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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1906)
'- J JUCH IIITERESI Big-Attendance . - Greets Each JServictat Meetings Held - - -at-Cofvailrs.- f UNION MEETING HELD TH 5,0 PE B A HQ US E Chorus Choir Organised and Solos Rendered at Every Gathering Pre- - dieted Great eUgToulWave Wlllfniuiiiiis and sgemw-of thsreaatern p . T -- plirfcare ten lnpctln th minea. . . sweep i own XJeiore oeric unm, .' '.'' . ' ' (gpeMal Plapateh t Tee "JoarBal.i ' Corvallls, Or, .March !. Interest is daily increasing In the rvlvl jneetlng now -in progre In thl cltv- At the Congregational church .for m week, ' 'iKnixolUt Ftiok Miller- has pokn . .J. nightly and alao hald afternoon meet ' 1n at S o'clock. A chorua eholr wa ,' organised and Rev. Mr. Miller alng ' solo at arery meelln.- Buixtay the "" union meeting waa transferred from the ' ' Congregational church , to the opera Rerr G. H.' Feeae, Paator of 11, , . Church,- Corvallig,' - E. house, where a te-foot platform has ' been built to accommodate the choir, thua cJoalnn up. the tage- .a Last Thursday night, aocording to ar . .raogemenu made . nevtral . weeka ago. .a separata revival began at the First , Methodist church. where . the pastor. , Krr. g.- it. "Faese. la assisted by Evangel 771srRvrTn Jones of AmltyrThe at ; .' tendance at the meetinga ahows great l r Interest among the membera.- end it is - i predicted that a greet revival -TVre will - aweep the tow before theee meeting ' ' Close. In the union meeting the Congrega tlonal. Baptist, T i eptiy terlan ana KvaiP r.jtellral churches ara participating in ' the M. K. meetmge the work is to go on ' lndependently.whlle in the union the f cpere house- haa been leaaed for two weeks for revival aervlcee. -SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH r CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY . ' (Jeoraal Special rtk.) ' . Brooklyn, March 1 The Slaters of ins uraer or et. Joseph in the. Roman ainoiic oiooese or ' Long Island are ; celebrating tha fifteenth anniversary of i tha sauellahiimit w tlie eroar im Mi k- ; lyn -today, . Thla morning solemn high t mass was celebrated at the mother i borne of the order In Brentwood, Long Island. Bishop McDonnell officiated and nearly all the prleata of the diocese were rite staters are connected with nearly all the Cetholio churches on Long ' Island and teach in the various parochial school. " The feaet of t Joseph wat observed in all the Roman Catholic churches of 5 ' New Tork and Brooklyn today in the , ' usual manner. Special aervlcee (were , v hid at the gt. Joseph's eollrge ntid otht f institutions consecrated to St. Joseph. Vc Can WaRe You the Best Suit YooEver Had on Your Precious Back .At $S to fit less then most of the other fellows would .charge you for similar garment. Does This Interest You? . rt own to. ., uperlatively Paahlenabla Furnishing ' - Ooods for Gentlemen. , : i. tailors '-. V'v. . , .- . . 13S Fourth St., Bet. Washington and i Aider.-- BERLIN Steam Dyeto$atanln$ Works Newly equipped since destroyed by Are. . All work absolutely guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered lit any part of the city. '. inoiutaii ' ' STBAM OXBAJmiw . ' rUVCS BT CX.XAJTIBTO . BTXZ0 TO UAMTLU . ,347 Second St. Oat. Market and Kill. Fertlaaa, Or. f seeio to buy lies 1:1 :TPiREGio;r Eastern Capitalists After Jumbo, J3oncardMother-tod rdr ' Other Claims. iiwui nipsi Tn-TftOTTT Lewtston; Idaho, ' March 19. The re port la current In the Ruffaln Unmn raining district that eastern capitallate are negotiating for th purchase of number of the claims In the south end of the district, Including the famous Jumbo." the Concord group,' the- Mother Lode, the Lost Lake and the Plum Lum moa mine. Beside these there are a number of entailer olalma that . will alao be oold. It la rumored that tha deal baa been pending1 for the psilwJ The Jumbo mine la one of -the beet- known mlnea In' central Idaho and a large amount f development work haa baen done by lta owners. The Concord ta a well-known mlna and baa been re turning exceptionally -good values dur ing the paat . ae vera! 