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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
bAILY" JOURNAL1. PORTLANP.-THURSDAY-IIVSMING. UAIII I' THE ORBPOtt,; t- , DliSII SWALLOWS GULCH FILL Grand AvenuTXontraxt4.tabfe "to Be Prolonged -Through 11 L. HALF OF TRESTLE WRECKED AND OTHER ,HALF.COING Tjitvf Dram Uut ot tmnmsionanrt May Not Be ;; Repaired Sewer Springs Leaks and Has to Be Bulk- -'Headea: " : Tea aat eMe efSre of The loarail Is la the ton of J. II. G. Millar, 8SO tuat Morrlwa street. T.ltvboue knl S76. - - .s- y "The trestle, across Ths"tJrsnrvehue gulch, where an attempt la being made ' to fill the marsh to etreet level, la prao-,-Ucally a total wreck and the moat op- v timlatie member of the contracting flrra now admit that the Grand avenue r All -will more serious Job than -the ' ' , bis fill the length of Eaat Waahlnetoa street, with the Eaat Morrison street . nil thrown in for good count. Day by ' day the nil haa bean sinking about as aa put In. but since Monday the arttrm- of -the quagmire haa bxa mora " not IcttbITeluM mrwniaTis-Ttii' ready strained to nearly the breaking point. - ! : r , i-i-,. i. - i A four-foot drop Occurred Monday, and at. present the entire center of the till has con down, carrying- the trestle - aome aeven -or alsht feet lower la the oenter than at the -ends The , north. track haa become utterly unfit , for - ' traffic usee. The-- rail ,'have beenre- - moved from a portion of It and tb reat ot the rutna might aa well b-cartad hway for all the aid they will render. - The remaining track la atW banging dumping Its load of dirt from " the ' Any day la liable to sea this track follow the one that has been destroyed. and then an entire new method., of oner attoa will nave to bo attempted. It Is probabis that the ' fill . will havs to be made from the north bank, ' the track being gradually puahed out, but whether a rummer'e work will make the-center ? of the fill flrra or not is at present an open question. - Ths great msss of earth already dumped Into the marsh haa net appar ently Affected the stability of. the alougb, which Is swallowing the till faster than It is being placed, ths ault being that there la Apparently less earth in the center than a week ago. v. . The heavy - culvert1- built- -to - carry .. away ths watsr from Hawthorns springs la still out of service. Under .the big drain ths piling seem to have ' boon forced in every direction by. the weight of earth piled on the conduit. A hole has been sunk through ths All and entrance mads Into the drain Itself and workmen are engaged in cleaning it out to discover- where ths chief : trouble lies and If repair la possible. -' .The big eewer on the north bank of ' the alougb la also giving trouble, ana " though It was supposed to -run on aolldl ' earth.- It waa found that the Dank it elf waa affected br the action of ths All on ths sasrah and the sewer' com menced to buckle and - bend until sev eral alarming leaks , wars sprung, though a crew of men has been kept at work propping It up for two weeks. Work Ik now being puehd on a couple of bulkheads that will,, surround tns ewer through the nil. ana it is do- Heved that . It can 1s kept In - service. leraay several oaa were annoying ths .workmen,. . THIRD TICKET TODAY. . ., soond . IN. Johns Temperaaoe Faxty Win rswiac Sato Xdns Bra Xldalg-ht. ; A third 8t Johns ticket Is expected tj put in an appearance today, there bTng an opportunity for the vetere to a-ct another Hat of nominees In ths i ietJTuhtg'THiatn'ght, probably headed by - President -Ieggett of the preaent council and backed by Councilman . Ed wards 'and Shjelda. - It