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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
--TIIS OSbaOM : DAILY JOURNAL, POIlTLAMDIIllIIISDArEVfcNING.MACII- gal ISCfc ess T-..-.l,. .' " ' ye . WtH, SIXTH SJORE OPtNS AT, 8 Ai M. AND , ' CLONES AT 6 P. M. - - OF ' STYIZ AKD QUALITY EXPOSITIONS , OF -t-SURPASSING SPECIALTY SHOPS AKD WASHINGTON STREETS 170RK STEAHER For hr$t TimerTerrials : Passen gers - Fait - Prey to- Women I ; Gamblers on Liners. , WEEKS- -MYSTERIOUS WOMAN4N v BLACK, CAUGHT CHEATING From basement to root these Stores are filled with the best of the spring's newest merchandise, all "priced at" unusually favora ble figures. ' Every woman and every man, who is interested in fashionable attire for the -warmer weather at hand is sure to find "their wants best eared for at this store.r The woman who. likes pretty things to don, for herself and children, some fresh bit of bright beauty or of solid comfort for the home a new carpet, curtains or drapes, bit of cut glass or dainty china, refrigerator or ns range, has an opportunity such as is afforded to the denizens of few .American cities, to satisfy her wants here and at modest cost, k Friday is the day of all the days of the week Par Excellence for UNDERPRICED things....Be sure. you get y..r frill ahar tnmorrOWT V ' ' ' . . ' ."" ' ' . '.' " It Seen to Signal Her Companion and Came Break Up in a Row-Cap ' tain Potta Notice Warning Ladiea . - Not to Play Stranger.- r - - . V' -EIllliH OPS R fKcTStore's Economy -TheSiorQ's-t5istFriday 'Economy ' ' ',' (Jvuraal Rwelal Service.) V New Tork, Marsh IZ. When the , -- steamer Kaieer wuneim 11 arrived irom -' Bremen today a atory waa told by the wuasena-er of T-crd sharp 4-he - woman'a parlor on board the ship when r'r the. vessel was only two days out."1 For "7T the flrsl lime tha "aharpa" were woman It wa declared. Inatead of man,-, and ";' women were their prey. " t ," - . In the Vienna, room of the ateamshlp, .. whUib...l Xreaueatetl .almoit ;lulvely by women, a scene waa enacted on the ' afternoon of March II which waa most - dramatic , , : ' ifitlt woman dressed In black, sc. A petl companled by a tall, rood-looking Eng lishman, made tha acquaintance of sev eral' of the women ptufnfert and be gan, a came of draw poker with a It cent limit. The same proceeded about three houra. when one of the -women left the table who had lost -considerable money, eprang to her feet and accused ,the nmtt In black" of cheating. Tha table waa overthrown and everybody atood up with blanched facee. Tha greatest confusion ensued until some of 'L tha. officers of the - ahlp arrived and - calmed the women paeeenger. : Than It waa learned that one of the : "woman in black" slsnal to tha tall Eng- llahmin. who had an tend the game with the others, - . A few houra later Captain Hagemann Of the ateamahlp poated tha - following : notice- in, the Vienna room: ---Certaln thinga haying -com -to--the notice of the captain, passengers, ea - peclally women, are warned against playing game of chance with , Strang- era.".-.;' ... - Tb : notice, caused sensation on 'Z board . the vessel. The - "woman hi black" and her. companion appeared be - fore the other passengers of the ship I: only ai meal tlmta during tha remainder tf 4h-trlp. . : . WHITMAN SELECTS TEAM rrTP DEBATE WITH .IDAHO . " (SpeeUl Dlteatrh to Tbe loarul.) Whitman College. Walla Walla, Waalu, Marc4i 22. The tryout held yeaterday evening to aelect members -of ther-deH vating team agalnat the university of Idaho waa a very exciting affair. Thoae who were aelected to compoae the team ' were Galua Qreenalade, .'01; James Oil breath, 0, and Carl Helm, '07. and Mlaa Annje Rue as . alternate. Others who were entered In the tryout were Arthur 'Holm.' Lester -Llvengood and Rldgway Ulllis.