Tiir: oni.Goij DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. wrnmrsnAV . t?.ui?MTMn atjctt -9.1" im - ' V . . '." " . .". it Mmf A I W AlinMi W A - W V W -.--' flfW-4 " VJ A w W W 4 V W 1 . ilf3ft-jp -,- V V FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - - - . - (1,800 A GOOD nmt etorewUh four llemg room, sultsbls for grocery; ' adjoining; 4-roort cottage ta rear; lot evxlOwt , iv.oi-A fla buelneaa block en Powell 1,-jnO k oners s-room boum, H block. i at M But 21et.; spoleos. resilience --leWlet; Also com (mall cotTageS from' (BOO Bp" " lota o6xl06.nU: payments, lalaaea 4 ult. .... . mvOT.k Plie Iminw BasLKstste. Bttaf -' iri Powell at Broklya car. a . - - .i . ..,- store building 80x48, i.u ii.i.. .. mr lot avsrsslng V'M liw ? ; 1 jluilb "of brserr.irse end Se. -r Umij Tajon.- prlr Sl.tHW. ai.auu seres. 4 of bHi-w elsarsd. balsoo (1,300; terme. - fruit trees, fair (-room house, good wall, bara i . . . ...... . 1 tUUI - . . . . ana eu ma uui-s" I rtlCT . .- - Lent. Oregon, . FTNB corner lot oh Hancock-et ' Holladay'B - - v adutttoa, recta sst, wiu atrietly madera . T roon boo . "rail oniu inruuauw, -- carllne:. ewaer' will eelL t aeeriflee " MuhiwBjah at.. ar Union T,oriwa. ki iniL Klrbtlr Mnm lot TllUiBopk !.: aaat Tc;- ! tn. - Cholc lot w tut Mth at., math t Haw- tbonw. 400 rlK ' Hoveral W-rl iraow anr i aTvi aiai'ii: u aaay rrw 403 Commreif bid. Pbotiib Pactfto W. la now ea tlx awkek Ita at acratfa krlca. , - Lta - 02P0. .on mm- i.ifiti .a 100 N UU 1K120 . 1300 A. rw.n iiAA I TbaaM lota ara all In mltlrattoa, Ural and alatlttr, cm 1 fctgrq. !Trt. a niinut vafB to aosgV 10-room achool at Lnra; D-nr T'rnia. 0. R. Addltoo, aarr, Laata. Ora- aai lata moobi await aar, so. SMALL grn. (!. tinildloia a4 lota, 1.000 M bb rara journal. . . TateaUwa aT.aat AI71 - , FOR OB RBNT Naw aaodarm B-raoai eottar. with attic, alaetrle llfhtr lota for aala .abaaf ; bcaiaaa ballt a.aaay taaaaai In- vaatlgata. ownar, lioigata ana saac ioia, block fraa awllwooa-eariina. FOR HALE 7 vwnT, aww, ' aaodara cattaR. , (oooV loratloa: arlca fl.SOOj aaay tarau. J fboaa laat Snos. .1B LOT for aala at Caatar atafloa. Oak Ororai lotto; taraaa.- laqulra- Wav Lara, Oak Orora ataltoa. - I ' W. H. M0RRB0U8R. , ' . 170 Haat lllh at.. Bcllwoad. ' - . X. I UIhmI li Tba larf'xt vllat of Improrad Broorrty ) LHallwood. Hoawa fran fnoo ta U.0O0. Roaa , addition,' tha treat factory alta; lota S dowa " and 5 par month. ' rOR BAIK T-room modern konaa ta Irrtu Ina; part tauilU-btlnnca 8 year: woold rant ...partly fnrnlataed to dralrabla tenant. L 10, care Journal. . - ' " CHOICR realdesea lot on Fargo at., bat. Union " aad Rodney area, inquire 007 Monroe at.. Dioeev - i'Bona a,aai aiod. IF T0U want to bolld. bay all roar materia la at tha A marl can Inaroa will aaTo It per ..ceot : . floe doora, wlaaowa, plaater boarda, raatle aa aldlnc, floarlni'. atalra, tlmfear aad - lumber. Phono owner, rarine 107a, - FOR SALR AT A BARGAIN . . A tee atock raar. eoatatntna aboot l.ajno aerea an nnoar lenrni aimaiea sear Moae bnra. Orevoa. on B. P. R. R. tble la oaa at tha boat atork ran In tha eooaty; 1 alaa bare-another food atock range oontalntng t-yj . acra which will bo oa4d at a rerr low . - price. 1 - For Mrtlcnlaro addreaa I, B. Bathor. tin. owneaj Jlea TBOreFoor" - - WILLAMETTB. Rent naldenre rart of tha aonlnaalai anl a few Iota left In Willamette: uke roar choice now; all lota era 60x100 feet: 234 each; M eaen. as par monio. apply u. A. syfoerakl, WUlamette itatlna. TO uP THK COtTTlfltlAf Retnlar attamera from Portland; en e peel reiee 1 mm n coaax 1 iniana poinia; pa aand. hrary anil, perprtnal water right with ; each tract, earlleat products, large t piluaai -toe California of the NorthweaC. Write HOVER LAND CO.. - ' Horer. Waahlngtoa. 1.700CORNKR lot la BeUaday, chMs 1071 Third at. BBLLWOOD LOT"). SS down and M . moathi .fromi7ato !20Jilwoo4WBltajDe4 raoaa aaf afue. ACRE TRACTS! - OCR BPEC1ALTT IB ACBB TRACTBt Fall-alaed atreeta, water ta each acre, TERafS I0 PER ACRB TAIR 10 PER ACRE PER MONTH. - Ton go- to thaaa acre on- the earna ear. Eay tha earn he fare the lot maa paye. The it maa ta your Belghbor. hot he la re atrlctod la majority at fee tuna that make a tru aiiboTban borne; - . Opea WedneadaF aad Batnrda aTeatnga. - L C CHtTRCHlLL ft CO INa 7, .... 110 Rerond BU FOR SALE CUBAP d aad T-room hooaea; mod .... ern; part eaah. 870 Garfield ara. . Take - Woodlawa ar. - Phone Eaat 8M1. . ' - I0R bona and nearly t lota. ,M Snd and Rooaerelt. Inquire Lowengardt. U Park at. . BOCAKB bollt, eeay term; can furnleh lota. Miller, 812 Commercial Mdg. Mala 140.' OWINO to abaenca from tha- city tha owner will dlapoM of hi artlatlc and coni'ortaoH I1001 of 12 rooma; erery thing up ta data ami ,' In tha eery beat condition: qnlt new, m a ' moat dealrable' location: cara pa tha hone every s mmntee: Immediate poaeeealoa glren: ' aleo, the complete fnrnlenlng eaa be- bought a It etand: perfect In every detalL Bra - owner at 140 ft. 31et atv cor. lrrlng. Call between 2 and p. Bu ll.ittm -FOUR find building lata la Piedmont .1074 Third ft. . - . . Af REAOr Portland- beautlfnl anbnrb. Booth Mt. Tabor. Acreage, auhnrbaa home and . fruit tarma. iotith Mt.. Tabor Real Batata office,- Phono fcart 4iW8. . . FOR BALK 6-room furnlahed eottaga. Inquire - 606 Umatilla are., Bellwood. IA")T STARK ST. Fine new 8 -room hooae with ' bath, baaement and cement walk. 82,000; ar walking dlaUnce. . bUneelL 802 Com mercial bin. Mala 223. MOUNT TABOR T room, bath.- atahle, T h lode trait,-- lOOilOQ. Owoar. 