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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. THUESD., CVINO. IJAICII -IZj . "-- - . i 1 1 T- -i-l ' II II T7TJP- V? i in ii tl -1 M'tTU 881 Iflf -Jninarwi anya-w w. .a Ml A . - -..a -Tl Dwiiir. I . 4T, j-i1ti-XW - M wmt- "'tw - . Editorial Boon., ...... ....... .Main 190 LaitMi Office-.. ....... Mala MO FOREIOB ADVCBTIBINO BEFEESXKTATrVlT " Vreeland-Benjaaau Huec-lal AdTertlslog imw-j, J6 Ximi Miwl fw Jerk; Trio use Bulld- -.if --'...i.- -, ; , rBscxarriov bates. Tim. by Outmt. - -. The Italic Journal, with Sunday, I year.,,. ST SO Ik. Lally Journal, 1 year.. BOO The Dally Journal. Banday, A moo a. I TS ".be Dally Journal, mouths.. ...... ....... S.00 "I ha Daily Journal, with Kuaday. months. 1.0S 3la Dally Journal, 8 laoiitba. .. ., .... jr..-? The IlyJetu-iI. wlti Buodsy. 1 mania.- . the Delly. ac week, dellrered. Sunday la-... ' eluded .-'VL"-,: -'" Iha iily jMt aclu Jellr", Sunday ex- cepted , .WJ Tama by 8U U. ' v , Tha Dally Journal, with tsiodajr, 1 yea,.$T.ew ' 91 Ihilly Jwul, 1 year. A 'JO . Tlie Iislly Journal, with Simday, moo toe. A 75 1h Dally Journal. bkhiis. ...... ., 5 I ha Dally Journal, with rtsaday, a niha. 1W Iha Kellr Juarual. 8 aiooU 1.4- Tha Helly eWwelt wkb u easy , 1 a nt. ,.,6 The Tally Journal, 1 moatk. ....... .ft . Iha tiuuday Journal, 1 year. S.U0 She Sunday Journal. A months .-. ... 1.00 Tka Semi-Weekly Journal. The Semi-Weekly Journal. 8 ae. lit pagea each Issue, lDuttratcd, full market r- lrt, i yaar S1.B0 nBittiana ahoaM ba marta hy draft, poatal ott. txtmm ardara and aaaall amount an crauUbla la 1 and t-aat 5jJJ0 " ' ' '"f jy I ,,, WHCXJE TBI fOUBBAT. MAT B BOVBO - 1 1 Jaamil caa ha found la at tha followlna jilnrvai i ' " SdlHK, TPAHO-W 81r Ca I W. A. lie Intyra; Arch timalnbioi t W. Cll H a.(jMI Huatofttca Nawa anaipaar. ITS Par. Irn aurnrt. ' - IKNVEH Barkalew Braa.. I atom Deixt oral stand. ' ' -KASHAH-FITT AMaiifal Waara -aMBpaay, - wmpaaw ataaa, "' . ' lxi ANtilXKH B. B. Aura, arwtpapar wnfaa' Aha Karl. nwpapr w(ob. M1NNKAHOI.1S at. i. Kavaaaoih. SflO Saatk Third atnwl. ' : NEW VOKK riTT Brantana'a, frjloa aonara) Arthur llntaltnc. nawauaaar waaua. -laa la1.nd..Mrlkta rvtiDKN lpot a-i aland. t.tnj ataadi Brroir Itroa., 4 Wrat Htwud atraet. aouthj Mm. ITia. ufPM . - f t V mKtMV-B. K. Aajoa, aawapapar waaa. AN r'RANClMCO W. E. Ardlitc. Palaoa Hot!: OoldaaaKh Braa.aad Suttaa atraat- and BL Kranria hntal; Koatw Orr, r'atty hnlld tnc; N. WhMtthgr, nawaoapaf wlfoi, Markat """and Kaarn-iy. - ' ' SKATTl.E RalBlar firand naara ataad; A. B. . MrBrom, Hotel Srattl hawa atand. ST- LUL'IH Pblll? rloadar, l Ixxwt atraat; K. T. Jatt.. ! OUtb- atreeti Uaarga U Arkarmin. n -. . . SPOKANE Jnhn ft. Oraham ajCtv'1 - - TACOA t'anual Kaara roapaor, Batal Ta rorna ntwi ataad ; Anna awa caaapaay, ' nraapapar racaB. . - ' .... TKTOK1A. B. C WrtH Book At BUttatv afy aaar.' r " ' ' "' ' HU-LJ 1 J WEATHER REPORT. I Tha tor at am Utah baa Incraaaad la anarfy, ohu. th hiah nrraaura araa Ib tha north aod ' aaat.'althouah atill ' frrat atarnltuda. doea HAt rora aa ajuin tarritory mm it om nvmmj. Iha faint dlataxhanr yratarday aw tha wnal ulf atatt-a haa daTaloprd Into a atona of ! ddrd charartar and adanrad nortbaaatward to tha aoath Atlamle- atataa. . Uiar tantpara loraa rnntluu In tha north ParilW atataa, hut -It-la araaniaa la ortb-JjakutA and tha anaillar. northwrat. aad nrnck .ld In Iha wayr fulf tatMiT- fun-w haa faHaa-aaaarally la tba nor'tbari) atataa from Idaho eaat to Naar Eng land. Haary ntaa haa aacurrad la tha aaat aulf and aouth Atlantic atarxa. and light ralna am tvoortad la oaatral CalUuraia and aouthara Th?"lndlraloBa aro that tb ainaratTaa la thl dlatrtfl art II eontinna to alowly Baad arata srrit In aontBrrs Idaba. wbara anldar wrathrr' la Indlratad tonight. Killing fraata will armr tonight weal at tha Cnarada raoon talna and fair waataar will prataU -la aU amloon rrlday- . ., OhacrTaUona Uka at . B., Paeiae tlaWI . Tagia. StatioraVH. , Max. . . Mia. rtaclp. Bakr City. Oragoa 1 . - -- hoaton. MaaaahuaatU...,. " , .0 t blrago. Illlaula.. -t- M ' . iKrarar, f 'olorauo. Xt : " . ,0 Kaaaaa City. M laaoart . . . . 24 - Id . .01 - Irm Anawrrar--lttrTrtrv-.-4--w-- 1 Naar rlana. loatalana.... td" - Ml , 1.M . Nr York. Nanr York...,. a M , .14 rortland. Oraaoa............ M , S .. ,.0 ' RoaFbnrg. Oragoa... -r wr .; St. Loula. Wlaaourt... - - ' ftalt l-ka, UUl " Saa rraaclaro, tallforaU M,.r 42 - JW Fuokaaa, Waahlmttoa.... M . . Varoaaa- WaabliigWa .2 f. Walla Walla, Waahlngtoa.. 2d t IS , . WaahtngtOB,. D. C......... Hi V: MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 Charm TbotBaoB, . Uappnar Oragoa. l! Ball Colllvav. 26. ....... Hampton B. Slant. 64: AddU Blrharda. J. Wllli.ia H. . BeblaaoB, 1; Kltaabatk at. Walla. 2-1. ' m Joba H. aberwsod. Nawbarg, Oragoa. 28; alarian CullUvm. IS. . '..-- U Parker Keelar. : Harlaa B. Sabla, .. " Alfrad tlraanrr. 88; Martha McCond. 24. lola llanar.- lna Banaa. 'i-Ju:. .' r. S. Pantoa. aI MUala Mlckalaoa, 80. Wadding Carda. W. 0. Smith A Co.. Waah tngtoti hiag . rorr roamh aad Waahlngtoa hta. Mlaa Battha Martla. room SIS Allaky bldg. gtamplng ana una aaeoiawgra ; pr . BIRTHS. , VtOHUAN Marrh IS. to Mr. aad Mra.. George w. Mnrxaa, Ml tirai atraei. a aon. KORTHUCP Marrh IS. ta Mr. and Mra. Bobart North run, 0l Beat laylnr atraat, a ana. 1SHAM fehroary 24, ta Mr. and Mra. Claraaea iahaia, KiUl Beat Uliaaa etreat. a daaghtar. Kl NU February 27. to Mr. aad Mra. Arthur M. King. 411 Fourth atraat, a atai. -POBTEB March ta Mr, and Mra. WLUUm H. Portar. 777 Maradam atraat, a bob. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, SHKARCR Marrn 14. Violet Shearer, SIS Lnlon eTenuev meaelea. ., - . TA.NDKRWAI.L Mart-h 14. Herbert YanderwaU, lwi Clareadoa atraat. diphtheria. SMITH Marrh IX, Uwlae Mmlth, TTS Marahal atreet. diphtheria. - : BHAy.EB March 12. Maeter Braaaa, Ml Ma llnda aaenue. ehlekeopo. DEATHS. Al'KB March 14. Abba B. Aoat, aged Tl year, tut North Sliteamth atraat; cauaa, dropay. CrematorlUBi. . COVKLlr March 14, Boaalla A. Co Tell, aged A4 yeare, r2T Thirty -el ith atraat; eauae, heart rafcvaa. Burial at Leaa e'le eeatetary. JAM Kit March 12. Charlea James, aged St yeaia. 