--:.- 3 1 I f OR A DAY AT THE TH3 CIC STORE IT! Tin: IVZZlJtL 0? TH5 BLOOC H DAILY JQUItllAL. FOnTLAND, FRIDAY ' EVENING. MARCH .It. UC3. 4 - ll44.::::::. 11 V I Jl v -- " t-.r - - - - -mar- i , ' atx . , i : . . Ti'- . 4 . l T: ;-; ': :4.'4'4t '4 44"... 4 '. .--4 - 4 - : I- Ti M y J4S 4 ' : oresents Sl',vA5-'4-.;: -'4';'. 4j .u,. - .. . .. V. i. :v,-r ,.r.jja ' ' ' ILmi -h f V Af-"r..'J 7 t "X i ' 1 K. 'vms '!4 1 6 : i4he contractor has co iSatufday unintcrruptcd-so-thatwcmay:bcttcr serve the great crov Alteration Sale, The low prices on" the many: thousands r of douars .ds 4has acted as a magnet to draw the J ities such as this great Alteration Sale are a one- sidea argument to MEN'SSUITS $5;00 WU take . -pwre;;AH wpoi-ana -Junioitr Worsted Suits. -r Broken bt' . 1 where there is ' 1, . 2 3 ' and : 4 of a kind on hand. f These" suits" are ac- value. :.."..; $8i0 0 'Lgle' R If M T I and double breasted : styles in cashmere, cheviots, tweeds and all wool 'or : union . , worsteds." 'A splendid assortment of 'colors' nd . styles.-- Most lots complete, in size and sold, at $12, $15. $18;$20.-; tr-:' : 4':r ;WH 7 do--giant mJr wure ai wus saic, No such variety of styles ia high-; r eet -class-make- in -medium - and npring weTghrcan befdundTinlhe" United btates at less, than $18, $20, $22. " Blue serges, clays, unfinished and fancy worsteds.---- ""Tor the very "essence of best clothing. . Vf AJ J Jiercnanvluyr . mvics, journeymen ; workmanship, comprising a variety of 60 styles, in cluding Brandagce, Kincaid & Woods' best produc tions. Worth from $20 to' $25.; ' . ' ; ' Is the price set on some of the finest : I- '. it-t-' a- I TI 1 :il . tVfVF gooas possiuic to uuy. -incrc win uc- but few suits marked any higher and these will con sist of Hackett, Carhart & Co.'s latest exclusive styles, made to retail at $30 to $40, P CHILDREN'S SUITS " Knee Pantsrall sizes to 16 yearsincluding spring ; ;8tyI!s:"-; i'4; :-; 4-444' -I ' 1 ' :- 4 91.35 for choice of 200 $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Suits $ 1.85 for choice of 200 $3.00,' $3.50 and $4.00 Suits, f 2.35 for choice of . 300 $4.00, $4.50 and , $5.00 . Suits ; And q-S.Vi lor cnoice pi ail $7 and : For-choice: of ; all;Knee7Pant9l including M 0 Ci- corduroy, etc. Worth to $1. '" 4' ' Bos'. Stockings,' Underwear, ' Shirts, etc.,.' at far ' less' than wholesale prices. ' ' , v: OVERCOATS and CRAVENETTES '. , We have on hand, including 'spring arrivals, abotil -600 Overcoats and Cravenettes, consjsUnggf garments ' made to sell at $10 to. $30. These of all goods must be sold." We want room worse than overcoats. H mm ff For a lorcf springrweightrinndark I II I colors, also tweed cravenettes and ; ,K1-rVV4 long belt overcoats. They are a lot. "of 1, 2, 3 of a kind and sell tisually at $10,-$12 and 'frven $15.D0:f '.' ' ix.-.;tiviv. .Cravenettes, spring overcoats, piain and silk lined, all sizes, but not all sizes in every lot : also belt overcoats ' and opera lengths. Worth $13.50 to $18.00. vj v " fCX This assortment, is specially fine . I 1 illfiand, critics -.will appreciate . their r n value. ' The ' variety is immense ,'and several $22 and $25 pvercoats and cravenettes will be foiindinthelot.Thi includesspringjweigl Paletots. ; ' . """" ." ' ' . - For your unlimited choice of the finest and best overcoat or crav enette in the stor. Paletot's silk " mixed materials, etc. ' ' ' $8.00 $14.00 SHOES HATS . "Every hat in this great and complete stock is cut 'In price at least 40 per cent (except cdhtract goods Fullworth, Mallory and Stetson). The cutmbraces all spring goods and all new daily spring arrivals.. Wei. .want room, and .you Jcnow hats .take, up Jots of space. . 