'months. "The Mother Lode le situated on the princi pal ledge of the camp and haa alway been a good producer. The last two are smaller claims, but It la yet un certain aa to whether br not they will be -purchased -toy tha- seme ' company buying the other mines. The recent storm added several feet of new anow to the aupply In the Hump country and there are now about ten feet In. all.--Travel la-done -with the aid of snow shoes. Mining man - are jubilant, tor it means that they wUl be able to run until late In the fall. .. i AWARDED CONTRACTS FOR -FURNISHING SUPPLIES (Special Plepatc to The-Jooraar.y-- -Otymple, Waah.. March 11. The elate board of audit and control haa made the following awards for ' furnishing sup plies -to the different state institutions: beef, mutton, bacon and lard for deaf and blind school i referm aoliool. lard beef and bacon. Soldiers' home; tallow, penitentiary! mutton, Medical Lake aay lum. "' 7 "" ' ''" " '. .. 1 " - - Miller eV Ehrman, Vancouver, heme for deaf and blind achool. A. O. Henderson, Chehalls, beef for the reform school. ' - Union . Meat companyrTacomarmeat supplies for fltellacoom asylum. Taooma .Meat company, mutton 'and hams for Bold 1 era' home. : Conrad Bcharman, Medical Lake, beef and tallow for Medical Lake asylum. . Contracta for electrical supplies were awarded aa follows: Ioerr. Mitchell 4 Co., Spokane; Shelby Electrio oompany, Shelby, Ohio; National Carbon company, Cleveland. O"'". Bowie A Lovs Ta eoma. - .- InternaUonal Flaherlee company. Ta eoma, fresh salmon and halibut for reform school, Stellacoom asylum and Soldiers' home. . American naherlea company. Tacoma. aame for penitentiary and Medical Lake aavlum. cUmjTiairsireV-I'acklng-xompanyrt Ml nd school. - - sr- The Hasel wood company of Spokane and Portland waa awarded the contract to supply butter to the deaf, and reform schools and egg to Medical Lake asy lum. Ward Erotgh of Walla Walla,. butter Miller Bros, of Tacoma will aupply the Stellacoom asylum with butter and C II. Stoltenbergtt will supply the same Institution with .-.- '. -:T POSTAL-DEPARTMENT. OBJECTS TO A NAME r ' (gpeclal Dlapatch te Ttt'Jaurnil.J Foreat Grove, Or., March The poetofflce now known as CarnJUlon. near the Southern Paciflo. depot at Foreat Grove le to have a new name. - South Foreat Grove aeeme to be the favorite ame hnd Senator Fulton haa expressed hlmaeirTSTIie effett tliat lie 1 WTOTJ-'aldp' the people of that little settlement In obtaining that name, although It was some time ago objected to by the postal authorities atWashington because it waa too long. " The Pacific Coaat Condeneed Milk company, which manufacturee the I?ar- .nation cream, ha a large plant In title place and had secured a postornce ror themselves, all their employee and sur rounding country giving It the name Carnation, but now the postal depart. it advertlalng value to the milk com pany. MANY CONGRATULATIONS TON POPE'S NAME DAY (Joeraal gaeeial genie. ) Rom. March It. Today being the name day of Pope" Plue X,-the-holy t father received thoueande of letter and telegram of congratulation from all part of the world. Thla morning he celebrated mass In the presence of a fe Intimate friend and member of hi household. II lunched, as usual, with hi slater, and afterwards received tha sacrad college In his library and thanked