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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
i S -iCw-n-Tclss-j . tosiohts mwuam ' Batar Masted Burlesque a Kmplre , SfflUy" tjrrtc.-.-; -v.T.T;...; .VBeta's PhotofTah" i. . .. Mruit. ....... ..v..:....... Vaudeville Star ....... .. Vaudeville IOiOOOarda of New EmlcidorioG f J I ' ''I ' ,f " " II " -- - , . f, I 1 wm . B ... ' - ... ... i, V III 4t I Rose, com DrlalneT the Cold Creek Coal - -It MtnlnSTGompany. havelaased coal") mlnlror properties located ,on Cold oreek, Washington, about 0 milea from Port jarj,- Bnd wlU-nataJA-rMi.nps III fTWT ins mines of, water, wun wmcn iney ,,, have been flooded , for month a. The company will develop tliW mines, a rap V Idly aa possible, and expecta to market coal In Portland at prioes considerably below 'present fig-urea. Th propartlea Include About JMOQ. sores of eoel land, 7" i oca ted" bo tli&T by bulldrna docka on . Cold Creek : slough ; the coal can " be loaded on barges and transported by water to Portland. , . . ' It W. Goods, prealdent of tha CM- .. !! n' Light Traction company of Ba- lem, has appointed Kollin K. rage aa I manager, and Mr. Page haa removed to ' Balem and taken cbaxge of tha plant. . Tha Bale in. Woodburn. Mount Angel and '. Bllverton rlectrlo plants axe Included In his jurisdiction, si) of them -having pasaedlnto possession of the Portland -- i Uenerai Electric company. Tha. capacity of the Salem steam plant will, be . doubled aa aoon aa a new 100-horse-. power engine can. b Installed. -The jteam plant at Bllverton will, it is said, be, abandoned, and Increased current - wlU ba generated front tha water power plant. , - , - Con RUyer, a aaloonkeeper, at til North Seventeenth street, waa fined t&0 Ihla morning fey Presiding Judge Fraser ,. for having had obscene business cards In' his poaaeaalon. This waa the first case of the sort In tha Lecal circuit L court, and ee HI! ret-is said to b law abiding Judge Fraaar decided that ha would ba required to depoalt only one nwmrm mrmiiwwiq "to m -paroled on good behavior for tha other 120. Hllyara saloon waa examined last Saturday - afternoons by. Chief Deputy . B her IS Oeorge Morden upon a search warrant Issued by Judge Fraaar, and 'thm aasda.iSjaaiiissMaiaV4 The will t the) lata Jonaa Carlson . was filed la the county court thla nan lux- The Srat provision made waa that IS .acres or land In Waehrnrton county, Oregon, should ba aold and tha money "' used to pay off tha Indebtedness on a lte-aora farm. In . thaaaine county. " tight ' children Joanna Jonaa. . Frank, v;nariea, uunr, reier, nosa. ana mi' ' man ware cut oft with, II each, while the . farm -and - ll.SvQ. Insurance - ware - willed to three Tithsr children-leorge, i Kda and "Cornell, minora. Tha monet la to be used for educating them. The ' remainder of tha property waa given to . tha widow. .Tba.ariu.-WM dated Jan Presiding Judge Arthur 1 Fraaar thla : morning allowed a Judgment -ngninet Laura Oossage for 1,10 In favor, of H. N. Drohn. Drohn declajea, that, be gave tha woman a. check on a SeatUa . bank for tha amount, and that aha waa to use tha money to purchase a, saloon and lodging-house in Portland. . He -claJma that aha want to Seattle, had " the check cashed, but forgot all about her promises -ta aim after eecuring the S monejttH bad the woman arrested and brought baijt to PorUandTbut Hi ' trlct Attorney John- Manning.