i ... hi a ,i i n urn imrT " ' , " ''' THE! OREGON DAILY"-JOURNAL. "PORTLA6FR1SaV EVENING. MARCH ,16. : 1S3 1 ANY FRUITS ARE SERI ApncptCPcJietrAlmondsnd - Peart irTVicinity of Medford Badly Damaged. EUGENE EX PER JEN - COLD NIGHT OF- YEAR Winter Apples In Valley Escape Un Z2 Injured ndJ-Believed.Tbt Other ?; Fruto WfflBs Ample for - Local Use Gardens at Toledo Suffer. 1 oraRL . r V" tSperlal OUpatrk U Ttaa Journal.) ' ""' ' Medford. Or..March. ltt-Tho freese . of the night r March 14 '.waa - more r -'general tn.ttg coneequeneea than at flrt -eupposed, as It now-appeare-lbaUXhe '"damage to the - Bartlett .peara. the do Anjoua aind tha Howell wa quite eerl - on a. mora than three quarters of. the bud a being apparently dead after 'ex -posure to. tha. aun of yesterday after noon. It waa known'1 that the damag-a " , was extensive so far aa apricota, peachea and almonda were concerned, but It was at first thought the-pears had all es--eapedV- Clowe examination shows the" . winter Net In and the Cornice to be un injured, but while the aettlng of budi - -OB the Bartletts was yery heavy,. It in now questionable If there will be more .'. than half a crop of them, while It looks a If tha Howella and the da Anjoua are !-wlped out. It is a little toe early' to ; pea Judgment, but It will be wily --L owing toAhe .heavy aettlng .of. fruit buds. and the large proportion ofjiormajii g-fcu'aii'lf fliffrf ate any of tHoae tao pop ' ular varieties of peara for shipment ...from thla valley... ' -. ..Fortunately the winter -sppleiPliBve ii swapesV isnlnjeiasji and Isngs miop"le' .looked for of the Yellow Newtown and selstles. The weather tiow prevailing lead to the suppoeltlon 'that the loom will appear rather later than usual thla season, and will be leas -liable than uauat to damage from late .frosts.' ---- ' . This is the first time In the history of the Rogue River valley when exten sive damage haa been done to even early -fruits by a freese auch aa that af Wed nesday night, and it will doubtless prove to he the esse, aa usually happens when fruit men claim the crop Is lost, that there will be ample for at least local consumption .In the. valley. . The prin cipal. cprnmercjatf rults are jw inter .ajfc-. . plea and pears, aud it la stated by those competent to judge that there will be an abundance, t with the. exception of the varieties ..noted. ."V , ZERO WEATHER. Walla Walla Pratt mm Itw May Dai ..age Brack Ores tar Taaa Sxpeeted. " TWpetHl Wapatea to The . -We 11 -WeUa, Wah - March tt.- .Fruit men ara growing peaalmiatic over the continued cold' weather In the valley and now assert that the damage to early -r fruits . and. vegetation ylllbe much greater than first expected. Most ; of the damage. ' however., will be to fruit within a radhisof a few miles -ef Walla Walla. In the Milton and : Free water districts, the trees are practically un- injured. ' Therm ometera around town yeaterday' morning registered as low aa aero. .'",.. ! - . .-. ' i GARDENS DAMAGED. Cold Wi ave (Tata Many BntaU. mite aort in Tictaitr of Tolego. ' . . . (Special Dkpatek to The Iseniatl Toledo, Waalu. March 1. The.f:old wave . that swept over this section of Washington, - beginning last Saturday. till prevails, though slowly moderating. uia lesiuuute say Is' the tioldes weather known here for 25 years,- and the eoldest aver known at thla season f tha year. Early gardens are dam aged, and tha peaeh, prune and cherry -crop will be out ahort, If not completely destroyed. Poultrymen haw alao . been damaged by the freezing. ".,.3 . T- . COLDEST AT EUGENE.. ; v