will be a tem perance ticket and. will divide the ranks -of -tha antt-aaloon -voters between It and that nominated yaaterday with ex- The office of recorder Is going to be the most popular one In 8U Johns and tt la probable that there will be t five candidate There are three al ready In the field. Thia office at prea . ent pays t a month, but may pay ISO under the charter, and it la understood that the latter salary will be paid after the new eOundl takes Its seat. Tns Day Ton Bests Taking OaomukosSti Last Day Tew Cass Tfftgtaa Tin Cti Uvr Oil Smtltifn "Par rrfUma." ,A SdentukaUr Prepared Emulsion, Containing; the very , Essentials that . ; Destroy in the System the Cause of Disease. " OZOMULSION is a Notirithins;, v Strengthening. Blood-making. Tisius : bsildinf FOOD, as well as a Medicine. Osomaltion Builds up the Fseblo, --the Wesk,-th Emaciated, and -puts New Blood into their ferteriet. ' Ozotnulsion Makes Thin People Pat, .."" and Makes Sickly Children Grow into v Strong. Vigorous Adults. " v Oxomultion Enriches the Blood and - .Vitaliaes-he Nervesv Oxomuliion Promotes ths Ftmrtinna -- of the Digestive Organs and Corrects Gastric Disturbances. - " " AH Disorders due toJPoor BLOOD. t ECZEMA. PIMPLES and. SCROF ; ULA are Quickly Cured by the . '-- v The Cod Liter Oil Emulsion "Par ' Excellence," the Additional Life-giving Elements being Gaaiacol. Glycerine and the Hypopnosphites of Lime and Soda. ' ' ... ' . .. RMOtnmended and Prescribed by rhyfieians for CHRONIC COUGHS, COLDS. CATARRH, BRONCHITIS. 'ANAEMIA, MALARIA, PNEUMO NIA, CONSUMPTION and all WASTING CONDITIONS IN .YOUNG AND OLD. : 1 Beneficial Resu)ti axe Obtained after ths First Dose. - - - ' ' . aJfOMULSIOPJ kABORATOpllCt. , T sirssaeUNswXsrt. . Ozomulsion IVILL DISCUSS -KOI' BEST : TO ASK.OUfSTOS : Civil Service Secretaries and Ex- aininiiti1oeet4nah----l ' ' iwpnrt-iriMay , ThXnlt4-8tU civil servlos com- mlMlon will father a conference of seo- wuSS-JH iiammiri or munwipu civu Service eomnilssloag - throu country,- to be held Jn 'Washington. O. &, In May, and haa.aent an Invitation to, the Portland municipal clYll ssrvlc com mission to be represented. The sec retaries rand eiamlnara-wlJl discuss all beanehas el alval rafarm and W11T conatder the-advtsnhlHtv pf ratab Uahlng a circulating library of examination- questions and booK on the beat methods", of conducting examinations. The eemml ferred the communication to the city council. ' erstwhile' patrolman of alarm-clock fame, waa taken from ttnr eligible Hat of traction engineers. - J.. M. Cay wood, Inspector In the city engineer's office,' whiwaeTmpitcsted In the Tsnner creek sewer scandal, was removed-from the eligible llsU He was laid - off in .January, MO?, because of reduction in the city engineer's depart ment and was flrat in Una for appoint ment to the position of lnapector, - whichever faction wins. W.I. Thorn-dyke,-editor- of the HU Johns Review, waa the first nominee for the Job, be ing placed on the- Valentine ticket 4 aya,.aga,lUt.Tuedy...Ailtant Re corder Downs filed his petition as an Independent . candidate, and yesterday. whn thO 'Taxpayers ticket waa filed by petition,' W. "U Churchill waa named. The ticket to be placed by petition before the Voters today wilt probably have another candidate.- and In addition seek the office. . : , ... . -.