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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1906)
V'THE OREGON,-, DAILY.; JOURNAL,', PTraKP77MONDAYVlWMACH,TtCy TOIDAY'S-rBJEWS M MQWL& OF . E41t4 By V :j. ATHOKAN- TOEDIE DOESN'T n OE-TODAY MM - ----- r" W 1 SPOIiTHIG GOSSIP g30 J M .. n W Interview- Manager of the !:!ZCIant Claims StarPitchenzr M It a Disturber. - JH AS GREAT HOPES IN -r-:-HIS BUNCH OF MEN glister WilT Be at Firat, Sweeney at Short and Jt la Expected that Flood - ' jfnd Smith Will Complete Infield- --.Tha Other-JUyetr-Z . V ' In an Interview with the San Fran rlsco Bulletin: Msnager McCredie tells "" abouOils' prospects aridr'wnarTnen hs wil have thla year. Aa thla la tha ftral interview given out by -tha Vancouver manager it ta worth republishing, es- rK-aiiy since McCredie aald that . he would not have Virgil Garvin on his - club.' Hera la- thestoryr - - .- . "Msnager W. H. McCredie ,1a o;ulte well pleased with Stockton aa a train-. -. in. arouad for tha Giants and ha feels aulte confident that no -can -whip hta - playera Into winning trim by April 7, when tha Pdrtlandere wtH open tha sea T'. aan at Fresnrr- Bo far the wet weather has prevented tha hall toaaers from do- lig -anything, at the pera. Tns men wilr-tako a turn on tha road for day -r two lust to nreoare themeelvee for 'the heavier work that la to come.:. Two lserja.UIJ in excellent ahape foi playing, and Mc-1 fredlels not - worrying - about - the . weather. Fie aayi Ihere la plenty T llif' vet. . ! think our chancaa ara real good thla season.' aaye McCredie. . 'I will have a atrong Infield, a pretty good out :" field and a likely bunch of pitchers. I have aeveral new men whom I will try cat -sn-th- boa, and -4 -expect that acme of them will develop Into pretty good 1 ' n-aterlul. 1 place conatderabla faith in , thla vounaTenoarTTiarles- Moore, who- !, laved with Cotumblgr university- aat rear." Ha-pitched In -excellent - form ' and - he's got - speed.-orvee end every- thing. In addition to that ha ta a good .hltter. and an all-around athlete. He will easily toe tha faateat 'man InMtie - league upon tha bases. He tiaa an actual . track record of 19 1-8 aeoonda for 100 yards, and he doaa It, too. That doea not mean IS aeoonda, It means 19 1-6 seconds. In addition .to that, ha la a --fine -yonnr fallow; and.: ha" already taught on with tha reat of ua, -WIH ttv Sowar a Chaaoe. '.' " "Besides. Moore I have a young buaher "" fey the name of Howard wrth-tne-and -another young fallow by the name f 1 Gillespie.- . Howard 1a. a Portland boy. r and. ha pitched some pretty good, ball up around home. I mean to glve-hlm a 'chance-to make good. Gillespie cornea ' from duwa aiouud the bejr. Ma played wuii oris. Valley lam year. ! believe '.' "Then I will have a number of laat a.. -. BaB ara a.---- -.----, - ls-.saa-i lfs- I y 3W i fa ayTgrTTTTtyyaF tt jutti nv urtng tney. There will be Bert Jones, Toren. Essick, fadllff. Win French and Ben Henderson. "Henderson was suspended laat year, but waa retaliated thla spring.' : . " How about Virgil Garvin r asked the Bulletin man. - - -' -' -TJon't want him, waa tha prompt -Jeplj JfjWPuldn't have him on my team. Ht'ii disturber, and a hard man " to handle. I don't know what he'a go ing to do. He'a up In Portland now. " 'With McLean and Donahue behind ' tha bat -1 will be especially atrong. Everybody knowa what Larry can do .when he plays ball, and he'a aurely go ing to play this year. Hla wtfe la alck now. and he could not come down from Portland with us, but ha will be along Jater. tonahuewlllbeoutJtiTtn the east almost any time. In fact, the rest of the playera will coma atrlnging In -for a week nr more '. ' Lister, my first baseman, will 'be a sroabie manrrrmintt. He olayeazloi Hook Island in tlte Three Rye league -. for several years. Ha haa a fine fielding , and batting record. He la in Los n- Iejiow and I expect him up shortly. I'll have Flood on second base and Bmtth at third. Flood la In Denver now. but I have atnt him notice to come on. Jud Smith ill not report with us un til Just before the aeason opens, and he will do mot of his training In Loa Angeles He ll be with tie all right, waeay at Short. 