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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
BEEF PACKERS GO - SCOT FIE . Federal Judge. Humphrey Holds " That Individuals Are Entitled " . -, . ', )tp Immunity. t?w BIG CORPORATIONS TO " STAND TRIAL IN FALL I Edge TakcaJDILPxocutiott,of Trwtt and Government's Effort to Pun- ' ish the Lawbreakers Is Rendered Futile. - I lnnnl Snarla! Krrtc.V Chtei ma. March 2 2. i-at yesterday ' afternoon Judge Humphrey' decided the packers' Immunity plea, holding? that In dividual packers Indicted by the federal errand -Jury- last -summer -upon charges of being in a .ebhspiracy In restraint of .' - trade and commerce, Were entitled tqlnv- (munlty from crlmlnel prosecution under , th indictment, immunity, . now, does not apply to the corporations, - which will be -tried by lurles-laur. Th ' individuals' will ' be dismissed. In de- "Cona-reis plainly Intended that'- the 1 . . I . BtiniiM Via i mm4 tA tkAilM FUWEiUl-FlTAIIO -HELD AT-0REG0WC.TY4 W -- u.l.1 TMemslfh t A ' That JotWftfeftl.t Oregon Cltyr March 12. Th funeral of F. p. Mo Al pin was held thi morn- ' villi -- -'-t: . " " n r- , - ' - - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 2, 1806.1 v . 5 FLEETS 0 FG Ef.l EI1T VJHIT E- AIl'S t AVJ 1 4 nSJSimf?C nr?7?5P liK? - SHIPS C0UII1G HiyiAllSi: -j ' -2:7 "::77T":r;t Baraans n : d Rea J6and $8 Dress Hats p Question of Dower and Cour- I - - - : hn C-, f - I Fred Dale;McAlpin.j legislation and not to secure anybody's conviction."". 'This opinion was rendered t-upon th -pckers-pleT-for lmmupfty made a demurrers to Indictments, - the 'question to have been' law,"-The - Jury wasnot present.) - v , The Individuals were' freed by the liurjjerderjnd the JuixsinjMedr he. Judge said he .would set tne, 1x11 -xur the corporations next fall. He said that i he wanted rest and ad a congestion ef rnialrt s r" aieftet It was a year -the grand -Jury wss Impaneled . which brought , th..hi- - rf.m.nt. ' - - " ... i in i iifi hinder i iiTnnei nrfi Hi H :BE rJADE BIG IN? -HAS ALMOST-AS-MANY, CANDIDATES AS VOTERS -- ' "We have almost as'rtisfiy "candidates "li."Baker Clly. as we have- voters.'? said ; Judge M. L. Clifford, who la among the Im per ler hotel guests. "They range all the wajtfrom governor dowo.The most interesting fight Is for the judgeship xt district court.- The last legislature cut the court -off from- Union - and .1 Wallowa counties and made it the eighth ; district. -and made those two counties the tenth. When the bill went into 1 wffect 0"vernur' chanibgrlalri' appotnted "I Bamuer White 'judge, and be wants "tp - succeed-himself. ' His' opppneftl n the " Democratic side Is-Bill Smith. The Ra ' publlcsns have, tw rapdidatea for the nomination M. U Olmsted and-W.' O. Orowley..:' All four; o? .them reside In .' baker. City." . - ' VOr 14 years and a half Judge Clifford - waa on the bench. A oortlon of the time jftJwss calle4 J'he, sixth district, when it tf comprised seven countiea. tiaek .in me early '80s the' Judge was district sttor ney. He Is now practicing law In Baker City, and Is In Portland en route back "home after arguing a case "before the ltata supreme court'at Balem. liafsrfs4 Stock 0.uiae4 ssag. Allen Lewis .Pest Brand. . - . :J ZllWIRSMALa ' Judge Stephen -A."Lowell of Pendle- , ton Is among . the . guests at . the Jm 'perlal hotel. . Banker W, P. Ely of Rainier Is at the Imperial hotel. ' ' Among the Imperial hotel guests ' Is Senator - John S-.-Oke- from-Marshneld. Attorney J. M. Upton of Marshneld is In the city at the Imperial hotel. D. J.-Cooper," pioneer- farmer from The Dalles, who - wants to go to the next I leaHslatme. is Bt-tha7mpertar"l.otel. F. C. Fox. the Astoria rounaryman,- is Attorney O. C Ftllton. brother of Sen stor rulton, is itopping at tne Oregon hotel. " - Among ' the, Perkins hotel guests, Mrs. A. . Moore of Umatilla. 