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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1906)
. TIIE . OREGON .' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTEaTJIE WEDNESITATrEVNlNtJrIARClItlrTlWftr .1 ooagyAjTr bastbbb OTrrrrTTiwfJi combabt y baotbbjc ouijiatixbx: Supreme Court Hold Extra--.ordinary Seeeien at Homeof Chief Justice. . . JL .- TVTo foVt" rt f I7if - I ii (Continued from Pag On.) LYIICIIERSHE PUIIISHED MM i s " on-Mortll'mird - atreattelUng- M liner . rthst he bought a t5 tun for 14.10 and purcnaaea lour Dome or caririagesior n"'PTU,poir-ofT)raotJcinrhootlTr:T'n ' proprietor of the gun alore aweara that ' a man answering Muaa'a deaorlptlon paid for the gun and purohaaed only . one box of cartridge, for which he paid , 71 centa, and that he went outwlthout T"laWng tcenta chang1Uiawaa coming Lana leaving JJmeirnlcb. hr dropped v on thtf"ftoor." r..-. , ;. .The -evidence- of i - feaaion waa In the deteotlvea' hand on February 10 and all the atatamenta - y cured rrom Jauss, were in ineir ww sion oy iarcu s. , in nu un w . made to arreat the suspect and no war rant wa applied for. -The officer knew where Mum waa and were shadow. " tng him. Twenty-one day after th nrt confeaalon la alleged to have been mad Joe Mllner and Charlea Harding. Wilson's employer,- went to Dlatrlct At torney Manning's ' of flee and -told 'him they had information about a confeaalon ''made by the murderer of Kulin.. But they -wanted ' a reward put up and wouldn't tell what they claimed to know until -th offer of th reward had been published. " 4 . Detectives B sfotbiaav 1 In th meantime' no move had been made bv the detective to take Muaa . Into custody. ' On the earn day that ' Mllnerand hi employer,. Harding,, ep r plied for ' reward, -Mr. - Manning - had l jnrs..avunn ram to nia oinrn inn oiror one. .Though thla waa - published . th . ii following day. no effort waa then made ' f to arreat Muaa. and, the men didn't tell Ith dlatrlct attorney what they claimed to mow. no warrant waa appuea rer -until two daya " later, when Kerrigan -wei" ,sumtnoned"ef oe JUayoE ToS and t Chairman Ureen of the police commute ' on tne case. Immediately after the aeealoe. before i these official Snow went to Manning and got a John Do warrant... Muaa waa etlll in th city, it ia elalmed. buUXns ' warrant wasn't served. Then on Friday following Muaa left for Hood Klver. - - Mllner affidavit ' waa J not J secured '.until th caae was placed in. Captain r. Bruin's charge Monday, and the captain '"'knew nothtng of these fact until that " tlrtie. He declares that had he known i what, he haa. learned, Muaa would never have been allowed to get away. DETECTIVES AT HOOD RIVER i treat After lfmsa But Mo Word Ke .'. oelved as to Their Imoeesa. . Rd-II DUpeteb t Til JobrnaLt "Hood Rlver.-Or.. March . SI. Detec tive iteauig.ana eno oi foruana ar- j. rived last - evening -and - thla. morning started for the Stanley-Smith lumber -camp, 10 mllea back In th mountain. ( to arrest Paul Muaa, wno is earn to have made -a confession to the murder of Julius Kuhn. - Owing to the fact .that telephone com- lti munlrttTrfrir1n interrupted it la not known whether tneynave aucceenca jn , getting Hum aa yet. Th road are tn -at bad condition "' andrhe "party cannot Y reach Hood Rivet until 4 o'clock this artemooB at oeav ? , , Nothing can be learned of - Muaa'a he went direct to th camp. Th west bound train Is fly hours lata and offi cers will not be able to get to Port land until, a lata hour. tonight , V ILLNESS IN FAMILY CAUSES 'POSTPONEMENT Hlllaboro, Or.. March 21. Yesterday was th tint fixed for th hearing of 'the case of Pacific university agalnat This ia case to recover certain real ' eatate In Foreat Orove, because llauor has been sold on said premises In vlola- i'tlon of a prohibitory clause in on of th deeds in years tone by, -s, -r The case Is postponed until next term t-TWWsireTIcknean6amTIyor oerendant. ' - TakM rum o. X. (Special OI patch to The Jooxaal.) J r Eugene, Or., March 11 Leon R. Ed- . munaon has filed -with th Lan county ' clerk bia petition for the nomination as ; representative.' H states that he will , uphold "atatement No. 1," and wishes I th following placed opposite his name . on the ballot: "A government of th f- people, "by th people and for the. peo ' pie." .. THE FIRST LETTER ; : A Woman WtfteaJ . 