THE T OREGON" SUNDXYv" JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MOItNINO, MARCH i, " 1CS3. FOR SALE for sale by , BY ' .; Mail & Von Borstcl C EAST BURNSIDE -laaxlOO- on th southwest corner of Kst Eighth and Kar 1ui..M U Icel E...A Ia sail It nUH'haMr. . I (,. on terms to suit purchaser. UNION AVENUE - ... lij. IL AAA 1 .' X IRVINGTON Wo have 4 lots northeaet corner East Titv-thlnl and Hancock ate. Price $t09 -earn; otv easy eaututely payments. lHANCQCJt STREET kuwiaa nn i ha N E. corner lSln and Hancock eta. Price $3,600; terms to suit 7 purchaser. i EAST PINE STREET. ""'' Lot 60x60 and 9-room house. No. 12 K. Pine or..; all modern Improvement". Prise. 12,300; term $250 down, balance . eaay monuily paymentstoauH pur chaser. .... """-.- EAST ' PINE STREET. : : ',' t.At-KAvKe and roam houne. fl. K. mntr of !ttb and B. Pine ata. Prtoe ' ' I2,oo; terms $400 down, balance month- ly. payments to sult., See It. . .. . .. EAST OAK. STREET. 1T Kr.isl and l-nuim tioUM. K K. corner Utb and B. Oak sta, Price $4,000. tialf cash, balanoe to suit purchaser at .- per eul interests - r. ..-.. 'l EAST ANKENY STREET. Lot 60x71 on aVAnkeny at., between ?3d and 44th ate. Price $1,000. . - EAST BURNSIDE STREET. " :T.iot 8xI0 on ' B," Burnside st,' bet - 17U end-lltb-ata Prices W6 9. : MALL & VON BORSTEL : Burkhard Bldg.) : Phon Kant !&. 891 B. Burnside fit- R. M. WILBUR 110 Second St, near Washington OlnuM i. and Kl 50.x lOfleaaLjilde. of wenty-second between, Johnson and k.erneyr 8,T50 House and 15x100, east side of Twenty-flrst between Savler and ' Tburmao, 98,880 House and 74x131, north side of Kast-ila-vis between- Kaet--Twenty- t .second and Twenty-third; room for 2 other nouses Any .t.nns . desired. This Is very cheap. . 91,80012x100, south side of Overton. , 100 feet west of Twenty-second. 91,800 each for t lota, south aide . of '1 hurmaa west of Twenty-second. 91.T00 $0x109, nerth aide of Bavlar east of Twenty-fifth; all street Improve- menta made.---- ..:. --.-.-..--.v.---..-.--.-.-.-, ftOO (0x100. southeast comer of " . Twenty-sec Mid and Kearney. i - ,93,000 SOxleO, northeast corner of . Twcnty-eeeond and Kearney. 9,,000 Flats psylng- $110 per month; V Hi. 000 cash will carry the deal. New " f and in rood order. . - , . 988.000 New brick building- leased for 10 yeara at $00 per month. 910.0OO Brick bulldinc. rents $1,(0$ par year. 98,000 quarter Mock - on railroad . switch.' west side. 3500 ,.3 acres beat Woodstock acreage. 10 acres ' , best ' Tremonf acres se; ' half $8000 11 acres hlrhly Improved. Wood mere . larld; small fruit, orchard, well and engine. , , ?10,000 Half block best business property on Hiwtborii. ia. ft v .. . t. " lx acreaTlO minutes walk tel brlflta . ; 510,000 . . tOxlOO, Klevcnth at, north of Jefferson; ' good 10 room house. - $62,5O0 $5x100, t blocks Portland Hotel., .... Income. ' -- . - Good We. have sores of the best buys In the city and suburbs. Commissions iulckly negotiated. Your patronage so- 1.4. . . jrf. -. . . . r The Continental Co. ' 243 STARK ST. H Per Cent Net Interest Can be obtained by Investing $$.000 tir 100x100 foot, with new iraprove- . menta.- Residences 0T.OOO $ rooms, on Johnson. . near Twenty-third atreet. ' $J7.00O 11 rooms, on Gtlsan atreet, near Twenty-first street.-. f Flanders Street (0x100 feet, facing south, near Twenty j . first street. . Holladay's Add Itlon 100x100, with t-Toota residence, on ( East Seventh street, at a bargain. Irvington ;f l,100-Cornr lot. on Improved atrect, cement sidewalk, one block from carllne. vf800 Inside lot, adjoining above. 