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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1906)
v. Store Opens 8 A. f.7. EVER Y VJEEK DRY Store ChsesPril: EVERY VJEEK DRY - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 15, 1SC3. Strong Effort Being Mads to Se- cur Release of Wealthy. "Umatltla Rancher.- CONVICTED OF. ATTEMPT- TO FIRE NEIGHBOR'S BARN People in Vicinity Believe That Pria oner It Victim of a Conspiracy ' Trouble, Grew Out of Neighborhood 0. - Athene. Or.TIrch 15. A atrons ef v fort la now being made to have Gov- .amor Chamberlain pardon Moses Tay ,: lor out of the 'penitentiary. , Ha waa convicted of an attempt to 'commit tha crime of araon by soliciting and hiring ;rMonroe Palmar and " Richard McQratb . to burn tha wheat and barn of-his . wealthy neighbor. John Bannister, with whom ha had some trouble on account of Bannlater' a taking an active part - against blm in hla. case for a divorce - from hla wife, Iaaballa Taylor. - He waa - aentanoad by Judge "W. R. Kill a or Fen dleton. upon hla conviction laat June, to a term of two and one half year in . the penitentiary.- - Hla caae waa ap pealed to the auprerae court, where the TZ declalon of "the lower court war" ef- firmed. The caae waa atoutly contested In both the lower and the higher court. He waa defended bythe law firms of . Carter, Raley & Raley and Peterson . Peterson. 'After the affirmance of the . declalon In the aupreme court a petition for a rehearing" -In the aupreme court waa denied, and Taylor baa now been In : tha . penitentiary.- about onemonth, . - Hla petition for pardon has been algned by-about 1,830 people living In -the vlclnltv of Athena, Weston, Milton -k""rcnaiet5 " well known. The petition la strength " enedny mar thaTrctnrpeTrohaTttsTs-f written t the governor by at - Taylor a --neighbors and friends, who hayaHyedl by htm and known him for more than years.- These part lea believe that Mr. Taylor ha been the victim of a foul conspiracy; that he haa been unjustly dealt with, that hla conviction is wrong and that he la an Innocent man, Mr. Taylor came to Umatilla county about SO years ago, a very poor man, from Cahada. He purchased a quarter section of land from -Hugh McArthar, formerly of this place but now a retired capitalist In Portland, on credit. He, -worked here and there wherever he iM mfikt a duller and at the time nf hla conviction he waa one offhe wealth- test-wheat ranchere In the county, worth probably tllS.OOv, and waa known aa one of the moat careful, thrifty an J honeat farmer In the county. NO MORE FRAF.1E TINDER B0XEyNJTIlTSs2: tomorrows ommmGfand Friday Economy " f" 'The words of that quaint WP old George Herbert come to mind as we write this: -M A-handful of gooddeeds is worth mora than a bushel of good words." Briefly we'll record the bargains tomorrow's, spe-, cial sales will hold, the values will speak for themselves, but the nearer you come to 'em the clearer will be their, enuncia tion Deeds, not words; bargains, not blow., very statement made in this an nouncement rings TRUE. This Store re members and lives up to the inscription Ruskin tells of on the St. Giacomo de Ri alto at Venice-: "Around this temple let the merchant's law be lust, his weight and measure true, and his covenants faithful." 'r-'-.. --"-V'l " ;,,::t:v,: :: :.--jrr.v.r iv v. . . . . V 1 1 U mGREkismzrOFGiRisscmoirsuns SPECIAL FOR FRIDAYJU1D SATURDAY V --.111 ... ; ..