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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1906)
...,v V .-...;:.. A:.. ... MACHINERY. - - -THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. , PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 21. 1S03. K B EP-TH E-BAbli-R Of-UI IN O V Th ruah tn thr Mount Srotl diatrrct. edpeolullyv "IRI.ANI1--- bjr home aeekera and apculatora during tha punt two weeke hua been tremendous. Aa a reautt we have but a few Iota loft In -Ati Balm for-.tSTPocketbook on 'the-Ex--f n 11 BCS Co, pected LosV of Trade to the Hawallans the Trust Has Advanced Sugar Ten Cents Here. a WWlllS. ! 4 hippsi.y ht(im. mackiniete aa eiee- are n4 esse! I e eor'oce eaweUlt. - OVk IT Pbooe llsln 1820. JOURNAL'SOAllY rtn and etanonary II kinds MrblMrr repaired.' 2SS Oil 'TIPS-0ITMARKE1 lbot M)rt.. f7rij2ri,srr a PoiriTsup a .4 fltart ate. tali-basks. Mora Oa. OII-IHE-OROa 4 Althouah th mt tiMat afouia , 4 MONUMENTS. a not liae thw a tall a buy - Ha mutton alone ronl T0T)7W7S"MARKETS -neeewd haed iMnn, 1 diimiou cnco nx j-rHirfF-t-feii i ill-fill iiiirfir-nr-ir' i j iturir-TT i union iulo-uittt: l Bill I llllllll fill I III II Ue 11 -II. U H Lit II ., i cr, ,",mm a t r;- "-' THLJR08T ! , MAGNETIC HEALING. ALt forms of aieeee"trrsted. Bronte or at! A?wm.oeltlvcly cured. Prof. J. C. D amend, ii Hiri. its Seventh at. Mala 4171. OSTEOPATHS.. jjns. ton northbcf. -;" -mm r-ei.ic.l a. J Waahlnitoa ata. Phono Mala, 840. Kiaailnatlocia tree. - ... ..,- 11111 406-4 Uacesay hiAe- Phooe Clay IT, r Kra. th UlU. ITI- ala exchange 'I. - . THE very bt lady osteopath I "we. J. l - U P. Johnao. enltc .18. , Belling Hurecb bldg. DR. O..L. CtNNINGHAM, a graduated oateo- p,tt ,... lin-iua Jjruwtt lilOaujCoaiUUtUk free. . .. FAINTS." OIITANDzOlASl- r. b beach A co.-tim. DrT, r ' . window-glass sad glaring. 186 Plrat at i now lis. ; t . EflNltST MILLER a CO.. Second ad Taylnr-- Wall pases. psTnti nil at msr eVltTery. PRINTING. THE MfJKH! PRlWTltRIAataaVe'fprtntter. ' M Hvavl tildg.. rourtk and MorifleoeV Phone Peelfle ISW. f ' - 'NDKKSON a Dl'NIWAT COMPANT, printing. IHlKia-raphlna. blank books. Phone MaU IT. t i AMea- at. , ; - . .VWE1HA UAVIS A ARSrtSPHnrtal ana m! An4 t - nara lW iwrrn-iTtorme SOS and 804 .BtWrnat ' Mdc.1' aiith 1 1 llnrrtaon. rhoa Mam 4147. PHYSICAL CULTURE. .nR7jpr - all nrawbeir.- war mt anr ". PHOTOGRAPHS. - VLlisa sale ofgdal ehotographle view e-C expoaltlce. aouvenlr poatrarda. lew book a. "etc.. gretlr -reduced - price. BinoalUoa Store. S4S M Iforrlaoa at. Z7-fT7 PATENT LAWYERSVM K. C. WRIUIIT. nomeatlr and foralga paten ta; Infringement caea. S04 Dekum. OKO.. W. M'OOY. nolaryi domeatle and for. elan pa ten u; trademsrka. - ST1 H. Morrison, kronen fi. . PLUMBERS. DOKNERBenO RADKMACRER. aaaltkry Bhisibrre. . ge-roarth at. Both . OX At CO . aanltart nrambem. SSI Main and Balmoa. Oret-oa Paoee Mala 3001. riN"KOA! BROS. A CO. WS Third at. Phoa Mala 2300. Plumber; and beating engineer. ROOFING, TTX ROI IF I XOrgwHeetasV-renalrlsg andaaersl faoMna. J. ui. xis jeneraoa at. RUBB&R STAMPS. : f-. C. STAMP WORK. tS stder at.-, phone Mala .. Tin rebber atamoa. eala. tencll. hagrage. traoe cneci:' eene ror' eereewne ren. an, SECOND-HAND G0"0T5ST GOODB'S Ptrraltore House Hlgheet prleee paid for aecond hand furniture. tlS SeeoaS M. Phoa Part fie 40a. SHOWCASES - AND "FIXTURES. HOWCASCS of every description: beak, bar and atore Riturea made to order. . The tatke Manufacturing Co.. Portland. STREET PAVING. WARREN Oonatructloa Co.. etreet paving, at ne wels and eroeslsgs. TlS Oregonlaa kid. , THB Barber Aapbalt Paring Co. ef Portia ad. '. OfSce AS Worceater blk. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ktieumnr-m 'VO.r lnmf ifhdWrlith st.. pkoee Part Be TP Hikers er anrgieai is. otruniente 'i,!11' SAFES. ' VIEBOLD Lead aralnat Fir and Burglar. Thin wall Mate nnrallable: Norton A Barker . Jack Anocy. Metal- Fixture. Lockout '. opened. Rafe repaired. Phone Mala ISM. ' ' John B. Parle. 6C Third et. JTHB gennine Hall'a Safe A lor Co. 'a safes; ' the Herrlne-Hall-Marvla. Portland Safe Co., srenrs, M Seventh St., near Stark, - SIGN PAINTERS. " OLD SIGNS, window teeterlne. cloth banners, economical electric elans and slrna of ell ktoda made quickly. Foster A Klelaer, PI ft a 2nd Keeeeta. -Phene- Bachanee en. SCALP TREATMENT. JGRAT. felling kalr. dsndmff treated: bmnoe log, manicuring, chiropody, (ace work. Mrs. B. P. Kyne. IS8H Fourth, ear. Morrleee. " Room 82. Phone PaciSe SaS. