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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1906)
THE : OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 21, 1SC3, ROBBER'S BULLET "PIERCES SIDE" D77?r3rfMrrAgd Druggist -- Seriously Wounded in fight 4 v With Bandit-. ORDERED TO GIVE UP . - - - MONEY, HE RESISTS Qrabs Hand -That. Hold . Revolver end Nearly Overcomes Young Op ponent, When . Weapon It Dia charged and Ballet Cauaes Wound. . As he mi closing up ,Mlf4f for v th night. Dr. J. Fisher: who conduct Z.fL drug stor at Twenty-first and GlUan - streets, wa attacked by a highwayman Und- aerlously though , not fatally ;:. wounded. II la at St. Vincent a hoapl- ; tal with a bulet wound la ,th left yl.'ald,-' ..... : . ' . it. Fisher and R. U Via, a clerk, war - r the atore at the time.. . Dr. Fisher - had' reajoved the money from the" ceh ' drawer and can-led, it. in a aack la hla s 7 T i. "7 V 1 ' V . '. ' ' .1 Dr. J. JwF?her. waa .XoroeA-i4shootthrousb- hl coat. which waa set on fire by the expioaton. The weapon waa throat cloae agalnat Dr. FUher'a body and hla clothing waa powder-burned. The ball entered the Ut-wlde-drraettiranova the pelvis bone and lodged In the back. The aaed drug glet relaxed Me bold aa the ahot waa fired and the boy bandit, hurried from the atore. He eecured nothing. The atruggle laated only for a, brief time and It waa Juat before the . ahot toed that the , clerk rushed, out to aid the druaalat. He. reached the front of the atore Just aa the weapon waa thrust against Dr. Fisher" body. He declares that at alght of the re volver hla atrengtb departed, hla knees gant way and he waa helpless, ','. . . Telia el Shoetlar. JLeavtng the atore nattily, the bandit hurried east on Ollean etreet. and en countered J. C. Muehe of the First Na tional bank. He told Mr. Muahe that Dr. - Fisher had been wounded. Mr. Muehe noticed that tie waa natieaa-aoa that tilaj fa I waa nn fire. - - In the struggle, the bandit lost nis hat. which waa found later and la now in the, possession of th police. It la a soft, black fait and may plajTan im portant part in identification. At St. Vlncenf a hoepltal an operation waa performed on Dr. Meher and the bullet waa removed.'. It waa found to be a .11 caliber. At the hoapttal It la aald that tha patient waa Improving and that tha wound would not result fatally. The operation waa performed by Dra. Skene and Jones. - --, Dr. PUher la (S yeare of age. He had been In constant fear of a holdup for months. The bandit la deecrtbed aa of medium height and apparently about 21 years of age. DeteetlvesuVaughn and Hellyer were aaaigned to the case this morning and they believe that tharoV ber will bo captured. 1 Toung Via, the clerk, declared today that ho aaw the man atandlng In front of tha atore for sortie time before tile I assault waa dims, m pprmi j mm till assured that no one waa approach Ing and that no ears were watting in - th vicinity. I&jOne Moment HeDarea Hit Enf How to Avoid Being Put In Jail Death Valley Hell on Earth. ; WM. CORNETT OF CONDON T CROSSES"GREATT)IVIDE (Bawilal DlanaKk te The Ioeraal.1 day mpmlna. at the advanced age of M , ' , iZl I" .. " yeara - He had bJn falling sln U.tt1 .hand. Tha aum amounted to bet wean ate and 140. Via waa In the rear of 'the atore, .behind tha prescription case. ) while , Dr. liaher had turned out tha llghU and waa preparing to lock the As ha was about o turn tha key. a .young man who had been loitering In ; front approached him. Ha held hla ' hands to hla face, and waa apparently . in pain. Ha aaid that ha wanted a drug Ato relieve the toothache. Dr. richer . left the door open and a tar ted toward tho tear of tha atore. to reach the counter.- The young man followed eloaely t his heals. Hold ons'old men; ire the money and .'