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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1906)
V THE OREGON ' DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH IS. ' 1112. OIBlLILiOIiy FOR TO SUPtkiHUfiO WORD CONTEST I ; .J-s. iWOBURB, .CLftRtiB & CO. DIG V01CIHI0 GOUdTOOOl FOURTH MID VMSHIUGTOU STREETS SittIemiTr--MarJs .-)regon-Cirir-Oait"lnt-Mighty ' -.: 7 Sea of Xioutd 1V1akea-Har-Falthlass-Spouse Rich for Oft."p iro as Tg Across Threelitile "as 'All Portland; COFFEE COOKED OVER 1 : CRACfCINVTHtTSIDE COUNTESS MAKES HER Leavesjtf FUTURE HOME IN PARIS . , v , ,.rr.. : ' . i .; . " i Trip Continue to B Most Enjoyable -7 ':'m. Club. j "Formed on Lavs Beds and Mr,4- Weathcrred- la Elected Till President Other Detail. V -.- Gay Nobleman to Bo Allowed to See Hia Offspring Frequently and to 7 Take Them on Journeya Into the ""Country; " -i. .4 JDURriAL PARTY AT I 7-' . . ' : n n n.n r.-, -" ...... i . V " i r i f hi lit ,. Br Visa Molly Proebstel.- (Bpwnal Comeposdent o( TIM JfoorL) Honolulu; March . -Ths Journals t party returnea xoaay rrora ' what ' haa t been tha most delightful ana educational V aids trip we have taken, it included the tows of Hllo end tha volcano. It . waa with fear and trembling" -that soma i of tha party stepped on board tha Kiaau, the boat which 'waa t take as " oa our 2$-hours' voysgs to Hllo, aa tha T tbna elnca our landing; w tin Islands had been too short to forget entirety tha inconvenience of traveling; by water. J especially when the waves are rolling -, blghr The Journey to Hllo waa a little 4 rough, but there waa so much of Interest ' to attract attention ,that tha tossing of 'A the boat was forgotten aa one looked out oyer 'the fascinating renee- i On ourway wei passed"TheIstnndg-ef ' Malokai. Lanal and Maui, .which in their .-i- ragged mountain grandeur never allow i the spectator to forget the evidence of (. their volcanic creation. Hawalla'a true ', acanlo grandeur, break a upon .the vision whan Ilamakua and Kohala mountains r are reached, whose cliffs from toe to t 1.008 feet high, broken by vslieys and " " ' of tbeiwlcabreak Against them the surf lashes Itselft into a foaming sprsr, whtohr leaps sky ' ward to an amasing height. And this f la ' not all, for over this precipitous i, height plunge Innumerable waterfalls. Many Waterfalls, v In Oregon we are satisfied to travel ' raUea to aeo one fall, but not so In ; Hawaii. - Where nature haa bean most lavish, not te say extravagant, oha or I two waterfalls would not be tolerated ? they must be In quantities. ; For or miles these silver streams dash over T the cliffs, and as mhy aa 19 or It can f be seen at one time. -r- Tha-only disappointment ous party f met with waa about four hours' delay 7 at one of the landings, caused by the ; unluadiug of rattle which " had bean , ahlpped from the United Statea te the famous Parker ranch.. These anlmala : were blooded stock and most of tbem ' rame from Oregon. - The really amusing ' feature waa that the Klnau does not , often take cattle, but did ao at this spe clat time for the entertainment and tn- , atructioa it would give tha Oregon girls, r The poor creatures were lowered -out i of the ship by ropes around their bodies ? and dropped Into the water, where a t rope which waa tied around their necks waa fastened to the boat, which waa -re-take-thcui le slime, and there they hung helpless in the water with fear . pictured la. their eyes and a mute plea xor mercy ana protection. -. .... -.- .v A This 'slay brought us Into Hllo Just ,- before dark and the coach drive which had been planned by the Hllo friends . - had to be given up. This waa much - to be regretted, aa It Included Rainbow falls up to tha lava flow, where a " Hawaiian princess ones aavad the town by averting tha threatening stream by - some charm possible-only- te one of the royal blood. Tha Journal party was met at the wharf by J. 17. Smith and Wheelock Marsh, formsr Oregonlaaa. besides a delegstloa from the city of Hllo. and conducted to a four-in-hand v coach prepared for tha occasion, being . beautifully decorated In tha ever-beautiful foliage and vines of the Islands. We were Immediately , taken , to the - ' - hoteL where we hurriedly, dressed for , dinner and the ball which was to be ct . given in honor of the Oregon girls