The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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. .. ' " ' -
-. nm " ' i
i . tm
'k.i I. to be mad. The conflict of
- authority-batweeu -Acting .Chief -Urlts-u.
...j Detectives Bruin
has ton brought to a crlSls.The ues.
, tlon that is air.aay miw "j
. 'ber of the department and outsiders-lay
"Is there any head or ne p" wr.
" If thre t. who te a r Grlts
;."" machef T" ' -
- The present upheaval has bceii brew-.
. " ing for. a los -That a crisis was
T 7iproacning tut ee-lUby ahejnen
of the department; The expose In con
- inectlon with the Kuhn case end the
sudden resignation of Detective Kerri
u n precipitated It sooner than wai cx-
, petted. Z 7 . 1 - ., ""TjST'
' Set Xaf onnatioa toon, i,
TSwTth a week ftoF Jttltue-Kntin
, "m shot down In hU saloon tnforma
Uou wa placed In tha band of Detec
tives Kerrigan ana Snow relative to the
theory upon which they are believed to
be working. To the person who irave
them-thls information theysaid a few
. day later that they had run the due
"duag and found that It wa antenable.
Th7 declared day after day that they
hadn't the slightest Information; to
the Identity of the murderer.
"There will be a reward offered in
day or wa, I think, and then we will
probably be able to get boom definite In
formation. ' -
"""This was the statement made by De
tective. Kerrigan almost every time ha
was asked about progress on the case.
"I understand that the Liquor Deat-
ers'tisBoclation f going o taks the
, matter p and offer a big reward,'' he
said at other times. ... f - . ; .
t The detectives never lost an opportune
ltv .to mention a reward and the lnfor-
nteCTrTtw;itnf'W'uH in miming' urn
The cry from day to sUy was . "reward.
ful ta state that of cours they had,
no interest tsi it; they only thought It
- might induce somebody to tell them
Wo Soporta of Progress. ' 1
- In the meantime Captain Bruin asked
frequently for reports of progress tn
- the case. He got none. Though tha
captain la tb officer entitled to receive
such reports, he couldn't get a word
from the man working on tha ease. . -
.... .. . j can gt a word out of them,", was
"the captain's dally - statement when
, asked for Information.
Learning that the detectives had bean the district attorney seeking a war-
rant and claiming to have information
that would warrant them in making an
arrest. Captain Bruin demanded a' re-
port. Then he was told by the officers
' that their report was in the hands of
Chief' Qrttsmacher. After applying to
the- letter. Captain Brwla finally got -a
report, from this ha foVmed a theory
which ha believes ta tha same that was
being; worked, upon by the detectives.
:.rpU to floss Biieetoa.
:-Whea Captain Bruin learned of the
Issuance of tha warrant he Immediately
- demanded from Snow and Kerrigan a
. report aa ta what Information they had
' and tha Identity of their suspect. - Ker
rigan declined to make a statement,
- and soma hot words followed. Tha re
sult was that ho and Snow were oiled
before the Bailee aoBuolaalon to explain
their action.
During tha Investigation in the pri
vate apartments Of Mayor Lane In the
- Oregon hotel Kerrigan manifested a
belligerent attitude. Ho declared that
Thomas Greene of tha police committee
attempting-ae bun off the
force. -This accusation against one of
tha members of his oommiaston stirred
tha wrath, of the mayor. Ua waa also
. disturbed because Kerrigan waa talk
ing loud . ..
.. 'Sea hare, Mr. Kerrigan. I will not
allow any auch loud shouting as that In
this- rdtora. said tha mayor. "If you
want to talk like that you will please
go outside.
"1 will resign from tha department,"
declared ' Kerrigan, angrily.
7 "It might be a pretty good thing for
you to do," responded the mayor.
-JeJiove that Detective Kerrigan's
resignation be accepted," interposed
Mt"orimieeioner"Jrene. -
XeetgnaUoa . Accepted.
second the motion," promptlyra
sponded Commissioner Babln.
"Moved and seconded that Detective
- Kerrigan's resignation from the police
force be accepted," said the mayor quick
ly. "All In fsvor of that motion sig
nify It by saying "aye.'"
' Commissioners Babln and Greene voted
- in the afllrmatlve.
