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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1906)
- ' TirEOErjOir-TJAIty-JOITItNAi; PrORTLAKDTlIONPAY KVKNINOrMARCTtlr ptAn is for mtt RENE17FIGIIT Ffll! ACCUSED UEH - . -a ...... TO GO THROUGH GETS ITS ROAD in TWO MONTHS Council Street Committee Will 7 Meet Tonight and Consider ; Property of Oregon -Traction Company Sold at Auction, After Several Balks. John Davidson First Is Fleeced of Two Thousand Dollars by .' Madge Layboln. Habeas Corpus Case of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone ; Is Argued. ' - . EXECUTIVE BOARD CAN 7 : r ONLY RECOMMEND PRICE THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND DOttARS. PRICE PAID THEN HER PAL CETS 1 -'NINE HUNDRED ADMIT CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS WERE-VIOLATED 1 r - X! Council Does Not "Heed 'This and - Mayor Vetoes, Twelve Are Said to . Be Pledged to Overrule His, Veto- Referendum May Save Day. -. Purchasing Company,. Which Before Associate, of This. Woman Borrows Eight Hundred" and' Dsvidson Plunges on Races snd Loses More Has Not Enough toGet Home, I Case 'Taken Under Advisement 'and Attorneys Say Have Laid Founda tion for Reversing Decision of Con- vicjion on Appeal. V r"''" 7": ' Sale Owned Eighty Per Cent of the . Stcck, Is Ready to Start at Once Constructing Line to Forest Grove. UOITED MUMS ROBBED OFSOOO In accordance with the plus agreed upon Mwms the United Railway end th Willamette Valley Traction com pany whan .they Joined force In the Front street f ranchiae fight the street eommlttae of the city council la to maet -MrteTentnrfor the purpos of eenetdara . inm win.M.u - Ing In Willamette company a erdt- 'Glance. Tha ordinance waa nnnaMarjul , section' by. section at the special meel i ing of the council list Thursday even .. Inc. but it had been reported back' by tha street eommlttae In such Imperfect ., form that ef tar a number of amend- - - menta had been made a referenoe was . necessary. - .. - -- r:r If the program - arranged last week la - carried out the prooeading of tha com mittee ttlla evening will be little mora than a formality and tha ordinance will be favorably recommended .without - farther materia change. The next step on the program la the special meeting of the council next Wednesday, when ""both thr United Railways and-theWtt- - lamette franchises are) to be approved , ' and sent te the executive board, whoae duty It la to Us a valuation on each franchise. There, 1 nothing th- the-charter - te f It ahould be hlcher-than tha sums al ready agreen upon 1150,000 from the United nallwaye and IllS.tOS from th Willamette company ths plan la 'o ig nore the valuation altogether, pass tha ordinances and eend them to tha mayor for hla approval. In the event 'of hie veto. It la eald that II of tha council men stand ready to pass the. ordinances ir his head. - But -one way-will then remain to atop the franchise grab and that will be to Invoke the referendum. Business . men are strongly aroused over the Imminent danger that tha Front atreet franchise wilt . be surrendered without properly aafe guarding tha city's Iniereate and -without ad equal a oompan- . setlon.- AS the plane of the two com peting eompanlee are more fully under- stood It la realised mora and more that the traffio over the Front atreet line la destined to be of large proportions. In teres ted attempts have been made to be - little thla fact and to create the Impres sion that the number of cara that will tes over the line daily will be small. . The abaurdity of thla assertion Is abun- . dantly demonstrated by the anxiety of the rival lines to get through the atreet "Would either of theaa companies b willing to pay the city the sums they have offered if they expected tha t raf fia would not amount to over IS or 2 cars a dayT' asked, a veteran-railroad man todays ."In my .opinion jtlg.eon- scrvatu w estimate -thatst- least 100 care will pass over the Una every day. Airtfie cars thatTffwge to BmMh Port- a-by-tha round about route through-"-. - MiMlnnvllle will go over Front atreet. and that business la deattned to grow rapidly. In addition there will be all tha business from the Willamette val ley, and no one can foreaee It tnagnl- , tude a dosen years from now." ' Mayor " "Lena Is determined """that not company ahall have auperlor right over Front; atreet, but that It ahall be abso . lutely open on 'equal, terms to all rail roads