- The best showing of girls suits b?X t . Fabion-individuality that's 'whi GRAND SALONS SECOND JL00R in town is here: we want every mother to see m. Such smart strlesf and isuch -a" variety. ...WA :.: ,s-vt Mtr-- 1 n i(liariktrnti-ni.t. C... I,- j:T M ili' I. I erVreally by itself among all other Portland apparel shops. -Today's good news Jells of a lot of abourlOO .'l""; v.".;:j 111" $10.00 and $12.50 School Suits mm . .. . .. tWO SajIprandA"Pcter,Thpmpson'! styles, in pretty cheviots, serges, broadcloths, alpacas and ' handsome mannish' mixed tweedishi materials.' MJlor range covers reds, blues, plain black ana browns in tne plain colors with tans, -blues and brownish mixw"ef- , fects. The suits are tastefully trimmed in plain and fancy braids to match and in contrast with materials. An attractive lot of exceptiopal values in splendid suits for girls school wear. -As printed. above, best regular $10 and $12.60 values. ' .For the next - two days Friday and Saturday, at a choice for. ....... 1. . . . . $8.69 rrara-orurnro taitbs xb a bio two-bat iui or Smart Silks (Season Bargains of the character that has made thla atore Justly famous aa Portland s formot depot for distribution oJLbeftya4uea JnBtyll8habrlca for women'a smart frocka and awell gowna. WT,K H(!T"'"-f "it. rirair im iiWlBiT aMTXXl l-lnch All Pure Bilk Taffeta; a grand 60 value. In white. Ivory, cream and all wanted colore, black Included. Bpeclal for two daya only, yard.;.. 69 Imported English Black Mohair, with rich allk flnlah. specially adapted for Wa t sts-sn it awtta- Ileguliir iOc grade. Special, yard iar 76c gradev Bpeclal, yard. . . . .634 ar $1.66 grade. BpeclalT'yard.WTV.. iir.HHf ar $1.25 grade. Bpeclal, yard. .......................... ...i .Bl. OK -Regular. Regular Revuli Regular 1. M grade.--Bpectal, yard 1.35 Regular 11.76 grade. Special, yard.-. .......................... ,...-.Sl.-48 Regular $2.00 grade.' Special, yard....; ......$1.69 These Black Mohairs come In both Brllllantina and Sicilian weaves. AST MO: ooiro rx.00 Buy Berlin Hand-Made Scarf sjnd Sacqucs for $1.91 Council Committee Drafts Or dinance Prescribing East' r Side Fir Limits. If an ordinance . prescribing the fire . llroita-oa-tha east aide-which -la now being prepared la pained by the city council, no more frame tinder boiee. slllts, snrh as have han ersrtod-ln. on . the past, will be permitted, The special committee appointed by Mayor Lane aome time ago to draft such an ordinance, consisting of Coun cilman Sharkey, Keliaher, Rushlight. Wills and Bennett, met in the office of Coancllman Bharkey yesterday and out ' Jtrwd -th boundaries of the district to be embraced In the fire llralta. The committee haa conaulted with Chief Campbell and Battalion Chief Hodden of the fire' department. Fire Marshal Roberta and Dr. C. H. Raffety. Joseph Buchtel and K. M. Brannlck. eaat aide property owners, regarding tha fram ing of the ordinance. . The bounuarlee of the fire - limits which will be outlined by the ordinance follow: Prom a point 100 feet west of Eaat Water atreet and the center line of Eaat Clay ' atreet. eaat on Clay to Kaat Burnalde street; thence' weat to Kant Becond atreet; thence aouth to Kaat Ash atreet; thence west to Kaat First street; thence south to Eaat Pine atreet; thence weat to 100 feet weat of the weat line of East Water street; thence aouth 100 feet parallel to East Water atreet; thence to the river. Block 101 and the aouth half of block tl and the north half of block II are excluded from the tire Umlta proper. i ma ground la a swamp. It waa our good fortune to secure. a large quantity of Berlin hand-made cross ' ' Stitch 'Scarfs and Squares at our own-price. Scarfa are SOatS inchea in aiie Squarea II ipchea. While we -have nearly 200 pieces of theae hand- - Home -8quareajan4 Scarfa. we do not expect them to laat long at the price at which they are offered.. They have been on exhibition Sine Monday In the Art Shop and Fifth street Show Window; value la the showing from " $4.1S to $1.00. - Special Economy Bale price, each ...r..;.....;i.Vi.$1.9T Bargain Flutter in 'Kerchief Shops 1 l-tar rioor. ; womirs two MAarsxxsoatxwn asa. Richardson's pure linen hemstitched and initialed Handkerchiefs; regular alue tc Bpeclal. eah . . ............... ..jj.. . . . .....ii3 . . wombs isho aTAjroaaBBOaTxara l-so. -Richardson's pure lloen hemstitched Handkerchiefs and j-lnch.. bordery regular value 12 He Bpeclal, each, 8. 