128 Ihlrd. LOT") na Beat 80th at., near Hawthorne, only 2C0; eery eaey tarma. - W 4, car Journal. a ROOM hoaea and quarter block at tha corner of Bat 14th and Beacon t., 1 1.800. W 8, car Journal. . H TO 2 acre lota between Iranhoe and Ran II . worth et $000 per acre; aaay tarma; alghtly, flna eoll. Sea owner, 418 McKay, aoraer . Third aad Stark. - - - . Bt.OKO 8-ROOM houaa and fall lot. ino feet from carllne; ino rh, remainder 1B par month. 10T4 Third at; , JOHNSON at.. wt aide; good 4 room reel , , denca, only 13 M0. Klnaell, 802 Commercial ) blk. Mala 3AJ8. ' FOR SALE T-room boo fnll lot, plenty of ,, fruit; nice homo; aaay parmeat! owner lear- . uig euy. rnone nam axis. MODERN aw hnngalowi large room, reatlbule, porcelain bath, lnk, toilet and waahatand, ' fcot and cold water, cholc locution: earner , muat leare it: If yon want tha het. com quick; only 4.100 down newled; price 1,0U0, Home Land to.,' lfi4 Flrt at. $T.noo WILL bay a good niece of boa I nee property; ha been ateadllj rented fr 8 year at' 87i per month, Ilenkla A Baker, , 2IT Ahlngtoa bldg. S - FOR RAI.R -4 room boee. 4.V term. Kilo4 . aaa tie, room 8, 208 Vh ldf 88, JOURNAL ADS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, AN ah-to-dito room houae, ilghUy local loo. lot 6O1IO1). wee aid, cloae ta ear line: nrtea 1 aviivi, weea 8o,000i - fne o. ..u.M ,...lt ,tt, farm and pay dlffereace. New room houaa, wood fiber plaatered, ... ""I " la houae, etc.; Monta TUUl Brleo- Al.TotM - A flna larae 8-room houae. aaodera la mwrm 1 jiT-1 ii'sim. luii. prica fiuemaj I QOlluU, cement lldewalka, aom fruit. uai e, iiiiery tiiiianea BTT inn - 88, 800: Jermei en Urand arenue. ' A aood f-ronm bim1.p.. k.i.iu !.. Bsw Ino J0..''' im car Una, oa aaay tarma;. price Itou and lot, corner Fourteenth and Jef lot 44x40, 8-room modera T plaatered houae. . brick ivunuaiwn, euiiuu, aew picket fence, wood aned. on good atreet, Bellwood: arte (1,800; . roe ma. fruit and roae. between 2 cer - Hne,- awell part of city, 8,SuO; term If wntd; owner away, -rr-' -A' moorn- room 7fiioae andIot' on'Jrar -nne, with froltr roaea. ate., caa and (aa ice auu eiorenouae, aigniiy; fe.fiuo. - - 4-rm- boa wttn-Bemtrr-nnd atoreheuaa, woodhouae. . loa hoxioo. Uuuimiiul ak&i, Houae of 7 room aad 4 lot oa Caxather . fWV, . . . ' 2 acre Jnjproed farm, good tmlldluga and . atocked, oa Has Use road; good orchard; 20-acro garden. atocked, " good biUldlngaT pirutj irair; iruw; oa neec roaa in etat, W. W. tSPlsr, Hoom I Hamilton Bldg. WELL reallace ea - Weedateck earUae, WilXAiiiuiU,1CMh. . . 1 One of the awelleat reeldence on the oaat " aide; V block, S roema, reception hall, large attic. large bare, cement walka, . bane moot; po. iw eaen. li block ; T-room eottaga. South Portland. 88.800; teraaa. 8-mom modern eottaga aa Seventh at, w.'Wi igriM. 1 a room houaa 00 Market at., want aide, (2.000. T-room aooaa oa Market at., weat aide. I a.IO. . - a-room aooaai awry air noma, ii.sno.y " l-raoaa aaaUra bouaa, (looi food trrma. roan kouaa, aaiall barn, 41.0n0; tarma, - 4-roaa aaw bsaaa. twoo: cood tarma. Vacant lota, nicely locaud, from JloO aad upwara. - Aera tracta to and. eutalrta of rlty llailta. 245 Waahlngtoa at. FOR SALE SNAP hi block In buelne center of Portland cheep at tfxi.OOO; 84.0U0 take It If taken et once: good terme; don't Ble thin channel-Full j,. rormatioa glren at room 513 Marqoaa bldgx iiiiMijiiaiiiu nam ' 1 iB 1 1 m nil ' WATBRPRONT. ' - 1.850 feet of beet waterfront oa tha wort am, -mi will bear tha rloaat UTeatlxa tkm. Call or phono B. WOLVBRTON, 0 0mmarclal blk. rhans Mala 842 SPECTAL BAROAINR - 81,300 liot. Hal rt, alghtly, io otw uuartor block, Second et. nap. 84.2o0 room - houaa, corner lot, ' BotlB' dayi rock beeement. modera.- - - - M.000 Half block Portland Helehre. beet Uty ornnarty for fnrma oa acreage, 8 and 10 acre tract near the eltv. (1.200 80 acre near Call; 20 acre oner piow, nonoe, amall orchard, fenced: worth 81,400. . , ' TtTrOLTBRT(rN."--''1 "" "m" -608 Commercial blk. - Phone Mala 842 IATRA good new room bouea en emrttne.- it ewtn ana vteieion eta.; full corner lot. A nice home, and aa extra good buy at 82 000. WESTERN ORKOON TRUST COMPANY. " Pl Stark at. . . ' Tills - IS -It- - PfttJ S-room modera home aa. Monreo at, vwmr niniimi are.; nein. eae, pi;j Daeemeni, etc.; price 13, 050. Price 12. nererai nice noneea tn Highland at Tory law nrlcea and eaae term. Oood 8-room hoaaa la Woodlawn: patent compool, aum fruu. ceUar; price (00. . Phone Main 8308. SIT-IS Fen too bldg. (X.nWA.EWBoniB pottage) -Baa. -oeth, walking dlauace. One rlew of rlrer and weat aide: term. UagemasB Blanch ard, 81 Fifth at. WB bar a modem' and conrenlent home on STL "mm u. vwirrr win aucriiico ror 81,000: bath, ate. Bagemana At Blancbard, VI Fifth, at. . EAT- PA YMBNTfl W mat can oe Been rod. w Mr In 800 dowa, - belence aamo aa renr. - Call 2 leevt Blare at. ST. JOHNS INVESTORS . Do yeu reallne that It ta etlll poaalttla to Terr oral $360 which will ha adranced la prica A pi 11 1; good terma on all of tlteee. , AIo a whole block of lot .worth (900 for 8378 each, right on carllne. and 4 lota and T-room houaa, right aa carllne. aheap. Com In to ere n a omit three at ones. HAGEMANN HI.ANCHAED, ' 81 Flftlr at. (300 CASH, balance aom aa rent, will hoy mcv nwne in n rnmee reaioenco aiatrict: full-alaed lot and all Improrements In. Call 24el, Stark at. IF tatareated la a 4A1TO corner, Tory ale in. at 48,000, call at 81 Fifth at. for par ticular. WEST 8IDB. We bar a fin opportunity for anyone of email mean to aecnra a raraabla piece of property. It -will earn enough to pay (or Itaelf la a rnmparatleely abort time. HAGEMANN BLANCHARD. 1 Fifth at. DO TOO WANT TO BUT city lota or acreage" T " avaaaic Ultra nwm t CeSITaiV RJ8J, LUI aide property a epertalty. 