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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1906)
-s - a THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, "MARCH -15. 18C3.: 13 !TODftY!SRKETS OREGON POTATOES Merchants of-Sunflower State Inquire as to Supplies and Prices Here. .,t ... : PRESENT VALUES WILL ' I ""T ADMIT SMALL TRADE 1 'Western ' Sugar Refining Company Senda 'Special, Repreaentative to Portland to Hold Jobber in Line "Vi Tii'it-ina- 'Yi'Vrwrt'eji' Srranl'"" Front Street, Man b U The prliiclal tea tuna of the . markets today arai ksiuas City sake about potatoes, Onion market coutluues i Improve. ' r-'-W'eetern BUgsr euinpsny msa-psr. V Olive , at still, ouclug. , " Londoa agate after Oregon hups. . -- ' Luc-al flour trad Improving. ' ' " A ('mm aad butler 9xmrr. Dressed meat demand la good- " -" : - Balloon Maaoa 1a closed today. " r- Xajuas City Wangs Potatoes. " Potato Su,iipHeiar gtUi- sCTow. the oaatera and middle west market. '.During .the paat day r ao a aumb.r of Inquiries hate beta received by tbe local trad, lu regard to .tbs situation here. This ta llsslf sboas' tba . Improved ' oundltlona la the aaat. At tba present rang of the- market thai a but a-smsU amount at boaioeas eaa fee done la tbta terri tory, aa values will not admit at paying mora than 00c, or, possibly floe, la tba Wlllametts vllyc Thara la sum Improvement noted la Ik. iiIIim m.rL.t- nn nuilllt of ' the Cold 111 uiiiil less laa II hsii.snl snip, full ,hrs J - la the opinion of tbe dealer bcr a coiultierabla amount of stock waa nipped by the rold. but . . . T r-- r J - i . Kcta . , . - The odI.ib market continues to Imnrore with tba lighter srrlrsls la tbs south. irices sold- - lug very good. Wsatara luger Oempaay'a Kaa Kara, -- H. W. Loaelaud. spociai repraseaUtlrs of ' the 'Waatn-a Hugar Keltulng sompssy.' knows t tna trade aa the combine, la la tbe city. Mr. Lore land comae here at s time whan tba Jobbers are tb fence s regard What to do la th aomlng war for augar business. Bs would help then to slight on tbs W cetera ' aide. On other occaalona when UiS loyalty of the Jobbers was st stake tba Weatera company aaat Mr. here to uas Bis diplomatic ' power snd pcniuda aot force-aens. kite fine, i Tba new Hawaiian company la - after business, snd whether there Is a ngbt as. re gards prices Is now op to .the old compear, being In tbe strongest posltloa aa regards sup plies of raw sugar the Hawaiian concern M -said to be able le dictate term this time in stead of taking what th ether company did , not want aa lu times prerlos. With control ' of fully SO per cent of the sugar productloa f the Hawaiian islands tbs new concern i awaiting the next mora of the tneaiT It usy mesa war. after all, . Olives' Are atlll Advaaeiiic. " Prices on ollees are advancing ao fast that the trade Is hardly abl to keep Up with tb movements, supplies in Bwaia are ssld to bs down to tbs bottom aotcb. In thla market bulk olives that usually sell st .M s sal- Ion ere uuoted very atlff at 11.85 t th - asms amount. Tomorrow by may bs gl.e. Loadoai Again After Oregon Hops. r-The London brewers are sgs la after-Oregon bans. ' V number of orders have keener - ell m tsla city of late, but very little bast- Bass has resulted, because the holders are- not orar -anxious to sell. Prices do not look at tractive to them. Of the general situation the hew lock Froducers Price Current sare: - -on lh local market there Is reported g contlnOsd good Inquiry from Kngllah export ers for choice Paclncs oa a basis of IsWlHHe t. e. b. steamer, but wa hear of very little actual business bavins resulted. Otherwise the (v local market oonrlnoes quiet,- though -we Bear er ene sals of prime slat bops st inc. , in Nsw York we hesr of sums buying of poorer grades, and bops are being picked ap '. dally st from afec tor the vary poorest grade up to TfllOe fur better grade, snd soms very ' good hop hv been sscured st th higher prices, r'rom tbe I'aclac coast we near ft soms . buying st from Be to PleC In Oregon which. while the volume ef btulaoss Is not urge, is ' sufDctsnt to hold thst market fairly steady. Nome remaining lots ef eosat ISO hope have also changed band at 8Hc." Htale, 116. cbnlcs, per lb ..U mate, llis, good to prhne ..JO Plate, Won, cotnrooa to fair Hut. 1KO. per lb . ., 6 I'aclfle eosst. 1000. choice, nee lb HUfilS Paetaeeesst, It, good 4e -rlme. f. . . , .11 - tilt racifle eosst, lo, commoa te fair, lb.. Paclflc eosst, IPv4, per lb T 3aTra. Receipts tor week " Receipts from September I". Kecelpts earn time last year.... Kxports to Europ for week Etuorts from BeDtemner 1 j S.060 . M.4M . 97,741 2w2 . tU . .,74S mi . 