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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1906)
- jpyoMwaBt - to - FOR SALE FARM 3. i H rt(oB of iHtitnl land la th Bis Bend district; prlc Ht pee er. - T Wacro firm eud good f r ' nl Vara laipA AL-baa house SSnd ether " bo tid ings. Its k at etrewtrriee; mlW from Pari laud and ml lee from Oswegoi price ja.Ttio. - - muse, ham su.:r. in 114 an ciei 2.7Tniil all efearad.-Tt ct X froU.-ar! we Mil oa evaimiiUM basis T only, bo : watered price. 4 ... ...r. rhotw Main 6308. FOR SALE TIMBER. -W ban a few chole hemeetead clalma m iiWBnco- and Bhoraian.--xwaatleal - alao .a few timber claims, yellow plat, ovr 7,000 OM tret. Writ U u tor roll aartloulara. HuO . sua Land Co.. Tba DaUaa, Or- ' -- - - ' 4 WELULOCATBD timber claim. Br T'lnw and sugar plna: will cut S.OOtV t B.OUO.000 chl remember, such clslm subject to enlrf an scarce. ' Apply 224 Falling bid. . CKRTIFIEO -.. . price. W scrip.- sny alaa pieces; loweot U. llowell, 888 Chamber of Com- HiVaf. aerarai (In tmrber alarms for loesHoa; , bo awney dapoalt required. 8U8 Mohawk bldg. " TIMBlCR relinquishment, i, GOO, 000 pine; rati. roaiTI mllea; lmprovcsts.- lr li. Janraal. WIIJ. loot yoa oa timber claltaa aaar Onhins. Ma river; no chary unless filing la accepted. Call t2 Commercial bib. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. GOOD work Ina far sale cheap; will drlvs slngl r doubl. Call 8S8 East BlghU at , FOR aale' or trad. 8-yeer old stallion, weight l.SM pounds. J aba Ironside. 14tta and Mar shall iu dly. ' TOR SAI.B 4 bars, on xtra fine driver: robber-tired trap, two aipraaa wgoa. ad ttao, two aipraaa wapoaa, scary I and llahti seed family bora: nit- ha at.l l 1 by Monday too, aa owner la falnf oaat. at Mat and Kaat Comb ata. - - - CaH TO EXCHANGE. a. I ii m m i i i i i; .ml f w 'IH.Mi; AN IDEAL orchard. S3 arraa beat rrnit lana In Willamette Taller, S5 acret hearlnt winter a iiple Iraeir an iranrwrw Tlirva no bulldluaa; price 2.000: will take Improred cliy prupert In ForOaud In Mil of Ja'YMr " meut and aaar terma on balance aiddraaa W. J. 8mltb, Detroit, urefoa. HOIBB and Vt rloae In. Seattle: rented for - U per aiontbt valoa 2.: mortfara 1.000. runs 4 yeare: wll trade for wkai baa pw W 30, car Journal. - . : WILL trada bouaa and two krta, baart of Ban don, Cone county, tor what hara 7 out 1M quick, before railroad lata tljere. , W - 7, carf Journal. " . "" d LOTS taxchana for ntaldrae ' aad pay cab.-41ffrpiiCT. I07H Third at FOR7: SALE MISCELLANEOUS. T0B"HAXK OH K1ITT VKW-lWtKtyntO' HAND BBWmO MACHINES. STANDARD i HKW1NQ MACUINB AtiUXCt. B. O. JOSKS, . 280 XAMUILX. ST.. . - . !TRTTEHrlWeTi"raIiyaIhn6r(r-pf tire stock of rebuilt machlnea at a eaeri- flca price In order ta make room for the new Fox Vlilble. Call and be convinced. The Portland Typewriter xcbane, M Third at. BOOKS baavbt, aold and exchanged at tba Old Book (Store. 22 Yamhill at. WI need furniture and will pay full raroe. Thone Pacldc 70S. ' Waatera Salrafe Co., 627 Waeblagtoa at. WK8TKUN OREOON MININO MILLING CO. headquarters ; atock for aale and Inforyatloj "at lA) Ftrat at. at. rnooa ataia io-. .- SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES wane to order; aeeood-band roods Cm aal. Carlaoa A Kail " - atrora, W Ooocb at. Phone Clay 871. BORSCS of all klnda for aale at rery able prlcea. Inquire 273 Front at. BILLIARD AND POOL tablea for rent ar for - aale on ease par men ts. "TBS BBCNSWI-BAUtr COIXIWDBB CO. , d Third at.. rorUand. . : MANURB by w(onltuidr carload aa 0. W; P. - By. Phona Eaat 2316. 200.000 BRICK for sale. Phone Catoa 17M. "A NO.'I t'Dderwaod Trpewrltrr tor $40. " csra JoartuL M 12, SHOW cssee, ennntera, flitarea boufht. aold or ', exchanged. Western Ralraca Co-, 2T Waeb 1 tngton aV Paclllc 763. - TUB celebrated -Pontlae top bnrrtea. leather .... flahihed. for frin. at Portland Warehaoaa A Tranafer Oo S42 Eaat Waehlnftoa at.. - WPJ prt&t yonr pane a no tattln raida. piupet alaa and style,; IV) bnelneee rarda. It. . A. W. Scbmala Co., 22P First. Portland. Or. HOLDETTS RHEUMATIC CURB--Snra rare rheaouitlsaa. Sold by all druaalata. . TOR BALK 22 V4 foot larrach. rapacity 14 per anna, equipped with a-horsepower Far A Bowen . engine, complete, apaurtananesa a( tba awry beat, Inquire J10 Plna ft. .i DOOS of 10 different breeda at vary reaemabte prlcaa. Rainier Kennel, Penlaanlar statloa. ALUMINUM frsaie Chiracs Typewriter, with leather carrying esse for Bale at a bargain. M IS, rara Joomal. N R W and aaeond hand Remington Type writers for aale from $26 ta 1 75 nntll March 2.1. In order to make room fur New Visible. 81 -Third at. , XADAM'S Microbe-Killer, the grant gernlHde, that baa stood the teat of yearn. For aale - by druggists or Winters, aott Ore ad are.. N. BLIOKENSDERKKR Typewrltara IB. M. 18, care Joomal. for sale, FOR 8 ALIO I00 certificate on Alien . ' bert Piano Ilouee for $ 10. East 4058. eti- ' GRADING outfit. teams with harneaa. 