The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 18, 1906, Image 1

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    . 4
Journal Circulation
-Sbeersr southerly winds. .
"-VtW-iwV' N1. in I i I
Plant Will Have Capacity of
; X Five Hundred Cattle, One '''.;
Thousand Sheep and One
3-Thoueand.Hoge Dally..,.;
i .
Alaska end OrientBuyers WU1
4 Draw Upon Ranges of- State and
Sending Trainloads, Which Will Be
Shipped to Extensive Stockyards.
A great packing plant for Portland la
assured. Swift Co. of Chicago wUl
build a 11,060,000 plunt on th Peninsula,
Louis F. Swift, . president of the com
pany; and a number of his associate
in Portlnnd yesterday and arranges
merits ware concluded that will maka
Portland the largest livestock center on
the Pacific ooast '
"The company has ' acquired 1,808
acres on tUe peninsula. The plant will
V- M.Ai.v.n ..,1 MAmnljila - T will Innlnria
'extensive stockyards.", said. Mr. Swift.
"The object will be to supply the trade
of th PMiifln muL Alulu and. the
''orient.- The output will depend -on the
ability of the country. to supply tbs
materials.' The capaolty of the plant
wlU be BOO oattle, 1,600 sheep and 1.000
hogs dully." i. -,' ' '
: Mr. Swift said that Portland bad been
selected because of the great productive
country back of It. In this respect, ho
v sKtd, it was better. than the sound coun
try. The company win draw upon us
, ranges of eastern and central Oregon,
Washington; Idaho Montana.' Wyoming
and Utah for livestock of all kinds.
- Xrget la the world. .
Swift Cor- Jar the largest packing
-and refrigerating company in tlra world.
Louie F. Swift, the head of the concern,
lis the eldest son of the late - George
y. Swift -of Chicago, whose genlns and
.. industry xounoea me Dusiness ana oum
' It up to Us present proportions. lie la
a roan of extreme. modetyr studiously
T avoids publicity, and although be has
'made frequent trips to Portland In the
last year, the statement given by him
last evening to The Journal ta the first
authoritative one he has made . to any
..newspaper regarding the plans and pur
- oes of his company In Portland. .
.'The published statment that this
company has bonent the TTnlun Sleat
company la an error. It is also untrue
that ' any other parking company Is
connected with our Portland undertak-
ing, or that there la any mesk trust,"
-he said.-' - .-.
The company's plant will employ 1,000
men. the largest number of employe
in any packing house west of Kansaa
City and Omaha. - The large - number
Af acres required for this plant is partly
due to the extensive area needed for
stockyards. The company's buyers will
be constantly In the field, and consign
ments of sheep, hogs and cattle will
be continuously moving In trainloads to
Portland. It Is said there will be genu
ine competition In buying on the ranges
and farms, and for this 'reason the
plant wilt be a good thing for the runoh-
. men. ,:. ... , - ' . V ....
Oanaid Keats and By-Products. ,
Canned meats and all the by-products
Of . the packing house will be turned, out
of the Portland plant. .There will lie
i great quantities of tin, box lumber and
printing used, In the manufacture ana
marketing of canned moats, soups, lara,
aelattne. glue, hair and hides. A pack
ing plunt contributes a vast number of
commodities to inn mrrrnitnaifle or me
country. Wenh and inured 'meats form
the bulk of the oulput, but when these
are disposed of the - remainder "or an
animal's . caress is reduced to some
form of merchandise with the utmost
economy. .Nothing la wasted. In the
list of a rreat packing company's stock
insy be found sofa pillows, mattresses,
matches, buttons. . , '..
The Portland plsntwlllbe .located. Jn
ground lying between and adjoining the
rights of way of the Northern Pacific,
Oreat Northernand OrttrA N." Co.i
lines across the lower "peninsula.
"When will the plant be bulltt" was
asked. - " ' ' '.
"When the railroads are ready for
the business, the plant will be ready,"
waa tli reply. ' . ' ' .
Ortat Tictory fo City.