- . , droenalade, who will lead the team, ia a debater of experience, having been mi Uie Tiutoiiuua team agaiuat meguu two years ago. V The queatlon ,. which will .be debated with Idaho ia the aarae' aa Whitman defeated Faclflo university with laat month. It Is '"Resolved, That the Inter state commerce commission' should be rglvenTJOwer tornrTltroad-Taterltr dte puted cases, auch ratea to remain, in force - until reversed by the higher - court."- Whitman defenda the negative ' tn the debate, which will be held In Walla Walla the. Utter part of Aprlfc IS BURNED TO DEATH -ASLEEP-AT-CAMPFIRE fRpecisr tHtpsteh ta The Jooraal.) Hood River, Or., March. 22. An uh on the . north bank railroad : Tueaday roaated to death. In company with two other men he had been at LyteMonaar1 night drinking heavily, and,' according to the atory of his companions, they procured a bottle of whiskey and went down to the camp, where they built a big Are and laid flown beside it to ..' sleep. . . After aleeplng for a time two of the men went back to Lyle, leaving '.' their . companion asleep. In. the early f morning, when they returned, ihey . were horrified to And that he bad rolled Into the ore and been burned almost to a crisp. The men are Ruaslan Finns , ; and had been employed by the railroad j company b"t ' 4-" ThfTvvly waa taken to Lyle, where an tnveatiga , lion ia being held to determine, if pos--r Bible, whetherjjhedead.,man met his --end; III the way related by hia compan-iona.- - - - FINED TWENTY FOR -STEALING HANDCAR - - (Special Dispatch to The JoarnsL) Cot U gs Orove, Or., March 21. WIN 't Ham Burnett, who atole a handcar from the.. Oregon A. Southeastern railroad, waa fined today in Justice court 20 . and coata. ' Toung 'Burnett - broke into . the depot at the end of the railroad, , took the car and rode to Iorna, eight miles from town. . He left the oar there ; . and went to hia home, near by,' but , several people saw him and he was arreated. - - :-- The .Jury on T tUe-f Irsttrlal , hung, I but the second round him guilty. He - waa. fined 110 and coata, paying the ' tl. but- told the county -to get the. COBtS. . . - '-.'-i --. -' WUtauui Soetottea Debate. '.' (Rpedsl Dlapetek to The Jnarasl.) ' Whitman College, Walla Walla, ' Wash., March it. At a Joint meeting rl of the Phrenokoamian and Llbethrean Ldterary- societies, - Tuesday nlghtthe principal feature was a debate on the t question: "Resolved. That the fifteenth .: amendment should be repealed." . After ' a very warm and exdtlng discussion, a decision waa rendered in favor of the ' affirmative. This side waa supported - by; Alfred Llvengood. Fred OUbreath ', and Haylett O'Neill. The negative waa " argued by Joe Allen.-Henry-Davenport .--and Donald Marvin. j! Cottage , wrore Ottjr Tick. Cottage Orove, Or., March 11. A maaa meeting of the citlaene was bald here Tueaday evening at the call -ef Mayor- Veatch and the following ticket nominated for the city election:. Mayer, 1-Wb4 etcorder. Joseph Toung. Oeorge MoQueen and Mr. Vanakle were nom inated for counollroen. The 8oclallaU have a ticket In the field and It Is expected that there will be still another ticket before the elec tion. Mayor-Veatch has1 aald that-he would not serve another term as mayor. WATCH OUT! W Barga torsnoe rtsuyer& ins In a Stirring Hourly Sale Tomorroy - -prices except during the hours advertised, , V-VU. t, ..." fj. A . BJO 9 A..M. WOMEN'S 75c RUBBERS 10c A broken linej of women's Rubbers high i ' and low cut regular 75eralue, special for Sr one ;hou at -the pair, , .. r, . . V . V". Of) " ' . 