that desire to use it. He advo- catoa municipal ownerahlp it the line, but If thla proves Impracticable et this time, he will Insist upon municipal con trol, so as to make discrimination against any road an Impossibility. The mayor believes also that the term of the pro- "poaedtranehteelstooiongpaBdhe wouia limit in em to le years. In order to afford the fullest oppor tunity for the buslnesa men of tha city to read and study the term a. Mayor Tane will have ISO conies nrlnted anil ... attributed among the large 1 shippers and representatives of the city's com- merclal tntereatar It Is expected that there will be a large attendance of business men thla evening at the meeting of the atreet committee. Ae tha council chamber le to be occupied by the committee of one hundred, tha street committee will prob ably maet on the eeeond flooref tha city hell. .. ...... ........ . Bark Daylight Xs Safe. (Journal gpedal Service.) Tokarehl.-Mareh l. The- bark Cay. light from New Tork arrived hers today, 17J daya elnce ahe laat reported. FAmUONT OWNERS SEARCH AMERICA PICK H. C. BOWERS FOR MANAGER Man Who Has Made Portland Hotel Paying Proposition and More ill Jfanrou Than City Jtself Offered Place at Head of What 'r T Will Be Tone of World's Finest Hoste Irlei; . After aearchlng all ever America for a man eompetant to take charge of what will be one of the most magnificent hoe telrlea In the world, the ownere of the Fairmont hotel In San Franclaco came to Portland and selected H. C Bowers, manager of ths Portland hotel. . . ' The offer waa made to Mr. Bowers Unsolicited, Snd he la considering the proposition. It ie said to ba practically decided that he will accept the manage ment of the Fairmont Mr. Howers re turned from Ban Francisco Friday night, after a conaultation with the new own era of tha hotel. The Fairmont was recently purchseed Vy Uw Bros, of Ban Francisco from Mre. Hermann Oelricha. The purchase trlce was equivalent to IJ.000,000. The hotel at present contains t00 rooms and In tha plane for Improvement announced by the purchasers there will be (00 added. . Tha hotel will ba formally opened to the public November 1 , of thla year. However, ln case Mr. Bowers accepts the management his presence In Han Francisco will be required during the eprkig and he will leave for that city In a few week. 7 " In acperrtlng the management of the lalrmnnt It la more- than likely that Mr. Bowers will retain hla Interests In the 1'ortUnd hotel, propositions to this end ar pendli. It '!,. Mr. Uvws i '.ion ct Following Immediately noon-a dli lutlon of .the restraining order of the court gainst the aal of the- property Of the Oregon Traction company thle morning by Judge Fraser, the aale waa - " - ", - ' Mt .7:, ,i2V courthouse by Secretary W. Ooulorof , Th. .,n. arty waa bid In by the United Hallways company for l,009. - There were three bide. .The aale waa tart ad by George O. Lemka, a repreesn tatlva of tha United Ball way company, which already owned more than 10 per cent of the stock of tha company, and waa practically. In poaeeaalon of the properties. - He - offered IS 0.000. Q. O. Osmmans of the firm of Gammanr at Malarkey, representing John M. Gardi ner, a . San ; Francisco. , promoter, who had claimed an Interest In tha property and waa the plaintiff In a eult to atop-h tha aale, bid 135.000. Mr. Lemka raised the-ntd to f K.OOOr-anA aa there waa no further, bid the property -waa knocked down to the . United Rallwaye com pany. , .'. .,. ...Z. . ,.. .. The property" consists " of" rlchte "?of war. a.nd franchisee evtendln from the grove and through Belch's gulch to the open country west of Portland, apd" tlieniejito IIIHaberei and. Forest waava. about 10 ml lea. There haa been consld arable grading and construction work done Inside the city limits. Ties and rails have been laid on Twelfth and Pettygrove streets., Against tha prop erty there were Hens for material and labor aggregating about. 