The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 15, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    V t
""Steamer British King Founders
" Off USabla UlamlTwenty
Nine of Crew Rescued.
Sailors of Rescuing Ship Battle He
7 roically With Storm and Wave to
Zi Save Doomed Men Darknesi End
;: Reacue Work. '' ; ,
(Jnorsal gpertst BervVe.)
; New Turk, March II. The steamer
' Mannheim anivedhlemorning rwlth 11
' survivors from the . TnoenIS:Itne
"steamer Brlttsn :Kfngt which "rwag-lost
Sunday last, about 16 rotlee eoutlt of
. Sable 1 aland.
.-..Among ; the- aurvlvora- is -the third
. mate, who think that the total loaa of
life on the foundered vessel numbers
II. aome of the crew bavins deeerted.
before sailing.
Thirteen nerobara of he crew were
rescued from the sinking vessel by
Iceland steamer Bostonlsn, which ar
.. rived at Boston last night. Five others
wer picked up by ths Boatonlan from a
1 trail bit of wreckage. . . :.
' Captain Jamee O. Hasan of the Brlt-
' effects of Injuries reoelved while trying
, to, aava his ship while rescuing the
shipwrecked men. ' Two lifeboats from
the Bostonlsn were crushed to frig'
- mente -and the crews- which -manned
them were thrown Into the sea.
- Sailors from th Mannheim battled
heroically with wavea In taking off the
"11 men. but on account of the increas
ing sea gala wars Imul
to civs ud the battle with the wavea
Moon afterward the BHtlah Xing', whlch-l
was then waterlogged, plunged to the
The British king sailed from New
-Tork last Wednesday bound for An t
, werp with a mlscellaneaoua oargo and
M aattlev There were no passengers.
verylltetoat on the vessel was de
molished. The vessel was supposed te
carry a crew ef M men. but. It is
thought that there were "only - 46 oa
r board. ... , '
Two of the Finest Structures in
- the Palouse Valley Are
j,r- - Gutted.
10 OL.
(Ipeclal Dlspatrs to The arael.-"
Colfax. Wash., March II. Fire gutted
. -the magninoent Hotel Colfaa and the
Colfax National bank, two of the finest
buildings to Colfax, this morning. The
-. : lira originated In tba furnace-room from
. as overheated furnace at I o'clock this
morning .and quickly apread to all parte
of the building.-- . ... .
- ; The Qre department respondsd prompt
ly and aeon M4 the fire under control,
but the damage from amoks and water
la double that from fire.
The loss on the hotel building and
furniture la 18.000, the loss on the bank
building and furniture- la 11.000, fully
. covered by insurance. The. hotel bulld
- - ing is owned by H. W. Livingston and
the hotel furniture la owned by Martin
'" J. . M alone y. m . "7" , ' j
. The hotel wa opened . in . November
last and was the beat furnished la the
Palouse country. -
fray's sTarW Shivering- ' ta Onttlag
Blasts sf Vaaeaaoaabla Wsathe.
---Aberdeen.' Washer March lsVr-Qray'a
Harbor la struggling in ths grasp of an
unseasonable spell of cold weather,
colder than It has been all winter. Ita
, cltlsens are confronted with fro sen wa
ter pipes and shivering In the cutting
blasts of a raw east wind. Samuel Benn.
-the -ploneer settler-of Aberdeen.-save f
- that be doea not remember such axtreme
cold . In the month of. March in the en
tire course of his residence here, and
he has lived here 40 yeara or more. The
water was running -early In the morn
ing, but frose before daylight. The
spring baa been unusually early and
vegetation has been well advanced, but
it Is feared that It has been much In
jured by the cold, especially the fruit,
some of which wss in full bloom.
