The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 21, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Roocovclt. by Vm. Strang Co. of Peterson, N. J.Ongmd Pattern VVcs Destroyed After Weaving Ucfflircu Aincr.
Maronasi Oraed..Ta Beeatr end a tart"'
; baker., , Mualcal BnrkMque
1 Empire . BopUt'
I.rrlc ....."Bala, 'a Phetosraph"
Gread ............................. VauJllle
, 'BUt . UUU
' 'For a numlxr of . ysara , the J"lrat
Baptist church hu conducted a branch
" 'Bible school In the Artlaana' ball on
Twenty aeuund Hutu. " anlnlnn
-baa had a. remarkable growth during
, .the last two! or .three months, and tba
' assistant pastor at th Whits Temple,
Rev. Elnathan Sweet, has. .been icon
dnctlng a preaching service there Jeach
Wednesday night. A special service,
however, will 4e- bald -at- tba mission
tonight, with preaching by Dr. Brough
er.. Hla subject will be "Busybodles."
" Charles present with hla
gu"srf Jo conduct the slnging'Snd give
; special solosl AH 1 members a. Mia
White Temple living In the ylclnlty an
urged to be present end the public In
-general la cordially Invited.. ;-; :",-,,
Tha'weeklr meeting- of the : Home
Training association Is to be espectaVr
interesting tomorrow afternoon. "The
Value of Musio as- a Means of Educa
tion" will be the subject of a talk by
- rPrefeasor T. W. Goodrich, lira. H, C
. Wortman waa to have discussed "Art"
from the same viewpoints but being un-
.. able to be present, her part of ths pro-
gram will be given later. Pupils from
the Western Academy -of Musto and
Elocution- will give ' the following:
'Hlgher Culture In Dlxfe." Miss Mams
dred Disbrow. Ths meeting will be
r held ln the "committee" room or the etty
u hall -tomorrow- afternoon- at' t -o'clock.
. - Children wilt ba cared for In the nur-
aery. '.-.;
. Before Judge Cleland this morning
waa tried the case of Vlnsena Bpath
- against the Hurst Automatic Switch
- Signal company, - the plaintiff suing
for ISSI. 8 path declares that an agent
7 of the company made a rnntrarf with
liim on December 1. 1101. to work n
draughtsman for It a day. ' Spath de
clares that he worked $7T8 worth and
rthe remainder. In company stocks. - He
' the sharea of stock he holds.
It la con-
that the
tended by the company
draughtsman agreed to these terms of
- payment. Tha ease) Is being argued this
afternoon - by J. C. Moreland on behalf
of the plaintiff and H. K, Moody and Xi
a. BirowDTiage xor uie company,
Store Closed' Tomorrow Having pur
chased tha stock offered at the credi
tors aale, JOT First street, at . IS 1-1
oenta an tha dollar, and desiring to ad
just prices to the very lowest values.
" ths store will not be opened at all to
morrow. On Saturday morning wo shall
begin the alaughter of tha entire outfit,
-as we must ha v tha -room for our new
ktock due to arrive from the factories
at anytime. We bought this merchsn
dlse to secure the lease of tha store.
and shall dlapoaa of It at prices that
will not contemplate' profits of any
'kind. It comprises men's and boys' ap
parel - and- men a, - boys', women s and
misses shoes In great variety. I Sax
a Co.
" A father, his three sons and a nepOTW
appeared . before Chief , Deputy County,
. Clerk . Fred W. Fraap . yesterday .and
'-' asked for papers to show that -they tn-
tended to become cltlsens of the united
H- Statea- It waa -tha largeat -family group
that has -appeared at the county ourt
house In years for ths purpose. Ph.
, William, renounced their allegiance to
ins csar or Kussia, wniie L ursoeman,
- tha nephew, swore not to obey tha. em-
. peror or Oermany.
wnen Councilman W.'"T," Masters re
ferred - to an opinion of County Judge
Webster in the meeting of the Judiciary
committee of the city council Mondsy
during a discussion of the proposed re-
. vocation or the franchise of the South
ern Pacific company .on ' Fourth
street, tha councilman asserts that-tha
opinion had no bearing whatever on the
: Fourth street franchise. ' He said that
- Judge Webster-was referring - to .tha
right of railways over county roads.