1 al tkatd Samarttaa" bnapltal: caaaa, eyatltla. Burial at Lone fir cemetery, TAI.BOTT -March 14, Blanche Ta I bolt, aged 2i yeare, at Arlela: eauae, perl ton! tla. Burial at Multnomah eenaetery, .. i SM ITU March 14. Mra. A. - Smith, aged St yeara. at r6S Mlaalaalitpl avenue. BABt:R! March 18, Harold' Baburaf aged . Id reera. na af 3,. U B a hunt, at Leote. Ore go a. rf'iZKOMarrh 16. !). Infant arm af ,A UNDERTAKERS. Edward Rolamaa A Co.. tha trailing funeral dlrectora. hare tba Sneat eatabllahaiant. tha daeat guoda, tba Soeat eeklrlea aad tba moat reaaonable ' prices. Fine hmadctnth-oOTered . eaeheta, 2B and $30. : Tbd Jlneet wood goods made, fmos tit. ta I2. I'arlora fJO and .2 Third atreet, coraar Salmon, Purtlaad, tiregoa.' - J. P. rialey A Soa. fuaeral dlrectora aad aBthalarera. corner Third and Madleea atroara. ttfnca af osuaty earnaaf. Telepboao Mala A. ' Dunning. Mc Bates Gllheugh. hadarUkara ad anthalmeeei aandara In every detail. Saeeatfe aad Plaa. Mala am. Lady aeateUat. A. B. - Heaistarb,- smderrakar aad emhalmer. Beet Thlrtaaatk aad t'maUlU aee. , Phoaa Ball, Tl. - ' ' Clark Braa far Sewara. tn Kortiaoa atraat. . .. ITfllTlW CEMSTSBT. . Single graeea lid. Family Vvb) TS to tl.WS. Tha oaJy eeaaaterr la Portland which per. HKnally malatalaa and carea (nr lota. Par fall InfursaaMnei apply to W. B. Macfcentre, War aatar block, city. W, M. Ladd. araeldoBt, . : . . , . MH' LOdTInvestleiit IIB.OOOOaod baslBaaa eornar, bclnctnt 11 Bar nf r WB )uur aaiwri ; tTl.pno brtUnea F.-Fnchs. 149 1-2 First St FUNERAL NOTICES. Bf'CK At tha residence of hla danghter, Vra.-tf w. r. viara, nini jd jtaai, naaauei nuca, --aged d rears, a man tha and day. Funeral . will lake place) rYluay. . March. In, at 1 p. , from tha realdeaca of but daughter, 64 , Kaar Slat at. (Albany aad Lebanon panar please aony. .,....; ;-- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Cbarlaa MaMt and wife ta Milton la- awn, lota 13 and 14, block 8. Wllllama ' Arenas addition I LAW May B. Bwlgert to GUfnrd Terry, lot 8. ' -. block 1. aubdlTlaloa tract K, M, Pat- ' too Trtct j. r.. r.,?7..":T. tTn Title Ouatwntea A Tenet aompan to . . v W.- liuneee, Vet , bfech , lrat -ad dltloa llolladjy aKk ' f&O Goorg IL rorca aad wife to J.: E. Jtackenetoa et al., w.t 4 of weat iiracuonai niacs a, jfuniraa a audi- soo Arista Land eampany to K.: N; -Mrlre, " lot L block S, I tut Park.-i... i 1 H. a. Col ton aad wife to Qenrge W. Simons, kita 1 and X block 11, Eaat Portlaad ............. ,...,.. 10.000 Ssrurlty Satrlnga A Traat eompany to C. U Caaa, all tbat part block t. North v Portland, which Ilea eaat of north si- " ... tension of Una drana parallel with and-"7 7-1;:. to feat west from west boundary Una Mock 8, -'tt llaon a addition, belug auus Sl.S feet r-I V. U. MrDanlei aad wife to Nathan Wll. addition ii,," ' ' "'""a i K. WUcot and wjfa to H. M. McDanlal. eaat U lota t,Ji. block S." DuacbtrV -aeeeavd addltlaa -r.-.vv.-..,-. .--.iivii- 1.000 Job a Welaa and wife to A. Mela tar, lot , blut 112,lly ,c.-.r,v.o..r,r,..-. A 260 Cntreralty Land carapany to Joba P. Earl, lot 2. block 40, I iilreralty Park. ' S10 B. Nlaaa, reeetrer, to P. H. Malcolm, aa aeia ana. i ., i ml of west 44 uf aouthweat U of aouth ' weat 14; north H of west H of east irmtnamit tr -of aodtbWMt VTHH " 1 ti Of northwest . 1 pf Boutbweat ; . aaat H of aoutheaat of nnrtbweat- . Vt. aacnoa 20, township 1 acuta, range ' least.... . 1 Cerrls B. Campbell and husband ta W. V. Wooden and wife, lot 16, block 6. Hchmaer'a addition. Beat Portland.... J B. Weeks, guardiaa. to W. F. Wooden, lota S ta IS. locloalea. block IS, Orchard. Heatea .7...., 7. SOS B. E. Moore et al. to U. W. Jackson. , ' lot S. block IIS, Beat Portland ........ S.100 Tbnraae tlroome to U S. Tuaoaeod, lot SO, block 9. Laurelwood- .7...." T1 T. M. Pre. Ion and wife to Mra. Asa AllguT. kit 13, block S.1. Mulluomah.. J. TOO 0. M. Addltoa and wife to Anna S. Smith, lot S. block 2, KTrrgreea Park. : 248 L. A. Iekum aad bnaband to W. Swart, ' lota 1 and . block 1UU. IlolUdae ad. ' - dltloa, Kssr-Portlsnd..... ..... 1,600 Electric Ind eompany to M. M. Bra-' eon, lot d. block 4, Portsmouth ITS a. a. tuns ana wire to John 11. nmith, ; , east ta feet of aouth 100 feet lot . ' blo'k 2. Wllllama Arenue ad.lltloa. . 1,600 tv tfeildsmlrk and wife to rlty of Port. land, 2 acres roramrnHng aouthweat ' oornar block 20. North Portland. 274.41 feet Weat along north Una Upshur . , , t.6S feet, tbenra south at right ', ranglaa 'to U.t line SO feet west, 30 ' " ' feet north and parallel with aouth Una ' t'pehur lae.Td feat, then north at right--"- -,-anglee to Is.t Una 2U0 feat to west, wei tension nrx-Th-ttna Tattrhn, east aloag Vaughn 166.7d teet. aoutb at right anglea SO feat to aoutb Una Vaughn - 21S.S feet to northwest corner block " 20 200.1T feet to place of beginning.. 14,600 Unloa Trnat A laeestment camnanr to F. A. Beard, lot 12, block 1. Isanhoe. ' 160 Samuel n. Urnbar to 0. La eyre nee JoettV lot 10. block d. Wilton's addition.. 1 ,. ,1.280 P. U Willie and wife to M. U llugbea, - all block 1. John Irtloj't First addl. tlaa, Eaat Portland A 000 H. F. Uagarmaa and wlfa to Charlea . B. Myers, lota 6, S, block 10, Feurer'a addition, Eaat Portland SOS M. J. Hlcka to A. Anderaoa, ISOifIT feet1 vt oommaaclng 160 feet west af eaat: . . . coraee lot T, weat Una Tyler street. St. Johns Helgbta SOO M. J. Hlcka U C. Olaaon. 07 1300 feet roanmenclng amitbaaat corner lot T, St. Johns Heights . . .' ' 1,180 B. E.. Kaha to H. Hlraebbarg, lot 3, . ' - block - lwaV -Couck addltloa . . , f j 10 at J. tyoa and wit to U. Hlrschbcrg. " " as me property 10 M. R. Settlamler and wlfa to O. M. - Settlemlee.-eaat 12 feet of weat lota T and A block 106, Eaat Port. land SOO 0. M. Settlamler and wlfa- to S her matt , V. Short, north 64 feet of eaat 62 ". feet lot S. block 106. East Portland.. I.4O0 Oeorge W. Thatcher and wlfa to Martla Mortenaen. lot 2 and north 26 feet - jot S. block 2ns HoHadsr addition... AT80 A. (1. Van Boesen and wife to C. A. i aPlke. lot 8. block 2. Wllllama Aeeand , addltloa - v. - ' S.S0S John Verraa and wife to William H. , Muaaar. nndlelded V4 lota 1 and 2, block 11. Wllllama Arenue addltloa. ' 1 Amoa Beybold and wlfa to Edward Stela- boff. seta S aad T. block S, Laurel Park ... V 180 tuuiaui to a VcTVinsld. ' lots 23. 