- .1 - s THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY I.IOSNING, "MAECH , IS,.. VLjit .at ,kx"v.P I te treed at the poatefnce at Portland. Onto. nr mHiuuM tarooga is mana Postage for single' eeptss: For S, 18 fege paper, 1 eaat; 10 to" OS- fa, 1 W"i nuraom' rAdltexekier-aBa huslima lB. . . . .TMaia BOO ,' Tmlnd Bnjwlt Special Advertlilng Agency. : ISO (wh lUMt, htw York! Tilbuae Baud "... ,-fcif ... . ii j i. .i . -IWm k fluite. . Th Dally Jmul, wltk lui, 1 rssr...(T.B0 m I "any Journal, l roar ........... o.u Tn Dally JournaL art Ik Hand. mootha. 8 73 lb Dally Journal, loon the I1 The Dally Journal, with Sunday, I auntae. 1.8 Tb Dally JournaL t moathe. .......... ... 1.80 , Tb Dally Journal, with Sunday. Bkoath. The lallr. ner week, aallima. Sunder lBe- eluded .18 The Dallr her week. AalleareeL Snadar BX- cepted .M s--- :i Taaaaa by MalL., . -. Th Dellr JournaL with tuiu. 1 year. ..(T.OO : The Dally JoaraaL 1 year ; The Dally Journal, wltk Senday, nxoalba. a. 79 Th Dally Jours!, a months.... ...115 ." Tba Dalljr Journal, with Sunday, 8 axon tha. 1.90 ' Tba Dally Journal, meethe 1.40 'rba Daily Jouraal, with Sunday, 1 Bsoath. .M Tka Dally Joaraal, 1 atoatk. ......... .SO " Tba Sunday Joaraal, 1 yaar S.00 Tba Sunday JouraaL 8 awatka . 1.00 ' Tka Seeai-Weekly JearBaL The Searl-Weekly Journal, S to 1 txefea mm k luu lllMaSrateJL full anarka. re- r-ort. 1 year. ....... .(1.80 Remittances aboald ba Bud by drift, postal note, exoreat ardcra aad easaU amount ara acceptable U.MMa K0U5jS. "' l. O. Box 121. Portia ad. Oregon. , . vmi m nniii hat be ww , Tba Joaraal caa ba tosnd ea sal at tba , followlag places: , .' .. - 1K11BS, IDAHO H. Seller Co. I W. B. Mo Intyra; Area 4aaBlB(baai at ca. , CHICA1K) Poatataca Nina wane lay. XT! Daaf hora a Ii .at. - i PtNVftliyafkaVrwJBre. Pnloa Dapat aawa XAK8AI ' CITT Anaarleaa Wawi eatnaaay, I aanrapapar wacoa. t. . Lea ANtlXE a. . Abmi. awapapar wagoa; Aba Berl, arwapapar waroa. ; --UKmAfOLH .at. J-aUraaamX-600 BoaU ! Third ftrnt '-..'-' HW YORK CITT Brantana'a, tTaloa tqaara; , , Arrhar Hotalla vawaaapar waaoa. tailoaCTy company, TO TUBualTrtraC OODEN Ikraat aaai ataad. -MA.U9fmAM.li GiTI Kaaayaa Batal aawa-ataafl; ; Harrow Braa., Waat Bffaad atraat. aoau; ' HAN PI BOO B. B. Aawa, Bawapaaar wafaa. , ' , at AN rRANCIBOO W. B. Ardlnf, Palaea Hotal; Ooldnmltb Braa- M Battar.atMat aad Ht. Fraacla kotal; reatar d Oraar, Farry balld la; K. Wkaatlay. ampapw wafaa. Uarkat and Kaaraay. BBATTLB Balaler OraaC Bawa ataad; A. S. Hotel Baattla Bawa ataad. - " - BT. LOUIS PbillD Bawdar, aid Iaieaat atraat; . T. Jatt, Sua OUra atr-rtj waorga Xa " i Aftarmaa. '' ' 't r - BPOKANB Joba W. Orabaat Oa. t (TAOOblA Oaatral Maw coatpaay. Ioal Ta . eoata aawa ataad; Aeana hawr coaapaay. aawrpaaar wi TIOTOIUA. B. C Victoria Beak BUtVav ary company. WEATHER EBPORT. t A aaull tHitarbaac fcaa aude Ita appearaapa v urmr VaacaaTar island aad caaaad doadlnaaa la ' Waahlnaloa aad waatcra Oraaroa aad a llttla rata "alooar tba Waahlnctoa rwaat from Capa ' Flattary to rtartb Head. Tkla dlatarbaaca - will axrra Inland dortna tka Beit M koara aad raoaa abowara la weatara Orewoa and waatara t. - WublDctoB and a rtaa la taaiuaratara aaat a : tba Oaacada noantalna. , . A- ifaxlaiuBi tamparatara, it derraaa; mtnlmora tempera mra, 28 deartud. Rlvar raadlnf at 8 " a. m.. 3. 7 faat: cbanra la aaat M boara. 0.8 . tooc; total nracipitaiion. a p. jn. w a " i.iibi. lutil- uiacirittaHoa aloe-Brpfeoil V IM, 90. IS Inches; aoraial praelpltatloa alaea Mepteaibey J, 1B06. W.OS fncbaa; daOdaacy, '' ' R 77 Inches. Total (tonal In tatarcb 1. U hours. M Batantaa; ttoaatbla awasalaa Matek la. 41 boora. Sd ralaatea. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tlct or Csrlsoa, Artoria. Orewoa, dS; Xiartta . . WI r. . W. H. Crsbtroa, Albaay, Orafoa, 88; Joala I . I Micaaai, xs.- , Khaa U Jobsana. 81: KTlea KelnHra, at. ' . - fhsrlas TattsTllna. ST: Oertrada A. Dayla, 17. W. B. rraalaad, 3; Freda Carpenter, IT, . tT. a. Keadr. SOt Faaala Mildred Jobnaoa. M. . B. B. BUL RIdaaaeld. Waahlajttaa, 87; BUao Wtk U Haadaraoa. 18. , ' . Waddlnc Cards. W. O. Bnltb as a., Wssb- . Irtaa bldf., oar. FoartB aad waaaiartaa ats. - ' Miss Bertha Martin rooar 811-Allsby bld. un HtaaplB( aad Ba aaadlawora; nansa 1 UNDERTAKERS. ' (dwarf Hotaua Co., tba India foaaral directors, hsr tba floeat aatabilsbBentti tba i fbaest f nods, tba Baast aabiclea and tba I But nseotisbl price. Fins broadcloth -co, eied caakata, (88 and (& Tba (nest wood fooda snaoa. froat (11 to (XX Parlora 210 aad 821 Third atraat, oaraar Bsiavaa, Partiaad. brafoa. . .. . J. P. Flalwy ft fVn. faaaral dlraotora and erohslasi rs. earaor Third aad kfadlaoa s treats. Ofaea ad oaaaty caroaor. Takrpboa ataia 8. - TXnntnr. McEata A OUbaafk. nadertakera and aafbabaera; asodara la reary detail. Bereatb aad Plaa. Mala 480. lady assistant. A. B. Baaiatock. wdertakor aad ambalmer, Kaat Thlrtaeatk aad VasatUla ara. Pkaaa Ball. woof 71. ' . kUT AAT llaT CUUTIAT. kiflo rrarea (10. Fanny lota (78 to (1,000. Tba oaly ceajetery la Partiaad wblrfc per betaally aialaulna aad cares for lota. Far fall iaforvaatSoa apply to ay. B. Uackenrla. War raster black, city. - W. at. Utdd. preslaeat, flat year InsnraiH and abatrarta to raal aetata f noaa tba Tltla Gaaraataa A Traet eoaaDsnr. . ?eo wasaiBfioB exreex. NOTICE. CATX Car Sealed Bids for tba Broctlcei of a . final tknaaa Bolldlap . Norlca la karaby atrea , that tka enoaty ooort of Colnsabla county, - Orafoa, will, aa April 10. 