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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1906)
THE . OREGON : DAILY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. MONDAY EVEMNG, MARCH l9,ngC3. iiODENAt-- , t " i . I .V I . . I . . 1 CM1T tss.t.. ' nAits T TeT TT rMes. 'I Entered t th Bo''e at Portl.nd. Orageu, .for tr iisporlaUon through th ".V. ig paper. 1 cent; lu to v pages. V."., ifi 7- TELEPHONES. edllorisl Rooms.. .Mala 350 BlU lAe Of fit...... Matt "rotiioir adtstik representative. Ij Vr..i, Mpi.l ad.artla nr "eurr, IAU VSMAMtt IUMI, It :r . , .. , trBSCRirriOK ' ATti." ' ;' ' : Tama by Oarrtar. .'' TTh Dally J nam. I, with JtsndaT, et....$7.50 H l'b Daily Journal, 1 scsr.. .....J- ins lially Jowur, wits nnnusy, a ; y- lhe Dally Journal. months...... J the DsHf par .week, dell Tared, Sunday sx .19 ceptsu . ......! -yrw-lHJ-wMli 'HHt'Ul, I swmiau.l"? .-eJafcrLJiiM1. -brxliiQlug. at eoutiilde ! . m Dally Journal. 3 ssooine ....... .1.30 line of Powell. Valley road, war l T The Kelly Journal, with Sunday. I naeoth. James Powell a D. I- I., eee- 7 ' Tv- .a a.ii.t Huadar Is- lloa in. towaatiln I eouth. range S aat 1 JOO.I .' - eluded ,.IT.,....7. ! I Maaca Eablckl to Fata Xablrkl. It sere . .. I Term ay afsu. . . v--..- The Dally Journal, with Sunday. J JMt.,W0 , v- Iba Dally Journal. 1 yaar J-Jd ,' The bally Journal, with Sunday, 4 atuelba. 8.76 Iba Dally Journal, month. v-?'!! , jba Dally Juuraal, with Sunday, month. 1.80 I ha Dally Journal. 3 nwnthe I.J'' ra Dally Jwrul, wllk Hueday, 1 enoath..,, .65 . v,', , the Dally Juuraal. 1 aaodUi w " l"ba Huoday Journal. 1 rar J-. . utba Bandar Joarnal, aanatba ......4,.... 1.00 Tha kml Waatly Jaamal. 'Til"" SamlWaanly Joura.l. I lo 13 tt -' ' k. i.u. m....Mt .tnll nirkit rr- -wt. t yar .ai.av ' Hrmlttaima akMld ba mad by .dra(U paatal , aataa. ora ordara and amau amnnaia ara ocaptabla la I and J-wnt . aataa. cxnraaa ordara and amall amnuata ara P. O. Box 11 PartUad. Orejrna. wmi nz nnxu-iuT tovkd Tha Journal cas aa . found ala tha ' follow In .itlaor: : . B01HK , I DA HO H. Hollar A Co.; W,j B. . Mo latyra; Arr Cnnala(haia Co. 1 ' CHICAGO Poatofnoa aw 0aapaBy7 1T Baar DKN V KU barkakow Broa.. Vaios Pasot aawa atand. KANSAS - CITr . Aatarloaa Xawa- oompaay. aawapapar wafta. ' U8 ANUKLKB B. I. Aaioa, nawapayer- wafoaj l Abo Brl. BOaiwir.. .- - aflNNKAI'OUS hi. J. Karanaufh. BOO touVa Third atraat. v OMAHA Millard Hotal nawa atand; Ma-raata r nmiiii, n--.ii.t . Ui.r.i n,a arami: mrraii If 1 1 naBaryr-omPkuy riuui auaen rx:lK.N rtrnot n.wa atand. tALT LAKE C1TT SeujoB Hotal nawa linrT' aautb; Barrow Itroa., aa waat naoonu atraai. Mra. LcTla, awipaper wa-foa. . IAN DIKGO B. K. Aaaaa, nawapapar watroa. IAN P BA N CI BOO W . K. Ardlng. Palac Hotat; Ooldamlth Broa.. SM Butter atraat aad ft. Kr.arta hotal; Poatar A Oroar. Parry build. V, tor: N, Wboathry, sawapapar waB,-larhH and Kaarwy. . . , . TIKATTLK KatnlwOratid "aw vttand; A. X. McBraan. Holl Baattla sawa atand. 0 IT. unjIB PhlllD Roadar, did Locuat atrMj; V ' i B. T. Jatt, BOB Ollra atroat; Uaarza L. Arkarmaa. k. IPOKANB Joha W. Oraham A Co. .4- XA'OMA Otrtrah Nowa roajpany. Hotf-1 rTi. , eotna aawa atand; Acbm 'awI eoaipany, afwnpapar wacoa. . ' TICIORIA. B. C Victoria . Book. A StaOaa " ary company. - . - WEATHER. REPORT. . Tha arraanra la ralatlaaly low off tha Oragoa Mart, and light rain occurred yaaterdags-laJ iouibora tiragoB, a no aooni ronr roenn anuw - fall la tha krwar porUoa of tha WJIIametta r raltry. Bam mlxad with aaow aiao occurred " la the Colombia aallay waat of tha .Caarad arauutalna. A high , praaaura araa la canlml m aouthaaatara Montana, aad aero weather p ra ta I la la tbatoilaU and alao la Wyoming aad : aaaters Colorado. A atorm of decided rbaractsr central or or Kentucky, and general r.lna aaT occurred la -tna lower lllaalaalppl Taller. Butf-aad-aouth Allanllf ilataa. and anew r reported la the Ohio r alley, lower lake re-rtoa and the middle, weat. The condition, are f.rorahlo for light rain ' r anow In tlila dlatrlrt Tueadgy, wltji no ' narked ebajuraa In temperature, except Ih it tt UI aa warmer lonlglit m auu Idaho. - Ubaerratloa tkkaa it A a. at.r Pact -TnD 7 ' Butlona- : ' ... ' Mac Mln. Precrn. . naker viry. uregoa. ....... l Roaton. Maaaarkuietta...... M ' "hlcaao. lPllnote H3 . Oeheaa, Cohirado. ....... Id kenaae City. MlaaoaH. 2. loa Angelea, California.,.. 3 . . Kew Vork. New Turk M r-nrtland, Oregon 40 Boa. burg. Oreaoa. ...... ... ad . t. Lou la. Mlaaourl 13 alt lke. 1 tah M . 20 rti - 84 34 22 ricTwsi. nTTTornumvr 4 nokane, Waahtngton. ...... 8 r.cmia. Waablngton. . . . . ,. 4d Walla Walla. Waablngton., 40 Waidimgton. It. C 88 tt M 82 38 .n o .0 .14 t MARRIAGE LICENSES. J. M. Heater, Oregoa City, Oregoa. 31; Clara tlelaon. 1. - E. J. Daeey, Beaald. Oregon. 81; Beatrice , Orlder. 31. ... r Wedding CaTTnt-W. a.- Bmllh A C!0 7"WV Ington bldg.. cor. Fi Fourth and Waahlngtoa ata. Ml Bertha Martin, room 813 Allaky -Mdg. Itamplng aad Sne needleworhrlnaaons" gleen. BIRTHS. BIKNTEEN Mar. 18, to Mr and Kra. Leon . Blenraen. 107 Maeon tmt, daughter. CRANE Mar. 13, I Mr. and Mra. Will B. Crane, 40 Beat Thirty -nrt tret, m. eon. tEIUF.NTHAl.FR Mar. . to Mr: raad Mra; . Fred A. Selgen thaler, 861 Eaat Nelroa atreat, a eon. WONAGHAX Mar. T, to Mr. and Mr. T. H. ' Monaghan, 168 Stanton .treet a aoa. H A MBIPT Mar. 17, to Mr. and Mra. Harry 1 Hambiet, at Maternity keepttal. daughter. Bt'TI'HISON Mar. , to Mr. aad Mra. Ren j Hntehleon, 4 Weot Park etreet, A daughter. DEATHS. TANDERW ALL Mar. 1. Herbert Vanderwall, aged 3 year. ltMl Clarenton etreet: ranae. diphtheria. Burl. I t Columbia cemetery. i ttwria "r. in. ntiaanein voaper, aged 66 ynara, 138 William, ereooa; can, pneu monia. Bnrlal at Hirer rlew cemetery. ITBOMAN Mar. 17, Cbrlatlaa Stegmaa. ' aged 60 yearn, B48 flood (treet ; canae. heart dleeaa. Burial at Lon Fir cemetery. BAY BURN Mar. 18. Harold Rayborn, aged . Id yeara, at St. Vincent a boaplt.l: cenae, . tubercular aaenlngltla. Burial at Multnomah ' cemetery. : SACON Mar. 17, Clara Amanda Clark-Baoon. . u aged 77 yenra. Old Ixirejoy .treet; cauee. . heart dlaaaa. Burial at Hirer rlew en terr. .