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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
TODAY'S iviARKETS STILL OUYIHG Or FROfiT STREET Meat Trust - Enacte Vote From Retailers Not to Purchase . Does It Itself. . - PROVISION PRICES -V. A QUARTER HIGHER Sugar Situation Remains Much of MyUrr With Some Claiming That v Two Interests Have Come Together 'J Chickens Very High Today. ' rlUt Street. March 28. Th principal fa tort of tlx forttpBd wooleeele Bukiu toiU U: ' " V f ' MhI tract fooling th trad. All provision r eoarter ap. rotator art all hat Oed. Scleral care banana 4u tontgar Hurar eltnetlowrerealn a myotary. hlrken aril at boldup price. , ., F.aa ar needy ami utK'haosed. ' Quiet te luarkat. Xeat Treat yliag th Trad. Whlla members at the RaUll BatoBr' ' eUutoo that U tn null Bauibara ara an tutiuui from hnrta tkalr aurjBllea of beat bus aautloa Bloag rrool tret, th wboleeal-aea- ..' bera continue to do aa tney pie. iwrr - Ure aaaat flraa 'of the at reef Merabe aunnlv e( dreeeed meat to tba traat. Malarial advance tm Quota tlone. Akmg I" rout ; atreat the dealer aa Uiat tba meat tntat baa bees a buyer of dreaaed aaea'ta for aoeao tkua. " WUea veal, boga or mattou ware acarca tba - tntat would com aloof toe afreet end gobble r ap all tba enpplte, which it would afterwerde - prle It ehvee to, aak. The continued ImHM of meat aiunlhe atreet by the traat baa '" eaiiad"mu(-li canrriT-itnofil " th Dnmiolan of the aaaoclatlnn. and aaanv aienibere are vry Btuch dieeatlafled aa to the way the wind la ' blow Inc. Tbeo aula, t lie re are breaker ahrad of the aieat tmat lu tlila city. Not carina to - - be dictated to br the- aeaactattoa and tba true " the Frank ftinltb Meat company baa leeeed a - a tore oa AMer atreet and will hereafter ofrVf meat to tba nubile at retail aa well aa whole- sale. -.It la aald that t ftrro will bereafter " begin th dertlln ot prlrr Valuea wtll hint under the Hat offered by tba aaaoolatlon .' uember amd tba bat profit sow enjoyed by tba trade will be area bo mora. Tba ovenln . l i retail boaea 1 by tba wnoleaala firm wlU precipitate a war bet wee the hutch re and , the public will then come In-for Iti aha re at .' .'tba spoil. . . . v.'.' y ." " ItcvUmb. Ara a ftuaxUr ,Btghf, ' On.accMBt of tba higher prloaeta tfee eaatera - BroTlatoa oaarket and advanced eoat of bora 'In tba yard all vr -the roontry.-roct pack era - today aaaoMBea- aa -deaa eY ralue lav bane ... of all average, ptoelc, roitaae. lard or all grade, and coeipoand. 4ir mora are Ha a Bound hlaiietv ..-.. . . Tba dreaaed neat market la In tba beat of " ahape three daya. ' Tba fir at aprlag lamb catoa la on one of tba river ateemer tkla aaomliig and aeld at fancy prleea. Haealou yet t Bomtaal for a quotation. Veal coming enora . llrely. bat demaad takea aU that eomee; a Ilka abeerbne; af tba few dreeeed hoe that arrive; - Dreeeed Btuttoa baa a good tone with better arrlrala. OUakaoa SaU at HoU rrleaa. "7 At one dealer eipraaaad blmaaif tbla aaornlna lfa b ahame to aak a man loe a pound for llao.iehlob.eae, -wot- elial ara roar torn . bv4e whea aaaplloa are aa oeaainal and every oae wanta to buy ? In thle market recetpu ara ao iigat that the trade compelled to moat of Ita euppllaa from tba eeat. tit Market n. aaa Vaaitlaa. - A ntj toot poaltlna ia abewa by tba eat market today; Receipt ara riot eo heary and ua witBdrawaia tor outaine ahlpmeat ara keeo . Ina local auppltaa' rather llaht. Today a prleea rullna una ae eeeterdav. Gnlal etAraaM emara ) none are not yet henn. mbm of the aealere telnr of the opinio that ealuea should make further decllnea. , t . , . , - lafar tltaatlaa Baawlaa a Myatary. - -AH la bow a aoeee a to tba furor aaorasient ' of tba auar market.' Ttie acttoa of the truet la advancing Itr prleea lOe ia Oreaoa reatarrtay morning and Be la aontbern Idaho bite ha the afieraooa abowa there te aomatblng In tba wind. But wbatT Soma prof aaa to belter that tba two byereata bar eouie aoavtber and bare tlrlded tbj torrltory, bot thra le not likely herauaa of tba former actlba of the Weatara . la treaalng oot courpatltora. JZ Vetatoaa Ara All Bat Dead. .' At tb moment the potato market la all but - dead and burled, tnppllea la tba aouth eon ttnoe far too liberal for raoalraments aad ear low prtcaa are ruling.- Thle may caae heavier demaad aad eaahle tba market to clean ap ' later. " Onhwa bar a keeithy ten with prleea aja -changed from yeaterday. . Tba trade paya tba following prleea to Front atreet for choice qnellty. . Prleea paid producer are lee commlaaloaa; - ----- - Orala, Flour an Feed. --' - w WHIAT Clob, gee: red Baaalaa, ; Vitealem, valley. 