140,000, which tha United Railways company will Im mediately pay, Snd then begin con atructioa ol the line la forest Urove. The contract will be let to the Loe Angeles Conatructlon company, of which M. H. French, and J. W. li Taylor are the executive anglneera,.. Mr. Taylor la in - Portland and has been at work some time with a party of engineers completing surveys and ' making ar- rangeraenta with a view te closing tha contract - and' beginning conatructlon work aa soon as the purchase of The propertlea by the United Railways comn pany waa conaummated. ' About 1.600 tons of rails for the road are already on the ground. . JUDGE W0LVERT0N ADDS TWO TO THE GRAND JURY Judge Wulvaitun thla afteinuun ! creased Hhe personnel of' tha -district laa county, andAndrew "ih Barret t,4 grocer. Fortran the first meeting of tha Jury elnce laat Thursday, when an adjournment waa taken tq permit F. H. Vinton to return home to see hie mother, who was re ported dangerously . ill. Hie absence decreased the personnel of the Jury to 15, one less than the statutes Bay-the body ahall consist of. Te guard against another forced adjournment through the absence of a Juror, Judge Wolverton had a special Venire of seven called, the membere to report to him thle after noon. Messrs. Buxton and Barrett were accepted. W. B. Clark, lumberman. Millwood. Douglae county, and Arthur- McPblllipa, banker. McMlnnvllle, Tarn LLIT"t!?C."SOll.'!:w4ef-elM.000. which muat-beldded tQ the lng did not respond to the mall service of the aumnions; w. H. isngusn, rarmer, sublimity. Ma rion county; C. A. Harlow, miner. Bo- hemla. county, and Howard P, Kllham. stationer, Portland. FRANK C. MILLER HURT IN BAD TRAIN WRECK Friends in thle city have learned of an aocldent in New Mexico In which Frank C. Miller; formerly cashier of the United SUtes National bank of Fort- land, sustained two broken ribs. He waa on board a train which waa wrecked and with number of others he waa in jured. Ha la aatd to have recovered entirely. Mr. Miller la now vice-president of the Pioneer Trust company of Kansas uity. manager of the Portland for the paat IS years. During that time he haa auccaeded In making' the hotal a pay ing property and In apreadlng Its fame throughout' the world. As a result of hla management, it la said, the Port land hotal Is known even mora widely than la the city of Portland. In He cuisine appointroente and Its arrange- menta for aervlng banquet partlea tha Portland le eald to be sneicelled by any notei in tne worm "Portland should be flattered thaf the owners of a hotel Ilka tha Fairmont should And It necessary to coma te this city to And a manager." said a promi nent guest at tha hotal today. "The brothers Law, who purchased the Fair mont, have looked all over tha oountry for one oompefant to tske charge end found no one In whom tbay plaoad auf flclent confidence iintll . they , came to Portland." In tha deed that was recently filed In San Francisco Mrs Hermann Oelricha transferred the Fairmont hotel property to Hartland and Herbert K Law. In consideration the Lswa transferred to Mre. Oolrlchs certain propertlea In Ban Francisco. The deal was on a basis of M.OuO.euO on each side. ., "The proposition to accept the man agement of (hi Fairmont has been made to me,". eald Mr. Mowers today, "and It Is likely that I will accept However, It an not be definitely determined until Wei-.' '?;.'' r .- T-; I "L. . i . 1 v. k - - . . Portland General Electric Company's eight-story building to be erected ; ' .. Seventh streets. TODAY - HAY END " , . A Railroad Interests and - Port of Portland Thought to Be Agreed on Essentials. Differences between the Hill railroad lines and the Port of Portland oom mis sion regarding the former lntereet'a pro posed bridge aoroaa tha Willamette river at the drydock alt Will probably la set' room a. It la practically certain - that the controversy over conditions to be imposed la at an end, and that tha com mission will grant favorable recom mendations. , . The railroad company has c6nceded a number of important points which tha commission Insisted upon.- In a docu ment submitted by President C. M. Levey of the Portland aV Bealtl Rall road company to Chamberlain 4b Thomas, attorneya for tha commission, it Is said tha railroad company haa practically consented to provide. In conatructlon. for an upper deck, if tha county of Mult nomah or the city of Portland will guar antee that the railroad company ahall ba enabled to derive a revenue that will reimburse It for the outlay of upward cost of the original bridge structure. The commission will. It la eald, con cede a point in relation to the extra tow boat which It wae propoaed to compel the railroad company to furnish for aa- "new?rllfe?"The railroad company. It is understood, agrees to dredge . tha channel and a basin above and below the bridge where ships may find an chorage in caaea of forced delay at the draw. The company aaka that It be al lowed