. "The motion - is carried and so or
dered," declared the mayor. "Tour res
ignation Is accepted, Mr. Kerrigan."
The majror declared that an attempt
would be made to unravel the entan
glement. I am a little sorry -we accepted the
resignation of Kerrigan yesterday," he
' ssld, "I believe we should have failed
to recognise his resignation and placed
Mm on trial for insubordination because
ef the menner kn which he talked to
the committee. There is something be-
' neath all this snd it msy come out.
, The .committee are at work on the
matter now. The fact that the de
tectives made a fake report, to Captain
Bruin: that they attempted to get Mrs.
Kuhn to put up the reward and attempt-
i ed to get her to sign a John Doe war
rant which- would lead to the arrest of
her own son looks suspicious to me." .
c who suffered for
years from a weak stomach
and disordered -4iver - have
"been restorrd.-to robust
health by the Bitters. We
believe it will cure you as
welL Try a bottle today,
For Indigestion Dyspepsia,
Costivness', - Heart
burn, Bloating, Poor Appe
tjte.Colds or Grippe it is
'm uneouaiitii - . -
nw aJfll
i tt 3 ,rer -h r---
Makes the
breads, cake and
Royal Baking Powder is of highest quality,; always
pure, wholesome, uniform. The contents of each can are
exactly like every othe'r,-and-will retam their strengA
freshness regardless of climate or season. . r
- . Remember that Royal is a pure, cream oLtartar ba-
king powder, absolutely tree rrom alum
"(Continued from Pag One.y
clflc on the eaat side, with a monopoly
of the business, is ft, or ti.tO each way,
the same charge which it Is proponed to
allow on Front street. .With competing
roads operating over Front street they
think the charge should be much lower.
A number ' of large shippers who -were
Interviewed this morning expressed tha
oninlon thst the charge of IS would be
unt isonably high. . 1'letoher Linn of
the Oregon Furniture company aald that
ha had found thia to ba the, general Im
pression, although ha is personally in
clined to the belief that a 16. charge
will impose no particular burden on the
shlDDlns Interests, v
"The majority of the shippers think
that a switching charge of S Is exces
sive and they believe that the maximum
should not be over $,", said Mr. Linn.
"That la tha general opinion- among tha
Booth-Portland shippers.-The -experKi
ence of our company haa been, however,
that any switching charge la absorbed
In the freight charges of the road ovor
which tha goods are shipped, so that It
does not make much dlfturerwe to the
Shipper whether the charge is II or ."
Representatives of .tha Luckel, King A
Cake Boap company, tha Portland Lum
ber company, Weber Brothers' tsnnery
nd ' ether South- Portland manufactur
ing concerns expressed themselves a
of tha opinion that the II charge would
be excessive.
It has been pointed out. that even
though the switching charge . of i
should not be excessive st tills time, it
should not be Imposed for the term t
21 years. The 'proposal" nas"DPcmnnde-
that provision snoum ds maae in in.
ordinances for a revision of the charge
every Ave years. Improved methods ol
operation -may greatly reduce the cost
of switching to the railroads, and' the
shippers should share In the benefit ol
such reduction. This Idea .Is said ta
meet with the approval of Mayor Lane.
and wlU probably be Included among bU
reoom mendn t Ions.
Aa the Front street ordinances now
stand the city council has surrendered
altogether the proposed tax of 11 per
car and has" flxtxf the switching chsrge
at a fUture -which is regarded by many
shippers as too high. Aa facts come to
light rejtandiDg the amount of business
that will be transacted over the Front
street line, it becomes Increasingly ap
parent that the franchise is of much
greater value than has been generally
"No exclusive . franchise for a rail-
ifhe Dcleggtes to the Conference at
...... ..." . : '.
-: , ' Vy- : - : . J
,:. 1 r ' -
'7- vv-" ; " , .-
finest, lightest, best flavored biscuit,
pastry. '
way line on Fronf street wtlt be granted
if it is within my power to prevent It"
said Mayor Lane thia morning. "That
road should belong to. the people and no
private corporation should ba permitted
to control It and by so doing bottle up
the kyto the commercial Interests of
the west-side of the river. The city
should own s"Bd operate this road and
p.rm(Wany corporation desiring en
trance to the city to travel over It," '.
