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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1906)
THE OREGON.. DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLANDrMONDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1903. iMeifniEii -5th;6th Washington m Stsn Cr "-3 AT TAGOUA Two Commit Suicide, One Meets All Classes- Sign- Petition toBe ' Forwarded" WIthMemonaI Violent Death and One to Washington. ': Body Found, in Bay. V--, GRIEF AND UNREQUITED A IDAHO DELEGATION TO -, PRESENTJN-CONCRESS .'LOVE PLAY THEIR PART August Woebbeking Falls From Over- War Department Hs ' Peclared Jhe Stream Navigable but Settlers and Business Men Believe It Should Be V crowded Car and Dies of Injur! and Masterful Exposition of Authorative Spring : Charles Ahles - Shoots Himself in "Bridged and Used to Float Timbers. rMoes for 1906 0cur "Room Where Brother Suicided. OUBIllES-EijOP ' T - f m mm a. a x. mm m m a as- mm -sw m a . a" svaa- m a es in v VL. i 'L.' (SieeUll ptapeteV To T ourtL Tacoma, - Wash., - March 1. Thers were two suloldea, one violent death and ,,1'nne floater Jou ud tn . Taeoraa la the ii hours ending last evenlng.- Lte Saturday night II. O. Barker, a mlddle-aei man, who cam, here a year ago, took an overdose of laudanum, . ana .wnen rouna in nis room was be yond the reach of medical aid. Harper ""lias been melancholy on account of re- . qulted love. In his pockets were found .. letter, from a woman with whom he f-.wti evidently enamored and who was trying ta entfJiet flCqualntanca wlth him. liar I y - -yesterday--- -morning. August woebbeking.- a-middle-aged man.- hav Ins- a wife and two children, lost his hold an the steps of an 'overcrowded cable car and. fell to the pavement, re ... reiving Injuries from which, h died eev - . eral hours later. . :.' . .. ; ,'. ,. At noon Ytnierdir, Charles Ahles, . , eldi shot- himself -through the bend end -dted4 (tree hours later. The deed was done In the same room !a which Shies' older brother com mit lea suicide sit -jeers .aso.jl.hles "'' ' '1 1 b ell t he7rnan"'bec?m emifan holuK neves trie man became melancholy and lieart-sore from Brief over the death at - me orumer. Workmen' yesterday -afternoon - found - a . floater -In the bay. Th coroner be lieves It Is that of a railroad man who by unlucky, chance fell from a. Taooma Eastern train. When the man struck -1 lie -water-! went to the bottom and hie feet became- entanrled In vines In r thecomparatl vely t shallow . water and he, coroner thinks these held him to the bottom of the bay until he drowned. : Jtt the spot where he fell there -Is a high railroad trestle. " . TRAINED MACHINISTS " FOR UNCLE SAM'S NAVY i-rr. - t ' : Journal Special Berrtee.l ' ' ' Washington. . March 1. Secretary Ponaparte has approved the plan for "furnishing ships of war with enlisted men who shall lenmlii pernnnentlytn . the engine room force, Greet difficulty lias been encountered heretofore -la-geV. . ting men to serve In that capacity, and the percentage of desertions .. In the branch has been Considerable. Under the new plan there will be established ' at Norfolk a school for naval machinists . as a part of the system of training the ... enlisted force, the superintendent- of " which IB Rear Admiral 8. M. Thomas. period at the naval station at New port , will be permitted to select their -dutywhetUer on the deck or In the en---gtne or fire rooms. - Those who choose the latter will be made coal passers, V which Is perhaps the roost unpopular of all branches of navsl work. They will serve on that work for some months - and become thoroughly familiar with -the--construction -of the bunkers, where - the coal 1s stored, and. learn all . that pertains to the handling of fuel. Later . they will shovel coal Into the furnaces, , end at the end of three years those whp . re-enlist and have passed the examina tion will be sent to the