Negotiations for the peninsula Site
for..lue.plantwore begun, more than six
months ago, after , Hie . company's of
ficials had made a careful canvass of
the business situation, . transportation
firospects and an exhaustive study of
IVestock conditions In the Paclflo
northwest.' The selection of Portland
as the location for the plant la regarded
as ono of the greatest commercial vic
tories ever achieved by a Pacific coast
city. Itsjsommerclal Importances
Inestimable. .' Of a permanent charac
ter, the plant will not only be a large
employer of skilled labor and furnish
a limitless market for Paclflo north
west livestock, but It will grow steadily
in proportion with the Increase of popu
lation and productiveness of the-country
and the Increasing capacity to ab
sorb Its products. Its products will o
to every community from Dawson City
to old Maxtoo, and from Holser to I"e-
XConUuued on-Pago Iwo. - '
Promised Great Branch of M
'Ml ' enasssnse. Mwiini ii . irrr MHMHin,A-WiHMMMaMMMMIri 'BC ' , ',,, ,. , , r- ' i,..
Commercial Excursion to California Dined, Toasted and Posted
: , by Local Leaders Delegation Enjoys Immensely Every
" y: "V T"r J; Minute of Its Stay In the Rose City.'s
A reception charcterjstio of Oregon
hospitality was, accorded the .excursion
ists of - the commercial organisations
of the principal cities of "Washington,
en route to-southern California to booaM
lor me norm west, wnen ineir apeciu
train over ' the Northern Paclflo road
rolled Into the Union -depot at 5:15
o'clock' yesterday afterMfcn. y The wel
coming glad hand was extended by a
commute from the- Commercial club.
?J Z?i lir n,i I1,!"111" relations and the upbuilding of the
lowed toy a dinner and a ptibllo recep- p,clfl. Th. nnlM , .i,,
tlon at the. Commercial club, which was
thoroughly enloyed by host .and guest.
A gratifying feature ot-tne.ciuo re
ception waa the large attendance- of
Portland men and women who gathered
to meet the visitors f rnm.the. north and
wish them Godspeed upon their, jour-,
ney Into the ' Golden date state. Al
though It was Intended as a most In
formal affair, the majority of the men
present, visitors Included, appeared at
tired in evening dress. -Tne -.aomner
color- of their sutt -was 'ar fine- setting
for the dainty and brilliant gowns of
the women, the green decorations of
and tables and rooms making a -har
monious blending of colors. ' ' - .
--Appreciating the fact that the visitors
were, about to follow the tralL blazed
Into southern California by them when
they' visited that atate.A.few weeks ago,
the Oregon boosters gave advice and en
couragement, ' . e--
. . Purpose of Ixcurston.
F. W. liadbetter, president of the
club, presided. To his right sat Gov
ernor Albert ETMead of Olympla. It
waa during . th - Introductory ana wet-
coming remarks of Mr. Leadbetter and
resoonses by Governor Mead and others
that It was explained tnai me excur
sion was-gotten up the same as was
the tone from - thin state, not so .much
to boom Washington aa to advertise the
northwest, tell-the people or (janrornia
of the boundless resources ot this sec
tion of the United States and invite
them to come north and see for them
. W.r F. ' Sater." traveling - passenger
agent, nan cnarsja or . mo; imm imm
Beattle. It reached Portland ahead-of
time. It consists of a baggare-car,
chairckr. two Pullman sleepers from
Seattle, three from Taooma. a dining-car
and an observation-car. . Krom here to
southern California over ' the Houthern
Paolftd road - tho ' special, wm ce m
charge of WIIHam McMurray, assistant
aeneral passenger agent.
When the train arrived the following
oommfUee- from the Commercial ciua
and chsmber of commerce welcomed the
excursionists: F. W.', Isdbetter, II. M.
Cake, A. I Craig. A. 1. Charlton, Tom
nichardson.' WUIUm McMurray and A,
P, Tlfft. ' After, a photograph had been
taken of the 00 vtsltora special cars
were-taken to the -. Chambr r iof Com
merce. There they were met : by K. U.