9 TO iO A. Jlf. .The very best Shoepolish, either in . bottle or combination, for all kinds of Shoea, blackor tanour. 25c value, special for " nnn hour at . ,t5 i inn 10 TO Hi A. M. WOMEN'SSHOESFOR $1.79. A: broken lot of Women's good Shoes, made by reliable manufacturer, not a pair in the lot worth leas than $2.50 and aome up to $4.00, all sieej. widths AA to C special for one hour the pair... ............? CHILD'S $1.50 SHOES 79c Children's fine black kid hoea, lace style with hand turned soles, fancy inserted velvet lace stay spring-heels, all sires from 5 to 8 special for one hour the pair ... . t 12 TO 1 Pi-M.- 'URV'S SHOES FOR $1.00 LESS."" We give you the choice of any of our best grades of Men's Shoes, in either patent or dull leathers at $1.00 less per pair than regular price, thus Buy a pair of $4.00 Shoes for $3.00; a pair of $5.00 Shoes for - $4.00;. pr a pair of $6.00 Shoes for $5.00.- u :...,.-rrr.,: ..:r.f - no 2 P. M. WOMEN'S $U5 JULIETTES FOR $U4. '"Women's comfort Juliettea, made in four styles with plain or patent toe, low heel, Prince Albert or medium toe and heel, all sixes; our $175 value; special for one hour at the pair. ...... ........ .i .. . .. .. r. . .... . --. ;"f", 2 TO 3 P. M. ; . : WOMEN'S $2.50 SHOES $ : , ------ Women's Shoes frt three different styles the new college cn with me 'dium sole and new style toe,, patent-Blucher-lacet-patent sw-buttoa chn.. mA kiwir irii Rlnrhvr tare: our $250 value: soecisl for one hour at the oair. : i,wl 1 - WOMEN'S $4.00 SHOES FOR $2J9. U Axrm.n'. tn naffnt kirf Hreaa Shoes, with hand-turned soles, dress heel and plain toe; ma) kid tops; a prime favorite; all sizes; our H00J value special-for one hour, strthe-pair .;. ..c tTrT7rn-.f-H 4 TO 5 P. M. Girls Shoes, of fine black kid or box calf, made with an extension sole snd medium toe; a desirable shoe for school wear; sues o to 11 special for one hour at, the pair Sizes HJ4-to 2, special for one hour at, the pair fl.3 : -x 5 TO 6 p. m: adejfdihJavjaeliju Rnvi' RLr,-. nt ;n. ht'ffh o-rade kid. lace stvle Ki,r rtf mall Ktnnn. Tooa" weff snf wears all rieht: our $2.50 value;.sies 9 to 1 special for one hour at tne pair....; Tr; Si'aes 2Vi to 5i-fspecTal fof One hour ai lite pail f l.T- NEED M EXTRA BEDSPREAD? . i uiii virrnrraxi BABOanrsBomastio Aisis rirst por. axosnt ajs . ' tOO Meavr Crochet Bedspreads, extra larse also, Marseilles patterns, hemmed .an4 ready for use. Special, each f 1.18 " , VBX94.Y aoojroirr eraoxaxa x tkw GREAT HOMEFURNISHIUGS' STORES Jfoxuttk rioor. umriT vobtxsi Meavr Tapestrr Portieres', silk flnlah. plain red or reen," fringed ends,' t yards ions. a incnes win Recular $6.60 value. Special, tha pair.. Tti ii v1iim KMMrtal. tha nalr.. Re(Ular I8.S0 value. Special, the pair....... i 4, tt 5. BO 6.00 A lot of Lacs Curtains In Brussels and Renaissance effect; regular value .$2.7t. Special, tha pair ..,......,..........,..........,..." -fl.58 WmensJ1osieryW -woKsirgi see utxi son a.- Imported black all-lace Lisle Hoaa; reavlar value 80c, , Special, the pair. 82 wtsim i , m.v n.,.-T i.i. unu tinimh.A rant, double aole: reeolar value iie. Special, tha pair . , .juu.m.i.n.ixm . .,. . 