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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1906)
HO PtACETO PUT DOCK DE17EY Huge Ship Repair Structure May '( Become White Elephant In the Philippine. SENATE ASKS WHY IT . WAS BUILT IN EAST Route From. Pacific 4 Coast Is Five . ; thousand Miles Shorter end Tolla in Sues Canal Would Be Saved to Uncle Sam. (Journal Special Washington March ll.Tbe - dry. ' duck Dewey may become a "white ele phant" when It reaches ths Phllip rlnes. ' There, seems to be no place In the - archipelago -wuttable " f or " Jta loca tion. Just how it is to Dt uuusea waa a pussls to the senate thla after noon. It waa declared that the har bor of Manila la too ahallow, as Is also ths harbor at Sublg bay. -' The question waa aaked why the dry dock was not built on the Paclflo eoest, aa- the . route to . the Philippines la shorter by 6,000 mllea and the expense rough the Sues canal 'Would have been saved. Senator flpoonersald It seemed extraor dinary that the work was done on the Atlantic side. .... JL. : ' ...- '.' . '.. jOffJclals of. the navy department, when asked regarding the criticism of the senate, r BaldthsTS-waa tie choice In the matter, as the law required the de partment to award the contract to the ted a I bU. but decs rt m en t officials say th bid was so much hlghar than that of the Maryland Steel company that It to build It on the Pacific. JAP. WOULD SACRIFICE HIS r COUNTRYMAN FOR Of BT-" - I ' in i . ' . ... . . - - facoma Police Rescue Oriental In: Nick ; of 0 Time Was - Bound Hand and Foot. ' (Sports! Dlnpatrk to The Joarnal.) - Tacoraa, Waslu Msrch Jl. With his . arms tied , and his feet and lets so bound that he looked as though he had been trussed up turkey fashion to be roasted, K. Omote. a Japanese, was found by City Detective Smith lest evening In a room In a jspaneaeTIodg ' ing-house. . A burly Japanese giving ths - tiams of Will a was standing over Mm and ursine- Omote - to pay hlra $80,. whlchWllla . declared: Omote . owed. Smith at once rut the rope that tied "the Japanese, but ths man had been so long In a cramped condition that he could scarcely walk, and the corda had eut Into the flesh, so tightly was the - rone bound. Tq " police knew -of the man'1 predicament a Japanese rushed listless Into the station and urged that a police man be sent Immediately to the lodglng ' house, where he declared one of his countrymen wss about to. sacrifice an other because he would not pay his debts. When the of floor reached the Jcdging-hou eeJiefoundi .tLffl iedwl.Uk. Japanese who could give him no infor mation of sny msn being bound or pun ished. Smith was certsfn. there was a nig ger in the woodpile and began a search. He went through room after room and - finally entored ths room In which Omote wss bound. WUla was also in the room armed with a four-inch . blade (Hasp ing fun at his captor and tormentor, : and when released by Smith he man I- -DEVICE FOR SHOOTING i WITHOUT USING BULLETS (Joarnal special Serrtea) Berlin, March 11 A patent has just .. been taken out by Cotonel . Yonder Oolts, at Celle, for an Ingenious appa- ratus enabling a marksmen to see the exact result of range firing even though no ammunition is used..- The rifle Is placed In a rest, which swings freely between two - metsl - supports. - The trigger, is connected by mesne - of a . spring with a little tube below,-Inclosing a horizontally placed .needle, which plertts a paper-terget every time t trigger Is pulled. -The marksman alms at an ordinary target placed at the regu- latlon distance. When he believes his rifle to be properly sighted he pulls the trigger. At thet 'moment . the needle darta - forward and pierces ths little Indicator st the onset spot where a bullet would have struck the ordinary arret. . . - . 