407 Hawthorn ar., near Grand. Phono Eaat 1047. VBRY CHRAP. - (1,500 New 8-mom houae, 100x100, aa Ml. Scott carllne, aad It muat ho aold. Fred 0. King. 800 Commercial bldg., Second and Washington sta. LET na Ibow yon 2 flret-claaa bouea od fine Hagemann At Blanchard. 81 Fifth at. WEST SIDB NEW HOMB. - Walking dlaunco, on Hall t., for 40lek ale: the price he been reduced to (3,000; let na ahow yoa thla piece; doa't 'Wait.-r FRET) C. KINO. 808 Commercial blk., 2d and Waahtagtoa era. FOR SALE FARMS. (1,800 IW ACRES. 21 mile from Vanoraew. 24 ml lee from country r.isa 1 u. .iiaa cmm LtaUroad atatlon, H mile. to aewmllL u mile acuroi; wv aeree leretj balance lllghtlr -oolllng-l accee cleered, 80 ecree elaihed, aurneo una eeeaea; o acre ef Srt-elaae green timber, he lance of land eah n4 maple awale; 50 acre fenced, 2 acrca yartaty " orchard, th building are no good, creek nine innmfB piece, a gnoo spring, OB COOnt road; will take (ono down, balance 8 rears at 8 per cent, r will trade for elty property. (8.2uO 80 acre, IS mile eaat of Vea eourer, mllea aorth of La Center; 28 acre cleared, balance alaahed, burned and eeeded level land) email creek and good well; half of thla -place la hard wood awale; new 2-atnry T-room bouse, amall barn, all fenced with fntir-barb wire, oa county road, A mil to achool, B.. F. D. aad telephone; 1 hone, S cow, 2 heifer t year old; will giro term or will take part In elty property. WA8UIN0TON OREGON RBALTT CO B53M Waahlngtoa at. BOMRTHINO OF 1NTKRMT ft. I11O ue) acrea: 88 under Blow- an can be. balance paeture: abundance of rrnlt. botaie aad barn, 2u0 fruit tree. 2 fine eprlnra, ra he piped ta bourn; T eowe,.T 2-yeer-ol3a, 1 boll. 2 calree. 2 boraea, 2 cnlta and oaaa. plate aet af tool; this la a forced sale, so doa't fall to look Into thla at chce; only AS mllea from Portland. MAOEMANN BLANCBARD. . v $1 Flftk at. $2.Kin an ocrea; 40 mile from PortJaad. 2 mile rrom K. It. 1 w acrea eieared, g reedy tn grub, balance good oak timber; arar than $4. ram worth of wood: good bona and hero. Thh, won't last loaf. Ju(emtaa Blauchard, (t FUU 8W ' . , . -; ARE IMPORTANT UtttK. ettc;i mm I: 1-7 FOR SALE FARMS. 80 acrea near Bprlngwater, 1a Clackamaa county. 2M mllea frvia Katacsda; all nndrr , CBltlrntlon and fenced; 4 acrea la fruit, bear ing, mostly apple; all teeel, B-room houae, larae new barn and other outbuild Inge, good " well, 8 acrea la wheat and 10 acrea ta oat. --trice (2,6uo, - A - - - l)cre, i mllea from Kngen,-lAn county; (8 acrea under euUlTinon, -crea - timber aultabl for wood and lumber, all more or Ices rolling, large spring with wster pined to the bona;- amall orchard, bearing; new 8-room houae, new barn aad (ood outbuild ing; there la about (SuQ worth of personal Drvuertr to bo with the Dlace.i Including teem. oowa. boga and , farm . Iiaplamsnli , Prlna 84.(0)0. ' IK' 100 scree la Cowllta 12 -mllee from' Kalama: eounty, Washington, sit lerel. 12 acre Tluder caltlTStlon. 40 icrra llmBer, aom orchard, amall houae and barn, 1V mile to achool, R. F, V.; horse sod"" farm Implements go with th place. Prlc (l.auO: terma. Adjoining the abore tract la 100 aorea of government lend thst can bd homeateadad, which would afford abundant vatrange. 170 acrea In Clataop county. War VVarraa. tun , so' oereo Beeee eimwaei see rolling, about luO scree , henry timber; 'Beragebl atrosm run throagb tha place; aom orchard, bearing; T-room hooae, larg barn aad (ood outbuilding, m mile from tbe ocean beach. 18 head of atock and farm 3u 4 Implements go with tie place,- 1'rlc 13,500. t- su acre in vtars oounir. a auin ia ok op la brush, about 2 scree bottom land, all ; level, running water oa tha llace, bo bulld- Tngs. Price (900. - I - 20 acre In Marlon county, Bear Mount Aa- Sl; all under cultivation, 10 lacre la Bo pa, aero In trait and balance In grata; good S-room bouaa, bam, chirkea-hohea aad fruit dryer; about 40 ehlekene. dncke and geeaa go with the place.. Price (2,850: terom. '620 acre In t'aloa eouaty. ft mllea from rnioa. In tha famona Orsnd R4nde valley: 125 acres under cultivation and level 889 acrea rolling. 40 acrea yellow ptoe timber, acrea yellow ftoe a place, aom trait, cree( and sprln - housor largo ba g n 6-room largo oars aaa gooa outnuuaings, m mil to school. Price $10 per acre. . . LAN01LLB A 11 AND. .- T Sixth at. v. ... . - --- - FARMS. - : r UiQ acres, all cholc land aad nearly sTl : level, all fenced and cross fenced; 2"0 acrea 'bottom land, IT acrea beavar dam; 180 acre 1 cultivated. 100 acrea tn paeture: running atream of water, boose, 2 barns, orchard; Joins a good amall town oa railroad; telo- - phono end eleerrte ligbta; eonvaaleat to a . good college cad neat Portland 1 o-Moo farm aad aa account of Ul health will Ball at a bsrxata; might take oma trade. . - 40 -acre In Clackama eounty. nearly all lever land; 8 scree cultivated, about 8.000,000 feet floe timber ; 1 mile to sawmill; good ' 7 -room houae. good bars, orchard, ate.; eery cheep, only (1,000. . 25 aoreav U cAolo. land, Imocovedi good buildings; near Oresham; will trade tor Fort land property and pay cash difference. 40 acrea, all choice land. 20 acrea of which IS oeaver eiu ,0 acres cu i n i , mwrnmrn. 1 liafn ai'ihaiil ruunlna atream water! good ..outrange for atock; jspen good boraea, IT cowa, 4 young cat tier I boga,. I Wagon! I "buggy, mower" rake, plows, cultivator- eed alt toola; tn t'Urka county. Waahlngtoa: will trsds for B hams ta aalMarba et Porilsad; arlce for all 12 000. 90 acrea aood land, all fenced; 27 - eultlvaiBii, 12 auisa acai lyraady to pmwi bouse, barn, orchard, bopbouee, living water, ' a.lKlO eeeda need wea4jedeead. en. vsalent to both rlrer and rail in tlon; IB mile from Portland; 88 500. 