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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1906)
. ... , , ,. :: ,- .v .. ' . - ... TIIEOREOON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING.' MARCH tl, ISO. s ' mm RULED OFF FOR LIFE Closing of Aacot Track Inc.. Jtni&f Withr ome-Pen aft) 'CAFFERTVNDDUNEUqCROfTaTHlSANXiOU& ARE DEBARRED FOR LIFE Walterjennlng WD1 Ship HI Bert String "irTrortei"EjriirW6l)l Tlh"FTof of a Control of Fight- Carrying Away Soma Rich StakM Dman4l 8w achoa ia Ootham The Ascot race meeting clowd Batur- a-ftepnooir-aftw-7-oniwhat sensa - tional and stormy, but an. the whole. .aucceeerni, season. The syui t was o as a rule.- and outside tha Durnell McCaf forty row and Ita attendant reve latlona there waa little to , fjlnd fault " with.-The "motion" oflfie "stewards In thia affair will doubtless Inure to tha benefit of tha turf. Durhell la holding ; on to h'a horses, at leaat tha beet of tbera, and may attempt to raoa In tha seat. Tha Paclf lo Coaat Jockey club re viewed tha eaae yesterday and Increased tha Aacot penalty by ruling Durnell and Off tBracirrorllfaTTfwnitlhoWy which will sea -to tha Issuance - b Interesting to see how they ara re- reived by tha eastern tracks In via w of tha suspension. ' J. A. wernberg. tne y eastern owner, whoaa horses were In tha bands of McCafferty, gave Inetruo- -tlone that thay ba Bold, and they werw put up at auction. jar. wem- . berg la delighted with his experience at Ascot this season, and declarea hla eol6r wlirbe borne by a strong stable - there next season. : Walter Jennings wiTTOrtp hla string. or tha beat of them, east next week or do grit t b 1 nga- 1 n'jthST J?lg handicaps aboutNewYMklhisBea . released Knapp ha has had tha negro ' jockey Williams at work. Wllllama will do the bulk of Jennings' riding In the asst. --- --a; , , Beeldee Proper," thera will ba aeveral -burses which -have v been racing ""t- Aacot -whlcl will bear watching In ... tha - east. - Qood Lurk. , Tlcbanor a ; . crack, la competent to travel in aimoat ' any company, and If ha elands tha long Journey well- and trains on ha-la likely to ba heard from. Ha leaves nothing to be desired In tna way of breeding, baiag by Sandrlngham, brother to tba famous Persimmon and Diamond Jubi lee. . . ,s. , . a a It "understood that "Brooks will re . turn as manager of tha Ascot track after thia season. Whlla absolutely nothing waa ahown against him in tha . ohargea growing out of tha Durnell ; McCafferty imbroglio, Mr. Brooks J disgusted with, tha whole affair and has made up hla mind to quit. :. - e"' e ." Tha news .that there Is a demand for bronchoa in New York at prices ranging - rrom sso to J0 is likely to causa sensation on" thej be-, "WMi'' narrated around. " Such " prices - ara unheard of. among tha ranchmen. There la no reason why "" well-trained brenohoe should not ba popular whan a L. giwi nsefil -saddle anlmsl Is wanted. Ha la nofappreeiated as hla many good qualities would Justify. Ha Is tireless, willing and whan properly broken aaay to get aiong witn. It would ba a bless. Ing to tha ranchers ahould ha become the vogua among tha rich people of tha a e Ifi a eight worth seeing ta witness -T.l . : ,TtM"B:'MBrtliaaanwafcnaa7:ifay"ara" will training ground Is off tha sea rocks, near tha Cliff house. Ha Is good eoro radea with -the -seals and declares ba gets many good pointers from - them . which help him In breaking tha records. MONTAVILLAS DOWN BRUNSWICK BOWLERS ' Tha Montavllla bowlers took all three ma. Auspacn naa tna hlah avaran. . 17 1-1; Sloan had tha highest single a Kmc, s. scores; Montavlllaa 1 2 (2) Bioan . . ; ...110 lt (44 - Auspach ,j. . .11 1(4 tl ' ISO 18. - 164 McMillan ; . -0rlir jaot-aaun 161 nt . nj Totals .119.111 Its Bnmawlcks -" ' " " (1 Hill , 117 Danford ........ ...... HI Vaughn . . f "i"iey . ,, ...... ,.U1 - Handicap . . 