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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1906)
J - etSffiOuOrliOSOtUIE-GOIITIlOl: Under-91&- CircutYutinces it He . . jyventy.nve-Year-" Permit. ' . . ;. H COUriCtESTO-TO - ' : -, :-:'- DECIDS THE QUESTION Message - Not Bead Because .. Charter Provision Chamber . . Commerce Adopts Resolutions ,0p- posinc Grrinf Absolute Right, - Mayor Lane's message' to i,the -city " eeuaoll expressing Til, vlewe on munlo , lpal ownership of a, trail way on Front street waa barred from being read at th special meeting of tha city council this, afternoon by tha city chartar. ' Wbn tha call tor this meeting was ' made, th .only business designated to , coma before this meeting was constdersv- tlon of ' the ' report ot tha atraeta and , '' .7 Judletary committee on tha Front street franchlaea. , Tha - charter specifically provide that no bustneaa axcapt that , .' aeelgnated In tha call can be taken up at a apaclal meeting. . ' "Municipal ownership la tha and that should be sought." said tha mayor' re ,. ..port. . . "After that, aa a second choice. abaoluta municipal control. No franchlao . tor so Ions; a Prlod aa It years should be granted. No exclusive franchlaa ahould granted ta any one at any pries. Wo person will pay tha price that such a franchlaa la worth to tha city." li r ' Oouaoll Chaabera Crowded. ' y Tha council chambers were crowded with tha officer of the competlpg com-1 "MANY DIPLOMAS AND ".""CfcH 1 IHUA I ESTSSPEfr ' flMi4,t Tti...-w Tka Journal. I - Salem, Or., Marca. 15. Th following . . atate papers were issued by the state -" educational department yesterday; State life diploma John B. Still well. Pay ton; Klla 11 Brown. Drain; Annie . 'K. Blaoklaw. Lebanon: - Otla B. Do Laurler. Toledo; William K. Rutherford. - Monmouth; . Isabella AJtken. Richland; Joslaa D. Baughman, Riddle; Jennie Cook, Roaeburg; Rebekah Julia a una, ... Pendleton; Lenna L. Reld. Heppner; . Blanche B. Riddle, Riddle; A. H, Lowe, . Lafayette; Francea L Barnes, Portland Robert O. Rlppey. Pendleton; Mary L. Perkins. Montavllla; Jermla M. Bell, Portland; Margaret - Eva Torlc. Rocco; ' Jrnla Pitney, Hood River; Oeorge E. Johnson, Wasco: William J. Jonea, ' Shaw; Minerva D. Thleasen. Mllwauklo. . StaU Certinoatea Mrs. Sua A. Fletcher, Bourne: Pearl R. .Walker, Bandon; Mra. --Neva J. Rutherford, e Haines; Roy L. Coaklln. Union; Leland H. Morgan. ForU J land; Lyman A. McBrids, .a Grande; Thurmaa Chaney, Myrtle Creek; Q. R. ' MoClukyr Hammond: Marguerite K. . Pooler. Monmouth: John O. Hill. Hugo David PtMatthewa. Canby; Robert H. Jonas, Ashland; Mayns E. Aflame, Fort land; Edna Harris, Portland; Elisabeth Hayhuret, Portland; Archie E. Millard, Harney: Brenton Vedder. Arlington: Robert Ooets, Canyon City; Latah Brlver, Wamle; Albert Leroy Thorn, a, Gaston; Chalmers L. Strange; Cottage Orove; Nellie A. Parsons, Salem; Joseph D. Butler, Buena Vista; "William Mofnt. - Arlle; Lida Grace Booth by. Monmouth; Frank Cooper, McCoy; Clara A. Hol lander, Monmouth. . - COWLITZ SHINGLE MILL DESTROYED BY FIRE serial DlsDateli te The Jeeraal.) Kelso. Waah., March IS. J. N. Moore's ahlnala-milL located about three wiles ' from here oa the Cowllts river, wss com pletely destroyed by fir yesterday, while . ths men were at dinner. A spark Is sup posed to have caught from the flreplt. Thla mill employed quite a number ot men and nma tha entire year.- Tha loaa la about 13,000, with about tl.OOO Insurance. This Is the third time Moora'a mill haa . beesi burned. --. ' ' - - - ' . -J HUNTERS LOSE WAY . AND PERISH IN WOODS i . ' 4nraaI Bpedal Berrlee.) ' Kureka.. Cal., March U. James Brown la dead and Lee Reed Is In a dying con dition, aa the result of a hunting ex pedition on which th men atarted last Sunday- They became lost In th fog and after wanderlna; tor daya and nlghta In the redwooda Brown gave out and died. Reed continued to tramp for eeveral hours and had given up, exhausted, when found. .. . .v. MRS. HANNA BOND: -DIES AT NEWBERG '-' (Special Dispatch te The JoeraaL) -. Newberg, Or., March If. Mra Hanna Bond, a highly respected woman of this town,- died very suddenly last evening. Mrs. Bond . bad only bean ailing for a fsw hours prevloua t her death. She waa near i year of age, and waa a prominent member of tha Friends' church. She leavea four grown -children. . -; '..'. 7 '- .1 -.'..'