David B, Fuller has been appointed
by-County Clerk Frank S. Fields to ar-
range for polling"" plaeei"""throiighout
- Portland for tba coming primaries and
general election. There willhave to
oe ana about zt r them have al
ready been located. Mr, Fuller aaya
that those on the west side will . no
, doubt be placed where they have been
jn tne past rew years, but nearly all
f will have to be changed oft the east
.. . sioe.. in
. J. H. Wright of 781 Esst Eleventh
- street Informed tha- police this morn
. ing that aoma man has been stopping
acnooi cnuaren in tha vicinity of the
Irvlngton racetrack and taking . their
- lunches away from them. A i number
. , of children have been badly frightened
. . by his rough tactlca. ' Ths police have
a- good deecrlptlon of the fellow and
. the patrolman on. that beat has been
Instructed to try to locate him.
- A committee of five has been ap
pointed by 'Acting President Edward
Newbegln of tha Portland chamber of
commerce to consider recommendations
--r .-- From observation' and experi
ence, and from talks with success
ful men, we. are of the opinion that
every- salaried 'man- should -By s-j
tematically save about 10 per cent
of his income. If he earns $1,000
a year he should lay aside about
' $3 each month ; if he makes $2,000
he should save every month say
$17, and if his income is $3,000 he
should. deposit-$28 in bank every
montn. ,
' WE PAY"-.
ii TcusfTsAViiKis un
al Banking Baetaeee Treaaaeted.
Drafts Israed ea All Parte ef Oe World.
, W. H. Moore. .-.President
; I?. E. Lytle. . Vice-President
W. Cooper Morris....... Cashier
Leo Fried e Director
H. A. Moot ...Director
The :Iv2eit3Ft Frank Store
IPorfend's Lgadfcjg Cloak Store Prettiest " MiHinery in Toito
Headtpiarten for Easter Apparel for women --Portland't
Leading CTloak and Snit Hoase hat surpassed ell previooa
efforts in its preparations for the Spring and Summer,
aeasoiy 1 906 Mosniflcent styles immense assortments.,
matchless values Last evening's opening display creat-
d no end of xornraent few people had any conception
of the extent and beauty of T5a Meier Frank Store gar
ment showing they saw. variety., three times greater
thjjnjmyjflm the city they saw Imported.
and domes tfc creations in wonderf nf rray Exanisitw
fashions in all lines of7femimne ipparelThe opening
displays continue today and tomorrow and are worth
fgjjlLjbJ011 wayTto -see-r-Second-Floor Evening
Costumes and Wraps $30.00 to $300.00 Women's
Tailored Suits $15.00 to $123.00 Thousands of new
coats , in all styles $3.00 up to $73.00 -Beaotfftil new
twaistSuita$3.QQ-to $73.0Q-Jlew Tan Covert
Coats $7.50 to $40.00 New Walking Skirts $3.00 to
-S30.00-New Silk and Lace WabU $3.00 to $ 1 25.QO
New Cotton Shirtwaists at prices up to $100.00
4 New Silk PetticoaU. New Traveling Coats .
The Meier Frank Store
That was the verdict rendered last evening, by a jury composed
of thousands of Portland's best-dressed women. "By far the
greatest gathering of attractive millinery -in the city, was a
popular expression heard at every tunvuch diintlncsiuclr
exclusivenesa. such pretty, sensible hats, such beautiful blend
ingofTQlors-The rumdsomestcrgatkinaLfrorri the leading art
ists in Paris, New York and LondonOur Madame Herbert
was, besieged with congratulations throughout the evening
many of her own creations taking the llue ribbon foiypopn
larity The showing all in all is the best we ever presented
Come today and tomorrow-second floor.,' ' . ' ; :
1 Particular attention is directed to the grand . exhibition of Batty
.headgear for misses and children.: Exclusive styles in splendid array.