1B08, at 10 a. V sa., consider blus for tba erection of a eaort- boas baltdlat at tha city of St. Helena, la ' raid aoaty aad atata, acoordlnf to tba plana ' ' aad apertflcatlona of tba arcbltecta, Ueesrs. ' Tfendrtrka 4k Toby, of Labbe bulldlnf. Port- land, Orerna, aad to be cesspleled by Jaaa. ary I, 1107, aad ales for furnlahlar ibo iu terlsaj to ba "faralahed by aa aei to-wlt: Vault doors, lall Sttlafa, ate., as aat (artb la ssld apeda.mtloBa. - - AH bids should ba aaff ta HrHender Boa, oaaaty clerk. Bt. Helaaa, Colaasbta ooanty, Orevoa. aad sack bid Bra St be ao ' eowpentea by a aai lined nbeck, payabla ta the ordot of tba coanty ttaaaater of aald . mawty, for 8 par cant of a mount f bid, , aa aecortty tbat tba Mdder will, tf his bid -, la aoaeptad. at oaoa enter Into a contract ', with aald enanty mart far tha erect loa of said caartboaaa bulldlnf aecordtnf - to aald plana and epecSBcatlona, aad wltkla tka time kereta allnwad. , . Plana aad arjclcrona of aald bnlldln snay ba area aaad annaoltaf at tba of re of tha oaanty clerk of aald county . at St. Helena, or at the ofdee of tho abneaniamed architects. Tha aald anecsesful bidder will ba reonlref faralsh a bond with sureties to ba approved - by aald county court, la tha earn of on thh-d of tbo am on at of their Md, cesdIUowed wpna rbe faithful parforaiaac of any con tract or aareeaneat entered lata between tbens -and aald enanty oaart. - ' - ,...r Tba aoanty court laaeTTaa tba rlfht ta rajaet any or all Was. By arder Ua aoanty oaart f Cetnnilh e"nty, Orafoa, tkla tenth day of March. . 1808. ,, II. BtNDKBJON. ' Coanty Clark. yrt. IM andMslgaad and ptoas. will reonlra the payment all barges anoa fellvery of goods after Decem- er l. H. C Haack. C. F. Harder. : . w. riuaaey, Mwrnm nma., rortiaad ua .. Ilrery Co., Post Special Illrery Co.. fact aaa DeHTery Ca.. Holmaa Traasfer ., Knrthweetara Tranafer Coh, Oregoa Aura Dee pa tok On., Joha Hamntan, Jamas alcLlndea. (Versa McLladaa, Pactde Tranafer Co., Oregoa Transfer, Co.. Partiaad Vaa A Stnrafo Ca., , av'ekew.ea ster Transfer Co., Baat Bid Traasfer Co.. O. 0. Pick Tranafer A Stnraga Ca., C. M. Olsna. Barrage tt Omalboa Trana v far Co., A. I. Morphe. Kad'lerly Transfer t A CeaiwiNaloa Co.,' John A. Lot. Andrew J. Murphy. F. If., trtlaas. F. KUlar, Flack ds eaoaAasSOan ill nr7,7Ti I i ; i , ,.j r -A-Few-Ctoiee-H WOOO H5 foot " fronUfa oa Thlr;" fc!Zf fAe.'v ysatriyj rery csairu. (38,000 Morrlaoa at. lot, mitral; aaaalaal la. arwOImproTed: Tpt oa" Ttlrd. PiylB par 18,000 H 1o oa Nartk Ttlrd, aomlaal la ,., coanai U kMataa; food bay. (18.800 8 taraa aaw fists, ana block aff ar..k inctoa at.; beat raaldaaoa district at . ma cur. . .. t,TB0 8-font frontsia'aa Waablaftaa at.; . mi jnuqucuu. $8,380 Ijraa vacant lot, daalrabla locatioa (or :um-' . JWa-am awitk rtrtt St. (two T-rnom boua,v larga lot, oa lit.. Tabor raruaai icrna to aoitvi.-. : . (3.880 8-eoora bouae. aaarly new. lam lot. ;:Batfwallia te. wall lorsled, oa tS.008 H block, oa Baat SOtb. : Soma "ery dealraMa racant lota la soma of a asa rswoaooa outneta or ua city. f i,7Birireil; 202 McKay BnlUln; : Ccr. Tilrd ail Stark t I: -roaaaa, all taodara cOBTenleiicea, ta - (aat Balnoa atu rlcsa aai-bont by aw Bar, bat Biaat aII; prka ia rlfbt. "'"r ' i Jdokawk, WdfV Pkaaa Mala 8007, W. S. WARD, LAWYER AUBKX BUILDINQ. , . .y I WILL- Probata yoor astata aa Ixacator, Adailalatratac ... ,- . Loaa roa BMOar B -Baaitsasa anal siflnaa ea rafaad aTcr-das BtaHgajrea; siamln tltla .to rsal sstat yoa pan raraoaal attaaUoato aaaaa aaainaaa .ESTATE1 PAYWE, PETTEYS & Ca. 811 Mohawk blda.r SBaa a ale B-raoaa bnaaa la Sunayatda, only 1.180; pay (800 and ( par moots. Aa axtn rooaaa aad basement, hoosa la Hmmu. (1.800. Acres rs aad city Iota at baat prlcaa Good Mvestmeit F. TUCHS, lt4 FIBST 8T. tTCCt--50xl00 ' Brnrxiir -tamhiu, akt washinoton For artea nil at oar offlca. - EDWARDS, HARRIS, LAU0NT BBALTT CO., ... ... . 107 H SUtfc at. Buy Direct Frcm the Owner Aad ear araafa eommlaaloai. Mew namten. ali-roera bona, fun lot: fin location an aaat aldoi aaay trmaj aaiaU paymrDt down. Phuao Kaat PS75..' NOTICE.' NOTICB la karaby flrsa that oa tbo 14th day of Fabraary. 1808, Charlea W. Todd of Portland. Oreroo, waa duly adjodlcatad bank. , rapt: aad that tha Brat meeting of hi vreuirore win ow naia at roota auu, uismDer of Commerc bldf., Portland, Oreaoe, oa tha 28tb day of March, lud, at 10 o'clock a. pj , at which tlas tha aald credltora assy at tend, prvra their claims, appoint a trustee, axaaUna tbo bankrupt Bad transact such otbar boslneea aa BMy properly coma baforo aaoh BMatlaf. AXCX 8WCBK, Referee la Bankruptcy, Dated Parti and, Orraoa. March Id, IwOS. MOTICB la karaby rlraa that oa tha Ttb day or tMceaiBar. juuo, James r. Bintoai of Partiaad, Orefon, waa -duly adjodlcatad bankrupt; and that tba (rat aseetlur of hi credltora will ba bald at room SIX), Chamber of Commerce bldf., Portland, Oregon, oa tha Sfttk day of March, 1008, at 11 o'clock a. aa., at which tlaw tba aald credltora may at tend, proTe their rlilme, appoint a trastee, examine tha bankrupt and transact suck otbar boslneea as, may properly coma before pack , meeting. " ALEX IWBEK. Refer la Baakraptcy, Dated Portland. Oregoa. Marcb IT, lftod. FUNERAL NOTICES. STEOMANK la thai city, March IT, 1806, uonsTiaa nraamann, area ov years, a asoauia and 90 days. Friends and a ro us lata noes ar reepectfally tnrlted ta attend tho funeral aerrlcea, which will ba kld at Flalay'B chapel at 10 a. m. Monday, Marck 18. In laraient la Loaa Fhr cemetery. MEETING NOTICES. OREOON CIRCLB. Mo. ITi, W. O. W., meet aiaBoay aifat in uonr aau. corner wil lisana ara. aad Ramell St., at 8 o'clock. MART RANDALL, Clark. HAWTHORNE LODGE, Mo. Ill, A. F. aad A. M- Krated communica tion thla (Monday) availing .at ad. Work In the . A. deeree. All rlaltltig brethren wclcom. . u. m. MUier, oecrvtary. POSTPOItED Whlat social set for tha 10th poatpbaed aatu March m, wnea wniat, aanc Inf and ice cream aad cake will ba glrefl for ISc. Aacnor, No. T48, K. and I., of 8.. will attend tbo benefit whlat aortal flraa by Sorority council aext Toeaday In Mtaets alppl btoboo ball. . COMMITTER. PORTLAND CAMP TEAM, No. 10T. W. O. W will fire a dancing party TBeeaay orenmg. 