1 Mrs. M. M. Ixughrldge of Grants Pass is stopping at the Perkina hotel. ing st'IO o'.clock at the residence, of his brother, . t.y.u. aicjupin. my. r. l-nnrtHhoroua-h. -castor .of ' the . Presby terian churcli' conducted "the ceremonies at the' hpuse. and the Masons officiated r. The' mtermen' was in Mountain- View cemetery. Y; H. C A. LITTLE INN HAY Popular: and Enlargementlr Th Members, congress of thewlVM. Ci Ai met last night. One of the suo Jects considered was , the proposed im proving and enlarging ' of the lilttle IrtnTT -the "restaurant conducted ,ny. me T M a.-A. , Its ODUlarlty nas grown. The' committee -appointed tor the- pun. peeef considering the. improvsments reported ' favorably ; but definite action was postponed. However, it is-said that the ' contemplated Improvements, favorable report was also subroTf fed by the committee that was recenny mv I Minted, to consider the ui eject m hole ins a country raw. a imi ., m4 in a, committee of five, was ap pointed -to arrange for the acqulaltlon of a field where outdoor eporta'may be held. Every, member of" the T. M. C. A. Is member" of" the r Members' 'Congress, which meets once a month. It was organised in February "for the purpose i.n.iih nt th work. The officers are C. M. . Gilbert. '. president; - Dr. J. I Hewitts vlce-preeldentj K. W. Nelson, secreUry; II. E. Northrup, treasurer. Big Cargoes Will Arrive in Next Few Mdnths, Effectively (Hng"j31 LOCAL DEMAND WILL - - - BE EASILY SATISFIED Fear-Now ZU ITbat I. Material, Will Soon Be Drug on the Market, Es DeciaAv as Coast Factories Get Busy. , : . ; Ships to brinr cement from Europe are-being engaged with sucb frequency that some of the importer are begin ning to fear that the business will toon be overdone and that the material will become a drue on the market. W. p. 'Fuller ft Coc. announcea mis mornlni that they had chartered two other vessels' to bring full cargoes of ocment .to Portland. . One of them . is tto French bark Colde Villebois, which will load at Hamburg. Her cargo wiir be -made up of 1,000 barrels- of the product. The other is the French bark r:mpereur Menellk. which will be sup- of cement at Rotterdam. - Both are ex pected to reach here by the ratter part cf -the summer. with the charter of these vessels it Is said there -is enough tonnage under charter to bring at least 160.000 barrels of cement to Portland . from' Europe. Nevertheless It Is declared that .other cement ships will soon be engaged. This is a greater amount of that product than h nr haen sat afloat for the Co- Ft - a n.wi,.. Ciirwrieiwo-Jw I limilila ll.ei. nsuioni, j th. contractors admit that more cement will be used in this; territory lurtnv the next few months than ever the Umatilla Indian reservation. Judge poweli said thatLnextBatUTaay the board of trustees of the Pacific university at Forest Grove would meet In the office of Milton Smith and take up", the.-matter-of .rebuilding Herrlek hall, which was destroyed by fire a few 4-weeka ago. " I 111 Mil, w believe that much of it will be procured r.i,i...i. uid oiner pnnw m ih. Tt la admitted mat tne qo- nestle product is much inferior to th foreign, but It la asserted that the lo ...., tfm a vm hcalnnlng to lm prove In their methods ef making the material. New companies for the man ufacture ef cement have recently oeen stsrted at Coo Bay ana in wi"- Twenty ships " having ' an; aggregate ... af 11.111. tn now listed and route for Portland, as against a ton. naae "of CTK for- the correspondlnf season of last year. - CAPTAINS ARE SCARCE. to peaeers Bklppe and Wo snsiTS Two Btasdred a JSonth. . memployed" river captains and Pilots are so scarce-tnai- g n unirlnf officers th. vartnua craft- . Because Of of arousing Interest and inudln t mem-1?"-" bersto . take an .active Prt In all who can be .pre vailed upon to accept new positions do . i. when nromlsed large- salaries. The - Charles R. Spencer would have bMn placed 4n-oommlsslon ths flrat-of y.m. -araak- hmt It not WTO . aMit licensed officers. Captain Rlggs. who - wss employed MianiH'ta to tat as master on th Spencer, will reeelv 1200- a - month. John Zumalt."who will be pilot on the itumwrslll receive th same salaiy. It 1 said that po other Tiver captain - - .' i AnrU Term- Jurors. Th following ar th Juror leetd to serve during' the April term of the circuit court; W, H. Adamaon, v. a. Alcorn, K. A. Allen.HaTryM. A,dam)' Alexander, K. W. Amesbury, August An derson, Christ Algesheimer, Charles A. Anderson, Alfred Bruner. Alfred Bsker, James Beal. D. E. Buchanan, Amos Babb F.. A.: Ball In, -Henry Barrandiick, , Bartlett. peter Bauer, Fred P. Baum gartner, Samuel Blsslnger, M. F. Brady. H. tl,- Bleaslng. - Sam Bruschel. 