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, plsnua and furniture moved, parked . ready tor skipping snd shipped! sH work . . guaranteed; large. X -story brick, fire-proof - warehouse or storage. -Office 1 26 First at, " C. M. tijsea. Phone Main 64T. , tllK BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. eor. Sixth and Oak ata. s Wat-are checked . , from hotel or reeldeace direct to destination; ' paaeeneer therefore evold msh and annoy ..' ance at depots. Prlvste Exrhsnge 68; fV O. PICK, ofnee as First St.. betwees Start end Oak ets., phone 506; pianos and furniture moved ssd packed for ablpplnfl commodious . brick war'booa with asperate troe rooma. : Proat and Clay ata. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Pkoee Mala SS. Heavy hauling and aberaga. rosT Spa. CI A L DELIVERY Ko. SoOVe Wak .' ..tnrtoa st Phoa ula tetX IP yoe are (nine to move, ring up Matn 2-41, ,. Tnlon Transfer Co.: prompt and reliable ' fiimltn-e mover. 12S4 North Sixth. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLKAN TOWEIA PMT.T Cnwih brnth. aoa. . SI per month. Portland Laundry and Towel . Sanely Co., Ktnth and Couch. Phone 410. TYPEWRITERS. NEW tyrsrwrltera, all make, rented, ao'd and '. eeretred Cot Agency. tl Stark. Tel. I4"f. TELEPHONES. fHS eely aelueive teleghoae kaeas. B.-R. Electric a Telephone MaBufartorlug east- near, n rina et. UNDERWEAR. .. . .. . tiMiKmiMilt'S l-wool knit snderwear ia ,.' '. let. netm-al gray, remel kalr and white. P 'fnrte ewr,. tiaa-lnltereted stock s. I the beat; . as, ywor deeea foe It: wa awarded tb gold Bsl lwt snd ( lark eBfaelt,lea. ; : . New Yark Stiver BUrket. . '' Sew York. Mars. 2U ilar. 6JW- Western Suear Refinery Ad vances Price of Sugar Ten Cents Per Hundred. SOME-TERRITORY IS NOT-AFFECTED-BY-RISE Southern Idaho and California Points Where - Hawaliana Ara Already' -Taking Orderr Exempt r Meat -Trust Buys Muttoa on Front Street. Front Street. March principal . fea ture 4X th oiaraata 4 8war tmat alraa a blow. Raflnad avcar lOe kifhcr. , Mat truat buja on Front atraat. Druwj ml anirala ara largar. Aocaa ootalda rail for at a. Muet any pil'1 ruMug Hi rbltt Columbia amelt out of market. Canllf lower la scarce and ap. - - tier jld. eesetabtae-afiaee-k JlCallfomla-steamer stuff jialosded., Hon are quiet and rnactlre. Hay storka a re, very plentiful. Grain and flour quiet. ' agar Troat Alms a Blew. -jpedar-the inrar trust aimed a well directed liliia at the trada f the Paelfht Bnrthweat fur Ira areuihn alllaure Uh the new Cb fornla a Hawaiian refinery. Ia Oreaoa and WuAlufUw-iMl Borthera Idaho the price -of refined augar la 10c per 100 pounds blither to day. Is southern Idaho end la California, trfcere the new Hawaiian refinery has brrun T.YrnVoere, aentattres of the Hawaliana are now reedy a he erden llwy end tkla anaalbly make the truat recede from Its sd vance. The fact that no change wsa made la the southern Idaho quotation clearly show te the trad that there at eoraetbtng wrong la the altuatloa. for If It coat 10c per too pounda more to produce sugsr for ' tha Oregon market it mat aa equal amount aeore to do baatneee In California. -According to the trade today' advisee In the market her waa meet unexpected, sod It can only be eiplalned br the -fact, that lb trust wants t get aU the money It eaa out of thla territory before the laland reflnerlee get control. Prom Informa tion gathered by the trade paper of Carl fort I a it is aal.l that tb eugar already turned out by the Hawaiian refinery la far superior o that now being eold. Thla In Itself would cause the trade' to go la that direction. Meet True Buys aa Trent Street. Great mdhrnettoa t being expressed by.aame ef the lerger retail hetchere over the action f the trholeeale meet trnat In getting them to vote not to buy dreeaed mutton and beef along front street while tb true. Iteelf buy all It eaa lay Ita hand en. Vmterday om dreaaed muttoa arrived em the etreet and truat representative puvebaaed U In alht at the to tb retallera at a good advance la price gore without aayrng. , - t . - Dreeaed Meat Market Tory nrai. A eve nf fJT-g"1 1 allows by the drtaaed meat markata along PronT atreeTlo?Ir. Beoeipte of dressed eeal are eontewbet better, but there la a demand for twice aa much aa la now arriving at the top of quoted valnex. Dressed hog are- very slow in coming. Demand eitra good at the price Hated. ' Kg , Kara - Is Slag. While the receipt ef ggg eontisue te h-. aally changed ah regarda prW. Today's valuea rule between lc and lHc, with sales at both figure. There le agala some call for eutilde ahlpment and stocks are cleaatng ue qnlte well. The poultry market