-.', trNK--Var. 14, Hjnn PunkL ,'ed M -rare. . e rl ,,-i. .. . '. Ml n. , 1,,.,,, - u.n,p.M., v.uw, nirn ' Burial at Bekttle. Wa.h. , VB ANDES Mar. 1. Katberln Braadea. aged 4 year. h Taylnr atreet. riJNKHiirKR Mar. 17. John Funkhotieer. aged I yeera, oil aiwwaukie etreet; cane. . heart- dlec. Burial - at Lncw Kir ceme tery. CONTAGIOUS"DiSEASES. E NIGHT M.r. Id. Oeorge E night, 64 Wath rngtoa atreet: meeeiee. II RT Mar. Id. Trlna Hlrt, 43 Baat Twenty ninth street: dlnhtberl ' LA T SON Mar. 16, Frank Layaoa. 8 Knott . iree l ; meaeiev, 7. UNDERTAKERS. a3iBBBjnB"awB"n"BWa Edward Holnwn" A -Cs-r tb leading fnneral director. br the Sneet eetahllahment, tha neat goods, 'be Snest eehlcles and the nuiet resasnabl price. Pin broadcloth -entered racket, 136 god, $80: Tb II nee t wood gooda : ratde. from f 1 to $30. Parlors TJ0 and 338 Third atreet, - eoraee Sal men, Portland, v Iiregon. . J. P. Flslef A Son. - funeral director nd embalmer. corner Third and Medians atreat.. --t.fnce- ef onty corunae T.lepbone- hlele . Dunning. MrEntee A Glib ugh. undertaken " asd emhalatera: modern Is erery detail. Beetatb sad riee. Umk 4M. . Idy aeal.tant. - A. B flrmtock. undertaker and embelmer, ' Feat Thlrtsesih sod I m.tllla ar. PnoM Sell. , oed tt. BlVPkVIXW CIMITEBT. -I . 'Single grarea $10 Family lot $; to $l,tmo. ...fa. ... .eeawuey .. .Ja. J'orUsod . which ne. ,.. ivtually iaintlaa aad c.ree fnc lute. For full infer. tlcn spelt , to W. B. aiarfceaeie. Wor 'stater Hock;. U, W. M. La lid, prciNrai. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. NOTICE. SITUATIONS ;wahui,mai,. -f,7. ' l - - Jt A Hal aad-fcuabaaoV -t -Hmfw It,' Cofhrell. 1 acra. . I'aaa Ittanlrr'a ll. - "I.. !l. aarlloB i. tuwnahlo . 1 auuth. '"J" 'V . nnsm-t aaat. rmx.-r-.-i-.-.-r. r. it 128 Onrfoa ronipany to .Anaolo klaaaooo at al.. T.1li) (art, brg-lunlnf at oraat ' , ...Una. ut i lftb atra.l.- tta.a- a ortb,IrT? ,i-aWiirt fcw wnwf pfpf 7Ua LJif ! addlikm . ' villi irw imi iaiaia rooipanj to Mir -foftrt-VTw. . . . . . . . . . . . i ....... . ". . Too li. D. .flllar and rlia aai. pH Matthtaar- .184 , baa-butluf at MrUiaiat ran - nT of atlou7, toirliahlB tUix.aim Fred K.. Morrla to J, J. WurM, lot 1, bkxk 1. C'iry Vlaw Park , Tna Land Company of Ui-mob to aanaa, lot 17. bkick IH. aama a.i.lltlon. . , . . . . ' 200 John Thomaa and wlfa lo John Komatarh ta aartiot) J7, town.blp 1 aoulilrrana i aaai , ... laalab Hurknin to Portland A ralrrlaw . Knllruad rompan, rbrlit of way SO faot wld,, boylnnlng at rntar of Kaar An ' kauy atraet. If aitandnl. aald. pplul -ina rantrr Una of aald rlfht of way.. 1. If. Daardorff and wife to Portland A Palrrlaw Railroad counaoy. rbrlit of : way 30 foot wlda, brlna nart of K,. ,8.. Parluaon'a DXv C aatlo. .al.,.. town. hi (i I north, ranfa 3 aaat....... 1 Lydla Bwkm.n to aama, right of way " .10 faat wlda. bafftnnlntr point ' cantor Una of Kaat Ankany ttraat. If atrandad, wnw-u point la cobIot llaa of aald TUbt of way .......... r. ...... ..-r",.J Cbaiincry Bait and wlfa to Portland A " "f.lrrlaw Itatlroad company, right of ' D. I.. C, aaotioa towoahlp 1 norlb. ran(' 3 aaat. j . 1 D. B. Kaaaay to J. A. Corroy at al.- ... 110 arraa lo Talbnt'a O. L. C, aarttuoa ' and I, townablpal aonlh, ranra 1 aat ,. . " 1 Mislora A- WBItflrld lo Elinor IVaae. lot IK. block . Clorardala aiton.ton.. l.tXKl U. B.. Wolff and wlfa to Mra. Mlnola Warn, lots 1, S and a, llounr Huod :? Vh-w ; i W. M. Kllllnirawarlh at al. to 8. . ttiainbara.-ior-0. blork 14, Wabiut Park 450 ttl Kbroiaa. and huahand to f P. Bio at AlloLtbtoct 18.. fiakh'f addition ....... -.-..... ....... . . . .-r-- -. I H. I. WirJianiulb andwlf to H." V. '' Tataa, ' tot 1, block )U. Hawtborna VI. llraaor I. Hil Hahar Koberta,. aoulh I - . : -: ' . . ' . . .. li - 1,. 1 r. r, a Klrwh l Martln'a trail " . ....... . . . . . .7.7. . . .7 . 00 Opr. Balding to. Hall la Hllilalvindli, lot 9. block II. South Portland NOO I. Baungartner ai al. to Jcjia Btun- i.. . . gaylner, all that part of lot T, block 87, Caruthara addltloa, lying on waat . aide of Oregoa A .California railroad right of way 1,000 Mary Began .to Jataea J. Kegaa. aadl elded W Inlereat In lot 8. blork 7, f - Paradlae" Bprtnga tract. " " 1 H. M. Cake and wire lo r. u. Arata . et L. part of hMa 1 and X. block KM, city 17.000 College Endowment eeeorlatloo to P. J. - Hhull et al., lota I u , btclualra, block -M, Bart Portland.'-. .T .18,000 Sheriff to K. B. 8 loan, undlrlded H of , woat" H of lota and f. block 61. - Hoi lad. y addltloa . , hit W. C. Dunning and wlfa to A. Wild- . . maa. north S3 18 feet of lot 8. blork - - 132, city - -.009 II. C George, and wife 4o-0. , Ollbeee, . part block 64. Carter'a addition, be- - ginning at mtereectlon of north lino of ... block 64 and weat line of a certain alley-way laid through block 64 1.013 O. B. Oulaneaa and wlfa to A. T. V under- arm, 13i hcrea In aectloa 16, tow nab Ip -1 aoulh. range 3 aaat . . . r-rx-. 1,337 H. J. Hanaen and wife to H. Prankmaa. lota 6 aad T, block I", Couch addition, 35,000 J. II. Harrington and wife to Nellio B. . Ilaata, lot 4, block lit. Muojtyalda 3.0M M. Joy to R. P. Crudfalter. lota and .. lO.Kenllworth ...... . 4M Hoy Ling and wlfa to Warren Joy, lot . It to 14. Inalualea. hlnek . meeiiwooa. L. L. Llndaay to P. J once and wife, lot 8. block 3. . Alblne. .....: TL C. Lararn In F.mll. R. Price, lot la. blork SU. Kenwood , ,l,aw Carherhm Mor.n aad hnahaad n H.-J. "- ' Meek StN, Alkea'e d.lltton . 8.000 0. W.-Jielaon nod -wife Ts "MeTCinttls-rZZ; Trust A Inreatment company, lot 1 - and S, block -107, East Portland .; 3.900 Seringa A Losa society to D. E. Keaeey, . 110 acrea tn Talbot'a D. L. C. .ac tion. S and t. townablp 1 south, range 1 eeat , .... A - '. 