Where Quality Zs at Its Best"
Silver Bon Bon
Will really appeal to you as a
suggestive? wedding or annlver-
aai j -a-tf t. Ths quality iw atsrirn g
and stamped so on each one. The
weight bespeaks mightily . for
good value giving. The plainness
of styles, many of which are of
. the pierced designs, are the sea
son's Isteat and are of exceptional
, beauty, -
. We are also s howls pretty
Bon Bon Baskiets
Cor. m aad Wsiaiagtoa eta, ,
- Jewelare, . niversmltss,
BLasafaoeartnf Opttolaaa, ' -
" . W TO
eHFBa-4Ji j mi, ...u-u mi i i - .
.LJ (U U L 0 V.J
It docs not contain an atom of phosi ,
phaticacid (which is
digested in ulDhunc acid ) or
which is one-third
stances adopted for other-baking powders
because of their cheapness.
lMercHand1sToftorycwned Ey
the Russell Sage of Cross
River It Sold.
. - (Journal gueclal Bern re.)
New Tork, March 11. In the nine
house hamlet at . Cross River., nestlsd
exactly. 41 mllea from Herald Square.
among the hills of Wsstchester county,
there waa an auction aale today which
the Inhabitants of that section have
waited for since the. days of the civil
war. The goods Included 1nthe auctlsq
constituted the enure stock or the gen
eral store of George R. Avery, known
as -'the Russell Bags of -Cross River,'
who in' 1141. because of ill health due
to worry Over his wlfs's death, closed
his store and never opened It again.
When yeara ago the store collapsed.
In ruins, Avery moved all the wares to
bis barn. Never in all those yeara ha
he permitted any one even to get a
look at the stock-until todey, when, -oni
his eighty-elxth birthday. . the - doors
weie thrown open and William Mower,
auctioneer of the village, announced
that bids would be heard. ' Exactly was realised on the first day tt
the aale.
The wares disposed of embraced tht
entire category ,pt a typical country
"general store,'1 and likewise many other
thlnga not Included In such classifies
tfon. There were hats of ths fashion
of the early 10s. green and pink striped
socks, paper neckties, hoopsklrts, shawls
and lace collarettes.
(Continued from Page Ons.)
N.Neeh-picked TrOirana discovered
inside the letter to T. M. Leabo from
hia son. . The father thought the bov
and a companion had gone to Seattle to
look for work. 4The letter Xollows
Appeal (or Help.
"We tare got Into serious trouble and
want you to help us.- we accepted an
offer from Shipmaster Grant to make a
trip to Manila, lie aaliV we could work
our way very easily and wouldn't have
to do aallor work. Of course, ws thought
him true to his word, but now that we
are on board they demand ua to do
sailor work, which la Impossible for us.
for we never have had any . experience
or none any worx in mat line.
"Of course ws could remain hers anil
do the best we could.. If . there were
enough able seamen to manage the ablp
on the sea But we know that la Impos
sible, ss there are only four able aea
men on board and nine of us arc no
good for sailor work at all. So you can
see that this man Grant has Juat a cute
way of kidnaping.
"Saturday afternoon we all refused
duty and asked to aea ths general con
sul. But the captain refused us be
cause he known he will get In serious
trouble for shipping us undsr such con
ditions and he wanta to keep ua all here
and take ua to aea Just the same be
cause It's bard to gst sailors. So you
see he Is Oust trying to mske sailors
out of us agsinst our will, and we know
If some one gets on board and sees how
affairs are It will bo an sasy matter to
get us off the ship. But a It Is we
can't leave the ship to tell any one aa
It Is anchored In the middle of, the river
and we are watched by men with guns.
"But If you would like to know Just
how we are situated come On board aa
quick as possible. What thla Grant
needs la to be behind the bars In prison.
I wish you would corns aa quick as
possible and do something for us, for
this is a terrible state of affaire. The
captain la anxloua to aail aa soon as
possible before be le detected. We don't
mind eo much taking a chance for
our lives sometimes, but we are sure
this' is sura death If we go on this "ship,
for It la In no condition for the voyage
and we were placed hero under mis
representation. " .
- Trouble Zs Settled.