' . . Beautiful new line of infants' Hats,. Cap! and Bonnets, in all the
very latest effect!. Second Floor. v . ,.-'' -
' New, millinery, ribbons, drapes and novelties. . . ." ' . ".
I -Wev-Spri
I - slnle or double-breasted rery best Tnaterlals, suit. .......... i.. ... a ...... I
toysloT-TOr-EroiriJlouBe Suits, in blue sersjrTieat gray piaiua aua mixiursa, 3.iU tn SI 2.50
Ahawtirai stA Br m ar rwio mmr trnuMri. Bsrta a iu iu ytmf a. ) .-- t -w
New Reefers for boys and ejirls: nary blue aeraes and unnnlsned worsteds, wwis u ,nn tQ SIO.OO
tray muturea, tan covens, eic, in i . T- - -
serae. llsht aray
Kntlre new stock of School Suits for boys Of all Sites. BUlt.
Entire new atoclc of Wash Bulti and Kilts" for bovs, alt styles, and prices; Immense r
stock of Boys' Waists in all the new styles, eac!
.jl..,.,.,M..,.fd,BV fia.ov
25c to $2.00
Easter tGloves A Complete Stock
.Terrins" real French Kid Oleves, in. 1,1 and f-clasp styles, black, whits' and f ' VfY n trV R2 50
all Jthe leadlnc shades; avsry pair aruaranteed to aive satisfactory wear, pair. ..... UP V eW
"Valllers'' l-button lenyth Gloves, cuff or valance, white and colors, pair. .
valuers - exira quaiiiy fiaca &a uiovea, ait me new mean, tiaai. ...... ........ . .
"fownss t-olasp sueda lisle Gloves, In complete assortment. . ...1'."..' .".
r uwnri biik uiona mil in,ni ma ani twuk - . I a
if i mum
Men's Spring Clothing
Our MelT'slClothinig Store iiTprepared to supply new
Spring-Clothing for men and young men at a mini
mum cost. The display is complete in every detail
and comprises the highest grade, the best stock of
ready-to-wear clothing we ever gatheredEvery
maker' of prominence is represented by his very lat
est fashions In Suits we have the new straight
-front coats,-a W double-breasted and round-rt sackr
in all the newest and moat desirable fabrics fancy
mixtures in light and dark colorings; very large va
grays, navy blue serges and unfinished wor
steds at prices ranging from $18.00 to $35.00 a suit-
Tan Covert Topcoats in all the latvst fashions at
prices from $15.00 to $35.00 each New fancy Wash
Vests at prices up to$7.50 New Spring Trousers
$3.50 to $8.00 a pair Spring Suits and Topcoats-for
young men 16 to 20 years of age Nobby fashions in
all the stylish materials and colorings. Second floor..
V ja1 'lt
Sale of Undermuslms
' . - ..- ' ' . '
3 Contlnaes to Interest scores of buyers High-grade Undermus-
11ns A leading mangfactprer's sample line at prices one-third
below regular value Skirts, Corset Covers. Drawers, Gowns,
Chemise and Short PetticoaU are aD included Second Floor
; : ; ; r ' 1
'" Long white Underskirts made' of fine cambrics, nainsooks and lawns; made
'with fitted waist bands and wide flounces trimmed in beautiful wide embroid
ery edging and insertion, clusters tf tucks, beading and ribbons; also circu
lar flounces made of Val. laces insertion, ribbon and beading; all havei
separate dust ruffles; plain, lace or -embroidery trimmed; grand values at "
I2-I2.S0 Petticoats S3 1.33 $5.00 Petticoats'f 2.9S $70 Petticoats f 4.89
$10.00 PetticoaU f 5.98 $12.00 Petticoats fT. 15 $16.00 PetticoaU f 10.98
Women's Drawers of fine nainsook and cambric; wide umbrella styles, with
mte finnnrea rf very jin emrojdfIifan' VaLJaces, insertions, cluster of
tucks; fitted waist bands, etc.; handsome stylesTTarge variety, gnat Values at.