1,IM4 . g.8S hi porta same tlui laat year Itnporta rr week Imports for Hevteniher 1 Imports same time laat year galmos giajoa Olesss Today. The closed season for salmon along the Oe Inmbts river began today and will be la effect for a full month. Fishermen ear thst tbs pros, poets are fur s good catch th coming year. la this aiarket supplies are very light sad price are hlgbsr. - - Dresses Heat Demand Is Good. ' There Is no dlf acuity in deposing of sll the dressed meat a now arriving along front atreet. The boycott et the combine hss hsd as effect upon the market. The outcome of the matter may be that those oatalde of tbs sssoclsttoa will be able te buy their meats at lower prices, aad thla may possibly srsats a meet war. Meanwhile there Is ae change In tbe situation: . Tb trade pays the following prices to Front street. Prices paid producer sre se ipedfWd: . . Sraia, near aad Tend, . vVRIAT Nsw club. Sci red Bosalaa,. tte; ' tlurtem. Bdc; valley, ae. BAHLRY rsed. g2J.C; rolled, $J4 Mi brew log. 2.on. - CO EN Whole, 27.00 cracked. tH.OO per ton. - . . ...... .... . , . riTFIl BB per ewt. - OATS Producers' prl -Ms. 1 whits, $a.00i . grsy, fZT.on. KLOl'R New raatern Oregon pstsnts. g.l0Q i ; atralgbta. 3.0iirR.S0: eaport. 3.15; val lev. ga.4Si srsham. US. S3 .AO: whole wheat. 3.7!t rve. M, gsoft: bale. 2.7B. MIMJITTFF8 Br., $1T.B0 pertoerml- riling.. 25O0: bort. country, glB.ftO; city, $18.50: chop. $18.00. - ' - HAT Produce ra' price Timothy. WMIeinett vslley, fancy. 10.0"ll 0; ordinary, $7.009 00; extern Oregon. lnnejl00; rolveif. (8.BOOB.0O: clover. 00.00; grata, $8.aOO 9.00, cheat $8.00. Buttsr, Eggg and feultry. BCTTER. FAT o. . , Portlsad vhrsst . cream. 2ttc; snur. MVic tTTF.nV City creamery, 80c: entstde fancy, 97U.O Hoc: onllnsrr. nLe: store. 104117a. Ol'c- .. . ..!tTos.UBxtsB I nscr-a new run cream, naie, xeci joung americn. IW, coeonnr. lac. OAMK Jackrahhlta, lt.0net.7ll per One, POl'LTRV Mixed chickens. lc per lb; THURSDAY PRICES IN ' ' THE WHEAT MARKET "' ,"''.'.v..v May' -. JulV''-d rVilrano Bt. Louis.... ' Mllwankee . Wew York-:., Minneapolis Liverpool . . . .$ .77-4B t ,77S .V .76 HA . .T71B .144 A . .1 .7.7 HB ! e aHd -Miulutn KatiSHS City 77 H Pan Francisco. l.ZIVfe .'l lT . lrnbr'f. d d e d 4 d 4 4 JOURNALS DAILY,' TIPS ON MARKETS ' w a JJtJ,orUad..vef 44 become!) 4 - a packing; -center-. - the farmer ff Tor. ax- present tho majorit jr-r-or p tlrose onvid, -by, local concerns . roni from Nebraska. ' point, i 4 . Hog; values that Is alive ar - 4 -alnvoat considerably , over tiiaBa4 ' ruling in the east.' At present , ; they era -hiarier "even ' wrtir thaT sauaa rreignt. , y ..-. 4 fancy kena, 14c 'per- lb! roosters, old. llta per lb; . stairs. 12Mi per lj fryer. lf 2le ler.Ib; broiler. J'XtJoc per. lb; duck. Ifte per lb; gee. lOHtjllc per lb: turkey, lBftldc per lb; dremed. 21e per -lb; equal), f3.7Vtie.VO per des; pigeon. 12.00 per do. Hops, Wsol aad Bldss. HOPS Ooatracts, 10 crop. 10c pt lb; 1BU5 Oregon, prims to choice, 901 to; near grid. 7U8c Waahlugton, ' 10c; IPv4 crop, Ue for choice. - WOOL ContrscT IWd dlpi best esaternT)rs go, lUxaiOe- Ih; IPOft ellpr velleyr-eaarss to me dium, 24SaH; fins, 254i2ic; sastsra Ore gon. Wd'Zic. . - i- MOHAIR Nominal. ' " BHKKI'HKINa Shearing.' IB iff 20c each; short wool, 2s A 40c sach; medium wool, 60jjs7Sc each) long wool. 7oc($1.00 acb. . TALLOW Prims, per lb, HJ4ci No. t and greaae. 2Q2Me. v., . ' CHITTIM BARK Ac per 'lb. " r :-' ' HIDES Dry. No. 1, i lb and ap. 1H1 !7Hc per lb; dry hip, No. 1. to 1ft Ins. 14c; dry calf. No. 1. Bnder S lb, lac: salted bides, steer, sound. 00 lbs snd over, lofjllr; cows, BlsgOHc; stsgs snd bulla, sound, outre; kip, 18 to SO lbs, Se; eslf, sound, under 1ft It, lie; green, unaslted. lc less; cull, lc per In lose; horaehldes. sslted. each. fl.2Aat.7B; dry. each. M0ai.e0i colt hld-a, gatttoc; gostJklpa, common, sach. lOCtlftc: .Vngora. - each, Uctt l'"'. fruits end Vegetables. "' ' " POTATOES Best sorted. 7otj7fte per ssck; producers' price for c.r Iota, Aoe - per cwt; ordinary. oKsJlOe;. producer! prics45QSOc; sweeta, fzOQ per crate. , ONIONS Jobbing pries -Oregon, No. 1, $1.00 4.1.2H: producers' price. No.. I. 7&W8SC; No. S, 70tT(lc garlic. l(c per lb; onion sets. 7c. FHKHU 'RUrrS Apples, "culls." $1.00t aedlnar gt flnstl BOi faucr. 81.Tftvt2.O0: Hood : nananas. a woe per mi I J pur box: llmea. Mexieas. si per iuo, ie styr utu ; i taw), am --- aya.avw gv- tprivtrT.ftft p$"i jna)- tB ngtrHrer Himt- VKuavraai.KtiTnrnlna. new. 7ftc ner sack) carrots. OOK27&C ssck; beets, POcOM-OO pel ssck; Oregon rsdlsbes, 2.'c per dos: cabbage, Oregon. 82.00 per cwt; California. $1.7o22.0 per cwt; green . pepper. uc psr io. csurornig tnmrroe, v.o; jseaican. ee-. psraulns. OOciail 00; atrlng bean. 2SoJ Boc: cauliflower, $2.0062-26 per- crate: green pess, lngiVto per Ih; horsersdlah. 