800 acrea, sheep, goat or cattle ranch, all good rolling bill land, watered by aprlng and atream; houae, bars, orchard;, SO acre cultivated; besutlfully located la Tamhlll - eounty, 4 mllee tVm railroad etatloo; will -eaehauge for property Is aome goodhtowa. , HENKLR BAKER, I . 21T AblugtoB Bldg.. Portlaad, Or. ' "':' IN CLACKAMAS COCNTT. . : 82S Acrea 140 cultivated, all fenced; 4 acre tn good orchsrd, good bouse aad barn, en connty road; 837.50 par acre; one half eaah. balance 8 per cent. ' 41UAcre 1U mllee esat of Canbf, on nLT roaa: ZD acres etimvsrea. t v -scree alssheeV-80 rult Ueea. llvtog - water,. , fair buildings; 48,000. . , 40 Acre 3 mllea from Oregon City; 28 seres cultivated aad In grain, 10 scree Isahed. 8 acres In good timber, fair build- nil. UvdavviiTi JlVDAvw ter.F tnW. ' waeon and all fssmlnr ImDlements: as.nuu. 40 Acrea 20 acre cultivated. 4 mllee from Oregon City, living wafer, no buildings; (2.400; (1.000 down, bamne S pee eent. f, 81 Acrea 2H -mllea from Ortgon Cltyj 8 -acres cultivated; 20 -aorea alaahed. email bouse sad bsrn. good orchard; (2.000; -oaa half dowa, balsnrs 8 per cent. . . 28 acrea 4 mllee from Oregon City; 12 acres elrered, ( acrea alaahed, good house and barn, living water; (3.4ti0. . Other farm and timber land for ssle. OREUON CITY TRI'ST CO., Oarda bldg.. Or egos City, Orsgoa. r 520 ACRES 200 In cultivation, over Jto in rropa; good Buildings ror an pnrpnaas. irac.ii snd croes-feacad, cedsr posts, plank aad wire; 2 good teams. 110 heed esMIe, 112 goate, 40 to 00 boga, big ana iiiue. a no mn o - machinery of all klmla for farming; on a good - roaaty road. H. F. D. mall and phone line. T mllea from K. it. atstion, sw amv- wi fine water. Price (7.000. 4S0 acrea bench lend: best rrn'tja"'' coast; close to river snd R. R.. Rood bnlldinga, land ilea fine, atream rune through the land, water piped Into honae, small clearing snd aome- fruit, spsn boraea, wagon snd hsrnees, 2-eested anrlng wagon, cows, bogs, eblcksos. 4-tono scales, smsli scales, on oe road. mile- to ninth-grade achool, 28 miles from city; eaa t be bsst for fruit, clover, spuds. Pries (12 per acre; terms. . ' go scrse All clesr, la fro ft and crc; gocfl bnlldinga, near ear Una. Price $2,800 (iX)0 can auad. . . - W..W, ESPET, , , Room 1 Hamilton bldg. ATTENTION, IIOMBSFF.KERS. - 60-acr farm, well Improved. 25 culttvited, orchard, aprlng. te. H mil '""!. tlon. 8 mile coanty et; horse, esttle, boga, farm Implement-, bngjry etc., go with olace If sold thla month: $1,500;, terma. W. J. DAY CO.. Fourth at., room 88. .. FOR SALE Stork renin or Z.J acrea near f.'otmrg. a miiea r. . e. .1 ., e -- low: 1-8 eaah. balance 8 years. per cent. F. D. Chamberlain. I-abbe bldg.. Portlaad. illts am'f Wash-.tor tsle at a ban a in If tsksa D. W. Fsuutasr, Anirs. is. FARM FOR SALE tn Clarkamsa eoaaty. q 11 Irs 01 owner ny pnone e i. 12S ACRES wltkla 1 mile Bf B. F. K. R. ata tlon; 2 bonssa. 2 barns, m acrea oeenng area. $t00: $ down 'le all yoa need. tly appiee; on eouniy rosu; P"" Land Co.. 145V Flret at. DON'T bny your farm entit y- have examined .... nr .. OKA hm. I. Ih. our MSI. we ' ' ' ' ' -' . - .- - , valley and around Portland: alaa a large Bomber near Vsneoever, Wash. , ALVORD ALVORD. ' . ' . . 188 Morrison at. tfitVACRB atock ranch In Tamhlll county, 12 miles west rrom iiwfn. w e secrioc a for $8.50 per sere, or will trsds for bans end tot: this Is a eaap. Pattereoa k Stewart, loofl'i Belmont at. FOR SALE-'-TIMBER. WB have a few rhotce- Bomeeteed -claims a Wsaco aad UDerman conniies, siso a e timber elalsis, yellow pine, over 2.000 nl feet. Write to na for fall psrtlcolsrs. Mud sen I-Mt Us.. The Dalles, or. TIMBER rellnquhihment 8.800.000 nine: rall- road 8 mllee; impeovemente 12. Journal. HAVR eeverat fine timber elslms for IneaMnai as SaOSAT Saaoall rsquus. aw Mosaws bios. TO -FOR SALE TIMBER. 828- Af RRS redwood ttmeer In Hnmhnldt eounty, California 1 will crulao about 2h.5u0.0u0 feet; fi vaiixornis; wiu cruise aooiir, i. close to railroad; prica (40 per acre If aold I In .UO Awm MIIOsTR lf mTalBaX-.L'Ua . -lfilnS Sixth at. .. Pten&fafit VI- CERTiriEO scrip, sny sis piece; lowest prices. W, 0. llowell, 858 Chamber of Cora mere. . " '" ' ' ' ' - WILL meat you oa timber elelma near Oolum. , hi a river; no charge nnleea filing la accepted. -Cell 402 Commercial blk, - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. F6R sale or trade. 8-year old stallion, weight ; 1.860 pouude. John Ironside, 14th aad star- shall at., city. " ' 00OO ansa of horsea. -ttsrnesa and vragonr (200, -Otto i Crockett. 245 WaeblngtoB at. . TO-EXCHANGE. !TiCrJ4NOib KXin'oTr-tTiahcArTirgll III ttl lamstta valley; tins bouaa, farm all in good condition, Sno horses, fine eowe, fltie hogs. . fine sheep. Boa chtckeos; everything th nest; almost Joins a county aeat town; will trade Into B sawmill plant or timber land. - a aooA hiack of around In file heart of HENKLR BAKER, v 217 Ahlngtoa bldg. nsa asee-yoa- w wxuee XHB rellnqnlahmeot and Iniprorenianta en . good homaataad In Wnaco county for aala or axebanga; don't -fall to look, thla np If - you want a baraatn. Northwest Land Co.. 208 Ooodnough bldg. . HOt'SK and lot close la. .Seattle; rented for JlSer montn;jrams jtjooi "y'see runs a jcara, w., w W .20, cere Journal. TO KXCnANOB 10-room boarding and room I...I1M1M. verv central, rent 850. fne lots or n nnae snn its .sno vmJ ummm Can at room 10,-Twn nnrnsias sr. cseh difference. . IfrTH Third et. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SAXB OR BENT NEW AND BRCONO HAND 8EWINO MACHINES. ST AND SRI) SEWINQ MACHINE AQKNCX, B- D. JONES, 280 TAMHILL ST. BOOKS .bought, aold aad exchanged at tha Old Book Store. 