4. . -LI . .-J Vinol builds you uj 7 and keeps you up Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Better , than old-fashioned cod liver DA and emulsions ' to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after, sickness, colds, ., coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it on our guarantee. VVOODARD CLARKE A CO. . : SERUES SUCPOEHA Oil TILFORD Standard . Oil Employe Wanted - a Witness by Hadley Is ' " "Finally Caught -' OFFICER BADLY HURT ' v. , y IN PERFORMING DUTY Trust Magnate Slams Automobile Door In His Faoe, Catching. Server ; by the Arm and . Dragging Him ' Helplessly Along. . (Jaurssl Special Sanies.) , ' New York, starch- l.Aftsr a chase of two months Henry M. Tllford. one of the Standard Oil officials wanted as a witness by Attorney-General Hadley of Missouri, was caught by a process server on Fifth avenue yesterday even ing. Tha process server, M. E. Paun'edo, was painfully Injured while performing his duty.-. - ' u TUford. all muffled In sn overcoat, waa detected by Palmedo slipping out of, the servants' door In the basement of the Tllford residence, and sntsrlng an auto. Palmedo rushed up with sub po,na in hand, but Tllford Jumpediu- slds the auto and s Lammed the door but ths window-was open. Ths - process server reacnea m. delivered the suDpoena and ths -witness fee that must aocom psnv It. Tllford seised the strap that raises the window, pulled It hard and caught Palmedo' s arm at the wrist. Ths chauf feur started the machine-with a Jerk and . the - process , server wss dragged k.inifiM -1 .... Palmedo screamed with pain and fin ally Tllford released him and he fell la a snowdrift. Palmedo's arm will bs prsallnnlla useless fss, snsis tl cause fat the bruises and strained raes- REQUEST CLEMENCY FOR " - AGED VOODOO DOCTOR (Josmal Special Service.) Phlladelpuia, Pa., March II. Counsel for George P. Hoseey,-' the- n"gro 't io doo" doctor, - sentenced to be hanged next week for complicity in the murder of William Dans, have taken their cass before the state board of pardons,' and at Harrlsburg today will make aplca to have the eentence of death, commuted to life Imprisonment, The aged negro Is accused ofTiavIng sold to Mrs. Cath erine Dans "love, powders, "- with which she made away With her husband. Ths woman was tried and convicted of be ing a principal in the murder. She waa sentenced to be banged, but her sen tence was commuted to life imprison ment. 'The lawyers for Hossey argue that he wae only- an- that. In view of the action taken- in the woman's case, his sentence also should bs commuted. In Moyamansing prison the aged voodoo' doctor,, who for years -aodgirTiT'who express themselves aa "not "love charms" and "philters" to Igno rant msn and women, has acted strange ly aver since he was first committed. umy recently he refused to - eat any food for a period of eight days, be- eausa a screen had keen placed in front j-Dr-we-grating-nrxDe aoor or bis eeiLT Is Is more than 10 years old. LIVED MOST OF HIS ' : LIFE LYING IN BED (Journal Special Senlea) Stockholm. March Zl.. r-. Professor Oedmann,. whose recent death has re ceived notice from King - Oscar and others, wss a thsologlsn of considerable note and at the same time an eccentrio of a most peculiar type. After an 111 ness which compelled nlm once to keep tr his bed for a time, he conceived liking for lying abed, and did aU his work end-teok his meals snugly en sconced. 111 h hlanknta. The lattei psrt of his- Ufe, In fact, was spent en tlrely in bed. "The professor had an unreasonable -dread -of catching - cold, and would never allow his bedroom window to be opened. Written exercises by students were first warmed on stove before he would touch them. Mis desth wss caused by a visit from an old farmer who wiahed to consult him and by some mists ks entered the bedroom with clothes plentifully besprinkled with snow. - Hsrr Oenmann angrily orasred him awe y. but' the visitor, who wss deaf, drew nearer to his bedside.