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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1906)
THE OREGOrr-DAILY -JOURNAL;--PORTLAND, THURSDAY, EVENING. MARCH 18, lgQ3. """" ": " " " ' l '-I 'III I SI I i ' 'sTsaTY'" i , IVATER, NOT BEER, THE ISSUE St. ,' Johns i Election Will .. Be Fcrofht Out or New .Lineal because of Recent nre. ifCIPAt-OWNEftSHIR. :OF PLANTJS FAVORED Larger - Plant j. for Fire Protection '."j to Be Adopted, and Saloon Ques tion Lost "Sight Of New Issue by : . Petition TkketJi-v--- Tb east (Id efsc ef Tee Joorail li In tb stars ef J. M. C. Miller, tm Bast Motrtaos iml Tlvow Cut .273. ' , , . . XVWIe TliiTpomioal 1bu St-TTiSTWiH'-Jling. BLJohna lawu elecUodwllLlewet . op Jrjr. It is probable that the them of 'political orators not the saloon . ouestlon, but the water problem. , Sine ; -the fire of Sunday the owners of bust . . nees property In the place .have forgot ten all about the license question and have made the Issue-of fire protection ' the Important one. This was shown at, the session of ths council Tuesday night when , prominent business men and the members of the fir company discussed lb situation and agreed that more ade juiate,fjre protection was needed.' - Tor -nearly a year the aounell has had under consideration a proposition - to build a municipal waterworks and -. ' pay for the same with bonds running - for is or SO years, and -while the pres ent council will take no definite- action in the mstter hersiiae It - flee only a month more, still the senti ment of thi voters Is evidently for some Improvement In the water aervlca that .will guarantee sufficient pressure for - will b called to act on this matter. rh , tUket. alxsadr-J-JJhe fleldwas nominated before the fire, when the loon lasu waa-tha onlr ona. - The canlgbt-4emperatur-o--f-degrsss coul.V dldatea, while not openly pledged, ar generally known as saloon adherents, but regarding th water question their position Is not so well defined. - It is probsbl that when th other ticket la placed In th field th candidates will go before th people on a platform promising ample fir protection. This second ticket. It Is said, may not be nominated at a mass meeting, and may be offered by oetltloa. - , - While many Improvementa hav bean . made In the water system of th town the firemen - and owner of. business property bellev that th town' has so far outgrown th conditions prevailing when th system was planned that no Improvements 1n th present plant aa -mak It sultabl for real protection, and an' entirely new. system, built for the future, 1 th generally accepted solu tion. Firemen who enoeavorea xo get a at roam of water on the burning build ings Sunday night assert that, the prea Luira - wa a not : sufficient to reach the mnnA atnrv of any building In ths ' . i business section, and that a fire engine would, -have been of little aid because " there was no main carrying a sufficient : volume of water lor th apparatus. j . BLOCKADE WATERFRONT. ' Ola Boata and Bafta Cut Off uslassa District Tront ,Tlr proteotlo. t Despite strong protests of Fir Chief Campbell and th recommendations of Engineer Lockwood, of ths Port of Port V land commission, ths east waterfront ' of th harbor Is blocked with rafts anl vessel. preventing th near approach -' of the flreboat and leaving th ntir - district practically without fir protec i ' tlon. Near one of the bridges a mill ! has staked out a raft storage plac and recently the long lines of logs have I reached so far Into the stream that thi "' channel was practically occupied. " On several occasion these rafts hav mo nopoUaed the river out to the draw piers. I - As neither lights nor watchmen ar plaoed on them at night they constitute : a menace to. th harbor shipping, as i well as a danger to th shor left un- ! protected by th flreboat. , - Th general cluttering up of th east bank of th river has received the seri ous attention of "both the porfg "engineer and ths fir chief, but despite their recommendations nothing has been done by the property-owners, som of whom have frankly stated that they would run j th risk of fire to gain an unrestricted ! us of th river befor their establish- j H- ments. However, not only la the prop- ' 1 erty adjacent to th riverfront endan ' - r gered by the practice