The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1906, Image 1

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    dfy MMin cloudes1 winds V" " ty . Wa5,(
v67vr67 1oT v Z17" :V FT? Portland. Oregon, Saturday evening.. marchTk, loosTTxf Epagest , : PRcB-TwoCENTs?J'cS5'
a sa m aa sa sn a sa aa ai - m rsiwas "wa, m m m m ' at a v at u mm - w m . aav m m m m m -pf- si mrm as mt imm m m m m m, m
Charged Trial Detectives Snow
a?,NrfSP De'aye4 Arrest
SK fcdfo Get Re-v
i Widow.
B DEEP - :
kulf in Complete
W irganlza'tion of Po-
Made" Kcports on Case -Direct to
Chief.' sig Orders.
urder case secure evl-
deuce a
a step-sun oT'Ra niur
" ""MA. N-T-4e;y n erpeat until they
inAe the wldew to offer a' reward and
" then seek to Uni the mother as means
of sendlrW her own son to the gallows
for the kllngof her husband?.
More thi if week ego 4lia detectives,
John Kfrrika and Frank Snow, went
before .theVjlatrict atkorner and In
formed hln tliey had evidence, which.
' would warafkt the arrest of a suspect
. Thoy ref yX to tell what Information
they liad'ayul would lve no hint as to
; the IdcntlrV Jf th-lxnan. AHhoug-h. the
dlstrluift.torliejSl to -learn sorae
thlnKf M f ! H was met'
on e : si(' sug ffestlon that
'thiii Vard-wtnrid wob-
"abiy irTngruf lmpoi tant-f
intormuUyn V )"na ' to tne solution
of the ill e Wlatn theae sugges
tions' weic
him, - twor men
went ' to his '
Ind said In plain
wordx hat, if.
nation leading
murderer could
finally Induced. ;
for the arrest .
were paid, Infor-
fhe arrest of the
.' Mrs. Kuhn was
it a reward of 1250
1260 more for the
conviction of -"""husband.
' " -
man who -slew her
Dos Tjr arrant.
ing the public an-
nouif t
Sno. .
eward Detectives
piled to Mr. Man-
lifro-iit. ;;Tliey do
: cltne
was for, claiming
of Uie man. How-
he district attor-
; ny that ,ty knew
here the man 'was
; ana could arrest hi
any time if they
had v warrantr
-Manning -at -Oret
declined 1
L'omplalnt upon such
' slim l'o
he agreed to au-
- Thnn the .detectives
.1 a gnt hcom-
. In tlfc dh the district at
torney 'la taV Jrown secured la
; v PROBE WILLy-ty
. ,04,-
InvtL ..-r It
1 liC,
formatioyv. h led them to believe
' that Hno a rar Kerrigan were..scurtp
- a "John ri) warrant -for-sepvloe upon
""the son'of tu. Kuhn. . With this infor
mation in link hands the district attorney
instructed hi deputy to refuse to permit
Mrs. Kubn tosigrv,Jiecomplalntunle88
the. detective vf 1 tell who they
wanted the waVr V and prove to his
srftlsfawavtly las not for her
son, ag "1 1. rj yt-ro suspect. .
' H. , Suf Refuses to Sig-a.
Testlait it Von' a complaint
drawn MJffl ' Jfor Mrs.Kuhn to
"slim was "x.,iinmy6 "Deputy District
Attorney Hurry Adams, and Mrs. Kuhn
was present for the purpose of signing
It. 'Mr. Adamnpiit the question straight
'.- t to the detetftrtptVind they denied postr
tlvely-hit t. eWrunt was for - the
- widow's - vn. lrr. 1 Mrs.- Kuhn,
low e -
n arivl
n glf -n
r of J 9
ipluB 1.
jed.n '
upon arivltv
fuf rney, who had
been r"n
ntkhi'lri aa to the.lden-
; tlty
r ,w giea to sign tne
r-fefj warrant was
Who the complaint
was slgn4-tiy
tuthorltles decline to
. atata. The.
kt la now in the
handj of Dei
Snow, 'but no- -at
tempt has
le to serve it.
This' cond
lufTalre wo brought
before the '
Lane-, in t
' tcrday aft
called on t
mission and Mayor
8 apartments yes-
he' detectives were
and a stormy ses-
elon follow
developed that Snow
, and Kerb,
port to 1
failed to make any re-
ruln, who Is supposed
to rec
reports, but by the
chief el ftn' ntnorted direct
.him.' vrlifi ru,n dmnJes
report o-hT r?ted. But it w
direct to
admit t-f
i tlrfa docum
was a fake.'
slon by the
document banded
. to the CfiptllMa,.