37r per lb; srUchokes. 88c$l.00 fr dos: botboua lettuce. 1.7B per Sjx: eslsry. S5O4O0 per crsre; pumpkins, ltfe: aquaah. lHci spmots, Oc psr. lb; cmnoerrles. Jerseys.' 814.00 per bll; Coos bay and Tillamook. $10.00; sepero, gus. PC per lb; rbubsrb, le. DRIKU FBITITS Apples, evaporated. 18 DRIKU FBITITS Apples, evsporsree;, inn I Be per lb; sprlcots. 18e per lb; pescbes, 10HJ irie psr lb: sscks. V per lb less; Dranra. 10 to 40. 8Vc; He drop on ch litenth IftC l an mailer alee; Bs. Cstlfornls black. 807e per lb; Callforuls white. ftc per lb! datssgoldsu. ftc per lb; tarda. $1.88 per 18-lk bog. :-- Oieesrlss.nts. gte. " BTTQAR 4ack baala Cobe. $0.08;' Powdered,; fruit grantilated. 85.70; "dry granulated, S.70; conf. A. 89-70: .beet rrsniilsied. 8!.: extra 0. $5.20; golden C. $9.10; D yellow, $5.00; bbls. 10c; hi. la. 25c; boxes, 80c ad vancs on ssck bsl. lees 2Se per cwt for eysh, IB' days; mspls, 144rKe per lb. . " (Above prices spply to le ef less than ear lots. Car lots st apart! prices subject te fluctuations.) HONEYe-$3. per crate. fnvrvw PaA.n heaeila. - gtg 8,. , BALT-Cosrae Hslf ground, loo. 87 00 Tteri ton: Ubl. dlry. Vm. $11 oo; 100. 10.7B: 1m-1 nortsd Liverpool, bus. sn.w; wia. fooo. 224. $16 00; extra flns, hbl. 2. BS. IP. $4.B( S.ftO: bulk 820 lba. $4.0006.00; uck. BO. StSe: Uverpool lump rock. $1$-D0 per too; 60-lb rock 87.00; 100s, $0.75. . . GRAIN BAUS Calcatt. 7V4e. RICB Imperial Jspaa. No. 1,-dc: No. 1, 8&Mc; New Orleans head. 71 AJax. Be; "BEANS-Smelt whits. $3.7804.00: lsrge white, gs.26: pink. $2,79; bayou. $4.60; Llmaa, $6.79: Mexican red. 4 He. . , Nt'TS Peanut. Jumbo. Se per lb; Tlrgtnls, 8H4e per lb; rossted. 88He per lb; cooo.nuta. BBttSOc per dos; walnuts. 1SQ16HC per lb: plnesuts. 10112 per lb; hickory nuta, lOe-Bee- ItM-ehestiints, eastern. lQlc ner lb; Rrastl sot. I4e per lb; fllnert. 14aiBe per lb; fancy pecans, 18UQIdVcf almonds, 14 WO ISUe. ' Paints, deal OAs, Eta. ROPB Pare Manila. 14e: etandard, ISUe! elaal. lie OOAL. OIL Pearl or Astrsl Csses, lHe per gsl; water while, troa bbls. . 14c per gal; wooden. lie per. gal; headlight. 170-deg. esses, 21He per raf. '. OASOLINC -deg. cases Z4He per gal Irea bbls 18c per gal. BENZ1NK fe-d-f, eases SBe per gal. Iron kkla IBIi, nee eal. L TURPENTINB la eaaaa 93. per gsl, woodea bbi Bc per gat. . ,. WHIT LEAD To lot. aje per lb) BOO-lb lot. 8c per lb: lee lot. 8tc per lb. , WIRH NAILS Pressat bssU at $2.88.. LINSKKO 01I Purs rsw, In 6-bhl lots. Mr; 1-bhl lot, 68c; case. B8c per gl: geonln kettle Mled. esses. Hoc .per gaf; B-bbl lots. B4c: 1-bM lor, 65e per gal: ground eske. ear lots. 820.00 psr ton; less thsa car lots. 880.00 (er ton, -feats, flsk and Prevulsaa, PRESS MEATS Front street Beef steers. 4Sc per lb: cows. 804c per lb; hogs, block. 8$Hc per lb; pec. r. SeSHc per lb: bulla, 49e per lb: vesl. sxtrs. 8c per lb: ordinary, T67HC per lb; poor. 8JHc per lb; muttoa, fancy. 8tc per In, HAMS. BACON. KTr.J-Portland pack flocat) ha ma. 10 to 14 Ihs. 18e per lb; 14 to 1 lbs, 18c per lb; break faat bacon. 14118tte per lb: picnic. 9c per lb; cottge. i4e per 'b; regular short clesrs. anaraoked. 10ie per n; Smoked. 11 per lb; clear. backs, nnsmoked, 10Vo per lb; smoked. UHc per Ih: Union butts. 10 te 18 lb, anernoked. 8 per lb; amnked, B psr lb; clear be 1 1 laa. anernoked. lie per lb; emOSeq. per II' . HinHiirra, m- yww LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10. Il.e sr lb; 6a, HHc e per ln w in tins, io'sc per iu: slesm rendered. 10. 10te per lb; Bs. lOVie lh, wtmnoiind IO. TU. CANNED SALMON Columbia river, 1-lb ts7l $1.80; Mb talis. 82.78; fancy. 1-lb flats. $1.90; Vt-lb fsney flsts. $1.19: fancy 1-lb ovals, $2.76: Alssks Ulla. pink, 85Oc; red, $1.60; nominal 2a. tall. 82.06. PI8H Rock cod. Tc per lb; flounders. Be per lb; aallhat. 6c per lb; crabs. $1.60 per do; striped bsaa. !2Ve per lb: catfl.h, 7c per lb; salmon, steelhssda. 9e per lb; eliinoik, 12tc lb; herring. Be per lb; soles. 6e per lb; sbrlaps, 10c per lb: perch. Be per lb: Msrk cod, 7 rib; tomcod. 7 per lb; CelumMe river smelt, per lb; silver smelt. 7e per lb; lobsters. 1B per Ibl fresh mackerel, 8c per lb; craw Bah. 25c per doa;- alurgeon, 8c per lb. . OYSTERS Sboslwster bsy. per gsl, $2.23; per sack. 83.76. CLAMH Harnshslt, per box. $9.00) near clam. $2.00 per box. - V -tovovAx immi9 bto 8s a Franclace, March IS. Offlclal morning closing: nid. Bid. Belmont ....... $0.00 C'a.h Boy...... .19 Ooldstr Anchor., 1.80 Home .22 Jim Butler 1.00 Mr Nam era 77 Midway i I B2M Montsss $.0ft Wile $ .10 Ooldfleld 04 lumbe 1.90 Jsmbo Extsa.'.. .23 Kendall .87 . Issue .......... .18 . May Queea .... .8.1 Mohawk .90 Hed Ton ....... l.P2 Korta Bur ei .18.004 Sll Pick .29 .92 jaerada .18.00 1st. Ives West End S 80 Adam 10 Nstlonsi Bsnk . "7 .88 Denver 1.45 Atlanta ..,... .22A Bluabell 27 A Col. Mount 74 Conquer , , -OlSBwndfleld ... .48 Eclipse .92 Gold Hat 1.40 o. Bull Prog... .22 Btrtnwey , .