Glltner, secretary of the chamber of
commerce, and shownrfhe display on the
soo-n4-ftoor""llalf an liour wss spent
there, when the gnesta adjourned to the
CommftrrUI cl"h " prQpr fnc iinwe,l
Bialng-Booaa a Sower.'''' .
The main dining-room had been pro
Dared,, for. the dinner.. On . the. north.
south and west side of the room the
smaller .tables were arranged In the
form of the three side of a square, it
waa around this table that the men sat,
facing the women, who were seated at
smaller-tabic in the center. In . the
entrance to the dining-room, an nrtliestra
was stationed. The tables were daintily
decorated with ' cut -flowers, . with gar
nishments of green artistically, arranged
among trie rovers, wnen cigars, wars
reached President iaaneuer or the
club welcomed the guests. y '
The best I csn wish you." continued
Mr. L-eadbetter. "is thst you will have
as good a time as we did when we went
others as to the beauties; possibilities
and richness ftf our country." He then
Introduced Governor Mead, ( who said:
Xespoase of Ooreraor Mead.
'We are having the time of our Uvea.
And while I would like to do a lot of
talking, 1 am generous enough to be
willing to divide the time with St. Pat,
rick or any or .. nia rricnns. ir your
friend Tom' Richardson ; left . anything
we are solus down there to get It; we
are going to bring any of
' Members of 'the Washington Party,
the relics we can . finat. in the state of
gold. ' That we will probably have' a
good time while we are gone is vouch
safed in the following telegram from
Charles Br Fea of .- San Francisco;" the
head of the Southern Paclflo ' road.
which . I will. read. Ha aaya:
"'Asa dahgtited ta kaesr ha4 youraelf
and party are en route - to - California.
Such visits are mutually helpful ana
Paclflo ooaat The people of California
everywhere are anticipating your visit
I-feei sure they will do everything In
their power to make It pleasant and
profitable. 1 trust your going Aver the
road of a thousand wonders.- from
Portland -te-ljos- Angelee.-wrllf prove one
of continued and unalloyed ' pleasure.
Let me warn you that we will, make
good Callfomlans of you. If wo can "
Governor Mead then said that he and
hi party felt it an honor to be so hos
pitably rocelytd and entertained by Port
land people, and that every moment of
the stop was being- enjoyed. " He said
he felt certain that the jetty appropria
tion bill would pas's, and that it would
be a means of opening up a port that
would rank with the beat In the world.
He hoped to see Portland one of the
largest commercial ports on the globe,
"We will not be Jealous of Oregon;
jre are faithful daughters of the state
or yours;, we recosmlse our mother; we
willingly admit it was through your
state that the pathway to the northwest
and our state wan biased, the path lead
ing to me settlement of the northwest
, Xnmas fo- Seattle, ' y r.
G. It. Revel le, a Seattle attorney, waa
next called upon. He paid special at
tention to his native city, saying the
time was coming when it would be the
third largest city on this continent with
New York and Chicago first and second
in the order named, - He concluded with
the remark -that Seattle and Portland
wonld some day be one city, but until
that dny rame would stand as one town
commercially on the Pacific roast.
"U-W. Pratt secretary of the Taroma
chamber of coinmeree, was Introduced
aa the booster of that city.) He said:
"Whn we alighted from, the train
we saw even, newsboys., wearing 'green
in their, buttonholes a tribute to the
KVergreen State." -
After payuia-'hls respects to Portland
and Its commercial 'bod lea, he good
naturedly took Mr. Revelle to tank for
boosting for Seattle and poking fun at
Portland and Tacoma. adding:' " '
'.-"We. are. going south, to. buost.for the
northwest' as a whole, to advance the
Interests of , all the cities of the two
great states, not singly, but collective
ly. What will help one will help all,
and what will boost t hern, will .advance
the interests of the entire northwest",
The concluding speech waa , by. Mr.