6e. BARI.BY Faed.4Xt.S0f relied. $24. BO; brew leg. $23.50. . COBN Whole, $27.00; aracked, $M.00 per ' ton. . - r BYR $1.85 per cwt. -i OATS -Producer' price No. I white, $23.00; .gray. $27.00. , FLOUR New eaatera Oregoa pateata, B$.M ,Jt atralaht lAOctl.hO; oioerW- $a.Ui T ley. $3.45; arabam. 'ia. $3. BO: wham wheat. $J75; rra. BOe. $500; be lea. $3.7$. MILLSTTTFFa Bran. $17,50 par narr wrbj. 'tlltnra. A2ft.OO.- ehnrtf countrr I1B.6Q; elte. --(10.60: chop. $1.0O. - - . - "! .. i MAI rroooeere- nnee nmomr, Willeatert eaiiey, rncy, f lO.onajiznB; ordinary. VT.noq ; 00; eaatera Oregon. $14 0015 00; mlrrff. !i. f500.oo: eloTer. $8.000900; grala, ISOOt) .00; cheat. $8.00. , , ) ' Batter. Bgg sad Bwaltry. BUTTER FAT F. o.. b. PortUad Iweet cream, eour. IWHe. ! Bl.TTHR City creamery, 10c; aaraM fascy, 1 t7HVe; ardlnery. 7Hc: a tore. lfl!7c (IO-No. 1 freeb Oregoa. candled, lfll7.'. ! - CHKERg New rut! cream, tata, loci ! Tonng America, loe; Cheddar, 15c t . - . O AMC Jackrebhlta, $1. $01 1.7$ par go. POULTRY Mined chlrkane, IBVkc per lb: fancy bent, 18QIc per lb; rooatcra, oM. Il'.c i per lb: ataae. 14c per lb; fry re. soejrie i - per lb: sbroller, 50c per lb) duaka. IBe - pee lb; geeee, lOHQlle per ml torkera. M$l l .Pr Ibi dreeeed, tic per P aonabe, $1.70S.W T per doa; ylteona, $2 per av -4 c . ,1 . Hep. Wad aU Bid. , . nOPB OoatrBCr,- l0t crop,' 10c per th ' ltoe Orecoa. prime te choice, toilet poor (red.- 7V: Waahlngtor, 10c; i04 arop, J iue for choice. WOOI, (ion tract 1MB) elm. beet eearera Ora. oa. 3042ae lb: lOOS clip, ealley, enare to me llum. ytveaasvic: tin. JSflatcl aaatera Ore gon, 1Bj3fe. " ' "- . 1 - "' . MOHAIR 7JIe. - r BHlKPflKlNS Shearing. 15tOe carj; abort wool, 14ic each; medium weol, S04J76 aach; long wool. 75el$l.0O each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, $HJe! "a. aad greeae. IflUf, . t'HITTIM BARTt c per To. 1 HIPP." firy. No. 1, 1 Tba and tip, im$) IT 4 per lb; dry kip. No. 1. $ te ft Am. 14o; dry calf. No. 1, ander t lb, law; Belted. Bide, alaera, eohnd, 00 lb and tr, lOQUr; cowa, aVatH-t atag and bulla, auvnd. i7j kt. THURSDAY PRICES IN ; THE, WHEAT MARKET May. July.' t .7$ MB I .77 S - Cliicago Bt Loula. . . ... , . . . . . ay 1tk .77 A Kanatui City... ,7i , 4 d T.lvarpool Ild 9A 4 New York.,... .$H4 Ban Franclaco. 1.1$ B 1.17 A ' . . December. . . . d ' TlaJ JOURNAL'S DAILY ' i . - TIPS ON MARKETS McCorquodaU It Hoover. Tb ega; altuatlon 1b JTry d almllar to that of th prevloua 4 --aK:TtiptrTiava--twn quite - ) haa halpa4 to keep th market In . fair ahape. . Btoraga men ' ara ' low about beglnnlnr operational Chickens are vary scarce ana prloea are Betting; up clone to the hold-up line, Receipts of veal have boen ' -quit liberal - during the week, . but the scarcity of pork and mut ton haa kept the market In good shape and all arrivals hay been . cleaned up at the printed quota.' tlone of The; Journal. -. . . 18 to SO lb; e; calf, Boastf. unthw 16 Ibe. lie; freer, aaeelted, la leeaj eulla. le oer la leea; oreehldee, aalted. each, I.!JH.T8; dry, each, 1.0OJL0t ult bldea. 2htftOer-oat aklaa. eummoa. each, lilsalbet .'jiaora. each. 26c fl Trait- aad Tagetaaiea. '-r. POTATO ES-r Beet aartad, TUCTS 'par Back) producer' price for ear' lota, toe per cwt! erdlnary.-esajTOct preducara' price, 420c; aweeta, It. 60 per crate. ' OMONb Jobbing price Oregoa, No.- 1.. fl.10 fli aoiproducera' price, N. 78tt86c; Kt 1 70TVt garlic rf'dlOe per lb; anion eete. c. rREH FRUITS A DDI t a. l'nilla." 11.00; ordinary, $1.0001.50 fancy. l.Tfitif.O0; Hood RlTrr fener gDltaanberea and Newtown Pippin. tlTT.nS 00; orange, narel. frffl'Wr eeediing, twinana. dVtaae per in: lemon, choice. l T6fJX.7B er box; fancy, S00JJ.i per hoi,' ltmee. efealcaa, $1.28 per 100; pla applea. $4.50 per dna; taagarlne, $1.29. . VEdCTAMI.EH Turnlrja aew. 76c nor Back! earrata. 0(7oc aack; beet, BOcO$1.00 pec aaek; Oregoa radlahaa, . She per doa: cabbage. Oregoa. $2.00 per cwt; California. fi.TbZ0 per ,ewt; -gree pepper, 0c per ID; California tdnjatoea,'$l26; Mexican. tlteQI-W, paranloa. aocajtl.OO: etrtng beane, 28 Oe: ; cauTTnower, $2.1002 5 pf-craleTfree waa, riiaix per in; aoreeraaian. iia pev bi artlchokra. 16011.00 oer deal hot boo ee lettuce. $1.78 per bja: celery. $S.80t4.ue per crate; pumpkin, lite; eqoaab, lHc: MS per id; arannerriee. .i,.u. ooa bay and Tillamook. $10.00; aopara- I rue, (f li per lb: rhuherb. 7c- loe per lb; a price a. iSo per fb; praebaa, ihJ Jaa- 1b U jnua. M to 40. IUi: ue dron oa each alTteeath ailV arae; flc. California black, 07e per rot cwuro-aia white. itao see n: aaraa. mau. se per in; larae. i.aa par lo-io bob. ' araeerle. WniB. Xt. - trOAIt Sick baala (Sib. $7.08; powdered, 5.0; frail graaulaud, (A 50; dry graaulatej. 