that evening. Thia was tha prettiest social , function which has been - given The fc Journal party, not - depreciating what . had gone before. Hllo was what all ; other entertainers strive to be. Tha . ball waa t Tie auggestlon of J. U. Smith snd waa held at the Armory, an lm menre building with a floor . seldom equaled for dancing. ....,' Tropical Seeoretloaa. ; . That thi cltlsens ef Hllo are artistic, - as jWeiy as hospitable, waa proved by the delightful tJecoratien-ef the hall. - - which fairly lost its Identity amldat ' the tropical - foliage . garniture. In the . center of the hall was the stand for tha musicians, which wss a perfect bower .rrrr: : Little boys, little suits, little overcoats and little 1 prices. . - We take no little pride in thls sale . because it will men a nappy time lor a - long time after they own - thesa garments.' : Spring Suits and Reefer "Cbats-s-92 ta7.50. r--' We t invite" the-parents -i 1 and the boys to see the new Tgooda..,,:..., ,' 17 ,, - Presents given with pur chase of -boys', clothing, ., hats or shoes.' " - :. ificiiCiHrramifO Gas KufmPrc Outfitters for Men and Boys -168 and 168 Third St Mohawk Building - 1 .m.'v.. - nm. - MOB ' Acknowtcdgsd onaf the foremost literary women, ln-tha JJnlted SUtea. Mrs. Felts is a graduate of the University of Indiana, and waa formerly principal of tha normal department of Taylor University, and also la es presldent of the Indiana Union of Literary Clubs. Lately she wss engsged to supervise the-examination of lists In the mammoth publicity word contest conducted by the Fort Wayne Sentinel, at Fort Wayne,-Ind., and her work In this connection stamped her as a woman of highest executive and literary ability. , .. -Mra peits haaust consented to supervise and take charge ef the ex amination of lists in the great Publicity Word Contest of Ellers Piano Houae, which ends today. " - , y, 4 ot palme Tmd -fern e.-auoH- aaI'Beltever ars only to be found In Hllo. and aa the Inimitable-strains of n native quintet olub. accompanied by their - mellow voices, floated out, a condition most en chanting waa complete. The programs were charmingly - arranged and com bined tha sentiments of the artist and poet. During the evening refreshments were served. After ths last number was danced The Journal's party waa in vlted to a hanquet-glvinjn Us honor, which proved to be most enjoyahie. A. b o'clock ' the next, morning all ware astir to take the train for the vol cano. Thia train takes m tourist wnn nine mllra ftf-Jhe-V plcano house, and passes through canefields and"bahat.arbftTri bir Tha-slna nf whtrii .i-.,. farms! At the end of the railroad Jour-1 cuts in the lava, from which amoke was ney ws took stages, and for. nine miles traveled through a Jungle of rank trop ical vegetation, which, aa wa nearea tne Volcano house, grew less luxuriant on account of the higher elevation ana thinner soil. Surprises are many In Hawaii, and the first view of the volcano Is no exception. You travel aiong lor miles; then, . without any warning, the whole scene Wreaks upon, you and holds you spellbound with awe and admira tion. We arrived at tha Volcano house a little before It o'clock and had time to take a walk down to tha sulphur bade before luncheon and to go to the edge of the cliff and look into -Kllauea'a great crater. . ...... , Xo get soma ia n . crater, atsnd oa rortiana neignis ana look down anon ths city and surround lna country - and imagine a-drcular surrounded by precipitous Cliffs reaching as fsr aa University Park. In the center of thia mass of odd and irrarular lava formation, which la broken by deep seams snd caves which send forth an lnceeeani vapr, is im Renter of eotlvity--Halemaumau. The imirrvev ta the crater la made on horse back until within per naps a quarter oi a mile Then, on accountOf the danger of breaking through, the rest or the Journey le made on foot. The sun waa mat setting: when our party arrived and stood at the brink of the crater and fsr the first time looked down Into tbst awful abyss which Is continually sena in forth a denae smoke arid steam. heavy with the fumes of aulphur to such a dears that It is Impossible to remain long at a ilmS.'eepeclally If ths wind Is blowing In your direction. Pals waa not active and we decided to explore . further wondsrs until .night closed In and perhapa Madam reia would display her power. We nrst went to - Pele's reception-room, a bubble chamber some 11 feet deep and running 16- feet under ground. The descent is made- bv a ladder and with lanterns. Ths explorer la guided through the dif ferent chambers where aome places hs Is compelled to bend low, the psss being not more than four feet hlgn. la Pele's Kitchen. . wV were told thatt; at times this un derground kitchen becomes so vsry warm that It la Imposslbls to descend. In line was Pele'a kitchen, a cave so warm that a emotherlng sense seises one at the. brink and . a cloud of hot, sulphurous fumes envelopes one, and the-Involuntary .exclamation; "Not for $10,000 will I go down there!" But In the face of that you never aiaeken-your steps and ge on down to the very hot torn, where the heat almbet staggers you. ' ,r - '. '-' By thia time aome of the party re membered the lunch, which was .to be prepared over tha hot eeama In the lava. Some idea. of the Intensity of the heat may be gained' by atatlng that a pole waa thrown down and In less .than-Hires mlnaterwastW was made and lunch prepared by the guide, while the party busied them selves In scorching postal cards; After lunch all went again to the edge of the living volcano, where we waited pa- y-UnUy Sot some sign. flt-rggogQ U ton rrora Madams 1'els, but none cam a Then the guide sent word down the line to sing, and behold, through the mist of smoke eneV vapor -a bright stream of riro snot up, mit oniy tor a moment The guide at luncheon had made an of fering to Pels of a cup of oof fee, but we could eea no returns from ths coffee and naturally concluded a white ribbon offering was not to Pele's taste. We lingered looking down from our ditty position for some time, then bid good night to Madame Pels and retraced our steps homeward, satisfied and glad that we had come, unanimous In the ex presslons that of all else to he seen en the Islands the volcano was by far ths most 'grsnd and that this trip should nevsr be omitted In a tour of Hawaii. -. It had been suggested by Mrs. Weatb erred te form a club,. and before eu "' ' : ' ' ';. . -. - N -'",.''. V-7V1"' ' - - - - aV - VattaV. rr-rlT mttwnUil sur hersss U wss da. elded tha most appropriate place to or ganise waa on the lava beds of Kll sues, where, grouped around and by the flickering light of the lanferna. vThe Journal Kllauea club waa perfected and tha following office rs chosen: Mrs. Kdyth Tosler Weatberred, president; Miss Heavren. vice-president; Miss King, secretary; Miss Conrtemanche, treasurer; 'executive board, "Miss Pfoeb stsl (chairman). Miss Parsley. Miss Brown: After adjournment our psrty mountsd our norsea, and. Ilka a lonely caravan In the desert, proceeded, single rue, dt tne iignt or a isntera carried by the guide, down tha lonelv and narrow issuing... xnere. wore piacea where a misstep - would have hurled ua Into eternity. ' . . On our arrival at the Volcano house a ' warm welcome and much appreci ated dinner awaited ua, after which our party broke up for the night, some te peaceful slumbers, while ethers pre pared their charred postal cards for mailing and eat up lats In the night writing letters to friends to be mailed from the Volcano house. , 1 At T o'clock the next morning all were seated in .the atage which took ua te Qlenwood, where we boarded the train for Hllo.- Upon arrival there the boat waa In readiness to put to sea. With .regrets we bid farewell-tdhdseWhb had accompanied us to ths volcano, S. V. Smith, Wheelock Marah and James MeSwanson, also several of our kind antertainers at Hllo, who paid Us the compliment of coming- to see us off. QUICK USE OF BRAKES . AVERTS PROBABLE WRECK (peelal Mipatrh te The Jearsal.) Aurora. Or., , March -16. As way frslght No. I. engine No. : K0. with Conductor Ed Promt la- charge, was pulling out of the station here yester day, southbound, ths connecting rod on tns right sme or the engine broke, which threw all the strain on the left side. and that aide was slso i trippsd Ths train wss going up grade, making a run ror tne top or the hUL and was under fslr headway when the accident oc curred. Aa soon aa the first rod broke Engineer Sweeney threw on the air and. stopped the train within a car length, thua averting what might have proved a serious