1 .mean to use Sweeny at short He played third base for ua laat year, but a!nce I aecured Smith I decided to awltch Sweeny. In the field there will be McHMe.-MttchrtT-and -myself. Me-j Hale has been In Montana throughout -the winter, but I guess he la npwtm the ,way out. Kaslrk has been traveling out of Chicago for a kindling or lumber company during the winter. - "-"-Yes I -expect a banner aeaaon thla year. Portland will draw well. We've a great ball town up there.- It beats any In the league, I don't" care what t-ou say about San Francisco and her ' 200.000 people. Yon have a nice place here, and I like Cy Bwlng. tha manager f your ball team.' ' ' "Roy Toren la the latest to Join the Giants. He arrived from Santa Barbara : Tuesday night. ' The boye ara eomfort "r.bly quartered with Joe Lynch at the - Table- Claret, extra good quality, aaL 60 Zinfandel. absolutely pure, . . arai, ijt a-, j , , ,7Se -! Burgundy, very fine, gsl..fl.0O ' Klealln gl yeart old.- gaH f 1.06 Delivered free to any part of the city. - .... The Quality Store. , Fifih nd Stark, Phone Main 6499. SPECIAL THIS WEEK . . ,i f.iw : . I J 4 f 4..; ' .t- I SPALDING'S EUIDE FULL OF BASEBALL KEIVS-- Father of Baseball Compiles ln- teresting Book f Statistics " on the National Came.' Bpalding'a offlclal besebill guide for the aeaaon haa Just reached The Journal nfftoa. It marks tha thirtieth year of I I ... .- v. ; .i s I . - at-'-' r -'1 iv. , I -t - 't.,'.'- f(. Ita publication under the editorship ofT""1 Henry Chadwlck, 'The rather or Base ball," and la undoubtedly the largest and moat complete annual of the game that has aver bean published. Tha contents Include a chapter on tha rise and prog ress of professional baseball. - current comment by. tha editor on the following tonka; On.Cbar.geg inutftV.ruies.pUy vs. work, an optimistic view of b ball, tha profeasional aesson of 1906 and it. f ouernmentrcontraerobll gatton a, the Ill-treatment or umpues. siiu-piuus alonal baseball. aggressive basebslt. two great ' essentials - In ' professional baseball, the Influence of tha press on sports, a squsra deal vs. a love of fair pliy, the lawe of professional baseball. A chapter that' will be Of Interest, to every, follower of the game la the refer ence guide of professional baseball sines lta institution, compiled by Editor Chad wlck, and which comprises a record of tO-odd yeara, beginning with the teams Of 1(70, Including the names of players members of the clubs of that year; the record of the first professions! associa tion from 1871 to 176 Inclusive; the advent of the National league, with tha record of each club from 1679 to date) tha records .of the old American assocla- tlon and tha short-lived Union assocla tlon and Playera' league.