8 acrapere, donbletreee, plow, all new. 8SO0: ' will aell part. Call at gradlna ramp, rslr new. or., 10 niiee out oa O. R. 4k N. - FOR RAt.B for 8.1. large-alaa 810 baby buggy .... . wlth parent, edluetah le foot aad backi good - aa new. Inquire 7 O at, PERSONAL. MA1MMB ANNA LUCK BY ta Bow prepared to reoelreo patlenta la bar new eniartera. First- cUae -trsstmeat. and aarslngt. Mee, -Cataee'e -. French Paste for renorlng wrlnkleai treat ment half price; alao Man. Karrow'a famous remedlee; all aealp dlaeeaea treated auceeeo fully; euggeetlre therapeutlca and magnathi ,: healing; satisfaction gnarantaed; roost ex. . reliant bathe aad eclenflfie - maaaage given. -r OfnV aad home. 10-1718 Lange Hotel, ear. Sixth aad Waahlogtoa ate. CONFIDENTIAL medical adrlre to sremsu We treat d uvea see of women aarlastrelr, i coring with aararylng auceeee all - female . allmenta from the slightest local Irrttatloa to the moat complicated Internal tronblea maternity esses - glren aneclal attentloat Erirate boapltal accemmndatloa; profeaalonal idy anrve In cttendancet eonauttatloa and edrlce free. X-Radlnm Medical I as tl tat a aad Sanltartnat, Third and Aider ata., antra aee 8 Alder at.. Portland. GRADUATE maaaeur ,- and (tea traatnt; - M. - will go to year bo ate rati fftrea. , aaar DOUaB HOg PITA L Hepalrlng aad dressing. 88t Taadiin. SUIT8 preaeed while yea watt 80c.. Ladlea aktrta prraaed. Oc. Ollhert. 108H tUt at, .- aoit to Quell. - Phone Pacific 8088. PR'. WOfl LET BENJAMIN, the Foot Specialist, 8H washtogtoa at. Eood 804. Sera (eel man aound. BINS CHOONlL Immrte of Cblnoae rent medl- , . etnea; aell CMaea tea tbst la aortaln en re -T- for -ell dlaeeeea. lt Seoead bet. XamklH and Taylor. SCHOOL hooks and all klnda of books -boa pi. t, ' aold and eacbaaged. Joaea Book klora. 881 Alder at. . . ........ DFTECTITB A0ENCT Confldeatlal laraetl- - .gatlona: reaorta made oa ear Individual bwal neaa or property; nrtsetng relatives located! I bad debta collected: charaee reaaoneblet cor. ..respendoeer. aolMted Ore roe pefeetlve J Service, offlcao J14-T.IJ . rthloiMa bldo. ' Watklagtoa at fhuaa Mala 8i8. - seiia"stor& .want .ad. wa?': Is? cheapest, pictest," jiireM- -, , r " ,"..;.; : " - . , . - PERSONAL. "gesab- LorenBa Nerve Tonic Tablets; tfle per box. 8 boiaa for 81 88. Write or eall at kyeeelUs i-fcarmaey 227 Morrtaoa. bet. 1st and Id. DH. ATWOOD. M Ruaael bide, lafiu ai. Fomala dlaeaaae aad ennflaeaieaei takea and eared far I , apea ovenlnpa. . Consul tattoo fcea, . 1 BACK ACHB -and kldnep or bledde oiasaaea anaea, wlia,.-u,ea,o betas i Hist- alaa-w iPa la a tamp a Plnmmar. 200 Third at WET PRBT are daaaoroaa. - la abaolatoly wateraraof. Wabfbat blacking MANLY rigor Metered W Dr.. Roberta' Nerrt . Olobulea..Qno month 'a tree . . . ae. a meathe. T5: aent seen re lv sealed br mall. Agenta, Woodard. Clarke Oo.. Portland. Or. MRS. SopMla B. Setp, psyckometrtst. a, proohetaasi dallv 10 to A. to 8 Toeaday and Friday, a p. m 848H Tamhlll. eor. Seveotb. Pacific 108. - Snndar evening -v tnoetlnga Draw- ball,. 234 li Mtartson it, TES. Pslme Tablets make foa aleep perfectly; they cure aervooaaaae and make yon atroag; price SOc a box, 8 boxes 82 80: guaranteed. - Ail drugirleta, or addreea Brooke Drug Cox. 87 . North Third at.. Portland. Oregon. FREB to out of town patrons, oar Is teat cata logue of fancy work, pillow tone, center pieces, shirtwaists and anveltlaa. The Needle Craft Shop. 8M2 Washington at.. Portland. Or. LA OIKS' Turkish bath, massage, hydrlartic perioral -etrlrtly first -class place for ledles only. Flat A, B&l Waaiilngtoa at, between Sliteeath and Savonteentb. . BALM or FIOS for all female d 828 Eaat Belmont. Phone Beat 4084. ANT maa or woman caa be strong and banpy by aalng Sexlne Pills, the crest tonlel price 8T- ooT.g txitel J5; wlm Mil gnsmntea, Addreea or call J. A. Clemenaon. druggist, . eor. Seaund aad Tamhlll ata.. Portland. Or. BinB-ORADB portralu: epeclal offer for few oaya; caninei eiae, caroa or roiaora, is ir 13; - qnaUty and work the beat. D. M. Steven. 80S Ooednougb bldg Fifth and Yaalll . - - -. . 'FfRBIM)EN FRUIT," "A flav Lothario." - Htoryrof a Slave," 'Fafioy Hill. "Agnoa." - r A""'.- . - woman or r Irs, am? eacn: uata tree. a. " ". TURKISH BATHS. 800 Orogonlaa bldg. ladle .". imavn niguia. assm -aeP- BOLDBN'S BBEUMATI0 CURB Snra enri (ar rneumatlam. Hold by all druggiata. COAnt J agency " Vn. tStloa'a French" "toilet artieien. Kootns 11-11 uranfl inearr nmg., Wt-ar-Washlngtbn agton. Phui bun Maid Kuunu UTygTre vapor, alcohol and medlcatrfl hatha. rarior xr. S88H. Stark. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS and reeorda delivered anywnere rree on receipt full retail price; largeat a rock Edison rreorde west of Rocklee. Send for eircnlare. Peter Beclgslopl, Tbd Ml salon. Baa Frandkco. - NORTHWEST Rug Work, bow located at 153 union eve., Bear Raai Morriwa. nuga irosa old. carpota. TeL- liat 8680. : ii - . DR. O. V, KRTCHUM euro prompUy private oweaaaa. kittney,. nervoua, earn ana specm female trouble. Cell or write. Red Ones Dlspeaaary. corner Third and Ash its. Pbooa Pacific Ml- , DR. M. T. COLE Rom for maternity esse. trained aarae. Eaat baao. DO yon meat to marry T If ao. tola our society: w nav nuaareo or Bwmner. riiner sex. QENTLEMAN - wlabe acooalntsnc of young widow lady having little girl and ber own home; object aulrlmooy. city. Addreaa Box U, STRANGERS la the elty will find nt the noma or tba Oregoa Camera club, top floor Macieey bldg.. "Fifth and Wash lug ton ata., all photo graphic coavonleacea at moderate rate. BRAD 100 book for 50c; send Itsmpe for par ticular. H B, car journal. . nes sards Bri 1 .' : ' 1 81.60 FOR 30 .all kind flowera and vegetabla aaeda rea- . aeaable. H Ml. care Journals FACPJ, ecalp aad body ma sea re at your homo; reuucoa rate tor on mooui..aUrp,. uanwl, Phone Mala 56BP. . PARTY who took new bat. at skating rlak with Initials" J. A. H. Is known and batter return asm a to rick and avoid trouble. EXPERIENCED eeemetreae want oewbic by day or piece; price reaaoaaule. Pbao Hood 881. . v LADIES Do yoa embroider I Send n 2ft sil ver ana we win man yoa or our latest ablrtwslst deslanl and Impression paper ton taka design orr oa clotn. ibe iNeeaitcrart Shop. 8112 Washington St. -AUTOMOBILES. COTBT COOK Motor Car Co.. P enU and Alder Agent for radlllac. Pierce, Groat Arrow and Stvna-Darya motor-cara) ma cbtne rented, repaired and stored. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. - MAX METER, 848 Portrait aad landscape arttet aad Alder, teacher. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MEMOES. Architect 118 Second it. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney. SOB Commercial blk.. - Second and Washington rte. Phone Mala 848. J. S. WINCHESTER. attnrney-t-lnw. notary. SO Washington hldg. Phone rscinc Km. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. aad Montana Aaeay Office. 1 Morrison it. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. B0WB, DAVIS a KIHAM, 100 111 Seroad at Blank bonk manufacturers; sgente for eoaes Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; ee th new Kureaa rear, tae ooax oa ine marae. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD CO,, 8O4-SO0 . Everett - Largeat butchers' supply hone oa tb co BATHS MASSAGE. IP O ladle giv baths, face aad scalp message. J rith at . , ; MISS RAYMOND give baths snd murage treat- ta... Tb Coemoa. atsbtb Morrwoa at. TW ) yoang ladles give niaaaage. tnb and vspof hatha. 110H Fenrth, corner Washington. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. A SPECIAL 8500 READING FOR .V. ALWAYS BRLIABLB SEE' THB WEST. OKMONDB. EGYPTIAN ASTRAL SEKR OF "DELHI Dead trance medium, clairvoyant. palmist. aatrnloger. psychic hesler, tell of marrlsge, love, bnelnese, health, la wan Its; reMoree lost or falling vitality, break weak bnhlta. locate mine, burled treasures, miss ing one; make good lack, remove evil m fluence. hastens marriages, unite tho separ ated: nettle tor, business ar tamlly troubles: reliable reading by mall; also anaent treat ment for all ellment. Ill rack: devnkips clalrvayanc la atber. 2SSH Washington. PROF. NORMAN. -CONSULT THH BFT IT WILT, PROYB ' TUB CHEAPE8T1N THB END. , Wllbeot anklng a question I tell every In ' rideot af your pat. present and future life; bow to gal your desire la love, marriage, divorce, sickness, wealth, etc: locate lost will, deeda, mortgage and absent friends; telle yoa how to tall If yoar mine eontalna ore, oil or gas; fee within reach of all. ' 828 Allekr bldg. 26 Morrison, cor. Third. x-T-protr Wallace 7'-- "The' anted be I wist, will continue to give Jill celebrs ted 83 resdlng for M rents for one -week longer. 2Hb4 Morrteaa si a nartora I and S. The C'ouhoo, ever Royal bakery. BKS.' STRVENS, Portlend's l-dlng eelm let astrologer and etalrveyaat - 181 Seventh it, opp. Hotel PortHnd.' SPIRITUAL cerdcesdipg snd nelrsUtrr at jj Ho, Melville bldg.r Savead aad AUrkl, THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND, MONDAY I .a'. L , J I . A kM - J.--f I rl f del 1 1 J l 1 r . eTreJee I . : . I .. .v. ... - CHIROPRACTIC. CURES appendlcltla: ao drags or knife. Dr. Eva Hogan, rMl Union sve. Tel. Woodlaera 87. CARPEi CLEANING.; STANDARD. Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plant 'on the roaat lorlng aad Harding ata., tele phone. ,Esst 280 Tsrpeta cleaned, refitted, " aewed and laid: both steam and latest asm- - pressed air pes esse; a aaatia mltlrsssas aad feather, a epactelty. -r SANITARY earpof. cleaning, eoerton aad caa preeaed Sir combined; enrpete cleaned on Soot wlthont, removal. Main PQ1I4. Eaat42a.J CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WAUHBURNB FLOYD, wagon- builder aad general job work. S Bth at Phono Hood Bun. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning Dyeing Works; prac tical batter la eoaneclkm. 211 4th. Pacific 807. CLOTH KS cleaned and pressed 81 per BMMtb. Unique Tailoring Co., 847 Washington at B. W. TURNER, profeaalonal ear and cleaner. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladles nd men's. cleaning and pressing. 500 Waah. Ptl817. B?!i don't worry; we'll saw your hut- -tone on and do your mending rree: aoo t wear; we II Iron your shirts ana conars to fit your neck. Try us. Orand I -sundry Co.. 17lh and Qulroby sis. Phone 14B5. , COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any ana. owe yoa money f We collect bad debta of air kinds. Northweatera Law - Collect Ion 4)cr-118-Grand ava., rooms 14 aad .. 15. Citleene' Bank bid. - Cat thla aa. Phone East 0046. CAFES- THB 0FFICB 2SS Waihlogtoa at. phona Mala 771. Bamael 1 COAL AND WOOD. CnURCHLBY BROS, bars removed from loot Dsvls at to 428 Kesrasy St., Bear lltnt is Bow the largeat woodyard ta tba city, carry ing ell klnda of wood aad reel. Mala ML ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer In cordwood. coal and green and dry slabwoed. R. R. aad Ab blna v.. S blocks east of ferry. 'East 574. WESTERN Feed A Pael Co., oa Front be twos a Gllaaa and Hoyt dealera la all klnda of ' boae on, la aad .blacksmltk If la 1018. coala. Phone BRIIVB-FPlr--CO.