-This excited the wsrmth-lovlng professor -so much that he broka a blood-vessel and died. ' - . ARCHBISHOP IRELAND --VISITING IN FRANCE : (loeraal Specie! Servtaa.) Paris, Msrch SI. Archbishop Ireland hss arrived in Paris en his way to Rome, where he has been summoned by the pope to confer on Important church matters. The eminent Amerlcsn prsl- ate has accepted the invitation of Cardinal Richard, archbishop of Parts, to address here tomorrow - a solemn gstherlng of all the French cardinals, archbishops and bishops. The purpose of the gathering, which Is In the nature of a general' eouncll of tha church In Trance, is to discuss the new situation In this countrir created by ths separa tion law and to suggeat new rulea"Tf' discipline to meet the present emer gency. - "' i Archbishop - Ireland - is expected to epesk of the position of , the Roman 'tOtholtSThnreh TtCAmtrlcaV Jtr-eerdl! relations with the state and to draw a parallel -with the ohuroh's new eltuatlon In France, pointing out- the--many points of resemblance between present condl-J tlons In both countries. He Is also ex pected to euggeet how far the church in France may follow the American branch In adjusting its relations with the stats so thst It msy really call Itself inde pendent and free from Interference. AMERICAN BEST DRESSED. MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT ''tJeeraal SeechiT Berrfre .) ''", ' ' London, Msrch 11. Ths sartorial journals declare tha present parliament to be the worst-dressed within recollec tion. AUthe red tiee and slouch hats and reefer Jackets and baggy-knaed trouaers of the labor members are poor compensation for ths exquisite cprreot- nsss and dandyism of ens or two mem bers. The best-dressed man in the bouse of commons Is declared to be the American-bora Mr. Burdett-Coutte. Just now he favors a blue-gray morning garb. His shirt front is blue, and ss a consequence bis cuffs are ae blue . as Italian aklea, hie handkerchlsf has a broad hem of blue, and when he re clines In. dignified pose It is revealed thst his hoss delicately match the tint ef his tie. watch la dark blue. , TiiEoiiEGOiCisAnjouRirAtrTPOTrrLAND, we STRANGE FACT'S. Wit seems arrange that sometimes your stomach or bowels won't aigest your food.1' no matter what you eat. It may be the weather, or It may be juat the state of your general health, but In any case, there is only one car tals. safa and Dosltlve method of cure. and. that Is the proper 'Mse of that uni versal remedy for all forms of dyspeptlo trouble or digestive weakness, whether In stomach. Itverr kidneys-r-bewela 4- Btuart'a DvaoeDSla Tablets. -. Bl reuse. It la. Insl In aufhjlttleab1 lata, to be taken a few times a day. may lie- such wondrous potential possibili ties, that by.thelr uaethe eourss of a man's-whoJa life yee, i iae won mav ba chanced Tet, -who would not appreciate the fact that if Napoleon had not .been Buf fering from Cancer of the Stomach he would have-- won Instead ,ef lost at WaterlooT . And Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets would have cured his Stomach Trouble had they then been invented, aa they have cured thoueands of others in ths past 10 vears. who have suffered-Just -as Nanoleon did. ! : TSo ou -can readily appreciate .that todayrbyCuTlBg all these people. Htu art's Dyspepsia Tsblsts is helping to get the world's work done, by- people who-would do worse-work if they were sick, so they-must be having a great influence,-la a quiet wayroo the world's progress. ' f ; They