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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1906)
-Ji OTCrtEGIStATURE DID BUT LITTLE Two " Months. Session Accom- ptishes Small Chance Tn Anry ' -. Department of Affairs.? PASS BILL FOR KILLING--v BANDS OF WILD HORSES Two Measures Relating to Railway Grants 'Abo Acted Uxn and Alto Act Prohibiting Shipment of Tim- ber Unless SwedJLntoJLumbeiv (Special Dispatch te Tbt Josrsal.l ' tin for the space of two nontlii the legislature of the province of Brltlah Co .Oumbl, ..JbttUyerjrjrewarti !which make radical cneng in " -meat of th. affairs of th. Purine. An act passed prohibit th shipment rrom the province of timber excepMbat aawa op into lumber. Only one excep-. tlea was made end thl wa. ht Pr mlaalon la Siren to, the mills Cascad rani of mountains to shtp telephone polee. railway ties end mining ""The Und act wee emended this esslon so that preempters eaet of the Cascade mountains will tn future hare to content themselves. wlthl0 acres Instead of A ...pea. . 1 In the hop of assisting In the x termlntUon of the dlaeaae Of flan dam tn V- the Interior of the prorlnce. a bill wee passed provldint meane for killing off i i . iir hnra which abound , im nnui " j tea ranching country. The epread or "the disease to theee herds and the con - atant intercourse- between the -. tame i ... a ha wild once, makes it extremely dlffloult to a tamp out aland came a law. ; WflllS nfl new railway cmnpsiiles were .l.....n. or nn.mera ami ... number of these Incorporated at the paet eeaeion. - Quite a number of these were intended to be built eventually into the northern nart Of Britiah Columbia, which become of more than passing at-4 tentlon from railway poini oi v'w - eoneequenc of the Grand Trunk Pacific . being projected through It. Several of the line projected have their northern '. termlnua on the line of the new trans continental road, i if SUllroad Crraate. ---Twe eetarelallng to rallwaya -which were pa aril arW"rthyof mora than passing attention, Thee are theHM Id way & Vernon, and ; the Columbia : 'Western. - Both are amandine acta. The former la Intended to reinstate the rall-C-waff acted, in . winning . Ita eubstdy rntt-amua veers aatr by tl - eiai narllament. It has been held that the time for the starting- of. the road. May 105. waa allowed to paea without work, being commenced. The govern ment Jn fact refused to give the eub sldy unless this fact waa proved In the courts of th Und. Th-bill Which ha been passed reinstating tb company I dependent upon the fact being proved that work was.thenbegutE -Another act-was - that or muKini t .' j a I i rt4 ii II J testy uvswr.. ft y- ' - - m i l -Li.....,, k u . .1. xi-1 1 .a i i - 'j , 1 ;y u i ., I r ;; . J Iff . t 1 ii v - - J r1 : rr l 2171 1 mi i ii -4 P" t -W i i . - - DEAtMi FEMININE , There' a PP printed In Portland, "which th first twa lettere of "a nam er well. If th paper with th "flggere- in the upper Hght-hand corner of the front page, that he earned ita right of way Into Oregon home and th favee of Its wflnuadernroanx ways. ' IZat' ThiireTay at the jnseUBg 0I tno. Borne writer hi elaborated th usual trm "woman suffrage to "woman's suffrage." The latter Is harder on the orlnter - and form - a eomoinauon - or sibilants awkward to Jitter and by no mean euphonious. . -Woman cuffr;' is entirely correct, forajiy,noua.lhat tan b .used as an.d-. i'tiv ua. einn nr" - Home' Training association, in th dls ... in !, rniiawad th reading of the paper, one lady wroae and asked how ehlldren could b kept ffom reading th newspaper and another replied that he did not think they should b kept from It. but that their reading ahould be explained and directed by the parent. It can be safely and to decided ad rentage be put Into the hands of young Mni aid snouch to read a paper at all. and to the writer the euggestlon of Mr. ConneU, preeldent ory in nomi Tralnlna- association, that pupils b In structed by their teachers to look at the newspaper for important items m. M.mnui In tha morning to mention euoh in the five minute or so that th taach er might give to th world' nw be fore beginning the regular, aohool rou i m mw.m eeettent-nr-3Tj3r!"