1-34 'o' 50 3 So aid aosj uranBOKsra e. --'wo: Swiss Handkerchiefs, some Slightly Soiled, scalloped edge, embroidered in various designs; worth I6e and 49c. - Bpeclal. each ..19 HERE'S THE VRHTED Embroidered Flannels YOU SAVE 28c A YARD IN BUYING TOMORROW. 1- i- i . . a - Wash Goods SectioiwFirst Floor 85(rEMBROIDERED FLAlltiEL 800 yards vfi,ne quality white-wool silk embroidered Flannels, .': splendid variety of patterns ; regular l value 85c Special, ...the yard . . 59 Ribbons and Gloves in the Sale IMiat rioor. Cool weather .calla for warm Gloves; here's a bargain Handsome all-wool Oolf Gloves in plain black, clear white and pretty eolor vV lngs;-our usual fre yaluea. , Special tomorrow at, pair .............. .48 mm 2UBBOBTB TOM UM. BOO AJTB Oa mXBBO S3. .' Thousands of yard a of the best all-allk SaUa Taffeta Rlbbona; t and H - Inches wide, la all wanted colors; values at 60o and 0c. Special, the -- yard ..... i " . TOtrxi, -bi TJiraavaT.t.aa aoo. -jHere'a a chance to save men and women may ahare a-tylea for each. , Si jo tnramiiT.T.aa tao. Rain Umbrellas, best cotton gloria, with natural wood handles: regular value . $1.60. Special, each ,..,,..98a OPERATIONS AT MINES STOPPED BY STORM f- tseerlat tn.Mtck te Tke Joan. I t .. Baker City, Or, March 14 Because of the anowfall of the laat - few days operations at the famous Indiana copper mines will De neia up lor another few weeks. Mora than , three weeks ago It was, found necessary to shut down at . the Indiana on account of a lack of fuel, the roads being in such condition - that It . waa lmposslbleto take . more wood Into the property. These . roads . were just beginning to assums a shape wrllch would permit the hauling; of fuel when thla last storm swept over the . country, The worst snowstorm known in Baker City and . vallajr. for. 40 .yeraln.. March .was that of the paat few daya. . There la 10 Inches of anow on the level. The aklee are clear now,; however, and It la much warmer. Slee mt Sear raUare. : . '4Reclal Dtavetrk te Tae Jooraal.l MarcHI4.WlUlaittJ Knlepel, aged 72 yeara, died at his home, three niUea northwest of Eugnhe. yesterday, of heart trouble. He was found lying: near hla house in an uncon scious condition by a neighbor, and he died several hours later. - He waa a iciilorTanTTiVdraime-oir hl- mtle farm- He had no near relatives, as far a 9 can be ascertained. JZ Bsflectloma of a Saehelor. rna the New Twk Preaa. A sua seldom 'ever, kas has aeas kW ehlldrea think ae kaa. Bait the fna ef karlag a go4 IIsm Is uk las people think yea are having a tetter. The eerll eoeea't worry sheet the eharebee an Back aa he weeM if he waaa't fare ef the raws la the rhotr. A woeea eaa wear lew saeea sad beep her ft warsi If she has ea k bat that awJtae bet frleae tea low. A wnaiaa weald have a arath larger beak - httaare If she werea't strata the bash won la klay . a Irlrk e her . Ia4 . aae It. ' amCei i eO Khoek Of Interest to Home Milliners : ' A Special Friday Sale of Pretty Spring Foliage for New Hats : "Bijou" , Salons. Second Floor, Annex. 25c - ROSES, WITH FOLIAGE, AT 19c , 'BUNCH. Fine for brightening up the old -last Spring's hat for wearing a bit 'tween seasons, and later on at the shore and in the mountain during Sum mer's restful vacation days. Or, if you do your own . millinery . work - at homet you'ir need just these pretty floral acts for the work. . Tomorrow we place on sale a big assortment, embracing fourteen shadings, of finemuslin rosea combined with foliage. A most effective and fetching spray. Big value at the usual price of 25c the bunch; special for this sale at, a choice for, bunch 19 aw - rmiBAT aooaToarr raczAxs nr 7 Women's Knit Underwear Shops rirss jrloor..