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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
Tiiw inPF.r.ON DAILY TOURNAlJ. PORTLAND.. .THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 3. O'REILLYPIIOPOSITIOFPIIOLJISE LUUIU-Utllui PORTLAND BIGGEST RETURNS 'Offer at ' Compensation Half ; V the ProfitVfoFa Franchise ' vu FiimtStraat. .; , . MAYOR THINKS OFFER ' " XT- . THE BEST MADE YET I 7 After" Coet of OprUon and Six Per -Cent; City - Is to JIve.HU.of . AU A iTaken in, WitK Privilege or ' . 'j - quiring Road t Any Time, . . ; . i, greater raturn for a. Front l"''t -' rbise than any pr.vlouslr "" erforded by proposition submitted to "T" ths council ysstsrdsy afternoon. D. O'Reilly, known In Portland aa vltiartenced railroad man.rnade appllca turn for a tranohtss for -'- standard 'L t nmi railroad on Front treat, utm lng t give tba elty one half of all the ? net profits after psying Interest the eost of the Una It further propAaed ,tthal the clty.ahall regulate tha witch . ' lng sad other charges, and that every railroad entering the-city hall, hare aqua! rights t use the trsrks. u rvsalllv declare that tha offer "Ja niads Jn good faith In tha Jntaraete f the beotla of this city - and. is der J 1 elgW to prevent -tha bottling up of Front street. He proposes abeolute mu- yiMpal control of the Front street line. U -llth the further provision that the aity ' may lake over the Una at any time on narment of ita coet or actual value. . " The arrsr-cama-at im-cium vi-'' tment ftt P"" v" ' apoulal tussling uf ins council jesterany i The undersigned li afternoon, after three hours, ox oiscus aloa of tha franchise applications of the United Hallway company ana ina . t , favorable to both companies would be pf ald principles: tha financial and jr- " Fropoaltloa Bpriaa.J:T-. - 'r A decisive majority of the councilman " had agreed to grant a joint Front street ; franohlsa to the United Railways ana r the Willamette eorapany, and tha - stun waa occupied only In making imma terial amendments to tha ordinances -.submitted by -tha attorneys for the two corporations. Both measures were A then sent to'tha executive board, to fix the compensation to be paid to tha oity. ; O'Hellly'a proposition cams ss a eur ' prise. His attorney. C. B. 8. Wood. bvuih uUJectJona wsia mad b on1 two of the members ha waa permitted to ' speak. Ut. Wood said that he had come , . representing the iateresta of tha city of A Portland. He briefly stated the nature of O'itellly's offer, which ha declared T to be "an effort to do something for , the Oity of Portland and to protect its ' . rishta on Front street" The proposal ' amounted to a partnership In which the ' ' elty would bare entire control;andaB - auai share of the profits. - Councilman Sharkey.- who has been aae of the most p renounced advocates .: lw tha United Railways In tha council, ' Wished' to know whether O'Reilly in rr tended to guarantee the cKjr any fixed .1 return. ' ". - Why should h do aT replied Wood. "Tha elty fixes the rates ta be cnargea. 1 " ' . , " gharkey Obeia. - -' . Sharkey entered upon further objec- 1- lions and Councilman Annand earns te .his rescva with tha point of order that poratioit at any and all times for the Information of this- honorable, couiicll and the publtc, and an annual state ment abowlng tha- bualaeaa and oonal tlon of -the corporation, shall be mad But the city is not alone to nave ine V tr may ala" at an jh time-Tax over xne property at oost or actual value. In other-words, municipal control may be exchanged for municipal . ownership whenever the clty sees nt. Tne ciiy is also to hava "the right to-forfeit tha franeMaa-at any tlmen breach of any of ita. conditions. yRettty proposinon coneiuoes. ss follows; . ' ' . "This offer la mads in good raun in - . . . Af this P.ltV and is not lntsnded to be a n y cetruc J -m.,l1il'lar 1 of?Tf-jplled to th , charges tnrough tha t;hlergsj)ublica.Uon, and Dr.