- and the record cf the Amrrlr" league since Ite organt sstlon. the whole forming a chapter .w Wn.,M -ordinarily tsnr"" research to compile. I : - Another Important chapter la the edi tor's review of the world s champion ship eerlos of last fell; which .la libe rated with scenea at the gamea and plc turea of tha club officials and leading nlavers. to which la added a record, of the world'a championship games played since the first ona in 1984, and Including tha Temple cup aeries. This Is also In valuable reference matter for, the stu dent of .the game. .. ... The championship statistics - or tns past aeaaon are very complete and In clude the Individual club recorda and pennant race recorda of tha Nstlonal and American leagues and the Individual players' averages. The record of eta tiatlcal features of the eaaon,ln iha Na tional, and -American leagues, and com prising ths list of extra inning gamea, shutout games, low scores, high scores, heavy batting and' light nutting con tests, with the dates, scores ana pitcn ers' names. is an Interesting addition to .the .season's records.- A review of tha season In the American lesgue has also been contributed by Irving H. San born of the Chicago Tribune. Commerclsl hotel. Lynch Is a frreat baseball fan and there are few gamea that he misses. Consequently he la see ing to It that the Glanta are being well taken rare of while here." .;. BUFFALO POLICE STOP - SOCIAL CLUB BOUTS - .i 1 ' (Journal Special getvlce.) Buffalo.- March 19. Orders have been given by the police direct to the mayor that the boxing bouts which have been run by the so-called social clabs shall be discontinued. The boxing game was re sumed here - with three bouts before bona fide clubs but promoters got Into the game and began holding It rounds with professionals as contestants. Fri day ' night Rube .Ferna knocked out Matty Matthews in nine rounds, and ar terward notice was served that the. po lios will only permit bouts now being advertised to be carried on. ; CORVALLIS WILL HOLD iir HORSE SHOW IN JUNE ' (HpHI IMnpetcb te The Jonl Corvallls, Or., March 1. Among aporta there - la a live Interest In the bursa show that la to be, held in Cor vallls on Friday and Saturday, June 1 and t. Tha premiums will range from 11 to tie and everyone may participate. The entrance fees' will be 13 for stal lions and double teama. tl.tO for mares and 4-year-old geldings, and II for oolt of ell-ages. Lieutenant uulnlan will drill a company, of cavalry for the oc caalvu. . . s . . . ' .uV'l-V'.v.i i.'t'.:--i!.K.n:'-?- CI Albina Boy Brigade Baiketball Team," 'WmneTa of TRAINING PLACES FOR - THE CRACK BALL CLUBS The .. following -alUaa -the Important teams In the training thla year: .. . ... country are Haddock, Oa. Bisons. J Memphis New Tork Nationals. ' Houston, Tex. St Louis Nationals. ' Savannah, Oa. Philadelphia Na-tlonals.- - i 1 - ... Columbia, 8. ' C Brooklyn Nationals. Hot Springe, Ark. Pittsburg Na tionals. -- Harllir Springs," Tex.r-Clnclnnatt-Sa tlonals. Birmingham, , Ala. New-Tork Amerl- Dallas, Tex. St. Louts Americans. Montgomery, Ala,- Philadelphia Americana. -. i Macon, Ga. Boston Americans. New Orleans Chicago Americana, Augusta, Ga. Detroit Americana. Charlottesville. : Ya. Washington AmerlusBS. Attn m a." aa. ClgvelngArnsrtpans. Chicago National league team will not e t !. L- .js as I'tua nlrlan ta li I ge I IS 4al ellel PU -sls. xa4 sXSrw as Ul I VW w tsj a ig- Ing at Champaign on March . tockton,-C'al. Portlsnd Glanta.- Visalla, Cel. San Francisco Seals. Loa Angeles Los Angeles. Fresno. Cat Fisher's Tigers. Bakersfleld, ' CaL Seattle. j HARRISON CAPTURES . --SEVEN-PIN TOURNAMENT Quite a bit of enthusiasm waa stirred up In tha eeven-pln tournament on the Oregon alleye yesterdays Harrington won first prise with the good total, of 221 for his three gamea; Crelts won seo and. prise with 218, and Burnhard won third with I9t. The scores: "Total. Harrington Crelts . . . . Burnhard . ..! 76 ..70 7t rrt-3 H- t3 221 71 216 6t eJ- ..65 ..81 ..69 ..85 .. ..69 ..82 ..83 .,71 ,!47 ..62 ..67 .78 70 6 81 68 G7 67 ; 64 64 72 6g 60 63 1 62 186 68 1S4 Kalk MaoGregor Ijiwson . . Woodman . 8 warts . . -Boulanger.. Closset . .. Christian. Kneyse . , Wltxel , . . Flcken . . . 