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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1906)
Ti;:;no"::co:rTATirr joTC::Ai;"ro LGM0KEEI84IIS rifeivirTcIur Tfcar.2:::r OFrsi?!i"Stcro : : Fsallne HII Is mTVtb.i" aiulM Ban" fcmulre ....... KaeurTacuoe The' Boya.or Oleagall" lljtlf . , ,V ......a,... Star ....... .. VeUTlle Marosiai Oread : . i - -W.t H. OrtntlaUf f - end - George .XL. chalk, local real eatate dealers, have . sued the Merchants Investment Truet - " Company for I1.7IS, allege to ba due them aa commission for having Intro- -i aost fflora-of aa company -ta F.-K; Gordon. Mr. Gordon was agent of Irene " O. Gordon and purchased the property Juuwn aa tha Quelle from tba defendant company for 180.000 on August 1, ltOi. Tha plaintiffs aver that en-agreement was made between them and the eom- pany for tha sale of tha property and after this contract had been made they met Qordon. showed him tha property, Introduced him to-the officers of the company and that later ' Gordon pur ehaaed. Tha defendants' declare that Gordon quit his dealings with ths real estate firm: that after this deal had : bean called off tha officers of the com pany gave the property orar to David . Bt earns to sell ; ' The Woman's Alltanoeof the" Unite- rlan church gave a program of unusual Interest yesterday afternoon, when Mrs, Henrietta Ellot read from her own writings. Mrs. Julia B. Comstock in troduced Mrs. Ellot.' Mrs. Ellot Is the wife of Rev. T. L. Ellot, pastor emeritus ' Of tha UnlUrlan church, and Is much .- loved by all who-made up her audience yesterday. Bome of her reedrhgs were - - Biada from the manuscript and others In published form.. "Mrs. Hopkins' Call" was tha first, written In Yankee dialect. ' Tha other two, both published In Every ! V7 body's Magaslne.-were 'studies In Chi nese types. Tor Batter or Worse" Is ; a tale of ThaaomestIoTuUon"Of a ,-- Chinese coolt and his employer, and , .." Vhln Wouy'a Wife" la a atory of tha ' Chlnaaa horn. Mlas Edwins, Mastlck aang several . selections - between tha .. readings. .- -ThSleoond f tha free organ recitals -at CarvtT-rtytsrtan""Church ; was largely attsnded last night and Harold mi-mA with mitfh unlnuilaini. Mr. I vim... Miinr'nlmr at artistic aouiiy ana hi uu a iwriii. . i -that Tie ti spent in rurmww him an assursd standing among musicians. llU-playtng-last-fllght-o a group of numbers by modern Russian composers was acceptabls end showed hts versatility of Interpretation. . Those . assisting .on the program were B. H. Allen-Ooodwyn, tenor, and the Portland male churus, which made Ite debut un " der the direction Of Arthur N. Ie Vore. 7rrThe next recital of the series will be given March IT. - t' " ; At the weekly meeting or "Central W. C. T. U. Wednesday, the twenty- fifth aimlvaraary of tha organisation of the union was discussed and plans made for Its observance Wednesday evening, VH y '" T w- C',- roorn. " ' Many old members- identified with th early order are to be on the program. " The former state president, Mrs, Helen " Harford, was present at the meeting - Wedneedey. One -new member was re- celved. -Theodore B. Adame. secretary 'of the National Oldeon aoclety, was In troduced and made tntereatlng remarks relative to the work of the society. rrrtwiii vmaiit of Danuty District I tesney,Bert Haner, Judge Krsinr thia morning set pru am m . the. trial of -Jack Culllson and L-Orat--ton.