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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
THE ! OREGON DAILY JOUHNAU FOItTLAKD. TIUESDAY EV ;KG, LIAKCII U 1.. 17 i t ., I " 1 ' I I ill, ii i i B ii 1 1 in ii II. mm. ii ! 1 twai-ni . I ' i ' for treaepurxaUua UnwckTTbi" "At" a HO fa paper, coux, w Lr . - - : t 4 -i-.jl-" .Mate: romziav ABvrxiOTaiMsI',!rri1' 16 beeeaaT wiK, New rkj TtlboM JuU4. , xx. can-ago. Mai By xjnmse, ee aa Th Daily Journal, with Bandar. I So Imu by .. lae lelly Juamax. J Ti-,"'."j:ar if The IMUjr Juarual, with Sunday, Batata. J ' The Pally Journal. ixxontbe... J-JS Th Dally Journal. wttb ttaaday, Baneta. j-" lh Daltf WmI. with It n n 5 T. J" '. eidi ..Tw ; vi--::-: llly pr 4cUtrl, Bosdar - . pud , ..... i - il ,V ' ' " . Tun r MaU. -;- . - .T Datlr JiMnul. wtk bbU. 1 yJ...l tm Dtir jwui, i jrr ':;: i'VS TIM I.lly iowuL wV SimdM. J jmUi -. Th Pr JiWrMlV ,nontli. -v VlilS: in . Th. Ii.ll juurnal. w)Mi 8ndar, BMth. J w ' 'lb9 Iwlly Juurul. S mooth....... Tb iouruk, wHk 8uwU, . ?? rrh txlly iuurul. I udoUi JV -T KiiDd.y JoutBal, 1 r. Tb SuaiUr JuvrMl. iiotitk . J-Mu Th aanl-Wwkly Jouriwf. U " nrh au, lllmtratM. hUl P. O. Utm 111. WCTVH--j. lntrrr: r 'onnlnti U. I DKNVEB JUrkilow Bn.,' DtPt KAN8aV CITT Aawirleaa" Kw mpaor. - Mfwpprr wagn- - - ' ' , U AStitLES B. B. Abm. Bwpp waMt MINNKAPOUa U. J. kToom. 00 KKW TOKH "'ITi BrMUoo1. Vmm I MM r "OMAJlA-MIlljird Hotfl www tndt "W'. iF.n iwpoi n.w. !. . . , Marrow Bro., Waat Hoo4 itit. olhi -BAN PIKOO B. B. iol,MP'in. BAM rBANCISCO W. K. ArJln. fle ! itnldamlth Una, J Fr.acla btl: Taut Oreir. rarry ' Inc; N. WbttlC7 wapaa woa. r and Krjri - ' KATTI.B-H.ini Oran4 nw. taod; A.. B. UcRiwn, HolJ'l Bcattla awa Und. It tOL'ia Phlllo Bni", Uiet Xrmtt ' K. T. Jtt. S0 0Ut itraat; aaort U KPOKANB John W. Oraa B IT t tACOMAr Canlral Nw napany. HtM T cobw ataod; AeaM 'wa eoapany, nawapapat wifoa. UTOHIA.- B. C Tlctoria Book ary vompatry. ' J ' tattoa- WEATHER REPORT?.' tntaad aad bow aanalata of two aaallow dapraa atom, ana t wklcta la aaati-al orar Brltlak t'ntaaibla. aad tao othaa aaarUaa Karada. LUfc, Arlaooa- aad Nnr alriloo. Light rain kava fallaa raarally la tba Padaa ooaat aUtaa. Ida latka- Huparlor atorm kaa advance ta Nw Baglaad ad Uht anow kaa aeeurrad la tha lower laka rectoa, silddla Atlaattc aad Haw KngUnd atata. Ttaa hl(k praaaura araa yaatar. day la tka Caaadlaa aortkwaat now ait to da d u.k .ii....!. friiai taa liakntaa to th aouth Atlantic atataa. Fair waatbaa alla aTar taal aaciioa wiia ow , trnparataraa la tba aortbvra aulaa troai tk Bockr mtmntalra rait to tba laka rrglon. It la norU wartotr JB tba fait mnt Attantl "riT eoadiaiia. mU farrabl for Ufbt rata la tbla diatrin walght aad Friday, wltk BO aurkad rbanrra la tainporatara. ' f ObarrrLkua takaa at a.jBPaeUI at' . ' -xra.-fradp. BakiwVlty. Oraaoa........ at M , .10 -BnHoa,T .JHaaaacbaaUa.0 M - T rbUraao, Illloola.... 0 J" . Itrarar, Colorado i... 4 t Kaoaaa City. Mlaaoarl. r U Aaaalaa, CaUtornla.... J M Kaw York. Naw Vork.... M , Portlaad. . Orafoa., ........ 60 .. R. aehurc. Oraaoa.. ....... "p 04 40 .14 .0 St. loula. Mlaaoarl 0 Salt lka. Utah. c v f..ttfnrata.. da ' 21 .44. -.01 .20 -.10 .11 .0 apokaaa. Waablnatoa....... tt Taroaa. 'aahlittoo M M m Walla Walla, waaniagiow. Waaklnt-toa. D. C MARRIAGE LICENSES. M. A. HanaeB."S6: lolla A. BHdatai aiw.; 1. ' Q. B. Madarla, S3; Mary Carlaea, 13. wiim rrda. W. O. Bmltb t)a.. waaa. lactoa bide. oor. rourtb aad WaaBlnttoar atar-fr ' Mlaa Bertba Martia, roaai 8U Allaky Wd. Btamnlna aad tao Bead la work! laaaoaa traa. BIRTHS. WRIGHT Ma rek SI. ta Mr. aad Ifra. Arcklbald II. Wright of Portlaad. twlaa. . TRAOUO-Marrh 01. to Mr. and Mr. Pataa . L. Tragllo. tw OaWBttT atraat. a dangbtar. llj. contagious diseases. MARKKAUs Maira 01.- Bar! Bolaad Marakall. lm Coraatt Btraat, maaalaa. COI.WELU Mrt 00. Buaaatt OarwaO, 070 0ag artt atrtx-t, maaala. " ... LAUonTCR M.irb 00. Bobart Blaagktar, 00 Eaat Ercratt atreat. aieaalaa. BATR Marrh 00, afra. S. Bat, 0M Fraat atraat. amala. BEIHKRK Marrfe 00. Mr. C. 0. Botaaaa. 000 . PRIOR Matrh OH. Julia M. aad Mary H. Pilaa, 4M Faat Tulrtlath atraat, ataaalaa. DEATHS.- JON M Marc 01.' Joha H. Joaoa, afd TO ' yaara, 1 Baat Olitb atraat. nortk; eaaaa, kaart fallnr. BorUl at Lona Ftr eatnatarr. LA riTMMB Marrh 01. 'Waltar Ia Plaaioia, ' gtd 17 yaara. 181 Mflatamnary atraat; caaaa, - tuharraloala. Barlal at Rrooka. Oragoa. axitlKY at.rrb 00. Vabal Kalaay. ag4 10 i yaara. at tJood Oamarliaa boapltal; eaaaa, pnl- - monar ataaolaa.' Barlal at kluHaomiah aaaM ,i . ry. . : ' . ' iJf ALTBB Marrli 30. Rolomoa A. Waltar, agal v AT year, at Bonnt Tahor aanltarloni; eaaaa, bearr dlaeaaa. Burial at laaiaacaa. Oragoa. BATON Marrtr 0. BanJaailB P. Baton, agod 24 vaara. am Nrthora Paclfla trala Bear ; Portlaad; eanae, . tubereuloala. Barlal at Blron Tlew eraiatary. '. , - TJAVIK--Mawk CO. r.rl Tsria, aaad Or) yaara, a," viBfaul'a 1.1 at at. t'V ..Rrt. lottd." MlBaaaota. undertakers: Edward HalBaia B CB.. tba leading faaeral dlrartara. aava tba flaeat eatabllahaiant, tka Kneel goode, 'ka flaeat rehlele and tka moat rraanaable yrleea. Pine broadcloth -oarered eaaketa, IS and fM. Th Onaat wood good made, from 010 to 000. - Parlor 200 and 020 Third etteat, aoraar Batiaoa. Portland, Orgoe- 4- . 