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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1906)
J OREGON DAILY JOURNAL;" PORTLAND, MONDAY -EVENING MARCH 19, 1906, . Tovn Topics i ...MMkvl BurkMqu "Scour" . . ."Betsy's Photograph" fcnutr Lyric... riTr r.TiTi S -- r.v.- Ster ... i-4 . i VtudavlUa n Mmm mm vie: SORT)MGItROWEENIIviG; hundred this" evenlhSTln 7 th council jchamber of J city Jhall a tonatltution -and lb??Kwi7vijOftPrente(J : by" commute appointed for that purpoae. Thl committee,"rrmpoged of F. 1 Mc--Keena, P. L. WUHr- John - Zanta, . O. W.. Taylor and It L. Cbapln. after many . meetings for deliberation, , haa j uan cars, The oommittaa of on hundred will thla venlns elact ofllcara and ffct perma nent organisation, and a number -ot committee will probably be appointed to look after tb varioua line of work lb body will unaerioa. aid tha moat important ..committees -Will-ba those bavins charge of olvlo Im provements, -municipal ownership, parka, streets " ano-pouievarue, uwv", - "; roada and brldg aa, '- '" ' :y - - Mlaa- Margaret -Moorebouae addreaaed -the. at home given at the Y. W. C A. headquarters yesterday afternoon, Her rv aubject being 'How to Save on a Small Wane. She'ehowed how email dally saving 'would aoon amount to a neat -. ' little aum, enough to make a trip abroad - ' or 'to aecure a college education. Web '.."bar's Mandolin club gave eeveral num- bam- and aoloa were sung by Mlsa Lena Harwaii. Miss Kate Ramedell and Mlaa rMae Breslin. A recitation was given by kit iv Datny Dunning and a capital negro atory was told by Mlas McCorkle. Mrs. Jr P. Morgan and Mrs. Wright were the hostesses of . the day.Mlas Gertrude v , Metcalfe haa formed a nature r study "" clase for association members, which meets on-Saturday, afternoon at1:4 o'clock In the association rooms. "T""J Colonel O. R Wood, U. 8. A., who was tha United BtateS military attache at - Tokto prior-to the breaking out-of-bo-lUiUS between Japan and Russia, gave a lecture inat nigni nerore in i-oi. fciJapajiee. Among other thing, tie mew eeweldsr" "IT a honor to scrnce their live "rthrtr emperor and country, lie observed tnis trait in General Nogi, of whom he was a close friend, Wogi a two wni slain In the war and when the general returned home he calmly told the emperor . that he -wa sorry that he had been un- . i. miA lif, is nad nt Hum III wv-riii, w ' " : ma." following the lecture there- waa an open discussion. There la lively competition for the - office of the Portland Admen's league, to be distributed by. the membership at this evening's annual meeting In the , .u..bnnn of"-the Commercial club. -r ,-.nlldtea in tha held are! For presl- - dent. 8. Jf. Frledlander. B. L Dasaent. flrt-vlc president. William Kelm, rTTueorg raHeea; second vice-president, v.. r. Ilelllx: secretary,'8cotr rhJ treasurer. OeorgeEatees. Y ; C?P unrria. An executive committee of three members will probably be ae- lected from the roiiowing - apu---.-.. A. L. Stone, R. M. Hall. W. J Hofmann, tV J. ' Owen.-Oeorge . Hall, George W. Tn tha federal court this morning .. u'nivurtnn decided against. th -Portland KlWflngTirUa compan yTnTJs" suit to recover aooui n, . innrmnn romoany ad - the ourpora- . wkik mnNl the sailing -vei Knight Commander which was wrecked with a cargo or nour on " v"'" coaat several years ago. After the wreck the Insurance company aued the flouring company to recover premiums rv policies Issued on the cargo, and won. Then the flouring company sought 10 rcover the money by suing the Ineurance company and the ownere of the hlp, but lost , '- - United States commlaaioners were ap pointed" this morning by Judge Wolver ton In the federal court aa follows: Kbeneser O. D. Holden. Coqullle, Coos cotinty; H. K. Kills, Bend, Crook coun ty: W. W.