(Continued oiiiVe Two-
Taxpayers are demanding an explana
tion of tlie extraordinary policy of the
cfty council in. agreeing to d ID pose of
the Front street franchise . for little
more than one third of the sum Which
was offered for It only 10 days ago.,
At that time the Willamette Valley
Traction company offered to pay the
city $50,000 cash for the franchise,, to
0e4.t2. the., city, at the end. Pfjjyeyeaxa
me tracks to le constructed on Front
street and to pay a tax of $1 on evory
car passing over the line. When the
city attorney made the remarkable ob
jection, that tho. city could not legally
accept the gift of the Front- street
tracks, the Willamette company- offered
In lieu -thereof to pay an additional $80,
000 cash, making its total offer $110,000
besides-the tsx of $1 per ear. which It
Hi : estimated - would yield the - ctty at
least $458,000 during the 25 years for
whlult the franchise la ta run.
. -; ..... ... :"-r :
r i
UponlTheir Arrival at the Union. Depots-Photograph by Journal Start Pnotographer.
sand Dollars a Month for
' Year, With Smaller Expense ,
It Costs" Seventy-One Thousand Dol-
, lars to Cpxiduct Portland Poatoffice,
t Seattle Stventy-Sii Thousand Dol-
,'-'V'", ...... . t.
' Portland's postofflce did ' a ' larger
stamp business than Seattle's during the
fiscal year ending June to, ltos, and at
an appreciably smaller clerical -expense.
The' laStraiMrr nrTneaudlt6r bf the
postofflce department shows that . the
stamp receipts of the local office were
M1I.06J.2J. as against I404.67J.7I for
8eattl.'a difference of tlJ.119.J9 in
favor Tof; PortIand,ort an' average of a
little more than f 1,000 per month for
the year.
The same, report shows that the clerk
hire for the' Portland office was 171,
0(3.08 for .the. fiscal fear, while it coat
f?(,et.SJ to conduct the Seattle office.
The difference-was t5,2.J, or an av
erage of almost StOO'per month.
That the business of the office Is con
tinuing to- grow and gives promise et
this time of passing the SSOO.OOO-mark
by midnight on the night- of June SO,
10. Is . apparent by - the , monthly In
creases, ihown during lmrJerr-1906, J
and" January and- February' of this-year.
The - Increase ' last .December over the
last month of 104 was 10 per cent;
'January, , l0t, : over , January, 1906, JS
per cent; Increase last month over Feb
ruary, 1105, 25.2 per cent .
..-i'ajtasap Salee Orow..-.- .
i The atamp sales for January aggre
gated S47.84t.OS and for February,
which had but 38 days as against 31
for January. : 845,178.24.' The dally re
ceipts, for February Including Sundays
and holidays,- were Sl.SlS.M. If that
rate la continued throughout the fiscal
yeac Of SOB days the total stamp bual-
ess of the local office will aggregate
8588.881.15. . or about four times the
business done last year by Spokane or
Tacoma, more than that of Omaha or
Columbus, i Ohio, and comparing favora
bly with Denver and St. Paul, both of
which are larger than Portland.'
During' the calendar year. 1905 the
focal - postofflce , did about 88,000,000
worth' of, business Iri the money order
department. Postmaster. J. W. Mlnto
says-that he expects , to see an Increase
of from 25. to SO per cent In the postal
business this 'year...'. '
ilia . lUIIUWlllp - ,.uni)l,l W .a.-.v
shows ' the sale of stamps at the, main
: (Continued on Page Eight)
- A t the em time-4he I'nlted Rail
ways " was offering HSO.'GOO casV for
the. Front , afreet franchise and about
two miles of streetcar right of way on
other, streets. ',.
Both to TJse Street
- The council now proposes to give the
two-companies a Joint use of Front
street the United Ralywaya to pay
81BO.O0O and- the Willamette .Traction
Is to be permitted to make a awitchlng
charge of $2.50 per ear each way on
every, car belonging to any other per
son or corporation. This last provision
imposes upon the shippers of Portland
for a quarter of a century to come a
tax which the great majority of them
regard as highly exorbitant.