1 March 80, la tba W eaters Academy of Mvala hall. Second aad Morrlaoa at. THE aaanal meeting of tho stockholder of tho Oregoa rural tor nirg. ua, will n aeia at tba affflca ef the company, 1110-1271 Ma cadam road, Portland, Ursgoa, oa Wednes day, March IPOd, Bt 4 p. m., for tba rurpoaa of electing tha board of director Tor ea eaeutng yaar and tranaactlnf anrh other boaineea aa may properly com Defer tbo Buxkbelorra meeting. . - FLETCHER LINN. P real dent. HON.. D. P. MARKET of Port Hnma, Mick., tha an pre ma commander of tba Knlghta of to Msccatiee, will address a antetlng for mem bers at K. of P. hall, la the Marqeam bldg., oa Friday oranlag, Marck 80, and member of tba order ara ea meetly mrlted to attead. EUREKA Council. No. 104, PC. A L. of f., will ' flea a whlat aortal Bad re freak men te tamor. ' row erenlnf at tka aadltorlam; adalaaloa, 18 Mati, LOST AND FOUND. ' LOST l.ady gold Elfia watch: T.4S,M; monogram TE. M. C ", No. on Barnes S0i iraward U CU at jouraU offlta. I mr- - l coat aat oa your nonay; 11,000 caah, bataaot I LOST AND FOUND. LOUTA lady's muffler, oa PlItB xt.nesr 1 smhltl. on Friday last. Ralura to klra worroes, Ttir Tlrsse at, HitLB. WANTED MALE. :BA.N3ES,a EtrLoMisjrtfy Ooca Toda. SawailU auparkiLsuoent, good wagea, party sere; ronman lor ooaatrucuoa ruck work, (100 and board. -Hawjer; 88 day. Steady ratchet setter, pa w;; augarmaa, J; carriage men, xa.xo uawmlll Ishortrra. . cjij , and coootTy, e JA msa aad wife, 830 ana house: msa and wlfn, farm, (.10 and board; 9r woods laborers, (3.23. ' Hook tender, (3.80 np; rlgglnf ruatlera. a.Tn; buckera, a.7S; cbaeer, Xi6( awamu er, fj.50. 4 brlUxo carpanterarallroad work, free srBJiefMMriaiwn. ' 2 bouae carpenters, (3: aaa helper, (Z2S; railroad work, cloaa In. free fare. US track laborers, a i 11 era and atrappara, (1 and $2.28, railroad com pa ay' owa work, fro aara. - - . . , 10 steam sbo.fl laborers, cotnpsay work (2 day. board (18 month, free fare. " S millwright, aawmllt, tnsld work taadj 848 to 8M and board. . Railroad laborara. teamsters, rock men. (3.1S Up, oa tbo Snake rlrer lob, free f ax, of Oc lee l. lor Krh-kaon rellereoo. . - Rockmen. hammermen, laborers, for Geo. McCebe, Elgie. (2.28 np, free fare, fee (L Sewer diggers, $2 25; 82.60; farm hands, (23 and 830; many others. ' Thla Is tha Diaca for work tf yoa - really want It. ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, .98 North Second at. , i ' MEN and ' women to learn the barber trade la eight week.- The Moler ayatem of college bare opened one of their famous barber ac boils la Portland; graduates earn from 818 to 828 per week only reliable barber college la tba tolled State: special terma to first 80 stu dents; be lively and get special rates. Molar System Colleges, 88 N. 4th St., Portland. Or. BED CROHS strode for relief ta acuta, chronic and malignant diet ess ; call ar writ. JRad Croat Dtspenaary, Third aad Ask sta. SALESMEN WANTED Foe oaa of the largeet nurseries ta the west; caah advanced weekly en order; good- territory -oaoa. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppoalek, Wash, WANTED -1,000 men; share aad batrcat free. 884 conch at. w teach the trade. WANTED Mea to aeil our high-grade frett aad ornamental trees la Oregoa and Wash- lS ."'( viin.m an.miii.rri eeierv or oiMlb.W lawn Noreerlea. 313 East Forty -eighth st, log con experience anaoeaaaaryi-salary or . . . W A NTEDlshliast.makai a anst Uregoa rural tura Mff. Co. . TELEORAPUT tsngbt free by expert operator; oeg inner ' clans mating; BOTaoca ataoants perfected, call 11 a. m. t I p, m. and 8 p. m. 818 Chamber Commeroa. . WANTED t:vr.BTWRErl"Hutlera- to -tack aigna. distribute circular, aamplea, etc.: Be eaaeaeeing; good pay. Baa AdsertUlDf Bureau. Chicago. . .1 GOOD Jobbers or furasra aiarij nod' wages i or ma ngni mea. Apply a. r. ciaec. oaeet Metal Worka apaay, xi WANTED. ssiyberat hustler to tack signs. oamtwu circulars, samples, etc.; no can raaalng; food pay. Sua Advertising Bureau, Chicago. TO rent and leeae, from 5 'to 10 acres, with none ana sutboiiaings; rioee to earllno. Notify F. M. Rodlgues, 187 M. 17th St. SALESMEN A few experienced. first-class roa a eaiesmen; mea- ea pa Die or earning blrfi aalarles: tanl Una for retail asarcbsata: old eolabUaned Jobbing and maaufactorlnf com pany, f. O. bor 41, Mmnea polls, Minn. MEN, seerywhere, 84 .dally; pass ch-cnlars. laca aisma; no canvaaaing ; aieaay. , coatl' Bents I DlatrlbotlBf Co., Chicago. ANTRP Men. atari abate; asl pay: to dnp tribute circular, adr. matter, tack . slma. etc.t bo csnvasslng. Address National Dia- tribotnif Buraaa, loo Oaklaad Bank bldf., Chicago, 1U. ... ess MEN waated everywhere : dlstrtbata ssmole. clrrolara, ate., 88 to 88 thousand; permanent occupatioa. A.mericaa vuoa, roatue- blag . Chicago. WANTED A reliable man that aaderstaada all around work la a family liquor atora. Ma tlonal Win Co,, 8th and Stark. WANTED Reliable man, married preferred. to take charge of tool shop and stock-room of large corporation : must be food reneral repair axan: sslsry fTB: atata experience, aft and five references. M 30. cay JournaL WANTED Blacksmith an4 horses hoer; steady wora tor a reuanie man ana gooa mecnamc; wage (8 per day. Inquire .Water house A Lester, 88 8th St. W A NTED By a ssab aad door factory, a wood. W A NTED Chocolate-dipper one who caa work half time tn front ef a tore, far EngOBov-Or. Ad drees bsfor Monday noon, L 13, Joaraal COMPETENT typewriter and ofnc Ban: must be s Best penmaa; food aalary. Ad dress, la yoor owa handwriting, L 14, Joaraal. WANTED Experienced elothtnf aad shoe maa. iu w irsx si. ADVERTISING aaleemaa: expsrlenc panacea aary; salary and commiaaloa: 82S0 rash rs anlred: boslnees remunerstlvs; eesUy learaod. 