- Calkins, Eugene, tne coun tv: A. 8." Cooley. Wallowa, Wallowa county l Rnbsrt H, W111""" MrTler. mitt. Malheur county. The judge an- , r.nnnce.1 that W D- Shehan of Knter ; us mi ii ill liillilliUil 111 the ex piration o his present term, John li Pay haa filed a declaration that he will become a candidate for the Vnomlratlon for constable, of the Tlt Jw.Hr. -ourt on the Republl- ean ticket. Mr, pifuwrtta NortH Fourteenth atreet. and Ma platform Is, "Prompt personal service, law enforce ment and oppoaltlon to graft" A. J. Fanno of 41S Hall street, haa filed hie declaration announcing himself as a andldate for the nomination, of Republican precinct committeeman. Joseph A. Ryan thla morning filed his petition announcing himself - te be a . andldfct for th nomination for county treasurer on the Republicans ticket. There were 48 signers to the petition. Hr,' Ryan- filed hi declaration file , petition on February ia.: and la the first man to file hie petition. His plat form Is, "Courtesy, efficiency, honesty ,t and economy." ' At Drew hall, 12 Second street, there r- will be a maaa meeting of the Oregon Labor party tonight. The organisation 'will be open to.all and addresses will be made by a number of speakers.. It la said that Interest In the meeting haa . been Increasing and a large, attendance la expected. - ..,..'... . .... ' Proud of your lawn? ' If not, re seed It with our fancy lawn grass seed. Re member how pretty the lawns were at " the fair grounds? "W furnished the ' ued. Call Main 473 and aak our land- aeane gardener-about-making lawns-.-) Portland Seed Co. ' ' ' v " Local railway mall service official " received .word thla. morning that a new . poatofflce had been established at O'Nell, Crook county. It will receive Its mall, r by . stage, from Prlnevlll. - - 'Professor K: R. Lakt, of the Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallla, la reg- '. tstered at-the Imperial. - Among me , , other guests Is J. A, Raley, Dcrrcratlo politician , from Pendleto .f Th Lewi and Clark observatory. The grandest Bight ever eeen In Port land la the snowt cn from th top of th observatory following the great now storm of yesterdsy. Lost The man who -Tosf his y - glsssas can have them replaced for II; '"a perfect St gvarunteed. Metsger Co., 111 Sixth street. Jeweler and optlclaaa Acme Oil "Co; sells the best ssfety coal oils and fin gasolines. Phone East 7I. " All watohes cleaned, 1. All main springs, tU Metsger Co., Ill Sixth ' Women exchange, lit Tenth street, " lunch, IS to 1. 1 ' . .-. ' ; ; ' " ' ' . "" - Milwaukii Country Club. - - Irf AngeVs and Oakland rsc. Tsk " eiiwood ana Oregon City car at First - met 4 V g r -if CURIOUS FLOCK TO HEAR MESSAGE Colonel Fitz Gerald, Self-Styled Forerunner of Christ, Talks to Throngs. CJONYIBISURE COLONEL IS CHEERFUf H Sajrt ThafM any A re Believers Throughout State of Oregon, That Half a Million in All Think Abdul - Bahai the Returned Christ. There are many In Portland 'who be lieve that the "scepter haa departed from Judah, or Bhiloh haa come." Atleast there are'T"maihilJti--hnd"who woulcj fe)ginellev It, tor irreet crowds atlj ered at the Third street Auditorium yes terday afternoon and last nTght to hear Colonel Nathan Fits Gerald, self-styled forerunner of the Messiah, tell of the he says, on eHh In the person of Ab out tsanai. . . But Portland haa not prostrated Her self before this Persian Jew, who to alms to be thi Christ, to t . i. i ill I 1 i 1 ii ii the fVW HIO i'IC"lll n miiui - Prophet, and to all rellglcna the Bon of God. The-orow4a-wer-4arge, but con- versions few. Tut for two hour yes- .r.y .ftemnorr tn.l fui as low last night tbey listened Intently to the Im passioned appeals of mi moaern jonn th Baptist, who Is telling to America the story of the cond coming -of th Lord of Acca. , ' Colonel Fits Gerald, however, aald that there were many converts In Oregon, that he had received letters from various towns in the state, urgtnr htm to bring his message to