TaeawioaBwasr Beaoaed ; bow Jfoint . ef ""' Wlataav-iattta Saatage to jrrult.t., . ' (Rpeelal Dtapatrh to The Journal.) . T Eugene, Or., March - 1(. The -thermometer registered the lowest pofnt this winter last night. ' registering do greea above aero . this .. morning at . O'clock. , ; , :;,:'., , r . . - Some of the early fruit Is thought to be damaged, but there will be no great loss, as most of tha buds are not xar enough advanced. s ' tUNCHEON AND SPEECHES ; WHEN FERRY IS OPENED A formal i opening of the new ferry between Claremont tavern and HU Johns - . will take placa next Bunday. The ferry company Is preparing an elaborate pro ; arrmm, which la to Include a meeting be- . tween the mayora of Portland and 8t Johns aad the governor of Oregon, a lunnhtun - and speeches. V The ferry will be free to the public t "-I - dajr.-. The exeiclaef at Claremont tavern will take place at 1:30 p. m. .. The Portland guests will bo taken In automobiles via the l.lnnton boulevard, 1 to the west landing of the - ferry, arid the Bf Johns party will come across - -A; the Willamette rtver. The new ferry i onnecu the city of t. Johns With the ' 1 Jnnton road and affords a round trip . for vehiclea -carrying passengers around - the north half of the cltyand Including ., soma or thaTInest views t be seen- oo . the coast. . j -r -..-. c ETHEL HORSMAN LURED . t' ; BY FOOTLIGHTS' GLARE t l.nred by the glamorof the -foot - " lights. Ethel Horsmsn, a It-year-old . g1rl of . St. Johns, has left her home. -. f : Her parents reported hT Sudden -depart reLa.,ma bollie anllaia,Uas have i assigned to locate her. L-lr efforts . have been futile. The girl la "said to have come to Portland as soon aa she left her home Tuesday night and to have endeavored to find 'uuploymant with one of the theatrical employment agencies. Office are di rected to 'watch" for her at the-rarlooe theatres, and among the ., theatrical titrapea which leave the eity. lq.tltA.n..uI.(r7 lftn.f) 1A. neuieea Cr The Market BagkeT niCTed chickens are something of -a ttoVelty lu, th'lg market but hereafter the J markets, will. -regularly- supplied place la. the country at which -they are raised. Frank C. Barnea of Portland recently purchaedaeen.kcreeef ground. ' Just back -af Irvlngton and a -nltv llmt?a.- Here spe- clal buildings for the proper feeding t the chlrkens will be. erected.. According to Mr, Barnea, he can 'put on - from -a half. to one pound of fat on a chicken In three week by milk feeding, bealdea giving the chicken an' appearance and taste that will -command" a high figure; Just now the few mUk'fed chlckena coming to Portland are from the east and are shipped In dreaaed. They coat about 28 rente a pound to land In this city and by the time they are ready for the conaumer are worth about Ho-itsents a pound. Thla wouia mean an average of about T a dome for-ajnall fryers. Quite Interesting In Itaelf la the" feed ing of milk to chickens. The houses are so planned that each chlc-kert la al lowed a certain amount of. room. Each space faces a trough through which the milk flowa. - All the chicken haa to do 1a to alp ita food and get fat.-With all he milk they can drink it la but a short time before a scrawny-looking chicken growa plump. - r' - v ' --' , At present there are but small sup plies of chickens In the Market and at retail the price haa cllmbtd.