the cardinals for their good wmhee. lie did "not deliver a formal address, how .vm In nmmbrtiu'of hta name dav the pop received, many handsome and ' valuable presents. Hie - hounesa - re marked: "By the grace of God, X feel younger and better every year." TRIAL OF WOMAN ON MURDER CHARGE BEGINS rSDedal Dlaeatrh te Th Journal.) I ,'0"a-f "iV "h7J!:lelucea cemtlpatlon the water all run t the ltiy and Ihreat ln.e.l of paajinr out William F. Cyru of the Twenty-fourth Infantry, waa begun In the, district court her today. Th woman I about 21 yeare -old .and the tragedy occurred In her resort. A Jury had not been ae-1 curea up io a laie nour. KING OF FIRE EATERS LOSES LIFE IN FLAMES - - bioeraal gpeMat HerTlra.l Juneau, Alaska, March 1. The Louvre theatre, owned by O. W. Ashby, burned lsst night. John Henry, who wgs on. doing an art on the stage as the "king of flre-eatera,' waa overcome by amok whll trying to ave hi ef fecte and burned to death. Several fe male performer were slightly burned. ALL GAMBLING AT ; BUTTE TO BE STOPPED i '(Jfceraal flpeHai aervie.) - Butt Mont, Mareh 1. Attorney Oenerel Oalen he Issued order to th sheriff te clone all aambllng houses In Butte. The order follows a bitter fight waged by tho vlvlc league agaliiM the gambling element In en effort to cloee tea town, - ; .' . 'i : -r , .... .. .,. . HEORg60?rn5XILY JOTJjRNAU PORTIKPrTJONPAT iJjUiJL,JjaUM Party" Leaders Have Much Faith in New Democratic. Chair- Ttiari ofCommittee. MANY COUNTIES OF . GEORGIA CLAIM HIM Left an Orphan at, Early Age, Secured OfflGGSinSBlf.ES conncE Common School IM$ltiooPraiAJesxt decided never ticed Law, Served Term on Bench and Several in Cong-res. - (WhlBtoa Bureau at The J oar sal.) -Washington, . March ' 1. The new chairman of, tha Demooratlo congres sional oommlttee inspires confidence In those who know him that he wfll suc ceed In putting- his party In control of the next house, of representatives. Judge OH gee that "Judge" la a real title, earned by service on the bench haa the reputation of being- born in more counties In Georgia than any other man within tha confines of that state. i h Hon.-Jamea -M.Origga, member- of congreaa from Georgia, chairman of the Democratic congressional com mittee. ' !' i This enviable, even if Impossible, dis tinction springs from the fact that hie father. died when he waa quite small and he bad to shift for himself, Ja Q doing he shifted in about a doxen coun- tiaev-mtitih of the ttme engaged in the delightful occupation of pulling a beii cord over the back of a Georgia mule In the cotton fields. Bo that when tie be came famous It was not strange '-that the different . local historians declared "Jim Griggs waa bo'n an raised In our county." Just now his home Is at Uajw xounty where Ie ha everai plants tlona. - Hie wife waa a. atlas fltewarLoff an old Georgia family. Common achool education, rounded off with the benefits derived from winning a echolarehts in the. Peabody . Normal college at Nashville, led to the study and praotlc of law, and finally to the bench for young "Jim" Griggs. Nobody who knows 'him calls him anything but "Jim." The etep upward from the bar when a vacancy occurred' In the famous old Pataula circuit waa oeaet with dif ficulty. Having made It hie Business to new to 8afaAK! eep good ijy .alralgkt siiliilnu line ana friends in ms aistnct, as wen aa under the dome, he haa been returned every time since hie election. II ha attained membership on the committees on poetofflcee and .postroada and prlnt- Ing. which i doing. veryjreuror: Democrat in theae day of overwhelm ing Republican rule. . . FALLS FROM DAITAND DROWNS NEAR HELENA Helena. Mont., Marco 1. Henry Lasalle of Dora. Minneaota, employed on the-new dam arroaa the