them; that In Portland the people had shown a remarkable de sire for the truth and that he had bees called Into many famlllea to talk -with them of the modern Christ. -'-. A-- In order that the whole clt. may have the opportunity to learn of the new Christ. Colonel Fits Gerald will remain In, Portland for another week and will apeak again next Sundr.y afternoon and evening. At the afternoon services ..lert no admission fee; contributions are voluntary. Admission T'W. th evening lecture, however, cost S3 cent. "Christianity i on th wane."' said Colonel Fit Gerald yest -day.. "In the course of only a few years It will not be the religion of the .world, and you and I will live to ee the world accept Abdul Banal a the Christ. .. "To see him Js to know that be Is. the Christ. He has never, announced him self as such, but there" are 600.000 people In this world In sound mlnu who have seen him' perform" mlraclei more" wonder ful than any that are related In- the Bible. And thoae that are relatod in the Bible are not the beat, of evidence, rrofeiT fttoefe Oaaaad wood. Allen Lew!' Beet Brand. ' DundorePianoCo. Ten of the oldest,' best-known and most reliable makes or pianos.', ( The oldeat and beat maker Plano-Player and Flayer . yiano. .; , TUE AKGELUS Tha best of all Talking Machines. ' The laraest and moat ooroplet - stock - of ' Rcord ' " . , THE VICTOR Th beat and most popular make of String Instruments of all kinds. Everything In Sheet Muslo and Studies, Vooal and Instrumental. DundorePianoCo. irtnrwiT naum. 134 Itatt art. pp. OxegoaUa Blda;. 11 AM t - -- -1' !- !; -: . - f-" :"n j'Vi AGAIN B1SSELL TH0L1AS FREE ON f.!0TI0a OF ADAMS Chargeof Uttering Forged Draft - Dismissed by Judge JZ Frazer. Upon the recommendation- of Deputy District Attorney Harry .Adams, the charre -of utterinr a forrd draft fried aealnst Blssell Thomas last December 4 waa aiamiaaea uua mortunf oy. t-raaui- Ing Judge Arthur JU Fraxer. Thomas la the son of the prominent corporation at-' torney of- Bt Ixuls. About 19 weeks after Me arrest, he waa found Insane and " ordered sent - to " the " asylum,- the complaint aalnst the prisoner recard Inc his sanity bavins; been signed by his attorney. .' At the examination of Thomas he told his history In en ordinary manner and no one suspected that he waa Insane until he aald so. Jailer Grafton de clare that during Thomas' weeks in the county jail he never aaw-nor heard aturUUng that would mine one t htnk - that". the' prisoner waa Insane. Soon after he was sent to Jail, Thoma tele graphed horn for 1500. A week.before Thomas was taken to the aaylum. District . Attorney John Manning appeared In the circuit court of a private sanitarium, where Thomas had expressed a wish to be sent, plsced under bonds to deliver the prisoner back Into the hands of the district attorney after a cure had been effected. Mr. M annlng declared that he had been In j - 3 .j. , - . lurmeu mm un priaoner muiuer niui wrltt to to a sanlt' I I "ura nn in every in m naa vnn ar- rtngedjo that he could return home in a few weeks. PRACTICED SIXTEEN YEARS WITHOUT A PERMIT W. W. Cotton Learns He Had No Right to Try Cases in U. S. District Court. W. ,W. Cotton waa this morning ad mitted to practice In the United States district court. He has been trying cases In -that tribunal for-1 years, He--vol' untarlly went Into court and apologised to Judge Wolverton. "I accept your apology under the ex isting circumstances,' said Judge Wol verton, "and upon your requeat admit ydu to practice." '-( ,Mr, Cotton aaid that he joked Attor neav.R. W. Montaaue becauae he had practiced Before the court, but had never been admitted, -when Mr. Montague said to. him You have no license to laugh at me: you. have- never been admitted yourself." Mr. Cotton examined the court rec ord and ascertained that hi friend was correct, . . How many other lawyer In the city arid etat are 1n the same post' tion-as were Attorneys Cotton and Mon tague is not known, but it is suspected that the number .Is target Tear ago the t'nlted Btatea circuit court met on one -day and th district court the next and when an attorney was admitted to practice in one court he thougnr It em braced both, .in: ' . , . - On behalf of. the Multnomah Bar aa- rodatlon Attorney A. A. Aya of Port land was admitted to practice In both courts, his name being presented by Attorney Charles J. Schnabel, member of th committee on admission.. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES ; TO BEGIN AT HOQUIAM r". ' lflprll Plpetfk The Jour u I.) Moaulam. V ah . March !. A pa vilion 10x100 feet has been erected her and is now receiving the - finishing touches that -will put It In read mess for uae next Tuesday. At that time rvange llatlo eervioe will begin In it In which all th church of the city will unite. a wall aa th T. M. v. a. i n meet in will be conducted by t. E. Honey well, evangelist.- and P. B. Bllholm. comnoaer. They will b assisted by a ehorus choir ot 100 vole, THE- Aii Event planned on a grand scale and hat will prove V of particular interest to all who admire viewing the handsomest merchandise the world produces The entire establishmenfcwill bein gala attir evening, 8' to 10E V E R Y O N E CORDIALLY INVITED. PROGRAM iMusic by selected Orchestra of twenty pieces, conducted by Prof. Amsterdam nf thrT Pnrtland Hotel Orchestra. Main Floor Mrs. Rose : Bloch ( Weber Grand used Selected Orchestra of ten pibces Third Floor -Beautiful disolav of Cloaks and Millinerv. Second - display otmeJnest Merchandise in nvery . : WE SAY, RAIN. SNOW BRUIN 1101'i WILL HAVE Kuhn Murder Mystery Will Be - Probed Under Direction of. . Captain of Detectives. mcrPOFMf.FS WITH r UirCIPP FVPI ATMFH Dov of Peace Fluttera Down on P lice . Department Snow to Hava Charge of Case and Resinf Works With Him Stepton Not Suspected. Inveatlgatlon In th Jullu Kuhn murder will now be under the ex- j - ctagrvaatrectTnn of Captain of Deteo- tlve Bruin. Th detective will. iake their reports to him and he will direct their movement. . . ; The handling of th caae was placed in the hands of Captain Bruin. The misunderstanding thatcaused Chief Orltxmacher to order the detectives to report to him and not to their captain baa been explained away, Thla morning Captain Bruin formally assigned the murder case to Detective Snow and detailed Detective Reslng to werk with aim a hi eitAponjmBnowma to in ineory upon wiucn no arm A.vrn gan had been working, and while he ad vised him to follow up his clue, he di rected the new team to make special In veetlgatlona along another - line which he thlnke may- result In throwing some definite light on the mystery. Develop ments along this line are expected in a short time. It was learned today that the belief of some of the authorities that Snow and Kerrlgsn were working upon a the ory involving the stepson of Julius Kuhn was erroneous; there was no sus picion. It Is said, agalnat th young man, and - the detectlvea . had nothing that would lead them even to think of him- In the) eaee. Their clue, it I claimed. Involved a German known to be a bad character and whose motive was supposed ; to be robbery. It waa for the arreat of thla man that they asked and secured the 'John ioe war rant. . . For th manner In which th case was conductett up to the t1m of th resig nation of Kerrigan, Snow wa not re sponsible. It I learned from the ehlef and captain. The case waa assigned to Detective Kerrigan; he waa In charge and Snow was only an assistant While it has been demonstrated that there was conflict of authority, that a fake'' report w-ttbmlUi t Captain Bruin, and contradictory statements wera mado relative to th Investlgatlo of a certain clue, and while those know ing the insld of the case believe the detectives were working upon a false line, these matters have been straight ened out now, the atmosphere has been cleared and' the murder la to be handled In a way that i expected to produce peedy rtaulta. Mainly rersonal. 