The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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TJ '
J : : V','1-' "
THE 111
,Joe Cans Knocks Jwin Sullivan
'; jn,.t in Tnth Round of
i -i; .ijli J-Viciou Fight. :
. . . . ----- rtmm M , ,
Thlr17Viw ef Enyneef-rVymolcimOi
Spent Ten Days Watching
Sullivan Did NoFWanrto Fight oil
Level but Insisted tir Draw-Being
Declared If Both Stood Twenty
Kounoa. ...
R CE.-VM.XAan.
frknatrk brea4le4eTliJettrsilLl
"- In Angeles. Nsrcn u. josepn
of Baltimore may be the bad black sheep
of Jibe, miglllstle world, but there are
,nt large white spots oo blm and one
'of tbem showed to advantage tonight.
He whipped Mike (Twin) Bulllvan. n the
tenth round of a vicious fight, and that la
' -"-rot the fid f the atory, ... It .waa Jpe
Uana who kept -the whole show from
going wrong, for Mike (Twin) did not
Jwsnt fo flcbt on the level. He wanted
to so SO rounda to a draw. He aald that
the alae f the bouee did not Justify any
other aort of a flirht, and he absolutely,
J ' rcruaed to inter the- ring -unless 'an anr
T-"" nouneement waa made that should both
"men be on their feet at the en of. the
nht -draw-deeinw would oe renoereo.
Hut JM tlu mot him Into the ring and
trim to a royt purplev IDsreny Jty:
titg the ahow.-- It waa anything out a
AmucImI aueeesa.- but f rom . an artletlc
'standpoint it waa all to the good.
, v.- Panama Operations.
' r- : 7
OfficiU't-WiBhington'Should Also
Give Steven Le Bother and: Al
low Him to Proceed Alone Only
J Preparatory Work So Far..
(Special Inapatrk ay Leased Wire te The Journal)
San Kranclsco, March IWIf Chief
Engineer Steven of the-canaj waa Lalt
alone by the offlclaJe In Washington,
and, there wil not ao much , red tape,
the work on the canal would be mail
ing through.'? Thla la what K, S Flem-tng.-
a clvtt engineer.. aald today. . .He la
the engineer employed by the Wild
Oooae Mining A -Trading company of
Nome, and recently apent 10 daya In
Panama watching the operations of the
great work. . "' --7'
. -The real work of digging the canal
has not yet commenoed. Engineer Ste
vens, ao- far, has only been able to com
mence preparatory work," be continued.
This Include building quarter for
10,000 Jamaica negro laborers and -the
,000 American overseers and clerka;
building a double track acroea the lath
mm and plaHng tne country tn sanr--
tary condition. I aay that wont is pro-
greasing but T saw a. lorT-Urwoacsa-
to the great undertaking. rrrr--r.;;
TM'diM defect la-tne la Dor quea-
Ulon, The Jamaica negro la no good on
i agreed that should both .men be on their
1e-tslon should be given, suuivau u.
TZtTt weighed Oans "bin rpminnX'-btrtt4h4
ik minmi hov waived at the o'clock
weighing In. - All bets were declared off
by Referee King. " ,
. ' Gana waated no time, but etarted
.right after hla prey. Bulllvan waa very
' cautious and the slightest aymptom of
i 4aul oa Oana' part would, send . the
Jrlwhrnan e gloves op to, guard bta head.
Om m blocking perfectly, picking
. . off Sullivan'a awkwara leada In the air
. and ahooting hard oeuntere ' to the
stomach. ... . ... "
' la the fourth round Gens -walked ittld
'a short awkward chop to the chin and
the crowd began to yell wildly, for the
' . tVolored boy s targe red all over the ring.
Ha seemed all., but ouw tmt whenever
Bulllvan tried to land a wild awing. Joe
, 'went under It or fell Into a clinch. ., ,
' He aald after the, fight that he waa
" .stalling In order to coax Bulllvan Into
'a tight swing; to the jaw, and he came
-Xack for the next round as strong as
I hualnaaa." the court held.