-. r; -.49 . mrrrxtt iTATZt ooYHjniiTT hohds. . New Tork, March IB. - qvsrnmu - ,,. . . lwte. . He. regnlsr 1 ''" do eonpon. 1. 1ttfO No. 8 regular D1 do coupm 1V08 No. 9 small bonds No. 4 regnlsr 10fT de coupon 1117 No. d retrutaf... ..(. 1P29 d coupon. I92S let of telumbU 9 0os.. ... Pblrtppla as --,"S -104U 1S2 . 13214 iioii Vsw.Tark lOvsr ataraet. " N terk. March 18 Silver, 94 He. . ' Lee sen BUver Ksrkat. London, March II. flltrvr, 2'4d. - t bonds: Bid. -Ask. liw roiu 104U 104 I aii i,iZ umil 104 '4 loa'Z ..... 104 V mil 131 li lis 109 A BETTER FEELIU6 i May, Wheat Eagerly Bid for and Alt Offerings Are Quickly Snapped Up at an Advance. MARKET THREE EIGHTHS ; 7 TO "A HALF CENT UP Cash Grain Purchaaed by Millers at Good Rise Over the May Man Sales of Number Three Red Cv Mea Gave Pit" Good Start.'' ' , . BELATIVB WHEAT TALCB8. 'Close Osln luuo. Tburs. lay... ....,.:$ .77B$ .77 B $1.18 $ .001. uly. ...77i -..7Ttt--M91'1 .00 .eptembct 774 . .77g .:.. Chicago, March IS. There waa a stronger tons IH the whest market right from the very start of the trading. Opening cable war sonsldV crably flrmsr sod higher sll around. This con dition wss mslntslned during the remainder of the day. la thla market the millers ware tbe Rrlnclpsl bursts, nssrby options and. ea.h eeeur ig the largest gdvtnce for the day. Ons hun dred thouesnd busbele ef No. S red were sold during th day at a premium ef Be over the May. Tbla was the feat are ef the market. Tlis pit crowd w th principal buyer for mlTHug account. At tha closing today tbs Msy snowed s i lee ef Sc sud -the July-snd- September Stev Primary receipts were somewhat smaller than a year sgo. Crop conditions sre thaa summed no by the Cincinnati Price Current: . "While the recent conditions have been some- wrier trynig on the wbsst crop tbs .axitrahta jwilltoa- has-ant. aeen-nacsssa rurhed. The official 1atement of the amount of wheat held by farmers is regarded aa very lsreelv sherti" - ornclsl anotationa br Ovsrbsck. Starr A Oooks company: - - - . unill, Open. . .. Hlrh. Low. CVwe. May.....$ .77S4 $ .78V4 $ .779 $ .77i July . .T7tZ -:.-.78 -.77 .77 S Sept..... .77 i . ".77'4 f - .T74 .T7 CORN Msy.,.,..48tf 4.14 -AS .8tB jniy..... a4-- .48'4 .4A Sept...!. .44 : . .44. -44 OATS. - ' .'A . i 284 Mzsa PORK. Msy..,.. 18.88 15 SB 18,80 18 89 ' July..... IS.flO -118.77 18 J$ v 18.77A . LARD. - Msy T $p ' T.8S V - T.80 July.,... T.02, T.97 T.90 T 80 T.96A SepU. T.90 - - 8.07 8)2 - a.07A SHORT BIBS. Msy,,,,,-- 9 AO . .-. 8.40 i 8.80T July ass- ,- 8.49 8 88 Sept...;. 8.47 8.89 ' 8.47 :S.4f)A 8.42B 8 68 LTTERPOOI, OKAUI KAEK3T. UrerpooL March 16. Official prices: WUIAT. "Ctos -Cilnser Thurs. . Tburs. Wed. Tkura, Sfareh ,.....0a6 d s 8d May 6sJ144i-as. aid July ...OS 6i oa ad . CORN March ....... 4 l 4s Hd 4s ! eia Msy s ld -a lAd a IHd fed ban yiAJicnco etAnr xaxxxt. Saa rraaclaeo, March 18. May sold at $1.2U today, whtla the December waa anchanged at 81.27. Barley up for ths Msy snd down for the December. Official morning prices; W'HEAT. . Open. High. turn. Closs'. r.., t1-?! ......7 e' 71 7a liecember 1.27 1.27 1J7 1.27 ... BARLEY. - Msy....... December., l-aoviB 1-30A .94 t4 -94 H OHICAOO CASH WKXAT, Chicago, March 18. Caah wbsst: , Thursday- Wed. BUI. I -917 - .77 .76(4 :8a Bid. Ask. No. No. No. No. No, I red. S red a hard -7fl(J .79 .77 .80 .79 .78 8 hard. ... 1 northern. .72 Vk .77 ti No. 3 northern... No. 8 spring.. PRIKAaT ORAIK MOTjatEJIT. Chicago, March It. Primary receipts: Todsy Yssr sge busu. Wheat .... .'.819.000 . Bosh 8o3.000. Corn ......37 4,000 au.uuf 140.000 Shipments; -Whsst 21 S. 000 Corn 488.000 888.000 Total clearances: wneat, ax.uuv nu.: core, 187.000 ba.; oats. 196.000 bu. flour, 16,il bbls. ONE H06 CAUSES STAMPEDE , Of BUYERS TODAY No Arrivals of Livestock in Local ' Yards During Past Twenty- ,. Four Hours. " Portland VbIoo. Stockyards, March 15. Live stock recelptsi Hogs. Csttls. Bbesp. Todsy .' ... ... Week sgo,..,. ... 100 . ... alonta so. ........... 100 ' Yr sgo....t 828 260 BO Todsy wss another day without -the receipt of s slngl hssd of livestock In the local yards. Arrlvsls have been so few of Ists ghat all nrlcee sre held firmer Ml uacnaageo. "Arrivals sre so scarce," Bays Secretary Phisa Bier, "that a farmer who bronght la a slngls hog ta a wagon waa nearly ecslped becsasa every ons wsntea to imy. - iiineiat trvestock nrlcesi ' Hog Best saslern Oregon. $7.00; blockers snd China fats, Bo.60; locker and feeders. 90.20. r.ttla Best esstera Oregon ateers. adOfll 4.26; best cows and belt era, $8.26: light and medium atecrs, j.wi ugnx cow a, si.bu; stock end feeders. 