of allowing rafts. old boats, scow houses and idle craft ,.. ntUla the waterfront, but the business ; . ' blocks for a quarter of a mile' back -f I ' ' ths waterfront are unprotected, as the f flreboat lays In to fires originating In f . such blocks and Increases the pressurs i - by Its powerful pumps. The barricade , now existing prevents the flreboat ap- ' preaching the shore and makes it neces- j ' .. sary In most places to lay In the hose i by small boats, greatly delaying the I , . ' '., service and Increasing ths chance of 1 i serious fires. ! ' FLORISTS SUFFER LOSS. Cold Baa Wind XUls All Hotbed Stock sad Wipe Xasids Bloom. r ' Not In recent years have the east sldi florists passed through, more trying ex- perlencee than In the last five day. Thousands of plants hav been- savud only By the constant watchfulness of EYEACHE AND HEADACHE v-' . By strain ns both. Brags relieve oaly tewtporarlly. WB Kill WO OXABOB YOB BZAMZBATIOB. VWrfeot-fitUag toaaea as low aa SUM. OREQQIN OPTICAL, COi ' 179 rOVBTS STBBBT, T. U. O. A. BX.BO. Th &41a- Optiolaas af the raeifla VorthwMC ' TKOS HARD TQS li'OIILD -"I'fflfCKtOS'JIKGEtfS Cor onerlFinleyland jMrs-LFInley Return From Attending ; erJdlngCori. Coroner "ifnrMr. f ilirlm tsnsi Bi r--yinlV fail'- """I"' California.. where they attended- the wedding of their youngest son. William Fin ev. a natucalitH, to miss uaru- hardt. Both ar graduates or tne nr t v,-Cal If ornla.jiniverltj-. wbere t bey first met.-: . : - .- -T .-- i. ."While" gone, I spent much-time In and around Lios Angeles," said Mr. Fln lev. -JThat town Is growing rapidly. I visit it once a year and eaeh tlme-seej Kef "eI wVuT stance. On. the corner or ueventn ana Broadway, a firm pays IS. 600 a year renj-for t he bare ground It. to rect its own building and three years bene is to pay $5,000 a year for ths earn property. In the future the rent la to be Increased 'In proportion with th growth of the firm's business. When you take Into consideration the dia- tance- out that Bevonth and Broad way 4 la. you can better appreciate-th high rental for vacant lots. But there Is one consolation the Los'lAngeles business men admit that Portland. baa more actual cash. -Thay aay that th tourlat trad keeps them up: that when It falls the town will col lapse. The merchants tell m that If a wave or hard times should sweep aver the country Los Angeles would be broke and begging for money while Portland would b looking for good Investments." the atokera and the Commencing Saturday, tb east wind began to search out th weak' spots In old greenhouses, and from Mount Tabor to St. Johns th florists dropped every thing else gfld devoted their attention io hot "water "pliws and""c)aj 'l)Ihs".Bua day night was .ths worst test of tha week, for tb high cast wind cracked glass, blsw out weak-panes, rattled long Inwi elopes. uptlLgreat cracks appeared. and sucked the near put" ot ever crevice. TTousM ' that UlUi not be kept above 15, despite th con stant feeding of th roaring furnace, and anxious florists conferred with grimy stokers and then rushed through th long houses to see If new panes -f glaas had been shaken out. ' Th cold weather caught the, florists generally, in the midst of the cutting season, with thousands of tender slips and seedlings on th benches. The unusually warm weather of - tb- weeks preceding had forced the young plants well along. Sev eral florists ar bewailing th Joss f tender stock, and the man who had started hotbeds outside and transplanted young stock to them Is surveying thou sands of froien little slips that did rep resent dollars. Generally the ehier nam ace don was to th young stock' and seedlings. Som buds were blasted, but for th most part th blooming plan war not Injured and th flower crops were held back only for a few days. Everything outdoors was killed, Includ ing ros bushes that had. In many casns thrown out buds and new leaves. "' . rf MrtT TC1D IID CTDCCT6 aV nwi lunn w. w nti. w. Wat Board Bxplatea Its naaa to Bast , ,-i Side 'giuyei ly-Owmer. According to Dr. C H. Raf fty. mem ber of the city water board. If the corporations in ths city who' dig up streets to lay their mains would ob serve th sam car that the water company doe there would be much less complaint from property-holders, who object , to , new