1 Totals i ( Tii in Flcken and. SIcMenomy losa .four game tout pin match to Jenkins and "McQrath by tha small margin of 21 pins. 8coreai - -Jenklna ' ' Average. u...:.lI 111 1IT llt- 777 nfS IfcOrath ,...-. . " 178 171 111 lift-. 711 Itl III' tit 114 1S4I Vicken- .171 114 171 171 set-. 7it Jit 7f II IfcMenomy .....lit . Ill . lit III III 14 421 -ins Ve Can Make You the Best Suit YoaEver Had oo Yoar Precious Back At II to ll laaa than moat of tha other fellows would charg yon for similar garments. Does This Interest Yoa? . " XT OTOaTT TO. Buparlativaly Fashionable - rurniahtng !Ooodt fer "Oantlaman.--' ; NorgardPetterson TAILORS v ... 133 Fourth St, Bet. Washington and . Aldce (S) (I 141 ,-142 141 ''117 8 120 141 .; 111 121 1 110 11 GALIFORHIA GUST REFlfJ BOUTS T: OF tilt DAY Boxing Contests In Bay City lutrt Be- Thorough fy-Re -ovateJ In OrdT Xq TO PURIFY THE SPORT President Harrison of Olympic Club Ing Contest That, Would B Ab olute With a View ol "Punk By Rapier. f Ban rWnWcoTMarch 21. Even tha moat rabid Of tha devotees of tha prise I ring realise ' that .suuiot ing. radical must be dona' to prevent tha city of Ban Francisco, If not tha state of California, from Joining- ajha "no-fight brigade. ' All aorta' of plana are being discussed for tha purification of the gams. Some of them are practicable, but most of them not " - One of the plana whloh seems to maet with moat favor la the placing of tba sport under some coranetent au- of licenses. the rilld enforcement ut tba Jaw governing bouts aad tha eorn- pieta elimination of fakes and -fakers. Doubtless, if something of this sort Is aona, tha game will ba. sufficiently re habilitated to preeerre It The trouble will .bo In fixing the" authority which is to have' control of pualllstlo affairs. Something nn ..the order of the raoln board In New Tork might be feaslblal This-wonld-reqnlre-legtslativa action, and tba - fight promoters -. and their friends are eomewhat ahy of bringing tha matter to the attention of the legii Istnfa iln i any fsm rjmtVat prsstntr Once It la before tha legislature there hat might bapaanr- Jimmy Cof froth aald recently: "I am willing to cooperate heartily with any movement for tha improvement of tht sport of boxing. I want to aay that much of this talk of faking and crook edness la moonshine. Bo long aa there are hard loeere there - will be charges of -thia - kind, nor matter" howarralght things may be handled. Nevertheless, it might be 'well to arrange thlnga ao that there would be no chance for charges of this sort o be taken aerl-J ousiy.- . President Harrison of th Olymplo Athletic elub of Bain Francisco Is thoroughly favorable to the athletio association taking bo)d of boxing. He ears; "As matters stand a man -Attends a boxing" match and comes away not knowing whether he baa aeen a sin cere exhibition .or not. There is no competent board of Inquiry none at all. In fact, to which . wrongdoers are ransiiefl to answer. "The big club would have to be given abeolute away, with power to revise rules and punish backsliders, an.1. of course, disbarment In one city would mean dlabarment everywhere. Laws should be framed which would permit or unlicensed -clubs beloa promptly queicnea. ... The A.-A. TT. mar be asked -ta taka ioid ec the matter. M - i understand that-a "match is to he arranged between Bam Derger aud-aHr4 O'Brien, nominally for the heavyweight championship. Really such a fight would ee ror tne "near championship. James Ski ward Brltt, also. Is. looking ror troubis. Ha la open to meet any body in hla class, bar Oans, he aays, and It la not Improbable that a match will be arranged for him with the win ner of the Nelson-McOovernga Both probably fee. pulled off In Los Angeles. The southern city will be the fight mecea zor a wnua. NEW ORLEANS AND ' -OAKLAND RACE RESULTS "i V iJoernal Iperlal aervlee.y - nan rranoiscot Mar racs results: Four and a half -furlongs Tankee una second, Lora Rwf lngton third; time. :lt. Mile and 20 yards Pentagon won. Frolle second. J. K. F. third; time. 1:44 Vs. J. K. F. first, but disqualified and placed third. Seven furlongs Lord Nelson won. Tellowstone eeeond, Jake Ward third ;4 time, i:z. . Futurity course Dr. Gardiner Tooolaw second, ' Rubric third; time, 1 :1 !.