- Thii method would tend to prevent that narrownea and provlnclallem that come from forgetting that, th world Is big plsc and th town on live In but , "mall part. of l-t. . .. TWi: naner always has room In Its columns for th work and th Interests Of women. Tor Instance, laat Saturday's Issue gave a good deal of space to pic tures and to printed matter relating to th T. W. C, M. and 1U workj Surely It .ii tiava been devoted to no better MUM " Notjilng appeal more strongly - woman - wno .uoii.uu iuiu w -life of aelf-supportlng and self-depend-.. .iri than these efforts to make her life -enjoyable- to fill It vlth-Jileasur. to give ner an opyonuiuiy w-.- .... tn.t win hlo her to rise to some thing,, perhaps, higher than, her Pmnt place in the wono. Tha nature classes that are to oIemTra-cTerunaer oufTeel and an work of an adjectlvt.jiwprnan('lsln thls'lostanc. . . Another common example of the ad Jactlve use of a noun 1 to, the phrase. Ore eon weatner. ana in sun anvvnwr famous -phrase; -otrt-werca naroa."i many years Tb earn word is ootn noun ana vera, Celebrated Anarchist WhcrDfedti ABDUCTOR MAY BE WEALTHY REJECTS DEATH RETURNS BY AND CHILDLESS MAN CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS . T. tha 'aama lasu of tbl Paper which gave so much space and prominence to Y W. C. A. work; Is an "open forum" tnr tha naa of tha sroe and antla of th woman auff rag queetlon. with this cau tion, whloh is aa-ood Illustration of th .w.r' nlar to both side and narannalitlaa eliminated." ?-a n had. though, that women should need that-caution, r and-frm- Nw Theory Advanced, as tojSpokana Health Officer 1 Holds Disappearance of Pretty f ecx incompjjxenx xo uuS. Johnnie Toso. otTto Cause ofDealh. IJMrMl Spertal Barrlee. rancisco. - ia.rcn -Altrt I Mml nianateh te The Joarnal.) okanec Wash.. Maron ! Aai. grant of about 100.00 acres to tb Co- lumbla Wotem railway. This Is for ' a section of th road which lias been built but for which the time for mak ing the survey of the lands to be granted has expired. Th government took th ground that the company could not be ' kept out of the land on thl account tn -th Interest -of -the provrnoe. - It wa contended that the government was aa much to blame a the railway company - in the delay In the surreys as another ' piece of land had been arranged between the two to b taken In the place of this which was vntually taken. GLEE CLUB CONCERT AT FOREST GROVE 1 . (Special Dispatch te Ike Jonraal.l ' . . Toreet Grove, Or., March !. The - Choral -union and Glee club, concert Trt dar nlaht In Marsh Memorial hall waa the treat of the season among the must-' car events' held here during ine conea-a vaar. Tin uvuuimn u uiviuru mm three Parts, the Orst being a cantata. The Ladv of ChallotL" by the ladies.' ti,. .a nmrt ht t h e mixed eharae. consisted of. Netherland folk song, while the third part was per kap more greatly enjoyed, college glees, aoloa and choruses being the main fea ture. - Manager Markel returned mat sight from a trip up the Columbia, making dates for the seme concert In Th Dalles, Wasco and Lev Grande. This concert was under the direction of pro fessor and Mre. F. T. Chapman of the untvereity. r,... .,. n.rt.r Pater Toeai In the returns -signed -by-Christian Scientists laitar'a ranch near Colma, advanced a wni no longer be accepted. They muat new theory concerning the kidnaping b Bgnad by a -regularly, Uoenaed phy- , . that. 1 it look a If lh antls were In i : ir. k.r. in nraann:.tust th reaaoa