18 e - eausasa'S woq rnvrnm aav. Children's Black Lace. Mercerised Cotton Hoaa; regular value 'tic. Special, tha pair ..................... .rLfj y J18 ' --' .' : virsaBaAKBiaim. --7 " . . ' ' ' .': . '.. '. . . voinari sos tbst ise. . , -. -Whlta-Rlchelleu ribbed . VeetsJow -nackv Jlaaves, crocheted lace yoke; - regular value 20o. Special, each v .13 . . " " WAaCBVa'aso TSSTS Ste. ' White fine ribbed, long sleeve Vests; regular value 46c. Special, each..2)e FURNISHINGS MEN NEED AT atraClAX SaXS rmrOXS Slxtk StreeS aases Ttrst moor. ' . - Masrsi tijo sou ssooits at. A ifne ef Men's new Spring Golf Shirts, gray and blue, In plaid and striped - effects, attached and detached euffs; regular valus Special, each , , 1 ........... ii rriTi9 .,.......... . 89a) " . .mmn ts vaTaawaA 4e.'' ',:..V''- Men's medium-weight ribbed Balbrlggan Underwear In ecru, French neck i Shirts; regular value Ttc. Special, each .....49 ;r-'-10sirS) 10a StAJTBstlBOaTZBrS Se. A lot of Men's plain white cambric Handkerohtefs; splendid value at lOo. . 8ppclel,4' each ,' ...... t. . . , i . . . . 6 on sale on a counter located in the northwest corner of the spacious salons, about 200 of the prettiest - waista for every-dar wear, ever shown in Portland.' "AH colors to match the various smart shades worn this season - m -r-walking akirtarp-.MaterialaT embrace alpacas and ATbatrossT among the color convention you will note light blues, royala, navy, helios, reds, Niles and fesadas, tans and creams. ' Mostly in the I 'nirttty ' ptatowiesgtra'nrrvt I tavored by fashion this season, some are in ine emoroiacrca ei fects on the fronts. Metal and covered - buttons, full, modish sleeves, and every Waist has , stock and tie of materials. The best regular $3.50 value, we have ever offered, for one day only Friday at -HALF pRrcE :r. r; -. v . . i.tb 'mm Shirtwaists Women Need T - AND WOMEN BHD PAY BUT HALF I ! PRETTY $3.50 WAISTS FOR $1.75 . ; Another, worth-while - economy. "event ift"the'' gr4t Satpns'of Dress,, scheduledfortomor- allalaWJJUil'slfalls "aaW ,r vrn'1 mM'a .. t , .. . -v ilfo iv 75 New MILLINERY "Bijou" Salons Annex, "Second Floor. Smart Hew $6 to $8 Street Hats at $5.00 Friday we place on sale 50 absolutely new Ulata, never before ahown. No two alike and nonelike them in thexitrrauitable tot Street or dress wear, . values $6 to $8, special, each ......... ,...f5.00 A, PRICE SQUEEZE JILC0RSETS- K.y e0 Was Assasx. -2;:Zi-i".. woarxars ssao vt: : ' Woman's Ribbon Girdles In brocaded silk, blue, pink or wlJte, slses It and 4 - only; regular valus ISpaolal, the pair ......9T PICKUPS IN PENNY SA VINGS A BattUag- Barraim riw Tto U ,11 Waxes Shops Tlxwt Tloot. lie Fancy Ruffed SUk Garter FJaattos. Special to Card Best Quality Heary Nickel-plated Safety Pins. Special ,Jlo Combination Can Peat dewing Machine uil. special ISo Fancy Mounted Shell Back Combs. Special ise Fancy Crystal Top Hat Pins. Bpeolal . Ho Bar White Castile Soap. Special - lie Can Perfumed Talcum Powder. Special lc Bbttle Roae and Cucumber Jelly. Special Williams' Ic Cake 4)u4ek and Easy Shaving Soap. lie Imported Tooth Bruanea. Bpecuii 94 174 t04 V4 .....134 Special .;r.. ....... s. . . 84 74 Roll of 14 Sheets White Waxed Paper for Wrapping Lunchea, etc. Special. 44 ISo Crepe Paper Lunch Beta I dosen napklna, 1 oosen ooiliea ana tanie- cloth to match. Special 15S tte 1-lb. Packets Fine Writing Paper, gray and blue tlnta. 