$2.50 Drawers at-f 1.69 $2.00 Drawers at f 1.19 $15 Drawers at 69e)
$4)0, $5.00 Drawers 2.49 $3.00, $3.50 Drawers f 1.99 $1JJ0 Drawers 89a
Thousands of handsome Corset Covers in fine nainsook and cambrics: trim
med in dainty embroideries and laces, insertions, tucks,' headings and- ribbons;
$t.75 Values 97 $2J0-$3 Values fl.49-$3.50-$4 Values fa.l ,
. Four great special lots af Chemise; wonderful values at these extraordinary
low prices e .....T9f, $1.19, 81.8T and f 3.08
. Women's Nightgowns of fine nainsook and cambrics; all style necks; long
or short sleeves; trimmed in fine laces and - embroideries; tucks, ribbons,
: beading, etc; no two alike; great special values at the following low prices
$1.75 Gowns for 98 $3.50 Gowns for $2.29-46.00 Gowns for f3.48
: . . $8.50 Gowns for 34.59 $12.00 Gowns for f.9T. , ,
recently made in a report of the Na
tional Board of Fire Underwrlterare
gardlns Improvements" of fire esrvlce
nil 1wrr.ii.i1 fire protection 111 Port-
land.-Tha-eommlUee-ls composed of
Henry Hewett-Jrtax j. FlelschnerJ. C.
Flanders, James" Hammer and 1 Allen
Lewia. , . , . . .
The Portland-. Railway .company, will
extend ita Twenty-fourth atreet line
from . Thurman- street past - the nail
srrounds to the St Helens road. The
extension will be about half a tnlfe
and-serve a rapidly growing- neighbor
hood in tha northwest part of ths city.
Tha company will begin work on this
sad tha Broadway extension as soon as
tha weather settles.
B. F. Eaton 'of Frankfort, Michigan
W.KI1A.M .ntit. fmm Onlncv. Washing
ton, to the : open-air sanatorium for
consumptives at Mount Tabor, - died
shortly before the train reached Port
land yesterday afternoon. - He had been
111 for a number of months and had
coma weat with his family for' his
health.' . - "
Kills Han Jose' Scale.-Wash or spray
your trees or rosa bushes with our Rex
Lime and Sulphur Solution. 'All ready
for use. Simply dilute with wster. It
costs very little. This Is the rime to
' . IT. .11 . In.tmntlAn, with AlPtt
WVI J. . 1 "
numf m'aMnn nr tuirraT." Rnni'veriTTrOm
16o up. Portland 8eed 'company,' Front
ana zamnui. . ..
J. J. Kadderly has transferred, to
Malarkey, Daly ' Blnnott tha quarter
block at the north end of the new fill,
northeast corner of Grand avenue and
East Oak street, for $10,009. - The walls
of three-etory brick building formerly
-rftecnptwd tiy -a liaidiaia-atara oooupy4
tha ground. The deal .was maae oy
E. J. Daly. '
Walter H. Reavls. a member of com
pany I " Second regiment . Oregon Na
tional Guards, 'wno a tea Tuesaay, win
be given a soldier's burial tomorrow
afternoon' In Rlvervlew cemetery. The
services at ths grave will be conducted
under the - auspices of Scout Young
camp, Spanish War Veterans, of which
he wss a member? ,
3. ft Sterling, of tha O. R.
ft N. Co.! returned yesterday from
Omaha, . where be attended lengthy
session or auditors of the . Harrlman
railroad lines, to discuss methods -it
accounting and adopt any auggestlons
tending to lmprovs tha service.
The Isdles of Hsssslo Street Congre
gational church will aerva dinner, from
11 to I o clock Friday and Saturday.
March tt and 14. at 14 Fifth street.
corner Aider. Dinner l cents.' Boston
brown breed and Boston baked beans.
- Acme'Olt Covaeila tha hsat aafety seal
oils and line gasolines. Phons Esst TIS.
Professor J. C. Diamond. ' tha well-
known lecturer, teacher and healer, will
Dundore Piano Co.
lit S1xth8tOpprt)resaitBldv
. A.M. CXASB ' SITIT ' -
rZTTMCBmaosr STiaxiiro
and othar standard msks Pianos. .