-not tha medicine that I want," he. aaid. as he suddenly seised the bag of money r- la Dr. ruber's band, f ' " ' . fianklng Xm Bevolver. " i.' Dr. Fisher turned Immediately and 'aaw that be waa looking Into the mui ale of a revolver. With hla disen gaged hand, tha young bandit waa try. lng to tear the bag of money from hla grasp. Dr. rtaher quickly eelsed tha hand In - which tha bandit held the revolver and tha atruggle began la a email tncloeure ' between showcasee and oountera. which pushed aside by the combatants. Dr. Fisher waa overpowering hla younger assailant, " and waa about to throw him to the floor when the bandit auooeeded in eztricaUng the hand which held the revolver and fired. He waa unable to free hla hand completely and July, but had alwaya enjoyed superb health up to that time. . Deceased waa of the very beet type of ploneere who came In the early daya from tha aaat to build np the west. He crossed the plalne in 1U. and settled In the Wil lamette valley. In Polk county, where he lived until J80, when he moved to Mat. ney riat, where" he lived " Until four years ago on a farm, when be took up hla abode in Condon. ' . Mr. Cornett was a native of Missouri. He waa In the government aarrloe dur ing tha Mexican war. during which ha waa employed In moving government atoree from Independence, Missouri, to Santa re and Albuquerque. He wae-l captain of tha emigrant train in which Judge J. D. McFarland of Fossil crossed the same year in another train, and tha two became acquainted with each other on the long overland Journey to the Pa cific coast Mrs, Mary Hamilton of Fossil also crossed the same year, being In tha eame .train with Judge McFar land - The deceased waa aa honored member of Wheeler County -Pioneers at tha time of hla death, and leaves a host of frtenda in' OllHam and -Wheeler coun ties. He leavea a widow, and eight children besides numerous grandchild dren to mourn hla death. He waa laid to rest In Mount Mormh cemetery, Con don,' Maroh II. ESTABLISH FIRE LIMITS FOR CITY OF CONDON ,i (pedal DUpstea to The Joeroal.) ' Condon, Or, March 21. At the teat meeting of tha city council an ordinance waa paased by that body regulating tha construction or outiaings on v Main street It calls for nothing less than brick, atone or cement within-a radius of 10 blocks on eitheraide-ot Main atreet, .which Include th entire busi ness district of Condon. Thla waa done to prevent any mora wooden structures being built, thereby greatly lessening th nr risk. i ea 01 Lots at Piedmont ! One of the choiceit apot in the city, bccauie ot its especially desirable HOME FEATURES. Eaatern and California people who are experts in home-building, are especially charmed with it, and have bought lots and built there. -Among investor in erery- line- there are those-who-for soma -emergency reason want to, or perhaps have to, realize quickly, and who therefore offer to sell at reduced prices. Finding some such owners of Piedmont lots, and being willing to assist and accommo date both sellers and buyers, WE HAVE DECIDED TO ACT AS AN AQENT FOR BOTH, WITHOUT CHARGE OF ANY KIND FOR OUR SERVICES. Thus (he seller is assisted by a quicker sale and the buyer by a bedrock price. v , ' Each will readily realise that we are in the best possible position ' to render a thoroughly mutual service, as we, too, will be benefited by securing many desirable Home Builders and getting transient property into the hands of more permanent owners. To this service jn your behalf we pledge our very best endeavors. . - WE THEREFORE INVITE ALL SELLERS AND BUYERS I OF WHAT-ARE-CALLED SNAPS m, TO CUT-OUT TH4 BROKERS AND SAVE COMMISSIONS BY CALLING ON Hie Investment Company ' . 244 STARK STREET. PHONE MAIN $71. Who owns the most of PIEDMONT and is the promoter and pro-' tector of all jts good features, and the avowed enemy of anything ' that will maf -t.-;.' ... v'.-w . We especially invite newcomers to inspect PIEDMONT. It rs situated upon the Peninsula. 