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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1906)
U.J -.If i- i . i - CARRY CEnEHT -Those Listed jfiEn JRputa JWI I Carry One Hundred Twenty C"r One TnousandBaxrets. HUNDRED THOUSAND j ; " MORE IN PROSPECT l British Ship Bankbura Chartered To ' - ur to Bring fourteen Thousand p -Barrels From Harnburg Buildinf Boom Cause of Shortage - " Meyer,' Wilson - -Co; -chartered -the British ahlp Bankburn," Uit tone net i-register, this morning; to load a carao f of cement at Hamburg- direct for Port ' land. Slwi haa a carrylna capacity of - ' Ma-the neighborhood of 14,009 barrela. VHhe will beg-In loading at onca and la axpected to arrive the latur port Of 1 tha'.aummer,"".":"' . ..'""! " " Including the Bankburn, nlnevesaels " ,'v a re Hated -or an route from Europe with . . ; cement ahlpmenta, which will approxl J mate 121.700 barrela. Tonnage "'J., i at'teaat Voo'.OOO barwl'e'more; All o? i: those under charter will arrive before . tba teat of August. One of them la due ' any day.' Bhippera declare that the en r if nf Ihla In I S) atrto""' "f nag ft, and that wnicov mu shortly, will rully aupply tha unpreoe "fdented demand for the building mate . ' ,-t.i and contractors need not worry .. the likelihood of a shortage. The .. ... -i . .I.,..,. 3. ..j k.,i. f tn mmo with ee-4 merit and' the number of barrels thejr will carry are as TOHow Barrels. . 1400 'BrltlBli ahlp. Bankburn.. - -prefPTTl' Tnn it TT Mrttiah. bark Prooyon....... , 17,099 . 11.000 -t-MfHIeh ship nlra.tsxi.m- 1 ... I... ahln u I ar I nil ARiunifJ -v i..rir ij. Tour' d'Auvergna... 14.00 'vmirh nil Id Iennec. . 10. 000 ;Krench' bark Jaeobsen.. . . . Urltlali bars; invernesBui-rw.a. - . t , : . c .- wbbm-h jom upjjyi.j. ' fth tba cargo which - jnst arrived 4he JTranch ahlp Crlllon ) It is declaeed that there will be enough . of cement to. keep the contractors going til eome of the other anipa put on- an nrmAerejMOL One of the members or a l.rra imnorUnc - firm attributes the i present ahorUga as wholly due to the -areat wave of prosperity aweeping Over ' -Pnrtlenil and adiacent territory. The "period or hard' UmeSTlie epUlus, that jjae hi a glancing blnw.oq.tQJS;fclgh"uJd,. not be reopened Ibow. --many people were expecting to occur and aide of the head. One of his eyes I The four flrat -named defendante after the fair, did not materialise, or I "'" there would have been morer cement on 'hand - than oould nave been need. :' Kqually aa heavy purchaaea of tha ma' , terial were made thla year as during 'any previous eeason, but It la declared ' that the building of new railroads, bufcl inesa -blocka- and other Improvementa cauaed tba temporary shortage and will hneceealtate the purchaaa of greater quantities of cement thla season for J. .Portland B Urrito.rr than ever before. :j . T.. . i i ;L . . r .! J ' STEAMERS COtUDE. . , : OolttmWa laaTo8a;"lnwj'oV'f Seapatcb glgaala Were SUxad. rh' a mlatakaor-slgnalgtha r steamers Coltmbla -and Despatch col- i 'tided yesterday afternoon at tha mouth i'of tha Willamette river, the latter being damaged to tha extent of about $100. jlTha Columbia escaped - without - a i ' aerate h. Tha Despatch waa light and I on ner way 10 Vancouver, whuo ' Humbla waa bound from Ban Francisco. tjWhen tha. steamer from Portland was making the turn to proceed up the Co ! lumbla river, the Ban Francisco liner ) -was rapidly approaching. Blgnala' were i given from both steamers, but before '(either could be stopped the Columbia poked her nose into the port bow of the 1 '.Despatch, tearing away about 10 feet of !her railing. . -' ' - - - ALASKA EXPECTS RUST - 1 c Oaptaia T. On Mwls, Who Tliee en Tn koa. Beys Season WOl Sa Busy One.' r Captain F. O. LewU will leave In- a few d'aya for northern Alaska, where he has apent a