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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1906)
"v: THE OREGON -DAILY 'JOURNAL; PORTLAND, MONDAY. EVENING. MARCH ! 19, 1908. TODAY'S MARKETS EGGiWETDOl'lII m Wlth-Milder "Weather. Receipts Are Again Increasing In ThisTMarketr 'COOS BAY BUTTER TO -: AGAIN COME. TO CITY Farmers Not So Anxious to Sell - Wheat Because of "Expected Dam -age and Need. of SeedAaparagui Supplies Smalt In California.--; , Front Street, March IB. -Th principal feat- am of. lb Portland marketa today arei Km r s halt east down. Cblckeu narlwt Arm It Ul top. Wheat U Arm but dull, f 'J Quiet la Dm aw market. .:." !. Haw Bra epeae oa street, j. .'.' i- Asparagus aaarket la stiff. far California Tgtable la. Draaetd sieata la good coodltloa. -.--Mops ax yulet bat Arm. - . Potato dull; onion Brat. ''" 1" May la Satire bat ontbanjrd. ' " " ' tnt Are a Half Cant Down. ;, . t , A predicted by Tba Journal ea Saturday to ', egg market la Vi lower along Front atraat ' today. " Receipts . ara egata Inereaelns very Wbesvtly end trade, although fair, waa net quite i good eaoagb to absorb all tba arrivals. Tbla left tba Market not outt aa Bra aad tha d . ' rline reeulted. . Thera la aa rat Be lsdicatloo of aa eatsid demand. ..... - . - -. . id mil - poultry market la holding Ita prloa very Brat around me racy tup. sw nw aptiaga. watw h arriving that. ,tna ninrin w; teem may o cooafderad nominal. Although It sanT"BII0 that there to ay real activity la Bay una w .... penury...;.- --. Wheat fa firm but DolL Wheat la very Bra today, but there a bat small movsmsnt reported. The scare ever tha eold aaap baa caused producera to bold back ehelr sale. Omar of (him fear that they '" wilt he caapalled to resoed a heavy part f their erresge aad this will tab a large pa cent of , the-remaining eappllea-eat ad' the market. from tba wheat eectloaa of eaatera ' Oregon and Wsshlngtoe nan reports of lively sslee la eeed wheat. Prices hare unchanged The- Boar-' market la alow todar. Prli ub A bettrr morement la anownr hi the hay market. Prlcee Inactlra. atillfeeda Srm . but uacnanged. . Hear rredaee Tlrm aa Another aew prod ace firm baa made Ita ap- . Bearaoca aa front (tract. The Bra of Bberk, Oaaa A Graham haa bcea Incorporated and baa eetaDUabed quarUra at lZh rroot afreet, fer merly occupied by Chatter ton d Co. The pram laea bara beea Teaodeled greatly. ' Tha Bra . le- eoaposed of - BL B. - Oaaa, a aarchandlae ' broker of thla etty. 'T Q.W. Sherb aad B. W. Graham of Hon tin gtoa. Oregon. The two lat' aieabera at . the Bra ara- prwalaent mea i of eaetern Oregoa and bare a large aatab llahaent at Huntlngtaa nader the name ef - th KharkAt. Uraham Co. . la Vary ttuf. ' Although qooted - prlcee In the aeperagua market are hat abant the aame aa laat week, tba market .la considerably nrnr. A few dayg ago '-the-deatere were aattlag aeaaldaei ably saner the quota ttoea, but at preeent they rara holding right L tn market. VnfaTorable weather aad higher prlcee la California la the aauae - - A car af mixed wgetahlee arrived In from tha eouth thw morning aad waa. unloaded during tha day. Orangea are nrmaf igata with trade much earler at former ralhae. - Applea are not Boring aa that aa aceouat of cool weather, but thera h) ae aecuaulatlea aama. - - i -- rraak Balaaa Out af Market. Fresh aalmon baa dlaappeared from tha Wei . marker and tha trade la now wholly eupplled , with froaea atock. Tha latter la qaoted today at 7 He a pound. Bturgeoa aleo eat ef the , mrket. ' Smelt eoalng faater aad 'price haa agala dropped te M a pooad. - -, Sreaaad Veate la weed Condition. . ' Thera eontlnuea a good demand for droned meata along Front tract. Becelpta ara J oat fair, bat tha call ht auffldant to kavp the arte , potn real aad nog uncoantea. 'me Boycott -of-tha BeaU-Sntehara' aiaoclatloa-ngalnat PYent atreet la regard to beef and mutton makaa the market alow. la Varleua Karkata. oliraBi1nfowly-galrrBcuj at the Brmer holding by grower. Petatoe are Terr dull with prlcee Inactive. Onion la good ehapa, with order frora both ' the north and loath. , Coo Key butter la again coming ta thla . market,' a ' good-lad ahlpaient . aw being aaoai rroa mere, ixirai aaraat la good ahape, with prlcee aame. Cheea Bra. - The trade pay the following prlcee to Frost atreet. Prtcea paid ' prodaceri ara lea regular ' aemmlealona: Drain, Hear and Peed. , WHEAT Club. 06e: red Ruaalaa, tie; ., klueatcm. Bsc: Tallew. 6c. BARLEY reed. 2s.K); roUedV 134.10; brew. Inf. 2XB0. , CORN Whole, 2T.00l cracked. 