1 William Son la to K. E. Sloan, undlrlded H luteraat In weet V of tola 6 and s, block 61. liolladay addition 1,000 W. II. Vanduyn and wife to E. C. Black, eaat V, of lots 6 and , Mock 1, city 000 John r. Wilson and wife to U U Llnd- lay. lot 8. block 3. a thin,,, xio iTrrFTfnn" lo Treirileler, beginning at weat line of Fifth street, near , Caruther. 100x37 feet, buck 3S, Carnthera addition..., 1,800 laac Ham .to S. A. Crnaby, lot 13. blork 1, nicbmend addltloa to Eaat Portland . ISO L. B, C'blpman and wife to Fred Kroeel, . . kit 10 and 11, block 3, Chlpman's ad dltlon to St. Jobna 1,100 L. B. Cblpmaa and wife to same, lota ' 11 and 13. block I. Chloman's addition to St. Jobna W Frank A. Smith and wife to earn, lot 4. , block J,, Chlpm.n- gdrtltr - '1 Toline ... i 490 C. II. Oantenbeln and wifs to Sarah -Hlght. lot 13. tn eaat H of tract L, M. Patton tract... 273 A. Brlx and wife to W. M. Lanca.ter, - bit 14. block 30. Mount Tabor Villa... . 160 J. H. Lambert to same, lot 13, block 20. Mount Tabor Villa 123 Lulu B. Ogdea and nd to Ella L. Woodard. lota 4 asd 6. block 10, Clif- ford a addition t Alblna 680 M. E. Swlgert to M. I,. Holhrook. com , menclng nt Interaectlon of north Una . of Jersey etreet In P. T. Smith' addl- -tlon to St. Johns and eaat line of taarleoton street, then southeaet along north line of Jersey etreet to weat ' I In of Richmond atreet to sontbweet line of Nancy Caplea' land. then northweet to eontbweet to corner Una of Willis bouierard. Point View, ta ' . southeaet line of Charleston street l-ere 10,500 M. I. Holhrook end wife to Eds B.'--. Gates, SOilOO feet, beginning at south ' i line sf Jersey atreet, north, comer lot 7, Mock 3. P. T. Smith' a addition to St. Jobna 1,000 John P. Buckley to Albert -Meier, lot 1, block 23. Alblna .800 Otto J. Kraemer to Hana Therkelson. lot ... 0. Dr-IjihmtrtfA Oat maa a Utile Hnmes i. 3 B. P. Cardwell and wife ts John Mlson et al . lot S3 1 84, Incrualre, block 6, Hilton ... Martin and wife tn Joha Robert eon aad wife, 6 acre la Maria Kelly's so I). L. C. aectlon 7, township 1 south, ranaa K et .... 1,600 George W. Brown to P. J. Free burg, lot ZH. block . iureiwooa A. Catlln and wife to Anna R. Macs, : Vita 6 and 6. block 220, Holladay ad- . dltlon 100 3.473 John R. Maeon to Label Maeon. lota 18 and 14, block 4,WOdlswn, Same to a. in, lot 13, block 4. Wood lawn !' W. J. Carrel to Bridal Veil Lumber com pany, northweet H of section 20, town- - ehlp 4 werthr renew eaat. i.-.v. . . ; . E. K. Morgan to B. N. Morgan, lota 38 3.000 and 24, block 9, First Electric addi tion Tarlor Inreatment company to Malrlna Taylor. lot r Irtock " 2.Laurrlwood " annex - Taclflc Realty A Inreatmetit rompany to II. Hanson. Iota 18, block 6, Stewart Park - , : 139 Get your Inam-ance end abetract tn real aetata from the Title Gnarantee A Trtiat company, 3411 Waablngton atreet. corner Second. NOTICE. 'OTICK la hereby glren that on the 7tb dey of December, llkrl, James P. Rlntmil of Portland. Oregon. wee duly aludlcated banrttpt; and that tha drat meeting of hla ' creditor VIII be held t room two, Chsmtier ' nf Commerce blilg., Pnrtlsnd, Oregon, on tb 38th day of Marcb, IPO, at II clock a. m. - at which time the aald eredltore may at tend, prora their claim, appoint trustee, eiamlne the benrupt . end trsneact anch thrr bualneea as may properly come befire such meeting. ALKX SWFr.K. r: Referee. In Bankruptcy. ' Dated Portland, Oregon, March 16, IK id. NOTICE ta hereby glees that an tb 14th daf of Kehru.rr. 1tt, Charles W. Tudd of Portland. Oregon, wsa duly adjudicated bank rapt: and that the Brat meeting of hla creditor will he held at mom Chamber of t'ommecce bldg., Portland. Oregon, on th jath day of March. Iwtl at 10 e'rlck a. m., - at which time the aald creditor may at ... tend, set re thte claim, npnint a truatee, eiamlne- the henrruiit end trenaaet anch ntbir bit.rneaa aa may properly befor uch rllna.- - - - ALEX SW,RK- j Refeeee tn B.nWrunlcy. - Dated rorttaad, Oregon, , Merck 17, IX. T1T.T.' f.' HrtlrSHltft th' Eraftloa" of S Omrtbouaa gauaing. eioa ta nwf a - that lb M'unly vourl ur Lommwi aoanry, - Ora-ron. will, on April 10. ), at 10 a. aa., con.lor blda f-ar tha araftlna of a mart honat bulldlnc at tha rliy f (. Hrna. la aald eoiinly and atata, acorJln to tha plana - aparlnVatlnna a tha arobltaola. Mar Hradrl.k. Toby, of Labba bulldlnc, Port land, Orraon. ana toi na rompiaia j-y jmbvo. a aian na lurni.nitiA- tna ma' tM-iiLt to ha nirni.hjHI.Jiy. oat ault "duura. Jail nillusa. ate., aa aat forth . In aald apaulltlooa. . .- All. Dma anouia. tx i""""" to n , nan. liuu Cfilumhla J county, iiregon, ann uiu ami iw ac ronipanled by a certified cheek, payable to the order of the county treaauror of aald eountr, Aw 6 per cent of amount of bid. aa aecurlty tha bidder will. If hie bid ta accepted, at oore eater Into a contract with Mid eouoty court far the erection -ef aald rourfbnuan building according to aald plana and epeelaratloB, and within lb time Herein aimweu. Plana and atieclllratlona of aald hutldlng 'mar be aeen and eonaulted at the office, of ' the county clerk of aald county, at Bt. Ilelenal. .. or at the ernce or. toe anore-namea arcniiecia. The aald aucceaaful blddera will be reaulred - fnrni.ii B bond ,wlth aurettea to he approeed by aald county courTT tn" the-iniB of6na third of the amoant of their bid, coadltlooed npoo the faithful perform. no. of aay eon ... tract or agreement entered Into between them and aald county court. " The county court reaerrec tha tight to reject any or all blda. " Br order of the county court Coliimlha -county Oreonr-4bla-tenth daa-of Maaebr - 1B0B. H. MENDRBBON. '.. . ;.'