- wtio are charted with maintaining a nuliance in operating a branch pool, room In Portland. The defendants are charged with being the owners of the Mllwaukle Country club, and of having a private telephone wire copneoUon with the Owl saloon In this city, where pools sre eald, to' have been sold on horse . races.. . Ah pock An Wei. Ah Wong. Ah Hong. "TT. IV nn. .n"IHIiinrt Oil trial be fore a jury In Judge Bears' department of the circuit, court on the charge of . setting up and promoting a lottery. The Chinese were arreated February by Bherlff Word. More than an hour was spent this morning in selecting a jury, sfter which the jurors inspected the premises where the alleged lotterymen were arrested. The taklpg of testimony Began mis uiornoen. At last evening's meeting of division No, 1, A. O. H . the rotlowtng awards were made In the membership eontsst: D. W. Lane, first prise for securing the largest number of new members, gold medal, donated by John Farrell: Edwerd Burns, second prise, offered by lodge, picture of Robert Emmet. The com mittee having In char re the Bt. Pat rick's day celebration at the Columbia theatre announced all arrangements complete. . There will be a meeting of the Home Training association at ths Sunnyslde ' echool tomorrow at I p. m., for the pur pose of organising another branch circle of the sneoclatlon. An Interesting pro gram will be givenMothers and teach ers are Invited. Candidates having their portraits printed ought to have the best picture possible to be mads. It costs just aa Fuel For Sale Cheap! Delivered on the west side, excepting Willamette and Portland . Heights, at ilia following ratea: ry short wood (per lond) ....... .flJM) Green short wood (per load), -1.T8 ; Dry 4-foot wood (per cord);. 4 -S Block wood (per load)...,....,.., e.oe Deliveries made on the east side In " "the dlstrlot bounded by Holladay. Hol gata, river and East Twentieth streets, r at the following rates: Green alab wood (per cord). w....fl.7B ' Pry short wood (per load)........ 1.80 Green inside-wood -per toad)..-.- B.SS Dr 4-foot wood (oer cord)........ B BS Block wood (per load)....;;;.;..: S.00 In the dlstrlot bounded by East Twen tieth street. East Thirty-fourth street, Hoi sate street and East Burnslde and Bandy road: - Dry short wood...... tt.BO i6 cents added to the price of other -' In -the district bounded by East Twen- ( -ty-n ftn,- icsThyrlf ol ladayavntrws nd Morris street (cross streets Flast Sev enth, Blxteenth ana Twenty-nrtnj: rrom Ksrby to .East Seventh, short wood .TV7..... ,S60 Wnm Rwventh to Sixteenth.;. B.DS jrj-om Six leen h to Twenty-flfth... 1.60 Zl cents aauuiunai com ira ua ut in the district bounded by Morris, Fremont, river and East Twenty-fifth: Commencing -St. Jlver .tlOO To Heventh "89 ?o Blxtenth B M o Twenty-flfth 1.T8 In the district bounded by Fremont, Mason, river snd T.nt Twenty-flfth: Commencing at Kerby.. ...Bt.tS From Kerby to Beventh-. ....,.., . S.50 from rleventh to Blxteenth....... S.T9 rnm Sixteenth to Twenty-flfth.... S.00 Mason street Is as far north aa we go. Kat Twenty-flfth Is as far east ss we ro. Holsste Is as far south as we go. Orders may be sent to - The Portland Ccr.:rtl Electric Co's. : , JTeeejefrw -f i k t Tortk. - C k A fJEO in BED Unable to Go to City Hall, Ht Hat Water Board Com to " Him In Hotel- WILL BUY M ETERSJFQR THREE-CRVICnVlAINS Bjr iltaruTof Them. Enfineer Clarke Sy - He. Cart - Petennlne- Exact Conaumption of Water in Each District of Citjr.X-.; Lying on his ed with his right foot swathed In bandages. Mayor Lane pre sided over a meeting of the city water board, which was held In his room In the Oregon hotel- yesterday afternoon. The- mayor, because ef Inflammatory rheumatism, was unable to go to the board rooms in the city hall. He was unable to get out of bed. but he propped himself Into a, .half-sitting posture with his pillows and gave each member of the board and ' others who appeared a friendly greeting.