82.70: bulls. 82.86. Sheep Wethers aad lambs, Bt8e; mixed Sheep. 6iJ6l4C. . Calves ood veal, ISO to 900 pounds, tQ Oc; rough snd heavy, svkVoi. - - -BAarEBJt-HOOa -IcSWIBe" rhb-un. March IS. Llveatock rerelot .v Hon.' Cattle. Sheep. Chicago ..; 14.000 .000 19.000 Omaha 7.000 . 4 ODO g JUO Ksnass City 8.000 4.800 8.000 " Hog opened Be te 10 lower with 828 left ever: Prices: Llsht. $l.00tj25: heavy, $5.PS C 27H: mixed, fo.uutgo.w; rouga, Clttle--!"tesny, Bbep Steady. Air rmAvouoo local btocu. San Pranetoce, March IBe-Offldsl .Wmlng: BM Mutual Blectrle 1" Olant Powder....... 70 Hawaiian t'omtoerclsl. ......- 90' llunokes Sngar H M.kwll Sugar ......IW' fbuu. anear ... ... ......... a .. 28 mora lag Ak i ' l'4 Paauhatt Sugar. ....... ............ 18 .. I'nlon Sugar .... 41 . California Fruit- fanners 88 eg ractflg States TvlephOiie. . .;;...,. 1084 '197 yOKTLpjrO BANK BTATtMIKT. Clearing i $8 10.SOJ M Balance inlHmi, , 97,147,99 The Vote of the Butchere Combine to Stop' -Buying Beef tnd Mutton Along Front Street May Result In a War a Regards Retail Prices r.llSSOURI PACIFIC MS A BREAK Loses Nearly Five Points From Opening on Vague Rumors Being Circulated. LOUISVILLE GAINS -V ; TWO POINTS TODAY On Very Slow Market Stocks' Are Quite Active Smelter and Brook lyn Are Heavily Sold Wabaab Preferred Gaina.' . ; v.r:rr.:7 -'' : MKT LOailES. Anaoenda -. 1 Amalgamated . .... Suaar ........... 1 Hctroeeiitia Uexlcan Central... Missouri PaolOo.. . N. Y. Central.... BuMitsy .......... Brooklyn : Baltimore 1 Cole. Pusl ....... . : People's Uas . .... It Republic gt.eL fti K uocs iina . . , Csnsdlan do prstvrrsd.. Coto. Booth k(8. P., Sd Pfd H LocoaioUve vliouthern Paclflc... 4 Krts HTnlon Psclss . do. 1st pfd...... WlrVabaah vwr nnvl NET GAINS. Atchison .rnTrvr CAN. W S4tRadlag V.I Rep. hteel Chesspeske ...... 7hV)0tnern Railway. IUlnoU Contrai ... HI'-- HUDber Loulsvlll t Wsbash, pfd feanaylraBia.l - Missouri Psdfle wss tha all-absorbing topi in ths stock markst todsy. On vsgus rumor ths stock broks heavily Just prsvlcus to th eloss. kwlng aaarly 6 points from ths opening. s 44 points set. Th. rise of the list wss carried oft In proportion, except Louwvtlle, I which, was buUlah. Ths latter gained 8 Dolnta. Twrfcfmatfis"t Oooks company i - DESCRIPTION. r loaning Co... 9H8 27014 2881, Amal. Coppsr Oo. Atchison, com 1U714 los 107 9811 Pali XVI 7 IMS K. do preferred I Am. Oar rouadv . ia"i ili 102 41 as preisrren..,.. Am. sugar, com... Am. flmslt, com... do beef erred. .... Baltimore A Ohio, a do nraferred . 101 iSft 19 - luv 13914 100 i l.'WVk ias'ii 1004, 169 1124 110 124H 1M 110 led 86 so 864 9 Brook jn Rapid Transit. t44 84 ismau recmc, euui. Chi.. A Alton, eout.... do preferrsd Cht. A M, W-eomvr Ohl MIL A St, Paul., t'hl. A M. W, cum... Chesapeake A Oi.lo.;.. 109$. 1W lBea, aw aort 304 17uv 9014 1764k 1 10 175 1CMI4 22414 228 223 or 60 68 94 9214 Jo3 84 Colo, ruel A Iron, IP fov, B4W 3V 8214 uoio, ooutnern, com do Sd preferred.. ' do let ore erred. . se 70H 841a TO 84 Cotton Oil Delaware A Hudson. Denver A B. U.r cos de Braferrad...... 9U9 . 2U&14 44 87 eal 43K 4814 oa xa prsrsrrsa.. 8 77 do 1st preferred.. T7S4477' 77 Federal BmltavptdrrT.jt04 i 1095 171 1 Illinois Central 171. U7oisrr T LouisTiiis A Nashville.. UetropoUtaa Bt. By.... Manhsttaa Railway..,. Mexican Central Kr... . Missouri Pscifte is 160 114 113 169 ims 198 16814 92 Hi 24 Be wo M.. K. A TH do New prsferred. . . , . York Central. 71 IA IT 14C1 149 Norfolk A Western, 87 87 oo prerrrren. ........ North American....... N. Y., Ont, A West.... Psnnaylvanla By P. O.. U A 0. OS Presssd Steel Csr, com. do preferred Psdfle Msll Stasia, Co. Reading, com 91 99 60 1874 137 137 9894 68 se W4t4 62t4 98 94 82 98 42 127 1SSH 128 17, do'2u preferred! wi 98 2H14 do 1st preferred Ben. Iron A Steel, com. do prafSrred Bock lslsnd, com - le -praferred.,v.-i-Bonthera Ry.. com. . . . do preferred Southern Pclne. do preferred Bt. L. A S. F.. Id pfd. Bt. UAS. W com... do preferred Texas A Pacific....... T., 8. L. A W.. com. oo preferred Union Paclflc, com.... do preferred Central Leather, som.. do preferred. ... U. B. Rubber, oom..... do preferred... TJ. 8. Steel Co., eon.. do jn-ef erred. ...... ,. Wheal. A L. do 2d preferred no 1st nreferredV. . . . 20. 2 28 101 v 101 100 loi WV4 " i 404 a is' 20 9014 80 4014 ' 11 101 ofiii 88 118 118 11T 117 46 H 4614 8414 667 'bbs 1&S1 64 162 16214 444 44 IO414 68 10 63 V4 68 '46: 104 19 109 14 1061 go M 42 2u 20 28 43 4214 Wlseansla Central, coal. do praferred Weatora Union Tel.... Wbb. com.......... do pre f erred V.. Am. Locomotive....... 