The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 22, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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, Wflf,lJ-BEC0f,lES
RidOvr Mountains ofr Texai
Astride Tn Successful Search
-''y - " - for PetroJeum. ;
; Romantic Career of . Stenographer
' , ; Who Eloped to Brazil With ButJ-
.. . neu Kan Twice Her Age and. Re
riturned Penniless.
.. ' ' (Journal Special Srlr.) '
OUcAgo,Jiiarvh 22. Three years age a
Llpretty little woman astonished" Oie
. haHvm of the mountain regluns Of Texas"
by" riding -over- a J lone distance
astride-a little black mare, sniffing the
- V air for oil. Today word came to her
.'friends here tbwt her latest - strike Is 'a
well producing several hundred barrels
--.- of oil dally-But this ta only one Inci
dent In her unusually adventurous lite.
.... ---In-lg9J jirB. May Ora Hood Russell.
! V then a girl of 17, came to Cl-lcago from
' Blcomlngton. Illinois, to work her way
through the- Chicago university. Her
first work was as stenographer for
. : .John Henry Barrows: wnue mus en
gaged she met William I Russell, a
'.; business man of twice her age Alter a
brief courtship she elopMi wltlThlni, go
""ing to Venesuela where h had extensive
. .... mining interests. ;
' Evntully 4ht jrnjrt"
. addition Mrs. .Russell suffered a long
" . -tege of "Sickness and finally a physician
told her toget lntoanothcr climate."
. , ; Scraping together a fewdotlara sha
'. ventured Into the Texas oil lands, rode.
' prospected, studied, asked questions, and
finally, backed by some of her-former
itaiasraan.i shaniwaaoa hrnrAMJOkMBum
; .; She now owns or leases t-.WW acres.
Professor's Romantic Finish to
Courtship With Smith Col-
:!.!'. i lege Instructor.
Philadelphia, March As though to
put the final touch upon the romance
. ' of their courtship in tlie buried cities
of "Crete. -Miss. Harriet. Aon Boyd of
1st Haverford, who holds the ohalr of arch-
aeology at Smith college, and Professor
. Charles JS.' Hawes of Cambridge. Kng
' land, eloped from tMs oltjr two week
- ago. They lren,t to New York, married,
and took the first ocean liner, for .Eng.
'lend., -v. !-''". - . ; '
- :r -.Not half a dozen of their friends knew
"anything" about It. No announcement
"' of the marriage has been made, 1-
W-bOighMrs. Boyd slster-ln-law of the
bride, said Today" fnefevrarno "t urthcrt
.. cause for concealment
v The couple Intend-to make their home
at Cambridge, "near the univerartJVttr
" which' Professor Hawes holds a chain
. In the near future they will return to
' Crete, the scene of their archaeological
:r wooing, where they will resume their
quest for, burled knowledge. ,
' White Salmon, Wash., March 21. A
bank waa opened-beee Tuesday with a
'.capital of $26,000. ; Several Portland
men are interested In It, Including W.
oore of the Oregon Bavlnars bank.
The orncers of the new Institution are:
President. Carleton Lewis of Portland;
. vlee-presldent. C M. . Woolford; cash'
- ler, J. A. Byrne; directors, W. H. Moore,
C. M. Wolfard. A. H. Jewett, Carleton
Ivewis and J. A. Byrne. .The bank at
i. Ooldendale had about made arrange
' menta to open a branch of Its eatab
, Itshment at White Salmon, but the
Portland men forstalled them by sllp
. , ping In before tbem with IIS, 000 in
-ash and organising the White Salmon
Valley bank. The country tributary to
-m White - Salmon is prosperous and the
people heretofore done their banking at
Hood River. . - fv .
SiMiaT Dtopatch to The Joortul.)
; ; ' Enterprise, Or March 22. From the
' continued cold weather the farmers in
"--Wallowa valler expect some very bene-j-
..i nciul results In the way of freexlng and
otherwise destroying the ground squlr
' tela, which are considered a great pest
'.'. In this section. The heretofore warm
' 'weather has been the means of causing
the squirrels to come out of the ground.
'. and the heavy snow and extreme cold
" weather prevented them from securing
i food. The evil effects of these pests
: i consist In eating the sprouts of the
cereals as quickly as they come through
the ground. One squlfrel "has been
known to destroy one quarter of an
j acre of .wheat, Although large num.