- . . - -
"But when they obatruof the business
of their employer they become trea-
I paasers. They may wane up ana aown
In front' of the property, the only lim
itation being that they ahall not Injure
M..M i htm hn.inMfl tn flcAmnliahlna;
-ull4vat-eame out-for-ttteenThftTrrand before wlshInjrTheni"n vuu yerf th-lf unoer-or-intrferewlth the
T, 'a wild light la hla eyea. He waa badly, said: - - , - - --- peaoeful quletneas of that buelness.
hurt and knew that hla only chanoe
waa to land ope lucky punch and he
' - made the mistake of beginning 'to rough
' It with a better man. . The flrat time
t- ttbey came kito a clinch Sullivan let
' V" drive for the body. Oana ca.utloned
rhltn and' stepped back. : t
... i' . Once more they cam Into a clinch
and Bulllvan slammed , away again.
i Then for the first time the negro
showed temper. . He drove a hard right
over to the head and when Bulllvan
' rushed Into a clinch Joe gave him two
kidney punches which must have hurt,
'for Bulllvan cringed, Still at the in
fighting. Joe drove a half swing, half
-.y-t-pparenyto- the jaw and Sullivan reeled oham, W. U- Root,- Mr.- and Mrs. H,
- ' and Gana, willing to end the fight then
- . kand, there,- whipped in eeversl rights
,' and lefts to the chin. They were all
- t lean punchea and when Joe stepped
'aside Bulllvan slipped to the floor face
"'downward. '
' " ' Tbe colored man " never Stopped to
.' look at him for he knew the flaht waa
over. He turned and walked over to
' his corner where he remained while the
'tlckere counted Sulllvanout, He. arose
... after 10 seconds, but he waa dased and
helpless snd -- Referee -- King yelled,
. "Gans wlnar, and left the ring.
... .-. . .... . okarrsd Wltli Tkeft,
'Detective Resing and Carpenter yes
terday afternoon arrested Theodore
14 allver per day but they are not worm
.Workihgmen' Have Right to,
Strike If They Want To7
Injunction la Refuaed Employers s
r Employes Showed DeterminaUon to
Abide by the - Lirnititlonfof "the
:. Law. V' ' . -'-'i'--'...
SpcUl Olipateh by latd Wire to Tat araal)
- tUncinuati. March 17. A decision of
the greatest Importance to trades unions
a-nd union "men war handed -down- by
Judge Howard Ferria of the superior
muri ihla mornlna- in which he fully
Jef lned the relations between employe
and employer and outlined tne rignis ui
both. The decision waa in the ease of
the Perklna-Oampbell company, a aad
dlery manufacturing .conoern, against
union No. of the International Broth
erhood of Leather Workers on horse
goods. --The leather, workera were on
a strike and the Perkins-Campbell com
pany filed ault for an Injunction against
the men. claiming that tney were Inter
feriiui with the bualneaa of the firm
by "picketing and patrolling the
premises. r "" ." -
"An employer," the court held, "may
employ without limit and may discharge
wit hiiut reason." '
i in the suit at. Issue ih charge ot4-
conspiracy to Injure the buelnesa waa
made, and there being no adequate rem
edy at law against the strikers tha Juris
diction of the court was Invoked.
Jf ou July trouble wit i youreyei or
your glasses, we are coiiflaenlrwe Cinf
overcome till oirncuny. Vil
this sO.000 satisfled patients In Port
land and vicinity are constantly send
ing us tbelr relatives and friends. JE
amlnatlon free.
Oregoif Optical Co.
ITS Ttmrtll It, T. M. O. A. ld.
Threatening r.. Letters Received
"1 bemanding Money on Pain "
of Death to Family.
m n tood Californlsn, I think the only
,7k.Tk. FxnerTZVt. arrf"" h have the right
would be the Chinese. l.perlmeta ara I ,,M .., - no r.on:
. i i..t uruimi
termination to oesiror "".. "'" ty.' ,.,hh,h,v r some of tha
rerrls. He thenaBlarsdTthat
f Iw-a date rminat Ion tQ jettol.erable con-
now being made with Cubans, and Span
lards and Italians will also be taken
there as an experiment.