888 Cbsmbsr of Com mere. WANTED Agents to solicit -for old reUsble concern; liberal ooanmlsslon. can barey, IM Tenth sL. WANTED A food farmhand. 1004 Mllwaakla f at. sellwood ear. WANTED Shlnglere. Phone Beat 870. HELP WANTED FEMALE. e.e,w,w.ee, Te OOI'NTRT hotal cook. 840: waitress. Wtnlbck, 82D; wsltraea, Little rail. ju; eaamoernaam and waltraaa, Clatakanla, (30; boaaeglrla, city and country, (18 to 880: -aaraegh-Ia,. saenad flrla, chsmbermalda, cooks. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S48H Washington St., corner 7 th. a petal r. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, S41U Waablnr- toe at., oor. Seventh, a pats Ira, ri Phone hUla stwz. nsMi aeip wantsu. WANTED Lady experienced la bustaeaa to act as soucltor Sor Investment brokers ge eo as ps ny. Apply at 804 Dakus bldf., alty. FOR boarding bouae, food plala cook; troat- wortny, fooa utmi womaa nreterrea. avo drese D L care Joaraal. . . COMPETENT flrl,' small family, bo children: fooa some. airs. . r. n saver, sob . staai 12tb sc. N Broadway. WANTED Kind, motherly womaa, with sons experience la Mckneea, to so ugnt work .at moderate wage; gooq noma to right person; firs telephone, hf 1,-aars JoaraaL WANTED At SM BUtb at., apprentice sad sewing f iris. ' SENSIBLE womaa, beat character and la- flueaoa: oust hsr earning ability aad leader- ahlp. K 11, ears Journal EVERY womaa her owa milliner. A complete coure or ha lessons sent roe a l. tiegooa M 11- lloery Scboel. 8248 Highland ara., Waat Somarrllle. MaaaachnaatU. TELEGRAPHY U tight fro. . See kelp waated. maie. - 1 - ............ WANTED Young flrl or Japanese boy to do light Boaaewvrs aurrnf any ana ge boms evenings; re tor one os. L 4i ear JournaL WANTED Girl for compenloa to lady aad assist with housework ; gooa nnms.srMl small wsgaa: caa have us el piano. . 213 Baat 48th St., Bear Salmon. WANTED Millinery apprentice. Apply Mai ler Bass Co., ruts aaa uag at. MANICURING taught by tnoroaghly 00m patent and reliable manicurm. ut ties ia l-ewis Bid. WANTED Girl for koosswork. 834 Jaeksoa st. WOMAN for fraeral Beaaework; good wtgea to right Party, moat un aioo. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WE kace work for all waa ara seeklaf em- piovment, at gooa wagea. 210 R. R. laborer at 8138 per day; free taea. Loggers from 82.20 to 88 per nay. Illlmen from 13 to 82.28 oer day.' Farm band from (23 month to (to. PORTLAND KMPLAITMEKT CUM PA I, SOt a Morrlaoa st, Jaelaa 338, ' Sr aaa .aaaatlBaaBPjaii mi eaw- - EM MALE AND FEMALE "HELP. HBLP O. Drake. BHHj Wa.hlngloa at. Paclae 1870, SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. WOULD Ilka poaltloa aa Ice cream maker or ess .mil isiirar w out' ul Townr-woolcl con aider offer ia f rocery or coarectlooery tore; have - been la cuufectlonery and tea cream ouauaaaa a years. AO areas u o, car Journal. X0UVQ lawyer, familiar wltk commarclal pVao. sic in israa eiiiee. oeurea aalariaei noal, 4 MgQJ. ,. -aV rf JOrail WANTED Poaltloa by young man, desirous of securing poeuion ia prosperosa towa; familiar wiia real estate, auction . and insurance bust naaa: can give references. Communicate with r. nay, aa rlaruu ne at.. New Orleans, La SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE T0UN1 Isdy desires typewriting . work to da e inn evening,, aucn as copying letters. addreaalnr eavelooea. . wrannera oe in kinrl -of . typewrit isf work; -on ua. Jndorwottd- buv cuioe. n. ai, care eiournaL EXPERT planlat, Chrlstlsn young woman. - eiiwe nvjeiuuu, uompeicnt to i aBWtiairat music, at , care Journal. .... WANTED Day work ea Taredaye. Wednesdays ana rriaaye ny reliable woaiaa. A dor ess sirs. - oray, . uraod are. Pbona Baat assai.- ...... . MIDDLB-AOED ; womaa wants work la tho country for wldower'e family, or small famllv: wagea (20 per month. Call or address 412 aaat Krerett at.. Portlaad. Mr. L. Msttoon. WANTED Weekly ngsgemnts for atashlaf. aiu"1 m innaers at. . - WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; something new; food sailer; vig wages, jay, jscaay oiof. - -. .. WB want reliable an la every towa la Oregoa to sen sirs ana acciaenr. insnranc. racina Ala aaaocuuoa, BUU Dekum bldg. kTALB and female, aa solicitors for Investment nroaarage oempany. Aypiy - at 404- Dekum bldg. . AGENTS an salary or corn mission r the aTaateat areata' seller aver produced; every oner ol pea and Ink boys It oa sight: 200 to BOO per rvnflf- nn. eeen,e Moaroo Mfg. Co.. X ate. La lea amounted . ta Crosse. Wis. TT ATTTt ACTS Our ISth sTnnrTh lmcot anlque lino of goods tver offi 'ereA; 100 per cent prone; everyiioay aatianed; Co tu ple ta Instruct loo aad sample, 10s. 0. B. Olson, box 184. Eureka. 8. I. ' AGENTS wanted to play the nh-kel-ln-tbe-slot macninea ana win Dig money: bo lake; run partlculara. 2T3c allvsr. F. P. Jisskln.- So. perlor, Wis.. r.-.-r ' -. "- -- -EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. SCANDTNA FT AN-AMERICAN 'EMPLOYMENT Co.. 8 North Second, furntabaa all klsda am. p torment for men and womea. Mala 80M. SHERWOOD A BOTT. 208H Morrison st-Mals ana ismaie aaip. rnoaa ataia 7KZ. THB Portladd Employment Co., 206 ft Morrlaoa at. rnone r a cine x-n,. 