15. block IB, Irelngtoa Park.'. BWf- t, Tnorbora Bosa and wlfa to AlUce M. MIHlgan. lot 8, - Nawtoa -, w. . . ...... . v.-TOO ft, W. eVhmaet to Ambroee Tauachar, . lot 2, block 1, Mannlag'i addltloa --T80 ft. W. Srhroeer ta Wenala A. Tauacher, lot 1. Mock 1. Msnnlnr'a addltloa ... - . T60 Estate -W.-S.-add to Mitchell A Lewla -r . Company, Ltd., all block 68. Eaat Port- - 1 iDTeatment eampany to Owea Taylor, Iota 12 and 16. block 1. Beeerly. . .. . . . .- Brnest A. Hsmllron and wife to F.lsle n. Hamlltoa, inoiTB feat aear Intereec tlna center Una Dlrialaa aad Bast Sereath .............. Title Ouarsntea A Trust eompany to ; Minora Kallogg. lot 6, block S,. MortA Irrlngton V.VV'i" Joba 1U- Jiaab and wife to Catharine A . Anderean. lot IS, block 1. Naab a First addition ,i. ....... ...... ....... Mi re Pbelpa Montgomery, etor. to . Fredarlck B. Klmeadnrf. S.27T.8 wiuara feet beginning eaat Una Alblna are. nua aear Intern eetton weat Haa 0.. R, A K, Co. "a right at way 400 tso 129 - Oat your fnenmnre and abatracra ta real aatata from the Title Ouarentee A Trnat company, 240 Washington atreet. corner Second. I NOTICE. SPECIAL Stockholders' Meeting Maaotllo- Build ing Association. a o . v. . atockholdera nf tha Masonic btilldlng Aaeocla tlon .of Portlsnd, Oregon, will be held In tba eommsndery ball, upper floor Maannle - r,... ..I tAam a I. PnrllMrwt fir. I na oupioc ui w ... . . - - - -elda-M - tbara. aball be aa Incresso of the . eepltal atock to liao.ono, or any other amcAtnt, 000, or any amooBt of tha lacreaae. ahall ba applied to tba paymeat of a stock dleldeod. aad alsa whether the aseoetatton sbsll erect another Maaoolc btilldlnr tn Portland. . J, M. HODfcON, Prealdeat,. .'' 1. W. PRATT. Secretary. - -, Dated March 12. 10OS. ' moeera, will reiulre tba payment at all "rhargea tipna delleery nf goods after Peeeaa- war 1, l"i H- C. Haack, C. F. Harder, ft 'F. Huaaey, Onagrore Braa., Portland Pe - Ilear y Co.. Post Speclel Delleery Co., Pack age PeHeery Co.. Holmaa Transfer Co., -"cieHbweetarK Traaafae e Oraaaav-Anto. Dasw patch Co.. John ftamnton, James McMndea. ftwea MeLlndea. PaelOo Transfer Car.-Oracoa Tranafer Co.. Portland Vaa A Storage Co.. ' w. w.m.n.Mnree Tranafer Co.. Eaai Slda Transfer Co.. C. O. Pick Transfer A Storage Co.. C. M, OlaooV Baggagd A nmnloug Trana-t ref IJO.. a. S. u ..,1. 1 , ir.n.i-r A. rommiasloB Co., Joba A. Lore, AAdrew . J. Murphy. F. M. Irelaad, F. Miller, Hack A Meaderaoa. BITS will ba receleed by tha secretary of tba Echo Aerta. 100, Fraternal Order of Eaglea. Echo, Oregon, for the right ta run stands of aertoue kinds, awlnga; ahootlng galleries and other games oa the rarnlral grounda at Echo, Oregon, oa April SO and May t. Bidder moat deposit a cert I Bed check for ana third of hta bid la the Bank of Bene at the time of bid ding. All blda will be opened on April A. , F. KRAFT, Secretary. TO pay for tka board, t will oa March 84 aetl tba team of horses held at my etsbl-a; tha teem none Is ta af 1 bay mare and 1 black . boree aad aet of karneae, . M, B. Paler as a, : I'oloa are. and Aak ata. . . . BOTICB at nubile e.le of tha frnarblaes aad Rrotierty ? the Oregon Traetloo eoainanr. ntka la hereby gleea that tba atockooklera of lira Ureauw laeifaa-aasMuajiy hse adopted - a rewilutloa antuorlalng aad directing Ua dta - aotnttnn af rtie satit eorrioeatlea and tna Jllav pojltloa of alt-tta pmpeiie. SiStrr. .Pareuaot ta aald resolution aad the raaoin. tk of tha hoard af dlrectora autbortalng ana t Ion of tha board of dlrectora rune." U.-"-. lona-liuf to tha ouaiuany. I will. at tba boor of 10 o'clock a. 114 aa Thuraday, tba lOto Amw m u.m. lurid at the front door OC e " ' I the cooaty eourtbeuee, la the ally of Port land. Multnomah ouuety, Oreaoa. offer at - ufelle.aale. to tha highest bidder-for aaea. ka '..... 1 .i 1 aH.w rtirhts af Way - and contrarte for right of way. Uigetber wits -all nupa. nrotCfa. of flea flkturea aad furBt- - ture, sad all property of wheteeer klud owneji , by aald -oraoratHm. Tba aald property will be sold In bulk, and as aa entirety. . The aald franchisee af aald evuipeny ra- - ferreH to era aa f.4loera. to wit: '..LLr A fraachlsa authorising tba eowtrnrttoti or railway Una throurh Iha ally af llllleborn and a franchlea granting tha right to omslrtiet "a railway on and oeer certain streeta nv toe rtty of Forest Orore. . Waahlngtoa eountr. Ore roe. and a franrblea granted by tha city of P.e-tUnd. Or., by ordinance Xo. 14.BH4. aa , titled, 'An ordlnaaca granting to tha Oragoa ' Traction company. Its eucce-eora and assigns, tha right to construct, lay down, maintain and 'operate rallwaya and polee and wires 1 and ott f ' dcrg-ouud coo.Inlts la tha city of PortUatl. Or." (Anprored by th msror of . aald etty on tha 6th day of April. 106.) . . Tba ooaatmrted track belonging ta aald eompany cuoslata of about 8 0 feat of . double track Uld a Twelfth atreet. ta tba ,. rtty of Portland, Or., hetweeo BurnaMa aad . Orerton ttreets. la aald elty. and 2r feat , of double track on Pettygroea atreet. be . tweaa Thirteenth aad Fourteenth atreetn. la aald rlty. and three eroeelnga on 8lteeBtn, Twenty-third aai Twenty-flfth atraeta. at tua Interaectloa of PattygroTO atraat. Tba mane and prof Ilea referred to show tba aoreey of . tha projected electric railway Una at tlia company from tha city of Portland, Or., ta the elty of Forest Orore, Or.. . For full tnformatloa aa to all property of v; tba company. Inquire at tha offlco ofth company, room 61 Unloa block, elty of Fort- . Mntt, Or. Indebted ta about tha earn of art 000. Of aald anm about the amount of in (iftfi ss dne ' the Oermanla Kattonal hank et Saa Franclaco. Cal... for which 1100.000 par raloe in amount nm bonda nf tha company secured by a m or trays ' or deed of trust on all tba property of tbe company are deposited aa collateral and of which aald total amoaat about tbd mm of "tIt.ToO la Sere red by mochanlca' liens on the rranchlee. roadbed and construct eu crura of tlie compsny In the rlty of Pnrtlead, tba . rmA. -,-TUl aald iw-operty eh.11 btaherf bidder. The pnrchaat Srie ibgn oa nald-la- fulL In caab orty aeceptabla certi fied 'hook, at or before S o'clock p. m. or tha day of sale. Payment ta he ma da t tba pnderalgnad at tha efftea f tbe com p.nn Union block.' Portland. Or. -If tha . peraoa offering tba highest bid for all f 5ld property, ahall not pay the antlra pur haaa price by S o'clock p. m. of aald day . of sale, tbe person offering tba second highest Md ahall ba entitled to tha ooaeeyaaca of aald property. If be ahall pay tba entire asm bid by blm before 4 o'clock p. of . aald day of eele: and If neither the aald " htaiieat or next hlgheat bidder ahall pay oa aald dar of sale tha amount bid by blm. . tha idlrectnra of tba company at their oorl-m may sell aald property to any person bidding - at aald aale who makoa full paymeat aa the - day of aald aa la of the nn Md by him, Tha . rtaht to reject any end all bids Is lessned. By order af tba board of dlrectora. , W. t.. OOTTtiT, 1. Secretary Oragoa Traction Company.- CAM, for Sealed Blda for tha Brecttoa of a Courthouse Bultdlng.--.Notlce n hereby aieea --that tba county- uonet of Columbia courlty, : Oragoa. will, aa April 10, loon, at 10 a. i ax. consider bWs for tba erection of a court ' bonao building at tha elty af St. Helena, la aald muntr aad atate, according to the plana - and snectScatlone of the architects, afrsera. Hendricks Toby, of Labbe building. Port- - laad. Orea ib. and to be completed by Janu ary 1, 1007. and also for furnishing tba ma terlsai to ba "furnished by owner' to-wlt: .. Vault doors. Jail ntttngs, ate, as aet forth .- la ssld sped flea tlnoa. . AU bids should ba addrsaeed to- H. nender- - aen, county clerk. St. Helena. Columbia county, Oregon, and each bid moat be ac- corn panted by a tertlded check, payable to the order of tba county treasurer of aald county, for S per rant of amount of bid, as aecurltr that tba bidder will. If ble bid le aeeainted. at once enter Into a contract r . with aald county eorrt far the erection of kl 1 ,1 -. - a.M eeiu cnruMwa. Bl' llf .TOnam. w -". ' plana and arjeclficattona, ,aad within tba time aereln allowed. Plana and aDaclllcattrma of aald bntldlng "may be' aeea and eonenlted at the ofnee of 7 tbe county clerk of aald county, at St. Helena, ' ar at tbe office of tha aboee-named archlterta. ' Tba aald auceaeefiil bidders will ba required furnish a bond wltb sureties to be approred by aald county court. In tba anm of one third of tha amount of their Md. conditioned noon tba faithful performance of any eoa- - tract nr agreemeat entered Into between- thara ' and aald county court. .' Tbe county court reaarrea tha right ta reject - anr ar all blda. ' Br order of the county court of Oolnmlba 'county. Oregon, thla tenth dar f March, lOOd, H. HENDERSON. , ' ' County Clerk. MEETING NOTICES. T WEBFOOT CAMP,- No. 66, ' .Woodman of the World ' Meata rrery FrMay night at W. O. W. hall, Teuth and Waahlngtoa ata. Ra- freabmenta will ba aerred. - All visiting nelghbore wel come. - ' johcpr nowETT. a a .!,. BARBt'R, Clerk, 281 Third St. OLt'MBIA Lodgo. No. 114, A. F. A 1. M. atatsa eommuntcatlon um Thursday) eraalna. 7 :80 o'clock. M a sortie temple. Sd and AMer ata. Important bualneaa. Work la F. C i.-gree. Lacture 00 r. v. orgrea y Or. Rrneat Barton. All 1. Q Masons rnrlted. B. S. PAUUB, Secretary. MACCABKE8 Portlaad Tent. Me. 1 meets erery Thursday night In K. of P. aall, Marousm bldg.j rlattora ara welcome. EM. LANCB. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A young . rat - terrier,-S aaontbe- old; black with white a pot aa breeet. He rum to 01 Mlaaouii ars. - aad Blaadaaa and recelre reward. rOUNtt A lady-a gold necklace, at Arloa ball, Weuueaday algbt. Call, Identify and pay for ad at 46 North Third at. LOST Fog terrier pup; oaa black spot oa left eye; reward. ' 4M Ollsaa at. Phone Mala 768. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED TOD AT. - -' ' Mill tallyman. 63.26; 2 lumber tnarkera, 12.60; trlttimartnen, 12.60; 8 yard tallymen. MM! 3 sash and door atorkcuttera, J 00; tononar, $2.76; 8 mlllwrlghta. 68.60; band reaaw man. S3: 6 men to work around plan nil B1IH.J2 up; 2 boye Sl.60i.26 mill anil yard aian. aorta, II up. fare adrancad; 10 mill and yard men In city. (2.26: 2 mea to work In latb mill, city, 12 no: 60 loggera. Wares 1-82.60 to 64i 30 otbera. l oara a large iiat 01 new worn arery '"''LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BURBAO, ' ", . 1G0 First et. and 2N6 Buraalda. MEN and womea to leara tba barber trade ta -eight weeks. The Moler system of colleges ' bare opened one of their famoue bartier echo ta In Portland; gradnatea earn from 116 to $26 rr ween: only reliable oeroer coiiega in the BTrerr Stales, 'aue. lal totina to flisi ao eia. dents; ba II rely and gat special rstes-. Moler Systant Colleges. 86 n. 4ti 4tb at., Portland, Or. BED CROSS atanda for relief ta score, ehmnlc and malignant d lees see; call or write. Rod Croea Dispensary, Third and Ash ata. I WANTED Teschers; rural 660, commercial f SlOOr- FleA Toaahera'- Agaacy. 1300-B lUiama I aro. Baat 844. r. SALESMEN WANTED For oaa of the largest nurseries la tna wear; -rasa armncen; weekly on orders: good territory open. Addreea Waahlngtoa Maraery Oa., Toppealaa, Waab. WANTED 1.000 men, altera and batreat frea. SH4 Coocb at. Wa teach tba trade. ' WANTED Mea ta aell oar high-grade fruit ' and ors. mental trees In Oregon and Waah lngtoa;. eaperlence anneceeaary; 1 aaiary or - highest commie. kin paid; complete eaarsealng k outfit furnished free. Call or addreea Bed. wiswb Nureerlee, 212 Xaat Forty -eighth at Pnrtland. Oregon. . WANTED For United States Army, able-bodied unmarried men betweea agea of 21 and 66, eltl sens of I'nlted Stetea, of good character and temperate bablta. who can apeak, read and write Engllah. Apply to Recrnltlng of. . ncer, Aiaaworta OIK.. IkuXO aad UaK ata,. Per tiki) d, Oregoa. " ., SB . .WANTED MALE. WANTED rYeting menv wa prepara you for poeltloaa paying tl'JO per niontu; easily and quicaiy acquireo. tu aurj ateama oiog. B0DMAN-. -B4A aad boardi 8 aimen, 3S aa oosm i' rut croea, eo ... um.r. - UAetkUJW-AJ. Ir'bOVMeier'rV OrriOA, -; 2d North Hacood at. apAWIEU--niMnaTiiskera and autcblna aea. nMna, rncnlriipo M fm rtn. HELP WANTED-.FEMALE. i BAN8E!f S LAfHEB' ACEVCT. S4SVI Waahlng toa at-, cor. Be Tenth, unstaira. fnooa hiiq 2M02. Female help wanted. EDUCATED, reflned, enecgatle woman to en gage Wlto -TiaTl oompsBJi raiereaoaa- aerv room 23 Lewie building. WANTED La dy experienced la boetneaa ts act na solicitor for lnreatment brukeraga oosa. pany. Apply at 604 Dekuns bldg , elty. WANTED Competent gin for general house work. 128 14th at., betweea Wasiilcjtoa and ' Abler.. '. . WANTED Middle-aged woman to keep borne for widower; Uarmaa ladypreferred. U SOi , Journal. .. . - . - .......:..' - WANTED Skirt aad waUt makers. dor at.