3 City View Park Addition -C we nave 17 choice lots installments. T Five-Acre Tract . iSuilable for platting, situate on car . line within 15 minutes' ride f IV Ve ANDREWS & CO. XamUtoa anilding, 131 Third Street. Mala 339. INVEST In -a -couple of lots In uii in. i i-nmuia. where you get atreet improvements, city water and .iaiHi.i:ii MB Tii.ii Tvrry PUrchasM .Two blocks from car. 10 minutes from' i-lty. Close to school and well located. 39(Tto $125 bch 'ay Portland Trust Company .'of Oregon ; . E. Cor. Third and Oak fits. Mt. Scott ' Real estate In this section is boom .Ing. Last week we closed out most all i.fithe specials advertised In last Bun nay's paper. Today w offer lha- fol lowing: v ........ t 9L900 -Good $ room house and ent er lot; $109 down and $19 per month. mini ... ' ..... T TtlE ARROW REALTY AND INVESTMENT CO. T 0. V. T0BO, BtaMsTor, IWwtrft SUMoa, Komat goeM Lisa. . . Charles K. Henry Washington Street Property flti piece) of good butnea property, oa ur.Bi.inAii itMAi Vr Ammirm tils. Tmnrtnwef U iJ Jura,loJflr" in . Burnside Strecet Property , ; . . . liiu ie rum line nil Wuiiislde- f In. and WJtdl ruble and reasonable : in price. First Street Property 0x100 feet near Morrleon at. proved, and. Jncorne.bearing . ro- Fifth Street Ouarter:Block- Quarter block, good location, on f irm at., at a runt price. Stark Street Property , Very desirable comer, on ' the north aide or Htark St.; tne moai aeairaoie Stark street troterty to be had at a reasonable price.. . , Park Street Quarter Block ; Fine Quarter block, on Park si., near tne depot, sure to arrow in vaiua. uua-in-a . thereon pay reasonable interest now. . . . , Glisan Street Quarter Block Quarter block, in rood location, on oil- san- St., lor saie ai mt rifni pri;. Sure to enhance In value. . , Twelfth Street Quarter Block Good location, and aure to grow In value. Russell Street Corner.- ; - Comer, 0xt6. on the northeast comer i. ft Kuseali. ana Vancouver are. i nis - is a rood buslnesa location, and the property Is cheap. ' Other rood bargains In different parts of the city, for sale by . Charles K. Henry 273 STARK STREET 2850 tTSlTobt northeast corner Fourteenth and gast, Salmon. Easy term a Full lot and rood nd rood room boose, on vaugnn su it. $3000 Ut awl i -houses;. - houses; well - Joe nth. C$2100 well -located;-rent per month. Ixt and . rood I room house, on east side; desirable location; terms $290 caah. 'balance In Installments of $29 per monin. $2800- Fractional lot, and fine new 7 ' room bouse, close In. $12000 Quarter block, on West Park at, facing the park;. Very desirable. .. .. Louis Salomon 111 l-g imrt . BARGAINS 93100 New -room house, corner lot. Sacramento ana itoaney. 9100 s-room bouse, 137 Sacramento st 9aoo l.rooaa houaa, new, aat Salmon, near ztia si. 93850 New 7-room house In Uper Al- blna, near Kuasell bL; furnace. 9300 7-room cottage on ITnlon avenue North! very desirable and cheap. 91800 Choice lot. Twenty-fifth at, near Thurmaa St.; all Improved; cement walk. 9U00 7 choice lots, SOxllt, near Haw thorn ave.; a snap. 91000 26 acres, part Improved; on Co- lumbla river above Portland. 9800 Cholc lot. East Davis, near 23d street. 9.400 Choice lot. on Mason at, . near Union ave. 9100060x100. nice lot, on East First, near Hancock at. 83380 C'holoe quarter block In . Irving, ton, on .Tillamook atreet. . r. . 9800 Two good 0-room houses, rent ing for $49 per month, on Union ave- . nue, choice location. IF. W. TORGLER ;o BHERLOCK BUItDINO. $6,500 Double new - flat. S rooms and . bath each. Including ahades and light fix tures; fireplace, furnaces; cement base ments and modern complete; close In, near Park; Income $60 per month. This Is really a bargain. F. 0. Northrup Co. , 911 Commercial SUu geoond aa Washington ' , $2,500 Fifty acres" of good land," 10 miles from Portland and 4 miles from Lents. SS acres In cultivation, acres In fruit; small house, good barn, , good