- The action of the 'council seems in
capable of any reasonable -explanation.
If the purpose was to secure as large
a. return aa. poaelbla. for.tbe franchise.
.,, ., i,.. n
CigarJickel-in-the-SrotMachlnes -.-AlsdTaken-- Out Dealers -
Threaten to Spend Fortune in Enforcing Blue Laws
and Close Up Sound 'CltyT'gh''';.';;""
' (SpeeUl Dletek U Tb JoornsL) ,
"Seattle. March lf.Mayor- Ballinger
this afternoon Issued an order that dice
shaking for trade and -all other forma
of gambling to encourage trade oper
ated In saloons and retail glgar stands
tnnst cease at onoe. - Tim afternoon
patrolmeo and a . sauad of detectives
put the order into, affect at once. , Two
daya ago Mayor Bellinger forced the
saloonmen and cigar dealers to remove
their- slot - machine. - - Within a - few
hours . after - he did so the saloonmen
and cigarmen replaced the machine with
dice games'and did a flourishing trade.
So defiant , were they of the mayor'a
order that many of them commenced
operating dice .games, that were, marked
with card emblems and paid just aa
they did on a alot machine.
The . mayor's order - abolishing dice
gamea this afternoon caused consterna
tion ' among the cigar dealers. Joe
Scblump, the most popular retail dealer
in -Seattle, who owns three large retail
cigar stands, closes his places of busi
ness and declared that he would devote
a considerable fortune he possesses to
enforce every blue law on the statute
books. Bchlump's friends are trying to
Induce him to withdraw from bis atand
and late tonight he opened up his places
of business, still declaring be would
have revenge.
Within a few houra after Mayor Bal-
llnger's order was put Into effect,
George 'Mead Emory, representing the
cigar dealers' association, called upon
Mayor Ballinger and demanded that the
cl"ttr J'r. hie llratsr--were' entitled
ia w acut.wua itiriy. .XMr iroa-iuivni. :
In the opinion- of - the ' attorney, eon-
slsted in - enforcing all ' the blue laws.
(Special Plspatrk by Iesstd Wire to The Joernal)
New York. March 17. Rumors of a
big defalcation In the police department
set headquarters humming with gossip
tday.- Commissioner Bingham, when
the report wae mentioned to-him, said
that It was true that he had discovered
a shortage of 38,887 In the contingent
fund for 1905. ,
"Of thie aum," declared the commis
sioner,. "Mr. Howell, who was secretary
to Commissioner McAdoo. owns, $1.00
It appears that Commissioner Bing
ham has been doing some searching of
the books and has unearthed some in
teresting information as to the various
sounds during the i McAdoo reign. .-For
Instance, the short-lived vice squad, that
succeeded in besmirching so many 'po
licemen connected with if cost the city
$1,840 In' expenses. These expenses in
clude. the money spent by plain clothes
men getting evidence against disorderly
housua. purchases of wteanl f oodieeb
hire and money paid to women. ,
then It Is plain that a much greater
revenue" would have resulted to the city
from such a car tax as was offered by
the Willamette ' company. If the pur
pose was to make Front street an open
and unrestricted avenue for the city's
commerce.' then It wss an obvious mis
take to allow the grantees 0f the fran
chise to collect from shippers the heavy
twitching charge provided .for t In the
ordinances.. ,.. , .. ; -
Ten daye age the United Railways had
a decisive majority of the oouncllmen
who were ready to ''give the company
the first right of way over front street
Mayor JLane sent for the representatives
of the two corporations' and informed
them that under no circumstances would
any railroad company be permlted to
acquire superior rights on Front street
He warned them that If any- ordinance
granting such-superior, rights to either
Continued, en Page Two.)