"Stevens 1 being handicapped in the
matter of equipment. If he orders any
thing soma comrolsatoner In Washing
ton aenda back word and asks what he
crdered -It for and what he would do
with it if ha got it- For instance be
ordered 100 locomotives and so far ha
received on." - .
(Continued from TMa"dneT"
Richardson. He told tha visitors of the
experiences of the - Oregonhuia. gave
them a few polntere as te how to boost
the northwest. He told the Washing
ton people what to tell the Callfornlana,
ta .withdraw for reason or no resson
they entering, the contract -voluntarily,
can leave it voluntarily, and may join
together to aecure higher wages;-shorter
houfa or any-other- betterment of condUJ
tiona; In other words, they nave tne
same rights aa the employera.
"An employe haa the right to do
whatever Is necessary to tha perpetuity
of hla organisation, which the law has
recognised,'' aald tha court.
"Picketing and patrolling may be
done when It doss not Interfere with
the right of the employera and la done
auletly and peacefully and does not In-
tarfara.wltb.the lftws gj LJhjnaerine
Tell them we have a country - of
coantleaa billions; a country In which
millionaires and tha poor man can make
so many millions that they can make
Rockefeller, the Rothchllds and tha other
rich men of the east look like paupers."
..n:T-:-i-i TmoiijMi. of Party. - ; ' :
"The assemblage then Adjourned to the
parlors of the club, where an Informal
reception waa held until "ltt:0 o'clock,
when special cars were, taken to the
depot. At 11:30 o'clock the train
started on Its southern trip. The per
sonnel of the evergreen Bute special
train followa: .
From Bpokane K. O. Arment, John
. IUhkamp. charged
skins on the -steamer America
. which arrived in port from St. Helens.
, K. P. Uodson wss a passenger on the
'. boat and had a number of pelta. Aa he
. waa leaving the boat he discovered that
'two mink skins had dlsappered. He re
' ported ' the lose at police headquarter
. and detectives were detailed on the case.
. Dodson went to a fur store and aold
: hla goods. Shortly after I-ahkamp of
. fered the two -mink skins-- for sale
-at the same store and his arrest fol
'. lowed. . ' .-
With Stealing 'two Mr. pr, J n Ytvnm
We will give you the earnf,.
particular optical attention thajt
has pleased and ' gatisfied jq
many thousand of other, . a
taiLia carried out in - modem;
and scientific way no' as to leave .
' nothing undone for lasting re-
- suits. " . ' '
Look well, fit right and never
- drop oft, They are alwys.
. approved.
a. Stlmmet,
From Tacoma Dr. and Mra. Warren
Brown, John BlaauW," Harry B. Couch,
Mra. A. C. Clement, Rowena Clement,
WLJUCattoiv Mra.-M.C- Denton, Gil
bert Denton. .T. J. " Fleetwood.- Mrs.
Frank D. Hill,' Mortimer Howe. Miss M.
K. Jardlna, Albert Johnson, Mr. anil
Mrs. Earnest Llstner. Mrs. J. W. Llnck,
H. C L.ucaa, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mohr.
Mlaa Marie Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Noons n. M rs. E. P. Kortoni-'harte-Ar
Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Pratt, Mr.
and Mrs. I W. Pratt, Mrr and Mra.
Charlea Rowland. Dr.' V. H. Roberta.
Mr. and Mra 8. Samson, Mrs. J. A.
Sproule, Mr. and Mra. O. M. Bavage,
W. F. Sater, Mlaa ITsaforage. Miss A.
Louise I'aaforags. Mlaa Jessie via w,
From Vancouver Dr. R. C. - Boyle,
Frank Burnett, J. J. MulhalU . . .
From Victoria Herbert Cuthbert.