Missouri river nesr here, fell Into the river, slipping from the logs, and waa drowned . thla morning. IP body ha no.t been recovered. - -. - A LIQUID GOLD CURE AMD ' ' LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP THE ORIGINAL Th let Clever Sfeaeeai ead the leaey Be OS Bvary Settle. . ; CjA r a fiish narlw alwava nra. 7 ' inrougn ins ana kii7. For the want e( moisture the bowel become dry and hard." Nearly all ether couth cure are constipating, especially the containing Opiates. Kennedy a Laxative Honey and Tar mere the bowel, contains no Opiates, KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HODEVoTAR Relieve Cold by working them out of the aystem through a copuju actiea of the bowela. 7 Relieve Cough by cleansing and trengthenlng the mucous membrane of th threat, chest, lung and bronchial tube. for Croop, Waeoplai Courb, La Orippe. lalueaxa, BreachltU, aod all Coogh, eon. In the famoue-eotton-ialslnTTsrreirta Cold. Lug a4 Branchial election a1 notlc demanding that President Alax remedv la equal ta Ceanedr Laxative ander K. Orr ce hie "extraordinary Boaey Put up m f Be, Me end il.00 beHlee at the Lab. Oratory mf a. u. oewin at vcumcego, u.,n SERVES GOD-BUBQPn ELEVEN LITTLE : GIRLS - Woman and Her Husband Have FvshrWrellof-TherrOwnr LButJncJeMeanl'J 'Uunra&l flBeclal Service.! 1 1 Glasgow. Ky.. March !. I know of no better way to serve the Lord than William Enois today, when It became known that she and her husband had adopted It little girls after having Ave of their own. - t-- - "I' love chlldrenTejtid so T does my Bus bnJ. are .never happier than when addlna- to their happiness. All our Own of deviltry and can take care or tnemi aelves better than girls, we love our adopted children as much aa our own. It la our intention to locate at Mineola, eduoate the children and -make Chris tians of them." : Enola. with his family. Is traveling to Mineola In two covered vehicles, re- embitng old-time prairie schooners. At Glasgow Junction laat night they had a hard time finding a place to Bleep. A room waa finally obtained, the children arranged in a etrcle and Mr- and Mrs. Enols slept in the center. The family resembled a country school. . . .j BODY OF HURDERED MAN IS FOUIiDJHM RACE . Fount Nailer Evidently Victim of an Attack, as Skull Shows - njuries Inflicted.' - (Speclar Dlapatta te Tba J no rati.) , Pendleton, Or., March 1. The dead hAilv cif a man tiamed Fount Nailer, who realdea near Athena oh a TafmfaeT'PweTtt"i 1 found early Sunday morning in Byera' mlllrace by ret mcimvui, nigni waicn- meil at the mill. a ver diet 1 that he died between the hours of 10 p. m, March IT, and I a. m., March It, and cam to hi death by the hands of some unknown person. His death wa-du -t-tnjuri-ef -the-akull, and not from drowning. 9 - It Is evident that Nailer was thrown Into the mlltrace after he wa hit. It known that be had a quarrel with bl eon-ln-law, - Ed Tracey, Saturday night, and some - suspicion is cast on him. It la claimed by soma that he wa looking-for a hospital and aa h would have crossed the mlllrac on the way. It la possible that he fell and truck hla head and then fell In. Nailer ieavee a wlf e and family 1 IV Ing on the farm near Athena. He left home for Pendleton Saturday morning. No arrests have yet been made."" RENDERS OPINION ON TAXINQlOEMOBTGAGES (Rnaelal DtenatcB tft 'rha leurnal.t 01ympla,Wash, March 1. Attorney-- General Atkinson, - answering a question regarding; the assessment oi mortgages, -4 saya: "It i th Intention of the legislature in the above provision of the law. that to be taxed in thl atate. except audi mortgage aa are ftv tlally to secure the purcbaae price of real eetate. That is ui construction which ha been ected upon In thl atat and