9S4 18 614 63 04 98 H 234 o4 2314 81 V Si'4 e do preferred 118 Colorado 80a there, lat preferred, x-dlrldnd iupuMle'lroa A Itsel, prefsrred, sx-oivldsod 1 snd 8 per cent. Total sales for dsy. 817.900 haras. ' . Csll money ekissd 4Q8 per cent, a ' Boaxo oorm kakjcit. Beaton. March IB. Offlclal eeppar closing 1 Bid. Bid. Adventure $ 9.60 V..4 Until ...4 to TS Old Domlnioa.. Al 12 Alloue BS.OO Arcadian ,. 4.00 ,. ai.oo tiscoola ...... lol 00 87.00 1.00 91.00 02 00 Atlantic ..... Parrot ...... m PhoenlX ...... Bingham .... Calumet ..... Centennial ... Copper Range. Daly Weat... Elm Rlvr . .. Frank lis .... Oreen ...... Grsnby ...... Ma Mleblgaa .... htobawk ..... Nevada Ona.. North Butt.. 88.60 6H6.00 26.60 79 60 14.60 8.00 19.60 29 00 12 90 9.00 18 60 87.28 19.60 81.60 Qulncy IRoval ....... Hanta Fa ..... Shannon ..... 1.78 J TOO 10.62 88.00 81.60 8.82 8.60 142.00 iTrlnlty ....... United Copper. I'tah ......... Vlctorts Wlnons ...... Wolverine . , . rt B Vlntne. 64.60 Tenn. ropper.. 48.28 nuiis Lou eo.w OOMVTOOS Moroio BTOOXB. - San Francises, March 1B Otfldal morning closing-: Bid. .$1 . 8.60 . 1.28 .42 . .68 . 1.JA . .48 . .74 Bid. Con. CsL-Ts. Ophlr Mexlcaa .... Caledonia ... Exchequer ... Ner cross .... Gold Crown afreet Bead .. $ .18 .07 ."M ' .49 .94 .98 .88 .78 BlsckBuYts Tramp Ooldfleld ... Montgomery Sunset ..., at?epter Is. uaxter -9TKW- Y0K-OvPr Ut- KAAXSTr- New York, March IB. Coffee futures dosed aaehaaged to 8 points off. 0 racial quotations: Rid. Aak.l Rid. A.k. March .... .$8 00 $8 September . $7.10 $7.18 April ...... a " lo'vcronev , T.ri 7 a , 7 an t no May ....... 9 70 gtn' November 9.861 December . OR1 January , T.06I Fbrnary . June f t 88 7 0 ...... 9.SO 8 PO 7.00 Jnly , 7 40 T 46 7.43 7 60 August . feral Osfsltarkst. , ' ' Havre." March 18Coffee down receipts, 8,000 bags, market stesdy, Bsntoe, 6,000 bags, market anchanged. II le. S3 ap) Beer Terk Cash Ooffes. Ns York, March IBtee coffee: Bis, S; Me. 4 Baatoa, 8a. Be, T hxbbob Btrra hops. (Special fM.patch to The Journal V ' Anrora, Or.. March IB. Cd Herron. hop buyer, thle week nought the J Kennedy hop crop of 79 bale at Wood horn, paring better then 9 cents. In hope were shipped direct te London. ' M. H. (Illhertson. Chimin Bm.' ageat here, went te North Yakima Wednesday ta look gfier eeveral Ma ku ef bops there. -. - ? : " : i STOCK LOSSES TEftVY Oil .UMATILLA RIVER . , ' ..... Severe Weather Catches Stock men Unprepared-e-PrevIouev-. Warm Spell CaUse. f BpscUr Tflspati Pendleton, Or., ' Ma tek' e'TBsVroatT-- rcb 10. Stock lose as -en severe. The early spring and beautiful weather which had been sntoved la that locality had bulacsd stockmen te drive their cattle te the mountain, and aa some of the young csttls Ware wash the"avere weather and deee noW has caused eonilflerabir euTferlng sod soma low. ss 11 is lmaoeaibi te gather la an .roe caiti the have been turned flat. The enow ts front on te twe feet In depth on the upper CnxatUla tivag above Bingham Spring. COTTON FUTURES FOUR : TO EIGHT POINTS UP .. Nsw. York.. March ULAttoa fatursa closed 4 te g-points higher.- - - ornctat ejuetsuooa ' By ormpsca, ntsrv si Oeoks eompany ; . wania - One a. Hick. Lew. Thar, WVd. Marcb . AprU ... ....1024 1029 101 1024 1019 ....loaO 1081 1080 1029 1023 ....1086 14 -1089 1040 1088 slay d June . . e joej! J .-. mt i-. r. .PV9 1069 10 - IO68 .-107 1048 1064 1049. 1048 1048 July r August September 1017 1024 1017 1029 1 1019 lOOS 1010 L 1008 ... loi9 lot 1010 1018 1007 lOlf 1019 1011 October . ...1009 1018 1020 101T novemosv ... Dectmbsi' ........1018 Jssuaxy ..........1017 - Llverpeel Osttea "Xlgbar. Liverpool. March 18. Cotton faturss closed steady, a te 4 pstnta an, -, BTaw rortUnA Building permits haw bean iaaued aa followa: Oeorge Bralth. cottara, corner East WlTth anil Yvgmct-atres tg $1,800; Adam Oetting. oottaae, corner Moriia and Delay gtreeta, coat, $7I; A. J. Noyea, eottace. corner Oladatone and Thirty-third streets, coat, $700; faui iAJitv dtliUon tjitgiagnce.Xiititurtg- twaea East Fifth and East Sixth atresta, coat. $200; Mrs. Moore, repairs to atom, 16 Front street, coat. $290, dovwrdalg Courier: Never mind tbe going on. tha mllla wlU ship lumber, tha railroad U coming gnd tha plL waUa. are aotna Sown atemdlly. Bverythlna la prosperoua. It hag bMall year alnoa tlmaa looked aa promising an they Ao now in Ttunmook county. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. BBASS flnlehss waa tad! mast he flrst-clssa inquire uregon Brass werss, w noria St. EineHome FOR SALE- EASY TERMS. V. ' Eight-room honae, on corner lot 50x100 feet, dty waters honae in perfect condition. Located at 700 EaatTwelfth atreet, corner Rhine. Worth tU.OOa Price -flJ50rEaayternuto amy one who wants a house. Inquire " I. Qevurtz 173 FIRST STREET 17 Per Cent mm On $1,00$ cash requlrwd te handle choice Inside corner lot en Seventh street ; 8 year . lease gunranteed. Property will advance la vaJue. ., . E. J. DALY tM muinr Bug. rhoaa hau 10 BtTJnXTir XXDBI OB BO U1M UTBB' ViU TO Bungiilow Glade The beautiful realdence' dlatrlotv Co ment walks, parked gtreeta; lota 68x100 $600; terms. Bee them. . ' ... CEO. E. WAGGONER eaa r azubto sua. . Henry E. Reed Real Estate and Investments BTO. 107 H Blgsniatra, ikaaar WasAlgurkogL . noave laAim aeoa. - All kinds ef boglneaa. realdenoe and farm property and timber laada handled. Prompt and careful attention te orders. Stark Street N. B. comer Tenth, fronting; 10$ feet on Stark atreet. Fine prospective buak nea'a property. For terroa and paxtlcu lnra see j. LOUIS SALOMON, 112 First St, Water Front Nearly t.oOO feet of laat Side river frontge. opposite Government build lni very level; deep water and raH road. Price reasonable. - J. F. O'DONNELL & CO. ao Konawk Bldr. rhoaa BfnUMOT. RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Tansy WaXera Origi nal and only aenulne Put ep la yellow . rapper and "Crewa trademark. For sale by tbe . LEAUINQ DKUCK3I8TB. TRANSPORTATION. A LA SKA . FAST AND POPtXAB ITBAlUBIr. Lsavs nsattle ' "mntlOI," Marsh It, 89, 9 p. uv, via, Wraagls. . , "Draog." Xarek 94. -CALUNO KStchlkaa. Jnseau, Douglas, ttllses. Skag wsy, roansets with W. P. Y. route for AHISm Dawson, Tsnaaa, Nome, etc '"For lAU Southesatera Alaaks Ports, Call er send fnf"Trtp to Wonderful AUlsg," Z-lD'-ladlsa Bssketry," "Totem Poles," - Wsohwy Co, Agents. B2 Osk L : -.- Portland, Or. North - Pacific Steamship Gmpany'f Steamship ROANOKE 2,500 tone, sails for Eurfeka, San Fran cisco and Loa Angeles. - . -Thursday, March 15. ' Thursday. March 29." - ; . Thursday, April 5. from Columbia dock No. 1, at 8 p. m. Phone Mr 1314.- Ticket-office 132 Third, near Aider. - -JJ.ZrZZ-7 If.'YOtJNO, Afjent UPPER COLUMBIA river: ROUTE la Connection With St t "PortageBall way aaa Ksguutor iabs. Per Arlington, Irrigon, Umatilla, Bovar, wattnla and way Pot at. . - tOW BATE! ABB r0MPT BIBTIOB. might Bseetved at Alder-atreeti Deck. H Per-further Infer saatlea Inquire ef Frank nlth. ti af oc msnsgm. eie vvercesrev Phone Mala 668 i er Begulatet Dock. Mala 914. " Opsrstbxg 19 Passings Steaasara .ft . SAN FRANCISCO aad Lea Angeles dlrsst. Blslly Ssrvlse. . Ogbla, 612. Btserage. $a. 0. K. XXOBTMOB. Agent. Pkeae htaia 888. ' iss TH1BB BT. Hotel Eaton Oernss Km i hue and West Bark I NEW ttssAssmanr furnished, elegantly i rii .hmaI. n e minutes wsta rrees nesrt shopping snB kesloess dutiiet, all large, airy, eatslds rooms, steam bested, electric lights, telephone -ia each apartment, eta. Larra africe. leaaging. amok lag. vrrniagy bdias reception parlors. Boom issimd adies reception psrura. by sun er Ulepaene. - Prti Room. fl.OO to $S.OO a Day BPeeisl As 4s Cwsxsksrslsl Men. . ... hTBE KAB EATOK. (Formerly ef Hotel Bed path. Spoksas.) BLOOD POISON rot biori mi nvtitn tubs we bave msde th euro of blood nolaoa I speeialty. Primary, ceaaary er Tertiary moee rofsa nrmaneniiyuurea. You ess be treated at noma under same guaranty. Capital 8500.000. We solicit the not obatl- sate eases. If roe have exhausted the old methods of treatment, and still nnve aehea I and pain. Mucua Patebeg In Mouth. Bora Throat. Plmnles. OonDerklored Snota. Ulcers on any part of tbe body, Bair or I Eyebrows falling out, write for proofs of cures. iun.pnge BookTTee. COOK REMEDY CO, 198B BAU8IC Ham, CUtgs, 9.11 I Evory Woman BB BaaVlaBnawaayU BnJ BaDejfBJtl BXBrtTW aDOOS IM WOOadBTTTU MARVEL WherUasj Spray vagtea syeawe. iUMs. ad oVOo. Beet 4 J. sst- Most Convsnloni. ( reae ereeiM kw n. f he esnnotentoly th AgtrL, aouptao ether, but aand atsmp fog illu.trated hook i .W Itgreeg sll partloulsr snd ottWrtona is vsluaus to writes. MgrnVBt, 4 aa e. one bt.. natsar toss. B, . SXIDMOBE CO., 141 THTkD STBZXT, ABD WOODAAD, CLARKE CO. -cons 5anrai-Pepsin A POSITIVE CURE for Inflammation erOatarrh of ths hlsdrierend Dlesed Kid. leys. B9 ooag no Ag. usres ulckly aad aern kly aad permanently the i f . El ajkawa, no mailer o sow gstsadlag, Ahselatsly mln Sold bv drnxetats. 9evf!?l texts. tTli T THEWaTili-PEPSIrlCa A On, lawybvaa. Ksrwa pau. TssTsat'e Xxarse of Cwbeee sam Tb mat ee4msndiiaa,Aae fw eesHwrhss. gleet, whttaa. sea. Baa 4 take, 4e sarin guie tsussmmfal see. PrllsSl. m Kewa A Martla'a, 81 Waahlngtos .. PvtlaeA. Oeesosi ss hv maU rrem is Tarraat Co.. 44 Budssa et,. Bw York. Fulton Wood Co. Phone Paotno $!.' BBniT. 9BT Alw XJTBXDm etXaAJB Soorh PoflLand Orders Bpolally se Ilelted. ' ' .. . . ,. I '-J If vou have an Rlood TV I I fjfmtdk LBnewi awleV'jtaimB j I ' .' BATiyB BtJtS wta sees yes, sr seal I I yVbeJtoeiU Co. r i ?