. ... xinigM Besigms.
lon of I
kSiinfl rnai
1 lattefj
juoon. T
V cari f
. It
n nan
? The dlscloxmek reliftlve to' the work
-of the detwlC'' n the case were such
- that DetectlV tin JJerrlgan resigned
"i&arii'rTeiiKrk f'jr aicrptt tm the
-spot. elrhw.- myor. to sus
pect at , -. JPellberateiy held
" off ' rithPWpe of getting a
rewar rni'Sr' fie and the police com-
tnissiora propiie to probe the mattfer
: to the Vltom. The disclosures already
f made he bright about an open up
, heaval lAthpollce.denartmPnt, and a
complete aMnout and reorganisation of
the force Any result from ins inquiry
Page Two.)
son tftway-JWfiVatrlegram
dent declaring i 9 the
of national ba
Jias been so
bold of Idle av4 ndanger i
ti rough
fee ofl
keragn h mwitaut
gambling aV swindles. It Is unne.
tt: " T
ll Hervkw.) I Tork-81' )
ThomaN V Vflnteed f V
W It if A ITKW-V1tMMvi
I' I J
L k if
. - .. 1
' sary for sis feHll your attention to the
- fart that such a guarantee Is equlva-
-lnt. to a violation of the-law. -
' . "- eertaia firm, tnembers ot the New
jotiations Under Way J Open
Vast Iron Beds Along the (Co
7- lumbia and to Start Great
ZZlSteel Plant in Oregon..:
Quality of Ores Said to Be Equal to
That Used in Producing Best Bess-
-emer Steel and Large Coal Veins in
Same District Make Ideal Location
for Smelters. -
oigim mill' tie tttwiiuiiiw' mi a a
Iron, and steel working industry . If ne-
fbtlatlons howTOaerwar are-TavoTa.bly
ciAiclutl! in Chs st t)i sJ.S.- Oil t woi-
and 18 -or J! other owners have given
ODtlons on upward of 15)00 -acres of
I rod and coal lands to O. Allen Mason
of New York, representing the New
Una land -Coal aV-ronr-onrpanyrlt'n
aald the company will Invest a vast sum
of mousy In a project to establUh on
this coast a smelting and steel working
plant that will ..rank : with the -great
plants of the east.- '
The existence of iron and coal aepos.
its-close- toj thexColumbla river in this
state has long been known." The lands
have but a nominal value except for
rttelr timber. -It Is said, unless some
concern -wlthverylarge "capital comes
tn tu develop the Ifon industry, Bamg.
years ago the lands could have been
bouKht for IS per acre. It Is said the
price has now. gone up to $60 and 1100
per acre, ' practically the same' -prices
that (con lands bring In Michigan and
other regions where the Iron : Industry
IS well developed. The Columbia river
iron lands are said to produce a fine
quality of ore, equal to that producing
the-Bessemer steel. - , ..
Thfee lands-He on the Oregon side
nf thit ttIiiiiiHs rlvri In C"''itnH rnun-
ty, and-extend from Columbia City south
about six miles to the Seappoosa coun
try," said B. C. Giltner. ..
"They oonlala large tepetts of lig
nite eoal and iron ore. The Iron Is known
aa brown hematite, end la said to as
bay as high as any known iron ore In
the ountry.. The -coal. Is known only
by what Is seen on the surface. Its ex
tent or quality can be learned only by
boring and development. The Iron lies
in. blanket ledges and extends over many
thousands of acres. "
Practical , men In the iron business
Tfa ve ton g " regarded- itu. , wonde rlh e
policy of eastern Iron ant steel opera
tors in Ignoring these great deposits In
Oregon. It has been charged that they
were in collusion with the transporta
tion companies to retard development
of the Iron " working- industry-oil this
coast and prolong as long as possible
the present method of hauling all iron
and- steel -supplies-en wheels-aeroes the
country Tor supplying the Pacific
coast. Iron and steel rails are often
brought" a ballast from Bpaln ahd
Wales In ships coming around the Horn:
A large part of the rails now being usd
by the Harrlman , roads In the' Pacific
northwest are said to come from Spain.