- . .... XI- WANTED -Neat womea (or housework; S III family. 440 Eaat aoth at., aortb.' Urlngton. FOB- board! ng-house. good plelu eook; trust worthy, good beblta; woman prsltrsa. . AU- V . r-i .wru.1. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and supplied, mala or female. ' B. 0. Drags. anoH rva.DingtoB sr. ranno 1010. SITUATIONS .WANTED MALE. POSITION WANTEDA young man with S f ee re' exneTleaee la store work would like nsida work a ana ktnd; rood rafsrsnca H -16, care Joirrnal. ..-....-a.. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE TOtWO lady deatrea typewriting work to do a. cj.j.trri addreealne enrelooea. wraooera or any kin of typewriting work; owns Underwood ma- rblua." rt at. tjai a son. aan CXPBKIENCEU eeamsrreaa wsnta sewing by - day or piece; modersta ohargea. Phoaa Fa- - elrfc 181A WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; aome thing new; good aallar - big wagea. 2uS McKay bldg. . . WB want reliable men ta erery towa ta Oragoa to aell alck aad accident tnsnraaca. Pkclfla Utlou. 800 Drkum bldg. I - WANTED Energetic aad mmpate-it agents ta . repreaent ag la all parts of the north weat; cask weekly. Capital City Noraery Co. - MALB and female, aa aotlcltora for Inreetment brokerage eampany. - Apply at 604 Dekaa bldg. - """EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES." SHRRWOOD A BOIT. 208U Morrlaoa at. Mala and female help. Phone Mala 4762. - THS Portland Employment Co., 206 Morrlaoa at. ; Pbope Pacific 239. 1 . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB, f , FOB MEN. M N. Second at. . .... Pbona Msla 1R2A SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co., S North Second, furnish rs all kinds em-'-ploymeat (or mea aad wemea. Main SOoA. BIO FOUR EM P. AGENCY Help aupplled free. . IS North Second et. Pneoe Main 116. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. Henry Tahara, SWT Krerett St. Phoaa Pa- einc ovk . . WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot fraction lm pro-red or not. - close In 1 owner only a as. -oara- Journal, WANTED Lot la axchango for equity la S or 7 -room boose. Phoaa Eaat 8641. LIST y - O, -Bi roperty for quirk ealaa with Henry Inane and ' bualneaa chancea. - ' 1 1 ' WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO - RENT HOT'SCS, COTTAOBS, PLATS. ROOMINQ-nOLSeS. STORES. ETC. Our rental department hag been enlarged ano pronoa witn aaat tioruu atari. Wa Inilte ' Uetina from LANDLORDS. " offer personal attentioa to and continuous ' miperrlsloB oter all property Intrusted to our - care. - , PORTLAND TBTJBT COMPANY OF OREGON, B. B. cor. 8d and Oak-. ata., Pbona Ex. 71 WANTED By respectable married couple (no c children) S awdera anfurnlshed rooma for housekeeping, ay April 1. V ear Journal WANTED To rant otfteo In good lock r ten, with uea of desk. Addreae o 4. earn Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINT1NO. apraytog and whttewasblng tuna. baaementa, barns, docks, ate; largest gaeollne apraying outfit oa tha coast, m. u. mo A Co., 822 Unloa ara. Pbona Eaat 2617, HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for .furniture la -any quantity; also take same err com mlesion , and guarantee .beat results. Tha Portland Auction Booma A. Bchabach prop., 811 Klrst at. Pbona Mala 6065. WH WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAOB CO., 627, 028 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TVS. WHO IS M O. MORGAN A CO.f SPRAYINO aad pruning of fruit trees; white washing of docks and baaementa. U, C. FoBoa Scott noan.-' ... " , HEAVY team, harnaag and wagon aa part pay ment oa nouee and lot, balance aaay nay meata; will aiao take painting, carpentering, plastering or common labor; bars about 6 ' moatbe' ateady work. ' W. J. Borden, con . tractor and builder. SS Caaaa at., Montarllla. WANT to buy eeeond-baod, low-down,- gonaa nark wagon. What bare you to offer 1 Ad dreea H 6, Journal. 'vA "Waited-.. ?eTtisciieit WILL DO THE WORK mOFlTlAALFTDOZEit" DETECTIVES FOR. YOUFINDING THE i ONE-WAN. IN THE QTY WHO HAS WHAT TOU'I-ELOOraGFOR h ........ .rr FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THS BICHETJBU. 88 NOBTHaXTH ST. aalVgaoilj mriwani, lc-w mwmt. ... ua w. NICELY furnished wenaekeep Ing rooma; alsa arngla rooua. vov. Hueeeu at , jcn.ay on. , MKuiAMu .i.oxl Xxl at geotlamaa l.i per week aud up. BOOMS 1 a week. Oak..... . 88 Park, bat. Stark aad NK'KLT furnished rooms; phoaa and bath.. 168 park at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 81.78 PER WEEK Large, eleaa. fnrntsbed booaekeeplng-rnoma; lauodry and . bath, - lad Sherman, Booth Portlaad. . - . THH MITCHELL. Handera -aad- Soeaatk naia, aou.csvrpiog in. w .ibi.ui , vr 'realent; prlcea reasonable. t FOR BENT Fumtabed housekeeping rooma la " beat brick-1) look oa eest aide; gas rsngea, bath, ebt'.t aa trabsleuts; prices model a u, . Logaa blk., JO84 Union ae., earaar Baat Aider. Pbona Eaat d. .- -.. THH HALL. 414 Fifth Booma. etngio "araa suite, furnished tor light houaekeaplng. . Xet MABKSIj rumlahed single aad hoi-se keep ing rouma. all aunTsnlsnnas; ooerate . renu ' liuod 27rV - tl.261 WEEK ap, clean, turalaked housekeeping roorao, wltn yard, par lor, laanary. nam. iur naca.beat, auSi B tan ton at. U ear. - SOMB nice honsekeeplng rooma at 644 Potty- grora St., wood or gaa, f l.ov to as.w a woes. SO 8 BOOMS neatly furnished. Key SIS Se-aatfe at. rootie Mala w. SLEEPING and bouaakeeptng rooma frw rant. Boa H. a. Ulglay, room ou, ui 1 -aaaiag- taa at. ' v .. - -. r-- DE8IRABLB rooma tor boaaekoaplng for rent cheap; oaa of bath and phoaa. Phono Mala 1 28. 