number of seasons as master (JiiarfHTvvlilch pneaofn the Yukon and Its tributaries. He was before the Inspectors this morning get ting bis license renewed. . The captain, ssys that navigation on the Yukon .wlU open about June IB. lie will go direct to White Horae and". from there by stage over the ice to Dawson, a distance of 5Q mllea. "It may be of Interest to fcnoeir." said Time spring Spring on us today. ' r : ' Yeterday we hadotir -opening to show the new , topcoats. Today it's double-breast-' - ed Sack Suits. - . - -'.Every new pattern that ,has received the stamp "of - fashion is represented. . Tomorrow but don't wait till tomorrow. '.; ; -, Spring i Suits' and Top coats $10 to f 25. We trust you'll be in for a lo5k." IrlOll CliOTHinO . Gius JuhnPrc ' Outfitters lor Men and Boys ; r 168 and 168 Third St M9hawk Building th6tMnrtmif no ne&d-rjf-horsea are lh fconQnnrtiioir-mt tm rama - Station' have '"beea -astabltahed every few tailee. One team la usually driven about att hour. - At thla eeaaoo the road . for the main part , followa tba rlvtr., When tha stream turns aharply a abort cut acroee tha country ta mad. Ia a atorm It la dangerous to leave the rlvetv".. . Captain Lawla ta of tha opinion that thla will be ono of tha bualeat seasons that Alaaka baa ever experienced, not exceptlne .the boom daya of 117. .Ex pectins increased traffic, tha navigation companies have built new boata whlob will ba alaoed In eervloe thla nmmer, ANOTHER STEAMER. Tease WtU Be rUltjby B barer Trana portatloa Oompaiax to' Tow log., - 1 Another steamer will be-built by the Shaver Transportation company, a con 1 tract for .her conatrudUon Tjavlng been let thla moraine to the Portland Hhlp bulldlnr company. Tha craft will be 1 20 feet lone 14 feet acroaa the beam and ii feet depth of hold. James Monks haa been riven the contract for building a botlor for the ateamer. It Is "believed "TharahT can be -completed- and ready for service by the middle or the aummer. Bhe- wilt be used for towing los raits to Portland from points on the lower Columbia. ; '- ' '.' Notwithstanding the fact" that a num ber of ateamers have been built to en cage in lot" towing during the past year, It la aald the fleet la still Inadequate to handle tha trafflo. If the local mills war of - sufficient capacity . to cut enough lumbar to aupply tha foreign and coast demand It la estimated that at least half a doaen additional tugboats would hava to- be secured. The new towboat being built by tha Willamette River A Towing pomnany will ba launched the latter part of this week from the Portland yards. - Boon afterwards aha will ba placed In service bringing log rafta from the vartoua -. .1,.,,. tha innr r'nliunML Hha Is 100 feet long, Is feet. deep. . - ' As their- bualnese -haa begun- toaa- sume such proporUona tha towboat men are starting an agitation to Induce the PorUf-Pornantr-t net on the west Side or Bwanr laiamr-eo that their craft -e taxe-tbat route ana leave' the one , on the-east side to the elusive use of all other vessels, in litha Ct6f"tWs-1"rTiafll(eiheht ' rliernle1 olara It would redound to the advantage ooBTbr" tn.0 variuui vlt4the d1 companies Tha eaat aide channel u so nm- that tha boats with, rafta In tow J'-J'tfrequently experience great dlffloulty In getting through. -SAlLORJSHURTa meary Pleoe ef Tlmbe rails oifca. ' aVosaUe of tha Termont. H. B.:Boaelle. a sailor on board the British' steamship-Vermont, had a nar row escape from Instant death yester day afternoon, . when he was struck with a heavy piece or timber wuicn waa 11n nlactxt on tha veaaeL - lie was swollen abut two minutes arter- wards and hie lace waa naaiy aenrrea, A physician was sent for to dress his wounds. "" I the man's back la not badly Injured, It is believed that he will soon recover. ''-., ----- The Vermont ta loading at tha Port land mill. The work of aupplylng her with a cargo la progressing rapidly. It la the intention to hava her ready to leave for the eea by Friday. 