LJ-TysJopmejii ot mo iruuAUUUir J-Jieri
could. It Is believed, be. made with I
large profit " to - the operators, as they
would always be protected from east
ern competition by .tile freight charge
of the rail lines from Pittsburg to Port
- "The iron -ore in .Coiumbfa-county la,
beyond question., as good as. that found
elsewhere In this country,, said a local
operator. "I have been in northern
Michigan and have examined the ore' In
the Mesaba range and other deposits "In
that region, and in my Judgment the Co
lumbia rivef ore ranks with the Mich
Igan ore.'' . -,
' (Joarnsl Special rTle.)
- Wanhlngton, March 17. Agent Crist
of the department of commerce and la
bor has Just returned from a, tour of
several months tn Japan and northern
China investigating trade conditions. He
is greatly encouraged at the prospect for
Increased American commerce and states
Chat the- boycott-did not.. take root In
the province of Tlen-tsln. He says:
''AmerlcaA-irade- -haa-grew n- and wHl
continue to grow. Event the ridiculous
packing of American goods does not pre
vent the Chinese from buying' them. -"
"In. neither the manufacture of cloth
nor In machinery , cun . the Japanese
eqUal the Americana, but' the Japanese
are improving. There : are. - found . In
every cotton mill Japanese' who; have
learned the business In America." .
Crist says that Japan is an excellent
field for Investment loans for county Im
provements yielding about 8 per cent.
ave been
e (Montana)
ths swlnd)
vojprr-nwiitj f't. jmi y r yr 111 i
utte -propgitlon.VvcI -S'i-oonj A
a been lovested In the V. m - , . 4
I haveytio quarrel with tlL'
reived ad I do. not make It ie J
llc-stth'" time, but I V I ww
I will do so If certain X-rtlltions
obtain during the next few days. I -will
nse all-legllimate -means to -stop the
swindle.' -: '-; - : -, ,
Fronrareet FranchisesTTf1 Granted Upon
Week by the Competing Companies, Would Have Yielded a
-If the city were to receive a revenue
ef"l for every car tnit passBs - TJver - tha -
proposed Front street line there can be
no question that the aggregate sum re
sliced from this source alone during the
26 years, of the francfiiae- would -reach
nearly or quite hall a million aoiiara,. would exceed that amount.
Such revenue would be In addition to the
sums paid ' for the franchises. At the
present time the ITnited Railways 1
proposing to pay $166,000 for -Us fran
chise and It Is undRrstood that tne wu.
lumetta Valley TrractT6ncompanys to
pay $110,000. If the city received the
car . tax Jn addition -the total-revenue
from the Front street) franchises would
be ever $M0.0U. The city ounall pro-
tax on cars.
.Tho. e8tlrnatethat the car tax would
yield nearly $0d,"o0o""ls based upon "the
assumption that an average of 60 cots
per day would pass over the line.- In
all probability the number would be
very much greater. Figures obtained
from shippers and railroad- men . lndl
cate'tHat the volume of traffic might
readily reach 100 cars a day within four
or five years after the .line is In opera
tion. Long before the expiration of
the 25 years term of the franchises the
traffic must swell to huge proportions.
J Whether the city should Impose a
tax of $1 per car. oh the Front street
traffic is a question on which opinions
of business men differ greatly. Some
believe that the. bunden-of sueh a-tax
would fall on the shippers ands would
thexefore be aheckft.iMaVUifiX
the clfy"s commercial Interests. They
argue that the- shippers, and pot the
railroads, would pay the tax . Others
contend' that the shippers will be suffl-J
clently protected by the competition of
the several railroads, and that the op
portunity to obtain for the city- an
adequate return for the priceless fran
chise which' it is about to grant must
net- be-ovrlooked. -4-- , .
If is significant that the Willamette
Negro Murderer Is i ' Captured
After Shooting Three Men !
In a Desperate Fight. t
Over a Hundred Shots Fired Forty
. Policemen Quell Riot and Club
' Into Submission a Hundred War-
(JmtmI Special Servkv.)
New York,. March 17. Kli Lucas,' a
negro, twice, convicted -In the south of
murder and accounted by the tenderloin
police as the most dexperate character
of any race or color In their precinct,
last night shot two policemen and the
proprietor of a salttm. He escaped and
was raptured at midnight . after' an
other desperate gun tight in the street
with the police. . ..
Lucas went to the Crescent club, ta
notorious '"black and tan" saloon and
dance ball on West Thirty-second street.