- One mile Lily Ooldlng won.' Clyde second, Hana Wagner third; time, l:lH. . Al Wew Orleana City rark. fJoorael Rpeelal Berviee.) New Orleans,- March II. City Park racs reaulta: ' Three and a half furlons-a Tom Tk. Ian won. Beau Brummel second, Xing ieopoia tnira; time, e:4 l-l. Mile and an eighth Lldden won. Two Penny second, Dungannon third; time. l:5T. - Six furlongs, hand lean Husted wan. Airship second, Lucy Toung third; time, 1:14 4-1. Beven furlonare Kercheval won. Rlokey second. Nonle - Lucille "Ihlrd; time, 1:27 1-1. Five and a half furlongs Percy Clark won. Adare eeeond, Juda M. third; time. i:os i-d. . ' Beven furlonxs Coldle won. Kara second, Fugurtha third: time. 1:2121. . One mile Begonia won. Glen rare sea ond, Oalmeda third; timer 1:42 l-. OREGON LOOKING F0 A FOOTBALL COACH (Special pkpatrk to The learael.) Lhlveralty of Oregon. - Kuaena. Or.. March 21. President P. 1 Campbell, Football Manager Guy Mount and Captain-elect William Chandler have been In eorreependenoe with various foot ball coachee of the country In the last few week, but have -not- yet decided on a football coach for tha next season's Oregon team. There la a great deal of discussion at the 'State university aa to what a football eoach ahould be. Borne think also that athletics at the university should be governed and au. pervlaed ty one man. President Camp- ball's idea la that there ehould be a man at the -college all year to -eonch the football, basketball, track -team, baseball and all other teams. The plan ta considered an Ideal one by the stu dents, but the question aa te whether a man that ta entirely satisfactory In all respects eaa be secured. The commit tee has aeveral men In view for this position If the plan Is adopted. Among some that are mentioned are Norcross of Michigan, Main of Dartmouth, Red ding of the Bute university of. Ken- itucay, jscintosn oi voioraoo and Thorp 4r Columbia... .,. .... ,.. . , , , SPORTIfJG- GOSSIP Briaf Item of Sport Ch&tttr Ar ifcd"fore-Joumal' STOCkTOrfPOOrTPtACEr" FOR TRAINING PLAYERS Manager " McCredie " Stye That Hla Men Are Exemplary in Habits' and Enjoying Life Wild BUI Donavan, ball players aa rsvealed yesterday in "telegram" are - supposed to represent them. hevan help the prospects. That waa the moat Infantile - collection . or buahlsagua performers ' ever -- thrust uoon a screen, and If these even had any prldelhey would Institute proceed, inge at once for defamation of char acter. BtUL eome to think of It. eameraa are auppoaed to take what la In front of them.-. ' , . -.- ,. : e - a - tear Editor: We nave moved our training quarters to Cripple Creek, small prun along the Calaveras river. Stockton la properly eppellated. : It la certainly place, for stockralalng and not -for the eclenuao rounding ' out or young bail players. The word Stockton signifies stock, Jud Smith wrote to me yester day- and -inquired if I knew or a good place to. study pharmacy and I 'wired him at once the following message: "On Ajpharm,'", Callff ana BnssMha taken up the accordion for- plaaaure due-1 tng-rscrsatlon noura and they ara get ting lots of rauslo out of Ik They play ft between there. Donahue la a regular Jollier. He told such funny stories lsst aktJUyUcavJaiofrom-lttslvisi... PahaHttirw-B?T?Tiifif Rprrrg"Wgwnfltd-Th'TWBer-Mid. ing. Hla wit wUl have much to do with our winning the pennant thlsearLli- ter and Moore are quiet boys ana rareiy stay out after darkv - Sweeney and Mo- Hale are etudylng phonetic spelling