Matters thla afternoon -were amicably
aettlsd on the Eskaaonl and ths veasel
will leave down tomorrow bound for
Manila wlta-a lumber, cargo,
After the Ave beya had been taken
ashore the otheV seven men remaining
reported for duty thla morning. They
are experienced aeamen and explained
that the only grievance they bad was
the fact that "green hands'' had been
employed to work 'With them. - -
Nine mora experienced men have been
employed to come from Bag Francisco
and. Join the ship at Astoria. Thty will
some on one of the coasters and will
reach the mouth of the liver about the
same time as doea the Eskaaonl.
Uosrnal Special Service.
Butte. Mont.. March 11. The Butte
Miners' union laat nlaht adopted resolu
tions calling1 upon Montana repressnta-
I tlvea la congress to -urge an-spproprta-'
tion of 100.00S arrea of land for the
l purpose of establishing a home for In
capitated minora aad smelts men.
-vr-V;.. X ..I ;
the product of bones
t .
or aium
sulphuric acid) sub
liana Physician bhoots rum-
self While Conversing With
His Sweetheart.
': ' . V.
.. fjanru gDeeial Berries J
Frankfort. Ind., March II. Dr. Ellla
Dixon, aged II years, a pro parous den
tlst. yesterday afternoon called up Mis
Bessie Buchanan of Indianapolis on the
telephone. They were soon to be) mar
tied, and he dlaoussed the event pleas
antly with bar for a few momenta. Then
there was a hasty, half-smothered
"Goodbye" over the telephone and the
sound of a ahot.- Then the conversation
ended. ..... . .. .
Miss Buchanan was alarmed oy ,tht
unexplained termination of the conver
sation, and noise. The frantls- bride
again and again triad te ring up Dr.
Dixon a office, but could get no con
nection, Finally aha called Otto O ruber,
roommate of Dr. Dixon, and told btm
her feara . ...
Q ruber Immediately went to tba office
and. found -that Dr. Dixon had blown
out his brains while talking to Miea
Buchanan. He was leaning back In a
chair, the receiver still presssd to his
ear. G ruber says that he had noticed
for several days that Dixon' a mind waa
affected. , . 7 : " "
(Special Dispatch te The loarnaL)
Rlvsrsids, Cal March 16. Instead of
seeking a residence In South Dakota, as
reported, Mrs. W. E. Corey, wife of the
steel trust magnate, accompanied by her
husband's mother and alster, are regis-
tered at the Olenwood. The-party ar-I
rived here several days ago. Mrs. Corey
and her companions have devoted their
time to auto tripe la the aurroundlng
r"""fT frr rH"f : . fr"-i i'h-
guests of the hotel. When approached
today Mrs. Corsy declined to be Inter
viewed. She refused to state whether
she contemplated filing dlvoroe proceed
ings, or whether she would take up a
temporary home in South Dakota., So
carefully had Mra. Corey concealed her
identity that there were few bare who
knew she waa the much talksd ot wife
of the president of the stsel trust.
- (Journal Special Service.)
Ithaca. N. T., March 11. After varl
oua experiments In his laboratory, which
he has kept up diligently for over a
year. Professor G. W. Cavanaugh of
Cornell, has discovered a process where
by he Is able to aeparate the aolld mat
ter from the watery part of milk. He
hae demonstrated to the eatlafaction of
a large chemical company that the solu-
tlon of the prdblem Is of great practical
value. Ths company ' will soon protect
the discovery by patents and be able
to distribute pure milk in powdered
form, needing only additional water to
return It to Ita natural form, at a low
price. -
(Continued from Page One.)