1 J. P. Plnlef Ron, faaeral director and emhalaier. eoraae Tbtrd and Madiaoa atreete. e Aantff I.M ml.r Talrnhna. . ' . Dnanfng. McBntea A Ollhaagh, , andertakera ond entnalnera; a1Va In every detail. Reran th and fine. Mala 4.10. tady aaaUUpt. -'- . Ar B. Peaietark. andertrker aad amhalnar, Baat ThWteaatk and Uautllta ara, Phoaa Bll. wood Tl. ' - " ' ' . " Clark Bros far tanrara. Morrtaaa atraat BTTXBTarW CTMITIBT. , -j. - mU ftld IroBlllr' inn. 07 ea Bt MO. Tba only eeaieraeT Portlaad whlrb par. aatoanr taalBtaia eaa earea l mra. ror run Intoraiatloa aioly ta W. B. Mark aerate. War. PTnra. .11 . . . mm. . m, ,i imm. FUNERAL NOTICES. MARTIN At tba realdoweo. 00 taretta at., Mmtaellla. Marrh 01. land, rioraae Martin. - aaed 44 yeaeo, tA aoatha aad 0 dara, wife . f J. O. Martia. Pnaeral will take plae Trtdar, Marrh XX, at 0 p. ., from the ' M. H. rharrtt at M ataTina. meao a- : me. lotarateat JOuiaaaiM oattagj, j" I . AT m II A. i- , .. AT V . I T 1 at, i w I Aa m a. -eaxaaa i a- 1 A A- . V .I V , - u I j . I "REAL" ESTATE TB ANS1TTCRS- J. B. Riggtna, traatae, at al., ta rred Bbaraaaa, lot 0. block J. Joha read la a - addltaua. Albiaa I. B. Delano to B. W. Bartnolooiaw and . wife, lot 0. blo-lr88Y BeHuod . Sycaaiora Baal kataia oumpany to W. " K lxxrke. lot H. bkx-t 1. Krm rr Wllllaai U. Leeda and wife ta Jueepa aectlaa J, towaablp J aouth, raaga. B . I.. W.torgler aad wife lo W. W. . CUytoa and wife, let 4. Hodaoa Place. 060 Mary Cbrlatimaes and huaoaud to A. i. . Andaraoa, lut T. block 3, Multnomah. 020 B. M. Jobnaoa at al. to K.'W. Wilbur,. , aouth 40 (eat of eat 100 fact block . , . Jobaaoa'a addltloa 1 O. Jolutaoa to hldona V. Jobnaoa, lata 14. ' aad 16, block M, Irving ton . 1 George P. Barrluger and a If a to- WH- Ham M. Laaraater. lot 16. black 20. , aauanr -laoor villa 1T6 Ska-Xaad XompaBX. of Oregon to tirace ' uioi-b la,, vity view mnrr Btbel Rutherford and huabaad to, tba.. Tula Uuarante A Truat ramuaay, eaa I . U black S . Allatlatoa addltl.ui 400 Joaapb A. Boyce and wife to B. Ituff, " ... weet H krta and 6, block o. flaaaant VlaW , ., if-ifr i ini'.. 1 1 vrr . . . ; 1.000 faaaph Cloaee -aad rlfe to A. O. IfaU. ota a ana a, dnk-k vs, taat t'ortiana., . i,a W. M. Oardner aad wife to B. H. Wlana- . bub. north M 10 (eet of weet 40 feet lot A. black 018. Holladar addltloa .. TM Juliette B. Hobeoa ta H. j. Hrwatt. 0 .. acraa beglnauuj aaat - of aouthweatv , corner e eet loo. (1, tewnahlp 1 aortb, rauaa 0 eaet 1.000 J. J. Kadderly aad wife ta B. B. glo---. aort at at., lot a an-, ataca uw, BarawiianrT.-:""'.T.-...-T7.-. . ld.000 Andrew Kaa and wife ta JUlpb W. , bMaltk, traatae, aunayalopa, aacttoa ' 81. townabla 1 north, ranae 0 aaat. . rirept lot gj of aalrt aildlitiin 1 Tha klur aaiata to I. Vaaduyn, lut a. black SB. Klna'a Btmnd adrtltlon..... 0,600 .TOO -BIO ' 0M Otta j. Kramar to Julia M. Ptttapfaf. iota im , ieck , wiuiama Aa- ' nna addition ............ ........ i , WllUaat at. Ladd aad wtfa ta Andrrw Kaa, S.21 acraa aartloa (1, toaruahly " 1 north, raoaa X aa.t ................. aTultnomah Kal Batata aaaorlatloa ta John A. Prataar, lut 10. Muck la, Wll- ' taoMtta ...w atultooBak - Baal Batata aaaodatloTt t 1. B. la1I, lot 11, kleck 1, winam wtta Job a M. Ptttaiifar at al. ta H. Jaaaan, lot a. Mora l, auoaiTiaum n, m. alum I ji iiiiiiiiiii .! Wmiii.h. I ! Bul 1 VI Catr. Wllllaai II. KllltBcaworta t aL to Cbarlea t. Prank, lot 10. block 01, ' nuuui sera ...... Title Guarantee A Ttaat conipany to . . . n ... . , a mm a : .DOB ' rmwrr, Mvm m hm i -- . . i 4 .iiiid 000 1,600 1 n.iaaa a okwju ....... Xatna B. Miner aad hneband to Stepbea ..... .a .1 , . I. aeuni, AO acrae . . w tepbea Hading aad wife to Loaa B. Miner, la acraa aocuua it, a nuib, n. V . Point View keal Batata company to A ug ii in a, aw ww mwm w, - " , - soo, roini tiww " "V . Thoaiaa U Oarlaad to Ketta A: OarUad. ZO.eillW teet eoBuaeacina aorio muw Waahlngtoa neer Inter aectioa aaat Ilea j Twentieth ........ t A. Hoffman to Amanda M. Mcnola, lota a ana e, otoca a, roriani.o - t Vaaduya aad'wlie' to H. A. Tbomp-: Mm - . M ak 1 4 . L. gff fB&aut 1 a wmw oa 60 000 ' 000 la d.000 10 aon, toi. a ana a, oioce i. tv..- W. O. Wilier aad wife to H. A. Thoajp.- bob, lot it, ana J, oiov r. A. B. BlcWrdao"'ud 'wlf U f. J. Bagren,' VIxitWH reet m 'i .- . .i b .HI.Imm - Arlete Lend coaipanr ta""0. N. BUlr. lot IT. block 6, Arleta Park P.. ... Bmll Oreaa ta M. Appleatoae. part hrta and 6, block 030, elty .............I Sharif f ta Yonng Mca'a Aaeoelatloa. lota T and 8. block ii, troTer e ... BherlTf t Toong" -MarTg Obi lalaa Aaeacla.-- noa.. iota i aaa a, . - "r 404 ;V1 '" 00 &0 Wtniam Beldt and wlfa t Fr ink Kler ... m? aa lut A. block. 2li,- Aloya Harold to Adolpb Praall, lot T. block . jnrit. Electric " Thaddeua W. Vreeland aad wlfa to V B. Hlcka. lot T, block 0, Braaa- addl- Toung Men1 ChriitYa'a Aaaoctatloa to 4eorge w. noera. ioia " . . . . , ..,i,i... B. K. cot ad w:fa lo Cbarlra 1 lohr tot 18, hierk bo, ixmnwi .......... VI. V. lafta rn H. H. Brlgga. art 0, black 3. Oak "ark aditlcn C. II M-kllB to M V. Tqftn. ame prop- Bertha Ba'am 'ta'cha'rlay B Hodgdoa .at aL, lot B, BIOCB IU, veaiar liL J. Tabor at al. to Florence B. laj- Ilnga, tract u ana w -f block 4, Blcbtnona, aai rorjiaau . . . . . Staling. ta. L. Hlrw-k . bract u ana mm o, w .4, Blchmood ,......... ; M U Holbrook and wife to Bamnel Brlttoa. lot 0, block 8, Court Plata. I BI. John . r. ...t.. . .tt..i-. om.i. iiii.nnh. As Truat enanpany to t A. Bl Btpne. lot 0 and 4. block 0. TBouth8t. Johna Oat roar Inanranca aad btracta to real eatate from the Title Guarantee A Troet eoapaay. 340 Wahuigtira atraat, NOTICE.- CALL for Sealed Blda for tba BreetloB af a Coartbooaa Building. Notice ta hereby glrea that the county eourt of Columbia county, Oragna. will, oa Aprfl 10. isoa, at 10 a. am., conalder blda for the erection ef a coart houae building at the city of St. Helen, la said eoantr and atata, according ta tba plana . aad atiedficatloaa af the architect a, Meaara. Rendrlcka A Toby, of Labhe Imtldlng, Part. Und. Oregon.