dur ing their spare moments." As both are Gaelic, in -origin. their" natural - talk closely resembles tha language recently euggested by Carnegie et al. - Tne et ai. that I cut on the end of that aenUnce meana "and others" "or me." From tha language that I am employing you can readily aee what booka I am studying. I can conjugate to beat the band, to bat the ball, to beat any old thing. For In- stance. Imping lmlnas. Imtnal; plural.! Imlaorl, Imlnoskyr-Imabooby How .do you like that? I wish that. Jontle knew a little about Latin ao we-eould wire each other In secret. WALTER. r By Mr. Kelly. A friend writes asking hew tall a barber should be. The answsr to this question Is the same as the answer-te the question, " How .mucn does a barber examiner have to knowr irrmattera little. Of course rthe "taTTj barber has it easier, for he Is able to rest bis elbow on the victim's cbeet. while working, wbereaa the ehort barber must stand up unaided. - Only Italian barbers are permitted to eat garllo dur ing working hours, but the average cui tomer Is "Just as welt pteaaed -with a to-1 bacco or Bwisa oheeee breath. When a -customer Is silent, chsnge raxora." It 1s a algn tha raaor la bucking. When he is pleased he will discuss the weather and Various outer snlcs: XTweva ui rT brush on a bald head. - It makes tha cus tomer think you see signs of life, end that there Is still hope. ' ' e e The Seattle club - la determined te carry tha Mohlar ease to the highest baseball authority in the hopes of bav Ing the ruling of the Paclflc Coast league directors set aside. Battling Nelson ' and - Hen-era have been - matched by. the Tuxedo dub of New Tork to fight for a purse pf 117,101. Sloppy Wedding. Julius Crabtree walked 2n'loltt-Oragnn City lsst night to attend a wedding He says It was very sloppy. News Note. e " e Msher is lata te have become a veritable dub. We are glad to note that Peter has at last msde something of nimseii. . . . , s Walter McCredie haa Indorsed the college game of football. That, above all things, ought to queer the, game. e e Jack -O'Brien say a he still has confi dence in Terry McOovern. Many times In our memory Jack has admired dead ones. . . e - . - "In my opinion," said Pitcher "Wild Bill" Donovan the other day, "the hit ting this year will be lighter' than ever before in the big leagues. American league pitchers, and quite a few Na tional league pitchers, have aimoat reached the perfect mark, and the man who can clout tne sphere for something over the .104 average these daya la get ting all there is In tha willow out of it. Of course, the team that a man Is trav eling with meana a great deal concern ing hie average. If he Is traveling with a championship team he ia compelled to face tha Brat-string twisters each day, while If- he la a member of a sec ond-rate nine he le allowed a crack at the pltchere that the teams are trying out. The -man on a -first-division team that Is hitting for .too or better la fast enough .for any team In the country. The members of tba second division team do not deserve ao much credit, but even, at that the. man that day in and day out can bit the ball for .100 ia good. There are lew easy marka in the big leaguee Just-now. and the man on the firing line has a curvs or two if he le a second-string artist. Ths " foul- etrlke rule, of. course, hag "helped-the nltchere the last few years, and haa been the meana of the new men In the league making good, but there are other elements that have caused the decrease in batting. The Introduction of the eplt ball haa had a lot to do with the falling off In batting. It Is a hard ball to connect with and atlll harder to place. But. worst of all, whsn a player doee succeed In hitting It on the nose It doee not travel at the rate that the other curve belle will. It's hard enough to hit a fast curve, but when they have perfected