new school at Norfolk and come out ' machinists' mates, aecond 'class, which puts them ; on . the road for rapid promotion, j t . TWO VICTORIES IN WEEK FOR ALBANY DEBATERS Alba8n'or'j5rtrohtirh TwT victories en the forum In one week Is the record - of Albany college and her represents-1 trves. One week ago -Albany won the rnteTTOUegtateralorfcar content," Ever ett I Jones being declared the winner. - Friday evening Albany's debating team -was given the decision over the team v from the State Normal at Monmouth. The question for debate was "Resolved, , That the interstate commerce commla alon -should be empowered to- regnlate railroad rates subject to the super .vision only of the higher courts." . The Judge were: W. E. Tates, Van couver; Professor Horner. Oregon Agrl- cultural college, and Professor gchaefer, Vnlverslty of Oregon.. - TO INCREASE STOCK: OF CANADIAN PACIFIC Jourail flpeclal Servlee.) r. - Montreal. Quebec, March 1. The Stockholders of the Canadian Pacific Railway company In special meeting here today took favorable, action' on the recommendation of the directors to Increase the - company's capital stock from me.000,000 to 160, 000.009. The Increase is to be used for improvements and additional facilities throughout the system. , home Shaw and tvrrtetchea by Charles Dana Gibson for which she posed. Cahiiot mmi ENGLISH CHURCH Waldorf Astor-;andMfTrtanfi Jiorne Shaw Engagement ar .. Surprise to London. .; LAWFORBIDS CEREMONY L WITH A DIVORCED WOMAN Son of English Capitalist" Infatuated With i American : Beauty Rated as iftett-Catch in Efther-Enr ril theBi land or America. llooraal Soeelal service.) ' London, March It. The newe that Waldorf t Astor Jr.. son of William Waldorf Astor. Is to marry Mrs. Robert MNann" Langborne) Sliaw. slster-ln law of Charles Dana Glbaon. the artist, has caused great surprise In all circles of society. It wss not know that .the parties had more than a slight ac quaintance, with each other." -Mrs. Shaw la the divorced wife of Robert Gould Shaw and but little known here, being Identified with the Melton Mowbray hunting set, numbering Princess Hats- feldt smong her friends. Mrs. unaw was a companion of Mrs. John Jacob Astor In London lsst season, when her beauty attracted, the attention of the king, who asked to have her presented. , Waldorf Astor is of a sny and retir ing disposition, seldom gotng Into so clety. He Is a close riend of the crown spends a season at the latter's palace in Bucharest ' v J ' Church complications - may develop from ths weddinB,BnKccoTinf of the fact that Mrs. Shaw Is a divorcee. It cannot take place In an English church. as It is against . the canons or me church. - and - the civil law . forcing weddings to take place In churches or In registry offices. ceremonies st prl vata residence not beins; permitted.. The wedding might possibly take place at St. Marks, where the rector defied the church laws by marrying Mr.- and' Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt Sr.; lor which no was publicly censured. . ' It was rumored -ai-onstme - uimi Astor. who is the -biggest matrimonial eatch In either England or America, was to marry' Princess Ena of BattenDerg, who Is now bethrothed to the king of Hnaln. Mrs. Shaw la a -daughter of Colonel C. V. Langhorne of Charlottee vllle, Virginia, and was the third of the beautiful Langhorne slaters, known as the Gibson girls, one of them-having married Charles'Dana Gibson: - - - - preferred Meek Censed woods, Allen Lewis Best Brand. rmttnr ntiv ha a mlt. but It takes more than that to make a balky mule go, ' ' 1 : " MONDAY, MARCH 19 ; baLvender, Tan and Gray SHIRTS ADVOCATE ALL0Wlnai70"EH gTBjnBOeEnpg Linn Leaders Suggest That Equal Suffrage M attar Be-Votd iHpacUl- Diapatcfc ta The Jourul.t ------ -Albany. Or., March -A moat ef fective method has been suggested by some of the electors of Linn county, for disposing of the equal suffrage agtta tlon. i Thoe advocating the method to be proposed are men that stand high In the councils of both parties and - eon) sldered - leaders of opinion politically among their followers. - It has long- been contended by those who are not ardent advocatea of equal suffrage, that perhaps the' greatest ob jection to the enactment of such a law,! is that the women as a whole do no - desire the prlvi le-e of the- electtve franchise.