--'tarr- ta " coal. J . Jt . . - Bauwa. W-aa MA OREGON FUEL CO All klnda af eoal aad 80S Alder at raoa Meia no. KIRK HOOTER. 818 Water t Wood aad aaaL Phone Mala 450. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. esses. o-orm st CO. , Dlatrlbatora or . FINB CIGARS. Portland, Oregon. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLES A LB crockery and glaasware. Prnal, Hrgele Co.. 100 to )o Fifth, one. Stark at COMMISSION MERCHANTS.. BYERDINO m FABREU,. produce aad eommt aloa BMrcbanta. 140 Front at, Portland. Or. . Phone , Mala - 17B a ......... .. DENTISTS. DR. WILL JACKSON, the Dekum bldg. Dentist 814, DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING Shirtwaist .suite aewlng. 435 East Plna at. aad plain DANCING. WOODWARD'S dancing school af tbaWeetera Academy of Music, Moaday aad Tbereday. Spectator Invited. Lessons SOc. Dancing 8 to 11. One. Second and Morrtaoa, . PROF. RINGLRR. 80S Alder, aaar Sixth; class or print li senna. 50c . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOlineBBINO Company. 4 Bentb at, Portlaad. O. K. for everything la Us electrical 11a. Phone Bala PACIFIC BLBCTRIO CO. Engineer, co trac tors, repairer, alectrlc wiring, uppllos. 84 First eor. Stsrk. Msla 860. tt. H. Tate, mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Farnltare Mannfartartng Oompaav Mannfartnrera at lorn! tore far the trade. Portlaad. Or. FURNITURR aiansfaetarlng and epeclal eraera. L. Ruvensky's furaltura factory. 870 Front at e.-W, LINKS A, SRO 24 Id atFarBltnr repairing, packing and ahlpplng. Mala S12I. furnaces: BOTNT0N warm-air fnmteea ssva fjrA J, a Bayer rurneee w,.. mm mwima. FRENCH BAKERIES.' THB' only oUce Pnrtlend ts set FraacS bread. narroi Delly delivery. A Mavtla. 407 Sixth at. Pboa li re en eua. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. pORTtAND WIRB Flanders at., eor. I IRON WOR Pbone Mala 8000. I GROCERS. WADHAMS Si CO.. wl to grocers, aan mercaaata. Foartb fartarera and ess aad Oak sta. . ALLEN ft LRWIS, commission and produce m chsntn. Front ssd Dsvis H Peetlsed. Or. GASOLINE. ENGINES. " GASOI.INB ENGINKS ' , Ststlosiry, nd msrlos: lAttle Bpectal" I- aaollna latincb. lf: second a ad slactrlc aancbe and hull. REIERSON JIAC7TINERT CO., - v - l2-4-d Morrleoo at. HOTELS. HOTEL .Portland. AmerJ.-sa pla; 8-1.85 per day. BRLYEDERE: Euro pes plaa; 4th aad Aldar ata. XLIE BU0WM Grand snd Hiwthorae area. CLEARING-HOUSE BANKS. 'T'HXnSAXX CFTCAniOtXIA rauilihsnf! beai 6floe. Baa Traaol, Oallferjl. I Capital paid ap , . .84.0uo,ot.Ot(rlrplua and undivided profile . . . . ,f J-'i' 1? A Ocseral Banking and Exchange Bualneaa Trnnaacted. SAVINUd DEPABTMENTa Intoraat oa41mo dopoalla. Aaont apeaed fee came of 810 aad npward. . Portpad Branch WV. A. MACRAE. 4Ai SXCUXITT lAYIiri 'IVaaoaeU a- aa Hum and Sa SAYINGS TRUST COMPACT Bering oslta. AcU aa Trnete for Bstatee. jlrafu a fattara or treo't u, i -avellame in ftri raria . ADAMS,,. Prs.ldent. L k.-Ull&A.??.Zmric,-Vrm,llmt B QUO. P. Ill MHULL ........Aslstsnt Secretary rI8T aiTtnair iiirr nr aniTTixn r ' slgatd Dep.iltory and Financial Ageat a tba TJnltad Bt-o. Preeldeot !a L. MUX - toshler .... J. W. w,J5l.",5 Aaalataat caahler .W. C. ALVOHD Second Aesletant Cblr....,B. F. STEVUno. Letter of Credit Issued AvslUM lit Europe aad the Eaatera Stat. Bight Kacfaang and Telegraphic Trsnafrr aold aa New York. Boston, Chicago, Bt Mai, t- fault Omaha. Saa PVoneieeo aad th prtucl.ol polnte la the Northwest Sight and time bill drawa la nam to ault oa London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-oo-the Mala, Hongkong, Yokohama, Copenhagen, rbrtellania. Block hoi Sa, lit. Petersburg, Moscow, Enrich, Honolulu. . k , ..... ' r 1 1 11 UAM TIL TON, BANKEXS (YataWUkad ta 18M.) " - ' ,,2 Tranaeou a Geaani Banking Busiaaea. Collectlo made at all watnta a " able term. Letter of .credit laeued avallsbl la Europe and all polnte In th United SUIee. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Trauafera sold on New York, Waablngtoa. Cblcsgo. Bt Louis, Denver, Omaha. Baa "Tanctaoo and Montana and British Columbia. Exchange aold on London. Perls. Berlin. Frankfurt. Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila nd. Honolulu. . M1 IBCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, PORTLAND, 0XEO0N. ' . . J. FRANK W ATHON - f reeldent- a , wr ui.vt 4 t ...a.! -- Traaaaoto a Oeneral' ' Banking Buaineea. Drafts and Letter of Credit Issued Available to All Parte of the World. Collection a Hpecialty. 1 TJfrlED wTATTS NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND,' 0XKQ0V. II Northwest dor. Third and Oak Sta. " w Transacts a OenereJ Banking Bualaaaa. DRAFTS ISSUED Avaltablaja ATI CTHeaof th TJnltad BUtaa and Kurope, Uoogkona and Manila. Oolleetleaa Made aa Favorable Trm. Pceel deal. J. oTaINSWORTIV-Vt.wPreelda4.-ri-iv.,v. rr.trr. i. vW. B. A bB - Vice-President . taEA BARNKS Cashier B. W. SCHMEEB Aaaiatant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Caahler. -W. A. HOLT -TRUST-COMPANIES- w-vrinTT swt, warrar rviwo xv n ntrnng'Th. OUeak Trust Co nrhnrarvs nnrn at Kno noo .1 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Time rwrtlficate. 