8. A. Baybrook, B: Coffee, A.' R.' Diamond, A. E. -Davis. Xi-ouls Dlck.r William -F. Dillon, R. Deureral, Charles W.. Dart. Patrick Early, Aaron C Admunds, R. W. Glbbs, -WUIlam - Gedamk. Jerry .- Glass, J. M. Oartley, F. A. Heltkemper, Otto -pvtrick Holland. Herbert kudik, j. f. Sullivan, H. W. Decker, Jonn etruaen, Charles J." Cook, W. Cschsntlne, XJU tlndalU'A'o Zahler SAVED FROM rn -mo zm JUL j?.T hss been paid more than 111 a month, Th vet free board and lodging. If more men are not soon fitted to fill position as master and pilots on the Willamette and Columbia rivers, it is said, there is every likelihood that fh. warns will be still, higher.,- Th steamer Telephone soon will b ready for eervlc and a captain ana pnoi will he needed for her. A ther ar no Idle licensed fftcere.:.inlhe lty.- it is supposed that ah will b obliged to remain Ml much .longer . than - the owners antIcTnat.Morovrr tendedthatjoLvery captain w quaiv Kelly. Z- A. Lelgn, Charles B.,MairKey, j to uk, charge of a steamer which reel ana win ciear ror d m o. Metcalf. Christ jaaiar. fTuin Rtchey. Peter Strelff. D. Solevon. Jack la placed on the upper Columbia rout. CEMENT FOR JAPAN, Take Dr. BuD'i puis tor CosjstlpeUea. Seed tae taeMe f this wrapper.' p. rrrii fi o U easts WMeits w C0wC8SVWPt tat OontM Colds, Bottas' esv Bronchi tU, AsOuns, Groan. InWnans. TOeoptnf Coogb, IoclpisBt Coasaaip. Uon, sad ft lbs ceUaf ei tsMonrpdv yatlants Is ad .vassal atagsi of Ike Csiisaj ssnvAut&BrntM fitfefreJeWeStila:. waaJtitnoe Md. - fries 23 Cents.' (IArectioa UaT Mrs. i A. Whlttlnsrton.- Homestead. Pa., cured of consumptlTe oough by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.. . I'l have used Dr. Bull's Cougb Syrup for ever 20 years and have alwsys found It successful curewTMs winter I bad the worst courh that I ever bed In my life, and I took Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.- It did me a lot of rood.- Every one thought that I wss going Into con sumption, but I am ell right now. 1 have told many of my friends about this r mad v.' '-Mm A ; Whlttinrton, , 2 4 0-1 7th Ave., Homestead, Pa. Coughs, colds and grippe are pre vailing generally, and few pple realize how dangerous they are. No man, woman or child ever escapes them, and what Is first considered only a trifling cold or cough, eventually de velops consumption, and causes death. When you have acold whenyou oough much : when you expectorate of ten ; when there Is shortness of breath, hoarseness, rattling and wheezing sen sations in the throat and lungs, it tells -tha approach ot consumption r-tr- - for this very dangerous condition Cough Svnup Is an absolute cure. It has given hope and restored health to thousands whom physicians had foredoomed to an early grave, and will do the same for you. Consumption Is positively prevented by taking Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup. . Every testimonial published Is ab solutely genuine. - .' Aa Ooad aa That Trom Europe, But Cost Mor to Transport, Contract -hav been closed for the shipment Of cement from Japan on the liners operated by tne romana Asiatic Steamship company. ' The first consignment will " be brought on the TAragonla, scheduled to srrlve the middle of next month. It Is said that she will bring at least 2.000 barrels. The Ntco media will also bring a part cargo. All told, the steamer of the line will trans port close to 10,000 bsrrels or cement from I he-orient to Portland. . Experiments conducted by th O. R. ft N. Co. revealed that th i grada of cement manufactured 4n Janan i supe rior to most of that brought from En rope Th company made a test with various makes on the8nakerlreivwher a 4rge anuttment was num. Jt i claimed that the 'Japanese cement stood a higher test thsn any of the other brands. - For that reason . it Is declared that It will be in great -demand for building purposes, - It cannot be brought so cheaply as the European product carried by sailing vessels. Steamers ar more expensive to -operate- and th owners havto charm a hlrher frelsht rate. If a sail tng vssl should b-rhartered to fcrtar 6amplo Sent Free . ; to all reader. W want yog to have ab. rilute eonfldenc in Dr. Bull's Cough yrup. and to that end will ooeerfullr send you a tree sample. Rend no money, elm ply writ poetal eard or letter and give to nam oi nis paper, aq-ui naium A. a Merer. Co, iltlmor. Hd. TAKE NO 8UD8TITUTC. Ask frr Dr. Ball' Cough Syrap and Insist t having It. - There la ao remedy batter r Just as good.. Do not experiment with substitute : it Is daneerons to health use . . . im ii.uariinin . Cbngh Hyrupi it always ertre. i orussiauk inoe. ana wun a notue nr. Bn 1 BoldTby aU ae et. t. a cargo from Japan,, it Is said that It could be laid down as cheaply a purchased in Europe. - . . i , , , ... AL0N0TH E-WATE R FR 0 NT. Balfour, Gutbrle A Co. chartered the GeTman-ahlo-Norme-yesterday-ro load a cargo-of grain-st Taoom for .th United Kingdom. - She was secured t the union rat of He Id. - Th Northwestern Warehouse com nany has closed a contract for the luimm Purina to transnort araln from Portland to California until June 1. She will carry an occasional cargo from the sound. , Beginning Monday the 'steamer Charles R. Spencer will be plnoed service' between Portlsnd and Th Dalle. She will be operated from th Oak atreet dock. Carrying ' full ' cargo of - general freight and having a list of 40 passen gsr th -tamr-AHIanc-nrrtved-thtir morning: rrom KurnKa- ana way ports. She I scheduled to sail Saturday night, - David - B. Ogden, aaetstant United States engineer, returned this, mornin from a short' business trip to Sesttl and Tacoma. ' - - Captain G. M. Walker has accepted a nosltlon aa master of the steamer Stranger of the Regulator line's fleet. The vessel l running from Vancouver to point along the. north bank road. On of th finest -bear pelts recentl mh in Portland cam from Clatskanl this . morning nth . steamer . Beaver. The animal from which It was takei waa killed back of Clatskanl a'couol PACIFIC UNIVERSITY TO REBUILD HERRICK.HALL Fruitgrowers -.Along Walla Walla River; in , Umatilla County Fear Apricot, -Peach and Berry Crops Will Be Total Faljures - - - . Dowrr and - courtesy right to th Indian sllntmant st relative sj. in volved In a -number of case pending in the federal court. ' Judge Stephen A. Lowell cam In from Pendleton laat night to confer, with United States Dis trict Attorney Bristol regarding th set ting of th cases for trial. "In Oregon th -statute give, in Mow a life Interest in: half th prop erty-left by the husband," said tn Judge this morning at the Imperial ho tel. . "if tbe wire die nrsi, ins nus- band baa what, we oall a courtesy In terest for life in all the estate. Now w want the federal court to decide The probabilities are that th new building will be of either stone or one was of frame. We ar anxious to Tact as large a building as posalhla. looking - to th - future growth of -the Discussing th effects of th recent stprmnUmattnandWaUa Will. countiea. Judge lowell said: - The fruitgrowers along the Walla Walla, river In Umatilla county, what is known aa the. Milton fruit., district. fear that their aprloot, peach and cher ry crops will be a - total - failure. There may -be a big loss in apple. How seriously : th . berries - are hurt - Is not known, but there I an impression that th dama re will be considerable. - 'Large fields Of Wheat in Umatilla and Walla Walla counties, where there was little snow and the ground w much exposed. Have been "ruind. -The field I speak of are to th north-and aet of Pendleton." of days ago by William Connera, a well known hunter of the lower Columbia. The hid measures more than six feet tn length. He intends to have a robe made of it In certain- localities, down the river, it I said, bears hav been committing an unusually large number of depredatloi Since th snow storm of a few days ago the river at portiana nas risen foot. - The weather man says that it will probably