- WOlCBara TSe TTMIOaT .arzTt) 4SO. White Cotton JtTnlon Suits. Jersey- ribbed, high neck, long sleeves, ankle " length, spring and aummer weight; regular value TOe.- Special, suit. . 49 - - WOKITI IMI ram Hi Lightweight white Swiss ribbed Merino Veata, Ions sleerea, . made of fine soft Trn? regular value tt!6. Bpeclal. each . . . .... . . .... . . . .......944 v v wbianrs sso oomnr oovxma aao. -. -- .White Jereey Ribbed Corset Covers, long sleeves, well made, neaUjr trimmed; regular value Ma Special, each .' 231 onxsannoo vaTsnwAzam ish- Chlldren's White Knit Underwalsts. made by the Naaaretb M anufaoturing vompany; regular value 20c Special, each -GROUNDERS A Bargain Convention of PENNY-SAVERS -la 8maU Wares WOutpm TUsI rioor. Bhamrooks for St. Patrick'a Day, each ........................... Fancy Shamrock Paper Napklna for Partiea, Fancy Tally Cards Novelties for special occaalona. c Cabinet Box Wire Halrplna. heavy and invisible. Special Pair J 6a Plain SheU Side Combe. Special SOo Card of 1 dosen White Pearl But tone. Special io Spool Black Linen Thread, all sixes. Special ................... So Cake Witch Haael or Wood Violet Toilet Soap. 8peclal ......... ivo uaze la rnmera Bpanian Castile soap. Bpeclal lOo Jar Fine White Cold Cream. Special 10c Fine Imported English Perfume. Special, ox. SOo Fountain Pena. hard rubber barrels. Bpeclal llo Box Fine Linen Cloth Finish Writing Paper. Special to writing raoieta, cream wedding nnlah. Bpeclal 4o Eagle Lead Penclla. beat quality rubber tip. Special. 1 for .... ....... 5 and other 94 174 lOf 84 94 SO 4 iDf 2Sa X24 -4 ..64 COMFORT AND LUXURY AT NECESSITY PRICE8. COMFORTERS and INDIA HUH A WLSaflTSA VINGHth Floor $IS0. COMFORTERS $2.68. Genuine Downaline Comforters, extra large sire, covered with best qual ity silkoline. yarn tied, light, tluity and warm; regular value S3. 50. i i 1 special, , cacn . . . .jl, , . . , . v iM PENDLETON INDIAN SHAWLS 13.65. .2.68 Jndian.5hMsxJBiadebr Pendleton, Woolen Mills, fringed al around. suitable tnr porcti shawls, taoie covers, lounge tnrows, etc.; regular value $5.50. -Special, each Friday Economy Specials in tAan's Shop (First Floor Sixth St. Annex.) , MEN'S 10c HANDKERCHIEFS 5c Men's colored border Handkerchiefs, regular yalueL10c.pecialLea..fl. MEN'S 35e SUSPENDERS 19c --: -;"r" ""; ; A line of menVjisle Suspenders with leather ends; regular value 35c . Special, the pair MEN'S 35c HOSE 19c . : Men's fast black cotton Hose, high spliced heel, double sole, splicing . .extra strong and of pure Irish linen; regularvalu 35c. - bpectaL the pair ..... '.. .....,..,.194 MEN'S $1.00 GOLF SHIRTS 55c . A line of men'a new Golf Shirts in pin stripes of blue. pink, tan and hetio ; trope, in the very latest designs; regular value $l.XLSpecial. ea.&5 4 CHINR DINNER SETS J 0-plece sets; our $11. SO value. Special at . S9.00 100-plece sets; our $11.00 value. ' Special at 18.95 These aet have the very latest shaped dishes and very dainty decoration. The china la very thin and transparent, rivaling the beet French China In quality and coating but a trifle more than the ordinary English eeml-porcelain. The pattern is one of the beat we have had for a long time. The decoration la a neat pink flower effect, offset by delicate green leaves. The large pieces are all heavily gilded. From thla pattern you can aelect a very pretty dinner aet which will not cost any more than the ordinary semi-porcelain ware. 0-plece sets; our tlt.tO value. - Special at......' S9.00 100-plece sets; our $22.00 value. Special at '. S13.9S lib ey Oat Class Water Bottle j our $5.60 value. Special Economy Sale price, ach , .' S3.95 Lib bey Oat aiaaw Plates, 7-lnch slse, very beautiful pattern; our f 4.00 value. Bpeclal Economy Bale price, each .S2.9S China, amlklae aad mates $1.00 Very dainty thin decorated