- McOormaek repeated thera.---' eom mlttea of physicians waa appointed py the local medical society to. defend the profession. Th committee's reply was printed and in tha earn Uim Cr.Ma-Cormaek- reiterated bis former? charges and sld be bad no apologies or x-plahaltanltdmalt.- : ; . Th UDject was orougna apt-nn ...u..en,llstiU uuwsi 01 dletKH'-mSK. HJwVUMMIM. a V avuaw v talk contest The physicians or uregon tlon to any matters now under consid eration by th council, except as a bet ter rrancnis ror nm ciy vuauv waya be n 'obstruction to a worse franchise, and tha undersigned after informing himself In the matter Be lieves it is conceded br all tn nesx student of anuniuipei affajra-that every publlorarienltjhoujdmjraoejns following polnu , t . . ..... . . '. First Ths absence of any uncon- h tha franchise-holder. -.'-t- -Second The service to ins puono i the lowest posslbl rata. - - - - "Third Equal service ta tne puoiis Without any discrimination. Fuui tli -Tlis mty to pa i tha net revenue to a valuable extent. "Fifth -All books and business to be open to inspection and statements to b published -at least onc a year, -Sixth Th right to revoxe in rraii- ehlse for a breach of condltjpn. ; Seventh The right to acquire run municipal ownership at- practically any time at the-option or in city py pay- s given lo unaer- stand that a franchise embracing the above principles is consldsred even pref- srabl to municipal ownarsnip ana man' Vohal credits of tha undersTgnsa'ia well I known her as also his experience in rail war construction and operation. He will tender any security desired by tba council." . An ordlnane embodying th terms of O'Ratlty's application was prepared by his attorney, Mr. Wood, and will be submitted to th afreet committee. ----- CAPT GADSBY HOME. : Fialsss for Bouthara California . ai " guf rasttom for Clvt ZBX9rormaWa; "I" I f. Tirllli.- a-t..tAaa W-IMIa-1 I "... the application could not be considered ' at the special meeting, but must go over - - ta tits regular meeting in the evening. ,. i . When th council reconvened la th evening O'Reilly proposition wasrj- 1 discussion. ' Mayor Lane regards this latest appll ; T ration with much favor, considering it ' the best yet made, from the standpoint . of ths city's interasta. The franchise asked covers a much shorter distance f " - than the applieations of the United Rail way s and the Willamette Valley com itiaay. O'RsllTfTks . aTranchle on ' Front street from tha Northern Pacllio . i terminal at Irving strtrfHo Columbia atreeU -wlth a loop round.tha.Jriock - ; ttounded by Front, Columbia, Water and -ief fersOT street a r " He proposes that th maximum .Captain. William Oadsby of William Oadsby at Sons' furniture store returned Saturday from a vialtJn. southern Cal ifornia, Ios Angeles and Santa Barbara, where he apent two and a half montha Tils, trip was pumlr a m recreation and rest after th-vry busy year Incident to the fair. ' "A point which Impresses mi greatly upon my return to Portland," said Cap tain Gadsty."i ths poor-street light ing facilities of this city -in compari son with. the system ised in Los An geles. In that city a handsome column bearing three Inclosed arc incandes- J cent lights is placed on every alternate corner, making