16.50: eoaf. A. $5.80: beet aranulated. $5.00: extra X, $11.50; .golden . 13, $8.0: D yeUoer, $5.10f bble. 10c; W.U. T5r boxearifoc" 4.1- raac a aaca haaia. tees zoc per cwt tor caan. IB flara : mania, learine nee la (Abaea sricea aoolr to ealee of leaa tbaa ear lota. Car lata at special prices subject te aocTuationa.) ..... ,.r , ntiKiET a.o per crate COrr Cackaae braada. lit t. BALT Ooarae Half grninb. WO. tT.OO per torn table, dalra. 60a. til OO; lone, tlo.75: Im- portoa ueerpeoi. Boa, bit. 007 too, at on: 2a. llt.OO: extra to, bole, xa. 5a. 10a. $4.601 $.50: bulk. $30 lb. $4.0046.00; each a. 60a, eneiBer; Ueerpnei mmp mrk. 111. 60 per tost 50-lb rock. $7.00; 100. $6 7- ' ORAIN BAOa Celentta,. IH. - RICH Imnerlal Jaoaa. Mo. I. a: No. f. 5Hc; New Orleeoa bead, 7c; AJax. Be; LTeoie. cue. . BKAR Small white, tl.7Sdl4.A07 large white, i.; ptah. 11.70 ; bay, 4.0u; umaa, Bo.TH: BtrxtraB red. 4 He. Nt'TS Pcaauta. inmboa. te iter Tb: Vlrafala. attczgVe Per lb: routed. aflSU,e Dr lb: eoeeannt. ffifMOr Iter doa: waltrata. 18I15U per IB: plnenala. loaxtze per toi hickory not, I'w rwr in; cueeuiuia, eaeier, foirio vr 10, Rrasll sats, 14 per lb; Alberts, 144115c per in: rancy pecan. 10VtJ!Vic; aliaoiiaa, raiaia, caai una, ... . ROPB Para htaalU. 14.: standard, lilac: alaal 11a. OOAL OTIr Pearl r Artral Oaaae. IH per gat; water 'wane: arop enuv tec per gi 17 sat aal: headlurht. 170-des. eaaea. tm per jraf. OASOLINt agdcg, eases tHe per gat troa Pbla Utc per rat . BaU"ZINar 3-dg, cafe tCc per gal, troa bbh) 15UC per gal. ' TCRPBKTINK la eases t4e, par gal. weode bblo He per aal. - WRITS LBAD Toa lot. TV see tb! tOO-Ib let. Be per lb; waa Iota, 514 par lb. r wiks naiui rreeenr oaai a 91.00. . LINSEED OIL Pur raw. In 6-hbl Iota. 6ct 1-bbl lot. 63c; raaee, 65c per sal; oenalne kettle boiled, eaaee. ne oer sal: 6 bhl Iota. 64a: 1-bhl lot, llSe per gal: groood cake, car Iota, $20.00 per tea; leaa tbaa lata, $50.00 per boa. Keats. Flab aad Pnrtialoaa. yRESH MKATS front atreet Beef steer. 4)6e per lb; ew. IQ4c per th; keg, block, tc per lb; packer. th,e per lb; holla, 45c per lb; al. extra. 4o per lb) ordinary. THrrse per in; poor, etxe mutton. 1 fbhcyrTtaee pr m. r- I BAMS, BACfeW. TC Portia ad pack (local) I hama, 10 tn 14 tb. per lb: triri lbaTt bi per id: orcaaraet oacon, i4ejisi per lb; picnic. c per lb: cottar, S per lb; regalar abort clear. anmokd. 104 per lb; mokea, it per id: clear nacxe. oBamokea. lOHe per lb; amoked. 11 Ma per lb Union batta. 10 te IS Jba. Bnamoked. Be per lb; eeaoked. 0 nr lb: clear twllle. anamoked. lie per lb: moked, 13c per lb: eboaldere. Be per lb. LOCAL LARD let tie leaf, 10. liv.e par lb: 5a. ll.c per lb: bo-lb tin. IlUe per lb: tm rendered, 10. I04e per lb; So. 10t tr lb: romponnd. IS. THc. CANNCD SALMON Commbla rlrar. l ib raTW $1,501 Mb tall. $3.7$ fancy. 4 -lb flat. $1 BO; H-lb fancy lata. $1. In: fancy l it) oeaai, $2.75; Alaaka talla. pink. tfifjOOc; red, $1.60 aosalBai a. tail. $a.oo. rmtf Rock eoa. Te per 10; anrnacrs, ae per : halibut. 6c par lb; crab. $1.60 per do; atiiped baa, 12H per lb: eatflU. Te per lb; almoa, fraaea, T'ic; herring, 5c per lb; aolea, c per lb; ahrlmpe. 10c per lb; perch. Be per lb: buck od7Tc per lb; tomcod. 7e per Tb; Oelumbl Meet mlt, 5c per Ibl alleer emelt, ? Ibr tobtrretor I5e pep thr ft eah mscktl; tc per lb; crawOjh, 2oc pee do. OrtTBR 8boa)wtr bay, per $U $2.t9; pr Mck, $5 76. ? ", CLAM8 Ilardahell, per box, $5.00; raaor lama. $3.00 per hex. -' .., - , , , SHEEP VALUES 50 CENTS UP 18 PORTLAND Few Arrivals Send Prices Sky High -Cattle and Hogs Are . Xwenty-five . dents U p,:. Portland rhloa Rtockyarda. March 33. Ure- atork rectlpt: . .- . . ' " ' , Bn. . Cattle. aTbaeo. Today tvt . 54 .. V, aek ago. ,A4. .yn, . m i : ' - ' we.a iiq,,,,, ,,, ai v a , , k-M Tear ag ., .87 -atrengtb t gamhig m all Itnea of Hreetock. Today prlcee are higher In erery branch. Bog re g&c draace agal and cattw are ap the aame amount. .The erarelty ef ebeep arrlrala baa forced the market np aad today's vsloos are 50e higher. OTrinal ueaatork price: . ' Hoc Beat Matern Oreron. tf.SBt blorbera and China fata. 50.75: a torkera d $0.50. tame neat eeat em uregoa areere, $4 50; bet caw and hl(era. t3.75: Itarht aad mediuaa ateer. $.1.76: light ow. $3.50; ateckera bJ Sltp Wttbsrs and lamb, tc xatxed abeen. a-7.v . , - - uairea uooo ion i yjg pound a, nn e; rough and aaaey, 45c. KaanCKaT KOOt RXABT. Chicago, March 33. l.lreetock reeolpta: , ' " Hog. Cattle. Sheen Chicago ...... .....,-:35.0i. . 