00 ar error, 8!4 to d per cent CaU tor book pnd Oak it. Phone BENJ. I COHEN. President B. LEB PAGET. ...Secretary MORTGAGE GTJAXANTIE TRUST C0MPABY BAXK. Stocks. Boada and Mortgage Bought and bold. . Interest Psld ' .' , CAPITAL G. W. WATEBBCBY... -. . Prealdent tl. B. I I BM Br, T Elka' Tempi. Seventh and Stark BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. e is .as a, mm ' 'lanii'n n '' I I M 0RXI8 BROS. 1S8 Tint Street, Portland, Oregon Offer nnt.avfre Investments In Municipal npITLE OUAXAXTIX TXTXST COMPANY I M0RTGAUB LOANS sa Portland Real street A. L BIB SELL 808-8 McKay Bldg., Third aad Stark t. MOUTGAUB LOANS 8 per cent, upward. HBAL KSTATB, BtiBANC la all lines. OVEBBECK, STAltB & COOKK CO. - (Member Chlcaco-. Board of Trade.) -OBainr. PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS and bonds. IDSThUd Street McKsy- WK lxi a aTJUl11.1 Oontlnnoni- Marker by Private Wire. Quick Service, era. and United States National Bank of England. HARDWARE. andRardwar Co. solicits opportunity to euota Slice. IBS lit at. .cor. Alder. Main 1884. -HAY-AND GRAIN- O. COOPER CO. Potatoes, feed aad leeje.tSUBtoa av. - Phono ataat 18lf. INSURANCE. -1,- I -". -g -1 f Mfc ISAAO U WBITB. fir lacnraac. 800 Dkaa) IAS. MrT. WOOD, employer' liability and to dlvldnaT iccldenl snrery rwna oi n irsw 4T. Bus McKay bus. - - B. P. BARTBLB COMPANY Fir 44t Sherlock bldg. Oregon Pbon Mln 8418. LOCKSMITH. J. Tl. RICHARDSON. loekrm1. tit repairing, 2KT mrrnsia. Pirnoc linn. MONEY TO LOAN. MEN HOLDING BEST POSITIONS BOMB- TIMES NEFD MOSET WS QUICKLY SUPPLY THB NEED If yoa are stssdlly employed la sny nosltloa 810 to 8100 on best terms snd at lowest rate. ON SALARY EASY PAYMENT PLAN Which enable you to get tba money yon , want la on lump and repay In payment you caa easily epar from yeur aalary lch - AND NO 0NB WILL TVER KNOW how or where yon got It, a wa do sot 81 piper, require no lodomr, no reference to friend or employer; In fact, ass every pri ce nt Ion to avoid publicity. 80 DO NOT HESITATB TO CALL -tor a confidential telk; m will explain In detail: no mlaanderetandlnt; yoa will know th tots I cast snd sU parttrulsr In advance: coorteona tnatmcnt whether yoa borrow or not Opea until 8 p. m. on wed. Bad Sat. BUTTON CREDIT CO. ... B1J (fifth Boor) Dekum bldg. Cor. Third and Washington at. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 428-8 Mohawk bldg.. cor. Morrison and Third. Ladle or Gentlemen. No Publicity. If yoa borrow 820 yoa pay back 11. an a week. If yoa borrow 825 yoa pay beck 11.83 a wek. If yoa borrow 80 yoa pay back 2."0 a week. If you borrow 850 yoa pay bark 8.1.00 a week. Payments napendrd In case ot sickness. Strictly Salary loene. THB CRESCENT MIAN CO. 428-8 Mohawk bldg., eor. Morrison aad Third. MONEY TO I1AN b Improved city property or for bunding purpose, for from 8 to 10 year' time, with privilege to repay sit or part of loan after two years. Leans approved fro plans ssd money advanced as building progresses) awrtgiges taken np and replaced. FRED B. STRONG, Financial Agent 248 Stark t. TnB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, caa get an hla note, wlthont mortgage - Month, (b atonin. ween, to a 813.M or " or 83.35 to aa i 8.tV or 81.38 or il.05 to n 8 4.00 or 52.00 ar el.Od ar-n.or, Repay i'JS.OO Renar 816.00 Raper - - - 210 McKay bldg, CONFIDENTIAL loan oa salaries, Insorsncs policies, plsnna, furniture, wnrebouss re ceipts, at. 1 any deeervtag persoa may core a liberal advene, repaying by easy weakly or monthly lnatallmenta. . NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPANY, 206 Ablngtoa bldg. MONBY 'ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB And other noon their awa name wit hoot "security I chespost rate, easUet payments: office In 58 prlaclpal dtlea; ssvs yoursslf Bioney br gelling our- terms nr. TOLMAN. 233 AbTngUin bldg.. lOSVb Third it MONBY to toe en real, personal sod collateral security; epeclal attention to chattel mort gagee; aoteo bought. C. 17. Pallet, 804-8 Tentoa bldg., 84 Sixth at HIGHLY respectable place where ladlee ana Eta oaa borrow money on dlammda and elry. Collateral Loan Bask, 2B Wash . toa at Pboa Black Tl. - - .: MORTOAGB aad InetaHment loana on easiest terras offered 4a Portlaad; aavea poor reati; 816,000 t par ceat K 88, car Journal. COLUMBIA L1FB TRUST CO.. SUtb fioor Coacord bldg., 2d aad Stark eto. May to keen aa city property. MONEY to loaa ea Clarkamia county lands. B. F. and I. B. Riley, OoS Chamber of Coav LOWEST ntee ea furniture and nlaaoa. Eaai. era Loaa Co., 44 Soar leek bldg. Clay bJ. LOWEST ratee ere fnmttuie snd piano. East - era Loaa tie., 448 Sbarlock bldg. Pelfic 2113. MONEY TO LOAN oa all klnda of security. William Holl, roes 8, Waablngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sums to nlt an chattel catity. ft. A. Frame. 514 the Marquam. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. B. BEACH m CO. Tb Ptaaeer Point C. giaas ead giasiag. . se rirss BRNEST MILLER 4k CO., Second tad Taylor Will paper, paint, U at aarkst prlewi Bret .danstaty ... ,r.. . - ... . 'EVENING, ' MARCH 1806. aMniatjpfl(( . aaaiaianx niMf 884 Merrlaoa Street. Pertlaad. Oregea. or me worm. , . . -i. J J:W IK. ..rvPtvet Yloe-Presldeal G. JUBITB. .. .r. ...Secretary cr''t'ary car art a. B-. I .DUB HAM . a. a I J -. F?'v T" 'nsikBua v iidtt .aalatant ;aahler ay ta Orogoa.' hanktne. Kschanee on all Bart of tba world. 8 to 4 per cent: abort-call asocial rtlScet. of "ILLUSTRATIONS."- So li eaat coroac Third Prtvate Bxchangd 7. - ! T" H. U Pl'TTOt:K....