2S.OO per RTB 1U per cwt. " i - OATrV-Producera' price No. 1 wtitte, f3g.0O; gray. IJT.OO. KUOUB New eastern Oregoa petmt. IS. BOO 80; atralghta. aS.40QS.40: export. (.1.15! ! t W, $8.4S eraham. la. 3JW; whole, wheat. eVTR: rye. r5a. $5)0; bale. MttljTnrrg Bran, IT.60 per tout mid. dllnga, I3B.00; ehorta, eountry, 1B.B0 elty, fin SO: chop. 118.00. HAT Produce re" price Timothy. Willamette .Talley, fancy glO.OOtJH 00; ordinary, 7.0Ol , 9.w, eaeiern uregon, aia.ovttxio.oo; miven, rI SOOVOOi etoeer. (tf.0CQa.00i grata. K.aOO 00j cheat (a.00, . .... " Buttar.Xgge.aa4 Peal try. ' BUTTER FAT F. a. a, PortUnd Sweat eream, 2 '4c; eour, 34 He. -- .- - Rl'TTEft City creamery, Mc; aatatde fancy, STHrOc: ordinary. ITT He; atore, laiTc. FXlOia No. 1 freed Oregon, eeaed, l8tTe. CHEESE New Fall cream, lata, . lie; Toong America, ldc; rhedder, 15e. ; 0M Jackrehblra.- tl.ftoai.Tn rjr--)a."-,-r POLXTRT Mlied chlokna. 1414H per Ibl 'fancy bene. ltHftllc per lb: rooatera, eld, 11U.J per In; eter". 12Hc per lb; fryer, lSQ2n lr lb; brollera, 2OQ30a per lb; dacke, 19a per lb; geeee. lOHCllo per lb; tarkeye, lAQIdc per Ih; dreeeed, 81c per Pit aqua be, IXT0QS.OO par do; plgeaa, (2.00 per do. Kapa, Weal aad Hide. HOPS Contract. 100B crop, 10c per lb; 190B Oregon, prime to, choice. IBIIci poor Srade, TOc; Weening toft, 10c) iao4 crop. He for choice. WOOI. Contract 1AM dtp, beet eaetara Ora - pea, 0t23a Ibt 1000 clip, ealley. eneree to mo dlaa, Ha2eH; fin. (6(8(01 outer Ore gon, 19 3 22a. ' . MOHAIR Nominal. ' SHCEPflKINB Shearing, loOSOc eerbt abort Weel, SoCjaoc each ; medium wool, BOOTo each ; long wool. 7&COI1.0U each. TiLWW-prime, per id, aHwaci no. a anq (reeae, l)tHe. . CKITTIM B BK4C f lb. MONDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET deedddd4 ' ' May Jmr Chicago ...... .7(1 A, I ,7( 4 ' Kt. Louie ,7(R Kanaaa City... .71 '4 B Milwaukee .i.. .714 Mlnnaapnlla ... ,1IHB Llrarpool ..... la (! 4 tHiluth .T74B New Tork. (I a Ban rranctaco, 1.17A .. .77B - ib Via' ..... . Dcembr. fiPTpiaef 1miaAiinTff9a J. IB twwr nr0' JOURNAL'S, DAILY . . TIPS ON MARKETS 1 By w. B. Olafk Company. . - Kgg- receipt during tha paat week have been aomewhat cur- ' d . tatted oa account at -ttfa cold . weather. . Aa laa Saaaaaa waa a . , 4 little heavier than uauai tha d . .market advance aomewhat, juo l.tlona reached aa.hlah aa 17 -- centa." Itowever. thla momlna p tnw trmrket Btiowa - good-rlied atooka and a eonalderably weaker d feeling. The totHfiotch market d d price ' todar 1 lower. la all probability with a few pleaaant - days we will aee " price back 'w.her'o they were, that Is, 161, an,ri r cent. " : r-" ' ' Poultry receipts during the d ' pnat -wet k have been conaider. ' d ably lighter and the prices some- ' , what firmer. . Jlena sold aa high d - aa ontiulia -reached ll " d cent. : Bo far no ' peepers or - a) d - aprlnga have been received. TVe a anticipate exceptionally aood e d prices when they do arrival . ' :'.'" - ,' - . . . ' d) HIDES Dry. No. 1, 18 lb and up. lflHO ITHc nor lb: drr kin. No. 1. B te 1& lb. 14c: dry calf. No. 1. under S lbs. 13c: Baited hide. Bteere, Bound. 00 lba and orer. lOtjllc: eowa. HHci etag and- bulla, euaad. Te; kip. u wh ins. we; eairv enema, under ia toe. lui green, unaelted, le leaa; cnlla. le er 10 leea; bnraehldee. Baited, each. B1.aft4tl.Tfi: drr. eacn. ll.OOO l.BOt colt hides. - ahufibc: aoat akloa, mmmoa, each, lOQloc; .ngura. each, BftcCJ 41-00. ..- , .. I r Frulta and Tegetablea. ., POTATOES Beat aarted.- 7udt7Be eer Back: producer prtc for car lota, 6 per -ewtt ordinary. WQ7et prodaeer' prloe, - aOGOc, awreta, (1.&0 per crate. ' . ONI0NH Jabbing price Oregon, N. 1, (1.00 61 : producer' price. No. 1, TSijvMci No. II, 70rTicr garlic, B'ttlOc per lb; en ton aete. Te. FBESU t-Rl'ITS AnDlea "cn a." gl.OO: ordinary, (1.0011 601 fancy, (1.764)2.00; Hood Hirer fancy Bpltienbcrg and Newtown pippine, (2.7ri3.00i oranae. naew bt1. t2.7fxdS.OU; ""uniaj, . irm urn amm. v-miutj u-r gw-mrrgaaa, eeeoung. ; benanae. eH'itoc per lb; lemone, I rTil.VSTTL. T""? V. II -KdtBaurlBrlSreTT ani-w o aack; Oreaon radlaha, 2.V per doe: cennage. vregoa, z.oo per ewt; Calllornia, (l.Taejz."0 per cwt; green popper, 40a par lb; California tomato, (2. to; htellcan. (8 00; peranlpa, ' 00cjl .00: at ring beane, SfitP 80c; eaullflower, Il.90dt2.00 per crate; green peaa, 10M12H frJb; boreeradlah. 0Tc per lb; arfJicnnke, McQd.OO per doa; hnthoaaa lettuce, (1.79 per an; celery, (8.50U4.O0 I rumpklni arnaeh, IHc; apron ta, a pee-.4hi tranherrlea. JaraeTB, (14.00 per bbl; Coo bay and Tillamook. (10.00; aauara- gua, SHOe per lb; rhubarb, 7c DRIED' -FRUIT) Annie, eeannrated. IBe per U; aprlcota, l.le per Id: peaebe. 10HJ iwo.per 10; aacaa. ys c per to iri wree, (0 t 40. BHc: He dres on each sixteenth eaailrr alee; Or. California black. J7o lb; Caliro-ula whit, bate per lb; datea, goldoa. a par. 10; raroa. gi.a par 10-10 box. Orooarlee, Buta, Xto. STTOAIt Rack baala Cnhe. gd.os- nowflered. (n BO; fruit grannlated, (0.70; dry granulated. bo.tu; cool. a. 0.70; neet granniatea, .oti; extra C. SS.20;. polden C. (S.10i D yellow, (3. 