- Never bee fore haa there been such W shortage In suppliea of chickens as now. There Is a scarcity everywhere. ", Chicks that usually-aeH-.in .eastern. Wholesale- mar rrr A i nnn nnn tt ' rS4 h . h Sifcl-t--Y.liw w w a wa wae. BY HIS FRIEI1D Franlc-Hohnsdrvmerl5f Portland, Now of San Fran "ascoTBquathed Fortun. REMEMBERED IN WILL OF . - WEALTHY LUMBER KING A. a! Ashley, Who Wss Victim of the IroquoisDisaster.Xegves Large Part of His Estate to His Yotfhg Associate. ".' "' - (Jenrnal Special Strrlee.) ' . Oakland, Cal.. March 1. Because of the fact, that for many years he wss he' Intimate friend and confidant -of the niev. a millionaire mmner- man of Michla-an and the northwest, and had been his trusted representative on the Pacific coast, Frank H.- Johnson, formerly of Portlsnd. now ofth!a ctiy has lieeirthereclplent oflt.SOO.OOq in cash, in a bequest made in t- iim rtM..wl oanltaltat. The fortunate ( beneficiary" rst 'net Ashley at Decolt, Michigan, many years ago. while on a visit.. He was at that tlme-eneof -the forraoatlumbermen of that 'district. - Johnson was intro duced and during . the - conversation which followed made the statement that he would like to learn the lumber busi ness, believing there were great possi bilities In it for a young man. To his delight tha lumber king stated that he had taken a liking to the young .man accepted promptly and ; until Ashley's death was his business . associate and trusted friend and agent, as well aa his out warm personal friend. tniegiriinyfflpWrneWmf! 1 Mr. Ashley at a salary of I to a month." said Johnson, "and worked out In the woods In Washington; beginning at the very bottom .of ,the business,, In the course f time P worked -myself to- the top and Mr. Ashley made me sole agent on the Pacific coast-wltfc a-aalai-y-of $600 a month." , I Aehley was connected with the West ern Coast ..Lumber company., with head quarters in Chicago. Johnson was agent on the coast, with headquarters at Port land. Since Ashley's death the company haa discontinued business. Hla .estate amounted ta about - u.000,00.- While Johnson . was - on -his way to Chicago Mr. Ashley lost his life in the Iroquois fire. The estate waa -tied up in the courts and a few days ago Johnson re ceived word that the bequest of I4.SV0. 000 cash was at hla disposal. - He will go to Chicago at once. ' . TXS MST OOTXOBt STBtrP. S. I Apple, ex-Probate Judge, Ot tawa Co., Kansas, writes: "This Is to say that I have used Ballard's Hore hound Syrup for years, and that I do not hesitate to recommend It as-the best cough syrup I hsve ever used." tic, too and fl.00. Woodard, Clerks A Co. BUTTER LOWER Best Creamery Butter...... 60 Good Creamery Butter. . ". . . 50e Ranch t.ggs isvsr Best Sugar Cured Hams.. . . 14e Breakfast Bacon, lb ...... . .15 5 lbs. Pure Lard.. a... .50 Chickens, per lb. . .16a and 17f AIL good retailed at wholesale . pnees. ; I ' la Grande Creamery 264 YAMHILL ST. Enterprise Creamery Co. ; 197 riBurr btxxxt. ' u- lieadquarters for Corvallis Creamery S do. Strictly Fresh Egga..;'.. 7. 33a oans Corn ..................... 15a) t cans Tomatoes t ...... L ....... IL15ar S cansPeas ,' .'.'. ,'.TTfTTrr7.25f I t-lb. pkg' Gold Dust... ..-..'. ,.35 DELICIOUS PIES. CAKES , PUDDINGS . A aJD A JT f ffY It? -aa sets around..! cents a pound are now hard to secure at double that amount. 'The fall-winter senaon- for -catching lUmmi in tlin uluijtbla rlver"Kaoma to an end and thla la Lent. The scarcity of hah Is even more pronounced than. .a week ago ema- tae psiees nave-aa- vanced steadily. In the retail markets today Chinook salmon Is quoted scarce mHIrm at tt eeiHe a pouwdwulla the Steelhiads sre not orTpliiful at 15 cents.1 In a few days all fresh supplies Will be entirely exhausted.