The prosperity of the east, said Sen
ator Gtarln, while It is general, does
not compare with the good times In
Portland, Oregon, and along the Paclflo
coast This section of the country ta
receiving much attention on the At
lantic coast, and of a most favorable
kind. Capital is seeking Investment,
end Oregon and Portland ara receiving
their share ef oonelderatlon,- with -the
likelihood of material results along ex
tended financial lines, declared! the sen
Rome, March II. Oaaetti Del Trlbu-
nall aaya that a priaoner who la ill In
the Infirmary of tba prison baa con
fessed that he wae present at a meet
ing of anarchists In which a plot wss
concocted to kill the king of Italy on
the occasion of the Inauguration of the
Milan exhibition, April II. A searching
Investigation of bis story has been
! 1
. You may look respectable,
but you certainly do not feel
so if youf . teeth and mouth
are suffering for want of '
Liquid, F0vnUr er , Posit, y J
A, esssW
C. ..." ;...... . , '
Negotiating: for the Consolida
tton of " LiecEiloRoaoa of I
-Two California Cities.
' 7" Uoarsal Special Serrioe .
K Francisco. March 15. A Wg Street
railwa7eaX"biv1hg tolTtsTWrptJaej-tlirt
absorbing by the united ttaiiroaae ox
San rranolaco of all tba railways of
Oakland and vicinity, A owned and con
trolled by- tb -Realty .Syndicate under
the name of the Oakland Traction com
pany, haa been under negotiation for
some time past The pries said to have
been offered by the United Railroads or
ths eastern owners of that corporation
la 17.000,000. Thta figure was declined
by . tba ..Realty Syndicate 'people, and
'negotiations were briefly suspended,
only to be resumed by financiers repre
senting the great Interests engaged in
the game of mllllona.
The transaction Involves all the street
railroads acquired by F. M. Smith, the
"borax king," and bla associates in the
Realty .Syndicate, during - the past IS
years, other than the Key routes-other- 4
wise the Ban Francisco, Oakland at Ban
joss railroad, and ferry connections be
tween Oakland and thla city, -
Harry N. - Pillsbury Suffering
. From Strokes of Apoplexy
V:: I ni Paralysis.
- Journal Spedat Berrioe. - -
Philadelphia. Pa.. - Maroh - II. Harry
Plllabury. the champion chess-player,
la now -lying at the point of dath In a
stroke of apoplexy, .which waa quickly
bury returned recently from a vacation
in Bermuda, where be went on account
of ill health.
- Upon hia return ha wat batter in
health than for a eouple of yeara, and
be waa Juat on the point of beginning
a tour through the United States when
ha was stricken by apoplexy at - his
home here. He waa removed to a hos
pital, and on bla arrival there It was
found he was also suffering from .par
alysis. Hs cannot apeak. Ha may live two
or three weeks, but physlclana ssy he
will not laat mora than three or four
days. . r ' , , . '
(Continued- from Page Ona)
eould give him nothing except Federal
cement; it didn't have any other 'sort
and couldn't gat any. The Federal
brand Is of eastern manufacture and la
not on the city lists, hence cannot be
used iir any work thai haa to be paaaed
upon by tbo building inspector. - The
result: Five crews of men had to be laid
off by thla contractor.
"And i am not the only one," said the
builder, "who la in the same boat. - We
ara all .up against the same -condition
of affairs. Work is tied up all over
the city. -Contractors everywhere are
unable to turn a hand."
Wot TW riiw ef Koata.
Mr. McCraken saldrthat there waa
not a pound of first-grade cement in
the market and he could not hone to
get any before the first ot next month
and than only If the ahlp carrying hia
cargo arrives on time. -
"What we have ordered," said he,
"will give aome temporary relief, but a
few heavy ordsrs would clean ths mar
ket out again and leave It is very bad
condition." . ,
All city work in which cement la a
necessary element ia affected by the
shortage; ' Wort on the Irrlngtoti sewei
bsa stopped. Bo hss work on all aide
walk and street Improvements of a like
nature. It la said. . - .
"Ws are expecting a few barrels of
California cement by trsln tomorrow."
said the manager of Nottingham A Co I
"and thla will enable work to be re-1
sumed on the aewer, but ths rest will
have to wait. Thsre ara two eargoea
of the foreign product expected by ua
and McCraken about the first of the
month, but the ships have been dis
abled and We do not know when they
will arrive. Even when thla arrives the
existing condition will not be perma
nently relieved. Forty or fifty thousand
barrels is llothing whsn we have to
keep at least X4.000 barrels on hsnd all
the time to meet the demand. We may
expect a ahortage all summer."