-, ...... Dr. C, H. Rafforty and Dr. B. X. Jo seph! of ,tha water board, Frank Dodge and Engineer Clarke of the 'water de partment, CouncUmen Kellaher and Rushlight and several cltlssns and re porters were present at the meeting. On recommendation ; of Engineer Clarke it was dsclded to purchase three Ven turameters with automstlo regis ters to place on the three large service mains In the City. The engineer said that by mesne - of theae meters and reglaters he could determine the exact consumption of watsr in each district of ths olty. He thought they would tend to Increase the efflcleocy0f the service. Bids will also be esked for a large number of fixtures to be used In the extension of the high-pressure aerv- Day laborers - petitioned the - board 12 and 11. IS a day to 11.60 a day. They aald that because, of the high cost of living it was Impossible ror tnem to live on the wsges they now receive. This betltton. together with the petition from the pump engineers and gate tend ers that their salaries be Increased, wss referred to Dr. Raflerty and Dr. Josephl for Investigation and recommendation. The superintendent and engineer sub mitted a report" on taking over"" the mains from the Land Company of Ore gon, in City View park, which were laid several years ago under the direc tion of the water board with the under standing that when the rentals equaled 10 per cent annually on the Investment the water board should purchase the system. The report showed that the mains r-onTo s,venue7""BidwelL Lexing ton, Miller and East Thirteenth street were yielding sufficient revenue to pay the required 10 per cent of the cost, whtle the ether mains were not. The matter was deferred to a special meet ing to be held Saturday afternoon. The following mains were ordered laid: S East Thirteenth, from Jsaa wemy- eignm 10 mw- - . cost 61,100 Victoria, from Hancock to Cherty itreet, cost 11.410;. East Salmon, from East Thirty-fourth To TCasr Forty second strset. cost 11.610; East Flan ders, from EaatJThlrtleth to East Thirty-second Btreet, cost 1 520 T East Trrtnr. from East Twenty-eighth to East Twenty-ninth street, coot $400: Hawthorne avenue, from Eaat Thirteenth to Bast Thirty-fourth street, cost 12,110; Olen wood avenue, from Mllwaukle avenue to East Thirteenth street, cost 11.100; East Ninth street, from Marion street to the city limits, 1400. ' " : "- ' ' much to print a poorptpture as a s""J one, and a nainone cut cn d w u than a reproduction of the photo. We make pictures specially adapted to printers' use. - We understand that branch of the bualness. E, W. Moore, expert photographer, studio top floor Elks' building, Seventh and Btark. T It Is said thejatest gaeoline motor car of the Union Paeirio Railroad com pany la - now - receiving its Bnlahlng touches In the Omaha ahopa and will be started next week for Oregon, to o Into service on the Southern Pacific's Forest Grove line. The car has many improvements over car No. 1. whloh was given a trial in Portland and was found to bs Inadequate In power and seating capacity. '- : 1 1 W. P. Keady this morning filed his declaration' to become a candidate 0r ths nomination for state repreaentatlve on the Republican ticket.' He promises "always to rote for the people's choice for United States senator." Mr. Keady lives at ltl High street, and was speaker of the bouse of representatives in the Oregon legislature during the session of 111$: John Kennedy, who was Injured a few days 'ago while blasting stumps near Oreaham. died yesterday at Good Samaritan hospital. The body wlU be shipped to Omaha. Nebraska. Kennedy waa working with A. Harrison and Theo dore Brugger, who were also Injured, but ont seriously. The men failed to reach a place of safety before the blast ooourred. - County Clerk Carlo Chrietensen this morning recorded a leass made between Edward Arthur : Baldwin and - the United States postal department for the uae of a etore building on the northeast corner of Union avenue and Eaat Alder street.' The building is to be used for postal substation A, at 1100 a year rent The lease will run for- fire yeare .Baby Ramblers Did you see them at the falrT - l0i-nvelty-end ;the- only perpetual blooming rose ever produoeu. We have a fine stock of these roses as well as many other new handsome sorts and all standard varieties. Rose, tree and shrub catalougue free on request Portland Seed company, Front and Tam hllL .,. ""Ttftrny Brothers" ' Friday fjpeciat - Five big bargains In wine: 11.60 grade of white or red port, ll'per gallon; 61.60 grade of muscat, 61 per galloni 61.60 grade of sherry. II; f 1.60 grade of sau teme, 11. Phone East 187. Free deliv ery. .176-181 East Morrison, ". "". f Steamship Alliance sells from Couch street dock , for Coos Bay and Eureka Thursdays p.