may, therefore, be classed as 6he of the triumphs pf science, amongst other dlsoqverles. in medicine, mechan ics, transportation, ete. Let this, then, remain In your mem ory. a fact upon which to act when occasion requires! " . When any organ In - your yaat di restive machinery gets out of order, youUiava. at your command one of the great inventions of the age, in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, to put your Hi a 1 chlnoryUn-ordor-sg; Bv so doing you will save much' use less friction, add - to - tha energy and working possibilities of your bodily machine, and relieve yourself from suf ferlng, disease, weakness, premature old age and death. , All this is strictly in accordance with The most modern teachlnga of the best scientific schools of health, hygiene and medlolne. and It wIlTbe to your ad vanVT age to. lay theae facts to heart Don't hesitate. Vry Stuart's Dys eiBsJt.abitsv tar--- GREY BULL CLUB IS IIUING - Many" Fair rWIdow and Pretty i Young Girls Wiljing to Make Montana Bachelors Happy.- - . tKntrli) nunatrh U The Journall ' Helena, Mont., Mareh lJ- Floods nf letters are being received at the orey Bull club of Meeteetse as the result of. the recent publication of its inten tion to raise money to advertise ths fact thst thsre are IS unmarried men in thla county to every marriageable fe male. Every mail brlnga from to oirieTCersrsTiorthey come frowwomen of all ages, seeking positions In every occupation to which - the -fair sex le accustomed to look as a means of llv. Inc. Many are from- widows and-? averse to matrimony ' and wish, to cor respond with "some good-looking bach elor," and ' eay they think they could make ths right man the beet kind of a wife. ' Some specify that the man with whom they are put in correspondence must not drink of mtke, and a lew say thsy must not swear." - It has been : found necessary to give these communications a number and place them in order, although postal sard ireplles are sent to each the day received. Thus far two. school tesch- eis have beenrufferea positions for the winter, and a number of stenographers advised of opsnings. It Is probable that no further publication . wltt be necessary to fill every- vacancy In the way of a position in the county, but 1t le . probable that eome time . will slapse before all the bachelor, are taken cere of. - now attention to the fact that "while neither a matrlmonlslageji pl6ymghTburesu,'Tlt is ready to put persons desiring its services in com munication with correspondents igordlngo thelr-se vera 1 and varied de- sires." Baksr . Totes em School Bonds. (Special DUnttob to The Journal.) Baker' City. Or. March Jl. Saturday afternoon a school election wfll be held in Baker City for the purpose of voting I20.00Q-bonds for the erection of a new schoolhouse. The new building, if the bonds era voted, will be erected on Seventh street, north of B street. Cocoa beans grow pods on the trunk and limbs of a deli cate tropical tree.' They contain " s I x ' times more food val- ue than beef. We use the highest: .cos tj n th ata re grown and there Is nothing In ;our cocoa but cocoa. That Is why It Is the nioit delicious of cocoas m wAiTi a. tswnr ce. V Cocoa beans grow Inl I 9 sr'eBe 3UAREZGEnTEARY IS CELEBRATED AIL Parts of Mexico Join In Hon oring Memory of the Great' FRUSTRATED ATTEMPT OF THIRD NAPOLEON Patriotism and Unconquerable Coqr. age Won Freedom for Hia Country r. Prom - Pule of- Archduke - Max i imilian.