Shertsg Throughout Coast.
The shortage, it is said by the deal
era, prevails throughout the coast, not,
however, to such an extant In Cali
fornia yet as In Oregon and Washing
ton. Tha demand haa been far greater
than the supply for aome time, and
building work haa Buffered accordingly.
Not only has the contractor lost monsy,
but the i carpenter, the finisher, the pa
perhanger, painter and others have been
deprived of much work, and, tha mills
have been affected because ths build
fiiga can not be .gotten in readiness for
tha use of lumber. Local dealers fear
the, shortage will apread over tha mar
ket of the entire country before condi
tions change.
Anticipating the arrival of a oargo
of foreign cement next month a num
ber of contractors have put in orders
for it. They have bsen Informed that
the price will be 11.11 per barrel In
stead of 11.61 as hsretofore. ' The ad
vance In price began whea tha ahortage
Brat made itself felt and It haa gone
up with lesps and bound a The oom
bine -oontroUIng- the sand - and - gravel
has likewise boosted prices of theeo ma
terial. This haa been done regardleaa
of the fact that both materials are
cheap In cost of produotlon and can be
easily got here. - This Is rapidly rais
ing the cost of building and all olaaaea
of cemant work in the.oity.T--
Cant Get Foreign, Product.
ra"slhsir-T)oTtioti'' of tn
grade csmsnts used In .America come
from Germany, Belgium and other for
eign countries, ths condition of the
local market Is directly due to the fact
that It la almost Impossible to get sny
foreign product. It Is claimed that the
trust Is eorrallng all the foreign make
for uee on the Panama canal, acting on
the theory that the demand there will
be so heavy aa to awsmp domeetlo fac
tories completely and foreign ones, too.
when a audden demand la made. - Ho
much of tha foreign product has al
ready been taken off the market that
the domestics factories were awamped
some time ego. i
"In addition to this." aatd the man-
ager of the cement department of Not-
Tma bbs oovast sttbvp.
8. L. Apple. ex-Probate Judge. Ot
tawa OA.. Kansas, wrlteai "This Is te
say thst I have used Ballard's HoreJ
hound Byrup for years, snd that I do
not hesltste to recommend it as the bnt
cough syrup I have ever used." 2 Bo, lOo
and 11.40. Woodard. Clarke A te.
' 1 1 1 ., L : . . . ........ -
. . ..,,. , ; (. ; -, . j- ... I .
m i - . t . 'esaisj ' ' '. -" ; . , f 1
In samples of Ladies' ..MutUn Undemear, Gowns, Skirts, Drawers arid Cor
set Covers, Knit Underwear. Vests in long, and short sleeves and sleeve
" These
Th garments being Samples
7Lsi Than Cost of Material.-,
J.RadneFeet. ............
SS5 j lMt.Hood
C rL Shirts for Man," Youth or
X-X 25c, 29c, 35c, 50c
xmxxxSc t '::
' Tr;. New-Things
-. r " II '
Odd Things
Children's Drawers and Jean Waists, Mus
7 lin and Knit, lace trimmed -
Cor ner Th
tlngham Co., "the demand for cement
Is far heavlar than It haa ever been be
fore. Building operatlona have been
more extenalve and thsre haa been a
call for the material auch aa factories
and dealers have not had to faoe In the
past. They can't meet . the demand.
Then, too. It Is difficult to catch
steamers coming this way from Europe
that will bring cement. It la aeldom
yon can get a cargo of tha material.
The principal domeatie factory on the
Paclflo coast Is in California, but
though it la working to capacity , limit
day and night, it cannot relieve the
ahortage in that state, let alone take
cars of the demand for outside markets.
(Journal titkrlal Berries.)