-- ; , All other lines are affected. Even the smelt seems to have taken Ita de parture, for this week the price at retail has moved " w' "to lft-eents a pound. while week ago they-were over plenLUJ ful at t cents. Colder weather prooaDiy the only-cause. - Thls lathetlma of the jreatwhen rasor clama are really good to eat. Most of those now being received In the mar kets sre young and tender. Fifteen cents g dosen the. average at retail. t " Weather condljlons were entirely re sponsible for the holding up of the egg market during the past-week. The eolU caused much smaller receipts and there was an Improvement In the demand from all sides. - -. : " . ' Meats are going to cost more money If -the present plana of tha meat trust do not go too - far astray. As now planned there will be an entire abacnee of competition among the dealers all being expected to charge the same price. In a- measure' they msy be compelled to do this, for the wholesalers have fixed things eo that they will pe unaoie to buy elaevhere. . . . ; j' MRS. M. C. M'PHILLIPS r 0IES AT M MINNVILLE MeMinnville. Or.. March IS. Mrs. Margaret XV McPhllllpawlfe, of Arthur McPhilllps. cashier of the First Na tional bank, died here yesterday. 8he was 1 troubled with -a: -complication -of TThwggea awl' h uyuisUmi i wss jis formed Wednesday from which . she never jellied. Thej:unera1waij held. today at 10 o'clock from St. James Catholic church. Rev. Father Iturrl -conducted the'aervi Ices.- -- : ' ' ' Mrs. ' McPhllllpe 'waa a "proralnerrt member of the Catholic church and an earnest " worker-. In St. . James'.. Aid so ciety. She waa also quite prominent in soclsl' circles. She leaves, besides her husband,- a little on. -- ri1 Permita. - Building. permits have been issued aa ond and ' Ankeny ' streets, coat $3,000; Mrs. Alice Larry, cottage, corner Kaat Blxth snd Kast Oouch streets. cost $1,600; Woodard, Clarke Co.. masonry for warehouse, corner Ninth and Hoyt streets..-cost 111,000; Louise Strube, cottage; East Burnside - between East Ninth - and Eaat 'Tenth streets, cost $1,S00. - : - FonvsrlJLTaraier'al WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER SHI. tSS, tSS Tslrd at., cor. Jffraoa. Bis Store of Little Pricoa roLtownto raids' win sivg Ton u OK IVEY SOIXA. OUAUTT 4UASUKTXES CHItLrXO'S BEST B AXIS' Q rOWDE la still, per lb ; WhImi drr araaulatffd eana auaar. 10O-lb .sack .....S5.e wmtera dry fraaalated cane augar, lh Iba ...xi.OO itra dry rranalated angar, 1H Iba.. ll.oil s pas MagDuna eleaaea eurranta .... 8 piseaaw serows aaeded raUlns I Iba new 8-erowa looae Maaratels ... Unwml Klfl.l HVdr - Me tan .c CmaM A Hiaci w.llV olt.a oil: at ootllaf r.SSc l ib pkg Ana A Hammer aoda .....Be 1-tal caa faery table ayrnp.. -...40c -sal eaa fancy table ayrnp T Iba Frewa pranaa ..' .V Shredded Wheat MacniU. per pkg 0 Iba Lontelana rice f ........ Faacy Earlr June Peaa, per doa. .......... I.'! bars Royal fMrnis aoap .10e .e .SOe .29c ,S)e o-ro pan Deal larqt. 10-lb pall beat lard -lb pall beat lard Bat plrnlc bama. per lb . Ret eottage hama (booeleaa) par lb "ItrrddM cocoa nnt, per lb Hard-arbeat dour, per aack gmtrh oats, per P Peatum cereal. Mr Dks 00 0 .$i i .10e ....... JOe 15c $1.00 ...... .ine e tie ... ,.!. 2e Sne .......lite Ita He y.M'a Naptha aoap. per bar Heat anft-whvat rioor. par aark. . ... Irecnlar SBol Jira A Noeba enrree U box aoda rrarkers (about 10 Iba) racllak Breakfaet tna. per lo . .... Fancy Our powder tea f regular S0c I lha brak.s Jars eoffo. .......... 