-- i "j r . J , (Jearaaf 4eeelal Berrlea.) ' City ef Mexico, March -I Li In all parte ot the Republic ef Mexico fetes were held today- In- celebration -f -the centenary of Benito Juares. the "lib erator," who wae born March II. me. In the capital . and In all other oltlse throughout ths rspubllo ths day waa observed as a national holiday, Publlo buildings wsre decorated, business was suspended and anniversary meetings were held at which speakers ef promt- nenoe told of-the life and deede or the patriot . Outside the City of Msxloo the principal celebration is hsld in tha olty of-Josrss. where a program of fesUvl ties covering several days have been ar ranged. A monument to Juarea la to be unveiled and a banquet given which will be attended by many publlo men. ' Thwarts sTapoleoa. .' , ' It waa due ehlefly to the unconquer able courage of Benito Juarea that the attempt ef Napoleon III to establish aa empire In Mexico wss frustrated. . The French ruler did succeed in placing the unfortunate 'Maximilian on tha throne and ths Austrian archduke assumsd -thej functions ef . emperor at the Mexican capital. But when Marshal Basins MaSHIHuBlSi French troops J u ares soon crumpled up thn el.hor.l. Imnnrtert atructure that bad been constructed of material little more enduring than glittering tinsel. Juarea was an Indian of humble origin, but by the utmost Industry and perseverance ha acquired great learning and gained bis first distinction through his own talents. " . . . He began his active political career at about 10. and from -the time he was It he wag one of the tnost notable figures in tha publlo life of Mexico, though Santa Ana; his implacable enemy, drove him out of the country for two rears. when he lived In New Orleans until 1165. Three years' after his return he msde himself president of the republle end was recognised by -the-- United Stales, sntsrlng ths 'City ofMsxlco early In IStl and being confirmed In the preeldency by a general election. Wu With Socope. - By a decree which suspended payment of foreign debts and of all national liev bUltles he brought down on hie govern ment -tha allied-wrath ef England, Spain and Franos, which powers Invaded the republic . He soon made peace with England and Spain, but with France he could net tsea-t. Napoleon HI lew In the civil strife that rent the United Btatee an opportunity to .Introduce Im perialism into Mexico, ana he aeciarea war against Juares tn 1SS1. Juarea soon was driven from the capl tal by ths French' army and thereafter he abandoned one eeat of government f after anothsr, letreatlng beforv t. torioue French. --- . Meanwhile, although Maximilian had been declared emperor of Mexico, Juares had something more than a moral aup nort of the United States, and he went on fighting whMeeelngon-UJLJbie-was4. driven as far north as El Paso del Norte. . Here at last hs made a successful stand and soon began a steady advance southward until he Invested Queretaro, where the Imperial army waa captured. Maximilian was taksn prisoner, court martialed and shot - In July. 1867,, Juares reentered the capital, and in October he was reelected president sgalnstjorflrlo Diss, tha pres ent president or Mexico. , in the next five yearshewn busy suppressing revolutions that Diss mainly conducted. In 1171 he was again alsotsd president. but died the following year of apoplexy, SCHOOL GIRLS TERRORIZED BY CHICAGO HOODLUMS Detectives Located Along the Routes From School rtd Homes of Pupils. l rjnsrsal Bnet s)l Sewfe.) Chicago, March Si. Attacks en school girls have become so alarmingly preva lent -that -detectives are' now located along the rout front the schools to ths homee ef pupils to see that children are never eut of eight of officers. Ths most recent rase reported is from the St. Jsmes school, whsrs a negro baa persistently tried to drag girls from the streets to doorways and dark' alleys. Irene Brrnnan, 14 years of age. com plained to the police that she was at tacked by four Greeks as she was pass ing a fruit store kept by them. Thsy wsrs dragging her to the