- bern are polaoned each, year. lt has thus
far been Impossible to exterminate
is more than a fat foodv
There is no , animal; fat
' that compares with it- in
. , nourishing! and building
up the ' wasted, emaciated
" body. -That is why chil
; dren'fand-ansemic- girls
thrive and grow fat upon
: it. That is why persons
.with consumptive tenden
Acics i gain flesh r ,and
" strength enough to check
, the. progress of the dis
easc. acOTT SOWW t, f ftarl Stn, tin Vers, .
? . M.i at , Ann in iit v .. i
Gown of Rose
A- pretty afternoon dress may., be
made In this fashion: , The material Is
rose chiffon cloth. The waist is made
In a deep shir rod girdle with btas folds
crossing In surplice fashion and form
ing a bolero. Large buttons ,of velvet
trim them.,. TV.; . ' ' :."' ':
A chemisette of fine lace is Intro-
duced, and a ruffle of the -same lace
finishes the sleeves.
"We try to Impress oar pupils with
the fact that they must look. the part
when -they are applying for situations."
said a teacher of stenography yesterday.
In SDeaktna- of hla business. "It'a a
son we find hard to teach, especially
to the pretty ones, who insist on look
ing thnlr hnst. but we nan a ff".'"
other day which we will be able to use
aa an argument and Illustration in the
future. A. girt who, when ahe left us.
waa a flrst-claaa atenographer, came
back to complain that ahe couldn't get
place. She wore a picture hat and
jewels and looked more like a duchess
than a-working girl, ana saia sne naa
been chasing-a. job three days without
success. We told her we would guar
antee her a place at the nd -of a .day's
search if ahe would ores as we ipia
her to. She agreed to this, and we re
moved the jewels, replaced theplcture
hat with a modest and unpretentious
one, and told' her to put on neat white
ruffs. She did this, and got Work upon
the second . application." Philadelphia
Record. . .
An American girl who had a "good
knowledge of the-German language,,
entered a well-filled streetcar In, Bos
ton.- Two-young men who had - aeats
noticed her as ahe came In. and one said
to the other In German, "Shall we give
her a' seat?" To which the other re
piled,.-"! guess not; she isn't pretty
enough." Shortly after another young
woman entered the car,' who passed a
more aatlsfactory Inspection owing to
comeliness of featurea, and immediately
one of the young men gave her his -seat.
When she left the car, he turned to the
first young lady, who was atlll stand
ing, and said, "Won't you have a seat 7'
but as she had nearly reached her desti
nation she shook her head and left -the
car. merely saying to him lp German: "I
am Still homely." Waterbury Anxerl-
There Is rarely a tragedy', without Its
dash . of humotr-rA-few Tfhjrhts ago- a
young man-and a young-woman went
drlvrng. The horse ran away,-the car
riage waa upset and the young mart was
killed.- Jn -her fright the young woman
hurrted away lato the erowd without
learning - her companion's - fate. - Next
day the reporters found her at her place
of employment in a restaurant. She
told tlwm her story and asked, "How Is
her The reporters are ' echooled1n
brevity and dlrectneaa. .- "He'a dead,"
they - answered. The young t woman
screamed and fsinted. Then out from
the kitchen' rushed an older--woman,
who gathered the- etrlcken - girl - In
motherly arma and crooned aoftly to
her. ' Looking up from her unconscious
charge ahe saw the conscience-stricken
Informer standing by. "You miserable,
contemptible little reporter,' aha cried:
"you ought trt be ashamed of yourself
to tell this girl such a thing right in
our busiest hour." Waterbury Ameri
can.. ' '
A bachelor- girl, Miss Grace Stephen
son, has become editor of the Llndaborg
Kansas) News, which .used to have
this line over wedding announcements:
"They Are Happy Now.'' The new
editor has rhanged It to, "They Are
Happy Now." . -
The report from 8wedn that a league
has been formed there for the purpose
Chiffon Cloth.