200 feet above the Columbia and Wil lamette River. Healthy, sightly and with protected home sur roundings. ... Buyers of our own property will be assisted if they desire it, upon advantageous terms in building their homes. . ' . PIEDMONT lies between two trunk lines of eltctric cars. It hss the Oftenest, the quickest and the best 'equipped suburban car service in the city. . . . ; , ' , ' . .riememfea: 244 STARK STREET PHONE MAIN 871 . . SCOTTY HE GOING BACK i v - ... " . ' ". -r ' Sayg ! .lgJSoinjLjoQ"'t Show Business and Look After His Rich Mine. - HAS INEXPENSIVE ROOM, ...SPENDING LITTLE MONEY . "Scotty" la going to oult the show business, he say a, and return to hla fabulously rich gold mine in Death val ley. There will be ,no canceling of dataa until ha reachea Either Baa Fran- claco or Los Angeles, unlese ha ahould, be arrested In the meantime. At tha Portland hotal this morning. "Scotty". aald there were a number of persons wbo'knew where hla rich mine la and were attempting to jump nis claim. To prevent such an actios he may ring the curtain down -upon hla how and go to hla mine Juat aa fast aa hla mule HUm pin take him. - I v got my mine protected wun armed ,31 en." aald "Scotty thla morn ing, "and they , will, ahoot If any one trtea to Jump th claim. But I must be - there to look-after- matters, The dagalhink vthat ' one they get me In lall I , cannot communicate witn me outald world, and then they can get my mine. But I will fool them. I am going to quttrthle show business ..and go back to . the "mine. Th show 18 loo alow for- me,- and ther -Is wot enough money in It. IVOiMAH DRIVES OUT RG3BER - AFTER PISTOL DUEL Druggist's Wife Opens Fire on Burglar Who Hag Ordered r Husband's Hands Up. N, rest me and be eternally d Five minutes later, be changed hla talk. "Suppose they do arreat met" - he asked. "Can I get out on bondT -1 bar th money ready to put up. I do not want to be arrestsd, I want to go back to the mm."- - y ' - " - za "Sootty" la so harassed In hla own mind that h la not himself. '-.A week ago, when he visited Portland, before th threat of arreat wr mad, h waa aa.llght-heartad as schoolboy. To day he is so nervous that he cannot alt' In a chair ten minutes. He la ao preoccupied wfth hlf iown thoughts that ha forceta to-order tha drinks; hs buys he crossed- th plains in j ..newaw) iadawhat hoa. to aay about hlra and bursts out: Th dogs! Vl them do their worst. They will find me ready at any stage of th gam. - They think they can frighten me. but they can't. I wish they would arrest me. Then you wouftl hear Bcotty roar." . After walking around a HtUe, rub bing hla fao with hi handa and not aaylng word, another paper la bought, and the same story read again, in- otherlrtnk. and whU Tlpplng-4t, "Sootty" will ask all manner of ques tions as to bow to avoid incarceration. Along thoaa 11 at h said W Piprplng: ."Thla uUup began about three, years ago, when I went to New York, to aee soma neople to get grub-ataked. I told them I had a mine, and wanted money to work It. They would not listen to ma I had to go It alone. I made the atrlke. have million and now those. pupa want to get half of It-, I will aee them in n 1 nrst. - mo pending Homey, -""Scotty" la not spending any money this time In Portland. He buys a few drinks,- but-does-not offer - tlpe. - At the Portland hotel this morning he DlaDatee te Tbe Journal ""Condon. Or., March tl-Wlth " the primaries drawing near th various can didates for nomination for tb various offlcea to be filled at th next election are getting busy. Th candidate for clerk are Pearl Jarvta, the present deputy, and R. H. Robinson, former postmaatar - of Arlington, but for tha past, year a realdent of Condon, both Re publicans. - The race for th office of sheriff will be close at th election m June. It lies between Ray Rogers, the present deputy, and George An gall, a well-known resident of the Mayvlll pre cinct. Mr.' Roger la th Democ ratio nominee and will In all probability win on account of hla good record and the fact that thla efflc has been held by a Democrat for the past IS year a. For eoanty Judge Mr. Ed Dun AT the present t IncumbenV la on the Democratic ticket, and L W. Darling, an attorney of Con don, will b th Republican candidate, shook hla head to two men who funda He la OCcupylnr air Inexpensive room.