-- MEMBERS BANQUETED. of rtaaaysids Tstathodist Oh arch finvf nty, men nf the Bunnyslds-aieihcb dlat church attended a banquet last night at whloh steps were taken to, unit the men of the congregation Into a social organisation for more effect lve work. - A abort: musical program was given, aftr which -the guests as-: sembled In the boys' brigade hall, where tastilyj decorated ;tables had been, spread- In ths form of a Roman croaa. Dr. Ford, paator, presided as v toast master : and reeponaeg 'were made as follows: "Our Quests," George Steven son; "The Church aa Seen by Out siders," M. A. Zollinger; "Our Home." N. W. KeUaway; "The gunnyslde Meth odist Church," W. O. Luts; "The Inter national Church.'' J. P. Newell. -- Ths Supnyslds church la regarded aa one of the strongest of -tha denomina tion's oongregatlona on the east-aide and under the leadership of Dr. Ford haa Incraaed in membership until about tot-are actively enrolled. One of the chief activities of ths church haa been In tha temperanoe cause, the Epworth league of the congregation leading in the- preaent campaign against tha aa- f loons In Dunnyside precincts. THEY WILL ALL APPEAR.- Oharok Program Oontatns of Fes la aula ajololata. A pretentious program will be given by the Methodist church' of Bt Johns at B!crhera hall tomorrow evening. For several weeks ths members , and outside soloists have , been preparing for this entertainment and ths talent of the peninsula has been enrolled. The program will bs: - -r Piano 4v Mlas. Josle Toung; recitation, Gordon Parker; .'. -" . . t gallon, ninn miiiipe, -tobi nun, Messrs. Black and Perkins; piano eolo, Mlae Olllmore; drama, "Excitement at Kettlevlllo." paru taken by Mr. Earle. Mr. Churchill, C. Toung, F. Mlghells, I Wright A. Kerr and Miss Perkins; piano solo, - Mlas Roland; vocal : eolo, Mrs. Keeler; reading. Mlas Brown; vocal jiolo. Clarence Toung; vocal duet. Mr. ajid3lflss"Perkln"inV0'al sulu. MrtrftAtlonby Professor Lambert Motrin, FIToung; piano aolo, Mlas Lena Young; vtrrarnnlft Trr TIT A ndamsi readlng.'MIss McClave; vocal solo. Miss Lillian Perklna; solo and chorus, Mrs. M. - K. Perkins and - choir; - tableaux, "Cinderella's Slipper," In five scenes. ..... ii i i - - in i i . i (i LOST-EYE IN COUNTY- QUARRY ASKS HELP Attorney Charles J. Bchnabe! yesterday appeared before County - Judge Webster and Commissioners Lightner and Barnes, and requested -that some aid be allowed William Hutter, who waa a county em ploys for 10 years. Last November Hot ter was employed aa a laborer at the oounty'a Quarry at Mount Zlon, and lost his right eye through a drill accident Thers-4a-avJa.wwblchprovldes that tha county la not liable for damages iU3- talned by its employes, excepting those working on ths roads or on bridges. and so Hutter cannot aua for damages. -4tibown that Hutter had always been a. faithful workmanmnd that-tha. loas of his eye had not only caused him a big expense but had unfitted him for many kinds of labor. He has a wife and five children to support, and shortly be fore ths accident purchased si small home subject to a mortgage. Fellow-workmen paid moat of ;the doctor's bills. . but a payment la now ' due on tho mortgage. Judge Webster said that hs thought, ths county might do something to aid Hutter.- but Mr. Bchnabel was , requested to make further showing In ' the matter. ThlSwULJje .done soon. TWO DWELLERS AT POOR FARM HAVE VANISHED -Superintendent D. V. Jackaon of the county poor farm la looking for' Thomas H. Ryan, who dlaappeared from that Institution last . Saturday night Just before the snowstorm. . Mr. Jackson fears thst Ryan may have perished In 'the Storm, as bs waa seen Saturday night wandering about the yard thinly oladrJ He paased through Sylvan; - Ryan Is about' St years old snd has been In poor health for several years. Tha old man was sent to ths . poor fsrm October 1, 10I. For soma tlms previous hs hsd been' employed aa a rtewiud In St. Vlncent'a hoepltal. . He la a native of Ireland, and haa been In the United States about II years. Mr. Jackson Is also anxious to learn of the whereabouts of Harry Thompson, who was employed as a nurse at tlte county hospital.