrlbe to statement - No. 1 and eavs that he will be un pledged as to voting for United State eenator. Hie platform advocates a flat c salary for the state printer, the enact ment of legislation in relation to weights and measures and the employ ment of convicts on publlo roads. He la opposed to the leasing of convict, la- -bor ao as to bring It Into competition Robert B. FarrelL whohaJ" Chare-e one department of tha buelness of Ever aing Farrell, Front street commission merchants, lsTcadIdai-r-repf eierpr tative on the Republlcanjtlcket, He subscribes to statement No. 1. ; WASHINGTON VISITORS GUESTS OF MONTEREY" (Jearaal Special 'Service.) Monterey, Cel., March 12. Sixty rep. resenUtlvsa of the commercial organl eatlona of the etaU of Waahlngton ar rived In a special at the Del Monte hotel Ihla mornlngana toolra-lT-wlta drive, returning to luncheon. Mayor . Johnson extended the freedom of the city. The excursionists left this aJftor nootT'for Los Angelee. J '; """-" JOINT-COMMITTEE MAY : REACH A VOTE TODAY - . . Uenreal Special 'Berries. I . ' ' Indianapolis, March 22. The Joint committee discussing the eoal situa tion resumed Its session this afternoon. There Is a strong probability of reach- Ing a vote late thla attsrnoon. If ; strike Is declared the Intervention of the preeldent la expected. - Indiana, lit llnole and Ohio operatore renewed their opposition. to placing Jthe matter Jn the hands -Of a sub-scale committee.,. , NEWELL AND REED ARE G1VEN,C0MMISSI0NS ' IRpedar Dispatch te Tbe Journal.l ii Balem. Or., March 12. Commissions have been Issued for Wilbur K. Newell of Gaston, Weshlngton county, ee hor- . tlculUiral -commlaaloner.. at Jarge, and J. H, Reed of the MUwaukle district as -commissioner. "' 'V-' ,? - " Five applicants are today taking ex aminations for,- appointment to An napolis. 1 " T'T;i--ZZLiiZ LONGSHOREMAN. FATALLY HURT AT MARSH FIELO i (SpeeUI Dtapatrs ts Tbe Joarnal. - '. -.. Marshfleld, Or., March 12. James Mo Blwee, a longshoreman-hid hie -back-broken ab 11 oolock thla morning. TA " freight chute while being holeted fell on hie back In the hold f the breeker. The aooldent-lt-le-thought .will prove , fatal. ' ' ' ' .'. ; -. I', b. f. yoakum operated f upon for appendicitis; (Journal Sperlal Serrtre.) v'.-i) Chtoago, March 22. B. F. T oakum, chairman of the executive committee , of tha Rock Island and Frisco railroad aystsm. Is recovering from an operation for appendicltla performed last Tuesday. Yoakum rallied quickly from the shock. It is thought there to ne danger, i " V