- would not Ilia aa Information against bar. Ten.tmraea wHl-graduata-froM-the ,' St. Vincent's training school this aven- Ing. Aitaik will be given by Archbishop Chrlstl and Dr. William Jones will de liver tha formal address to tha graduat- " ing clasa. Tha axerolses will begin at ; S o'clock. Diplomas will be given to the following young women: Misses Mar- garai Alice Tynan. Anna Maria Mlkkel sen. Christina Mackay. fcthel M. Hart, Edith J. Houck of Portland: Nell H. Flndlay, Carlton; Helen A. Rueter, For est Grove; Jessie H. Hicks, Ixindon, England: Hilda A. Engelhardt, Victoria, British Columbia, and Lydla Fletcher, ..; Walla Walla. .. , -Wr-t Darling, ehlef engineer of, tha Northern Paolflo railroad, who has been Her a, week lu Pui UgnaBarIcTBnyTTmgWfttnT; consulting with contractors and exam ining conditions affecting the north bank extension Into Portland, left to-1 day by stearaefr accompanied by films a Sblelda, to make aa inspection or work in progress along the north bank. He will continue his trip to cover all Hill Unas now under construction , or projected In Idaho and Washington. . Sukhoda Banarjee, a Hindoo woman well known in Portland religious cir cles, will speak at tha First Christian church. Park and Columbia, streets, to night at 7:1 o'clock at the regular weekly prayer meeting. Mrs. Banarjee will tell the traglo story of. hsr. child hood marriage and will give an outline Takes a second worth a cent to call us --r need prih ting. The trouble ; . r r . . , and Ayorry you'll save plus thenetrafbod printing is worth dollars to you. Two direct linesboth Main 1 6 5-puts )du next - - - F.W St COMPANY FIRST & OAK STREETS , mines Portland's Leading Cloak and Salt Home offers for tomorrow 643d Friday Surprise Sale a bargain cxtraoHirury in high-grade White Linen WclsUofl06rnafactnre 3000" tbera puf chased at a very special price from a maker with whom we do a great amount of resular business- Three iryl Hand-embroidered and tucked front effects tucked Beautifully made some new waists in all sizes Your choice while they last tomorrow at? t ) d this very low price . ............ . . . . . rJQt See 5th-street window display No mail or phone orders Meier Q Frank's 843d Friday 100 dozen "Spachtel'r Scarfs and Shams at les than half their value for tomorrow's 843 FH-. day Surprise Sale. Very best styles', plain hemstitched, appliqued and tit-out. designs on a' good uality-of Swisrand Brussels net -Squa res are 30x30 tnchesrScarfsrlfcitf 5 inches OC " regular 50c and 75c values, on sale at this low price, each....... ; .1-. rrr. -Vlir;-J ri i... T-V J-- ' - Meier O Fnmk : 843d Friday Ok)0-Pieco5-Ncv-Wash-Goods-12Kc-Yard F6r tomorrow only we offer a rreat special purchase of 100 pieces of new jjlaid wash-fabrics in mercerized -lisles, beautiful styles, suitable for waists," shirtwaist uits, children's dresses, . - etc., etc., sheer and fine with silk stripe through. All. the new shades and combinations in large assortment, 27 inches wide; quality-material that finds ready sale at 20c and !i25cthe yard ; tomorrowonly youtchoice at t his low price,yard. -. . . J' Of her rescue work through the Hope school at Calcutta. P. B. Biswas wUl be with Iter and will speak, vited to attend. All are tn- - CountjrClerk Frank S. Fields and C6u'ntylTommU8loners Iilghter" and Barnes will appoint tomorrow election Judges and clerks to fill the places of those formerly selected, but who ' de clined to serve or who have not sent in a notice of their acceotanoe. The law require rMhat art election official mustJ state within lo days after he has been I named" that he will act as such. . Article of Incorporation for the John S. Mathews Motor company were filed tula-Bnorulnc-to-thsZofflce otCounly" Clerk . Frank 8. Fields. The capital stock of the company Is H,e0O, while the Incorporators are John B. Maine ws. W. P. Evans. W. C Mlmms aad-CUrenee Penland. The company wlU manufac ture and deal In motors, water-motors. water-wheels and other machinery. Frank' r. Freeman kas filed bis dec laration to become a candidate for rep resentative on the Republican ticket. He declares that If elected he will al ways support the Republican receiving the highest number, of rotes for United States eenato. James M. HUlyard of Powell Valley and O. W. Kenney of