8 ha. will have on board about 1,100.000 feit of fir. After going to Comox, British Columbia, . to coal, aha will aall for 8hana;hal.:JTJeeeseLarrlved in Port land on March S from Ban Francisco. ' - Of the II 'steamers belonging to. th name, line, each of tha names begins with the letter-V. Tha -Vermont, ao Captain HaynaaTher master, aaya, was fiot -necessarily- named In- honor of one of the New England atatea, but more for -the reaaon that the V came In handy. Three of her sister ships are known as Virginia, Volga and Vienna. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Soma of the cement brought from Antwerp by- the - French ship Crillon, It la feared, waa badly damaged by getting wet while the vessel waa com ing around 'Cape Horn. The work of discharging the cargo was atarted yes terday at' the Greenwich dock.- , . Blight alteratlona to the gear of the BusyUea are. being made at eflupplaBh!pyardBi-The-eraf t -was taken there yesterday for repairs. Tha ateamer Daley Mitchell, Captain Smith, moved from Ldnnton to BtelU yesterday to complete her lumber cargo for Ban Francisco. - Captain A, Rlgga haa accepted a po- sWejBajnsaterQOhestea r spencer, which wltt soon be placed in service ' between ' Portland apd The Dalles. ' Until yesterday he waa In charge of the ateamer Stranger of the Regulator's, fleet. 7aptaln - Alden will fill the vacancy, temporarily, on that craft. ' ' - ' ' " - ' ' Tha . British . steamship ' Sutherland moved from Inman, Poulsen A Co.'s mill this morning to the .Victoria dol phins, where she will complete her lum ber cargo.-; ' - . ' Late this afternoon the steamer M. F. Henderson will be taken on the ways at the Portland shipyards for an over hauling.. She will occupy a berth there for about 10 daya. - - Tomorrow tha barkentlne Koko 'Head will move to a point below the bridges, where her lumber cargo for the orient will be completed. Major Ira Fcblger, - Inspector ' of money accounts,. Is In town from Ban Franclaco, making an Investigation Into the financial affairs of the United, States engineers' department. - The . British steamship Aysgarth coaled at tha bunkers yesterday after noon and this morning returned to 'the North Pacific mill to receive to re mainder of her lumber shipment for Port Pi rle, Australia, She will finish loading about Saturday and will have on in- the neighborhood of 1,600,000 feet of lumber. MARINE NOTES.7 Astoria, March 21. Condition of the bar it I t m., smooth; wind ' east; weather cloudy.- No shipping moving. Astoria, March 11. Arrived at 12:21 p. tn., ateamer Alliance, from San Fran cisco. Ran Franclaco, March 20. Balled, schooner. William Olsen, for Portland. Arrived at T p. m., ateamer Senator, from Portland. Sailed at 7 p. ra., Brit ish steamer Cambrian' King, for Port land. F.trreka.Mareh JO. Arrived, ateamer Redondo, from Portland, for Baa Fran claco; put in for fueL Cape Town, March SO. Arrived. Ger man ship Tarpenbek. from Portland. fjalam's STew Oaaaery. , . fSoedel Dteeatrh te The JoaraeM Salem, Or., March 11. The work of construction on the new eahnery to be operated here by the Mutual Canning company baa begun in earnest and crew of men la buay planing tha founda tion timbers In place. The new building la to be 0x10. The board of directors era Oeerge W. Week, president! 8. P, Kimball, secretary; C. A.' H.' Flaher, treasurer. The work will be- pushed forward ao that the plant will be ready JBIflfWtHF if I 1.1 10 EFFECT" Judge Frazer Refutes City's rV tftion to Reopen Case Against Milwaukle Club MeiwiCl NONOBJECTION UNTIL . THREE MONTHS PASSED McGinn Claims Plaintiff Had Been Heard Only n"- Question 7 as to . Whether' Camblerti .Were yioladng . Sute Nuisance Act.