228 VemhlU at. WB need furniture aBd-erlll- per toll-vain. Phone Psclflc 78. Wee tern Salrag Co., 827 Waahlngtoa at. WESTERN 0REOON MINING) 4b MILMNO OO. . headquarters; stoca ror aaie anu mieruaauoa at 180 Flret at. - Pbobo Main 1628. , SHOWCASES- AND riXTT RKS made to order; secona-band gooas ror ssje. s urwe m nc Strom, 288 Couch et . Phono Clay STl. BORSRR of all kinds for aala at very reaaoa ahla pricea. Inquire 278 froot at. - - BILIJABD AND FOOL table for rest or for si on esey payments. THB BRUNSWlK-BALKR rOI.LENDKR CO. 48 Third St.. Portland. MANURE by waaonload or carleed OO 0. W,. P, Ry. Phon East zaio. - 200.000 BRICK for ssle. Phone Cnlon 1TM. SHOW csaes, ronntera, Siturea" TMught. aold or axmsngeo. Vieerern naivage 01 n mmu- acine , . TI1B celebrated "Poorlae" top borrlea. leatber - finished, for" (AH - at Pnrtlund Warshouoe Treseter Co. (42 East Wsahlngtoa at. WB print your Bams oa 50 calling card a. proper iso siyis. FOR SAI.r. 23U-foot launch, csnsctty 14 n soaa, equipped with 8-borsepower Fsy A Bow en nglne, complete, pourtensnc of the very beat. Inquire 810 Pine St. DO0S of 10 different breeds at very reaaousble prica. KslBlsr kcbbsi,- reainauiar statioB. CR APINOontf It. 8 teama with harness. 8 scrspers, doubletrees, plow, all new, fWO; - will aell part. Call at grading camp. Fair view, Or.. 10 miles out on O. ft. A N. RA DAM'S MIcrobe-KllleT. ths great germicide, thst bss a food the test of years. For ssle by druggists or Winters. 80H Oran ive., , N. 1 FOB SALE A (50 certificate for (5; asm aa caan tor a piano Douaiit or Auen at uiincrt. ' Rsmsker. W -18. car JoaraaL FOR oow. ALB 10 ton good-hay; Inquire L. L. KJdder, Oreah alaa mlkh am, Oregon. FOR SALE Freeh 840 Eaat 18th at tan srtsr-e p. m PERSONAL. MADAMB ANNA LrCKET Is new preps red to recstves patients In her new quarters. First clssa treatment aad nursing: Mrs. Csthsr's French Psst for removing' wrinkles; treat ment half price; aleo Mme. arrow's fstnous remedies; all scalp dlsessee trested success- . fully; auggeatlvs therapeutics and msgastle "healing; aatlaf action fnnrasteed; sooet ex cellent baths aad scientific masesss given. Office and homer-18-17-18 Langs Hotel, cor. - Sixth aad Waahlngtoa eta. ORAPUATR masseur ' win go to your borne - snd give treetmchtt refereeeee gl vea. - test .. -5B. . - . DOLLS HOSPITAL Repairing and dreeatng. 881 TimhllL SUITS praeeed while you wait. 50c. Ladles' eklrta pressed. 60c. Gilbert. 10AU Sixth at., 1 aext to Quelle. Phono Paetfle 204. 'DR. WORT.RT BRNJAMIN. the Font Spoclallat, 840U Washington St. '.Food 804. Sors feci made Bound. BINO CBOONO, Importer of Chtneee root medl-;w-dnes : sella Chinese tes that Is certain core for all dlssassa. 181 Second bet. Tamhlll aad Taylor, . . . - . SCHOOL hanks snd allklada Of hooka bought. enia and axrhsagsd. J Alder st. Book Store. 291 DBTFCTTVB AOENCT Oonfldenttsl tnveerl. . gstlons; reports made on sny Individual holi ness or property; missing relatives located: ' bad debts collected; charges reaaonable; cor- - reepnndOBCT aolMted Oregon . Petscttvs Rervlce offleee814-81LCoJumMabMg..J13 Waahlngtoa at. Phone Mala 6818. LOST powers restored by the grsst Dr. Iorene'e Nerve Tonic Tablets; 8fW pee box. S boxes for (1.2S. Write or call at Evssell's Phsrmscr . 1 m Murrlaua. tiaU- tat sno no. PR." ATWOOP.- IS Bused bldg r-154 Fwirth - st. Female dlseese and ennflasment taken nd esreA fur; opea evenlnge. CoaauHatlon free.' BACK A CHS and .kidney or hleddee dlsessss red with Oeeron herbs: trial else for 10s stamps Plummet. 250 Third st. WBT FRrTT are danrerons, la absolutely waterproof. Webfaot black mg MA NLT vigor restored hy Dr. Roherts Nsrv Olohules. One month's trestment. $2; 8 months, $A; sent securely scaled by man. - Agents. Woodard. Clerks k Co.. Portlaad, Of. MRS, Sophia B. Selp. naychometrtst, aronkereaal dallv to te S. 7 to rose snd 9; circle Taeedey and Friday, a a. m 545 V4 . a b. m.. 84tA Tsmhlll. cor. Seventh. Paclfl 10. . 8im4ae evening Rise tni Drew ball, 2341 Morrison at. TES, Pshne Tablete make yoa sleep perfectly; they cere aerveaeneeo and make you etrone: trice Boe a box. 8 hoxea 62 50; ruera steed. II drnrgleta, or address Brooke Drug Co., 87 ortk Third St., Tortlsnd. Oregon. ' FRKB to out of tows natron, our latest eats, lorn ef fescy work, pillow tons, renter pieces, shlrtwalats snd novelties. . The Needle Craft Shop, 82 Wsshlagtoa St., Portland, Or. ANY mea or woman caa ba strong snd hsnpy by aalng Serine Pills the great tonic; pries $1'a box. 8 bores $5, with full guarantee. Addrses or esll J, "A. Clemenson.- draaglet. ess, Secoad end TtJBblU its sMrtlaa. 0k Hue; zno nuainesa caroe, 1, 1 - - .--.. . mam Co.. la tl..t. I.u j. nr. 1 a.iix Washington eta. Psoas Msla BtsT nni maia pnifru.Tic r-VBel. Jlwr. ewe ror I '1 I YOU --, . - Lanital Daid uu rr.l4.00P.fwwww'ijiiwii mm. nmiTi?n iirtn. i j . . 1 PERSONAL. I LADDER Turkish hatha, uaaeage, bydrtatrla I parlors: etrlctly firet-rlsss place for ladle J only. Flat A, 551 Washington at., between 1 Sirrsenrh - BALM OF FIOS Best- belment. for nil female d: Phone Best 406a, HinH-QRADB -portralta; special effer for daysi eeblnet al -nl, oe SnlOera. IB -I .l?janallty sad work th host. D. M. o..Tsna BuaAr0oanflugn: piai.v: I ciauuu "FORItlDOEN FRUIT, "A Oav Lothario.' inhr-HITrT'-'Agu,1 Jft'onisa of rire." Bfle each I llsta fro. ci. ocn male co ra riret et. TURKISH BATHS. 