rear Of the store when her screams attracted a po liceman and she wss rescued. Similar cases are being reported 'every day," slid parents are thoroughly alarmed. Msny of the most outrageous cases have not been reported to the police, or are sup pressed by. therafsmlliss dreading the dlsgrsco. - - i j MAPLE SUGAR MAKING TRIED AT LA GRANDE (Special Dtapatch to The Jesrsal.l La Grande, Or., March tl. What Is believed to be the first maple augar produced in thla section of Oregon la that made by Mrs. I F. Pros be tel. who baa about a dosen sugar maple tree on her farm, grown from seed Imported from Illinois II years ago. 8hs has been making some experiments In ths sugar IndUatry on a small scale. The tapping of the trees waa superintended by a former resident of the sugsr dis tricts of Ohio. Ths amount -of syrup turned out wss not large, but it Is of excellent quellty. The eugar is of lighter eolor and has not quite the same taste as the eaatsrn product. NIKOLA TESLVS PLANT IS SOLD FOR OLD DEBT (JeSraal Special Servke.) Colorado Hprtngs. Col.. March II. The costly equipment of Nikola Teste's experiment station, located here slx- 1 years ago, when the noted electrician was planning greet things in wireless telegraphy, is to be sold tomorrow by MMMMWMPWPfM"PCIgSWPWiMii--' f ITTTTTT I . MSN for $ ft .50 Qjgfe . . ... Established Veprarin Portland - THOUSAND Oms methods ase ap e-aaae art aatkorltles ef Shueve and Amsrloa. efWbe-aeTmsmebe eew A LIFE IU01NQ CURE FOR cnono BTSOXABaas. moBssi, - TmioTimi. r-r TAJUOOOBIJS, BXeOOB VOZSOST. nTsrsLaarautNewlv AU burning. Itching and Inflammation In T day a . - . I ' ' " vi ooraa rwm Bamjui mu or vbttatb abp osbobicv " BBBB-BBATBB, OOMarXOATBBBttBAB. ' , " WBITB. if you cannot call. All eorrespondenoa striotly eonndenttal" and aU reolles sent In plain sneelopea, graphs ef paUente published or exposed. ranlv. ' ' HOURg a. m. to I p. m.; B ventage. OOBJTBB nOOaTB ABB - We treat successfully all treat successfully all jfteate aee nd chronic dlesases of mem I alee stomach, bee rt, Uver, kidney end t trouble We eore nYFHlpi . Tens ana on Diooa, - . i . -(without meroaryl-to stay cured fee- ever. We remove BTRlCTy n JD, wiia- pn On l tin. TT umn rwa.viw mw vigor of any man under by means ef local treatment peculiar te oureelvee. ?A- We Cure Gonorrhoea - in a Week regular graduatsa, have baa - saaay years expenenoe, nave seen anarwn ta Portlartd for II years, have a reputation to maintain, and win ungerwae no "nnTees certain euro can be effected. We aiia.ra.ntae a euro in everv eass -naartaJui fir eharara no fea Consul tlan frM Lattara conndsntlaL Inatruo. tlve BOOK FOR aN ausiled free la plWe c4TePPt"; wtrtTefaW. t piles ta two atr three treatments, without epern tlon. Cure guaraateedL eat operation or pain, in le ewr We stop drains. lsht losssa ran spermatorrhea by a sew method aa a "If ott cannot eaa at bBee7wHtrttrlueeIew ssrui. . OfOoe hears. te t and f to B. anaays ana Hilldsye, IS to It, DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices ta Van Moy BoUL IStt Third treat. Corner Pine. Portland. On, A Good Eximple Is the Best Sermon Therefore It le not necessary for us te preach about the neoesslty 'of paint, so ws will only tell you the best kind to use, which is Bay State. It ie eheaper In the long run, - therefore it ie most economical. It la better than -other makes because It Is carefully ground, and mixed with the beet material, and as It crimes ready for use, any one eaa apply It. TBB BZO BAXBT arXOS. Fisher, Thors en & Co. VBOBT ABB BtOBBXaOl lUT V CATC OTTB BBATat:UVaV ' WB TBUe TOO TsTAT - . WE CAN SAVE YOU HONEY ON ANY COAL Ton may wish to burn. We eel all kinds of house coals and ths renowned FAIRFAX r7J-hour coke and Fairfax and eastern blacksmith's