Intending, he said, to kill John Jones,
the rtegro proprietor. - More than 100
negroes took sides In the fight. The
building was wrecked throughout Its
four stories.
For 10 minutes battles raged on every
floor. , Police were summoned and De
tective Jnmes . Scott and Roundsman
Walsh responded. They, together with
Jones were shot ddwn by Lucas. Scotfs
wounds are the most serious and will
leave him a paralytic.
During the fight 100 shots were fired.
Forty policemen, by using clubs, finally
quelled the . riot. Lucas -fled from the
place. -At midnight Detectives Boof
man and McAndrews found Lucas a nd
his wife on II road way. After a. Acres
t bree-eomered gun -ft rht Imcas fled
again and ran Into the arms of twe
policemen - who, assisted - by two de
tectives, clubbed him Into submission.
Here Are
"Which Js the
JhatUl interest
hIll '4rNooman wants to rtrfSs
I ""TV n prinV fashionfyjjrrfj
1 1 I mini ' I'llsU 1
I I inhe
, Valley Traction '.company was ready
jandy - wilHng to" pay thja ta- on every
one, of Its curs and for each wuy
South Portland,' Including all that re
gion lying, south of Jefferson - street,
seems . destined to berths great manu
facturing district of the ' city. Even
under the - adverse conditions : that now
exist It has a number of large manufac
turing Industries..'", The Willamette river
gives ample opportunity for wafer ship
ment, and the level area between .the
river and the hills affords area- for
unnumbered msniifcturjnxplanta.
Ball T acuities lacking.
he "one thing that has retarded the
growth of this section has been the lack
of - adequats-raltfactllttes. Thr short
n-ihm Wont hern rnoH(q
In falling to connect Its JaTtucu'iD
trteJLerni1nU.sjrlthltsyards in the
northern end of the city, while-ltnad
Front street, has Imposed the necessity
of an 80-mlls bsul over the neavy grade
for every car that la transferred from
the north to theaouta part of th city,
Even , with this ' tremedous han'dlcap
the manufacturing industries of South
Portland have reached large Importance.
It is a conservative estimate that the
Southern Pacific hauls 20 cars a day
toTJouth Portland. With direct connec
tion down Front street this traffic must
be greatly Increased, for the haul would
be reduced from .80 miles to four or
five, and they would be over a level In
stead" Of the nigh grade of the Ulllsboro
line. - "J -
H'li bn bilf'nffnf ftouth Portland
will be but a part of the. traffic over
the Front street line. The Willamette
Valley Traction company Is pressing
the-construction of Its line down the
valley: to Salem and to Albany.. It is'
estimated that Its business from the
outset should amount to over 10 cars
a day. The United Hallways la to give
a $100,000 bond to build a line to
SMemTTvntelr-nvnst ba completed within
two years. The bulk of all shipments
Death of Harry Tenny In Fight
Causes Mental and Physical --j-'
Collapse of Sister.
Coming as It Did Under Circum
stances of Peculiar Horror, Causes
Breakdown; ' "
(Jonrnal Special Service.) -
San Francisco, March 17.-VThe "fight
trusf ts Indirectly ' responsible for
something more than prtxe-ring killing.
In a room at Mount Zlon hospital,
where the white walls blv.nd with the
white bedspread and the bedspread
blonds with a- wan white face. Rose
Tennobaum, sister of Harry Tenne
baum, who was killed Jn. a ring contort
with. Frank Neil, lies on' a cot and
moan's through the hours for her brother
who was beaten to death.
She does not toss lnher anguish, for
the Is paralysed. Beyond some use of
ber arms and lower limbs, movement is
denied her. Exhausted at times with
tne dreary, hopeless monotone of wail
ing, she sleeps fitfully, only to awaken
with screams of piercing terror from
ghastly dreams of slumber to the
ghastlier dream Of waking. For it all
seems one horrid dream to her; wak
ing fir sleeping she strives to reallso it
all to realise that the brother she loved
so dearly is really dond. She Is hope
lessly psralysed and almost demented.
-Av week ago Rose -Tennobaum was
removed from her home to Mount Zlnn
hospital suffering from an titter break-,
down. The shork of the denth of her
brother-after his flght-wtth Nrtl.-com
ing as it did under circumstances ot
peculiar horror, overcame her and na
ture .collapsed. .
: ; : : rr.
a Few of ihe Good Things1.