.; COLDEST NIGHT OF . YEAR AT THE DALLES (Special Dhpetck te The Joerast) 1 Th Lall, Or, March lLLastnta-ht waa tha coldest of tha season, tha ther mometer thla morning narked 14 do arses above aero. Orchardlat ar fear ,' f ul of great damag to apricots, early peaches and cherries. The farmers will not know for some day th amount of damage to fall wheat. -Shusss (ke-WaUewSf- (SpecUl Dlspstrh te The JonratL) . Joseph, Or., . March IS. During: the larger part of last week the weather In Wallowa valley waa springlike, tha . moderate conditions having almost en tirely melted the snow on ths level. Commencing'. Friday- evening- there was a. enow etorm and Sunday night about 14 Inchee fell, making around thla place .about two feet on tha level. The gov ernment thermometer registered I de grees below aero Mondsy night. Srwarbt to Penitentiary. (Special Dlapatrh te The teoreaLl Salem, Or., Match lS.--Four prison' era oonvioted of larceny In a dwelling were brought to the state prlaoa yee- terday. They are Oeorg-a Maltby and j. is. cms or Linn county sna ensrieap, Sllgh and Frank Bowers ot MultnomahWieedleei March, daffodil: ApriL dande-county.- 1 lion; May, trie; 'Juno, rose; July, pond -' Th fellow who ha to play rkrds for money shou i t'kk to solitaire. panlea snd othere.i. The majority-report recomrnendlnr-tsttha'-.- franchlaa ' be granted the United Rallwsys oompany was -favorably considered and tba ml' aorlty report that tha franchlaa be given to the Willamette Valley Traction comnanv'' wai retd. TSHveraT tmendt rnente -were-ffTd" and" then tha fran- ehlac of tha United Raliwaya company la expected that this franchise will be favorably considered . and aont to tha city executive board 'to have' a valua tion fixed on It . - " - At a special meeting of tha trustees and tranapprtatlon committee of the chamber of commerce, held at 1 o'clock today, reaolutlona were adopted request ing tha eouDctl to defer action until tha provision of the respective franchlaea have been published. After reciting; the (rest importance of Front street to tha city, the necessity of guarding against any monopoly of the atreat and tha lack of Information aa to the nature .of tha proposed franchlaea. tha reeolutlona aay: That It la tha aenae of the board of trustees and tha transportatloa commit tee of the chamber of commerce that' In order-- to- preserve tha . use of ' this street for the- purpoaea aforeaald tho only eafe way to proceed la for tha city to , retain tha absolute control of. ths operation of care over aald street, tha price to be charged therefor, and If possible ' tho actual ownership ot tha same. - And further, that a reasonable charge ahould be exacted for tha uaa of eald atreet, ' either, by annual pay manta or a- charge for each- car hauled over tho aame, or by both. ' " They add "That tha city's" Interest must not be loot eight of, and It ahould be borne In mind that the control of the rallroada and transportation, companies can paaa from one person or corporation to enocner and that therefor tho onlv abaoluta aafeguard In connection'' with the uss of Front street Is for tha city to retain the actual ownership and eon trol of a railroad thereon.." CHARGED WITH TRYING " -roiotsotms-YrFE "Albany, Or.. March is A matter that baa eauaed mora comment and excite ment than any for many a day la th cnarg cnaa oy th wit of E. Kv Wag ataff of this city that fa bad endeavored to poison her by placing- poleon In her xooa ana anna. . An examination of tha aame haa bean mad by Profeasor Fulton, chemist at th O. A. C, and It waa found that th poison was rough on rat. Wag-staff wu au-reeiea ana aia ban placed at tl.00o. Thl wa readily furnlahed by the many frlenda of th accuaed. Mra. Wagstaff allege that aha has witnesses to prov th charg-e. Th preliminary neaiica; -wilt take place to morrow. . YOUNG HIGHWAYMAN V GIVEN FIVE YEARS : w. Wii aVh i4Lw: I Ham WaJdron, the young- holdup artlat, " umiiu iu uve year in me peni tentiary ' by Judge - Brenta yesterday afternoon.. Waldron showed the utmost Indifference to his fat and declined to talk about hla checkered, career to the Jude-o. Waldron ia th young- man who headed , gang of criminal that com mitted Dumeroua burglar lea and holdupa last January. Hla partner. Corbett Origga, waa captured and aent to the reform echooL Walron ekipped to Alaska, but returned to Yakima a few weeks ago and was cantured - and r. turned to Walla Walla. ARRIVAL OF INFANT , V : ; SON DELAYS MINISTER v ' (Jeornal SpeHsl torTfe.) Aberdeen, Wash,, March 16. Tha de parture oi kot. w- E, Thompaon and family for hla new "pastorate In Walla waiia toaay waa indeflnlUly postponed oy ma arrival or an Infant eon laat night . Their furniture la loaded on a car ana meir trunks all packed. Dr. waiineia ana ram Uy, tha new pastor irom waiia w ana, la expected thla week. ' ,. HOSPITAL ATTENDANTS KILLED IN PHILLIPINES (Jeeraal Bpedsl lenrice.)