' The folds on the skirt form a de
sign in squares and are also trimmed
with buttons. , .-...
liclow and underneath the folds are
rows of tiny tucks -around the hem,
The hat is large with a big puff
crown-of rose silk and brim of black
straw, trimmed with a wreath of roses
and Httle.- bowknots. ef .black velvet
ribbon. .
of restraining extravagance in woman's
dress haa a good rich Elliabethan ring
about It. In 1650 "the ..principal citl
sena of London were become so extrava
gant In their dress that it waa thought
necessary to restrain the same"; and
the result was a proclamation Issued by
her majesty "against excess of apparel.
which were made eo long that they
I reached rtnwn to the heels,''Whei'e la
that proclamation now? Still more ar
bitrary was a proclamation of 14(6, an
nouncing that "a ridiculous custom hav
ing long prevailed of wearing shoes
with toes of enormous length, for the
future the beaks or toes of shoes ahould
not exceed two Inchea in length, on the
penalty of the wearer being excommuni
cated and paying a fine of SO ahllllngi,
to be equally divided between the king,
I the chamberlain, and the -Company of
Cordwalnera." If ridiculous fashions
were fined now, ' somebody would be
rich. London Chronicle.
The Bdito Edits.
The editor aat In his high-backed chair.
Andhlawordawere few but atrong.
For his pipe waa outandr7rls-iove-was
And hla last mines pie went wrong.
So with pencil blue he worked havoi
As he frowned, In contempt Irate
"Ere I use such blame fool stuff," quotn
be, . ,
"I will fill up my page with plate!"
. . ,., ir. ' .
But the ' sun shone out and his pipe
drew clear, .
And love aet alt doubts at rest,' '
VVhlle a grain of pepsin moeitn
i -weight
.Which had settled on hla chest,
"After all. 'tla1 a brave, good world,"
: quoth he. , . .. .. .'
"I have hopes for my follow-men!"
Then a criss-cross he marked on my.
bumble tS.'
Which I later cashed in for ten.
, Ella-A". Fanning.- -
"Now, the vested Intcresta " begin
Mr. Nurlch. "Oh, don't talk that way,
pa." remonstrated Mrs. Nurltcli. "Vestsd
interests sounds so vulgar. Say waist
coated interests." Minneapolis Tribune.,
- Mrs. Nexdore A prominent judge nf
vocai musle- tried my -daughter's voice
today and"
Mrs. repprcv "Well, if he had called
me aa a wltnesa I'm sure he'd have given
a verdict of 'rnllty.' "Philadelphia
Presa. - ', .,
Caller Is It a boy? Maid No.-eirr
Caller Oh: a girl? Maid No, sir. Ma
dam lias given birth to an heir.
Sketch. . , , ' .
"Chr1le promised that rn tlie day he
married me he would atop drinking."
"Old he keep hla promise?" "Oh. yes.
He didn't take a drink all that day."
Cleveland , leader, r- .
Teacher What is the. meaning of
the word "aperture"? - . r .
Class An opening. - -'
Teacher Which one of you can eon'
Habit-forming Medicines.
- Whatever mat be the fact as to man
of the so-called pa e ft medicines eon-4
talnlitg Injurious 'ingrwnenai as broadly
published la soma journals of More or
leas Influence, this publicity, has certainly
been of e-reat benefit in arousing needed
attention to this subject, It has. In a
considerable measure, resulted In- the
moot Intelligent people avoiding sueo
foods and medicines as may be fairly ana
peeled of containing the Injurious fngre- .
2ienta comDlalned of. Recognising tkis
T . f , I -, V i a, I -
v a 1 I 1 . t . J k A A II II
were, ana puoiisnea oroaaenst an me
fno-riinnta oi wnicn ms ooouiar meai-
ciiimji are' connnnn. luun am. nu Bum
nietnlv foreaulled all harping critics and
all nnnnaltlon that mlahl o tnar wise . be
urgnu again uib uai.i.uw, wv.fuw
are flow r mow; HMnemo. Fur
thermore, from i the formala printed oa
every bottle wrapper, it will be saea that
these-medicines contain no alcohol or
other habit-forming drags. : Neither do
they contain any narcotics or Injurious
agents, their Ingredients being purely
vegetable, extracted front the roots of
medicinal plants found growing In the
depths of our American forests and of
well recognised caratlve virtues. ,
- Instead of alcohol, which even In small
portions lone continued, as In obstinate
cases of diseases, becomes highly objec
tionable from Its tendency to produce a
,H m. 4.,- tlmnUntl '. PIAfM em-
wove enevMcettf - yuiv, uipin -ronnm
glycerine, which of Itself is a valuable
remedy in many cases of chronic diseases,
being a superior demulcent, antiseptic,
antlferment and supporting nutritive.