800 OreeontsB bldg.. ladle ;e, gsaiismea aignta. Msla lass. UOLbKN'S RHBt UATIO CU rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. COAST -agency ' Dr. Prlsllo' Ht-- BTitma It 14 flr.nil thaetra hid 1 ara m vraanington. . ft) one sisia sen. TOU NO Udy give vapor, alcohol aad medicated "sioe. rarior ZT. zna stark. a EDISON PHONOGRAPHS and records delivered iw, me en rrceipr run retail pnew, laraeat atock Wittaoa tMnrA. west of Rockies. : Send for circulars. Peter Baelgalnpl, . Tb4 miaaion,- nan- rrsncisco. .. ... KOATHWRST.Hug Works, now located at IBS . iioion are., near 'Kast Hirtsoa. Ruga rrom em carpeta. let. Jtaat B5o; LB.70.' V. KtTt'HUV core nromntJv orfvsle dlsesssa, kidney, xrervou,ft1n MnTTrpwcInt irmsie rrouniee. tsii or write, itea Toee IHepenaarr. eoraer Third and Ash sta. Fboaa racirie 841. ' , . DR. M. T. t'Ol.ll Home for tnatemltv cases vrsiaeo nurss: oisssssb ox woman. rn-wo OJiejoY 1 - DO you msnt to marry t, It so. Jola our aoclstyi we hare hundreds of msmhers, either aexj matrimonial register, 100. sV-O.. Box new. QBNTLEMAN wishes soqualntaoce of yong wioow laoy navtng mtie girl ana ner ss home; object matrimony. Addreaa' Bos 81, euy. .- . TRANQBRS In ths dty will find st ths rooms ef Ike o -Co bldg.. Fifth and Waahlngtoa ate., all photo- a mvmm- wamiiflima ai Hwneiia rate. FACR, acaln and hodv maslaee at vonr .L. reduced rates for aaa month.- Mra.'Di 11 biB."ii mLjrlir l!h?rBV a. as BaaBsaaa aaawVBBI B11AU TVIFIRUIV WBU DISAPPBARRD from bta bom, near Olscksmaa Oregon. March .18, John Helnrlok, a aatlve vi owiisrriauu. raenium aeigni ana anna, rather -bald and dark mnatsche: wbea laai aera he wore black soft hat, dark-grey suit and black-end-wblt shirt. Any tntormstloa concerning him will bo thankfully received ny aire, nary Hsinncn. ciscksmsa. Orsgoa. LABORER. Pantsh. 88, S feet 8, wishes to . correspond with work Inr lsdr. Portland ev vlctultyj- object, matrimony; m objection to wiuow wnn ,-niio u owa nonie. s, n. iwren sen, lias jerreraoa ave., Tacoma, Wash. CONFINEMENT eases pared fori experienced nnree; aaalats In finding- homee for rhlldren: rood referencee. Addreaa Mra. : Venen, 280 oecooa sr.. roriiano. vregon. AUTOMOBILES. COVET A COOK Motor Car Co., """eenfb trad aiaer Agents for rsdlllse. Pierce. Oreat Arrow and Staveaa-pnryea motor-carai aaa- cnioee rvaiea. repeirea ana aierea. ART EMPORIUM. PROFFSSOR R. MAX MBTKR, 848 Alder. rortrslt snd lsndscane srtlst snd Tsscber; ARCHITECTS. H MBNGKS, Architect. 118 Secoad St. ATTORTrEYS." 80 Wsshlngton bldg. Phon Pcl0e 2:27. ASSAYERS. 0ARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., snd Montana amsy urnca. jno ssornsoa ax. 7 BLANg-BOOK-MAKERS. - BOWR. DAVIS RI-AAM. 108-111 Secoad St. Blank book manufacture re; agents for Jones Improved Loose-Lea r ledgers; see- tae Bow Eureka leer, tha best ea tbe ma rear. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRXENWALDC0;rJ04-! Largest butchers supply bouse oa the roost, BATHSMASSAGEr TWO Isdlss give hatha, face and scalp maeeege. SOS Fifth at. MISS RAYMOND glvea baths end mssssgs treat ments, tbs uosmos, xnaa jaorriaoa ax. TWO young ladlea give maeeage, tnb and vapor ns tbs. u4 Fourtn, corner wssuingion. THB BNOWPRN BATHS, 2S7H Alder. Vspor snd tub hatha with maasaga. raoa msio BW. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. A SPECIAL $5 00 RJ AD1NO FOR 100. ALWAYS Rrt.IAHLB 8KB TUB BF8T. " 0RMONDB. EGYPTIAN ASTRAL SEER OF IiF.1,111 Pesd trance medlnm. clairvoyant, - pslmlet- astrologer psychic heslsr, tells of marriage. Iocs, bnalness. health, lawsdlti; restores Viet or falling vitality, break a weak ha bite, locates mines, burled treaeuree. mleeS Ing onea; make good luck, removes vll tn flnencee, haaleua niarrlases, suites ths separ ated: aettlee lore, bualnraa or family trouhlea; reliable readings hy mall; also a been t treat ment for all ailments. Ill mck r develop clairvoyance In others. 288 Wsshlngton. PROF. NORMAN. -CONSULT THB RF.ST IT WILT, PRO VI THE CHEAPEST IN THB ENP. Without ssklnr s niieetlon I tell every In cident of your psst. present and future lifer now to gam your aceires in love, msrriage. -df v-rc. ntckneae. - weelth. - etej - locates lost wills, deeds, - mortgages snd sbsent frtende; tells yoa how to tell If yonr mine contains ore, oil or gae; fee within reach of all. 828 Allaky bldg. 883 Morrison, corr Third. -profWallacc-- Ths noted pslmlst. will continue to give hie celebrated $3 reading fox 60 rents for one --week longer. 2at( Miiiiloini at., pnilut 4 and 3. The Coemoe, over Royal bahery.-- MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist. astrologer sna eisirvoysnt. lot- BoveniB opp. Hotel I'srtlsad. r-. I" SPIRITUAL cardresdlng and pslmlatfy at room . Meivius oiog., neconn sno'Sinrxex. CHIROPRACTIC CrRFi pn-nll(ttti; no droit e knir. Dr. Ct CARPEi' CLEANIN0. STANDARD Carpet Cleaatng Co., la r feet plant on tbe meat, luring ana naming am., tele phone . Bast 3N0 4 srpsts Alesned. refitted, sewed and laid: both steem snd latsst com. rreeeed air proreas; r jesting mattrsssaa aad eathera a specialty. SANITARY carpet eleanlng, eucttoa ead eom- preasea sir eotnninea: carpers eiesneq oa aoar without removal. Main 5554. Eaat 4 no. CARPENTERS tAND BUILDERS. WASHRUIINB FLOYD, wag builders and BCD rai Jo woes, oe o in L. rmvwm nwwj v. COLLECTION AGENCY. -. P0KS any one ewe yoa money 1 We collect had debts of all kinds, nnrtaweetera lew Collection Co., 122 Orsnd a vs.. ronme 14 5. Cltlerne' Saab bids. Cut tkia Fkmte Xasl (04A. ...... a --flanaral . mm na.lie-ea limlllala iBtsrest aa time deposit. Account opened for ssa of $10 gad'upward. PoetU4 Ittaaub , .. ' , .Chamber uf Cemmerce bolldlng. WM. A..MACBAE Measgsr. J. T. BrHTCIlAElX Amlstsnt Mana;r 'Z0TXRTTT SAVTHOB k TRUST COMPART TraoaacU Usnarsl, o.uklne Bualnsea. aa Xlma aad Savlnsa "sit. Acts as Avsllable la Alt 0. f. ADAMS Presides! A It. MILUI, ......... .neceoo rire-i-.iiai GEO. F. Rl'HSKLL TiagT IinOTAL BASK OF PUETL ABTP, a., RianiM Wwmkj eiiv, r .mw.. ..... mm-mmm. ...... - . m u m m .. ' Prealdent .7.. ..,..7. 