-.v,V..;....lca-fiwldBt J. O. OOLTBA...... AaeteUnt Secretary. - 1 on Tim Depoott. ........YliPijiBt 8100.000.00 a W. MILLER necveoiry Street. Ph one Main 1B4. lllbV auaii Hi mi ' snd Rillroid Bonds. Writ or Csn. 240 Wsihtngtoa Street Corner Second. Batata at Lowest Bate. Title lnaured. Furnished. . Ab- Jtr farm. IN- Building. Portland. Oregon. vvmrniooivm ausiitii, H INFERENCES La dd A TUtoa, Bank- MONUMENTS. EU KINTISLKYTgwl Tlrat atTTT'ortiaBd's leading marbl and granite work. MAGNETIC HEALING. DB. L. H. HART treat all disc aae, etomseb trouble. Bervouaocss snd functual wesktsss. 188 Seventh at. Phone Mala 4178.- - MACHINERY. THB H. OV ALBBB On,- Bactad-riaad maiblaaty. eawmlll. ata.. S4a araad av. M1PPKLY MYBRS. machlnlata and atae trlclars: alectrlc elevator, electrical machin ery and risollne engines ipeclalt. . 824 Oak t. Phoo Main 120. CENTENNIAL IRON STBBL WORKS, ma rina and stationary gaenlln sncin xprt an kinds machinery repaired. Sas -Gllaaa at BOAT englae. gasoline, Sbsfflsld marln; any aad: right price; la etock! oa epeed; beet mode axhlhltloa; running in salesroom. 011 First snd Stark ata. Falrbaak, Mors Co.- - MUSICAL. i. A. WBSCO, violin-maker aad repaliori work first -class. 28 Ruassl hldg., 4th asd Morrlaoa. MIL THIELRORN. pupil af Svelk. violl teeeher. Stadia 188 Sixth. . Tel. Mala S88S, LESSONS 80e plsno. guitar, panlo, maadollB, violin; Instruments for sal. Ml ft Sim n., cor Main. Mr. . PIANOS repollahed. equal to new. rractirai pisno-repainog auo rinianmg. J. D. JOHNSON. 273 3d at. Pacific 2361. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX 4k NORTH HUP, 415-lHT lkm . bldg.. Third aad Washington sts, Pboa Main 840. Examination free. DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN. 403-4 Macleay bldg. Pbon Clay 778. lie, tb Hilt Prl ' vats ezchanga 71. THB very beat lady osteopath In tow. Dr. U 0. JobBsoa. suits 18. Selling-Hunch bldg. DR. O. L- CUNNINGHAM. 1 graduated oateo . path, suite 101-102 Brown bldg. .Consultation free. PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTER Y Artistic Brtntlag. 2d Ruaael bldg.. Fourth aad Morrlaoa. Pbon Pacific 1628. ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, pri.tln. lithographing. 808 Alder t blank book. rnene aiaia 11. WELCH. DAVIS A CARSON Printing that pay th payer, Roome 803 snd 804 Steams 'hide.. Sixth and Mnvrbion. Pbon Main 4I4T. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROF. RINOLBR'S School of Physics 1 Caltarei 11 branch. 80 Aldar it., near aura. : : l photographs;. CLOSING Bale official photographic view of sxnosltlon. aonvenir noatcerde. view book. etc.. greatly red-toed price. upounoa Store. 84e M. dnniaoa it. PATENT-LAWYERS. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic snd foreign patena; InmngeaMnc sasos. au uakum. GEO. W. M'COY. notary, dowieetla and for- . alga ratoaUH- trademarks, -.- Sf7 Us - Morrlaoa, room v. PLUMBERS. DONNBRBEBG pkeaaoT' S4 Foartb st Both 'OX A CO., isnltsry pmmhern, 281 S'ruad. bet Mala aad Salmon. Oregon Pbone Main SOOL riNNBOAN BROS. CO. 2SS Tilrd St. Pboa Mala 2600. Plombrn snd besting engineer. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general loaning. 1. laoait si jerreraoa ex. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 84 Alder t..peoe Mala T10; robber ittnaa seals, stencil, baggage, trade checks ; send for cats legos No. 88. STREET PAVING. WARRBN Cooetrac-ttoo Os., street psvleg. eld. walk aad aroaalags. Tl vregoajaa THB Barber Aephslt Psrlng Co. t Portlaad. OfAe enS Wareeeter blk. e SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. KAStdrON CO.,' Ankeny aad Rights sta.. pbone PaeiSe TS Mskre . of aurgleat I. ' irnmata and defbrmltp a?pllanca; nam, k si ran sad scissors tbarpaaid to Barfagtiea, FOR CAPTAIN When Storm-Tossed Crillon, Is Safe, Skipper Is Found to Be Insane. TRIED TO KILt Si- LF, AND SLAY HIS CREW Demented Captain Is Locked in His Cabin Until Valparaiso Is Reached, Then Put in Sanitarium RcpaiiilJaci!maiUaejfitt..srrnrdins to a tahio. Take Four Months. Battling with rasing galea and 'moun tainous seas wrecked the mind of Cap tain Parado, master ot the French ahlp Crlllon, whlcJi reached the harbor last nlsht ffOm AflUwerprsneirhAVITirTWi out mor than 14 months. It required constant vgllanoe on the part of the other officers to keep th. skipper from destroying himself. - Jie threatened to ahoot himself, to lump overboard, to k. II- the- crew- and -do - aiK aorta- t- 4o-4 aan things. It waa finally decided to lock him In the cabin. When tho aktpper went insane th --III.., .eWlny li. attempt tn t-111 Capo Horn, early last fall. - Up to that tlm aha had made fair headway. I.ltht contrary wind wero . followed ' by a succession, of the worst galas that blow and before they had shown evidence of abatement the Crlllon waa practically fcelplusa. Nearly all of her rlgglnr was carried 'away and ahe began to drift Half the Jlmo her decka were under water and the crew aouani reiuse in their quariera. -. Tho arm and - yarda creaked and snapped and parts' of them tell Into tha -aea. .-r . . .