621 66183 66 182 63 181 61 178 4 2177 68176 66175 65 172 INDEPENDENCE CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS - - 4nMm tnmAtob ta The Journal. I - Independence. Or. ilarchJ.- The Independence Driving club haa held its annual meetlng-anffleettdrncera-'for the coming aeason. ; W. W. Perclval was reelected president, J.. E. Klrkland sec retary and Aaa Taylor treasurer. P. M. Klrkland, K. V. Cooper. Walter Lyon and the president and secretary com prise the board of dlrectore. . - The track used lsst , year, which . la one of the best training tracka In tha state, has been . leased for three years and tha club, will erect stgbles on. the grounds at once. . r- v- A number of local horses will -be put to work soon and the prospects are good for soma 'fine racing there tha coming aeaaon. .' .-. 4 ; ' ' - " GRAYS HARBOR WANTS -BASEBALUFRANCHISE (Special DUr-ateh te The Jonrsal.) ' Aberdeen. Wash., March 1. U. P. Brown, former manager bf the Pippins, will leave for. Spokane tomorrow, aa the Grays harbor delegate to ' the annual meeting of the Nortnweatern league. He will be prepared to put up a guar antee of 1600 for a franchise, which will permit Uraye namor cities oemg repre sented in .the league.- Four or five players have been signed so far, which includes the Boettlgers, Sullivan. Hlatt, Hiler and 'Baker. Law and Phllbiick will also go In, 'probably. If thny deslrs. Alexander Poison of Hoqulam has posi tively refused to sot as president of the association and hla successor has not yet been selected. i Boxing Oood for Boys; .i Journal gpertal" Berrlre.l , Cleveland, Ohio, March It. "Boxing Is the best thing In the world for boys. It develops them and teaches them to defend themselves." Such wss the opin ion of glove contests expressed yestemsy Y Mrs. Henry Cooter, whoea sons, Ed ward, aged ana Kayrnona. agea 10. were In court today for engaging In a fistic exhibition at ths Oasis clubrnoms when the police arrested their father and 27 others present. The boys and spectators, wora dis charged by tha court, who held that Uiere waa ao violation ot the law till! yj-.. '. A 11' N A ' City Championship. ATHLETIC GOSSIP FROM STANFORD - UNIVERSITY Trustees Grant-Large Tract to Golf Club' and Dr. Abbott -Condemns Football. : tf Journal Special Service) - Stanford University," March 11. The board of trustees of Stanford university haa granted to 'the Stanford Golf club a large tract of land for the laying out of links. The agitation for the procur ing of -aultable grounds has been very strong this year and the golf club haa mada every effort to secure the ground. Kxpert players from Burllngame- who have gone over ths, course say that -It has tha beat lay of. land In the state. with th. -Edition frf ftevere.1 new en. thuslastle golf players in ths freshmen class golf bids- fair te become a very popular game at Stanford. Prof aasor. Abbot t. head of the law de partment at Stanford, at a recent meet ing or the university debate, em phatically placed himself on record ae an advocate T for the- imiinion of the modern game of football, - Ha held that tha ideal of a university. waa to gradu ate a cultured, educated gentleman, and then citing President Eliot aa an aa thority and speaking from his own per sonal observation, he held the modern game had such Inherent evils of pro fessionalism . and encouraged auch gen. era! corruption In university athletics that it waa prejudicial to tnia laeai. Dr. Abbott warmly . commended "the action of ' ColumbuTTh abollshingT"the gime there and prophesied that thla stand would soon be taken by eve mfiTftr Itr.U'rT.lttf of Vr. Abbott Is an athrete-hlmself said baa made a study of university ath letics for many years. Ha has gathered much data