wreck. Both connecting rods were bad It bent and twitched, and tha pinion en the middle drive wheel on the left aide of the engine that connects with the con necting rod waa broken off close to ths wneei. uisciosing a. new half way through the steel. . Some of ths ties were cut off es square ss If thsv bed been sawed, and traffic was delayed aooui an nour. . EPWORTH LEAGUE WILL MEET AT WALLA WALLA . " . . . (Speelat Ptapetrk te Tbe lnanial.1 WtUl-WBllar-Waahldarch U. A meeting olU. represenutlycgi of . Ths uaiies and Walla Walla dlstrlctg of the Kpworth .league was held at the nrst Methodist church' Tuesdsy even ing, when It was .decided to hold a lolnt convention Inf . Walla Walla on May Si to May 37. A committee was appointed to prepare a program and arrange for the entertainment of. delegatea. which tne officers ssaert will number fullv 1 ana rurmtm rm all ... ..... . ii"""! ur vnuirrn, snvireiy unilKS any- V.7 TT" . atcafrom. sji over. ..naatax nLLhUtg-else- knoaia U'hen..uainUynmel Washington and Oregon are expected to the air yoti 1 breaths is llkTthito Tths be In attendance, making the biggest affair of the kind ever held In Walla wane. - 1 Brag cs Olab aieeta. Kugne.'ur., Marcn is.-t the last meeting of the Eugene Commercial club officers were chosen aa follows: Presi dent, Dr. l L. WUlLaoni . vlae-Bresideat, C. S. Williams; secretary, R. s. Buy. son,' treasurer, W. W. Brown; trustees. Dr. C. B. Wllloughby. H. A. Dunbar and Oeoree T. Msll, Sr. oumxro ooasvaoprzoaT. - Mrs. B. W. FJvans, Clearwater. Kan; writes; "My husband lav sick for thr.. months. - Ths doctors said be had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard Horshound Syrup snd it cured him. That was els yesrs ago and since then. we have slwsys kept a bottle in the house. , Ws cannot do with. out It For coughs snd colds it haa no eoiiaL" lie, e aad 11.00. Woodard. Clarke 4 CO. i . .. ., , . , 'tltmrumt SnMtkl grvlcs.I ' Parts. March 16. Countess Boar ds Castellana will make a bandaome aettle- ment on tha count, on whem a writ in the new suit for absolute divorce waa served today. This flnanolal provision wiU be so large that with ordinary pru- denoa la It administration tha count will be rich for life.- Thia your corre spondent learns from an unquestionable source, on the. esme autnority tne countess will probably make Paris bar permanent. home and residence, residing la tha palace with her ehildren. At the present moment aha ' doea not contem plate a temporary visit to America. - Count Bonl will not only have access te ths children at stated intervals, but by agreement he wilt take them from time to time to his chateau In tha coun try or on brief Journeya . Society says now that the countess haa decided to be dlvoreed for the sole reason that when it la perfectly under stood alt relatione -between herself and her husband are ended aba can go far to Indulge him In his love for hla eons, which Is sssmingIydaaplyroQted. She recognizes, too, hie name and rank al most compel hsr oldest son to reside In rw'Bfton sun uaii units an iii ii ii EUGENEIVATERXOMPANY- MAY BE HELD LIABLE (gpedsl DUpateb te The Josmal.) r Eugene. Or., March II. City Attorney L. K. Bean haa handed down an opinion that the local water company la liable to damagea if ahown by competent proof that It haa been negligent In fur nishing the Inhabitants pf ths city with Impure watar by reason of which sick ness and death from typhoid fever haa been caused. He further says that If after due and proper notice rom the ctty to-the-wate r-company snd a ISStI sonable time In which to remedy the ex isting evil," the company continues to provlds Impure and unwholesome water to the city and the residents, the fran chise and contract betwssn the city and the company can be declared forfeited and annulled . by proper suit brought therefor. The city, attorney further flnde that there is no liability against the city on socount of the impure water supply rumnneq ey-tna eompan Baldwin's Health Tablets. Take them tonight be well tomorrow. 