two Tor a very-aware, and this schema ' senvaya tha imprea-sioa-ef . beautiful. UiutninatlOB. aa -well as providing brilliant lighting for ths business districts. -In comparison with this system of I flighting our cneap lamps strung across the streets- nava-tha-appearanoa -or ne Illumination for a l-cent clrcua Es pecially Is a better lighting plan needed for - tha-busy section of the city, like from First to Seventh and Morrison and Washington streets. Property valued rronf tl.tMHra Troni ToorupTaninhe cdn- sequent .taxes, should command bettor equipment for lighting than th outly ing dlstricta Owing to th very long blocks In th outskirts of Los Angeles our suburbs are comparatively the bet ter lighted. ' "Our elty has a stronger backing than the southern California clty-rwe have yth eommeirtat stanrtlngr and the money I msds in Oregon by Oregon men Is mad j . .1 switching -charge shall - te- It- per- car - i mt-.ta wy, ami. pwww to regulate the charge from year to year and to reduce it whenever deemed ad.riaBe. All cars, freight or pas. ... . sealer, belonaTni - - are to be -transported on equal terms, without discrimination. As to the re've- nue. derived from tha road th appllca ; tlon provides: ' "Six psr cant oh the actual cost f the aald track or road and equipment, to be first paid to the aald constructing and . operating 'corporation and th residue . -; of the net revenue, after deducting aald - per cant, to be divided (0 per cent to . the, elty and so per cent to the aald aor lsed events to have a right to the In. TTHiiitlun tif-the-lMfflks nf the said cor- Ifornla Is mad through th climate. which brings the heavy crop of tourists Into Los Angeles every day. Portland Is really the better placa for th hard working and Industrious man Of course w ought to tear out th park blocks, and If the city condemned exteMlvelythasurndlntiloclcs aml-T-Eo put liiuiilu vn a. i m,i property would be so enhanced in value as to compensate the city for the tear ing out of th park block and making the system of parking worthy ths re sort Portland has been planned by na ture to be. This city needs a waking up such aa Napoleon gave Paris. - Captain Oadsby speaks In th ' high est terms of ths bsauties of southsrn California and affirms that he hastened his return to this city solely because jmratlon. yThe city, or Its duly author-J ha lea red ths whole of Portland would be sold out. in accordance .wlrtj report he heard. TALK XOriTtST i - -- -- " - wsimmr mm f ! Wiljtak) No Frther Replies to ' in Medical Journal. At a meeting of th Portland. City and Oeuwly Meuteal . aitatety It was decided to stop the discussion which waa nrectultacsff - charges against physlclarta of Oregon by Lr. McCormack of Kenaucky. in an article la the Chicago Medial Journal, Dr. McCormack charged tuax me pro fession. In Oregon, exoept in XetorJa,-4a crowded v. lth fakers and " rank. - with Jealouales, and that tba educatlods re- requlred in other eta tea , ' rtn hhir or tns msaicai scnoois o tha state, lr. 8. B. Joseph!, -daanof Ths of tha university are satisfied of their own standing, it waa explained, and the naople of tne Siais are aii . . .w - 1.., .l.hl were ths society along broader lines, so tbst vary physician who has a license to practice "may " ba 14glbli i' sassinsai ahln. - waa discuss eo. xna ,nlinra ma followed ty n-Mrelyrdiscusshmvi but no action was taken. - It is Hkjr4 hatUiauestion will eaus consider able aglta'tlboT"" 1 ". At tha conclusion Of ine cuscussion r- J M. ogMa-n reaii a nsnar -on flttlna to the occasion. v nniincllmin John P.. Sharlce JDsiillslil i sina -gTiTiniT after. J returned - zronv my trip to vaiirornia and sakd-m to vote for bla franchise. t-told him Immediately that I would not : vot . for . his .ranchisa unless n consented to glv a larger compensa tion to the city than 1 per cent of the aross racainla He thought all ha Acute Inflammation of the Accessory Nasal Sinuses." Th papr was gener ally discussed. . ' -.' n AN OF FORTLfHE STILL PERFECTLY-SANE- John K. Davison Who Had Rye Thousand Dollars Now; Is : Almost Penniless. " j John K. Davison was taken into cus tody last Wednesday and placed In th ty joi) to awaia an 'examination i vswgnn. for insanlty,aoma of hta frlnds hav ing feared thav worry over th loss of his" life's savings was making tha man lost his mind. Davison waa examined by County Judge Lionel RJ Webster and-physlclans yestsrday, and found to be perfectly saaa - A friend promised to look after tha man zor a lime. About two months ago Davison came to Portland from his farm In Umatilla county, Oregon, with nearly. ll.OOO. Boon- -after- ha arrived -he met -Madge Layboln. "who aucoeeded In - bunkoing him out of about Ii.OOf.- Thn - th farmer decided to go to LCs Angelea There he waa greeted by Zoe Moran, who helped him Jos 1.700. -Thinking that he could win back his money. Davison played tha races and lost 11 J0. -He than bad Juat about enough to xaacb porUand, arriving last Mon- FIVE-THOUSAND-DOLLAR two-story dwelling on th corner or East Seventeenth and Kaat wasnington streets: Alex Mulr has th contract for $6,000. Th building permit waa issuea yesterday. .. - Other permit Issued follow: D. W. JacKson, cottage, corner Mechanics and Kinkake -streets, cost tUO; H. L. Bhatto, cottage, Wilbur, between Milton sndBurton tret, cost- iotrr-Ar u H. V, t Twentieth. I. py muscis ano prain vipiiejiat. in uaj- twg,u I'lesmu anaqornK;"irrets. cos TOO EXPEHSIVE Councilman and M. C. BanTield Have' Lively Tilt Over. Pro 7 posed Heating Franchiser" -PASSES-BY- VOTE OF TEN TO FIVE OTTi- It jCiv.etBanfielJ-Yeyeey: lMaiegefSupplying Heat Cold Storage in Businesa Dia tnctav meeting of the city oounell last night, when I . said -that Councilman Sharksy was too . expensive, were not without meaning. Tou can draw your own con clusions from what I said. . Mr Shar ksy took no exception to my remark a X. feava4alked -to-nlsa two- or three tintaa regarding, jny franohlsa - and Irled to convince him that it would be a good thing for tha oity, a' our : company would eonsum"an"tVtefnaerrorn-th big lumber mills,-but my proposition did not seem a comfort to him, neither did I, succeed In convincing him. .. I would have to do to get me to vote for the ranchisa would be to drive ma Into llne. lis thought thatJut because he wanted this franchise he waa entitled to it. without paying anything for it iMttnwWfc'isiietwiS' sjsi i wtdnitalh vaSs for It unless he promised to gir in city a-larger mpnsatloB, By a vot ot 1 to th ordlnane gran flng to th Banfteld-Veysey- Fuel company franohlsa to install and op erate a steatn heating and cold storage system and an aleotrio light "plant In tha business district-of th city waa passed' by th city -council last night The members who voted for th fran chise were Councilman Annand, Ben nett Dunning. Gray. Kellahsr, Masters, Preston,' Shepherd. Wallace and Wills; those opposed wer Councilman Bald ing, Menefe. Bharkey. Rushllght and Prellmrnsryld th consideration of. th franchls thr was A tlU between Councilman Sharkey and M. C Banfleld, pretdent-et-tUa. peUtlonlng company. While the routine . business of . the council waa Aelng transacted Banftald went from, one councilman