"istsWsiBVTn j ..inesnxeasssjsBssssBai, i
. - -treigj
He demanded 1 that the . mayor Issue an
order to the police to. close all saToon
theatres, restaurants and other places
of business tomorrow. Mayor . Ball in
ger refuaed to accede to the demands.
declaring that ha wae satisfied that the
prssecuting attorney could enforce the
law trpon the statute book. ... ' r
. The Rats 11 Cigar Dealers' association
Will hold a. meeting on Wednesday. At
an informal meeting tonight the more
radical dealers were In favor of getting
out warrants for every person who vio
lated the Sunday closing law tomorrow.
However, the majority wished to give
Mayor-elect Moore, who will take office
on Monday, a chance to allow the dloe
games or slot machines to return. If he
does not do so at WeJneaday'a meeting
a fund will be raised to employ counsel
and detectives to secure evidence to the
end that all of the blue laws be strictly
enforced. They declare they will close
Seattle tight and force a repeal of the
lawe at the meeting of the next legisla
ture : . ;
There is little chance of Mayor Moore
allowing the slot machlnea or dice games
to return. He . was elected largely
through bis repeated pledge to close up
Seattle and see. that all laws were en
forced. The liberal element throughout
the oity cut Moore. He received no sup
port whatever among the liberal "ele
ment He - waa elected by the church
and business element - Mayor Moore,
since bis election., has declared that he
will give Seattle a closed town. ' The
fact that the majority of the retail cigar
men were openly supporting his. oppor
hertfand offering to wager money on
Ripllnger'a aucoess doea not put them
In a- favorable- position to ask favors
pf the new executive. L;:
(Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to The Journal)
Lakewood, N. J., March 17. A email
army of curious persons marched on the
country - place of John D. Rockefeller,
near this resort today, where It was de
clared that tho oil king bad been dwel
ling In seclusion since February 8. - They
were surprised at wuat they saw.- The
orders of the. supreme court of Missouri
are not valid In New Jersey, and con
sequently MK Rockefeller, Is safe from
subpoena-servers with the writs secured
by-Attorney-General Hadley, so long as
he does not cross the . bounds of the
state.- ;-;.!'
Mr. Rockefeller . has taken great pre
cautions,- nevertheless, to guard himself
from the minions of the kJssourt courts,
He Is Bald -io fear that he may be kid
naped and , taken out of the - state of
New Jersey.
To prevent such an event ha.oaa had a
huge-searchlight Installed on the place,
The searchlight rakes the r hole neighborhood-
at nlgtirmnd makes It impossible
for anyone to r.pproach the place - at
night. Mr.' Rockefeller has been seen
walking about the grounds several times
this week..
(gpeelal Dtstxtrb by Leased Wire' to Tbi Joeraal)
-H8an- Francisco,- March- 17-. Six hundred
horaeshoers this - mnrning joined In a
sympathetic strike with the Stablemen's
union. Isolated non-union shops, employ
ing 30 men all told, had their doors open
In Main street and It wae Impossible to
get horses shoed, and this condition will
probably continue until the stable-owners
accede to the demands of the union. The
only horses which msy be shod In the
city Todd? reThos-ortire -ftre depart
ment and United States mall service.
Th demands of the stableman are for
$2.60 per day and not more than if hours'
work, and that not more- than 20 horses
shall be tended by one hostler.
Xairrlae Bagllak airL
(JoHenst Sgerisl H-rrtr. )
Ixndon. March 17. Roar Admiral
Joseph Foster of th Amnrtnart nnvy was
married tixlay to Miss Joaephlii Jlullt. a
Uravusond school mistress. i
1.000 Men
m m ifw
Judge Hamilton to Publish .
Book on Insurance Reveal
" ing Secrets of New York
Life Management.
Brother ; the Perfect Lady antf
Hornblower the Pecksniff and
Talleyrand Trustees . Place Blame
oo Dead President. -
(Special Dsipatch by Lessee Wire to The Joaraallj
Albany, N. T., March 17. Andy Ham
ilton la to write a book. - Four of the
chapters. It la statedr will bear tUe fol-. "
lowing titles: ...
"Hew Curs and Traitors Kilted John
A- MoCaU."- , 1
"George W, Perkins, the Judas." .