- mrThompson't -ticket agency. Ill Third Btreet F. P. Baum gartner, agent. Couch street. Main III. For Ban Francisco. The elegant steel steamahtp Radondo sails direct figttvr day afternoon. March IT. Cabin 111; ateerage. 61. meals and berth Included. C, H. Thompson, agent. Ill Third Street. Quality. Quantity and Quickness Is the rule at tha Morris restaurant, lit Washington street. - The First Christian church will give ft recesUoa tomorrow evening te Rev. 30 ' Ta JftzZil& Alla : Mcicr C Frank's 843d Friday Surprisa Sola 30,000. Yards of High-Grade Ribbons Values to 01.00 Yard at 42c a Yard For-tomorrow 842d Friday Surpriae Sale we annonnce a grand distribution of hlghgradeRibb6na Over 30.000 yarda at prices ranging from Vz toV their real value Print warp ribbons in flreaien atripeypin-checks, atripea and brocaded effects with rose, poppy, violet and many other floral dea'gna with colored satin-border Creat variety in all the leading shades and color combinations Widths from 5 to 16 inches Ribbons for aashea neckwear and Snmmer dress trimming The entire reserve a'ock of a prominent Patterson, New Jersey mill Values up to $1.00 the yard on sale tomorrow only, at, the yard . . . . . . . . - See Fifth-Street Window Display : Meier 8 Franks 842d Friday Surprise Sale 500 New Shirtwaist Patterns -3 Yard 1.1V t wim DB 1 ' 1 Bnectal lot of Flannelettes and Swanadown Flannels for dressing saoquee and wrappers: atripea, data - f- a Amt-nm- rMmmr i fln anil itUn vitluea on aala todav at this low erica, yard a I-1666 yards offlno French rlahnrts' In Tmbroldered"dotaTtnd figurea, best eolerlngs regular Tlajlueae on sale at this low price, yerd . t.. ,, tt, rinMn. iri.nn.l dklr All grades and atylea of Flannels Bold here at the very loweot prloee. We are eole Portland agenta for the famous "Ostermoor" Felt Mattresses, "Willamette' Sewing Machines, II models, at prices from S1J0 to SSsOO aaeh. K, It. Patterson, ths nsw assistant pas tor,' and to the new members who cane In during the recent revival. The, re ception will be held at the church. The members and friends, of the church are eordlally Invited. The Portland Heal Estate exchange will hold another meeting Saturday afternoon to oonalder and probably 'adopt the proposed constitution and by-laws prepared by the committee on by-laws. Mrs. Anna Bealer Auer, wife of the late F. X. Auer, died Wednesday morn ing at the residence of Max Smith, aged 71 years. Funeral services will be held at Holman'a chapel Friday at 1 p. m. Lost The man who lost his eye glaases can have them replaced for tl; a perfect fit guarunteed. Metsger a Co., Ill Sixth street, jewelers and opticians. "Why pay II to H for eyeglassesT We guarantee a perfect nt for II. Byes examined free. r Metsger a Co., Ill Sixth street. - , -,-- The Celtic Spirit. Past and Present by John Flemmlng Shields. Bslasoo'a, Saturday evening, March IT. . Lost Fox terrier ptip, one blsck spot on lsft eye; reward. 4SI Qllsan street, phone Main TSs. . George Rubensteln, reliable optician, 111 Fourth street, opp. Wells Fargo. Prlse waits and danoe tonight, Burk hard ball. " "Regular party night" ' B-eenpany' danelng -party-Friday, March.ll. Invitations required. r Hear the songs of old Ireland, at Belaaco's, on the 17th. ' Clean Inside mil) wood. TeL East 414. GEORGlAlIAGNET!S SPOUSE IS FINED M. H. Woolsey, husband and manager of Anna Abbott the "Georgia Magnet" entered a plea of guilty- and waa fined 10 and ote In the federal conrt this morning by Judge Wolverton for eend lag an obscene letter through the malls to a woman named trtilu F. Day, at Ta soma, Washington. Mr. Woolsey was Indleted yeeterday afternoon by the federet grand Jury, the first true bill returned by that body. He mailed the letter la Portland on January IS, and was arrested upon his return from Vancouver. Washington, on Feb ruary 4. Under 1360 bonds Mr: Wool-. sey was released pending aotlon by the grand Jury.