and haa a mass of. statistical and documentary evidence to substantl ate his assertions. Abbott Is one of the most popular men'ln the university, . He Is a graduate of Yale university. . FAST WORK DOWNS THE: DALLAS FIVE TEAM ' tfSrw1irl Dlanetrb to The Journal. Independence. Or.. March 19. The closing game of basketball for this Rea son waa played Saturday night between the Dallas team and Independence Ath- letlo club team. The first hsir or ths game ended on an even, score of 4 to 4, but In the second half tha I. A. C. team got ,Jn with -some splendid team work and outplayed the Dallas team In every way, the latter falling to make a single basket and winning only two points oa fouls. The game ended In a score of If to in favor of Independence.--' The lineup was as follows: Independence. ' Dallas. Fenton ; .Teats . Bhaw , Craven Arnolds Burch ...Forward. .. .Forward. . . , .Center. . .... Guard.. . .. .Guard.. Southwlck Craven ,. .. Wann .... Bysrs .. . . . .'..Only One aTerrera. t r, - "There are .many-boxers," says Ed White, who used to be a promoter, "but there is only one Aurelio- l.urreraom moons ago I arranged a bout for .htm and Benny Tanger, and I watched him like a hawk. . By desperate exertions I kspt him sober and worked him Into good condition. , The scrap was to be on Monday, and on Friday we went to Mil waukee to see-sjlgt-u-', ; ,r - -When we went Into tha hotel to reg ister, I was writing our names and for J a moment jost-signi oi iierrera., as fast, as possible I stepped to the bar. There was Mr. Mexican with a drink of whlHky sever fingers high In front of Mm. He saw me In the mirror and calmly put tha glass .Into his pocket, making, with the other hand, a quick reach for a glaas of water. When I came beside him lie was sipping the water. VJThla water, won't . hurt mew ill It. Mr. Whiter he asked . sweetly. 'No.' said I, "but that whisky will hurt your coat, you greaser scalawag.' " "Wf-11, he went, on ana rougnt ranger to a draw. But I didn't want to handle his affair any more." Baseball at at ansae Uaiveraityj, (Journal gprelal Scrvfe.) LawTence,-Kan., March It. In. the pink of condition and full of confidence the basebsll squad or Kansas university leaves today for Its- spring trip In the soutluGames ara scheduled with lead ing, colleges of Ksnsas, Oklahoma and Tsxaa . ,' . . . : Criticism rV1etedOutt-iWalter McCredie for Standing In J . .rrrrrrVsTirrCi DIRECTORS SAY M0Hl,ER BELONGS TO 'FRISCO Portland Team Experienceg Rainy Weather in New Training Quarters - Baseball and Boxinr Items of -Irpl t Ureat Specy ArrangetLV- With tha New Tork v Americans, the Montreal eastern, league team and his racing atable Frank Farrell should keep busy this summer. The new Interstate Baseball league meets at Lima, Ohio, today to arrange a schedule for the season. Tha circuit comprises Lima, Saginaw, - Kalamasoo, Bay City.. Flint and Monde. . . . - '"' ''.' ' e e ' The bsseball grounds of KaStTulver pool, Ohio, are so situated' that' it is aald a player can hit eafely Into one ptate, bunt Into another and foul into a third. - . . '. ; e e .. . . Frank - Killen Is "tA follow tha ex ample of "Bill'1 Phllllpa. "Bad" Ehret and The Bteltengteln and try season in rne sunny south. He is to pitch for I One wee front tdday and they will be off st Bennlpg.. .. . r-nm- - The Boston Natlohals are to play to day at Jacksonville, CinclnnsM Vets at San 'Antonio, Cincinnati Colts at Austin tnd Chicago White Sox at New Or leans. 1 . . , .. ... - - . - . - On Ite way to Chicago the crack swim ming team -of the New Tork Athletto rlub.etopa erf at Buffalo today to give series of exhibitions. , "a, e - .. .: Open amateur golf tournaments are on this week In Augusta, Georgia, and Ormond, Florida. e Tha latest suggestion ' for the - Glld- don auto tour-Is that the start be made at Cleveland, thence to Buffalo and Montreal., with the finish at Saratoga- .