From Rltavllle C. H. Clad I us. W. H.
Martin. Julius Siemens. ,
From Seattle H. K. Dent. Mr. and
Mra. William Evans, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Filklns. Mrs. R. J. Huston, J. R,
Hurd, Charlea It 'Lilly, 1 S. Lemmon,
Mlaa V. F. Maude, Alex McLean, A. E.
Peterson. Mrs.-C- C. .Phillips. O. -H.
Revelle, O. 8. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Htiwat. I N. Stern, Mrs. R. IL
Wsy, W. R. Williams.
From Rochester, New" Tork Mrs.
Etta A. Emmons, Miss M. L. Hosmer.
From Hoqulam F. T. Lenfesty.
From Olympian Governor Albert E.
Mead. .
From Wlllapa Mr. and Mra. 8. 8. Me
Eelnt '
From Aberdeen Mr. and Mra. .A. - L.
McLeod. . -
From Belllngham Mr. and Mra. C. F.
From Dayton Dr. Marcel Pletrayckl
; From Waterville A, 1- Rogers.
From ' Portland Mra. , A. McCalanl,
Dr. Surman, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Patulo,
William McMunay, Mra. McKlnnon.
However, It is neia. tney may not in
any war by brutal or unfair meana re
aort to violence, threata or vehemence
to accomplish tbelr ends,
In a resume of the Perkins-Campbell
caae the court stated that It stands In
a category by Itself aa to strike cases.
as there waa a determination on the
part -of tha men to abide by the limita
tions or tna jaw in tnis pamcuisr cnye.
The .Injunction wss refused.
1 1 1 ""
(Continued from Pm On:)
I arterial Dtopatcb te The Joerlfar.')-
Walla Walla, Waah March 11
Bt-D. Crocker, the acknowledged politi
cal dictator of Walla Walla county, ar
rived In thla city this morning and
apent the day conferring with political
leaders. Crocker's enemies are - mean
enough to say that Ills visit here was
for the purpose bf fixing up a slate for
! the next city election, but thin the po'
i litical boa denies, and says hla trip Is
purely a matter of buelness,' When
twitted about John U Wilson being art
, er I
'While Wilson Is clipping a few gray
; hairs from my head he will find that
i my scalping knife haa been used to good
effect and there won't .be any hair on
hla head left to clip." . . . ,
country. .TheFortland livestock mar
ket will be the standard for The Pacific
The new-enterprise hss n -Important
bearing on the refrigerator-car situa
tion on the Pactflo coast, and particu
larly in connection with the fruit and
produce business in the Pacific north
west. With a great packing -plant here
the Swift rom pan y will naturally add
largely 'to the available supply of re
frigerator cars. The company will give
special attention to Pacific northwest
buainess In all lines of refrigeration.
The addition of a new plant of Ita slxe
and Importance will make it neoeesary
for the company to increase its stock
of care, as a large number must con
stantly be kept on hand to take cars
of the packing-house business.
It is said that Portland la not so
high-headed over Ita matchleis scenlo
advantages that It will not welcome tha
addition of stockyards. Portlanders,
taking their guests on the trip from
Council Crest to the lower peninsula,
may point out the wonders of the Front
street belt line, the harbor,, the stock
yards and five snowcapped mountains
For a time, at least, the mountains will
yield precedence to the stockyards with
all guests excepting those from Chicago.
(Special Plapatek ht tVtaaed Wtre te The JoeriilTT
New Horn, Marco ii. m -Black'
Hand attempts'-to blackmail came
to light today. Tha recipients of threat
Jft'PlLitttarademajdlPstjnoney are all
prosperous Tialfiihl 'Vt "the upper sasl
hoaxufTTTanTtTy. whuarreldes'
kidnape-receUy,.DetecUvft pergeanr
PetrosinU who la working on the new
cases, believes. they are tha work of the
band of Slclliaa outlaws that carried off
the Bosauffl boy. '
One of the Italians is Antonion
aarlo of 140 Sixty-third street. Deaarlo
earn to this country eight, years ago and
worked hard to gather enough money to
hrin over hla wife and three daugh
ters. A year and a lialf ago he went to
Naplee and brought them to New lorn.