1 , .- . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . FOB MEN. 38 N. Second at. Phose "Main 1)128. BI6VPOU11 flMP. A.RNCT Help apppllad (res. is nor i Baooaa t- Itno Mela 1818. .. JAPANESE-CHINES" EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. usury lahara. 287 IPrarett st. Phone Pa cific 840. J WANTEDREAL .ESTATE, WANTED Lot or fraction. Improved or not. close la; owner only. . R 33. care Jo Journal. WANTED Lot la axebaaf a for equity la- S or 7-room bouse. Phono Eaat 8841. CITY and county maps wanted; give price. M 8, care JoaraaL - - - - - - HAVE purchasers for Portland property; pro- rer o oeai witn owaerB. Robert A. Millar, SOS Commerclsl blk. WANT cheap krt rm east aid, north of Bura- eiae; ii not rnesp ant answer; win pa. , csinj awsie prie ana,-a Malkrk, 41T . Russell st. WANTED Good lot west of Flftl st. 1T1H Morrison, room C. 1-Jt- McCoy, LIST yoor farms, subarbaa acreage and homes for sale; buyers waiting. McCoy, 271 Vi Morrlaoa. WPJ ruiranrM ta Sell 9. asye. uricasoa v)., roota a, auvn Alder. ONE or mora racant lota wanted to purcbaae oa west side: will give la part payment 8 room modern cottage at ML- Teas. -.AsVlresa L.18,4 care eiournai. -: WANTEIV Lot or boos and lot, corner pre ferred; most be eloee la aad cheap for caah; no agents, aaaress u 10, cars JoaraaL DO yoa as anything la tha combined efforts of over 100 real aetata firms actively work Ing for tha sale of your property at once 7 , If eo, 11st your property with tba Pacific Heal Karate Exchange, 333 Washington. I'bon - siam iojo. , WANTED TO RENT. 4 WANTED-TO RENT H0CSES, COTTAOE8, FLATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department baa bees enlarged ana proriaee wiia aaaitionai atarr. - Wa Invite listing from LANDLORDS. offer personal attentloa to snd continuous ssprrlaloa ever all property Intrusted -to oar PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOON, S. B. ear. Sd aad Oak eta. Phoas Ex. TX WANnCD To rent a small nn furnished eot v a n 1 n ia . t.- 1 i.,. uj jb..i. a. ,0, v , rwiiai, ' WANTEDS-FINANCIAL. WANTED To borrow (1,800 for one year: will pay a per cent witn a gooa security, o it, car Journal. 111 11 rrrsarg WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTING, aprayln aad whltewaahlnf trees. baaements, barns, ooraa, ate; urgeat gasoline apraying out lit oa tha coast. M. G. Morgan A Co., 323 Union are. Phoae East MIT. B. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer aad white. washer. Call Eaat ozen; remember the aame . B. N. Morgan; 11 years la baalasas la Port land WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A CO., N-THE DAYtTHAT--- YOU MAKE ', V'- Tw Firist ; Piirclias Of real estate you be " come important to the ' ' city and the city becomes fiprtaiit : to - ' ;Y0II-;' T Journal Real Estate-Ads mean much more to you than certain number of . lines of type. , "You don't know pre j etit' values ia Portland unleaa you ' . . . -1 '; r ' ESTATE . COLUMNS -4-. I h J L I if WANTED MISCELLANEOUS TtllOHEST CASH. "PRICE PAID" aay a'laotiiy; aieu aaa asua on commissioa aad Isuuuaatse beat reaulta. Tho Partiaad A actio a Rouma, A. Brhubacki prop., 811 First au roono Main- booa. v WB WIM, BCY. SKLL OR TRADE ANY OIJ M-.J mii,, ..WIEHTKUN :BALV AtiB CO.. On -ajt-WASHlNUTuN. P4CIFICTMT WANTED Second-hand Incubator for 300 egga; retaluma preferred. Addraaa M 3, ' Journal. WILL buy Improrsd smelter stock; give num ber 01 sharas. sad prlu. Adores .Q JI, ear Jausaal. ; , WANTED Farm waroa and 4rub1e aat work - karoeee; muat be la food Condi I wo. D Id, .cars joaraal. " - , . WANTED Counter, (halTtng or fixture oult- aoes 1 or grocery store, u so, car journal. FOR SALE Troop of trained soon k era (61 macaw uraa itaiaarsi, rarxer auootlog gal lery (complete), aldeehow bannen, aloctrtc algn for penny arcade, cheap for caah, Adr oraaa ixox city. 1 WANTED To buy Ulklng msrtilns, Victor or s,uisoa: moat oa Cheap. , inoaa Kaat sioi. WANTED To contract for larra oak wood. rramr wooo attf. 1) a.aat neveuta. ana new looras. .- WANTED Bicycle; stats make, price and wnere it can be aaen. 1, 1, care Journal. WANTED Hlgh-claaa Kngllak setter bitch. u. box sup, fort land, or. WANTED To purchaaa a Are Inaurance agency on or two coropanie. 1. 20 care journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB RICHELIEU, 83H NORTH SIXTH ST. ; niegantiy uuraiahea. steam Beat aaa aatas. MCELY famished bousekeerjlng-rooms; v a Leo ting Is mo ft ttuaseii at,, Mca.ay Dix. THE GRAND. 4Bt North Third at Rooms for gentlemen J .20 per week aaa up. NICELY furnished rooms; pbona aad bath. 188 t'ra at. . HOTEL CLAYTON, 83 N. Sixth at Neatly ruruiaaea room a; oar a, eiecine light pnoBOt pnoas ffMSOnaoesv 121 TWELFTH Nicely furnlahed, eleaa bay winoow room; reasonable; new management. LA ROB front room for S In private family, tn or wlthoorTjoarf.- 810 Buitksilt'k sl I'hou Eaat 8144. NICELY - farnlshed alcove eulte. suitable for ro or mors peraona. 7 190 Park at. FURNISHED and anfnralabsd aleeptng or houee- s replug rooms, witn or witnout, ooara. no North SOtk. cor. 8svlr; W ear to Utith, tura o iarc, .. . . ELEGANT rooms, noma snltabls for two;.' rent reasons Die; gas,, aata, BBoaoaaa Beat. . at Mala at., corner 11th. . FOR. RENT Two neatly furnished rooms tn private family; close ia; Data aaa fas. sxs Second at-. Bear UalL - NICELY furnlahed .rooms for rant at 208 Market St. Phone Main 4460. - 330 SEVENTH ST. A warm room for middle- aged gentleman ta well furnished home. BOOM wlthla d blocka of Park aad Washing ton, eultable for two young men; rent. In cluding fire, go escn; su conveniences. TWO nicely furnished rooms, all modern t at j be rairriaio. izs lata at. FOR- RENT Lower Boor of a modem cottars: 8 eooma. well frrrnlahed, beta ana electric llghta. 