00! bbla. lOc: U bbla. 2Sc: boxee. SOe ed- Taace on aack baala. lee 2Se per ewt lor caau. U daye; maple, 14iac per lb , lanore nncea bdhit te mm or jea man ear Iota. Car lota at special prices subject to Bueinatinna,; , j. , hosky fit. 00 per crate. COFFEE Pack brasda. (IB M. - - SALT Coerae Half croon. 100. ST. 00 net ton; table, dairy, BOa. (11.00; 100a. (lo.Tn; fm ported .UTarpeoL- AOS,- (17.00; 100e, fiaao: Z24e. (1S 0O; extra floe. bbla. 2e, Be, 10. (4.0O) ( HO: bulk, (20 lba. . (t.OOftft.OO; aarka,. Boa, Busier Ueerponl ramp mck (18.00 per ton; ou-ir, roca. 7 txi; iv. o.7n. GRAIN aSAOaK-Calcfltta, TH' RfCK fmriaclaJari.Trn:. I. aV? Wt Ifo.-! 3SH; New Orleans head. Tc AJax, 6c; Creole f!V: RKANS-"mart - iwhtre, - (S.T8.00; lirga white. 15.29: pink. (178: bayou, (4.00; Lam, so. to: Mcrican reaa, eae. NTT5 Peannta. jumbo. 8c per Th; Virginia, per lb: maeted. g(Ue per lb: eoeoaouts, BSCtBOr per doa; walnnta. 153ISVic per lb; plnennts. 10i7fl2Hc per. lb: hickory nuts, iue per in; cneatnuts, eaetern, lnajinc per Brasil auta, 14 per lb; nlberte. 141So lh 13 lb: fancy pecana, IBHOlSVic; almonds, 14 Pelnta. deal 011a. Eta. ROPE Pure Manila. 14We: standard, lttfe: alsal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Cssea. lBVte eer gsi; water wait, iron mil. ic per gi; aaaatigut. i(u-eec. esess. iimc per 1 U ABO 1,1 Pi ' essea S4 par giL troa cssea SSe per gal, iroa bbla lc lc per ral, IN7.INE 3-deg, ISUe per gal. BEN bbl per ga TURPENTINE la eases wSe bar aL wooden bbl (Wc per ral WHITE LEATt Ton Iota. Tc per tb; (00-lb jots, sc per ma iota, as40 per in. wikb aii rreaent eaais at , f.TVflKirrk ftIT Pn,a eeer tn S.tihl Lita kc 1 bbl lot. 5Sc! raaea. dBc per ral: senulne kettle- boiled, caee. AOe ner ral: h-bbi lora. B4c: 1-hM lot. Rile per gal: ground cater Car" lota, (20.00 per toa; leea than car lota. (30.00 per ton, - Meats, PI aad ProrlaloBa. FRESH MEATS Front atreet Beef ateera. aflftc per lb: cowa, (j4c per lb; bog, block. uiw per id; packet a, bo per 10: oaiia, 3:r ner lb: veal, extra. V4e per Ih: ordinary. TmtSc per lb; poor, (48rl par lb; mutton. lancy. bjc per in. k HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland back florall bams. 10 to 14 the, 18c per lb; 14 to IB lba, 18e per tb; breakfaat bacon. 14Vai(tt per lb; picnic. Be per vlb; cottage,- SHc per ib; regnlar abort elrara. anamoked, 0e per lb amoked. llie per tb; clear back, unamoked, 10H per Ibv amoked. 11 He per lb; Union butt. 10 to 18 II. anamoked. Be per Ib; emoked. Be per lb. clear belllee. anamoked. lie ner lb: smoked. - 12o' per u,: ahnulders. Be per n. Iam;al I.ARI Kettle tear. in. 1I per lb: be, UHc par lb; KO-tb tin. 10tc per lb; eteem remlered, 10a. 10S per lb; (a, lOVa per lb! componnd. 10s, TVlc. v CANNBD SALMON -Columbia river, 1-lb tn, (l.0; 2 Ih talla. (2.TB; fancy, l ib data; (t.BO; lb fancy Bats, (l.ln: fancy l ib oru. BZ7S: laaka telle, pink. 86 (fi0c: red. (1.50; nominal Jb), tell. (2.04. , a FISH Rock cod. Te per n: Bounder, be per lb; halibut, (He per lb; crib. (I. bo per ; striped baaa. 12Hc ner Ib: catflata. Te per Ib: aalmoB, frosen, Tve; herring, 6c per tb; soles. Be per Jb; ahrlmpa, 10c per lb; perch. Be per lb; black cod, T per Ib; torn cod. To per lb; Colombia rWer amelt. Sc per lb; allrer amelt. Te per lb; lobaler. IBe par lb; fresh mackerel. Be per lb; erawiiah, zne per do. . OTStebs Hhoalwster bay. per gal. BX2S; per ack. (T70. CI.AMB Hardahall, per box, - $2.00; raaot clasx, (2.00 per box. COTTON FUTURES SIX TO ' THIRTEEN POINTS UP New Tork, March 10 Cottoa futures closed to IS points higher. I .. . -. ... , Official auotatlous br Orer heck. BUrr' A Oook compaayj Closing Ptlgh Tnr Mnn. Aat. 1000 ' 1002 I0.VI 1041 , . Open low Kerch April May . 1002 1074 107 10M 1070 1040 1020 1031 KCUt 1037 1047 lOiJ load V).l haoi IO.1l lirjl KC2 0')t 1030 1070 107S 100S una . July loxo 1OP0 1078 UMI 1070 IO40 . l(tt 1003 102S ugust Septambor . 1040 October . . w ...-1028 Noremher ............ PmbIi ...... 1081 -103T ioao January siir raivoisoo local stocks. San rrancteeo, - March IB. Official morslss arte: ... .. " i. l.l. Untoal Electric l'i Aak. in a "13 SO 41 Met i A 107 lant Powder.. T9U liawauaa vjommerciai. a ITonoke Sugar. 12H- Blakwll Bnr. ?:3 Onome stiaar.....,....... Paanhaa Knsar.. m Piisar I ., .40 Alaeka Parker'.. ........ ellfnrala Fmlt nnerr . .... ailfW stats Telepnuae Xonatsry Kataa. 