China Ramtklns with platea to match; value fl.10 the dosen. Special Economy Sale price, for set of II pieces Sl.OO aoote Blae Oatmeal Bowls Bpeclal Economy Sale price, each 7. ..3 Beoorated Ohlaa Salad or fruit Bowls, vary thin China, fold traced, IVa inch also. Bpeclal Economy Bale price, each 1&4 Very Zflae Seooratee. CTalaa OUve or Fickle Bpeclal Economy Bale price, each . .124 lee) Ohlaa Clieeiaeia Te Decorated China Cream Pitchers; our loo .value. Special Economy Bale price, each 7a Crystal Tinted aae1 Crimp Top Vases 10-lnch slse. Special Economy Sale price, each ---. ......j..., 124 Saasea BTovsrMoe We have Just opened and are showing la Crockery Depart-' ment the largeat aaaortment of Easter Novelties In 'the city. ' Prices. each, from . . .tvttjttt . . . . . . rrrrr; . r. . . 10 to fl.SO BARGAINS IN KITCHEN FURNISHINGS for HOUSEKEEPERS - . -. Third Floos. OVithae Backs Two arms, with 4 bars. Special at, each. KB) Three arms, with 4 bam. Bpeclal at. each.,.., H&4 Four arm a. with 4 bars. Special at, each... v. ........ .Sl.OO FeoS Ooppere . Small slse Food Choppers;, our too. value. Special Economy Sale price, each 2H4 Btra. Forte Xroa atamdlee Special Economy Bale price, each S4 Xeary Japaaaad Pttav Faaa rivjexjiaiEt'wiimiiy Kale prii.-a. ear'i ...g 0t Mf waaniea a-aiaioa sraaa mu npecwi luconomy caje price. eaon....l9 Beat Mrs en Baaateled Coffee Fots I-quart else. Special Economy Bale price. ach .. i. ..214 Best Quality Oreatte Xroa Blah Faaa Special Rconoray Bala price, each. 39 Beet Quality Oray BnameleS aVlpped BaaoepaJM l-quart else. Special Eooa- nmv Sale price, each ... . . . . . . . . . ..... ...... . . ..194 -E-o.iiart slse. Special EcHomy Sale prfceT" vaaite Xroa Faddiae' 'i each . t..l44 Caalr Saate Bpeclal Economy. Sale price, eaoh ; "J 4 Bo. Ttn eves is era, with Coves Special Economy Sale price, each... Oae Xatf freeet OratSTSHBpectal Economy Bale price, each ... i ....... ; .B4 Fainted Oraamh Faaa, with Brasnea seeotal Economy Bala price, eaoh. .204 Tin Meaaaxiae Caps Special Economy Sale price, each.... 84 Wire Soap Koldars Ppeclal Economy Sale price, each , 8d Cake Tamers with polished steel blade and wood handle. Special Economy Bale prtoa, each .fljd) aahesvno BaklaeT Sheets llpeclal Economy Bale price, each , loi Beek Ooatatalac U Ask talcs Baklag aeetsi oar lo value. Special Economy Sale price, each .......".... .104 prime Bslasjeae weighs If pound a. Special Economy Sale price, each. . . J 4 aaei ee Oil Move Teeasera flperlal Economy Sale price, each ,.,.80 Japeuad Snelf Biaekeas TxS-inch site. Special Economy Sale price, , .each . IS Be. Waffle treae Special Economy Sale piioe, set ............. .s .. .9-ijt Stirring Hourly Specials in Shoe Store . v t ; . .: A cleanup of the great values in the Wednesday and Thursday ale?hoes at the prices named only cTurinir speci- firrl honr. : - j c a euttn or, Annex r irsxr loor. M IB IJ ssl 9. TO 10 A. M. WOMKN's COMPORT SLIP ZSSSLOfi Women's fine kid comfort Slippers, made on the opera toe last, medium round, low heels, no strap; our $1.23 value.-Specioi"fonraerhourafrtte pair .. .... v... .;... ' :' : '-" -10 TO 1 i A. M. : " ' - . WOMEN'S I3J0 SHOES 11.49. Broken lines of Women's Shoes About 800 pairs in the lot, including all kinds of lesthers and styles; some high ut shoes in the show ing; all sizes, widths AA to D; values to $3.50. Special for one hour at, the pair fl.4 . ' . If TO 12 A. M. " , 7,. , , MEN'S $5.00 8HOES $3.60. . . 