to another soliciting votes. Sharkey thought he ws disturbing the meeting and called the attention of'th mayor to th situ ation. He objected to anybody lobby ing In the council chamber. ... - Banfleld, who was talking to Coun nllm.iT Manefea and Rushllaht. paid no attention to Sharkey, but th Utter waa not to be put aovoJO iignuy, ana aiw aoro routine biisinsss had neon trnns Atiit hi susaealed -that if Mr. Banfleld desired to oentroue - his lobbying ba .should be Instructed to take the coun cilman Into th committee-room, aa he was disturbing .the dignity ot tag as- sembly. , "Mr. Mayor," aald Banfleld. "Th reason I hava not talked to Mr. Sharksy about my franchls la that h lstoo ' T "Befor Mr. Banneld fstsnis iran- m uisaKew Tors, Jrwui-s s-wee -ew--- rac.ra w..t """roThchlse he will And it more expensive lugs sttraetwa ai , xam 'jr ,7Z. qust ef ft minis beaaty, with voices that Ileal ta aeUfhtral aarawsiy. m , - "Ole Olaon" Next Week. At tha Empire all sext week, stsrttng Sunday ..tin; the attract toe wlU be "Ole Oltoa.- than he thinks." retorted Bharkey. "II ha is of the opinion that ba can eome into this council and get a franchise for nothing he will find that he 1 nals taksn." ' ' ' . ' ' A few minutes later tha franchls waa taken from.lh tabl for final con sideration. It was than that Bharkey llnterposed his objections. H favord a, larger cumpenaartoa tu iv bu DON'T "MISTAKE THti PLACE SasassxxsxsaBX.xxsxaB-xaxexSaxsxex -. EFT. TAYLC2 AND SAli:S!V ... WE SHALL OPEN WIDE OUR DOORS FRIDAY MORNING ON A .axewaav axwew sasisa-v m i i . away. swrnwa rr X) aray SBa. axaY xTSA k. aT m Mm xTfa QJJ That Will Be Remembered in Portland for Months to Come. Desiring to Acquire the Lease :to These' Premises We Purchased i .'.... . :r'r -: "...; ,:r.:.-w" $17,500 Worth of- Clothing and Mea's,- Women's and . Children's Shoes at 33 1-3 Cents on the Dollar - Comprising the Entire StocFOffered at die Great Creditors' Sale That Has Been in Progress Here, ,and - -. . ..- -j :y-Ul,z .is.-. :T'-s ' :7'":T7jt:v.v We Shall Dispose of These Garments and Shoes,; Fur ; nishlng Goods, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases At exactly the cct to usV We are hot looking for profits bit" this buy. We made the-lit vestment for the sole purpose of securing the lease of tjie. store and our patrons snail nave the benefit of the low values we secured from the creditors who demanded that' the stock be LCldSed OUt and a division Ot tne money received uo niauo tiuuu, mwu. n-mn fore, sell . - . . ' -.l . ' J-L" $15.00 SUITS Boys' $3.00 Short Pants.... .......129 Bdvs $5.00 Short Pants . irrr. . . .... ?2.45 Bovs1, $1-150 Long1 Pants. ... e fJ9 $3.00 Worsted and Cassimere Pants will po. $2.00 Worsted i'ants at.... ue?; Men'a $2 Working Shoes at, inn . . . TOr 0e Shoe, best for -Bovs'-$3 Shoes at THiM' "American Girl" $3 !iraeTTffermWerbroliac'e5r at-only . . . . , . . . . . V . T" .y i .771 tt I Ladies' $2.60 Oxfords MM,...09 -Misses and Children's $1.5aTlIues at .73 .'Men's $3 HaU at.., ...... Men's $5 and $6 Dress Shoes at. ... ..82.63 I Boys' $1.60 Hats at uun i, . . . ?i.i 4 wen 9 ana wys w ..... r.!r Men's $3 Dress Shoes. -yThesel pfteet cover but a small fraction of the stock. - We hare' 'all Hnds of things sold ' in clothing stores, which we wish to dispose of and -- t ' ; "'" - MUST SELL TO S0J1EB0DY BEF0RE 0lJR JEy GOODS rUTOIVE . " vtVl ,,v.i; will, nnt rnnfuae thi with an v other advertised sale in Portland.- This is ; a bona fide effort to" completely lean out the building in the shortest time possible, which .sutement will be Tound to be correct by an wno investigate uie suprcineay. uiagiuHwcuv ues w offer now.