-T ' ' Washtnaton. March ; ts. General Wood cables that Harry B. Rodebrough ot the hospital corps waa also killed In the Jolo battle, Roderick McDonald of the hospital corps wss killed In action In Uebu March , Thla la the first mention of the Cabu flfht. . THERMOMETER DROPS : ' IN SOUTHERN OREGON (Special Diseeteh te The Jennet.! ' ' Ashland, Or., March 16. Tha temper ature dropped her laat night to IS, tha lowest. since January 11, 1 J 05. Un questionably much fruit baa been killed, but alncs only a port of tha bud have broken open, growers do not despair of a erop, . ' ', , : SHOOTS WOMAN AND SELF IN PRESENCE OF WIFE '' (Jonmal BpeHal Rervi.) ' New Tork. March IS. Miss Kstell Toung. aged J 5, was shot and killed by Lout Noaser, aged 15, who Immediately committed auiclde In his apartments In the presence of his Wlfs this morning. Th polio are - nutaalsfled - with- the explanationa of Mra. Noaser. ' Tw ak Pledge JTambes Oae. r (Special Dtupatrs te TtelniTnl.) Balem. Or.. March IS. B. F. Jonea of Independence, candidate for Joint rep resentative from Polk and Lincoln coun ties, filed his petition today. Ho favors pledge" nn mber" 1 snd wuman's suffis ge.' T. B. Kay of Balem, Republican can didate for th senate, filed his petition yesterday. Ha takes pled- No. 1. . B. A. Downing of Btayton haa with drawn a a candidate for representative. Jo hn at The Valise. " (Bperlsl Dlapateh. Je The Jouraal) Tha Dalle. Lr., March 1. CL A. John of Baker City, candidate for nom ination for govemor( made a canvaa of the city yesterday and became ac quainted with th clttsens. . . " Th Koata and the Flower. .- . From th New Tork Sun. ' Here I an American Hat of the flower for each month. Similar list In ths Sulklor of other countriea varv January mlatletoe; Febraary,- pine lily; August red poppy; September, In dian corn; October, maple leaf; Novem ber, chrysanthemum; December, holly. LADOR R017 :E:03 A FIGHT - Contractor"" ToKlton rand -Pile- Drivra Wranftj-tdker l l-jC-HIia Contractor. bystanders interfere AND STOP THE STRUGGLE Work on Steel Bridge. Willamette Dock and Building for Woodard, . Clarke ft Co. Tied Up Contractor Hiree Non-Union Men.' ' Wrangling between striker and Con tractor Touison, wno is driving piles for tha steel bridge, the Willamette dock and th warehouse of Woodard. Clarke at Co. . that . la being erected at Ninth - and' Hort streets. - resulted In -a fight this morning In which Tolllsoa and "Bhortr Herman,' a atrtker." were the principals. -" Tha contractor called upon th police for assistance. In quelling the dlsturb ano and- la preventing etrlker inter fering with nonunion men who had been employed to take their places. J The police refused to take part in th con tentions of either faction and ToUlson declared he would have a warrant issued for the arreat of Herman, '- Some 10 union pile drivers who were in the employ of ToUlson are out -of work aa th result Of a strik that waa ber or them eomrrtgatea in. the Ttcinttyf of Ninth and Hoyt atreets. where the pile driving engines hav ben idle sine Monday; - A number of new-men were preparing to go to work and th atrtk er attempted to dissuade' them. Youison is said to nave ordered th striker away and hla order waa re sented by Herman. - They quarreled and on I aald to have cursed the other. th fight that resulted waa e topped by ' outsider As a result of the strike, work on the steel bridge, Willamette dock and Wood ard, Clarke eV Co.'a warehouse baa bean practically suspended.- - i-.-- . TO MAKE RICH WOMAN . SUPPORT POOR BROTHER ' A default judgment wss taken thla morning In tha case of the county of Multnomah against Xarira J. Fallng. When Judge Fraaor ordered that the Judgment be recorded Attorney T. N. Strong gave "notlceef appeal lo the state supreme court. . , Tha ault was brought te compel Mrs. Fallng to contribute fSO a month for th support of her brother, Cornelius W, Barrett, who Is said te be Infirm In both mind and body.- Two years ago Barrett, aged S4 eats, sued his slstsr for fSO a month. . Both County Judge Lionel R. Webster and Circuit Judg John B. Cle land decided in tils favor,' but the case waa reversed by th supreme court. The countynow sues -JiraFallnr, .whose Inoome la said to be mor than $1,000 a month, to aupport ber brother in order to keep htm .from, becoming a publlo charge. . .' , , - . It la aald that for several years Bar rett haa been " upported by a few friends, who now and then would give him email ohanga to get something to eat. - He lived in a basement. His sls tsr steadily refueed to - contribute to hla aupport. There la a law In Oregon to .compel a near relative - to - support another In certain cases, and District Attorney Manning la of the opinion that thla la one.