- Tha beat In th house Is not for him. Hla brother "Bill" la no longer at the Portland. When asked this morning where 1 Death valley anLFuneral mountain th latter a short range rising to tombstonea out of the corner of the borax and alkali district got their names. "Billy," who la at th Calumet, aald "Death valley Is a suburb of hell, and the Funeral mountain rang I - the I auldeeoet. In the valley the sun ere- 5 .'Turmg' th. d.v. -Th;n6dit m !.. .vt. .niMvHtu I people. void of vesetatlorr. Tha valley proper Is about 0 miles lons Almost through the center of It run a atrip of borax. On tha east side 1 th Funeral mountain range. On the other side I Telescope peak, with bar ren foothill. Aside from about to acres toward on end of th valley, ther la nothlna- rreen. At that place a borax eomnanv ha a ranch of a score of area It la watered by the Skull and Croasbones creek, which comes down from th Funeral mountalne. Adjacent to the ranch la a atrip of green caused by. a submarine flow of water, which moistens th upper cruet On th ground grow some areas, which nutriment Sow Death. TaUey Oot areas. "Death valley got it name along In tha latter '40a, whsn gold waa discovered In California. People from .the atatea- who headed for what la now Ban Fran cisco got caught In the valley and many of them died. They wer ounea ana piles of etone mark their last resting place. That valley la marked . with grave heaps. The mountain range. was given ths name of Funeral mountain it I not elngle mountain but a rapg of them because It looked down upon the aorrow and grief of the surviving memoeTS or me parue.- inw are limit dreds of places in the valley where one can fry an gg In the daytime upon a flat rock. At the ranch I have Juat apoken of the water that guahea forth la 1c cold. A portion of It la piped a distance ot about 400 yards. In the middle of the day' the water that runa through that pipe becomee hot and la uaed to wash dishes In at the ranch house." J.- ' Cherry Crop guff era. (pedal DlapetctH te The Joor sal.) - Forest Urove, Or., March 31. The eold spell during the last week around Forest Grove has caused more damage than at first thought . Cherries will be very scarce, aa Royal Anna are In bad shape and mostly killed by frost ar.d th Lincoln and May Dukes are re ported .by Fruit Inspector Harris as also damaged although not ao- much and will bear about half a crop. rxmglaa Candidates File. ' (Soeelel Pleeateh to The Jesniel.) Roaeburg. March tl. The following are new candidate to file petition for county offices: For representatives. R. L. Wlnnlford and B. A. Hunaaker, Democrats. Mr. Hunaaker signs etate ment No. 1. For, county clerk. 8. C Uuant, Republican, and Thomae Wil son, Democrat of Canyonvlll. for coun- jtycomaalaalonar.,.---...: (Soeelal -Tnapstck ta The Jearaal.) " Tacoma, Wash., March II.