- ------ - - ' ' - 207 FIRST ST., BET; TAYLOR AND SAIM0N 11 - - fcetta satk patroaase taaa aay ef tba waeel ersasl. IMI um IDUMIII mm a war el eae attract loo la abort ths STerasa. Tt laat three perrormascas will be (ltea (call at, Frldav alsal aaa aataraax nus i.a- Was. York Jr 0; Iavldson-Brothers, -repairs rto; store. Third, between Ash and Pine streets, cost $360; H. Lowltx, three cot taaea. Front, between Oalnes and Pen- ibo; joun watt- cost tiovar streets. son. repairs to store, Yamhill, between Peeond and Third, cost $25; Portland company, louinous, Knott street, near Willianis.j. avenue, cost $600; J. S. Baker, repairs to store. corner Everett and Third street, oost 1160: Miss RtPtiati- resKlfince. Bctiuyier. between East Twsntjr-sacond andJ3aatl Twenty-third streets, cost $8.60. The Orlfinsl lxatlv Couth Brrup Is Kennedy's Laxstlvs Honey and Tar. It expel all cold from the system by acting- as a cathartlo -on th - bowels. Kannadi'a-laiMlve Honey and Tar Is a certain, safe and hsrmless CMrepfl (louith. 4ha,pian colas, croup sna wnoopina roun. -.- t It Depends on the Towle's Log Cabin Penoche Syriip mime- Sugar Maker Whether you get a deliciously wholesome, genuinely. trpurevxane sugar, syi up Uiat you can oepena upon year? in and year-out , " . In the process of refining we bring out, all the delicacy of flavor that smooth palate-enticing taste found only in the sun-kissed West India - cane Vsugar. That is what makes :tbq crfy-rrely-good-table5ynp cb the-Americanlinarket-Children will love it and grown-ups who have once tried it will, never be without it If you find an Imitation of Log Cabin Penoche it is v not the best bul ls placed on the market to substitute. , " f . rTnoch Seorsts," tb book of new candy and dessert recipe sent free. . The Towle Maple Syrup Co., St. Paul, Minn. Makers -of the'eetebrated Lqs Cabin MapU Syrep and the famous 10 Cabin Molasses i.i. Hurlrka la the title role. It ll wltbeat doabt tba seat of the Swedish dlale- seiles. - It will b presente r the mplre r an exrellest compear. The company to pment tWtfli Oftne gross sarmnaei"! n.- 'MmTTttr baa plajes It tuts also deslrsd thaieposit ot a oona aeeaeoaTa Jew lorx. : claimed that th franchls was loosely drawn.... -.L-..- -w--- : fnllm.n Vauahn said tb 1 nanaetlon to be paid was not sufficiently larae; councilman aisneioa ... dert' a hnnri. r- n.n.Raidina. There wers Just sum dent votes to passjbar orainanca. - it 1 thouabt-ttkerylhat the measure will b vttoed by th mayor. Tft franchls ordlnane (rants to th Banfleld-Vysy Fuel company th right to lay and maintain a hot-air and .M-etdraea -system-from-a plant at the foot of Stark Btrset,.np Stark street to Twelfth, with lateral running north and south through the business dis tricts or th city An eleotrla light and avatem will be run In eonnec Leals and ether cities. VAUDEVILtE AND STOCKT- tfifXyric Theatre. The Lrrle atnk eenpaay preaests th roar- t. .MjnnM.. . B.tsr's raotosraDa." is three seta, tor those wb seek sa eatartsta- BMBt where they ess enjoy a hearty tansa, lhere la a sally matinee, sad twe evening perforaaaoes. - - At the Grand. - t-There is st the Oread this week the beat of .uImUu. Tha aiDSias . ana auaw aw o Joaephln Oaaasiaa and her "alchs." with 1 AT THE THEATRES " sSele for -Plin PeHI Poufl" - Tomorrow (Frldar) "rnJ adraace sale ot seats wUI opes 'for rhe'mneleel S Tiff I P.ffl P"f!", which con, U1 tbe -hUrooa m Grand theatre neat Moadsr. S? '5!.Lilelnelar slshw. March 86, JIT and S. with s epeclal-prlcs.aaeusee Wedneadsy. ThUOBPany