-, -i' County - Clark. PROPORAIJI POB 'cOBM B BOOMH Depot n....!...!. Office. Jit . Moiileonjery HI rent. San Pranclaco. Oat.. Pebruary t. tuoo. Bealed nropoaala. In duplicate, -rah left to the naual condhluna. will be received here "until 10 o'clock a. ni.. March 33. IWNI. aad -r then opeoed. for furnlahlng and delivering at either the Chicago. ISt. Ixnl. Ban PranclaRO or Real tie., depota of the qtiertermeeter'e de pa.rtnjent. tJ. fl. army, H.oOO corn brootna. The right la, reaerred to reject or accent any & or all propone le or any part thereof. Prefer. auce will ba glren tn article of domeatlo mannfacturo, coadltlona of qnallty and price (inclndlng In price of foreign produrtlone .: manufacture rha duty hereon I being equal. Btandard earn plea ran he aeen at. and blank -for proponent an full information will be - furalahed upon application to thla office. Tn J'.leaea containing pmpoeala to he Indoraed. - J'Propoaala for Corn Brootna, No. JS02, to he - Army. - - - - - 4 WB. the underelgned furniture and plano- ' anuria, will " rnmlro .the payment ' of "all chargea upon dellrery nf goode after Decern- ber V 1W'6:."' H. f?. . Ha.rk. C. P. " Harder, O. P."HueeeT. CoagroTe Brvia.. Portland De llrery Co.. Poat 8 peel. L Dellrery Co.. Pack, age Dellrery Co.. Hnlman Trahafer , Co., Northweatern Trknafer Co. Oregon Anto Den natch Co.. John Hamnton. Jamea Mcl.lndea. Owen McLinden. Pectne Trnnaf er Co.. Oregon. ' Tran.fer Co., Portland Vaa A Storage Co., Wakeman-Mere Tran.fer Co.. Beat Blda Tranafer Co.. C O. Pick Tranafer A Storage " Co., C. M. Olana. Baggage A Omnlboa Trana fer Co.. A. J. Kadderly Tran.fer A . Oommlealon Co., Job A. Lot, Andrew J. Murnby. P. 14. IreUad. r. Miller,. Flock A Hendereon. I , EXECUTRIX NOTICE. The ' nnderalrned ha daly quallled la tb county court of Oregoa for Multnomah county aa executrix of the will of Julra. Bar,, deceaaed... All jiereona luring rlalma agalnat tb Mtata are notified 1 to preaent tb nam to m at the law office, of Jamea 4; lee eon. roome B and S Jdulkey bldg.. Portland. Oregon, with proper Toucbera and duly certified, within alx montba from the date of tbw notice. Dated and flrat DUbllahed tb! February 36. l&Ofl. If ART C00R0TE, Eiecutrlx. MEETING NOTICES. THK annual ntinf of ttt torkhrflr tif th Uf gmi farttittif Mff.- win w nfriq mx tb offflc or the company. 1210-13.., Ml adam road. PortUndJUregoav-)- WedBe' rday. Mart-ma. ltai. at 4 p. m., fur tb purpoa of electing tb board of director for iho anaulng year and tranaactlng. auch other rty com before tb tnckkoldera meetlne. i rr. PLETOHBR-LlNff.-Prealdent. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A Glbsoa-bead beltpln. Saturday eren Ing. Pleeae return and receiee reward at. lu Fifth St. LOST Pslr of eyeglaaeee, gold no plec and black cord. Return 31 Bcranta at.; reward. LOST Female black cocker apanlel. Return Lo 31l-No HELP WANTED MALE. MEN end women to learn the barber trade In eight weeka. The Mnler eyatera of eollegre - hare opened oas of tbelr famoua barber acbo1a In Pertlaudr graduate, earn from $16 to. $28 Pr week; only reliable barber college In Ilia nlted Statee; apeclal ternie to flrat 20 atii- dental be II rely and get aneclal ratea. Moler Syatem College.. 86 N. 4th St., Portland. Or. RED CROSS, afanda for relief In acnte, .Uronl lag ni.ngnant ciniwi, nn or writ. ki Croas Diapenaary, Third Ba Aao ata. SALESMEN WANTED For one of the largest nnrserlee in the. weet; caah sdranced weekly on order; good . territory opes.- Addres Waahlngtoa Nursery Co., Toppenlah, Waah. WANTED-r-lioO men, ah. re and haircut tree. 24 Couch et. We teach the trade. WANTKD ahlnet-m.kera and machine men. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co. TELEORAPHT taught fees by expert operator; beginners' claaa formlegt ' n'dranc student perfected. Call 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. and 8 p. m. 810 Chamber Commerce. 8 GOOD jobber or fnrn.r men: good wge for tb right men. - Apply A. F. Click Sheet II ata I Wiorka company. WASTED Blarkamlth and boraeeboer; ateady work for a reliable man and good mechanic; wages $3 per day. Inquire Waterhooee A Lea tor, 08 6th at. WANTED By s aaak and door factory, t wood turner on column, spindles and balusters. Apply for noon i at 072 Macadam st. -r -r WANTED Agent to solicit, for old relUble concern: liberal commlaaloa. Call Ha Toy, 120 Tenth st. WANTED A good farmhand. 1004 Mllwaokle at. Sellwood car. WANTED Salesman onderstandlng paint - and aaah and door buainea; acquainted with city preferred; reference required. W 3. Journal. WANTED Firs carpenters; only flrat-elae one need apply. Jacob Krlmbef, 448 North 21at at. Inqulr bet, 6 and X o'clock. EDWARDS' CO.. bouaefnrnlahera, will ahort'r . reuutra the aerrlcee of one or two experienced carpet end furniture uleamen. . Pleeee answer by letter, glrlng full de telle a to what cx parlance yon hare. ; , - EDWARIMI CO.," hrmeefumUher, require the eerelcee of a young maa ts hang windrow ' shadea. lay matting, atc WANTED Polisher. Home Steam foundry, MrMlnnrlllc, r. ' - HELP WANTEDa-FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCV, 848 Waablng ton at., cor. Serentb. unet.lra. Pbone Main 2o1r2. Female help wanted. , WANTKD Lady experienced ta bualneaa to act ae sotlcttnr ior Ineeetmen , brokersgs eosa pany. - Apply at 6U4 Dekum bldg., city. FOR boarding -bouse, good plain cook: trust worthy, good habits; woman preferred. Ad dree D I. ar Journal. WANTED Ktad. motherly woman, with Borne experience In elckneaa, to do light work at moderate wegeei good borne to right person; ' glTS teiepoose. a. t, care .will, WANTED At 26$ Sixth St., pprrntlcv and ewtng -Btrkt." SENSIBLE woman, beat character and rn . finance; muat bar earning ability and leader ahlp. if II. care Journal. UIBL for general nouaework. 821 Eaat Slat., corner HaTeey. Broadway car. .. . WANTED A good nest apprentice, ale go! hrtlp for dre.amaklng. - 6Ali, Montrimcry at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP Wanted and ennpH'O. mat of Temaie. B. U, Drake, w'ublngloa at, racla 1870. YUANTKIV-Poelflon aa Janitor, or taking ear 7lf horae.