This expression shows that the mayor
la not pleased with tha franchise which
the city council pioposea granting to
the United Hallways company, which
wlU give them control of the traflle
over Front street, and that If - it Is
passed ha 'will veto the measure when
It comes to him. , -
'.There may" bebther' Jokwa In that
franchise." continued he. "If there are
I am going to find nenmnt."
this morning ordered 100 copies of the
United Railways company's frenorrrtie
printed. These I am going to dlatributa
among tha attorneys and business men
of the city for their scrutiny. I am
going to ask them to read this fran
chise and pick it to pieces, and see if
there are Jokers in 1C We mean to
have this thing rlffht or not at all."
It Is understood that tha decision of
the mayor will be supported ' by tha
members of the ohamber, of -commerce
and board- of - trade who. remonstrated
to tha council against granting any one
company control over the Front street
road, and who favor the munteipai eon
troi of. such a line.
Tht Late Professor S. P. Langley, the
, Aeroplane Inventor.
v' ';
1 vV.VA
The Picture Shows the Varioaa Representatives .pLthe Differ
ent Powers. . ' . - -j. ' .:
or phospnauc aaa.
State President Lectures and
Many Questions Discussed . :
- : : by. Members.
tspeelal Dlateh te The Joorntl.)
Woodburn, Or., March 17 Tha Ma'-'
rion county W, . C8 T. U. concluded
successful two daya' Institute In this
city last -evening-when tha state presi
dent, Mrs. L. F. Additon. delivered an
sddrsss.. , Much Interest was manifested
and considerable work done. The medal
conteat was decided In favor of Miss
Daisy Mulkey with Miss Arda Feller
receiving honorable mention. The ether
contestants were: Misses Carrie Black-
mun. Beulah Kilgore, Eunice Vreden
berg. Juanita Parker and Avon Mc
Kinney. The Judges were: Mrs. L.
F. Additon of Portland, Mrs. Hair of
Turner and Mra. Coulson of Kcotts
- Bnapahots of Oregon laws- relating
to Sunday desecration, the sale of llq
uor, tnbaoeo end otbar evils; how to
use W. C. T. U. literature effectively,
financial value of woman's work in the
house,' woman's responsibility In govern
ment, liquor JrafTlo and missions, how to
successfully combine church work and
the W. C. T. V., how to kill the liquor
traffic within Ave years, temperance edu
cation In high schools and -colleges,
creating a dry constituency ss essen
tial to a dry lecrislatura and other pa
pers were read and discussed at yester
day's sessions. . ,
(Journal Rpwtal SrT(r.)
-Cincinnati,- March 17. Johann Most,
the celebrated anarchist, who for a week
past haa been 111 at the home of a friend
In this city, died thia noon. Moat won
fam at the time of the Ilaymarket
riots in Chicago by his radical writings
apd utterances, and the outbreak la al
iened to have been largely due to the in
fluence of hla publication
Ha ' was tried ..for complicity in tha
bomb throwing but the chsrges aaainat
him could not be proven though an at
tempt was made to establish complicity
through tils editorial utterances.
To Develop Coal melds. .
Vancouver, B. C- March 17. A party
of American capitalists have orgnnlsed
to develop the coal fields of Alberta on
an extensive scale.
Wife of Manhattan Phytician
' . Sues ' Spouse of Wealthy"
Rancher for Damages.
TJfflirBt-tipfll gmlcsU..
Lewlston. Morit. March It A decide
Maud Hedaesr -wife- of Dr. Itaiplt 8.T
Jiedgesc a leading phyHlclan, brtnglnii
action In the district oourt-agamsi-Airs.
Adelphlde Belcher, wife of a prominent
Lavln isncher and land owner, to M9-
covsr-IZH.OOOk flam a ge,--Hegn ' M rey
Belcher alienated' her husbaqd's affee-
tlans. - .. "
Mrs. Belcher, who la beautiful and
accomplished woran and wealthy In
her .own right, came to twiston ' In
December last for medical treatment.
Dr. Hod atttfrTflod he'" '-.zz.