-' Ha went away last Thursday without explaining where he was going, leaving his clothing and wages. Thompson had been employed aa a nurse for several weeks, and was considered one of the best male attend ants the farm over had. Hs dlstln- herolc conduct was threat- end with destruction by 'fire not long jsgo. APPOIIIIIVE-rJOBS .ARE BARRED wTTirEdwaTtir-Teits-ttf 4rrictl6tijIai!way Company Will Risk Op- Between the SenatorsTancT . President Roosevelt; PRESTDENTTCTVOl MEN OF HIS CHOICE 'Piii ia'i ijiUnti-r Ha jpjirJcaafg Snlnnisa. "AsKesulrBill Propotinm-Tenth Federal Circuit Judge Is Squelched 'ommittee;- o strained sre the relations "be tween President Roosevelt 'andtho United States aenata as a body that trio- powers-that be havs -decreed -that no more off icea are to be created for him to : fill during the - remainder - of his trm In the White House.' said W. H Edwards : of Ban Francisco at the Oregon hotel today. He has recently returned from Washington, where he went to further, the Intereata of a bill that is intedded to create a tenth fed eral circuit by Cutting out six states from the eighth and ninth lrouita and forming them Into the tenth. Mr. Ed' warda found that the Mil had no pea ibla..chenos . even ,o,f, pstnr. favorably reported, upon by the aenate committee to which It had been referred. "The situation is simply this." con tinued Mr. Edwards.) - "Prealdent Rooaa velt baa been a constant thorn in the aide of the aenata bv ualna hla own Judgment when It came to making ap- puliitnients. .II has not always been guided.. Jy the. senator who had an ax to grind. He would be dictated to In case of appointment If tha man suited him; If not, the president would select a man of hla own choice. Tha result lle ha not alwaye Lis that he haa antagonised so - many felorOhaT Tt Tntt'been" aeciaernorto pass another bill while nsisln of floe featnr giyYTiihiTiaanToOTpoT powers. . "At Bsn Tranclsoo another federal Judge la badly needed to assist Judga Morrow. - It islmpoaalbla .for him to keep up with his. calendar, ' The altua tlon was explained at Washington. The aenata aald no, and a letter was re ceived by Judge Morrow, stating plain ly that' the friction between ths presi dent and Influential members Of ths upper branch of congress was - the cause.. - - "Tha sfforta to create ths tenth "cTr-t cult have mat ths same fate. If I re member correctly, ths .bill calls for the segregation of Montana and Idaho from the ninth circuit, and Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska from, ths eighth, and making them the tenth circuit. It would give prealdent" Roosevelt three federal elrcnlt judges to nam ft tha bill went through. One of them would be Judge William H. Hunt ot Montana, a personal friend of Mr. Rooaevelt and former governor of Porto Rica But the senate says no, snd there you are." NO RECEPTION FOR HYDE, " RIVER RIDE INSTEAD Lscturer and Wife Will Be Taken Up Columbia by Boat and --' " - Returrrby Train." : Tha oommlUSArtwhlchwlll liavs charge of the reception of Dr.