continue to show a lack of arrivals eod deelara can get-elre-rt any price tney ebooae to oak today. Springs to the hear lest call with no arrive la. Columbia Smelt Oat ef Market, ' For the flrat time la over two month Inc the run- of amelt began In tb Columbia river the market -le. without fresh aupplle today. Flab handler are of the opinion that the rrtn of smalt is a boot ever foe the season. . ...... Hoy Are ftniet and Inactive. ' The Dnrat pool holds all attention la the hop marker and outakle of that there le very little doing. The report that Mr. Durst had sold In advance all the bops be eapeeted to the one who pnt up ell ' the advance money, 'which they would not ace before. ; If. aa Mr. Krebs reported to The Journal, thee hop war already sold, there Is but little) likelihood of the prod no receiving muck than the "advsnce. According te Mr. Durst. "We're practically buying the hop., snywsy. The trade paya the follow Ins prleee te Proat street, mees paid prodHcer ara less regular commissions: - Grain, tUm ant feed. ' WHEAT Club. - 66c; red. Russlsa, See; blceetem. Sfle: vIley. SV. BARLEY Feed. S2S.60; rolled. 834 SO: brew. lee tat no CORN Whole, $27.00; era eked. 26.00 par ton. - - - . ,- BYE tl.ES per cwt. OATS Producers' price No. 1 white. 128.00; grar. $27.00. t PLOI'R New eastern Oregon patent. IS.80O S.S6; stralchta. S8.40itS.60; export. 61.18; veT ley. 63.46; eraham. is. gS.nO: whole wheat, 3.78: rve. nos. 18.00; bales. 2 T6. , - MILLSTt'FFS Bran.1 $17.50 pr toat mid dtlnca, 828.00; aborts, eenstry. 819.60; elty, 116.50; chop, f 18.00. , HAY Producers' nrlce Tlmofhv. Wlllsmerte valley, fancy. 10.60t 12.00; ordinary. 87.00Q S 00 1 eaatera Oregon. 814.n0OI6.0fl; mixed, to 8000.00: clover, t. OOtjO.OO; grain. t8.80 8.00; cheat. 86.00. ' Butter. Xgge snd Poultry. BPTTKR PAT P. e, a. Portlaad Sweet eream. 2im: sour. 20t4c. . BPTTEB City creamery. 80c; outside 27U.tOc; ordinary, 2'V.r: atore. 16tlTe. EGGH No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, 18 16i,e. CHEESE New Pull cream. Sat. 16c; Young America. 16c; Cheddar. . 15e. - GAME Jeckrehblta, 1 Wxo 1.78 pee do. - t'OI LTRY Mixed chickens. MaMe per h: fancy bene. MtAl.V per lb: rouetern. old. 11 'V per lb; eta its. 2Uc per Ih; frrera. 10Q2Oc tier lb; broiler. 2o30e per lb: teka. Iflc per lb; geese. IO"-e2llc per lb; turkey. 18tlV per lb; dreaaed.' 21c per It: eonaba. 62.70O-00 perdos; pleont. 12.00 per; dcs. m.-. Hope, Weol and Hide. HOPS Oontracte. 1906 crop. 10c per lb; 1606 Oregoe, prime to choice. Igllr; poor sade. T6cy Washington. - 10r$ . 104 crop, gon. 20t22c Ih: 1008 clip, sallee, coarse tn me dium, it4Vit25V4c: fine. 2&tJ27e: eastern Ore gon. 10j22c. MOHAIR 27eSc. . SHEKP8Kli8 Shearing.. lB2ne eecht abort wool. 2.'.4t4ir each; medium wool. 60(t78e each ; lone wool. TVettl.OO each. TALLOW Prime, per lb. IMQIei No. 2 and grease. 2H2U,c. , ( CHITTIM BARK Se per Ih. HIDES Dry. No. I.- IS lbs snd ao. 16S4J t7Ve per lb; dry kip. No. I. S te 16 lbs. 14c; dry cslf. No 1. under 6 Iber-tSc; aalted hide, terra, sound. 60 Hi And ever, loejllc: cows. 8 H Bii,r: etara and hulls, aound. a17ei kip. WEDNESDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET Way t .77HA ,77A MM .7. fa4d ;T7 S . ,4 A July 77'k Chicago ...... Kanaaa City,.. Milwaukee , ... St. Louis...... Minneapolis .. . Liverpool Tniiuth New York.... Winnipeg . . Ban Francisco. sSHd Ml 1 December. a tlia (wmw haa urBtno a thla Droduct aI6n the atreat for aotna.tlma. Hearlnc of thla prae ' Uca Uir ia araat Indignation among the retail butchera and a arloua rent In the aaaoclatlon la" likely a a reault of the double croaa. alvea the .trade. , ,, e 4 IS to 80 lha. arj alf. aound. ODdrf-ii'ttTTref tmrrr nnaarritrte-Traa: ruiia. if f m koreblda. aa u4 -aarh,.. il Xttl.TS: 6tw aaca. $1.004 1.&0; roit hldre. asotOoci toat aklna. FomiuA), eark. lOQlftc; .s.nora. eack, aScO $1.00, . . - rruita aaa ea;eiia. ; fOTATOCT Brit aorted. 70J7B "par '"dark; produwara' "prtce fur ar tota, B9r prr--t-rtr ordlnarT. - S370c; producer' .price, oaitoc; ohu, iz.AOvPef-xraia. ONIONS Jobbing price Orefoe, " 100 1 .86: vroducara- prlra. No. I. 7tJV; Wo. -atrirTrtlfCWJOO Ibr bBloo act. Tr. irCkh . t-kdlTH AODl.a. "cnlla." 11.00: ordlnarr. ILOOfllBO; fancy. II. TBeJtt.OO: Hood Hi.ifr raacy anuaenrjeraa aua newww. riivii( Z7nta.0O; oranara. n.M, 13.7nij.V00; aMdllua. ; banauaa, 4Hne par lb: lamona. choice. 1.75ax;6 ir box: fancy. f.OOOS.U pw boa: llnaa. Mralcaa. prr lUOJ pin. annlea. M M) per doa; tanaertnaa, u rn -y- B' ETA HI Turulpa, near, c carrots. S0(7c aack; beeta, aorOfl.OO pet sack; Oregon radiance, tic per dos: cabbage. uregoa,- s.uo per ewii vemorme, rrr cwt: " green pepper.