It enkanoes the curative action of the
Goldaav Seal root. Stone root, Black
Cherry bark and Bloodroot, contained In
Golden . Medical Discovery. in all bron
chial, throat and leaf affeetloaa attended
with severe coughs. As will be aaan from
the writings of the eminent Drs. Orover
aoVMadloal College-Phllvj. Jcadder. of
Cincinnati; Elllngwood, of Chicago j
Hale, of Chleaoo. and others, who stand
fas -leaders In their several schools of
practice, the foregoing agents are v
wy beat Ingredient that Dr. Fierce
could have chosen to make up his fa
mous "Discovert" for the enre of not
Hons, but also of chronlo catarrh la all
Ita various forms wherever located.
struct a sentence with the word in it?
Bright PupU eonfidently) The big
spring apertures.
rfjaananmu mi ' '
" Whaftiranamotbe-r TJSSd W ay?
If before your door a rooster a rows, :
Whdthep it Yaths orwhether 1t anows, v
Somebody's coming that very day, -
That la- what grandmother- aed to say,
"Shad-scale" and "mare-tall" cloude in
the sky, , - " "
When. 1 h a . weathecbaa been Along lime
Sure signs of a rain the very Jiext day
That la what grandmother used to sayr
If aver the salt you chance to apill, -
Just guard your temper with a will;
Tou're in for a fight ere close of day
J That la what grandmother used to say.
If you, while reposrng In you.r bed, -Should
by any chance dream of the dead,
Tou"ll get a letter from far away
That' is what grandmother used to say.
If you drop the dlshrag on the floor, -Pull
dawn the blinds and bolt the door;
An untidy person calls that day
That ia what grandmother used to say,
If In the sky. the while rain falls.
There's blue enough to make overalls,
Thafa a sign you can soon go out to
play x '.
That Is what grandmother used to say.
ivinnn jaarcn ma.sel
Colonel Pepper So you ain't aurprlsed
at th' majah's marry In' a Boston school
inarm T Colons! Bludgnod No. seh! He
always was fond -of sour mashes, the
majah was.-r-Puck.
(Jnnrnal Special Herrlea.1
Wilmington, ; Del.. March . Hi The
Carrcrof t farm - of - J.- Edward - Addicka
waa put up for sale by the sheriff to
day to satisfy a mortgage held by Mra.
Ida Shaw - of Newcastle. When settle
ment waa made of the euit against Mr.
Addicka and the Bay State Gas' com
pany a year, ago Mr.- Addicka gave,
among other securities, a mortgage for
$33,000 on the Carrcroft farm to George
Wharton Pepper, receiver of the Bay
as company. The mortgage
later waa assigned to Mrs. Shaw, who
try to 'get her money. The farm Is lo
cated at Carrcroft,. five miles above
Wilmington, and comprises more than
J00 acres of high land commanding a
fine view-of the Delaware rivet.
Charged With Wlfe-Beatlng.
-- (SperUl fHspetrb to The Journal.) .
Freewater, Or., March 22. Julius Rabe,
a. well-known Fine creek rancher, who
waa arrested on a warrant sworn to by
Herman Noyemer, charging1 Rabe with
wlfebeatlng. waa brought before Justice
Miller of Milton, waived preliminary ex
amination and waa bound over to ap
pear before the circuit court, which
meets next May. Hla bonds were placed
at 2200. which was furnished.
Tew People Know How Ueefal Xt Is tt
rreservlng Health aad Beauty.
Nearly everybody knowa that char
coal la the eafest and most efficient
disinfectant and purifier in nature, but
few realise lta value when taken into
the human aystem for the same cleans
ing purpose.
Charcoal Is a remedy that the. more
you take of It the better; it ie not a
drug at -'all, but simply absorbs the
gases and Impurities alwaya present In
the stomach and Intestines and carries
them out of the system. .