'i. U MILLS ashler J. W. Aaslstsnt Cashier.... .V. C. ALVORD Second Aaeletant Cahlea.....B. F-SIBVE.X , .. Letters of Credit Issusd Available In fcitrope aad the Ea .tarn States. , . , , , 1. .. .. li eigne Eiensnga snd Talesrspble .renerere sola on new ihi. dosiob, . mcsgs, oa. as, ,r U Paul, Omaha. San Frsnclaou and tbe principal points la the Northwest. Sl.ht a lime llll. s,.. ln ...T- tm on, Hongkong- Yokohama, tJopenhagva, 4.htUUyJs- Honolulu, i ADD ft TrXn7BANXES (Establlshsd I Tmoum. . - .. 1 ,,... w. able terms. Lettere ef credit leaued svstlsble In Europe aad all.potnU la the Unite State, hlxlit Exchange and Telegraphic Transfera aold on Nsw Yorh. Wsshlnatoa. CkUagn, St. Loott, Deitrer. Omaha. iUn "rsnclaco and Montana and British Columbia. Exchange Bold -on London, Paris. Berlin, a rank fort. -Uotigkong. Yokobaroa. Manila end Honolnla. ZRCHAVT8 NATION At-BAMK, F0RTADr- OBE00 1 e RANK LATailM WeM.nt R. W. HOYT. . .Csahler Bashlao . Baslasss. W All p" of the World..; Lollcctloial a.SliecUl.111, u TTED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF Northwest Cor, Traaaeeta a flonerad Bankine Buaiaeas. the United Stslsa and Europe, Hongkong snd Preotfleat. . . . ,w. r.J. 0. AIN8WORTH Vice-President..., Asslstsnt Csshlor. ,.B. LEA BARNES A. M.' WRIGHT trORTV.Awrn TRTfST COfctT'NT OF 0REO0M m- rrflnrprtt nVVu at n,in .rfwi. c.n.mi R '- iiviu:l , prATivTa 'n-i, e. . f" tT r-rr 8 U to 4 per cent. Call for hook'of II.LtTRATIONS." Southeaat ornar Thlr4 " VfTntTXkk-l lU PKooe TTtYat. -FTrttxnga. ' RENJ. I COHEN....;.. ,..Preeldent B. h. PITTO.U..,. Vice-President B. LEW PAGET... Secretary J. O. 0OLT.RA AssUUnt Secretary THB M0HT8A8B 0UAEASTIB It TRUST COUP ANT BANK. ' Stocks. Bonds and Migsgss Bought aad Sold.. Interest Paid on . Tim Pepootta, - LIT, IT ' - . linOOnO.00 0. W. WAT-BBUTr....-.-.-.v. Prceldaal n n cr VUVMT Bike Temple, Seventh aad Stark BONDS AND At ORRIS BROS. 18$ First treat, srtlaad, Orsgoa. . . . .! J Z Offsr Ollt-Bdge Investmenta la Municipal I "1TLB ttUASASHE TRUST COMPANY I M0BTGAGB LOANS oa Portland Beat k0wTT. HOTXIM C0c Wiest ant Room 4. 0 round Floor. . -j, (Members Chlcsro snvtmnxi potto -ORAINr FR0YILQHi 102 Third I Strset. McKay 1 A STRI0TLT VI 00 OontlnBAns Marketa by Private Wire. Quick ere. end United Btatce National Hank or nngianq. CLEANINO AND 'DYEIN0. Portlsnd Btssm Clesnlng Pyelng Works: prae tlral hatter la cosnoetloa. 811 4th. Paalfl 807. CLOTHES elesasd and presssd 81 per aaoatb. Unique Tailoring Co.. S4T Wsahlngtoa at. B. W. TURNER, professional ver aad eleeaaf, 806 Jef fereoa at. Pbobo Msla 2618. .- . SARTORIAL Tstlorlng Co. Ladles' snd m-n'a : ciesalag aad pressing. 600 Wssh. Pea. 1517. BACHELORS, don't worry: we'll aew your hnt tons oa and do vonr mending free: doa't ewssr; ws'll Iron your shirts snd collara te rir your neca. 1 tj ua. irrsou imnnury vw. 17th and Quimny ate. mono lens. CAFES. THE OFFICE 2X8 Waxhlact-a aW Jhona Mala III. s a sine I vignesux. COAL AND WOOD. CHURCHLEY BROS, bsvs removed from f Dirll it to 428 Keersey St., aesr lltht la bow the larxeat wood t ard la tha city, carry ing all klada of wood aad eoaL' Mala 841. AXBINA FPBti CO. Desleee ta and green sad dry elsbwood. R. aad At- blna are., S blocks east af ferry. Bast 874. WEWTBRN Feed AV GllesB and Bort. deal ere la all klada of houae coals sad blacksmith eoela.. Pbea Msla 1018. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Peelers ta coal, eordwood aad dry slabwood. Psoas Bsat 484.' OREGON FUEL CO. AH klada ef anal aad wood. 80S Alder St. Fboaa Mala So. - KIRR HOOVER. 818 Water at Wood aad eeal. Phone Mala 45BS. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. FSRERO-OUNBT CO Platelbater of FINB CIOAES. Portland. Oregon. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. VDATValTa mmmmm- . t. Hrgele A Co., 100 to 1"8 Fifth, cor. Stark . COMMISSI ON-MERCHANTS. BVERPING FAR R ELL. produa and commie- , alon merchanta. 140 rroat at., roruaaa. or. Phone Msla ITS. ,DENTISTS. DR. WILL JACKSON, Daarlat. Boom 814. the Penm bldg. DRESSMAKIN0. DBreSMAKlNO Shlrtwslst - aulta and- - plain sewing. o sraat rise sr. :" DANCING. WOODWARD'S denctnf scboof of theWeeters Academy of . Muete. Monday and Thorsdsy. Spectatore Invited. Lessons 50c. Dancing 8 to lL One. Second s4 Momaoa. PROF. RINOLER.vSOS Aider. Beer Slithl class or prlvsto laaanas.- 60o --'- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENOINBRRINO Company. S4 Seventh at.. Portlaad. O. K. for everythlns la the electrical 11 aa. Phone Mala I8SS. PAC1F10 BLECTRI0 CO. Engineers, eourrse- tors, repairers. First cor. Stark tors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 msib oow. a. aa. -tsv. air. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OBBOON rursltare MaautacturlBg Compsnr Mennrsetorers at I -ulturs , tor ih most Portias d. Or. FURNITURB msnaracroring and apeclsl order. lm Roveaeky'e rarnltare factory, are stobi sx. I 'repa'lrin LINES ft BR0,. 24 21 g rnrnlture nrr pscklng and shipping. Main grii FURNACESI BOYNTON warm-sir fnrnscea ease fuel. J. 0. Beyer Poraace o xnu aeeona. maia eoi. - FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only place In Portlaad to get French breed. Bsrrere ft Ma. lie. 4T Stxth at, Pally delivery. Phone Green ana. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS ta Phon Mala Snoa, ' Flsndera et-, cor. 14. GROCERS. WAPHAMS ft CO.. wkoleesl faeturera aad esmmlasloa ax.rebaata. aad Oak eta. 1 FeurU ALLEN ft LEWIS, enmmlaeloa aad produce giee- rbsata. Front snd Da via sts., rortiass. ov. OASOLlNE ENGINES. - nsnoi.lNB KNOIN Stationary enq marine; "irne apecasr Eaeollns lannch. (li5; aecond hand a few trie luachee- snd bnlls. RE1ER"N MAf'HINERT CO , (sA4 Morrlaaa . s8 . ' . TraB.ct,.. HVl.,i r. r n t m 844 "Merriaoa Street, Tertlaad, Oregon. BAVINUd DEPARTMENT. Intenet Allowed Trustee for Eatsfes. Draft 1.4 Letters est Cceait Psxts of the World. . A. LtWlll.,,..,,,. . First TO-President m. w. itnii. Aaslatant Secretary . Secretary OREOOIf. 