1 bars tar aoap rneda Rlecult. per pkg...... Tiger cream (10c alaal.. , 6c East Sloe PetWarlrs Tseadajr sad Frttaya JH0T KAIV 40S. Franklin 105-107 Third Street. ... r EMoIwell Jhe Friedman PacktngCo PiratandXolumbia. Streets : . : Phone Main 111 These markets enjoy the distinction of their fine Prime Beef. All of their Meats are thoroughly inspected be fore placed on sale and they therefore notify their customers and the public to that effect. A trial of one of their Will convince any one SEE ONE 5 lb. Pail for CUT PRICE STORE JBJrit ond GROCERIES raCXAX PO ATTmBAT. 1 x.. CABT BAKXsTO VOWBSB ' TMMM WXTX TAXX BX.B1TOXD l xa. oorrxa 1 CABT SvABDIBTBia ZBT :. TBXBl WIT . I M. sfOBTABCBT BEOOaTA OB 7 " coma . . . ."t.tTt:. tt. a-Us. cabt snrmcrr, uoi . m WTTTSt X X.B. OOX.S BABTS WOOaTA OB corrxa ... t. AatOV$l ABUT ABrD'aTATT BUBTB oorrBB, nu xb. . .............. Be Sure and Read In order to Introduce our high grade Ceylon, Japan and China Teas, we wjll for Saturday only - CUT TBTX VBICB XBT BLAXJT. SOo Spider Lg Japan Tea .. ....... .....40a LtOc B. F. Japan Tea . .20 40c Ounpowder Tea U ......... , ...... .20a 40c English Breakfast Tea .......... ......20ai KOc Kngllsh Breakfast Tea ............... .40 SOc Orange Peka or Assam Ceylon Tea . ...40 t lb. Can O. West taking Powder,-, ... .fl. 35 . t lb. Can Schilling's Haklng Powder. ;. ...f 1.75 ( Pkgs. BOTAX. OBOWBT KAOABOBTX .25d $ t ans Table Cherries 25 -S-lb. Cans TaWe-Aprleote-r.m.-.r. ...... 10 2-lb. Roll Puritan Creamery Butter ... .... .60V ' MAIX. OBDXB8 OtTBBT VABTZOTnVAB : T-. - -; - - ATTBBTTZOBT. . . , - ' - ;XXZXSKEXS Mr. Duke says he will not go into the trust for he can Buy his meats cheaper in the cheaper and that meats keep better and longer, brought in fresh from the country . . , - . wishing to trade with an independent market, call at 185-FoiiTth-StreetNear Yamhill il: H, ' J 1'.., "' ' ' " ' . 11 - -;er y-r r; - - , . , " . J . . .... . . ;'. AND OET-THE Ul-llli Always haa aomethlng Una Jfor the par tlcular ones who love good things to hat. and during Lent we have made spe- DINNER sea us. ffKINDORFvBROSTr- 130 Oraad Ave. Vboaa Xaat 41S. Spec'a's at Rainier r Market - BITXIXO LZIT will bave special line of Fresh and Belt Fish. . Best Meats to be had at reasonable prices. ' ,l Extra fine lot Canned Pineapple, Fresh Ranch Eggs, dox 20 A full line of Canned Goods. Finest Creamery Butter. r.60g to TOf Fresh Butter, Eggs and Cheese Always oniland. , Al Baking Powder, Royal and Diamond 1 "W" cana 25 and 60 RAINIPR MAHKCT C. BLUM. Proprietor. lTtk aad aavter Ste. Tkoae BEaln 1S30. Market Phone Exchange- 63 Krime-JRilxJ?oasts df-Beef that, when they -see it in their ad. OF OUR SHOPS 50c(GUARANTEED LARD) 10 lb. DO!NT FORGET WE Toylor Streeta MEATS Feast of CO: 20c Women of Portland and surrounding towns, whom we consider to be good judges et value, are Invited to come and see what special values we areofferlng for Baturday and , Monday. run or ooos taxvxs bot to xa . . .. Bnaaxp. . ;,. .. .':- OXX. AT A ,t: rr. 25c What About bbajti, The-thrlfty- house wlf. ATA 30c 15 c sltlon. we ran remedy ave you BfOBTXT. Our display of, hhrh or cleaner In the city. Taaxr This ! XrOTTOX, .. Boaae-BUds Teal aad Xorlt Xaasagee. Fish Make Brains I Fancy Blue Back Mackerel. 12 K. K.-K. Alaska Herring. Z lbs. Boneless Codfish .... Can Canadian Ixbster 3 1-lb. Cans Flat Salmon S 1-lb. Cans Red ftalmon.. S 1-lb. Cans Cove Oysters . 1-lb. Can Baratarla 8hrlmps :.. H-Ib. Can Imported Albert Roche Sardines. .1 Cana F. A O. Supreme 2 Cans Rosebud Impt. 2 Cans Star Sardines : mxam m m xoxx or uw -raxoxx, ooox ooobs axo nxxrr : -,.:...or Townsend & Van WIOUUU AX BBTAXZ. OBOCBBX 147. First Street Beat Creamery Butter,' roll , . 