- and -would not "avstK them selves of Its privileges if it became a law. ... The plan proposed by those oppoeed to the granting of the elective franchise to women, is to submit it to a vote of those concerned, the women them-selves.-. It is thought by those-in ter ested In this form of disposing of the question, that - this would be a most effective means of settling this ques tion once and for all time. Without a doubt te" women df-thestate would how conclusively by their votes that they do not desire to enter Into the po litical arena and all Its accompanying vlues auu degrading aeinorallilug Influ ences. ? That they would show to those who are the most ardent suffragists that they do not desire the ballo HIS MANIA IYAS BREAKING PLATE GLASS WiNDOVS ' . t ..... ' Fritz Cummings Adjudged Insane at Eugene and Committed V to the Asylum. , ' . (Special PUpatch te Tte Joarntl.) LswtHton, Ida., March 1. The peti tion that was circulated In all of the towns along the Clearwater river asking for Its condemnation waa signed by about 1.000 people. It met with, general favor among all classes. . This petition, together with a.memorlal to the war d par.tmsnt and the draft of .a bill provid ing for- the-condemnation of-the stream to be presented In congress by ' the Idaho delegation, will be sent to Wash ington Monday or Tuesday. - Tlis bill provides, for condemning the riyer - for - the entire lenrth. Certain reservations are made with respect to the building of dams and bridges. Pro vision la made -that ' bridges shall be' constructed In such a ' manner as to offer no Interruption to rafts and logs floatina- In-the river.- .All damt must be provided with runways t insure) Ylui ... - I... ,n .B 11 v.. W. . W .WnW. ooints on the rlver- The Clearwater timber belt is one or Hie largest available timber supplies in the United Statea and a number of the big -eastern timber companies are buy- adjacent to. the river a. distance of 16 miles to the mill Ms.ts-m his- sjiaet to the lumber- man. DurinaT -twd' or Oire' mouths In the year when the water is highest ths Clearwater river la navigable for a dis tance of 40 miles, but even then is ex tremely dangerous. ' The war depart nn iiuui It a navinbls stream -and -therefore dams cannotbe buUt to float timber during toe lower stages of the river. - The flnAl decision of the Bovernment Is being watched with- great Interest throughout the In land Empire. .' ; HORTICULTURISTS WILL MEET AT FOREST GROVE SneMal IHanateh t Jearaal. 1 .Forest Grove, Or., March lf An interesting meeting of the horticultural society is to be held at Vert's hall next Saturday afternoon. The program ar ranged -premises to be one of the best yet. given before ths association. The general toplo will be "Apples, How to Grow and Cultivate Tnem." Asa- Holaday of Scappoose will dls cuss l'WUlIt Pay to Grow Apples la Washlnarton C6untyTT' Representative W. K. Newell of Oaa ton will speak on "Orcharding aa a Buslnens. (SmeUi Dlaoatefc te The Jonraal.t - Eugene, Or,- March Fries Cum. mlngs, a German, aged, about. 