- eue per ini allfornla toniatnea. ti.M: Merlcaa. S pa ran I pa. (-l no: atrlng beena. S"r:.. ranllflower. a.l0flJ 2.1 tier crate: green peas. loajlHe per F; noraeraaian. .nic pr lb; srtlcbokr. , Sscail.OO per dost botbnoaa IrttucaV- al-JS- per B1 ceieryi wworw ner crate: nnmnkina. lUc: srioaak. IVI anrnnta. c par lb: crannerrlee., Jeraeys, 114.00 lil. tooa ney ana jiiiaai ai". 1 m.m HB,ia m Hit- -MkUliarD .C., DRIED rRUITM-Apples, eraporaua, isae IKe per Ih: aprlcotp, IJ per lb: peacbea, 10HU lUe per lb; each. 4e per lb leea: nrnne. SO te 40. . SHr Ui dron on each alxteent mram.'-r mlnm- m r.ltforf' black. (417 Per rfttrfaSffartlgByver TUl'Saaaa. guldn; Se per lb; rarda. SI.BS aer 10-10 eoa. - SrOAtt Sack haete Cnbe. 7.05; powdered, 15 90; fruit granulated. tn.N0; dry granulated, go. 0; eonf. A. tl beet srsnototed, Sfi.ftO eitra C. gJ.SO: gulden C. 5J0: D vellow. $5.10; -bbla. 10c; H bhl. SBc: hoiee. 60c ad vance on aack baala. leea Sne pee ewt for essh, IS daya; maple. 144tlbe per In (Above price apply to aalee ef lea tbaa car mts.-Car Me et epecial price subject te guct nations.) linsr.Y greY)na ernte.-L ' CorrEK Package brands, SIS M. SALT Coarw Half eronnew 1. 17.00 per ton: table, dairy. AOs. Sll.ooi tooar gl.7K; Im ported Liverpool, Bos, 117 Oft, loo. SIS. go; t34a. S16 on; evtrs fine, hhla. Se. Re. 10. t4.50Q S.BO; balk. 3S0 lb. S4.00i6.or; ck. 60a, esttsoc; Liverpool lump rock. IU.60 par ton; SO-Ui rock. 17 00r 100a. 16.75. ;. GRAIN BAOS Calcutta. TVi. RICK Imperial Japan. No. . 1. Sc: No. t, $95He: New Orleans bead. Te: Ajai, 6c; Treile.. Sc. . ... BRA'S Small white.., IS.TB4 on; large white. fX.fn; pink. Ii.75: bayou, 14.60; LI man, $6.76; Mexlcsn cede. 414c. NTTS Peanuta.. jumbos, 8 per fb Virginia, SHCtSKe fee lb; roasted, aflSHc per lb; cocoantit. MiQSOc per do: walnuta. 1HI8Mc per n: plnenuta. Hitlllc per IQj nirsory note, toe" "per tb: I'healmi Is, easlei h, 160 IS,1 eea. le 1 flraafl nuts. 14c per lb: Alberts, Mfjlie per lb: fancy pecans. IBHOige; slmonds. itisfS 16V4ev paints. Coal Ofla, Ito. ROPB Pare Manila. -U.a; attadard. Uljc; alsal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Case. 19H per gal: water white, iron hhla, 14c per gal; wooden,-I7e per gelt headlight. 170-deg, ease. aiHc per I. - - - - - GASOLINE ag-deg, eases S4H per gal, tree bbla 1c per gal. , . . - BENSH'ESJ-deg. Caere fte'per gal. Iron bbla 1Hr -per gal. 11' R PCS TIN E-IB eiaei tie per gal, aiuudau bbla SV per fsU WHITE LEAD Toe lota. HJe per lb; 800-lb lota. c par lb: lee lota. SUe per Ih. . WIRE NAILS Present baala at 12.88. . MNSEED OIL Pur raw. In 5-bhl lots; BSc; l-hhl Int. Mc; caae. Me per sal; genuine kettle bolle1. cases, 60e per gal; 6-bbi lota. 64c; 1-hh! lot. R.1e per gal: ground rake, car lota, $20.00 per tan: leea than car lot. 190. oa pev ton . . Meats. Flak sad Prevision a. FRESH MEATS Front street Beef ' steer. 4C6e per lb; cows. 84 per lb; bog, block. Site per lb; . pai'sere, ', Ir lb; bulla. 4ftr per lb; veal, eitra. V,e per lb: ordinary, 7uqac ,r lb; poor, ejfd'c per lb; muttoa, fancy. Sf He per Ih. - HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) ham. 10 to 14 lb. 18c per lb: 14 to IS lb. 18c per lb; breakfaet bacon. 14HsJ18He par lb: picnic, oc per lb; cottage, per b; regular short clear, anamoked, 10 per lb; moked, lia4Cperlltlcirsr hacka, nnamnkedi 70He prr lb; amok c1. II He per lh Union butta. 10 to ia ll. nnanioked. Ic ner lb: emoked. Se per lb; bellies, unsmoked. 11c per lb; taunted. Tar tier lb: sliuuldeia, Se per Hi. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. IlHe per lb; 6a, II He per lb; 60-lb Una. lOfte per Ih; a team rendered. 10s, lOSe per lb; Be, lOc In: rwniiHilino: 10a. TU er CANNED SALMON Columbia river, 1-Ib t11 $1.80; l ib talU. 82.76: fancy, l ib SaU. II SO; U lb fancy Sat. $1 15: fancy l ib oval. 12 75; Alaeka tails, pink. 6311 90c; red, 11.60; nominal aa. tall. 12.00. PISH Rock cod. Tc per lb: Sounder. Be par Ibr1 halibut. 6Hc per lb: crabs. 11.50 per doa; efrlped baee, 12M per lb; catfish, 7c per lb; ltnnn frasen. 7Wc: herrlnsr. 6e ner lb: aolea. c' per ly; ahrlmpa. 10c per lb; perch, lie per in;' Diaci coo, tc per id; lorocoa.- ic pvr io; Columbia river- smelt. 8c per lb; silver smalt, Tc per lb; lobsters, 16c per Ih; fresh mackerel, 8c per lb; crawfish. 2fc per doa. . OYSTERS Shea (water bey, per gal, $2.35; per sack. 68.76. CLAMH Hardahell. per' box. . 