1 Men's f unmet al calf Shoes, made by Florshcira at Co., built on the new swing last, new style trimmed edge, blucher cut; for those wanting the extreme fashion, here's your chance; our $5.00 value. Special for one hour at, the pair . . v. . ; ...i.rrr,. $13.69 12 TO 1 P. W. " r : v . WOMEN'S $1.75 COMFORT JULIETS $1.24. . . ,! Your choice of five stylet of cornforf Juliets, made with patent tip or lain toe, wide or medium, high or low heels, all aires; values to 175. Special for one hour at. the pair. ...............f 1.24 v ; ' ... .l-7.1--.i:-T0-2 P.M. 1 -1---1 '" ' MEN'S $5.00 AND $6.00 SHOES $3.fl3.v Hen's high cut Shoes for mountain or cruising use, imTacfc otTiiT leathers, made with 8 or 10-inch top; all have double sole to heel; epecislly treated to withstand the water; our $5.00 and $6.00 values. Special for one hour, the pair................ f3.9S llV'l, 2 TO 3 P. M. 1 WOMEN'S FINE SHOES $2.19. ' Women's finest grade Shoes, made by Laird, Schober Ac Co., Pingree Shoe Co. and several other high-grade makes; a great many differ ent styles inciuaea in tnis lot; 11 your sixe is ucre jvu u hci iuc vin gest bargain you ever saw; widths AAA to C; aJL Bizei-fxom 2 H to - 8; values up to $6.00. Special for one hour at, the pair.......f r " 3 TO H P. M. -l" WOMEN'S $4.Q0 SHOES $1.M. We have left over from our recent two-days' sale a lot of fine footwear,1 embracing three of the newest creations On the "College Style" man nish effects and to which we are going to add so as to have a good 1 selection about 500 pairs of women's Shoes in patent leathers and kids, made with heavy or light soles, college and regular cut heights, all sixes but not every size in each style; values to $4.00l Special for one hour, the pair.. ..fa. . " TO 5 P.M. - WOMEN'S FINE SHOES $1.98. , As we are sure that a great number would be disappointed by not being served during the hour from 3 to 4, we will continue thia special aale for one hour longer, from 4 to 5 p. m., so that all will be waited on: remember, values to $4.00 in this lot. Special at, the pair..,. flJaS " --5 TO 6 P. M. - MISSES AND GIRLS' SHOES $1.29 AND 98c Girls' kid or box calf lace Shoes, made with good weight sole, ht medium extension, nice straight last, patent tip; an ideal school shoe; oar - $1.75 value ' Sixes My to 2. Special for one hour at. the pair..... ...... ,f 1J29 Sizes 6 to 11. Special for one hour at, the pair........... SSe) ? -SBOOB9 FZ.OOB-daTaTXX. ' Women's $2.00 Petticoats $1.23 Women's Pettleoata In black mercerised moreen or sateen; a greet variety of atylee in flounces In the ehowlne; our I2.SS value. .. Special Economy Sale prtee, each ........,.....,913. cobb rxooa. Boys' and Girls' 50c Overalls 39c BoTS"and-Oirls--OveraJle,--ef -blue denuav trimmed with -turkey -red twills made with bib and shoulder straps; a-ea 1 to yeara; oat Me value. Special Economy Sale price, the pair ............................... ,J9) Vomen's & Children's Hosiery Bargains .'" First Floes. . enuBiFi see xots Me. Chrjdren'e Black Cotton School Hose, seamless, double ribbed, well rerafnroed knee, heel and toe; regular value SOo. Special, the pair , 114 WOsJI'l See BOSS Sa. I Women's . Black Cotton Hose, embroidered boot, finished foot: regulae tlo vaiue. epeciai. me pair .234 ii ii Jewelry Store Specials ' 1 mMtk Street Annex First Floor. . " ' '. ' ,; Me BBATTT FIBS lSe. .. .. ... . .... An aaaortment ef Beauty Pins In Roman and rose "sold finish, In plain and fancv deaians: come two on a card: our a&a value anacleJ ICnonflm aala prlcethe , card" . . .. . . 1 9d -V aee STBaxoora szbtbb soabf fibs see. terltne Sitver Scarf Plna in a great variety of pretty deetsae, tnotudlnf .. ec rolls, knots, floral and head deelsns in either French gray or oxidised finish;. our tie value. Special Economy Sale price, each...,.,.. . ... .t94 FB&BA BAU WZBB SAFBTT FIBS ISe. - ' A line ef pretty Oold Wire Safety Pine, with Indestructible peart ball set Ii eenter; three plna te set; suitable for waist pins, euff plna, ete.; our 7 i . value. Speolai Economy Sal price, the set ' Me BSAB BBCB ISe. a aeeortmect ef Fad Neck Chains in a variety ef eolrvt l 1, r i; veJue. f 1 1 conoroy kale price, each - AUa ft lev'J" East CraaA.