Improvements being spoiled by , pipe gangs. ' Ueneral eom plalnt Is being mad by cast side property-owners because jiew streets are being torn up every Week to lay pipes that apparently might Just as 'well have been laid before th improvement was completed.' ' It is also asserted that usually there ar no evidences that ths pipe crews attempted to relay th street, their only ffort being to shovel In loose dirt and gravel sufllclent to cover th pipe. Dr. Raffety, speaking for the , board, as sures the- property-holders that when permanent improvementa, like bitu llthlo or asphalt, are to b placed on. a street, the -board places Its pipe befor the contract Is completed. The chief trouble, according -to Mr. Raffety, has been with ' niacadamstrets-.-and when It has bean necessary for the board to tear these up, an attempt haa always been made to roll the street thoroughly end leave it -In as good condition as It was before. The city, however, has not enough rollers for this work. DR. CLINE DISABLED. WaU-Kaowa Minister Toroadto Orre vp Active Work Xeoauae ot Xajury, Dr. C E. Clin, on of th beat-known of th local Methodlat ministers and for years prominent In the affairs of th church both In Portlsnd and In the gsneral conferences of ths denomina tion, will probably never appear In the pulpit again. After for seversl months being In charge of the church mission among the Indians at Kaliapell, Mon tana, Mr. Clin returned home this week suffering Intensely from an Internal In jury. Before- his sppolntment to the mission In Montana he was In charge of the Portland Chinese mission and was also president of th city minis terial association. During th IS years he has been an Oregon minister he has occupied som of th leading pulpits of the state. Dr. Cllne at present Is con fined, to -his horn ,.t70? East Salmon street. - - - . J... J.-. 1 ' 1, ! . 0 TliEfJEIIS VICTIL1S CROWD PRISOrt ... ' m " ' - ' Twenty-Four In Last Two Weeks rDevelop-r DeUrIum-inesCi r: . teen Last Wee THREE BEING CARED FOR,' ONE DIES AT HOSPITAL Hospitals Refuse to Take Such Suf ferers, aa They Disturb Other Pa- Receiving; Hospital Shown. Never In th history of th city prison hav th police been called upon to deal with so many cases of delirium tremens aa within the last two weeks. During that tlm 4-men arrested -or being drunk-developed delirium tremens and II were treated by City Physician Spencer ast-week. In one night Jailer Branch had six men thus afflicted to at tend. These ar at present under tne car of th city phyaiclah. while on died at Good Samaritan-hospital. Ueorg Peterson was arrested ror tne larceny " of an overcoat -while Intoat tutted Tuesday morning by Detectives Reslng and Carpenter, lie developed th tremens a short time attar Deing in carcerated - and Dr. Spencer had to b summoned to attend him twice In th fternoonsnd oncyeterdayinorning. Charles Peterson was taken into cus tody by Patrolmen Isakson and Klenlen Saturday night while wandering around th streets In an Intoxicated condition. He Is aged 11 years. His life has been wreckdtxcjsjaveJMulncJn In toxicants. He has been violent sinoe his Incarceration and has to be watched continually. While W. D. Smith was confined in e-jHJMUiJtUJw y Moore mad a personal pleaTto Misir Loverldge. the superintendent of Good SamarltanospIUirtoakefSrineTC He wis given treatment at the hospital. with the understanding that If he be came violent and disturbed other pa tients he should be removed. He was Incarcerated at the . jail March t by Iaakaon and Klenlen and removed-to th hospital- four dsys later, dying March i Among the other delirium tremens patients at the city prison who gave the police considerable troumo oy fusing to remaJn in bed and raving con tinually were Charles ceaeruioca, - is. Fields. Thomas Duponell, John Hex ton, Thomas Allen, - a- R, Clark, Ls Ken nedy and C S.