roads to the place. This property belongs to an estate and must be sold. iHolmes&Menefee 89 Third Street, Chamber of Ooxaaiere. raoae Mala twos. , . To CeaaSe The store. No. 327 Washington street, now used as a restaurant, will be leased for five years., commencing July 1 next bend offers to PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. , aTo. ISO AX.P1I 9T, $12,500 Fine quarter block, on Third a( close In. .A very good buy. ' Wm. Dgnhnlm, Failing Bid4 Letter No. 7 91.400 Xew I room ' modern. ' house and quarter acre ground; $500 cash and terms to suit on balance. Lois at $109 to $1(9, on payments of $2 to ti pi month. , PafK Is the Center of the - Peninsula! - It has a railroad on - the ' north, a railroad on the south, a railroad on the" west, an i electricjiine through the cen ter. It is inside the city of ; .Portland, has Portland pub- lie" schools. Bull Run water,-: the only system ol boulevards in Oregon, the Columbia uni versity, a 29-acre park, mills, factories and electric light, t. Three million dollars will be spent in that vicinity in rail-. road and bridge construction within the next two years. -Lots 9200 each and upward. Prices will be advanced $25 each April l: Terms 10 per cent cash, balance f easy monthly installments. FRANCIS I. M'KENNA . University Park -Portland, lOregon. Station, j.:m. Leeier, Pendleton, Oregon. Modern 6-room house and lot, - - ; " 692 GHsah street." CbmerTorancTTwcloryunduif on the southeast corner, of East Washington and Water streets. F. Abraham 113 SECOND ST- $20,000 A price that will make you money Western Oregon Trust Co. - 291 STARK STREET $12,000 Tot half block on Grand avenue.- Splen did location, in central district. One of the best buys on the east aide.' For a few days only. Inquire ' . . 1v ' Lambert Whitmer & Co. 1 07-100 Sherlock Building, and 404 Alder street. . Rochelle ' 0 Xewthora Areas aad BastT Thiny-f oarth Street. , 1. v A beautiful' new addition. We are selling lots her at very low prices, and on favorable terms of payment. If In the market do not overlook this 'prop erty, as w venture to -any you can not do so well, all things considered, in any other trt of the city. , 1 . ...... j Knapp&Mackey S Ck'Asst of Oonuaere. Yamhill Corner A Few Good Buys ?l,500-rrSix-room - dwellings 2 lots, south front, Portland " Height; half cash. ; ; w' 47500 Three ffameldwenThgsJ r-812 Watfj strggtr paying hand' sotnely and always rented. SJ(lO,000Three large- dwell - ings, 20th St., paying' JO per cent . We, also, have 3 . acres .at. Mt. parts of city, and good business locations.. : .. r SEE OUR UNEXCELLED- . WAREHOUSE PROPERTY E. S. JACKSON & CO. .':' 246 Stark Street - ... HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS - ' ouion or oomzKn. 9100 per acre, unimproved acreage, east . of Mount Tabor; very favorable terms can be made- no natter iruu ana perry land around Portland. , . . 980 Lots 60x100, in South Sunnysld; sidewalk ana . atreet improvements Sam; splendid car aervioe, terms own. $10 per month. 876 to 9500 Kull staed lota, in Lincoln .rarK Annex; improvea acreeia. cny Water and good car aervioe; can be aold on Installments. 9800 cash, balanoe on terms to ' iractionai uii ana gooa s room nouse, on Kearney near Twenty-first. 919O0 Lots In Wilson addition; terms s caan, oaiance 10 suix. rxopeny Is changing bands rapidly In this dis trict. 98009 room house and full alsed lot. TsewepsjfTnmi 1 sti. "smiu eaain psisniwi Installments. The price la below cost. 98800 A fine home, on East Tsmhill; t rooms, in gooa repair; nice jui, wiui some fruit. 93000 Modern 9 room houae. 100x100; nineiy improvea; corner; ibbi oev enth and Mason. 83000 Good 8 room house: stable; full alsed lot; on ICast Blxteentb;. terms to suit : T 93080 Attractive, corner, on Schuyler, witn s room nouse. 