'"Charcoal sweetens ths breath after
smoking, drinking or after eating oniona
and -other-odorous -Vegetablee,
Charcoal effectually clears . and ' Im
provea the complexion, H whitens the
teeth and further sets aa a natural and
eminently ssfe cathartic. -
. It absorbs the Injurious gases which
collect in the atomach and bowels; It
disinfects the mouth and throat from
the poison of catarrh, cT
All druggists sell charcoal In - one
form or another, but probably the best
charcoal and the most -for the money
Is In Stuart's Charcoal Losenges: they
are composed of the finest poadered
Willow charcoal, ' and other harmless
antiseptics Jn tablet form or rather In
fhe form 'of large," pleasant tasting
losengea, the charcoal being mixed with
honey.. . -
'The daily use of these losengee will
soon tell In a much Improved condition
of the general health, better complexion,
sweeter breath and purer blood, and the
beauty of It Is, that no possible harm
can result from their continued use, but
on the contrary, great benefit
A Buffalo physician in speaking 'jf
the benefits of charcoal says: . "I ad
vise Stuart's Charcoal Lioxengea to all
patlenta suffering from gns In-stomach
and bowels, and to clear the complexion
and purify the breoth, mouth and tnroat;
I also believe the liver Is greatly bene
fited by the dally use of them: they
cost but twenty-five cents a bos at
drug stores, and although in aome aense
a patent preparation, yet I believe 1 get
more and better charcoal In Stuart's
Charcoal Irficenges than In- any of the
ordinary charcoal tablets." -
nv rim n a m-
Thomas W. Kiley, President of
I . . .
I ' k a h
Ing Two Wives.
1 TUfV mUTLCl D ftT-RPAl IC p
Number One Fooled Her Husband by
Gerting Well After He Had Wed
ded Number Two, Whom He, Still
Loves' the Best. ' ; .
5 ' (Jeonul Speetsl Service.)
New Tork, March n. Admitting that
he has two wives,- Thomas W. Kiley, mil-
. . . v& ..w. m p.u
bank of Brooklyn, told the strange atory
of how be came to. be Involved in auch
a predicament. He explained that be
married' a second wife at a tlmavwhen he
thought hla first wife to be dying. She
did net die, however, and he haa since
necessarily maintained. , two ' homes.
Kiley'e first . wife lives av her home en
Jefferson avenue. Hla second wife Uvea
a short distance away in a palatial-home
on Brooklyn avenue and uses the name
Kiley ,1s a
Flora A. Colt; ' -
regular visitor at the home
of hla Brooklyn avenue wife. He ad
mits he loves her more than his legal
wife. Hla love baa not been weakened
by the fact that wife No. s sued him
last year for S2M.O0O, aa the outgrowtb of
his bigamous marriage. -
K.Hy 1 2 years e go married me wtaw-
of hla brother. He married again In
October. 1(03. He aays his second wife
knew he was a married mail," but con-
sented . to the ceremony. The marriage
occurred at Hammond, Indiana, while
Kiley was on his way to attend a bank
ers' oonventtpn at San Francisco. , ,
got back," said Kiley. "She
WSS VSrX 111
very lit whsn I started to Ban Fran
Cisco, and I never expected to aee her
alive .again. Of course I wouldn't have
married another woman If I bad known
lay-wife- would live.-- 7
Youth's Beard Is Half Trimmed
Off While He Is Tied to
Board by Tormentors.
- (Jooraal Special Berrlee.)
Berkeley, Cal., March 22. One pro
fessor at the university la aald to have
wltneased. while a number of otbera
were cognisant of the basing of a stu
dent yesterday afternoon. The haslng
took place In the Mechanics' building
of the university about o'clock, when
Felix Felbush, a senior In the college
of mechanical engineering, waa tied to
a hoard while struggling and flghtlngTg
on ni. persecutors. -1 in, ariair was
premeditated and the atudente made no
effort to conceal their identity . front
the faculty or their victim.
j Felbush star-ted-about two months ago
to raise a beard. The atudente who
were associated with him In hla classes
have spent most of their time "Jollying"'
the man, and recently the idea waa con
ceived that it would be a good Joke to
shave the beard by force.
A number of atudente eame to the
clasa today , armed with the necessary
utensils. una naa a rope, another
pair or scissors ana a third a rasor.