4.s044975; BO days. 4B2.So482.S0. f , - wTrS Silver Market, Kaa .Tork,. March- IBc mieerr Lorden BUrer Market. , letados, MrsS'r 804." WIDER SPREAD m Former Wheat Option Now Seven ghthaXent J.lfrerJTh ; . : the Latter. ; FRACTION ALT LOSS IN -V XrTHECMCACOjVIARKET Cash Situation Improves in the Soutb- west md : Prices "Aro""HigheT-De- creasB In-VisiblB as XSxpectcrl-Comjeinta- - an Oats Strong. BELATirS. WHEAT VALUES. hlon. My.....:.. .thA .7nt4A ll.inai S .00 ' ooi July. .7 ,ise , ,wm September. .774A .7 Chicago, March 1. Tb feature ef today's wheat market wa the wldaalng out of tb aiiread betweea hi ay end July, with the form! eloelng at Ae premium. - Tale aswdltlea alaarly aliowa Ut eongeated eoadlUoa of May. Tha deer la the visible waa about a axoecteH. The eaah situation waa ImproTad la th aoatb writ, prlcee being half a cent higher, but Now Xork adrlcea ahowed that - the demand for Manitoba wheat aeesed lees keen tha on Saturday, with price about, a half cent out of Ilea for eeport bulna. The favorable weather for winter wheat cud tie) larg loere oa p saga were factors bearish enough to add Beat te the Belling operetlona ta deterred futur, which cJoeed with a amail leas for th day. Oexa aad Oats Strong. Cora aad eats ruled strong today aadbowed quit a little Independent strength. There (smen-WHj- elwUer-iirwmer lrawIJJrwlKr i a hit at as 1 1 1 1 ia uiatDtninrai mi rmnar I n . x narva I X. . ' againat a amau increase m cora rrom a week ago and fhe email dcro In net a la it contributed much to too dealre ef aborta to gat aboard tb band wagon. la proration there waa a heaitaMoa, It be ing strong throughout and Boo ring a aharp ad ranee all around. There aaam to b a stronger tendency te th ceeh market end in today a trading packers played a prominent part. oa tn ran ia. mrougaout in oay oicerugs were xtrmly limited. Official quotation) by Oiar-bot. - Btsrr ' B) Ooek com pan j 1 . ; WHEAT. ' : " ' Open. . Blyh. Low, Oloaa. i :A .T7T4A .44HB - 44S May.....( .70 .79U-S .T84 JulyM... .78U .tail .tt2 SUaej8i4 .78j .TJlJ COR.- Kay.... -iyv.... - 5 sept..... At OATS. July..... -Sept., ... .28 .28 .2Ca .28 i A BfESS POBK. May...,. 1 08 1 20 - 14 08 - 18 JOB July..... 18.02 18.1T 18.00 14.18 ' - " LARD. Vf."Tirr9 OB f-S, IT 11 8.08 8 IT July..,., S 10' 8.80 . 8.10 , 8.S0 Sept..... B.22 8 40 B.J S.40 SHORT SIBS. May ... SBO B.M ( SB 840 8.88 -- - (.64 8 (2 - - B OBB S.1S.'...S..(J S.72J. July. WHEAT DAMAGE REPORTS ARE STILL COMING Loss Is Said to Amount to Fif teen Per Cent Some Places . It Will Be More. " (Special Dispatch to The JoumaL) reoma, March IB. A great desl af tha growing wheat of th northwest haa beea winter-killed by the recent cold Bnap. . News received bt grainmu and th tt grata Inspector' otic from tb - central district of Waahlngtoa show that from 18 to 80 par cent of th winter wheat haa beea frosra'out. Fifty per cent of th acreage la th vicinity of Ktoua will bar to be reeown. In Ui Spokane dlarrlct 20 per cent at killed. At Connell the dimes amounts to 10 per emit. Around "Llnd- and Rltsillls wlatee wheat Is hadlr demised and farmer ar already huatllng blueatem to reeeed. Ia th Big Bend eountry there has bee coeaiaerabi tea. "The tiwibl w" I4 Btate Uraln luapso. tor Arraamlth, "not much la the cold weath. ar sa the fact that there was no snow covering on a creat deal of our wheat land, lor In stance, th PaMorn diatrlet had a enow blanket and " tbe damage there amount to nothing. But wherever the ground waa bare the Icy1 eeat wind dried out the roots of tbe wbeat and fro It. snd the wheat I Bow lying black on th ground. Whenever we have aero wee iner". wauioui snow uie vbv op against It." t PRIMABT QKAIY MOVTstATTT. Chicago, March IB. Prli lary recetpta: Toaay Tear age Ruah. Pnab. 06.01 "0 Wheat ...... . ..871,000 Corn 411.000 Shipments: Wheat . ."2.000 " J42.000 Corn .J 8M.0O0 808,000 Total clearance: wneat. - im.uw rni l corn. 078,000 bu; oats, (70.000 bs.t flour, 18,000 bbla. , . . CHICAOO CASK WsTXAT. Chicago, March IB. Caab wbaatl aaouuar Bid. No. S red. ....... No. S red .1 .MH . JW . .78 . .78 . .BO . .70 . .74 No. 2 hard..,..... No. 8 hard.-' No. 1 northern.... No. 2 northern..'.. No. 1 spring...... (AW rmARcisco oaaiat kaaxzt. Ban Pranclsc. March IB. Official eloalnfrr- . WHEAT. Open. - High. - Lew, 1. - Cloee. $1 27 A 1.27 A I.1BU ' May... (1 27A (1.27 December... l.xiB BARLET. MirTr::.l.71t4 I 10 . . : . f..!.' leceoJievKM,. w7 .04 LxvnrooL qbact mxrr. Liverpool, March It Official artcest - . WBEAT. - Open - Chwe Cloee - ' M". Mon.. , Bat. OalB, ,a Hd Hay wrj afl, na d July ....... Bad ekd OS OTtd Ltirt. May .......- id 4e 2',d - es 2d airxvu lOAJr 0BATJT nsnLE. Chicago, March IB. Oram vlalbl supply Today Year ago net Boan. ...44.2.I2.0OO ...18.2.Ono ...23,64,0u0 . niten. SS.04.1.000 . 8,77.000 I.B11.000 . Rnah. 12.2M.00e B.n2,000 7,723.000 Wheat Cor t, Oats .. UK IT ED STATES OOVEBltMIirT BOBDS. ' New Tork, Marth 1. aoeranei)t toads: ' Pat. MM. Aak Two rerletered ., lo los. 104. 104 U 101-S 10l4 An eononei... li n Threes registered U8 10H rlo ronpun '" i'" Twos, email onnua... ...... .... miv prxira rlatared '""I i do eoupoa. .. jwi OT 104 IS IV 23v m fours rcaletered 182 Matrtct of Columbia 8 88.'. u.. 118 rhlllppln 4a .......... ,v ... . ..,.108 "fJttlB ASK TTATtKKMT. 