Qreaham. have filed declarations stating that they will be candidates for precinct Pennev Bros. Friday Sceclals Ylv big -banalin fnwine. grade ot white or rea port. II per ganonf si.ta grade of Angelica, $1 per gallon; 11.80 grade of Madiera. $1 per gallon: 11.10 grade of Tokay, 11 per gallon. Phone Bast til. Free delivery. S7-8I1 East Morrison. Sheriff Word this morning distributed tn various local ' banks more than 1400.000 which waa paid into the sheriffs office for 105 taxes. - Judge Cleland thla morning Issued an order allowing tha Portland. Trust Cons pany of Oregon to foreclose a mortgage up when you BALTES fes to select from Open back and finished All dean, fresh, hand He livery waist regular $6 value ti, . '. --.- 1 . -r 1 on the home of Robert Loller and wife, corner of Ollsan and North Twenty second streets. ; There was $1,000 In debtedness against the property and others alleging that moneya werw owed them by Mr. .poller were made de- fondanta to the suit filed by the trust company.' . We find that It pays to advertise those soleo, prints we make specially lor halftone portraits, in tne newspa pen the kind that tha wideawake ean- inflate .uses la introduce himself to the pubtlo. we nave maoe - laese pnotoe ever since halftones were first invented and the artist will tall you they are the nest he- ever used.- Moore's Studio, KlarbundngrBeTenTnsnd BUrk. It Is reported that H. C Keller of Ixs Angeles, U. J. Wilde of Ban Diego and others will open a stock exchsngs InPortland. They are said to hav leased offices and a large court- in the Brooke-Qlesy building at the corner of Second and Stark streets for the pur pose of carrying on a business of- buy ing and selling stocks and all kinds of securities. . . Gymnasium classes under Robert Krohn will give an exhibition thla even ing at the . Neighborhood House, in South Portland, to which friends are invited. The Neighborhood Houso is an of Jewish Women for the aid of Jewish wjhien . and children. A number of ittfdy , departments are supported. I . Headquarters of tbe Demooratlo state central committee were opened today in the Raleigh building, on Washington street, between Sixth and Seventh. The committee will occupy rooms I, and 10 on the seeond floor. Preparations are being mads for an active campaign. The finest - gardens are made by planting our "Diamond Brand" seeds selected especially for this coast Hand' tome 100-page descriptive and illus trated seed ajfhual now . ready. Port' land Seed company. Front and TamhllL Professor-J CV Diamond, the well known lecturer, teaoher and healer, will give a free aclentlfio lecture On "Chiro mancy, or Mental Impressions .Written In the Hand" Thursday evening. Marcn I J. at t o'clock sharp. H Seventh St, - t- - - - 1 " ........ The' ladles of Hassalo Street Congre gational churoh will serve dinner from 11 to 1 o'clock Friday and Saturday, Maroh It and 14, at 141 Fifth atreet. corner Alder. Dinner Is cents. Boston brown bread and Boston baked beans. Steamship Alliance sails from Couch street dock for ' Coos "bay and Eureka, Saturday night, March 14, at I. C. H. Thompson's ticket agency, 131 Third street. F. P. Baumgartner, Agent, foot Couch- gtrtetw Main 111. Steamer Charles R. Spencer will re sume her run on The Daiies-Fortiand .route Monday tt I t, m. landing loot of Oak atreet. Phone Main lilt. C & Steelamlth, agent. . , Lost The man who lost his eye glasses can have them replaced for II; a perfect lit guarunteed. Metsger a Co., Ill Sixth street, jewelers and opticians. Concrete Construction Co., TO! Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete stone blocks. Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel. Mala 110. Why pay ft to $10 for eyeglasses! Ws guarantee perfect fit for tl. Eyes examined free. Metsger A Co., Ill Sixth-street..,: . .,. Mrs. F. E. Day, Mrs. T. M. Bell. Miss Nellie Bell and Mrs. M. Kingman, of Kelso are Perkins hotel guests. Acme Oil Ok sells the best safety coal oils and Sne gasolines. Phone East Tit. Big dance tonight . Barkhard hall. Thursday Night elub. Women's exchange, lit Tenth street. Innoh, It to S. . Clean Inside mill wood. Tot East 414. 't Milwaukis Country Club. toe Angeles and Oakland races.' TakeJ Sellwood and Oregon City ears at First ad Alder. ' ,.-".. and I? J filled Snrprisc Sole ij . Surprise Sale Council Will Require Ten Thou- f- sand Horsepowar In City: In Two Years, ' NO MORE SECOND-HAND- BERRY AND FRUIT BOXES Deputy City Health Officer, Chy Hall - Janitors andCIty- Hall Entineers Have Salaries Raised Attempt to Vacate Holladay Ayanue Foiled. The . franchise application of the Mount Hood Electrlo Light A Power omnpanyTor' ems privilege of lay hi) -wiresj and! conauns and ""dlsDoslna o: light and power in Portland was ordered advertised py the city night - 8. B. Cobb, the prealdent of the eompany, proposed several amendments, the most Important of which was to extend the time limit tor which 10,000 horsepower of ' electricity should be brought Into the city from two to three years. He was willing to consent to bring (.000 horsepower Into the elty wiunn two years. "We are already meeting with de termined opposition, from the Portland Oeneral Electric company through the Standard Oil . company, which controls many of the large electrical manufac turing plants .In. the east," - said - Mr. Cobb, "and we desire to protect our selves, as we do not want to promise anything and be unable to fulfill our promises. -If you ar afraid this frsnctilse-wlll get yon Into trouble with the Standard oil people, I would advlae you to set out as quickly as possible,' replied the mayor, ... The amendment was not allowed b me council. D. a O Reiner's petition for a fran chise for a street railway over Front street was referred to the street com mlttee. j Msrket Insoeetor Sarah A. Evans or. oinance prohibiting the sale of decayed fruit or berries packed In second-hand boxes was passed.. . . The Pedele'a Market association wdl bo permitted to change the Diane end specifications of the market building on the block at Third and Market streets. The structure will Toe two stories, although It will not be as wide by-ttt-feet as callsd - for - unaeTthe franchise. :. . .. v. . An ordinance making ft a mlsdemean. or to drive horses or run automobiles around street corners or - over street eroaalngs at a snced faster than, a walk was passed. A resolution was adopted rescinding OUR. RECEIVING CLERK'S SOLILOQUY Sene nwa ere sot a rasals ss don't waet efOeUI plire. Others are a gallosla' a atlgkty UtsI . BSCei - .r.. a'. - Some are - oeekln' freaeklses. While ethers simply howl, tan' inu' with awry, a-weerla of a stowL Otscts gir ss' kappr. like tfe' garb) st work tor as, Laesaerla' st S cants a poo a' wttkost s bit of fuss, owls' seeds at ssashlae evetywtere Uiy so. 01sadslnr sp tk kamas keart f raske It while e seow. Asd far this sents S ptosd we rail fne eed deliver , sad starrh a4 ime everything ae requlrlog te he Ouae s Union Lnircflry saooxro An ooivraisza. Tel Main BSS. . .. MT-HOODCOMPANY gETS FRANCHISE For tomorroWVcVlJd Friday great crowd-cttr actin 3 Embroidery bsrgairi' 1 0,000 yards of Swiss, nainsook andamti3cs-3 to 9 Inches wide Edges and insertions French and English designs for Shlrtwahurinder muslins, infants' wear, etc., etc Immense variety to select from A special arrangement with a St. Call, Switzer land, manufacturer enables us to offer values up to 40c the yard at the phenomenally low price of, yard Better plan to coma early if yea want Great Sale of 'ortomOsTOvSnrpri tancc to men A manufacturer's entire of nev-Spring an ridiculously low price White grounds with dots, figures and stripes Gray grounds and tan grounds with fancy figured