-Douglas Hyde mat- last - night and - discussed plana for bis entertainment., ' Dr. Hyde will be in Portland for three days and will lecture at the Marquam Grand theatre March 2. , -w. On ths arrWal of Dr. and Mrs. Hyds In Portland they will bo met at ths M. F. BraJy Cr3r-Owea, M ft Muntelwstcr. "' J. T"?j Ths meets will be es- corted to the" residence 'of Dr. A. A. Morrison. At ths suggestion of Thomas Conoannon, advance agent for Dr. Hyde, there will be bo public re ception In his honor. ' Dr. and Mra. -Hyde will be taken ud the ColUmb return by boat. The committee In charge of ths trip la composed of Arch bishop Alexander Christie, Father Gal lagher, Dr. A. A. Morrison, Father H. J. MoDevltC Colonel D. M. Dunne, M. O. Munly, Ia. Shanahan, Professor Lam bert Morrin, Dr. Andrew C, Smith, Wal lace McCamant, John F. O'Shea and Dan MeAllen. -- -;r - Membera of ths Ancient Order of Hi bernians have subscribed for 100 tick ets and a section of - the . theatre baa boon reserved for them. A box la to bs reserved ...for Mrs. Hyds and t her Tha membera of the reception com mittee, which met iaat night, are: C J. Owen, chairman; 'J. H. Murphy, secre tary; Colonel D. M. - Dunne, Dr. A. C Smith, William Sheehy, John Kelly, Rev. XAT-1dotTlpn.Ret.JII. J.,Mc- Iwvitt, J, T. McDonnell, John K. Woods, Professor Lambert - Morrin, Professor Frank J. tionergan, J. P. Mo Inemy, R. B. Sinnott, M. F. Brady, John Fleming Bhlelds, D. W. Lanf and P. J. Sullivan, , : THINKS WORD WILL - WIN, THREE TO ONE "Twin Word ,,wilLUe. renominated in the Democratlo primaries by a. majority of three to one," said H. W. Parker. yesterday. - "I have been all over ths city and havs studied ths situation care fully. There Is nothing to the fight agalnat Word, which is - merely a whiskey-Republican combination. The Oregonlan la doing all It can to magnify tha opposition to Word - and make , it appear as of some consequence, but Word cannot be beaten. The fight agalnat blm Is only In "one torHtya4idbrears only a few men In It." So far as can be Judged from tha registration - rolls - Word - has distinctly the best of the situation. M. J. Malley, hla competitor for ths Democratic noml. nation for sheriff, is ;worklng earnestly and Is aided by a number of Republi cans who are anxious to see Word de feated In the primaries.- They, realise that If renominated the sheriff will be sure of reelection, and therefore they are using all tha means at their cora ma,nd to aid Malley, y ; Don't Neglect Your Kidneys Or tbT will soen saSernltia yonr bnlth'. Tboee BsrkerkOT. Rwaltaa - Peat, sts before th rtf and rm-uilj the iMr.l wornont fUn la tha. morning, er .nr. .Irna ot kid nmf Trouble. IrTlnC Iturhs Wsrors (Imiim Ih. blood, txilM as tbe (hrunkr walla at Im Kldnrn. rrnM.Ing tb eauae sod the pels with It. Bold it tOi I tol b; S. etridmors m Oo Tirnrgtsta, - lsi Third st, sols agsats lot rorUaad, Or. , TO L BY TROLLEY , eratlngtosslfPfopBrtyflol ers Will Build. WOULD UN FOLD-FINESTz counci CREST TOO SCENERY IN AMERICAT" ENOUCHBlfTJiO MORE li Road , Ji r.BwilC.mH-SegTni likely, SuburbnH ernes. Will Be Located- . Along-, It, on " Acre Ixts,. With istrictiong. .. ' ' Up to Council Crest " br trolley. eeeolo rkle unrlvaid la AmsrlcjuJs promlsedv A meeting of property-own-era In tho vicinity of Council Crest and a. number of publlo-spirlted Cltlxens was held yesterday - afternoon and a pro visional proposition from ths Portland Railway company for, building the' road waa considered. . ' " " The construction of such a road would be an enormous expense, and ths rail way company realises, that "It will be several years before there will be enough reeldents along tha line to make It a paying proposition. During ths summer the travel weald be heavyi but fope denend unon tha residents of tha sec- tlon. . The railway company is willing to bear any deficiency In operating ex pense riovided those Interested In suca a road will bear ths cost of construc tion... The meeting aroused sonslaerabia an thuslaam. It was not only attended oy the property-owners along tho