this eeaeun far earpaaaea that oJ rrrThe hat of same. tnchjd Kathrya Oatetman. rTed W. "tjee,- KTelees VrmwZt.. . . Oraham. Begins J. W? eheeaemaa, bnl Mc-mf.cU. OharUe A. Mr.., LUle BWxxUood. Harry Smart, Oar trade WsUscs and rred ft. Horshy, UAllwta-OalUtitt inCottelnrKate.'M the eterer aetrew," Alberts Oallatln. see ported by ss excellent .f ''"wl" present -the society eomedr, '"Oomia. Kate, at the Marquam ttraad theatre tomorrow mdaf) and Batorday slshta, wlta S apecUl price matt Hi Saturday, httaa Oallatls'a tour-eommenceJ afAlbertUallaUs. be .has played leadin r wTti ioiffer-rTh-sa Ke, RXrd Ifa-TSTd. 1. H. "otbera sad Henry Miller. Beats era nvw " , "A Fight for Honor At the' Cmplr -hmerrow sad Saturday xdchU and Batnrday matinee tne m.n. -"- preUt t the flr.t Um. in --J JnT- .1 M,Mi.drama. "A rlsht for Benor, with Olrre. J. Eckhardt. s popnlar yooas eaatera aetor. at th aeaa ei in "w- ' V nlayers. Urrers of blsh-elaee melodrasiS A . .kl. MMMTH.. - will have a rata uw y "Scotty" Lt Time Tonight ' At the Bmplre theatre "cotty. Kins ef tl, p...rt Mine." will se " i' ''" iil pe-ed ths Empire theatre ta breathing rem st eery prior ".--. J Reilly end Woode. -The' Palier earleeon M week. known Bellly Ss weeos eowp.a the watl. Is reeerrlai Oranted Wrorja Snaelal DIaDatch to Th lonrnal.l ' sis uureL The msieal I 1 Bugeno, Or., .March 82 Judge I T, Harris yestsrday grantea a aivoroa- ro spsclsl scenery sad besatlfal Chinese eoatasMS, la the headlines- .The Badlnaa girls and Bhlrleri: Dei-ohone. the bast ef sumics: Oeastlae ssd Iawresee, the spalds-oaws danc er, songs, eomealeanes sad pistons, semplete ths feature uu. , . Expcnilve'Sketch at Star. The blsheat-prtoed vasdevme sketch that bas bees offered la Portland la moaths and,' la fact, the meet sxpenalTS Set that bas bees KlT.n ,at tb Star, ef this character, to presented- by "Barry W. gprlnseld A Co. thll WMk. It is ealled 'A Handsome stressor." nereriy and Daarers ars ah producing aa smnnng sketch. Besides theee are snch royal eater- talners as Mlat-Roaalle an. loo, seim eomioi Mlae Grace Dooaelly, the scrobatle dancer; Oaa Heklaw, the great trick wheelmas. Mrs. Ida Powell from Edward Powell on tha ground or cruel ana innuman xrear ment She waa also granted th custody of her four-minor-cJUdjv ji1bbi f rara-S a S year ot Agar- A lively Tassla. with that old Btmy of thf raea. Cm sttpatlon. often ends In Appendloitls, To avoid all serious trouble with Btm h. Liver and Bowels, tak Dr. King New I.lf Pills. They perfectly regu late theaa orsana without pam or dis comfort. 16o at B. druggists: . O. Skldmora as Co., " We've made 'a ' break, and we are going to spring our opening earlier than usual. T offlofro w- will - be spring. ..Come iii and see what you are to wear this season. ; -; .7 ;.''.. Opening todsy of the " New Top Coats-?10 to -25.-v -"t : IrlOTlClxOTHlrisQ .Outfitters for Men and Boys 166 and 168 Third, St. " - Mohawk Building ..r... ip' J h 1 ',a fsisa sasim-i am 'All Day Saturday We Shall Have On Sale Hundreds of -- $2.50 Velvet Rugsjor ' ThMTRugiiHl27xaUTOhii irtireiid "' " " m, m m . come in a great variety ot colors ana as signs. You will miss a great bargain if you overlook this special, sale. See ; . : , window display. ; 0M TABLE SPECIAL - -' .Jt Our. Solid -Oak -.Table -Spe cial Continues all "weekrThe table has"', 48-inch top, ex tends to 8 feet, is made en tirely of genuine Eastern Oak, thoroughly kiln-dried. ITJSATABLE THAT SELLS REGULARLY AT v $14.00 - SPECIAL wismM St.OO DOWNSt.OO A WEEK SONS 1 73 1 75 FIRST STREET - 219-227 YAMHILL T. 6EVURT2& Jll V . '.J: ' f