why the pros shoula give mm m mii . "'"""i1 id-courteoua neanng. Tha nman who doesn't want her re sponsibilities Increased by having xne ballot put into ner nanoa i. tha arudclna tolerance of her differing jlsteiubut tQ Jiex ungrudging; and warm Intellectual nospnainy. Surely ln-adlsoussion-oi xnis aiuu ther 1 no piac ior perswui" txhnnia Toao Sunday evening, itoaa thinks It la possible mat me oaoy wa- abducted by a wealthy ehildlesa man whose brother some montns ago lted the Toso ranch. H- base -thl opinion pn, th fact that about 1 miAthf-ani a stranger ura-va u n ana evanlna and stopped to ad mire Johnnlanrnuuallatttlful elclan. Thla la tha edict lasuea py Health Officer - Charles V. Oenoway t the undertakers of Spokane. Speaking of personalities reminds me of Ralph Waldo Kmereon a man too .rait to even know that he had a per Dr. Oenoway tate, that be ordered .onallty anybody could attacfc , the ehanaa aa a crotectlon to .Jllmeell, -At on irat w w-a -5 - aa ha la raanonalbl for the correctne trf-the returns, snd tMnksChrlstlan k Mil AhlM "I'd give a good deal to hay a dot like that." said the stranger. . oui don't suppose his mother would b wUl- Ing to sell nimr- Rosa, who wea standing with Toe near the house, leughed. - . - "No," n aald, "you couldn't buy -that 1. a "Well.: Bald. the atrangerJTd gira good money for one Ilk' hint, and ray brother, who Is a millionaire, would part with a lot If that money would bring him such a magnificent boy." After some general eonrersation, the stranger climbed Into bla buggy and drove away. . Rosa today remembered the eonrersation, but -not man' name or appearance. Sheriff Irins of Saa Luis eounty no tified Chief of Folic Dlnan thl after noon that th two men and tha child who- loft-thla city Friday on th ateam schooner Samoa were Mexlcant. They were questioned at Port Harford, and r-""""1 '"K the satisfaction of the 'frerlff that the one waa the father of the .hllil Tha hafcv WU a girl. Both Toso and Roea aoout tha alalia M-a ih.r, Thevsay the members of both these organisation of thugs ro natives of Naples or Sicily, ana that their acquaintanceship in this country consists entirely or aenoes. HfclRS BEGIN SUIT TO HAVE WILL SET ASIDE SaeeUI nupstek te The Jeereal.) Corvallls, Or, March 1. Suit was filed Friday evening by three neirs in the I-oulea Stewart estate against the fourth heir, Mrs. Henrietta Randall, to aet aside the deed of the late Louisa Stewart, whereby sh conveyea to mr. Melissa McMahon, a daughter with whom she had for a long time resided. ISO scree Of land In Benton oounty. in a .h.iroh In a smalt Massacnuaeita n After be had finished, a devout Scientist, incompetent to iudgTia o TS. kt raus-of death both, becauee tner 00 no believe in disease and because they have BOt at U fflci0let'"itll0 wlw)dJ oX - where a man dlea who has not been attended - by a- phyalelan - the ooroner will have to file the return, deciding the cause of death after r lowing the re mains. " i , ' ' -TTie fl rat 'case, to eome upnndcr the hew ruling of the health officer wa that Jamaa Hook, who died last Saturday. tta- hait been suffering from bronchial pneumonia and was under the care of tha flnlentlata. Falling to Improve, he oailarf In a nhvaician. who told him hi chanoea. ' The paUent waa not - satis fied and recalled the Scientist After ha jiiad " Or. Oenoway refueed to ao- cept th return of the Christian Sclen tieta, and th physloian who had been called did not care to file It, ao tha cor oner made th report. COMPANY-NOT-LIABLE TRUST CO1.1PANY AND CONSIDER - TUB ALL. v IMPORTANT PACT FOSTXaSTO, OSSaOaT. That tn Sddraaa Intr Mrs. Pinlc haea- row arw-eotr- Tiaiffgyour prlvat tus- to -a;wom'n a woman wboaa axpari encawilh women.' , dla-. aaaa oovera a wraat THD BUJtXINO LOANS made by ua.: afford th moat practical, mean tot th average wag earner to acquire a horn Ill.ISper month, for month will raoay ... a 1 1 LOOO . loan. - prlnelpalan4 . In-. trerirrrar"rni' , , . , -v ' -. - Mr. Plnkham Is tha daughter, in law of Lydia B. Plpkham, and for many yeara under he rd treotionf, and alnoe bar d. cease. 