effects lf:m buttons-SIzcs344p44 assortment -Values to,$2.cach Your choice (Qj tomorrow at this' Very low price off each Sea Window all permits' for using the streets for 4 storage purposes. ...The salary or WTsiutsispacher, dep uty health -offloer, was raised -from- 47 to ttt a . month, that of the chief jan itor of the city hall from (70 to $7 and five' assistants from t0 to (70 and the engineer of the elty hall from fSO to tlOO. -; i ' An attempt to vacate Hollxday ave nue between Eighteenth and Twentieth streets" failed. It developed that the Blake-McFall company desired to use the jrroundin connectlonwlthjjroprtt recently- purehased for- a broom - fac tory site. : The big store building, corner "Tlrst and Salmon, known as the Boston Store building, has been leased for a term of years to the United Fire a Marine Salvage- -Adjustment compa-ny of Ban Francisco; California; The store will be refitted and modernised and - made Into wholesale " and retail storerooms. This company's coming to Portland and will be the only retail store of ite kind on the coast The United company are big wholesalers In bankrupt stock. Are and marina damaged goods, railroad and unclaimed freight eta., with a corps of buyers and ..adjusters . stationed at the different cities along . the ooaat Ttisy make a business of buying stock and in doing so own their goods ariess 1 than naif what merchants generally bare to pay for them: It Is the Inten- and boys clothing, hats, shoes, furnish ing goods, rubber goods, ladles', cloaks and wraps, underwear, notions, shoes, and, from time to time, different stocks, suoh as carpets, tinware, Jewelry, furs, rugs, hardware and all auch stocks as may fall Into their hands, and any of the above mentioned goods will be wholesaled and retailed at the big atore on First street. This concern had Its headquarters at the Call building, In San Franclsoo, from which point the most of the buying Is done nd most of the claims are ' settled. The big atore will . open... for business 6a . Saturday, March 14. and will carry stock on the main floor and lower stockroom from $100,000 to $260,000. The wholesaling will be ander the direction of Samuel gilbert Ail dealing trill be done on a cash basis and-it -wlU be . tha ..largest store of Its kind In America to trade at either wholeaale or . retail. BIG STOCK WILL NOT GO TO SETTLE NOON'S DEBTS "County Judge Lionel R. Webster has Issued : an order declaring that the moneys received from the shares of the Noon Bag eompany left by the late w. C Noon shall be divided among the heirs of the deceased Instead . Of being used to pay. elalma against Ike estate. Mr. Noon owned -1,149 shares upon which a. dividend of tl(,41T .was re cently declared. Two of the eseoutors of the will wished to be allowed to use this mowgy-to settle elaimethat-were presented against the estate, but Mrs. Noon and a majority of the heirs pro tested. - They . said that the real prop erty should be sold to satisfy three claims and the returns of the personal property be given to the heirs. The easy was tried before Judge Webster some time ago. - 4i SCARED OUT THE REST T- - BUT COOK STOOD FIRM Charles Hlnes, employed ' ss 'dish aaher at the Pacific hotel, ran amuck yesterday and chased. all. the- other, em ployes esoept one out of the hostelry with - a - hutcfter-Knire. Tnei -one - was "Dye, the cook, a 140-pound negress. "Look heah, you white man, - aha ejaculated, aelslng a heavy rolling-pin. you needn t think you . can come snoopln' roun' die chile -and try any monkey shines. Ton clar out o heah mighty sudden or I'll make dough out o' youah big fat head.' ' litnee "ciared out" and accomplished the feat "mighty sudden." Later Clara Adams and Oeorgle kUgln, waitresses, went to police headquarters with Patrol man Joseph Keller, who arrested the man, and swore to a complaint charging