8peclal. ... .1&4 too Box Fine Note Paper, White Linen Cloth Flnlah. Special la , laisoiannnrm. China Shop Housed -. - Thirs noes. - - r ' ' '.. . , "A liberal Hat of . "Usefuls" and "Ornamentals" to choose from- Liberal Reduotlons Allowed. .. . becorated Toilet Sets, with large roll-edge baaln. Special. .......... .fl.9d German China decorated Chocolate Pots. - Special, aaoh ....60 German China Pudding Seta, consisting of three piedes platter, baking dish and lining. Special ,. ...89e Imported Fireclay Pudding Dishes. Special, each 16a Imported Fireclay handled Ramlklna Special, each. , . . . . . 104 Decorated China Baaket-ahap Spoon Traye. fipeclal. each. ........... ....12 Lunch Boxea. Special, each ,...8e araiw B&va mma sax. New Blue Copenhagen Dinner Sets: sold In seta or separate pieces SO-plece set; regular vaiue as.vv. opwiw.n 100-plece set: regular value 111.00. Special...; wiutaA Wtr Tumhliira. Soeclal. the set 1I4T RogerrBros.-Snver-Pollshrths ktmr that does- 40o Blue Cuspidors,' gold tracea. special 86.40 ,&.eo ...IBS aia- S64 Special at, each IASTXB YOTSXTXaaV sovnsou iruss. .6er lOe and 20e . . . . . .... ...rf... . . . ...... -ft. Stepladder. 8peclal Covered Oalvanlaed Chamber Palls. Special ........ Japanned Oak Flnlah Bread Boxea. Special Gray Enameled JDlshpans. 17-ot. alsea - Spectat.-;T-. Gray Enameled Kettles, 4-qL slse. Bpeolal. Steel Spiders, mirror pollahed. Special.... Wire Potato Mashers. Special Round Aabeatos Mats. Bpeclal. t for ....... i.. Furniture Polish, large eta bottles. Special , Japanned and Decorated Umbrella Stands. Special,,. Genuine Dover Egg Beaters. Bpeclal a,n sniiahtn Mlta. Anscla! Soun Stralnera, bowl shape, wood handles. Special: Baking or Cooking, Spoons. 11-Inch else. - Special.. .. Kettle Knoba. Special. for y. Heavy Tin Muffin Pans. It holes. Special Coat Hangers. .Special ....... , . .. .-....', ' AJUB TOOIA Long handle solid caat steel Shovels. Special 6Se Spadea, solid oast steel. Special r .68 Rakes, It tines. Special .' -....'...... .... ..23 Hoea. Bpeolal , Grass Shears. Special C t ........... .... , 83 Pranlng 8hears. Special ....... .............................. .t ... . . .3o 1.10 ..48e ..40 r.B3 33 2Tt ..jsw ..'5e .43e sor .4 13 8a ...a ...B4 .asa nraaa Hooka Soeclal Weeding Hooks. Special v. . 14 74 VmO'S ENOUGH OF TRAYCLOTHS ?. BAXOAUr rmiOBS BVXa rmZSAT Art Shop aaaes Senoat noes. V SOo AaTD TOO TXAT OX.OTXS SSe, ' HemstltetMsd Linen Tray Cloths, slse ltxlT, stamped la floral deslna; regula values too and 70c. Special, each ......8ae MoverLacesr75c to $1:50 Valuer 50c First Floor, A lot of Nottingham and Point de Parts aU-over Laces, It Inches wide, white, Just the thing for the popular lace waists; values from Tlo te 11.10, . Special, tha yard , a. r. ....... i. SOe VEILS-CHIC AND FETCHING Juat received, another shipment of the pretty alV-ellk fancy meh Tells) te stTlc chenille, dotted pattema. 1 yards long, white, black and white, brown, nary, - navy and white, lavender, etc.; regular vans $L00, Bpeolal, em4h....30) ANINTERESTING-RIBBON-SALE : MAJrssoacB 400 usaunnt ai sArAW ' rutt noftf. -" . 4Aa BTBlBOaT ISa TIBS. 1 A line of brilliant Messallne Rlbbona, soft and fluffy. I Inohea wtfle, greaj assortment of colore, suitable for neckwear or trimming- hatst tearalar value 40c. Special, the yard ...................... ...........S5 ItUHEJ.WMEN'S NECKMEARZAISLE, . ; wOMBSr'8 OOLLIU ITe Sle aad SSe Talaee. A lot ef pretty little turnover top Collars In embroidered Angelis; some with double collar effect and other single; worth each ISo: also a lot ef em broidered Linen Stocks, washable, handsomely embroidered -in. pretty de- " signs; worth, each 3c. Friday we plaoe on sale at Special Economy -; prices,, for BOe, or eaefe.. ...................'