1 advising1 mn1 COLUIHBIA naerneraireouoBf, s nd alnoe her da-j S i Many woman . w ' - : ' anfTe1 In sileno and drift along- from bad to worse, knowina; full well that thfy. ought to bar immediato aaalat ance. but a naturalL.mpde8tilmpels Can be obtained, by investing S,00 cash In 100x100 feet, with new bnprov- mantaw--f.-- --j. -" V;.Z- ' kn - - - them to shrink from expoeiug- them- XCSIUCnvCS 1 aelvea to th question and probable fT.OOO roome.. on Johnson,, near. cxamlnaUona of eren their family .'J'iW ,tr,L.' ... t...'. ' Tt la nmhablv too late te find the tomb of the man who flret Invented hot- Idaye, but he I entitled to our grati tude, even though be. Bleep In an un known grave: --; The confectioner keep u apprisea 01 th passing of on and the coming of another day to celebrate. No sooner do the cherries and tn natcneta 01 xne im mortal George disappear from their windows than the rakish high hat and atumpy dudeen Of old Ireland, make their appearance with the dainty. little shamrock, loved, not by lh Irish alone, but by everybody as a symbol of "good luck." v ' .- ... ' What' a dull world it. would be if there were no racial airierences no chance to love one particular on 01 wis green earth a little better tnan anoiner and to Snd dear and close comradeship Ith others who spring jrom tn same soil. -J Old Ireland has a flavor an ita own and la dear-to the - heart-, or . every woman Tjecause it has no nakes. We muat have Inherited our dislike for the serpent from Father-Adam, for It Is not recorded, that-Ev held him In any.fear ah nearly all her daugh ters have a strong inherent rear ana loathing of Mm -z.. Rnnbi of travel and atortea of trav eled friends were powerles to f.UJ. m with a desire for a trip to Europe, until it waa mv aootsi fortune to hare wore. In torn of th rnt nouya. "V"T 1 Luiu bahbuL xuut 1Ood-wUl. na"?ffrr" Vhna fiamniar emrlth Slilff SlUtnorsi' mm . . . . . . . - 1 VlsfwVll IMIIBWHi w TRUST COMPANY . m. wnooa, v.-?.. xzts rxoom, OOSTOOSUB iu. II Per Cent Net Interest physician. It ia unnecessary. Without, money -or price yon can consult a wo man whoa knowledge from actual ex perience ia great. ' . .: . Mrs. PInkham's SUndlsff IsvKatioa. Women Buffering" from any form of female weakness are Invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass. All letter are received. opened, read and answered by women near Twenty-first- tret Flanders Street IOiIOS feet, facing south, near Twenty . -first atreet ' . '- Holladay'c Addition lOOxlOO, with 7-Toora residence, on East Seventh atreet, at a bargain. , , ;-! 1 Irvingrton only. A woman ean freel talk of her J1, lOO-corner- oi.". on improvea . J . .... . , I mtrmmt aamant lMWftllr. An tklaelC private illness to a woman; tnusvna . . - adjoining above. C , . I II. I a . 1 . J veeneataoiianea uwtwtunwuuuoum l-.(Ha lnt v.. tii.v. j k 800 insiae lot, minnuuiat iukuui mm . 4, i, a, t I j II t ' of America which ha never been i: UIV iew rlTK AQaiilOn broken. Ont of the TSt volume. of i-W have-17-holee lota-te-aell-ea experience which ahehaa to draw from, I Installments. . : . It la mors than possible thev abe nasi niv.. Af raiTrar t. esjij luiowltilae thafrTrl .1 si. a .i. . ...1,1.. i. Buitaai ror Platting, cip jour vm. 'U alee wlthli. 