- and to be completed by Jena ary 1, 1107. aad alao for furniahlng the aia tartab) 4o -bo fomlahed by owner," to-wlt: Vault doora. Jail attlng, ate., aa act forth la aald aaedflcetlona. - All blda abould be addraaaed ta H. nender ao aounty clerk. St. HHeoe, Columbia - couaty. Oragoa, and eerh bid Btoat trn an eoaipanled by a cartiflrd check, payabla to tba order af tba county treaaaree of aald county, foe 8 per cent ef amount of bid. mw aaiailtr that tba bidder will. If bte bid la accepted, at oace antee Into, a - contract with said county court for the erectloa of aald conrthoaee building according to aald plana and kpeclacatloaa. and wltbla the time herein allowed. .. . ' .V ' Plan and BDeclflcatlanB of said building ' aiay be area and conaulted at the ofdea of tba county clerk ef aald eoonty, at St. Helena, or at the office of tba ahoee-aataed arrbltecta. Tba aald eucceaefnl bidders will be required , fnraleh a bond with euretlee to be approved by aad county roart. In the aunt of oaa third of the a mount af their bid, conditioned ' upon the faithful performance af any eon tract or agree meat entered tat between them and aald county mart. The eoanty court reaarra tk right to reject gny or all blda. By erder of the eoanty court af Oolnmlba county,-Oregon, - tile tenth day of March, 180. -H. HKNnBKSON, . tr.--Connty Clark, i WB. th anderslgnd furniture and pUno aieaeia. will rrta'.a i Ilia payent af bH charge noon d'lleery of gooda after fiecem ' ber I. 1006: H. C. Heart. Q. p. Barder, O. P. Haaaey. Onagrora Bma., Portland Ta- - lleery Co.. Poet Special nellrery Co., Pack ago Dellrery Co.. Holman Tranafer Co., Korthweetera Tranafer Co., Aretron Ante rtee- , patch Co.. Joha- llemnton'. Jenies Mclindea, Owes McXIndea. Pacific Transfer Co., Oregna .Tranafer Co., Portlaad Tea' A Storage Co., Wakemaa-Moree . Tranafer ' Co.. Eaet Sid Transfer Co.. C. O. Pick Traoafer-A Swiraga . Co., C M. Olana, Baggage A Omnia Trana fer .Co., A. J. Murphr. Kadderly Tranefer - A -Commlaeloa Ov John A Loae. Andrew J. Murphr. r. M.. IrelasdV-r. Millar, finch . A Beaderaoa. . a. B OTIC 8 OP PIMIOLUnO.N. Portland, Oregon, Marsh IT, 1SA. Notice, la hereby glrea that the copartnership drriug baelneaaander tba name of the W11try-8nith Harness Company baa tbla day dbiaulred, and that C. A. Wilier ' and Jnfea Upton hare surceedrd to the huaf. aeaa of the Arm, and will collect ell debt ' and pap all tba HablUtlea of the Oral. : r. A. WILI.BT. " ' ', ;. P. M. RMtTH. ,' ADCLPMIS WItXBT. WO wlah to annnuaca that wa bar aerered oar Bartnarablp wltk W. L. Diet. The firm will be known hereafter aa Keg later. Penleoa A Co.. 1074 Third t. MEETINQ NOTICES. THB annual meeting of the stockholders af tba Oregon paraltnra Mfg. Co. wtll be held at tba effflee of the eoapaay, 1010-1270 Ma cadam mad, Portland, Orrgoa, oa Wednee- ' day, March 3. Iwoa, at 4 p. m., for tba Burpoaa of a leering th board of dlrectora for lae eneulng year aad transacting anon, other bnelneaa aa may properly coeae before th - aorhaoUatg' meeting. . ........ S-LAnXOCB USMa. Fraaldaot, . , A f J-. ) 'srr, ,7- 7 Nltn AAA- ' rTi rA MEETING NOTICES. WBBPOOT caaip meat rrerr Friday Bight in W. O. W. ball. Teatll ana Washington Tttieaie niirht thert will be a champ loo plllow-aBr ror tao !4 - lb. ! attta. STaVr. ,-a4a. JliltWj; '"-?; ZL. .a iii i. . m nnit.ea wh it oirarf Mi' nnflir dlrtKtlDB f tU team. All frlate of th . . . 1 . M w-mi A.ula.) Ba4 MtVanlPAa A. U IAHBUK, Liera MACCABRK8 Portlaad Tent, Ha. I BMOta orary Tburaday algbt la K. af P. ball, Marooea ; bldg.( rUltora ra w.leoni. LAK(Jt LOST AND FOUND. ....mial woteh. near Malar A Prank'a, or IB Mnnt"mery jL cara. or oa Mala St. Brtura to 241 Waat Park iTTTBa. vara. - - 0TRATE1 or Stolen from Copenhagen Bran.1 - B. B.- ramp, at Moaat Pleaaant. Waablagtoa, . 1 gray aerae. weight l.ouO lbe. bay aura. - weight 1.4O0- lb. Urd Copanbagea Bro., . Waahougal, Waahlngtoa. LOST Pemale Scotch collie dog; collar with . Iteeaee Ne. 00., Return ta 036 East riaadara t.. or pboa Baat T. Reward. LOST Boa ton bnll terrier pup. Under pleeee retora ta Baa Broa.' broom factory, lltk aad - Loirejoy. ar 860 Marahall. Beward. LOST Byeglaaaea la ease, chain and Pla at. tarbed. bstwaea 82S Kearney nd Peldao- aimer a. Hewara lor return ie ava vuia lug. 3 6 0. Bli : LOST Betweea BnlUday are. aad Baraald anog-e, pair nmieeo naueo, . torn ta acoemmod.tWm dank, Old. Wottaaa King. HELP WANTED MALE. MBit aad woajca t Mara tba barber trad la eight weeka. ma anar -oysieai o toohw bare epeoed one af their faLaona bartwr acnoile In Portlaad; graduatee aara froaa 118 to 028 per week; only reliable barber collage ra the 1 1 111 in irvn, - - ldnti he llltlj nd gat anaetal ratea. Molar 1 iyateia Oollegea. 35 N. 4tb at.. Portland.' Or. and malignant dleeaeeer call or wrlta. . Bad Croaa plapeoeary. Third aad Aak eta. . " SALBSMCN WAMTBO Par aa af the largest anraertee la tha waat: eaaa aaeaaeaa weeaiy oa erders; good territory opee. - Addroea Waahlngtoa Baraary Co., Top pen! ah, Waaa. WANTKIXe-1,000 men. a bars aad ba treat fx. jm coaea at.-' wa teeca tee iraoe. TBLF.OBAPHT taught frea by expert opera tort beginners' riaea Terming; aaranc atnoanis rfeeted. Call 11 . m. to 1 p.