- - ,e - :. Gus RuhUn .wants to know why ha should not be numbered - among those claiming the heavyweight ebampionahlp. No reason in the world why you should gpJlaJmJtLOuJfjrq An athletlo meet of the blind stu dents Is to take place soon In Phlla- delphla. ' - Charley McKeever "Honey" Mellody. rr-- m w "wants ' tofIghr Dear Editor The meeting of tha di rectors In 'Frisco on Saturday afforded me an opportunity to vote against Russ Hafl of Seattle In tha Mohler case, eo Mohler-muet - remain-with San - Fran cisco. I didn't want Seattle to have strong up north. I don't care how strong the southern teams sre, but Se attle can never do ' ua. 7 I arrived at Stockton thla mornlnar and heard all about yesterday's game at Lodl, be tween my peta and tha Stockton bunch Stockton Is certainly the worst excuse of a training city- In tha country, it has rained hero aver alnce we arrived and when it doesn't rain the Calaveras river overflows Its banks and so be-tween-ths rata, and the river-we-are certainly In deep water. Last week all of our bats, balls, suits and playing paraphernalia were flooded at the park And you never saw such a mess of wet goods 1nyoufTHe. ThfiTTastsentehce, though recalling my misfortune, will ap peal strongly to Jontle. I have notified everybody that I would not have Garvin on the team thla year at any coet. i Informed the press on this point aeveral days ago. I think lnatead of a training city Stockton would make an Ideal wat ering place. I thought that out myself. I have not heard from Flood, Smith nor Essick 'and I am beginning to feel that they are going to throw me down. . I have not got much confidence In McLean either. The reporters here refer to Mitchell aa the old dray horse and the application touches me close to tha heart, aa you know Mike usually runs like an Ice wagon. T The truth is that the Stockton team Is a bunch of chumps and-can't, play, ball. Wa . could hava beaten them by a bigger score but what was the use. This afternoon I am going to teach the. boys how to swim. -The ball park la Just right for aqustlc sports and a few swimming lessons will be a big help to the players when slid ing to basea. , From day to- day I shall send you- brief reports of our doings. Regards to all my friends and Jontle. WALTER. . ef ... s .. .... Though the datea for v holding the Portland bench show have been published time and again, a morning paper makes the announcement that the show will be held from April Z 5 to April 21 In clusive, while the correct datea as pub lished In The Journal aeveral times are May 16. 11, June 1 and i Inclusive. This eon ec Iron Is msde atthla time SO that those Interested in tha coming bench show may not be misled. . ..--' e e The Psclfio Coast league -dlrectore have decided that Kid Mohler belonga to tha San Francisco club Instead of to Seattle. This l pretty hard on Russ Hall. . ' e e i Dear Son I had a wire from Walter ta the effect that he-elded- In with-the California managers and voted against Seattle- retaining the services . of Kid Mohler at tha directors' meeting on Sat urday, I want you to place me on record as opposed to Walter's action. The. California clubs have- too much In fluence .already, and how the northern clubs csn ever expect respectable treat ment -tnleae-they stand together 4e -too much for my brain to fathom. - It Is only a question of time until the south ern cities-will put suoh a blight upon basebsll In Portland and" Seattle that nothing will savs our organlxstlons. Walter should have stood by Seattle In that deal. Then