11, minutea' ride. ' situate : on . car American I any woman, rich or poor, ia rery fooliah to smuggle her up to my room, curl up bottle of Lydia E. Pinkl on th couch, at Bridget -comfortably Compound atonce, and i where I could look -at her. ask one or vimynn. Maaa., for-i two qu..Oo-.'and then-off for old "JSXs i . . u,...,. k.h M.nw an woman who would feel herseir consia- sne ooes nu ""- erably above her. and sh was eloquent g-enerous offer of aaslstance. about her own beloved Ireland. I used 1 Jf you Kra ill, don't hesitate to ret S to smuggle her up to my room, eun up bottle of Lydia E. Knkhem'e Vegetable write nra. ruw- forapecial advice. Vaa Waan aiMVaafiil ! - Herdeeerlptioa - of ' th Wthom In restoring- to health ao many mjr hedrea. the labumuma, the freshness of you cannot well aay, withont tryina; it. the verdure, the beauty of every-feature 1 " I do not believe it will help of the-lndcap cam Trpm tn neart. i ejLUntmi an4 ehnvTnclna'. Then there were true gnost stories some Of th oia nouses oi me xnan gentry, and eren marveloua talea of the dread banshee. IvVrSNDREWSTCOT auii ding. XamlHom 131 Third Street. Illf TS OATOSt PV9 anSATst TXZXt ,. . . , W nui ruv xava- ... . WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ANY COAL CARDINTiirOtBBONS'TOI a YODSE MiLLlOHAIRE'S WIFE WANTS TIE SEVERED From the Pittsburg Dispatch. Cardinal Gibbons was facetious when th Irish Ladles choir, of Dublin called on him. Turning auddenly he asked: Which' one of you Is the oldest!" . -None claimed th honor and all blushed. - -; , Tha talk drifted around to-mimor .Josephine Cunningham Whittellj Tires After Brief Matnmo--nial Experience." r air-wlaK hvirn. kinds of house coals and the renowned FAIRFAX Tl-hour coke and Fairfax and eaatern biackemmrs coais. . . mnre) vw nowm kaibt sns. . Vulcan Coal fc " sss BTJjninB ajTStaa. A Good Example Is the Best Sermon - nil Ms band, and Cardinal Gibbons told S . II IliSTa ill IIISB UI llliniuiis ww.a ' .. - a- . .Tnd with .11 th. -oathms-TOlttm tit rnnaord aa an amlassTT of Ba' When Mr. Emerson wss on uw w horn with th friend who naa accom panied him, the friend ventured a refer ence to the fiery aealot who bad flung his theological, inunaerpoits gentle transcendentalism Ills only reply was that Mfr-; seemed a rery earnest and sincere man. . PRINCE OF WALES' INDIAN TOUR PROVES FIASCO Evokes No Enthusiasm From the Natives Royalty Makes a Vexy Poor Showings - urt BueetatSrrleal " Cunningham Whlttell has tired or her husband and hla wealttw-, atarrieo a - heats aha has repented after . a brief matrimonial eaperlenoe, and . an now aaka tha court of Alameda county to sever tha tie that made her the wife Of George Whlttell Jr., son of a well known millionaire. Mental anguish due to oruel negleot haa prompted the young woman to aak for a. divorce, and -It waa on th. ground, of cruelty that ehe baaed tha complaint that was filed here Saturday. . .. The marriage of George Whlttell and Sosephln Cunningham nearly two yeara ago cam aa a shook to th parnta-nf th young man and to hla friend, many of whOra believed that ha waa engage! to a prominent young society girl of San Francisco. Tils parent naa eeni him abroad under the car and tutelage Vmim WAtnarvHanrl EmBdrtf ontofTtay"Baker. hoping tlsto get him i r .. I awav from the Influ laglhatthcardlnal wae In the audi- apce. played "Marviana. My Maryiana. nil how It sleased him. . miim.M" nM tha cardinal, "wa fa mous for hla playing of Mosart's Twelfth Mass.' Once he played It In a North Carolina town, and next day the local paper announced that he ren dered with - great -r effect Mosart's TwelftSTdassachuseua' " : '-r- GOES TO SEEK TREASURE SEEN IN A DREAM (neelal PUpatca te Tt looroil.) (Journal epenai errice.j i . .' k Mn 'h l'l nraamlns I1'- SSk March 1-,-Ajeel-le n. i Spo An ounce of protection ia worth s pound of cure. It is up to you to be protected from , the - cold - and - mow and - to -effect s big sarinj at the same ' time. - ;- . TODAY WE OFFER " - OVERCOATS $8.65 Your selection , from the re maining lots of our $12.50 and fiS.OO winter garmente." All , aigca but few of a kind. IflOIlCLOTHinGQ ; Gus Xuhn-Pro Outfitters for Men arid Boys -t- 168 snd 168 Third St. 