1 year 01a; rea aonable terms can be made. ' 98000 Comfortable 7 room house, on h'lanoers oetween iweniy-nr ana Twenty-second; full slxed lot; the house Is much better inside than out, and the rental brings good returns. Tcr Xejrt 1 room house -and - nice grounds; urana avenue flonn; . per month. . . '- - s. . - . yo and T-roox house on Thurman streetT3,100. ' Oood 9-room oottage and lot, Ol between -list and utd iia; barn in 14.250. Oood 8-roosa bouse on llth near Jei- feraon. lot 19 or -40x199 feet $M0. - Blood y-sDom koas and lot (1x96, Woodlawn; fruit, nice view $1,800. lae saUdlaaT alia, northeast corner Kaat Sixteenth and Schuyler, 100x100, $1,200. Slne bnlldlag' alt, aonthwest corner 14th and Marshall $1,100; cheapest lot on west side. 100 fast sonar, on Jefferson street $ 29,900 ron of the greatest bargains In the city. , Hie bnslaeas uruuaily on First street 910,000. The Shaw-Fear Company 84BU STAXK STKarST. West Side Houses S4,50O Seven-rooro house, 41 by 190, ., . on ' Everett street, - in best resl- denes district. S3, 300 Seven-room, new modern - house,-lot-14-by-100, in North Portland, near Fair grounds. $2,8B4 Six-room house, oa Twenty first street, north of Thurman; " " easy terms.j ; - S2,TS0 Seven-room house, fractional corner lot, on Twenty-first treet, corner of Wllaon; fuUy improved, cement sidewalk. Third Street, Chamber of Ooauieroe. rhoae Mala sooa. - East Portland Quarter Block with good build ings, Corner Union and Haw thorne avenues .... .$25,000 Corner Lot on Grand avenue and East Main .$7,500 Quarter1 Block on east side of Union avenue, on solid ' - ground .910,000 Quarter Block 6n Grand avenue, with good buildings: $35,000 The Healy Investment Co. 210-214 Ablngton, 106J, Third Bungalow Glade The Cosy Home Site Cemeat Walks, larked Streets. arxJb x-ots, soxioo nn, Price $500-Easy Terms One Block from Hawthorn V If you ae these lots you will buy." New modern Bungalow being built and for sale, 8e owner: 221 9'aUlpg BuUdlng.' Phone Mala til. City Properties nvestments East Side Houses 8 X ,000" 0 lT 100, good " four-room house, on Kaat Ninth street, near ' 'V.v terms', 92,250 l . by l25, with seven-room house; flreplaoe and other modem V conveniences. Plenty of fratt and . ' flowers, on Sellwood atreet, .Upper Alblna. ... ' -. ...' 'jlz. S2.6S0 SO by 100, on the corner of Thirty-ffrtt and East Cwch streets. I ttix-room modern . house. ... jaay terms. . , ,'. ' $2,650" New modern alx-roora house, 1 on ine corner, near iawtnorna ave ' . nua. "Tbl la a lovely yard and hoos. . ' .- 2,T50 Five-room cottage. - SO - by , ii root 101. neauiirut. yara ana shrubbery. On Kast Eugene street. 3,000 Modern five-room, house. (9 cy im zoot tow 1 xinas or rruit .. on the place. This la a model home, on Sacramento atreet, near . Union avenu. .' ' . v $3,250 Six room, all on on floor. xuv oy ivu root tot. jtious wen - finished 1 and - modern, ia-'Centrai Alblna, - . - . HoImes&Menefee 89 Third Street, Ohaaaa of Cosuaere. . Vaoaa Mala 0008. ' WetI( $8,750 -Corner lot. Sixteenth street. prOTWrrpTanTrrTaTT70TrI0nTnT . which can yuiy t Increased -to $90-4 $lT,50O Quarter block In Warehouse district, with trackage facilities. 923,500 Quarter block, Salmon and Park street. ...... East Side $8,000 Quarter block on Bast Wash- . Ington Street. income so per an- -.num. $6,500 Quarter block. Kast Slxth street, eentrauy. located. - $12,000 On half block. Grand ave - nue; splendid location. - This Is on of the beat bays on the East aid. Residences. W have a number of resldenoas for sal In all sections of East side aid also ' a number of FIVE-ACRE tracts on easy-term. I:, Lambert, Whitmer & Co. At 10T-108 Sasrlook Bulldlag, aad 404 These 98800 10 l-aore plar all fenced, nearly tto 11 in cultivation: nn I-roora ouse. 1 bam a. all other neces. sary outbulldlnga; plenty fruit, living water: horsea. cows, cat tle, ' hogs. poultry, fmplemsntart cnjpain itNt-DUMf 4cirM , . cars, near Barton. 