Ideal Joan of Arc?" is an article illustrated in colors
eyery admirer oLihe Maid ofJMeansZ
If you are interested in Biblical history you should
of the discovery of the record of the seven years" Egyptian famine
7f-J oseph'rttmerr Other 1 m pomnt discoveries In anrtcnT htstory have
recently been made and you will learn all about them in- The Sunday
( 3
trV. vTbundav Journa
er, tell x about the
of the things good tin
Journal 1 Get it and enjoy them
- rvrf -rv rr Pj a. Old 5ide-TttaWer WOnvr on
rrom the east for '.Willairiette valley
points on the wMt Side of the riVertwUl
pass over the Front street lines, as well
a return' shipments. --:.:Z-:.
In view of these facte the estimate
tnax the dally .truffle , over the . Front
ktreet line, will amount to '60 cars or
2, cars each -way, seems the extreme
or conservatism.. According to V. H.
Barstow. secretary of the . Willamette
Valley company, his : road alonVi is ex;
tected to bundle from the outset almost
or quite us many aa 15 cars dally' each
aay. FlelclicrXiiinJpf the Ori:onLil'ur
niture company considers the estimate
of 50 cars dally a, very conservative one.
- - Big- Berenus for Clty. j .
Assuming that, the number of ears
nnmtnr in a nit Ti;n,lnnl J'Xon.T Lftreiit .tj
but 60Zo each way the ditliv revenue
to the city at a rate of H pur rnr would
e r. a ri'i. 1 1 a . . ...
liioiith or 18,230 a -year KorthCf-25
years that the franchises are to run the
gross return to the city would be $466.
250. ' .. -....,, . .. v ..
L The. matter of switching chsrges Is
anotner important feature of The Front
street franchises. IWors the United
Railways and the Willamette 'Valley
Traotion company succeeded In "getting
together"- on the terms of their re
spective franchises, the Willamette com
pany was willing to pay-the tax of $1
per car and to surrender to the city
practically all the profit on switching
charges on Front street traffic Repre
sentative of - the -Willamette compsny
were.wllllng. to agree to a switching
eharge-of 3 -with- no charge for "pmp
ttes." As the franchises 'have now been
framed they provide for a switching
cliRrge.of $2.60 each on all cars, whether
full or empty, thus making a total of
$9 per car. - - -- -
In. the opinion of eome of the large
shippers of South Portland th'ir charge
Is too high,. They point to the fact that
the--charge made bv-the Southern -Pa-
(Continued on Page Two.)
New Terror to Marauding S av?
ages and Outlaws in Shape of
: a War Motor Car. '
Lookout Tower Is Built Above Body
- From Which Small Arms Can Be
Used Manned by Crew 'of. Fivs
Menr ' L -
(nurnal Special 8errlce.)
Los Angeles, March 17. A new ter
ror tn marauding . Yaqul Indians and
tenegade whites and Mexicans who In
fest the mountainous mining districts
of the state of Bonorn. Mexico, -has
been evolved In lhe shape of a 90 horse
power armor-clad automobile. The ma
chine, which will be ready In 0 days;
will be shipped, to Carbou, Mexico,
where It will be used Jn transporting
bullion from the mines. , .
The automobile will be equipped with
a rapid-fire Maxim or Getting gun and
carry five armed men In addition to the
chauffeur.' Knouirh arms snd ammuni
tion will be stored to offset almost any
attack made upon, it.
The armored, car- has been modeled
as closely as possible without Infring
ing tho patent rights upon the armored
war automobiles secretly built by the
French government, with enough Amer
ican qualities to give It distinction as a
borne product.
The .wheels are made of solid metal
and an extra wheel will "be carried for
emergencies. The tires are of solid
rubber. A lookout tower will be-built
above lbe -body, from which tha-small
arms can be used. The rapid-fire gun
will-1 ' given - speclntrirotertton- and
cover every point of the compass. The
armored car will be the tlrst of the
kind on the western hemisphere. "
" : : : :
not fail to read
J"11 livinff
lieir work an
kaV la I t i o
'"i r j 11 v.
frinces, ti ftlSKZ
fw f-wi vnwv'" !sixi ?j??r?.
ar f I rz1 I T " urriu i-tirwt
ana itt otner. , , . i 1 j
. - ....y-X
Rocky Shore While En Route
Around South America
"to' New York.-- - - '
Was Built More Than Twenty Years
T Ago" and Was Used as" Pleasure
Craft for Shorf" Time-lr Is
Thought That Crew Escaped When
Shg Went Ashore :' . --
this morning state that the old side-
1 "
for-Iew Tork 011 January 20, Is ashore
at Possession Buy Just beyond the east
entrance to the Straits of Magellan.