him with abusive language. He was fined $10. , ' ( Fisrened Shook O eased tests Allsa Lewis eet Sraas. Sur&rlse Sale we offer another 10c tha Vat S Fifth-Street Window display : MEIER. Q FRANK'S A43d FRIDAY- SURPRISE SALX Metfs Fancy: 500 of Them---98c Display Anticipate your hot-wadlher needs. Baidyv-in's Health Tablets. .. Take them tdntghWbe well tomorrow. Cures L constipation. . too. Druggists..., Mrs., H. A. Colby and Mrs. M. M. Allen of Prlneville are shopping in the city and stopping at the Perkins hotel. : Marquam Grand ThearePbosViM1" T0MQ1B0W AVO tATTkSAT SIOKTS - .T" Sparial-ynoe Xatlaoe Satirday z - - : aUUTA aAXJbATIJg . ITae Clever Actrrm In the Hooleu Orsraa OOVUBT XATB. STgyTNa PBICKH f.ryi.t, irio. rrqot irr. Kc and S5e. . . . . . bfATlXEK PBICES Partraet, . ft. " Fanjaal elrele. Toe. Kutlre balcsny, tOe. Gallery, SSe and (Be. Seats . aow eaUlaf. 1. 1 , mw . m 0Biru. iw um mra. it i. BIREM PifflZI Paffir Pouf!!! a5rkitBey 'a Xaaisal . . Oeoktail. . bealleat Oast Msrqusm " Grand Theatre, 7,'Taaeaaj ' eai Weeaeaiay Jflhs haick M-r-M ttA-mrn wtoitmbat - s rows, !. aaioaay. Brat g rowa, l; eta. . 01a, Sth rows, TBe; laat S rows, BOs. Oal awt J0c -BoxrS and locaa, $10. afATTIfra PBICBS tewer Soar, tl sad Tie. Baloonr. The sod 0e. OsUery, She, SKe. BaRer Theatre SJSS Tamhlll end Third sts. Pkone Mate 190T. TB BOMS OP MUSICAL BUBLBUQUE. leaiskt, Taaaenew Blaht, gatersay htatlmi . . Isi three Ttsaee -. - - REILLY AND WOOD'S BIG SHOW Beaded by Pet Bellly, doaaedlaa. ' A ProfasloB of Ooed Thtae rea, Meale sad Pretty Otrla Oraod Bpeeuealar Ballet, . "KadM t'p to Data." Matinee Saturday (laat'parfarauBee), lie, JB, S6c, ao. Bvoataf Priree. tde. SOe, SO. TBe. Nfit A Kraft loo ftilm New Yoak Jr." WeEffl 121-123 GRAND AVENUE. Extraordinary Business Bringers ; Jor Friday and ; Saturday " ; SKIRTS AT f l.-sa Made of Splendid quality materials, extra wide ' flounce, tiestly tucked and trimmed , with Jscifc, ,nd embroideryj severs! styles f6"'choos''froriu' "';; " 1 SKIRTS AT Wide floonce, betarifutlrTrimmeaT withllusterg of very fine tucking and lace or embroidery edging. . " SKIRTS AT 58r A gret v!lie, -good Tjuility, with floancs Bti4 , ncstly trimmed with embroidery edging. -. ' -i . , A Greet S!:o;vfca oi r.::.Ys Sprfcj AT A SAVINO OF f2.00 TO fS.OO EACH - There . absolutely no reason why you should not buy your suit hers. Assortment is very large, stylet srs best sad priest lowest, f e them in Window at........ .....f tO.i . - fia.OO, 13. SO, 14.00, f 15.00, 1X9, 918.00, f 1SX J SPECIAL SHOV7INQvOF BOYS' SUITS 1 st..............fa.50, f3.T5, fS.OO, 13.S.0, 4.C9, CJ-C WasK Each remaining stock EmpirrThcatrc' kilm aad lttk ae Mats tW. - Mlltoa W. Baaiaam. hftr. " Partlaad's Papular Theatre ' - , j VallBte Today, 3:1S Tealg ht Laat Time Knra ot tttx dzbiet ktm PKICBS Braslns. 15. tSr. IBe a ad Oe. -" : Matuwe. loc, is " aea SBST" Heat '0LX 0LS0X.1 iifo Aoxrarr rx AOkDnrAJit 1WO MONTI ONLY TWO Friday sad Saturday. Marsh SS and M, , HEW-YOHICS fO PILAR ACTWa-r OLITXB J. ZOXKABDT Is the Senaetlonel -'- -e nSMT FOB HOJtOB' J4ATli KB BATTJBOA Vs ,- SfCE8 lSc, aftc, Sne sad Oe. MATINEE PBICES 10. 16e snd tie., LYRIC TH EATRE TBS IMOOMPABABLB tTBIO STOCK; COM- PABX PBBSBTB , wBctscys PhotoflrapIT A Tfarteamady ia-ra Aets. ' ' ADMISSION, XOe; BBSBBTED fEAT.:a?j -STAR THXATBS v Waak ef March 10 BtYXBtT AJTO - DABTIBS Beftnad - Comedy Sketch Artists Viae' Baaalie Shalaaa Mlaa ftraee 70a ally Osaetlae and Xavtasjos Will O. Sort - Staiaiaiaa lOr Te ny - seat ta the heaaa eseept bozae 10c. Grand THBATBB Week Marek IS. Special raature ' . Snow. Loam and the Joseph las Bar "Pieka - Barry W. Bpriaseld -The Maaiaal Saudeys Marie Spanew . Sel-e-phone " HareU Haff . . . Oraaalaaaaa Baelara Oirls. PBICES Bvaalngs. ISe. Se sad Sac; Matt- inc. r.2osIinS!(irts AT Special Prices 58c, 98c, $1.48 SeOTTY Y ; . J -