880 Eaat YamhlU. Pnoae haat MUT f 180 PAPilC ST. Fnrnlahed roaaaa; S bloeks from I poetofflca: (8 and (10 a amatk. Phone Mala S . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING (1.TB-PER WEEK Large, esses, furnlahed nonaeaeepingooms ; isunury aaaa his, . sou Bharmaa, South Portland. . THE MITCHELL, Flsaders aad Seventh- Rooms, housekeeping and transient; o renlent; prices ' reasonable. THB HALL. 414 Fifth Booma. stngls ar aa suite, furnlahed for light bouaekeeplag . MARKET Fumtebed alngle and houaskeep. Ing rooma, all eoavsnleacas ; moderate ronb Hood 27 A (1.25 WEEK np. clean, furnished housekeeping rooma, with yard, parlor, launary, oatn, ni aace heat, koSVa SUntoa sL XJ car. tv 8 ROOMS neatly furnished. Key (IS B Tenth SLEEPINO and hoasrkeeplng room for rent. Bee xl. u, xllgiey, room ou, ui t naaninf ion at. S FURNISHED houseteei'tiil-1 : gas. phone and water tree. Eaat 4U23. THREE-ROOM Sat, flrst floor; nicely furnished. wa Jerreraoa at., corner lenui. 180 TWELFTH ST. 3 or 3 fumtshed house keeping rooms en salt; private family; mou era conveniences. ..' S FURNISHED front honaekeeplaf Blngl rooms. . 103 Park. ale FOR RENT 3 furnlahed front rooms, with piano, for housekeeping , cheap; Close In. " TeL Eaat 601. . - BARGAIN Three or foar housekeeping rooms for rent, aat essi aaa Haiaea. NICELY furnlahed .front roam; also house keeping room. 448 Iamb 111 it., phoas. Maine awl. NICELY faralahed housekeeping rooms; pkon and bath. 3o lita at., corner uoiumnu... COMB and Bee them and leara our price: 70a win fled them rignt; aieo aieeping rooma, oa two streets. 146 Sixth st. ( OR 4 farnlshed boneekeeplng rooma, cheap. 883 11th St., near Montgomery. FOUR nice llrht nnfurnlahed rooma. (13.80: two furnished housekeeping roomej (11; pantrlea, 1 eloaats, bath; food prrrsts a ease, evs ijiay. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping Snd sleep ing room. 874 Marglo at. Phone Eaat Boon. HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms; newly fur. nlshad, electric light, 'bath; changed hands; ant class; reasonable. 148 Park St. H THB JEFFERSONIAN, 814 Jefferson St. Strictly modera 1 and 8-room furnished house keenlne anartmenta: free phone, furnace heat. plenty hot water, elegant poreolaln bathtaba; ontaiae SUITE of houeekeeplng-rooma, choice location, clo In on ssst side; prlvst dwelling, mod ' ara onnvanlencea. Including aaa of laundry. bath, telephone, furnace hrati alectrle- Hants- - gas for eookliur; waiainf niaisnca; no cau dren. Phone East 1318. . ROOMS AND BOARD.: UNION HOTEL, 81 North Slxtk St.. serves the beat meal;, rates, room (1. board (3.80. per ' week. J. ABdersoa, prop. CAN accommodate more day -boarders. Taylor at. At 83.38 per week a p. (88 THE IJNDELL Mrket at., bet- 1-lrd end Fourth. New family "hotel: all up-to-date corrvenlencae; flrat-daaa dining-room service! rates reasonable. ROOM end board Tor 3 tmlet men, or maa snd Wlfs. 824 Eaat Morrlaoa Bt. DESIRABLE rooma with board; one front suite eultable for three or foot; modera; ratea rea sonable. 441 Jefferson, rhoo Main 64J--i. FIT R N IBJH E D-or -vmfnroleried 1th or without board, at 114 10th at. -1003. ' ' r Phone Msla 1 OR suite, arlTSta family, two, with or with eat board: ta Holladsy: I person, two ladles ar maa and wife. 808 Eaat Second St., N. ROOM AND BOARD wltk bath for laboring mea; (18 a month. Phono Eaat OOfiS. , GOOD board and room at 888 Bdfar at., Bear S. P. earcBops. AN elegant, large front- room; anil for couple and 3 nice large rooma foi either ladlea or senllemrn. Including board. nice large rooma for with ateam keet. hot and cold runnlug water Snd electric llghta, free bath. at tha Hesperian, select family hotel. 833 Morrlaoa St. Popular prloss.. Phone Mala 13V, . . UNFURNISHED -ROOMS. dONrilBrilKHSDI lAsatXA Park. ' Phone Pad no PIT. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNlq TURK FOR SALE. KEWfnrhUirr6f a-roomanai'tinenr. hew f - naiioiugr. prirasa aain, ga. electric,-- ire paone, jauiior aereicr; laundry ana store room; close, on car, Hulta No. IB, Harrlaoa court, second floor, Harrlaoa-aireet entrance, cor. Fifth and Harrlaoa st., after 10 a. a (100, A SNAP f-room furnished house for rent. furniture for eale; S housekeeplng-roome pay 'rent of hotels; fine corner location. . D 11, care jourasl. , .. (20 T-ROOM' botwe for rentr 8 blocks from r. O.l rurnllurs .tor sale - airt chean. In, aula ai nuts at.,; , ., j FURNIT1TRI of 8 -room house for sale, (88; rsut gin; walking aiatauce. . zuB Usrrlsou. HOUSB of r room. Iq beautlfnl neighborhood. antenatair' aaapiea cor roomers or ooaraers: PTt of furalehlnge tor aale cheep left to cnoioe or renter. . Done atonaay, ataia lues, THB furniture of 4 roorna for eale la A room cottage; aame tor nfit: -etrlctiy central; Jheap rent: fnrnitura new and Brat class, 'bone Paclne PIT. . -' . FOR SALE Purnltura of 12-room house: parties wlahlng to buy cen get bergata If Bold with la is aara. Phone Mala Rxsu. FOR' RENT STORES-OFFICES I Hal t. Ooe'sent. Wadneailav. Ttaseadav. VHHm eiwruir Ron Biij iii,ni.. . o 7 sue. at inqun at aau irom o to x:w p.. m. OFFICB rooms, unfurnished rooms and eample rooms Tor fnw ooaoouf Bkif . Appiy ele vs tor. ...... PART of large corner store for rent. Inquire F. B. Beech Ca,, the- Ploaase Paint Oa, First aad Alder at. - DESK ROOM to rent; ahvo offlceoom aad baae- aseat, with sisetri sad fas- axturea oompany. 3S2 RusseU at. WANTED To rent,, office with us of jlsal r desk room la store; goea location, u ,, re JournaL eayev, fas. 1-v.iee., la, e. -, eaje... i-W, (10 PER MONTH. ' 81; . T rssm house, bare, bouee. fine rarh-fv of fruit. 