80 years. was . arrested at Cottage Grove Satur day and brought to Eugene. Ho was examined as to his ssnlty and com mirrdtnhe"lnsane asylum at Salem by Judge Chrismaa. " Cummins is the man who on Thurs-' day of last. week created great,exelt ment at Roseburg by breaking a larce window In one of the banks there. He disappeared and next turned up at Cot tage Grove. Going down Main street of that city he began to break store windows with a heavy cane which he carried. - He waa soon surrounded by a crowd -of - angry- citlsnns and overpow ered, but he did not give up before mak ing a desperate struggle. At the examination before the county judge, Cummins appeared entirely ob livious to his surroundings and would not answer the questions put to him, further than- telling his name, It Is not known where he came from and noth ing la known of his past life. FOR SPRING c4rc Just the Thing ; ' THEY'RE ONE FIFTY m cMEN'S SHOP r . - ; : - -. w ..... ...... " ..-! - I 2C3 WASHINGTON ST.' Bet Fourth and Fifth RICHARD MANSFIELD'S NEW YORK SEASON . (Joaraat Saeetal Serrlre.) " New Tork. March Richard Mans field will open a three weeks" season at the New Amsterdam theatre tonight. and Judging from the tremendous ad vance aale of tickets for this engage ment, the season will be one of the most successful and brilliant In the history of the New Amsterdam. Mr. Mansfield has selected for the opening perform ance Bchiller'a "Don Carlos."--The rep ertory for the three weeks Includes, be s!desseveral "HsptlUons of "Don Car-"" los." "Beau BrummeU" "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," "The Merchant of Venice." A Parisian Romance," "The Scarlet Letter." "King Richard III." "The Misanthrope" and' "Ivan the Terrible." MTTMansneld s company numpers ti "The Ftrture tor Apple-Raising tn the Willamette Valley" is the toplqtQue prevented by W. II. Chapla of W. a. Glafke aV Co. Of Portland. Postmaster -Atwell- of -.Fores t-Qrove Is to argue "Shall We Plant Apple Treesr: This program will then be fol lowed by a general discussion on "Es sentials of Successful Apple-Growing." W. R. Harris, fruit Inspector for Washington county, will speak on "Spring Care of Roses," which will be followed by a general discussion, of ;8prlng Sjraying of Roses." MAN AND HORSE KILLED BY TRAIN AT WIN LOCK " t . - (Special Dtapatch to The Jovrsal.) ' Winlock. Wash, March 19. Carl Han- sen. a rancher living two miles north of here was killed on the railroad croesr ing on Fir street Saturday afternoon by through freight No.- I J, which was running 4 a rapid rate. Haoaen wa s driving one horse to a light wagon. The horse was thrown SO feet down an ern-vl bankment and killed. -- STagmenta of the 'Iwaxonwera- dragged ny thn locnmotlva until it waa atopped, 60 0 yards down ths line. Hansen's body was thrown across the pilot against the- boiler. Jt was not mangled, but one contusion showing. - May S last Hansen and his brother-in-law,- Marquis Johnson, wars canght by a passing train on this same cross ing and, narrowly- escaped death, their team, in which was ths horse killed to day, being badly injured. Carl Hansen was a native of Den mark. He was a member of the L O. O. F,' and the - Danish Brotherhood. He leaves a widow and three children. No. I ie the same train that killed a man and hla team at Chehalls In Janu ary, 106. the damage eult for which has but recently been settled. persons, including prominent actors and actresses like Arthur Forrest, A. O. Andrews, Leslie Kenyon.; Fuller Melltsh, Sheridan Block, Clarence Handyeide. Miss -Florence Rockwell, Miss Irene Praher, Miss Eleanor Barry and Miss Vivian Raymond. r DR. ALLYN A. YOUNG GOES TO STANFORD (ftperlat Ptupatrk ta The Joersal.) ' Stanford I'nlverslty, March !. Dr. Allyn 'A. Young.