7 "' Clearlnra S1,1M.02( M Balaacea ..., ..a M.tM.ld Rat. ABB. . Bid. .80 .M' ,ji , .TO'4 '.so .TTU .80 .7tvt .2 .TRU .ar . . .nyt .80 .78 Larger Receipts Will Bring Dowa Egg -Price All Over tha paclfio Poast Today Values Are a Half Cent Lower Than Last Weekit3l: SERIOUS BREAK nHnico (ILL VilLULu New York : Stock Market Haa a evere-BumprxmJTighten-l: Ing of Money RatetC"" GREAT LOSS IN MOST - - . . " 0F-THE-B1G LIST I SmelterCommon Drops Nearly Flvf Polnu and Psople'a Qaa la Off Two Fuel Nearly Three Points Lower," KaTT LOSSES. Ai THIMIeaoMl Pacip S 4 Norfolk Amalgamat'i AtcBiaea ........ (ugar (uielter ........ t,.New iork Central iH'g 1 Ontario A reuuaeiTau Brooklya ......... l Baltimore ....... aZ, Paoule Ua Praeaed Bleel Car.. Oolo root Bt, Paul IV Bepablle Steel ChaMiamk v - U, do Bref erred . ..'. IV aioooeBoiiT Cent. Leather .... 1 Southera Railway, A Boatbern PaclBc 4 St. L. A S. W. pfd. V B Steel .14 -do preferred 1 Texas PaWB .. V UnloB PaclBfl .,1 C B Rubber t Wabaau . dp preferred Cottoa OU V Oreaf Weatera .... d Illlnola Central ... LouleTllle ...,i"tS a.ea 7 1 aiaxeaaA uauu aair do Dreerred Bach- a braaJi I . th atock market haa not beea aaea for many a day. The saarket opened rather tedy, bat hard aeeaay eeueed conoid erable Belling an all side. People' Oae waa during the dar. j me large" ini wee Smelter eommoa. .UM. WB TU.I .... yillpim broths rrads r an aartv lour; TB cloSed 44 points nader Barardey. At the e'rTT of uie d.y all stocka were kwer. Tbe cioatuj waa weak and generally around tha bottom. O racial : quotsUeaa - by -OrorbBck... atari Oook company. i E DsacsirnoN. Anaconda Mlnlne So? I2tw Amal. Conner U a 108 Atchison, com......... do preferred. ........ Am. Car A round., com - do preferred. 102-) 101 mm. ome it. com do orerarrad . . . lfmu Baltimore Ohio, com. . no uo PTierra., Brooklya Rapid Tranrt. 84. tanaaiaa t'aciric, com ChU Alton, am.;, do preferred. ...... rV t A n tt. 17014 ' w v. n. mi.,,, OhL, MIL A St. Paul... St 1TR44 ChU N. W., com 22S 224 222.W 228 8niaTpr.T.tedHbtt w -Miifif T Oolo. Fuel A Iroa, com.. t3 t2 66 H SdS Oolo. Routham, com,, (ju do 2d nref erred . . ' do lat preferred... urnver at h. u.( . do. preferred. 3K Bruu- com do Bd preferred. ..... do lat preferred Federal Smelters, pfd.w Illlnola Central......'... Lmhrrlll Nashvlll.. noHI 07 env T TTVi TTVt 108 108. 4102V 1T0M Metropoiicaa Ht. By. siannatun fiaufrBy Meilcan Central Rr BV tRT 158 I IBT - 1.1T Mlna.. Rt. P. A Bta. If do preferred ..... . Missouri Heclflc....... U., ST. A T., oom..... do preferred .......... New York Central...... Norfolk a) West, com., do preferred . .. . North American. JTTu Ont. A Wettu, Pannaylvsola Railway.. P. L. A C. Co...... Pressed Stsel Car, com., do preferred Paclflo Mall S. S. Co.., Beading, com do 2d preferred - do lat preferred , Ben. Iron A Steel, cool., do preferred. ......... Bock iBlend. cora....,., do preferred Southern Railway, com. do preferred ........ 62 128 Uj 128 126 bNZ 2SZ 08 08 40 40 101UI100T4 Sontberu Paclfl do preferred Rt. L. A S. F., 2d pfd.. Bt. L. A S. W., com..,. do Dref erred Teras A Pacific Tenneeaee Coal A Iron.. Tol., St. L. A W com.. do preferred Union Pacific, aom.,..-. do preferred Central Leather, com... do preferred..". U.,S. Robber, com..... do preferred Ml 82 112UI112 IT. 8. Steel, com 4.) I w do preferred Wheel. A U ' Erie com Wheel. A L. Erie id. .. do lat I 1044 '104; 1141 1S14 2V J Wis. Central, com do preferred West. Ualon Telegraph.. Wane eh. com do ore f erred ........ Amor. ImnviJtve ' B8 MH ill do prererred ......... Total sale for th day, 750.400 shsres. Call ssoney elosed SH per cent. ---.n. BOStOV C0PPXB Boatoa, March IB. Official copper cloerng: Bid. Bid, Adventure . Arcadlaa . .$ 8.00 i. A 50 . 21.00 .80.00 . 87 .60 , 25 ()0 Old Domic to 4 45 .00 . Oaeeola ....... M.TB Parrot 80.00 Phoenix- 1.12 Uuincy 00 00 Royal ........ 22.00 ' Hanta Fo ....... 1.17 kh.niwi. a 7K Atlantic ... Calumet ... Bingham .. Centennial . o. Oaly West .... 14.25 Elm River .... 2 50A Tamaraci .,.".ioT.50 Franklin ...., 18.7B Trloltr - . ...... 10.234 Greene Con ... 28.78 cnlled con. ... (Wl.w Ctah 00. 7.1 Victoria 8.25 Wolverine ....IHft.ooA trr .- Mlnlns -rr-Mr Oramby 12.12 juaea Mohawk ... 8.TS 87,RT Michigan . . . Nevada Con 1S.OO .. 18.12!Ten. Cop. .... 4K.O0 87.(7 Vhj Roatoa loo. 22 25 - T8 60 Butte Col (4.7 J .. law S Mohawk .... North Bhtt Bast Butt , XOVOPAK XllfUia 8T0CXSV " - --- . - f --. : Ssa Frandeos, March 10. Official closs-.- nia. Hid. Belmont ,t.... (A 00 Pixie . ...... OoldOeld ... Jumbo do eitea . Kendall ... Lague May Queea . ..( .12 Caah Boy ... .IB l.H , .28 , I.2 .. .04 ... l.fiO ... .2.1 '.I !n .. .as .. .M .. 102 .. 1..HA .. .80 .. .87 .. 1.55 ... .08 .. 1.40 ., .22 .. .38 Ooldea Anchor. Home Jim Butler . McNsmara Midway. .' Montana .. North Star .... .71 .... 