- - . - a When the caae came up In court this morning W. W. Banks, appearing for Mr. Woolsey. entered a plea of guilty. say tag thai the letter was written under 1 e ove rt!; Another great apodal lot of theae garment to few tell t?norrow All aaw coata, pgrchaaed from a well-known New York mana factnrer at a price far below vclae-Three atylea to aelect fron Collar and revera or cot!arlea with fancy atrcp and bqtton trimming;, alao panne velvet trimming, tatln lined Les-o'-mnt-ton aleeve, finithed at the hand with fancy atitching or atitched atrapa Every garment perfect fitting Well made and finlahed and extra good value at $ i 0.00 each - Yonr choice tomorrow only, at thia apedal low price xea are included In tha lot See Fifth-atreet window dltylay Mail ordera wEI he promptly and carefully filled sat pedal ihirtwi Jrth Surpriae Sale offering of 500 new attractive aiat Pattarns of therverv latest and moat arvliah Sirmmar fabric Beandfnt like silkand wears better atripea in great assortment in each pattern Snfflcient 'any aue Pgentlfui colora The material, ta wortn oc a yard cut off the piece Your choice tomor-TQ Q " row only, at S9c for a lengthof 34 yarda O f C See Fifth-Street. Window Display 3 GREAT FLANNEL Patterns, vnwt values, today lOo sattern. SUITE 5, 6, 7 and 8 Grand Theatre Building Will formally -open their new quarter to the public Saturday, March 17th, where they have every modern appliance" to do .dental work of every description at moderate price." Call and take advantage of our epeclal re , dution In pricealfof laextllOl days. ' CLEARING OUT SAIF l Qatta Skim worth I to 1.50 Your Choice Now 39c ManSInACo. 302 Morrlsoa 8t. peculiar extenuating circumstances rela tive to former reUtlons with the Day woman.' He added that Mr. .-Woolsey bad btft recently married Miss Abbott and alnee then had bees annoyed by the Taooma womaa. '- - United "tales District Attorney Bris tol corroborated the statements of the attorney for tha defense - -' Oregon Dental Parlors '.McEseftG ttyliali. Jionty. torvjcwal-la, at a wonderfa3y low price $5.85 iorPattern maroeriaed material. looS Plain colors, checks and 30 inches wide 3J4 yarda for making a waist of almost BARGAINS TOMORROW I MARgUAMSftSu , rboae hUla Set. rase- aU sataieay Vlgbts, Kareh IS sad It TH MOTIO!AL ACTRSM,' LAURA FRAiENflELD Is WUkie OelUas Beaetlfat flay. "HER DOUBLE LIFE" fepalar-rrlea lUtlaee aatarsag, venla( nieee SB. SBe. 60s, TBe aad It MatlBee rrleee aaalw, JOei Cblldrea, gee. Marquam Grand Theatre LAST TIM a T01U0HT, SIS O'CLOCK, ' Paulino hall The aaeea ef Seat, Za the Oesile Oseia tu, "DOaCAS" PatOSS tewer Soar, I.M esd ft. Selomr. Si. TSe ess SOe. Oellery, SBe 4 see. Besee esS lesee, 110. SKATS AK KOW SSXUMO. STAR TKXATSX Week ef KoS IS. In 04y, Xlttv AUea. BlaneklB B Merfle A44U. SeUr rarbas. lWUf OT Xeyt. f 10o T eey eaat Is the- Iwaee eieef t Sesee ' IQe. WOeea Oeaisaay.' WAirs ArrxAt." Learn to Skate at the APOLLO RIM ' nraimi ajto oak. Instructions to beginners at all ses sions, light skates, fine floors, a easy, comfortable and safe rink. - - TONIGHT Would ba geed time to leans. Apollo Rink; - JONE AKD lUMOiXte, Mcrfs OXO Creat March t Heavy -weikt Suits 1n fine worttsi, V fancy tweeeia, fancy cneyiota llr'acT . s -m that are beautifully made an ITlCftLbed tKa md-tnade ing, etc, etc. rldicnlonsly low price o f the suit . . .. Men's medium tweeds and New Spring Suits and Topcoats; eArt department Speciab TombrTOV Great ipeclslTot of Applique Squares and Scarfs, 30x30-inch and 2CM5 . . 