rise half a foot more in the ext II hours With a cargo of lumber the steamer Aurella alled this morning for San Francisco. v -' " " LUMBER SHIPS LOADED. Three Are Wow Seedy e SSaJl. Two for Shanghai and On tor Bern Fedro. Three- lumber-carriers the British steamship Vermont, barkentlne Kok Head and schooner William Bowaen are expected to complete their cargoes this afternoon. Their smpmems win aa-arecat close to 7,000,000 feet of fir. The Vermont will hav on about J. 500.000 feet of lumber which will be taken to Shanghai. Balfour, Guthrie ft Co. being the charterers. It Is estimated that the Koko Head, which will also clear for the same port, -will have on Rowden has a carrying capacity of Pedro. Much of her dockload is made up of nllina- whloh will b used for making ex. tensive liiiprovmntato the docks tn the California "port. Captatna running regularly between here and southern California. av that San Pedro ha be come such n Important shipping port that the facilities for discharging lum ber ther ar inadequate. Frequently there ar more than SO coaster there at a time and some of them have to 11 idle waiting tor Denns. . MARINE NOTES. $U50-Whlte-Cambrlt - skirts for 95c Ladles' .VhiteCambric SkirtS-with decpiilcaincea trimmed with lace and in sertion ' and - clustertd plaits. Others trimmed with , embroidery. . and plaits.'' '.'. J . $L2S White Cambric ' Gowns for 85c v TTLadies' V hite . Muslin and Cambric Gowns in high, circular, iquareand V-shaped necks trimmed with laces, embroidery in sertion and French banding-. ' Slipover and open front styles with long and short sleeves, v.' Cleverly designed are the Dress Hats that we 'offerer" Every ; wanted style and chic idea which will predominate this season will be found among them; also exact copies of the imported patterns and models from our own workrooms. Perox aline and rFine Hair TBraids-Leghorn, Chip, Milan and Hemp jkrawsi Chiffons, -MaKneBandtateiepresent the: mate Hals used in making"these hats. They are trimmed with flowers Of all kinds, foliage, fruits, quills, ribbon and orna ments; small, medium and large hats, in cluding' all the new sailor effects; color range complete; . $8.00 and $8.00 values for... mm Silk Glove. Extension Tops are ytrrr seen the lat. est idea in the 'kit e'TiiakeH art SUk Ex- tension Tops? v Are worn with the ordi nary short ir m fflov econ-K , verting' them Ck into the . long NC ' jk'i, leneth. when-:-::::::-CMi vr the ftcca-'. rofle7jiiiresJustehingfor evening wear, .at luncneon,. or at tne cafe, after an evening -spent at, the theatre. -r One pair of extension tops will outwear several pairs of gloves. Come in black and white only. Ask to have same demonstrated at our Glov ricpartment, TPrices-g -7 r 60c, 75c and 85c a Pair $25, $27.50 Spring Suits or-made suiu -in doublebrea jacket suits and Eton Suits. Made of fine Panama cloth " in black, gray, navy, Alice blue and rose; also in fancy mix ed cloth in black andLsvhite xhecks fancy stripes and Invisible plaids. AH" this season's newest and most up-to-date styles. Skirts made in n e w circular shape. "im i ttmm mm i t ii i i 4r v-s"i-l- $25.00, $27.50 SPRING SliTS, 115.75 Astoria. March 12. Arrived down at a m.. ateamer Aurella. Arrived at I o sr h1. steamer " Argyll, from Port Harford, and left up at 11. Outside at 1 a. m., a four-masted schooner and two three-masted barkentlne. San Francisco, March zJ. Arrived, steamer Jolian Poulsen, frornPnrtland. f Arrlved lasTrriTgKt. Steamer Redondo, from Portland. Astoria. March SI- Arrived at 1J:JI p. m. and left up at 1:45 p. m., steamer Alliance, from Coos bay and Eureka. Condition of the bar at I a. m., smooth; wind, east; weather, cloudy. FALLS DEAD WHILE WORKING IN ORCHARD I Special Dispatch ti Tne Journal. V"" Eugene, Or., -March 13. Andrew J. Goddard, a Lane county pioneer, died at his home near Waltervllle Monday sTtenioon ofJheart trouble. He wss pruning trees in his orchard when h suddenly fell to the ground dead. He wa ajred.J0. years andJeaTea four daughters and on son. Boxoer Thieve Bosy. rSnecUl -Dlepetch w Tbe Jwrnl. - Eugne. . Or March 22. Bom on entered a boxoar at