proposed line, but by representatives of the cham ber of commerce, ths Commercial club, ths committee of 100 and others. While few of the property-owner Mmjre- tribute toward subsidy, it . la under nbsortptloas Oeneroua. - Boms of ths principal property-owners wars out of tha ally. They hava-beru communicated with and their answer ' expected within- Ajtew days.. - One sub acrlptlon of $t,000 was mads, 'and if tha aame liberal spirit is shown-, by-other property-owners the amount ilealred by ths railway ' company will be aecured within the next week. ' . .' Now that -the movement for such a road is well under way. It Is likely that surveys will be started In a few days to' locate ths exact . line. There srs several, ways to reach Council Crest. Ths preliminary survey will show tha 11ns of lowest grads having tha . greatest4 scents advantages. Several years ago. according to those at the meeting yes terday, tha railway company ran a sur vey ss far as Mount Zlon and found that ths grads - would be an easy one, but not as satisfactory scenlcally as a 11ns along ths baa of 'Council Crest with a turn-back on ths face of ths hill. At ths -meeting yesterday TL C Din ner of the chamber of commerce spoke of ths magnificent rtew-sucb-A. line would unfold, and aald that the various organlsatlona would advertise It largely In their literature, with the result that people would come to Portland lust to ride onwnt;h a Hns.,--T' - - To Attract Settler. It Is understood that It la tha Inten tion of the property-owners to make, the section along tho line one for suburban homes, similar to Weatmoraland Plao in Bt X6ul,Tuxedo"Park Tn Baltimore, Overbrook Farm- in Philadelphia, -r aa the Oranges ars to-New. York-and TIrSoKtna is toBoston. Prooertv will be laid off In good-alsed tracts of acre or mora, and theas will be sold with a 'building provision that - will insure nothing but first-class residences, Ths water supply for such a district Is am ple. On the Talbot tract t ar never ending spring, aome of which have mineral properties, which were long aga appreciated by tha Indiana Plans havs been discussed also for getting Bull Run It TsTimTi stile when the trart Is open stations, operated by electricity, will be installed, giving eaob section pressure of Its own. The property will bs laid out to tad late from a common centjr on tha carllne, and ths various avenur ths land. QUARANTINED MAN PHONES APPEAL FOR FOOD Tells Mayor's Office He Is Shut 7 in, Can't Get Anything - to ' Eat. "-r -.--v "1 want something to eat. ' I nave been quarantined and can't get away- from tha house . to get any grub and I am 'hungry." ' " v Thl"was-tha-measage received over the telephone in Mayor .Lane's office by Secretary Newell. "I don't know what you have been quarantined for or who quarantine you,-" J replied Newell, ''but I can't do anything for yon.; We have no grub- tere." "I have the smallpox and Dr. Whaeler quarantined me," returned the patient In pleading tones. . . . ! . Well, yeu'U Jiave to teM Dr. Wheeler your troubles .then. Qood-bya'; -fcswell hung up the recolver. The patient ia thought to be tns man wba was quarantined In his horn yes terday In Midway. Ha and his three little daughters are afflicted. Frank Elger, the Mount Scott street car conductor who waa taken to the pest houas early Tuesday morning because he was aupposed to be afflicted with small pox. Is suffering merely from a severe attack of ths measles. CONDUCTOR FOR FRESH t i'AIR, HUGHES FOR HEAT Because Sunday, was cold. Meads Hughes, an employe of the . Honeyman Hardware company, insisted upon keep ing the door of an Eaat Ankeny csr closed, regardless of ths wishes ot ths conductor, O. 8. Hutchinson. An alter cation followed and yesterday Hutchin son had Hughes arrested on a charge of assault and battery.. 