1 Among the Perkins hotel guests la W. 8. Cone, tlmberman of Piker City. -Frank Gibson of Rlckreall. stockman and merchant, le at th Parkin. K. P. Dodd. Pendleton banker, cam In this morning and 1 stopping at th Imperial. Judge J. A. Fee. of Pendleton It at the Imperial. ' .. . Sheriff Harvey K. Brown of Baker City, who ha Republican gubernatorial aaplratlon. la among the Imperial hotel guest. - " A. Chrlstensen of Ran Francleco. Pa cino coast manager of velle. Fargo Company, la among th gueats at th Portland hotel, Mrs. George II. Kelly of tne Booth Kelly Lumber company, Kugene, is visiting friends In Portland and stopping at tha ImoerlaL B. C Belknap brick manufacturer of Ratacada. I at th fortiana noiei. ac eomoanled bv Mr. Belknap. C M. Ivey, third vlc-presldent of th Northern Pacific road. time lq . from Taoom thla mornlns and registered at tha Portland hotel. CHARGE GRAND FORMAL EVENTS a at e m toaojTaqifq . a . . - - : or SHINE, BE SURE TO COME TO THE STORE TOMORROW EVEMNG J '11 CURES the - Most STUBBORN COUGHS - . WOODARD. CLARKE ft CO.-AND Sr O. SKIDMORLT ft CO. NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY 1 RELIGION AND MTTH6LOQT. t Crothers, .MEndles Life. Should Know. - - . - SOCIOLOaT. Patronage. Moore, J. B. American Diplomacy. Scott, "W. A.--Money and Banking. Spalding, J. L. Means and Ends of Education..... . -, PHILOLOQT. ... Olson, J. E. Norweglaa. Grammar and Reader, j B EFUXTARTST Fiilton, John ok. GUlette, H. P. Handbook of Coat Data for Contractor - and Engineer, 105. ' Green, 8. B. Principle of Amerloan Forestry. Walnt-Maur. K. . V. Belf-Suoportlna Home." . -v. . ' ' : FINE ARTS. (Including Xandscape Gardening and Amuaementa) Ganthony, Robert r Practical Ten- trlloqulsm. KwwlMt, Hem i Wool eon, O. A. Ferns and How to Grow Them. - - - LITERATtTRB. Cody, Sherwln Selection From the Great Engliah Poets. , Gilbert, W. 8. Original Play. S t. ' Maeterlinck, Maurice rOld-Faahioned Flowera Pancoast, TL S. Introduction to American Literature. - Pancoaat, H. 8. Introduction- to Engliah Literature. Pater, W. H. Essay From "The OPuardian." Sophocles Play and Fragment;, ea, and tr. by R. C Jebb, 7 vo. : TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. . ., Buley, B. C Australian Life In Town and Country. Gardiner, ft. R. School Atlas of Eng llsh History. -Whitney, Caspar Jungle Trail and Jungl People. IIISTORT. - Basaett. J. B.-- Federalist System (American Nation, v. 11). - Hart, A. B. Essential in American History. -Parrlah, Randall Ilistorlo ininola INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Bronte, Charlotte Charlotte Bronte and. Her aisterej.&.K Shorteiv FICTION. enaon, E. K Luek ofTlnirValla. Carr, C. E. Illlnl; a Story of tb Prairie. Clifford, Mrs. L. (L.) Aunt Ann. Donnall. A. H. Rebecca Mary. Lvall. Kdna Imnovan. Rosegaar, P. . K. Forest Schoolmas ter. . Stockton, V. R. Mrs. Cliffs Tacht. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Bible for Children; French, H. W. Through Arctic and Tropica Markham, Richard-Colonial Daya. Stone, Wltmer, and Cram, W. . E. American Animals. 1J0J. White, 8. E. MaglO Forest. . PAROLED ON PROMISE TO -BE GOOD BROKE WORD - Sheriff Word arrested Realoua Wall Ing at Irrlgon. Oregon. Sunday for hav ing broken hi promise to work and behave himself. Walling, who la about 21 year old. waa arrested In Portland last November on th charg of lar ceny from a dwelling. He pleaded guilty. Prealdlnr Judge Frar agreed to parol th boy upon tb request of a Mr. Holbrook or irrigon, wno wa to hav charg of th young man for a year. For several week after hi re lease from Jail Walling worked hard and earned good wage. , But he la aald - OPENING OF TO MO RROW NIGHT w ' - m9.4.