-o.t-. When the atornis died down m tar I fixed up Improvised rlssltix and map aoun found ther had Bo captain, wnen the heavy, slialn pl over it waa no ,l..ahat that t,!o nilnai heaTBtl tO WandOP. He gradually sre.w worse and the first officer assumed command. After ar riving s,t Valaparalso tho demented mariner was sent to S SablUrlum Snd a cable forwarded to tho owners. slat- Ins- the facta in th case, immediately on receipt of th news Captain Rolller was sent from Franc to take charge of th Tosset and bring ber to roruano, : The ahln had been badly disaDiea Dy th storm and th crw refused to bo ta ae in her until sho had been thor oughly overhauled. As s, result sh wa forced "tOT-ematir-on in tmtean xoa roue en nntl. a undefaolns'rcpatrs, which rAsl annyggTmateiy "If.DOtJ. ' Won viewed thla mornlnf by local manner they said that sh looked much like a new ship. T . ,A Th Crlllon brougrht nearly 17,000 hnrrela of cement, which will bdla charged lit th Greenwich dock. Tho cargo Is consigned to Balfour. Quthrl ft Co, It la tho first shipment ot for- oion oamant lo arrive her lor more titan threojnontss. -- -- - - SAW VALENCIA WRECK: tats aae. migglag OoM Bevys .Jewry ' Oaptala, aad Sail Badly Broken VP' CapUfn Tuttle of the revenue eutter Perry Is the only person wno n viowori the Valencia wreck after th vcssol -sunk-ff-tho-Vancouver. coast. II returned from ther with in retry and reached . Portland last night. He says the sea was smooth a glass when be was In that vicinity a few day ago and he ran over to th spot where th vessel went doartfeTh watr was pr- feotly clear and he could sea tb grower part of th Ill-fated vessel. "The top of her is not more than two feet peneath tho surface of tho water said the - captain - thla-morning. Trft manta and rigging ar gone. - The bull la badly brokenTip. Even it It wer In good condition It would be impoeinie SAFES. DIE HOLD lad agatnat lire and Borgtar. Thla wall Safe onrallabloi - Norton Bochefe Jeeke 4 gene r. Metal - Fixtures.. laoekont opened, Safee repaired. Pbeae Mala 1083, ' John B. Pa via, Sd Third St. THB genuine Hall's Safe Lock Oc's safsei th Jlerrlng-Hsll Msrvlo. Portlaad Bafs Co., sgenta. S2 Seventh St., near Stsrk. SECOND-HAND-G00DST COODB'S Fnrnltnrs Hon Blgheet nrlees paid K 218 Second at. for Beensd-basd furaltnr. Phone Pacific 48. SHOWCASES' AND FIXTURES. HOWCASFJI of ceery deacfiptlonj beak, bar and store sitare mane a orosc. aae taaua Msnnfsetarlng Co.. Portland. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SKINS, window lettering, cloth baanere. economlcl electric signs and signs sf sll kinds msd sjnlcklp. foster Klelaer, Flftk red Rverett. Pbone Bicbang So, SCALP TREATMENT. GRAT. falling hair, dandruff treated; sbsBjpo. Ina. msnl.-nrlng. chiropody, face work. Mrs, . B. r. ays, non roarrn, eox Room It. Pbone Pnctilc 808. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFER. Pianos and farnltare moved, packed reedy tor ahlpplng and ablppadi H work gnarnted. large, S-lorr brick, ft r-proof wire boose for storsgs. Office. 128 First at, C. M. Olaea. Pboa Mala B4T. THB BAOOAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFBR CO cor. Sixth and Oak lie.) baggage checked front hotel or residence direct to detlntlB " paeeengere therefor avoid rash and aaaap ao at depots. Private Bxebang 88. li. O. PICK, office 88 rtrat t.; between Stsrk and Oak sta., pbon 88: ptsno and farnltni moved ssd packed for ahlpplng; ommodleae brick ws r. boose with .separate ba win ma Front sad Clay ata. OR SOON TRANSFBR CO.. 184 North Sixth. Pboa Mala 8. Hvp baallng and axerag. POST SPPCIAL DEI.IVKRT -Ne. SOOib Wlb Ingtoe it Pboa Mala 842. IF yoa are going to man. ring ap Mala 84t, Talon Tranafer Co.: prompt and reliable ftirnlto-e mover. 128H North Sixth. TOWEL SUPPLY. Ct.'AN TOWRLB DAILY Comb, braeb. im - St per Bioatb. Portlaad I -err dry aad Towel Sapplr Co., Ninth aad Oeeeb. Phone 41. TYPEWRITERS. NSW typewriter. - n makes, feated. M sad repaired Jeat Aaeacy. mil sterb. Tel. 14T. TELEP. ONES. THB only exclusive tekipboae bum. B.-& Electric Telophase Maaufacturlag peny. wa nrra ex. UNDERWEAR. RfH'KWOOO'S all-wool knit anderweie In cae. let, natural grsv. esmel hair and white, made fr..m pur nt.adlterated etoeke. le the beti ek vour dealera for It; ww awarded IS gold saeilal Lewis and CUtlv xpoeltloa, II (te- vo- tb .macHlienrpa' TKerc la iw't -. rme. day frt 19f wVll It Would be !-' - TOo fT'ifcrioicar'lqv-V . took th I"rry. It la near th wpeakent and tin m 1a nearly always"' ro"f mijttlAl.liucaiHy -f he derltc; will' do uo ha mi to commerce, as It Is toe near the shore." The captain said that tho steamer Orion picked up another body from tho Valencia while ha ivwe -p-thor. The head and less wero Bono and therej wero no meana by which tb remains could bo Identified. After overhauling a number- of tho towmcre coming in here" to make anew that they Are carrying the proper life . equipment, the Perry will return to f-tlie-tenat. ' . . .. PORTLAND SECOND. Only Mew York Bxoeeds City la BxportS QfeatyorJMlMoss. - Durln the elaht cereal month end ing with February 5.208.SJ8 buahala of wheat were exported from .Portland, as aealnaf 8.275.112 huahela frhra floottlo. or aiaueiir-e wnicn naa Just oeen com plied by tho department of commerce and labor. With the exception of New York, whteh, exported '$,512,881 bunhela, ' th figures -show that Portland ta the greatest whsy ahlpplng center In th' United States, Galeton ta credited with" 3,230.254 buahels for the season. hlrd- There Is no way of computing Just- - what amount of bualneaa Seattle, Tax coma or Evertt Is entitled to separately, '. . -as the shipments mad from those port tisve.heen. grouped, but It la suppoaeo. that Tacoma dispatched more than half of the grain from the district" . Tho entire wheat exports froni th - Jttvlted Htatee for tho eight months were " 27.281.778 bunhela ' and the Hour sens across the seas measure 8.74t.:iT bar rela. - Portland handled about on fifth. of tho grain export bualneaa f th eouiv " try. - .