The complainant- alteire-tnat-Mrsi
Belcher -became - infatuated -with her
medical advisor and by lavishing- guts
upon kinwaa well aa by her great per
sonal charms, auooeedesl in winning- his
a flections. ' It Is further alleged that a
a result f tha attachment Dr. Hedges
deserted his wife and three minor chil
dren, who sre without means of sup
port. .. , " ... 1 '. -7
Pf, Hedges enjoyed a large practice
here, but left the city a few daya ago
and It is not known where he Is now.
The news .'of the action is a great sur
prise to -friends. Mrs. Hedges' attor
neys are three PC the leading meraoers
of the bar here.
Vain Appeals Being Made" to the
Will Nott Be Gathered.
(Journal Special 8rTlee.t -
-Thlngo. Mnrnh 1 7. FrontjSLoyr--the.
west acneals are being mode to em
ployment bureaus In Chicago for lborj
era. The scarcity or labor has almost
reached tha point, of a famine, and there
la already great alarm lest H be impos
sible next July to get' men enough to
gather the wheat crop in the middle
west 8t Louis, Kansas City and San
Francisco are Xh three cities that have
made tha moat urgant call of help.
Mechanics and unskilled laborers ore
in great demand and employment bu
reau are unable ta meet tha calls.
The western rallroada are in distress
en account ef the lack of labor.
It is aald by tnsn conversant with the
general situation that 16S.000 additional
men are needed for building operationa
From San Franclsoo and other ooaat
cities appeal are being made for do
mestic help There Is an unusual
scarcity, of female laborers for house
work. r .. ' ' -
BoecU! DUsetcb te The Joaraal.)
Fet. -irove. Or., March IT. Lt
last night, et.yraiiHn ni.i ail n .
I ne cose wi v.. a vumy
Smith, a minor, on a-charge of lor-
eeny by bailee preferred by Bump, was
decided in favor of Mis 8mi
The young woman had sold goods and
failed to turn ever the money to Bump,
and when tha family was starting for a
trip to California aha was arrested. Mr.
Bmith, the father of the young- woman,
will bring a damage suit against Bump.
' (Journal Special Berrlee.)
' Panama, March 17. The Panama
Journal, a Liberal organ, which has re
cently been publishing attack upon tha
Amadora administration charging lr
renularltles amounting to millions in
connection wlth tha. canar-asoney-haa
been suppressed.
. iTouiuml Buwlal Srrtf
Kew York. March 17. Samuel
Howe, treasurer oX the Chicago & North
western railroad died suddenly at tha
elevated station thia morning.
... . '
. Martha Wolf
(Journal Special Berrlee.) '
Cleveland. Ohio, March 17. Martha
Wolfensteln, the authoress, daughter of
Vr. B. Wolfensteln. died this morning
st the home of her father in this city.
When Stova Fassed r- 9
t Was bwiy wits, my plowlof, . .
.When Lev paaiwd hr.
"Oooie," crlM, thr dra4glag;
Utmt dellfbts sr. Um and edtafi
Wket hath mm ( all hU atrlTlns,
All hi. planntst and estrWlnt,
Here baath tb. skyt
Wb.s th. grar. apes to receive Dim
Wwltb .ad wit aad horror, leave him
Lot. n4ur fur .yet"
Bet I eiwwer: "I em nlewlng.
Wbes with .trail- sad eves farrow
all the arid a eovsnd theieagfe,
I will follow."
Ijov (uh by. k "
t was Ira.jr with my sowing, ""
Wben Lot. p.Md by. -Oome."
h crtel, "lve e' thy telUng;
tm thy Bull tlios katt bet bwIIIbs -
rollew a.r rb.r. Bw fertile
Bleam umvi wltb ruee aad myrtl.,
L.agtalDg te rb. nkj; . ...
I.nh for joy th. thonund naWms
Btre. and bruoli th. la of hint hour J
All ennot.4 flr.T :
Bat t auawend: "I mm so wins.
K'bn my acres ell .re planted.
Uladly te tby realai eachaat.d
t wUl follow." , . . , : , .
Love paHd by.. " . .
. . ' '
I was bnay with my reaping,
- Whn Lot. aaeud by.
"Oome," she erled, "thoe plsnted'.t .grlavlag.
Hlpamd sorrows art tboa be.Tlog..'
th. be.rt II. rmiow, vtin
arsered .tore. Thy w.alth of grals -la
than Love's knwt MSB.