- lJcpartmcnt iDUU.ircsn.vaiia j-.uies . a - - , , ., . ... ' , nor. aTmmnroTOT MTCHIO PaLltUZ AM) CXJUXTOYAirT. Prof. Barrtaetoa la a aradoat ef the eeenlt eellesee ef India, aad haBMlals- to mbow that were (tvea Mia by the aeble seopla as sttestlng their blgli esteem for his greatotH. nmmlnent Motile on either aide of the Atlaatle, Profmairlustiin'a methed leeatlnla different from other mediums; a darkened rooms or cabinet, bat everything done la the broad opes Uxht. " " He tells yo of change, saeeaaaea, fallnrea, travels, marriacea, dlTorees, lawaalts, here af faire, deaths, dtaeave. HatUfartloa suaranteed or ae fee accented. Re apeaka saveral different lautDagee. ralm tatry tanrht, medlnmlatle persona deTaloped. Prof. Uarrtnglon'a bnameae room are at 224 Third at., opimalte the plaaa. Ther remalu open on til p. m. and all day flnnday. Con-aultatfc-n fee, SOe and 1.00. . Readings flfen by mall. ' - - MEET ME AT THE LEARN TONIGHT o Don't Forget the Races JONES CBk RANDALL soon - to- hav caused a great deal of trouble in th neighborhood where he wa residing. Just aa soon a Judge Frasar learned of th boy's action h laud a commit ment for him to be sent to th pent tenttary. Willing waa paroled Novem ber 17. 1905. Judge Fraser will bear th - boy' atory thla afternoon. WOODWARDS FIND IT . COLD IN OLD MEXICO Mr. and Mr. W. F. Woodward of Portland returned Saturday from an extended trip thrni'-H I ' . Ici. T"-- -traveled a tar e ft V: C f .. i i - r i . ', . - f I v ; ' - 1 I Apollo Rink SlnTaaaaaBaB?a?J mn?am txBnTam namnaxamxxtjmmnaxnx ! :. : . 1- Aooll - Bauer. Soloist Floor Sunerb V ' a " - , ' i Marquam Grand Theatrenmzjuim xoxouow -r ao -wxDntDAX . nawra. Rpaeial-Prle Ifattnee Wedneedsy. The Hpectaeular Mnatcal Xxtraragaaas, .; iTIIE: BEAUTYANDTHli tEAST: sweatee rifcS" au, (nv, uoe, trie, 11.00, gLW. htm tinea Prleee gfic. Sic, SOe, T9c tl. ... SI ATS KOW SELUNO. . Baker Theatre Ongaa Theatas Oa.. ee. L. laakar. Star. YamhIU sad Third sts. .Phone Mala 1SOT. TUB ROMS Or MUSICAL BrjBLBSQUB. A WIMNINO N0MBBB THIS WtK, . KE1LLY AND WOOD'S BIG SHOW T Headed by Pat RelPf. Comedian. A PmfiMtoa -ef -Good Thing Tea. Moel and Pretty Oh-ls Oraad SpeetaenUr Ballet. "Hades Vp e Pate." -Wednesday Bargata Day Matlaee, 3S eeata te any seat. Other Matinee Haurday lea pet tormanee), -llio; toe. SDe. 50c. Brenlac Prlres. XSe, SSe. toe. TBe. Next Attract km "miss Mew Yerk Jr.- : EmpireTheatre lzth an XU. Mllto W. Seamaa. Mar. Cha. A. Tajrlor Offers His Latest and Oraataal - riay, ., ... ...... 5cotty, "Klaz of th Desert Mine? 4 BeallstM Ttrama ef the Oraat guthess . Elrren MaaalT Stage Settings Two Carloada of Bcenerr sod Pi iiusiha Special Matlneaa Tnsaday sad T reriormaac Thnradar ptlaat. lBe. il&c SSe. BOc. Matmee. Me, Us, S9v Next Week "Ole Oleoa." LYRIC THEATRE TBB INCOMPABABLB LYBTO STOCi: COM PA XT PBB&BMTS. wBetsey,s Photoflrap!iw . A la Tan Aets. ADMISSION, log) BBSKBTBO MAT. STAR THXATBX Week ef Marsh It BXTEBLY ABO SABTXXB Beflned Comedy Sketch-Artiste Sea Bealaw Xfms Besall Mias 8 rata ghiliea SaameUr Oaaatlae anA ta Will a Bert Me Te say east m toe armae en , hoiea lOe. CJrand THXATBl Weak March la. Special reatare Jaeephlne Bar "Bieaa" Harry W. Sprta!, The Masieal Bhitnays atari Spall . XaiaU HatY Badmm Oirla. 'PRICES Gvenlata, IBe. He asm Sac; Ma CLEARING OUT SALE 3tft Salrtt worth $1 toll. 30 Your Choice) Now 39c Man Sin & Co. 391 MoTTMoaBt.. L .. '. 1 J -t-.l' spent sore time aeelng th alghtg In the historic old cities and town of tb republlo. Mr. Woodward ay that they enooun tered some exceptionally cold--weather for Mexlcev and he came back with th conviction that th aprlng and autumn are the time to visit th country. At th City Of Mexico they found te--era-ture lower than bad fcej t i there in IS yeara . Th nativ, Vr. T" . moat roiirteone. 1 t t . . i lookout for V- ," i l ' cetmtrv la a r s. t i j l 111-.