-as.' aad m. 810 Chimber Commerce. . GOOD jobber ear furaace men; good wagea ror toa ngai oien. ppir a. r. vaen aneov Metal Work compear, Tate WANTED Aganta ta aoilcit for aid reliable concern: liberal camaissMa. uau aaray, Tenth St. ; - WANTED Polisher. Home 8 team Laundry, MeMianniie, or. AOBNTS WANTBD ta aU inperloe. hlgb-grade auraery atock; complete outnt rnrmahea tree; cakh weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Or agon. . . .. DBDO CLE EC WANTED. Call BBS Mlaala- alppl are. WANTED A Orat-claar cutter ' aad machtae. .nun. for anedel -work -la .nlanlns-mlll: mnat anderstand detail And lumber. Apply Satur-4 oay nerwaen ana a p. m.. at in rirai au, or adtlreaa U T, care Journal. ........ r. NOTICE Wanted, boo eat, ataady young Baa to Inraat 76 ana aerrieaa; aaa make a i per weak. . U 10. car Journal. BLACKSMITH for carriage, wsaoa and general . repair werk, ta take one half mtareet In a foo aaop; Al cnaneo tor a gooq.aaacnanie. nqutre of J. B. Haeeltlne, Portland, ar ad drees Joha atrlblck, Poreet Grora, Or. COOT) cabinet-maker wanted: good wage I tba right man. Apply i?a at auta at. ' WANTED Por United Statea Army, aMa-hodleO auwaiiled mek betwaaa-ag af 01 nd 36, eltl- naaa af United Rtate. of rood eharapferT aad temperate hablta. wba oaa speak, reed - and write English. Apply to Recruiting Of ficer. Alneworth blk.. Third aad Oak sta Portlaad, O r t go n. - - - : i WANTED A eonpatant experienced men - ta toke charge af planing mill: good position to right pereoa. Addreea, with references, Mlcbl - (ea Lumbar Co., Aberdeen.. We ah. WANTBDOn Tntabar-grsdar- for plantag-mltt and ear flremen; night werk. Oregoa A WnbJDgtoa Lumbar Co., South Portland. TF.LEGBAPHY taught thtwoaghly, quickly; lot aa a bow you oar memoa: aey ana area. tufa,' elaeaeo. CalL Pacifle Telegraph lnatl- 408 Btaaraa oiog. AN EXCELLENT onportonlty for right party -u- wha - eaa-. aril . Ore or . accident insortac, Tborntoa, 81T Chamber ef Commerce. GOOD hoy wanted at Duuham'a, 08uj first st.; Srt. HELP WANTED FEMALE. A MIDDLE- AOFD woman, capable af taking charge of bouae. ana who eaa conk, cea aara petntaeent ewipleyieeot aad good wagea ay applying at 661 Rodney ar.. comer Knott; amall family and all modera coarenlenceaj aaat bara refereocee. HANSHN S LADIES' AGBNCT, 40U Washing, (on St.. ear. Sereatb. upetalr. Pboaa Mala 0890. remele help wanted. WANTBD Lady Kpeneaeed la bnernaa ta art - as solicitor for - Inraatment brokersga eeae pany. Apply at 604 Dekna bid., ctty. WANTED At 0S Sixth at, apprentice aad eewtng girl. . . SENSIBLE woman, beet character and- la . flr.ence: moat bar earning ability aad Wader- ablp. M 11, cara Journal MANICURING taagbt by thoroughly competent and reliable manlcurlat. Office 16 Lewie bldg. GIRL wanted ta preee ladles' skirt. 1. En tails. OH Alder et. WANTED Prret-rlaaa waltrea at Hobert-Uur. tls, 14th aad Jefferaoa eta. W AH TIC D Competent girl for general beaas.;- anet ba good cook. 100 14tb at., betweea Waahlngtoa and Alder. WANTED Well-appearing; ladle, agee IV) te 88, for eutalde work. Apply 168 Fifth at. WANTED Immediately, reeperrahrs emmen under 40 as houaekeeper, widower, oa farm; an ebieetloae one child! Rwedtah preferred. S30V TarnblM. Mala 8418. -- ------ MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and supplied, male or femele. B. 0. Drake. 806H Wnahlngloa St. Psdaa 1.TT0. SITUATIONSW ANTED MALE. OBEB reliable yonng bmu would Ilka- ta Join and aaalat aarreyln ee proa pectin pan; wagee no object. Addree RobL E. Edwarda, general daUeary. city. WANTED Br young man, work la office or atore, mornlnga, attend bnelneea college after aoana; prefer office work. V 16, JouraaL SITUATION waated by young aan 10 year af aga; goad refereocee. Addreea W 10, Journal. WANTED Situation by mi asd-wlfa as eock - la logging a railroad camp. , W 10, Journal. WANTED Sltatttoa by Ifeady reliable yoang aaa la wholeeale-boueo. ar any kind of work ' at tbla kind: rafareacea. U 1. aara Journal. WANTBD Ta alear a large tract of Mad aa contract; ea lake ICO acre ar mora. Ad dreea 0 18, cara Journal. PI ROT-CLASS stationery engineer wante attna tie In or oat of city; good referesc. A. D, Uerr, room 6.- Merokanta' hotel. TOUNrt maa ef affW experience wants pool - f Ion in atore or office;, competent bookkeeper and ' typewriter, neat peojaaja. . irtlraa X . I, aara eVmraai. - ... -. SITUATIONS wAnTEDFEMALE fOUNG UdyTealraipearriang erork la do at borne eeoulna-e. each ee eoertnat lettera. addreeelog anreWpea, wrappera or any klad .of -irvewrlfl ng work: awna L'uderweod aa cniae. il i, cara aoraa. .. alTUATIOIt fire .WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; something new; - - big wagea. 3ud McKay blag. eelleri WB want reliable men In erorr towa la Oreroa ta aall e1k aad accident loanranca. PaclO Aid aaaoclatloo, 000 Dekaas bldg. MALE aad female, a aojldtore for iBraataiaat . brokerage aempany. . Apply at SO Dekua bldg. - . .- 'I . LI VS canraaaar for choice territory t eutflt rurnaiDeo frea; pl anap. For full particulars -EMPLOYMENT-AGENCIES. iCANDIN ATIAN-AMERICAN ' BMPIiOTMBNT ""Co., 0 North Secoad.v furulsbee-ait trade- em '' ployaeat for mea aad wotaea. Mala BOM. THB Portlaad Employment ., 0O6H Morrlaoa at. ' Pboaa Pacific 088, . . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPPICB. J0B.A1XN. -... N N. Second Bt. Pboa Mala 1620. BIG POUB BMP. AGENCY Help (applied free. 10 North at. aula win. JAPANE8E-CHINERS EMPLOYMENT OPPICB. n.njr Tahara. 367 Ererett St. Pbai cllc 640. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED A d ar A room rot tag aa the ba atallmant plaa. Upper Albiaa or Highland; alao aome pood ealley farma. If yo ar anskm la aall, list poor property with ; we bar atore borers tbaa we bare property. Marthweat Lead Co., 000-Goodaoogh bid. WANTBD Lot ar fraction, tanrored ar not. clone la: owner only. B OS. care Journal. ihM aiaaa aail. ,,-aW --' - tka. Limi .. -. . UmHu mm frlaa lenry , 0. , Brow a, 611 McKay, Third aad Stark ate. WANTED TO RENT. WANTPT) TO BENT HOrSES."