1 i ' ' i" ' I-'- - , Tin rntar ran r.n that a sick woman Should wrjw or have aorae one write for ' her Is to Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.. asking him If Fa voritb PnracniTTioir" - Is suitable for her case, and he will . frankly tell her so If he thinks It la. He . may have to aik some quratlona before : he ean be sure jiiat what the trouble Is. - If yon are suffering from uterine dis- ease, the symptoms of which are head , ache, backache, sidmache, pain In vari otis paru of. the body, especially In the ?'pelvfo region, bearing-down. Inflamma tion, ulceration1, then Dr. Pierce will - advise you to use his "Fayoritb Pnx- . cairriog" for ha has had a wonderful etnerienee In the nee of this remedy. It :y kbit a ,rnF.nurTio!f that became Ills "favorite when he was engaged in Jiiivate praetloe forty years ago atd ound that It cured more than ninety eight out of every hundred of ail such : cases that came, under his care. The doctor found scores and hundreds 'of women who were being Improperly . treated because their trochlea were not understood, and he determined to place thla remedy that he had used so success-i- fully within reach of the multltadea who were In such aor need of It. i He made It efficient, agreeable to taste. I- 01 I p 1 ll Tbia Most Unique PhotogrgphShowf -the Kaiser at He Appeared at -" ' Fancy Ball Pressed aa a German Nobleman of the Seventeenth Century VILLAGE SMITH IS ELECTED - ra'OF PELHAM Pits, ft ..Cgrpat-Pn ?. glrght. mi Defeats Both Old Party . Candidate. , - " (Jooror Ipedal Sertloerr-- MoUnt Vernon, N. Y.. !arch- SI. Jamea RMlly. the vlllag blacksmith. waa yeaterday elected president of North Pelbam village on the Municipal Ownership ticket. Other candidates on that ticket were successful, defeating the Republican and Democratic noml- neaa by good pluralities. ' Mondsy, realising it would be difficult to get commutera and other realdenta to town, got a "corner" on, all th alelgh rn-tewn by hiring tnem rrom in livery men and his rival candidates had to send to New-Rochelle and Mount Ver non for vehicles. Rellly wa, elected by l plurality. .. - . . HAMILTON TO MEET AtSSUESTNCOUrTri ' 1 " " . . i. : Uoarnal BDeetal Berrlra.) ' New Tork. March 21. Andrei Hamil ton thla morning made , caustlo reply to the Fowler Investigating committer's Invitation to testify fcefore th commit t. H "d -ttiaa-m miilit' at th Issue "in court where -there would be no vanity to be tickled and the scales would be held on an even Mlance,", Th married man doesn't believe 1 in paying money to hear, a lecture, i ' ana, oen ot an.iaiA'Tor any woman, oia or young, to use. - It l iuthii a sTrvtr LAKT KOR A WAHTOTK, Junt a veffetabla tonic, and Invigorating' nervine, com posed of native roots of remarkable medi cinal virtue In the treatment of this elaaa of disease, and Its bxcord or atom l-JTHAJLFALr a miixiox or cuua anuuea It to full confidano. : - The tn medicine for the cure of woman's peculiar weaknetfiea ahd ail ments, th Ingredlenta of which ; ara printed and plarnd upon every bottle leaving the great Laboratory In Buffalo, N. Y.. where It is made, la called Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription. . . . . It Stands 7llone- p'? ''.? rvspec w in Ingredient' being known, bat also aa the only specific advertised remedy for won an'a dlseaeerrhich absolutely contaiH HO AtOHOI'. i . i .. .. . : . It Stands 711 one " n nicuirintf tor women, the makers of which take their patients fully into their confidence and tell them exactly, wbat. they are taking.. This Dr. Pierce can afford to do because hls"FAVORiTa pBKac'Ripf ion is made of such Ingredients and artor "a working formula that has thousands of cures to Its credit, placing Its mqrlta