1 . -"Hughes got aboard my car Sunday, aald Hutchinson, while swearing to the complaint, "and took a aeat near ths door. Hs closed tha door aeveral times and 1 hsd to open It to let passengers on and off. At Eighteenth street I at tempted to open the door to let a womag passenger off and hs closed it. He would not permit ms to open It ssaln and when I told him to let the door alone he struck ms a hard blow-In ths face.- , . ( fJCIinilTER OR TOO LITTLE "sv . - ' . - I '. Government Will Investigate to nnrftJatlvTotsttiTrrmdedby Differe'nrCrops----- TO CVE tVERYivtAN" Wheti Information j Is All Secured, -Which Will Nnt-BgJoJCtar! Set- .tier on Irrigated Lands Will Get Along With Fewer Lawsuits, "l :' To, study ths duty of water and aolre problem arising from """CansT" manage ment, Arthur P, fitover, irrigation en. glneer trom ' Washington, D. C Is In Oregon. Mr. : Stover says " that ths' primary obJept of this istudy Is tS obtain by experiment a knowledge of ths amount ot water now being uaed to produce cropa, which shall serve as a basla for tha settlement ot water right troubles and, furnish - information ' for settlers snd canal builders. -, . There ' ara a large number ot suits on file relative to tha water In tha Walla Walla river." said Mr. Stover. flow. Ths Judge must havs aome facta! upon which to apportion the water equi tably among the claimants. . The prac tical side of the matter involvea ths questions how much water should be used for 'Irrigation and when It should be applied to get ths best results; when applied. How much. Is naturally, used by ths plant.' .1': " :r "Suppose you' and-1 each havs a 100 acre farm on a stream, but raise differ ent kinds of crops. Ws ar entitled to ths aame amount of water. ' There are f others loftg the sWsTni noneSa"Wfite"rt but cannot get It because it has all been taken uu. TU whole-stream is taken Into court. Our experiments will show ths Judge, for example, that while I am, entitled to fou feet of watsr- per acrsi my - crop demands only two foe t. Your cropa requlrs-ttrae end one half feet, yet you ars only entitled to "three feet Ths Judge will decree that X get only two feet, grvos- you. your additional foot and a half and apportions tha an tra ons and ons half feet among those who have -no rlghte to water. "As regards ths canal 'builder, ths situation Is this: We are to find out bow much water certain crops .require In certain loeallt lea. When It oomea to building a ditch, . the canal-owner knows what Its capacity should be. Today - much mon,y thrown away by making canals too large. - '.'la Montana wa have found that cer tain crops require four and one half feet of water. In -California two feet suffice.' The difference in the soil tells ths tali Now. When the California man digs bis canal, . be will make' It only largo enough to carry two feet of water to'lthe acre. --We - have-found that out for blm. -- ? ' "Than arises ths question of wbsn to apply water to - get - the - beat - re sults. We are to solve that: problem. Ws also wsnt to know how much water plants demand In different localitlea Thewhols subject Is such aa-intrloata bnsthat. it. will take years to solve It perfectly, but It must and - will ; be dona" : .' - . -,r. : . Vreferred Stook Canned eroods. Allen Lwls' Beat Brand, . - Snow Vroteoted Wheat. tSixetal DUoatcb to The Joarsal.) - Lexington, Or., March-II. Reports fruiu - tha-ianrronndlng -country-show that the recenteoldwavaJias not in jured the wheat orop. r