Washburn, Bauer. Bruno, Stewart nd
Columbia string Instruments.
Lowest Prices Easiest Tcnfts
give a free scientific lecture on "Chiro
mancy, or Mutual Impressions written
In the Hand" Thursday evening. March
12, at I o'clock sharp, lis seventn bl
Articles eupplementary t the articles
of incorporation or tha Theodore Bug
mann Shoe Manufacturing company
were filed thla morning by Attorney
Charles J. Schnabel, increasing tha cap
ital Stock from ll.SOO to $10,000.
Steamer Charles R. Spencer will re
auma her ruVi on The Dalles-Portland
routs Monday at 7 a. m. Landing foot
of Oak street. Phone Msln 2880. C E.
Bteeismith, sgent1
Lost The' man who- teat hla aye
alaaaaa can-, have thara replaced for $1;
a perfect fit guar-nteed. Metsger a Co.,
Ill Sixth street, jewelers ana opticians.
Articles of Incorporation for the Bolln
Lumber company were filed thla morn
ing by Frank C Bolln. H. O. Piatt and
R. T.. Piatt. The capital stock la $25,000.
Grand spring millinery opening to
morrow. Shanedllns Bisters, 111 Grand
avenue, east side. '
All watches cleaned, $f. All male)
springs, 1. Metsger Co., lit BlxtH
nesulaf Party Dance Burkbard halt
Thursday evening.
Wnmen'a exchange, ill Tenth atreet.
lunch, 11- to I.
. Milwaukis Country Club. '
Loa Angetea and Oakland race a -Take
Sell wood and .Oregon City ears at Flrat
and Alder.
. referred Btoek Oaaaed tfooda. ,
AUen Lewis' Beat Brand.
Special Values In Rcady-lo-:
"Miranda" French Bailor, high
. curved brim, ribbon and oulll
trim ....f 1.50
"Rupert" Turban, Pyroxlyn braid
. on wire frame, quill, velvet and
ornament trim S2.00
'Tuxedo," China ' Milan tilled
" . sailor, wsva crown, straight
brim, quill and ribbon
trim .....S3. 25
"Boulevard,", eatln atraw sailor,
round crown, gilt braid, velvet
and quill trim ,.82.60
"Raleigh." round brown, bant up
- tap, flat, two-tone, velvet and
ornament trim. .,...,. .S)3.00
VaaawaUaa variety of modish
distinctive, popular priced hats,
f 3.0O to S30.00.
' Formerly Seokefa.
- Third sad Salmon Sta. '
The Kimball Piatio
The . greatest of . all treat . pianos,
musically and artistically perfect,
nearly 150.000 made and .sold a
number never attained by any other
piano in America or Europe sold
; . only by .
Stores at Portland, Spokane, Boise.
San Francisco, Stockton, Oakland
and all other important points.
" .', Boildiaf Operatlraa Brlak.
- Ilulldlng permlte have been Issued aa
follows: Anna C. Otis, cot tax, Ral
eigh between Twenty-ninth and Thir
tieth streets, eost 11,160; J. D. Hewttt,
cottage, eorner East Main and Eaat
Thirty-sixth streets, cost 11.(00; Mrs.
H. Hagsr, cottage, eorner East Thir
teenth and - East Couch streets, eost
$1,710; Mrai P. Hagan, rspalra to resi
dence, 181 Williams avenue, cost $71;
A.. L. Beaotter, cottage, Vancouver ave
nue, near Page atreet, eost $1,000; W.