That she is doomed . to remain there
until broken up by the waves and strewn
fOTTtrttes-alonir -tha-roeky- beach la the
opinion of the ship captains in port who
are familiar with that part of the coast.
It. Is presumed that after the Olym
pian got through the straits she was
struck by a . gale and carried ashore.
The vessel was In tow of the steamship
ZeulandlH.. but whether the latter has
been disabled has not been ascertained.
The meager message merely told of the
accident to the Olympian. Gales are
said by deep-sea skippers to be. of. fre
quent occurrence at this season of the
year In the vicinity of where the old
sidewheeler lies. It Is . declared that
many a steamer and square-rigger has
met Its doom at the same point... There
is not an Instance on record of any of
them, - after being blown ashore, ever
being able to make thalr . escape.-.
Worts Thirty Thonsand.
"The'-Orymplan wss purchased last
wlhteFTroiirrhe Oreguri RaHrosd A Nav
igation company by C. L. Dlmon of Now
York"- for something like $30,000. ' The
purchaser Intended to .take her around
10' the' Atlantic coast and use her as a
pleasure -craft :Th rout selected for
her wh u 4heIJulerw. It 4s-BfUi that
Mr. Dlmon- contemplated spending In
the neighborhood . of $100,000 on her
this spring: The vessel's hull was
Lsound and the machinery Is said to have
been In good condition. When equipped
for-service In the east," local mariners
say, there is no doubt that she would
have been worth close to $200,000,. All
were of the opinion -that she was pur
chaaed at a bargain, but many feared
that she would never be able to com
plete the long passage.
Captain Wise came to Portland from
New York to get the toat in shape to
make the trip. When she was made
re4y-4o-lesv ttff assumed command of
her-and ' employed a crew of ll men.
There Is jaidto be no doubt that the
officers and members of the crew suc
ceeded In making their escape when the
vessel wss wrecked.
Frspared for bong Trip.
When she left Portland the Olympian
was heavily braced with huge timbers.
Her wheels, had been removed snd sides
WPather-boarfled with roue-h lumber.
With the additional strength which ha
been given her it was believed that no
storm could wreck her. It is thought
that the towllnea with which she had
been made fast to the Kealsndla parted
and that before she could Hftcked up
she drifted to destruction.
The Olympian was built at Wilming
ton, Delaware, at 1883. and in the same
year was brought around to the Paclflo
coast. After plying on the Columbia
and Willamette rivers for a short time
she was taken to Puget sound snd
placed In" service. She was expensive
to nperati;. and the venture did" not
prove a success. Agatti she was
broiiKht to Portland and was operated
during the best part of one season on
the Astoria route. Later she was tied
up in the boneyards and had been lying
there for more than a decade when she
was bought Hy Mr. Plmon. The only
fault ever found with the" Olympian
was that aha -consumed too much fuel.
She was probably the finest furnished
and equipped boat ever brought around
to the Pacific coast While at the bone
yards she was viewed by thousands of
people who had .become familiar , with
her history. ,
(Kiwclal t'llnatrh tn Th. Jnr..l i
Aberdeen. Wash., March 17. in the
celeberated shack cases on trial at Mon
teHano for several ; days this week.
Wheeler Bros, case against the city fer
demolishing a shack last full. went to
the Ju$y lute yesterday. The ..Jury
awarded . $I,S0O damages and costs.;
Wheeler had claimed $7,400, but tho
court refused his claim for grief and
wounded feelings. .
rch 17. Prom
Ot h-'fSBJBjBaaaL?
.aaa.. l.r -... I a, S
flng.a heard. 1-roTi
lslatur3iitjind ofhr V
1 exrcl
I a trememl
hmise, ami
VTi in I
fluence, I v"'
'sunollcj- ih
tlons are sum m pr-. 1. ti-..
he dftv not rniH th ciiHinjan-is.