"Kdward R. Perkins, the - 'Perfect .
!JIornblower, the Pecksniff and TaU ..
ley rand."
The book will, deal with. Insurant -mattera,
and judging by Judge liamll
ton'a recent speech before the Arm
strong committee, wTIl no That ' sluAV
. The astounding but real surface dls-
closures made - by the VJudge" before .
the Armstrong "committee on Thursday
are, it is understood, to-be a prefaoe to .
the -thrtimig details of Just how "Cura r
and-TraitoTe"-Wer the president of
the New York Life to his grave by -plotting
for his financial end social
overthrow; how George W. Perkins,
while prstendlng to be McCall's loyal .
friend, waa actually aeeklng to grab '
that officer's seat and how he waa aa
elsted by his brother, Edward R-. stig- .
matlsed by his critics aa the "perfect
lady," and other members of the New ,
Tork . Life board . of . trintees, .
Hernbiowar'a frantic daniala 4)t.Ham-l
Uton's "yellow dog" charges, coupled
with the establishment by New Tork
directors of a "know nothing" party, ao
far as the collection and disbursement
of the "yellow dog" fund are concerned,
has incensed Hamilton mightily and he ,
Is now engaged in the preparation not
only of corroborative evidence of his
accusations, but of a declaration of the
peculiar roles played by each of the-'
executive officers In the practices whlot '
he was charged with.
Hamilton - intends "To- tell" trie Arm- --r
strong committee, if permitted, or If
not given a hearing, to disclose through,
the press how during the period when '
John A. McCall was being charged witu
having misappropriated the funds of
the New York Life. Oeorge W. Perkins
was patting him on the back, excusing
and defending Mm and pledging- Mm--htn
eternal devotion, while he waa secretly -
forming a combination to throw blm
out of the presidency. ' -
Trustees of ST aw Tork Ufa ataxias;
:. . Dead Presldsat Scapegoat.
(Special Dlieateb by Leased Wire te The Josraatr
New Tork, March 17. "Everv trus
tee of the New Tork Ufa Insurance)
company Is now engaged in trying to
throw aU the blame for 'Andy Hamilton
and the "yellow dog upon John A. Mc
Call. ...
"Hamilton is engaged In showing that
every one of the trusteee of the com
pany was thoroughly cognisant of th
relations between th New Tork. Life
and the legislative bureau which he
headed. Hamilton evidently has all
th better of it at this time, and will
fore the trueteea to' show their hands
before long." .
Thla was the summing up "of the sit
uation today by one closely Identified
with the old regime of the New York
Life. . ; . ,
Hamilton's atxplaaatlom. -
"I always explained to President Mo
Call -and the executive force what tfl
expenditures were needed for," 'said"'
Hamilton. "If I - were in Chicago and
needed $5,000 I-wonld - drawSn drdef""
upon th company, I would r wire at
one and tha comptroller would)1 lnatrnct
th cashier to pay th money. . The
money would be forwarded te Chicago
and the voucher returned.
- "This expenditure would then be car
ried among the dally expenses, then car
ried to the weekly atatement along with
other Items and compared with like ex
penses of the previous yoaf. .These
statements ahu wonld show th amount '
expended from the beginning of th year
down to date, so that there would b a "
check from day to day, from week to
week and from month to month.
"Th requisitions and voochers. of
course, were passed upon by th audit- -Ing
committee and the board of trustees
whenever they met It waa their busl
ness to be In th office vrf,dy.
That's what they wore paid for and l( la
lmpotble for them to wrlgsle -u of
the dllomrna tn Which they find them
selves. Klther thoy did not attend Ij -dutlea
for which thsy were paid or
were fully aware of what I was doing
- "In olther case they were guilty of
culpable negligence." 1
All this aud mora Hamilton l r- r
to testify to at the right time. I I
not determined when he will I t t
narmtlon or nm outer i'"P" ' i r.n
pt-o.,ii-fd but aU are l;tt-iy d .
i i :
1... : v .-