J. Smith, cottage, corner Ruassll and
Wabash streets, cost 1100; W. J. Berg
man, auto garage, corner Alder and Fif
teenth etreeta, cost $200; S. C Hollls
ter. barn, corner Anna and King etreeta.
eost $100;' W. N. Powers, cottage, eornsr
Mirnitnm CnnA rfi9fMoBe Mais
Alberta Gallatin
-.. 2 u tar sa'
- - Cousin Kate
fTlaay aad Satarday sTshta, Hank St-St, "OS
- Spaalal-rriee Xatiaee Satarday
EVKNINO PBICES Parat, St. CO. Parqaet
rlrela, $1. Balcony, arat S rowa, TS: laet
- e rows, SOe. Uallery, S5e aad SSe. Bexee
aad loses, $10.
at ATTN KB PBICKK Parqnet. SI. , Parqaet
circle, TSc. Bntlre balcony, SUc. Oallery,
S3e ssd SSe.
rVw Maui
Marquam Grand Theatre
The Spectacular Musical BitraTagaaes, -
BTsntnf Prices Sae. SKe, SOe. T5e, II 00. $1.00.
Matinee Pricee 86c. S6e. SOe. Toe, $1.
nro Aoratirr ixtb aobptw abt
Friday asd Baturdar, Marsh St and St.
Is the Sansatlsnal Malodrama -
PBICES 18c. Ibv, SOe and Sue.
MATINBB PBICES 10c, loe sad 18c. ' '
"Betsey's Photoflraph'
A Taros-Cemedy la Three Aeta,
STAR . Ses Beklsw
.-f-t. aiale Shaldea
- rCXATBB . Mlae Oraoa Seanalla
uk ar..k le 0aatlne aad Lawnace
Week etMarea IS will 0. Hart
NAj.vas 10fT4 ta-
Seflned Oemedj - the home except
Sketch ArUot boiee 10.
Grand I .r
THBATBB - Karrf W. Ssrlnsald
Week March IS. The Kaaloal BalrUft
Special faatnre Marie Baarrew .
-J?CT-- , . ,. Del-a-theae -;
"V" Har.ldBff
B"ioirla.. Oraadle
PRICBS Brealags, lse, 'tSe sad tec; Matt-
Best Salmon - and Cast Tweatjr-foorth
streets, eost $1,100; J. B. Oil lis, wash
room. Corner Orand avenue and Morri
son street, coat .
Compelled To
We must clean out all our last winter's Suits
and Overcoats. In order to have all sixes and
neweat styles we were compelled to add the newljr
arrived spring styles. ----- -----
$18, $20 and $25 values ; your choice,. , . .$11.85
$12.00 and.$15.00 values; your choice. ...$7.85
New style Boys' Suits; $3.50 value, for... $2.00
" First and Yamhill and Third and Davis.
That will make artlstle homes and rooms. Coma and aeo our collection of
hlgh-clsss ofterlnge and get a few auggeetlone for up-to-date decoratlona. We
will be glad to help you out Samples to out-of-town customers on request. '
Portland Paint and Wall Paper Co.
170 Seeosd anraat. Between Korriaoa I ; I .
rWBI aUU eT7B. 1 rm.m vvtvmmtr ,av - i
aad Tamalll.
Baker Theatre
Oregea Theatre Oe
See. L. Baker, Mgr.
Tssihm ssd Third ats. " Pbooe Mala 1S0T.
Headed by Tet Belllr. Oeatedlas.
A Proroatoa ef Good Thins Pus. Mnale sad
Prettf Oltle-nWtand Soectacslae Ballet,
"Hatfae I'p le Dete."
Mattne' Satarday rltef -psi fur aae)( 15c.
SB. 8fte. SOe. . ,
Eveahit Prices. SB. SBc,- BOr, TBc.
Neat Attractloa "Mies New Xerk Jr."
Empire Theatre
ltd sad Ma
' ina . Iiini. Mar.
Cbas. A. Tajtot Offera Hts Leteat ead Oresteet
. - riai.
LULLjy Desert Ittlna"
A Raaltorle Prams ef b Oraet BoatHwoet
Eiaraa MMaIr Slat f t -Tw,
(irlnaea t Scemarf and t"' -.
Onlr TlrH Mnra nnwev-Tnel- 1 !
Vallnee. T""""rir Nlshl !-
Tnarxlaf Mhf. Prlees Bveag, l a-.
Sot. Sue. Matlne. 10c, IV,
: Best VeaWDU Si r.