-A lone highwayman -attempted to- told up th &d rro.. pharmacy at- 1L o'clock last night but .waa iaiaea uy mim, u. e Sargent, the wife of tha proprietor, who fired I lv ohota at him, and waa In. turn fired upon by the robber. i- Mr. Sargent waa Just closing up and waa counting the day' eash. Th rob ber -threw tba door open and striding to the. counter ordered Sargent with ah-oa th lo throw uu hla hand,. Bar- gent had been afraid or such an episode, on account of evral other holdupa in that portion of th city Injtbe saatfaL day, and litThad blT'wtfa posted in the rear af the establishment with a re volver. Aa aoon aa Mrs, Sargent beard the man's ordsr aha grasped ber gun, and Sargent throw up hi arm and at th am time sidestepped to glv his wife, who was behind him, a. ehano to ahoot - Mrs. . Sargent - began biasing away at close range, and th robber, taken' by surprise, began .retreating to tn door, firing as ha withdraw. Bot tie and window were emaehod by th bullet that flaw In every direction, ap parently,' except toward the marks. The robber finally gained tha door : and leaped out on the sidewalk, with Mrs. ber turned and started running down the street Just aa a neighbor of tha Bargenta, who . bad heard the firing, cam rushing on th seen with a- re volver. Seeing th robber fleeing be began firing at him and. chased him a block, smptylng hla revolver. Th rob- rwa evidently -not- hit and anadai hla Mcape. POLITICAkPOTBOILS " IN GILLIAM COUNTY (RpeSaT PLAN FOUR BUILDINGS' FOR LUTHERAN COLLEGE ' (Spedai Dlapstch te Tha' Jearaal.1 . Spokane, March iU Four new build ings. Instead of on, are planned for th Spokan eollege, which f to- be built In Manlto Park by the Norwegian Luther ana of America, assisted by pi eltlsena of th Inland Empire. -' JLI' " i It la -expected that th main building will be completed this year and opened for students. It will cost In the neigh borhood of 116.000. Tha next building to be erected will be on which will be used for chapel and gymnaalum. Later on dormitories for young man and young women will b built . , The Weahlngton Improvement" com pany donated a 10-acre traot In Manlto Park and the chamber of commerce pledged Itself to rale a cash bonus of 13,000 and as much more aa possible Th college will be maintained by the United Church of America. Work on the main- bull dlDg will begin ln three weeks. '. THREE ASPIRANTS FILE n - PETITIONS AT SALEM (Special Dispatch te The Joarnl. Salem. Or., March 11. Mark Skiff filed yesterday with th county clerk hi notice of candidacy for Republican representative from Marion county. He wishes printed after hi nam on th ballot: "United State senator should 10. t. Judd of Turner rued yesterday his notice of candidacy with the county Clark for nomination for representative on th Republican ticket He will sup port th Republican choice for United Statee senator. He "believe that tb Tuttl road law can be amended ao that no. hardships will., be worked upon owners of abutting property." . There are now II eandldatea for th office of representative. Marion county will choose five. T. F. Ha yea of-Woodburn alio filed hla final notlo and llt of petitioner for the Democratic nomination of om mltteeman from Wood burn precinct JOURNAL GIRLS ARRIVE (Continued from Pag On.) nal office. Other present to th young women hav been numerous and mis sive even more sex ' "It would be presumptuous to suggest that some of our party left any. fraction of their hearts In Honolulu." aald one of the party, "or carried away any from there, but preparations were made for such an emergency. The young men nf Honolulu prepared a cable code and pre sented each of th Oregon party with a copyv.-j.Tha code . consists of 'Certain Hawaiian word and th young women hss the translation that was aereed upon." All Run Down In the spring that Is the condition of thoasanda whose systems have not thrown oil the imparities accumulated during the winter blood humors that are now causing pimples, boils and other eruptions, loss ot appetite, bilious turns, indigestion, and other stomach troubles, dull headaches and weak, tired, languid feelings. . ' Hood's Barsaparilla removes all these humors, cures all these troubles; reno Tatet strengthens . and tones the whole system. This is the' testimony of thou sands annually. . " Accept no substitute for s ' - j Hood'o Garoaparilla Insist on having Hood's. Get it today . In liquid or tablet form. 1 100 Dosua