coal a bxvo vr rmovB kadv trrs. Vulcan Goal Co. ' gas BtnunixBa mm. tha sheriff at public suction to satisfy a Judgment in favor of J. C. DufTner. Duffner . clslms Id "have been employed ss caretaker for two years following Tesla's return to New Terk. Judgment was obtained by default. ' Treateeiat f ft you have any ftlooel I aW S dan,S,r. Bldsay. Vhmr, I I S Mm, . a M fhaal BiaaauSaaai STkaaaaaa. I I M gVewBsnawTS BW OBsynjsj BgaBMSBSBV HBaaBfaBBSBBW I waaa, CMetlaattaa. BASSCTT'S I I - 1 NAfnrf tteaBj ear, pa r aaat I I ' " llnnSnpTK tTMBj, Mansntsv, 9 TaTawfasweel m m artt.tW yBirIUaiBaa rT WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE, UNCOM PLICATED AILMENT FORI12J0 .. . :..., ,6 . FOR -THE -. FEE. e.- ABSOLUTE, GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED SUCCESSFUL-Spial 1 who number heir-PERECT Curea-by-t by tha I You want a' PERMANENT Curat We can ACCOMPLISH IT. no matter how skeptical jrou have become over failures of others. Don't hesitate longei when Quick' Re bel snd Perfect Health are etaring you in the face. are fasSersed by the algbsse xasdleal SUoea es smooesa U the treatment solalty I. Usaltedto the !-. e r ids anraACTS KLII ABTD TISTU XA '. . rmOSITATIO BXaaAatM ' ' snswwo-wvrav. nmrf.Tev sjooTUBUrAIa BMISSIOBTa XBMBT AJTB BaVABBBB BDMJjmp eoatraetsa ana enronia cases nurea. snd stopped ta M hours; euros effected fto names, cases, letters or pnqw Inclose 1-eent stamp to insure TJS to I; Bunds ye, - ITS, rOBTBABB, OBBCrOB. LJ DAinr.op(T,YDEna taaCiTn-EXTn Cmrnt !7riiX. fouetseik frknl OOSSCTGDaCYEES J LEE YUB1N bo. to rara st bobtbabb, oa. CHINESE PHYSICIAN Ravhig sreeted SMdl due for siasy yeare ss tfar setad - Soetars ef China. Ha awes all aerreas, rhroDle and srlvato eiaaaaas .1, an sad vrom.m. ' Ha eesiMaads and pata ap for aa. a la reSMdl'S, th. lasraet ant. of which a-a care fully ViwleI. -sty reov oalas will sot dMlroy Tour stonach or an Sanser your life with e Bcrethm, Xea -take as risk, aa 1 sae so poloona or druf a. I Isaure oslck results at th. low Stblo noat. Cstt sod sea st. If ymt sre efrlltad, ' OOBSTBTATZOB BBBB. J2P.: Those SuffsrlnB from weak. naaaea which sao ths rii sh urea uls should lake Juv.n rui take Juv.n rule. One box will tall a story of anawalma aaanlta. Thla madioine has mors relnvenatlag. vitalising force than has ever been eCeeedT Seat post-paid In plain package enly oa receipt of thla adv. aad It - Made by. lu orlginatora G, L Uood Co.. pro prietors Hood's Sarsaparilla. Lowell, klaaa- Jl . TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA FAST AND POPULAB STBAAtSIPS ' Leave Seattle rtTRBSOV,' Bareh II, SS, t a, av, via Wieafla. "DIBOO," Barek St, . :.K - CAIXIMO AT KotrhlkaS. Jsaeaa. rmaglas, Haloes. k,g. way, (Vinavrta wits W. P. A T. mate fur AtUo, Uaweaa, Tasaaa. Neaaa, ate. rae til Boathaeetera Ateaka Pert Csfl or eaad for "Trip te WoaaVrttt! AU.kS," "ladlae BatrT." S-Toimm relae." TKX AIASXA B.B. 00., rrask Woolaar Co., Arnta. . mi Oak at. ... . i I or liana. Of. y it r i -1 -J n uraorrEicirii?- 3Trailns f the East D-fly J Ue-jars dally to . Chlease. epkel siMpin-eare a.iif e aassas i Thraack reeltntag eaalreani . (see(S freer I e.ur. . Ckui f" ' ' tasve. Arrive. J Jlintuliu efjT aa MM as Wa.hlnrtoa. W.n. w.n. ww a Aiaae and great Mertliera aeluta, allr. itHm-M . U Raattnatmi. Salty S:1S wm t:lS SS COLUMBIA BITlt DITISIOff. . AatoHa sad war seists. nsMllM wttk J llweea and Harm Beeae. eUeeaas """J ""Boar; Batardar, 10 S. Sb Antvad ssoat S s. a.. envpt Baeday. ' TAMHILf. BIVBB BOtmL - Fer Daytoa, Onoa cttj ssd Tamkm ttvet selBta autmar Bm ssd atoaae. aak-et. eeeh. J" " a, av dally, winpt Baaday (water pt mr i m a. aa ssuy. .f" B1TBB BOT7TB. ' or learkitoa. Ida- aad wa smlmtm aiparla, Wa.h., steaaiere geoaaae and