-,- Attoraey Henry B.- McGinn, aa spe cial counsel for the city, thla morning requested "TreSiarng-Tadge Arthur-1 Fraser to reopen the caae of the city of Portland against Peter St. Mary, Bush? Ready, Tim "TH Boest, Marttn - Keady. M. . a. Nease and Isaao Oratton. The arrested men were charged with having played In a ' gaming-house unlawfully kept within, one mile of the city limits. A demurrer to the - Information- waa auatalned. by both ' Municipal Judge George J.. Cameron and Presiding Judge Fraser. -Judge Fraser refused to-al- Inw tha r"1"fllti Mr. MoUlnn aald that there were two questions Involved In arguing tba case against the alleged gamblers one that they - ware .violating the atate nuisance act and another that they were vlolat- tag-houses within one mile of the city limits. - Tha attorney declared that the plaintiff bad been heard only on the first-named question, and that the de mwrer had been - f" the grounds-that -the- conetlttkn provided that a prisoner ahould be tried In tha county where the alleged "offense "Waa committed. As the men were arrested held they had tha right to be beard In declares that the question regarding the city's right to suppress gaming within one mile of Its, -corporate Urolta waa not paaaed upon, and on that ground he aaked that the caae be reopened. Dan J. Malarkey, counsel for the de fendants, objected t-the -eae-being re opened, aaylng that at tha time the de murrer waa - auatalned -he aaked . the court If the decision then nanded down applied to the city part of the question, and that the court sal that old. Mr. Malarkey said that as the decision bad been given three mohtha ago and no objection had been interposed until thla irornlng. he thought that the matter were arrested by Police Captain Patrick Bruin and a squad of detectives at the Milwaukle club on the night of Novem ber J.- ' " ' " -- AT THE THEATRES. - -Plfft-Piff I Pottf" Coming. "Plffl Pefft Poof I" will be sees ta this elty at the Marquem Grand theatre neit Moa ner, Tuesday.. WedDeeday sights, Msreh M, 87 end 2S. with a ptcjl-prlci sitlneeWediie da'y, aad In esertly the etme form es presented et the New York Castas, where It enjoyed a enceewfal ran of 'over eight monthe, end the presentation here will be la the seme that, bae cbareetarleed its greet eucceee. T Albert Gallatin In JTCousln Katev" . Alberta ealUtla. wheee eeeuty. viveelty, ee- eompilhmente and dlatlnirulebed anceetry were all made eubjects of emnpllmentary notice by the areee or the Facine eoaat two seeeons ago when shs appeared In dramatle literature that wee a work of art. comae to the alerqnam orana theatre next Friday and Saturday atf htn, March 23 and t. with s special-price matinee Baror day. In a wholeeome. keen, literate and satlafy Ing comedy, "Cousin Kate." Beets are new selling. T ' Last Performance. Tonight. The lest performance ef the Drury Lane 1 London) and Broadway theatre -( New-Terk) spectacular musical extravaianaa, "The Beanty and the Beeet,' will so given tonight st the Martrnam -arend theetfe. Cot tain ef Sit e' clock. Friday and Saturday at Empire. The engagement ef "Scott" at the Empire will cloee Thoreday night and he will be fol lowed by the popelar young, actor. Oliver J. nVtaardt, wbe will praeewt' the eenaatleaal melodrama. "A Fight for Honor," Friday and Saturday Bights and, Batnrday matinee. j Reilly and Woods Company. Bellly sad Woods borleeqoe company, which Is the attraction at the Baker thla week, waa adverrteed aa Hellly and Woode' Big Show, and such It te. There Is as elaborate dlaplay evl denced In all the-monntlnce and scenery , that mokes one think of the btg mnnlcal cnmealeo Heiart Palpitation Indigestion causes the stomach to expand swell and puff up against the heart This crowds the heart and interferes with Its action, causing shortness of breath, palpitaton of the heart to. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure PlfiESTS WHAT TOU CAT takes the strain off the heart, and contributes nourishment, strength and health to every organ of the body. Cures Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, SouY Stom ach, Belching, Oas on Stomach, and all Stomach troubles. v ' Deaora, Iowa, Three years age I was afflicted with ladlgestloa se mack that I Wal In eoatiaaalTisiaT After . eating my heart was affected . aad I had aauotherlag aensatioas. : Two bottles of Kodol cured, no. AXBXST LAMM. lr9A 4llf iwtfle mialMI ' Wares a mmct aw (aa trlml te sc Bin. Premarsat at the f sssratarj ee B.C. lMWtttC.CkkmiU.M.L old by Woodard, Clarke ft c. aad ' eV.9. kiajnore ft Ca. '- , , :- f " " ' -r' o Enung-Wcoli of thb .GPJiT ALTEEmTiOrr SALE " AT IE. St Slot hi tb. 69-71-73 Third St., Unites States Nationol Dank and This Storo Are undereoine m .shift of position, requiring an In mense amount of alteration in the Ainsworth buildinf. The Chicago and the United States National Bank, two hc-fotestvringotKcrns ing their business facilities, to meet the demands of a rapidly growing patronage, and prices are so low this yyrcV at THE-T.HIGAGCnhat vantage of this sale is walking "under the lucky atar; MEN'S SUITS, Will drew tuu with an ellol Suit in the latest style sack. They are dark - and medium colon in plaids." gtripee and a . . - - L110.00. $12.00 and $15.00 Suits, jalxturea not ail sizes in every tot, mostly tun irem xw "9rltH-'f feW'laitti" Krweeu- The" swawrarth .fha swir , flJL (tO AA For Pur and all-wool or Union Worsteds II I nd all-wool Worsteds in single and double w w w breasted sacks, and hair cloth fronts. The sizes are complete in- great many of the lota, and they ere mostly sio.00 and aifciQ suits. "fY f 'LocsT Eleven. This hne of Suits'1 con 2n I I -till - taint a variety of upward ef 50 styles a a y y v n blacks, bluea, serges, Thibet cloth and - unfinished worsteds in single and double breasted sacks, also an immense variety of mixed and fancy patterns. There are regular $15.00 to $20.00 Suits in this lot $14.00 Kincade ft hand-tailored Suits will be iound in this offer. The price ' of these goods during this alteration almost takes the edge of of the profit, and during the turmoil at this store we are doing business at anactuaT loss. The choice of $20.00 and $22.00 Suits will be found in Uus t 4 aaw gfxgx ' At this price we offer the very finest h I J -1 II I -Suits worth up to $30.00, where there ' vr v"are 1, 2. 3, and oi-aJdndr-They come in the very handsomest and choicest of mediurn-weie-ht materials. In soecial shaoes for the stout, tall and regular built man.- They ars the to tne tailoring trade. , PANTS-DEPARTMENT $2.45 We call arjecial it conuins several styles of the famous - Hanewell.- Brand class makes of tailor-made Trousers. There is not a pair in "the lot that would not be cheap 14.00 valuea. The v come in neat plaids, also black and blue in worsteds, etc. . &ixes irom 3d td 50 waist measure, and 28 to 38 inseara. - : $3.45 The very acme of perfection is evident in this elegant line of Hangwell Trousers. do the ordinary tailor, and equals the very best custom shops, what they must bring at the opening of the spring season. Buy your Trousers This line contains a variety, of upward of 50 styles. - during this Alteration Sale. It is the best investment you ever made. , Reed Oriians, Kimbalfs, Burdettes.FoIdingOrgans Crown and Pacific Queens r , ' - Are-Sold Only by .-..