2 00; rseor clams, 82.00 per box. FIRST SHEEP IN NEARLY TWO WEEKS ARRIVE Market Very Good in All Live stockCattle Futures -. Look, Brighter Hogs Firm. Portland Union Stockyards, March 2d. .Live stock receipts; Hog. Cattle. Sheep. Today:.Lu.. 7t ' 276 Ui Waek eg'v.-;v.rtrS."r7S- . . ... Month age ion - -US r ' 18 Tear aiu 1 1M 1.07O ra'the Srer day - in almsst two weeka titer were arrivals of sheep In the local yard. The marki I la very firm. Cattle doing better on ji.srr-cnt aarance ann rn t lire pro. iiocts are im provetT nifa vrfy Srm' ar yealcrday'i rlae or znc. 'iiuuy noraea came m. Official llreatock prleee: Iloga Beat eaatern Oregon. t7.0nifJT.2r; blower snd Chin fat S6.6tiaJS.T6; slock era Slid feeders. Id.25t 6 60. Cattle Beat eatern Oregon eteora. 14.2641 4 So; beat rows snd heifers. $1.75: light sml medium steers. $.1 75f light cows. 12.60; s lock ers and feedfra. I.t.noi bulla, 2.Ti. Sheep Wetbers asd lamba, 6c; mixed sheep, B2.76. . Calve Good veal, 160 to 200 pound. 6'i Sc; rough snd heavy, 8 4 41 4 "4c, COTTON TWENTY-SIX TO THIRTY-EIGHT HIGHER New York, MarrVSl . Cotton future ckiaed Overbeek, Starr A Cook 26 to SH .mlnta up. Official quotations by company: v Ckelng Wed. Tiles. 1073 KI3J I07S) IIHI 1IWS liKi.1 Open High. rw.' 11)52 loco io;o iois irt3 Ki.16 load lo:ti 10.10 l'i:l March .... April .... May , Jon ..... inly ...... Atiattet ... September October . .. Urtvember . I decent her January . . ... v i 10. t urns lout ioni lfll IIMT ivn 10.H 1IM4 1lt.1T low) loto Kaet ltivi IOW) KI7 KK1T MI2d itril IlKIO inna ioni I imh not; Vhh m 1"7 1011 I OHM 11112 ll4l, Mi:. , 1043 1011 ' Llverpoel Cettoa Market. Liverpool. March' 31. Oottoe future etoaed I m I nolnt up on tk eld aad th eeate tmouai eon a oa iac new. Only Strength In the Chicago Wheat Market Jpday Was at 1 " the i Opening -Shorts B uy. , MARKETLLOSES SEVEN. JHTHSTTOTrHALF Spread Between the May and July Being; Closed Again Liverpool Comes but a Fraction Hlgherat the CloTrade,BearishonRepprtsf KCLATITB WHEAT TA-UB. toe- rma- Wd. Tuaa. ltd. Wed. May.. .,.,.... .7714 .78,B l.lo4 July..:....... .TT4 -.77J . M September... M - ,1t - .7714 . .00 'i ,00 .00 vJ 'Chin am. -MarcB il. Tha linie ' streniin 1u wheat today waa Immediately a fur the opening, but the real activity came only with the oecliu trig price. ' KotwHhstandlug that shorts ware lttieral buyer at the cloae. there seemed to be r lent j on sale with the price nut a feeble me lon above the low point. It will take good newe and lota of it to bring about the required rhang la aentlmeut neeeeeery to Indue a big buying demand. vora aa vacs awxeer. The coarse sraln list is artlna better. Th Improved price being paid for the low grades coupled with email receipt keeps the shorts oa the anxious aeat. '- While thee eondttione pre vail the market la not likely te decline much. ' Provtelona'made more headway today, but thla la gettlnc to be aa old atory. One of the aignlfl- orririai quotations by overbeca, Starr Ceeaa aeaageayi : WHRAT. . Open. Hlrh. Mar... .. .74 ' .7S', .77' .T7'2 .T7.77 Vr.n" .77t .7 s July.j. oet.. May... Joly.i. Septu. --CORN. -OATS. May;; July.. :.s"H -.soH . :'.2lli " Sept... 28W JIH - -M MESS PORK. !. ' ' 1S.45 , . IS. IT . .. 16.36 1SA0 16.11 ' . LARD."' .-. aaa asa s as May. . 16.40 16.26 s ia . S.40 t .60 - S.TS . 8 66: . July... Hay... July.. . Sept... 6.811 ' : 8.40 s sa.- 8.43 50 8.43 SHORT BIBS. s.mi - s.ts a so -. 8.SA ' 8.70 . ..: g0 Mar... July.. t Sept. . . 8.T3 S.7T 8.70 PRIMAXT eBATB XOTXXZirr. Chlesge, March II. Primary recefpte: 1 1 ; c Tlody, tear Age: Bimhela. " Buahele. Wheat .... 876,000 2X1.000 Corn ..........r 874.000 SS.Oue Bhjpments Wheat ............ 173.000 208.000 corn .,.....,...... . 474.000 - Total clearances: Wheat. buahele; corn. 82,000 buahele: oeuv 62,000 bushels; Sour, 21.000 Urrele. CTRIOAOO CASK WB3AT, Chicago, March SI. Caak wheat: - . y ennranay. Bid. Aak. Bid. No. a red... ........ .88 Vj No 8 red. ." . no No. a hard .81 U .78 No. S hard .T .T 7S1A 74 No. 1 Borthera No 3 Borthera No. S spring .81 .76 , AOH .76 T BV .1 SAB rmAWCUCO OBAIX MARKET. San rraadace, March 21. Official morning doalng: . . - ... -. . WHs)AT. ' ' ." Open. Hlrh. Low. May... 111 tl.24 1.2d December.... 1.16 111) 1.16. BARLET. MayITT, 1. 17HB ...... December BS M .SS Close. 