above criticism I nlfered with ovarian trouble for many month until I bersm quite dlecouraged, aa ther u rrrely a day wben-J was not la pain and my health wa simply a wreck,"' write Mia Olive Messier, of Brrsi-naav N. V. "I read one of our advertismenu and de cided that I would try lit, Pierre's Favorite Prescription, aa It noemed to have helped so many who were aolterlns a I did. I fimnd relief after ualne-twobotMeav and a cum la three months from what I considered was Incurable. - 1 am very grateful, and so Jleaaed with mr recovery: Life- tooka dif erent to me now. and I shall always give th nredlt where it helongs-rtq JJr." Piaros'S mailing and ant a copy of the "Common Kens Meaicai aaviser.'over iooq oagna. Address Dr. R. V. Plercei Buffalo, Nrr Tbete OBMINAL UtO Lrvee ijsniv "'' u b TkA. Pievo over rears aro, hav bean araca) tasHatad but eree sewalsd. They're made of purely veg etable, coanentrated and refrned medlrlnal principle, extracted" from nattv American rout and plant. They speedily relieve and cure foul, torpid and deranged Htumanha, IJver and Hownls and their attendant die treasfal atlmenta One or two a laxative three ot tout a cathartic .7 , DOG FOLLOWS MISTRESS TO - GRAVE IN THE DEEP taithfuJLjindDevotedao. JJttle Owner, Collie JumptTto V-, DeathrtrtiOceah. " ( Jenraal Spxrlal BerrKe.t : . New. York, March SI. Faithful and devoted to, her little owner, Daisy, a Colli dog . which . went aboard th steamship Columbia a th vessel left Glasgow, jumped overboard and drowned herself when "Mary McDonough, 4 year old. was burled at aea. ' , JK - The 'little girl was almost eontlnuoua ly 111 during th tint after th ship left the other aide. 8h kept to th cabin,-.- but th exceedingly - 'rough weather increased bar Illness. The dog was at her aide all the time and could not be coaxed away. When early Wed nesday the littl on auccumbed to her malady th. consent of th parents waa secured -to -eury -th body at sea. over th aid th dog brok away from'-the member of th crew wno tried to hold her and leaped Into th water; She was- awept away by th waves! - -'. HARTI F ROCK'S WFW TrASTORTTAKESCTIARGTteeS ' 'tSpeelsl Dispatch to Tha Joarnal.) - Castle Rock, Wash., March ill. Rev. Fred . W. Jackson,, recently of Hyde vlil,'. California, . haa arrived In town and. will take charge .of th Christian Rev. Fred W. Jackson, Castle Rock's ; New Minister. ' -!- - ' . .... cTiurch-tta peetor. Mr.. Jackson preached hlatlrst .acrmon.her last Sun day morning, i Th church' had. been vacant ,slnce;. lust . -fall." Mr. Jackaon I onjy it years -old, hot he has had pastnratea at New t Providence,. Tennee- mmf . 1 ml ftWn In . - MnhlatHl. I VI H I a rvn land JlydeavlJl, CalrfornU. II began i preaching When "oniv 17 year of age. H-wa-oorn in-Jw yora -.Tity - and waa .educated-' Mi- the piihllo schools r.f tile ctry, -afterward studying -In ' Kerr tucky university apd Berkeley Divinity school,, California. ,, j ' ' otnuMrTs BTamed. v ' '; (Jeeraal Special Servteej ; , Washington, March ; 21. The follow ing postmasters hve been named: Samuel 8. Johnston. National City, Cali fornia, and Charles 1L Jones, Arlington, Washington. ' ' ; ' .. ' 'I 'i J ; - ' I fcV'-'fi-rv . vj A ATTANOOOA-MOffTST " , GUILTY OF CONTEMPT Action of Justices Is Without Prece dent as Court Had. A3JburnecT Monday and "dnly11 Urgent Matter r.rnM Have Pallet T Together, rsj" . . " (Jearaal Bpdl erice.). Washington, -March tl.-rA .vSpclal meeting of th auprem court of th United States waa held thla morning' at th horn of Chief Justice FulUr.. Th utmost acrcy prevailed, offlclala even going so far aa to deny the meeting, which, It ia assumed,, is In connection with the lynching of Ed Johnson, the negro, at -Chattanooga, . night ; , before last. . Such a aeaaion .of th suprvm court Is . almost unprecedented. . Court adjourned on Monday until April Land only a matter- of th greatest lmpor Jaao could have cauad its members to gather . . It 1 aald on good authority that the court considered th advisability of an attempt' to aecur th punlshmanb