to pay a fixed sum per year, In tha neighborhood of 11.000, to meat the expenae of thla dredging. Tha company conceded tha require ment for a longer drawspan, providing for openings of 110 feet lnatead of XOt feet .There are minor provisions upon which .no eertoue differences exist be tween- company, and the commission. Better feeling prevails on both sides, and It is believed the final seal of ap proval -will - be . plaoad - on . the bridge proposition thle afternoon, after which It will be turned over to the United 8tates englneere and submitted to the secretary of war, who will pass upon points that are supposed 'to affect navl gatlon Interests - A .committee of business men from St Johns called upon the commiaalonara thla morning to argue for a double decked bridge. The matter wae dis cussed, but decision deferred. . FOREST FIRE DESTROYS WHATCOM COUNTY TOWN (Special DMpateh te The lesraal Lynden. Waeh.. . March It. North- twood, TourTnllear north of her In What com county, has been - destroyed by forest 1 res. The lumber end shingle mills and many houses have been burned. The fire la within helf a mile of thla place and hundreds are fighting the f lamea. A speoial train from Belllngham brought out the fire depart' ment and many people to eld In righting the tlamea. - CHARGE J. P." MORGAN WITH DOUBLE DEALING ' - (ieamal Speelal Service.) Nashville, Ten a.. March 1. President Bradford of the Chicago, Cincinnati ft Louisville road filed anawer today to the suit brought by ths Morgan Interests In the federal court alleging that Mor. gan la guilty of double dealing and con spiracy in restraint of trade. TWELVE MEN KILLED f BY BIG AVALANCHE ' ' (Joaraat gpe.UI Service.) ' Sllverton. Colo., March 10. Superin tendent flyer of the Shenandoah mine on -tha .east slope of King Solomon mountain, four miles from thla town telephotiea that a anowsllde occurred I BRIDGE FIGHT there at 11:30 o clock, killing II mun.lntial salaiiea and creating three eonsu l'he bvdieg have been recovered, liar inspectors,-: -x -- - - SENATORS EAT .50 POUND SALMON At Fulton's Invitation Solons Gather to Discuss Columbia River Product. CHARLES FRANCIS MADE MINISTER TO AUSTRIA of Lteutensnt-Generei After Corbln and MacArthur Serve Shonts' Resignation Denied. (Wsahtsttoa Burses of The JoaraaL) Washington, D. C, March 1 t.A quo rum of tha senate assembled In the res taurant thla afternoon at the Invitation of Senator Fulton to dlacuae a (0-pound Columbia river aalmon. 'Among tha prominent senators who partook were AlltsoiwCrane, Falrbank. Warren and Elktna. The Oroavanor amendment providing for the abolishment of the grade of lieutenant-general In the . army, but specifying that Oenerala Corbln and MacArthur be not deprived or thin rank, passed the houae today. The bill . aa amended then passed. Speechmaklng on the railroad rate bill In the senate was Inauguratedto. ilnj lj ffnalni r rt aftnliirlry. Among others who will apeak thla week on tha subject are- Senatore Elklna. Bpooner, Lodge, Foster and McLaurln. Charles Francla of Troy. New York, former minister to Greece, waa nomi nated today td succeed Bellamy Storrer, ambassador to Austria-Hungary. Francla is editor of ths Troy Times and the eon of a former diplomat representing thle country in Vienna. . . The president today nominated George W. Irwin to be Poatmaater at Butte, Montana; for register of the land office at Redding. California. Claranos w. Lelnlnger for regleter of the land of flea at Carson City. Nevada, Louie i, Cohen of Reno; to be receiver of public money a. Carson City, Earl w. Trrmont to be receiver of publle moneya at Red ding. California. L. u, carter. The senate committee on territories favored the nomination ot TToggatt as governor of Alaska. Secretary Taft denlea that Bhonta Is to resign ae chairman Of the canal com mlaalon. HELLYER EXPECTED TO TAKE KERRIGAN'S PLACE That Clifford Hellyer will be Selected to fill the position In tha detective branch of the police service made va cant by the resignation of Detective Kerrigan !s regarded as practically a certainty. : 1- ' " v. 1 Hellyer mtsfor eom ttme worked In plain clothes. He haa shown' every requisite for a good detective end haa accomplished work evoking praise from hla superiors Ills success haa been due largely to hard work. He has never ah Irked a detail and frequently has looked up cases voluntarily. A number ot Important captures of bur glars and petty thieves have