1.1 . . e iv. TTniea aa J-pdnn, P.rl. Ttcrlle. SV. nk fort-OB-tS-MsttL guw.kttulin. t. falarahurg. Msscortrtch. ...... ,. tTli7j , -.. fufMi. ia4 se ail aetata on favwr. U. U Ul. H HAM. .YLdo-FPiaidaul Uritltfti vv. EfTRCB"W.' n0TT..'.":':';':7-aa1ataat Cashier brsfta aad Letters of -Credit lamed AvsUabia- FORTLAND, O-XOOVT Third snd Osk fSSI'E Hts. . DRAFTS EO Avsriable ta Alt Cities af Msnlfs. OolUntUaa Made ea. Faaornbl Terms. Vice-President ; W. B. AYER Ca.hler... ............... ...B, W. BOHMEBR Aaslatant Caahlar .W. A. HOLT "Tha Oldeat Trust Osr 'ny hi hankine' Cachasee an all narts of the woru a ... A e Mni. hor4ali aoadai aartlflcatea. 0. W, MILLER.---- ... Heretarr Stream. Phone Main 154. INVESTMENTS. snd Railroad Bonds. Write r CA-. ' 440 Wssblngtea Btesst, trssa Ssomid Estare at Lowest Kataa. -THlee lassaaa. - AV Rta Bwfcem t-BtabBahedjLs8(fczr Chsjnbe. of Com roccVo, BosrU N. BTC Board of Trade.) STOCKS AID BONDS. iitiiirrinc fortiani, tireeon. COMMISSION BUSTNYSS. Service. REFER NCI Udd Tlltea, Biak HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, Americas plsa; (8,(8 par dap BELVEDERE; Buropoaa plsa; 4tA and Aldao eaa. - THB BROWN Grand and Hawthorne avua. HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardware Oo. Solicits opportaalty ba quote prlcee. 153 let St.. cor. Alder. Msla 1884. HAY AND GRAIN. I. O, COOPER ft CO. Pots toes, feed Sour. 128 Culea ave. Phone Boat 151T. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITE, firs : BMg. JAS. MoT. WOOD, employers' llsbtllty sad tae dividual accident surety boasW of all klada. - Phono 4T. 802 McKay bldg. B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY Fire Isnrssee. 442 Sherlock bldg. Orecoa Fboaa Msla 616.- "LOCKSMITH.- fT.- RICHA RDSON."1ocksmltt" aad reBalret BRT Burnelde. Pacffle 1066. SY TO LOAN. KEN B0LPINO BEST POSITIONS BOM. . - . TIMES NEED MONEY 1 x WB QUICKLY SUPPLY THB NEED If yoa are stssdlly employed fa any position . (10 to $100 so best terms snd st lowsst rates ON SALARY EASY PAYMENT PLAN WttlcB studies -you t4 get ths monay yoa ' want la one lump and repay In bay men ta yea can easily apare from yonr salary eaah aVd NO 0NB WILL BTTO KNOW bow or where yoa got It, ea we do act file papers, require Bo lodoreer, aa relevance to friends or employer;. In erect, nee every pea. caution to avoid publicity. SO DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL for a confidential talk: we will explain ta detail; bo mlauaderatsndlnga; yoa wllj kaaa ihw tt .1 eoat snd all pat III alai e bt Bdraaaee- eourteour -treatment whatharyou hutiua eg - nor. upon unrti a p. m. oa wet. ana Bar, HT'ITUN CREDIT CU, 612 tflfth Soar) Datum . Coc. Third end g IB B! HBAPQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 42S-8 Mobswk bldg., eor. Murrlsna end Thh-4, Ladlee or Gentlemen, No Publicity. If yoa borrow $20 you pay bach 81.88 a week. If yqjt borrow 8 J8 yea pay back $15 a weak. If yoa borrow $K0 yon psy bask $200 a waih. ' If yoa borrow $50 yoa psy bsek (8.00 a wesk. Payments fuspended In cess of sIckBsaa. r Strictly Salary Loans. TTtB CHESCBNT MAN CO. 425-$ Mohawk bldg., eor. Morrlsoa aad T-lrd. MONET TO LOAN . On Improved elty property or for bofldlaff purposes, for from 8 to to years tlmo. with privilege to repay all or part of looa after two rears. Loana approved from pleea end money advanced ae building progreeessf, awrtsagee taken up and replsced. FRE0 U. STRONG. Financial AgS-6, 242 Stark st. - - - THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salartsd employs, waga-eerner, aaa getj ea bis ao is. without mortgsg cars Monta. U Month. Week. (m oo Repay to aa $11.15 or $4 88 se 68.8S tit, 00 Repay to na ( 8 8 or $8 86 or 61.6 18.00 Repay to na $ 4.00 or (2.00 or (L0u 210 McKay bldg. CTINFIPRNTIAL loana oa salartee, tneursaca polhles, plsnoa, ntrnltnrs, warshoass . : eslrts, etc. 1 any deserving psrson may seen re a liberal advance, replying by aaay weekly or monthlv Instsllmsnts. . NEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST COMPART. arm ADtngtoa oiag. , MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED FBOPLB And others "upon tbatr ewa names without security: chespeat ratea. seat set paymoati ornces ia 0.1 princrpsi cities money br xettlna eor terms TOLMAN. ys Ahlngtoa bldg.. 108 Third at. MONEY to tnea oa reel, personal aad collateral . security; special attention to chattel avert. "tger Botea tywrTit. - C.-Tfr Fallot,- 804-8 " Fentoa bldg.. 84 Sixth st.' . Utr,0LJt4Pcctbla pUcewhsra ladlseaa4. I gnnis caa norrow moosy on aiamonos ana Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 248 Wash. . Ing ton at Phone Black Tl. MORTOAOB and Inetsllaaent . terme offered In Portlaad; save year rvate; , (15.000 at 8 per eaat. K 88, aara Journal. COLUMBIA UFB ft TRUST CO., Sixth fioor Concord . bldg.. Sd aad Star ta. Manny to teaa oa dty property. MONEY to loaa en Clectramss eounty lends. E. F. Bad F. . Bllsy, 808 Chamber af Oaat LOWEST rate on Ptratture and pianna. Fasf era Loaa Co., 44 K lienors bios, rseue bij. MONEY TO LOAN ea all kinds ef eecurlty. William Holl, room a. wasaingioa aiog. Tt LOAN Snms to suit ea chattel eeesrtty R. A. Frame, B14 tbe Msrqnsm. MUSICAL. J. A. WESc-O violin-maker aed reoetrevi woe flrat-Cleee. JB tisasei em., via sea mimwT m. BM1L THiri.HORN. p"-'l ef A Tel. VI, v s.-4 1 tsscher. atnow i n.aia. LSASONS 81V; piano, guitar, vUvltn: inettomenis mr ror Main. Mrs. Martin. 1 h.mt a, FIANtMt rpoller.d. eoial to sew. -V rracth-ai B'.n"f""" a-i J. l. J0...v-ja. h.d hi 44. i :-f