- EILERS PIANO HOUSE, Stores at -Portland, . Spokane, .Boise, San Francisco Stockton, Oakland and all other important points. hih nlav at the htrheet Drlcee. ' The eosonaa la Seeded bj Fat Relllj. wbe baa been for reare one of the'toreaiaet Irlaa coneaiaaa- on ise eaatera Mr. . . Miss New York Jr. . tt mare novel enterUlnment baa aver vtetted ear eltr tban that promised br the Mies New York Jr., company for the eomlne week, eotn menelnc aett Saturdar matinee, at the Beker theetre. It Is a leadln bnrleeoue show en the Kmptre circuit this season. , "Ole Olson" Coming tb Empire". Next week st the Empire "Ole Olaon," the treateot- Swerrleb play of them ell, will be the ttrarflno. with the nnpnlar Ben Hendricks in Mla eoke. Mr. Hendrlcke will thle aon aln els delUhtfal new eones, "Northland Lollabr," 'Talr Land ef Sweden." "a Swagger Hwedleb Swell." "Open -lonr Month aad Shut Tour Eyes" aad "Btrawberrlea." - Tonight st the Empire,. Scattr. Kins ef the Desert Mine,' will be flfpn for " tbe - last tniee tlsaee el the Empire tonight, toemrrow aiinma m uovm aisas. This ngagement bas been one of tbe moat notable of the entire theatrical seeeoa la Pert- land. Tbe slay Is a great meioarama. IT VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Lyric Theatre. The popnlar Larle stork eempaav preeeets thle week tbe elde-spllttlng farce -eomedj, "Betsy's Phoiogrsph." It Is a tremendous kit, a pley said te .pleaee aU classes. Every set Is bright, entertelnlne end fall tot vtss. . Usual matinee sad two svealse performences. At the Sur. Beverly end.flenvers, eetnrs. offer a llrtle comedy at tbe Star which Is operating, bna Reklaw, the rreklees wheelman. Is said te be the greeteat trick cyclist ea tbe stage Oonattno and Lawreaee do aa apelde-eowa .aanca. Eeea lie Sbeldoa gives a eerlo-eomte ballad and erases Donnelly does sa acrobatic dance. ' At the Grand. . . With a petal scenery, plcturesqoe costumes, new songs ssd edd dances tbe set ef Joeopblne Oeaamea and her pickaninnies st the Grand this week Is sa spplause-wlaaer. . The Sadlum Slrls, with aioctse, tbe dencer, prove one ef tht sensations of tbe seeeon. Other strong sets ire provided by Harry W. Uprlngold end bla romreny In an amuelng sketch) Iel-s-pbnne, the bamen telephone; Marie Sparrow, sieger a el eosasdlenaa sad Us musical Sklrleya MMO. ottU Btodt Bet. Oak sad Rae in Orfgrm. arejncjrjfg the man who takes adi nl I at ak St A . . ,. t worsted SJ l?f !H i Z I II II i a r-V--.. . :-........: A .j, , . ', II Y This should be a popular price for the man who wants to dress welL' Brainerd. Wood' and" fcther eauanr variety ot DO styles. very choicest goods known attention to this line, as - Bros- and .. other -high- at $3.50. Most of them ars 3 stripes.-: mixtures.- over- We I -.- t I 111 . . k t aa. X." f - "V w i IV t I II I The material, workmanabio and atvlea out- SSe to Terms : $1.00 Down, $1.00 a Week These tables are of solid oalt, strong; and substantial In .'the making, handsomely, polished. They have 48-inch tops and extend to eight feet, and are made of the very best eastern oak, thoroughly kiln-dried. This is ait unusual bargain in 9-foot genuine oak tables, and one you should not miss if you have table Sale on MIRSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Our Saturday Special this week will be a handsome 8-colored n : A Reflular 82.50 RTO We have GO-CARTS by OWN TERMS. If you need prices and best terms. (EE S W z gr,. - -,- . - , -md ,' . . . ' ' ' ' .' ' ... ''... ' . ' . . II I Vi 1 AM' fiSM -) S - II -1 11 l I -'-.-. - -;.--'--:- . : ' ' : : 11:1 - a a i . m : . - . at . a have on our shelves over 2,000 pairs of $5.95. There la not a oair in the lot that SPEOMr-TlREE DAYS Regular Price $; Special Price the thousands and you are privileged to buy them . on YOUR a new go-cart, do not hesitate to see us for the latest styles, lowest " , ' ;,k.: ; Trousers, ranging in prices from is marked within 20 Der cent of all wLLO nwL Velvet Rug, 27x54 in. in size. 173175 First SI. 219-227 Yamhill to handle the early fruit crepe. - . , -. -. J .'.'' . c ... . - v (