- cow or (! on- "lt piece. TT nol able lo, du hard work; 'age ' 64. - Adirrea I'. O. Box 433. Hood Rlrer. Or. WANTED A poaltlon- by young "a attending . bualseea -aollege. to help pay eipenaee; any ; auiieat SITUATIONS ANTECj-JJEMALE TOUNO lady ealra typewriting work to do t. noma earning. anew ee tooj mi addr Ireaalng anrelonee. wrapper, or any Kina of typewriting work:" nwu b cntna, A. B7, car journal. MIDDLR-AtJBD woman want work la the country for widower a family, or email famllv: wage 820 ner month. Call or addreea 413 Jul EmeitneW AWlandrr-larar-I-vAUU TOCNO widow wanta poaltlon aa houaekeeper for gentlemanr widower preferred. . Adui-eaa W 9. car Journal. . V. Rt. ainertenred In confectioner and etrara want poaltlon; good reference. Hood S1. WANTKD Weekly engagement for waahlng. - WANTED AGENTS." WANTED Aggnte; anmetblag new; good llcr; big wag- 3u McKay bldg. . . . . . WE want reliable men In'erery town In Oregon lo aell alrk aad accident Inauraae. PaclOe A1d aaaocUtlon, B00 Dekunt bWg. MAI.) and female, a xoltHtnr for tnreetment brnkeragecompuryrT Apply it BO Dekim bldg. PT ATTRACTS Our method of - Belling the Bloat unique line of 'gmda erer offered; 100 per cent profit: Trybody aatlaf ted ; com plete Inaenirtiona and aainple, 10c. r O. B. . OIon, box 164. Eureka. 8. Di . -. EMPLO'. MENT AGENCIES.: SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICA! EMPLOYMENT Ow, North Second, furntaba all ktnda em ployment for men and -woman. Mala SORB. SHERWOOD A BOTT. 306tfc Morrlaon at. Mala and female help. Phone Main isz. HANSEN'S BMPLOTMENT OPnCE.' run. hf.s -as-lr: SeWna It. ' PUnS Main 1MB.' BIO) POUR EMP. AGENCY Help supplied trsa. , 16 North Becond at. Phon Mr.ln 110. JAPANE8E-CHINESE KMPLOTMENT OFFICE. Henry Tabara. 307 Ereratt at. Pnons Pa-1 clflc 640. - ... . --.- -4 WANTED--REAL ESTATE. GOOD corner lot or quarter block, - wit In ferior or no building, toa.t of Sixth St., aootn of Main to gulch i owner. Addreea, W 10, ".car Journal. - . : WANTED Lot or fraction. Imprsrad or not, cloa la i owner only. R 88, car JoaraaL WANTED Lot tn exchange for equity In S or 7-room bona. Pbonn Eaat 8641. - WANTED Lot or houaa and lot. corner pre . f erred; must be cloa In and cheap for cnah; as agenta. , Addreea L Id. car Journal. WANTED 3 lota and email bona In suburb - near car: muat be cheap; atate pries aad term. 648 Eat 16tb at., S. ' WANTED TO RENT.; WANTED TO RENT HOl'BES. COTTAOEB, -LAT8.-ROOMINO-HH-SES. STORES,' ETC7 Our rental department bea .iieen emerged - "0i: ',Trta,e "a'"1" We Inrlt Hating from LANDLORDS. nf frr peraonal , attantloa to and eoatlaaona auprTlalonrcraJL.nruptty laun.ted POBTLAKD TRC8T COMPANT OrTTREUOSr B. E. cor. so ana usg at. . raoos ai. tz. MECHANIC board and room with prlrafe family (weet aide preferred) ;, will furnlah -room If desired. Address with' full 'particu lar W 8, cars Journal. a TO rent and lea, faom 5 ts 10 acre, with bona snd outbuildings; close tn carllns. Notify F. M. Rodrlgiies, 187 N. 17tu st. WANTEDINANCIAIV- WANTED Tn borrow $1,600 for an yearr- will pay $ per cent, with a good security. D 17, csr Journal. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. large tgaeolln praying outfit on tb coast.- M. 0. Morg.a A Com. 322 L'nlon are. Pbone East 2017. I TED Stock of general njercbandlae or agenda, hwntg gbd alioes. etc.. for which I L i drri ceen: will oeal wttn sctusi only. Addres P. O. box D. Elgin, Or. I. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprsrsr snd whit, wsaber. Cell Eaat 6348-v remember the name E. N. Morgan; 11 year In bualneea In Port land. ; WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for furnlturs In sny quantity; alao take earns on rommlaelon and guarantee beet reaulta. - The Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schuback prop,, 311 First st. , Phon. Main 6466. SPRAYINO and pruning of fruit trees; whlts wa.hlng of dorke-aod -baaanieota. I 0, Fonea. Scott 66.'. WR WIH, BIT. SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD THING. WESTERN SALVARR CO 627 028 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 703. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING $1.78 PER WEEK Large, clesn, furnished - houaekeeplng-roomi ; laundrjf. nd7bathi J S4 noutn I'orttana. THE MITCHELL. Flandera and Berantn Room, boneekeeplng end transient; coo. Tesleutl price reasonable. . . , .-r-r- THE HALL. 414 Fifth Rooma. alngle or a , aulte, furnished for light bona cheeping. 233 MARKET Furalahed alngle and housekeep ing room., all cooTnlnosa; ntoderau rant. Hood 270.' - . $1.38 WEEK ap. clean, furnlahed boneekeeplng renma, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath, fur naoa beet. 213Vt Stanton at. U ear. HaYe-Yonir"Liyiffg : 'Increased ; FASTER "THAN TOUR " '. EARNINQST JT'-'J 7 ' ., - H0:EAISE:;0F. WAGES'iS ,-;-;L;i!sraT,:,:.A': . pROBABt. A NEW JOB -18 THB ONLY BOLUTION -r- Or tourtroble'm r ONE OR TWO IN8ER- 7 TIONS OF A WANX AD IN " - Ihe . Journal . Will Effeet-tte Solution $8-4 ROOMS heatly Mrnlahed.' Ky 018 8e Tenth stv phone Main 462.i--. . - . '. '. ' ' rv. SLEEPING - snd housekeeping mom for rent. He 1U HlilgUyr mmmu 30,-23?A,-WAMng- 3- 3'URNlSiIEXt honsekseplng-room. re.atinabl; 5aa. iiaone n waier irei-. . r.eeh 2 Ft R.MS I ft; D front hum alngki nwma.; lod Park. .. NICELV furnt.bad housekeeping room.: pbone IKVClUtSUKhhl Strictly modern 2 and 8-raom" furnl.hnd houae- . keeping spartmenu; pnone, ruraace neat, plenty hot water, elegant porcelain bathtub; Olliaiiie FURNISHED5 ROOMS FOR RENT THTUtiaEU?f1;ORiH SIXTH ST s,legsntly fnrulahed. ateam aaai ann anw. NICELY .furnished heuaekeeplng-ranme; ala - alngle roome. Ml HussrU st,. McKay blk. THB c geptlemea 11.26 per week and sp. 133 TWELFTH Nicely "furnlahed. clean bay window reouM reeaonable; saw management -T- free- phone--and bath- -' - LARGO front room for 3 In prlenta family, with or without board. 610 Borthwick st. - Psoas - Cast 3144.-- -. ". ,'. ' TT .' . TWO nicely furnished room, nil modern eoa Tenlrnces. at The Fairfield. 