a ball that Is not only a pus- tie to meet, nut win not travel wnen tha player haas succeeded In connecting with it. It Is readily aeen that the batter In the blg-leaguee le up agalnat It Tbat the curve ball haa eome to stay there Is no doubt, bet I think that some of the twists that the pitchers ueed laat For fifty yesrs a staple remedy of superior- merit. .Absolutely hsrmleseV-- r- oo uii Great Stride -ol-Science in tha Art 'of Brewing Beer. Ae vitality Is .life to the body malt la life to beer. - Without male there would be no beer. Thia being true, the -botter-thCTnatt the better tfaebaor. In the old daya of brewing, the malt wa. not. so carefully prepared aa it le npw-Jiscause science . bed - net y taught tlierbrewmaaters bow to make rerreot Malt. Others still follow old process. Tha new Pabat client- Unit. Others atlll follow ine Jay method of making malt la the 6i the Cnl process known to science that wl produce ' a perfeut. malt, retaining al l.ha slaluiess mt alai tlis. naurlshuient of the barley. Pabst' method Is a nat ural growth of the grain, requiring eight days, and (doubles the expense of the old prooesaes uaed by ethers, whloh require only three or rour days. raDsi was the pioneer In sclentinc tnalttn and brewing - and - today - he leads a brewer, with a beer that excels for its age. purity and Btrena - thrf Pabat malting process requires eight days. ' The barley la. soaked in Urge eteel tanks, then transferred to special ly constructed compartments where the elght-duy natural germination Takes place, regulated to proper temperatures by Altered air moistened by sterilised water -'' If thia process be forced, aa It must be In the old short four-day process, heat is produced. This, in turn, would cause, much of the nutritious part to change - to- carbonia T acid, which. , is thrown off and lost. Pabst perfeot malt Is, therefore, dou ble strength tne grain being perfectly maitaa in eignt aays wiinoui toss oi any - strength-building, health-giving qualities. Thia process doubles the expensa of making Pabst beer, but Pabat stands always for first quality. That la why Pabst Blue Ribbon Bear Is today -the best beer brewed. It Is made from well as the most scientific Pabat Blue Ribbon Boer le never ex posed to contamination, Through all atagee of - Pabst perfected prooess It passes through pasteurised tubes and plpea into hermetically sealed tanks and no air" but sterilised air .can react) it, . . . Tbaf hear neve leaves the brewery until science and the teat of time shows and a cxAsua xoaar co. - " Come Third aad Fine. " - i. Tods year will not be so' popular In a year or so. Bail players, like every one elee, are in the game for the. money, and when they realise that a certain curve will ut off ten years of their playing life they will be more man wining 10 let that particular curve alone. There are certain muscles hr the arm that eaa be used for years without any great in- Jury, while others will not stand ths strain for half the time. In the use of tha aplL ball the results have proven to the aatls faction of pltchere using it that it la not the. ball that will keep men In the game for any number of Tha belated reports from Lodi. Call fornla. atata that it required two hours and two minutes to play Sunday's game between Portland and Stockton, port' land made three errors and Stockton fonr.Ponobnewiade three -htta, French one. Llater two, Mitchell one, caiirr one and Jones one. Sweeney made two er rors at short and failed to hit. Port land bad nine men left on baeee. PREPAREJVARM WELCOMED FORTATE-ENCAMPMENTJ rsneelal Dlssstch te The 7oaraal.t TTJits"P. "Or.March 21. 