-Bante. - Kennedy, who is only SI years old. cam to the police station at 1:0 yes-. I terday afternoon and gave aimseti up, saying ne naa Deen annamg w excess for a week and was afraid that the liquor would get th best of htm - and he would harm himself or some one else. The police, locked him up and th tremens developed two hours later. The trouble experienced - with these men, the lack of facility for treatment and the refusal of the hospitals to car rfor auch -sufferers -on account of the fc., nth.r natienta b their I rmvtn7fi' and acts Of ravings and acts of violence, all ar urged by the police as ret eons urgently calling for the establishing of a city receiving hospital. In many caaea where deaths have oc curred from accidents, tne police sasert, the Uvea of man might hav been saved had there been such sn Institution lo- . . . ,, m i li,. u 1.1. cnea cenin&iiy. xiikc " v dwhu would hav been saved had ha bean given proper treatment when taken Into custody Is regarded as certain-.- - COUNTY MUST BUY WOOD FOR POOR FARM That in Woodlot All Cut Off . May Buy Small Chem ical Engine. All the fuel used at the county poor farm wH have to b-purchasedherer after. Heretofore the fuel haa been se cured from th farm, there having been a large tract of good woodland ' located on the i:0 acres that are owned by th county, T A great deal of the work of catting this timber waa done by Inmates of th poor farm, although at times outside help wa employed to cut down th trees. The buildings In use at the poor farm ar Aid structures and during cold weather need a great deal of fuel to keep them warm. D. D. Jackson, superintendent of the .poor farm, la planning to purchase a small chemical engine, th fire In the hospital" last Saturday having shown the need for one. Mr. v Jackson " served eight years In the navy and he ha formed a fire brigade at the farm upon ship lines. Fire drills are hdld at un expected time and every one ha a plac to be and a part to do. The good of theae drills waa shown Saturday when the 40 patients In the hospital war removed from lb burning struc ture without an accident and the flames put out In spit of high wind with but a small loss. . , , PECULIAR SENTENCE GIVES PRISONERS. HOPE Men - Convicted of Raising Money Order Will Try to Es- cape by Technicality. Hsbeas corpus proceedings are to be beeught Ma Judge i.Hsnfnrd In th United States district court etJteattle for the release of William Mills, George Willis and Hugh Carpenter, aentenced by th let Judge Bellinger for tamper ing with m money, order. . - ' Th men wr Indicted - upon - four counts. Judge Bellinger ssntenced them tto Salm for two years on each of three count. He Intended that at the expire tlon of th flratwo-jreaxal sentence, the second on should begin, it In turn to be followed by th third. Andrew R. Black of Seattle will attack th lan guage of the court and seek th release of his cllents.upon a technical phrase ology. - . - On November 21. lOOt, the men pro cured a "it-cent money order.. It wa drawn on San Francisco, and mad pay able to J. W. Bull. It was provsd at the trial that the men Inserted th nam of W. J. Hoy and mad th order payable at Oregon city. The amount wa raised to IIS. It was while attempting to negotiate the money order that Mill WljJla end Carpenter were arrested. RUIIAWAYi H08SFSGARES HALF THE T01VTI Kicks Singletree, Which ' Hto Woman, Clears Sidewalk and Knocks Down Messenger,' Becoming frightened and running awar while He driver wa-m horseelo'nglrigUssen'erTOtlben upset th wagon at Second and. Waah 1 rig-ton street. Then, with tb shafts, harness and singletree attached. It raced madly up Washington street, with- two policemen- in pursuit. Several narrowly avoided being run down. ; - At Third street th hors slipped, and fell. -. It had attained such momentum that It slid SO feet onto the sidewalk. Quickly rising to Ha feet, tb animal began kicking. A piece of the alngletre waa- kicked - higher, than . a telegraph pole, another fragment struck a woman. causing -br-te faint. - Th . frightened animal : then- dashed P:- th aidwaj toward ' Fourth street A doten men were walking west and the shouta of othera warned them Just In Urn. Sev eral piled up In a heap In the their effort to get out OI in way. I ThaJiora then took to th atreet-AOd raced to Sixth and Washington streets, w her it knocked down Thomas McDan- lells, a messenger . boy, . and broke his bicycle. Tit boy escaped aerloua In-Jury.