- -. BIGGEST FREEZE OF r -"WINTER IN UMATILLA (Rceclal DisDetra te. The Journal. - Pendleton, Or., March IS. Though tha aun baa been , shining In eastern Ore gon for two daya titter the big atorm. the biggest -frees of the winter oc curred last night ta this part of th state. - Umatilla county-reported 4 de grees below sero from many point a. Lwbll 'during th big storm It only reached 10 above. A still blighting oold set in laat night, though there have been no reports ot stock and fruit losses. Farmera do not complain, as the cold cannot hurt the grain. In Baker and -Union counties the thermometer registered 10 and It de- greee below sero laat night, -, -r MOODY CLASHES WITH ; JUDGE IN BEEF, CASE (Journal aseelal Servlce.1 - Chlcagb. March 15. -Attorney-General Moody and Judge Humphrey disagreed in the packers' caae today In regard to Immunity for packers under indictment District Attorney Morrison mad a long argument aupport ed by Moody. .The court appeared to Intlmat that th evi dence might ahow that the Information had been secured under an Implied promise of Immunity and used to secure Indictments.' Moody contended that it wss a question for th Jury. REMOVE COUNCILMAN 1 yrj FOR FRANCHISE GRAFT III ii , 'V'.', (Joerast Special serrlee.) t Los Angeles, March 15.- As a culmina tion of graft charges Mayor MoAleer may forcibly oust Councilman Houghton from office. '- This - morning Houghton demanded that . the mayor prov bl cbargea. The mayor and the council accuae each other of graft In connec tion with the franchise ot the Salt Lake road.' .-. . ' - - ,'-' - ' P0RTLANDER ROBBED ; t IN SAN FRANCISCO Mm lal rilapslch -tO- .Tha Joarnal ., - San Francisco, March II. B. Marco, who recently arrived hero from Port land, Oregon, waa robbed of 134 and a watch In room 410, Broadway house, early thla morning. Th polio are looking for Marco'a companion, who' la missing. Store Closed TiH Saturday. . ' htor fWIH Wolf at Co an Morrison, will be clossd till Baturday morning at o'clock, when Itsdoors will swing open on one of the biggest sales that Institution has ever had. Mr. Wolf, the manager, will expoae for aale not only a mammoth atock of men'a, youths' and boys' clothing, but In addi tion a heavy consignment ot women's ap pare L la this lot will bs a mass of silk waists. The will be sold at Jess thsn one-quarter-their real train and in all rases, men's 'Wear aa well aa women's, th' price will not exceed one halt ordinary price. Tomorrow Jour aal will tell ell about It v . , MULTN.0i,1AH . COUNTY NOW MnJtnsmah county la entirely eat of debt It haa not a lUblllty which It cannot liquidate on a minute's notice. f-Tha-nast -of the outstanding -road a-u. rants which hav been -drawing Inter eat were called 'tn March by County Treasurer I jwts anditiey have now all been cashed. More than . that; thfraaarden upon the county lotigeri For 19' ifrleieirr funde-Trrthe eonnty treee. ury and money due from taxes to In sure th people that no debts will have to be Incurred and no tntereat paid this atac Thla la tha flratllm tn"Tnany"yara that th eotinty has actually been free from debt and with no possibility of having to incur debts within a short time. It has paid off an Indebtedness of several hundred thousand dollars within ths laat throe yeara. , - , , BABY STEALS CAB JO CAUSES TR0U3LE. Mother Narrowly Etcapei Arrest Because) of Her Babyt "y" ' Prank. Mrs." J. " Oleasort, Whose home I at JOH . Water street, la th mother of a tot Who when it wanta anything take It. Ita advocacy, of thla anarohlstlc doctrine caused ths mother a great deal Of trouble yesterday and she narrowly avoided being haled into tha police court Accompanied by her baby-, Mra Glea- , i fzLTj. alk, -The chTM tOijdled, along contentedly behind ber. Now and tnen aha glanced back to eee that her offspring ws following. A Small baby carriage stood in front of th house ot Mrs. Benjamin Simon, j29Tbixd trjeet. Tha'child waa pleased with-the carriage and shoved it along in front or him. The mother bad gone almost two blocks and turned a corner, when shs happened fif-- TT Simkntw tharMld wss following, because It had been. chortling ln.deiigbt itcr.auanca. was. lnvoruntarx, but It ahowed her that the little on had taken aomebodyrbaby-cerr!age.- The mother walked back .to the corner but could aea nobody.- She remembered dimly having passed a baby-carriage. but not tha location. In a quandary, ah decided to go bom and let ber husband take th eaniag and find th owner. In the meantime Mr. Simon mlesed th carriage and notified th - poire that It lad been stolen.'