15.0Vn aaa- City lQ.ono , . 5.0.10 1.1100 Omaha 14.000 . 4.500 - 5 0"0 llos Bteedr at yeaterday e einee. with t.000 beld orer. Receipt t year aao. 51.00a Price: keery. $a.16 18 1 light, Se.liugio. , 1 'at tie n tee ay to a tew. Sheep Steady. rOKTlAxTS SAVat aTATlBTIKT. rtearlnr V. , $7T.78 J ITO.aStM Balaace CZZZll DAILY -JOURIJALr I CnTLAHDr-TIIUCDAY C1AI1GE OF FRONT Chicago Markst Very Slow With Nothing Special In Newtw l r Prices a Half Cent Up.::! T OVERSOLD. CONDITION LIKELY RESPONSIBLE Plenty of Short Covering During the) ifietoioriTbortiSakiBelieTt'drto . Be Well Cleaned Up by Thia. Tima : Fractional. Loaa in LiverpooL KBLATIVI WBKAT VALCB8. " " . Cloae Cloee Cloaa ' OalB Thura. Wd. lftoo. Thur. .7H4B .T7MA$1.14U. I, .004 Mar., July. . .771 1 "' ""' .tail xo Chlcaro, March S3. There wil aothliur ' 1 tba dar'a wheat newa to brlna about tha decided change of front. It aeeu aa If thtapeculatlTe condlihm waa oearaold. Hualoeea r no Una aeeumed say htrga proportlona, the vnhirae eonv Ing from th outaide being extremely email. Tba coraring today Batorally clean op goodly portloa, If Dot all, tba abort ltnee of tb local it crowa. to tare add tb apacelatlTe attu lon. which baa baas weakened. . la com and oat a tbar 1 no m la taking tha trend of today' market, and whlla bualneaa waa alow, tba- tendency, throughout th I aaa Ion waa irong, with w abaru getting oiors uneaay avej (fid) ftaj "mTafrfe44i Proeialoaa Htehee Ala. Proriatooa ara aaaln the one hrleht anof. eloa. ing nignor again today. Th principal Boy lug cam I mm packing Utereeta. bat there la a goo.1 public demaad la. ldamo eav all sat. Official quatatleaa . by ' Orer beck, tart a Open. Cloee. Sily.,.. .nij .77C .77 .77 Sept .77 - .77 5 - .TaH-.n. May..... .44 . .444 - A ".44f4 July...l.4 4'I.44.K45A Sept...,. .44 .4514 .44 ti .462 . OA1T9. .1 - . "Tim? -,'ih -!a5B Oats. 1 Mar..... .5 July, ,, aept....r .as MEM PORK. May..,,. It 41 15 65 It IT July 1.IT 15.45 r 1 T ..... I , . LARD. May.,... SJt ; 6 43 , 1 53 July 6 43 ,w 1.50 . 5 43 Sept..... ' t.tO ' 5 0 $.63 - SHORT RIBS. May.,.. I TS . t tT I TS : July a.7 5.77 t7 Sept..... t-73 . 5.83 . a7l - 14T ltJT- 1 16 t.4t i-ta-- t.7T ' tTB a.73 - mWAlT MOVTatPfT. Chleage, March 33. Primary receipt: - v Tody - Xaar Ago. .':'. Buahela. Baehahi. Wheat 801,000 ; tlt.000 Cora '343.000 334,000 onipmaapj Wheet . 34.000 Bt4 nflfl Cera S33.00O ' 4S8.000 tola 1 eiearane: Wheat. 535.000 buahela; Boar, 15.000 be r tela; cor. $33,000 boabel: eata, 55,000 buahela. ... ' , LrvxtpooL ftaunr ummxxt. - r Lliaipwil. Marek 33. nrtVUT prleM;" ... . . . . .. WBKAT. ' . Opa - Oloee Cloee Laos "r--""" Thurv " Thur. Wed. There. Mar aa Aa aki . a. al A , 11 t July , ,.os A a $,d .ts tld 4d CORK. May .........4a t 4 $d a $ud 144 COTTON FOUR LOWER -"TO TWO POINTS UP Kew York. March ' 39. finttnai ratane j 4 point off te 1 petals ap. . Official quotation by Orarbeck, Starr Cooke company; , - r 4TMslng- 'Onen BJIrh Taw Thera w Marek lust 10&3 107 1075 10. "5 April a....A...ix 1004 10M0 1077 1074 May 109S 1100 1000 loot 101 Jon 1O0S 1004 I0UO KM lftUft Augnat ........... iixtT aotKl 10a 103 101 Beptember 1 ,104TTuaa 1044TI04tlfM! October 1040 1044 1033 I0S3 10:17 Norembrr 103S lost 10M 1054 10.15 December 1045 104T IflfM inM 1A4I January 1045 1U4S 1041 1045 TOaTOFAJt MUTUrg tTOCXK. Baa rraaelaea. March Ui Offlctal morning Bid. ,. .11 ,. .03 .57 ,. .33 . .tr clo: Bid. vl Belmont .. A...I8.T5 sIT)lxl Caah Boy .7t Qoldneld ...... Golden Anchor., 1.50 Jumbo ........ H"me ......... .36 Jumbo Cites... Jim Bntler .... 1.76 , Kendall' McNamara .... .77 lLasaa ..... .34 .53 ' .64 Midway ....... 150 I alar Qntea ... MnnUn ).... t.03 Mohawk North Stay .... .67 Red Too . 03i . .53 . .17 . 1.70 ri.ofi . .31 . .54 Ophlr .54 Beadetorm .... Toa. Kites'.. ...It.SnA ISllr Pick.... Nerada 17.75 I St. Iea Wet Est ...... 3.V0 1 National Bank Adam .10 1 Poneer ...... A tla ntt.'TTrr. :3'1 KcllM---r' BtnebeTT' .13 tdoKI Bar r.' Columbia Mt Cononer DlamoBdAeld .34 O. Ball rreg.u Stetnwiy ...., .33 .17 IABT ntAKCTBOO LOOAX iTOOXB. Ran IrSBrlMO. Ilarcb 32. Oftclal mernlnf Cloalng: . . Contra Ogata Vrater.,.....k prlsg Valley water, ....... utual Kleetrl.. ........... tllant Powder... Hewettea Commaralal.... Honnke Burar 135 ar.. 144 r...t... 42 flutrhlneoa 8ogr, Makawell Bus. Onomea Snrar 20 ;:b-' 106. Paanha Bugr.v. 104 Union Surer....,...,.,..,.., 40 Aleak Packer'. 63tt Cillrnrnl Win eeeetativa. ...... . .. . PaclSc State Talepbon .....104 ' , '" - BOBTOK coma ma kit.- Baatoa, March ti. OfSclal copper cloee: 1 ., Rid. ' Adrentur 4 35 Allooe ...... . 