Rait ther for the hoar, tut dwindle;
be the pyre ef Hope shall Sladl. .
Ja llf.'. weatera sky." . -Set
I ssawered: "I am rraptog.
Vi'brs with eong of yoetb and maldM -Horn,
the hert-f.rt eomei,. fulHad.n,
I wUl foUow."
tov. peaeed ty, .lf;;;.:j..:.;-:s.
I bad gathered la my barvet,
- Wea ! aaed by.
Ht.T," .Jld to hr, awlft sptedlof , '
Taming set, my ery imheeuins
"SU7, O Urm, I fain wenld fallow, -
Juy tf nlsbt, O fleet-winged swallow
Ch.Tlas twUlght sky!
t .a old and worn aad weary.
Void my Sell), sad be.rt -aad dreary,
Wltb tb. would I t
Oafnered woe b) .11 mp, harvest, -fad
gboata of my dead, berxt baeat ma.
Fierce rrtt, like daiaoBe, taunt me . .
Stayl I follow!"
Love sened by. -
1 Soleaoa Sallsokia.
Tou don't have topump the organ
to find out all tha ohurck foMin.
6 Pe M.
6-qt. Royal Enamel Berlin Kcllle
-r f ?, ...... ",;
: Regular" . n
No. 5 Steel Fry Pan
30 Cents JJ.
aa i .
1 J '
VI j-rOB TsTJB miVII OAWalOS'-Most everybody wilt wont -more
or less papering dona within the aesfstxty daya. . Cone In NOW-and teniae
on the matter of colore and patterns. - We have all tha latest design.
Samples to out-of-town customers. J - ...
"We Also Sell Palntsr That Won't Com Off"
Do Not IHUy Making Tour Arronfementa for BpHng House Clearing.
Portland Paint & Wall Paper Co.
. - mi rTJMTOg-ooi.ovBP raoirr. rf.r"
jTp gtooaq Sits i so, Bevarswn Jsovvlso
;-"-'' l .... u ; -.1 e-
Furnisheft Absolute Protection in lite"
-insurance t the Lowest Possible Cost;
W. M. LADD, Pres. T. B. WILCOX V.-Prts.
EDW. COOKINGHAM, 2d V-.Pres.. - .:
A Bati at aotory Apology.
' When a Booth Carolinian wanft good
whiskey he does not as a rule buy it
from the South Carolina ntate dispen
sary, but orderr it direct -from the dis
tillery, tha whiakey being delivered to
him by expresa tn what ia , termed -la
the state "four full Quartd. A week
or two before Christmas a wall-known
man in tha central part of the. state
ordered "four full auarts," and on Its
receipt waa surprised to find out that
it-waa-ne -aa ood-whlakejrjaa he had
been getting. .
- Accordingly-tha man most concerned
wrote a letter to tha distillers, telling
them that a mistake had undoubtedly
been made. A few days later he re
ceived tha Xollowlns self-explanatory
l5ear air Tours of the sixteenth tn
Stent to hand, and we hasten to apolo
gise for an error In one of our shipping
clerks. The clerk in question expressed
to you tour full quarts of the brand you
ordered Intended for the South Carolina
dispensary. By express today we send
your four full quarts of the genuine ar.
tlcle. Again craving your pardon for
tha- error and soliciting your' further
favors, we beg ta remain,
"Ton r very respectfully."
Spread the World's Table
along every line of longitude from
-NorthoSoji;eTery parallel of
latitude fronvEast to ' West j pile
thereon the foods of every clime and
will surpass them all in the elements
which maktf a perfect world-foode T;-:
T(J In a dst tuht,
(t2 moistur$ proof packagt.
TO 9 P. M.
anA Ta toil.
Wone SftaiB -487.
ser as BvmirsxBi tnsxr.
J.CNussbaumer and H. Keeper
4 - Froprtetora. ' . .
JL PARTfl OF THlfl L'lT I.
Phone East 73
Hard MM
Corvallis, Or., March 17. tn the pro
hbltion oratorical eonteet held at O. A.
C laat night, the first place and Sold
medal were awarded to John Achroder,
who will represent O. A. C. In the state
prohibition contest to ba held at Cor- .
vallls In April. The sexwnrt pl-r nd
Bold medal waa won by Elmer Rawsoa