again, he has turned down Oarvln, the nest pitcher that Port land had last year. On a losing team Garvin's record was 16 games won, 28 loet. percentage .66. . Toren, one of Walter's new pitchers, had a record of nothing last' year, ssvlng pitched four losing gamea. Tie also fielded .11 and batted ..67.; These sre but a few sample of what has happened, and If Established JLJS Years In Portland- r . Cmr method aiw up-ta dees aaut aatavort-UM of Bsurope aaa Amarus, - of mea-s . dlesaasa. Bssaaease eeur -m 1 - . r -g- T w. r Is-lsT, aa4 Wam OaTXiY. lipe"-; UOINQ-CURE FOR cnosrio DisoxAM-iau " VX.OBBv . rsuorrma, - KTDBOOaLg, - . TAmioocraui, ( 1LOOO rOZSOsT. - watrva nnllll--NiwlT All burning. Itching and Inflammation-stopped In It hours; cures effected Jn 1 oeye. ' - ' . ' ' v ; ' - ' WB OOTBB TBB BBTXBJI 'tIBIJ bl1' FBITATB " ABT OKBOBia -DCTP-aaiATBO, OOBCPUOATBB BZBBASBB. , , . WRITE. If you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential and all repllea aent In plain envelopes, . . No names, cases, letter or photo- - graphs- of -patlenta published or exposed. Inclose t-eent stamp-to Insure - reply. .IIOCRS 6 a. m. to I p. m.: Kvenlngs, wMTfTICH l!EClAlrANSHl HIKGICA1 COBBBB EBOOBg AWB XAM1 We treat successfully all private -nee voua and ehronle disease blood, atomaoh. heart, llv a ox men; aissi throat troubles. We cure ATP f without mercury) to stay cured for ever. . W jssmova 8TRICTTTR-), with out eperatMHor pain. In 11 days. . We top drains, night . losses aa spermatorrhea by a nsw method In a short time. We can restore the sexual -vigor of any man under 60 try meana of local -treatment peculiar to eursaivsak "W Cure - Gonorrhoea ' :. In a Weekir The doctors ef - this Institute ere art. regular graduates, bave bad many fears' experience, have bean known In ortland for 16 years, have a reputation - to maintain, and wilt- undertake- n case unless certain cure can bo eft acted. Wa guarantee a care In every ease we undertake or chares no fee. Consulta tion free. Letters confidential. Instruct -nve-BOOK- FOR-- MUM Wa euro the worst eases of ntles la two -or three treatments, without opera- tlon: .unv guaranieao. If yon cannot call at offloe,' write for eessfuL ' ii:LiiiiJirtz4 IN A WEEK Office hours, I te I and T te i. Sandaye and Holidays. 16 to It, DR. W." NORTON DAVIS & CO. Bees urVaiTNoyHetel. 12 Third Sff-atTCorner ITne. PortlaridrOr.- he continues his work we will have no team at alL I am beginning to get ex. cited over the prospects, while Wslter appears pleased with the outlook. Think over this. ! jinv-in,. GIANTS WIN PRACTICE GAME FROM STOCKTON Tasterday at Lodl. Catlfornta. the Portland Olanta played Us first practice game of the aeason, dereatlng tne Btoca ton aggregation by the score of ( to,, 4. On account of the Stockton grounds be-ina- covered with weter the game waa transrerrait t IOdt Owing - to -the patched up condition of the Portland team It was Imposelble to get a good line on the men. Moore, Toren and Merkle . pf f iclated in the box for the (Hants. . Both teams secured nine nits. The score bv Innings: ,.. ... Portland Runs ...... .0 t 0 0 0 4 6 0 " Hits lll'llii' Stockton .:v . r. ..... . r.o 1 1 e 1 1 Hits ti ieo i n Batteries Merkle, Howard, Toren and Donahue; Ingalls and Poultney,,, PENDLETON TO HAVE " : " A BASEBALL CLUB - Pendleton la to be represented again thla year on the diamond, tin Friday evening a meeting of the. baseball play ers and enthusiasts was . held In the council rooms and preliminary steps were taken toward forming an organisa tion for the coming seaaon. A commit tee consisting of Tom Miiaraey, noy Raley, Carl Cooley and U O. Fraxler was annotated to select' a manager and a temporary captain ' and also to draft