57 00 Arcadia .... 450 Atlantic 31.00 Bingham .... ' 55.00 Calumet tao.OO Kaat Btt.... 11.38 Old Dominion.. 44.75 -Parrot ........ 54.50 Qnlocy 51 00 Royal .....w 31.T8 Tamarack .... KM.00 Trinity 10.57 M I'nlted Conner. '4543t4 Ceateoalel 34.60 70.50 Copper Range., Daly WMt...i 14.00 ' (Victoria t.3S -rnkiia .... Oranby S 36 Winona ...... B OO ' 13.60 Wolverine 1.15 OO Me a ........ 5 75 It, a. MlalBg.. ,65.75 Mohawk ..... 50 50 15.00 83.60 Ten. Capper.. 44.00 B to. Cm... 22 )T Si Butt Coal. 33.00 . Neeeda Ca.. North Butt. ; tmmD state aovxarMKjrx bobbb. Naw York. Marek 33. Oot.ritiaeijl ... Date. Bide Twos reilitered. 1050 ns do ceo eon Ihgo 04V( Threes rcrlatered. Ibnaj insV do coupon ibus linn Twee, email bonds. KM fonts reentered InOT inga do eoapon 1MVT lfXj rears reflet ered. TB35 63y no cannon, i. It31 153W THtrlct of OolsmblB, 3-Sos. . ... PhlllpplBB 4 ... 114 lot not fJOMTOCX BirT BTOCXB. Rea Ptiadeco. Marek 33. 0f4e(l moral s CKMing: , run. Coo. Cal.-Ta $1 55 Bid. ......11.30 "ntiir . .N...,,. n'-i Bid. Aak. 44V4 Wei ' iH SOU 51 54 55 ".Si Gold Orowa . . 404 Great Bend.,... .4 Reacee .".IS Black Batta Eg. .0 ' Metlraa J.15- (hileeVMHa 5 Kuhequer ..... JW A3c Any Jobb Whether Yeterdy' Ad, -T?incJri U2&r.WExpected4ftn(tHe Will Shake Hie Head Situation Very Mystefioue AN UP17ARD SNOOT Buying byFrick-: Sends-: the Market Up From the Start Others Are Helped. T COMMON THREE AND. " . THREE QUARTERS UP For" a Dull Day There Ia Nojthinir to Compare .With - tha Market Today in Recent . Trading General Liet . lovea TJp; v: 7TT'''r77V KKT OAINS. Ajiaaoada 3 Amalgamated .... Atcblaoa Sugar ............ 1 Bmltr Car 4V ru4r.f.. Katr do preferred Norfolk N. T. Central .... fesnaylTSBlB ..... eopU's Uaa. ..... Beading Rock uUad 800 do prfwrd. .... Boutbra Railway.. Hoathcrn Paclnc... St. U 4 8. W p. Ten Coal ........ Taxaa 4 PaclO. .. Usioa Paclftc ..... U. a. Rabber .... U.-B. Steel ,r.... do preferred..... Breoklra 1 Boltlmor 1 Colo. rtil 1 I at. Paul , ta TcaSn''..:::::': t Colo. Boatk. I., at p. at .the... g eatral Leather ottos oil ocobmUtb rle ............. li Illlnole Central... ai LoaiTUI ......... Eauaattaa 3 KKT OSHES. Onto. Moath ... do 3d nfd... .. 44 Mluoari Paclnc... H Bap. BtL pfd.... Weetora v'Blaa Readtar was the anaataenlar fearer ef Ia. daya trading la tha a lock market. Taking ua traaing as a wBoie there waa not mack . . . i I , . , I . . TT tblBg la the oar ad chmod S4 nolnt oer y teruay. rue- aueugth lu thle lasue waa eaud by th burin of Prick. Th later ad. aao la tb rt of tb list waa brought about or tjbib actios. nanaera comma . ia warn agalast mosey anrries sroaad April 1', and oa tbl scooont Mntlmeat 1 rather bearish. u racial QDOlatlon hy Orerbeck, Starr at cook onpny CBSCBIPTION.' Baconda Mining Ce....2S Amal. Copper Co 1051 aicuieo, com tKi IO.S1 OO preferred.....,,., m. Car rooad., eoaa do imfmi 108 W 103 1ft 41 40 Am. Ham. oom. .'?'!' Am. Bmelt, com....... BO- ne.r...m,l . Baltimore Obis, eom.'utJ1 ;ilt lieth Brooklyn Bapld'Tranait Canadlao Pmritlm m. S3. 70J irili! 170. 171 Z Chi. 4t Alteo. com....'.' do nref errMt . . BO 75 y- u, w.. torn..,,, Chi, Mil. St p.ui.;. an. 1178V ChL Term'tual Railway.! vunnpeaa si UBIO OolOu ViMl ItM ICow. Boatbmt. 00m....'. III do 3d. preferred Cotton OlTW.-.v, IU)war TSudeo . ,, . 304 80S Deattr A R. O, eoai.". do preferred..: Brts, 00m do 34 preferred 7t s Illlnole Central...; Loakrrllle 4 Nuhelll.. Matropolltaa St. Ry. .. . hfanhatun Railway Mexican Central Ry.... Minn. St. P. 4. at. M. do rfrrd Missouri Pacific. M., K. T eom...... do preferred New Trk Oeatral...... Norfolk 4 Weet., Ma.. do preferred Nortk American at v rw. a. mr . lltXI 170t4 14014 15H 167 Vh 3414 PennsylTanl Railway... . . 11., b. V. tv. . . . Pre d Steel Car, com.l i. , . $3 R.dlne. am... Hjitiie'liiii: o Id TjrererTe too. la hf, 1 , . it is m Bock lelernl. com....... do MMfrre4 . . . Witkra Ry.. eom..... OHl 41. eoiiTsoT, Souther Pad Sc.. .....'.. do preferred St. It. 4 B. P.. 3d nfd.. Bt. L, 41 S. W., com., do preferred.... Tea A Pacts......... Tesneaaaa Coal 4 lroa.,. T-. Bt, L. a W.. eom.. do preferred.... ...... Cnioa Pacific, coal...... 161 163 m Central Leetber, roe. ... 46 44V. on prererrea V, B. Rubber, com do preferred. TJ. B. Steel Oe.. eeeB.rr. do preferred Wheel. L. K-, eom... 1 , Miil'Mai 'riau; 1116 Instills 40 I 5ti 1064 105 BAIaI 55U.I 5A Weeter TTnloa Tl.,.. .71 ...Ti ,i naijl vtu iC i 33 I 22 '4 22 u j 6t - f 801I 61 l asH S7 wiu wanasn. com do preferred .jr. ... . . . . Ant. LorneootW. ....... 4o preferred . 