Two of the girls work In a tobacco fac
About two montha ago Deaarlo began
to receive letters directing him to leave
12.000 at a designated Spot' In Central
park and-threatening that- hla -daaghtera
would be murdered on their way home
from work if he did not comply. Tha
man baa been living ever since in con
aunt fear that hla daughters would be
Simon Christiana, a cobbler, who Uvea
with bis wife and three children at 10
Third avenue, haa received six Black
Hand letters slnoe February 10, all de
manding money and containing threata.
John Bosauffl, father of Antonio, who
waa kidnaped, la having a cioae watcn
kept on all of bis seven children- for
fear the Black Hand gang may steal
on or more of them,
(Continued from Page One.)
T ft
e Present
Ihc Future
Marked Che beginning ol the history of the house-furnithing
establishment of H. E. EDWARDS, v ' r -
., .. The pages of this history show only records of . V V,
Honest Busmess Mettotls
ithe) foundation upon which a successful and constantly growing
-patronage ha been. builc" " t . JLLLLIJTZ.'T' ..
The confidence of the patrons, of HE. EDWARDS has
m never been abused.
Thoir rnnfirlenr In H VL RtlW ATJOS the man of his Wbrd -. ' -"
-4ias therefore never weakened. ' ; : f '5
"; ' It s a source of . pleasure and gratification to Mr. Edwards - -I.'
tov have t been able to win and retain the -confidence of such a ;
clientele. -. - . ,. '.. ;..--r- ; , , .,
Tr la lust a much a source of satisfaction to Mr. Edwards '1 ' ;.
'to be able, while still in the prime of life, to retire from the active . :, i
management of the firm heretofore known aa-,
confident that the reputation, honestly earned, will be as hbn
estly liyed up to by hii i successors, the - .VJ. ' ' '
under the able supervision ol MR. -T.-H. EDWARDS, who la i
competent to follow in his fathers footsteps and aaa new laurcis
The organization of
now under way.
ImprovemenU in the entire esUblishment will go hand in
hand with the adoption of every modern method that will facili
tate the handling of a large and rapidly growing business. ' ; ,
Our many regular customers have nearly all met " '
MR T. H.
arid are familiar with the fact that he thoroughly understands
' the business of which he has just takeit the management and that.
v- y- - f '. - he is fully qualified to cope with the details incumbent upon such
V' L''i ;, r ' important duty. : - J.;. . '" 'V .
V " Already well merited, the new motto adopted for this store,
"A. Good Place to Trade . ; ;
company ahonld. paaa tha council ba
would veto it.
: JUvala Make Agreememt.
. The United Railways company found
itself forced to - make concessions - to
its competitor, and the result was sn
agreement" between the - two, - whereby
each waa to have equal righta on Front
street, save only that the United Rall
waya waa to be permitted, under cer
tain conditions, to regulate the use of
the line. . But with the conflict of in
terests at an end, the necessity for bid
ding againat one another for tha fran
chise haa ceased. Each company still
stands by-if original rash- offaiv-but
tha Idea of imposing a tax of ft per car
haa -been- quietly- abandoned - by--tbe
council as well aa by tha railroads.
' Many rlrcumatances suggsst that the
United - Railways company - and ' the
Southern Paclflo are working In har
mony, and there can be little doubt that
king, advertintni" Portland as the pack-
Ins center of the Pacific.
There is every reasonable assurance
that Portland will not be a one-packinghouse
city The Union Meet company
has purchaaedy4.W norew of lend neat
Troutdale, and Is reported: to re pre
paring to build a' large' packing plant
there. -It la positively stated that, this
plant will be an independent concern
and will afford competition In the buy
ing f livestock aa well as In ibe mar
ketlng of the products. With two great
packing-houses - and stockyards the
benefits are reasonably ensured to the
grower and the consumer. ,
The establishing of the Swift plant
will add Portland to the Hat of cities
from which dally livestock quotations
are printed In every newspaper in thai was. largely through Southern Pacific 1
(Sperlal Plipateh kr Leased Wire te Tne J normal)
- New -York.- March 17. "Buy - sham
rocks, Frlschsr shamrocks," walled Bol
omon Silverman, a peddler at Broadway
and Chambers street. Manhattan, today.