- . - ; - --..-- r-- - Portland would hay , mad, a i greater showing had It not been for th dlBcrtmlnatioiT on th lrt of tho-shlp owner agatnat her. - In February only '-, 448.117 buahels of Wheat wero exported, while the - aound "country's shipments -reached 211,711 buahels. For th earn period -New -Tor -xpOTte4 -4,4IT J bushels. Th 'flour exports during th tght ' Urn t b a .fiygyihrss. JrU o g -4-A-v trlcts 4vbfe": New York. Z.llS.ttT bar-s rela: Pnret aoun land. 833.221) bej-rcls. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. - Commander X F.'Wsrllcli. lfghthous Inapector. returned this morning from -cruls on tb Heather In Puget aound waters. He Inspected - th- nw statieik plaoed - In- oommlaslon -on--Mareh -1 - a Mncklltoo near Bvrtt."" Another light houa and fog signal station will b ready for us by April 1 at Burrough Island. ' L. SL Burttlck, aaaiatsnt observer In th local weather ataUon, has' aeourwd m.- yeite'e- leave ef abeenn beglnnfatg-A.pr1t: I and will spend the time -with hi ' , parent In North Dakota. H. W. Don- " . Brjaon o? Chicago will fill th vacancy at Portland. . ' '. -' It Is reported that th French ship V1ll-d) Mulhotiee, which - Its Hated a coming to Portland, will go to Paget sound. ' .;.,,. . Tht steamer - Meteor coaled at th - -bunkers this mornjng and will sail to- . night t ot, Baa. Francisco with a cargo of lumber. - ' " ' ' ' ' On April .11 'th..; charter of ' tb steamer Senator by the Ban Francisco ft Portland.'L,. pffe. ltr has" not yet been definitely : determined what Twasel will take ber place. Th Senator will be plaoed tn the Alaska trad by th Paclflo Coast .. steamship company. She will aail on her first trip to Nome Jun f. . Rates for carrying lumber from th Columbia river to Ban Francisco hare been advanced 28 cents a thousand feet,- - according to a circular which has just been issued by tho Steamship aasocla- " tion. TU tariff now stand at S4.7S.- -y Tonnage Is reported to b In good de mand. - . ' MARINE NOTES. Astoriar"Marchlt.-M:onditloiT-of-th -bar it I t, m, smooth; wind cast;. I weather cloudy. No shipping moving. Outside at 11:18 a. m., a four-masted schooner. ' - . San Francisco," March 18. Arrived, steamer Roanoke, from Portland. - Astoria; March IS. Ballad at 7 a. m British stamr Ilford, for Shanghai. Sailed at 7:80 a. m., ataaraer Radondtt and Johan Poulsen, for Saa Fraaelaoo. Sailed at 8:11 a. steamer Benateri for Ban Francisco. San Francisco, March IS. Sail) at 11:3 "a.-m.r tn-mr Columbia,' foe" Portland. AT THE THEATRES, "The Beauty and th Beast- Paabeted la the notable sveacaa of "Th Sleeping Beaaty aad tba Boa." which la drawing Immense, aad faahtoaabl aadlBCs ea toor. Thla cotnaaal predactloa eoeaea to tb Marenam Grd tkeatxe tomorrow (Tadfl end Wdndy nights, with a special nsatloe Widnewlsy. Seldom I It th good fortnnw to behold each a beaatlfnl 1st of Joag vremenj , s la "Tb Sleeping Beaaty and tba Bsast't SeaU ar asw selling. Alberta Gallatin in TCousin Kate. The mw that Alberta Gallatin la la light comedy again, la which she aeored many aoo. esses some Biases ago, will be belled with ' delight by tbaatre-goer ever the ooantry who are familiar with the charming estrone aad her work. Aa "fooaln Kate,' ht which ahe will appear at the . Marqaam Graad theatre next Friday and Saturday Bights, Man 2S snd 94, with a special matinee Saturday, ahe ha ample eppsrtnnity to display bar talt ae a eomedleana. Tb advance aale ef coats will open aes4-Wi4a dip Bisrnln -at-40-e'elerk. . . Special at the Empire. . . On Friday and Saturday sight ef tbia week . 01lvr t. Kckhardt, th ban.lsom yoong actor manager from tba east, with bis compear of xeellest players, will pvseeat fop th Snt tlm in Partland th great aanaatloaal eueiaaa. "A Fight far Honor." Th eettiaaa, aatitaa) aad acanle effecta are a rvUUa. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCKV Star's New Bill. v This aftcraoM th Star I eaentns w prograai ef the high-grade osaeevlll for whle It le noted. Th star Is -eckWee Re law. said to be the world' ao 'arlng trick btryrle rider. Beverly 4k Daaver bav a reflncd com edy ekst.'h. Mks LoaaUe Sheldon Is a esebw ceaslo with near sons, and Mia Doenellr la aa aerobe tic eaaeer. Inworfer-rng . many Strang stepa. Costlno sad Uwreee are n kvdst dancers. Ther are fw cb on the tig, and tb deee Is awvaltr. will I.. Hopt snd the Staraacnpe rwaad eat th ntc. talBBMBt. . ' ' Radium Oixla at Orand. nrry dark Rdlai Girls, heeded" h r, tor tM ar the festal f se eseeptiooallp Strong vandevlle bill st Ibe Grand this week. Josephine Geasstaa end her ptcksalnatea car. rylng epeclal scenery end eleetrlr.l effect. I another heed liner. Tbi are but two of lba2aunr. Other era I'ai-rr W. P " -4 Compear in a kech. " o r.n r n. gevi" lb Mmdcal Shlrleva, pi, t e I t ae srcbbell le Ine wertd; lets . hnmee telephoe aad w-ld a gr-.i. 1 . -1 Marl prrr., 'he remenieeoe: I i" wlih "The Sa.egs M.v u- r I - 1 ' . aad "Oll'of Tnist" ea tn Gta.