- COTTAOMI," IrLATS,, oiuaao, iiu Oar rental department baa been enlarged and provided with additional staff. - Wa Inrlt . listing from LANDLOKDS, after peiaaaal attenfiob to and continuous nperrlaloa arer all property la true ted to emr MRTLAND TBUST COMPANY OF OBBOOBt B. B cor. Od and Oak sts. Pboaa Eg. TO. k WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED T borrow 11.600 for ana yaarv will . - - . 1 . MU - . , 1 pay o pe cw ,- ... care JouraaL WANTED Ta borrow 0600 a Orst-clsaa . canty. IJerare joaraai. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS - PAINTING, (praying and whitewashing tree. basements, be roe, oocaa. eta., urgeei ganuae apraytiur eqtflt ea tha ooaat. M. G. Morgaa M Co02l Union are. Pboaa Boat talT. W A N'TED atocks ef Baaeral mstrhandlae er r drrgonda, boot and shoe, etc, for which I will par reek l will deal with actual swum aoly. Addraea r. u. aoa v. a.igi, ur. . B. N. MOBOAN, pioneer eprayar and wMte t waanar. call urc pzaa; reioemoer ina aaye B. N. Morgut 11 y T la kuslaeas la Port- WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t HIOHBITT CA8S PRICE PAJD for fanrirafa ta any quantity; alao taa aaa an camaiesion and guaraatee beat reanlta. - The Portland Auction Booaa. A. Rchabacb atop.. All Itrat at. Pboaa Mala booS. WA wJaaV care Journal. 8PBAYINO and pruning of fruit traoe; white- waahlng ar oorts an naacmcaia. v. Pones. Scott 666. WB WILL BUY. SELL OB TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN BAL,VAn t-U., SH IS WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TOO. WANTED Well -broken team. I to 8 years old, weight near 1.000 lbs. Foater A- Kleiner, Fifth and Ersrett st. WANTED Mecoad-hsnd 0-buieuuwr wtaaar -- gins; aast be cheap for cash., Pacific 1810. WANTED Complete eeeood-btnd aatj New In ternational Encyclopedia, 00 sola., cloth or half Rueela; muat be la good condltloa aad ' rery cheap. Addreea W. car Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE BICHBLIETf, MVk HOBTH SIXTH ST. uegaatly BarBlaaao. aleam aaa aaa same. THB GBAND.'dOH North Third St. Boosa fat gentlemea gl.w pee wees aaa up. U3 TW ELFTH Nicely . furnlahed. laa bay window room; rreeoneble; new Baaagaataat; ' free phone aad bath. NEATLY furnlahed mom, close la, west aid: - bath, gaa, phone; is per month, vail ' Inge, 128 North 13th at. THB BISMARCK, formerly the Cbedoa, ear. Fifth aad Alder; a few alee cleaa rooms for rent at 01.06 pa week.' , HERE IS . HO; CHANCE . For an . argument u to ., whether JOVRNAIa want . . . ada par or not' The- al- " ways pay If ther aak anp- . i t - thing eonslataDV, There sr . many people In Port- . ', 'v ra tontrr-th'-: oemebody . Is , Qualified to mi na aort of - b waat . If you want ' ' '" " . -' ". ' ; I : . To F-I-H-B -POSIfIGN Or somebody to fill a pol- : V -. Hon,'' If you want to find th ' -loser or the finder of . An .. . article; If you want to find' A landlord or a tenant ' y -. , . . tl . - 'r 11 TRY oo I : A JOURNAL -.'.WANT AB! FOR RENT hOUSEKEEPINO St. TB PEB WEEK Large, claa. faratahed houaakeeplng ruojua ; lauadry and bath. 184 Sbarmea, South Portland. THB MITCHELL. Plana aad v Hoe me, kouaekaepiag and Uaaaieat; .aaa - senlent; pHcee reaaoaabla. I tl 06 WEEK ap, clean, furnlahed aoaaekeaplng ruuma, with yatd.- partor.- laundry -be th.- fur nace beet. 0084 Staatoa st. V ear. . . S PUBNI8HED keeeek eepl ng-raoma. tMaaaabI; gaa, phooa aad water free. Baat 4IW8. . .. t WELL-PUBN1SHEO beueekeeplng-rooma ea flret Ooor oC modera home; reeaonsble to ' right party. 60 reartt at. Pboa Faatt 1324. THB HALL, 414 Fifth Boome. Magi a a eulta. farnlahad for light heaaekeeplng. HOUSEKEEPINO-BOOMB Cor peat, 10T Utb -. t- - Mala 4868.-'; CNPT7RNI8HBD houaekeeplng -rooaa, 100 Wt Prk. Pboa Pacific OlT, . ROOMS AND BOARD. ONION HOTEL, 81 North Slith t.. aerrea the beet meal; rataa, room 1, hoard per weak. t. Andaraoa, prop. CAN aocommodat more day Taylor, at. At ijd per w. THB UNDBLL Market at-, bet. ' l.lrd and . Fourth. New family hotel; all ap-to-date aonranleacaei llrat-elas dinlng-rooai aerrlce; ratrr raaannahla i BOOM and board tor 0 quiet aaa. ar Bate , aad wife. 024 Beat Morrlaoa at. DE8IRABLB roome with board: front Butts - euttaMe for three or four; modem I rataa rea aonabie. 41 jerrereow. rnooe ataia awa. FTJRNISHED ar nn furnlahed roome, with ar without board, at Bid 16th at. Paoaa Mala ' 1003.' . '.........., i BOOM ' AND BOARD, with bath for laboring aaa; 010 a month. Phoaa laat 6086. TWO geatleroen wanted te reoa aad board; prrrete family; 14.60 gar week. 438 stark at. THB elegant 'flPWpdJaBd." 088 Sixth .. a geaMioaaaiawMaaaMawaaaeaam.wanraY room and board la town; cooking par excel lence. Phone Mala 8260. BOOM and board., twd gentleaasa, $86 a mouth. or one, w. lis n. iota ex. raosa aam aeue. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDBBI.Y'TBANSFEB CO.. prompt aad re- liaai pien and rnrnitnr moTra; a wo ersr age. Phone Mala lnoa.. Offlea 110 M. Third. TBI CONTINENTAL COMPANY . 048 ST A It K ST. . INSUBAHCB. . BBNTALS. SEW IAWT. 108 KENT-efodera 0-rnom cottage corner But Eighth aad Xrerett. Ha- 690 SECOND ST. Modera e-roea ba I rant 828. Phone Mala 4404, FOB rant or leeee Furnlebed 0-rooa ooctere to respoaalbla people without children, call er -any none ouaoay, aw v iii ' at., north, near VLaaoa. . TEN-BOOM bouse, wltk summer dlnlDf-rooaa. at taa tad 8T M. lit at. inquire ou Mackay bldg. " - ' T-BOOM bouae, modern, aawly papered and Minted throughout, 46T Tenth t. Apply P. lu Banting, reoa v weroaaxer oiog. ,, MEW T room farnlebed baa. 111 per Baeath. Tslcnbooa East autn. TIN-ROOM houee, with summer dining-room. til lie In 4 Tf ri, ntn gfc iri ' - room wa Macleay bldg. ' too lUBNISHED 6-roora bona, good location. z . . . - i ... . . .. i . I water aad pboaa. Pboaa Mala 6871. -. POR BBNTi Hon,. 