1 sivo preparations are oemg maae oy local veterans and eltiaena in general for tha coming district and state O. A. R. encampment, both of which are to occur In Grants pass early in June, The encampment la to be made the most successful ever held In Oregon,: and no effort tr expenBejertHesparedto give the14r"SoldTers,-bius ana gray alike, tbe time of their lives. The en campment will cover a week's time, and camp will be made in tha laurel and, oak groves tn the outskirts of town. Two or three of the best bands ' In southsrn Oregon,- orchestras, choruses and singers will furnish muslo. - There wt be- epeechma-klng and feasting and merriment A large - attendance Is anticipated from-anparta of iha state, aa road companies have granted a one fare rate for all veterans and delegate who wish to attend tha encampment. BLOCKADING OF ROAD . CAUSES A PROTEST &ugeoe,Or.,' March JL The Eugene Merchants' - Troteetlve association has made a protest. 'agalnat the blockading of tha county road between Eugene end Springfield by tbe Southern Paelflo company's trestle ror tne new bridge across the Willamette at Springfield, there being two rows of piling which were driven In the middle of tbe thor oughfare, leaving two driveways each only II feet widow The county court recently agreed to allow tne piling to remain In the road, but the Merchants' Protective association will andesvor to have the order rescinded -or- will take the matter up with the Southern Pacific officials. CALIFORNIA PRUNE WAFERS The great tonlo cathartic, an Inval uable cure for Malaria. Biliousness, Constipation, Nervousness, Catarrh of the" Stomaeh,Rad Breath, oily Skin, Sleeplessness, Wind and . all Liver, Stomach and Bowel trouble. , S. O.'grldmore Oc Druggists, 181 ThtrdMeolejjen AlDayiikcOnc. in Italy Take up the oid shabby car pet, and put .down a.. Turkish Rug. You won't know that dis mal room with its new cover- rVc Import Our Oriental Rugs Direct -We save our patr6hs"a1I" profits of the wholesale dealers. No other hcjuie in Portland im ports its Rugs. ' Atiyek Bros. - 411 WASamrOTOaT ST. Tel. ataU Soao. 2(et lOtk and lit.' liOWlTSf IPUOLIIIS State Chairman of Washington to ApportloFDalegato Upon Unt Balloting, TO PUNISH BOLTERS - FOR 'KNIFINQ TICKET East Side Counties Lined Up Solidly - - akaTfWSTiPwSE juwtw -uuwi meat Heaviest for Farmin Dla meat Heaviest for Farming Dla trlcts. , (Special rdipeteh to The JoaraaL) Taooma, March 11. A big row Is breaking out In the Republican party In Washington aa a -result ef the attempt of B. B. Palmer, chairman of tba state central committee, to apportion the dele gates to the coming state Republloaa convention on - f he vote for Oovornor Mead two years ago. Theeast aide oounties will 11ns up solidly agalnat tha proposed measure, aa - they will feel more keenly than the west side the pun ishment the move Is designed 'to give to bolting Republicans. The move la planned by Chairman as a meana of at nuns rewarding loyal Republicans and lessening tbe power and Influence of oounties In the atata that dared two yeare ago to aup port Senator -Oeoerge Turner for gov ernor in place of Mead, the regular Re publican nominee. ... JJ,J... ... When Mead ' was nominated tt Was claimed that -tha convention waa fixed I by the ratlroias slid the eaafaldedele gatsa came near bolting In a body. AS It stood many Republican newspapers bolted the ticket, and Republloana all over r tha state, and particularly In the i , chairman Palmer had his own troubles daring the campaign that followed ro llne up enough - Republicans to elect Mead. He haa not forgotten the hard ship to which he waa put and la no oomlng back at those who gave him troub)e. The state committee will meet In Seattle next month and the matte wlU be threshed out. While Palmer Is determined .. upon . the . plan , aa outlined he le meeting with, opposition, ven some or the governors own friende being op posed to II Theee contend that Inatead of whipping the farming communities into line. It will only make them more reealcltrant and tend to dielntegrate tn stead of oement the' party ' aast aide Opposes Xs. The east side la agalnat the move be cause It gave Turner a majority at the laat election, and if the plan prevails there are strong Republican communi ties in Washington that will have no representation at the state eoaventlon. Then, too, the- eaat aide . politicians fear that lflt is adopted it will become a precedent. If it ahould, and the same basia Is uaed tare years from now. neither the esst side - nor any other power could prevent Mead from being renominated, if be ao desired.