After the lecture, when the professor
had left the room, Felbush waa selxed
nis reet ilea together ana his arma
strapped to a drawing board. In thl
position, amid curses and threats on hla
hasers, one aide of his face waa shaved.
He was than allowed to go,, and lmme
WafelhavTSdrin Other gldBTiTmBelf.
tilperlal Dispatch to The Joaraal.)
Balem, Oro., 1 March 22. The patrons
on the various rural mail routes leading
out'of Salem are indignant over the order
from the postofnee department ordering
them to set aside the mall boxes which
they bad erected In good faith and be
lieving them to be in accord with the
postofflce regulations. The delivery and
collection of the malls will be stopped
unless the farmers comply with the
postal regulations. E. C. Clement, an at
-tache-of thernrat 'dell very sy stem," has
aald there-were more condemned boxes
on the Salem routea than in any other
place of . the same alse.
Thta Is due to the faot ha. the -routea
Issuing from ths -local postofflce were
established when the system was under
an experimental stage. In October, 1902,
the government passed regulations gov
erning the rural routea and prescribed
what kind of boxea were to be used. The
government , also sends out lists of ap
proved mall boxes for use on the routes.
At any rate, the approved boxes will
have to be substituted for the old ones
now in use In many places. The prices
of the prescribed boxes range from. 75
cents to $3.50. ...-,'.:
(Journal SpeH.I serrke.t
Iondon, March 22. The abatement
that the large silver casket presented
to 'the late Charles Stewart Parnell by
the people of Drogheda tn 18S4 Is now
located in a pawnshop In Bournemouth
and ran be redeemed by the payment
nf 1500 has given rise to considerable
speculation as to how the precious relic
found .Its way ther-s. John. Howard
Parnell, brother of the late Irish leader.
Is Hnable- to- threw-any - llght-oi-he
subject.5 When he last heard ' of its
having been sold, two yeara ago, It waa
then, according to hie Information, to
be aeen In a Ixmdon pawnbroker'a es
tablishment. . He ssys he bought up aa
much of his late brother's effects aa he
Ovaxn comrswatrrioaT. r .
-Mrwr BrWr Evansr-Clearwaterr Kan.,
writes: "My hushsnd lay sick for three
months, 'ins oociors saia ' -lie 'bad
quick consumption. We procured a
bottle of Ballard's Horehound Hyrup and
It cured him. That waa alx years ago
and since then we hsve elwaya kept a
bottle In the house. We cannot do with
out It, For coughs and col da It haa no
eousl. 25c, tOo and tl.00. Woodard,
Clarke Co. -
Th Kind YooJIaTe iwaya
in use for oror 30 yean,
" "All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jast-a-g-dodare bat ..
t--Expetiment, that trifle with and endanger the health of,-:
Infante and' ChUdrcnISxperlence ' against Experiments
' 4 Oastorla is a harmless snbstltn'e for Castor Oil, Pare
gorlc, Drops and Soothing B-fraps, . It is Pleasant. It'
v s3ontalnspeither.Oplnrri Mornhlne no--other-Kareotlor
ambstancn Ita age is- its guarantee. It destroys Worms
smd allays Forerlshness. It cores Plarrhoea and Wind
' Colic. ' It relieves Teethlng Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It' assimilates the Food, regulates the
-, - Stomach and Bowels, siring healthy and natural sleep. .
. The Children Fnacea--The Mother's Friend.
- ?
The MYouHaYe Mways Bonght
CoalanoCoke "
SrrZ g!gl
1? HI . flirtS
isii mssst r i s m sen iim
i RICE POWDER ' 1 eb. BATH fCOMriOrr30Ait
X B tenet aewaer. Aa- Softens Hard Water JL "uJ'T'lX
. tlM.tic.lly pure. - , aes "eavy
. Rahevae rin4 . Btt.r (fi.n creamy lather. Very
Njiaaaw vlry iic- tj 24 satto - J. hwa- -
- - at tu woiswiot mm r v --Ny----'-
Phone Main 2000
Breaths Xyomei a Tew Times Sally aad
Be. Cared Ooee might to ths Spot-
' In, treating catarrhal troubles, the
first thing necessary is to kill alt ca
tarrhal germs that may be present In
the nose, throat and lungs, thus freeing
the eyatsaf t om-tha poison,,) hat, ...they ,
Stomach - dosing cannot kill these
germs. A direct local treatment is ab
solutely necessary, and for this purpose
Lnothlng -elae eaualHyomel.