2 50 I (.02 Miibivk ..... Red Top .... Baudatorm . . Hliver Plck ju St. Ire National Bank D-n rev ..., Rcllpee Gold Bar ... O. Bull Frog Btainway .... ' .oa Opblr . .62 Ton. Bxtsa, . .IS. 50 A .18 50 nriii .... Weat EBB , -1 J5 Atlanta ... aaWw .11 .14 .20 .25 19 Adeem Blue RaU ., Ool. Mt. ... CoB7uer . . . Dtamendfleld ( . COMSTOCX MINIE8 STOCKS.' San IVaactBce,"" March U,0f8claT cloee: Did. 2K 261 120014 1004 108 14 loaw 03 ) 01 Kli los lioa. loj Hs " oH 101 llOOeJ.'lOO: Iil74l3ti MOV 1IUIU lMl MiZ 122 120 110 108 lOUU 00 84 BJt4 j( 170 ieo im 80 78 si ao bo2 17044 lT.Stall7:Ua . Bid. Black Butte ..,.( .00 Tramp .12 nlaAeld ........ .no Montgomery . ... .50 Hnnoet .27 fpter .74 talk llamp .... .18 Manhattan ..55 iOeiter ......... .28 Con. Cat Ta...(l 5 1 Ophlr (.12 ilcaa ....... I alehnla ...... ..18 . Ftcbeinr M Noreroaa ,... J.2J Ootd Crow .... .45A Oreet Bend .... .88 Hosoue 1 w Terh Caah Coffee. ww Verb. Mar, 10; 'ei coffee: No. T Ble, Be Ne.-4 SaBtea. BHur-w r....v Time may be money, but it eu't Bcarco , .. I'ltl Tfll EO'S JICOIIT Bifi po'mo co:iiest: : Professor Robinson Expects Two Hundred Will Strive for Prize Girls to Raise Flowers, y Superintendent' of Schools BoblnsoS Is plsnnlna; a personal canvass of all th schools of the-eeunty-to arousa Tn tereat ;lr- tba- prla potato-BTOWtpr Boi? teat which will be participated In by tba boy outside the city this coming; sum mer. In eaoh school bo will give, a short, talk to ho boya, ejplalnlns every aomii si in contest, ana will aim sir tribute a leaflet contalnlnaf auggesUona and the rules overplng the contest, . Ho will also- distribute a pamphlet prepares by tha State Agricultural college El vine run ; Inatruotlons on growlnc potatoes. Thla pamphlet will also contain eug; feattons for the clrlato be need tn their bonteat In sweet poa and Baler g rowing;- Frofeaaor Robinson says that . boys will be permitted to plant any variety of potatoes that they deeire. No time has oaen set for tba plaatln;. These mat ters are left entirely open to the eon testaata because the soil varies tn dif ferent districts In the county. , - It Is expected that the bovg and Bine will 'begin to plant by April 1 and con tinue during the rnonrh. Professor Rob inson says that from Indications more than 100 boys will participate In ' the potatogrowlht contest and 'as ' many Blrla will afow, asters and sweet peas. MUST NOT TAKE YOUNG ' OFFENDERS TO STATION " . . . In a reneral order laaued this morn ing. Chief of Police Orltamaohar drew the attention of detectives andpatrol men to the fact, that aome of them are dlsrecardlna the Injunction of - Judge Frasor of th' luvanlle eourt aad are thereby.laylns' themaelvee liable to proaecutlon for contempt. While the order laplaln, reada tha document,, soms doing things their own way and eon trsry to the lnstruotlona" That trouble may be avoided the chief irn keg it eiyar that when a nnnor'tiniisr tha age of IS years Is arrested he or she must be taken' to his or her borne, par ents Informed of the of fens charged and a report made In writing; to tha cap tain of the relief. This report Is then to be transmitted to the Juvenile court In the proper-course and a citation will be iasued to the parents to brlna the child Into court at the time stated la the citation. Tha officer making the arreat Is required to go before the clerk of the court and make affidavit for the citation. In no oase. it Is added, must the ar resting? officer take the child to the po-I live eiauun vr vruer iiio cduu or par ents, .to .appear before the court at any stated-time, If 4h home of the child cannot be learned, or Is beyond the city limits,-the offender must be taken to tha Detention homo. t DID4I0T4JKESH0ES SO SWATTED SALESMAN A. J. Bowen walked tntw a second- 1 hand, store jrcThlrd strset between Pine ana asq mis morning, ana - aaia ne wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He was shown a pair and did not like thorn. 1. Morris the dealer, told him ha didn't know food pair of1 shoes when ht saw I thorn. - "You're a liar." asclalaoed Bowen, .. 11 orris replied ' in kind . and was swatted In the face, being knocked off his feet.- Detective' ftartman heard, his yells, and," running to the soene, placed Bowen under arrest Morris wilt pre fer a charge of assault and r battery against the prisoner, who was releaaed T.ll eft! " WOULD MAKE FARMER 1 SELL RIGHT OF WAY " Before a jury In Judge Sears' court today ia being tried a ess of tba Oregon Water. . Power dk Railway . company against M. Devancy, a farmer living two miles west of CedarvlUe, Oregon. The oumpany Is sulnw-for-a rlsht of way . serosa the farm for Its new Una between Cedarvllle and Troutdala. r - Jd"iPavaney. has asked 1505 an acre for the land which the company desires he alleging that, if the road builds serosa his field that Ms farm Is almost ruined. The statements of the defendant are upheld by David McKewon. J. A. Dixon and