11 rooms, amdera Imprar. menta. . b uta at. apply an ma aa 10 PBK MONTH Furnlahed A room eottag who woaa nna waxar; larso yarn oau oou a-;,an-bouea. 088 Baat Second at., eoruer Mill FOR BENT Nice T-roota boose. lot lOOilOO, full rarlety ef fruit ana ehmnnery, umrereiiy Park. 016. Phoaa Baat 6136. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNt TURE FOR SALE.- 1100, A SNAP V-roeaa furnlahed hoaae far rest, rurniture ror aaia; a Boaeeaeepina-eimms par rent of hone a; One earner locaooa. D 11, car Journal. rUBNITT'KB ef a 1 IV room aows far Sale; nrioe gaao. Mala 4868. 6-ROOM eottage for rent, new furniture fee I aehr-cheep, strict iy- sentrei,-at tow iwnt. f Phone Pacific OlT. . - -J - I FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OPPICB rooms,' uafurnl.bed roome aad eample . rooma for rent, Ceodnoagh elds. Apply ele vator. PART of large corner store for rat Inquire F. B. Beach A Co., the Ptoaeer Pal at Oa, Plrat and Alder eta. - FOR RENT FARMS. FARM for ceek rent fur term af Ore yean; 100 aerae, 60 in culrlrarton. 1.000 Omit tree, running water. ' M. O, Oakley, Nwerg, Oregoa. FOR RENT FLATS. 8-ROOM flat for rent. 1B; water paid; as aaall klldrea. 626 Mill. - FOB BENT 8-roota flat, aodera la rery way; adult only. Pboa Mm 87gT. FOR BBNT T-room modem now flat, 647 a Slsth et.. aeer Jackaoa. Phoaa Pacifle 6S A. H. Maegly. 210 Fourth at. MODERN 6-room flat; heat, water tneluded. The Garland. 821 Waahlngtoa at., aear 18th. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BENT ta ctty, 8tt aerae vttbl tat gardening. - Inquire 000 Fourth. BUSINESS CHANCES. WB hare wheat land, atock land, frtttt land. acreage, Imnrored and unimproved dty ' property, end a good sschangs list.' See ne before buying. Nortawas! Lead Co., Sod tMooaough Bldg. SBS or writ -P- Hers A Os.' far af aad profitable InTeetaeat. . 000 McKay bldg., Portland, Oregon. - - -. ' - - HUBST Automatic Ballroad Switch stock eold . at big dlecouBt. Apply to W. J. Cart!, 018 Commercial blk. ' Pboaa Mala 8384. WHO IS M. 0. MOBOAN A CO.t FOR SALB General law bnelneaa eatahllabed la lf)4; of dee library and Ssturea, county aaat In thriving county, aaetern Oregon; 18.000, half cnah. Balance- on tlmej object retire frea bualneee. Addreea P. O.r cere Journel. . FOR SALB 14.000 Department atore ta Wil lamette valley town of O.OOO population; only atore of thla kind; a good opening for twa ' buitlere. Addree M C car Journal. -- PARTNER la well-eatabllahad real aetata . bnelneaa ; axuat be good rustler. - L 0, JeoroaL LA ROB or email roomtng-koaaea for aala aa . terme by H. H. Hlgley, roota 00, S27V0 ' Waahlngtoa at. - WANTED 03,000 A manufacturing eoacera wltk wholesale and retail trade ber la city want th above amount foe additional work ing eepltali party aan take permanent In ' tereet in bnelneaa of withdraw money oa 10 dare' notice; office position open to competent men; money turned ever every 80 deys st ' good profit; fully secured. W IT, Joornsl. BA YB TOO HEARD f th Cardinal atae thh mine that will make Oragoa famonat Samples aad full particular room 004 Dekum 'bldg., cor. Third aad' Waahlngtoa, Portlaad, """Oregoa. -1 -.-- ...... BAKERY FOR SALE 1260' win boy ay la. . tereat In a aoorlablng bakery; food rente, Sood bualneee; aiekaeee rea aoa log paUlas. ddraea W- 12, cue Joaraal, ; -, , BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED lady with a Httle axmey ta take charge of a rooming houae Sea li. 11. Hlg lay. -Xtl Vaehlngtun tl. BEwT-PAYINQ amaU raetaurant ba Waablaa tua St. for sals. W 16, care Journal. WANTED A partner In a well estshllebsd balneeT TbTl fMaXffeKiitrlMI V 8126 AND SERVICES for attendln of flee will buy half lataraet la good baalneee) laraatV aiau uoai a, U2ts uraoa are. IT-ROOM rooming-hoaae, on ef the beet loaatad la elty for business; always full; 0700 take ... aee aaurriaoa at. . IP you want a new home ea the weet aide, walking? distance, modern and a anap at 2,400, H eaaa, addreea 0 IT. care JouraaL PBEB rooat to permanent lady aad gentle tnea roomera: houee under new management center of ctty; one weak frea each Bantu; . est ear prlcee. ' U 14. car Journal. 1 FOB SALB One-chair barber a nop at Caere 4 e rocks; only ahop. ta towni tools and all, lot). Call or addraea A. W. - Xoung, Cascade Mwaa, vti - i PARTNER with v)0 and aervlcee; will bear cioeeet. lnveatlgatloa. 180 Morrlaoa at. 0300 AND aervlcee of an expaHenoad traveling eaieemen wiu nee bio. to ouu nor month: don't a newer anleae you naaa bualueee; give reierenoee aaa etate experience, u 10. Journal. IF yoa want, a good paying reeteurant or frety cir t ' 188 Morrlaoa . at . WB bar a good location for blacksmith ta oontry Iowa. 888 Burnelde st. WANTED Msn with 18.000, for Jsasstewa bog 188. POB BBNT, CHEAP Ftrrntahed reatanrant ana oakery, complete; alas amall store; long lease. Apply after 8 p. m. at 846 Morrl- aoa st. . - IDAHO, OH, IDAHO! Writ at once for tn- rorniatloa aoncartxlna lanna. bnelneaa amn. Inge, atockral.lng, orcharding, climate, aoli,'4. etc.. ia oeatirni oaLnweatern laano. tjoun- t rratt Xttrnrnarcltl CTnb, Cormcll, Idaho. Box flJ MEAT-MARKET, alanghtar-beuae aad all ap- Btirrananraa, including ooe acr or ground. In thriving railroad town; price 02,600. Call 009 CoramaaTtat blk. ' x ix - OILT-BDOB Inrestinerit Jt tske Immediately or aai or Teierere-e; xnra ana- acuiaenr in nrano bualneee; half or all. T 0, Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. aBtrrieyee.ei..e.w..t ACKB TBACTSt OCB SPECIALTY IS ACKB TBACTSt FaU Msed etreeta, water 0a ack aer ' TBBMS ! PEB ACBB CASH 10 PBB ACBB FBB MONTH. ; . Toa ge to thee aerae aa the aame ear, ay the aaaaa 8 far the lot maa pare. The lot. aea la your neighbor, but he hf re atrtcted la aajorlty ef featsraa that auk a true (ubttrbaa home. Opea Wdnedy and Batarday valng.... -L A. 0L CHURCHILL A CO., iVQ. -- . 