133 14th at. too. ltabVfwMyougmeu; rantf'ta- ciudtng tirs. u sscn; sti eenreniencna. FOR RENT Lower Soar of s modem cottage; 6 rooms, well furnlahed, bath and electric lights. SSO Eaat Yamhill, 1'hons Root 6407. ROOMS AND BOARD." UNION nOTBL, SI North Slitb nt. acere Jh - heat meal; ratea. room $1,. board $3.60 pe. week." J. Anderson, prop. CAN accommodate more dey boarder. Taylor at. At $3.25 per week Bp. : THE IJNDELL Market i at.. 2lrd aad u..-aH 1 ,3Vfrri, A conranlencee; trat-claaa dining-room Ber rice; rates reasonahie. ROOM and osrd . for. 3 quiet nm, atfe-- B34 EAit Morrlsnt t.- DESIRABLE rooms with board: on front salt suitable for three or four; modern: ratea rea sonable. 442 Jefferson, Phons Mala 42n. FURNISHED or unfurnished with or - without board.' at 214 10th St. Pbone Main 100s.. . .. . BOOM -AND BOARD, with bath for laboring men; $18 a month. Pnons Eaat 0066. FURNISHED ROOM, with board. KM V. ISth. currier r.iLjs1-"- HOUSES "FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. NEW furniture nf - 8-rnon ' spnrtment, nssr , building, prints, bath, gas. electric, free ' phons. Janitor eerrtce; laundry aad ators roem; cloae. on car. Suits No. 15, Harrira -'court, second floor, Harrlaoa-atreet entrance, .- Fifth and Hnrrlsoa sts aftss 10 sm, " Sunday. $100, A SNAP T-room furntahed bouse for rent, furniture for sale; S housekeeping rooms pay rant f house; Bns corner location. D 11, car JoornaL " $20 7-ROOM bona for . rent, 6 block P. 0.; rami tare for saU dirt ehssp. quire' 1 Fifth at. In- FOR SALB Furniture of 11-rosm house; parties wishing to buy can get bargain It Bold within 18 day. Phon hum ssf. . FIIHNlTT:B.Eof - rent $ld: walking dlaUnc. 80S Herrtaon. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES, HALL for "rent, Wedneeday, Thursday, Friday, Baturaay ann nunuay erenuiga, . laos aires st Inquire at ball .from s 1 to 7.80 p.. OFFICB noma, nfurnlsnsd roome and sample noma for rent. Goodnough bldg. Apply M ' Tstor. PART nf large corner stors for rent. Inqulr F. E. Beach Ar Co., tb Pioneer Paint Co., Pint and Aide ata. DESK ROOM to rent; also offlce-roem sad bsss ment, with electric end gsa flitaras company. 263 Rnaaell st, s ' ' WANTED To rant, office with nss sf dssk or desk room .In stors; good location. D 4, car Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES. FIVE-ROOM cottage, sice location; $17. Apply 629 Ernst. t. KADDERLT TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable plena nnd furnlturs saoTere: Bate etar ng. Phon Main 1086. OfBc 110 N. Third. TBI CONTINENTAL COMPANY 348 STARK ST. INSURANCB. RENTALS, in LIST. TOR RENT Modern S-room cottage, corner East Eighth and Ersrett. N. K. S-ROOM famished house, with 1 acre ground, for rent, $6 per month. M. Itorteasen, Sooth - Mount Tbor. FOR RENT 7-room house, 440 Clay, about March 20. Inquire of Bulllrant grocery. 461 Jefferson St. 693 SECOND t- Modern alx-room honee, $3,600. Phon Main 4464. - . FOR rant ar lease Fumlabed S-mom ottg to reaponslbls people without children.. Call forsnoon or ny hour Sunday. 870 E. 11th ' at., north, near Maeon. TEN-ROOM bona, with summer dining-room, altnated 67 N. 14th sL Inqulr 304 Mackay bldg. 7-ROOM bona for rant. 804 Eaat Third at., corner; bendy place for boarding and room tag. Call at 404 Colon are. T-ROOM bones, modern , newly papered and painted throughout, 407 Tenth at. Apply F. L. Bunting, room 40 Worcester bldg " A NEW 6-room house with toilet, large grounds, chicken park; rent cheap. Apply two blocks north of Tremont stors. Mrs. Mann. NEW 7-room fnrulahed house, $12 per month. TelToo- East 0007 r- ' - 2 FURNISHED smsll bouse. Sew H. H. Hlg ley, 327V. Washington St.- Pclfle 77, - FURNISHED modern S-room aouee. arranged for" 2 famlllesi rent $'iS. Call 10 a. m. or - 6 p. m. Sunday 430 East Grant, corn dtav TEN-ROOM bans, with summer dining-room, sltusted 87 N, 14th at. Inquire room 204 Macleay bldg. ' 813 Four-room cotage sn Esat Ash, between 10th snd 17th. lmiulrn 23 Esst 16th st. FEW strictly modern 6, S, T jwid S-room bouses In Sunnystds from $11 to $22.60 ber month. Patterson A Stewart, 10U0y Belmont St. Pbons Eaat 8830. - , v GOOD S-room hone, 1470 East ElrMb St.,- N.. for rent, $10 per month. -M. . Lee, 884 - Sixth et. . JOHNSON St.. d-mrwn boos, fnrnlahed. Kin sell. 01)9 Commercial blk. Mam 2A23. ' FOR RENT FLATS. "TtrhlTCKD RENTS." Three well situated and eoneenlently ar ranged modem 4 and 6-roors flats on earllne with 6-mlnute aerrlce. on the ssst aids. Then places sre offered st the low rate of $13 per month! go and see themt Russell snd Commerclel ata. ,,... PORTLAND TRI'ST 0MPANT.. OF OREGON, y S. B. corner Third and Oak. - ' Pherte Exehng 73. $ ROOM Sat foe rent, $1$; wafer paid; no mll children. . 823 Mill. . , FOR RKNT gpmi flat, modern hi ry wy dull only. Phon Wain $787. r- . FOR RENT FLATS. - - I L. J l I I " 1'OR RKNT 1 nun modern sew ' fist 64 T A . Sixth at., near Jackson. Pbons Pacific - A . II. Maegly, 210 Fourth St. . - 860. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS". BUSINESS CHANCES. TiaTewliet, fokTd, firm HSdrt craag. ' imiiroreq ana uiiiaiproTtu cm property. , ana S goou escnauge ai.i. sw before buylint. Aucthweat Land. Co., 204 Gwdnougb pldg. '' ' A FEW well located boardlng-bouaee for ssl cheap: alao grocery store, doing good boom r.M. ..u e , r-, tAr )) elle nctinertv :,i . 246' Waahlnglow. . .7 ' f" : . , r t a, Co. ft,, ..f. ..a K8table InTeetmenta. 30$ McKay bldg., rtland, Oregon. . i ,. 1' Ba"LAu.lomalle Railroad BtHtchatntk juld at a big diacount. Apply to W, J. Curtis, 216 Comiuerelal blk. Vkou Mala 6384. WHO IS. M. G. MORGAN . A CO.! FOR SAMS General law bualneea eatsbllahed la ; 1HM; of See library and inures, county eeat In . thrlrlni eountr. eastern Oresnn: 64.000. helf nee on Hmei oujeoi retire inw A FOR SALE $4,000 Department (tor ra Wll- lamette Tlley towa of 6.00U population: out hustlera. Addieea M. S, car Journal. PARTNER la a well-eetablbbed real sstats business; must be good rustler. L 2. Journal. I WANT a lady with 3W0 to take charge of a rooming house. So U. H, Hlgley, room 30. 