. Patrolman Riley waa sent out to try to find It H got a slue, leading him te tha Olsa son bom, as Mr. Qlaason wss preparing to tak th carrier and search for the owner,. .. The .Tehlolwaarturnd--to Mra Simon, by Riley with an explana tion aa to how It happened to be taken. Mra Blmon thereupon aald abs would not rue a complaint . CITY NOW ABSOLUTELY OWNS BIG LOG PALACE Mayor Lane announced td the city park-board ttia morning tnaVtha Fores- try building at th exposition grounds and tba two acre of land on which tha struetur Is situated ar now th prop erty or the city, Th sum of 114.000 ws paid by tn city yesterday to th uoiaamitn eetate tor. th land. The mayor further announced that ha had received notification from H. W. Good, president of ths Portland General Electric oompany, that hi company waa prepared to wrr th structure for light ing aocordlng to promise and also to pUt ' a concrete foundation under the building on behalf of J. J. Hill, presi dent of the .Northern Paclflo Railway company, who baa contributed funds tor 1 this work. on suggestion or Mayor T.ane, the city auditor waa lnatructed to advertlae for blda tor a. band containing at least IS piece to give 10 concert during th summsr season In the city parka Dr. - Eliot and Ion Lewis were ap pointed a committee to craft reaolutlona expressing ths sorrow of ths board over the loea of their colleague. Colonel L. L. Hawkins and also to aend appropriate condolence to th aged ... mother and ether relativea. BIG MILL' AND TIMBER DEAL IS CONSUMMATED Sal of a half interest in th Salem, Falls City sV Western railway, a large amount of timber and a sawmill plant at Dallas, haa been made by L. Oerlinger to F. W. Laadbetter of Portland. The price was upward of ISOO.OOO. Mr. Oerlinger la president of ths rail road oompany and principal owner of ths timber involved. . He built th railroad originally aa a logging road some year ago and developed It Into a commercial railway U miles long, between Dallaa and Falls City. Extensions are being mad every year Into tho timber. Th capital stock Is tZM.OOO. . Ths transfer Included about 10.000 acre of yellow fir timber near Falle City. The combined Interests tn ths rail road have purchased tha Con sawmill at Dallaa and MOO acre of yellow fir near that town. They will make large Improvement in tho mill and Increase Its present daily capacity ot 10,000 feet to 100,000 feet of lumber. COLDEST WEATHER YET - - - - IN BAKER COUNTY (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) BakerCHy, Or.. March 16.r-Ths weather here la th coldest In years? At o'clock this morning - th ther-. mometer registered 10 below. A break up Is expected shortly and If so thers Is danger of high water In the Powder river. A shortage in hay la reported and stock will suf fsr. .. -m ' - aVsosptlon to Mrs. Son! way. V. The Informal and general reception to be tendered to Mra Abigail Bcott Dunl- way tbla evening at the Commercial f luhu.bliar.f rlanda -promises tn .ha largely attended. The committee In chare-, of which Mra W. C Cartwrlght la chairman, haa decided to have no formal program, though Mra Dunlway 111 aoeak briefly or th lifework of Mia Aathonf andMUa Oregg will re spond. Muslo and refreshments 'will follow. ' r. V -- ' Crashed Bet a Oar. W. Ta Currtngton, a brakeman, , waa crushed between two care In tha Termi nal yard a thla afternoon and may die. He waa removed to Qood Samaritan hospital, where, it la said, ths amputa tion of a leg and an arm will be neces sary... it Is feared that he may ' not survive. .. BTew Bank Xnooryorate. -" Articles At incorporation for the Bnk of America have been filed byJC C. Knoemechlld of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, C. M. Brun of Ban 'Francisco, and U. W. Weterbury of thle city, ENTIRELY OUT OF DEBT N mar 'debt and no more In terest to pay for us, was the eapres jSlon of. County-Treasurer- LiwiS yea- erday. "W hate been In ,leb4 Ter-e long time' and It lr a great relief to know that we ar not to hav such a long yeer thecojatreld -Bot;Jrntrsr:.-g : . - jJ.-JX.yjJ:t"JH'i what It waa to- be out of debt.- Laat fall th outstanding warrants were all called In. but We had to Indorse othere owing to. unexpected expenses in Im proving road a But ws have cashed all tha outstanding warrants and ar go ing to remain out of debt. I 'see no reason why we should. Incur any other liabilities unless some nnforeaeen ca tastrophe happens which will require large sums of money." . HEAVILY ARI.1EB QII TAKE ORCHARD TO CALDWELL Arraigned on Charge" of Murder. Ing Steunenberg and Will Plsad Tomorrow, V; , (Ipeebl Dlaeatek te The Jeeraal. I .Boise,, Idaho, March IS. - Seven heavily armed guarda. four having Win- cheater rifles, assisted Sheriff Nichols In conveying Harry Orchard from Bolae tw-Caldwell - this ' morning. T- He was taken to th sheriffs efflc at Caldwell, the guard remaining with blm until S o'clock thla afternoon, when h waa ar- raigneq in the district cour - Tha Indictment la tha aame