1.2d 110 .to - UTZXrOOI, ORAIX MARKET. Liverpool, March 21 Official prleee: "WTfEATr Open - Closs Close OsHi . Wed. ' Wed. Tue. Wed. . .6 6d Se Hd - n Sd A Mar VulJ rga Ss-waa--wa edr-V."r CORN. .4s Id 4 SHd 4a Sd Hd May BVTIXO SEED WHEAT. ' 8pclsl Dispatch to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or., Msrea 21-rSeveral thonaand buahels of wheat have been purchased In Pen dleton in the peat few days to uss for reeeed Ing. since the big frost hee done considerable damage to tha wheat In different parte of I matllla connty. It Is .only la places where the wheat waa set protected by the snow that reesedlng will be necessary, though It will coat the grower muck labor and expenae. HEAVY IBSTOFSIOCK ON : JCOlTyCOLPI Gilliam County Stockmen Re port Destruction of Hun- . . . dreds of Lambs. - - '." (Special Dispatch to Tb. Journal.) " Condon, Or., March 21. The atorm which haa held twsy in this county the put 10 dsys hss done much dsmsg to stock. It cem Just at the beginning of the lambing 'aeaaon. and AS none of the atockmeu were prepared for It, It will mean tb loaa of hundreds of lamle. Bee i ilea thla, the loa In cattle bae been eno. bkiu. 'J'lie h wariest loser o far are P. it. Steven. Harry Perry and R. O. Robinson, who run-larae "bands op cattle tft the footlilllv. Csrloada of hay are bow being shipped tn here. I WWICBw11t " relieve rhe-attnatroo - soman hat: The ground Is still eovrreo with enow to s depth of from five to teas Inch. During th coldest apell tlie - mercury went down te d degree below aero. , - Pendleton." Or., March 21. Tb loss of sheep In L matllla county during th recent v,e atorm waa comparatively email. In th Morrow snd Baker county districts the loss of sheep cauaed by the storms wee extremely severe, as the flacks had been turned out on th hill, the owner believing that spring had set In in earnest. A conservative estimate of the demur put- th figure be tween tn.noo nd 87.000. In l.'inatllla county the eheep were able to feed npon the herbnfe snd shrubs during tb tormteat part of the week, t . EASTERN BOOB STkOVw. v "Chicago, March 21 . Livestock receipts: 'v 11 I loan. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago 2A.'iQQ 11, pop 22.oQ0 Kanaaa CUy 1 hOoO ltl.OOO 6. Omaha 11.000 '6,500 S.000 1 Hog opened strong to Sc blither wtth S SoO left over. Receipts a year ago were 80.000. Prices: Mixed, IA.20etS.47 14; good. t 40a 6.50: rough. SA.2AM; light, 84.16evo.46. Cattle Ten rente higher. , Sheep Steady. 1 POBTLAXD BAKX STATXXZVT. Clearing ..t ..-,...'. .' Balance J ...tS24.21A24 ... ltW.041.41 , 1 Sterllag Bates. New York. March Sl.-trllng Demaad, 486; BO Aa, ehAtW, . " v Cloae. ' -.ttT " .44B Sudden Advance tn This Issue : J. Causes Some Talk Among the Speculators. , : USUAL FAVORITES GET 77 MOST OF THE TRADING General LisT Is" Lower -NewT York Central Has a Bad Break and Un "corers the Rest of ths Market malgamatedCoppwe KIT I.0ME8. .AJiBconna Am. bra ma ted: rm Atcblaoa Buaar . ...... ..... 1 tLoularllle- ! Mcx. - Central - v.". HlKaty do preferred ... aafleourl Padftc. Ul Norfolk Smelter Car roandrj... Brooklyn HI N. X. Central SeUifl HlOaa. di Waaiefi I Pennsylvania reupje a uate ..... Prcaaed Steel Car. J nramna Hock laland ...... 1. do preferred .... WIS. P. Sd preferred. UI800 nreferred . do let preferred tlil Roiithern Hallway Great Wmumh... " HI Southern Paclfle.. Union Parktle.... ,. U. S. Steel L'. a. Rubber.... v do ore f err ad MetroooHtan ... 4 Wk. Cent. prew- Bo 111. Central 1 Weatera Union . . . HI - -r-... ' Th.Jbtv advance In Chicago North. weatcr today deaptte the general weakoea In the market le believed by the trade to tie the alerting point . t anothaa null movement in the stock market. On a very email amount ef tram) toe laeua aeowee aa aavsnce 01 n points over the elating bid of yesterday. Tak ing the market aa a whole the tone was quite weak. - Trading - waa s not oa any extensive ersle except in a few of the favorite aurh as Amalgamated Copper, Brooklyn, Colorado Purl, Reading and Vnlon Pacific. ' Official quotatlona by Overbeek, Starr A Cocke Co. 1 - - " DESCRIPTION." Anssnnda Mining 0e Amsl. Copper Co...... Atcblsoa, com.. do Dreferred 08 SUA 10a 101 Am. Car A Pound. . cost. do preferred Am. Sufer. com , Am. Smelt., com do Dreferred . . . - . : . : Btltlniore A Ohio, eon. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Csnadlan Paclde. earn.. ITU 'mVany dj 'sat lwe4sV aTBBW I I S 1 B-f I oo prarerrea.. Chi. A ot. Wset., com. ChW MIL A St. Paul.. . Chi. A North weat., com Chesapeake A Ohio. .i... Colo. Pel A Iron. com. Colo. South., com . , lTl3 do 2d preferred do let preferred , Delaware A Hudson.... D. A R. O.. com.t..... do. preferred......... Erie, com..., do Id preferred... esP1"" XSve flfaatTSBaagBShaJp Illinois Centre I... Louisville A Nsshvllle Metropolltaa Street By.. at ana at tan tiy...... alexlcsn Central By. Minn.. St. P. A Ste. M.. I do preferred Missouri t'acinc... M.. K. A T.. com.. do preferred . . . . New- York Central Cotton Oil 6314 S3 14 Federal Smelter. Bfd.. Norfolk A Western, seat, 67 54 1 87141 S6M oo prererrea North American....,,. N. Y., Ont. West.... t'enntylvanla By P. Q.. L. A C. Co..... MM 4 lflflli OS Pressed Steel Car, oom. . do Dreferred t i . . . 