- This is an eventuality that a strong Republican faetten-ef- that region la aat against sa spring IS against the ley north.- Lieutenant-Governor C EL Coon, who ta also tbe state committeeman from Jeffereon county, le agalnat tha measure, while nsL. rhalrman or tha a tat commission, favors It. . T. D. Rockwall, another member of the commission. against it -The committeemen gener ally have not committed tbemsslves upon the question. . PRIMROSE PATH DEATHBED OF FORMER SOCIETY GIRL Carrie Pabst Dies In Butte After ProlongethDf sslpatiorr Caused by Despondency. v ("necla! Dispatch te Tbe JoaraaL) Pabst, aged 22 years, a pretty girl, enoe occupying an honored position in Mil waukee society. Is dead here, the end coming after prolonged dissipation fol lowing despondsncy characteristic , of -those on the downward path. The young woman died " unattended ana" her true name waa ascertained only by accident. Practically deserted by all the members of her ssx with the exception of Mabel Ford, herself one of the denlsens of the tenderloin, the girl breathed her last. - - .- Carrie Pabat had been In Butte for about a year. .During the greater por tion of her time here ehe worked as a waitress, but for ths paat - several months had dropped to the lower levels, barely managing to ska out an exist ence. An early marriage, a drunken and brutal husband, and finally deser tion appear to have been the sorrowful lot of the young woman. Word was received from tbe girl's father, Julius Pabst, at Kenosha, Wis consin, last night and the body waa shipped to that city for Interment' Tlio woman had a 4-yea'r-oId child In Salt Lake. ....... ' TOLL ROAD ABANDONED THROUGH UNN COUNTY (SpeeUl WspatrS t The JearaaL) Albany, Or., Maroh 21. Charles Altschul and the Willamette Valley Cascade Mountain Waa-on Ftoad eom pany..of -Pordnnd have . nledwlth-lhe county clerk of Linn their notloe of abandonment of tbe toll road known ae tbe Willamette Valley A Caaeade Moun tain waa-on road, having heretofore been maintained and operated by them. That neither of . them nor any person con nected With them will be responsible for the future condition of the road, tha brides thereon, nor any Injuries reenlt Ips te -anybody by reason ef the condi tion thereof. - The road abandoned lies wholly In Linn county end le described as follows) Beginning about one sntle east ef the town ef Sweet Home, aa indicated by a publle notloe of abandonment, thenee easterly to a point where the said read interseeta the- county rood, about 1H miles west of Caacadla. . CASH REGISTER STOLEN BY THIEF AT EUGENE (Special Disss Uh e The Jaarnal.) ' Eugene, Or., March II. Monday night the meat market of U A Brandenburg In thia elty waa broken Into and eaah register costing 21 IS waa taksn. There wse no money tn the register and noth ing else from the shop waa taksn. Tbe pollre are working on tbe case, but are unable to locate either the register er the. thief, -- A. tvMtetrt4ttC : epr04ERMANimTI- take, n o matter how lone sUnainjrbr CONTRACTED BLOOD POISON. Our treatment contains no mercury, potash or other la!ariota IheHpolson from the yfteWmakinami1eteurrT6f TiTarMSnyX" whn were in tha (tenths nf deanair.. axnectinsr nothinor but death. have been restored to health., strength and rigor by our matchlesa X 1 method. We particularly invite -those- patients whose cases have 1 been neglected, badly treated or pronounced Incurable to visit na. , T "lt-cnakee no difference what too cure. Wecontlnue to cure when all others hare failed, thia tefxible T --disease in all its stages. We nerer promise mora thsa wf ai abla-TlIZltr .