-assistant professor of economics at Wisconsin, has been asked to take and has accepted the position of associate professor In Stanford, with the executive powers of the department. Professor Young has held several Im portant positions, assistant1 of the bu reau of statistics at Washington, acting professor at - Western Reserve uni versity. lstsnt professor of finance st Dartmouth end ssslstsnt professor of economics at Wisconsin. ' Although ons of ihe youngest men In his Held he Is known as one of the moat able. m-ltoUrs. He will assume his position at Stanford la emtembr of this year. A WARNING ; To the reople of rortlaad. A 'journal reporter happened In the store of our well-known druggists, Woodard, Clarke U Co., the other day1, and tn speaklng-or thw suddrr changes In the weather and the elckness which seems to be so' prevalent a member of Vie above firm remarked: ."Such vrearBeT-Tannotleip bur result -in coughs, colds., bronchial troubles, the grippe and other sickness. The weather Is also bad for ok! people and those who are run down or have a tendency to any weakness or disease," Continued he: "It seems' to ue that you should warn every man, woman and child In Portland, especially the aged and run down, through the columns of The Journal, to build themselves up and take proper . precautions to ward off sickness, and there would be very much less suffering and fewer deaths tn Port land thia winter." When 'asked - what - they considered the most universally successful medi cine they had ever sold in their store for that purpose, without hesitation this well-known druggist answered: -vrur modern cod liver oil preparation, Vlnol. and If people only knew what a grand protection to health It Is, we would not have' clerks enough In our store to supply the demand. You know It is not a patent medicine, as everything In it le nsmed on the label, and it does not contain, any oil to clog the system and unset ths stomach, but It does contain every one of the medicinal, curatlvs and body-building elementa of end liver oil actually taken from fresh code livers. Vlnol cures cougns, nrnnenms. strengthens the old. builds up the weak and run down.' end makes rich, red blood. - tf It falls we will return the money paid for IL" - Woodard. Oarke Wo, drugxHU. - - -;-V I Millinery, 1 Costumes, Coats and Jack Tomorrow and Wednesday, March 20 and 2 1 A FESTIVAL OF SPRING FASHIONS! The tree thafs alive from root e ' Mb merer stops growlag. - And tfes tree that grows, pawl more beautiful. '. ' This good Old Homestead' Store has' been growing nigh on to thiry years, and growing more-beautiful and better every year as fashion's cycles have corns and gone. But-'twill be most beautiful in the festal. . days at hand, when it has. adorned itself with a wealth of spring rnerchandisel snr- passing in newness, extent, . variety and ribvelineee- anyvT-iorwei '-dispiafTlthas' reached across seas and 'encircled the globe, , gathering the'Vorld's best for our greatest - spring. . A comprehensive showing of Fash ion's- masterpieces for milady's : springtime that. embody the most eftenf tnd refined . expressions. of truet style. Superb concep - tions - and' conceits from abroad fit with : the most artistic triumphs of American mas ter style .moulders. The viewing will be ""well worth while-Be sure to visit the stor during "Show"'daya."-i-"---.-..r- -:- 'i. Magnificent; Spring Gowns. - Chic and Charming Tailored Frocks. 7 Smart Coats and Jaunty Jackets.- 7- . Splendid examples of the "swellest" styles ever evolved. An array of correct garments ; well worth viewing. If thoughtful, pains , taking preparations counts f or anything, -yottllsurely- be -delighted with the sur- - passing beauty and magnitude of the great Fashion Shows in Women s Apparel, ready-to-don. . .''.. : -:' t - ..''!. ''II . ' I Portlapd'a greatest Society Event of the Spring. -4AGNIPICENT-MODEL-PROMiARIS. - SMART-LONDON TAILORED CONCEPTIONS, i : . BEAUTIFUL CREATIONS FORM NEW YORK. . . . i J ; v ; Ifaurpf unparalleled beauty and exquisite clrarm, conjured' in the wonderful fancies 'of Marie Corzet, "Suzanne Blum, Camille Rogers, Caroline Reboux, M me. Georgette, Esther Meyer, Mme.'