Lewis ens eee 1:4(1 a, mpou ,rrtnl Trata Be. A dally exM a tarda. Aarive 4 s SJ. ealtr PHday. Ticket Otflce. Third ssd WmaMagssa tta. . - T"tiibonelfirB T.'t-" . fi W. STINOSB. CTty Ticket Ageaf. A. It.' CBAIO. Oeaaral Pasaassee aaaatv EASTvu .SOUTH rstaa Dapae. rwians sapiaas. maiui a saiaaai , Sacrameato, Old. a. Fraarloca, Stock toa. Maw Orlaoae sad the east : BSS Moralog train oanaacts -t , . - Weodkora dally" .scafii . - . Ssaday with train far Meant Asset, BtlvOTtoa, -R-rrr V Brawnavtua. SDrtaifUid, waaduac aad ttatroa.... -SBaat soets stWeodluB with Moast Ascel sad Sllrar- oa lorai. OorvaUla Skerfdaa ea DaHr. -1 Dallr Kraal Soaday. FOBTLAND-OaWBOO SUB TUBA I MBT1CS ADD TAMRTU. DIVISJOIV. taT PortlanA (dapat foot of latforeae) f dally far Oewaao Ti a. aa. 11:10, , difp. Bandar ealy, SrOO a. sv - Rataralng croa vnaja, srnvs I :M a. avl S--0S:l:0. Sil 1110 p, m., 13 Ma. m. tally (as as. S tO, llieS a. m. arrive Ferttead falty- ins, t:i. s:ee, ssapt Ssadar). saay. 10 'Oo at bb . Laaves frees sssm daset Cat Xtallss sad BMdlats saints dally ;! S. . Bk Arrire Wif 10-1S a. am. The Isdaeesdci usauaiu. botw. ana mvm -oats and Alrtla. eiasari.ns te eempaay's trsehs at Dal ataa n.lir to M( Mon month with Soothers Pactrt. an. tnrl.aaaA.Bca. VI rat-eta aa faro fmsi Fartlaad w aiiiasissls " ssd-Baor riaaul.ra tSa. ko.tka Sil. sasssi nlisS tore 111; aooond-eUaa bortha tloA Tickets te Baatara potata and Wureaei else Japan, cciaa, Hnoonun aaa ajiefrana. fity Tlokot Office eornae Ttitod aaaj . lagtus atroat.. rsoas ajaia Tia OTW. ST1HOBTL , A. t. CBAIO. " City Tlefeat Agrat. Oaa. Pias. AseaC v TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlanda teava. Antra. rirk-Kaaaes CltT-Bt. Leaw Spetlsl tot Ckeaalla, CMtraUa. Olyaa. i rot : ...:.. :. pla, Oroya uarDor, eoava Band, TaeeBM. Soatila, rjpo kase. LawUM. Btta,Bll. Itags, Deavar, Oajaaa, Kan sas City. . SL Toole aad goetheest, dally .......... Mortk Coast Limited, aloe. Meat ' das) sat trie nghtos, lor aaooata Srattla. enn nnaapoUs, St. Paul aad the Bast, dally............ saw set Pna-at Cntbaiu. L.aniraua. M aoie vav. LI' Twla City Bxpress.'ae; to co ma. JoattU, Spotaaa, tm pa - tOM par - Jaaaoh. Kaoaaa Uty. ma- ka. St. leiewtlhetat kasre ef eare. Ptrect eoa- j aetloes for all sntatB Boat sad Sootbaaot, dallr.. llidS la-Hset v. maRLroB. AsaBftast Oanaaal Paaaom- ear A Aseat. BU Mwrkua street eersa Tawd, Porflaofl Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. TTataa Uere far Uarra, kihrtor, Cla. kaajo. Wcstpart. CUfkoa, vol. Haainxmd. rert Stov- ' , aZ OwaartPar.. Soaatrla BtOSeai UaBB-aak A.torta and laaahara. oa pro, dally .a TsBpst S Be) pad aaxono. wirraiiw, ' All tralaa dally J. a MA TO, . F. aad 9. O. A. STBwABT, Aldar street. PI iS' 'Va 2 Overlaid TrtlnDsy 2 - Tn Orfcmtal IJhalSaaV ass T TIA SBATTLB AMD BFOKABA Dally. Laava. Dally. Attire. Portland Mas artjimno ' Te end fro to Spokaao, Bt. Peal. Mlsnoapolla, Irolatk sad all solats Bast vta Seattle S:S9 ant T4S ess U:eSssi Sepsa Te and frnes St. Paul, .. Mlnaoapolla Daloik sad all soiats Bast -' vis Spoksae S:lSsal. S et am Oroat Vertbera Stiaankrp Oa, Balltng froaa Boa f tta for Jaaa si China porta and Manila, SSRlsg so seaa-ors aad frolht, . B. B, Vbmaaeta, April BP. , B. A Xokoa, yaae T. fifto rvn XanxA flaDon Mall Staaawhlp Oa.) a S Bhlaau Mara will Ball aUafria bot May It for Japea ao4 (hlna ports, safrylag paaaaasera ssd fralfht. . ror ttckota, teles. Barm leserve. Maaav ota.. cU ea or aAoVoaS X. BIOKSOW, a . T. A , in 1S Sta FwrUsad, Otagaa. Fkoae Bakt t s.s. f. a. ror Cess Bay. Barrks sod Baa Prea.' Xnt aalllnt fraai Pwrtlsoa. Taara, t" Bast Sailing frosi Baa rraacuwo. B a . F. U etaaNoroB. Att, Cfeavcs I Be. A Fhose Mans 1U &sava, Aaawa. j H2D ax. Haftta Plllll Til low BtAamfll en