, A great -constitutional crisis. Is
Indianapolis Convention ".Sends'-''
; Money. to- l-Oefense
:of Accu-ib, If jed-
Idaho Court 1
Subsidiaed Press Trying to)
-- Prejudice-Minds- l Sc,
united Mlneworkcgi' cdt runtlon
morning voted'-$600 - ibd "ae . muehv
mof e "aeetessarf '""Id- eJ f3nd"IBe"ofSi
cialg of the Westrn Fedlratlon of Min
ers arrested and fharge f with the tuur
der' of Frank 6ulunenbjg, es-governog
of Idaho.
- The conventlo
enuoia wans on recoi
lan's sVffrge.
favorA if dljr p
wen on record as fa
forlng woman's
his action
quieted fac
nlted the
varloua fac
last ou-
stacle to -tn
-ritrators In '
solid front
This action ron f Jtell complete)
success In -his polli .-clnced early In
the week, a policy omTeavorlng to' avers
the strike. Mitchell explained: ,
cannot prejudice the case. I be
lieve Moyer, Haytul Pettlbona are
innocent of tf I
ged. - Or-
ganlsed labor shtk
every alj ,
the best
to prove their ills,
available lawyLU4iK. ' '
red and,
every- lawful f
thorn dtjfend
xplanaUon ot
to help
ake this
poslUortr tearing -
Uiftljthe Feders.
saults on me In
the past might lead
One to belle ve "
that I am not in accorq
with this eon-
ventiun in coming to.,t
r ,iww who
they are In flirflqultle.
W w.
s . - as -
I j "lirroa to Quasli
and Vules Demur '
a nt -
yr3Wsfyt)efenso Scoro L
fA A li
I thlM
1 r 1
I ft
Motion to Qua'
(Special liStra-rftjy.'c
Bo I ne, - Idaho,
for Moyer. iraywos;t an.Vttlbl
a determined e unsuccessfd
to dispose ot-tfa Indictments ssalust
them in the dlfrict eousvt Caldwell
this morning. - ' '
Affidavits fld Yntalr"
the sensational or i'oreman
Moss of the giis l r;onsulta-j
-tlons wlth-Oovlrnv. " iv Oetaotlv .
McParland and Attorn.. h . and .
Hawley, for thl proedfut ter he'
was appointed femjyf, b j'any avl--z
dence was taken, sn hichNter expressed
the opinion that thjmen afterward In-
oicted were guilty 4
The defendantsJbase the affidavit off
Information Kinm them" by W. Q. Me
Rae, 1 ntwtpir correspondent. The
latter was suin
intied before the court
this fnornlng
admitted he told At-
JfToTriffy MllKr fthft
had talked w
or, but de-
nled the conJfersat.
about the)
work of the Slaaaid t
r dtuiajral affl
r Visile to
davits were f s
strike the Ind -
.rilas. v
. xne motion ,
murrer were 1 Jn
A motion, to; ayX t
v i' he de-.
ij Jk erruled.
ovnilanta to
ball was argued at
e.-J length and.
ninny authorities cite
pporting th
taken under
motion. The matter
advixeinent until next
esday. - -
Attorney Richard
ored what he .
term1'- the Tsubsidis
press of .the
country." savins
vicious and
prejudiced reports a:
of -the defendants
assassins must be
The prosecution h
rderers and
evidence. "
for the defendants
e at-
tempts to create a
as to
prevent securing a
county. ,
s rw
son f
trkken sm
f ged tltVj
arlth tUOwh1
Inreli V
ttlal In
1 r ni r
Jnapfisl. Special Service.)
Iondon. March 17. UMjjcess Patricia. , :"
who is now touring uujh AfrU-
wuh her father, tlavj't inaughL.
celebrates her f V dny ti-
lday"iL Bhe ....was "i-klnghaiii : 1
pulace on Bt
was named li
f patroil
saint. - She jii
twoyeare k
bl xtle over
rtrk J'i as tna
of the pretts
Ing house. If
ssea bT the relgn-
ls to be cmdlierl,
suitors, InrluiWng
she has had
King Alfonso, w
Princess F-na of
s to wed her cousin, ,
ttenberg, .and Prltire
Eltol Frits of O.
any, who was wed-
ded two weeks
proarl iJueJThe
get haaerTiy the fn
)rS' to
r that
t'r are not V
ha t'y
nlon g-wernl
Nova h "tl
Jr-TfTr 1
land If
L-f 1
provtm-eta, n . w-'it r
cmlng retl-. 1
Immigration (I irlng t
wt in ninpiri'ntiy
opinion. Ileiorm u-t
the dmninlun, or I.. a I
put. ;
a I
1 1
i t