98000 Beautiful 4-acr suburban place, : a moat elegantly deatgnd, rue-' tlo bungalow residence, grounds ., landscaoed aarden.d. choice fruit. , - shrubbery and . berries; all neo- . easary outDuiiainge; a complete nome, piocas swirt car service. 9000 Lot' BOxllS: 'elegant : 11 -room modern bouse, drtvewav and barn, 1 block to business. Upper Alblna. 93600 - Completely furnished 67 - acre larm; gooa 7-room residence, '. good barn, rich soil; 11 cows, team, aU farm implements, feed, to., at railway station, 20 miles out . . 91600 Full lot; stylish, new 7-room brick oottaga; modern conve niences; - one Mock Richmond cars. It la a snap. 91400 Nsw I -room cottage, 100x125 feet ground, nicely gardened ; 14 fruit trees, all kinds berries, ' roses, etc; walking distance to busl- neas, gt, Johns. 91000 Stylish 6-room cottage, full lot, Eaat Ninth street, Woodlawn. 9 980 Quarter block, with 9-room cot . tage, abundance fruit, berries rid shrubbery, near Montavllla school. . w mm . 9 678 H4 acres, with cost cottage, - good barn, cholc fruit, Clacka- ma atatlnn. THE DUNK-LAWRENCE COMPANY Some Good Buys $25,000 $9 by 100, yon the corner of First street' Good' brick building.1 -'Rents' for,, mor than '$209 per 1 month.' $20,00050 ' by .100, . on' Twelfth street, near Washington. TJon't miss seeing this. t) $1 3,60O 100 by . 100, on Second street, close in, with building . bringing $115 per month. The best buy on th market : Holmes&Menefee 99 Talra sTtrt, Ch amber of Commerce, - - Vaeaa Mala BOOS. Warehouse Property Comer East -Third and East Oak street, 100x100; no fill. I . C. E. FIELDS (EL CO. 409-494 Ablagtea Wdfc VkeaA XaU 400T, PHOHB XigarStoreaL Nios clear stand, stock and fix- f tureiil. central, cheap rent and good trad. . . " " t CCf Clsar stand, fixtures and stock; JJU central and aood trade: . rood oxturea. Butcher Shop t aTVI Butcher shop, fixtures, caah re V vw later, refrigerator, smokehouse, hora and wagon, good will, tc.; a bar gain - ; ... -T ' Merchandising $C good restaurant and bakery, on -"J eaat aide. -Including fixture and a lock; cheap rent and good trade, tllnn Store and bakery on Mecoad st; good trade, cheap rent tlCIVi One of beat . bakeries and - a-M. -;ww ceriee in city; central, with good J1900 Strictly modern confectionery rsvv manufactory, - with retail - store. In one of the -beat towns ia the state. i ior particulars. . tfnl 0d shoe ator In go fmhjw town, carrying good f oods. . Will invoice th stocl ars. , y tin xor particulars. ood - valley line of stock. and flx- tl RflA Oood saloon, enjoying good busl ,ew neaa; central location. taflAA Partner .wanted in established ,vuw boot anrf sho business, in good valley town. Will invoice stock. Lodging Houses tf Iftfl ll-room lodging-house, on 16th street decently furnished and paying. , ... t1QrWl $4-room lodging-house, on West ,w Park, elegantly furnished: hot water,' electrlo lights; earning . $460 monthly; leas for year at $226. -ffllrt 1 0-room lodging-house on Fourth street; good neighborhood, well furnished, large room.; monthly rent $80; Incom $176 or better; term given. tllftft,wTOl,oa8lhg-house; on Fifth -"WV ut.,-close In; rent $180; incom $270; fair furniture, good locality. terms; good trade; rent $86 per month. : new buildings running water! xi large. weU-furnlshed sleeping-rooms; 2 year lease at $160 per - month. Thla nous I making money. Terms given for part of the purchase prlo. fWflrt $9-room hotel In central part of AXOVU city; good locality; large, pleas ant rooms, good trade. Rent $125; In com $900 par month. Terms given.