Los Angelas, March II. A large
number of baggage agenta representing
the - principal - railway .systems of - the
United States and Canada are attending
the annual convention of the American
Association of General Baggage Agents,
whloh began In thla city today. The
session will last two days, and teohnlcal
papsra and reporta will occupy, the at
tention of the delegates. The conven
tion will - be followed on Saturday by
the annual meeting of the Western Bag
gage Agents association.
ZenseS" CHil laaamaai 1 " 11
Hutchinson. Kan., Maroh II The
Republican congressional convention of
tha -eeventh district la In aeaalon here
to name a candidate to succeed Con
grsssmaa Victor Murdoch, who baa be
come the nominee of the new eighth
district, Thsre are two eandldatea for
tha nomination Judge K. It Madiaon
of Dodge City and Judge W, B. Hutch
inson of Garden City. . -
geminated tot Co:
(Joarnal gpeetal gervlcs.)
Warsaw, Ind., Maroh IS. Tha Re
publicans of ths thirteenth district in
convention . here today renominated
Congressman A. U, Brick. There waa ne
Murphy Bane mine tad.
(Journal gDeeial Berries.)
Lebanon. Mo., March II. Congrsss-
man Arthur P. Murphy waa renominated
today by the Republican convention of
tba sixteenth congressional dlatiiot in
session bare . .
Friday and
less. Pants and Tights to the knee and ankle and Chil
dren's Garments ranging from lOjf upward! j AUo Sam
ples of White Lawn Shirtwaists and Fancy Hosiery.
Garments Were Secured fcr
V -S"
are thVcrearflfTJerfectiott in MakeStyle and Finish. Prices
glance will convince ..'you of. thetruth-of aU mtenieata
.:6f andT
i rd and Morrison Streets
. -
m ii jfiim i ui i n i 1 1 k ii
. in Order to Cleanse Hu- '
. manity and Save It.
(Jeoraal Bpeelat Serrleat)
Cincinnati, March VI. The police to
day nipped la its Infancy a plot that
developed la the mind of an unidentified
madman, to go to Washington aad take
the - life of the preatdant Tba man's
rambling talk betrayed him and be waa
Cere aD XMnay Tvoablea step pals la ths beck,
sks mm ef alba men Is the arise impneelble
and aetually rebalia the hrstums wall of the
gldners. ner eootsai mat waat wastes u
reiimve tae disease, seat tae eere spet ana
i j b."n relief wlUils a few bom aad ear.
w stay esres. Sola at BOe a bet by
I a, (a, gnrldmore ai Oo, Praerlrti, 181
J s-girA st sole ag-eata for WoiaA, Cm.
. -.. -j i ,
. For Waiters,' 'Cooks, ' Butchers, Nurses,
Fancy ApronsV in' pure white, black and '
Phone East 244.
locked Op" 14 "the-fIrsrdlstHot police
station, .''.-' -,.. ,.
"I want transportation ta Washing
ton." he aald to Alexander Landssoo.
the mayor' a secretary- Ha waa asked
why and refused to anawer at first. -
"I have frlenda there,'' he declared.
Then bla talk began, to ramble. .
1 want to kill tha president," ha crted
out-auddanly '.'1... will. JtUI,. him. , T
president and I are aavlora of humanity.
The alna of tha world must be elsaassd
with hia Wood."
. . ftooialaa Qmaraatlae.
r ' '"tJaarsal tpeeikl Serrlee.l '
Nsw Orleans. March 1. Aa a pre-,
cautionary meaaure the Louisiana atate
board of health today established a
modified form of quarantine. - Ths re
strictions ara against Cuban and Cen
tral American porta. .
. " Worth
that Alloock'a are -tha erlinal and
genuine porous plsstere; all other are
Imitation. -
Milwaukle Country Club. ,'
Loa Angeles and Oakland race. Take
ell wood aad Oregon City cars at Pint
and Alder. "...
A Ilea Law! Best Brand.
" ,-mmn