1 r...... -1 t 1ttt pr,,.,. r Athene, Kaa Baters Baoe. , . i (Special Dtipatrfc to Tae Jooraal.) Athena, Or, March 11. C A. Barrett of this city hss announced hla candidacy for the Republican nomination for rep resentstlva from Umatilla county. With the advent of Mr. Barrett Into the race the fight for the Republican nomi nation will be between himself. Zoeth House r and C. W. Hteen. Mr. Barrett Is one of the best-known Republicans In the county,'- being former ' mayor of Athena, and prominent in politics. Two yesrs ago he ran for sheriff against T. D, Taylor. . - , Restaurant Cor. Third aetd Ooaoh Sts. " omiuinn. -' Dnmme from 11 a. m. to S p. Siloed Tomatoes 10a, fcettaee. . . . Tonne; Oaloaa Be, gweet rioklas Beef Barley Sous. Ohlckea Salad, Mayonnaise - Dressing ., 20a Baked araiibnt .152 Columbia Xiver Smelt 164 Oatflsk ISe, Basor Olama 15. Kalian SKi Brisket of Beef with Xnstsrd . w re res , a sri Smau TSBderlola Steak, Creole SJ V --". e - a a A . 2 RdA Brsaat ef Teal with OanUflower. . .20a) Bork Spare Bibs with Ssnsr Xraat.20s) BtoUsd rigs rase, rotato Salad... 20a Zrfunb Carry with mice IK Braised Sirtota of Best Spanish.... IS a) auuz apnag fratokea es Toast 40a Spring Issik, BUat Sanoe, Oreea resa ..... .20a) Boast Chlokea with Dress lsg- 2Sa) isst Bser. ISO. rork loo. MnMtn. 1K Oaallflowor tm Cream 54 Aspararaa em Toast ............ .!Oa The "American' tm the best place te eat. Try it. KILLS CATARRHAL GERMS. Breathe Syomet a Few Times Bally and Be cared eoes Bight te the Spot. In treating catarrhal troubles, the nrst tmng necessary is to kill all ca tarrhal aerms that mar be nreaant in ths nose, throat and lungs, thus freeing mt r'UHs- 1 rum .ins poiaa tuai ttxey produoe. - - , Stomach dosing cannot hill . those germs. A dlrsct local treatment' Is ab solutely necessary, and for this purpose its nase is ins famoua auralvntua pil. Thle is combined with other heal ing, aromatic gums and balsams,- mak ing a germ-kllltng, health-giving treat- mountarns, high above sea level, where the pine forests fill ths air with frag rant and heeling balsam a - that give health and strength to those suffering frort diseases of , the rssplratory Cr aans. Hreatner"iiroiish '-the - west ai kai j ,m.l . . - " innii.n wmi - wnvi wiin every outnc Hyomei reaches every tissue or nose, throat and lungs, giving Immediate relief, and effecting a permanent cure in Tne worwe-raseeor eatarrrt- The comDlete outfit, consisting nt an Inhaler, medicine dropper and ana bot tle of Hyomei. costs only tl. Extra bottles can be obtained ror ( cents. Woodard, Clarke Co. give a guarantee witn every nyomsi outnt that ths treatment will coat nothing. Unless It cures. - If st eeavealeat to ebtals Brosi.l ef Weed. rit, Clarke A (o. er snm ntKr flruftl.t It will be forward frea the laberatory by malt es twlM ef ptirm. . The a. T. Booth Ce.. HrmaH PnllOllls. Ithaea, Ifivtek, - c 3 Tie Dear 0d Irish Shamrock 7.To commemorate Saint Patrick's FdayTr and r all - the memories of the isle over the sea, we have had grown in nrespecial setting a wealth-. of - the real T shamrock the setting is an old shoe and the little plant is jusTcit'eptag - out t.he front and top- don't fail to see them in our Wash- 1 ington atreetjrindowvWitfi out any exception the most uniqueTernefnbrance - for your. Irish iriends7that has7 ever been made. 7$c to $1.50 According to Size WOODMDCLMKE & CO: rl TIME IS ""T " JL GETTING L ---7SHORT7 :m move 7 weu have a tremendous stock of Ladies gar-. jments3we sellat auction as follows FRIDAY AND ALL DAY AND EVENING SAT- URDAY Friday evening and- Saturday afternoon aiTP"eveningboutOO-m will be closed oiit at auction, as . we IE MAKES HANDS But any one of the following excellent lotions and creams 7- will cause the roughness to vmnishr like darkness before light re guarantea them. - If your caah-we don't Zir. U-AR-DAS MILK OF CUCUMBERS . . . . , ; ... . . . , . SO 1 WOOD LAR K ALMOND CREAM. .7. . . . .'.2Sa and S0 7 WITCH HAZEL CREAM. . . . . ... . . ... . ...25a and 50a ' J CREME VIOLETTE . , . "MARSHM ALLOW CREAM - MT. HOOD COLD CREAM. . . . .... ... .15V 25, 50 CUCUMBER and ELDER FLOWER CREAM, 25a, 50a 77''; ' ; ". ' i;; :-.'"V 77-77' 7-77 These delightful preparationa are as soothing to the skin as a mother's lullaby to her babe. Apply at night and when you awake the iOTgtoess4s FOURTWAIIDZYASHIIIGTOItSTREETS 4nt?gentsLmerchant tailoring. ' mm CHAPPED -y-f.-- they don't do the work, come get want any tainted money. . ...... .'. .......... . . . .23T :...25a. 1 TtTTl r ttt y - - . . gona Just as good for the llps are discontinu-. ft K 1 -y