aa thoee against Moyar, Haywood and Pettlbon charging him with tho murder of ex Governor Steunenberg by meaiia. ot a Hwnnb loaded with deadly exploslvee, wMohet caused ta explode against th parson of Steunenberg causing th 1st tor' death. At th request of Orchard Attorney Ed L. Bryant of Payette waa time given until tomorrow-to file a de- Orchard .wit again takenbefora the grand iury to give-further testimony concerning nie conresaion. - " t .Th case against Vincent St John inline, project., amploylng -W, H larrabee th Justice -court at Caldwell eras con tinued until tomorrow, at t o'clock, on motion of the prosecuting attorney. Sheriff Bntan had all arrangementa mad for taking St John to Colorado In case be wa discharged. - NEW MOHAIR POOL IS FORMED IN VALLEY (Special Dispatch te The JearaaLI - Independence. Or, March 14. A new mohair pool was organised In Polk coxwity Tuesdsy. Ths meeting was hsld In Alrlis and the following offlcere were elected: ' A. C. Stasia, president; Maurice Fowl, secretary. A board of manager, consisting of th. president, secretary and I. M. Simpson, were eelected. Th pool starts out with a strong membership of It, sepreeentlag lg fleece and 'It is expected at leest It others will com In, : making the pool run close to 4,000 fUeees.- T . . ., The nsw pool was formsd In "order to further - th Interests of the many goatraleers of Polk county and . th Lucklamlt valley. PRICK OF SPLINTER " CAUSES MAN'S DEATH " (Special Dispatch to The JearasL) ---Walla - Walla, WashJ .. March . 11. Blood poisoning, resulting from a slight prick of a splinter, cauaed th death of Charlee Tambsrt. a promlnanxBarrjcjtls man atation farmer, at St. Mary's boa pltal yesterday afternoon. A week ago, whil working around his barn. Lam bert accidentally pricked his finger with punter.': The member immediately began to ewell and he hastened to town and entered tha hospital. . Despite th effort of bia physicians th poison want through bis system,' reeultlnr In hi Heath, Mr. Lambert cams to Walla Walla tt yesrs ago and amassed a for tune tn farming.--II leavea a family-ot nine children. GREEK LABORERS WIN ..STRIKE AT EUGENE iSperUl Dispatch te The JoeraaL) Eugene, Or., March II. A nana of tl Qreeka, who ar employed by th South ern Pacifio oompany near thla city In laying the new to -pound ateel ralla, want on a strike yesterday and most of them spent the dsy in Eugene. The Greek demanded a .new foreman and got ons. - '..,..,- i . . . . CROWDS AT FUNERAL OF SUSAN B. ANTHONY (Journal Special Sen Ice. I Rochester, N. T.. March IS. Tha funeral of th late Susan B. Anthony waa held thla afternoon. It waa attend ed by crowds. Many addresses will be made, paying tribute to bar works. , Wlreleaa Walla Walla.- . (Hpeclat Dltoatck te The Journal.! ' Wail Walla. Wash.. March 16. Word waa received In Walla Walla yesterday that th De Forest Wireless Telegraph company had decided to eatabllsh a sta tion at Walla Walla,- work t be com menced as soon aa material can be ahlpped In. Milton Huber, district manager of the Equitable Lit Insur ance company,-will - represent th D Forest company in Walla Walla. j Meeker IVeave The Dalle. ' ' : . " (Sperlal rHapa-h te The Joarnal. f JL The Dalle. Or.. March !. Eara Vteeker atarted oa his Journey over the old Oregon trail , yesterday afternoon, accompanied by two men who will pre pare hla camping place. It waa In- aat night at th immigrant crossing xt Five Mile creek, where he will erect th flrat monument. Court Blaoharge Oaatblen. " " (SmcUI DUpatrh te The Joereal.t ' - . -Joseph; Or.. March Ut On Baturday last three -men were r arrested -by th f town marshal charged with playing atud poker.- Th trial took place Saturday before Recorder Rusk, tha defendanta being defended by Attorney C, R. fcber hard. The court took tha matter under advisement and discharged th defend anta, . Jndge XnvwaU. peak. ' (Retrial Dteoatea te The JoernaLl Walla-Walla.. Wash., Maroh It. Ataa meeting of th Walla Walla Bar asso ciation, to b held st the Hotel Decree tonight. Judge Stephen A. Lowell, can didate for United Slates senator from Oregon, will deliver th principal ad- drees. Following th meeting a banquet will be hsld et the Decree. TRACTIOfl SALE IS POSTPOdEIl- Formal-Transfefof OregorrTrao; tlon Company's Holdings to - 'ItmrarT D ilu w ha.laoe4 J. M. GARDINER HAS INJUNCTION T ISSUED Asserts He Is Defrauded Out of His Rights Under J Preeent Plan - of Merjer Other Side Asserts That rr He Has N tUeeVteve'rr To the great eurpriee ot ell parties to the aala of tho Oregon Traction company propertlea to the United Rail waya company, the aala . wa held up today by a restraining order laaued by Judge Fraser. The officer Of tb company- announced -that th eal would be postponed to tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. ........... Th delay I cauaed by a ault brought by John M. Oardlner of San Franciaoo against th Oregon Traction 'company.' Andrew Oraydon, the United Railways oompany, W. D. Larrabes and other to restrain the aala on the ground that he ha been defrauded of .certain right claimed under an option held by him last December to puruhas and flnanc tha Oregon Traotlon company' project. Officer of the company aaaert that Oardlner baa no cese and that th aal rnperly to tho Oregon JTract Ion company can only be delayed a few dayeT,rP''n',,n, supply id-Io00raifrerehT at most. 