th Souther Pacific depot her Tuesday night and atole eight doxen ladles' undervest .which were consigned to Hampton Bros., local merchants. A psrt of the plunder was found under a warehouse nearby by the officers. The goods were valued at 110. There I ao clue to th robber. HENLLAUfiHTgP'VWHOLESALER. JOBBER ANDEETAILER IN THE ... CITY OF PORTLAND. - Our Policy: FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST Our Meats: CLEAN. HEALTHY, WHOLESOME These Are a Few of Our-Prices: 5 pounds Rib Roast Beef, rolled.... ... .50 8 pounds Pot Roast Beef... .25e 4 pounds Ribs Beef ........25 4 pounds Choice Boiling Beef, ..25f) 6 pounds Roast Lamb., BOs 4 pounds Breast of Lamb.V.iV. V .-.25e 6 pounds Roast Veal.......... ..50V 3 pounds Breast of Yal.,.... .....30 -THE PEOPLE-WANTTO-EATLMEAT AND WE HAVE MEAT FOR THE PEOPLE' TO EAT. . .. . , - None too Good to Ear Oar Meatsran tf None too Poor- to Buy Them ! BREACH OF CONTRACT MAY COST PALER $60,000 z Josie L Grace G. Pierce and Slater Claim to Own Ore gonlan Delivery Routes Grac G. Pirc and Josl I Slater hav begun a suit In th elroult oourt against th Oregonlsn Publishing com pany and H. U PHtock for $60,000, al leging that a breach of -contract mad for taking ubacrlptlona for th Morning Oregonlan damaged them to that amount. Th eomplatnt-was Sled yesterday by William D. Fenton, It- A. I-elter and SI. S. J. McAlllstr, attor ney for th plaintiffs... i- - - It Is set forth In th complaint that THE 1WVESTRIENT OF FUNDS Of OREGON LIFE Insurance Company is in the hands of reputable and successful financiers A. L. MILLS, PRESIDENT 'X THE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT is managed by a corps of -trained Life Insurance Underwriters. L. SAMUEL, :- 1 - CLARENXE S. SAMUEU ; ' ----- - ("reneral Manager. ---v Assistant Manager. 286 WASHINGTON ST. (Macleav' Building) PC7.TLAND, OH. "' ' " ' - ' . "I - k ' ' . ' ' ' -' - --,''- " . ' -gt-zr-.WA gl Needs Refilling? Then whv do vou suffer s moment - Ion ger -rttn --t he rt k tf -losfn r t he- tooth altogether? When we charge absolutely nothinfl'for examination and only moderately for actual work, "why do you delay in consulting; us ' about aching or djafigured teeth I We t: confess ws don't know; do youf 1 WISE- BROS. Kara tOS. Tshw aad Waaklagias. Ores eTntnga aad Sonttaja. - Work aes a eear payneare. On November 2. , IT. I rlttock. then owner of th dregonlata, made a contract with JV-I Parrlah for th sol right to carry- paper and to - collect subscriptions for th tally Oregonlan In the elty of Portland tn th territory lying north of Alder street. According to th contract declared to have been made, Parrlsh paid Plttock 1 1,500 - in rash for th right mentioned and waa to receive one third of all the subscrip tion money collected by him. Parrlsh was also allowed' th right to sell his contract. It Is said, and waa not to lose his right given by th agreement in the event the paper changed hand. On January (, 1176, th contract 1 aid to have been purchased by Mrs, Frank Sloan, who is declared to hav old tt on July , 17, to- Mrs. Jennie I Parrlsh. . Mrs. Parrlah held the con tract -until her death In 181. and willed it, with other real and personal property, to Orae t. and Joele U Par rlsh. both of whom have ln" married They eay that on p-"--" -r 2, 15. j, t contract waa re. . ... BIG EARNINGS MADE BY HARRIMAN RAILROADS ' (ioernal Special Berrtre.l New Tork. March !.f-Th annual re port of the Oregon Railroad A Navige- -tlon company shows that th net earn In a during th last year were After th payment of Interest and other fixed charges there was a surplus of 14. (USUI, squat to four per cent w the prfrrd slock and IT 4-10 per eent oa th common Block. , Th Oregon Short line's net earning wer ?.20,MT. and the total Income IH.tOO.tll. leaving a surplus after charge equal to appro Imatrly 13' 110 per cent on th . (97.40 )0 f' '" .c. L- . ; . - - ! ' 1 " - No pill Is " t:'aant nd poelt- aa rteWItt' I.lltle Fjirly Mser. . famnui Utile pills are it' I ' fef-tlve that ehlldrea, dellna' weak people enjoy thpir c f-wt. ehJIe strong y t r i t best liver f ... j i - 1 . . . . tr J-