-. : . : .' ; : .; Mrs. Ella Leavln. was mocked, down by the animal and sustained several bruise a few block farther on. Th hors finally collided with a heavy ve hicle .and felL It waa caught and quieted by Patrolman Cola before It wa allowed to rise, and then returned to ths owpera , ' ; BLINDED HER WITH SUDS, - - - THEM BEAT-HER Mrs. VValsh I Says ' M.ra-;Carnp bell Prayer to Cod to -Kirrnerr "Mrs. Campbell hates me so that sh one went down 'on her knees in. my presence and begged the Lord 40 cause me to die within air-months." . This was th testimony of Mrs. Wil liam Walsh In th police -court yester day duclngJLb prosecution of Mrs. OUi Campbell and her daughter Bridget on the charge Of throwing boiling water on Mr. Walsh's head and fac and beat ing her with a heavy club. For two hour all other business In th pollc court wss suspended on account of ths trial" Attorney V. K. Strode appeared as special prosecutor and Attorney R. R. Qlltner ss counsel for th defens. The evidence showed that bad blood ha existed between th two families for som time, owing to a former hus band of Mrs. Walsh running away with a daughter Of Mrs. Campbell. When Mrs. Walsh led a cow past two little Children of Mrs. Campbell, hsr daughter Bridget dipped a pail In a bucket of hot soapsuds and threw It In her fac. Mr a. Campbell then appeared with a club and beat th almost blinded . woman. Th fracas occurred at the Intersection Of Fremont street and East Eighth street Cameron suspended sentence on account of th feud between th fami lies being of long duration and for other reasons developing during ths hearing. "If you come back hsr again accused of the sam offense, he warned Mrs. Campbell, "I will An you $50 for thl breach of law, and will show you no mercy If you ar convicted on th sec ond charge." rf sited knock Oaan4 ooda. Allan A Lewis" Best Brand. rAJSrrJv I f "Kaffir rftir rd:. 4 " LJ K '&Pr oym ycM0&; John Jacob Astor In 17SS wa th moat far-seeing man In 'his time. He sold good rental property In New.orkJCHy for $8,000 to purchase 10 lot In th. suburbs at th Bowery. . His friends laughed at him for giving up 'hi Income for non-productive lota. ' All the same he continued buying, placing all his earhlhgVlir whanheil seemed worthless .outside property.-Id a few years he became wealthy. Moral: The , Astor heirs hold today the world'e record In ' valuable real.cstste. . Th sam thlag wUl b re peated la th purehaae ot lead betweea th river. ' This more than beautiful tableland, having a gradual slop toward both rivers, asor all possible floods, thereby making It the most perfect natural alt foa a city la the world. Header, this Information fs' published at no small expense, to- .stir 'you lnto thought and then action. Never eggln say you had ' no chance or opportunity of becoming Wealthy. Now Is th tlm (o follow Astor" load,' for aa certain'' aa th law of gravitation, so certain will ' far Cd tawr tsl Bmmltim "far JUtaflaata." la or blood tala""aad poorf , . i Ara vaur narvas aastraaaf - x . Can yon go through th whirl f a atrenuout day without feeling a total mom ot coUapaa at the end ot the If this U vour - eonartian,- tt-1. a tturl warning. 11 T Your worn uTiT"tant- Afll, bfioT wood needa a stitnuiant to assist tnem. Everybody should have good, live, rigorous blood. ,- , For the craatbg of para, rich blood, a tissue and nerve food, a mental cx h 11 aran t, a prcrenriva against the nu merous diaeaset that flesh is heir to, OromaUion stsnds pre-eminent, Ozomalsion ia , a eombination of three essential - points tonic, - food, nedkina, ' - " The general properties of Oxotnnl- kn are : Cod Liver Oil Blood-making. Nourishing, Sustaining, Tissue building Guaiaeor Germ Destroying, Antiseptic; Glycerine Emulsifying. Promotes Absorption, Soothing and Healing; Hyoochoiphite of Lime and ioda--Sone-buildingrNerve-inrifforat-ng, Msntal-exhilarant; Oion Aital ixing, Cleanaing.'. Thar ar tw itie tea, and Ilea. Boniest the Fermala 1 seusted ia f laagaages aa sack. QZOMULSION LAIORATpRlIt N Plna BC, Mw Terk. - COMMERCIAL CLUB WANTS ViTenbisumbeiJaISeurecl Will Attempt to Have Build- : ing Built Story Higher. overnors of thPorti land Commercial club haa decided upon April raa" th dat f orTRnnoar din ner. . Affair of the organisation were discussed at a board meeting yesterday afternoon, and It was determined that th membership, now -780, should b In creased Immediately 'to 1.000, and an nouncement of that number made at thi coming annual dinner. Prealdent F. W. Lead better submitted bis appointments of standing committee, aa follower House committee Robert L. Steven, chairman: Robert Kennedy, vice-chairman; Edward Ehrman, JW. B. Glafke, E. L. Thompson. ' Membership committee A- Smith. chairman rKJ.