227V Wsshlugton st. ' . I WANT to buy s large or small roomlog-bouss. - H. Dent, pustofflc box 47. - - - . - LARGE or amall roomtngbouaea for aja en term by H. H, Hlgley, Washington at. - - - 80. 337H I WANT lady with $600 tn-tkt chsrg of a mooting house. So H. H. Hlgley, room SO, 837V. Waahtngton St. JiauiJinaxeeMrevSaii Hiitiaiuaj 1 j. aits;!11 Hieusa-M ul, MCbT be aold at once, fine family hotel, Terr cholc location: ateam beat, hot and cold waft lu luuum. neat ' $000 or $300. ..Wee M. uueuuig Sn pant with K. Lee. 8SV. Sixth at. OWNER baring t le.T th city, will ssll nice cigar, newa and confectionery: cheap rent! thla I a genuine snsp. ltn) Msdlson st. -FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. READ THIS Tin lot on 30th snd Orerton; all th atreet ' Improrenieute In; $6,000."" Fin A-room modern horns, In Highland; bath, toilet, lot lUOxlOO; price $4 000. Seeeral nice homes tn City View Park sad - Sellwood st from 1.4o0 ts $lV0. . 7: 60 lots In First Electric addltloa, 26x100; at $76: sssy psyments. - 10 lots In Eden. 60x100, nt $300 sack. 16 lots 60x100 , In Roe4la4Kpedat Annex, at $J60 to tKO. I We 11 on commission, only; n watered prices. Phon Main 0S03. $17-18 Fen ton bldg. $10 PER MONTH will buy beeottfnl lot be tween 44th nnd 46th at., sue block south of Hawthorn st. earllne. . M. B. LEE. i- - .'88)4 .Sixth t- ' . FAXON PARK I now a tea aiarkeLjLotn st aersag ' price. " j .. IxiU 60t2RO... .......8100 Ixlts 10OX2W0 ,....$300 - tif mnxuxr.: ...... . .-rrrrrr. .-. ; .$400 Theee lota ara all In cultivation, leeel ind slahtlr. bo I aTlltea'TTreet. 8 mtnutea walk to good 10-room school st Lents; 6-ceet fare ta any part of Portland; water free. Terms. - O. R. Addlton, owner, Lseta, Ore gon; tsks Mount Scott csr, 6c. S-ROOM modern cottage, $1,860. o-room modern bouse, (3.860, ' 7-room modem house, $3,600. S-raom modem houea, $2,000. Small payment down, be lance nj meat. Owner, phon East 875. athly pay. 8MAI-L gso- mds. buildings and lots,-$1,600; M $, cars JoumsL . . FOR SALE By owner, two new hortaee. between 32d and 24th. on Waer. Holladay ' Park; alao furnish lota snd build. R. B. Rios, 882 Sandy road. . Pbons 1086. CHOICE lota, by owner, on asd near car; easy rerme: most ssll. 1606 Atlantic, oar. Portland boulsTsrd- , v 8. W. CORNER Mason and Commercial st-loO zlOO, I block from csr; swell location, c no ice neighborhood. - 6U6 Darta si. . l SOMB fin 30-aer tracta 1 miles from Mll waukle; 14 to 1$ acres tmprored, with old fruit tree; thee tracta can be had t a bargain If taken at once: ales ether good , acreage near the city. W. A. Morabousn, 1670 East 13th St. - Pnons BeUwood 74. FOR SALE OR RENT New modem 6-room cottage, with attic, electric light; lot for . ssl ehesp; hsose built oa easy term: In Teettgate. Owner. Hoi gate snd Eaat 15th, block from Sellwood -earllne. FOR SALB Corner lot, 186x118, on block from end of Mt. Tabor earllne; S-room cottar nearly new; term. Owner, Et 6678. 24 ACRES. IS culllrated; bam. fruit, atork and tools: $2800) prt trade; oa earllne. 604 Goldsmith. Itm SALB By owner, new. modem cottage, food location: price $1,800; eaay terms. Phon Eaat 8008. 10 LOTS for aal St Center station. Oak Omre: $wa; terms. Inquire Wax. Lars, Osk Grors atatlon. ' - W. ' H. MOREHOI'SE, ''- . - 1870 Eaat 13th at., Sellwood. " e . Phon Sellwood 74. Tb largest Hat of I it pro Ted property tn Sellwood, Home from $AO0 to $6,000. Ron addition, th great factory sit; lot $5 down and $6 per month. FOR SALE New -mots boo and 8 lota. In Highland Park. 1287 Eaat 14th St., north. Pbone Eaat 67L - - , FOR SALE-V7-room modem nous In Irrlng ton; pert caah. balance 8 yeara; would rant partly fumlabed to dealrabls tenant. L lo, cars JournsL CHOICE residence lot on Frgo at., bet. Union nd Bodneyjeea. Inquire 3.'.7Monros!u. across block. Phon Esat $103. I WILL sen yon a amall east aid home, cloa to cr, fun kit, for $000. L 7, car Journal. HOW 1 this for a bargain t Nine-room borne, etrfctly modem, for $1,860 caah; two btber to 1 flnlibed Bert Monday ta b old cheep for reah, 8 and $ rooma . each; are the owner. Joe Naeh, In the big white bouse st NnshTllI. nation, on th Mount Scott carllns; slss om. lot cheap . for caah. - e $500 CASH handle good 7-room modern house, weet aide, cloae In; lawn.- L 8. Journal. IF YOU wsnt to bolld. bur sll illd. buy all your materia le Inn; yon will ear 76 per window, plaster boards. St tn American cent; fine ooure, winoowa, piaster ooorus. rustle or siding, flooring, stslrs. timber and umner. r. vvwww, . - . . FOR SALB AT A BARGAIN r A Sne stork range, containing about 2.80 seres; sll nnder fence) situated near Roao burg. Oregon, on B. P. Ik H.; thla la as of ' ths beat etoeh range In th county I 1 .le " he (not her good stock range nontelnlng 1.430 acres, which will be Bold at a Tery low Klc. For particular addreea J, R. Bothsr 1, owner, Hoeebnrg. tegon. , WILLAMETTE. . Beet reside ace pert of the peninsula; only a few kite left In Willamette; take yonr choir now: 11 lot r 60x100 feet; $236 eachi $16 caah. $6 per month. Apply C. A. Bygowskt, . Willamette atatlon. . ON TO HOVER! UP THE COI.UMHIAI . Regslsr tmera from Portland: ctieaneet rates from the meat ts Inland points: no and. beaey aoll. perpetual water right with esc tract, earliest products, largest price; tb Callfemla nf the Nortbweat. Writ , HOVER LAND CO., ' t: Borer, Washington. .a . . $l.7fa CORNER lot In,. Holladay. cloee.Ja. ..lOlW-tastsVU-.'.