Last seaso'trsi crop amounted to 240,000 bushels, and there is a 86 per cent increase of acre age this season. - When- ths cold wave struck this section there was from s to t lnchsa of .snow came with It, protect ing the growing, crops. ' To draw th lire out of a burn, heal bolls, sores. tettFT, eoaeina and all akin and scalp dlaeaaea, use DeWltts Wltchf Hasel Salve.., A specific for pi lea Get the genuine. No remedy causes Such speedy relief. Ask for -De Witt's the genuine, ; : Druggists Woxdardheke&Co. GREA T SALE OF HOUSEHOLD DRUGS, HOME REMEDIES, RUBBER GOODS, ETC. Time to Spray Rose Bashes and Fruit Trees "-r?tTv " . VSB " v:' LVVoodarf Rose and Fruit Prevents and' destroys 'Aphis, Scale," Slugs Codlin Moth, : Leaf - Blight- and -Mildew. Does not harm the most delicate fruit or foliage.; . :. ' ; v Complete Outfit, Spnf t f tf ." : and Sprayer, Price . . i , . J 1 UU Indian Baskets See Our Washington Street Window for a Very Unique Exhibitiqn of Alaskan Baskets, .': . .. , . . Trunks and Mats. . ; .. ,. Moderately Priced W&dm'd!mhe & Co. "The season's Business - ti, both single and look Over Our Exclusive Patterns .a- in Lien's Cor reef Clothes Suits Price $20 to $35 Topcoats Price $20 to $35 lviuTan and Pearl Qfaya:..;:,.,.,., , i y I Read Our Hom estmiomals. Ws'Ara Not Obliged to Co Back to , . .2. Chicago for. Our TeatiriKraiala, V A WORD FROM A PORTLAND LADY v " am Very lad to recommend Dr. Lehr's Hair Discovery, as I had a most -serious case of dandruff and my scalp itched so bad , I could not sleep at night.. After using one bottle I am now entirely free from both, and the new hair is coming in thick, I have used many other tonics with no good results.- I would not. take$20 for the bottle I now have if I could not get another. . n v MISS LAURA PETERSON, : !. ,- y. , : . -431 Main St., Portland, Or.- So writes B. W. Fisher of the Fisher Music Company: "I have used most all kinds of hair restoratives, but found none that would do any good until I tried Dr. Ihr's, it having removed my dandruff, stopped my nair falling out. and grew in the new hair thick where I was once very bald.W "7. r,v .: .fB. W. FISHER, 190 Third Scr Portland, Or.", r SOLD ' IN PORTLAND ONLY BY -j. ; OWEN;: ; ' Outaide of Portland ask vour write to Owen & Russell, S02WaigilDRtotfwetrPn,tli','d, Ot. -Agetrta-t wanted m all towns of .Oregon and JOJL4rnUJUid-7Jto 8:30 prm.7 -Insist days, 10 a. m. to 3 p. nu ! :' IV JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST -Fourth and Washington Sts.. "400" Roil Mt Hood Roll....... "Woodlark?,-Roll ..... "Our-Fair'i-Roll rrrrrr Sanitas Roll ......... 46 Aseptic Package A... f 1.12 Delta Package ....... 71f Klondike Package ... 84 -Oneida .v.'. . , . .... .. 30. :- Perdoz. Perfection Roll . . .". : .S1.80 . Ti4iu Package ...... $2.20 - Sack Suits are made up double breasted." - : T Clothe? 311 MORRISON ST., 0pp. Posfofffce Dr. Lehr!s Remores dandruff, stops itching o the scalp,: and will positively grow, the hair on a. bald head. We grow the half and then collect the money." It immediately stops the hair fall ing out. : RUSSELL drusrffist or barbef If he hasn't It. Washington. Ofhce hours, 9 a. m. on Dr. Lehr's; take no others Sun- T 'f '' r',7T . i 1 jm Hair Discovery toilet Paper Sale : Over 400 cases told in less than two weeks.- If - you are not securing a year's supply now, you are losing money every minute you delay ordering. ; " ; -We deliver anywhere in the city without extra charge.'', . - ' 7 ---- -- Name.- rFertlozrCaseof 100. 72e 84 s 73t 6Z $5.57 " $6.75 ' $6.25 w " "'u - y lMif 83.50 .J 58.40 r ' ' $5.75 f0.53 3.00 Case of 50. $7.00 8.50 r i j i