- W.- Hodson.-1c-phal rman; R. B. Miller, R. L. Stevens, Hugh Mo- Oulra --'- - - Reception ' committee R B. Miller, chairman; W. B. Olafke, vice-chairman: A. L. Craig. Robert Kennedy, Hugh Moduli-. - , Furnltur. papers, tc L. R. Fields chairman; J. H. Thatcher, vice-chairman; L. Oerlinger, R. F. Prael, A. M. Smith. '..': - - , Finance -committee rL. Oerlinger, chairman; R F. Prael. vice-chairman: K. L. Thompson, L, R. Fields, J. IL Thatcher. . . Th Commercial club haa had a steady growth during the last year, and now has a larger regular attendance of mem bers than any similar organisation on the Pacific ooaat. When th list con tains 1,000 actlv members the club, it is said, will enter into a contract with the owners of .ths Chamber of Commerce building to build another story. A largs auditorium Is on of th things needed. Th billiard-room, cloakroom and other apartmente will be enlarged, and altera tions carried Into effect that will make the quarters of th club the most com plete on th coaatj ..THOUSAND MEMBERS' Prophetic vision (published aqain by request) the New Tork of the Paclfto and be built. Ilk th New Tork of the Atlantic, betweea th rivers. Tpom this battla greaad will be suooessfully fonght the bnUdlaf of th metropolis of the raelflo. The por trait over' New Tork City la that of John Jacob Astor, the other that of W. M. Kllllngsworth, view ing the future Portland, Portland must and le com pelled to uee this matchless foundation, haying-ne room elsewhere to expand or grow. - Watch Fort laad's Tenth Ward aad the prosperoaa Oity of SV Johas (both located between the rivers) grow. Care fully study, the above picture and not th similarity of Portland and New York, between rivers. Life 1 too short to rectify mistake made. You will make none by calling or sending for Walnut Park map arid folder, .free; also Information freely glyen. Remember Walnut Park la th best residence dis trict In Portland. Do jrqurself and -family a kindness .by Investigating this -subject. No shacks or store can be built in Walnut Park. SOX.D TOM $10 AJTS tit roT rooT, cash ob uriTauiam. Fdftland be X Cufe. AttachedLand Detached CLUETT-" MONARCH E. ca. W. PRICES $1.00 to $3.50 PORTLANDJflRE:-i;IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000 -COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. . PORTLAND, OREGON r - Furnishes Absolute Protection in Life Insurance at the Lowest Possible Cost W. M. LADD, Pres. T. B. WILCOX, V.-Pres. EDW. COOKINGHAM, 2d V.-Pres. . . awlalar Dwelling- Buna. (Special Dlepateh to The Journal.) Rainier, Or March 15. The resi dence Of M Ike Klttering caught Are yes terday from burning , slashings and burned to the ground. ' The Insurance of 1 1,000 covered about One half of ths loss. BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING j Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing s 'Poultry Netting," Etc. ' , 263 FLANDERS ST Near Third Xoaor Kalae'a Ocverno. (Journal Special Service.) Boston, Mum, March 15. Governor Cobb and staff of Maine ar In Boston to be present at a dinner to b given in their honor tonight by the State ,of Maine club. Hon. John IX Long, ex secretary of the navy, will preside. - SPECIAL NOTICE Reader, never again from thia moment aay that fortune faila to notice you, for you can now become the owner of more than ona acre of land for the small sum of $350. . I am forming- a stock company, to own 73 acres, divided Into 70 shares, each share represents 13-70 acre; price for each ehare only $350. Only 28 left; 42 shares gold. -WRITE ME TODAY OR YOU WILL BE TOO LATE. This matchleas acreage ia located between the rivers, hence its present and future ' greatness is assured. Your time ia now. Call today. DO IT NOW. The train that I have engineered and managed for the oast 25 years movea on time, as regular as the morning sun. The many passengers have correctly named my train "Success." . Never had an accident; not even a hot box: all have safely arrived, contented and happy, at Kllllngsworth Depot, Prosperity.' W. M. KILLINGSWORTH. ' 714 .Chamber of Commerce, , Portland, Oregon, -non racutc ui, , .