4neh, extra fine quality; extraordinary values today at thie. Affg . special price ..."Vft Tapestry Pillow Topi In blue, green and red; each lee Stamped Scrim Squares, plain or tinted, for cross-stitch em- flg, broidery; 75c and 85c values on aale today at the low price. .waf r-Free lessonsi Art Embrodery-Wf tiwdaily-tyanlexperw Hours, 2 to 5 p. m. Special attention class today Second Floor. Laco Cortain Dcirgs Tomorrov Great lot of Swiss Curtains, ruffled aortment. J yarae long ana &j mencs i mriAm- ell iw merchandise; Qflf 1 marvelous values at, per pair,...7Uw i Lot 2 Handsome Cluny Lace Curtains. Arabian. color cluny edge with colonial inserting and comers of wide braid, one design only: best $6.50 ft A OC -value on sale at, pair yf Lot J White Nottingham" Lace Curtains. plain tad figured centers, with floral borders, big variety to select . QO. from; extraordinary values it.,.7Uw New Curtain Materials in great assort ment. New Portieres, Couch Covers, Table Covers, etc Custom shade and drapery work our specialty. Best materials and workmanship. Lowest prices."" .' Great Soap Sale Tomorrow : - ALL CelADttS-ALL Al quality Toilet Soaps, assorted odors, special value for this sale, per box Transparent Glycerine Bouquet Soap; -Arwour'sfragrant-Gtycerine,'3 5,000 cakes Armour's Oatmeal Sksp; per cake 5.000 cakes 4n-one Castile Soan: soecisl. per cake. Cameo rure olive-Csetile Sobp. on sale - La Premier first quality Castile Soap Lily Bouquet Soap, 12 cakes in a box; best soap for hotels and Otaf boarding-houses; per box for this sale Imported Conti Castile Soap; large bars; each ...&9j 25,000 cakes of "Fairy Soap; "it floats; best bath and toilet 'i soap on the market; per cake for this sale .." Lee's Egg Tar Shampoo Soap; 25c value at. ........ .. ............. ToHe All kinds and grades of Soap at oriet faner at tne lowest pnees. riving by express every day. Personal by the jewelry buyer now in New York -Complete stock. ' 5 t 0 . . . -'y; : T"V ' K i".. 'v . . . ,1,1 ' : - Dales Tours and Scenes ol CieVo rid BaheMs week, kegtaalng at 9.aaWvUlfdaa; asaajr ef the saoet lata eattBtT and renewed placee la the werld. Admleaton 1 eenta. : 109 SIXTH S1REET. BtTWttN WASHINGTON AND StAHX CmnlpA T naof ro lSthaa blUUII t. I UtOll U rtM. iteta ur. Mlrtew W. SeeaMa, Meaeaer. ALL THIS -waag Ai eetlrat Pratteetiea t Bleach Welefe's ' Bare RESURRECT A Stwr ef kaeelaa TrMcberr, with MISS 6VJAIBO la the raeraetr ef Ktluslu Mtove, - - ' - SavHil Mattaee aarerSey. Merliiee Srlree, to, ise, Vsi evealna arteee. ISa, SBe, SSe, 60c eat Atwaettaet Imi eat fee "Mmity ," BUag ef tae Beeert Mlae. 0eaa Saaaaf klgat. Grand TSXATU Week ef Men. IS. "rlin'SfToT Te TJtfle Via Wae Makes Sea lee BaUiae Oaie. . CUy k.klaeaa Oa. WUUaea kaaiie. Teatea C. if fate. Jamas WaMea. .aeid tf. Lansk" f , Irvaaleaa, s4e aaS t f, . a. i - a w - - Smts C 1 2iGbr Sc!e of Men'a Mara ar1 donie breasted -atylaain-aaca-ATa known-makes aa Stein-Eloch Co., L Adler Croa. Q Co.. Hart. Schaifner S Mara and -The-WasUnston-Co SsU button - holes, beat aerre lin - Regular $30.00 valuea are being cleaned up tnta weeK at tee $ 1 weight Overcoats In fancy cheviots. velours, lull or ball lined, very best makes; regular 120 values, thia J 05 New tine of TroutersTslW uo to . . -.".-7. '.. fT.50 new Spring Suits for young men. given to young ladies Join a front KINDS iNCLUDXD 3 cakes in a box. Great 1 O. a J extra tpecjel caker-igoxper boxj, Te ilal w at. per cake. at, per cake........ Te the lowest prices. All grades of woveuies in jeweny iui casiri ai- selections of the latest fashions City. ; Gold and Silver Watches ' 7" i t.J Baker Theatre rHST Taathlll aad Tblr Sia. Mwaa Male; Ito'T. the Xeaw ef - feteler Kaalaal erlaaae. TMilgBI, Tomorrow nigni. eaiaroar . THS AVIML'B OIKtA Etraaaeaa Caajaaa i tr.. a--- a , 1 t tmA. "A TRIP TO EOalEKir O "THE CCCDEiS CF TEE lZV" .,15 wp. -! Uaa (a tb laat aarfatwaaea. Vaarl VrL Bt - waJ"T r -", nYD.ic tiieati:: The IseeejaarebU Irle Oa. yV "i nt:.C"ii cf r- ' As Mak rJlr Presie Ul " Old Su4. ' ACBdaetae t " - 1 -- I