71 lr,.l uiu ' oly" IOIO.ITtW aiflal rTajt 41 Per cent. xea BBVhSB. Gall mooay cloaad XrtT TORS COTTXK MAX KKT. tew Terk. March J. Coff fa rare, cloalnr. Official enotatlona: 1 4 BI4. Aak. 1 -' V Bid. Aek. Marek .....$4 55 $.70Sectembar ..$7.15 17 ft April ...... 4.70 4 75' October ,... 430 4 J Apr! May ., Bft T.nm rioeemner .,5 50 S SO .. 4 50 4 051 rterember .. a 40 8.44 ..5 05 T.OOlJraaary .... 8 50 8 56 Jena July Auguat , . 7.05 T.10I rebnury at 4 54 Kew T.rk Cask Coffee. 1tw York. March 33. Caah coffee r Ms Ble. S ite; No. 4 Santo. 1. ' Jtew York, March 33. terllg rsrmaad. tS.50; BO oays. 483.60. . . . DEADLOCK EXISTS - IN JOINT CONFERENCE Indianapolis, March U. A ' loadlna bituminous operator ia credited with the statement that an agreement 'between the miners an operators la found to be absolutely Impossible. A motion to ad journ Blna die waa made In tha joint sosle committee thle morning.1 . . ' Robblna Is aald to have tulmltted that peace is lmpoealbl.- The Joint . con ference took a recess to this afternoon without oonsldertnt; tha motion to ad journ. Tha conference la apparently In a deadlock. ' .-.-. - ASPIRANTS FOR OFFICE ; INVADE THE DALLES (Special Dktpatcb te Tb Journal.) " Tb Lwll, Or.. March . Ilaxvoy X. Brown of Baker City made a canvass of tbla city yeaterday for tha nomina tion lor governor on the Republican ticket Yesterday and today Willie R. Dunlway' le making hlmaelf acquainted with tha cttlaena to have their help in scouring Ma-nomination for state prin ter. , . . . . ; .1 :B HI1EH0IOG I ' - -' . EVIZiaNG," MARCH -12, ltd TELEIlllillllliES SCOTTY GLAD. N o t on gr-Any" FearTh at f He VViU B ATrested; and ManT of Myatery Rajolces. . , l coiNOTaKtcic-tiFEt)trr r OF LOS ANGELES EDITOR Scotty Says That If Ha "Ever Geta , Into Court Ha Will C Alona and Glva Judge a Heart to Heart Talk in Friendly Sort of Way.-- J: ;.':'. ' -4 . ' . flcottr" iutaved a might- elh" of lief when ha aat the following telegram laat night from big attorney, Rol Kins;, at Loa Angela: , "Oot Shorty released. Have Sinclair Jumping. Warner v fixed, t Peart ; In desert as your friend.'' -' . "Scotty" opened a few bottles of wine on the atrength of it. " "Oot Shorty released.' " read "Soot, ty" tbla morning " Te goda and UtUe flsheet That la goodl - Shows what kind of eura those southern Calif ornlan skunks are. At tha tima of the alleged amouicut poor Shorty waa tn Dagget washing dishes. He didn't know a damned thing about the musa until ha waa told of It. "And King haa Sinclair jumpin' ha? Damn his hide, I hvll have htm and a few others danolng for their Uvea whea I Kt back. When I Bet to Loa Aagelee I think tha proper thing for ma to do la to grease up my old gun amd kill about II fellers. Thsy need it. BrotherrantrThs-fl tTBT told Xing to glva htm all ha wanted. '" reaul attlU Xla Maatd..,. "That feUow, Pearl. . aa you see. Is stin. my friend. He aad Owen ara aup posed to bs the two men .whom I ambuscaded. What the h 1 would -1 want to do that fnrT Tall mal" about "Scotty," aa he ordered up . another rouna. Pearl 'has gone back to tha desert. and as your friend," ha ' oonttnued. Say, otr th dead level," putting all josh ing aside, doean't that telegram knock all this arrest business Into tha hood? biww am -But . lust wait tintir-r- get to ; Toa Angeles. I will show 'am. There ia a lty -editor there whom I am going to kick tha Ufa out ot - Don't raokoa the Judge will tax ma mora than ftt for aoi n' it, do your ' . '. , It wlU be worth It Just to . walk Into hla office, tU hlmwhq I am, piok htm out of hla chair and aweep up tha floor with Ma atlnkln' hide. Ha la ttte reuow who haa cauaed all this d rot talk down here. And when I get through wltn bint and pay . my Haa reckon I wlU ahoot the whltd Uvere out of about 16 other skunks." "Scotty" then turned his atteatloa te ths possibility of an arreat. aaylng; BT eyea reared-Axiear. " "I have never feared arrest. Sut I am prepared to glva $15,000 cash ball this -minute If necessary. I can get $50,000 If they want It. If they do ar reat ma and they ara not going to do It" and "Scotty" gars one of hie know. Ing winks "I want no lawyer for me In court. Ha can put ma next to tba game la his private office, but whea I goea into tha courtroom, I. am going to do my Own talkln. . I am going to tell the Judge what what. .1 will etralghten out tha kinks In dtunnBbort orders. Anrll when I gets through with that Judge he mar not know anT more law than he did before I got started, but ha will know tha straight about this ambusr:aa arratrT thsy ara all talking about. Ma for tha Judge, with a plain heart to heart talk, I am ' going ap to the desk, lean over It In a friendly aort of a way and tall him Just what kind of ekunka tha whole damn bunch la." Scotty" then declared that with Shorty oat of Jail and Sinclair jumping aldewaya, tha whole matter waa ended. And it haa not, hurt-tn a.", ho addodX with a wink, "for It has advertised my game. Seer 1 And "Scotty" laughed Ilka a echeol boy, and rubbed hla face with hla hands, a characterlstio motion. ST. JOHN IS HELD TO COURT WITHOUT BAIL - Jooraal Special anles.l j Tellurite, Col., March 12. Vincent St John, president of the Minora' union at Burke, Idaho, waa yeaterday after noon bound over without ball to the district court. St John waa brought here from Boise, Idaho,-on a requisition on a charge of being In a conspiracy to murder Ben Buraham, who waa killed Iniv I. 1501. Aurlne riots at tha 5ir.ur. lar.TTnlrm enlna '-Tt Is chars-ed That Ht. j.h. ...Mu.rt t the, h.ttia In whloh Burohanr killed. DANGEROUS BILL RAISER SENTENCED TO PRISON . ,- (Jooraal Bpaclal Berrle.) San ..Francisco, March It. Frank Woods, one of tha moat dangerous bUl raisers oa the Paclflo coaat, waa eeo tenced to 10 years ' imprisonment la Ban Quentln by Judge D Haven thia moitilng. Irwin Butner, John Adama, and Fred Grey, other membera-'of tha Woods gang, are awaiting trial an the e4une charge.'-' s-"--'-- . " l,-....-- CLOTHES THIEF IS SENTENCED TO JAIL ' (Bpelal Olepetc 4 Tk JoorsaL) Tha Dalle. Or., March 11. John Con- lon. arrested for tba larceny of elothea from, a Una In a yard, pleaded guilty and waa aentanced to 10 days in the county Jail by Recorder Fllloon today. Peter Stone la under arreat for lar ceny from a lodglng-houae. Hla trial wlU be had thia afternoon or tomorrow morning. DEPEW IS NOT WANTED IN YALE CORPORATION (Joornsl Special Service ) KW mren. March tl Noticed were sent today to the Tale alumni calling for tha nomination of a member of the Tale corporation to take the place) how filled by Senator Chauncey M. Depew. whose term expiree commencement week. Those receiving ' ! names In tBTTAXTJAaXJi FOB B! I have been Buffeting for tha past few years with a severe attack of rheuma ttam and fotind that Ballard's Bnow Lin iment waa .the only thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my alna. March 14, 81. Joha C Dea-nan, kinsman." 111. ttc.-lte and - 11.44, Woodard, Clarke 4s Co. . eTaBxBmBgHB,rarSBBg ' ia . 1 Established 20 YoariS in Portland k how akeptical Vt others. - Uon t lief and Perfect " Oa metkods ar mp-o aaate aad aeitherttles af Brarop aad .xaarloa. of ansa's aMeeaaea. Bemeatbeg ras aad BEBBT 0TXT. ,. ' CsTxtOaTTO BXBOatAJUn VZ.CS BUS, .,;.' mworamm, - ' y,-';:-.: - -r t- BnroBvoox&a, ' ""-- TABaootnui, ' - ' BLOOD PQIalOaT. 1 v 1 TMTtATM SltrXABBsrXewly contracted and ohronlo eaaea caraaL' AU burning, itching and inflammation etopped la It hours) cures effected la . T daya - - , - - : - ., . - ,wa ootbjb tbtb Barnma miB or nvzTATai Airs cmmowio, BaTSIMIBATBZt, OOkrU0ATB9 DXSBABBB. -1 'WRITE, If yoa cannot call." AU eorreapondenceZ" Strictly ZtOnlldentlat,: ana all replla aent in plain envelopea. graphs al patients published or sapossd. laelese I sent stamp ta Issues reply. HOURS- -I a. m.'to I p. ra.; Bvenlnga, .1. mum , m .i.e. ..e..iwMaawMaartaaMy,.alw.l.iM,wi,.a...l ..' ' ' ..ysy" oomjTBB saooarri urs tajcbtxlzi -Wi trtimi uaoaaafull v all "rjrlvata Bar-" 1 vows aad ohronlo dlseaaws el meal aloe , blood, atomach. heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We 'cure STPHTUS fwtthont mereury) to atayoured for . ever. We remoye STRICTURE, with out operation or pain, la 1 daya. We etop drains, night loesea aad ; epermatorrhea by a new method ta a . abort- time." c Wa eaa restore the sexual vigor of any man under (0 by meana eg local treatment peculiar to eurelea, W Cure OonofThoea " In a Wek - The doctor ef thia Institute awe all regular graduatea, have had maay ' years' exrxrlence. have been known la Portland for II yeare, have a reputation ' ' . to maintain, and will andartake no ease unleea certain euro can be effooted. -r , We guarantee a euro In erery ease weT - ondrtk or charge no fee. Consult.! tlon free. Letter confidential. Instrue-L5 ttntm nrwtr svtn vi tr m m, iA ewo i-f plain wrapoer, - We cure the worst - eases of ptlee la tare ar three treatment, without opera. tlon. cure guaraateeo. If yew aaaaot oaU at afflee, write for casaiu fuL - ' Office hours. I to I and T te B. Saaiaya aad Holidays, It to 11 DR.-W.-NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offlcsa ta Van Noy HoteV II Third Street, Corner Pine, Pertlaad, Or, SULPHUR ' " For Spraying and Dipping. BAirOVB, OTJTBTBIJB ft OO, aortlaad. favor of their nomlnatloa will be an nounced aoon after May 1, when they will vote on the election. - Depew baa been a member of the cor poration It years, or three terras. No notice haa been received by President Hadley from Depew that ha will not be a candidate for renomlnatlotv- al though there are many Tale men who thought such a notice would have been forwarded la time to make . It known. and that when the nominations are for melly called for Depew wlU not be la the race. . . FAVORS ELECTION OF . SENATORS BY PEOPLE I ' -"" I nertat'TXlolT'i"to Tk Jeornal. r Bslsm. March- aV Oftaaela M. Beaton of -Baker-Clty-yeeterday tilled hla peti tion for the nomination or vemocrauo senator from (he oountlee of . Baker, Malheur and Harney. He eigne state ment No. 1 and favors maasuree In the lntereat of education; of purity In elec tions by giving publicity to campaign expenses -. and contributions; or gooe roads by withdrawing convicts from competition with free labor and working them on the publio roads; for separate bills in the appropriation' of publlo funds, and will guard the people against unjust aad unequitable lawa. He aaya further: ' ' ' - - "I favor equal rlghta and privileges to all; the rale of the people as against tha rulea of political boaaes and favored Interests; election of United States senators by tha direct vote of the peo- pl-" I " . BROUGHT FROM ROME TO I CALIFORNIA FOR BURIAL -' f (Jeornal Bpeelal Bervle.) '. , Kew Tork. March 11. The steamer Koenlg- Albert brought today the - re main of Josephine Loughborough, eged 14, of Ban Francisco, who dlsd In Roma February 11. The body wilt be takea te Ran Franciaoo- for burial. -, BODY IS EXHUMED - ; AND AUTOPSY HELD Soeetl DUiwteh Tb Jeoroal ) The Dalles, Or., March 11. The body of Mrs. W. C Freddon waa exhumed yeaterday and an autopsy held by Dra. A. C. Smith and R. C Tenney of Port-" land. They .Cound the cauae of death te hare been appendlcltia. TYREE HELD FOR TRIAL IN. SALT LAKE COURT (Jooraal fcpecUl trelc.) t . Salt lk. March $1. htram Tytae, president of tSe Ccwtlrtarttal Insurance company, en . . lt,.j teJaifylng state- " WErwiLITTRlt AT "ANY &SGUXJttCOU ; PLICATED AILMENT FOR $1Z50 ABSOLVtE GUAHANTHE NO PAY UNLESS CUrCCD Come Today to the SUCCESSFUL Special'. ', ' ista who number their PERFECT Cnrea by tha THOUSAND You want 1 a - PERMANENT -4rel WeH-ACCOMPEISlTIT. no matter yon hare become -over- failure of - nesitate longer when Quick Ke ; Health arc staring you in the face, , ar tadoreod by tha Maraae aaaaieU Blamoe amy Bmeoese tat tha traa.taaaai ayaolaM la Umlte,o tha ilseegig of ' V ; '' " ' ' ":,' ' BXataAnS- nut AJT9 nBTTTXA . . raVOSTATZO SUXAaarSl BTKBlTO-TTTAXi OBBrtVTBT vocrrrrjurAX. BaasarioBrs Jl 1 ""TT WT.arTiww taia No namee, cases.' lettsrs or photo. 7:10 to ; Sundays, a. m,"to II hoori. sTBaaTS, roMTUkn, ouocaT. aueatloa bleak. liana traalaiaat ". .. PDOr.-HADDINOTCN BflTCBIO VAUUST AaTO 0XAXB.V0TABT. Prof. Barrliigtoa a a gradaau ef the ocenlg eollog of lodla. aad kas stedals shoe' tha were givaa blot by th aokl people ae atteatlag tblr klgk eataaai for bis grainsaae Prof. Baniagtoa somos htflmit by the awt, ontlstnt Bool oa either side of the 4 Uaa tie, Prof. HarrlBgtna'a wet hod I entirely dtfroreai from other aaettlumet bo darkeaad eabkiet, bat everything ooa kt the broad epea light. tie tails yoa ef a ha are, satnans. fall are, travels, airrlg, 4Itotco. laweoita,' kree ate (air, deatba, dlaeaaea. Batlatactloa guaranteed or a fee aereeleS, R pk awvaral dlfferoat fcugaag. Pel, la try tatutbt. Bad1aaltt Baraona oereajfje. Prof. BarrtitgtoB's buataeee raaaa are at tS4 Third St., eppoelt tb plan. They rral4 opes an til a p. m. Bad all day Buadty. Con. DjtatiM fee. to. Rcadlogs glee by atall. Biijand Save Rent Ba.tBO Kew modem house; feaav'elee trio light, with full lot. ' on East " Tenth. A bargain. J ... . fLBOo New t room modern house, oor per lot; Mason at flreoo New I roora cottage, near ateel bridge, . v fLeoo 4 room cottage, near. Eugene and. Union av Baso 4 room cottage, 'East Tenth and . Falling at. - , . ran a mti --It Commercial Block, Second ' - and Washington Sts. menta to the state Inauranoe department and . other, offenses against tha Insure anoe laws, haa been held to the higher court today In bond ef ll.tot. BELLAMY STOER-TlT"- ." MAKE H0" I. "J P..".!3 (Jeoeaal S rectal Stvw Waahlngton. March II It la ad thaf Bellatmy Btorer, l-'e to Auotrla, Intends to s. s i -ly In Paris. It le ate It t la due to Vre. I frr I deavnrln; to r'' a Arebbl... X. . . , ', in a . J P'BBBat 'ia. IT"" -