-. Large list of desirable' farm property; - -Tracts of timber land. We wan -equitable saving and loan certificates. ':C.Sv:-.:1 List your jproperty or business with the firm that gives it publicity. ; Ixts, Block; and Acre -LOTS-INGREENWAV p' The New Addition on the rHEIGHTS" : ; From $250 to $500 it D. Ef KEASEWCO: . Exclusive Dealers in Portland Heights Property Office Opposite ; the "Observatory" on : the HEIGHTS . Phone Pacific 437 Jennings to W placed on the market recently two finely located additions to thla cholc suburb on th Oregon City car line, and hav already sold quit a num ber of tracts. Secure a home or an investment her whll available. Th soil is rich, location Una and readily accessible by river and rait Thee tracts w can sell on' easy Installments and at reasonable prices. They wUI bear the " closest investigation. .' , .... s . , Thc - 5haw - Fear - Colonial Heights Located on Hawthorne ave. and East 20th St., th most sightly residence dis trict on the East Bide, and within walk ing distance of th center of th city.' Has graded streets (cement sidewalks to be laid at once), city water, aewerage, gas and electrlo llghrs. MODERN HOMES Ar belns built in this addition. Prices are very reasonable. Terma will be made If necessary, and - thoaa buying lot wilt be helped to build when help is desired. For further particular, . CORD SENQSTAKE & CO. Offle 90 Fifth, Hear Stark. v. . $15,000 Half block on Eaat Second St., . 200 feet on railroad ewltclu ' -. ; LOUIS SALOMON . 1 Ala l- rtnri St, . . M1N SOOi ConntiyStora: W have good cunff yt8TrB"tarne cotinty ror sai at invoice. We Have Inquiries for Will -rent or- buy hotel la good valley town.'.- , . -If - location - and - pries -laright-.;war have two. buyers for a suburban tract of a 'few aorea. ;- v St.' Johns Property tfftAA AO Ma- large lots on good flJVl street with cottage on aoh. --. --i-e-fifm Takea -thro-lota with 9-room 0W house, barn and fruit trees. ' 'Upper Alblna u t Am Vacant lot, 60x100, lays wall, on f IW Failing street r - . ... .- . - Furnished Cottages ' Th furniture and leeson two aood -'.-',' 'central cottages for sale at 00c. at . bargain or will rent rurnLsneo. t . . City Property $J-)f Tour- cholc of three lote near 14th street building, jet us show them. t f fVl 6-room - modern - cottage, toilet ' T-md buth.-oo- Leater- tt slde; lot 60x100;, terms..-. . $1700 100; i $1700 9-room modern cottage, toilet and bath, on Lester st: lot BOx 100;- kirai, 7-room modern cottage, toilet -and bath, on Lester at: lot 60x ieu; terma. - ..... ( . 6-room cottage on Multnomah W" street, nfodern, lot 60x2S6( term v given.,--.....- . , f 1 rf( Lot 100x100 on Burnside Btrt" 9iVv with l-room house, modern in alt respects; fruit shrubbery and chick en " parka. -WU1 trad for acreag n car line. ' . " '. . . . tCrWI $-room, 1-story hottse, on East -Large-Hotel' tW flfU. rnniudingr1otnndiBg,-furnl-----i),VW jur, Bnd stock of leadrnr hotel m on or tne dsi towns in ureaon, east of Cascades : lot 45x186. central; larg frame building, 400 rooms, big trade; Income about $2,000 per- month:' larg '" bar trade. Former owner made for -- tun In this house. Terms givaa for .. part-of puruhas prio. ,, II Tracts Favorably Situated ' it Gompany - 245M Stark Street West Side Lots Acreage as !i850 Each Only ten minutes' ride from butU ness center. i the city. Street ma etdamixed, sidewalks - and sewer in; surrounded by beautiful homes and, elegantly, located, with fine view of , city, river and mountains. One block off car: line..- ' W can make loans for building to responsible purchaser. PORTLAND TRUST COi OF OREGON 5 ' oof. yioxd as4 oa stsC ; ' iN T