iU -3mi &Sf MM . SHE (E M1 BEAUTIFUL AS THE MORNINCT tLWith its glorious tunshlne nd Italian tWcti JM-fTtbi iabrici nd. girrnenti yrt , ejUlejrppeV FOR SACrFOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS t There will be an opening sale of remarkable' values at tbii well-known'dudel of "The Best of Everything at the Smallest Profits. . It will be our ambition to show to the people of this ( community, and especially the ladies, what an energetic, liberal house CAlflo when Irsets- "T7uYT6nrltS"counterr the multitudea seeking the teat at the smallestrcostr hence . .. '".'" lBCkTH-MErANI-WOMltNOIx6 FROM TOP TO DOTTOM - - It is an eye-opener t It is a trade'stimulator I It is an announcer of astonishingly splendid bargains in everything we sell! X y, U--.'--:" 'r I'" Vl LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S V" Sleeveless Vests ' French . elastic fibbed, nicely1 '. . ' 7" ' -; ,-- ' finished..... r.... 5, 8, 94 and10a EVERY GARMENT WORTH DOUBLE. Huslirv-Undenvear-Special SKIRTS., ...... SO, 60, 65a), 78a) and 08a -t : DRAWERS ' ' ' :" 214, 25, 20f, 39, 60e, 7S4 and 54 T ; Z-V" -- CORSET COVERS '--.i- Z--10r-15, S3f , S5r aria5d GOWNS at:. 39, 40, S0Te5 T8, 08a Most remarkable bargains ever shown west, of ' New York.. , , . All- earmenta. are - nicelv finished - and - nicely lADZSaVUWUITS&UII nShirtwaiste- 'Elegantly trimmed in lace and embroidery, tucks;, insertions and medallions. The Treat - specials.. v.... ...5TeVeee and 94 ' THE MATERIALS' ARE WORTH MORE," REMARKABLE OFFERINGS IN- LADIES ; : - AND CHILDREN'S .; ' ; ,;; - . Hosiery at 1 5c Pr Ladies' Fancy Hose, new styles in-black and ; rtan, colored embroidery, seamless rib topt double sole, open-work embroidered and solid colors; worth at least 25c. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSE Fine French " rib, fast black, double sole and double knee; sites 6 up to 9'i. , - A 1 OCa rne handsomest range of Ladiea'"' AT iP Jancy Hose in extreme new pat tl faUt; tvns. regUiar value 50c Not to be had elsewhere.-;-, Tr:'; Odd Things Corset Specials at..2SS 35e, 38e, 7S4i f T Every Corset Worth" Double. Stockinp: Feet........... .....5 and ' Collar Foundations.. .2s) 'Gilt Belts . .'. : .TV . . : 25f, 35s and JiOf Long Silk Gloves, doublefingentips; all colors; worth $1.50, for. Long Kid Gloves; worth $3.50, for........?2.T5 Patronize Home Industry! : Hats Off to th ADMEN'S LEAGUE fot . - Endorsing the Exploitation of " ' ' '.',' t . : . ; ' ' ' ' ' ; -" ' " Oregon-Made Qoods r ,WE HAVE DONE SIMILAR WORK FOR 1. ' YEARS. - ADMEN ; In Order to Start Right Should Wear a J "Mount Hood Shirt" "Made' a. Little,.BetterThaa SeemsNeMiaryJ Kecognue 4t ? ,-7- - Jn order toplacr aMount .Hed Shirt on the icTTorevery' mann6 'anabutirifrTBersui . of Oregon, we make the following -offer: FRENCH PERCALE SHIRTS, STIFF A A " . BOSOMS,' SEPARATE CUFFS HP 50c and 65clgrades for..... LtV f- 75c and $1.00 grades Jor 35, and the FA i i 11.50 grades, open front and back, - rn"P Boys' and 'Youths' Shirts "'7: - "rlTp'- .f?f.......:...:....:......;...:2oc THE MATERIAL IS WORTH MORE' - MONEY than w ask for the Shirts ready made. : MOUNT HOOD SHIRTS are made'ia your midst by rose-cheeked American maidens, at tha facto of Fleischner, Mayer & Co....t '. . . ' v CLEAN,- SANITARY, WHOLESOME AND ; -v-T-T ttz HEALTIYrr- rrrrvrrr-: Wash Dress Goods Section EXTRA SPECIALS r f j- For London Voilea, all eolorsrinl'T . 