the court have never o far held otherwise. It la myoplnlon, under he law as It now exists, teat when the person whose property I being assessed make a statement t the assessor that the mortgage i a part of th purchase price - of real - property, It-i to-toe exempted from th operation of the law and .that euch mortgage la not asseesa- ble." - SEEKS TO MAKE PUBLIC HIGHWAY F STREAMS --iHoacial Dilateh. taJTaeJmirBal-V. Albany, Or., March W. J. Tur- nldg of Crabtree haa filed In the of fice of the county clerk ble -declaration made and provided to have Crabtree creek and Roaring river declared an un-J navigable stream ana aeciarea m. pudiio highway for tha purpose of floating and TranOdlnti: other materials. . And to acquire to him self the exclusive right to regulate, manage and control the aame, that la, a much thereof aa Ilea . within the county of Linn.' . " Many of the resident of that section will oppoa thl most strenuously and allege that they will fight the matter even to the highest courts, saying that a law that allow on person to infringe on the private rtirht of another la Il legal and should not prevail. - - :T- , SAYS M0R0S EXHIBIT FIENDISH SAVAGERY (Jouraal Special BerTlee.1 Cincinnati, March 1. General Henry T. Allen, commander of the Philippine constabulary, arrived here today and aaye: . "Peonle of a civilized community can't understand the fiendish savagery with which the natrveaf Ight The Moroe are the workt trlb tn th islands.' It la a common -thing to see patlenta brought to the hospital seek a chance to stick a knifeInto a doctor or -nurse Fre-.! quentiy ere to be seen women lighting desperately, beside the men." : CONVICTS TO WORK AT ""COUNTY ROCKTQUARRY (gpeetal Dlapatrb ta Tb Joaraal.) Salem. Or., March 1. Governor Chamberlain ha authorised' Superin tendent. James to send 17 convicts for work at th quarry and .rock crusher, ene mile aouth of Salem,- They are taken to and fro- on car and are watched by two armed guard. Th county furnishes the meal at the noon hour and a foreman to direct the work. Only men with a. good prison record, medium eenten-""and adapted to tb work are employed! ,Tne work began today. POLICYHOLDERS PROTEST SPENDING THEIR MONEY . ' (Jnaraal Special BerTlce.) ' New Tork. March 1. Representing 10,000 policy holder of the New Tork Life Insurance company. Samual Unter- myer, counsel . Tor the international policy holder's' committee, has filed cere of the agenry force in soliciting proxies for the -reelection Of yourself and esaorlates et enormous expense to - EVENING; MAKCI!- 19, FilTIIEnilOJOO ACCUSED Trials of O, . and H. C; Jordan on Same Charge Are Set.. by Judge Frazer,T ELDER AIREADY.UNDER . PENITENTIARY SENTENCE yu Convicted on Char to of Embei- glement and Now With Hia Son .WilLtFweAccusadon of, Having Fala'tTied Recorda. Presiding Judge Arthur L. Fraaer tbta morning aet April 4 ae the day upon which to try the case of the atate against O. r. Jordan, aon of Henry CUy Jordan, charged with the crime of falalr fylng'th record of a corporation. J Aorll waa set a the oar upon wnicn to begin the trial or the elder Jordan, wno will nave to aniwir to iui charge....-''.... . Henry Clay Jordan wa aentencea net Saturday by Judge Bear to serve three yar H months ana JO aay in me penitentiary; having been found guilty of embeaslement in connection with the eame corporation that caused the father and son to be Indicted on the chargi of falsifying recorda , (Attorney B. C. Spencer wru conauoc the case a as special deputy district at torney. He declare that the Stat will attempt to prove the following: - "That Henrjr Clay Jordan waa presi dent of a corporation formed here to exploit a patent nut; that hi son. O. F. Jordiut, was the aaalatant retary-Cf the corporation and N. w. Roundtree and Dr. H. Bieradorf were two of the tockholdere. Dr.' B. e." wnght owned the corporation for stock. Now, we will attempt to prove that' H.' C. Jordan. rrMen nt -the cmmianv.