8 eowa. - 43 f chickens, well, ,bathr 1 blocka frora etatloa. t miles Trom Rortiaad; ouuimatatlua Uckata 80 far (3. , T . HOTCRKIM A WOOD, ' Room 21 J. Allsky bldf.. Third and Morrlaoa . FOR RENT HOUSES. NEW ROOMIKO-HOUSB ' -'- - S tloors of a braud-uew bnlldlng. -tboroaghly Bwdera aad equipped la every , wsy for suc cessful rooming-bouse business: good stores of th aftoet modern type ea the ground 8 oor; Situated la rapidly growing district oa tba eaat aide: lea so to desirable tenant. PORTLAND TRUST-COMPANY OF OREGON. . . , Be B. oor. 3d and Oak. , ..t . Pkeaa Ax.T3.. -;. ...... XJST poor rstital properties with as: ws charge- Ml little for our services sna make every effort to eecure tenants: nbon ue aad wa Bill ' call on you. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY. 291 Stark aL Phone. PaeKie 86uV FIVE-ROOM cottage, ale locatioa; (IT. Apply OaW KADDER1Y TBANMFEB CO., prompt and re liable plane and furniture Too vera; alao etor- j age. Plions Main 1608. OfBce 110 N. Third. J THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY . Z4S STARR BT. INSURANCE., RENTALS. SEB -LIST. FOR BENT Modern -rooa cottage. M. B. corner anal slights ana ktveretu S-ROOM furnished house, with 1 sere ground. xor rent, so per aweta. Ja. saortsnaea. Bouts Mount Tabor. - FOR RENT T-room house, 448 Oay, sbont March 20. Inquire of Bulllvant s grocery, 461 Jefferson st. ' 001 SBOOND St. Modera all -room bouae, (2,800. rBoos atsia o. FOR rent or lease Farnlshed 8-room cottar to responsible people without children, tall foraaoona or any hoar Sunday. 870 E. 11th atBorta, aaar Maaoa. . 4; fhwloeaTltr; for three Btks, from April 1; adults oaly. Mala 1613. S-ROOM list for rent. (13. - 40 Vbmb, ar. RixiMS "fnf (8 per month, watsr lacluded. til xxuaaeti ac . , . t REDUCED RENTS. (30 Beautiful new and a p-to-data T-room cottage. Eaat 83d and Yamhill. (18 Elegant atrlctly, axodera 8-room bouse, til Gsntanbeln. (16 Nice modem 8-room cottaga. 408 Eaat vonca. , - . . ' (1880x183 feet of ground. S room, large barn, abundance fruit, oa Belmont St., ssat of Sannyalde. (13 Very ..aotdrable - T-room cot tag. 14 Eaat X7th. THE DUNNLAWRKNCB COMPANY. 14BH First at run RKnT rurnianed s-room bouse; 3 acre grouna, orcnara, cnicxea onuaa: aaar carllna. Address J. W. T., Hillsdale. Oregon. PARTIAL LIST FOR RENT WEST KlDsl 8 rooma, bath, gss Included. Yamhill at( 8.00 3 rooms, bath, light,, heat Included.,.. 14.00 8-room Sat, bath, gaa, almost sew..., 14.50 8-room house, bath, gaa. Market at.. 18.00 8-room cottaga, bath, gas. almost new. Dt.oo room Bouae, natn. gas, Montgomery at. 20.410 - Nets No- Infornwtloa j regarding these kousea caa be given over phono. Office bourn from 10 a. ra. to 4 p. m. H. E. EDWARDS, Houaefornlaber, 188-101 First at. FOR RENT Six room modern hones oa ear- line; baeement, electric axturea, shades; Uni versity park; (18. - 10 rooma; furnace, basement, ' shades, kitchen range; full bearing fruit tress; (IS. 8 rooms; modera plumbing, kitchen rang, ahades, on car line; University park; (16. .... FRANCIS I. MrKENNA, r Eaat 8878. TEN-ROOM bonse, with summer dining-room, situated bt n. lata at, luquira ju Mackay bldf. 7 10-ROOM konae with 4 attic rooma, A brocks from Hotel Portland; very deslralila; ball and carpets and window shade for nle; Borne sthsf furnltur If desired. M IT, Joarnsl. ROOM boos tor- rent."' 804 - Kt- Third sto, corner: handy place for boarding and room ing. Call at 404 Colon ara. ROOM bouse. modern, newly Moored and aimed throughout, 40T Tenth at. Apply P, Bunting, room 40 Worcester bldf. MEW 8-room house; gaa fixtures sad shade furnished 1 enj Ljrraoee. walking a la lance; rent reaaonsbU,- Phone Esst OHO.--- . , NEW T room flat, modera I gaa, porcelain bath. fireplace, ugnt, airy rooma. rnuBO Msla 4B3.1. or Main 12.-.- , ,- VERY nice 8-mom cottage with bathroom, la excellent condltloo; xzt Bberldan, fis, Wra. Denbolm. railing Bldg. , (10 BEAUTIFUL Aroora .setug. - MaataelUai oatn; everytning mooem. - - . . , 812 Modera 8-ronm bouse. St. Johns. (13 Modera 8-room rot tags. 833 B. Tib, Bear Skldmor. 880 6-room modern flats. Conch f . ; WESTERN OREOON TRUST CO., 301 Stark at. Plion Padfle 883. S-ROOM house. 814 San Rafael at... Upper Al- blna hot snd com water, natn, toilet, fas; opea today Phone Union 103. NEW 8-ronm bouse wltk toUet, large grounds., chicken park; rent cheap. Apply two blocka Borth of Tremont store. Mrs. Maim. COMPLETELY furnished, atrlctly . modern 8 room bouse la Nob Hill, 333 per month. The Continental Co., 343 Rtark at. MEW T room furnished house, (13 per axntk. Telephone Eaat Suvi. , FURNISHED email bouses. He H. H, Hlg- fcy, 327 Vs Wasblsftoa kt. Pacific 77, XOBEITAIC ''WaitArtatss UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION "T Rye Cents Per Line Ko d7taxea for lraa than ISc per day. Bares words, aa a mis, roost II uta a line, but each Hue la charged regardless of tha rmmher- -of - worrhr. . WEEKLY RATE T Insertions (Including . one Sunday Issue) 80 CENTS per Una per MOAiTHLT RATE (Intludluf all Sunday laetirai (1 per line per - aioaih. - - - ADVERTISKMENTS must be rn Joaraal bualiiraa of See by 12 Vclock weekv daya and by 10 o'clock Saturday eranlnga for 1 ue siiuuay issu,. to assure auasiauauua. DISPLAY AATM f Iven upoa appllcatlua at i THE JOURNALx BRANCH 0FHCES ADVERTISEMENTS Will be 'received at regular main-office rates. Following 1s a list of authorised agents who will forward your advertise ment la time for publication la tba next NORTH BIDE. R.-A.