reaulted from hie Invaetlgatlone. Hellyer has been twice recommended to Mayor Lane and the police com m la el on for an appointment aa detective on the first vacancy occurring. Jt la. known that the mayor now has his ap pointment under consideration. , In addition to selecting Detective Reelng to asalat Detective Snow In pur suing the Investigation of the murder of Julius Kuhn thle morning. Inspector P.ruln assigned Datertlve Carpenter to work with Detective Day. . HOUSE PASSES SENATE- CONSULAR SERVICE BILL - (Joaraal Sseclsl Service.) Washington, - March 1. The house today passed the aenate bill reorganis ing The consular service, abolishing the fee aystom, giving consulsr officers s re- "it- this yesr at the corner of Alder and ,' ' ' '' 110 ONE TO GUARD THISFORTUHE- Thirty-One Thousand Dollars' - Worth of City Bonds but No One Cares for Them. City Improvement bonds amounting to 111,000 belonging to tha city water de partment rewltbQutAseeper.The bonds'ars negotiable paper and anybody who holds any of . them could collecTTn teres i on them When due on press n of ths bonde at ths oftloe of ths city -treasurer or cgltthem.fortheir face value when called In by tha city. Nobody dealrea to assume the respon sibility of having possession of tha $21.. 400 worth -of negotiable paper. CUT Treasurer Werleln has told the water board that he doss not cara to keep iham. Superintendent - Dodge, of the water department la not dlaposed to tSka charge of them and ths board has no In tention to permit any other Individuals to get possession of them unless placed under heavy bonds There haa bean a suggestion made that the board permit the city tressurer to keep ths bonds In the vaults, but be cause the city treasurer baa said that na aoea not cara to take charge of them. tms pisn is t ffly o be followed - At tha board; meeting Saturday Dr. Joaephl thought tha board ahould rent a aafe depoalt box In eome bank and keep ths bonds In it, but thla auggea- uon waa noi aaoptea. The ssnss win t . by the water board with the sinking fund, according to- the charter, which provides that the money In thla fund shall be Invested In city bonds Since the purchase of the bonds nobody has been authorised to take possession Of tnera and they are now In the vaults In the city treasurer's office. There era no records whatever to ahow that the bonds are In the keeping of the city treasurer ana ir anything ahould han- pen to them nobody could be held re sponsible, o ' Although the city charter doea not provide that anr bonds can be mads non- negotiable,- It haa been auggeeted that in order to make It poaelble for no other person than - ths en (relegated . by ths water board to collect Interest on or cash the bonds, the city auditor ba Instructed to make a memorandum on the face of each bond to the effect that K Is the property of the city water de partment, which would permit them to be Identified immediately en presenta tion, it la aald that If thla euggeatlon adopted the elty treasurer will be willing to become keeper of the bonds APPLICATION MADE FOR MOSES TAYLOR'S PARDON (SdH1 Dlmatch ss The Iwal l Salem, March !. An application for a pardon lor Moaeg Taylor; the wealthy Atnena ram-ner, -wae made-tv Attorney Will Peterson of Athena today. Taylor is earring sentence on a charge of at tempted arson. ' Talk oar John Brown. Tomorrow evening at the Sell wood puhllo school there will be a free lecture given under the auspices of the -Sell-wood library board. It will bn Q A. R. night and Rev. Dr. Clarence True Wil son will lecture, his subject being "John Brown." . , WARRANT OUT FOR DEATH VALLEY SCOTT (leanwl Special Service.) ' A e Los Angeles, March IS. e .- Warrants have been issued In 4 Inyo county for William Keys, Shorty Smith and Walter Scott. 4 the Death valley, miner. It is cnargeii, tnat "Bcotty" planned an ambuscade when es corting a party to the mines and ' hla brother Warner was shot, that "Scotty'a" famous mine sre-s fnka and that he got hla 4- -money by train robbery and swindling. ' ' I 44e . When John Davidson, a Umatilla farm er, came to Portland from Athena two montha ago, he "had about "15,000 in cash, which .be deposited In a -local bank. Ha waa bunkoed out of almost $2,000 bvMadge Layboln, the woman befngroughf baeo prTm B - attlo by the police after her flight In the night, but no charge would hold agalnat her and the farmer. lost every cent -ot -hla money. Then Davidson went to Loe Angeles