-Tecorded.. In the book that at a meeting of the dl rectors Mr. Roundtree moved and Dr. Bieradorf seconded a motion that thl property be mortgaged for tl.BOO. Thla record waa signed by young Jordan aa assistant secretary. - Now. we will try to prove that no such action waa taken by the director named In the records, and that Jordan mortgaged the preperty and used the 11,600 for himself." HILLS BURIED IN SNOW- """"tContlnued from" Page ' On a) - even apple have been pretty bard hit In th valley. The- only .- herd luck stories are of peache and It Is certain the peach crop will be short. The snow ie disappearing and Indication prevail of a warm rain. liOWIN YAMHILL Weather Hodsrate, bat Xeavy Kantl of White Cover around. -..;r (SiMetal Dunetch t Th loaraal.t ' McMinnvilla, Or., March 1. The cold weather haa omewhat moderated In the naat few day, and Saturday evening waa alao 10 a more southerly direction. - dav the wind, wa from the nor tn gain, and It rained and anowed off and on during the dey. Much enow fell in the .mountain to the weet Saturday night and Sunday. ' . . . - Juat how1 much fruit waa - damaged the paat week ie not known. . . Many water pipes and pump were frosen on account of th celd. TRAINS DELAYED. Heavy gaowe Zaet Xake Traffla Blow . on P." v at T. tlaw, 8peeiai Dlapatch te The Jonmal.) Pendleton, Or., March 1. Ther ha train through from the eaat to Portland for 21 hour. On train ar rived Sunday morning at t:I0 o'clock. 1 and the nexi o'clock. Heavy enow In th eaat la the cause. Trouble is expected for verl day. . .. . '' .' WHEATCROPSAFE. CondonMTlire Inche olnow and I Tamperataae aUalxur. - (Rpeclal Dlanatck to Th Jnoreal.) ' ' Condon, Or., March 1. Three tnche of anow foil her elnce Sunday after noon. The wheat crop 1 still safe, but unless th weather soon break atock will suffer.' Tb temperature 1 slowly rising. ; ' .V f , TRAFFIC IMPEDED. X Bigg now of Wlnte Bxperlenoed la the Mlaei Weet. . (Journal gpeelal1 amc.l Chicago, March H. Th middle weet Is experiencing th biggest snow thl winter. - Traffla Ms much Impeded, al though the weather 1 not cold. SNOWSLIDES IMPRISON ; SIX HUNDRED MINERS . - - (Jnarnal Spertal aervir.! " Denver, Colo., March 1. Six hundred mlnere are cut off from communication br anowslldee. Thou imprisoned near Ouray are yet unreported and It I not how eeri"how" fneyar- golng-to get provlstona Railroad are tied up through the mountain and wlree are down. In Imogene baeln tha snow 1 from 150 to 00 feet deep. . r CVT.' Mr. J. D. Rockefeller Jr, who wag Miss Abbie Aldrich, daughter tha senator from Rhode Ialand. ' '7 r ' , , ..,.0f -(IW.Weatherij as-. ma j t av . r i i . . , -; """ In; vJr2Ti ;RSUCU&TQJJMt&-PROTECTION. REGARDS LESS OF "COMBINE !MMESI7CHj 7. TWELVE MILUONfa I PACKACES LAST YIAR'.SOMt JONEWAS 5ATI5F1EI ?fr FRICK'S ASSAILANT SOOri TO "SECURE FBEEDO',1 ' a - ejssaBiasBBBjSBaaaiss Anarchist Who Tried to Kill Stl Magnate. Will. Be WatchecTj by Detectives. . - jaraal Special Svk. :---. - Pittsburg; Pa., Mareh ll-Alexander Berkman will step out of the Allegheny county workhouse May 11, after Bervlng 14 year for attempting to murder H. C. Frlck. Frick haa not forgotten Berk man. When the man le released one of the best detective agenda in th world will take up the trail. Until be or Frlck die Berkman will never be long unwatohed. It will coet Frlck $14,000 a year, but he think It a good life In surance Investment. Berkman la a much an anarchlat aa he waa the day he shot at Frik, but la an advocat of education