60H Peelfte Mall Steam. Co.. I 15 Basdliia, com . v . . do 2d preferred, do lat preferred Bop. Iiuu a Stent. ' t-2nT38 do Bock Island, com . . do Dreferred do oreferred Sou there Pacific do Dreferred. . St. UAL F.. 2.1 pfd.. St. L. 8. w com do preferred Texas A Pacific... Tennessee Cosl A Iron.. Tol., Stj L. A w.. com do preferred Cnloa Pacific, com. do preferred...; Central Leather, com... . do preferred V. S. Rubber, com..... U. 8. Steel Co., com.... do preferred ......... Wheel. A L. B., com... do 2d preferred do lat preferred Wisconsin Central, com do preferred......... Western Union Tel..... Wabash, com do preferred ......... Am. Locomotive, ,. do preferred 100 'is" 104 K 1814 36 Vi 1051108 1 0514 vt .... -IHr.14 Total aalee for dar. 671 CsU money closed at B llOO ahares. per cent TOMOPAH XTWIBO STOCKS. mm- m.. m. 4 - n rraneitco, Mareti 20. Offldal tUintl Bid. Belmont 16.00 I Dixie Cash Boy ... 20 I Gold field . ... Golden Anchor 1.821 J tiro ho . . . , . , , Home 24 IJnmbn Ex .... morning Jim Butler ... 1.70 McN'smara ... 7S Midway ...... 2 29 Montana .... 8.00 North Star ... Bd Ophlr ........ 40 Ton. Pk. ..... 11.T6 Nevada i 1B.IIO Wset ; 1.00 . 10 Adame Atlanta iiiuetieii Col. Mt Conquer . . . . Dlamondfleld BAN FRANCISCO 10CAX STOCKS. .' San Pranclaco, March 21. Official morning Ceslsg: ..' ... - - ; tfra. asavov Contra Costa Water.., Spring Valley Water.. Mutual P.lertrlc. ...... Giant Powder. -r: Hawaiian Commercial. 46 8N If ' ::, so - 84 Hnookea Scgsr,, ... US 12 Hutchmsnn Sugar...'. 144 . Makawell Sugar 84 '4 12 Onomea Sugar. 30 3014 Paanhae Sugar.......... 1S4 30 In (on Hnga r . . . . . .... .... ?..MJL. 40 u Alaska Parkera. . . . 63 Ve . Callfmtil Win aaanclatloa .. .. 8ft4 Pacific Stat Telephone..., 10S 10a BOBTOX COPPER MARKET. Bolton, March 31. Official copper closing: Bid. Rid. Adventure I 2S A Hone ...... 17 00 ArcadlaB .... 1.00 Old Dominion..! 44.76 Parrot 3d 60 Phoenix . Oulncy .. lloyal . . Tamarack 1.O0 SO.OO .. 31.76 . 1O8.O0 trnwituj 21.a Bingham ..... 81 .To Calumet 1..,. 6T5 fsl Centennial . . .' 24 12 Copper Rang. TS.T6 PrenkJIn .... - IV 00 Mua ..,.- 8. T Motiswk . .r.. 6 00 Mirvsds Cos., 17 60 North Reus.. S2.60 Bast Butt... -10.76 Trinity t olled Copper.' .10.00 66.00. tetocia 8 36 Wolverine .... Jtaon l. B. Mining.,.. 66.76 Tens. Copper. 45 00 tVwto Con.., 22.60 Butte Coaia.. A2.00 roio. roei ...... h at.. P"V ,t Cheaapeak ...... i Canadian ...... Coftoa Oil Locomotive . . , ; ienver . a le Bid. .1 , 13 , SS , 1.65 ' 32 1 Kendall ST Iatia .'. 19 May Queen ;Y.' so Mohawk BT - Red Top 1214 Sandatorm .... l.fl7Vx Sllrer' Plck .V. 3d St. Ire' ...... ' " 81 ' iat.. Bank . Zl. M Z. Denver 1.66 23 IPu-Upae XJW )S IGoid Bsr .....lo 24 lo. B. P 31 2.1 IStelnwsy ..... SS ' 1 ' Journey hither tomorrow, rentpayer. horaeaeeker knd. speculator, to the benefit of your pocketbook. Don't alt In a rented houae arid be eon-' tented. Investigate our building plaa, and see how eaay It la to own a Z homev-TIRLAN D ha avery convenience. Beat -crater, beat--ear, IS-mln- ute service,. 60 fare. Streeta graded, aohoola, churchea, 'phones, ' electrlo lights being Installed, beautlfulaurroundlngs. , t ' t QoOut and Sec Lot $120; $3Downr$3aMonth. neTTAV Brown . VJ.Wf T I.MI.V." - 10S railing Bids-.. Third and waah- Ington Sta. Phone Main ill. - gives the man with; the small -of moderate-siie4 account the same chsnce to consult with the officers of the bank, A- rom the president down, aifif -gives -the man with the Urge -- account. '7? Portland-Trast-fompan of-Ore, E. Corner Third and Oak StS., Phong" Exchange 71. - --- - BTSNJ. T. COHEN....:..;. -.7. President H. I PITTOOK7T.7. . .ViVlcs-Prealdent B.LEE PAGET. ...... - Secretary J. O. GOLjTRA Assistant Secretary EAST COUCH ST. COzlOO. nicely lawned, fruit and flow ers; lot Worth IS.100; l-room houae In splendid condition, all conveniences and could pot be built for less than 12.500. Just at ths top of ths hlllf"iievr 11th st. walking distance only . Hartman, Thompson & Powers . CXABCBXaV OT CO TheBestrBuy nr roxTXAJTS, Corner lot, BOxlOO, with, stores and dwaUing.