-w5 X'-MfAWVWaV iVVvittjUj:aTae ps i a-'wen., s .. , i-rSwv- A. TRAN23ORTATI t!l w-Trilns to the EastDafly J : . Throagrh Pullman standard aad Isuiwt sVese. "g-csrs sally le Omaha. Ch lease. apkas tpurlat slMpfog-eara dally te Kansas City. Thiwugn reellslBC Chalrara lesaes 99 the Ct dally. t'",s D.po . 4 Usrre. AJStve. nicsgo-Portlasd Bpeelst fog Lh ""at vis Bnatlngtoa. gly. 9:18 eat SiBJ P89 f nOBt fka Wtwam t vie Buntteeten. d.lly . ," . . . . 9 18 pat -YtlS nnj; ..! wr is hi van Diviaiow. . "' Astorls snd war points, caaaeettae wttk HlTT ,lww ssd Kortk Bessb, stsasseg -V--- --"-ex. noes, msves a p. aa, eaiiy, S.tnrd.y. II t, B. Arrtvwi boot S B, m.. e.Mn. InJ... pitting). Bnadar. Arree 70 RITBR BOTTTB. awwmioa. ioa aaa wap Btaarls. W..k - -' - 1?" r?n,: " " Pa arrival Tseng dsllV .ireep, VStV. "' r TWkst Office. Third snd WssbbMtea Baa la.ks Vf-I at a en a e ?: "TIBOBB, City TVket , A. U CBAIO.-Oemeral Pasaenser Agent. EAST VTA - SOUTH . Caion DeDof Ovrlnd Expeeea Trstn for Salem, Boeeburg. Aah wen? 8a a Prsaeisea. Stack fcoe - Angclee. XI Psso. " New-Orleans Ikd the east' Morning trala coaaects at Weodhura dally except flusdsy with trala for Mount AngsL Sllverten. BrsernevlUe, - Sni lug field. -Wendllng sad N.troa. .. . Bageae - peasenaer eon. 'ei:V- ' :BgJg IwlfsS Sects at Woodourn with rount Angel aad flnvee- tou Vocal... M lap" Cnrvslll pa aeee see . nia Shertdaa pssssager,. ... u 4:60nm Forest Oreve paesenger.. 110-48 -m Dally. Iirtelle except Seeder. POaTUAND-OgWBeO - snBnBBAVt 10:98 aaa SMpsa 9 98 aaa 111 A9 pea AND YAMRI1A DfVISIOW. tssve Portland (depot tost et Jefferson St.. dally for Oswego T:80 a. m. 12:60, 1:09, i 8:90. 9:S.J:S0. 10:10. I1:P p. at. Oallp . feseept Bsoday). 8:80. 11, 9'JS. MJB a. as. Sondsy only. 91$ a. as. . M Betnrnlng from Oewege. sirtve rerr1nd dfly , m. ; i:nn, e:u. erne. e:ie, i-.m. v:w p. m.. It 88 a. B. Dally (ascept Bundsy). T:26. 9:80, 11:48 a., m. BasAsy only. am 10. 00 a ,o:w a. ta. -fMfl from eame asnot far TjeJlae and Inter. mediate pntata dattm 4ilS p. m. Arrive Pes. The Indepeedesee-Moemoerh Vnter Bo with Soufhern Paetfl eempaaya track a mwmm oaiiv n. ii.ipniu wrm m i wvmn Iss snd Independence. Ptrst-rlaaa fare from IHrtlsnd as Salt am ante gad JUa-rrsaetaee, 899, beetha9ar innl ilia fare $18? second-class berths 9190. Tickers to Rasters setsts snd Waieaet ajng Jspaa. China, Hnnnrtnu and Anetraua. lClty Ticket Of flcs r-nr Third sad WeSk- tngtnn stents Phone Mala iu dTW. ST7W0BB, , ... A. fc. eUX' City Ticket Agent en. fsaa. AgBwt, TIMECARD OF TRAINS Portlandl Caka Laave... Arrive. Ysllowsteae Park-Ka Cltr-St. Louie 8 pedal for Chehaila, Ceetralla. O rem ote, Oraya Harbor, aoiia fiead, Ta corns. Be.ttle, Bpo- Esse, Lewie toe, Butte, Bll- , i Hags, Denver, Om.ha. Kaa. .V otv. at. Leula aad Boafhssst, dslly ........... North Ooest UaiKsd. elee rrle Ughted. for Tacoma. Beattls. Spokaaa. Batte. VTiDoeapoIls, St. Peal aad the Bast, dslly.........". Paget Bound Limited, for Oiehalls. Centra 11a. Tacsma JSagg die 999 rSt pm 1M 989 and Beattls sale, dslly;... Twin City express foe T rnms. Seattle. .Spokane. Helens. Butts, Bt. Psnl, Mlnnespoll. "bi.," Joeeph. Bsasaa City with at cheng ef ear. Direct connect tone for n pelnta . , .An,WM.. sail.. 4 0 gm lOaMpsfl 11:48 pm 10-88 gea A. D. CHA WLTON. Asslstsst Qeeersl Paeaew. reT Agent BU Morrison street, eumea Third. Portia. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. tTnlon Deport ' baas Aatlns For hUrgera. Btaler. Oat. kas.', Westpsrt. CUftos, . . iwt. . Warren ton. Fm " ' eek Hammond, Fort Btev. en. Oearhart Park. Seaside ark. Seaside 9:09 aaa llJBlaag Astoria ssd Biash.. en-. press dslly..... TlOO 1 All trslaa dslly. 1 J. a MA TO. O. P. and P. A.. J "C. A. STBWABT. Ceenmeretsl Alder atreet Pheae Mela 90. 99psd J'1 , ... TBI COmiQKUMUL wlAX 20verl2s.. Tr&!3 Dz3y 2 The Oriental Limited, tba Fas' MA T1A SF.ATTLB AND BPOKAKB. Dally. Dally. Leave. Ant vs. PertUad ttase echedule Te and from apokans, St. Paul. Mlaasapoila, Duluth and aU aetata Beat via Seat Us 9:90 am ti09 UsvApaa t.80 pm To aad from at. Paul. Mlnnse polls. Dulnth snd all polntn a.lllae from Beattls far Ssn and China porta and Manila, eanylsg psa. aaagsra aad freight. S. 8. Daksta, Karsb IS . - S. S. MtaseeetS, AprQ 99. v BIPPOB TB9IB XAIBBA (Japan Mall Steemshlp Ce. I S. S. BAN AOAWA MAkU will sail fpnea Seettl shout Msreh 90 ro ispsa aad China aorta, carry leg assseagsrg aad f"FoV ticket, rates, berth rssorra. Ttoas. at.. HUM) address X. DICXSOW. OP. T A., lea I Thted at.. Bertlaad. Ovegea, fhea mala 9eV S. S. F. il. L"l:: pee Ooo Bay. Burets gad Baa Beit eallhvs from Per (land Te-, r - ' Beat ssuieg tteta Sea Iraariese, V .1, i . P.'ta d"e f Be, B, I 4.- J . j, rV TAMHIU. BIVg BOrTB. BVYlSV " Tai V trtffk iirssu.B 88evj -. 9P . ' ettimsrs Rath snd Ifodoe. Ash-st, doeh. '., a- m. daily, essept ? Leave, Am' ' ' j I CTniaxau D9OOBVwam 0- i,.Kc2Tri