ruina tor Ilia governing oi. ina tlon. An effort-will t made to nave a teani taat can iiom ua uwn wnu Walla Walla,. Athsna and othar tnwnsjn the circuit. - APOLLO MANAGERS TO HOLD SKATING TOURNEY . . , . . MMMMMM, i - The. Apollo skating rink managers are arranging for a six-days' .racing tournament, The affair will be the biggest one of its kind ever held on the Pacific coast snd will We participated In by expert skaters from al over the country. - Th ensct date of the tourna ment has not been set, but It will be during the latter part of March. SUNC M9 PLICATED AILMENT FOR for the fee: : 4 v. - ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE i NO PAY UN LESS CURED Coma Today to tbe SUCCESSFUL' Special--- lets who number their PERFECT Curee by tha THOUSAND I Yon want a PERMANENT Curat We can. ACCOMPLISH IT, no matter how akeptical you have become over feQuree of ' other. . In't-riesitate lcfer hen Quick Re llef and Perfect Health ara ataring you in tha face. aee ladoreeal Vy tha hlgli 6 ausvoa onr eeoaans la sveolalty la tyatrsea to the ' ' imr bz-tbassi rixBs astd rranrz-A '". rmoeiTATio snrnasm -- - - - nTO-TXTAI. PBaUX-nrT -VOCrTTBBiLX. BMT-SarOal MZDMwr am sx-jb bisbj contracted and chronic cases cure and - T:I0 te I; Sundaya, Urn. te-11 noon.. DISPEPISMY IX. STBJUITsT. XTI-aJro, 0BlO-t7 question bu-nk, Home treatment Needs Refilling? , Then why do you suffer a moment lonker run the risk of rosing the tooth altogether? When we charge absoJutclyrrOthrntj for examination ( and only moderately for actual work, why do you delay in consulting; ua aDout aenmg or disfigured teeth? Wa confess we don't know; do you? WISE BROS. Hals aoi. Tti ..J WssaJaaW Opa evrstngs aad Baas. . Wark seas ea aaj paysieBts, . BASEBALL CHATTER. Lou Criger used to say that when Big Bill Olneen and old Cy- Young out looaav end got giddy with the pellet, he felt like a man trying to hold up a falling wall at a firs. . The catcher's Job Is no cinch. . . .-.. ' ., ,. .-. . , e e Jimmy McAleer predicts that Xvans, tha new A merloan league umpire, - wlU i flll tha bill. "He knows the game and has the nerve," says MCAleer. Ona more quality Is indispensable Judgment. e e "The total attendance of the Ametioan league-for- the -sensort of 106," saya Lajoro's bsseball guide, "waa t.176.614. National Icagie, ..747,. 60, making a grand total for both Isaguee of Mil, SB.' ! . ....... , .- - -7 - Snow and not rain Interfered with Che McLean benefit gams yesterday at. Recreation park. Hard luck, Larry. Recollect the "way our old friend" Schrecklngost used to "hold"- Rube Wsddellt poor Schreck -used to reaclt for Rube's erratic onea, and many time ha haa saved tha big pitcher many a wild pitch. But Schreck, after the game, never could stretch his fingers aa octave on the hotel piano. i - . - e e - ' To the' New Tork Nationals belongs the credit of the discovery of tho first " of the present season's - 'wonders. Pltcgeralil. tha new catcher. Is tho man. -But so far he haa not bean reported te be "faat-onJtla feet and a ,J0 bitter.".. . e e The Philadelphia Nationals are still hopeful of landing Pitcher Puttmaii, Griffith's big left hsnder. A check tif $1,000 hss been forwarded by the Quaker management to back up the claim to Puttman In case' the New. York. Ameri cans givs him the blue envelope. e . - ". . Jim McPpnald, a pppular Coast league umpire, Is not desd yet, aa many be lieve. . Jim. may. be In tha harness again thla yesr. .... e Bill Essliik,- who wss a crack pitcher . on the Uiants last year, will not play baseball this seseon. Rsslck will work fora piano house In Chicago. , rreferred Btoek Oaaaed ooaUb Allan -t Lewis Bsst Brand. - Fortune comes to us on gum Adversity hires a brass band,. I T