A. Grant, who live near him. The company wants S acres for a light of way and Is said to have offered (7( an acre for the land. " GREAT 'ABSENCE OF SHEEP ATTRACTS ATTEHTIOM ; No Arrivals lri Yards buring Past Fofty-elght Hours All Mar ' kets Holding Firm. -' Portia ad I'utea Stoctyard. March IB. Live stock receipts; . Bog. Csttle. Shssa. Today , M (4 Week sgOrr. v. ... mmi 18 - - , . - .,, Month ago ... - 200 ;- ;. Year sgo 40 ... . .. Tba areat absenc of abeen m this market la attracting eonslderabla attention. Not a alngle heed arrived during lb paet 4B hoar. A week ago thla date, also a month and s year ago. there were no oheep arrlvale. All markers ar firm but unchanged today. Tedsy SB burses arrived lu. ' - - Official llveetork prtres; , Hoe Reel eaetern Oresew, (7.00; blocker and China fats. (8.90; Blocker aad feeders. (O.ieB. : t attle neat eetrer irreawn steer. B4.nner 4.2T; beat cows snd heifers. (3.60e)2.78; light and roeoiom sreers, e.t ouj:i 10: nsnt cowa, (2 OOiU J so; storkers snd feeder. (J.78Ot.00: bull. (2. no. Hiieen w ethers and lambs. Base: mixed sbeep, (J (10. Celvea uonn veaL ion to w Boanas, BHn ec; rough and heavy, (fceHr , , LARGE CATTLE DEAL IS MADE AT LEWISTON " (Special rManatrh to The Journal.) Twlaron, Id., March IB. On ef the largest csttle deal mad In tb Lewtaton country for many year and which Involved tbe per rhaa ef 2.000 head at 1 and 8 year old rang eteera, wee rloeed laat week by Jha Fleming and H. bavl'loon, agenta of Jhe Empire fettle mmpanv of ll-Uaa, Mootana. Th price ranee m 810 to si per Beea, me antes win sa delivered st Lewletnn and Clearwater polo ta early In May for shipment to th Milk Rive rattle rang of Canada. Tb Empire coaaponv la oa of th largeat eattls arm la the weett ZASTEBST HOOS LOWXB. Cbkago, March 18. Uveatork receipt: Ilosa. Cattle. Sheep. nUca re ..'. .46.000 (Loot Keaaas aty T.oo . lo.OtiO (Ooo Omaha 4.600 ,( 17.0"0 Mora Open-d Be lower, with B,4o left over. Dm.ii,. a IM. If. orefw . k OOO. Bpt,e -iBllted. (ejrfjijt. emrgh. (4 l4.28i (vws (tl.V)d0.4Jm light, (d.Wtt.(7Vs. BOl Ce Ml TV rents hrr. V.. - - l Sb.ep Ita esat Wear, X TRANSTORTATlOpf ALASKA- .EAST AMD POPULAR STBAMSBIPS Lsave Beattle -i"JET7TB01C," feUrah 1(. SB. S S. 8b, via Wrugl. . UISSO," Itarah St. r v.J' ' v CALLINQ AT ' V Ketrhlfcaa, Jneee. Ponglas, He I no,- Rk wsy. oitmecta 1U VT. P.. A T. route for ,. AtUa, lxwae. Taun. Nome, etc -. For 441 BoarhaaaW Alaeka Port. Call or awed foe'Trl to Wonderful AUekar" . "Isdlsa Bertetry," "Totem Pole." THwa.avjhjro. Frank . Waolaey C., Agent. BSBOaAM. oellead, Or. 1 UPPER CO LUMBIA RIVER. ROUTED la Coaaeetloa With Stat ParUge Beltway . and Regulator-fAne, For Arlington. Irrlgon, CmatllU, Bover, Walmla ' and way Polnu. ' LOW BATES AJfD YBOITPT SIBVXOaV- Frslght Beeelred at Alder-Street Bock. "Vt further "iBtormatlea Inqulr af Frank J. Smith, TrafBc Mane gar. 814 Wretr hldg. phone Mala BBS; or Regulator ppek, . Phone Main Bfd. AT JJI we aak yoav to ae la te briar VM the order yon la toad sd to give to some other fcoaa aad wa will demoastraBe' to yM tut trt eu flO yvu order for eeaalderabl laam saoaay, aelow are a few af e prloesi .-.j. tr. Pound Isunb,. Veal or Pork Chops. , . . , 5b : - r , Pound Good Boiling Beef. .12 . "Found Leg" "of Mutton.'br PrimBTRib .Roasts f 1.00 II lbs. Dry .Granulated Sugar. 91.15 Sack Ross City flour, It'a the Best. ' ? v- 60f : ' , Dosn Cans Condensed- Cream. ... . I-Ib. pkg. Soda Crackers. 1 nans Standard Corn. - West Park and "Washington Sts. Phone Main 2586. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF Cb7 Steamer llounfain fiem Marvelous Values Ft tows ' I nroa. sacramai 120 fuw PEliWiS , The Greatly r.hirfpp i Doctor At No. t2 First St., Cor, Morrison No misleading atatenwsts to lbs afflicted. I guarantee a complete, safe sad lasting cure I th Quickest u-swlbl tlaie, and at tha loweet met possible for hoeeei aad auceeee fa I treatsaent. I ear estarrh. sathms, laag, throat, rhmimntlam, nerTouanma, atoaaaoh, liver, kidney and loat manhood. FEMALE TROUBLES AND ALL BTVATI SI8IA8IA My remedlee are harmless, sampaaaB of roota, barbs, buds aad bark specially selected sad Imported direct by as trsaa the la tar toe of China. ' IT TOU ABB ArrUOTXO 170VT SB LAT. SELATS ARE DAJTOEaOVS. If ye caaaot rail, write for aymptom blank aad clrealar. Incloe 4 rents In etamps, OONBVLTATIOV FREE. Tba 0. So We Chine RUdials 0.. lt Tint St., Corner Merrisen, Vertlsad. Or. - Plea mea than thla paper. - O r SPICES, v o COFFEEaTEA DAinnopoVf'DEn, GtnftsiShwjth.Ctuofw ciossin-GDEYEns l- J Henry E. Reed Real Estate and Investments o. 1074 ialh Strew, amaz Washlaa-toa. ' no Stain SSOS. : 4 ' " AH-kinds ( bualaeaa.