instead of aa apoatl of force. He haa been a most ex emplary prisoner during the 14 7 era h ha been behind the wall, and studied unceasingly. He haa perfected himself In language and 1 prepared to make an active campaign In favor of the red flag. . ; FINE RAIMENT .. OR-DORA JENNINGS ' (Continued from Page OnaV 1 To receive thlseoncourse of visitors. caller and admirer,' Ml Jennlnge dreeee her beat and look her pretti est. No matter how early they com. Ilenoa she need clothe, and plenty of them, and la free to present her ordere to the sheriff, demanding of the county court that the bUls be paid. Want Jan Matron.' "But th good women of Oranl Pa believe that a county jail, cared for wholly by men, le not m M place for a young lady of aa tender year as Dora Jennings. They believe a matron should be appointed by the -Bounty court to at tend the girl in prison, and to thla and various organisation of women here are planning to wait upon tb county court and see if eome step cannot b made to seour th eppotntment of a matron for the JalL Lately Ml Jonnlng 1 having fre quent Interview with her.- attorney, ilPJETOMff A N ELECTRIC POWER - COMPANY. deTsloptec 6000 horse power with wster power, owns 5001 scrs TOWNSITK on RAILROAD and . RIVER in the center Of RICH FARMING. FRUIT and MININO country, wishes the aid of capital to properly place said Tewasite on tbe market. . .': ' ' " Owns some of the richest GOLD MINES In state both qnsrtz and placer will -equip with machinery and furnish . Electric Power for percentage of receipts. Owns MARBLE, GRANITE, , LIMESTONE and SANDSTONE QUARRIES wishes ; cooperation of capital to derelop. : . , - ' . ... ', ' Owns and controls LOGGING RIGHTS to Large Rlrer i with SIX BILLION FEET of SUGAR PINE, YELLOW PINE and FIR to be floated eat, wishes aid ef capital to -.improve river.1. ;;..-t -U':TT.'-J' j', ''. ; ;'." , OWNER WILL BE IN Cm ADDRESS : VJ- WeJT iMaJ aek -- M sTaveSalMaaat s- XhJiJLLLiiik ccriTnicrcriS, ; . PuOSFECTOHS and GRADERS MUST-HAVE- AM ABSOLUTELY raJer-FFCol-SIice- Wa saaraatew eur "MAJgAJT Oiuiese be the eaty abeolutelr peefeet ako 0 ld a) JaaeV. HAXb OMO: KOSEWTDAS , SoU Ageat Sanaa esul Boydes Oele- rated Saoes. HM.CriocKj Phone East. 244 OR COMPETITION ; RELL-SOCLE COMPANY ' " 9YVACVSC NEW YORK " mm 9 aa vkVva ia ni yw a 99 - in -ric iuc rAurvr.utv9j -FOR FUNDS OUR . FIRST ' CONSID- BRATIOIf If lt' your, ymi will boooeno m de- poeltor of thj Banking Bona whew It year of-contlnuou operation la aa In valuable aaeet. - 7 -' . - " 1 Add to thla resource of oyer a ' MILLION AND A HALF OF - ' - ' DOLLARS and a strong Board of XMreotor and). rpliaTe ;a,reaaonfor. aafttjr. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY 0F0REG0H- g. B. Oar. M 4 Oak its. . Paea Bxekasge f S BgNJ. 1. COREK President H. U PITT OO It w ....... Ttcs-Prealoant B. Lt PAUHT....M.. Secretary J. 0, OOLTaa ........... Aaslstaat Secretary - ' ' 4 Native 0 Real for AD Dldeatlvo Dlaordera. Liver and Kidney trouble. SUteunaarlam, Nervoua Weak nose, No Alcohol, Qnaia sf memy ar ear aaMsnaua aainaa a e. A P 4 ant m aVf. Mcanau at Pnaawsroa sawaj fUC wl ly iUssrrTrtATrvE HCSU coT and plana are being laid for her eeoond trial, whlon will be heard la- Joeepbln circuit - court . next month. Her ease will be fought with Increased vigor and sh 1 hopeful of result In the mean time, and while waiting for the day of her freedom, ahe 1 aeonmulatlnaj clothes. worth Kaowtasr - that AUcock'a are the original and genuine poroua piaster; au oinara are imitatlona Life I never a Joke to the fellow who; Uvee b hi wlta . . FOR THREE PAYS ONLY 5 TDE JOURNAL We sen1 j' tkeaa im i"cula em aadt aigit eat. ' ; ; ,''; g.'-"fV.r omornson SAFETY aoia ky U. a. BAiamor m o tha poller noiuer. . ,f