212 Berentb at. , ' - - Yf A A A - uiw lie sjy e--W -- - imtov-hotiM. U. 0. BlfUjr, room tO, t' a refli 1 Uk at e-wi , W aatS -earab g Jt g BJ TV aall888f V OR d well ruratetied boaaakoaema Brat Boor or modern no a, oow aoar ta si. Phono Pacific 1624. . )MS AND BOART. UNION HOTEL, 1 North Slath at., aer a tha rit ail 1 j rates, room ai ooaru ae.ov p week. J. Aadereon, prop. CAN accommodate more day boaroara, 868 Taylor at. . At 88-w par waea up. THS UNDELL Market at., bat. Jtrd aad Fourth. Raw family notei; au ap-ea- ta aoa.eslencee: Brat-claaa . dlnlnB-rooaaarrlca; ratea reeeunsble. . BOOM and board for S oulet end wlfa. 624 Eaat Morrtson . at. LA ROB front roora with board tor S: good homo rooking. 818 Sereuth. Pbona Mala Sim. FOR RENT HOUSES. PARTIAL -'LIST FOB BENT EAST ' BIDS rooma, bath, gaa... a.uu 6-room cottage k. 1100 Kt room house, largo yard. Mount Tnbor. 12.00 . K-eoom fist, lncludlrar Urht and wator 18.00 6-roam eotuga. bath, gaa. baaaaieat.. 16.00 a-room house, Data, gss 11. Note No Informatioa regarding thaaa booeea can be glean orer phone. . Offlca houra from 10 a. m. to 4 p. BV U. M. EDn"ABD9. Houaefurnlaher. . V ... IAS to 181 Flet at, - KADDERLt TRANSFER CO.. prompt aad ra- liable piano aad rumiture morere; is. 1 ' age. Phono Mala 1689. Offlca 110 N. Third. TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANY , z-ia si a k a B i. ' IHSUBAISCB. RENTALS. SEB Lit - FOB-BENT la tore bonae. T rooma, bath aad . basement; 46T loth at. Apply to F. U Boat- log,raoa.4, Woroaater U g. .y - FOR RENT Mode Aroma cottage. N. - coraar Baat Eighth aad Brerett. JOHNSON ST., S-room borate, furntehed. Kla aall, 002 Con lerdal Blk.- Mala SA. S-BOOM cottage la nice loeatloa on 16 at. oarllna. Inquire 629 Ererett et. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT 7-roons mod era new flat, 64TU - Sixth at., near Jecksoa. Pbona Pacing 660. A. B. Maagly, 810 Fourth at. . aunu . -. - ... ... h aal . B . ai-i.Bi -roo "i ' . . bath. 616, 848 Corl-ttt et.; new- 11-raora . . . . . . 1 - - eis t. monern nonsa, e-ao. 1 " si.v . B. Thorn peon A Co., 228 Third at. . - 6-ROOM flat for rent. SIB; water paid; ae email .kiu KOt 111 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNT ' TURE FOR SALE.- 3M NEW furnltura of 12-rnoa modern honaa, complete; hot aad cold water; central loeatloa. Inquire 184 Burnelda at. Mala 7016. 120 7. ROOM house for rent, S blocks from P. O. ; furniture for sale dirt cheap, la- tnrta FOR ' RENT STORES-OFFICES. HALL for rent. Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. 12S First ' at inquire at ball from 6 to 7:80 p. m. OFFICB rooma, anforalehed rooma and aample rooma for teat.- Goodnough bldg. Apply ela- - re tor. : 1 PART of large comer stnra for aaat. laqulra F. K. Beach in., ue rioneor raint ye., ' First and Alder ata. ' FOR LEASE 100 feat atruart of warehouse apnea, with railroad awlicb, weat aide. 408 Commercial Bldg. none raeinc sin. - DESK BOOM to rent: also office-room aad baao ment. with electric aad (aa fixtures company. 2f2 Rueeell at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB KENT In MtySW acreg atritahla for gardening. Inquire 208 Fourth. I .. .. . "! . ' BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCES - . Stock of neral to erchaodlee at good eonntry point. " Millinery business la a Sao valley tnwaf . Will trade Into Portland property; J.0. Hotel and furnlsblngs lu a good townufi money-tbaker; will trade Into Portlaad Or ' near-by property; 4.0t)0. ' ., - ' -BlackamltD abort doing floe business la a J thrlTlng alrcy town.; - 67,O0v a toe a or rarm macntnary. ana imple ments, wagons, bugglea, plows, etc.,- la a good town; will trade. " Good ean-mlll plant' la complete running order, In Willamette Teller; cbolea loeatloa; Will trade foe a atock ranch, - 6,ota atock of hardware, .doing a fine buelnese; might trad. Buti'bsr business, good location, la Port laud. 1 tlTTugtbi ,Vr.Tgrr"FM-tla'6a,-0fei iirn.i R- m Hi.rH WB -haea wheat land, atock land, fruit land, acreege, , improeed and antmprored city property, and a good exchange (let. See na before buying. - Northwest Land Co., 806 Ooodnongh bldg. . . tr.H or write J. F. Hunt A Co. for aafa and prof! rente lnTeetmenta. - - SUA - McKay, blag., . Pertland. Oregon. FOR SALE A a 1 atock of gnoda, food rea sons for aalllng. Cell ae addreea St, Johaa Baaear, St. Jobna, Oregon. WE HAVB tba boslneaat aell half Interest $3,000; Inreet $2,000 additional with party to extend same; manufacturing gad Jobbing; turn orer deaf of debt; low rent; oaAan. . Itshed for ye.rW and profits hla a c tire party preferred. Addreea F 1J, JournaL BURST Automatic Ballmed Switch atock eold at a big dlecount. Apply to w. 4. curtis, 218 Commercial blk. I'tone Mala 6M4. . WHO IS M. O. MOBIJAN A CO.t WANTED A good lira promoter; big money la be made. Adoreee r. u. uox-ino. PARTNER la grocery, Inst starting; gofd kXk- ( tioat caaap teat, aoi t orceetar pig. BUSINESS CHANCES. S-FtBNISIIED cot t a gee tb rent cheap. Pa rifle T7. Sea II. H. Ulglay, room 80,, 2ST14 naahlugtoB at. - - A SNAP U taken at. eoce: neat market doing a 1 a day bu.limesi.nlii salLSiUua a Alio -aatrsage maltutry. full outdu cliesp, JerIJUn JtUlUg. 6TOCK eompaulea Incorporated ; If yoa haea atock or bo tula tor aale let ma try and aell . them for you. tiaurge M. Kellogg, broker, 848 Elllcott Square, Buffalo. FORTUNE AGAIN KNOCKS AT TOUB POOB! Tha Automatic Signal and Train Control Sya - tern will render "kead-oa". and "raar-and" , collisions absolutely Impuaslble oa any rail road where It la tnstsllrd; once you could buy "WVetlngbouse" below par: a limited - e mount of stork In a arsat Invention Is now fur ssle. -W, 8. Varaum, agent, 661 Woe. - ceerer Oik. - . " ' ' GOOD paying corner cigar, aewa store t owners baring ether bualneaa; about gl.OoO, wltb good . lease; cheap rent. Owner, a 8. rare Juur MARION PARK IIOMB, Hslem, Oragoa) aear business center 1 grand elew of park; space tor a or 4 nomea; gs.nuv. aj. at Foaaay, Route 8, Gareala. Oregon. - r - - I WANT to aell a half Interest la a ream In g ; boaaa to a lady who can take charge and run 11. nee u.,igyfc ruom- ou. Ail rk v TtaaniugnNk at. . FABTNER wasted In a eommlaaloa bualneaa paying 64,000 anoaally; 8.0u0 reoulrad. - Call ml Men-ay bldg.; re ferancaa exchange 876 SALOON ootflt. comulcte! wrttd for llet. enclose stamp. . Address it 14. care Journal. SNAP 8200 ceah, balance 810 per month. bays a 4-room cottage; bath, so mm utaa- walk. u 10. care Journal. HALF Interact la good, eleaa boa i a at 6128 ana eerru-ee j wreatigau.. .