- Prestos, druggist, Tweaty.tklrd snd Thurman streets. Nob-lllll Pharmacy, 680 Qllaaa atrest. corner Twenty.ftrat, . -.--'-- .A. W., Allen, pharmacist, Slxteaatk aad Marshall streets. McOummoa's Pharmacy, .. NlMtecntk - sad W aaa Ing ton etreota. , ' (0UTH BIDE. P.'Jones Co., druggists. Front jad Olbb streets. . - Cottel Drug company, Flrar and Grsot atresia. - . . Falilaa- Bycrley, druggist, 400 Jefferson street, corner Tenth. Bettmaa'as pharmacy, coraer Sixth and Harris street. . . Pluminer Drug company, 290 Third street, corner Madteoa. EAST SIDE. W. S. Loss, druggist, coraer Graad arenas and Eaat Bumeide atrort. NlcUois tt Thoaipaou,. 128 UaseeU street, corner Albino avenue. . - . - , Jaurke lac,ug company, corner Hawthorne and tsraod avenuea. W. C. Cable, druggist, corner Holladsy avenue and Larrabea straet, near etael bridge. - - R. A. Wllaoa, 133 Grand avenue. Bear East Morrison. ' E. W. Hsll. 353 Eaat Seventh street, eornor Stephens. - , Tuttte pharmacy. 853 Mississippi avenue, corner Shaver atrcot. ... V . - Yrxs4Aafxrrv,e; - F. . Clark, drufgtat. 100S North Ualoa """ " ' - - ' SUNHYSIDE. T. E. Wbrlli, phsrmartstr PPO Belmont straet. -. 7- - ' BR00EXYV. "" - Brook lyn Pharmacy company, Powell aad Mllwaukl atreets, .. - ARLETA. 0EZO0H. "' ... ArteU pharmacy. Moro aad Foster Uresis, i BELLWOOD. " -r TIematock'h tiharmaee. ran., - TTmatllta avenue aad Kaat Thirteenth atrcot. . ST. J0EMS. . , Elliott's pharmacy, :;:,'-,' -"f . FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Modern Armjm house. Inquire f 1. C. H. Raffety, 404 Eaat Washlagtuo.;' ' FURNISHED modern p room house, arrange,! ror a laninies; rent tail 1U a. ni. or 1 8 p, ra. Sunday. 4M East l.rsnt. earner fllli. : FOR RENT FLATS. . REDUCED RENTS, t Thre well situated and oeiveuleullv nr. ranged modern 4 and 8-roma flats on carl hi ?-wth 8 minute sets lea on Ilia east aide 'lb sea. placps are offered at the low rat of (13 per asonihi go aad see them; Uusaell end Commercial ats. . PORTLAND TRrtTT COMPANY V - , e- OP OREGON, , , ( S. E. corner Third and Oak.' -.. .;. Psoas Exchange TA - ,. MODERN f Ire-room apper flat; furnace, fl-0- niece, timed walla, electric ana gee ngur, targe basement; rent reason a 14. Apply at . lower flat, 103 North 16th st. Phone Main Do4V. FOR RENT 7 room modern new flat. 64T4 Sixth at., near Jackson. Phone Paclfl aot A. II. Maegly, 310 Fourth at. S-ROOM Sat for rent. (16; water paid; so small children. 828 Mill I MODERN B-rmim 8st. tncHiTlnr HeeT snd ga range, anaaee on windows, xyiyk ttaiaey. FOR RENT 8-room flat, modern' ta every way; , adulta only. I'hou Main 8787. . FOR KljNT MlSLxkLLAN KU U bt. FwR RENT In elty. R4 acres suitable Xor" gardenlug. Inquire 108 Fourth. FOR RENT Emerson piano in food condition, (3 per month. Inquire 411 Vancouver eve. "' , 1 n w1 1 I BUSINESS CHANCES.' BUSINESS CHANCES ' i Stork of general merchandise at a food ' country point. . Millinery matinee la a fine valley towa; .will trad Into Portland properly: 2.So0. Hotel and furnishing. In a good town; a aaooey-maker; will trad "Git PorUaad or ' aear-by property; (4.000. Blacksmith ahop doing a floe buataeas la a . thriving ralley town. - , (7.000 stock of fsrm machinery and Imple- ' menta, wagons, boggles, plows, att.r la . a food town; will trad. ' tlood eawmlll plant In complete rannlnf . order, In Willamette ralley; choice location; will trad for a tock ranch. 80.0(10 stock of hardwar. doing a Sn- business; might trade. - Butcher business, -good locatioa, la Port lsad. HENKLB -4V-BAKER, 31T Ablngtoa bldf. . Portland, Oregoa. SALOON for (2. 500. Her' ths heat aatootl opening In the city. Partlculara 3484 Stark. A FEW OF OUR SPECIALLY GOOD BAR. GAINS IN KOOMCUU-IJOCBES, 21 rooma, rent 80, 8tb at S TOO : 19 rooma. rent arte. let St.,- fin.....,, T7.1, 27 rooma. new furniture, rent 808. i.atKi 3.2al l.ftno Tin S.2isi 71st 3.W0 r,(i 70 rooma, rent (200, Washington....... 23 rooma, new, Uth near Stark T rooma, fine, rent (33 1.... 34 rooms, swell. 8th, near Madison..... 10 rooma, Ttb, near Stark, rent 8A0..... 40 rooms, 1st, near Madison, rant (38.. 23 rooma, 1st, near Main.... 11 rooms. 3d, near PnmaWe, rent (S0.v Toil 20 rooms, Bth. near Hnrnald, awsll..., (.(Kin 84 rooma, Yamhill, extra good,.... 3,0'in 8 rooma. 3d. rent (22.80. ... j. 1 VI - 34 rooms, 4 th, neutral, gwat (00. .vr. .TrT.rsTri 1 n- ruotaa, tax. ranc ao. ................ j.oou T8 rooms, hotel, clears (225 per month.. 4,50 Many othera. . Ws ara headquarter for rooming-houses. SHERWOOD BOYT, ' SOoVfe Morrlaoa, room 3. FOR RBNT'-Hntel. large Inland town; 30 nicely farnlshed rooms: (.180 per year. Sher wood A Boyt. 200 Vi Morrlaoa. room 8. MERCHANTS ' - It yon want a good paying conn try store, from a 1.800 nn tn 820.000, Inspect my list. Special Of fer The controlling Interest of . en or tne beet-paying genexsi stores in east era Oregon caa be bad tor (8,080; thla la a rare chance. . . , . F. FUCU8, 148V, First st. MANUFACTURING partner wanted I (l.aftO ? Hired; pay yoa tj a montn; rare ensnce. all 34SVi Stark st. .A' WB bare wheat land, atoek land, fruit land. acreage. Improved boo unimproved cltv property, and s food exchange llat. See n before bnylnf . Northwest Land Co., 308, Ooodnough bldf." SEE or write t. F. Hurst A Co. for ssfs sad frofltabls lnreatmanta. s acaay aiof . ortlaad. Oregon. 84-ROOM rooming -heus, good fnrnlrars. In fond locsthin, cneap rent, iuii 01 rooTnera; wilt aacrlOce If Bold at once, 8800. 'Sherwood A Boyt, SOBVk Morrison, mom a... - ARTNER with (SOO and BsTvlcea, feanlns arvjDOSItloa. ten on vrovam" atVtlRD A ALVORD, .188 Morrleou at. . PARTNER In frocery; nst starting; goof loca tion i anean. rani, sot vtorceaier 01a. aV'llSateJlj 'I'