-., 1-..,.. ,it- UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION FiviCcnt$-Pcr Line -."Nor sd taken for law than 18 per day. ' Seren words, aa a rale,, oooetltute line, bet each line le charged regardless of tb number of words. . ' - - WEEKLY ATlTnertWlncludtng no Bund lu) U CENTS per lne per MOMTHLT RATE Including - sllStradirr iDVERTlSEMEBTfl must be In'joure! -nsetnean sraw by 13 o'clock week daya and by 10 o'clock Saturday e renin for the Sunday Issue, to secure classification. PI6PLAT RATES glren upon sppll... li... the office. THE JOURNAL . ; BRANCH OFFICES -aVlVXRTIBAJf ISTS ; Will be received st reeular enata-offlee ratee. Pellowtng Is a list sf authorised gents who will forward your adrertlse inent In time for publication in. th aaat Inner-. - ; ' . "stORTK IISX. "' ' R A. Preston, drneelat. TwentThbrd wwd-ThnriBn streets.: " . .. Nob-Hill Pharmacy, 880 Glusa strsat. corner Twenfy-drat. ' - A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Sixteenth gad Marshall atreet. - McCommon'n Pbarmaey, - NlueteeaU and Waahlngtoa streets. , , Boimi titie. '.7 7 tttel Drug 'company. First and Grant tracts. , Fabian Rrerrar. druggtt7 4p0 Jefferson ' .... mva , u. ' U , m. . .L . . Harrison atreata. , - Plummer Drug company, 380 Third atrsat, corner Mfdlsen. - . . XAST iTDi.... . -' -'. "": W B. Lore, drugglat. corner Grand gesan and Eaat Rurnslde atreet. ' Nlrhola A Thompson, 128 RoU trat, Corner Alblna arenue. Jancke Drug company, coraer Bawtborae and Grand arenum. W. C. Cable, drugglat. corns Halls day arenne and - Laerabee- atrnt, . asar . atari brldg. R. A. W Una, 13$ Graad arenne, near K. W. Ball. 83& tut 89TMttl urMt .tPbt8T isrer'-'itreet. .miofliAffP,. , -F,JClAir7drugglt, 100$ Nor Ik Unlaw Tsannsi ai.ii, 1 1 - n ,.,i ra 1 -11 I, -.-r- BTITSTTBTDE. -"''---''- 7. C Worth, pharmacist, 888 BslmoBl street. . .--.I.;'.., BROOBXTir. Brooklyn Pharmacy esmpsny.- PeweB ga$ MHwankis streeU. ... ABLXTA, OBiaO.l77 Arlets pharmacy. Mora aad Foster etreet. SELLWOOD. ' y - Heamtsck'g - phsrmsey, corner Umatilla areaue and East Thirteenth etreet. . I ' IT. rOKXtV ' - -;v ' Xlllstt'sv pbsrmacy. '- FOR-fiALE REAL-ESTA1 SELLWOOD LOTS. $6 down snd $6 month) from 876 to $300. Sellwood Tewualt On, Pboos Eeat 4704. . '-.. , .. ACRB TRACTS! u OCR SPECIALTY IS ACRB TRACTS. ' Fall-ld atraats, water to "rack era. " TERMS $10 PER - ACRE CASH $10 PER ACRB PER MONTH. Tea g to then serss set tn nm ear. Cy th nam 8 fan tb lot sua pays. Th t maa la your neighbor, but he ta ra " ntrlcted In majority T featurre that ttaks a true subnrbsn bom. - - 0pa Wedneeday and Satarday eesdags, A. ft CHURCHILL A CO., MO, , 7 T "." ' 110 Seooad St. . . FOR SALE CHEAP 8 snd 7-room bous avid em; part cash. 870 Garfield are. Take Woodlawn car. Phone Beat 8641. NICE boon snd 'nearly f lots, 468 SSd and Rooserelt. Inqulr Ixrwengardt, S3 Park at. BOI'SRS built, eaay tsrms: aen fnmlsb lets. Miller, 813 Commercial bldg. Mala 1840. OWING to abeence from the city th owner will dlspoea of hi artUtlo and comrnrubi home nf 13 room; ererr thing up to dats snd In tb eery but condition; quit now, la a most dsslrabls location; ear pan th bouse rery 6 minute: Immedlete poaseaalon glren; a ISO, in compieie rurnisoin cen nr,uwH- It Undo; perfect In Tery det11- Be -wnr at loo' n7 Slat U oar. Irrlag ' Call oeiween a mum p a. FOR Astoria and Seaside property gddnsa OL W. Stone, Astoria. Oregon, Occident Hotal bldg. EXTRA good 6 room boon. 48th nnd DlThrlen sts. . on Mt. Scott carllns; large corner lot $2,000. ., , , WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 201 Stark at. l.tnn-FOUR fins buUdtng lots ta Piedmont. 107H Third It. . KEW 6-room modem house, 1 block to ear, weat side; $260 cssb, $26 month lyj ST your . rente.' L 8, cr Journal. AC RE AG PJ Portlajid'e beautiful suburb, Soutli Mt. Tabor. Acreage, euburban borne and fruit farm. Sooth Mt. Tabor Real Batata of flc. Pbone Eaat 4308. FOR SALE S-room furnletled eottage. Iaqulr 6O6 Cmatllla ee, Sellwood. -r . AST STARK ST. Fin new 8-room ben with bath, basement snd cement wslks, $3,000; . eaay Walking dl.tance. . Klnssll, 803 Cem- rowctal blk. Main 3822. MOUNT TABOR 7 rooms, bsth. et.ble. sll kinds fruit, lot 100x100. Owner. 138 Third. WANTED A few persons to Join me la th purchase of property of true Intrinsic merit nd etable rain, wltb large apeculatlr soeet- , bllltles. Address L 17, car Journal. FOR SALE. SNAP 14 block In tm.lnesa center' of Portland; cheap at $60,000; $40,000 takes It If tsken t once; good terms: don't mla . thla chance, Full Information glren at room 616 Msrqusm bldg. ELEGANT corner 100x300 feet on Rest 2Bth snd Stsrk to be sacrificed for $3,000. Patter eon A Stewart. lOOOVk Belmont st. LOTS on Esat SOtb at asar Hawthorn, only $S.V; Tsry easy terms. W 4, care Journal.' 8-ROOM hones snd quarter block st tha corner of Esst 14th and Beacoa ata., $1,300. . W $, - ear Journal. u TO I acre lots betweea leanho and Ban II M,k snVI ne sere! eaaT terms! atehtle. X fins noli flee - owner, 418 McKsyr-cottier t- Thlrd and rltark. GOOD 8-room botm and corner lot 60x100 In - Snunyalde can be had for $360 cash sod ths balance earns as rent: yon bad better look tlila np. Patterson A Stewart, 1000 Bel mont at. . - - 1 .- '- 1.0FA S-ROOM honn , and full lot, 100 feet from earllne: $160 cash, remainder $15 pr month. . 10714 Third t. ' ,. ' ' JOHNSON t west aid: rood 8-room real, dene, onlr 32.600. klnseU, 802 Cwmasmlsl blk. .. Meln 2S2S. ... HAVB Ton seen tb kit Mi B. Le I offering between 44th and 4Mb t., an block nouth f Hawthorn t., t only $386 to $820 n kitf Terete, $10 par month. Of flea 8814 '. Sixth at. -- -. 82.800 SIGHTLY corner lot (Inrprored trt) and prettr 8-room modern eottage, Eaat 84th near Hawthorn; $600 caah. Owner, 403 Con merHel bldg. - ! FOR SALE FARMS. . 1 .. FOR" SALE Stock rawa of 3.440 arras ne Cobarg. 8 mils N. B. nf Engen. Or. ( pn, ' Viw; IS ceeb. balenr 6 years. 8 per cent. F. D. Chamberlain. Lebbe bldg., Portland. FARMS A BARGAIN 18 a area at Bearer ton. In high etat of rultlratlon; good house nA hern, rwehard, amall fruits In abundance; n Sne country Wast 14 mile south of Portland; . price $X l. on. term. 403 Commercial bldg. 844 ACRES nf timber In Oowllte county, .Wash., for sale at. bargain If token oott. D. W. Faslkner, Aalia, la.