- Grand ra..- '.. ,S, 122 8S-ROOM roomlna-honaa for eale or trade: cloee to 0. . K. A N. abopa; lease. - Phoaa Eaat !, or Inquire 40 Bunnell at. WILL aell atock aad flxturee at a nice cigar and confectionery etore; goad running or aer; -anitsbte for -tedy -or gsatlsman. Sea ownsr, --low Msatson at. - ?- -- SALOON, oaatral location, with IS rooma ta connection. lor aula at par gsia. .. uau sa Morrison at. - . - .... 1TSAtRAtr:STAT.--'t UUSBIf-'R HVwk; nest Hwa bmiaa, ball, pea try and bath,- porcelain tub,, electric llgnta. frutt and flowers, S blocks from Blghlead school, . x block no s earunee, a -minute arrrlce. only 10 miniitea rrom center or tna city; high aad sightly: part caab, balance easy 'terms. Phoaa Scott 6307, ar call 80S Commercial Diag. . IP YOU weat to build, bay all your nafertsls at the American inn; yoa win aaea to per cent; fine doors, windows, plaster boards, rustle or aiding, flooring, stairs, timber and lumber. Fnona owner, racino una. a-o MktM AT A BARGAIN '"r 1 A Bna atock range, contstmng are 1 a. ana deraa; all ander fence; situated aear Bona borg. Oragoa. oa B. P. R-' R-I thla la oaa of tha bast atock ranges Ib the county; I also haea another good atockrange containing 1.430 acres, which wllfue aMd at a rery low ' ptica. For i art 1c n tare addresa J. ft. Bathar. lln, owner. rsaporaj. vrego ' ' " " ' WTLLAMETTB. - Baat reetdence part af tha perjmenla: only a few lota left In Willamette: take roar choice now; all lota ara 60x100 feetl 622 each; 123 caab, 66 Par mom a. Apply V. A. avygowakl. Wlllamatta atatkia. . - ON TO HOVEBT - - UP TBI COLTJMHTAI Begular atatmera from Portland;" cheepeet rstss rrom ue eoasr to tnisna points; aa aaea. Beery soil, perpetual water right wita ' each tract, earliest products, largaat prleaat - tha Ce-fomia of tha Nortbweet. - WiiU - HOVEB LAND CO - " Borer. Washington. " SELLWOOD LOTS. 66 down and 86 a aw Sellwood Ta aatta 1 thl from BT6 ' to O. , Phoaa Eaat 4704. A FEW choice lea, cheap, oa Vaneoaear a raw. near Ainerta ar. J 00 a uatn. atarx at. . ACBft THA0TSI :r OCft SPECIALTY 18 ACBft TBACTB1 . Fri-e ed atraeta, water aa aa aara ' -t' TEBMS-8V FEB ACKB CASH y. - flO PER ACES PER MONTH. , .Tea go to thaaa scree oa tha aaraa ear, nay the aame 6e fare tba lot msa pays. Tbe T . a. .hl Kn V. .V. Hiaai w 7,. m.ui ... . - - strict ed la majority of features that make - a true suburban noma. - Opea Wedneeday aad Sstnrday ara alaga. - A. a CBTJRCHILL A CO., Ilia .-, 118 SeooaA St. ,- . 4rtland'a baanttful aabarb. Boa th M nt . Tabor; acraaga auDurnaa Boaraa nan. u . SOUT- MT. TABOB REAL ERTATft blTICB, - - - Phoaa Beat 41J0. . foav BAI. 10 nwa..-rw 1a, m "a u , tlon, well fenced, nice lawa, good ocstt.-n OB MaiB ST., asuiauis, VI, . auwa. a, . - box 27, Boaeburg, Or. ' FOB SALS CHEAP 4 and T-room booeea; mod. era 1 pert caab. 870 Garfleld ara, lake Wood Is era car. Pbona Eaat 8641. N1TE house and rle 1 lota. 4nS 2M and Kooee erelt. .Inquire Ixmengardt, 88 Park at. H0VSE8 built, easy terms; eas furnish lots. Miller. 618 Commercial bldg. Mala 1040. A FINE location and a-roera residence ta tha choicest part of Irrlngton. only 83.20. For a peraoa looking for a cheap and finely sltu ' atad homa. Call Eaat 1648 or Box X. Journal. OWING to abeeoce from tha city the owner will Olepoaa of ais artistic ana com rorteon . homo of 12 rooma; ererytblng op to data and . in tha Terr beat condition; quite new. In a - moat deslrsble location; cars pans the house erery 8 mlnates; Immediate poesessioo glren; also, tba complete furnishing eaa be bought aa it atanda: perfect In .erery detail. See " owner at 160 N. 21st t, cor. bring. Call ' between 2 and 8 p. m. , FOR SALE A bergalai new modem 4-room cot tage, soar Wllllama are. Inquire 808 Moav - tena are. Rueeell and ShaTer car. BOUSES I h i rooms, large lots, good P rep arty, sell oa easy paymeata; will accept . recant lot, a draught team or carpentnr or ' mechanical labor aa part payment. - W.- 1. Burden, contractor and bander, 83 Caeca St.. MuatartUa - FOR Astoria and Seaside proTierty address 0. W. Stone, Astoria, Oragoa. Occident Hotel bldg. 6-ROOM bouse, new and modern, nicely fur nished. lot ntrrioo, an roe gi. v; 11 : Call 380 Eaat Waahlngtoa at. . '" FAXON PARK " la sow on tbe market. Lots at acreage prime. Lots BOiOTO. .....8100 , Lota Kxr.2011. ,....80 - Lots anoi200. ..$400 " These lote are all In raltlration, lerel sd-slhUji on. A . graded .uL. 6, jnlnutea: a Ik to good Ill-room school at Lenta; 6 cent fare ta any part of Portland; water free. Terras. O. B. Addlton, owner, Lents, Ora goa; take Mount Scott ear, , Sc. . IIO.OO PEB ACRE $10.00 B H I U A T B I, A 6 11 Crook connty, Oregon- I'EfcD direct from ( KITE for pamphlet aad map... B. R. COilK'A CO. 361 Aider at, Portland. O Oragoa. FOR SALE-foo- fortilaliad rrttggr.e-n njatrg 000 umatiiia are., neuwooa. SPLENDID platting acreage at Ttomoat, Vs block to ear, gwio. H la, ears JournaL A SNAP 10 acres, beat land at Woodstock. close to ear f.VKi per acre; others waat $4o0 to Sftuo. H 18, care Journal. CHOICE lota, by owner, on and aear .car; eaay terms; must sail, isuo Alisiitic, cor. Portland boulererd. 