110 Socoad St. . . . ; t' FOB SALB By owner, two new modern boueee. betweea xaa ana aexn. aa naeca, moiiaaer Park; alao furnish lot nnd build. B, B. Bice, 882 Sandy road. Phone 103. : CHOICE lota, by awaer, oa aad aear r . . . . II .OAS AM..,!. . eaey lorme. nwi aaai, aaww a,,Mau, . . Portlaad boulevard. S. W. CORNER Maaoa and Commercial at.. 100 X10O, 1 hlocg' rrora car; wu tocauoa, oooios neighborhood.- 60 Davla at. 0MB' fine 00-tcrtr tncts lir -miles fmin M1Hj . wenkle; 1 to la acree improveo, wiia no - fruit treeel tbaa tract can be- had at a bargain If take a at once: alao other, good " acreage Bear th lty. "W. A. Morahwia, 1670 Bast 18th St. Pnoa awuwaoa l SMALL gen. mdee. buildings aad lota, 1.6O0( M S. r Journal; 1 ACRES and small bona, 1 acr amall fruit. gooa tocauoa, Honravuia. a tana aa. vr iuhv. Telephone Boat 4122. . POB SALB OB BENT New modera 6-raota cottage, wiia actio, ewcirwj ngaii am.ra ale cheap; bouae built ea may terme: ln vaetlgate. - Owner, Holgat and Beat 16th, block frea Sellweed-carUne. 10 LOTS for aala at Center eta t loo. Oak Grove; SHOO; ternra. Inoulra wa. Lera, oaa uror a tattoo. - W. H. MOBEHOI'SK, - . 16T0 East 18th at.. Sellweed, Pkene SeUwood T4. Tb lanreet II et of Improved uinpeity In BeUwood. Komee from 0600 lo 06.000. Boas addition, the greet factory sltsi lota 15 dowa aad 86 per aionth. COMB aarly aad gat, your, chotca af the. ,fin lota betweea 4tn ana otn bib l Bioca amtrh of Hawthorn are, eerllne; price only 023S per lot; term, 10 par aKath. M. B. Lee. H Sixth at. LA BOB 6-room ap-to-date eottage, 01,880: (200 am, balance in eaar aionuuy payaant. Owner, phone Beat 078. - -. -- BEST BUY ON THB BAST S1DB Fine building xe oetweea eexa ana eoia sts. , )ast 1 block south of Ha a thai a va, car line; price euly 238 per let; ternta, flO per aaanth. M. B. LEE, 03U Sixth t - LOOK Choir lot on Base at: 0 others adjoin ing ; 11 ror fl.sio; muex ee eoiu aa owes. Cell 810 McKsy. Tbtrd aad SUrk. SELLWOOD LOTS. 00 down and 08 a month; rroa ao ao iaiu. eiuma 4vww,, w Phone gtaai I 4704. FOB BALE T-reon Bandera bouae In Irving. toa; part eaaa. oaiaaca a years, woum rem partly farnlaked - te desirable tenant. L 10, care Jearnal.- CHOICE reeldsae o oa Fargo st., bat. Unloa aad Hon aey avea. - inquire eoi nnun ex., aeraes block. Pboaa Beet 0168. ... IP YOU want to build, bay 11 roar materia la at th America a Inn; yon will aara 76 per cent; Due door, Inflows, nisstsr ooe rue, rustic or aiding, flooring, stairs, timber aad lumber. . Phoaa owner. Pacifle 107. POB SALB AT A BABOAIN A On atock ranee, containing anonr g ram aerae; all ander fence; altuated aear Roee barg, Orngon. aa S. P. R, R.; thla le one of tbe beet atock r ansae In the county; I alee have e net ber good stock rsnge containing 1.420 acree, which will be aold at very low uric. Por particulars addreea J, B. Sathar- II n, owner, Boaeberg, Oregoa. f. " - - WILLAMETTE. West eeeldenre nsrt of tbs nenlnsula: only a . few lots left In Wlllsmette; tske roar choice 1 BOW; 811 IOTS sro ovsxou raii va.Tn, fM lcsah. 05 per month. Apply C. A. Zygowakl. WHiamatTB axarion. ON TO HOTEBt - , , i;p TlsK cuLiuairiiai ' ' Begatar etev mere from Portia ad ' etieepeet ' ratea from tba soaat ta Inland points; ne : ea ad. heavy anil- perpetual water right wltk ' each tract, eerlleet prod n era, laegat prlcee ; ' Ike Callfarala of the NorthweakN Writ FIOVER LAND CO.. : Borer, Waahlngtoa. FOR SALB CHEAP-4 and 7 -room bonne; and. srn; psrx esao. etu uarnein nve, iih Wood law s ear. " Pboaa Beat 8641. NICB hone end aesrly 0 kits, 4.16 38d" ad Rooeerelt. Inquire Lowengardt, S3 Park St. ' HOUSES built, easy terme; raa fnraleh Vote, Miller. 013 Commercial bldg. Mala 1040. OWING tit absence front rhe-rrry- the" owner will dlepna af bt ertlatte and eomfortahie home ef 10 rooma; everything np to dat and . la the very beat condition; quite new, la a ntoet deetreble location; cara pae th houae ' every 8 mlnutee; tmmedlst aoaeeeeloa given! alao, the complete furnleblng eaa be bourlit aa it stands: perfect -la every detelL i Mee owner at 1A0 N. Slat St., cor. Irving. Call . betweea 0 and 6 p. a. ACREAOB Pertlend'a beautiful en burn, Month Mt. Tabor. Acreage, euhnrbaa homee and fruit farma South Mt. Tabor Beal Betel ' of flea. Pboa Beat 42U0. BAST STARK ST Pin new 6 -room houee with bath, basement aad cement walka, 2.0no; eaay walking distance. Klneell, 002 Coa- - aerclat blk. Mala 2b28. ... BO YOU WANT TO BUY dty lota or acreage t If oa, aea Eaat Side Real Ketat Co. Kaat ' elda property specialty. Fawtbera - ar4 aear Oraod. Fhon Eaat 100T, JOURNAL' "WantAriates , CNDBB ANT CtASSIPICATIOB 'TFlTCeiits Per Line : o ad taken for las tbaa IS pea day. bat each Una la charged regard! aaa of the number of words. VfcEKLT BATE T Inssrtlone (Incladtag oae bund ay lease) SO 0BTS per Una pal IIMIltXT-JtATaV 1aela4lag all Saadap laenea) 11 per lino per month. ADYIBTIBEBEaTTB " must " be Inoaraal bualueee office by 10 o'clock weak oaye .. aad by 10 e'olook Baturday svsnlags for the Sunday leau to aacure elaaalflcetloa. XJI8PLAY BAZAS clvea unoa (ppUeaOea tt til olflo. THE JOUMAI. - BRANCH OFFICES ';V'f...