- residence; and farm property and timber lands handled. frompt and. careful attention to orders. sBfl RasatBW taw f-3 W-Baj t :t&$o rcr-o ft, - l..AJ1l...a t ' ' 4 Ur-MsvBMmvmivBT, u 3 ret BT AT- p1 rfffyL'f jvarjiht t"B 'r TJMNivoinkTiclx 1 . is- , Through Paumsa stsodara) ed samlet i-" deity - to Omaha. Cblaere, BeeAene) tI' aWtageera dally as Kasama rty. thVEa?, . ree . Union Deint . tamve, Chlcgo.Portled BWi.i A. Arrtr. Sri.." 11 Huaflngton, dly. :: ilita BJB tm , iiT-r. 'rev me aaaiere . - TU BBBttorm. dally77..T." 9:TS pat-. IHtUm : L HntniA S'VBB DIVISION. , Bteemee ,."M, w eneetlBg wtth "?' foe Iiwseo end North Be ah. teM h-et dock, leaees S p. B. dally. '" Saturdey. IB a, as. Arrives ,P- m.. eveept Bmiday.!;. -A, VAMHILIe BIVEB ROUTE. nolnV. 7to rrm C1" EamhUl rlvae ., Points, stesmers Ruth asd Modoe. Ash-st. doea. TtHnl 't ,,lr-Vt. 8adar (era ear e. ' ' fusdv :0 B. m. isJly. eieesB ' -Foe -J"' SOCTaV - - --t - wHL. Z?" ? ,0- ad way points frees J!.- I-.WaS.' etMnmss Spokane aad Lewie. , tc i "v. aos srrlval Train aV-SIfe Vr7A.,"d' Tlckst Office Third snd Waehlsgtsa Sta, ; . fi.CTiwSS Kit EAST tTnlna fpo " Lear. Arrfva. eveeena for Salem. Hoeei g. Ah-Ogdea.- , RtOcttouT" Anreles. El Pai unMBi .Ail ni. Morning train connect at weodbur dally xcept Sunday with train for Moan! Ansel. Btlvertoo. Brownsville, Springfield, Wendllng snd ltstroa.... 8:88 tm SeSSfBi . aureus paaaeeser eoo. SOUTHS n-ta at Wnadtmra with ' Meant AagI aad Slbratv .x..... ton loeal...., 4r)Bea stB:8B am , Corrallle p sgr . . ftBO 8'80 pes - Rherldan peeaenser e4:gn pm agO am rarest Or peer. . niO:B m III AO pas Pally. IIDelle exeoat Bawday. POBTLAND-OgwEOO BUB1TRB ART SERVICE ... AND .TAMRIUV DIVIBlOl. - teve Portland fdepet foot ef Jetfereoa Bt ) dally for Oawesw T:0 a. m.j 12:80. 2 08. 4:00, 8:20. B:2B. 8 to. 10:10. 11:0 a. m. Daily . eseept Suaday). 8:80. (:Bu. 8:0. 10:28 a. Sk rvondav only, 0:00 a. m. - Retnrnlng rrom uowsk arrive rertmna aai'V 8 0 a. m. 1:55. 8:05. R:OA. 8:18. T BV 8 8. 11:10 p. m., 12:88 s. m. Dally (axrost Bnadeyl. 8:28. T:2A ( (0. a. sv Sunday only. 10 00. m. - s - Ijeeee rraes sent depot fee TmUse snd liitea. n mediate points dally 4:1( p. a. Arrive Pwrt land 10:10 s. m. - -te -in, f wnerefip .-eii'iiiiwfTW vfoiuv nim .i-i- iatea dally to Monmouth end Alrtls. taaaatrlse; wita onuTnern rarine sompaay a tracs e I arae lea and Independence. . rtpt fare frnm.PurtlaeA na Sseismsate - - and Ben Fraarleco 810.' bertha an: s fare (18: aeeoBd-clasa bertha (180. Ticket to BaaterB nolntB and janan, clri. Honobala-amt-Anetralt. City Timet Office corner Tnlrd tngtnn eteeete Pbone Mala Tig. a W. STTNOBW. A. U CRAtOV" " CKy Ticket Agent V Oe. Pees, Asent, TIMECARD OF TRAINS Portlands nlon , Dengb-e Lv. Arrl: lowatone Panf. Cltr-St. Loo la Boeclel for f hehalla., Centralla, Olym. pla. Oray Harbor, Scoth Bead. Tacoma. Beattle. Spo kane, LewletoB, Butt. Bil lings, nearer, Omaha. Xan ana City. St, Leu la and Soothaaat, dally ..... IMis IMm North Coaat Limrtee, eiea- trie lighted, tor Tacoma. S-ettle. Bpokan. Butt. Minneapolis. Bt. Paal aad ' the Eaat, dally. .. ......... . SB est T:BB am Puget Bonnd I.lmltea, rov t, - rT,,ftin. f-rreltrTeiema aad Beattle only, dally.... 4 .B palJt Twin City Eipress ror t- eoma, Seattle, Spohaae. Helens, Butte. St. Panl. , t . Mlnnvapolla, Lincoln, St. ' m Joeeph. Knaa City. Oma- . , ... -, . , .w ha, Bt. - Lout. wHhont ; " TT change of car. Direct co- " ' nectlona for all potn fa East and Routheeef. dally.. 11 :48 pm 10:83 pm A. T. CHARLTON. Aeehttaat Oeaeral pee, rer Agsat. 28B Murrinn Btreet. earaar Third, Portland. Or. . . Astoria'& Columbia River Railroad Co. Union Deport For Majfra. Ralatsr. Oat kan.'a. 'eatport. Cllftoa. Leave Arrlv Aetofia. Warrenton. Fla- , veL RammonA Fort Stev en. Oearbart Parh. Seaside 8:00 am 11:28 am Aetorla and Besshara. as- press dally T:00 pm Mm M waiae ir . r,,.... J. C MA TO, O. P. aad P. A.. Aaterta." Or. - O. A. STEWART. Ceaamerclal Agsat, St Alder etreet Phone Mala BOB. :l' ,i','tBia TMaS COHrOKTASU WeTY. 9 OverUsi Tr&Ieis D&Hy y 'The OrUavtal Limited, the Feat Saar VIA BBATTLB AND SPOKANB. .. . : Dally. . Dally. Lsave. Arrive, Portland time acbedol To and from BpohaB. Rt. Haul, Minneapolis. . Imluth snd all polats Baal via Sea tile 8:80 am T-OO m 11:41 pm 8 AO pm To aad from St Paul, Mlnae Bolls, Duluth - . . .. - . and all points East via Spohaae ......... 8:18 pm B BS am Norther Bteeeaaai Oa Sailing from Seattle for Jepaa Bad Chin port aad Maaila. Carrlag pe Benger aad freight, . , v S. S. Dakota. March 18. S. S. Mlnaeeeta, April BB. sTIIPOW TTJBEIf BAISstA" (Japaa Mall Stramahl (a. 1 S. S. KANAOAWA MARU win Ball frees Beettl ebout Mare 80 for Japaa and China porta, entry log Baassager aad frelgftt Ufk(tt ratM. kerta laaarv ftooa. ate. cull a or addrea H. DICEBOaT. C. t. T. A.. lB V-' t st Iertlaad. Oregea. Pssas sls h-J. . Q C F f kit AJw r For Ceee Bay, Bureka J4 Baa Free feam Pofllead Twee, 1 -S from Sa taaKlsco, w ed. . iftrtrlllGP ' ' -ef 1 ki.l 11 II . r T i