Policeman Patrick Murphy heard Solo
roon'a song. - -
"O wen, sktdoo," he said.
Solomon took his stand on the other
side of the street. .,
Policeman Murphy wss walking away
when he again heard: "Buy some sham-
ils scalp. Crock.f-laughed and-r rorka; cleave tne-ate; He-turned ba.4 faTinr&lf Of " blUouraesrrindigeettoir
: - i '1r you." he sald.'hava you a II- , ,K.m
sna neauawuo, m mum .uu.,
Thv am all radically and oerma-
r..ia. .tpMl emirt flrlth thm tm m .fK J ' ...
shamrocks went Boktmonv
H hsd ho license, your honor," "said
the cop.
"Belling shamrocks is no crime." said
Corner Third and Washington Sts.
.' . .'- ' . U ,1..f l.nH
lml DliMtrh lo The JuuruiLI .
Walla . Walla,. Vt ashMarch 1 ..-MTorty J... .
'Jewelers. , Silversmiths'
" Expert"WUn" Repalrinfr
Where Qtiafity;' Is at Ita Best."
lying four mllee
west of this city, appraised St 133 sn
acre, wss sold for tt.OOt this morning
' In one of Ihe hottest suction eslea ever
' held n this city. - Bids were rsUed tit
-wnrr-tiee - vit-v the-land aitally aolng
to Colonel M. Mtsrthy. The bidder-
revile ea-t other during the sal and
Andftnr ' ironyntt vonld hardly ken
track of the raises, they came. so fast
Influence -that the council was lined
up for the United Railways f ranohlse;
One fact haa been plainly .apparent:
The " Harrlman Interests ara striving
with all the power at their oommand
to eacludo front the city all other rail
road enterprises which might break,
down tha monopoly they have hitherto
enjoyed. The Willamette Valley Trao
tlon company threatened serious com
petition in the rich and productive ter
ritory to the south of Portland, and
waa a atill graver menace because of
the avenue through tha oity which It
would afford to the Northern Pacific -
xarriman's kTa ad Seem.'
. Under such- circumstances nothing
could be more natural than an alliance
between the Harrlman' lines and the
United Railwaye, the only agency at
hand through which a successful fight
could be made against tha Willamette
company. Simultaneously tha Oregon
Railroad ft Navigation company, - a
part of tha Harrlman system, is strlv
lng ' to secure an esolualva franchise
on East Third street, tha grea artery
of the warehouse district on the east
side Of the river. , The obvious purpose
Is to forestall any attempt by compet
ing Toads to invade tha district
The threatened invasion of Portlsnd
and surrounding territory by J. J. Hill
wlir"probabiy- force Harrlman to much
mere active, tactics than have -been
employed in tha past. He is now en
gaged In an aggressive ngbt In south
ern California againat the- great net
work of electric roads built up by IL
E. Huntington Jn and about lam An
geles. Dispstches from that .city jres-
Spring Ailment
Pimple, boils, eciema and other
eruptions, loss of appetite, thai tired
nentlv cured by Hood'a Barseparilla.
: This " Wat " medicine " thoroughly
cleanses the blood and restores healthy
j. ""J--""" T .. , ..:.,: tV.A .KU.t,m. Helllg. manager of the Marnuara urano
I mafiDirilV.TI al lT.,,v lie niSi;iUMAlsM4, UHfvWtI4H 4MiUIUl W r. sww 1-4 p -
foliage orove, Or.i Msrrh 17i W. C.