'i , jplaces muslo which dlffara not In th , HI-petition allegea that the Oregon Traction- company's oapltal stock was 11.000,000, divided "Into 10,000 Shares; that on T September je,-l5,' Andrew Oraydon. then president, made a eon tract -whereby -Oardlner -Undertook to flnanc th company, It being agreed bond should be placed in escrow In th thereupon he advanced $1,000 topajr tm mediate claim for labor, and want to work on th propoeed plan for financing to make an examination of the propr rty; that Mr. Larrabe Informed Meeara Bvane and Orlfflaa of th conditions surrounding th project, and they en tered Into a conspiracy - with Andrew Oraydon to . deprive - plaintiff of hla rights under th contract with Oray don, by Incorporating -th United Rail way company and taking over the atock of th Oregon Traction company. L. Y. Keady. secretary of th Oregon Traction - company, made , tha following statement: . ' ' - "Mr. Gardiner la 'a promoter at San Francisco. Last fall w gava blm an to-day option on th stock of th Oregon Traction company,' and he undertook to perform certain things regarding ths financing of the enterprise. He put up 11.000 to be forfeited If ho failed to carry the deal through, Thot waa as far aa he got. Mr. .Gardiner baa no CSS"'. . - ' ISID0R JACOBS IS - CONFINED AT HOSPITAL -T , - - -'l ' I I 1 ' , ' Isldor Jeeobs, who travela for Charles Kohn Co. of thla city, la at Good Samaritan hospital aa th result of an accident which occurred at Corvallta Tuesday. While walking In that city Mr. Jacobs slipped and fell upon ths sidewalk, suffering a broken kneecap. He - was brought- to-Portland and - re- moved to Good Samaritan hospital. He la said to be gradually improving and will not be permanently Injured, .- - FRISCO-STABLEMEN GO OUT ON STRIKE (Jouraal Special Service, t San Francisco, March -it. Three hun dred atablemen and SOS horaeshoers who had returned to work were again called out today to enforce th demand upon atabl owner for a closed hop. Sixty atable ar without union hand. Ths labor-union claim that stable owners are not living up to their agreement, ' SHOT BY CRIPPLE FOR ABUSING HIS MOTHER (Journal Special Barries.) -- Redding, Cat, March It. Jo Buah went to the cabin' of Maggie Gould, near Shlngietowa laat night, assaulted th woman and picked a quarrel with her son, Oeorge Gould, aged. II yeara, a cripple. The son grabbed a rifle and ahot Bush in th back. Tbla morning Bush's body waa found. - Gould haa dle appeared. , . ; . : . t" ' ' JOLO BATTLE CALLED MASSACRE IN HOUSE (Jooraal Spatial Service.) ... Washington. March It. The Jolo bat tle waa described In tha house today by J one of Virginia . aa a "massacre." Bacon of Georgia, In the senate, boped that th slaughter proved to be Justi fied. Lodge declared that It was "not time yet to condemn ths American sol dier.". , : . ' " . ELEVEN THOUSAND GOLD FROM TWO TONS OF ORE (Joarnal SpeHal Service.) - Juneau, - Alaska, March -lt There-Ma excitement her over the returns -from two tona of picked ore from Nevada creek which nets til, 000. Ths property-1 located clus to the famous TreadwelL " JAPANESE GOVERNMENT TO ACQUIRE RAILROADS ; (Jooraal Special Bertlee.) i. ' ' -Toklo, . March ' U. The lower house adopted a bill for th naturalisation of railways today. A riot occurred Upon th announcement that there had been a raise in streetcar far, which tha police quelled,--' : i -. -. -r - - Wataon FUe Pstttlosv. ' : ; ' - (Mredal Pt.patrh te The Journal") ' . Salem. Or., March It. 10. B. Watson, a Portland Republican, today filed hla petition for nomination for United State senator snd ssks to be printed after his name: "Popular rights can not be surrendered for th advancement ot private Inter-" ' jgwU e arassssd ataaltk... -(Sneetal Ptaratrh te The Jonmal.) Salem, Or., March It. Wlllmr K Newell of Gaston ha been decided upon a th successor of K. L Hmlth ot Hood River aa president of th ststs board sf horticulture, . Nsw Invention, the) Telharmcn- .0very:SirTIs i SUPPLIES HARMONY TO ; TEN THOUSAND PLACES Musical Power House to Be . Cotv structed Note Produced by Klec trfcal Vibration iWill Sell Service -,--to CUentav'-"- e -.