55 5 Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs. 1 dox. for. , . . .35 "t-lb.- can Table Blackberrtea, per dosen ..... . , . , .ujuiXO Good Table Peachea and Apricots, I cana for 25 Standard Tomatoes, I esns for.... 26 Corn. Pess-or Btrtng Beans, 1 cana for ; . I J . 7 . .V. i." .......25 Primrose Cream, t cans for. ......16 Baked Beans, 1-lb. can. ......6 Bast Wslnuts and Almonds, t lbs. for 35 English Breakfast Tea. "per lb.....l5 :. ew Crow Tigs aad Trues. .'. Eaat aide delivery Tuesday and Fri day. .... PHONE MAIN 1282 DciDrwiiniuuvvrKKiwno- SHOPS-4 Independent- 127 First Street. ' . .'. " .. '.'.'":..." - 'Phone Main 8277, Al bany: 1265 Firat it's so. - ' .1. ': ' . . FOR THE SUNDAY DINNER HAVB POUR PLACES JCLLX-.RR1CB . QTORa Phone Good Yalut$Z the Meat Bill? aaya It'a a hard propo; tne evil .and likewise class Meats, ' Jione better' XOBBV TBUBIX BXXT. exzexxx. 25, SOa i6a 25e 2541 250 25 ' 20'a 10r .25a : X5e ....... .. Steak e a;- i a t e Pardlnes. sardines ......... Market Streed- L . . J Pail for $ 1 .00 llMllllt MilIHW 1.4- - p l. '-' 1 . I ''nij?-tj) sb, ' l 1J Jill.. J. 1 4 J.,! ax. i- - Main PROVISIONS -lh. Bella TAXOT mAXCBXUTTBB , t . .4B. S lbs. D.. G. Sugar-, .fl.OO 1-gall. Can Lion Brand Syrup 30a) H-gall Can -Lion Brand Syrup ....... .- .. ,20d S 8-lb. Cana Lion Brand Syrup. ..... w. .. .25 8 Pkgs. Jello. any flavor ..v............... 25a 1 Pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda 5a) I 1-lb. Pkgs. Lemon or Vanilla Macaroni. . ..25 1 pt. Pure Vanilla or Lemon Ext. ....40 1 at. Pure Vanilla or Lemon Ext. . .60a i pV Pure Vanilla or Lemon Ext- ...... ..".20 I Pkga.Acorn Mtohee . ........ .--y.25 S Dos- Clothes Pins ....................... 6 Bolla- ToUeUPaper f IP a DaoK ijuruajuc roiaioea . j.. ..-. -oof I-lb. Rolls Fancy Ranch Butter .,......... 45a 10-lb. Sack Rolled Cream Oats ............ 35 1 lbs. Red or White Beans ............... -!tH4 Iba. Imp. Lentila t .............. .15 5 lb. EOX FANCY. TABLE . ' CLUSTER: RAISINS T l'ba. Met. Weight Matron!. Spaghetti or ' Vermicelli ' . , , i . , . . -, .......... 80al Pkga. Crlapo ... ,....,, ......,.. 25a 1 Sack P. of W. Flour ...'.05 1 Rack-Liberty Bell Flour .............. .Sl.OO Full Cream Cheese ...15 Imp. Swiss Cheese .20 10 lbs. Worchester Table Salt ............ .15 10-lb. Pall Union C. PtLard.........i.....80 J-lb Pail Union C P. Lard 40 10-lb. Pall Monarch Pure Lard .......... fl.OO S-tb Pail- Monarch Pure- Lard r.;. ......... .50 Plo Nlo Hama .9 Cottage Hama . I ..10 atpeoUl Dellvvrr te All Facta of Otty. - comitty; and therefore sell every day. - All customers . ;""rv:.. DLUESTEM BLEND Is made from best easN . ern Washington blueatem ' wheat and " treated with . the" best aging process - known . to - science. .A . high priced - flour and worth the money. Every , . sack guaranteed. bicxbxau iaTT.T.rxa. OCv. ink TukiaitM an. .. . rhoa BlaU lSSS. ' an supply all your wants in the Grocery, Provision or Meat line. Special arrangements made for the Lenten, season. - Note a few prices quoted below: "-, ".''"':v'l0vl;:::'5; 1?. - Pound Very Beat Cute Round Steak. ' Pound Lamb, Veal or Pork Chops. -5 Pound Good Boiling- Beef. Pound Ig of Mutton or Prima Rib ; Roaat. r , ' 91.00 ''''v; - It Iba. Dry Uranulated Sugar. . .. ' .;r... f 1.15 - jfjaok Rose City flour; It's the Beat , ' .Y:: ""-J'eot '." "-"-' j tosen Cana Condensed Cream.-,';. '- S-lb. pkg. Soda Crackers. - - : . ar-A v j .. '.. . .. J 'Aaffr ' S. 'cana Standard Corn. FELLOWS EEL West Park and Washington Sri. Phone Main SJSa.-J'-., -:v