Cochran, a Cottage Grove photographer,
hss invented a process to mske rule for
printing purposes at low cost. He save
any printer -ceit make hla own. cuts in
hair an hour arv a rost or only 19 vr
3 cents S cut. 'Homo of his half tones
ere-very gnod.. The 'Invention is - net
perfected, ' . , ..
It makes people well
" I have been using Hood's Sarsapa
rilla aa a spring medicine for ten years,
and have never found anything better."
John Flemings, Campbell Hall, N. Y.
Accept no substitute for '
Hood'o Caroaparilla
Insist on having Uood'a.Tiet it today.
In liquid or tablet ions, f 100 Doeee $1.
.. . will become the by-word of-shoppers who seek to find in thelr
quest of house-furnishings .; , ;1 . , .'; ; , -
R-o Z Whether: they buy in large or
easonaoie trices qUantites.
Ql 4Vw Price considered, whether it be a Kitchen Chair or
liailtya high grade Set of Parlor Furniture. . ' '
Rl' fl'x So far as honest and truthful statements are
Cliablllty concerned. I v r '
V, f In up-to-date Furniture, CarpeU, Ranges, etc in-
.a.riey. stead of old, styles in. broken assortments. .
C- - From the clerks who are expressly engaged to wait
i OUrtCSy on you and to exert every effort to please you.:
These and many other points are incorporated in our motto,
A GOOD. PLACE TO TRADE," which is destined to become
a term honestly synonymous with the name EDWARDS COM
PANY, where . ' .'V"" ':'
'rices are
Rigkt P
ayments are-
Credit for You and Your Friends v Top
terday told of the acqulaltion by Harrl
man of tha Los Angeles Paclflo Electric
Interurban eyatem, which has a mile
age almost equal to the . Huntington
. . . - '
I At . present Harrlman Is threatened
with even greater danger 01 praipiu
lion In .pnrtland.-The advent -of -tha
Northern Paclflo Is not far distant, ane
other competing Hnea will undoubtedly
follow." Under these conditions the
opening of Front etreet, the great com
mercial -nrtery. of tha city. Is of vital
concern to-the Harrlman Interests and
K. thv are taklnc an active, though
secret patt In the franchise atruggls
does not admit of aispuie.
fl'ui.i tuanfltrk to The Jmirnil.l
' fiaker City, Or.. March 11. Baker'a
theatre, erected here three years ago by
George I Baker of Portland. "and after
ward purchased by the Oelaer Theatre
namnanv. waa today sold to Calvtn
of Portland, for ths Worthneeterw The-'
atrlcal assoclatloni- The conaioersiion is
not made publla. Helllg will place a
stock company hers during the summer
months, v - . . . .
iSnarlai r-rtofltrS teT Joerait.l '
. Pullman, Wash, Msrch i .-Muh
excitement wss csused here today hy
the shbltlon of a gold nugget 'wf
lng more than , found In tha glssard
of a chicken dressed this morning by
Mrs. J. M. Kl em sard, wife of a farmer
living eight miles west of Pullman.
' Klemgard brought the nugget to Pull
man and bad It tested by a local jeweler,
who pronounced it pure gold and worth
a creek or any slae and tha chicken
from which the nugget was taken' had
never been off of hla rarra. A thorough
search of that and neighboring farms
will be made by Klemgard and hla neigh
bors, who hop
placer grounds. -
to discover .paylagf
,:':.,':. sneadg tew Chinese : , I
' Uaarsal Sneelal gen lee. )
Washington, March 17. Dr. T. O. AUenJ
agsd et years. missionary to China
almost $.- Klemgards farm is not nearfcatied upon -th-preeldeBt-4oda,y. acit
urged relaxation of the eaoluslon laws
. . ... m i t ,
Half tha flattery In tha world is e
ponded on women, tha other half 01
Tallnred anri tallnp Hats Dldht Vn tn
the Hlnatf In Mylc. tTCJntl.arle(r :v,
In Plain fifiarcs. v ; t V
The Small Prices'
.... , "
. ,: !' ; - 1
' i