85 will take hundreds of hats worth up to $2. Willakii'theB9ttH4"Wft anil ''Jtiff "hatr worth :to $2.50. ' 4. 44 We are the leading hat store of "Portland and carry a 6tock equal in size to many wholesale houses -and qualities to the best Jr-B. Stetson grades. , There will be a general clearing of all Shoes. The . prices we quote indicate qualities at less than whole- . sale cost. ' r". ' 7' . 7 . -. , For" menr" Good styles and qualities. Worth $2.: :j,4 :: j.'J ':-v 4-r 1 For . men's b&t $2.50 and some $3.00, qualities. 4 J ; For all standard $3.00 spring )mUU ' goods. . QC or 20 style8 patent colt and calf. )O0 ; $3.50 and $4.00 value. v BOYS SHOES ; rrlC ' N Mothers, ; we seir shoes that cannot be beat for wear and style.. Ask some mother who . has been buying the .boy's t shoes here, --f- t j--'y- . r-r, AP - i , $1.35, f 1.85 for the best $1.50, $2 and 7UL $2.60 black or. $3 tans Boys' and Youths' shoes. . .-4 .'-v PANTS t-. 't " The Chicago's entire stock, consisting of the good working pants at $1.50, to silk mixed worsteds, at $10, They all undergo heavy price slashing.,. . v , . , For i Workm g and Bedford . Cord ; rants y .worth to $2t . ' ' ' 't A f For 'special good qualities; cut from 2)1.43 ,$2.50 and $3. '- . $1.95 for all kinds of $3, $3.50 and $4 Pants. $2.45 for 50 styles worth to $4.50. ' ; 82.05 for hundreds of pants worth to $5. 7 C '3' A C f 4.05, $5.05 for Pants worth from J)iJyO $e to $io. ; YOUNG MEN'S SUITS H - Tne Chicago is positive headquar -ters for the-roung man thatdresst; properly.. The prices in Jhisdeparti -ment-are bejtJnd. question the lowest ever quoted for choice styles in me -diiini and spring weight styles. ' : ' $4.50 Just.. pick.. outf one of these odd suits where ; there is only one to three of a kind ' 'left.;. There are $8, $10 and $12 ones among them.. "Iff : . 7 -1 JtT??! Is'- t m a ai . . - m m mm m Mr m-w-r im . -r -mm r 'i i 1 1 1 vi rwu i rz: i : . PAi AH kinds sind colors of spring and aOU ' moderate weights. Cut from $12, $15. A C A or tne nnest nd nobbiest ,styles of bl UuU tailor made suits that ever , lay on -a counter at $16.50, $18 and $20iiiri J -g C A Select the finest and test suit in this P 1 O0U department; worth $20 and $22, and .i it's yours. The snappiest line of suits you ever saw. The Hackett. Carhart & Co. Broadway styles for young men are as far ahead of any other makes as elec i r r 5?- t t . J r - j t 1 . tnciiy is ancau ui wuuic. . . .. . . , : The Chicago controls the Hackett, .Carhart & Co.'s entire line for Portland. They cannot be had outside of this store. I They are the best of all best' clothiers ". for man and youth. ', '.' - LOTS .FOR the WORKINGMAN or the MILLIONAIRE j A For choice of finest Frock Suit'in the 2)0UU store. Lots of black and gray clay worsteds worth to $20. - . ! " '.; ' p For choice of all wool, wash or silk Vests. UUC Worth $1.50 to $5.00. . ; j. Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits $11100 $14.00 For elegant Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits'. Worth $20, $22 , and $25. ..T- -i - ,. For choice pf the finestFull Dress or-Tuxedo Suit in the store. This offer includes all $30, $35 and $40 suits. GLOVES tJLs Gloves. Tor Kid and Mocha $L50 street and dress Gloves. ..j- .,;.'. ' For $1.23 quality. Mocha, street and driving AC. Vnlj -j Gloves. 915 for Dress and Mocha $2 Gloves. Working Gloves ONE' THIRD OFF. MAIL OEtDSElS SSSsiH: "Accompanied by cash or equivalent will be filled only on the ng conditions, wnicn allow us to nu tame 10 me oesi 5nrmnt? That in rasM in lota or size required may be told, we have the privilege of tending next thing closest in tize at ordered, or return the order in ttt entirety to the tender, or fill any part of tuch order at we may be ableAll mail ordert will bethipped the day following their arrivaL ; Address all mail ordert to THE CHICAGO MAIL ORDER DEPT., PORT LAND, Oregon. 44 ' 4 .; ,' , '4 ' '-:- :-" i- FURNISHING GOODS - The man that has traded at this store knows that the Chicago carries and sells more goods and fine fur nishings than any other establishment in this city. The prices quoted below do not represent one tenth " of the variety or description of the elegant line, and. desperate as the price . cutting is it includes - new spring goods. . ' -' , -. :.. . shirts r-r'rrrrr "XfZry Golf and Negligee, Madras, ' Pongee, Sa-J-V-. teens,v etc A-vafiety-of over 100 styles, i-inclusing"oddsand"5mall lotsworthTto"85cr' Embraces all $1 goods in uoit ana XMegu-, gee Madras, Penang and Mercerized; also some $1.25 values.. . - - r.i.-. -For choice of the latest and best styles to ' $1.50. .r - s , J1 For Silk Bosom, Pongee, Brilliant P" Flannelettes etc," in all sizes and styles to $2 values. Some, even better. " . ; NIGHTSHIRTS 35 for Muslin, etc.. 65cland TScalues ' 65 for all $1 and $1.25 Nightshirts. ;, , UNDERWEAR j. The kinds that build business at 40 pef cent more . money.'' : ' --rf'.r'- '. 15e clearing of medium weight 40c value. -, a Cp Fleece and Balbriggan in a dozen kinds, V-W.60Cr65c and 75c stvles. ' ... - JSor Black and Ecru 75c JBalbriggan. , s 65 for the very best $1 Merino. . ; Q For sterilized, rib Dal. and wool, worth" 0C to $1.50. a JET For high quality Mercerized and Wool " $1 4fc 3 JC For Silk and Wool, ; confined styles. P-00$3.6fc quality. "' ' '. HANDKERCHIEFS 3 for good quality 10c Handkerchiefs. '3 for 25 for regular 15c Handkerchiefs.' ' . 'Viyif for20r gradesr all -styiestr SUSPENDERS 4 15 for all grades of 25c and 35c Suspenders. ' V v 25 for all grades except President, worth to 50c : 35 for worsted and silk web, worth to $1. SOX :..-4, ;-.?.::L;;.4::,:.4 7 4 pairs for 25 for black, best quality 10c Sox Straight for merino or cotton 15c and 20c 12je for inerino"or-cottcn-20c and 25c Sox. ; ': i 10 for black bal or wool 35c Sox. 4..-: '-,1 - Anil 30 finest quality wool and silk mixed J" in plain and fancy. Worth from 50 to $1.50. : : ' l'.'-:' Bar and waiter gavj'. Umbrellas, Stutcases, Trunks and the many' things tVit man requires. will be closed in some cases at 35 ptf cent 'of "Value, ac , cording to ize of lots and room required for storage. NOTE -THIS' SALE OPENS .AT 7:30 DAILY. CLOSES SHARP AT 6 P. LI ALL CUSTODIERS INSIDE AI rfoHAT; HOUR WILL BE SERVED Ori Saturday the Sale Rem . ..-.... -! t. .