California Word waasent . ahead to Zoe Mo ran, a female crook, well known to the local police, and ahe and a male companion fleeced him out' of $1,700. Ia a desperate attempt to regain hla money, Davidson "plunged"' on ths races end lost $1,100. : leaving him barely enough money to get back to Portland. Tha man la ths . picture of despair. H has" not even money enough to get back to Pendleton, where he has friends. In f act,, he hardly knows where hla next meal le coming- from. It ia feared that ha may commit. suicide. J . "When I got to Ios Angeles" eald Davidson, "I met Zoo Moran on the atreet She acted as if she expected me, I It new-here-whsa-sha waa-Ut-PoaU wlth her a time or two ahe told me that ahe lied assisted a bookmaker! when he was 'drwn and out' and that he waa re paying her now by giving her 'tips' to lay againat the other "bookies' - She aald her beta were euro propoalttona and I let her have 1900. "I afterward discovered that ahe hadn't even placed the money. - I In formed the police, bn they-aal It-was merely a breach of truat. and she could not be prosecuted. They fimed tier 10 leave town. howaver.JThatdldntget my money back. - ..... "Then a fellow who was doubtless Tier associate reduced me to Jet him -have tiOS-to bet. He-acted In the earns way he had. but dlaappaared before the- pe- lice could notiry him he would have to go. I had a little more than $1.$00 left. "Next I played the races hard, trying to get my money back, but I couldn't win on anything, and loat all but enough to return to Portland on.. Now I haven't money enough to take me to Pendleton. People that would advance me , money when I had coin won't notice me now. Tha $1,000 I had when I got to Loe Angeles waa left with the Oregon Bavlnga bank, and I aent for It," ... In order to get money for the Layboln. woman Davidson 'disposed of all hla property Ineaatern Oregon! A man paat middle age, he la now left to begin the struggle ef life anew. . IVRECKEO WHILE CROSSING THE UHPQUi BAR (Special pliMtrb te The Joaretl.) Aberdeen, Wash., March 1. The schooner Sadie,' Captain Johnson, ar rived In tow of tha tug Hunter. She wag wrecked while crossing bar, Oregon, and has a bjg hole In her bottom. Her masts and rigging ware carried away by high aeaa, and the sailors loat everything but the clothing they wore. No on wsa lost This ship is now at Lindstrom's ehlp yards for - - rPtrLm -wilLteck to the Umpqua The barkentlne Benlcla, Captain Sara Teralnor, and the schooner Ariel, Cap tain Splcer, left San Pedro the eama day with a bet of $100 on the first one reaching nort and wiring tha holder of the atakea. The Benlcla reached here nearly two weeks ago. Captain Teralnor haa received the money. - The Ariel haa not arrived, and la now 10 days out. BLACK SEA LEADER SHOT FOR MUTINY (Journal Special Seric.) London, March It. Advloea Bay that Lieutenant Schmidt, leader of the Black wr-m miiunr, nmw un TCUa neapice 1 Witte'sattempt-to save hlnvJ Sixteen Waahlaglon. March It. Usnaral Wood thousand workmen hsv revolted In the cables that the aenaational reports rs Kbarkoff district and serious fighting gardlng the Jolo battle were manufae la reported. tured by reporters in Manila, NEW MAYOR ISSUES ORDERS TO HAKE SEATTLE A CLOSED TOWfl: ' Moore Keeps Promise by Ordering Saloons to Close on Sunday All Slot Machines and Gambling-Devices Are 1 Ordered " " Removed Box Ordinance Is Enforced. (Special niepatcb to The Jourail.) Seattle. Wash.. March It. IramedU ately after taking the oath of office thla noon Mayor Moore issued orders to the police department to ae that during bis admlnlatratlon slot machtnea and Other gaming devices, either for money or trade, were kept out-of saloons and cigar etands The new mayor also Is sued orders te the police to see that sa loons were kept closed on Sunday-in the future, and that no closed boxes b allowed In saloons. Saloon boxes must be In plain view of th bar. The orders Issued by tha mayor are taken as an Indication that be means to keep hla prom la to give Seattle a closed town in accordance with his campaign pledges; A large majority of the retail cigar atorea kept ulosed yesterday, . th ownere declaring' they could not afford to open up If they could 'hot ruu either slot machlnua or dire games The legitimate aal of cigars for cash or credit they contend la. not eufllcient to VT the eapenaea of opera tion. Warrants would have been sworn out yeeterday by th retail cigar deal ers t ctose MP saloons, randy atorea and other places of buatnesa had It not been thought that tha new mevnrwonld allow.them to re'irn lo guming agmn The ord r ' new mytr I caused co Cigar meu (Sperlil DUpatek te Tae ' Bolae, ..Idaho, March 1. Attorneys for Mqyer, Haywood and Pettibone. of- '. tlclala of ths Western Federation of ! Miners.