.yirot, etc and their American prototypes. . . . .;.r,"r;T " j: T" f , COME! MEET FASHION FACE TO FACE! i - From portal to top the great OLDS, WQR.TMAN & KING Store stsnds clothed in the fulT beauty of spring modes.' Tomorrowand Wednesday we open the first complete showing of the new spring merchandiser-beginning with Women's. Garments, Millinery, Silks, Dress Goods and Laces. A brilliant con- , vention of style displays that will form the Greatest Fashion Event of the spring for Portland women. Old friends, new friends, friends-to-be, we invite you' all cordially to come and celebrate spring's actual arrival under the "Old Homestead Store" roof: Music, Flowers and Song Birds will enliven the Parad of Fashion. . Welcome to the Fete de Printemps Tuesday and Wednesday, March 20 and 21. :-rr;r-. Cnofizil f(ff --- The Grand March of Fashion Living Models gowned in the choicest and most aJpCvf as IIUIC superb creations of JEuropean and America artists, will takeplaceachdtTr! -rTuesdsjrand-Wednesday-FronTlO to 11:30 a, m. and 2:30 to 5 p". m. Don't miss this feature. FOR TODAY'S SPECIAL BARGAINS MD FEATURES, SEE SUNDAY PAPERS .APPENDIX - Items included here arrived loo late for Sunday .mention.butdeniand publicity today.j . A Footwear Item First Floor. Omitted From Yesterday's Shoe News. WOMEN'S PATENT COLT BLUCHER . OXFORDS. .With welt soles, military heels, new fancy inserted mat cslf top. These Shoes are especially nice for walking, being very comfortable; soles flexible; pnee, the pair............ IS V II ItSI $3.50 Iron Beds ' Fourth FloorLate Arrivals. Just received A carload of White Enameled, -B t aee-Tritntne d-1 ron-Bed and Cl ildr en a- Cribs at $3.50, $5.00, $6.00, $6.50, $6.75, $8 JO. $10.50, $11 JO, $12.00, $15.00, $1730 to $25.00 each. Also, all Brans ; Beds and Xnbs, at, $28.00, $30.00, $42.00r $45X to $80.00 each., Housekeeping Wants Supplied for Less Third Floor Sugar Tonga Special, at.... 9 1.13. 91-8891.80 Meat Forks at, each. .9 1.58, 92-03, 92.25, 92.83 Pickle Forks Special at. each: 50-Foot Clothes Lines Special,' each Furniture Polish Picture Cord Picture Hooka Dozen ......... ' Clothes Baskets Whisk Brooms . . .91.13 ,12e? .. eivcfry Late Mentions SPECIAL TODAY (First Floor.) Sterling Silver Stone-Set Bar Piha 25c The little whitestone set Bar Pins we are showing sre the best we have ever had for the price. 1'ins arc ' sterling silver, well made, and set with the finet brilliants. Come in three lengths; your choice, each . Sterling Silver Thimbles 12c A lot of f xllrr f liver Thimbles, good value st 19c Speci ! -, .1: APPENDIX - Items included here arrived too late for Sunday , mention, but demand publicity today. Penny Savers First Floor. -- - -- Crowded Out From" Yesterday VNewsT Best quality White Basting Thread Special two spools 5c, or 1 doten spools . ............. ..20e 50c Cabinet Box Fine Writing Paper, 50 sheets paper and 50 envelopes Special.,.....,.,.. ...25e A Late Word of, Belts First Floor. ' ,' Leather Goods Shops, Sixth Street Annex. Pretty Gold Belts, Buster Brown Jtyle, each....S5e A line of Black Seal Leather Belts with-eenoerseam-. . a perfect fitting belt, with black metal buckle, all sizes; price, each ' ' " C-7 " Hew in Undermuslins . 'JUST ARRIVED IN THE ANNEX.. y " , (Second Floor.) " - - A New Addition to o-jr Undermuslin Depsrtmenl is the Three-in-One Combination Suit. Corset Cover. Skirt and Drawers. One of the practical features of this garment is that there it only one thickness at the waist; its comfort, convenience, economy and numerous other points of superiority can best be appreciated after the garment is seen or better still, ' after it is worn. Made of fine nainsook and trimmed in dainty laces. Unrivaled Opening Displays - IN THE THIRD FLOOR STORES OF Libber Cut Glass, Sterling Silverware, lis-"- ! China, 1847" Rogers Bros.' '--.nrr-, f 1 Silverware, Dinner Sets, Fancy I- f Gold Finished Clocks, Eijht-C r : Chafing Dishes, Five o'Clorx Ti . Gas and Electric PortaLJea. I 1 1 sticks., F-cy Cane's I ' ' rtintti q: -1, r-!a-r ; i . -