'Mohawk Bldinj , landed down III Ilia '' I f rom Bom bay. brought by the L,uelle Dreyfua Mining company, at Danville, Washington, tjo recover poesesslon of false and fraudu lent certificates of stock outstanding. Ths company wss not held liable for the bogus stock of that company. Issued t, vrnarard J. Kressly while he was secretary of the company, and the hold- aonallty, ers of such stock hav no recourse ha. Ceen against the company. : The decision -wa mad on th ground that most of the partte dealing with Kreesly were dealing with him as a private individual. It appeared from the evidence that In most of th cases "a ya that th tour of th Prince and rnneess or vaiew-i Jndla that - Is coming to an end has been a deplorable fiasco from every point of y lew, and has evoked no enthusiasm from the natives. English officials and native chlefe alike complain of the prince's reticent and unattractive per- rnne ins pthil-cti a. positively repellent almost ....h.r. She came to jnaia agunn ber wish and never tries to conceal that .t.a ia intanaalv do red Th princess rarely exchanges a word wi.h iha orlnc. tt eem. Sh cut out nna nart of th tour' and wae r u art inna time nrevtous to ber death da eeaaed had become so enfeebled and deranged mentally that ahe was easily susceptible to th inriueno ana per suasion of othere. and that Mrs. Hajj dall Induced deceased to convey to her the 10 acres of land wnicn nguree in the case. Th plaintiffs are Mahala Stewart, Jehlst Stewart, r- Lafayett Stewart and Mra Mellaea MoMahon. They pray for a decree of the court setting aside the deed, and for cos's and dlsliuisement in 4h suit Wea th. erford Wyatt ot Albany and K. R Bryson of Corvalll are attorney for plaintiff. - , TWENTY CASES ON; THE BENTON DOCKET Kressly went to the offlce of the parties r.mfcn,a at Agra for a fortnight, while Ka rfaalt and borrowed .. ..nt arnund alone. money, putting up for collateral stock ,Botn r disgusted at the way the tour .f ih. romnanv purporting to xe tn. ... been treated oy tn cngnan Fr.a newspaper an n . . . w . . ith ths r-yat py. ui nothing has been pubiisnea nil waa aentenced flv. years' imprisonment lAnMflM SUFFRAGISTS ' '- Olympia Church SCeetsv .....i.i Tt.r. t.h t The Joaraal.) -TJlympla, Wash.. March 1. The an- nual meeting of the First Fresoyienan nhroh of this city was-held Friday MEET AT CHEMAWA ,a 1 i..M..t Tttsa Jrvirrnsl - ,.V-a: or.. March 1.A large and evening and was attended by more than I enthusiastic audience aseembled at the ' (goarlal Wpatra to Tb Journal.) Corvallta, Or., March !. mere wm be SO cases on the docket at the com ing term of th Benton county circuit court, which convenes In regular ses sion on March tt. The preliminary session will be held next Saturday morning, x There are five criminal cas-.s on the dockot and seven dlvorc caae. the latter being an unusually.large num ber for one term of court In Benton. Wot oa Klamath Frojeo. raaft- tn The Janraal.l I Klamath Falls. Or.. March 1. Mason. Osvls ec Co. have established camp at I I lie east end of the city, to which men. I horses and Implements ar being added t constantly, and they expect oon ss th weather will permit to t 500 men I., aork mnnlnl dav and night Shift. (All loral matu. including Indians froml- ; th H-SPrvatlon, it tney pnna m- selves able to do the work, win oe given employment, and they expect to complei their contract wltfcln eight month. .-' 300 persons, mostly memoers. juuh II, E. Hadley was the orator of the evening. The matter of building a new church cainoe was- isiarq over ana votearsclosearnin overwhelming ma jority in its favor.. A grand supper was served by the ladlea of the congrega tion. . ' ' ' . Tuners! of r. Xrrim. (Bpeda! Olapatr to The Jonrsetl ; Albany, Or., March J. The body of the lste r. K. I Irvine was laid to rest yesterday beside that of his father. The funeral took place from the residence of his mother and was conducted bythe Christian Scientists, of which sect he was a follower and believer. ) Daiins Ponder (( AVew J , r".!