1 . ' 1 GOOD BUYIncnme property, close la, eea t-t bouglit at a price that you can clear $5,000 la 60 days. M. B. Leo, 8.1 V Sixth at. BARGAIN 60x100 on 11th at., Bear Alder; thla property will Increase rery lass in ralue. See M. E. Lea, ,a. Sixth st,, , , . rantAfftes - -WDB ANY CLASSIFI CATION ' Flye Cents Per Line No ad takea for laaa thaa I6e per day. Screa Worda. aa a rule, oonetttuta a line, but each line la charged regar dlees of the number of Words. - . , WEEKLY -BATE T InreVtlona ' (Includlag one mtwrar leauat )AT pas Uas a aTOBTHXT -ATft l)ncTllfTfBr-"Tn ' tStSif laeuee) $1 per line par month. DVER8afTB moat be la Journal bnslBeea office by 18 o'clock week days and by 10 o'clock Saturday craning for the Sunday Issue, aa ssours elaeslfivstloa. DISPLAY BAT I glrea upoa appUoaOoa at , the e oe...u , . , ..n - THE JOURNAL . ; BRANCH OFFICES ... DTEETISXXTS ' Win he recelrsd at regular mslav See rates. Following la a list of authorised agents . who) will - forward yew ment la time fur p llcstloa la tha aaat yoKT-t , '" B. A. Preatoo. druggist, Twt$-tHi and Tbnrman atreeta. .. --Nob-Mill Pharmacy, 880 01 Ml atgaat earner Twenty-first. A. W. Allen, rartrt, Six teeatti aad Marshall atraeta. - McOommoa'a Phamcy, Nino teen, th aad Waahlngtoa atreeta. ." " ' ' . ' BOUTS KDS. . : ; B. F. Joaea A Oe ugglsta, BYnaA and Glbba street Oottel Drug " oompuy. First and Ont streets. Fablaa Byerlrr. druggist, - AOS Jearaoa street, corner Tenth. Bettmaa'a pharmn ejr, anraat ' S aad Barrieoa atreeta. Plummer Drug mat anaajr, SM YM e-treet, earner Msdiaos. - r-.-.nUt BTHft. -v-r y- - W. i Lore, druggist, aoraef Grand and Eaat Bumalde atreet. Nichols A Thompaoa, US corner Alb laa areaae. - ' - Jancke Drna gad Grand arenuae. W. 0, Cable, dxngrlet, can arenna and larrahaa atr aat, tetdge. - - -- - B. A. Wllaoa, US Oraad a eSBm a, go is a gaevxj, B. W. Ball, 86$ gnruar Ste poena. Tuttle P iracr. 868 coraar Bharea street. r. J. Oi rt, druggist, lOOS BUBBIaL Worth, flfm ac t, $ J BKOOIXY-. ' J. u. street. Bi cutty a. rharmaey eompaay, MUwaakla atreeta. ' AKLETA, OXXOO-.' ATleta a irmacy. Mora sad '' ' . ' ' B-CXWOC-. -' Bea tack's pbsrmsVy, srBsr tatta aTanae aad East ThUenth straet, . ".....r: n. jQKn.'." ... av . BUlett'a . phara acjr. '; ' FOR SALE FARMS. DON'T MISS THIS 18-scre - trkct," S ml lea fro elty Mnirta, -aear eerllne: good 4-room bo a. bara SoxN and ether autbulldJnga. windmill and water. , tank, water- pluedf to boaaa and bars, BOO fruit trees of raiieoa , alaasi thla la a Beauty; easy term a. 6 acree. mile from Beceiteat teed S-room noose ana aara, a aorea as ana aemrar damt this Is a bar gala. We hare eerersl other aawll aeraage time conranlent to the city.- - . .-'" Gregg Bros.: Phoac Mala BS0S. 81T-18 DIRT CHEAP For aale quick; owner ta tree. ble, aaeda money; eo acres tine sou laying . alee, sprint, lire stream, 10 acree cleared. 86 fruit trees. eXooas frame house; bare, cow and chickens. S miles from good towa, ca good road, near scbooL . Price $660.- . ft . Bubbell. lawyer, Kelao, Waahlngtoa. - SAY. ts there any money la growing wheat t ree, thai u u yoa any your isnu s pens locality. -New, we hare a farm eg 8.600 acraa, practically all under eultl ration. 1,600 acree now la crop, ssreral sate of good build -Ings. plenty of- wmtsr, all fang n ehtnery and stock, close to good market. This farm, including 'the personal property, " saa be bought lor W per acre, lerma tr wi , NORTHWEST LAND COMPANY. 808 Ooodnongh Building. FARM FOR BALB 160 aa a. - good buUdrnre. an aerea anner enltlTenoa. fruit aad berries. splendid water, near town, dally mailt 1,000,. 000 teat of Sac pine saw Umber, Iota wood) -a lorely homa is the Boat delightful dim at en tba Pact fie coaat. . Address H. , boa . 11T, Woodrllte. Oregon. - - FOR SALE Stock ranch of 2.440 acres aeag . Coborg. S miles N. B. of Bug use. Or.; price low: 1-8 caab. balance 6 years, $ par cent. F. D. ObambcrUla, Labbe bldg, Portland. 844 ACBBS of timber la Oowlita wiiii, tor sale at a nargara u D. W. Faulkner, Anita. Ia. FOB AA LB Dairy - tana. . Soaey's taland, 1U allies below Bcappouec tending: aoo acree, 40 milch cows, 4 bead horses and ell farm lm. p laments. Addreae 0. Stamp, Scappooea, Or. 80 ACRES 4H miles from boat, ft. ft. and towat Bnwn atrasd.1 r aw-awal wr aaatoI '' 7 aaat steal T rcBsah aaat r BUSH. 111 '" "7 """" r ' peering rrutl treee, running erater, geo0) flahlng, alee Biesdow, Bog 80, Castle Bock, ' WashlngtoB. " " FOR SALE TIMBER. t WELL-LOCATED timber claims. Sr. relies and aagar pine; will cut B.000,000 to 6.000.000 r each; remember such claims subject to entry are at area. Apply 828 Falling bldg. WILL locate yoa ea timber clalme near Coram- . bis near; no charge anteaa I lung la aovepted. Call 60S Commercial blk. - CERTIFIED actio, - any eiea nteeeel prieee. w, w. uoweu, Pes t aaoeg eg uea. BAVB eereral fine timber elalms for Vocation; no money deposit raqnlrad. aMio Mohawk bldg. HORSES, ANDCARRIAGES. BACK, team and harness for sals. Bros., Beooad and Jefferson. 20 TEAMS, 8. TOO to S.6O0 per team, alee 1 pair mutes, meant aa nroa.. uta ana riaaaera. FOR SALE Express horse, harness and wagon. cneap. fnuua Beat 076 a. u raialay, Woodlawn. GOOD work team for aale cheap! will dries eLngle or double, call 28a seat Eighth at. . FOR SALE An expreea team, furniture track and buggy. . ass Dtrisioa at. TEAM" for ssle; "bsy gelding. 8 yeare, 1,400 Ibs.t mere a years, l.atai ine. t.eii so conn ista at. - TO EXCHANGE. BXCHANOB $,ooo One of tbe baat farms la the Wil lamette valley; line houee, farm all la I Soga, 1fl'm''abpf "flne' 1'cbana; erery thing the beet; a Irene t joins a county seat town; will i trade late A eewm 111 plant or timber land. A good block of ground, la the heart of St, Johns to trade; what hare yoa to offer I nL:i.urs A, Riklln Vt Ablugton bldg. . ViK bare tWo good hotete. adjoining, now be. Ing run ae one piece; una property meatrM In a proapermia eaetern Oregon town that lies a bright fulara; bualneaa le good I title aat si) other lines : this property caa be had for $0,000. and ere will accept aa part payment elty or farm property. . NORTHWEST LAND COMPANY, , 208 Goodnough Building. AN IDEAL orVhard. 88 scree beet fruit land ; III Willamette Taney, acree nearmg wtnrer apple tr'e; 4 miles wet of Allany, Oregon; rA rtiMtini: or ice 62.1100: will take ln.nroTe.l-- , clty'prnpetty In Portland la full or part pay- ment ano easy Terms no oaisacco. .kaareea W. J. Smltkv Detroit. Oregon. FOR BALB OR EXCHANGE for Portland rrorterty aii or pert or aerea, witn new b laa. barn... etc,, 7 ml lea from VaBConrer. Addresa 110 Eighth St.. Vaneoorer. Address Owner, 110 neat Eighth 'at., Vancourar, WaablngtoB, , . " v ... '.' " ''': ' . i , , . : ' ... - m : ; :