-west side, on a car line street, newiy paved; locality. Is faat becoming a business center; present Income $70 near month: 1260 anent In Improvements I r . . . . . I rtft BMa. '- - 1 Win Dring it up 10 esvv. ruw. ror a Iew a,,., only. Lambert, Whltmer & Co. 107 aTAerloolt BUdg- aad 404 Aides TlilllS BARIC! $37SQ- S8,750 wmmtrnm - . , " - Corner of Schuyler, modern, new, B room houae, nice corner lot, cement aldewalks and streets fully Improved 11,000 cash, balance to suit - Price, $3350 Hartman, Thompson & Powers CXAaCBXX 01 OOUCXBtTa. Northwest Corner of Second and Everett Will give Ions; lease on brick build Ins; and wooden building. Inquire of R. M. WILBUR, 110 SECOND ST. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. KEL8EY In thla city March 30, 1006. Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Kelser. aged 12 years, T montba and 10 days, rnneral villi take place Tuesday, March 22. at 10 - a. m. front th residence, corner Eaat Korty flrat end Gladaton avenue, Ivanhoe na tion. Prlend Invited. ' , THITID STATES OOVERMMEBT B0BDS. . New York, March 31. Government bonds: r Twos registered . IftK) IM 10414 do coupon :-lt- 104lJ 'lot. Three registered item mala l'l . aa enn noil Twos, smsll bohilsT 02 u. OI1V 04 Pours regleterea. .......... ' do coupon four reglatered...... ...' do eoupim District of Columbia S-SSe. PhUlpglBS 4 1S0T lOT 1P25 1126 10 104 104 U, 105 z 1.1214 1.124 1:1214 lis 1004 Leadea Silver Market. Lendon, March -21 8llrer, tOi Porelga Coffee Market. ... . Hsvrec March slVeffew declined U to TTamnurg nnchanged; Rki, recelpta, 4.000 hag, market quiet, 75 down; Santo, 8.000 bags, market quiet and unchanged. :1 Xw Tork Oaah Caff. New York. March 21. cask coffee:, Ke. T BoySla; Nav 4 JlaatoavStv. . SPRIGGSON TRIAL FOR WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC ' (Journal Special Service.) " New Tork, -March 3L Robert flprlggs, the negro politician acouaed of white slave traffic, waa placed on trial to day. His victims teat If led. It le ssld that If the horrible dctatla of the testi mony were published- eltlsena of New Tork could not ; be restrained from lyncnlngflpTlggB. . , ' - rreferted Bkoek Oaaaktel 4Tiea. Allen . Lewis' Beat iBraad. . I. Robert a taVlor - - rOfflce Ktrlrfnd Station. lAgent 01 'Agent on ground 'weekday and Sunday rain or anine. SPECIALS 800 ItMOO. Davla-and Hi Its S)3,20O Beautiful lot and On t-room realdepce, oor. Water and Olbba 8ta. A bargain. ' ' - " 2,900 olxlJS, Improved lot and mod ern 7-room house, E. 7th and Knott Sta. - aJDTS- 0100, corner lot - and . S-rooot : , cottage, near carbarns. North Alblna, "rV'e have choice farms for sal tn all partaeof ths state, . , ....- 1 II ,w i I Sinnott5c-Sinnott 63S CTJLA1 or co: mom Close irr and is increasing in ralue everyday,-': -.V:-;.ii Western eregon Trust Co.; 291 Stark. V ' EAST 7th STREET Real Estate HIT (Oil! $20,500 Two newmodern. B-room : houaee, close In; rent for 14710 per oent net on' Investment. They sr occupied and always will bs. :- . rT: Prlce$5300 HartmanrThompson&-Powtr$ oiAian or ooiaOanBoa. ' Bungalow Glade m cost xoBn sTttb! eaicBVT WALKS-PABIID BTKaBTS. . Full lots m.100. Pries fSOO each. Kaay terma. One block from - Hawthorne- a ven-usrclosa)- Inr 1 0 mtnutea" ride or 20 minutes' walk to heart of city. These lota are well worth 1 1.000 .NQWae compared wlth: prlceg jneaa urea Dy otner reeiuence property aa in vorably - situated--" Only a few left.j New, modern bungalowa bains; built snd for sale. See) owner, Geo. E. Waggoner as rsjiinr mdar. noam acaix bsss. Henry E. Reed Real Estate and Investments Vo. 10TH Slstb Btreet, aeatf Waalngrtoa. notes Kalm BSOX. All kinds of business, residence and farm property and Umber lands handled. Prompt and careful attention to orders. R. M.wiL.BU: rr 110 Seooad UX, Xeag Washiag-kon. OFFERS FOR SALE 80x100, northwest corner Everett and 2d ata.. t-story brick building and ona atory frame, now being placed In thor oughly substantial , and perfect order. Including 160 feet of cement sidewalk and curb, and painting throughout. $200 per month is the probable rental value when nnlahed. $2,700 tllSSI-DllJ IH VIl.Ti c -1 V'..l. iiuun.1 i, - teoirt I a; . Improvements. Inq.u4re--2t -J t ourt a Ji, : z , : . 98.00 Acre 440 acres ' In Coos county. underlain wnn cuau. i R. M. Wilbur Has office apace to rent on ground floor. 210 Second St. Near" Wssinf ton, snd wlthln J blocks of B banks. , , , " " INJECTION BROHJ WILL Cl)R GONORRHOEA and GLEET- WITHOUT OTHBB TREATMENT . Sold by mil Oruggljts l-30th i the entire Quinine production eft fie World I ceaanmea every year By the atakar et ;. Laxative Eromo Qaiaine ' "Cure a Colg la One Day S. W algoAturaoa box. 2U i