-to perform. .- - ( YOU CAN AV WHEN CURED , v ' ' Any person taking treatment with ns'may deposit the price of uTeln ANY BANK W PORTLAND. TO flE PAID TO US WHEN1CURE IS EFFECTED. If the patient prefers wi will ;; take monthly installments. - , Consultation free and strictly confidential Let us talk with. you in person, if possible. If unable to cailrkindly wrjta ua, gbring J your symptoms fully, or wa will send question list if yoa desire- , , . Our. home treatment is very luccejiful and has cured hondreda. J Office Hours 9 to 5, and 7 to 8. ! Dr. W. Norton . - OFFICES IN -VAN -JijilTHIRD. ST COR. PINB. eS 4 MMeeeeeeeeoeeeeeewweoooeeeeeeooe V'0 M '. vssm -.1 - B o estreated, filled, crowned er treatel atMoletely wttheet psla. Have rear tests estreated wltbeet ptsi ia ttie meralns aad e aoete with the aew eaeS' the earn. day. AU eur eperatocs are fradnatce ef loaf yean' eipertaoe sad we raersafse sll deatsl werk by writtea eeetrett far -ie years. o s s T T imr snree ine wwesv. vor wm la the east I ksowa te saedera dsatal seisae. I 0 0 N N L. Fill; ItSf 1 lt. saaraatsed to fit...... ri: ! Oold Crswas, tAh......... .... Brldfe Werk Boston Painless Dentists SS1H X idj llat aad seshrrnea. Malar Viaak CHRONIC DISEASES Of aaea aad wesoan a years' saoeass. Female complaints treated by lady phy sician. Call en er write DR. J. D. WALKXR. 121 riret atreeV - Portland Oregon. ' Athene Kaahaoaae aUeet. fSpeeiel to The JearaaL Athena, Of, March 21. Tha Rath bone Sisters of thle city have eleeted the following officers for the ensuing yearf M. E. Lillian Dewne-Dobaon; P. OL, Mrs. 'Ellen Thorpe K. 8 Mrs, Eurta Thorp; SL Mrs. Will 1. Peter eon: manager, Mra. Oertrnde Stone; it. of R. and C Mra. Anna, Fees; M. of r Mrs. Alice Oay.. 22tf COT Gat SIBUJ. 8. L. Apnle, ex-Probate Judge, Ot tawa Co., Kaneaa, writee: This Is to say that I have used Ballard's Hore hound Syrup for years, and that I do not hesitate to recommend it ea tha beet sough arrup I have ever used." ISa, 0o and 11.60, Weodard. Clarke 4k Co. c awaa CMICHtlTCS'S IHSUSN 5OT"a7tAIT.ra afSjJaV hUtMMiMMIltaaiU4 -. 1 MiHMSMf. f,k,MtUHK khM TA V J ' SmSMMeetaa. ami leilssi W P iPWJ-SZ&k W"Ay nave taken, or who has failed to X Sundays and Holidays -III to IS. Davis & Co. 1 - NOY- HOTEL -r-- i t PORTLANDORKOOM. 1 Needs Refilling?" Then why do you suffer a moment -longer run the -risk of Josinr tha tooth altogether? When we charge absolutely nothing for examination ; and only 1 moderatelytor actual work, why do you delay in consulting us about aching or disfigured teeth t We confess w don't know; do you WISE BROS. Tklrt aal WasMsgfcea, ins sad Ssaaaya. Werk ejsae ea Oees erea INPRECEDENTED SUCCESS CP The Great Chinese i Doctor At No. I62J First St. Cor. Korrtea LMo BUI-adlag sUtosseata te the arfUetod. gnareatee a ass-ptets, safe aad kwuaa eare the suiefcsst possible Usts, sad at the idvmn eusc sussiMe Wot seasst aae sa ral treatowat. I ears eaurrh, aathssa. isrsai, raeassstMat, SOTVoeaaess, II tot, kldaay snd t sa.ahead, nuLKASEa. parrAra My tisisdjes ' sr. hsreilees, eaarpeasd ef rests, herbs, beds sad harks asseeially sctottod sad Isipartsd dives, hy as trass the Ussrtoi mt Chins. iJt0BJ.ASATTXI lUUIi Ui aaji CAsaxaoc OUM. M yea eaaaot toll, writs tor vwaeosa his sal asd careaiar. oe We OktaMa atM-s Oa. Satlato- Oa- II ritet at.. Oarass Msi Hssa. Porflaa-L. Bav ' ftoso. BMetioa thle sopot. If You're Pozz!::: In satisfying yenr builders dseaae's or dependable hardware, pusaie ae longer hie yourself here and choose, yen will pay leee money for wui- grades and patteme than ysj j t. poealble before yen knew. Aver O ( "V mm,