pf th mob which took the negro murderer from the Jail at Cnattanooga who legal xecutlon set ror ysiteraay waa atfyea by an order of the auprema court. The department of Justice la also consider ing action in th matter. PIspatches i from " Chattanooga sfat that a mob of 4,000 negro attempted to rlot-4ast-nlghUto- sour revenge for th lynching of -Johnson, bur was held In check by a aquad of 100 policemen f ualladea of shots occurred in which two white men were wounded and a housft burned. Th funeral of Johnson waa held today. All th manufacturing plants ware cloaad because of the re fusal of th negroes to work. LIFE-SAVING APPARATUS ON FERRIES INSPECTED lz4jamraal Special Bervtee.) Ran Francisco, Cel., March . 21.- In obedience . to ordera from th de- prtment of eommerc and labor th : local United Stat steamship lnspec-j tor hav begun, a searching Inspection! of th llf-savtng apparatus with which i th ierryboata on San Francisco bayj ar equipped. Thua far over a thouaand I Ufa preservers and two big llf rafts have been condemned. The firsT""b6at Inspected -wsjU. the Southern Paclflo ferry- Knclnal. Out of 2,(00 preservers Inspected a thousand wer thrown out. " . ' - . - j Th order from Washington say not only will ocean-going craft be ub-1 Jcterohnibaailldr-rnemoTir)nt- all vessel plying on rlvrs andlrai1 bora in th United Statea will b forced Into strict compliance with th regula tions - governing life-saving - equipment. GARDNER ORGANIZES V B0ARDATR0SEBURG Spelat Dlapateb t Tk JooraaL) - Roaeburg, Or, March 21. Superin tendent W. T. Gardner of the Stat Boys' and Girls' Aid society of Portland haa been in this city for the past two. day for th purpose of ' organising a local board to act as an auxiliary to the state society. In Portland. ' His idea la it orrsn iff, ft lor'1 IMM county. -preferably at the county Seat The following hav been selected for Douglas county: O. P. Coahow, state senator; George M. Brown, dlatrlct at torney; Louie Bariee, 3. C. Aiken. A. A. Wilder. Mr. W. R. Willis and Mrs. J. C Fullerton- CALL-CONFERENCE FOR CTIOJsJJ.NJNSURANCEj (Joarssl gDHl Servtee.) Chicago. March 21. The ub-comm it tee of th Interatat lnauranc confer ence met today to consider the pro vlHlona of the Ames-Armstrong bill. No definite action wan takpn. A conference of aovernore and attorneys-general will ashlngton on th lnauranc commissioners ar scheduled to meet. Br. J. SC. Boyd Dead. - (Speelnl IHapatcb to The Journal I . Walla Walla. Waah.. March 21. Dr. J. M. Boyd, a pioneer physician and sur geon of th northwest, dled-ber yester day forenoon of apoplexy, due to an in jury he received to hi spine in Spokane laat year by being run down by a bi cyclist. Dr. Boyd waa St yeara of age and was mayor of. Walla Walla in l-8?.. He was a native of Kentucky andcrossd "the plains to .Oregon. In 18S. 11 Is aurvlved by Mra. Boyd and aeveral children, among whom ia Don Carlo Boyd, editor of .the Ontario paper. The funeral occurred from the residence at 1 o'clock thla afternoon, being held under th auspices of the Odd Fellows. 2iriied MSoek Oaan Allan A Lewis' Beet Brand. MAINLY PERS0NAL7 R. K Simpson of Prlnevlile, I In the rty at the Perklna -hotel, buying goods for his mercantile establishment. Among the Imperial hotel guests Is John McCarthy, the Wyeth railroad con-! tractor. , H. II. McCarthy, former stock broker In this city, but now In the mining business at Sumpter, la at the Imperial holeL Kx-Qovemor T. T. Gee of Salem, -can didate for nomination for Tils former position, 1a . among th Perkins hotel guests. Dr. J.' A, Oelsendorffer of TheDIles Is at th Pe.rklns hotel. Among the . Perkins hotel gueeta Is II. E. Armstrong, a Cathlamet, Wash. Ington,' merchant. Ilet Is her to buy goods, and la accompanied by his fam ily. ; " ' . - . - !. W'elsgorber. the tewlaton. Idaho, brewer.. ,i at the Perklna hotel. . He ia accompanied by Mr. Welagorber. C ASTOR I A For IofanU and Children.. Tha Kind Yea Kara Alwajs Bszght Bears tha CUaaatur) of 7 - lSJ,' aw 1 mm PER DAY BUFFET BARGAINS AVcathard and golden oak, in - many designs. " ' , $50 BUFFETS $37.50 $45 BUFFETS $35.00 $42 BUFFETS $32.50 $33BUFFETS,$25.00 $27eBUKFETS,.