.....ITe) - a woitnm sjau or woxni . ' Embroidered Linen Shirtwaist Patterns Zdaem AUle rtiwt Fleer. Sufficient material to make a waist with embroidery trimming for cellar - and cuffa - - - Regular SOe value. , Special, each. ....................... ............ 04 Regular tl-00 aralue. Speolal, each.. ..,..............p.. ......6T Regular fit value. Special each. 98 l.8 Regular tt.00 value. - Special, each. A Sale of Women's BeltsInterested? WOatBafS SO A9 TSo SSa. .-; . ' Beat quality Silk Taffeta Belts, with gilt buckle and gilt backatays. In black.' white, brown, navy, green and cardinal; fit perfectly; regular values too and 76c. Special, each ,-.- , ,j j t. . . , ............. ,2Sa) ' WOMB IT'S TSo XX9 BBITB SftSw ' Women's Kid Belts, with strips of silk and fancy gilt buckle whit with' pink etripea, black with whit stripes, navy blue with whit stripes, and champagne with brown stripes; also all black; regular value 76e. Special, each ..XBs WOMEN'S GOWNS UNDERPRICED WOMBBfJ SL7S OAMBBIO 4SOWBS SLIT. Fine Cambric Gowns, square yoke, with rows of wide embroidery insertion - between clusters of fine tucks, embroidery edging at yoke, around neck and sleeves; regular value I1.7S. Special, each ....SI. IT ' - WOKin Sl-SS OAMBBIO 0M1WBB TSo. Woman'a Cambric Gowns, V-ahaped neck, with rows of embroidery insertion between cluaters of tucks, embroidery edging at yoke, neck and Sleeves; :egular value tl.le. Special, each , ....73f Stirring Specials That Benefit SILK and -DRESSG00DS-Buyers First Floor Fifth Street Amass, IBlTUat In Panama, hemeapun and fengllah tweed effects, in soft ahadee of gray; it's SS Inches wide and Just the thing for ooats and tailor suit Our tl.le value. Special Economy Sale price, the yard , 8tM Our 11.60 value. Special Economy Sal price, th yard. ............ .$1.19 BLAOZ Cain BB OBXsTB, all silk; a staple fabric" that Is always de slrabl for making dreesy gowns; our tl.26 value. Special Economy Sal price,, the- yard rur. st,..... uu- .. 89 BLACK CBBFB SB FABIS A beautiful place of material and on of th blg'geat bargains we have ever of fered In black drees goods; our $1.10 value. - Special Economy Sale-price,-th yard . r . irrri toiti s r.-r ... v. . . . . ...98) Bargain Gems From JEWELRY SHOPS .' A. Brilliant Contribution of Great Valuea for Friday Shoppers. ' BBIiT BVOKLXS 190. An assortment 0 Belt Bucklee,'ln gilt,, oxidised and French gray finish ba a variety of slses and designs; values to 11.16 Included in this sal. . Bpeolal Economy Sal price, each ,... r. 29s) ,. BBAt7TT FIBS 10.' . ' , " . ' ' -: Beau at Pins In bright gold, Roman gold, rose-gold and green gold 'flnlah 1 . also an assortment of enamel In various colors; good lt value .Special tor Friday Economy Sale, th pair -... lOeJ) COS&AB, VFPOSTBSa IS. Collar Supporters are fast beoomlng a atapl article as their usefulness makea them almost Indispensable. Wa offer a line of Jeweled Collat. Supporter - for this sale -a I6c value Special Economy Sal price, ach,-i-,..,....19e) imum tnm ut rm u" . . A Una of new Sterling Silver Hat Pins In many designs. Thee pins are well mad with solid backs and long pin sterna. Special Economy Sal price. v each - , ...15e - fawa&Bs BaaoiUTs sae. ....... A new line of Braoelets In Roman gold finish hoop etyle. set with single and double Jewels, In all colors. Price, each ..... in .-.,... .8S4 A Big Value tor LITTLE LASSIES Second Floor West Annex. CHILDREN'S 30c WASH : 17c. Children'a colored Wash Dresses, Mother llutbard styles, made of pink, blue and white gingham, yc'-e with lac l " sertion, fancy braid trimming, ages 1 to 4 years, rer- ? value 30c; special, each )