- f Joeraal Ssecial Svrrlce.) 5 . . New Tork, March IS. An Invention Just completed marks an smaslng step In tha development of electrical power . and assets tbe present theory of prao. tlca of music In so remsrkable a man ner . aa . tq make the evolution t - th pipe-organ front a slmpla reed, tb piano from a single-stringed lute, ; seem In significant. . -. '. . . In th "telharmonrum," declsr both musical eleotrle experts. Dr. Thaddeua Cablll of Holyoke, Massachusetts, haa established a new art. From the tel-" harmonium. It i aaserted thst noted chords ar produced which ar never drawn from string or pip. : Th-eleetrtcal -world pronounce Dr. CahUl's Invention- th greatest original . electrical, discovery since -the telephone, ' Tho inventor has-constructed. In short,' a musical power-house, from . which it slightest tone or arhsde front that which . th operator hlmeelf hears.-rTh notes are" produced by electrical vibration. A central atation for distribution by teiharmonium " la to " ber" stabltshcd in" Nsw York in three monthe. Th Invention is completely covered jili lans tents., a toe, i to aell musical aervlc at first to hotels. partment atom and to such private per sona as ar able to pay for tb noveltyr YERKESASTWILL I ' - -1PR0BATED TODAY : (Jon real Special Berries.) -. r : ' Chicago, March la Th lasj; will and testament of tho late streetcar mag nate, Charles T. Terkee, cam up for probata la tb probate court this after noon and th court Issued an order that "No atocka, bonds, eecurltle or oaeh can be drawn from theVTsrke estate except "by order of th court or upon, a voucher approved :. by the - Central Trust company. . - f " -- Mrs. Trks-Mlsner did not appear In oourt-aad U 4-eald the-decree I -te-prevent Mlsner r-- his -wife drawing money without first consulting the court or Louis Owsley, who was given let ters testamentary thla afternoon. , . . MUST PAY.C0MMISSION OF FIVE THOUSAND (SpeeUl Dlaeatch t The TeareaLI Helena, Mont., March It. Th com plainant in th ault of R, A. Luke, as admlniatrator of th estate of Charles' F. Gibson, against C D. McLur and l- 8. McLur of St. Louis, having failed tn eetablish the .right of L, B. McLur to bind C. p. McLur In a contract agree ing to pa a commission of K.000 for the Broadwater group of mine In Cae- " cad county. Judge Hunt In the United State court, today dismissed th action : aa to C. IX MoLure. - - The jury -later found for th conii jslalnant against-ta-S. McLur in th sum IS.00O, together with interest and COSta ' . . ,'.--. ' , : HOUGHTON GRANTED - CONDITIONAL PARDON ' (Sserlal Dlspetch to The Jeeraal.) Salem. Maroh it. Governor Chamber lain Isaued s conditional commutation . to Charlea Houghton of Multnomah county, sentenced to five yeara tn tha penitentiary on a ' charge of robbery. . Th reason for granting th commu tation were petition elgned by a larg number of cltlsens and th prisoner's good conduct ia prison, together with a recommendation of. Judge. Prater for such commutation, as Hougliton prom ise to provide for hi aged pa reals. Hla father la totally blind and his mother an Invalid. -,-. NEWCOPPER-SMELTER- NEAR SAN FRANCISCO (Joarnal Special Service.) ' San Francisco. March 16 It Is an nounced authoritatively that tho Selby amelter ' concern will soon - commence th construction of a big copper Smelter near thla city probably tt. San Bruno on the ocean shors." The Odggtnhetms -hav already announced that they. will, build ' a 11.500,000 amelter at . Fort Costa. Daniel Guggenheim will be her tomorrow in connection with the plan. TRAINS STALLED BY FLOODS ON DESERT "5 '' v.- ' v ' " --'-' (Special Dlapetcb te The Journal.) Salt Lake, March U. The waahout altuatlon on the Bait Lake rout la un changed and all tralna for three days' have been held up In th canyon between Callente and Laa Vega--Nevada trains' front-Lo Angelea caught below Calumta. cannot be released for another ft hours. ' snd dtntng-car supplies are being packed -down the moan tain sld to the' stalled trains. ' , . . . ... AUDITOR SHERRICKIS . SENTENCED TO PRISON ' ' (Joarnal Special Service.) ' Indlanapolla, Ind.. March IS. Former State Auditor Sherrick wa found guilty . of misuse of th state, fund today and given an Indetermlnar sentecce of from two to 21 years. Hla attorneya ,win appeal. - NEW YORK IN GRIP- : OF ROARING BLIZZAHD ' (Jnnrael Spmlsl Serrlee.) Nw Tors, Msroh It.. M bllxxard seined this city today snd crippled tranaportaH.OB and wires. Many death from exposure are repArted. Mitrt nor and colder weather la predicted. . maefeVes St " (Joarnal S' T ClevelsndTo.. J .... i tatlv of Ko-' cat 1 st I (.