Ita base la the famous eucXlyptua-
oll. This is combined with other heal-
Ing, aromatlo gums and balsams, mak
ing a germ-kllllng, health-giving treat
ment for catarrh, entirely unlike any
thin else known. When using Hyom.l
the air you breathe la like that on the
mountains, high above aea level, where
the pine forests fill the air with frag
rant and healing balsams that give
health and strength to those suffering
frort diseases o:
the respiratory or-
ran a.
through the neat pocket
inhaler that comes with every, outfit,
Hyomei reaches every tissue of nose,
throat, and . lungs, giving immediate
relief, and effecting a'perman,eatsure
In the worst cases of catarrh. , . .
The eomnlete outfit, consisting of an
Inhaler, medicine dropper and one bot
tle of Hyomei, costs oniy i. - extra
bottlea can be obtained for 59 cents,
Woodard, Clarke A Co. give a guarantee
with -every Hyomei outfit that the
treatment will coat nothing unless it
If sot convenient to ebUIn Rremel ef Wood
srd, Clark, a Coi or some othee' tfrssxlst It
will b forwarded from th. laboratory bjr aiill
oa rwelpt of price. The R. T. Booth Co.,
Hyomei Balldlnf, Ithaca, N.w Tork. .
could, but among the articles he was
not able to-take over were the Drog
heda casket and the famoua Kilmain
ham chair. :. , ;
j ijonnud RfMclat -Servle.
Washington,' March . 22. The - hoiise
committee on merchant marina and fish
eries will hold a meeting this after
noon to consider the shipping bill. It Is
expected that there will be considerable
opposition to the bill and its - fate Is
considered ' very - doubtful, particularly
aa Speaker Cannon la opposed to the
bill and will give no encouragement for
its consideration, even if it ahould be
"reported. Repreaentat rve Tawney, chair
man of the committee on appropria
tions, ia also pronounced In ble opposi
tion to the bill. 7"r '
Doaght. and wtJcJiiiM J?ji
baa borne the signature of
has been ntadeimder bl per-C
aaperrislon since Its lnfkncy. '
no one to deceive yoaln this.
Phone East, 244-,
3i riuinwis
arbed Wires-Wire and Lawn Fencing -Poultry
Netting, Etc ;
263 FLANDERS ST., Near, Third
we have made ths cure of blood poisoa a
specialty. Pfiasry,5ecendsry .r Tertiary
Bleed Pelsea Permanently Cured. Youeaa
be treated at home under same guaranty.
Capital 1500.000. We solicit the most obatl.
Bate eases. If you hare exhausted the old
methods of treatment, and still havs aches
and paios. Mueus Patches in Mouth. Sore
Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots,
Ulcers on any part of the body, rBalr or
Eyebrows folllntr out, write for proofs of
cures. 100-page Book Free.
isw BUOsicnaru, ckKats, 1.11
Evory Woman
aiBMnstes ran Mipaia snow
aooai in. wosawrat
MARVEL. WMrllna Sorev
I The new Tattm Mm Jmjte.
mna Hurtttm. iimi B.f.
eav-Mott, i
If ho wnnot wrnly the
jmmmw k no
otnr. but Mnd tuftm. for
llliutnird bmk-MM. t
full Mrtlealara and 'lirMHtnna tn. ' to IuIIm. MtHVKt CO.,
aa "v ese sr.. a aw mu.
Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsulssr
for InflammstloB erOatarrb of
lb. Bled-lor sad Dliwe.4 KI4- :
ocuasaorar. cans
kly an.
worrt ma of .
ad die, so si.lUr ol bow
lonf t..din.
sold by drafsteta.
Prla. Sl.rtl. or by stall.
or, us'
X,B.B, -
swa, f i.w, s so:
W-U.rf.Mrt.hM, OUe.
Weelaea, Oaraa ft Cm,
""meNCH Tansy Wafers Origi
nal and only genuine Put up In
yellow . rapper and Crow a" ,
trademark. For eale by the
aM tw
f 4 W-lWl l
- mi m -
... a .f - I
- fjaie to