-"."' - , ; - 1 .. v. . ..... ; km r. h hall here last rriaay svening . II. fan tn an address by Mrs. Emma navaa on woman suffrage. The waa nraslded over. by. i'Jt All- amw."sj w a . .laWA man who Introaucea tne speaker w . evening. Th following officers were elected: W. H. Allman. prealdent; John t Rairu. vlce-prealdent; Frank E. Hall. secretary, and William Goodrich, .trees- A -committee . waa . appointed to do what it could between now and June t farther the cause. Thl committee -.ii. of th offleers and W. P. .ntnh.n Mrs. Belle McClelland. Miss T...ia Munn. Tt. D. Johnson, 8. O. trail. Mrs. AUc Swarts, J. J. Burdette a.t Mra. Mason. " Before adioumment a rote of thanks waa tendered Mrs. Devo. -a SlaW--a-asaaeeaaBeaawaia OHIO BANK WRECKER IS PLACED ON TRIAL flaarart Beerlel KerTlra.l Cleveland. Ohio. March 1. The esse ar John if. ,immrm.ii, n.i w.... wrarklna- the Wooster Dana, was cauea in. trial In the federal court today, ror mer Congressman I V. Ohliger. serving a sentence of two years in ins iuoinua nanltentlarv for Complicity in m wrecking of the bank, hss been brought here unrtar guard to -restlfy-in-tne eaea. Both Ohliger and Zimmerman fled to f-anada after the bank failure, and ware ranturad ther and returned to Ohio. , to Find Fabulous Stors ofColdt. (Journal Special Service.! there was a sDOt In Nevada where lies a rahuloiia alore of undiscovered gold, Mra Percy Von Ohn of Plafnfleld, New him care mor for th iignt or in tenderloin than for hla hom. If wa Wnown- that- he was enamored of J Anna Held a company, wnom ne naa met In this city, and this was one f tlonw mat prumptea nis narenta to send him abroad. But absence did not cool the ardor of th young man. He wanted to marry Therefor It 1 not neessary for us t preach about the necessity of psint, so we will only tell you the lest kind to use, which la Bay State. It is cheaper In the long run, therefor It la most economical. It 1 better- than other make because It I carefully around, and mixed with the beet material, ami " '"r -"V apply it. fU BIO VAJSTT ITOSS. Fisher.Thorsen & Co. rmoiTT ajts icomsusosT sis. ... - i.raav. la almut to head an expedition the rount actress, so ha left his guard- tan Baker stuaying arcnaoiusj unu-r tha unny aklea. of Italy and took lile rtenarture for th United States. He landed In New York, and when Ms rela tives her next heard of him he was married. Whlttell and his wire naa aeen living to mine for th metal. Mrs. Von Oha has declared that her dream, as far aa the deposit of gold I concerned, nas been confirmed. Two young men, ac cording to her frlenda, will accompany ber In her treasure mint. About a rear ago Mra. von onn aaw tha Kl Dorado Art a dream and sh took I et-tha WhltUll-om-tn -Alamdaand th dream rlousiy. - a. iw aay agu a young man from Nevada met her at the hom of a mono, mo ioio-oi nna-Ing- a big deposit of gold In the far meat. His description or me - piuce a-her he found It coincided exactly with Mra. Von" Ohn'- dream. Miss uaraarat M. Broad of Bayonne, New Jersey, a frleSid of Mra Von Ohn, aald today that If Mrs. von unn is success ful In her expedition ah will devote at least half f the money to psycholog ical research In which an ia deeply in- tereated. . - , Following th cream or airs, von Ohn, she dlsoovered that sh possessed s-reat occult powers, Sh claims that hv mental telepathy she can converse with people In Europe, TRUST CUTS PRICE 0B JCRACKERS IN-SP0KANI iau.i.1 Tl.n.t.fc tn The Journal. I BDokane. Wash., March It. A cracker r la in alaht for this city. Th Na tional Biscuit company th trust hss cut th price to dealers In Spokane and th