$20JQJQ. U420-BUFFETS-$1454 $1B0VVN-$1AVEEK s & ' m Tnmnrtftw unll sell tfieaei sU5en:o.uraiiiN.Georj Regular price- $1. No tele phone orders taken. , 'CHEVIOTS will not WORSTEDS . hundred REFORMS INSTITUTED ' BY. CONDON SALOONS (Special Dlapatrb to Tha Jnnraal.T - Condon. Or.. ' March 21. Th saloon faction In thla county Is getting busy aa election approaches. The fact that the county went dry at the last election, but waa declared Illegal on a technicality, haa not been forgotten. The first etep waa to petition th council to .force two licensed resorts here to. discontinue the Illegal sale of llimors. Then gambling ll.. 1 J HPS CtTUD OOBYVMPTZOB. ' f "TWri: -B. W.-- Evens, Clearwater, Kan, wrltea: "My husband lay lck for three months. The doctors said he bad quirk consumption.- W procured a hot tie of Rallerd's Horehound Syrup and It cured him. That waa ela year ago and alnc then w have always kept a bottle Inth house. W cannot do with out It.- For cough snd colds It has nil eonal. Mo, to and SJLOS. .Woodard, tiara st to. values. OurctcrmixratiorrtQl malaEMarc be rcrac m here dJpy homc furnishers is shown by the fact that wc price xit every piece of FurnC ture in the house.' Prices Were never lower inn this city, and surely terms were ne ver easier; a J SEE OUR DINNER SETS " AT BARGAIN PRICES. ' THE- best: ALARM OUR -PECIAf 1 - - PRICE. 65c Ssruaytus tae Parte la Tin. . We eaaJ eaaikik aaaav aww-sad kaasta. fal Sa.lgs, W aie aasisve aeaaalat yea with tale Sesart SMat, sad ta thla ead effar . THE STOSE WHEB.K Toua QKiprrs oooa lillli 7 DRESS GOODS FOR MEN SERGES Ten different weights and weaves.' Several shades of . blue. .The genuine Washington Navy Serge the same cloth rv used by the navarofficers. 'Blue linings and' blue buttons; -made especiaHy-foT our berges. - Prices: gZQLlor ?3!LW0 Hundreds of patterns including many that positively be shown elsewhere on the Pacific coast. A beautiful assortment of fine soft weaves.- Two patterns. Prices $20 to if 40. ; . , - Vrr JLANNFTS-.A little earlyth4Hk-abei-flaTmelsrbut' wherTVa? cation time approaches we want you to inspect our stock. ' ': TOP COATS A dozen or fifteen grades and shades of Covert cloth. Silk lined. Prices $20 to $35. ; ,; , - Come in and look over our stock. Whether you buy or not you will then know vyliat the dressiest, most tasty fabrics for tb season are. - - ELKS' BUILDINQj-SEVENTH-'ANDSTARKSTSr was shut down In nearly- all of the Ight place. The more are expected to take the rough edge off the situation before election. . In spit of these move the prospects point strongly to m dry town. . The U cense from th eight as loons amounta to a large sum In th course of a year, aa th liquor license Is S0O, and th gambling privilege coat them 120 more per month. Tbia, together with the f IV per month charged for each unfortunate In the tenderloin, runs the sum total up to over M,oo per year for llosnaes ajon. , ! : . rrok Moa Seavd. Condon, Or., March tl.-Mr. Jean i. bou. one of th first aetUera 'M Oil Ham county, haa been burled In Mount Morlah cemetery The deeeaaed - oam to thla county over 10 years ago, to en gage In tha atock business. II fought th Indians, and helped to build the first barbed wlr fences In thla country. U waa bora In Franc 71 yesra aaa. have reduced the ART- RUGS SPECIAL oriental, medallion and - (AA faTicy - TRilgns $uj 9x12 extra quality Brussels Ruga, oriental medallion . (JA : and fancy designs, UU0J SPECIAL-TERMS $1 DOWN $1 A. WEEK WASHINGTON AND TENTH ..... OOLBH Th Dcaiitiful Story (D Clarlc Piano v Haa ( a i n a d mora friends la a faw yeara than any other hlgh-grada piano, i The Story ft Clark is sold . , only by EILKRS PIANO HOUSE, Storca at Portland, Spokane. Bobs, San Francisco, Stockton, Otl and all other important ttLtts. 1 and bail no relative Ii r but leave hot of frl I to I hi loa. Mr. Iebou wi a a r- aad a charter mmtf of t A A. 11 ordtr of DiJ I - . . ... . ....... t