-accused of the murder of e-': Governor 8teunenberg, renewed their fight Jpr.jtheJlberetion of thelrcllenta i,, the circuit court of the United States this morning In their, arguments In the nateas corpus caae before Judge Beatty. The main contention of the prisoners ht ht 1 he Canyon count y d 1st riot ourt cannot obtain - jurisdiction over the defendanta through the f radulent acta of the governor of the state and the proaecutlns officers. It was admitted that the bringing of - tne men to Idaho was In violation of constitutional rlghta but that after they ' were within the boundaries of the state -they had been regularly Indicted for the crlme'and arrested a second time. -The caae waa taken findjfra.dv1sement. ' Defendanta' attornya say they have laid Jhe foundation for reverelng a da-Tla1onotf-couvictlon un appeal to-tha United 8tatea upremfi.i:ourtwhlch will -I hold that the Idaho courts had legal ' Jurisdiction over the defendants. - ICMUelMVII f F;fir-FF.-ni ua; BEGINS CONCERT-TOUR (Special Dl pitch U The Joarnl.) 1 - McMlnnvllle College. Or., March It. Tonight tha Oluee club beglna a aerlea of concerta which. If plana do hot faa will eclipse that of all. previous gleau - clubs in tha hlatorv of tha achnAL - Following the appearance here tenia thaciiih will appear at feel ton -Wed nee day night, Sheridan Friday night and probably- Amity on Tuesday- night. - The Glee club will make these towns during ths coming Weak or vacation and then will Uk in other -valley towns' and also a trip up the Columbia later in the spring. .. : Tha club Is composed ef 14 members -and also Includes an orchestra of sight pieces and tha college band. The club will be aaalsted in ail ita entertainmenta by Mrs. HWyae Jones, an Impersonator and reader of national reputation. Following are tha Ole club members: First tenor. A.' C.' Arthur.' J-.- Mei R. 8. McKee, Harold ' C'arlln; second ' ' tenor,' R. B. Culver, Roy Arthur,' L. E. Tllbury, Earle Roberts; first bass, 1. F. -Olds. R. C. Hill. E. V. McKoe; second base, C. F. Corplon, O. I Tilbury, C J. McKee. ' . M00DY-BEGINS ARGUMENT ON BEEF TRUST CASES" ' (Jenraal Special Service'.) ' Chicago, March 1. Attorney-Qeneral ; Moody began the arguments on the beef " rase thla afternoon. . Ho aald that the government ia eo determined to convict Individuals who have violated tha law .'. that It cannot concentrate Its attention on corporations - . SMITH AND MATLOCK FILE THEIR PETITIONS (Special MpaHhi te The JooraaL) Salem, Or . March IS. B. I-.- Smith . of Hood River today filed hla petition for nomination on tha Republican ticket for senator for the terns - bsglnnlnsT" March 4. 1907. J. IX Matlock of Eu gene. Democrat, filed hie petition for -nomination for state treaaurer. IrTCHEtySiyAl CRITICISED BY MINER (Journal Special Service.) " ' " "' " Indianapolis. Ind.. March IS. A dais. gate In tha mlneworkera' convention today criticised Preeident John Mitch. oil's allk hat The convention cried htm down and shouted It wae glad to have a president who could wear a silk hat Wood Blames Beyoteaaa. , IJiwn.1 . - . - - soclatlon to be held Wedneaday a' fun will be raised to employ attorneys le enforce every bide law on the statute books. At noon today Mayor Balltnger turned over th admlnlatratlon of the city's affairs to WilliamHickman Moor -f th ' municipal ownership party. All other new officials aaaumed of (loe at the earn time With th exception ofT City Treasurer Oeoerg F. Rueaell. who la ill at him home with diphtheria, and th city treasurer's office waa turned over to Jtls chief deputy. Harry F. t ar roll, who took th- office of city con troller, replacing John Rtpllnger. the present controller, who- ran for msyor on th Republican ticket and waa de feated by Moors Scott Calhoun cm tlnues aa corporation counsel. All tha new eounolhrwm took the oaths et of fit during th lunt weok aul sent Into f flo at noon. .' , After foipial oatha of nffl-e wer taken at th city hall a ptihlin tria' il lation van held at I lie tir 1 r hmian. A Urge roi ddree.ea were r 1 Incnmlng rlt v o public lotnl!i 1" ' Ho wen c '(IIIK-I. ' - c