northwest, delivering good her, freight prepaid, for th same prices they are old in Chicago, tn mam cases this 1 a cut oi one mira me farmer price. As a result of tnia tn ratallera will ba able to Bell th produot of that company for about II per cent less than they could aell tne goons man ufactured her at th price, now charged. ' ' It la stated that the eastern trust has marts eerlona Inroads en tha trade of tt waa only a few montba ago that the young coupl separated. It la stated that Whlttell has tired of tha young actress and haa gone back to th life In which h figured bfor his mar- rlage. ' , ' - - - - SLIDE KILLS TWO AND BADLY HURTS ANOTHER IJoaraal Boeclal Service.) - Placervllle, CaL, March It. Two men were killed by a elide at; th Cedar Orova mine at Falrplay, about 20 mile east of thl city, yeateraay arternoon. John, Ivan and Charles Cralne, brother, were at work in an open cut at the mine when a vast uuaotlty of earth, loosened hv recent rslns and undermined slightly by the operation or tne miners at won In th cut, slid down upon the three brothers and eweprthera about" 400 yarda down tha mountain aid, .. bury ing two of them and terribly crushing the third. rreparlng for Blf Boom. Bnalal Dlinatca te Tba Journal.) Klamath Falla, Or., March 1. Ther has always been difficulty In getting dry lumber for early spring construction, so.W. M. Msndenhall, manager of the Klamath Construction company, has put nri a. temporary kiln In which he has 70,000 feet already dried and ready for use. "-Ackley. Bros, ar also building a permanent kiln in connection with their sawmill and both they and the Moore Hma. are creDa ring for day and night demands ar aucn as io TEETH ei traded, filled, crowaed or treat 1 absolutely without pais, nave jour teeth extracted without ttla la fie morn tne an seeome wit the sew eaes lae ssme ear.. -' All our operators are' friduatrs of Ions yeara' eiperienre anil we (aaraetee all dental work by wrlttra .....( tn. in v.ara. Our srlces tae lewem. it Bnowa to Biottcra. uvnii BTC la the beat aoieaee. B 0 S T 0 N Ji LVearaaUM U fit. HM Oole Orewaa, ask MJ Bridge work, the test H 0 Boston Painless Dentists nm'Z" lOUiruDre . o s T i 0 N eteie mm ir tne aemanus an aa Bpokane manufacturers and the Paclflo Justify. coast company, aunougn it win ni a. present affect the price of goods of Ither th Inland Cracker company or tha Washington Cracker company. Both r-nn.n.aiea aiata that they will make no cut In prices, but will continue at th present rat of pries. ' "' TEETH For modern dental"" work. . Wortd-re nowned specialists. . Lowest prices cen slsteat with flrst-class work. - a)0 TO fU ..-. ... NEW.YORK DENTISTS rOVBTX AaTB MOBBISOaT STB. Open dally from 1:10 a. m. until - ...... - ... a p. m. sunoaya ana . jionaaja nui p. m. . ' " - " -" CALIFORNIA PRUNE WAFERS TO RUN BOATS I FROM UHLLCQ IU ruillknliu Batlonal Otrie Federatloa Meets. . (Joara.1 gnarlal aertlea.) New Tork. March It. The executive council of the National Clvlo federation semr,ta for Ita annual meeting In this city today. The principal business be--rare 4 ha meetlna- ia th election of offi cers end the outlining Of th work for th ensuing yea . . A pleaaant and agreabl laxative, painless, yet effective. Prescribed by Shyslclan; and recommended by all ruaglsts aa an Invaluable substitute for mineral pills and castor oil. t 100 Wafsrs 25 Cents. a. ft. SJktdsar Si O Urmgrtete, HI Third s, sel agenta for Fortlaad. Or. C (Special 6lpetrh to The Josroal.) Salem, Or.. March 10. Th Columbia Transportation company haa filed ar ticle of Incorporation with th secre tary of state ror the purpose ot operat ing boat from Big EMy, Wasco coun- .. ty, three mHea above The palles, to Portland. Th incorporator are: J T. Fetera, K. M. Will lame and W. r.. Walthar. The main office la at The Ualla; aapltal at oak 110,000. t