-V . -. .V '' ADYZBTIBXktXKTS . Win he received at . regular aata-edOce ratea. Following ta a list t antharlaad agent who will forward your advertta. tnaat la time for- publication ta th next tmrnuf : --. I V0XTK fmraV ' R. A. Free ton. druggist, Tnaalj1 fhllrl and Thurman atreeta. , Nob-Hill Pharmacy, 080 BUaaa tl A enrnar Twenty-fir at. A. W. Allen, pbarmarlet. Sixteen tb aaa, Marshall atraat. McCommoa' Pharatacyv Winiteaath aaA. WaaUugloa atraaia. v ... : OTTH BUTB. ':'-t"'-' B. P. Jortea A Ckv oreggurta,. Fretrt sad Glbb atreeta. Cottal Drag com patsy. First aad Grant atreeta. , rablaa Byerlcy, druggist, dOO f corner 'lanta. Ilillana's pharaaayi imnai Slat Harrison etreeta. Plummer Drug company, BOO Third earner Madiaoa. T EAST STUB. -W: S. Lots, drnggt.t, eorna Braad aad Bast Bnrnalda atraat. Nichols A Thompaoa, 108 aaaatll etree, corner Alblna avenue. Jancke Drag sompsay, earner Tfiafhaa and Grand avenuaa. - . W. C, Cable, druggist, soanar Holla' avenue a-Lrrateo tn brlda. B. A. WDaoa, 130 dbnand bibbb Bast Morrlaoa. W-- Mall. 060 i Corner atepnena. Tattle nharmaar. 080 ealxMK..iaA8.MdVarfESijNfl SaOHXAWB. V :J, frk, rb-agglat, inftj TwnTjTwL 4 - -.-"--v BUBBYSIJ r ' T. Bi Wbrth, pliMuiaalal. 0A0 1 BBOOXXYV.- Wmohtvn Phernxaee eaaiaianx. sauwaaaie i atreeta. ABLZTA. OBZOOlf. . -Artota pbartaacy. Mora and Foctar :.v. .:.:. axuwDoo. - : Hiailuil pharmacy, aoraar - Uaartflla svaaa aad Boat Tbirteaath strsot, . J!' -V.:- si, yom. . -XlUotfe pharmacy. . FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. MOUNT TABOR T rooma, betb, etabla. all kind fralt, tot lOOxiuu, Owner, 120 Tbtrd. LOTS ea Baat SOU st, gear Hnwtheroe, aatr 0260; very easy tarsoa. - W 4, aara Joarmal. 6-ROOM bona and quarter block at the eornee of But 14th aad Baacoa a la., 1 1.300, W 8, care Journal. - , JOHNSON bt.. weet td: nod A room raaV dence, only 10.600, ' Kinaall, AOS Cnmaarlal blk. Mala 8828. FOB BALE T-roota boa, fall lot. plenty ef , mill nice nomei eaay paytneexa; swnes iaav In dty. Pboaa Mala 0278. MOCLIP, WASHINGTON I OS mile north weet from HuqntaBA. aw . Grar'a Harbor. 160 mllea from Portland aad Seattle. It ta tbe Peelfle Ooaat termlnoa mi the Northera Pacifle Kallwar and ta the ' only place ta th Stat af Waahlngtoa oa tbe eceaa beach reeebed by rail. Mocllp la aura to become -the g rea teat rummer reaort la ' tha Korthwaet and a great manufacturing -, centar. I' or atore information call at reora OS Ooodnoagh bldg., Portland. NOW IS THB T1MB TO QIC IN ON THB GBOUWa PLOOB. - I HERB ARB A FEW BARGAIN! 60x200. on West 14th tt.i t . Big Interaet; pric iitwu. Corner lot, Weet loth at.llnrproTd3 aur av pwr bwl f e.' - U block a Bdat Waahlngtoa at t lacome gwoo par annum. H ' Bioca, MX autta ax., sauuaa wiaiemg ,6oa V, 8. ear JearaaL 1 SMALL eottag aad 0 lot. caasB. . Eaat 4010.- Bbaae SNAP, ta Laarerwnod; bouse, bara, lota. 11 U ACRES, all from depot, A alaahed. - plenty running water. Vi aula from aabaol - and charch: price IrtoO. R, t. TA, seat A, box T, Sherwood. Oregoa. . STBIOTLY atedara new 8-room house: choice materials, "dead" walla, beet of evarythltur aaed; west lid, walking distance, 1 block to ear: awaer will aeU fog O.eOOt 01.200 U a, ear Journal. BBMBMBBB that we are wall aoeaatatad ta all parts of tbe state, and If yoa are tonkttuj for tore (Ion. either city or country, com . ta and talk It ever with aa. North want Land Company, 008 Goadnoagh bldg. POB SALB SNAP u block la buslneea center ef Porflandi - el gfiO.000: 640.0(10 take It If tekea at food terms; don't Bias this rbane. FUtl 1 araatloa given at room 610 Marquaa bldg. EXTRA good "w e-meta kotxse en erTrn,-at- 4tMh and Dl virion eta. full corner lot. A , nice home and an extra good buy at 11,000, V WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANX. . . 201 Stark it. , . s 200 FARMS, small tract and tot; bargain ea O, W. P. electric line. O. B, Addltoa, Leata, ''. Oregoa. Take Mount Scott car. 6c 010.00 PER ACRE 810.00 IRRIGATED LAND -Crook connty, Oregon. DEED dltwat Ut. WRITE for pamphlet end map. B. S. COOK A CO.. --: OM Alder tH Portland, Oregon, FOR SALB Two 6-room eottagee. aloe tn a bergala. S6H SeUwoed St., aear Willlama BUY choir reeideace. alao bualneee property and cheep lot, - direct from owner. 600 1 Pvl( tt. ' TWO-STORY modera house. Saa Rafssl Bear Willtam a?.; prlc 12.760. - .., Corner lot on Bos St. near bridle. A room modera eottage;. a fine owner for flat; price 03,600; terms. - ... ..... .i.. I nBNBY 0. BB.0WN. 810 McKay bldg.- - CORNER 100x100. 1 block from th Portlaad,. Call 100 Park at. - R. Jenaen:- BO-(anta. . - . OBAND OPPORTUNITY Half block with 0 roam baa, ablckoa shad, -fence and fralt ; room for 4 more boeeea; ea Moont S-ott lln. In heart of auhnrba; price "eno, half raeh aad 110 per month.- Address 411 East Beta ex. i-uone seax oie. FOR SALE TIMBER. W fi bar a few ' cholc homestead claim ta - Waaco and Sherman count lee, alao a few timber rlnltne. yellow pin, over I.CXXVnoo feet. Write to ne for full particular. Hud gm Land Co.. The Dallea. Or. . . . TIMBER rellnqulabaent. 0.600,000 nine: rail road I allea; Improvement. L 12. Journal. HAVE aeveral fin timber claim for "location! no money depoalt required. 3t6 Mobawk bldg. CERTIFIED arrlp, any els pleeeef loweet prices. W, G. UaWslIi 638 Chamber ef Com- niarc. ""' t -r: - WILL locate po on timber rlalma near Comm. , Ma river; nn chitrre anleaa filing I cled. 0x1,800 Utaaarclal blk. .. . . .