03VLSJiiUancj atandaidL.TalucJ5c., ... " For Standard Dress Ginghams Tha M C regular value and price asked by other ' s 0 For bert American Calicoes, all new j patterns. In ; reds,' grays, blues', greens, . pinks and fancy patterns. Come and get our OPENING SALE PRICES on Curtains, Couch Covers, Silkoleens, fable Linens, Towels, Tapestry, Napkins, Hermried SheetsarTnioW-CasesT Floss Pillows Make a note of prices in other houses, then come and see us. It will pay you. CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS MEN VEEP LIKE CHILDREN --AT REVIVAL MEETING Many- Conversions Are Result V f Series of Sermons tie-. ing Given at Corvallls. V Spe!al Clapali ts Tha Joori.T . Corrallla, Or, Maroh l-Numua conversion ' bar already resulted from th two enthusiastic revival meetings that are In proaree in this city, and. th attendance showa incraaaln interest. Rev. TV I. Jones, at th M. K. church, who i known a tfc "pioneer preacher and who la called the ."connecting:, link" between the old and th modern, is proa-, ably the oldest active minister In th northwest today, as he certainly is . In the atate of- Oreiron. Th Jone and SayUs meetings, which swept the coun. try a few years ago. are still talked of a th most far-reaching in effect ever held In the atate. - . - The . union meetings are held In th opera house, and the attendance I good, Rcr. Frank Miller being a splendid speaker and singer. ' In a men's meat ln held by Mr. Miller, ther wer sl conversions, whlls atrong man wept Ilk children In all parts or tne nous, ss their sins wer held up befor them. Th final effect and benefit to result In Corvallls from these two" revival are beyond estimate, aa I already ap parent from th widespread and In creasing Interest. - - Tb maetlnga will continue Indefinitely. : " " MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP THE ISSUE AT EUGENE (SfieHal Dispatch The JnarmL) .'; ' Eugene, Or., March tl. Much Inter est I being taken In the-coming city election here, which will b hold on April I. Instead of the-lliruor ques tion, which ha been th lasu at city elections la Eugene for year past, mu- The Truly Wonderful Weser OrchestraT Piano Imitating- madolin, bajijo harpnd many other tones, .together with pro ducing the regular piano Jtone, is sold ' only "oy , EILERS PIANO HOUSE, Stores at Portland, Spokane, Boise, San Francisco, Stockton, . Oakland and alT otherlmportantr points. nlclpal ownership of th waterworks will be th contending laena this year. Th municipal ownership force hav nominated a full ticket, aa follows: . For. councilman FYora th first ward, W.-W. Calkins, incumbent; second ward, R. B. Henderson, Incumbent; third ward. A. W. Gilbert; fourth ward, D. M. Me Crady. - - . : - . Th ticket of th opposition forces ia as follows, ho candidate having yst an nounced himself In th first ward, which Is th stronghold ,f th ' ownership forcss: 1 For councilman From th second ward. George T. Hall Sr.: third ward, Prank Hampton; fourth ward, I, M. Howe. ' . ' . ' .. -,,; , COLLEGE GLEE CLUB IS WARMLY RECEIVED f (Special Dlapatek te Tke Joaral. ; McMlnnvllle. Or., March 11. Th col lege glee club concert her Monday night waa a decided success In every way. - - v Previous to th concert th eollege band gave an open-air concert. Mrs. IL Wye Jonas, who -assist th Gle club impersonator and reader, waa at her best and waa encored again and again. "- - - - ' The Gle club . Itself did . splendidly end th songs, glees, etc., were heart ily appreciated by tb large audience.' - Th amplng scan, th closing part Columbia Life & trust Company 1 f Combination Endowment Policy ' , iasued by, aa is th beet form of' Ufa Ineurano and, investment contraot that a young man can carryw It twturma th lareatmamt to kia aetata la treat f his Saathi something that Other companies do not' dot. ; Let ou agnt show you. , ', ' . i Columbia Life & Trust Co. W. M. I.ADD, ' T. B. WIlCOX. - President v Vkse-Frealdent. r'"TSe) Cennis9t ' ! 'v.- Pianola Pianos and Metrostyle Pianola t Art Sold Only by ' v V." EILERS PIANO- HOUSE, Stores st Portland, Spokane, Boise, San Francisco, Stockton, Oakland and all other important points, 'v.. of the program, wsa th best part af th concert. Th stag waa decorated aa a camp of a crowd of college boy. Th concert waa on of th event e th college jear. -5 V i- ....